Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 THE OatAJJA P.ATLTT . Dfe : TUESDAY , JULY 0 , 1895.
Omaha Sluggers Qivo Back's Nice Little
Boy a Hard Beating.
Klghtecn 1 rrori Added to Thirty-Two
JJnie Illtn Alnko Up the Total of
the Slnughler In Uhlch Omahi
I.Hlidml on Top.
Omaha , 18 ; Lincoln. 8. '
1'eorla , 5 ; Rockford , 2.
Dos Molnes , 4 ; St. Joseph , 2.
CJulncy , 11 ; Jacksonville , 9.
llaltlmorc , 4 ; St. Louis. 3.
Cleveland , 4 ; Philadelphia , 3.
Louisville , fi ; Washington , 2.
Ilrooklyn , 11 ; Cincinnati , 7.
Chicago , E ; New York , 4.
Kansas City , 11 ; Indianapolis , 8.
Detroit , 7 : Mllwuukco , 4 ,
Ornnil Rapids. 13 ; Minneapolis , 5.
Bt. 1'aul. 8 ; Tcrre Haute , 7.
LINCOLN , July 8. ( Special Telegram. )
nuck had today's game In hU horny hands ,
but threw It sadly away. It wasn't his stylo.
Ooorglo Can-lull started In ( or the Omabas ,
but after ho was Jolted hard In the third ho
retired In favor of Patrick Kgan. Patrick
Immediately proceeded to live up to hla repu
tation of being the Jonah of the Bucks.
Four hits In six Innings wore all they got
oft him. Meanwhile the Ducks went to
pieces. In the seventh , after chances had
been given to retire the side twice , the vis
itors Jumped on Freddy Barnea for eight hits
and ton runs. The Holding of the locals was
simply sorrowfully awful. Sunday's game
at Omaha was an exhibition affair and to
day's counts In the schedule. I3uck wUhes It
didn't. It makes the season's score 5 to 4 In
favor of Omaha. Score :
AD. 11. I1II. PO. A. E.
" " "
Holllngsworth. ss
Sneer , c. . . 5 0
Kennedy , rf 4 2
Van Duron , If 4
Kbrlght , 20 5
Hill , 3b 4
Sullivan , Ib 3
Cole , m 3
Barnes , p 4
Totals 33 8 0 27 11 13
AH. U. mi. PO. A. E.
TJlrtch. 2b G 3 3 G 1 3
Slagle. in G
Nnttress. 3b
Shaffer. If r. 1 2 7 0 0
Inks , Ib
Lotimnn , c
Miles , 83 C 1 2 1 4 0
Carrlsli , p 2 o 1 0 0 1
U an , p J 2 1 0 0 0
Total" ) Gl 18 23 27 11 G
Lincoln 1 OC000100 S
Omaha 2 0 0 2 0 2 10 2 0-18
Earned runs : Omabn , 4. Two-base lilts :
Ulrlch , Pace. Miles. Three-base lilts : Hill ,
Waitress , Inlcs , Lohmnn , Holllngsworlh. Snc-
rlllco hits : Kennedy , Sluiffer. Stolen bases :
Holllngsworlh , Van Huron. Double plays :
Miles to Utrlch to Inks ; Holllngswoith to
Ebrlght ; Unrnes to IJbrlght to Sullivan.
First base on balls- Off Carrls1 ! ! . 3 ; oft Hgan ,
3 ; off Darnes , 2. Struck out. liy Uarnes , 2.
Passed balls : Lolnnan , 3. Tlmo : Two hours
and thirty minutes. Umpire Mr Wnrd.
ROCKFORO. 111. , July 8.-Speclal ( Tele
gram ) Irablllty to lilt with men on b.ises
tolls the story of Uockford's defeat. Horton
was hit for three earned runs In the IIret
Inning , pitching a masterly game after that.
Score :
Rockford 0 01001000-2
Pcorla 3 0011000 * 5
Hits : Ilockford , C ; Peorla , 8. Eirors :
Roekford , I ; Peorln , 5 E.irred runs : Peorla ,
3. Two-base hits : Truby (2) ( ) , Collins. Pas'ed
balls : Snyder. liases on bulls : Off Horton ,
. 4 ; oft Hiuiseii. 1. Hit by pitched ball : Le-
rett (2) ( ) . Struck out : By Horton , 2 ; by
Hansen , 3. Left on bases : Ilockfoid , 8 ;
1'eorla , 9. Double plays : Ntilton to Haller.
Halterles : Horton and Snvdcr ; Ilanscn and
Dugdale. Umpire : Mr. Wilson.
ST. JOSKPH , Mo , July 8.-Speclal ( Tele
gram. ) Mnrcuin lost today's game for the
Saints by dropping an easy pop-up In the
third Inning alter two men were out , which
let In tliico runs. Manager Alberts tried a
new left-handed pitcher mmed Colburn to
day. He Is from Mound City. .Mo , and has
good control of the ball and all kinds of
curves , and made the DPS MolneV heaviest
batters fan the wind. Flggemler pitched a
good gumc for the visitors. Scoie :
St. Joseph 100000100 2
DCS Molnes 0 0300010 * 4
Hits : St. Joe , 5 ; DCS Molnes , 8. Errors :
St. Joe , 3 ; Des Molnes , 2. Earned runs : St.
Joe , 1. Tluee-baso hits : Mcllule : Stolen
bases : Mohler , McFarland. Sacrlllce hits :
Mohler , MeKlbben. Left on.bases : St. Joe ,
G ; Des Molnes , 7. Iln ei on balls : Off Col-
burn , 5. Hit by pitched ball : Uy Flggemler.
1. Struck out : Dy Colburn , 7. Datteiles :
Colburn and Jones ; FIgjemler and McFar
land , Time : Ono hour and thlrty-IHe min
utes. Umpire : Mr. limns.
QUINCY , 111. . July 8-Special ( Telegram. )
Uulncy defeated Jacksonville today by
bunching their hits , each team having a
pitcher knocked out of the box. Score :
Qulncy 10232012 0-11
Jacksonville 0 40022001 9
Dase hits : Qulncy , 10 ; Jacksonville , 14.
Earned runs : Qulncy , 4 ; Jacksonville , 4.
Two-baso hits : Armstiong , Caruthera. Three-
base hits : Swarlz , KaU (2) ( ) . Home runs :
Merles. Errors : Qulncy , 2 ; Jacksonville. 3.
Tlmo : Two hours and twenty minutes. Um
pire : Mr. McGinnls.
Played. Won. Lost. P.Ct.
Peorla Go 3G 19 6G.5
Lincoln 55 3t 21 HI.8
Omaha 51 .11 21 5C.4
DCS Molnes Gl 2J 25 53.7
Qulncy Gl 27 27 GO.O
Kockford G5 22 31 400
Jacksonville Go 21 at 33.2
St. Joseph 53 1 ! ) 3G 34.G
Games today : Ltes Motnes at Omaha ; St.
Joseph at Lincoln ; Jacksonville at Peorla ;
Qulncy at Ilockford.
Uttltlmoro TiiUes the "Micoiul from the St.
l.iiui * Crowd l u Herntii h.
BT. LOUIS , July 8. The Daltlmores won
today's same by a very close margin , tlelng
the score In the ninth and making the win
ning mn In the tenth. Attendance , 2,500.
Score : ,
Bt. Louis 0 3
lialtlmuro -I
Jilts : St. Louis , 9 ; Italtlnioie , H. Errors ;
St. Louis , 2 ; Baltimore , 0. E.trn l inns. St.
Louis , 3 ; Baltimore , 3. Two-base hits :
Kecler , Qulnn , Connor , Three-basu lilts :
Dowd. Stalcy. Stolen bases : Cooley , Keeltr.
First base on balls : OH lloffcr , 2 , off stuley ,
1. Struck out : Uy Staloy , 1 , by Hotter. 1.
Butteries : .Sluley and Otten ; Hoffur am !
Clarke. Time : Two hours. Umpire. Jcvno.
CHICAaO , July 8. "Dad" Clarke losl his
tamper and the gumo In the last half of
the ulnlh. With men on llr&l and secom !
und two men out , ho throw the 'ball al
Anson , v.ho was couching nt thlnl. Anson
lodged and the base lunners advanced ,
ruller fumbled with Wllmot's hot groumler
and the winning run came In , Attendance ,
G.OOO , Score :
Chicago 5
New York fl
ints : Chicago , S ; New York. 9. Errors
Chicago , 2 ; New Yoik , 3 Karned runs : rhl-
cage , 2 ; New York. S. Two-bn o hlta : IMh-
h-n U ) , l.ange. Three-base lilts : Mtektn
Tlernan. Van lliiltren. Home runs : Dono-
len to Stewart to Anson. Struck out
By M tkln , 2 ; Uy Terty. 5 ; by Clarke , 2
Passed balls : Donahue. Ba e on balls' Or
Mfektn , 4 , off Terry , a. Hit l > y nltohed ball
Terry. Itatterles : Terry and Donohue
Meekln , flarKo nnd Fnrrrl. Time : Tvvc
hours untl Ihlity-lho minutes. Umpire : Mur
CliEVKUAM > . Ju.y 8. The home u cni de
feated , thu vlsltom today niter a hard tight
In which neither ted th b < ttor until the
lni"t Inning. Attendance , 1X ( . Score-
Cleveland 0 00000302 4
Philadelphia . . . . . . . . 0 Ul 002000 ;
IHta : Clove-Kind. 8 : Philadelphia , S. Er
rors' Cleveland. 4 ; Philadelphia. 4. Karne <
ruus : Cleveland. 1 ; Phllidclphlu , 1. 1'trs
base by eirors : Cleveland , 2. Philadelphia
4. Left on basca : Cleveland. 7 : Phlladel
phln. 11. First basfO on balls : Oft ruppj , 1
off Carsny , 1. Struck ; out : D.v-Cupp > , 1 ; by
Cnrsey , 1. Three base hits ; llurXnt Twe-
lia < lUta : Clements U > . Sacrifice * hits
Ulake , McCinrr. Carsey. Stolen bus > es ; Me-
Oarr , Ctippy. HamlHon , lloyle , ivlchani-
Uattcrlt-11 Cutipytinnier nnd O'Connor
Carsey unil Clements Time. Two bour
and ten minute * . Umpire * Kcefe.
l-Ol'ISVILI R. July 8.- The f'oionels tlo-
( eateU tVushiiiglon In a very lufn.-xtlnB
; ame. Bhugart'n playing was a feature. At-
cndnnce , KM. Score ;
Louisville 00000331 0 0
Washington . , 00200000 0-2
Hits : Loulsvllto , 13 ; Washington , 9. Er
rors : Louisville , 1 ; Washington , 3. Earned
runs : Louisville , 3 ; Washington , 2 First
jusn on errors : Louisville. 3 , Washington ,
1. Left on bason : Louisville , 9 ; Washing
ton , G. 1'lrst base on balls : Oft Cunning
ham , 2. Struck out : II > Cunningham , 2 ;
> y To > d , 2. Two-baso hits : Spies (2) ( , Sel-
t > ach. Three-bane hits : Gettlnger , Cunnlng-
tam. Sacrlllco hits : Glasscock. Stolen
uases : Collins , Preslon , Hnssamaer. lion-
ilo plays : Shugarl to Spies ; Crooks to
Glasscock to Cartwrlght ; O'Drlcn to Shu-
gart to Spies , llattcrles : Cunningham nnd
Warner ; lloyd and McGulre. Tlmo : Two
liourn nnd llftccn minutes. Umjilre : Mc
CINCINNATI , July 8.-I'or four Innings
Tom Parrott was Invincible , then the
Drooklyn batters lit on his curves nnd
pounded out a victory. Attendance , 2,400.
Score :
Cincinnati 3 10101010-7
Brooklyn 2-11
Hits : Clnclnmtl , 11 : Hrooklyn , 18. Er
rors : Cincinnati , 3 ; Hrooklyn , 2. Earned
rurs : Cincinnati. 2 : llrookl > n , G. Two-base
hits : Ewlng , Grlllln (2) ( . Sacrlllce hits :
Parrott , Lucid. Stolen bases : Hogrlever ,
Litham , Hey , Smith , Glim. Double plays :
Shlndle to Lnchanco to Grim ; Grlllln to Cor
coran. Struck out : Dy Pnrrott , 1 ; by Lucid ,
2. First base on balls : Off Parrott , 2 ; olT
Lucid , 0. Passed balls : Grim , 2. Wild
pitches : Lucid. Datlerles : Parrolt and
Murphy ! Lucid nnd Grim. Time : Two
hours nnd ten minutes. Umpire : Gnlvln
PITTSnUUO , July S. Pllsburg-Doslon
game postponed ; wet grounds.
Plnyed. Won. Lost. P.Ct.
naltlmoro IK 31 21 G1.8
Doston G"i 33 22 60.0
Chicago C8 10 2S 63.8
Plttsburg- fi.1 37 20 GS.7
Cleveland G 37 2S W5.9
Drooklyn IS 31 25 GiJ.9
Cincinnati Gl at 27 r.3 7
Philadelphia GS 32 25 r.5.2 .
New York f.9 28 31 47 5
Washington G7 22 3r 33 fl
St. Louis Gl 21 41 32.8
Louisville G9 10 49 16.9
Games today : Philadelphia at Cleveland ;
Boston at Plttsburg ; New York at Chicago.
scou 1.8 oi' am : uisriuN : Liv tm
Kama * City Clrei Iho Lenders a Check In
Vlcnrons I'mhlon.
INDIANAPOLIS , July 8 Kansas City
won the game In the Ilrst Inning today , al
though the home team made a big effort In
the third. Hastings relieved Kllng , and the
game was over ns far as Indianapolis was
concerned. Score :
Indianapolis 1 07000000 8
Kansas City It
Hits : Indianapolis , 9 : Kansas City , 19.
Errors : Imllarupol's , 4 , Ka sas City , 1 Bat
teries : Cross. Damon , Klshcr and McPar-
land. Kllng. Hastlnqs and Bergen.
DETROIT , July S.-Score :
Delrolt 7
Milwaukee . . . . 11100010000-1
Hits : Detroit , 13 ; Milwaukee. 12. Errors :
Detroit , 2 ; Milwaukee. 1. BatteriesWhlto -
hlll nnd Twlneham ; Ilettgcr and liolan.
GRAND RAPIDS , July 8. Score-
Grand Rapids . . 0-11
Minneapolis 3 6
Hits : Grand Rapids , 17 ; Minneapolis , 7 , Er-
rois : Grand Rapids , 2 ; Minneapolis , 1. Bal-
terles : Belly and iCahner ; Fanning nnd
Wll on
TERRE HAUTE , Ind , July S.-Score :
St. Paul 1 S
Terre Haulo 7
Hils : St. Paul , 12 ; Tcrro Haute , 11 Er
rors : St. Paul , I ; Terre Haute. G Batlerles.
Jones and Boyle ; Nops and Roach.
Plaved. Won. Lost. P.Ct.
Indianapolis CT 3G 21 3.2
Detroit CO 31 27 G" 0
St. Paul GS 31 27 G1.4
Kansas City GO 11 23 G2.D
Milwaukee ft ) 3t 2'J Gl 7
Minneapolis r.7 2 > 32 43.9
Teno Haute ns 24 34 41.1
Grand Rapids 01 23 3G 41.0
Games today : Minneapolis at Detroit ; St.
Paul at Indianapolis , Milwaukee nt Giand
Rapids ; Kansas Clly nl Terre Haute.
( unto Tnilnv ultli Dos Values.
Omaha and DCS Molnes will meet at the
old fair grounds this afternoon for the llrst
of a series of three games. Uncle William
Trallley and his team are pulling up a hard
game of ball now , while Omaha Is doing
all lhal can well bo asked. The leams :
Omaha. Position. Des Molnes
Inks First Purvis
Hutchlnson Second Mohler
Nattresa Third MoKlbben
Ulrlch Shorl Holmes
Shaffer Left Lctcher
Slaglo Middle MeVlcker
Pace Right McFarlund
Lehman Catch Trattley
Cairlsh or Egan. . . Pitch riggemler
Dall tialns leave at 3:25. : Game called al
3H. :
Ottumwa Soundly Drubbed.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , July S. ( Special
Telegram ) Had It not been for RMey's
mulling a high fly loday Oltumwa would
have been shut out. Score :
Cedar Rapids 12301100 G U
Ottumwa 000000100 1
Hits : Cedar Rapids. 12 ; Ottumwa. 4. Er
rors : Cedar Rapids , 3 ; Otlumwa , 13. Bal-
lerles : Tlsley and Keefe ; Sowdors and
\nu CUT Ilia UtllNot Sell ,
ST. LOUIS , July 8 Presldenl Von der
A he refused the sum of $23,000 for Ihreo of
Iho Browns' besl pla > ers this morning
Connlo Mack , Pltt buig's manager , was In
consullallon with the boss president for
oser an hour , trying to persuade him to
parllth the services of Brellensteln. Pletz
and Ely , but he left without even a promise
that his offer would bo considered.
\ \ nliiioVliM Agnln.
GRAND ISLAND , July 8. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Waliooon today's ball g.ime. Score ,
25 to 19. Notwithstanding the big score. U
was an Interesting battle. Stein , ( list base
man for Walioo , was struck by a pitched ball
and carried off the field unconscious. His at
tending physician does not think his Injury
will result seriously.
tlnln the lonnhi.
PETERSDURO , Va. , July 8. Pitcher John
Foreman of the local club was sold today
to the Plttsburg Nallonal league club and
will Join Iho club Thursday.
A teaspoonfiri does the same perfect work
today that It did yesterday , or last month ,
or la. t year. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Pow
der. _
niynuir GLAUS ituiiKnnt , ix .srcs.
KfTort Itclng lludn to 1 1 cur ran go the Seato
of the < ultori.
PITTSmmo , July 8. The annual meeting
of tlie National Window Glass Workers as
sociation convened hero lodny with delegates
present from all the window glass factories
In the country. Tha convention will be In
session for a wnck. or ten days perfecting
an organization. U is not likely lliat any
thing of Importance will be done before
As the majority of the glass workers are
now In the est , a strong movement Is on
foot to change the headquarters lo Iho west ,
and it will 1'l.cly bo successful. An Impor
tant change , If It can bo got through , will
bo to put the wngcs of the cutters ou the
same footing as the otber workers. Tim
blowers' and fattenrrs' uagea are based on
the quality of glass prortticel , whllo the cut
ters ere pell by the box. Many of the. dele
gates have declared In laver of paying the
cutter according to the ( piallty of the glass.
The \\agt committee will sit with the dele
gates ami advl'a on matters relating to the
scale for Iho next lire. There U no quoslloi
but Unit there 111 hi an advance demanded.
Some of the cntteiH will Insist on a complete
raitomlloM of the straight cut of 22 % per
cent In wages , but it Is believe } tha mote
rnfiervittt\o of tlio delegates will win and
the demand will bo something \e3 \ than that.
Anolher featurn that mny bs Incorporated
In thu new wage schedule will ho the estab
lishment of a 10 per c nt differentia ! between
coal and gas turnacei , or puts.
Iln I Mm UMurn to Work ,
CLRVKLAND. JuljS. . About 1.500 strik
ing workmen were In the vicinity of the
American WlrH companj'a woiKa today.
The rod men returned lo work at both the
American company an I the H. P. Nail com
pany's works , without any opposition upon
the { .arl ct the striker ? .
To Uornlop Hoilii tlupoMtn.
CHEYENNE. July S. ( Special Tflefe-ram )
H. O Gilbert ml asaoclMi-b ot Chicago
Sled articles of Incorporation loduy wllh
the secretary of * late. The capital stock
of the company is $234.000. The object Is to
develop soda deposits belonging to Iho com
pany in central Wyoming
Killed IlliiMoir with it lUmuinr.
ST. JAMES. Minn. , July S. UeorKa P.
Johnson , clerk of the court ot Watcn\\an
county and prominent In sUtc politics , com
mitted suicide in a revolting manner tcd.iy ,
beating his brains out with a claw hammer
After beating hl < head almost to a pulp , ho
Inlsliod his awful work by I'lawin ? his heal
to pieces with the oppisltc silo of the ham
mer , Johnson was itlenscd from the Inrane
asylum in April and took hi3 llfi to avoid
being recommitted.
SOT tiu cr.iti.ny ov TUB inr
Promoters of the Italian 1'lRlit Seeking nn
Opinion on the Statute.
AUSTIN , Tex. , July 8. Attorneys repre
senting the Dallas management of the Cor-
Liett-ntzslmmons light ( Tailed on the at
torney general today In reference to the
constitutionality of the law prohibiting prize
lights In this state. They bad written opin
ions from Hon. George R. Clark of Waco
nnd Hon. William Crawford of Dallas , hold
ing that the law was unconstitutional. The
attorney general \\lll hear arguments from
the gentlemen tomorrow. The opinion Is
that he will hold to the law until the supreme
premo court declares It unconstllullonnl.
Attorney General Crane Is known to have
expressed his belief that the law Is per-
feclly sound and Urn I the Corbett-Fltzslm-
mons light will never lake place In Texas.
Comptroller Wiley , In refusing a license lethe
the pugilists , Is understood to have acted
under the attorney general's advice. With
pL-ch a conlllct of opinion the outcome of
the prosecution of Cavannugh and Bright
Eyes , the two local lighters , who met at
Galveston last week , will be matched with
unusual Inlerest. H Is likely lhal the Flor
ida Athletic club , throuph Dan Sttnrt of
Dallas , will employ the best lawyers In the
state to defend the pugilists , for upon the
decision will rest thousands and thousands
of dollars
DALLAS , Tex. . July 8. Al the quarters
of the Florida Alh'.ellc club the sain of
tickets for the meeting of Corbett nnd Fltz-
Himmons will begin al 10 a. m , . Wednesday
The prices of seals will be as follows. Per
box , with live chairs , JJOO , or ? IO per chair ;
reserved seats , $20 ; general adm ! slon. $10
The sale of seats will begin In Now York ,
St. Louis , Chicago nnd other cities ns noon
as copies of the diagrams can reach them
EM ) Or Till ) GUIJAT
Hun 1'rnnclico Mim Carry OlT the Hulk of
thn I'rlzn * .
OLENDALE PARK , L. I. . July 8. The
last gun of the big schuetzenfest was llred
at 7 o'clock tonight , and when the cannon's
smoke had cleated away the schuetzcns
shook liL.nds and hoped they would meet
again at the fest of ' 9S , which may pos
sibly be held In San Francisco. The shoot
ing loday rtU not develop anything very
The honors of Iho man larget will go to
Strecker of San Francisco. George Helm of
San Kranclsco , having scored Ihc possible 75
on Iho nug laiget , has won It hands down.
Gus Xlmnieimn.ii v\tns the Ilrst prize on the
American standard target with the top
score , 19. Tin- Columbia Honor pri/e will
remain on Long Island. William Verbach
of Wllllimshiirgh has secured It with a
score of 72. Schuster of Sin Francisco comes
next with 71. The icsult of Hie Stlct Ger-
mania sliool will not bo mi'de known until
tomorrow noon. Pape of San Francisco was
the lir-it rmn to secure three bulls' eyes
In this event , and In the opinion of the Ilrst
rate shooters this prlre Is likely to travel
west , as the shot which Helm of San Fran
cisco played on the Stlet target Is also
plumb center. Tied C Ross of Brooklyn ,
with a. score of 371 at the point tar&et , Is the
winner of lh King's gold medal , ns he
made Hits score oil his 111 si 200 shots.
Among the shooters who tiled the point
taigel today was Miss May Cllnlon of Buf
falo , N Y She won Iho silver and gold
medals and made an average of 141/ . . To
morrow will be devoted to a general picnic
nnd there may be some matches shot off
between the eist nnd west. Presentation
of prl703 begins on AVedneiday , winding up
with the coronation of the shooting king of
Iho cross. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cycloi-H Hunch AOmry Park.
ASBURY PARK , N. J , July 8 This was
a big day here and Iho reception commltlee
had Its hands full In welcoming incoming
deleqallous The Denver reprebenlalives lethe
the number of eighty arrived this evening
and v\oro mel nt the depot by the rmjor ,
the League of American Wheelmen olllclals
and the committee. Nearly 300 cvclers are
now being cared for ut Nallonal head
quarters. _ _ _
\\lll Ahiiulnn the Attempr.
.LONDON , July S The Dally News savs
this morning that It Is the opinion In yacht-
Irg circles thai If Valkyrie III falls lo win
the cup the AmeiUVans will get a respite
from defending It , but that a strong at
tempt will bo made to Induce the United
States to race on the Clyde in 1S9G.
Uuko l.iutrd I Ilit Hounds.
BALTIMORE , July S-Stinton Abbott
knocked Billy Duke out In the eighth round
nt the opening tonlpht of the Seisldo am
phitheater and the Eureki Athletic club.
Murray U Not I'.irlliulur.
BOSTON , July 8. Henry L. Muiray of
Baltimore Is here. Ho has posted a forfeit
to light anybody nt 120 pounds.
Trie. Itniiil linking Trouble.
CHICAGO , July S. The lines of the Cen
tral Trufllc association are greatly lorn up
over u circular Issued by Ihe Erie road
which tends greatly to demoralize the pas
senger business lo and from Iho Christian
Endeavor convention at Boston. Under the
terms of this circular the agents of the
Erie road are nt llberly lo sell
llckcls to the convention nt Bos
ton via New York , which will allow
Ihe holder to stop over In New Yoik nnd
thus allow a sralp on Ihnt portion of the
ticket between New York und Chicago.
This is virtually putting in a ono-faro rate
for the round trip nctween Chicago and Bos-
Ion , good unlll Iho time for the expiration
of the Christian Endeavor tickets.
Murdered mill I'luccd on the Trnolt.
ST. JOSEPH. July 8. William Walker ,
whose remains were found strewn along the
railroad tracks for a distance ot four miles
Saturday , was not killed by the train as at
Ilrst supposed , but was murdered nnd the
body placed on the rails to hide the evi
dences of the crime. In Walker's hat were a
number of cuts , and the coroner's Jury re
turned a verdict thai he came to his death
at the hands of persons unknown , his body
afteiwaid being placed on the track.
Clung to Din limit Mnn.v llnnm.
APPLETON , Wls. , July 8. Will Krueger
and Arthur Brown of Neernh , while on their
way from Clinton to Ncenah in a row boat ,
were caught In the storm and capsized in
Lake Wlnnebago. They clung la the boal
forly-elghl hours and drifted ashore at Al-
hoa beach , near Appleton , nearly dead from
exposure. Brown had been delirious two
hours when rescued.
1'rnlt ltn rr < Jo nn StrlUo.
CHICAGO , July 8. Nearly all the mem
bers of the Fruit Buyers' association ; walked
out at the beginning of Iho usual Cali
fornia fruit sales today because the frull
was lo be sold al open auction as usual , Ihey
demanding the sale to the Fruit Buyers' as
sociation exclusively. Nevertheless of the
fruit about ten cars were sold at good
prices , so the Earl Fruit company reports.
A single trial will prove that Price's
Cream Baking Powilcr Is without a pser.
round IHght Dfml Clilnnuirn.
MADEIRA , Cal. , July 8. The bodies of
eight Chinamen were found today In the
river. They had been working In the mines
situated In Ihe mounlalns elghl miles dis
tant , Foul play Is suspected.
Mnrrlll Itrmnvat Another.
TOPEKA , Knn. , July S. Governor Morrll !
ted ly removed Prison Director W. J. Hurd
of Holton nnd appointed M. M. Peck of
Helton us Kurd's successor.
Two workman wore inslanly killed In Chicago
cage > ' -sterday by the falling of a swinging
The Gould party went to Colorado Springs
Monday , and Tuesday will make the ascent
of Pike's Peak.
The Redding and Mtura , Colo. , stage was
held up by a isluglo highwayman and the
mall pouches rined.
Train loads of people arc passing through
Chicago onroute to the Christian Endeavor
convention at Iloton.
The trial of Adam Erdman tor the murder
of lUb. Peanoy la in progress at Bowling
Green , O. Thn community la greatly excited
over .Iho affair.
Theodore Kettle was bivite'.iced al Spring
field , 111. , .Monday lo Iwo years' Impiison-
ment for robbing the malls ,
William Pavls. allus "Dink" Davis , alias
Martin , on ot the slickest silk thle\oi In
the country , has been arrested In San Fran
rttteen hundred teachers are at Manltou
and both boteln and meant at tiansporta-
tiou to point * of Intercut are strained to
their utmost capacity.
Considerable excitement exists at Flor
ence , Colo. , over the discovery of a new
gold field In the Green Horn range. The
ere , Ia ( reo milling and assays very rich.
New strikes are also reported in Valletta
camp , near .Silver Cliff
Two of tliowMHi in No Condition to
"EHter a Race ,
Conch C'otirtiijrV < : ioomy l'orclmdlne < Not
Shared by Ofltar lloiitmcn Who Arc
' "
Conndo'Ar"the American lloyg
n 'VVIII ' \ \ In.
Henley regalia begins tomorrow. The Cor
nell crow nt 3:30 : o'clock will meet the fa
mous Leandcr Uoat club crew , probably Iho
strongest on tlio river. In view of the de
pressing accounts circulated regarding the
health of the Cornell crew , a representallvc
of Ihe Associated press had a chat with
Charles E. Courtney , their coach , when ho
arrived at the boat house this morning at 8
o'clock. Courtney looked very glum and said :
"I do not know whether the Cornelf crew
will bo able to row tomorrow. The fact Is
we have two sick men among the crew who
ought not to row In their present condition.
They are Hagsr and Fonnell. The latlerwaj
in a high fever yeslerday evening. The two
men , now-over , may be all right tomorrow.
I was ntlllcted In the same way , on. ! 1 felt
all right ono day and bad tno next. But I
feel confident that Ihero Is nol a crew on the
river equal to them. They have been stead
ily improving in practice and make faster
tlmo at each trial In splto of Ihls I am un
willing to take Iho responsibility of allowing
sick men lo strain themselves In a race. If
the invalids are not better tomorrow wo shall
have to put In aubilllules or else scratch.
I have done everything possible to keep them
In condition , but they have been unable to
contend with the climate and the little wor
ries to whldi they have been subjected. If I
ha'l the thing to do again I would request
permission to bring twenty-five men hero and
Keep two crews In training.
Courtney does not rfhare the suspicions of
Mr. C. S. Francis , the trusleo of Cornell unl-
verslly , who accompanied the Cornell crow to
England , regarding the alleged unfairness In
the drawing of lots for the different heats
which resulted In pitting Cornell agalnsl Ihe
Leander crew. Commenllng on Ihe drawing ,
Courlney remarked "II Is true that the af
fair was managed differently than at home.
Hero there Is ono man who draws the names
from a hat and then tears them up , none of
the olhers seeing them. But Ihls man was
an old Leander boal club man of Ihe highest
repute , and If he desired to favor Ills club
he would have- given them n bye "
Courtney seems to be over anxious about
the result. He has been working very hard
and there Is reason to believe Cornell's pros
pects are much better than he Imagines. Cer
tainly there was no sign of discouragement
among them when the bo > s arrived nt ths
boat house al 10 o'clock. II Is true that some
of them looked pale , but Ihey were all In Iho
best of spirits and Fennell nnd Hager were as
lively as any of lhm. The bojs launched
Ihelr boal shortly after 10 o'clock and ro ed
at half speed dtiwn the course. All the other
crews were cut , and It was admitted on all
sides that none of tlicm approached Cornell's
form or appearqd to row as easily. The mem
bers of the Leander crew have an undenia
ble hang In caeh stroke.
A number of t'ae English coaches were
grouped wilh Courtney on Ihe river bank
whllo the crews were practicing and one of
them said : "Well , Courtney , ur boys cer
tainly row In the best form and in better
slyle Uian any of the crewon the river.
Wo give them four out of six points. Their
principal fault In our mind 1 In the short
ness of their slrokeJbul Ihelr blade work and
the use of thelr'Jiands could not be betler. "
Courtney admits Vhat the stroke of the Cor
nell boys Is not , so long as he would like
and ho says If Is xlmply because Hall will
not reach as fai'as't'bitrtney wants.
On arriving at Hholr starting point after
their practice the Cornell boys paddled back
lo their boat house In Ihe best of form.
The brothers Thompson of the Argonaut club
of Toronto , who are entered for the diamond
sculls and also for the stewards' challenge
cup , with their fe low clubmen , the Munse
brothers , did the course singly and then the
Argonaut four wenl over Ihe full course In
easy lime. E. A. Thompson ot UIB Argo-
nmits , discussing the drawing of lots at the
town hall on Saturday last , saldr "I do not
Ihlnk Mr. Francis was wise in Ihe way he
has talked to the Cornell crew. Any charge
cf unfalrne's In the draw is absurd. "
The Americans are fast arriving al Henley
Among the prominent arrivals today were R
H. White of Cleveland , O ; Mr. Sew all An
drews of Minneapolis , and Mr. J. M. Doug
las and Mr. Charles of Chicago
Great crowds witnessed Ihe final pracllco
of Ihe crews this evening None ot Ihe crews
did Iho full course. As Iho Cornell crew-
rowed up stream and passed Iho lown where
great masses of people lined the bank , and
in going under Ihe bridge they were greeted
with hearty cheers and cries of "Well
rowed. " '
When the crew returned to Its quarters
after the afternoon spin the members looked
much brighter. Two policemen are guarding
the Cornell boat house tonight. In the mornIng -
Ing the crew will paddle In the racing boat
to the starling point , when they will take
carriages to their training quarters and rest
unlll an hour before the carriages will
take them lo Ihe starting point. CommentIng -
Ing on this arrangement , Courtney remarked
"This Insures avoidance of the crowds which
line every Inch ot the roadway , and which
would tend lo excite the boys. Once seated
In the boat they will not notice anything
elser According to present arrangements' , no
substitutes will be necessary. "
Lock to Lock , a newspaper , which Is con
sidered an authority on Thames racing mat
ters , says tonlghl In reviewing the prospect
of the racing tomorrow : "Cprnell's
style Is different from ours. But any style
Is to bo commended which applies strength
al the right moment and does so In perfect
harmony. In all tbeso essentials the Amer
icana excel. I also believe they have suffi
cient stamina to negotiate this trying course ,
and label them 'dangerous very. ' "
LONDON , July 8 Sporting Life's corre
spondent says : Sunday's rest worked wonders
with both the Cornell crew and the Canadians
Noting the fact that the Cornell men have
shown the best time of any of the crews
in the grand challenge class , both In ctlm
and against a head wind , the correspondent
predicts there will be a grand struggle be
tween Cornell and Leander. As .there does
not appear to be more than half .1 length
between the two , Leander should Just outstay
Cornell. . .
ill Arrangement. .for the Meeting of
CrHck < ) iir ux\ii \ I'nmtiletDil.
, SARATOGA , N. Y. ' . July 8. All Iho ar
rangements are Toififileted for the holding
of the twenty-thin Annual regatta of the
National As t'0lariun-of Amateur Oarsmen
at Saratoga lake July 17 and IS The list
of entries in the largest In years , nnd the
regalia promUesno firing together the ama
teur cracks of tM country. The importance
of ihe meetings has grown rapidly In the
last few years , a d , > vhere there were only
ninety clubs lasr * tnr Included In Its mem
bership , there are now 1JS. The race course
Is beautifully located .about four miles from
Saratoga , nnd lnurri > unded by high bluffs
which form a natural grand stand for un
uninterrupted vlejv , of the course. The lake
itself Is about Nine Allies long nnd three
miles ucrosa nt Itb widest part. The course
Is sltnuttd nt its exlreme northern end , and
is well sheltered from wind It Is ono und
one-half miles long , all laces being rowed
three miles with a turn , so that spectators
may gee both start and llnlsti , and It Is not
necessary to use Htramboats , which might
Interfere with the races. The program for
the coming event isii
Intermediate and senior double xcull race ,
senior pair oared , Intermediate and senior
blngto sculls , intermediate and senior four-
oared shells , Intermediate and senior elghl-
oared shells.
The challenge oups nnd plates of the na
tional association reward thu winners In the
tlvo largest events , and every oarsman und
sculler will receive n gold medal and a
hnndtome sill ; banner for his club. An ad
ditional prize of considerable value goea to
the ctow finishing Ilrst In the senior eight-
oared race. It Is a challenge cup presented
by Colonel Hilton and known us the Wood-
lawn park cup.
The regatta comm tie * co's Us cf Dr. Conrad -
rad Dehrens of Philadelphia , chairman ;
James R. Boyl2 of I'osloi , Ciarloj R Pelton
of Brooklyn , W. C Juppe of Dalrolt. Mich. ,
Fred R Kortmyer cf Nev/irk. N. J. For Iwo
years Secretary Fcrtmyer ha * been trying
to get the Amateur It swing as-jc.itlon ! of
London to send a crew ta thjs c untry to
take part In the a nal n rn ti b I wh p In
a , measure sue ess had ultindcJ his effort. ,
It Is not probable that they will come this
year. The executive board of the associa
tion will meet In the town hnll hero on the
evening of July IS , nnd will have before
them wvernl nnmtcura whose standing in
the a norlatlon Is a matter of doubt or
against whom complaints Imve been made ,
Tl'o game evening the regatta committee
will meet , nnd participants In Ihe nexl day's
oyenis will draw for pistllons At the snmo
time olllccrs of the course nnd referee will
be selected.
Hob Cnrtor Threw the Tutrnr.
KANSAS CITY , July 8.-Favorltes won In
Iho first three events nt Exposition park to
day. The books were unfortunate In the
two others. Bob Carter disappointed the
talent In the fourth race. Ho did not show.
The last race was the prettiest event of the
day , six horses coming In almost nose and
nose. It was some time before the judges
decided to give It to Lucky Dny , u 10 to 1
shot. Attendance good. Track fair. Sum
maries ;
First race , three-quarters of a mile : Lucy
Clark (2 ( to 1) ) won , Gertrude B (6 ( to 1) ) tec-
end , Hnskell (10 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : l19 ; 4.
Second race , lltree-qtmrters of n mile :
Charles Weber ( . ! to G ) won , Hatdln (10 ( to 1) )
second , Belle Stout ( S to 1) ) thlnl. Time :
Third race , five-eighths of a mile , selling :
Roy (3 ( lo 2) ) won , Susie F ( B to 2) second ,
Borderer (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time 1 OT >
Fourth race , one mile , celling Emm (2 ( to
1) won , Ten Spring (10 ( to 1) ) econd , Vnlde-
mar (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1IGV4.
Fifth race , nine-sixteenths of a mile : Lucy
Day (12 ( to 1) ) won. Momus ( I to 1) ) second ,
John P (10 ( lo 1) ) thlnl. Time : 0.57 % .
8 mv doini ; nt Illlnnubee.
MILWAUKEE. July -Duck Mnsslo did
not start In the Pflster Hotel handicap to
day , and It was an easy victory for Dlggs ,
with Montepcnso pecond. The horses run
well. Allcndance , l.BOO Sumnmtles :
First race , ono mile , for 3-j ear-olds that
have not won races this year of the value
of Jl.OOO , pur. c $100 : Madallno (4 to 1) ) won ,
Verdi ( lr to 1) ) second , Lucy Bell (3 ( to 10)
third Time : IMS'/ ,
Second race , live furlongs , for 2-year-old
Illlles , purse $300 Fay Belle ( I to 1) ) won ,
Hester (3 ( to 5) ) second , Ircno Woods (15 to 1)
Ihlrd Time1.02&
Third race , mile nnd a quirter , selling :
Florence P ( even ) won , Miss Young (4 ( to 1) )
second. King Dors ( S to 1) third Time : 2 08.
Fourth race , the Holel Pflslcr handicap ,
worth $750 lo winner , J180 lo second nnd 5120
lo thlnl. for B-ycar-olds nnd upwards , one
mileDlggs (3 ( to C ) won , Monlepenso U to
1) ) second , Fuller-ton Lass (13 ( to 1) ) third
Time : 1:4 : ! V4
Fifth race , one mile , selling , purse $300 ,
for 4-year-oldB and upwards. Emperara (5 (
to 2) ) won , Zaldlvnr (4 to C ) second , Weaver-
man (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time : IMS.
Ono ( loinl Itxto on the Cnrd.
NEW YORK , July 8. There was ono good
race at Brighton Deach , for the finish In the
fourth event was close enough to suit any
body. Wcrnberg , the favorite , made a stub
born fight , but was beaten half a length by
Dey del Carrers. Re ulls :
First lace , one mile. Aurcllan (15 ( to 1) )
won , Charade (10 to 1) second. Dally Ameri
can (3 ( to 5) third. Time1.41. .
Second race , live furlongs , selling : Lam
bent (1 ( to 5) ) won , Little Uorrltl (7 ( lo 2) ) second
end , Voncllu (1 lo 1) ) third Time : 1 01
Third lace , one-half milePerseus (8 ( to 1) )
won , Lorrle Klpp ( S to 5) ) second , Balmaghlo
(15 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 0 51
Fourth race , Ifandlcnp , six furlongs : Roy
del Carreres (1 ( to 0) ) won , Wcrnberg (2 ( to 1) )
second , Sir Excess (3 ( to 1) ) thlnl Tlmo 1 1C
Fifth , mile and a sixteenth , selling :
Captain T (5 to 2) ) won. Doggett (4 ( lo 1) ) second
end , Prig (7 ( to 1) ) third. Timel.r 0
Sixth race , one mile : Deer Sla > er (4 ( to 5) )
won , Fannie Louise (2 ( to 1) ) second , Cer
tainly (5 ( lo 1) third. Time : 1.45.
Til flit IKl Uoll.
SAN FRANCISCO , July S One favorite ,
three well played second choices and one
outsider nl 5 to 1 won the races today. Re
sults :
First race , five and n half furlongs , sellIng -
Ing : O'Bee (1 ( to 1) won. Ike L (11 ( to 1) r-cc-
end , My Chaim (7 ( to 2) ) third. Time. 1 08V4.
Second race , one-half mile , maiden 2-year-
olds : Linda Vista Illlj (5 lo 1) won. Waller
J ( fj to 1) second , Don I'edro (0 ( lo 1) ) Ihlrd.
Time- 50 .
Thlul race , one mile , selling : Miss Garvln
(5 ( to 2) ) won , Normandle ( even ) second ,
Claudius (8 ( to 1) third. Time. 1.42 4.
Fourth lace , II vo nnd a half fui longs , sellIng -
Ing : Goldbug (1 to 1) ) won , Mvron (7 to 2) )
second , Lady Jane ( U to 5) ) third. Time :
1 09H.
Fift race , live fuilongs , selling : Red
Dick U to 1) ) won. Tuxedo (2 lo 1) ) second ,
Wild Rose ( - ' lo 1) ) Ihlid Time : 1.02 % .
Innnrii tit Ili Kttr ( irmimtH
ST. LOUIS , July 8 The first day of Ihc
Fair assoclallon's exlended meeting was en
couraging. The attendance was good.
Weather line ; track fast. Results :
First race , purse , seven furlongs : Billy S
( even ) won , Russell Grej ( fi to 1) second ,
Lord Willow brook (10 ( lo 1) ) Ihlrd. Time :
Second raee , purse , four and a half fur
longs : Hoi fctuff rt to 1) ) v on , Cosraa ( LJ to 1) )
second. Midland (10 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 0.5S' < .
Third race , purse , mile and a sixteenth
Prince (21) ( to 1) ) won. Ml-s Gallop (7 ( to 1)
second. Sumo (2 ( to 1) third. Time : 1.52.
Fourth race , purse , six ard a half fur
longs : O'Cannell (1 ( to 10) ) won , Simmons ( fi
to 1) ) second , Tartarian (10 to 1) ) Ihlrd. Time :
Flfih race , purse , one mile : Our Maggie
( S to 5) ) won. The Kltlen (13 ( lo 5) ) second ,
Davesao (10 to 1) third. Time : 1:43. :
Moiv Inirk at Outley.
CINCINNATI , July 8. The track was
slow , being lumpy and sticky from yester
day's tain. Results :
Flret race , five and a half furlonw , so ling
Carl Holland (3) ( to 1) ) won , The Winner (11 (
to 20) ) second , Sldkel ( C to 1) ) third. Time
Second race , selling , seven furlongs : Pine
Top (11 ( to 5) ) won , Rampart ( S to 1) ) second ,
Troy ( GO to 1) ) third Time 1 32' ? .
Third race , purse , live furlongs : Miss
Frances ( - to 1) won , Phllclta ( i to 1) nee-
cud , Lucetta (10 ( lo 1) ) third. Time : 1 05 %
Fourth race , handicap , m le and an eighth :
Ptlnce Carl (7 to G ) won , Toots (3 ( to 1) ) sec
ond. Brendoo ( G to 5) ) thlnl. Time2.0 - >
Fifth race , purse , one mile : Uianlu (11 ( to
10) ) won , Artisl (7 ( lo G ) second , Slralhreel
(5 ( to 1) ) third , Tlmo : IMG .
1'HAt I'lll III ? 111 < OllllllbUf.
COLUMBUS , July 8 The summer meetIng -
Ing of the Columbus Driving association
opened today. The principal event of the
day was the free-for-all pace , which was
won by Rubensteln In three straight heats ,
the first two being the fastest that have
been paced this vear. Rublnsleln's lime was
2 OS ? , , 2.03'i , anil 2.09 He might have done
boiler had ho been pushed * Starplex was
second and Alvln Swift third.
Americans appreciate merit. Price's Bak
ing Powder has been prized in millions of
homes for almost half a century.
w _
IVhpnl fnnteX ut Mon * ( lly.
SIOUX CITY , July 8. ( Special Telegram )
Preparations are being made by the Inter
Ocean Wheel club of this city for a big
bicycle meel here about Iho middle of Au-
gusl. One of Iho fealures will be a road
race between Sioux City and Lemars , twen-
ly-lhree miles distant.
Allfin Minn nn n IMnkc.
HUNTERS QUAY. July 8. In the race for
the JO-raters under the nuspicas of Ihe Royal
Clyde Yacht club today , Niagara won In n
light bioeze The times at the llnlsh were
as follows Niagara , 2JO-E2 : ; Eucbarls ,
2 43 50 , Xlnlta. 2 5J 18 , Dakotah , 3.01.5J. Brit
annia and . .V.Isat'tc.U loaay In the race
for big yachts over Ihe course of the Royal
spa ffi. araas aja ajaa&ts/
The best baking powder made is , as shown
by analysis , the "Royal. "
Com'r of Health , New- York City. $
J ? )
.11II 111 IU.
One quart flour , one-half teaspoonful sugar ,
one teaspoonful salt , two large teaspoonfuls
Royal Baking Powder , one and one-quarter
pints milk. Sift together flour , sugar , salt
and powder ; add milk , and mix Into smooth
batter trifle slitter than for griddle caKe * .
Have griddle heated regularly all over , grease
It and lay on mullln rings , half fill them anJ
when risen well up to top of rings tuin over
gently with cake turner. They should nol
bo too brown. Just a buff coloor. When all
cooked , pull each open In half , toant deli
cately , butter well , serve on folded napkin ,
piled high and very hot.
Hot Illicult.
Oce quart flour , one teaspoonful salt , three
IviUpoonfuls Royal DaUr * t'oud-r. ono table-
Clyde Yaoht club from Hunters Quay nrouml
llagboatn off Shcltnorlle. Ascog nnd Kllcreg-
gan , twice around , total illtitanco about llfty
mile * . A fresh brcczo wa- < blowing from the
south nnd Alli was lending by 1.30 nt
the etui of the Ilrst round. When nearliiB
the llntMi at the cml of the second round
llrltnnnla sustained nn accident to dome of
her standing gear and \\un compelled to re
tire from the race. Allan thus got her first
win ,
5K.NT III'M , I.V J.Vl > i/.V.IA ; JIUX
Ulnbullrnl Attempt of a Ulrnnlnit Suitor to
Airngr I'll O n DUriimllturr.
TACOMA , July 8. Mrs. Majtlo Chambers
of Contrnlla has received an Internal ma
chine. Her father snys the box containing
the machine was addressed to bcr by Rev ,
I ) . P. Fuller , a Christian church minister ,
who was Jilted by Mrs Chambers In Chicago -
cage , nnd was list heard ol In Raleigh , S.
C. A year ago Fuller promised lo go away
and nol press his suit longer , but later
when he learncl that rumor coupled Mrs.
Chambers' name with lhal ot William Halo
of Ccnlralla , ho wrote her Be\cral letters
objecting to Halo's attention. No atten
tion was paid to his mlssl\es , and then
the infernal machine nrrhcd It consisted
of n box made to hold a physician's ther
mometer , with a plccn of Bannpapur under
the lid. A fulminating cau , a parlor match
and n bit of rubber band wore so arranged
as to Ignite the match nnd cap and cause
a largo dynamite bomb Just beneath the
cover to explode when the lid was with
drawn The country postmistress' curiosity
probably saved the woman's life , ns she
pried open the box when she saw the end
of sandpaper protrublng Ihrough n break
In Ihe package. The postal authorities and
the United States mnrshal are Investigating
with a > low of arresting the sender of the
Always beyond comparison the purity and
strength of Dr. Price's Daklng Powder.
3WTOII G.IK JU3ll'Kl ) fllR Tlt.lVK
Pernons S-crlonMy but Not Fntnlly In
jured In thn M rock.
CHICAGO , July 8. Five men were badly
Injured and several others bruised today by
a wreck on the Paulina street electric car
line. The car was running at a high rate of
speed , when , near Taylor street , 11 Jumped
the track and dashed into Ihe curb , breaking
Ihe motor car to splinters. The Injured were :
John bchazanka , laborer , botn legs broken
and Internally Injured.
Robert Stokes , clerk , arm broken and head
Andrew Gesklng , mechanic , Internally In
William Ballhar , motorman , arm injured
and head cut.
Frank J. Palera , laborer , cut about the
head and shoulders.
Several other passengers were cut and
bruised , but their wounds were not serious
The Injured were removed to hospitals and
their homes. Trafllc on Iho line was nol de
layed , as the wreck ran clear of the track.
The accident Is supposed to have been caused
by an obstruction on the rails.
AO a.tx o. > o. .1. it.
Arcliblxhnp Ivuln aotllvs n Long Standing
Controversy ut St. l.nuU.
ST. LOUIS , July S. ArchbUhop Kaln has
made a decision that removes the ban placed
by some priests on Grand Army funerals.
Under his ruling members of tlio Grand
Army of Ihs Republic allendlng funerals may
er.ler the church wearing their uniforms and
Insignia and may conduct funerals In ac
cordance with their ritual In Calhollc ceme-
lertes. Controversies on Ihls subject have
been frequent within Iho past few years and
many r cortege has found Its course abruptly
stayed by a priest who would not allow the
procession to enter Iho church or cemetery
wearing the uniform and insignia ot the or
der , claiming thai It would be an Infract.on of
Iho rules and principles of the Catholic
church. The question assumed such proportions
tions that some of the leading olllcers and
members of the Grand Army decided that au
understanding between the church and the
order should be reached that the veterans
might know how to govern themselves. The
decision of tno archbishop resulted.
Trnublo Fonrcil at Conrr d'Alnno.
BOISE , Idaho , July 8. There Is consider
able apprehension of trouble in Iho Couer
d'Alene. The recenl starting up of the greal
Bunker Hill and Sullivan mines on wages
lower Ihan Ihe union scale has been walcHed
wllh much Interest. It is now said that the
union ID preparing to make trouble. Gov-
3rnor McConnell has been advised thai Ihe
sheriff ( a miner's union man ) threatened to
< U = arm the employes of the mine. As a result
'ID has dispatched Adjutant General Cap\vell
to the scene with eighty stands of arms and
5,000 rounds of ammunition. He will muster
In a company of mllltlai composed of men
ready to defend the company's property.
I archly IiirriMslnir Oriental TrnUlc.
TACOMA , July S. The Northern Pacific
Steamship company has secured the big
frelghl fclcamer Elkdalo to add lo Its Tacoma-
Orlental line , making six steamships II now
has on Ihe roule. The Kfkdale lefl Yokohama
hama July 2 with 4,000 tons of freight for
Tacoma. The Strathnevls arrives today with
nearly 0,000 tons. Two sailing vessels of the
line are on Ihe way from Japan , bringing .1
total of 4,000 tons. It Is expected this will
bo Iho busiest shipping season Tacoma over
Torrlhlo I Ira In l'nru\Tiil ) ,
CORNWALL , Ont. , July 8. About fifty
houses have boon destioyed by flro al
Lornevlllc , and 800 people are rendered
homeless. Great distress prevails Ono
child was burned to death. Boys playing In
a house set lire to it and started the blaze.
A high wind was blowing , and the flamea
communicated rapidly wllh Ihe adjoining
houses , which vvero of wood , and In Ihren
hours the whole district was a smouldcilnj ,
mass of ruins.
I.nnir-Dr vrn-Out Will I otltclt Settled.
SAN FRANCISCO , July 8. When Joshua
Hcndey , a pioneer manufacturer of mining
machinery , died , he lett a ? > 00,000 estate tea
a nephew and niece. Illi brother , Samuel
Hondoy , contesled the will , and tlicro'wan
a long-drawn out battle In the probau
court here. The mailer baa now been torn ,
promised. Samuel Hendey Is to take $30,000
and will waive all 'claims to the estate.
A number of UIB legatees llvo In the eastern
ViilUyrlo Onltlnj ; Itrnily to Crrx * .
GLASGOW , July 8. Valkyrie HI was
toned to Meadowsldo this morning In older
to be doeked nnd titled oul forIho voyage
lo Now York. Captain Cianlltld , her com
mander , unjs he hopes to be ready to stait
on July 18.
spoonful ard , one pint iweet milk , cold ( never
use eour mlllv ) ; use cold water when milk
can not be obtained. Sift together flour ,
salt , and powder ; rub In lard rold ; add rnltk ,
form Into binooth , consistent dough , flour
the hoard and turn out dough. Roll out
to thlcknvs * of three-quarters Inrli , tut with
mnall round cutter ; lay Ihem closa logelher
on created luklng tin ; bake in good hot oven
Old biscuit can be made freuh by moistening ,
placing in oven until heated through.
ClMin Oinwcler ,
25 clams , ' , ; pound salt pork , chopped flue ,
G potatoes sliced ihln , 4 onion * sliced thin.
Put pork in kettle ; after cooking n short time
add potatoes , onions and Juice of iJanu
Cook 2' , & buurs , then add clams ; 15 mlnutts
before serving add 2 quarts milk.
More Tcnchcm In Denver Tlmii Unit lleon
DBNVnil , July S. During the past
twenty-tour hours there tins been a great
rush of Incoming delegates to the touchers'
convention. It was estimated that 13,000
delegates had arrived at noon today , and
that the total numb r , - otild exceed 14,000.
The regular trains line I 011 heavily loaded
and a dozen special trains besides have ar
rived since last night. The National Coun
cil of Kducatlon continued Its session Ihls
forenoon. President Rounds announced thn
following committee to formulate a planet
ot carrying Into ortect the suggestions ot
Dr. Sauln'a paper on "UnRradod Schools , "
rend on Saturday. S. A Hlnsdnlo. MIchN
gan. D. L. Klehle. Minnesota , J. R. Preston ,
Mississippi , George H. Drown , Illinois , and
Karl Barnes , California.
The report of the committee on podia
goglcs was presented by Dr. B. A. Hlnsdaloof
the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor , the
subject bolng "The I iws nt Mental Con-
Kt-ulty nnd Mental Knorgy Applied to Some
Pedagogical Problems "
The doctor showed thai the rules of teach
ing nnd the arrangements of studies should
conform to the peculiar conditions of the
pupil's mind , so thai menial power bo med
to best advantage nnd mental fatlgua
avoided. Ho dwelt upon the necessity of so-
nnnnglng studies thai ono shall not Intel-
fere with the bcsl treatment of another.
The paper of Dr Hltudnlc was discussed
by V. P. Brown of Bloomlngton , Ills , P L.
Louis , St. Louis ; Mrs. C. Williams. Ithaca.
N. Y. ; Joseph Baldwin , Austin , Tex , J II.
Baker , Boulder , Colo. ; Prof. Russel , Boulder ,
Colo. ; John W. Cook. Normal. Ill , L. H.
Jones , Cleveland , O. ; N. C. Shncffer , Harrisburg -
burg , Pa.
The supreme court room having proven too
small lo accommodate the largo number ot
spectators Iho afternoon session was htld
In Iho auditorium of the Denver High school.
The report of the committee on normal educa
tion was given by Its chairman , President
Cook of the Illinois Normal school. The
committee had secured Information from
sixty-three normal schools concerning their
customs regarding admission of students and
courses ot v\ork. The committee recom
mended that educational requirements for
admission bo not too high and thai the
practice bo Interspersed with theoretical study
after the first year of the normal course.
The latter proposition provoked a very ani
mated discussion , taken part In by N , C.
Shaeffer , Harrlsburg , Pa. ; S. G. Williams ,
Ithaca , N. Y. ; James M Green , Trenton. N.
J ; G. P. Brown , Bloomlngton , 111. ; Z. Rlch-
nrds , Washington , D C ; II. II. Zeerly , Cedar
Falls , In. ; B. Hlnsdale , Ann Arbor , Mich. ;
C. C. Rounds. Plymouth , N. H. ; Karl Barnes ,
Menlo Park , Cal. , and G F. Katon , one of the
first United Stales commissioners of educa
tion appointed by Presldenl Lincoln. It was
voted to have the paper printed.
Dcplornblo tonilltliin of the Colony Which
"ctllod in Mexico.
SAN ANTONIO , July S. Dr. II. C. Trol-
llnger , a prominent physician of this city
who was detailed ono month ago to visit
the negro colony at Tlahullllo In the state
of Dilrango , Mex. , nnd Investigate the real
situation and condition ot the negroes who
were removed there from Alabama and
Georgia last winter , has returned. He said
there were 900 negroes In the colony w ailed
In and closely guarded. Fully 50 per cent
are suffering from a disease resembling
malaria , from which a large number have
died. The doctor says the colony company
Is developing 52,000 acres of agricultural
land and working the negroes. As the
negroes are cltl/ens of Iho United Stales , tha
attention of Ihe Department of state nt Wash
ington will bo called to Iho condition of
affairs at the colony and an olllclal Investiga
tion requested.
Supplied under Koyal Warrants to
Her Majesty the Queen of England ,
and to His Eoyal Highness the Princa
of Wales.
Also the "Lniety. "
The following are some of ihe recent ad
ditions to our stock :
Lysol ,
Lycctol ,
Boro-lyptol ,
Tuka-Diastasc ,
Kola-Curdlnette ,
Honey-ol ( tasteless castor oil. )
Tr Adonl's Austlvall ,
Vln Kalafra ,
Full line P. D. & Co. Hypodermic Tab.
Full line Wycth's Tablet Trlluiates.
Sherman & McConnell
Drug Co. ,
The More where people go when they
want "just what the prescription calls for/ '
Is produced by the CUTIC-URA Ilrjii HIES when
ull other * fall. Tliej clcaiuo tlio
scalp of Irrlt illnc. iic.ily , i rusti-d ,
and Matcliy humorn , Htlmulata
thn lulr fulllcloi , nnd do tronit -
ciiucoiilc hired * which fred on
Hit hilrand lumca ui < < ( d when
- . . . the lint | ihlcl in * nnd till other
rf medic * full. HP ! , | tlirnuxhniit ih nrUl ,
Luke ,
And Every Night This Week *
Mma. Celeste and Prof. Le Burno.
Two Nights Only ,
Ilozlniilnt' Tuesday , July 0.
First Presentation In this City ot
-iiovrs URLATIST sucvuss-
With the original great cast heudcd by
Sain opens Monday morning at usual
Free !
l'iof U MOKIII3 will Kir * Irt IOCIUTM * t ll >
W miun i i lull I'-nmi ovr llonton flioro. nn t'i
n o ilnm nt .till ) 9. U. II , II and 13. 1'rco pul > >
In unmliulim if lai. * nut cenllrrnvu t tli
il'no of ri l | Ir-cturr l'rlllo * uinlnullen * Wa
iiih - ' i hTi. tl , inJ i.0 > ) , ra < ) i day at
-win , ! iVrli3'U