Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1895, Image 1

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Insurgent Trap for tbo Spanish Proves
Disastrous to Themselves ,
ITT- ' . ,
I'rccnatlonf Titken by tlio Hpnnlih Coin-
in anil nr Mxvod Him from Utter An
nihilation IimirnoiHi 1'ldl
In Disorder.
HAVANA , July 8. A serious engagement
has taken plao between the Paris troops
under the command ot Colonel Azuar and
General Antonio Maceo , at the head of a
largo force. Two hundred and eighty were
U appears that Major Sanchez received In
formation that a force of l.COO Insurgents ,
tinder the command of Rabl , had occupied
strong positions ncars Mazanlllo , province ot
Bantlago do Cuba , The major sent a mes
senger to his superior officer , Colonel Azuar ,
proposing to him that they should Join their
Ki. forces and make an altack upon the In
r - * , * . Burgents. The messenger , however , fell Into
i the hands of the Insurgents , who hanged him ,
and sent word to Major Sanchez In the name
of Colonel Azuar , to make an attack upon the
Insurgent position from a point which com
pelled the troops to approach the Insurgents
through a narrow thoroughfare. Major
Sanchez , recognizing the difficulty of the
movement which ho was apparently directed
by his colonel to execute , sent forward two
advance pickets of twelve and thirty men
respectively , under the command of two ser
geants , with Instructions to push forward to
the right and lo Ihe left ot the narrow thor
oughfare1 , far removed from them , and to be
careful to take up advantageous positions
from which they could protect the advance
of 'he main body of troops under Sanchez's
cortmond. The sergeants cleverly followed ou
the Instructions.
Major Sanchez then advanced carefully upon
the Insurgent position , prelecting his men by
every Inequal'ty of the ground. But , as he
expected , the troops were no sooner Inside
the defile than the Insurgents attacked then
In force. The first charges of the Insurgents
were made with enthusiasm , nnd their
machetes played havoc among the Iroops , wh
were hemmed In and unable to deploy on ac
count of the narrow road they had to follow
Hut It was hero that t'io Iwo advance plckel
under Iho Iwo sergeants came to the rescue.
From Ihelr elevated position they kepi a con
tinuous and well-directed fire upon the In
surgents within range , and eventually , as
sisted by a charge of the Spanish troops ,
compelled Ihem to retreat outside ot the de
file. The Spanish rushed forward then and
once In the open , they charged the Insur
gents with great courage and compelled them
to retreat hastily. The Insurgents Ihen
Boughl refuge In the strong position Ihey had
previously left In order to attack the Iroops ,
bul Iho soldiers carried Ibis position and put
tlw enemy to flight with the loss upon the
field of 280 killed. The troops lost fifty men
killed and one wounded. It was at first re
ported that the Insurgents were commanded
by General Maceo , but It was later learned
they were under Rabl alone , and that Maceo
took no part In the engagement.
Minister Eimtl * Freely DlRcuineR Intornu-
tlotml QucMtlnim nt I'urlH.
l * * PARIS , July 8. The Figaro publishes nn
Interview today with the United States am
bassador to France , Hon. J. B. Eustls , In
which ho Is reporlod as saying that nothing
> has yet been decided as to his candidacy
for the nomination to tbo presidency ot the
United States.
Respecllng Iho Japanese-Uhlneso war Mr.
Euslls Is quoted as remarking that ho re
gretted that the Japanese had not taken
Peking. The story of a secret treaty , ho
added , between Japan nnd the United States
as absolutely untrue. ,
"We have no treaty with Japan , " ho con-
Jnued , "other lhan the arrangement modi
fying former treaties , nnd oven this
does not como Into force for flvo years.
Besides , the United States adheres before
everything to the principle of nonintervention
tion In European nnd Asiatic affairs. "
With reference to Iho movement fa Canada
to separate Iho Dominion from Great Britain
Mr. Eustls said It rested entirely with the
United Slates as to whether Canada shoulder
or should not bo taken Into the confcderu
tlon of states , but the pcnplo ot the United
Stales preferred lo lei the question rest ,
while at the same llmo saying to Great.
Britain , "no nonsense , or wo will annex
Canada. "
Regarding the Insurrection In Cuba , Mr.
Eustls Is reported as having admitted thai
American sympathies favored the Insurgents
who found In the United States , unknown
to the government of that country , as
sistance of all kinds. In conclusion Mr.
Eustts Is quoted as saying : "If the Insur
gents " can maintain the strugelo for a year
I am "not sure that Spain will not havt
futilely spent her money on a costly ex
periment. "
Mr , Eustls was questioned today In regard
to the alleged Interview with him published
In Iho Figaro this morning. He said : "I
have not been Interviewed and have , not con
sented .to or authorized the publication of an
opinion from myself on any of the questions
discussed In the alleged Interview. "
Cuban Force I to Ho I nrgrly Augmented
the Present Senson ,
HAVANA , July 8. Generals Salcedo and
Kazan , while out scouting In the fields noai
Yateras , had a skirmish with the Insurgents
who left ten dead upon the field. On Ihe sldi
ot Iho troops two soldiers wore killed anc
six were wounded.
General Navarro has had an engagemenl
with the Sousoza band of Insurgents at Botlja
Bantlago do Cuba. The Insurgents lost t\v <
killed , left two wounded behind them and tr
addition Iho Spanish troops captured two pris
oners. Captain General Martinez do Campo
bas Issued a proclamation saying thai all In
surgents captured with arms In their pos
session will hereafter be summarily tried bj
court martial and shot. Those who consplrt
against the Integrity of the nation will b <
Bent to the African penitentiaries and thosi
who surrender wilt bo released ,
At Managua , near Matanzas , an Insurgenl
band consisting ot about thirty men hai
plundered three stores.
During the present month reinforcement
of 10,000 men will leave Spain for Cuba , am
during the month of October and the earl ;
part of November additional reinforcement
to the number of 00,000 troops will be een
from Spain to Cuba , All the steamers of tin
Spanish line will bo chartered lo send tin
troops hero.
Dlntriifttliif ; Europcun
COLON , Colombia , July 8 , Peruvian golc
Is attracting Australian miners , who proposi
fettling In Peru. The Chilian Times ve
bcmontly opposes the contemplated purchati
of tbo property nnd assets ot tbo Peruvlai
corporation by the French. It gives stalls
tics to chow that European syndicates sys
tematlcally swindle the South Amerlcai
republics , which generally receive but smal
fractions of the loans raised for them.
Armed I'eiioo Prevail ! at San SnlVHilnr.
SAN SALVADOR , July 8. A sort o
armed peace prevail ! . Troop * patrol tin
street ! and surround all thn public build
Inga. There have been R number ot ttrce
conflicts , In some of which the police er
r whipped , Three foreigners are Bald to huv
'i been expelled from the country. There I
a itrlct presi censorship.
Chlrt Clnreuctt Oolnjj to
COLON , Colombia , July 8. U Is stale
here that ex-Chief Clarence , formerly of th
Mosquito territory and now a British pec
sloner at Kingston , Jamaica , Is going to Eng
land In order to formulate the claims which
ho makes against the government ot Nica
( lovorntnont Official * in Salvador DUtrnit
the Kegulur Army.
SAN SALVADOR , July 8. Arrests con-
llnuo to be made here dally In connection
with the attempted kidnaping ot President
Gutierrez on July 4. The garrison Is under
arms night and day and the enlisting of men
Is being carried on vigorously. The govern
ment Is distrustful of the regular troops , as
It Is known that many conspirators are In
he ranks. An angry and drunken mob ,
.vhlch . has been gathering , Is a source ot
nuch alarm to the government and tho.'o
Illzens who dcslro to avoid on uprising.
The move Is being harangued by stuJents
who are bitter against the government ,
'osiers are up over the entire city calling on
'resident Gulterrez and his cabinet to re
ign. It Is openly asserted on the street !
hat some of those arrested during the knd
aping episode have been shot. Several vol-
eys of small arms wore hoard In the Interior
f the courtyard prison today.
'rovlnclal Election * to Ho Held Next hat-
urilay nnil In London Monday.
LONDON , July 8. The marquis of Salis
bury , Baron Habbury , the lord- high chan
cellor and the marquis of Lansdowne , secretary -
rotary ot stale for war , attended the meet-
ng of Iho privy council held In Windsor
casllo at 2 o'clock this aflernoon , at which
the queen signed the proclamation dlssolv-
'ng Parliament and the order to Issue writs
for Iho general elections.
The bulk of the provincial elections wtl
take place on Saturday next and the elec
tions In London will occur on Monday.
The lists Isued Ibis evening show Ihere
are 118 scats wtthoul liberal candidates and
twenly without unionist candidates.
Premier of Sptln Sa } Decisive Operations
Cunnot Comtm-uco tit 1'rescnt.
PARIS , July 8. The Gaulols today pub
lishes an Interview with the Spanlsl
premier , Senor Canovas del Castillo , In
which the latter Is quoted as saying lha
Iho climate of Cuba prevented decisive
operations , against the Insurgents for thti
presenl. The premier added , according lo
Iho Gaulols , that the rebellion was entirely
Ihe work of foreign advenlurers , bul he
was glad lo say that the Insurgent supplies
of arms and ammunition , coming chiefly
from the United States and neighboring
countries , had diminished owing to thp cor
reel and energetic action of the United
States government.
Dominion 1'arlluim-nt l.tkely to Dlnolvo.
MONTREAL , Quebec , July 8. It Is statei
freely today by members of Parliament wh
know that the dissolution of Ihe Domlnlo ;
Parliament Is near at hand. The Frenc !
members have for some days been ready wit !
a vote of censure ot the government for thel
Inaction In regard to the Manitoba schoo
question , but the liberal English member
refused to support It. Mackenzie Bowell 1
lo resign ehortly nnd Hon. John Haggart
minister of railways and canals , It Is said
will be the coming premier , and he Is the on
who has sufficient command of the part ,
organlzallon to attempt to keep the con-
servallves In power. A general election will
shortly follow.
Severn Kitrtliqimlcu lit Austria.
TRIESTE , Austria , July 8. A severe shock
of earthquake occurred today at Laubach ,
Austria , which damaged many houses. Lau
bach Eiiftere.1 a series of severe earthquake
shocks on the night of April 14 of this year ,
and they continued with unabatlng severity
during April 1C , 17 and 18. Nearly all the
Inhabitants fled from the town and camped
In the field , and were confirmed In Ihelr
fears by another severe shock on April 22.
After Ihcy had commenced lo return lo Ihe
damaged town there wns again a shock on
April 20 , which renewed the terrors of the
citizens. Since then Ihere has been a slight
hock on May 31.
Plotting Agiilnut JH | > I IIOI Infliii nee.
LONDON , July 8. A dispatch to the Times
rom Kobe , Japan , says an attempt has been
made at Seoul to arrest Prince Pek , the
tome minister. It Is surmised the affair Is
connected with an attempt of the queen's
parly to overthrow Japanese ascendancy In
Lord ItohcrlR Hut .Not Declined.
LONDON , July 8. It Is learned that It is
untrue that Lord Roberts has declined the
position of comniander-In-chlef of the army.
Loan itt n rreminm.
. LONDON , July 8. The Standard's Paris
correspondent says the Russo-Chlna loan Is
quoted at 2V4 premium.
Ministerial i rlsm In Chill.
SANTIAGO DE CHILI , July 8. The mln-
sterlal crisis threatens to Involve Ihe resig
. nation ot the president.
Differences llotireen the Factions In a Irnlr
Wnv for Settlement.
ATLANTIC CITY , N. J. , July 8. This city
Is overrun tonight with Elks who have come
to attend the third annual session ot the
grand lodge of Elks , which will open here to
morrow. The convention promises lo be
Iho grealest In the history of the order.
The western delegations have all arrived.
All the prominent hotels are decorated beauti
fully and the Atlantic avenue business houses
are almost concealed beneath a wealth of red ,
white and blue. At a meeting today between
Grand Exalted Ruler Hay and Mead F.
Delwller of Harrlsburg , who was elected
grand exalted ruler by the Buffalo faction ,
It was agreed to compromlse-tlie differences
existing between the Iwo facllons. Mr.
Delwller cpmes here with full authority to
act and It Is now asserted as a scaled fact
that the order will be united before the
convention adjourns , which will be on Friday ,
probably. The grand lodge will convene at
10 o'clock tomorrow morning at Morris
Guards armory. William G. Meyers of
Philadelphia Is an avowed candidate for the
: office of grand exalted ruler , and It seems to
be the general opinion that he will be chosen.
Twenty thousand oul of a total membership
ot 2S.OOO Elks In the country will be repre
sented at the meeting. A monster parade
will take place on Wednesday , when It Is
expected between 6,000 and 8,000 Elks will
be In line.
Cuttlemon Must Vuiatv the VonLn l.amU
! In the Territory.
WICHITA , Kan. , July 8. J. B. Brown ,
! superintendent of Iho Ponca Indian school at
Ponca , I. T. , who Is enroute to Denver with
three educated Indians to attend the National
Educational convention , gave the particulars
here today ot a decision which was handed
down by the Interior department on Saturday
and which U causing a commotion among cat
tlemen. The 600 Ponca Indians own 60,000
acres of grazing land , most of which has
been leased to the cattlemen at 10 cents per
acre. The depredations ot the cattle have
made farming on the reservation unprofitable ,
and the Indians have long desired to lease the
land to farmers. This the cattlemen have
opposed. The Interior department has de
cided , however , that the land may be leased
for farming purpoies at from 25 to 50 cents
per acre. The cattle will be forced to leavn
at the expiration of the leases.
Chinch llue § llnlnir Diimaco In Tenne ee.
NASHVILLE , July S.-Swnrms of chinch
bugs are doing Bleat damage to crops In
Williamson , Rutherford and Davidson coun
ties , In tome localities having made a clear
sweep. The state commission of agriculture
has hud Us exports ) making Investigation :
and It has bc * > n decided that Infected huta
brought front Kansas nnd Illinois will b
UEtid to spread disease ainotur all destroyer *
of the crops.
Ex-Secretary John W. Foster Qivos His
Views on Oriental Affairs.
Terim Clrantcil China tiy .Inpan Very Liberal
Umler the Clrciinistancrs Celestials
Can Uimlly HttUo the
WASHINGTON , July 8. Ex-Secretary of
State John W. Foster arrived In Washington
today from China , where he has taken a con
spicuous part In the diplomatic branch of the
China-Japan conflict. Ho Is fatigued with his
long Journey , but Is otherwise In vigorous
health , notwithstanding the hardships Incident
to the close of Ihe eastern war. Mr. Foster
would not consent to an Interview until he
rested and examined his baggage. He brings
a fund of Information on the status of the
apanese-Chlncso struggle and the Interesting
etalls of the peace negotiations In which he
iok a personal part.
In answer to Inquiries , Mr. Foster made a
; atement In which ho said there was good
eason to expect permanent peace between
apan and China as the result of the treaty
f Shlmoneslkl. The terms demanded by
apan may , ho said , under the circumstances
10 regarded as reasonable , and especially In
lew of the cession of the Llao Tong penln-
ula. The treaty has been observed and car
ed out by China with scupulous good faith
ler conduct In this respect has created a
ery favorable Impression In Japan. The
an Just concluded through Russian Influence
111 enable China to pay the first two Install
nents of the Indemnity. These two Install
ments cover half of the Indemnity , and the
ialanco , extending over six years , will b <
omparatlvely an easy burden for the Chinese
; overnment , If any skill Is shown In the man
gement of the Imperial revenues.
The country has great resources and hai
ever yet failed In Its financial engagements ,
lence the peace concluded at Shlmoneslkl I
lot likely to bo broken on account of tin
hortcomlngs cf China. If a rupture occurs , 1
s moro likely to be brought about by the In
ermeddllng of the European powers.
The Intervention of Russia on account o :
ho terms of peace was not unexpected , am
s not unnatural , In view of her predomlnat
ng Interest In the Orient , especially on th
rth Pacific coast of Asia. That Franc
'ollowed the lead of Russia created no sur
prise In the east , but that Germany Ehoul
unite with them In a display of force agalns
'apan was entirely unexpected , and Is no
. ct understood. British residents In Chin ;
and Japan are very bitter In criticizing thel
government for Its abstention In the matter ,
They allege that Its failure to Join with th <
other powers In rearranging the terms ha
est for their country the prestige , and ha
eft Russia a free hand in its influence ani
control at Peking.
Of all the countries diplomatically concerned
corned In the contest , the United States
como out of It with the better grace than th
other. From the first , her Interest has bee
recognized by both belligerents as purely dls
nterested , her only desire being to render
such service as would bring about an honor
able and lasting peace. The conduct ot the
State department In Its very delicate relations
with both combatants has been marked by
gcod Judgment and by few mistakes , and the
; oed offices of our ministers and consuls In
China and Japan , where they represented the
nterests of both governments , have ben very
useful and highly appreciated by both.
Being asked why he declined the Invitation
to remain In China as the adviser of the gov
ernment , Mr. Foster said he had spent the
greater portion of the past twenty-flvo years
In foreign lands , and while his residence
abroad had been generally a pleasant one , he
has found no country equal to his native
land , and he desired to spend the remainder
of his llfo In his native country. He con
fessed that If the Invitation had come five or
ten years earlier , he would probably not have
declined It.
Armament of Lighter Culilicr iinil Stronger
Construction Ilclnp : Subitltutccl.
WASHINGTON , July 8. Consul Monaghan ,
at Chemnitz , Germany , has made a report to
the State department on armor and pro
jectiles for naval warfare. In' which he says :
Naval nations have begun to think of abolishing
ishing heavy guns for guns of lighter caliber
and stronger construction. " He says that ex
periments In steel-bound paper tubes are be
ing talked of , but no tests have yet been
Mr. Mondghan says thai Iho Germans are
very much Interested la a new process tor
hardening steel by means of gas. "Tho In
vention , " ho continues , "originated In the
French steel and Iron firm , Schneider & Co. ,
of Crenuzot. The process la based on the
fact that gas under great heat deposits car
bon In solid form. On Ibis depends Its light
effects and also the formation of the so-
called retort graphites , a thick covering of
pure carbon on the walls of the gas like re
torts. The gas that strikes the retort wells
deposits part of Its carbon on them and
Schneider uses this for cementing a steel
armor plate. " This plan , says the chief of the
ordnance bureau of the United States navy ,
for hardening steel , described by Consul
Monaghan and called the Schneider process. Is
practically the Harvey process. Carbon Is
Introduced Into the plates In much the same
way. So far as the ordnance bureau has been
able to learn , the armor plates used In the
United States are as good as any that have
been made abroad.
Dully \Veathor Mefiucea Will Ite Iteaumed
nt Forecint lilnp ny Htntlnn * .
WASHINGTON. July 8. The resumption of
the old plan of forwarding dally weather
messages , except on Sunday , to all forecast
display stations receiving such Information
by government telegraph service , was decided
upon by the Agricultural department today.
It Is the first Important scheme tor Improv
ing the forecast service to be put Into opera
tion by Chief Moore of the weather bureau.
The present system of sending these mes
sages only when decided changes In the
weather conditions are expected , was found
objectionable , as tending toward Indifference
and neglect and many urgent requests for
a change were filed. The resumption of
the plan , approved this afternoon by Acting
Secretary Dabney , has been under advise
ment for some time , but was delayed largely
owing to ex-Chief Harrington's opposition.
The dropping of the dally service has resulted
In several ot the oldest and bept qualified
observers und dlsplaymen leaving the service
owing to dissatisfaction with Irregular fore
cast reports.
Having a Heirln ;
WASHINGTON , July 8. The late advices
received by the State department from Cuba
relative to Sangutly and Augere , the natural
ized Americans , who have been under
arrest there for several months on charges
ot complicity In the rebellion- , are to the
effect that they are now under trial , which
may be long drawn out , owing to the fact
that In at least one case the proceedings are
civil , as well ai criminal and political. How
ever , as fair progress U being made , accord
ing Jo the Spanish practice , and as the men
have the best of counsel , and their caees are
being closely watched by the American can-
sul general , the ? tate department Is not dis
posed lo make U a matter of camplalnt.
l e tnll In thn A-mr itn I Nat jr.
WASHINGTON' July 8. Lieutenant W. C
P. Mulr has been detached from the LlnJsiy
J lntltute at Wheeling , W. Va. , and ordered tc
duty on the Mchlcan. Assistant Constructor
D. C. Nulling has been ordered ! to duty In
the bureau of construction , Navy department ,
from whence ho will go to the Norfolk navy
yard. Ensign C. T. Uogelvesang la detached
from the Mohican and given { hreo mpnths'
leave. Captain Fayctta W. Rowe , Third In
fantry , has been detached to attend the en
campment of the Wisconsin National Guard
at Camp Douglas , from" July 22 to August
17 , In place ot Major Charles Hobart , Fif
teenth Infantry.
Insidious UlscaieI'laylng. . Havoc with the
Live * of 1'entlvo llarnynnl Turkey * .
WASHINGTON , July 8. Experts of the
Agricultural department have been carrying
on an exhaustive Investigation of Infectious
diseases' among poultry. The prevalence of
protosoa among lurkeys was the subject of
a special Inquiry. The results show that the
disease atlacks the young by preference
and that Infection does not take place later
on. It runs no regular course , but varies
In severity , duration and termination.
Though restricted to the caeca and the
llvor , Its action Is severe enough to prove
fatal to many affected lurkeys. The dis
ease process Is always associated with a
prolosean parasite of very minute size.
Certain flocks only are affected , and the
sense becomes perpetuated and diffused
nong neighboring flocks. The remedy
ecommendcd by the department Is to en-
rcly destroy the diseased flocks and ob-
iln now animals elsewhere , after a thor-
ugh cleansing and disinfection of Iho ter-
lory occupied by Iho diseased fowls.
Only n I ow SIIIIIKI ; | < | Over.
WASHINGTON , July S. The treasury of-
clals have received no Information In con
rmatlon of the report from Montreal that
nlted States custom officers there had dls-
overed that large numbers of Chinamen
ere being smuggled Into Iho United States
om Canada , nor have the officials any
nformatlon of there having been Iwelve
r any mumber of ofllcers senl to Montreal
n this mission as stated. While It la prob-
bly true that an occasional Chinaman suc-
eeds In getting across the lines It Is not
ellevcd that 300 or any considerable num-
er have been smuggle Into this country.
Western I'ontnt'istcrs Appointed.
WASHINGTON , July 8. ( Special Tele-
ram. ) W. M. Bird was. today appointee
ostmasler at Nlles , Floyd county , la. , vice
C. Buosall , removed. A postofilco has
een established at Colton , Cheyenne county
\eb. , with Valclav F. Kucera as postmasler
The comptroller of the currency has ap
roved the Hanover Nallonal bank of New
fork as a reserve agent for the First Na
tonal bank of Stuarl , la.
Preparing for the UrlrtMoii'B Trlnl Trip.
WASHINGTON , July 8. Secretary Herber
as directed Commander Bradford to go t
Vew London , Conn. , and lay out a course In
, eng Island found for the trial of the torpedo
ioat Erlccson , which Is still awaiting ber
Inal trial. The coast survey steamer Bache
fill survey the course , which will be twenly-
our knols , wllh buoys every Ihrce knots , so
hai Iho speed of the vessel may be deter
mined at every point.
Pchnoni'r CanUzml In Lnlce Michigan.
WASHINGTON , July 8. A telegram from
Michigan City , Ind. , states that the schooner
Hay Brown capsized near the life saving stolen
lon at 8 o'clock last , night , the crow of three
persons belng saved In the surf boat.
Movements of'N Tul Vessels.
WASHINGTON , July S. The Atlanta sailed
from Port au Prince to "Santiago de Cuba.
The J'etrel has sailed from Hlago- Yolto-
Secretary of Iho KnlRlits of Lahir Created
n Sentutlnn In OrQrtnl Circlet.
KANSAS CITY , July 8. Kansas Clly's
councilmcn.aro In hot water and are threat
ened with a rope and cross arm. Local as
sembly No. 3839 , Knlghls of Labor , filed a
communication to the mayor and city coun
cil demanding municipal ownership of the gas
works today , and T. W. Gllruth , recording
secretary of the assembly , created a lively
scene In the city clerk's office by accusing
certain councllmen of unfairly treating the
people. When Gllruth1 entered the city
clerk's office he threw the document on the
desk with a rap of his knuckles and said to
Councllmen Brown and Kldwell , who were
standing near :
"Wo mean business , gentlemen. You must
not Ignore the rights of Iho people In Ihe
manner cuslomary with the council for some
time past. "
The councllmen made " a sharp retort ,
whereupon Gllruth continued : "It Is plain to
us that the council has been engaged In
crooked business , and Iylll tell you very
plainly thai Ihe people are getting exasper
ated. If this thing continues , sir , we will
visit you with ropes. " After a few moro hot
words Gilruth hurried away.
Arranging to Koce ve thn Kndeuvorcrx.
BOSTON. July 8. Tho' reception commit
tees ot the Clirl.Ulan Endeavor convention
received their assignments today. Tomor
row the first of the big delegations are ex
pected , when the Endeavorera from Michigan ,
COO strong , and the Pennsylvania ) delegation i
of 2,000. will arrive. Wednesday will be the >
day of days. Delegation from all sections will
then pour Into the Hub on excursion trains.
The delegates will meet , on Boston Common
and In Die public garden. In the latter place
the most beautiful emblems have been laid
In flowers and plants. At both main en-
tarnces rustic arches .are built , and borderIng -
Ing the walks are arranged significant quota
tions In flowers. Indicative ot the alms of
the society , while the wealth of the city's
floral houses are scattered all about the place.
Whnlctnlo Arrests \Vhltccupplng. .
WICHITA , July 8. Tyvenly farmers ot
Kingfisher , Okl. , were arrested at Hennessey
today for whltecapplng John Flynn , uncle of
Delegate Dennis Flynn of Oklahoma. . He
took up a lot of land about six months ago
that the farmers were Using for grazing pur
poses , and since then , ho has been In bad
odor with them. Last Thursday Mrs. Flynn
and a neighbor named Mrs , Maxwell had a
row over the mailer , "wljlcb so Inlenslfled the
feeling that the neighbors went to Flynn' . !
houeo last night , drove off bis stock , pulled
down his fence , broke $ ls furniture and or
dered him to leave the , neighborhood ,
Sntnlll Kelnitatrs p-a'tlior'oroj.
DENVER , July 6. Father Mariano Le
Pores has again assumed ) charge of tbo Mount
Cannel Italian Catholic fhurch In North Den
ver on a temporary1 order of reinstatement
from Mgr. Satolll. Fatlnr-Le Pores' faculties
were withdrawn by Bishop Matz. Charges
had been made agalnsl him and an Investiga
tion begun , which was not.completed , thereby
leaving a stigma on the prlost. Mgr. Satolll
advised Father Robinson , the vicar general ,
to restore Le Pores pendngia | lull and complete
Investigation Into whatever charges there
may be against him.
Militia omcrra Charccrt if1 Dnpotlim.
RICHMOND , July 8. In a letter published
there this afternoon the Board of Trade o
Pocahontas , Va. , charges Major W. E
Simons , who has command of the Virginia
troops there , with bslng too autocratic , an :
Intimates that the toldlers are being used
In the Interest of the coal operators. The
stalement fays persons are made to work
agalnet their will , and that Innocent citizens
are arrested , placed In prison , kept there for
days and never given a hearing. Major
Simons Is pharged with making fake state
ments In bis letter * 'Ith reference to affaln
there. -
Ills Dltrh of a I'larer Compiny ,
RAWLINS , Wyo. . July S. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The tubcontract for the "West Sldi
Pltcer company's ditch at Four Mile hat
been let to Corry Bros. 3t Ogden , Utah , wh <
are now hiring men and teams and forward
'ng supplies. The ditch will be forty mllet
long , twelve feet wide at the top and fou
feet deep. C. P. Allen of Denver baa tht
contract fcr piping.
First Reports Convoy Only a Partial Idea
of the Damage Dono.
Two Hundred Square Miles Devantatcd by
the Wnrrlng lUeiuonts Wind und
Kaln Cnlto In n Destruc
tive Content.
KANSAS CITY , July 8. Reports of storms
during the past three days como from over a
large territory and show thai Ihe enllre eastern
watersheds ot the Rocky mountains from the
Iowa and Nebraska lines to Texas were swepl
by a storm. Friday night the severest blow-
came. Reports of loss ot life nnd destruction
of property came with every telegram , and
the downpour , first regarded as a blessing ,
grew Into a wave of devastation. Fields of
grain that promised the most bountiful yields
In many years were swept bare of vegetation.
In several Instances the seas of rain were
abetted In their work of deslructlon by tor
nadoes. II Iff lee early yet to sum up the
total loss , but the total Is appalling and
those to whom the angry elements spared
llfo have llttlo left to sustain them.
The storm focus embraced an area of 200
square miles , with the soulhwestern corner
of Missouri as the center. The greatest loss
of llfo Is reported from WInona. Mo. , where
eleven corpses have been found with as many
more missing.
At Baxter Springs , In southwestern Kansas ,
five were killed and eleven seriously Injured
by a cyclone' thai accompanied the storm.
Ono person was drowned at Columbus' and two
at Ottawa , Kan. At Van Buren , Ark. , a
mother and her babe were drowned. A
family of five was encamped on the bank of
Fish creek In the Indian Territory. Nothing
of them or their belongings has been found
except a part of their wagon on a pile of
driftwood. Al Thomasvllle , Mo. , where Ihe
rainfall was four inches In ono hour , five
persons were lost.
Unconfirmed reports are received of loss
of life as follows : Three at Faycttevlllc ,
Ark. ; one at Paola , Kan. ; one at Richardson ,
Kan. , and six of a hunting party In the
Indian Territory. This gives a known and
probable loss of forty-lhreo lives. This
lotal will bo Increased when the receding
waters permit a thorough search.
The loss In properly can be placed In Ihe
millions. Dwellings , fences and farm build
ings were carried off and highway and rail
road bridges swept away. Thirty of the
elghly buildings ? In WInona succumbsd. Five
residences , a church and a warehouse wen'
down at Baxter Springs. Six bridges wen
out In Russell county , Kansas. Abou
Jefferson City , Mo. , many square miles of
growing grain were destroyed. Traffic on
he Fort Scott & Memphis railroad Is tempo
rarily suspended. Reports of damage to
> ropcrty other lhan above noted come from
Ivo points In Kansas , nine In Missouri , six
n Arkansas , and two in the Indian Territory
Details of Individual suffering and experl
ences would fill volumes. It recalls all th
lorrors of the Johnstown disaster.
lnny fectlons of the West UamnRed bj
' ' " ' the Floods.-
WINFIELD , Kan. , July S.-fThla section
vas visited by a wind storm yesterday whlcl
was followed by the heaviest rain that ha
'alien ' this season. Considerable damage wa
done to crops.
GUTHRIE , Okl. , July 8. A lerrlflc hat
and wind storm prevailed here last night
Hall fell as large as hen's eggs , doing a :
nimense amount of damage to crops an
breaking hundreds of windows. In one town
ship there was a waterspout and a numbe
of bridges were washed away and othe
damage done.
NEVADA , Mo. , July 8. The heavlesl rain
'all In this section for many years has falle
lero for the past several days. The Marma
.on river has overflowed thousands of acre
of growing crops , badly damaging then
Corn Is uninjured.
SPRINGFIELD , Mo. , July 8. A sever
electric und rain storm swept along Ih
James river and as far south as Chrlstla
county last night. Live stock was killed by
wind and lightning nnd crops badly damaged.
Sparta was In the line of Ihe storm and
three houses there were struck by lightning
and destroyed.
TOPEKA , July 8. The Rock Island rail
road reports a heavy wind storm at Can
ton , McPherson counly , yesterday afternoon.
A dozen houses were blown down. No fatali
ties are reported.
FORT WORTH , Tex. , July 8. A report
was received here today giving meager de
tails of a cyclone which struck Chlckasaw ,
I. T. , last night about 9 o'clock. Several
buildings were blown down , among which
was the Rock Island freight depot and a
large grist mill near by. The storm passed
Hennessey , doing much damage. Nobody
killed so far as known.
TOPEKA , July 8. A severe rain storm
visited this town last night. The wind blew
a gale and the rain fell In torrents. Th :
slreams are rising rapidly. The wind blew
down many Ireps and outbuildings and took
Iho roof oft Ihe new mill here , bul no damage
was done to crops , so far as reported. At
Neodasha It blew over several buildings.
CHETOPA , Kan. , July 8. Lasl night a
tornado swept over this region , doing con
siderable damage to growing crops. It also
did great damage to many buildings , tearing
down awnings , porches and outbuildings. The
smokestack of the electric light plant was
blown down , enveloping the lown In darkness.
The storm lasted aboul an hour and came
from Ihe wesl.
The Iransmlssourl freight rate committee
Is called to meet at the Hotel Lafayetle ,
Lake Mlnnetonka , Friday , July 12. Repre-
senlallvcs of the Elkhorn , Burlington and
Union Pacific will be present from Omaha.
Freight Traffic Manager J. A. Munroe of the
Union Paclflc Is on the line and will Join
the parly ot officials at some point In the
west.FREDONIA , Kan. , July 8. A blinding
rain storm , accompanied by high wind , passed
over this locality , extending throe miles north ,
yesterday at 3 o'clock , lasting forty minutes.
There was fully four Inches of water fell ,
washing away sidewalks , and /or a time the
Missouri Pacific railway tracks were under
water. At La Fontaine , Kan. , nine miles
south , the residence of R. Giles was blown oft
the foundation and burned up , and at New
Albany , Kan. , eight miles west , the roof of
the brick school house was blown away ,
damaging the building to the amount of
$1.000 , also Ihe Christian church In course of
construction was leveled to the ground. The
family of John Cox , consisting of his brother ,
wife and seven children , six miles south , while
crossing a small stream was thrown from a
buggy Into tbo water , but fortunately man
aged to reach a landing.
ARDMORE , I. T. , July 8. A terrific elec
tric , rain and wind storm swept over this sec-
lion aboul 0 'o'clock last night , doing great
damage , In certain localities the force of Iho
wind equalled a tornado. The main force
of the storm seems to have spent Itself about
fifteen miles southeast and near Marietta ,
I. T. , where a number of houses were blown
down. Bob Brazlles * house was blown from
over Ihe heads of himself and family , nnd
they had a narrow eicape. Ono Hudson was
killed by lightning at Bob Station , twenty
miles t'outh of here. The large store of M. F.
Michael t Co. was blown down. The win !
swepl everything In Its path for an area of
a mile and a half and cevera ! miles In length.
Corn fields , buildings and fences were laid
low. A full account of the damage at thli
hour cannot be ascertained on accounl of the
wlrea being proslrated.
SALINA , Kan. , July 8. A hall storm , ac
companied by a heavy wind , swept over the
couthwest part ff this county , doing a great
amount of damage. At Bridgeport the Smoky-
Hill river Is out ot Its banks and Ihe entire
town Is under water. Great apprehension U
felt for fear this city will be inundated , aa
the river Is nearly out of Its banks and Is
steadily rising. Many farms tire submerged
southwest ot this city.
Ill } I HAI.l'Ol'THi : HOllKOH
\Vlnoua Completely Wiped Out by Iho "
Storm of Itnlit nnd Wind.
SPRINGFIELD , Mo. , July 8. The reports
ot the flood and disaster at WInona , Mo. ,
published heretofore are now known to have
told only part ot the horrors of the disaster.
Owing to the fact that WInona Is In a
mountainous region almost Inaccessible by
wagon and thai Iho railway Is washed away
news ot Ihe flood Is hard to obtain. Rail
way connections will be established this
afternoon by running a Iraln on ellher end
of the Current river branch ot the Kansas
City , Fort Scotl & Memphis road , but It will
bo several days before the gap can bo
closed , as Ihe grading has been washed out
for a long distance. Several officials ot the
road and other parties of this city left for
WInona on n special train this morning to
render all assistance possible to the flood
rtrlckcn people.
The bodies of Rev. W. G. Duncan and daugh
ter. Mattlc , and Miss Norma Nevlns were
found aboul noon yesterday under a largo
drift of broken timbers about a mlle below
WInona. Also the body of an unknown man.
who was stopping at one of the hotels and
was not missed until his body was found.
A terrible stench arises from the mass ot
hogs , horses , cattle and olher animals
drowned. II Is charged lhat some of the
visitors , men and women , are stripping and
appropriating everything of value.
Fet several miles below WInona may bo
seen wagons , household goods of all kinds
and dead animals scattered In all directions.
Over 200 people were searching yesterday for
dead bodies. The body of George Evans'
daughter was found this forenoon. The
body of Lloyd Wright's daughter Is still
Late news from Thomasvllle , Oregon
county , shows that while great damage was
done , there was no loss of llfo.
Vnrrrn County Trnv r od by the Twl tor
with Serious ItrnuttK.
DES MOINHS , July S. ( Special Telegram. )
A wind storm approaching n cyclone and a
mnder storm bordering on a cloud burst
raveled through Warren county , thirty miles
outh of here , last night. Details are
carccly obtainable , but the storm seems to
ave been of great severity and to have
rnversed a strip of country several miles
Ido and "from twenty to thirty miles In
ength. R. B. Wadsworth of Summerset had
ourteen head of fat steers killed by llghln'ng '
bile grazing near a barbed wire fence.
hreo Inches of hall Is reported from New
Irglnla , a town twenty-flvo miles southwest
f Indlanola.
There was llttlo rain at St. Charles , but
hree Inches of hall demolished glass , punc-
urcd roofs and created general havoc.
Patterson reports a cloud burst , great dam-
go being done to crops and stock unpro-
ected suffering greatly. The wind was very
severe there.
Ten miles north of St. Charles a fine
arm house and barn was struck by lightning
nil burned.
BURLINGTON , la. , July 8. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Yesterday was the liotteH of the
eason , It being 100 In the shade. Last night
severe storm amounting lo almost a cyclone
ook place , doing great damage to trees and
uthouses. Vines were torn down and large
rees blown down , but llttlo r.iln accompanied
ho storm. The mercury fell forty degrees
n an hour.
Hull storm In > orth Dakota ,
MINNEAPOLIS. July 8. Specials to the
Fournal from Cando and Forman , N. D. , ro-
> orl heavy hall storms yesterday. This
ormer was two miles wide and twenty miles
ong. The latter laid low 1,000 acres of
grain. _
Ono 1'rraon Klllid nnd Several Others
Serlntuly Injured
EAST LIVERPOOL , O. , July 8. An elec-
rlc street car , running between this city ani
Wollsvllle , plunged over a bridge Into a run
'ailing ' thirty feet , this afternoon. The car
was smashed , and It was miraculous that anj
ot the passengers escaped alive. As It Is
only James Hamilton , the motorman , was
killed , and he met death at his post , after
doing all ho could tp stop the car. Eleven
others were badly Injured. Mooly Coburn , a
firmer , was badly hurt In the back. He wll
probably die. Mrs. Maggie McDole of this
ilaco was badly Injured about the head
shoulders and back. She will probably die
Frank Green , a boy , was' hurt about the
lead. He may dlo. Samuel Manor , Andrew
Watson , Miss Ella Dele and Charles Searlcs
all of this place ; Mrs. R. A. Nessley of Wesl
Virginia , Charles Spence of Sallnevllle , O.
and Frank Anderson of Rochester , Pa. , were
badly Injured. The pasesngers were crushei
and jammed Into the wreck of the car am
had not rescuers quickly arrived some o
them would have been drowned , as the run
was dammed and Iho water rose rapidly
about the wreckage.
President Itccolres the Congratulations o
Numerous Well Wnherfc.
BUZZARD'S BAY , July 8. Cosy Gray
Gables Is bathed In warm sunlight , and the
early existence of the new Miss Cleveland ,
the personage In whom the residents of Buz
zard's Bay uro today most Interested , Is
marked by bright , pleasant weather. Dr.
Bryant reported today that Mrs. Cleveland
and the little ono are resting quietly and
that everything Is progressing finely. He
will add nothing , except the newcomer Is a
'fine little girl. " Telegraph boys have paU
numerous visits to the house this morning ,
bearing messages of congratulation to the
president from all parts ot the country.
In company with Joseph Jefferson and
Charles B. Jefferson , Mr. Cleveland spent
nearly all day trout fishing at East Sand
wich , where Mr.- Jefferson has a private
stream. The party left early In the day and
did not return until nearly C o'clock.
Strikers Threaten to Hum Tlpplat nnct De
stroy Othvr Property.
BLUEFIELDS , W. Wa. . July 8. The situa
tion Is very grave In the Elkhorn region.
Colonel While , Governor MacCorkle's private
secretary , says the danger Is Imminent rnd
that trouble may occur at any time. A tele
gram from Governor MacCorkle today to
Colonel Tlerney says If any parading w'th
guns Is done by the miners the troops will
bo sent Immediately. Threats ot burning the
tipples ore made and this , with the derail
ment of cars , has created bcrlous alarm.
The heavy guard of United Stat-js marshals ,
together with Governor MacCorkle's tcUgram ,
Colonel White thinks has liad a beneficial
effect. The company horn U In readlnecs
to move at once If nee-Jed.
Will Try ami Ilronk the Htrlke.
SHARON , Pa. . July 8. The Sharon Iron
company will inako an effort this week to
break the strike at Its plant by Import
ing colored workmen. Twenty arrlvcd-from
PltUburg yeEtciday , but they will not lm
put to work until a larger force Is secured.
Another delegation of 150 1s expected this
afternoon. Trouble may -result , as tbo old
men threaten to prevent tbo colored men
from working. The men struck for an ad
vance lu wages. When In full operation lht >
jilant employes about 1,000 men.
The strikeat the 6haron Iron works was
tettled thin afternoon. The company granted
the men an advance of 10 per cent.
< HSU llt-lcl fur Train Itohbery.
nOSKBUna. Ore. . July 8.-The prelimi
nary examination of John Case nnd James
I'oolc , charged with robbing u Southern Pa-
clfiu trnln on July 1 , was lit-ld this after
noon. Cafe , who wan ponltlvely Identified
us the principal robber by thf brakeman
and several pnufcnperH , WBH liclil to nnsivor
for train robbery. The examination of Poole
Is uot yet completed.
Daring Attempt at a Holdup in the Heart
of the Oity of OliicngOi
Aft r n Long Chiiso InVhloli Two of Hit
1'urinciaVrro .Shot the ThlofVni
Shot niul Killed by n
CHICAGO , July S. In western desperado
style , n man , supposed to beC , 13. Cole , as
saulted and nttcmptcd to rob 1) . C. McQloln
In Ills saloon at Ct Ad.ima street , In tlio heart
or the business district of Chicago , this even
ing. After seriously wounding McOtoln the
thief escaped and nude the mcst remarkable
race for liberty OMT seen In the streets ot
Chicago. After firing Into the pursuing
crowd and seriously wounding thrca citizens ,
ho was captured by Officer Doscnthal , oppo
site the entrance- the Auditorium hotel on
Congress street.
The wounded are : I' . J. McQloln , saloon
keeper , three wounds \n \ the head , will re
cover ; H. M. Steinberg , sliof In the abdomen ,
tnken to St. Luke's hospital , will probably dlo ;
Samuel Stone , shot tn the right leg , will re *
McOloln was alone In his saloon when Cole
entered and ordered n glass of beer. This
was served to him , and ho then asked the
saloon keeper to get him some meat that ho
claimed to have left In the Ice bix ) of the
saloon. McQloln walked to the entrance of
the Ice box , and Cole , drawing a revolver ,
ordered him to go Insldo ami stny there.
McGloln turned and struck the robber In the
face , nearly knocking him down. The two
men then clinched and fought desperately.
Cole managed to get one arm free , and with
his revolver he pounded the saloon keeper
viciously , Inflicting three severe wounds on
the head. The robber then broke loose from
McGloln and running to the front entrance
of the saloon turned west on Adams street.
Although bleeding profusely , McOloln fol
lowed and was only n few steps behind when
the thief turned Into O'llrlen's saloon at 81
Adams street , and still holding the revolver
In his hand ran out of the rear door on
Qulney street. Ho then turned at State
street and boarded a southbound cable car.
McOloln was still close upon him , however ,
and Cole , seeing that he could not shako oft
" is purt.uer , tan through the car.
Several citizens had by this time joined In
10 chase , and after running ono block to
ackson street , Cole fired a shot Into the
rowd , which failed to hit any one. The
Ight and pursuit then turned toward Wa-
> ash avenue and south upon that street , Of-
cers Hoscnthal and Day at once. Joined in
he chase , and as Cole was badly winded by
Ills time , they rapidly came up with him.
lalf way between Van Vuren and Congress
trcets Roscnthal was close upon his man
ml ordered him to surrender. Cole replied
vlth a shot , and the bullet entered the atom-
ch of Steinberg , who was among the leaders
f the pursuit. Just before reaching the cor-
icr of Congress street , the officer fired at the
ugltlve , who returned the compliment. The
ullet of the olllcer went wild , but that ot
Cole brought down Stone , another of his pur-
ures , with a ball through the leg.
Rosenthal fired a second time , and' ' thl
Imo Cole staggered. Ho continued to run ,
lowcver , turned the corner and ran east on
Congress street until ho was directly In front
of the entrance to the great Auditorium
heater , where lie fell. Ho died In two min
utes , without saying a word. The ofllcer'8
bullet had passed through his kidneys and
nto the lung.
Nothing Is known of the man In Chicago.
The only manner In which his name could be
: letcrmlned was by the laundry mark upon
ils clothing , which heads : "N. 13. Colo. "
: II was of slender build , about five feet eight
nchcs tall , and had a dark moustache.
Disoi.Aitis von JIIMKT.ILLISM.
icorgta CnitgrcBKiimn Hiiyn Frno SilvcB
Would Itutu the fount-- .
ATLANTA , Ga. , July. 8. Thomas Q. Law-
ion of tbo Eighth Georgia congressional
district , Is out * ln a lengthy Interview In
ho Journal this afternoon , which will prob
ably furnish the political sensation ot the
iveek In this state. Judge Lawson Is ono
of the ablest members of the Georgia dele
gation , and brought himself to the front
during the lost congress by a speech In
"avor of the repeal of the 10 per cent tax
on state banks. In his Interview Judge
Lawson declares In hvor of the bimetallism
set forth by the last democratic platform
but asserts : "Tho frco coinage of silver at
the ratio of 10 to 1 by our government
alone would In a short tlmo result In silver
nonomclalllsm that Is , wo would have no
coin money In circulation but silver , and
: io paper money except paper rcdcemabla
In silver. If wo cannot have bimetallism
In accordance with our national platform 1
prefer the single gold standard to the slnglu
silver standard. "
The Ideal monetary system , ho thinks ,
would bo where there was free coinage oj
both metals , without either being legal ten-
derfl the people being privileged to take
their choice.
Judge Lawson says : "Tho south Is not
yet In a condition to profit by the silver0
standard ; We are not a manufacturing
people. A prohibitory tarlfl and everything
that is equivalent to It In Its operations Id
detrimental to our prosperity , But the sil
ver standard would. Inevitably operate pre
cisely as a prohibitory tariff. The value ot
our silver coins would sooner or later de-
cllno to their bullion value. The price , of
foreign goods would be so hlch when valued
In our silver currency that wealthy peopla
only could afford to buy and use them.
U'oumn to Ho Imprisoned for Concealing
Her Dnucliler.
CHICAGO , July 8. Mrs. Lizzie Cottier ot
Washington was today sentenced to Bis
months In Jail for contempt of court for
refusing to disclose the whereabouts of her
daughter , Florence. Mrs. Cottier Is the )
Washington stenographer who In 1883 , after
placing her daughter In hiding , told the
Iluffalo ppllce that the child had been drowned.
Her husband , Alonzo Cottier , who Is a
wealthy Chtcagoan , had attempted during
the hearing of the divorce case to regain
possession ot the child and Mrs. Cottier was
ordered , by the court to tell where her daugh
ter Is hidden. This she repeatedly refused
to do , her final and emphatic refusal to obey ,
the order resulting In her sentence today.
Mrs. Cottier was also placed In custody , but
was not taken Immediately to Jail. Her
lawyers asked time for preparation of argu
ments for an appeal from the decision and
she was allowed to remain In the court room
during the day , pending the question of an
appeal. Mrs. Cottier diamatlcally declared
that ehe would not , no matter what tbo
penalty , disclose her daughter's whereabouts
as she believed that the girl would be both
morally and financially Injured should thA
father find her.
Iron Moulders' Intonmtloiiul Union ,
CHICAGO , July 8. Delegates from all
parts of the country gathered today In
attendance upon the convention of the
Iron Moulders' International union , tbo
first International gathering of tbo organiza
tion beld for four years. The wage ques
tion was expected to take a secondary place
In the deliberation ! , most ot tlio time hav
ing been assigned to the discussion ot tb
practical details of the trade.
Plrllier * CIUIIB J o Troublu So fur ,
WELCH , V . , July 8. United States Mar- Gardner , with all of hli deputies , la Iq
the Klkborn coal fields , looking after tbo
Norfolk & Western Inleroits. Bo far troop *
have not been ordered by Sheriff EHler , at no
outbreak has been attempted by the itrikcra
In Elkhorn , but riotous actions on tbelr part
li looked for by many.