THE OMA1IA DAUDY BEE : flVBDNESDAY , JULY 10 , 1805 3 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE [ feT.t COUNCIL HM'Kl'S. - - NO. 12 PttAHl. ! STHRKT Delivered by earlier to nny r rt of tlin clly. it. W , TIL.TON , Usstc. Mien , No. ; night editor , No. 22. 311.\ Oil 31 A rneetltif ? of the city council li booked for tomorrow uvenlng , Iluy your clgnrs , plpsn , tobaccos and canes In Grand Hotr.l Cigar More. Grand hotel. Council muff * . NVwty fur wF nished. Ilscpcnud Oct. 1. G. F. Clark , Prop. David Hush In to have a hearing before Justice Cook tomorrow morning at 9 o'clock on the chargci ot assaulting Anna I'arkhlll. A mealing of the school board will be held this evening to take action with regard to oorna rtpalra on the various school build ings. ings.The The ladles of Broadway church will hold a lawn social Thursday evening at the resi dence of W. S. Mayne on Park avenue. Every body Invited. P. B. Sullivan has filed his dog for tax ation. The name of the animal Is Jaclb Shoup , and ho was christened after the prcs erit poundmaster. Fred Ninbaum and Mary French were married last evening ; by Justice Cook at the ' groom's residence on the corner of Broad lit' way and Second street. lit'I Chris Iludlo and J. W. Plnnell have suc I ceeded In patching up a truce , and the case which the former commenced , charging the latter with keeping a saloon , Is to bo dis missed before next week. The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hy- rum J. Potilson died Monday night at the residence , corner ot Seventeenth street am ! Second avenue , of cholera Infantum. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 2:30 : Mrs. Wlltfong and her son. who were charged with trespassing on the land o : James Masterrnan , were discharged by Jus tice Vlen yesterday , upon proving that the beans they cut down were mostly on their own ground. Margaret , wife of the late August II. Older , died at 9:30 : a. m. yesterday , aged 87 years , after an Illness of two years , at her resi dence 2111 Fifth avenue. The funeral will take place Thursday afternoon from the Methodist church. * lit'I'V A plate of flno Iowa peaches was placed on exhibition yesterday at the Burlington ofllce. They were raised on the farm of C. II. Dyer ot tills city. In Mills county , one mile north of Glenwood. They are us flno as were ever brought to Council Bluffs from any place. A. F. Clatterbuck , who had several Mil waukee employes arrested on a charge of malicious trespass about a month ago , has had his appetite for revenge satiated by the railway company's agreeing to glvo him nil ho claimed. The case will probably be dis missed In n few days. The two Kreltck boys , who were Injured In a runaway Monday , were resting well last evening. The younger one , whose skill was fractured , was feeling surprisingly well , but It cannot be told for three or four days whether his Injury will prove fatal , for a blood clot may form any time Inside of that I'V time. Flro and tornado Insurance written In best companies ? . Money for farm loans at low , r rates. City property for sale or trade for farm lands In Iowa. Lougce & ToAle , 235 Pearl St. Lndlr * * S2.00 Silk Hose * For ons day , Wednesday , July 10th , wp shall offer our entire stock of Indies' pin silk hose ( drop stitch ) Horrnsdorf dye , fnst black not a pair ever sold ot less than $1.60 , $1,75 and $2. We nro overloaded , hence the low price. Ladles take advantage of this bargain , It Is genuine only Wednesday , 9Sc pair. BRNN1SON BIIOS. I'Jiff MO.t A r , J'A 11A ( V HA 1'ltf , Ed Bcnton nnd family left last evening for r a visit to relatives In Denver. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Edmundsan left yes terday afternoon for a trip to Hot Springs , S. D. The Misses Laura and Mary Fllcklngcr have gene to Independence for a visit with relatives. II. II. H. Van Brunt , accompanied by his wife and two sons , has gone to Madison Lake , Wla. , to spend several weeks , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doak of Bloomsburg. Pa , , are In the city , the guests of E. C. Baldy and family , at 702 Perln avenue. John Morgan of Walnut was In the city yesterday looking over his chances for get ting the republican nomination for sheriff. Miss Pearl McConnoIl of Marysvlllo , la. , Is In the city for a two months , ' visit with her brother , W. E. McConnell , on Eleventh street. 13d Canning , (5. ( U. Hannan , William Arnd and Mayor Cleaver lift last evening for Des Molnes , where they will attend the republican state convention. Mrs. Eliza Crawford , Miss Viola Duncan Mrs. Groom and her daughters , Mrs. Baker and Miss Sinn Groom have gene to Denver to spend the summer. W. W. Lunger and family returned yester day from a month's trip to Honolulu , where they were the gnests of Minister Thurston. He saw all the country and reports the trip as being highly Interesting. ITown's ! (1 , ( > . U. Screen doors. G5c each. Gaspllno stoves from $1.9S up. One-pint Mason fruit jars , per doz. , 49c quart Mason fruit jars , S'Jc ' doz. ; half-gallon Mason fruit Jars , 79c dcz , 21 pounds granulated sugar for $1 , One pound plug tobacco for 15cj one pound mnoklng tobacco for IRc. Five gallons gasoline for C5c. Salmon , lOc per can. Don't overlook the fact tnat the Spctman stock Is being sacrifice' ' ! at any price to sell If you do you will miss the bargains In drj goods , clothing , shoes , hats and all season able standard goods that you mu > t buy. The larger the crowd the quicker the goojs go ami the greater the sacrifice In values , No Disrnunt On water bills later than Wednesday. Watei office open Wednesday evening. From .Mount 1'lnitiniit on n Wlieol. W. II. Brcnholts and Clyde Payne , two ol the students of the university at Mount Pleas ant , accompanied by Guy Burkett of lied Oak arrived In the city yesterday on their wheel ! and will camp at Mnnawa for the next wcel or so. The two first named left Mount Pleas ant on the evening of the Fourth and came here by way of Des Molnes. They reaches Red Oak Saturday , after a two days' Jour ney , and left Monday for Council Bluffs. Thej made the last fifty-four miles of their Jour ney In about seven hours. They will vlsli W. S. Maync. The electric fountain at Manhattan bead will bo Illuminated each evening from S:3 : ( to 9 and 9:30 : to 10. The steamer Libert ) will connect vlth all trains to and fron Manawa. First boat will leave Manhattar beach at 7 a.m. to accommodate the camp era at Manhattan beach who wish to catcl r the early morning train to Omaha. Clrcnt i null l ( ck r Snli * . The Durfee Furniture company will scl i this week the largest line of floor , spring camp and.swinging rockers ever brought tc the city. Prices 25 per cent on . Here'i your chance- for cummer comfort. 336-33 ! Broadway. The gas company's special prices for serv ice pipes will bo continued through July. Mnrrluce l.lrvniir * . The following marriage licences were Issuei yesterday : Name and address. Age Fied Nusbaum , Council Blurts. . 5 Mary French. Council Bluffs 4 John Meyer , Pottawattamle county , 3 Emllle Studebaker. Pottawattamle county 2 It Is a sure enough heater and doesn't cosl half what the others do. See the new hoi water generator at Illxby's , 202 Main st. II , makes things boll. Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that gooc laundry , " ami la located at 724 Broadway If In doubt about this try It and be convinced Don'-t forget name and number. Tel. 157. Davis , agency for Munyon'a remedies , t The Hardman , the pUno par excellence * NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS John W , 1'fvnl and His Land and Improve ment Company Sued , HEAVY REAL ESTATE LITIGATION Creditor * for Small Sunn Anxious to Force n SiMtlRinnnt llumtroili of Acrrs of Suburban 1'roprrly In the Duiil. Attachment proceedings were begun In the ftflct court yesterday afternoon Involving bout $45,000 worth of the property of John ' . Paul anl the Union Land and Improve- cnt company. E. W. Nash Is the principal ttachlng creditor , his claims amounting to 3S.OOO , wlillo Flnlcy Burke , attorney for 'aul ' and the Improvement company , has alms amounting to more tfian $5,000. Paul Is well known In Council Bluffs and inaha as a hustler In real estate circles , 'or ' several years past he has been engaged n accumulating property in the northwestern art of the city , with a view to establishing nanufacturlng enterprises on a large scale. The Improvement company , of which he Is resident , lias about 600 acres , Including early all the land In the city limits north of lie levy , and Paul himself has a third Inter ist In town lots , which altogether comprise bout 110 acres. About a year ago a large mount of town property was bought up by Ini In the names of several people , and .hero were signs of a boom , which , for a me , set the real estate men all agog. It fas reported that a contract was signed by Men an enormous packing plant , with stock 'ard ' attached , was to be built north of the evy. Options were seized on all of the prop- rty as rapMly as possible. But the stock 'ards and packing houses failed to materlal- ze , and real estate has resumed Its normal condition. For several months past Paul has n In Chicago , and only occasional rumors have been vouchsafed the public 04 to his 'ntcntlons. In the principal suit commenced by Nash , o alleges that the Union Land and linprove- nent company borrowed $30,000 from him , giving two notes of $15,000 each , In Novem er , 1891. The total amount due Is $30,810 , ncludlng unpaid Interest. FOIICKD A SETTLEMENT. In the second suit Najh alleges that Paul borrowed from the Omaha Loan and Trust company $7,837 In 1891 , giving as security three notes , all of which are long past due ind unpaid. The only security he had , be sides Paul's signature , was a few shares of mprovement company's slock. He has been .triable to get any settlement out of Paul or any further security and so ho has taken summary measures. He states that he would 'navo been willing to give unlimited time If . 'aul had agreed to secure the notes by mort gages on his real estate , but that he has re fused to do so. Flnley Burke appears , as plaintiff In two suits , one against Paul Individually and the other against the company. In the first he alleges that In October , 1894 , a contract was enteroj Into by which he agreed to perform certain services for Paul , In the way of se curing options on land located on "the Isl and , " northwest of the city , and looking after such lawsuits as might arise in connection with them. Paul agreed to pay him $2,000 for his services ns foan as the land was ready to be conveyed to him and $3,000 when the suits were terminated. He has failed to do either one. In addition , ho says he Is the owner of no'ei and mortgages executoJ by Andrew Olson for $2,700. Paul a.keel to be allowed to use them temporarily as collateral for not more than two weeks. But the two weeks have been Indefinitely extended , Paul has converted the papers to his own use and now refutes to return them. He has also paid out $57G at Paul's request , and of this sum has received only $200 In payment. DETAILS OF THE SECOND SUIT. In the second suit. In which the Improve ment company appears as defendant , ho says that ho was engaged by the company , through Paul , Its president , to act as attorney for the corporation from April 1 , 1S9I , to October 1 of the same year at a salary of $2,000. From the latter date to January 1 the sum of $250 was agreed upon as his re muneration , and from January 1 , 1895 , on he was to receive $410 a month. On this con tract he says there Is now due $3,250 , be sides what Is uuo on the contract with refer ence to "tho Island. " In the 'alter ' suit the attachment Is suej out on the ground that the company has al ready disposed of a part of Its property to defraud Its creditors and Is about to dispose of the rest , while In the former the ground Is merely non-residence of Paul. In explaining his action Burke states that of his own accord he would not have suc3 out an attachment. He received a call rom Nash's attorney , L. Croofoot of Omaha , the other day and was Informed that he was about to commence attachment proceedings , and was Invited to go In. In order to keep from holding the sack whllo the rest got the game , he had to accept the Invitation , and will thus come In second on the division of the property , should a division result. Burke , , however , has the greatest confidence In the final outcome of the real estate manipula tions In the northwestern part of the city and thinks this litigation may be the means of hurrying up matters by Inducing Paul to accept some of the offers he Is known to have for his property , rather than hold out for n fabulous sum , IIOSTON STOKi : . (5rent Cut I'rlco Snlo of Wall 1'npor nnel llouHn riiriiUliltigs. 7,000 brown backs , fourteen different pat ; terns , at 2 < c a roll. White blanks , worth 60 to Sc , at 4V c a roll. roll.Mica Mica gilts , regular price 8c and lOc , re duced to 5c a roll. German gilts , worth 12' , c to 17c , on sals at 7sc ! ( a roll. Embossed and Ingrains at 12'Ac and 15c a roll. , 22o silk paper at 12'.ic a roll. Special prices on window shades and mould- Ings. FOWLER , DICK & WALKER. , Council Bluffs. Klilo for n Wlfo L. Looman , who has been living at the corner of Union and Voorhls streets , Is In a peck of trouble on account of the sudden and unannounced departure of his wife from the city In company with her cousin. Henry Phil lips , and her brother and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. George Potter. Last Saturday evening lie came home from' ' down town and his wife asked him to go back after some bread. He did EO , and when he returned found the house had been cleaned out of what little furnltun It contained and all four were missing. Sal vation Walker , who returned yesterday from Onawa , where he had been attending a camr meeting , told Looman that he saw the party near Little Sioux , with a single rig with which they had left the city. Looman Imme diately made arrangements for a horse and buggy and will go to Dakota this morning tc look for his wife. Mrs. Looman lived Ir Pueblo before her marriage and her brother has arrived here from that place recently , Phillips has been employed at the Revere house as a cook. Looman has been oul of work for some time and has been hardly able to furnish his wife and her little 9 weeks'-old-baby with enough of the necessaries to keep them alive , He says the two men have been telling his wife that she could do much better In Dakota , and as she has but little will of her own have prevailed upon her to try the world with them. He has filed an Information against Ph'lllps ' , charging him with stealing the good ! from the house. \\tllte ( UK 1'iniitr. Five thousand feet S-lnch top , 12 to 2 ( feet long , at 9 < Ac per lineal foot. A. Over- ton. Council Bluffs , la. Sweet peas , 5 cents per dozen stemi. MABEL , PRVOR. 834 Lincoln Ave. Will Support the Tlirater. A meeting of the Merchants and Manufac turers' association was held yesterday after noon for the purpose of taking some actlor with reference to the proposed leasing of th < opera house by Elliott Alton. The followlnt resolution was adopted ; Believing ns wo do In home Institution ! we will steadily strive to Induce all citizen ! to patronize our theater In preference tc foreign theaters. That the Merchants tint Manufacturers' association pletlgea Its unite , support to Elliott Alton , the lessee of tin Dohany theater , and agrees to do all In It ! power to mnko his venture n profitable one , and to patronize as individuals nil first- class attractions that nro presented , A committee was appointed , consisting of Mayor Cleaver , n. W. Hart. William Moore , George F. Wright and F. T. True , to circulate the resolutions among the citizens for signa tures. The committee Is not expected to raise any funds , but merely to ask the sup port of the citizens , which will undoubtedly be cheerfully given Alton will take care of the financial part himself. He has not leased the house , and says he will not do so until the committee has finished Its work. He Is ell satisfied with the cplrlt shown by the lerchants and Manufacturers' association nd the citizens with whom he has talked , nd he has no hesitancy In saying that If the ommltteo meets with the success he antlcl- ates he will take the house and do his best oward giving the people of Council Bluffs first-class place of amusement. \Vhcro I.mll.n Are Delighted. There Is no locality In Council Bluffs at he present time that has more fascination or the ladles than the big establishment of 10 Durfee Furniture company. It Is one of he largest retail furniture houses In the tate , covering three floors 100 feet long and orty wide. It Is packed from top to bottom Ith the finest product of the furniture nakers , and the newest Ideas of the day. \mong the beautiful things are some rnag- Iflcent mahogany rockers , and red birch ockcrs , so nearly like mahogany that you an scarcely tell the difference. They are eautles that would delight any lady. Nov- Itles In couches and divans upholstered In Ilk brocatelle , corduroy and leather , parlor ultcs In oaks exquisitely carved and up olstered In silk brocatelle , and damask ; arved mahogany chairs In silk Scotch frieze , gold leaf chairs and brtc-a-brac holders are few of the choice novelties. Among the peclal parlor suits are some carved red Irch In silk damask that bear tags marked 35 , when you confidently expected to see 75 , and carved Inlaid mahogany suits In Ilk damask nt the same astonishing figure , fou realize when you look at the goods and ee the prices that the young men mean vhat they say when they announce that they vnnt to make a million dollars , but want to iiako It off a million people. Other novel- les nnd roynl beauties are Turkish chairs In lamask and leather. Among the couches is a curly birch back , with carved panels and nk frame , richly upholstered and only narked $20 , a leather couch seven feet Ions and a yard wide , olive green color , market ] ; 45 , that would last forty-five years In dally use ; brass and enameled bedsteads , dining able of quarter sawed oak and piano finish , 'oldlng beds In quarter oak and red birch , music stands and corner pieces In the quaintest designs are among other novelties. There is hardly a new piece made In the "actorles that Is not to be found In some port of the big store , and there Is something- every nook In the homo. Even the baby Islet lot forgotten , for the largest line of car riages In tlte state is ready for his royal Measure. The firm is composed of two of : he most hustling young men In the coun try , and they are going to satisfy every de mand that the public makes upon them , and do it at prices that , will cut out all competition. Ladles who desire to see beau- Iful new , things for home comfort and adorn ment are Invited to go through the big es tablishment , whether they want to buy or ; iot. CnmperH t Mnnnwn. There are about fifty families camping : at Manawa , and the tented population Is being ticrensed every day. A. W. Klekmnn and family are the latest additions. They erected their canvas palace yesterday and occupied it last night. Only those who have enjoyed the ilellghts of camping for a week or more can realize the pleasure that an outing at Man awa affords. It Is so near town that the business man can keep In the closest touch with his business , and when the cares of the day nro over he can Join his family and fi lends on the banks ot the beautiful lake and have all the enjoyments of an outing 300 miles from home. The market gardeners around the lake make early morning calls in the cnnvas city und furnish their freshest ,1 crlspest vegetables , while the dairymen ccmo with fresh butter , milk and cream. The big Ice houses near by supply quantities of Ice at prices that are not fixed by any scale or scales , and the chunk that is dropped off for a nickel would make the housewife In the city faint with surprise. If the appe tites of the campers would not have the pro voking habit of doubling In capacity house keeping at the lake would cost far less than In the city , for the farmers and gardeners around the lake give generous measures of their best products. The tents are wonder fully comfortable , and how people do sleep ! An early morning dip In the lake , a row era a sail over Its wldo bosom or an exciting clmso after the elusive black bass give an appetite for breakfast that paralyses the cook. More than half the people camping are from Omaha , and the most of them are business or professional men. For those who camp nt Manhattan beach the steamer Liberty gets out In the lake and toots her whistle long and loud at 7 o'clock. At 7:25 : she makes a quick trip across making con nections with the 7:30 : motor train , and this reaches the Broadway depot In time to catch' the electric motor that passes the Paxton hotel . in Omaha each morning at 8lti. : The business man gets at his work at even an earlier hour than ordinarily , Invlgornted by the soundest sleep , the heartiest breakfast and brightened by rushing through nine miles of summer morning sunshine. Do they enjoy It ? Well , ask them when they are going to move back to town and get the universal answer , "not as long as I can have as much fun as I am having now. " The social features of life at the lake are becoming' very pleasant. Col onel Heed's entertainments at the Grand Plaza are freeto all each night and after noon , excepting Sundays , and a ball In the pavllllon Is almost a nightly occurrencs. The campers are about evenly divided on both sides ot the lake , and each sldo has Its social circles. The prospects are that the number of campers will bo largely In creased In the next few days , for all the crowd there are talking enthusiastically about the pleasures of the happy mode of existence. lIUKLlNCiTUN UOUTK. To Hot Springs , S. D. , sale July 19 , Aug ust 2 and 23 , one first class fare for round trip. Triennial conclave Knights Templar , Bos ton , Mass. Sale August 19 to 24. American Pharm'.ceutlcal association , Den ver , Colo. Sale August 11 and 12. Baptist young people meetings , Baltimore , Md. Sale July 15 and 1C. Nailopal convention German Epworth learjjie. Chicago , III. Sale July 6 to 11. National convention Keeley league , Har- rlsburg. Pa. Sale August 16 to 22. Denver , Colo. Sale July 12 to 20 , and August 8 to 17. Toronto , Ont. Sale July 15 to 24. Charlton. la. Sale July 23 and 24. In addition I have on sale Summer Tourist tickets to various points in the United States and Canada. Call and get copy of map and illustrated write up of the great Yellowstone National park. 0. M. BROWN. Ticket Agent. Our best gas ranges will bake after flames are turned out. Economy of gas the great question. A few genuine Qulckmeal 1895 gasoline stoves at very low prices. Just when needed , allumlnum fruit kettles. Qranlteware verv cheap. Get an Old Doctor Ice pick. Best In the world. Cole & Cole , 41 Main strret. No Discount On water bills later than Wednesday. Water ofllce open Wednesday evening. ll.llt lltfii. > Tl'.XVK ItEDVCED. Juclco WooiU Itlmllr l-opi Oft Six Moiitlii from lleliB * Time. CHICAGO , July 9. Judge Woods today re instated his former order making concur rent the sentences of Eugene V. Debs and other officials of the American Railway union , As a result Debs will serve but six months In Jail and his associates but three months The men were convicted on two charges and In each charge Debs received a six month ! jail sentence and the other defendants were given three months each , the sentence oelnj made concurrent. In order to take the case to the supreme court Debs' attorneys had the sentences separated and when the appeal was refused It left the prisoners under the double sentence with the prospect of a yeai In Jail for Debs and six months for each ol the other railway union officers. The de fendants' attorneys then petitioned for a reinstatement of the former order , the pe tition being granted by Judge Woods today , rxlleJ to Ken Her < ir4Mililaujiiter. BUZZARD'S BAY , July 9. Mrs. Pcrrlne mother of Mrs , Cleveland , arrived here this morning. Dr. Bryant reports that Mrs Cleveland and the little girl arc doing nlcelv and do not require very close attention. COMING FROM NEJUtflND FAR Supreme Temple of Patijai l Circle ° f Americans Oonven i Joday. MANY OF THE DULEGAT S IJAV ARR.VtD . Address of Welcome to , U ( , Ioltvorcil bjr the Mujor , After \Vlilcli the Work of the Tcmplo Will U eUi-Ll t of Delegates. , , | The supreme temple of the Patriarchal Ircle of Americans convenes In annual soi- on this morning at 10 o'clock In Patterson all. An address of welcome wilt bo dc- vercd by Mayor Bcrnls after the business f opening the supreme chapel has been oncludcd. Supreme Oracle C. H. Lovcwcll 'HI ' respond. The balance of the morning 111 bo consumed In acting upon the crcden- als of the numerous delegates who are rrlvlng from the various states and terrl- orles. This order Is prominent on account of .s military features and the members claim o wear the finest uniforms of any secret ioclety. The organization is largely charl table and fraternal in Its objects. Speaking f the order , Grand Oracle Van Vechten ays : "It does not boast of ancient origin r seek In the dark recess of some old castle or manuscript or other evidence Jo prove Its ntlquity ; It originated ten years ago , and las met with favor wherever it has been resented ; It Is adapted to the USDS and pur 'OSes ' of today ; no back number. It is : omposed of young business men , many of .vliom are already active In everything ooklng to the prosperity and growth of ho community In which they live ; ready to ill the places of older men who have retired r soon will , or who have passed over the Iver. Upon young men. In a few years. fln , depend the destinies of the country "hose who at this time guide and arc In- luentlal In every movement relating to the good and welfare of the community will eon pass awny or become too old longer o bo troubled with care and anxiety. " Credentials thus far received are com prised In this list of delegates , many of whom are In the city : THOSE WHO TAKH PART. General S. T. Anderson , Bloomlngton , 111. , General J. A. Aulabaugh , Omaha ; A. A Allen , Oregon City , Ore. ; C. E. Bradcti Chicago ; J. F. Bartholomew , Milwaukee ; S A. Barnes. Slbley , 111. ; E. D. Bang\ , Mil waukee : W. R. Brown , Ottumwa , la. ; T. A Bray , Kansas City ; B. C. Crawl , Omaha , S. B. Carpenter , Elkhart , Ind. ; C. F. Oald- rtell , Whitewater , WIs. ; J. n. Campbell. Eau Clalr , WIs. ; M. F , McCune , Omaha ; L. D. Comstock , Portage , Wis. ; E. E. Crane Omaha ; C. B. Chamberlain and George W Dennis , Whitewater , WIs. ; A. L. Deerlng , Vortayl , WIs. ; Alexander Donald , St. Paul. Minn. ; Charles E. Duffle , Omaha ; G.V Dennis , Whitewater , WIs. ; N. Dalqulst , H J. Dlerken , Nowall Daniels , Milwaukee ; J i. Davey , Jancsvllle , WIs. ; H. II. Downlnp , Richland , Ind. ; N. J. Dllleiibeck , White water , WIs. ; Judge Daniel Kvans , Chicago ; Frankly Ellis , Cincinnati , 0. : F. L. East man , Plymouth , WIs. ; EJdward Farmer , Mil waukee ; Charles F. Foster , Omaha ; Joseph Frlodle , Milwaukee ; Samjuel AFlagler , Chicago cage ; C. C. Glbbs. Whitewater , WIs. ; H , T Glenn , Nashville , Tenn. ; A. S. Glbbs Seattle , Wash. ; A : H. Orubb , Shcyboygan WIs. ; W. D. Hitchcock , Denver ; J. W. Hen derson , Richland , Ind. ; Charles L. Hopper Omaha ; L. C. Huff , Council 'Bluffs ; William U-nsler , Grand Rapids , Mich. ; J. W. Houder Omaha ; Hon. F. L. Hay. Defiance. 0. ; Wil liam J. Hicks , Ottumwa , la.i B. E. Jenlfor Omaha ; C. F. King , Springfield , O. ; S. B. Kenyon , Janesvllle , WIs. ; George Klelgel , Milwaukee ; Samuel Kelsey , Charlestown , Mass. ; C. H. Lovewcll.iEnglewood , III. ; J. O. Levctte , Morris , Ilr. ; Louis Llebrehor , Milwaukee ; D. H. Towne , Columbus , O. Colonel John SIcGIll , Rochester , N. Y. ; Swan Miller-Chicago ; J ; AV'Macauley ' ! Chel sea , Mass. ; Ora B. Medearlo , Richland , Ind. ; harles Y. Miller , Richland , Ind. ; Louis D Meyer , Milwaukee ; W. II. Miller , Akron , O. ; Aaron Miller , Kalamazoo , WIs. ; General A B. Meyer , Milwaukee ; E16ert Nixon , Minne apolis ; N. E. Orcutt , Defiance , O. ; E. S Pollard , Townsend , Mont. ; J. J. Tltts Bloomlngton , 111. ; R. C. Plxley , Milwaukee ; H. A. Perkins , Medford , Wis. ; Colonel T. C. Putnam , Grand Rapids , Mich. ; G. C. Rid ings , Morris , 111. ; G. A. Ramsay , Gladstone , Mich. ; W. L. Roberston , Slbley , 111. ; Daniel Roundy , Chicago ; F. W. Robinson , Jr. , Richmond mend , Ind. ; W. II. Rome , Waukeshaw , WIs. ; J. F. Spare. Council Bluffs ; E. J. Salter , Richmond , Ind. ; John R. Snow , Boston , Colonel R. J. Stella , Red Wing , Minn. ; Joseph Smith , Decatur , Ala. ; Fred Schrawnn , Michigan City , Ind. ; Gustavo Senpson , Sparta , WIs. ; I. J. SplroMichigan City , ' A. J. Smith , Waukeshaw , WIs. ; James N. Twalts , Saglnaw , Mich. ; J. W. Titus , Elk- hart , Ind. ; General F. C. Voltz , Milwaukee ; Peter Van Vechten , Jr. , Milwaukee ; Colonel C. E. Wolley , Elkhart , Ind. ; Frank Whit- marsh , C. E. White , Omaha ; S. B. Williams , Rochester , N. Y. The corps of officers so far present con sists of : Supreme oracle. Brigadier General C. H. Lovowell , Chicago , 111. ; supreme secre tary , Adjutant General George C. Ridings , Morris , 111. ; past supreme counsel , Peter Van Vechten , Milwaukee , WIs. , and supreme steward , J. W. Houder , Omaha. The order will be tendered a public re ception by the Commercial club this evening and on Thursday night will partake of a banquet at the Mlllard hotel , where the circle makes Its headquarters. IXTKUESTIXO KITlUATIOft IX IOWA All 1)10 ) I'ropc-rty lit Stirffcunla Itlnffs Involved. SIOUX CITY , July 9. ( Special Telegram. ) A suit Just begun here has complicated the title to all the real property at Sargeants Bluffs , a town of 1,000 population , eight miles from here. The land was once owned and platted by J. T. M. Crockwell , who sold a few lots about 1860. About that time he died and the purchasers secured the vaca tion of the plat and purchased the rest of the land from his heirs at a low price. They then replatted It and have since sold most of It for business and residence purposes. Crock- well's heirs claim that the vacation of the plat was part of a fccheme to depreciate the value of the land and get it for less than it was worth. They ask that the entire plat be sold and that they be given a share of the proceeds. Ice l''orm' < l In lotvu. SIOUX CITY. July 9. ( Special Telegram. ) Reports from Sioux Center , forty miles north of here , are that watpr In tubs and palls froze last night , LIgh.t ( .frosts . reported In South Dakota , but no damage to crops. i ' 1 l Kstilbllaluul Another I'roreonrtlilp , At a meeting of the dlrt'ttors of the Pres byterian Theological sfmni ( rj' , held yester day afternoon , it wasulecliled to divide the department of old testament Instruction Into two professorships. Ifrofr. Sterling , whc heretofore has hud full cTlhrge of this de partment , was nsslgnert to'cme professorship und Rev. Joseph J. Lejmn flf New York was unanimously elected tdj u'pther. ' Convicted Pugilist i jiVt ( to the IVn. DENVER , July 9. L wrence Farrell , the pugilist , convicted of highway robbery , has ' been sentenced to the , 'petiltentlary for twc " * - years. Beecham's pilljjfar $ for bilious ness , bilious hea'da'dhe , dyspep sia , heartburn , torpid liver.diz- ziness. sick headachebad taste in the mouth , coated tongue , loss of skinetc appetitesallow , , when caused by constipation ; and constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book. Pills toe and 250 a box. Book free at your druggist's or write B. F. Allen Co. , 365 Canal St. , New York. Annual tales mora than 6,000,000 boxes. CllAFIH HOLDS OXTO Tllli MUDKllSltlt' iflort : of DlMatlflflcit Uciuocrntn to Dli- litaco Him 1'roro I'utllp. SPRINGFIELD , July 9.--A vigorous and determined effort was made In the democratic hcuso caucus to depose ex-Speaker Cliyton U. Crafts as leader of the minority. The effort proved a failure , though for a llino things looked rather shaky for the ex-speaker. The opposition to Crafts was led by Judge Mltchel Stoskopf ot Stephenson county. Ho was backed largely by country members , who disapproved of Crafts' action at the regular esslon. The Idea of the opposition was that he republicans might split , and It Stoskopf ivcro the democratic nominee he would re ceive enough republican votes to elect him. They held that he had many friends on the republican side who , should a cpllt occur In heir ranks , would vote tor him. The Stoskopf people first tried to secure a recess until after the republican caucus , so that It would bo known If they would split. Crafts' follwers saw at once that this might prove fatal to their man and used all their night to defeat It and were successful. After some further wrangling a vote was taken and Crafts was chosen as the democratic nominee for speaker. The democratic mem bers of the house held their caucus In the senate Judicial committee rooms Immediately after the house adjournment. After discuss ing as to the advisability of selecting some other democrat who would bo more apt to win republican votes In case of a spilt In that party , a motion was made by Mr. Le Crones to defer nominations and take a re cess until such time as the result of the re publican caucus for speaker should bo known. The motion was lost. Mr. Stoskopf was the only democratic name presented besides Crafts. On roll call Crafts received twenty-nine and Stoskopf nineteen , and on motion of Mr. Stoskopf he was de clared the unanimous choice. The caucus of the republican members will support Herbert Mulr for speaker to suc ceed Meyer , deceased. This further compli cates the fight for speakcrshlp. Early this morning It was thought there were but two candidates for the honor. The republican leaders talked this way and every effort seemed to be tending toward the selection of one of these two men. It seemed an even , though rather acrimonious , race , and efforts were spared by neither side to win votes. Now that Cook has declared for Mulr , It will be a three-sided fight , and It Is highly probable that bsfore the matter ends a dark horse will step In and carry oft the honors. Thomas Needles of Washington county Is at present about the only dark horse thought to be available. As soon as he arrived In the city after recess he announced that he would not take a hand in the race. He said It was an empty honor and he would under no condition take the speakershlp. This- was In case the different factions of republicans could not agree upon a man , otherwise he would be a compromise candidate. Some of the country members have talked of Kltz- miller , but aside from him no one has been talked of. The Cook county caucus met In the state house Immediately after the house adjourned. After a stormy sebslon It. was agreed to support their only available Cook county candidate , Mulr , for speaker. This effort Is , however , limited to two ballots only. After five ballots Cook county mem bers are not further bound , but they will move to adjourn. But two name ? were voted on In the cau cus. These were Mulr and Gibson , all others withdrawing before a vote. This resulted Mulr , 12 ; Gibson , 9. Rotlllnpr VeioriniB In ( leorcln. ATLANTA , Ga. , July 9. The first of the settlers In the big federal soldiers' colony to be established In southwest Georgia , organ ized by ex-Governor Northen , has arrlvec and are arranging for those who are to follow P. H. Fitzgerald of Ohio will reach here to night to pay the first Installment of $125,000 on the purchase price of $400,000. The colony has been staked off and Its townslte which will be called Northern City , wll spring Into life In a few months upon the arlval of the first 1,500 colonists. They are expected to come after harvest In August in an immense wagon train. Union 1'n c i lid 1'rclKlitn Collide. CHEYENNE , July 9. ( Special Telegram. ) A head end collision occurred on the Union Pacific main line at Rock Creek early this morning between two special freights , badly damaging both engines and derailing several cars. Fireman Wall was scalded by escaping steam. No others were hurt. Under direction of Chief Dispatcher Duffey of Lar- amle the wreck was cleared without delay for passenger trains. The cause of the ac cident was a misunderstanding as to which train had the right to hold the main line. Arqnlttoil of n Scrlmis ( litre ? , CHEYENNE , July 9. ( Special Telegram. ) The case against Thomas Sutton , a business man of Rock Springs , charged with assault ing his steplaughter , was d smlssed today , the principal witness having disappeared , and all efforts to locate her were futile. S/Ot'.V .V.4TIO.V OltB.tl7V ) Ucorrr tlmt I tin I'limoun I'lpMlona Quar- rlr * of Mlnnr otu Arc I.oit. CHAMBERLAIN. S. D. , July 9. ( Special. ) A considerable proportion of the Sioux nation IE KI rally agitated by the dUcovcry hat since ISf.l the famous plpcstono quarries at Plpcfttono , Minn. , have paiscd from their lossosslon Into the liatids of the govern- ucnt. The Indians claim to have only ic- ccntly made this discovery , and a council van at once called to meet at Crow Creek agency to discuss the matter and take appropriate action. This council has Just concluded its labors , and as a result of the meeting n petition was framed and placed n the hands of Indian Agent Trcon , of Crow " reek and Lower Brulc , with the request that It bo Immediately forwarded to the government authorities at Washington. The petition protests against the govcin- ncnt assuming ownerthlp of the quarries , and asks tnat the authorities close the quarries and dcclaro them again the com mon property of the Sioux nation. The council lasted four dasts , and was held on an extensive plateau two miles northwest of Crow Creek agency. The Yankton tribe of Sioux refused to send delegates to din- cuss the matter , and they nro now charged by the balance of the Sioux nation with being responsible for the loss to them of the quarries. The Sioux make frequent pilgrimages - ages to these quarries and worship them In accordance with traditions which have been handed down by their forefathers , A pecu liarity of the council was that the delegates were from 65 to 93 years of ago. Delegates were present from Crow Creek , Slsseton , Pine Ridge. Rosebud , Lower Brulo , Cheyenne - onno , Standing Rock , Flandrcan and Devil's Lake agencies. The venerable American Horse was the representative of the Pine Ridge Indians , and High Bear icprcscntcd the Indians at Rosebud agency. Tciiilc ( ioniU ur Torn1. SIOUX FALLS. S. D. . July 9. ( Special. ) The dry gocds stock of Folds Bros. , which went Into the hands of Assignee A. H. Stltes last week , was last night forcibly taken from him by deputy sheriffs under an attachment for an unsecured claim of $2,700 held by the German bank of this city. The deputies rnado the demand for the stock and being refused by the assignee broke _ open the door and took possession. The bank and the assignee have both retained prominent attorneys and a lively legal tilt will probably follow. The attachment was based on an allegation of fraud on the part of Folds Bros. In making the assignment. rirntv nf Money In Sight. SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , July 9. ( Special. ) In an Interview State Treasurer Kirk Phil lips states that ho has Just Issued a call tot $90,000 of funding warrants and that the money Is In Chicago to pay them. These are some of the warrants which were duo January 1 , 1895 , but owing to the defalca tion of Taylor It was necessary to secure moretlmo. . There were funding warrants to the amount of $220,000 which fell due at the time , but some time ago Treasurer Phillips called In $100,000 worth of them. Phillips announces that the state Is In good condition financially. I'crnlUir Cliiii-ch SIOUX FALLS. S. D. , July 9. ( Special. ) According to rumor there Is likely to bo a novel suit In the courts here. H Is stated that Rev. J. L. Andrews , pastor of the Unitarian church hero will Institute suit against several Sioux Falls people who have subscribed to the support of the Unitarian church , but who refuse to pay. The de fense will bo that the subscription was made on the representation that Rev. Andrews waste to devote his entire tlmo to the local church and that he really has spent a largo share of his tlmo with other congregations and In giving lectures. _ riirriirrx Full Out mill right. SIOUX FALLS. S. D. , July 9. ( Special. ) Henry Grernmels and Frank A. Marvin were In partnership In the erection of the Mil waukee freight depot and got Into some trouble and Gremmels was badly pounded In a fight. QremrnolH sued Marvin for $1,000 damages and was yesterday allowed $305 by a Jury. The Judgment Is a tort Judgment and a body execution will probably be Issued If Marvin defaults In payment of the money. ( nnfriord to Killing III * < ompnnlnn. PIERRE , S. D. , July 9. The man giving the name of E. W. Davis who was arrested at Miller for the murder of Ncls Carson , a Wyoming stockman , today confessed to the crime. Carson and Davis were bringing in n lot of horses through Dakota. Davis killed Carson and tried to dispose of the stock. Davis claims to come from Welling ton , 111. , where ho says he has many rel atives. _ Mglit Frost In Smith Dikotti. SIOUX FALLS , July 9. ( Special Tele gram. ) A light frost was visible In low places last night. No damage waa done. Sioux I'lill * Couiiollniiinlo Contrit. SIOUX FALLS , July 9. ( Special Tele gram. ) A special election to choose a sue- THERE IS AN ANTIDOTE IN NATURE FOR EVERY DISEASE. The trouble is wo don't always know where to look for the antidote , but for Dyspepsia , Indigestion , or any Stomach trouble STUART' ; TABLETS constitutes the surest euro , the cafcst antidote. They nro pm- ncrlbed by physicians because they nro not u pucrct noitrum und they nro sold everywhere by ilnufRlsts because dyspeptics know a peed thing and demand It. You will aiuo with them after using U. 5O CENTS AT DRUG STORES on DV b = t Stuart Co. , Marshall , Mich. mm zertuepri > 8ulr. ttou of n famous French physician , will quickly cure you of nil tn-r. vou9 or dhcaw of Ibo foneraiUe means , rucli in I.ostlluul od , Insomnia , I'nlns In tlio JlucK , Seminal Emissions , Ncrvoin li > blllh , rimples , TJnfltncsa to ilarry , RxlintKtlng Drnlnx , Vnrlcooelc M Constipation. It atopi n UlosscH brdny or night. I'lcvrnH nultlt . nfssof discliargp , wlilchlfnotclifrWprtlpaditoK.iprmHtorrlKEuan ! AFTTFI oil the horrors of Impotencr. fUlMMKMlclcuuiiGii tUollvcr , lit BCFORF AND Ar I I.H tijneyaand thoiirlnaryortansotulltmpurlUcs. C'in II > ENK strengthens niid restores amallwpnkorEans. The reason sufferer * are not cn.-cd by Doctor * U because ninety per rent nro troubled will PrnainHtlit. CUPIIlEKKIs thoonly known remedy to curonllhout un opi-nitlun. sonotrfitlmmii * ls. A written ( ruBranteo given and money returned If six boxes does not ullcct u liermautulcura A U0 ! n box , six fur (5.0U ( , by mall. Bend for nici : cl > cular and ti-etlmonlaLi. < adrt s itAVoli JIEmciNC CO. , P.O. Iox ! 2070. San rrsuclsco , CaU 2\irSnet > u FOR SALE BY GOODMAN DRUG CO. , Your House A Heated Free- 4 A Awe Not from a financial standpoint cx- actly. but entirely FREE from the defects which are so often found In wo wo the general run of heating plant ! . " " "f" . HcntltiK and Snnltary Engineer , Steam and Hot Water llcntlnit , 202 MAIN ST. COUNCIL , ULUFPS , IOWA. ART GLASS Of the most beautiful patterns , original designs , and the prettiest ( ancles of archi tects and home builders faithfully and artistically reproduced , PLATE GLASS- From a single window to car lots. GLAZED SASH- All stock sizei , and any special size or shape desired furnished at less than any competitor's prices by the COUNCIL BLUFFS PAINT , OIL & GLASS CO. , The largest exclusive bouse In Western Iowa. Send for prices on estimate * . Masonic Temple Building. cessor to Joe S-ampoon , recently expelled1 from the city council for tnlsappioprlatinR funds , resulted In the election of A. S. Kllroy over Sampson , 91 to Cl , f llfornl : > ' Outlook SutUfuctorj- . SAN FltANCISCO , July 9. Nearly fifty cities and touns In California , In rcsponss to Inquiries mrulo In the Chronicle , stated In tlvtall the condition ot their business and especially the development of their leading Industries. The rpimlt ot these questions and answrrci Is that tlicro IR gnod solid ground tor satisfaction at the outlook In nil directions. It Is our nim to keep our name constantly In sljlit as tlio one place where you can buy an origin for $ " > making $5 monthly payments thereafter. The prices raujje from ? ! ) up to ? 1S , to $ loO.Vu somettnu'S take orpins In exchange for Kimlmll I'lanos. A. HOSPU , Jr. Artntul Mimic 1513 You Can't * take too much of It quenches your thirst That's the best of it. Improves your health t # Tlmt'a ' the rest of it g AlSltnt rte * e m Vfii5 iktlnn * . Bold tvrrr. fla wbwc. ulleonljbjTlielbi..K.lllr ( ito.riIU. jgj Also the "Laiety. " The following nro sooio of the ' cent od dltions to our stock : Lysol , Lycotol , Iioro-lyptol , Tukn-Ulastnse , Koln-Cardlnettc , Honey-ol ( tasteless castor oil. ) Tr. Adonl'R Acstlvnll. Vln Knlnfrn , Full line P. D. & Co. Hypodermic Tab * OtR. Full line Wyrth'B Tablet Triturates. Sherman & McConnel ) Drug Co. , The store whcro people go when they want "just what the prescription calls for. " Parlor Tables Regular$10 and $12 , July Specical $5. OO CHAS. SHIVERICK & CO. Clitoluntcr'n Knellm Diamond rlrnna. ml Only Ocnulne. > rc , li ii rtlUtili. l oita tit , rujjlil for Chlelirittr i haalM Ula-l , mead llranJ In Itfd an.l CM niu lllo\ Ibosfi , iralrd with blu rl ! > l > oi > . Take , ntt uther , Ittfultdangerout fibifttu. ( ioni anil Imltallant. At IlmiKliii , or cu4 4p. la itkmrl for particular ! . tfillinooliU tr 4 * 4Hellef fur l.uiUrm" tnlttltr , t > y return / / Hall. JO.OOO TritlntanUli. Xitmt 1'aptr. r'rhphriitrrCli | < mlcHlUa.lMi > ill > iiiiH < iuai < i M tl ill LMI | Urueilili. 1'Mlcdu. . 1'a. ZOO SOAP FLOATS JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , U. S. A aconaB P. SANFOUD , A. w. nnncMAN , PreslJent. Cashier. of COUNCIL BLUFF3 , Iowa , - . $109,09 Profits , . - . 12,0000 One ot the oldest tan leu In Hie Btato of Iowa. We solicit your business and collections. We pay 5 per cent on time depaultu. We will ba pleased to see and serve you. < \IM < A'- -iit-l. w , aijic ) a the Staj8 and Federal Courts. Rooms 30U-7-S-9 , Stiu. Cart , Block. Council Bluffa , Iowa. EVERY WOMAN Sometimes nci-da a reliable monthly regulating mtdlclne. DR. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS , Are prompt , safe and certain In rccult. Tlio genu ine ( Ur. 1'eal's ) neverdlsamiolnt. Bent any where , il.OO. Bhermon & McConnell Drue Co. . Ul ! UoJta * met. Omaha. H U Special Notices-Council CIIIMNCYB CLEANED ; VAULTS CLUANED. Ed UurUe. at W. a Homer1. , UU Uroadway. FIIU1T FAItM AND OAHUBN LANU KOI I sale cheap and on cany terra * . Day & Ilesx , H I'earl street. run HAI.U , A NIAIII.V NI\V NINI-MIUU.M house , null barn , cistern , clly water at rious and barn , fruit , nice shade trees , on a nicely graded lot COx22J feet , for (2.300 00 , two-third * cash. 948 I'erln avenue. Council muffs. ? IJBD MH t NI > "l > WCLI.INa IIOUHU , 10 mile * from Council Illuffs , to trade for unen. cumbered farm land ; 80 acies good land for sale In 1'utnam county , ria , , one mile from railroad , price , U.iOO. V. C. I ongee , Council llluffs. la. KOFI HUNT. FllOif JULY 15 TO OCTOIIEIl 1. thrt-o large , well fumlshi ' and exceptionally cool rooms , single or en suite : bust location ! references required. Addreo L , UlFu oUlc * , ,