8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : : SATUEDAY , JULY G , 1895. TALKS ABOUT MISSISSIPPI Eon , 0 , W , Ames Talks of that State in an Entertaining Manner , CLIMATE GOOD AND SOIL VERY RICH Cfntms Mint tlio dinner * In thnt Stain Are Excclltnt ftir Northern Push ami In dustry Itnllrond nnd Kducnrtlonal rocllltlei Abundant. Hon. Ocorgo W , Amca has Just returned from a visit to Mississippi points , where ho has been for'some tltno past. Mr. Ames U ono of the most actlvo business men of Omaha , has had a long and varied expert- nco In handling western real estate and has gained the reputation of being a conservative and successful business man of high standing. IIo was seen at his oflree this morning and asked to glvo his vlows on Mississippi , Its general advantages , etc. , which might prove of Interest to the citizens of Omaha and the Btato at large. Mr. Ames was found to bo In a talkative mood and readily consented to bo Interviewed by a Dec man. Ho sal'l : "My first Impres sion was that whllo the people seemed pros perous and business thriving , still there was too much land In tbo hands of too few pro prietors ; In other words , that the day cl largo plantations was over and the most suc cessful agriculturist toJay Is the small farmer. "Tho cllmato Is a pleasant ono even al this time of year , the heat being tempered dally by land and sea breezes and the night ! are delightfully cool. There are but twe months of mild winter weather and stcc ! < runa out during the entire year , "Tho Tcrtlllt/ the soil la marvelous , ant while cotton and corn are the staple products yet the money makers of today are the trucl farmers and fruit growers. These producti of the soil are shipped In Immense quantttlei to the great markets offered by New Orleans St. Lous ! , Chicago and the far eastern cities "Tin- principal centers for raising urn shipping fruit and garden truck are Crysta Springs , Terry , Madlaon , Durant and point : near them. Crystal Springs alone during tin week wo were In Its vicinity shipped dall : from thirty to forty carloads of tomatoe and peaches and the surrounding station were also making large shipments of frul nnd garden products.7rie eoll In thl region seems especially adapted to frul culture. Peachrs , plums , apricots , strawber rles , blackberries , pearn , figs , grapes , pome granatcs , persimmons are especially prolltabl and sure crops. Oranges for the last fev years luivo been largely and successful ) ; cultivated. Sorghum , sugar cane , rice , swcc potatoes and peanuts wo saw making yoo crops. " "The magnificent growth of timber Is feature of this part of the state. It con alsts largely of poplar , white oak , beecl : sycamore , maple , cypress , pine , gum , oak mulberry and hickory , all of which are I abundance. "Grasses are grown as cheaply and easll as anywhere In the country. UcrmuJa. Is th Blaplo for hay and pasture. Johnson gras Is very hardy and yields abundantly. Or cfnard grass and red top remain fresh an green during the entire winter. Red clovei nftnlfa , melllotus ( sweet clover ) , cow peas an lospedczn are regu.ar crops. "The raising of stock Is sadly neglected , nl though wo saw quite a number of cattle an hogs. The trouble Is that too little attcntlo is paid to stock raising and the breed Is vcr poor owing to the lack of attention , whlc has caused It to deteriorate In quality. Thl could nlso be made a very prolltable sourc of revenue with better attention. " "Wo found the negroes well treated , con tent with their condition , and , as a wholi prosperous. They have ample educations facilities provided by the state and their col leges are well conducted and flourishing Negro labor Is cheap and when propsrl handled proves satisfactory. "The railroads are controlled by three rail road commissioners who are elected by th people and regulnto freight and passenge charges. The Illinois Central passe through the central portion of the Plate an the Delta country. The Mobile & Ohlc Queen & Crescent , Louisville & Nashvllli Southern railway , Natchez , Jacltson & Cc lumbus afford ample facilities for the ba ance of the state. "Educational facilities are good and th enrollment ( n the public schools has Increase about 20 per cent In the past eight or nln years. The public school system was 01 ganlzed In 1870 or 1871 and for Its malntt nance the state expends $1,500,000 each year. "Business In all the smaller towns seome to bo In a flourishing condition. The me : chants arc satisfied and the banks are we supplied with money. Jackson , the caplt of the state , surrounded by a productive coui try , Is on the main line of the Illinois Centr and Queen & Crescent roads and Is capab of becoming quite a business point. Tf best town In the state , however , U Morldla Its railroad facilities are excellent and 1 Jobbing and manufacturing Interests being I It. the hands of live , energetic men , are coi . stautly growing. In fact , Meridian Is toda the best town In the state and its prospec for continued growth and prosperity aro' < ei flattering. "Northerners are commencing to realize tl advantages offered by the south and Mlssl glppl Is receiving her quota of the no\ comers. The general Impression among o ! serving men IB that the tldo of Immlgratlc is moving southward. The southern peep appreciate the situation and welcome tl good citizen with open arms to their land undeveloped possibilities * The new , practlc : progressive south cannot but attract , by I manifest advantages , the best class of settle and I predict that Its growth and Improv inent from now on will be something soldo equaled In the history of our country's dcve opmcnt and never surpassed. In fact t ! place today to make money Is the sout No northern man can fall of success It ho w use there one-half the energy he docs In tb country. " DKOWNED IN THE RIVER. Got lloj-oml Ills Depth anil Wai Sire Airily by tlio < urrrnt. Edward C. Steffi1 , an 18-year-old boy , w ! a , number of other lads about his age , w bathing In the river at Gibson yesterday afU noon. Steffe could not swim and was wa Ing on a sand. bar. IIo got out beyond li depjh and jvn.s , swept away by the curre ' and ( frowned In the presence of his cot rades. Yoting-StcHe resided at 1742 Sou Seventeenth street. , kTUfl fama.of'Dr. Price's Baking Po\\dcr world wide model housewives of all Ian use It In preference to any other. j .Y. % O tVI.MKXTS. . ' Next' Tuesday nnd Wednesday evenings Boyd's merriment will reign supreme , t orcaslon being the long-looked for engaf ment of Iloyt's enormous success , "A Ula Sheep. " This U the latest work of tl popular ply.wrl ht , and It 1s the unanlmo verdict of the critics everywhere It has be presented that of all the many successes tli Charles Hoyt has produced "A Ula Sheep" Is by all odds hU best work , and h already proven hU greatest financial succe The production of "A Black Sheep" ls sumptuous one. All the scenery , of whl them nre three suts , has been especla painted by th celebrated scenic artist , / thur Voegtlln. The piece Is a farce comet written in Iloyt's bed vein , replete wi spirited , catrky music , witty dialogue , rid ulously funny situations , ami a host of vaut vlllo features that are distinctly new a of a novel nature. The cast Is the strongi ever organized by Mr. Hoyt , and Is head by Otis Marian , \\tio , as a clever , versat commedlan. ranks among the best , a whose admirers are numbered by the thi sands. That "A niack Sheep" will recel a hearty welcome thera can be no dou for of nil the attractions that vltlt tl city none have so strong a hold upon tin ter-goers as tha comedies offered by Char Hoyt , nd "A BUck Sheep" being his Ul success , and this being Its first presentati here , and coming direct from Its big Chlca run , this engagement hat created more th usiul interest. It so short. Couk'u Exr | Drv I pcrlil Champagne will help you to enjoy - It aids dlgeilloa and will prolong It , 11AYOKK I1HO3. Cleaning Out Oar Mllltnory In Jnly. Every new Idea along with all of the most excellent European creations no finer hats In the world all to bo closed out at ridicu lously low prices. Not halt and In many cases not one-fourth the value Is asked for hats and bonnets that up to now have sold readily at our regular prices. The biggest bargains In millinery In Omaha , because It's the biggest assortment and the smallest prices. SPECIAL SALE OP LADIES * UNDER SKIRTS SATURDAY. Striped and plain wash skirts commencing at 48c. Handsome fast black sateen skirts com * mpnclng at 95c. Elegant brllllantlno skirts commencing' at $1.25. Gloria silk skirts from $2.95 up. Hair cloth skirts , full pleats , light as a feather , $1.95. Black and colored sateen walking skirts , combining elegance and lightness , $1.50 and $1.95. SPECIAL SALE OP MEN'S FURNISHINGS. BOO dozen men's 4 > ln-hand wash ties , worth 25c , 35c and COc , reduced to 12Vic. Men's fancy laundered shirts , 25c , worth 50c. 50c.Men's Men's fast black cotton sox , 12'/4c , worth 25c. 100 dozen men's Blackstone unlaundercd shirts , double back and front and New York mill muslin , only COc each , worth 7Gc. 100 dozen gents' grass cloth ties , In all the new patterns , only 12VSC , worth 25c. Men's madras shirts , soft finished , only BOc each , worth $1.00. 100 dozen men's elastic roller end suspend ers , 25c , worth SOc. 1 lot of men's all wool sweaters , worth $2.CO , reduced to $1.60. 1 lot of men's 2G-Inch umbrellas , gloria silk. $1.25 each , worth $2.00. Boys' sweaters , 25c each. Men's silk teck scarfs , 12V&C , worth 25c. HAYDEN BROS. S.-P , RIOHHn IHY UOODS CO. Commencing Saturdny Our July Clearing Snlo Of all spring and summer goods In every department. Men's negligee shirts , 7Bc qual ity for 42i4c. Ladles now neckwear for shirt waists. Men's fine underwear , I5c garment. Men's balbrlggan underwear , EOc quality , 35o. Men's balbrlggan underwear , 75c quality , BOc. Ladles' extra quality summer vests , 18c qual ity , SV4c. Ladles' seamless fast black hose , 20c quality , 9c. Pears soap , 9c. Cutlcura soap , 17c. Buttermilk soap , 3c. Kirk's Juvenile , 13c. Tetlow's face powder , 5c. Every de partment full of JULY CLEARING SALE BARGAINS. S. P. MORSE DRY GOODS CO. Ttrn.Orcut Kxcnmluim to Itonton. Via the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry. , one In July and ono In August. One fare for the round trip. Stop over at Niag ara Falls and Saratoga If desired : also by boat one way between Albany and New York at the option of the passenger. Stop over can also bo made at Chautauqua on return trip , Regular Summer Tourist Tickets to the many delightful mountain , lake and seaside resorts of the east are now on sale. Com. plete list of routes and rates , with any fur ther Information desired , Avlll be promptlj furnished on application. B. P. Humphrey T. P. A. . Kansas City , Mo. C. K. Wllber , West. Pass. Agt. , Chicago. HALF \TiS EAST. Through tnr : Kimt " 'pc-clnl I'artlcs Host Boston July B to 8. Baltimore July IB am 1C. Half faro for the round trip. Specla ' parties in charge of excursion managers will through car service from Omaha. THERE ARE OTHER ADVANTAGES. Ask about them at the Northwestern Line Ticket olHce , 1401 Farnam street. R. R. Ritchie. General Agent. G. F West , Q. P. and T. A.e ONLY syi.75 To lto < ton and Kciturn Vln thaVnba .ti. For the Y. P. S. C. 'E. convention the Wa. bash will sell tickets at above rate July 5th U 9th Inclusive. For tickets or folders glvini full Information In regard to routes , limits etc. , call at Wabash ofllce. 1415 Farnaia st. or write G. N. CLAYTON. N. W. P.'Ag't , Omaha , Neb. Thro'Ycllowetono I'nrlion a lllcvc1' . A personally conducted excursion Jlf ? ! leave Omaha via the Burlington Route a 4:35 : p. m. , Saturday , July 13 , for a blcycl tour of the Yellowstone National park. Mam moth Hot Springs will be reached at nooi Monday , July 15 , and the 'next morning th IBO-mllo circuit of the park will be begun. As the park roads are excellent , this cai easily be accomplished in four days. The cost of the round trip ticket to Mam moth Hot Springs Is $47.50. Rates at th park hotels , $4.00 a day for a stay of a wee ] or less. After that $3.00 a day. $75.00 to $85.00 will about cover the entlr expense of the trip , Including sleeping- fares both ways , meals enroute , etc. The party will not * conform to any prc arranged cut-and-drled schedule , but wll move according to the wishes of the majorlt ; of Its members and yvill be accompanied b : Mr. J. E. Buckingham of the general passen y ger department of the Burlington Route a Omaha. Address J. Francis ) . Q.fF , & T. A. , Omaha Neb. , for full Information. THE WONUKKVUI. It..AUK HILLS. - _ _ All Teacher * Miould Knonr All about the Black Hills historic , Instruc live , Interesting to a greater degree thai any other part of the The Hot Springs c ( South Dakota ar there. Delegates to the National Educational us soclatlon meeting at Denver , holding tlck'et over the Union Pacific , have an unprece dented offer In the way of a low rate , re turning through the Black Hills. Prol demons of Fremont Normal school , Frc mont , Neb. , will personally conduct 'an ex curslon party on this trip. Consult him o the nearest agent F. , E. & M. V. or Unlo Pacific railway for further particulars. J. U. BUCHANAN , G. P. A. .Client ) r.xcurtfiniiit Knit unit Went. BOSTON and rettlrn , one fare for th round trip , tickets on sale .July 5 to ! DENVER , COLORADO SPRINGS an PUEBLO. $19.00 for the round trip , ticket on sale July 4 to 8. good for return passag till September 1. THREE special excurslo trains from Omaha to Denver , Saturclaj JUly C , at 2:55 : a. m. , 1:40 p. m. and 6:3 : p. , m , Call at ROCK ISLAND ticket offlci 1602 Farnam street. f'ofimln ? tlio Mt-mlinrAhlp. Former residents of Illinois met at tl ofllco of H. E. Cole , 106 North Flfteent street , yesterday , when they took the prelln Inary steps looking to the organization of a Illinois club In this city. Flvo hundred plications , were presented for'conslderatloi Another meeting will be held next Tuesda night. ' at . . The old-fashioned way of cooking : Sot milk , salcratus , uncertainty. The new wa ; Sweet milk ( or water ) , Dr. Price's DalUr : k Powder , confidence of success. Is ROBBING THE QAKDEN FAEMi Thieve ! Hteiillnc from tlio I'loliU I'laute 1 > T the 1'unr. Tlio Associated Chailtles has discovered petty kind of thieving which will , It coi a : h tinned , rob the poor people of Omaha ne : iy winter of considerable food. r- Some enterprising thief last Wednesda ry. y.th night dug' out a lot of potatoes from U th thc thirty-five acre Held on Walnut hill. whl < ce the Associated Charities > e- ls cultivating. eid Aside from this Held there are 550 separa st garden patches In the city , all of which ai E-J lie reported to bo in excellent condition , jl id expressman who has for two years been li perpetual charge on the Associated Cbarltl live reports that from the tix bushels of set ' . grain given htm ha expects to ralso 2i ila bushels of potatoes. ilaa "Besides this , the poor people are eatli aes dally the vegetables which they have grow it The fact that thcso people steal our potato on Is proof of the success of the enterprU BO Vigorous eteps will r-s taken to protect tl ID properly , " said Mr , Laughland. Chairman- Williams of the county boar which ha * some Interest In the affair , stat inIt. tUt he ( s highly satisfied with th * rerul It. obtained b .Mayor Bemis and Becrctai Laujhlacd In' carrying out tlm BAIL NOT AtLOWiID MRS , ISII She Pleads Not Qnilty to Charge of Mur der in the First Degree. IS PLACED IN 1HE HANDS OF THE SHERIf F Will Ho Kept In it Separate Itooni In the Kcsldcnco J'ortlon of tlio Jnll Further Effort for Hnll May lie Mudo. Mrs. Mabel E. Ish , charged , as well as er husband , with the murder of iVIlllam H. Chappie , appeared yesterday nornlng In the district court , before the rlmlnal Judge , to plead to the Information nd ask for ball. While she did not succeed n getting the desired liberty , the matter , vas left In such a form that she may renew cr application whenever she desires. To the charge of murder In the first de gree she answered , "Not guilty" In a clear . olce , though with an evident effort to con ical her emotion. The attorney who represented the prosecu- lon was asked If the state would undertake .o prove that Mrs. Ish actually did the firing , as charged In the , Information , to which he replied that the state could prove ts case by showing ( fiat she was present , aiding and abetting Ish In the commission of the crime. It was late before the reading of the In- 'ormatlon ' was completed , because It was found necessary to serve Mrs. Ish with a copy , and the state , as a precautionary meas ure , refused to go on until It was done , al though her attorney's offered to waive the service. Having completed this preliminary , Mrs. Ish's attorneys presented the motion for ball. Her attorneys had a physician In attendance , and offered to show that It would result seriously upon the health of both Mrs. Ish and her child to be confined In Jail , and urged as a special reason , under the circum stances , to show that for two weeks , while full opportunity offered , Mrs. Ish made nc atUmpt to leave the state ur evade a trial , The court professed to nnd a clashing of his sympathies with the law , and chose the latter Sheriff Drexel was summoned to ascertalr If a separate room could not be provided Ir the front part of the jail. Mrs. Ish's attor neys looked at the decision as only tentative saving the right to apply again for ball. Mrs Ish , on her trial , will be confronted by thirty- one witnesses. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Asking fnrMlrnvjr DnmlROS. An action for $20,000 damages has beei commenced against the Omnlia Street Hall way company by John Llnd. Llnd relates that he was traveling In Soutl Omaha last February , going from Twenty fourth and N streets to L street. When hi approached L street he made a signal to tin conductor to stop the train. Llnd says ho believed It was stopphig am acting upon this supposition he stepped of at L street. Instead of having been stopped however , the train was plunging on at i rapid rate of speed and Llnd was preclpl tated by the alleged negligence of the com pany , hurting his shoulder and leg so badl ; that the latter ho had to have amputated hu alleges. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ llucKnor's \Vlvcn In Court Atln. : Mrs. Martha Ann Buckner will make ai effort to maintain possession of lot 8 , Gj-cgor ; addition , for nine months longer. When Har rlson Duckner was allvo and while Mr ; Duckncr No. 1 , the other colored woma : whom ho had married In Arkansas had no appeared on the scene , he and Mrs. Marth mortgaged this property , a homo near th old fair grounds. Whllo the two wives c Iluckner have been fighting In probate cour Mrs. 13. M. Latlmer has been industrlousl foreclosing a $1,200 mortgage. Mrs. Duck ner has taken a stay of proceedings. ' the I'lRht Orer A en In. The Callahans and Fogges arc again I : court on account of dlfllcultles arising ovc the accretion lands on the river front , , eas of Courtland Beach. Rosa V. Schrelver an her sister have Instituted ejectment proceed Ings tooust them from the possession o about eighty acres of land which the plain tiffs claim as the heirs of their father , whc thirty years ago , had a strip , some seve : acres In extent. Since then It has grown Mrs. Schrelver asks $2,600 for rents due sine February , 1890 , when Fogge became Calla ban's tenant. x The anxiety of young matrons Is alway relieved when Dr. Price's Baking Powder I used. _ _ I'rof. ITHzp.ttrick In Town. Prof. Frank A. Fltzpatrlck , formerly supei Intendent of the Omaha public schools , was I the city yesterday for a few houts o.i his wo to Denver , where ho will participate In th deliberations of the National Teachers' assc cfatlon meeting the coming week. Prof. Fitzpatrlck utilized the brief time a his disposal In Oinaha to renew acqualntanc with many of his friends here. He hope to be able to stop longer on his return fron Denver. Prof. Fltzpatrlck takes a live ] Interest In school matters In his old balllwlc' and has been watching recent development and changes In the teacl'lng force In this city It was on his recommendation that Prol Marble was selected to succeed him as super Intendent , and he Is Interested In seeing hlr re-elected to that position. . . A binnllpux Scure , If you would dodge the danger of thl dreadful disease and escape without even scare , trust to Allen's Hygienic Fluid. ] rightly used It positively prevents all cor taglon. A pleasant , personal dlslntectan deodorant and germicide purifying , cleam ing. and heallne. J pint rye Hour , V , pint corn meal , % pli flour , 1 teaspoonful sugar. 1 teaspoonful sa 2 tcaspoonfuls Uoyal baking Powder , 1 tabl spoonful lard. % pint milk. Sift togeth rye flour , corn meal , flour , sugar , salt ai powder : rub In lard cold ; add milk ; roJ * 'n ' smooth batter , as for cake ; pour Into wt greased tin , bake In moderate oven minutes. Protect loaf with paper first minutes. llrrnkfunt IColl > . l',4 pints flour , V4 pint corn meal ( white ) , teaspoonful salt , 2 teatpoonfuls Royal Dakli Powder , 1 tablespoonful lard , % pint mil Sift together flour , corn meal , salt ai powder ; rub In lard cold , add the milk , m smoothly Into rather firmer dough thi usual. Flour the board , turn out the doug _ tt U 1 9J. 2 Urn 19 csai UU Ua ma tnuniA-Muti EXXEIIVKISE , mnionie Trnctg oMAml Latuli to Ho Ito- ( tremcil franc the Uetert. SAN FRANCISCO , auly 5. Two big oast- rn financial houses- with many millions of .apltal to Invest hav6 decided , upon a step that means a good deal 'for California. Color & Co. , bankers of New York , andj the North American Trust ami Loan company of CM- ago will take the braid i of the Pose and Tur- ock Irrigation districts until now almost vorthless and will supply funds In such tuantlty thai the wtric on both systems can n pushed to completion. L. H. Hole , president of the Chicago com- > any , who carried or * the negotiations for 10th of the concerns , has been hero for some Imo and , having concluded his arrange ments , has Just started for Chicago , He has agreed to take enough of the bonds of the' > ese district to complete It. It ts said that all of the canals , ditches and dams will be finished within ninety days. Mr. Hole has also agreed to take nearly all of the remain- ng bonds of the Turlock district. The conTact - Tact which Pee , Hill & Co. had to finish the Turlock system has been assigned to James F. Waymlre. Work on the Turlock system will begin on the 15th of this month and It Is estimated that It will bo finished by next April. This means that great areas of rich soil whose only need Is water to makethem , as Fertile as any In the world will now be turned Into good fields and orchards. The Pose Irrlr Cation district was organized under the Wright law In September , 18S8. It embraces 40,0000 acres and Is bonded for $500,000. IP YOUFUKL "ALL. I'LAYCU OUT" Tnkfe Mnr font's Ac'd I'lumplmte , It repairs broken nerve force , clears the brain and strengthens the stomach. OLSRfi'S POSITION. Comptroller Olsen has written the follow ing letter to Councilman Howell , who was appointed chairman of the committee to In vestigate the affairs of the city comptroller's olilce at the last meeting of the city council , to explain his position In the matter : OMAHA. July 5. Hon. E. E. Howell. City Councilman Dear Sir : You know that I , last Tuesday evening , was very anxious to have a committee appointed to examine Into all the details of the comptroller's office , and at my suggestion such a committee was appointed , and also at my suggestion you were made chairman. I wanted you there as the mem ber who Introduced the resolution censuring me. I told you at the meeting that I was sick and worn out , and my family sick , and I had to go away for a llttlo while to re cuperate. You promised to go at once , and now you inform me that Mr. Mercer has left the city and it may drag along. In the meantime I am vilified and scored unmerci fully by some newspapers who are posted and know that I am courting an Investigation , and by the public who are thus misled , and I demand , as an act of justice , that you aci at once. Any fair-minded man should be willing to give a man spee-ly hearing , when his conduct and good name is questioned , and if any of you three gentlemen were not able to do so , I think It was your duty to have said so at the meeting and some one else could have taken your place. I Insist that you take this duty up at the earliest possible time. It .will not take you very many hours to determine. You can make It private or public , either way being entirely satisfactory to me. I have been living toe long here to wish by dilatory tactics to let s cloud rest on my good name. I don't say this is done Intentionally , but after me hav ing told you of mr health and Intentions , 1 consider It , to say the least , discourteous tc let me wait. It Is a pity that It appears the questlor of a man's good name or reputation don'l count when political end has to be served THEODORE OLSEN , Comptroller. The new gloves fit perfectly. They havi ; a V shaped gusset set Into the thumb. Thi ' best baking powder , Dr. Price's , works per fectly. _ ricadaiaullty'trf Forgery. NEW YORK , July B. Albert S. Moore , th < president of the East River Silk company was arraigned before Recorder Gaff In part 1 of the court of general sessions.today , am pleaded guilty to the eight new Indictment ! for forgery recently found against him. Hi was remanded until Tuesday , when he wll be sentenced by Judge Fitzgerald. From Chlrngo Enst nnd South. Five dally trains to Plttsbwg , Harris burg , Baltimore , Washington , Philadelphia New York leave Chicago Union Statloi over Pennsylvania Lines at 10:30 : a. m. , ' , p. m. , 5:30 : p. m. , 8:16 : p. m. and 11:30 : p. m For Columbus , Cincinnati , Indianapolis am Louisville at 10:30 : a. m. and 8:15 : p. m dally. Chicago Union Station Is on Cana street , betweens Adams and Madison ; tin Pennsylvania Lines form the best route ti the east and south. Bering , 248 South Clarl street , will answer inquiries for further in formation. Lhl.AND'a OOKAN IIOCSU. Feirport , It. f. The most charming seaside resort In Amer lea. You can enjoy bathing , boating , fishlni and yachting. The cliff walks and oceai drives are Incomparable. You can engage rooms of Charles \V. Squires at the Mlllard c WARREN F. LELAND , Proprietor. Spirit L.iiUf , Spirit Luke , -plrlt l.ako. Through sleeper via the Northwestern Line commencing June 28 , leaves dally for Splrll Lake at 6:10 : p. m. from Webster street depot The lake Is the same , accommodations a little better , faro a little lower. City office , 1401 Farnam street. Depot , 15th and Webstei street ? . J. R. I3UCHANAN , G. P. A. MAKKIED. In this city 4th Inst. , by Rev. S. Wrlph Duller , U'D. Charles. J Johnson nnd Mis ; Kinnii S. Sandburg , loin of Omaha. o i J5s3aa Sfja aB s KjftaK ftR c/ n r $ The U. S. Government Tests Show the Absolute Superiority of Royal Baking Powder. ( Data from the latest Official U. S. Government Report on Baking Powders , Department of Agriculture , Bulletin JJagt S99- ) iwr e g "TOYAL is placed first of the cream iof tartar J\ powders ; actual strength , 160.6 cubio , inches of leavening gas per ounce of powder. Every other powder tested exhibiteH a much lower strength than the Royal , the average being 33 per cent. less. Every other powder likewise showed the presence of alum or sulphuric acid. d ( S The claim that this report shows any other powder of superior a strength or purity has been denounced as a falsehood by the > - Vt Government officers who made the tests. cty y g ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. . 108 WALL ST. , NEW-YORK. " fl g& 2Sff&Z33X& S : b ness. Divide It , thus prepared , Into piece at sl/e of an egg ; again divide these In hall It , which roll out under the hand until they ar o- long and half the size of one's little flngei oer Lay on greased baking tin eo that they u id not touch , wash them over with milk , bak to. In hot oven 7 or 8 minutes. > 11 Qr.tium hll 45 1 pint Graham flour , 1 pint flour , 1 tea 20 spoonful salt , 2 teatpoonfuls Royal Uakln Powder , 1 tableipoonful lard , % pint mill Sift together Graham flour , flour , salt an 1 powder ; rub In lard cold ; add milk , and ml ng the whole Into smooth dough that can b ngk. handled not too soft ; flour board , turn I k.ad out , and form Into rolls shape and size c Ix large Gingers. Lay them on baking sheet , s in they will not touch. Wath their surface wit soft brush , dipped ID milk to glaze them la hot oven from 10 to 12 taloutea. DOCTORS TRY MM Official Records Open to the Public. A Woll.Knntrn I'liytlclin Tests tlio New Discovery \Vlth .Must Siicoesi'ul Kcsutts. Dr. Qeorgp P. nrooks , No. 29 Temple 'lace ' , Uoston , says : "I have utvd a good many rheumatism medicines In the course of my practice , but " can candidly say that I never saw a rente- ly as effective as Munyon's Itlicumatlsm lure. I gave- the sample bottle I got Mon- lay to one of my patients , a lady , who has had chronic rheumatism Inher limbs for ears. Her knee and elbow Joints were stiff , md she suffered great pain. Its effect wns Imply marvelous. Relief from pain was ob- olned In a few hours after the first dose , nd Inside of twenty-four hours the fady was cellng better than she had for years. I liall prescribe Munyon's Cure for all cases ) f rheumatism that come under my care In he future. " MunyoVs Rheumatism Cure Is guaranteed o cure rheumatlstn In any part of the body. Acute or muscular rheumatism cured In 'rom one to Jlvo days. It never falls to cure iharp , shootliiK pains In the arms , legs , ldes , back or breast , or soreness In any part if the body In from one to three hours. It s guaranteed to promptly cure lameness , stiff and swollen Joints , stiff back , and all pains In the hips and loins. Chronic rhou- imtlsm , solatia , lumbago or pain In the back are speedily cured. Munyon's Homoeopathic Home Remedy ompany , of Philadelphia , put up specifics or nearly every disease , which are sold by all druggists , mostly for 25 cents a bottle. Those who are In doubt as to the nature of their disease should address Professor Munyon , 1505 Arch street , Philadelphia , giv ing-full symptoms of their disease. Professor ser Munyon will carefully diagnose the case , and give you the benefit of his advice ab solutely free of all charge. The remedies will be sent to any address on receipt ol retail price. A full line of MUNYON'S REMEDIES , On hand. Mulled on receipt of price. TltKAIMR X t'KXFOLU CO. , 1408 Famam Street. Opposite Paxton Hotel. OMAHA , NEB. TREE- Munyon's Guide to Health with every pur chase of his genuine remedies from KUHN & CO. , Fifteenth nnd Douglas , Omalm Agency. All remedies mailed on receipt of price. TyASTINO DISEASES WEAKEN WONDERfully - ' fully because they weaken you slowly , gradu ally. Do not allow this wnsto of body to mnko you npoor , flabby , Immnturemim.Henltb , strength and vigor Is for you whether you bo rich or poor. The Great Hudynn Is to be bad only from tlio Hud' Eon Medical Institute. This wonderful discovery was made by tlio specialists of the old famous Hud- eon Mcdlcfcl Institute. It Is the RtronnrcHt and most powerful vltnllicr made. It la so powerful that It Is simply wonderful how harmless It Is. You can get It Irom nowhere but from tlio Hudson Medical Institute. Write for circulars nnd testimonials. Tills extraordinary Itejuvcnator Is the most wonderful discovery of the ago. Ithns been en dorsed by the leading scientific men of Europe au J America. HUDYAX Is purely vegetable. IIVnVAN' stops prcruaturcnees of the din- charge In twenty days. Cures I.OST MAN HOOD , constipation , dizziness , fulling sensations , nervous twitching of the eyes and other parts. Btrengthcns , Invigorates and tones the entire system. It h as cheap as any other remedy. IIUUTAV cures debility , nervousness , omis sions , end develops and restores weak organs. Pains In the back , losses by day or nljht stopped quickly. Over 2,000 private Indorsements. Preniaturonosi means Impotcncy In the flrst stage. It Is a symptom of seminal weakness nnd barrenness. It can bo stopped In twenty days by thouseof Iludynn. Hudyan cosis no more than any other remedy. Send for circulars nnd testimonials. TAIXT.KD llI.OOD-Impuro blond due la serious private disorders carries myriads of sore- produclnggcrms. Then comessoro throat , pimples , copper colored spotsulcers In mouth , old sores and falling hair. You can save a'trlp to Hot Springs by writing f or 'Blood nook' to the old physicians of tbo HUDSON IHKDICAL INSTITUTE , Stockton , Market nnd EIlli 31 * . , BAN KHANC1SCO , CAL. THE HOTEL REGISTER the representative organ of the hotel Interest , read at all the principal of the ninety thou sand hotels , testauranU and clubs of Amer ica , nnd largely In Europe. Is now publishing A LIST OP THE BEST I'APEHS adapted for hotel advertising. ( The hotels of America expend SIX MILLIONS OF UOLLAIIS ANNUALLY with the newspapers It la now publishing u complete list of all Hum mer Iterort Hotels classified , and places among the very first the. United Stales and the Grand Union , Saratoga : the Hotel Cham. plain. Clinton county. Lake Chnmplalnj the Hotel Urf-slln , Lnke Hopatcong , N , J , ; tlM West End , Long nrnnch. etc. . etc. It Is the only paper publishing all about hotels. Including Hummer and Winter Honoris. Bend 10 cenW for BU'JlMEn EDITION , or order of American News company , or at any hotel or of any newsdealer. The Hotel Register and Tourist Agency Head , quarters for nil hotels , intcs , rating nnd general - eral Information. THE HOTEL HKOISTCIl COMPANY. 7 Warren street , New York. AMUSEM fclNTS. Two Nights Only , Beginning Tueuilay , July 0. First Presentation In this City of HOYT'S GREATEST SUCCESS A BLACK SHEEP With , the original great cast headed bj OTIS HARLAN. Sale opens Monday morningat usua prices. COURTLAND BEACH On Court ! iiid Lake , Omaha. TONIGHT Double Parachute Lvnp Every livening. PHIL10N AND THE ARABS Tonight oud livery Night. At 8:30 : O'clock AdtuUalon to Urou nds lOo. Ampltbeuter , Uo. flialr * lOo TEN DOLLAR SUITS , AT , FIVE AN1 A HALF , Nearly COO suits sold lu1 days. Truly wonderful. Como to tlilnk It over It wasn't such n wonderful event after all. $12.00 suits at $0.75 IH n fool's revenge. Fools never earn success. But we liave gained knowledge though that there arc enough people ple here who are ever ready to part with money when opportunity bids. 'J'hero are times when the best of clothing has no value com mercially speaking Hero an example Is juiothor case. $10.00 SUITS AT $5.50 Now ? 10.00 suits hero at least are always worth $10.00 and that amount each suit would cost If wo hadn't bought about .500 of them too much. Hut we did , and sorry for It However sympathy does * A , not help to sell 'em , so we settle It by chopping off nigh on to halt of the original prices and say : Take It or leave It at Five llfty a suit. I 5 different kinds .of cloth every one all wool ; live different pat terns gray , slate , black , a light mixture and u dark plaid. Kaeh one a sack , long cut , some of . ' { button cutaway , some 1-button round cut style. Linings and trimmings are precisely as all of our cloth ing ( value permitting ) recelv c the best . All sl/.es here. Come at any time , but If you wear a medium slzu come early. ' 'V 1 STRIKE A LIGHT And look tit these prices they nre so small they blush at the light of day. LADIES' LEATHER. BELTS 5 C A wholesale stock , worth up to 25c each your choice for a nlrklu. LADIES' LIGHT SIIIHT WAISTS 2 3C i | BOYS' BLOUSE WAISTS (2oc ( kind at ) 15 C * LADIES' SWEATERS-All wool xfo W. O % . ! , LADIES' ELEGANT SWEATERS ( HOO kind ) nt 2 9o INFANTS' SILK HOSE (50c ( kind ) at 5C rt' " ? W. R. BENNETT Co. , Dry Goods Department. Health is Ecotioffly. A well man can do as much n work as two men who are "under the weather , " and do it better. ' A f box.of.Ripans Tabules in the office will save hired help , nipan's Tnbules : Sold by druggists , or by mull If tha price (60 ( cents a box ) Ir sent to The III. pans Chemical Company , No. 10 Spruce t. , N. T. DL ZDnizuncur w * RESTORE H LOST VIGOR N M MOhl l liSS'AMhl"vfof ? N" P M"ly.I-oMof S u l Po * rln ( tlthcr Mb6gW' siVlne I'fS 5ft lit Aitil . " ' ' * ! < "hcl * " ' ' " ' . ' 'W any " , uj Itesult In i ftr idSSSSSS SHERMAN & SIcCONNELL DUTJQ CO . . 1513 Dod o street , binalmi Neb. " FROM 7 DIRECT FROM THE TANK. . GHEAPERTHANSTEAM jyb Jioller. Ko fiteam. Jfo Ki\alnccr \ , Host Power for Corn nnd Feed Mill * , llullng Jlay , nunnlng Creameries , { Separators , Ao. , OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary or Portable. 1 to 120It. I . 8 to80II. P. Bend for Catalogue , I'rlceo , etc. , describing wort to bo dor.o. THEOTTOGAS ENGINEWORKO 33(1 < fc AVnlnilt HU. , PIIIliAIIRM'IIIA , I'A. Chicago , 245 take St. , Omaha , 321 So. JStA St. EDUCATIONAL. MARMAOUKE MILITARY INSTITUTE The Great Military School of the West. Also NiEDRIKGHAUS HJLL for Small Boys , Unsurpassed Advantages. Invcatltfatu before selcotlng n school. I'or Catalogue undress MA.JtMAl > UICll , Sweet Spr/iicc * , 3Q EDUCATIONAL. Harcourt Place Seminary , Gambler , O. For Olrlt. Th * lilcbut Intellectual ndiMmtagcs. * beautiful end comfortable home , n bountiful table , and careful attention to all that pertains to good bealtli , thorough mental truliilnv , rettned manner ! lud the b > t general cultura. C'atalogm-a eiit. _ th YEAR High c'od * KncM'li Clanlral Hcliocl. Ultrtrir IIu ilr Art Count . Ceitlflcate * mll lu Wellxlir tlnitth DR. IITUI OKLT BPEOIAUST WUO TBIA1I A IX PRIVATE DISEASES , WuatneM and P crtl lturd ) ! rsof MEN ONLY . e re aoyear * _ I je n In Ornkta. Hook ITrw. f tb at Va.rnu.rn QU4HA. HUH.