G THE DAILY B.EE ; Wy)3Jpy , ) KHDAY , JLTL.V . 3 , 1805. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL "V/hcat Was Very Weak , but Became- Firm Toward the Close. OPENED AT MONDAY'S ' FINAL FIGURES Corn Was Kxtreinet ? Henry Until After the i : tlniitoit : Kecclptt for lodar I.nine lo llmid Stocks and llunde. CHICAGO , July 2. Wheat was very weak during the forenoon today , but becalm- llrm on liberal cash business \vlntlln tip with u Knln of = f c per bit. In September and % c In July. Corn was very voak early In the ilay , and It communicated como of It to wheat. Corn rosteil with n net decline of , lower fur Soptembir and Tic. Oats uro ftc provisions a Ehndu under ycsturday's values. Wheat opened without material change since Iho close of tin- previous day's ses demand enough to nb- sion. There was Borb theofferltiBs for a few minutes at bo- twccn 718c : ' and 7US.C , but Insldo of the next tlve minutes the bulk of the early buying orders were Illled nnd the bears still hud wheat to sell. Not only WIIH theio bears' wheat for sale , but when the market bosun orders u couple to appear short of buying of good sized lines of IOIIK wheat which had been carried fur hlRhcr prices cam the market nnd made prices is , p j offer upon uuielty from Tl c to 1 1 ) ! . < . tcptcniDor very lm l di'c hied to 71c nbuiit ten minutes nfler . wUn . . * | ' ! : reWI1T,1 \ ? 'Th Its decline was arrcsti- at that , tlni ; . I m trade was imht all fmcnoon an , ch el y of chariu'ti-r. lie I"lJ1t"1 u local vciilpltiK , men had still Mime July " " ( ? . . ! : ! ll as cndi-nvored to liu thcv of course , &ly a. possible , HhuwlnR u-h . " ' " I" J . latlve tactics as are usual. The priiulp.li bearlsli . foalurff. of the early news wen- northwestern receipts , tinuenk - the heavy markets' and the Unlit ntss of tinforelKii cMiorti The receipts at Minneapolis wore sixty-nine cars and at Duluth M cars , or ? In nil. The day's shipments from M cars . iSSlSthVeie a partial olfsct to the H.- | lt- | , . the former amounting to ZfiO.ww bu. -IJt- | at llrst , with iVool quoted Id lower was " " lltpral chni K" Antweip 1 4 centimes lower ! ml Hcrlln froin % mark to 1 mark lower. ilcston as tlio only Atlantic port which Milppe 1 any wheat In the past twenty-four ami lour o- hours , and the total of wneal " K" her from all the principal At antic ports amounted lo the small .iKKri'Bttte . of 1.U.WK ) northwest , apart lm The news fiom the from the heavy receipts , wus rather in favmr of the bulls. Several dispatches re ported some damage to wheat from the frost up there a week ago , and so ne wheat was being shown here plucked southwest of Minneapolis which showed the tips blighted , ptesumably from tin- effect of the frost. It was also remnrkcd here that the tempetnture In the north we * Yesterday and today was too high for wheat and dispatches from here conveyed the impression that uneasiness on the same score was prevailing where they were ex periencing DO degrees and over In the shade Thieshlng returns trom the winter \\heat lleils were principally of extremely poor yield. St. I-otils omitted to repeat the gotid yields In the neighborhood of Charleston. Mo. , which they , on several occasions , sent as a counter-It rllnnt to the reports of small returns. Heports from Michigan nnd north ern Ohio were very bad. The market acted extremely heavy all forenoon and It was not until after September had dec.lned to 70'AC ' that It ceased to have an appearance of extreme heaviness. It recovered from the latter point to about the level of the onenlng ( Igurcs by about half an hour from the close. Hradstreefs visible supply state- n.ent caused temporary weakness after the price had recovered to 71-c. It showed the world's stock only about WXi.OOO bu. less than a week ago , which was considered " un- KntlBfactory , and a reaction to "Oc re sulted ( "nsli business amounting to ili.OOO bu here IKMHO bu. at Minneapolis and SO , K ) bu at Now York caused a ( Inner tone near the end and a rather rapid recovery of all the day's loss and % c over. The latest trading In September wheat was -nt ( l-\c to 71'ic , and In July at 70c to 70'ic. The spread has thus narrowed to a shade less limn I7xc , as against 2'/jC for a moment yes- tCo'rn' ' was extremely heavy until after the estimated receipts for tomorrow came to hand. I-'ollowIng that , and encouraged by the afternoon recovery In wheat , It as- mimed a firmer aspect for the remainder of the session , but could nol mnko up all Its early loss. At the opening September brought -XVKe for a few minutes , but there were sellers ntIC c at the same time. It declined to Uc , recovered to 4fi'/4c nnd closed nl IGM.P. The demand for cash corn was good and resulted In sales of about ETiOOOO bu. for export worked by way of Now York. A weak feature of Iho situation Is that Texas Is offering corn for delivery In New Orleans In October at equal to 31c at the point of delivery. Receipts here today were 311 cars , but for tomorrow only flS cars are looked for. Oats were again active and under contin ued free selling of long stuff suffered an other dec'lne In values Tradlnp was more general today , although Schwurtz-Dupec & Co. were again very conspicuous with heavy offerings. The close showed a de cline of Ic to IHc nnd 7 c for September nnd May , while July held comparative ! ) steady. September ranged from 2l'-ic lo 23'XjC to 23rsc , and resled nt 24c to 21 Vie. The provision market was llrm and higher nl Iho opening because of the day's run of hogs being only 17,000 and their price higher by from 5c to lOc. The trading was not Very active , although the llucttmtions might suggest an active business. September Kstlninlt-fl for Wednesday : Whcnt. 21 cars ; corn , 33 cars ; oats , C. > cars ; hogs , 20,000 hcnrl. Tito leading futures rnngod ns follows : WHEAT No. 2 pprlng. 70ff73c ; No. 3 spring , nominal ; No. 2 red. 705f70'ic. CORN-No. 2. 45'.4(45'.ic ; No. 3 jellow , 4i4 C45'e ; , OATS-No. 2 , 23Tic ; No. 2 white , 2Sf)2S ) ic ; No S white , 2702 , c. RYE No. S. 55e. HARLEY-No. 2 , 50i51c ; No. 3 , 47fl4Sc ; No. 4 , nominal. VI.AX SEKD No. 1 , J1.30. TIMOTHY SEED Prime. J3.fionc.W. PROVISIONS Mi-si pork , per bid Jl" ' 15ST 12.23. Ijml. per 1 ( His. . JC.51. Short ribs , s'lilei ( loose ) JC.30jiC.35 ; dry Halted KhonlderH ( boxed ) f5.37'45.50 ; short clear , sides ( boxed ) , JC.75R C.87H WHISKY Distillers' llnlshc.1 go.ids , per gal. . The following were the receipts nnd shipments today : Outho Prjluai oxatianrntoJav tin bnltir tnar- kei wa Hteady : cii-amery , I0 l7e ; dairy. 1O4 14c ECKB , bti-ady ; I04'411c. ClievH NKW YOKK UKNEK.VL .M.VItlClU' . Closlnc Qnotiulon-i on the IVInulptl Cini- innilltlcs mul Staple , . NEW YORK. July 2.-FLOl'Il-Reeelpts. K.KK bbls. ; exporU. 10.800 bbls. ; sales , 16,100 pkus. , market fulrly active an I easier for pprlnir pat- f > nt nnd choice vvlnte . . Holdeis anxious tu close out t laden and dlvpopcd to name conces- eloas ; city mill patents , Jl.&rj5.00 ; winter paten s , t3.9CKT4.13 ; city mill clears. JI.1W4.26 ; wlntet BtralKbts , I3.COW3.SO ; Mlnnenota patents , J3.W41 4.15 ; winter extras. J3.0W3.W ; Mlnm oia balu-ri. J2.fr5G3.C5 ; winter low Brades. J2 4"if3.0J ; sprlnii new Krndes. J2.00tf2.50. Southern Hour , dull ; KOOI ! to choice extra , JJ 1003.45. R > e Hour , weaker nalep , COO bbls. ; superllne. l3.tOOI.10 ; fancy , J4.15K 'CORN MEAL Dull nnd heavy ; yellow western 11.12 ! Hrundyvvlne. J2.W. WHEAT No receipts ; no exports ; mles. 6C70OOi liu. futures , 80,0n ) bu. Ht > ot. SIKII closed steady No. 2 red , In store and elevator , 74Hc ; nlloat 75Vtc ; f , o , b. , 7 Hc nlloat ; No. 1 northern , TyHi delivered ; No. 1 Im-d , 78So delivered. Optloru upened steady , but delined niHdly | unde' Iover ( U Lle . a favorable rrop outlook and local 1 quldation creating u short Interest amont ; scalpers , wide ) was later IncreaMd by the nn.ill roductton Ir Ilradstieel's world's slock , and H tlnal elmrj rush to cover led tu u pronounced rally ; clorei' ' higher ; No. Z led , July. 731S7l > 4c. clo e , ' 744c ; AUKU I. 74W74 15.16c , cl ed 74Tic , Beptenv ber , 74Hu7i'ic. closed 7SHc ; October closed al I6iC ( , December. 7616 77-)4C , clod nSc COUN- Receipts , 66.400 bu. . exports , 9,200 bu. ( alts. 1.040.0UO bu. futures. 234,000 bu. tpot. Spol closed steady i No. t , 4i.Cilc la elevator , dO'j flM'SO ' nRont. and JIHe f. n. b. , nrtnat ! ycllrw , Mo. onii'im -nkined ly lie.irn-li cup tii'l' nn-l liM.j- liiiil'illuii | ! : , pnltly re- cM'i.-ml lain nn n hi * e t'itl lie- i iimd nndI < veil at JiJlHo net h-pi : July , 10'ilf ttPHe. i-liised O c : AtlKimt. M 3-lCtf | l. < c. clo l t.OiC ; Hiitcinlr | , M'lfFilHc , chwcil WHC. ( ' - It."liits , 1J.iO bu. ; etpurtf , S 0 hu.j fnltd. M , W ) ( ni. fiitur e , W.OW ) l-u. > pot. Muiidy ; No. 2 , Si'.tf ' Nn. 2 dellverH , 21 Ue ; No. S. Wic ; No. 2 whit" . Jlc ; No. S while , 'ic : track. tthltr , 51'pSCc. Options demotutlicd eurly by su. tierb crni plopped * mid tnlk of n lure" r move- merit , milled llnnlly with whent , nnd rlofed 'tJ % c lotvi-r ; July clunwl nt 27Hc ; Si-ptember , 2J'ft ' | 2 ( ie. i-lopnl 2tc. HAY Hi in ; shlpiiln ? , CV Kc ; Br"d to choice , . l.l'.ATIIf.R-Klrin ; hemlock Me. Huenos Ayres , IlKht to liHivy wtlxhK. i V25c ; acid , 2HI2 c. IIOI'rt-Qulet ; slnle , comm-in to choice , old , 34X1WI ; , J jS'ic ; lliclllo const , old , 3 5' : ; 1M , f.flDc. HIDEP Slronc ; wet pulled New Orlenn" , pe- lietid. 4" , lu C'i Ihs. , nominal ; TCTIIP , nomlnnU Ihienos Ayres , 20'ic ; Texas , diy , 24 to CO II P. . r.1l'c , Wool riim ; domcpllc lleece , ICi ! c ; pulled , lonilc. PROVISIONS Reef , ptemly ; family , } 10 r,0f | 13.M ; exttn mes , JS.O > ifi.0 ; beef ImtiiP. J19.l < l IP Vi ; pfiiket. tti.r.Oifill.i'O. Cut iiients , tlrm ; pick- hd bellies , C.7.U7.S3 ; pickled hams. S'J.M. I it V dull : wisiern Ptmni clo ei ni JC.70 ; city , Jd.l.ift 620 ; July iloseil at JC.70 nominal : September , JO.W nominal ; refined , lower : contlni-nt. Ji.lO. South American , J7.40 ; compound , J3.OOfi6.Jfi. 1'oik. eiiHler ; new mep * . JlS.23'ill.OO. lirTTER-Steody ; weslein dalir. 'Jfl14c ; wept- em cieamery , 12 < ilSc ; wesu-in fuctoiy , Siil2c , KlKlns. IZfilSc ; slate daliy , llfil'c ; Plate cream- " - - : pint" , large. G'iflSV ; tmnll , 7 ' e ; pull HklniK , 21.4 Ji'Hc ' ; full pklmp. l'iliJ2c. IHK1S l-'lnnei ; Plnte nnd Peiin vlvanla , lie , w.stetn , fieph , )2f71Cc ) ; receipt" , 1'-i37 ! plrnx. TALLOW-Eany : cHiy. IVc ; country. I'.tft I'MTROLEl'M Steady ; t'nlted closed Jl.ll',4 bid , Washington. In bulk , J.V23. ItiiSINClulel ; ptiiilntd , good lo common , tl.Biti Hi I c,0. , TI'lll'iNTINE-Qulet nt Mfr23'6e. RICE Steady ; doincptlc. fair to oxtrn , 4C'Jc ? , Jap.m. 3 j < n'4c. , , MOLASSIIS- Quiet : New Oilcans , open kettle , pinil In cholie , JCi32c. . . „ . . , . . Mr.TALS-IMB Iron , llrm : Ameilcan. $12557(13.00. ( Copper , linn : brokers' price , JIO.,0 ; exchange inlie | in.'Xfilo.M'4. Lead , llrm ; broUciB1 price , J.I laij : exchange price , Jl.27'6. Tin , Bteady. riuten 111 ill. Sielter. | quiet ; dnmeptlc , J3.W. COTTONSEED OIL- Market Plow , with prices nomimil for mund lots ; priced nominally un- ehanned ; piime crude , 23c , nominal ; off summer jellovv , 2.H-e ( ; pilme pummer white , J3c. OMAHA UIMHM. ; : .MARKET. Conilltlon nf Truilo nnd yiinlatln.i * < ui StiHilo nml r niir I'r.innco. Tlu demand for OBKS Is llRht nnd dealers complain that It Is neceswuy to cut the price In older to move any number of cases. Poultry Is not quite HO strong ns It wns nt the cl.ise of last Week. Today there was little demand , aside from the drctsers , and Ihelr bids were lower. The I utter maiket Is rather uninteresting , so far aa local conditions ale conccrmd. Accord ing to the New Yolk Meicnntile Advocate the proppeclH for pnilltiible holdliiR of butter thlp > i-ar aiu not specially brlRht , and when the re sults of last tent's t-peculntion ale taken Intec c iiiPlderatlim the rulltiK pi Ices Peem too hlKh tu Juptlfy any proppeds of profit. It Is very dllltcull to Ki't nt n close estimate of the old butter held over fiom hipt year In New York Clly alone , but ns far as can be learned the old pluck "f all KtadcH and classes will approx imate closely to C0n ) regular sized tubs In welKht , nnd on this holding , estimating at piep- etil values , the IJPSOH will not be leps than Jl11"- w nnd may possibly leach } 200.i t. This low It certainly a serious one on thu old slock now In storage , tiut Ihero must be added to It other heavy losses sustained by those who accepted the situation and marketed their goods at the decline dm Ing the winter nnd spring mr.-ilhs. The storing so far of new stock amounts to from c.i.ino to C,3.t iO tubs In lioth storage houses and private stores , 1 ut at the pnme time It Is noticed thai the cteameiles bo far going Into stoinge this season are of a lunch better quality than what was ploiitl lap ! seitpon during the xntiie time , with later In the season nn ac'.lve cun- Humptlve demand for all line st.ick , and mostl > lejected marks going Into storage. With a large make of rim- butter , and no chance of great shortage , pi Ices are too high for specula tion with cli.inces of fair profits. Europe will not take much of our slock lids season , as olhei lleldH of production are mpplylng the Oieat llrltaln maikets nnd other European countilen making mure than they need. Our forage nnd huy crops promise an abundance of winter feed for the i-ows. With the prepenl system of win ter iLilrjing. the chiinci-H me ten to one thai there will be no prollt In holding summer tutter. it Ihe piesenl high prices. With our laige u.-id Increasing make of butter the only way to keep tfio make In consumption Is to sell as low n * possible ; consumption will foice pilces upward when tliere IH a shortage , but n surplus In storage Is the heavy weight on price * t. > foice the nvirkel down nnd cause losses. Quotations : EflllS Choice Block , 9'tClOr. Hl'TTKR Parking slock , 7W8c ; cho ce to fancy. 10012c ; gathered creamery , 15c ; separator cream ery , ICe. I.IVIS rOULTRY Hens. CHB'c ; roosters , 3e ; siirlJig chickens , J2.Ci3.r ) > i ) per doz. , or 12&12 per Hi. ; ducks , 8c ; tin keys , 6Jt7c ; ge--se , 5c. VKAI Choice fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. , nre quoted nt C'T/7e ' / ; large and coarse , IflG'i-c. ' CHEESE Wisconsin full cream. Sc ; Younn Amerh-ans , 10e ; twlns4 lie ; Nebraska and Iowa , full cicnm , lOc ; Nehraska and lown , part skimp , ti 7e ; Llmburger. No. 1. lOc ; brick , No. 1 , lie , Svv Is * * , No. I , lie. HAY fpland hay , $7 ; midland , $7 ; lowland , $ fi.0 : rye sliaw. $3 ; color makes the price on bay Light bales sell the best. Only top grades bilng top pMcep. 1'IUEONS Per doz. . Jl.OOftl.W. VEC.ETAIILES. There did not nppinr to be much doing In the potato market yesteiday. The ptock thai Is being shipped In hen. comes moslly from near Kansas Clly. Quolalions : POTATOES old slock , 63tJ73c ; new polatoes , choice stock , 8UfaUOc. ONIONS lU-nunl.is , per crate , none ; California , In sacks. i > er bu. , SI.15. OLD IIEANS Hand picked , navy , J2.CO ; Lima beans , per lh. , 5 4(1.140. CAHHAOE On ordeis , 2c. RADISHES Per dciz. bunches. 15c. ( IRECN ONIONS-Per doz. bunches , 15c. LETTt'CE Per doz. , 13020C. ASPARAfU'S Choice ttock on orders , 33SSOC per doz , bunches. CfCf.MIIERS-On orders , 40ffl50c per doz. PEAS On orders , per bu. , Jl. STRING MEANS On older.r | H-bn. box , COo. TOMATOES Mltslaslppl stock , per 4-basket crate , Jl. Hl'MMER SQUASH Per doz. , on orders , 238 We. We.WATERMELONSPer doz. , crated. 13. GREEN l'El'1'ERS-Per bu. , Sl.OOSl.IO. riniTS. ; Derrles nrrlved In bad shape yesterday , n good many of the cases bHnB leaky. While there nre still a goud many b.-riles to come , the season U pietty well over , nnd Ihe same thing might Le said of binull fruit" , California fruits will soon have Ihe whole Held. Quotations : RED RASPUERRIES Per 21-qt. case , Sl.&Off . .oo. .oo.PH'MS California , per box. choice stock , SI.50 1.73 ; southern , per case , Jl.75'82.00. ' APRICOTS Callfoinla , choice stock , per box , Jl.foifil.75. OALII-XUtNIA PEACHKS Per box. Jl.1001.23. SOt'TlIERN PEACHES per cate , JI.H il.23. API'I.ES Southern , per U-bu. box , C3f(73c ( , STRAWllEllllllW Choice shipping slock , per uipe of n qls. . J2. 0i2.73. CHKIllllKS Washington , per 10-lh. box , J1.23 ; home grown , per 21 qt. case , J2.50i(2.75. ( iOOSEIIERRIES Per 21-qt. case , 12.0)82.23. ) HOME GROWN CHERRIES Per 21-qt. case. J2 75 1ILACIC RASPIIERRIES-Per 24-ql. case , J2.:0 ; RLACK11ERRIES Choice stock , per 24-qt. CUM- . J2.2302.f.O. J2.2302.f.O.TROPICAL TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Navi-lp , per box , nune ; choice seed lings , p"r 1"JX , J2. . " < ) ; Mediterranean sweets , J3.00 ( i3. . * i ; fancy St. Mlchails , none. LKMONS l-\tin fancy lemons , 3CO size , S6.25 ; 500 size , JG.fifl. RANANAS Choice laige Block , per bunch , J2.25 ( t'l.M ; meillum plze bunches , J2.00U2.23. PINEAPPLES-per doz. . none. MISCELLANEOUS. FIGS Kuncy , 13c ; choice , 12H13c ; California , bags , 7c. HONEY California. HfflSc. MAPLE SYRt'P-Gnllun jugs , per doz. , J1S ; lllxby , 0-gal. cans , S3. Nl'TS Almonds , 14c ; English walnuts , soft- shelled , 12c : slnndurds , He ; Illberls , lOu ; Drazll mils , We ; pecans , 9e ; pennuls , raw , ( Jo ; roamed , iATl > In CO to 70-lb. boxes , Cc per Ib. ; fard dates , small boxes , lOc per Hi. CIDER Pure Juice , per bbl. , J5 ; half bbl. , J3. COl OANfTS-Pcr bundled , SI. RICE POPCORN In the car , on orders , per Ib. . 3'ic. , HIDES AND TALLOW. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 8'4e ; No. 2 green hides , 8c ; No. 1 gu-en palled hides , 9e ; No. 2 gieen pulled bides , H4c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 15 HIP. . 13c ; No. 2 veal calf. 8 to 15 Ibs. , lOUlO'-i- , No. 1 dry Hint hides. 12Jil4c ; No. 2 diy Hint hides 12 < - ; No. 1 dry suited hides. 12c ; partly cuied hides , 4c IHT Ib. less than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS-Green palled , each. 25ffGne ; green salted bheurllngs tPhort wuoled early pk-nn ) , each , CiiilSc. dry Hhenrllngs ( short wooled eaily skinNo. ) . 1 , each , MilOe ; dry shenrllngs ( short winded early skinNo. . 2 , each. Be ; dry Hint Kansas unit Nebraska hutcher wool pelts , prr pound , actual welKht , Mj&r ; dr > ' Hint Knnbas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual weight , 4jtc ; dr > ' Hint Colorado butcher wool p < -lts , per pound , actual welg'.it , 4iiO < tc ; diy Hint Coloniilo murialn WIKI ! pells , per pound , actual weight , 4iCe. Have feet cut off , UK It Is useless to pay frtlght on them. TALLOW AND OJtEASE-No. 1 tallow. 4l ff , . . . . , , , , . > 11'\/I4. V ! * " i , vtl < * , IIIIC light. SjJ'Jc ; qu.irttr-blood. I0ftl2c ; seedy , burry nnd chatty , Sti9e ; colte * ! and broken , coarse , "if Sc : cuttiil nnd bniken. fine. CilSc. WOOL , WASHE1 > Medium UOlSc ; fins. 14 ® ICe ; tub washed IGfflSc ; black , be ; bucks , Cc ; lug locks , 2U3c ; dead pulhd. Sii-Cc. i titon MHrUl NEW YORK. July 2.-COTTON Firm ; mid dling , 7V c ; net receipts , none ; gross receipts , 5,1(2 bales ; t-xporls. tu Great Ililuln , : M > bales ; to the continent. 2-X ) bales ; forwarded , 1,103 bales ; sales , > J7 bales ; spinners , luj bules ; stock , 2U-.i.53l > bnles. NiW ORLEANS. July 2.-COTTON-Qulet nnd steady ; m'.ddllmr. 8 11-ltic ; low middling C 5-lCc ; goiil ordinary. Ce ; net nnd erofH receipts , CII b.iles ; exiKjrts. to Great llrttnln , 5,4 ) bales ; sales. & l luiieii ; stiMk. lnti2 luiles. ST. LOl'18. July 2.-COTTON Klrm ; mld- dllni , ' . 6'4c ; snb-s. MO bales ; recelntn , trj baits ; shipments , C4i ) Kilei , stock , 22,141 tales. > ev\- York Dry Cjnnds .MnrUet. NEW YORK , July 2. Agents have ndvnncei ilia price of Otis and Columbian blue and brovvr denims Vc. There has l > een no general demani fur any class jf gooils. and only a moderati business won done In some specialties. In thi further execution of former contracts very largi deliveries were made , but otherwise Iho traJtut was of lhal usual to Ihe first week of the ni < ntli I'rlntliiB cloths In belter demand nnd firm ut 2c for 61 square * , with sales of 4.0W pieces or more for July nnd August. STOCKS ANU Konevfcd ICfforln Were Mnilo lo Ucprc \ nines on 'OliniiRv. NEW YORK , July 2. Rencweil efforls were made lodny to depress values on the Stock ex change by circulating rumors of prospective gild shipments. It Is true that a banking house which docs business with Cuba expects to send some Trench gold to Paris , which has liven re ceived here In transit from Havana , but this transaction Is a purely commercial affair In the ordinary courpe of buslneps , entirely dl eon- nected with the gold e.\iiort mivement. There appears to be no other foundation for the stories pet nllont nlwiil gold phlpments , nnd the street treats them ns mere "bear points. " It Is not likely thut any long stock wns Fold on the strength of them. The short Interest , which look alarm nt the confident tone of yesterday's late trading , went Intj the market nt the openIng - Ing this mottling to cover their short contracts and the commission houses had numerous buy ing orders , Imtri of which Inrldints helped to nd- vnnce prlcis In the early dealings , the gains ranging up to 4' < per lent , the latter In Amer ican Tobicco. This stock , which had declined 'ii ' prr cent , wns moved up on dentals that nn ndveise decision had l > ccn rendered ngalnpl the ci tnpnny , coupled with favorable news of trade piospeets. Tovvaid midday icallzatlons set In , due to the nppionch of the holiday , many of the brokers having decided In go out of town this evening nnd early tomoriow. The bears took advantage of this condition of affairs to hammer the gi Herat market , tn > ie particularly the grangers , and with the exception of n paitlal rally afler delivery hour , the ten dency thtnughout the aflemoon was In the dliec- tlon of lower figures , tin- decline , extending ti > 2 per cent , Northweptein , Rock Ipland , St. Paul , HurlliiRton , Duluth. South Shore , \i Atlantic , Edi- Bin Electric of New York. Sugar. Chicago Gas , Consolidated Gas and Chicago & Eastern Illi nois piefeired lending In the downward move ment. The market cli sed weak and prices In the main are lower than In the llnal pales of yes terday. Itonds were quiet and llrm generally. Al the close semi slight recessions were noted. The pnleH were J1.5C3.000. The Evening POHI'H Inndon cablegram says : Tlicro was a fair speculative business In slocks tfuliiy. n.-id the tone WIIH generally steady. Amer icans Inclndid. Paelllc M.jckH recovered from ji-sli-i-iliiy'B dullness nnd SI. Paul , Louisville , Erlo ami Southern Railway stocks were In mod- i rat" request nt higher prices In the streel. Prices lefl n sh.ide under the U-st. The following were the closing quotations of the lending stocks of the New York exchange today : The lotal pales of stocks tod.iv were 311S3i ! -.hares. Including : American Sugar , 57.10) ; Amer- ean Tobacco. 27.0W ; lluillngton , 7.700 ; Chicago ( ias , 28.000 ; Colorado Fuel company , C,7'0 ; Distill ing and Cattle company , fcoo ; General Electric , "i.700 ; Kansas K Texas preferred , 5,1:01) : ) ; Missouri I'aelfle. 4.400 : New York & New England. 5.5WI ; New York. Susquehanna & Western preferred , J.'O ) ; Northwestern. 12.100 ; Reading. 21.500 ; Rock Island. C..300 ; St. Paul. 24.500 ; Silver Cer. tlfleates. 20.r XI : Southern Railroad preferred , IS.10 ! ) ; Tennessee Coal and lion company , 8.TO ) ; t'nlted States Rubber , 4,300 ; Wheeling & Lake Erie , 11,2.0. New York Money SI nrker. NEW YORK , July 2. MONEY ON CALI - I'VBS ' per cent ; last loan , 1'.4 per ci.nt ; closed , HJ ' ' 'Y'llIME MERCANTILE PAPER-2HG3 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm , with nctunl business In bankers' bills at JI.SOi.4if4.HH ) for demand - mand , and at J4.8S'4ff I.881. for sixty d.iys. Postel tales , SI.89 < U4.-9 < 4 and J4.90@4.-0'2. ! Commercial. S4.87HfT4.88. SILVER CERTIFICATKS7iffC7'ic. } , . GOVERNMENT RONDS Mim. State bonds , dull. Railroad bonds , dull nnd easier. Closing quotations of bonds were as follows : Flimnclal Notes. CHICAGO. July 2.-Clearlngs , J23,4 7.0i > ) . 1IALTIMORE. July 2. Clearings. J1.232.6S4 ; bnl iinocs ) . JC12.123. 11OSTON. July 2. Clearings. J29.C72.CCO ; bal Olices , J3.33U.942. PHILADELPHIA. July l-Clearlngs , J20.633. 394 : balance * , J2.845.277. ST. LOfIR , July 2. Clearing" . $4C6..116 ; bal nnces , 1703,190. Money , BJjC per cent. New Yorl exchange , COo premium. WASHINGTON , July 2. Today's statement o : the condition of the treasury showsAvnllabh cash balance , J193.C52.777 ; gold reserve , J107.537 , C.FM. C.FM.CHICAGO CHICAGO , July 2. Money ensy ; rules. 44' ( per tent for call loans , nnd Gfi5H per cent foi commercial paper. New York exchange. 4 * premium. BttrlUiE- , posted rates , J4.901 ] aiu 4. ' , . NEW YORK , July I. The c-immlttee on stocl list of the Stock exchange has received from th < I'nlted States Rubber company a detailed stale inent of Its financial condition , and will met on Monday next lu consider II. Clearings. 1193. G37.03I ; balances , OJIAIIA LIVE STOCK MARKET - # Lnrgcst Kun of CatVltfQjJcen in the Yards for SoairM'ime. ' DEMAND GOOD A ! & PRICES STEADY Offerings of MOB * I.M > rnU , nnil on Unfiivor. a bin Kaslcrn Adtjcr | 1'rlcrn Toll OIT 0 trills Ynr < l Were Cleared at Cliuo ii f Iluslncss. TUESDAY. July 2. Today's receipts of stock conslsled of 1,918 entile , 3,637 hogs ntul "IS sln-ei > , ns tiKnlnst GKf entile , 1.1C3 hoK8 untl l.CSS Fliecp ycstor- dny mid l.CW cuttle , 3,0:7 hogs mill 1,130 filicep on Tuesday ot last week. Heeelpts for the week thus far nru 2,590 cattle , 1,572 hogs and l.icil sheep , ns ngnlnsl 1,45G ! cattle , 4,28:1 : hogs and 2,172 sheep Mim- tiny and Tuesday of last'week. OATTMO There wore more cattle In the yards today than have been feen here In a lotiK time , the total run of l.SIS beliiB over 300 head In excess of Inst Tuesday's receipts and larger than any other day since May 28 , when 2ZW head wore received , When It conies to the matter of offerings on the market the showing Is not so good. Thirty loads out of scventy-llvu received were consigned direct to the packers , leav ing the number of cattle on sale 1,130 head. As usual of late , there was nothing prime In the yards In the way of beef steers. At the same lime there were some pretty handy little cattle. The demand was rea sonably good and the market falily active nt steady to strong prices. The offerings were mostly nil taken early. Some good f'SC-lb. ' steers brought SI.GO , with the bulk of the sales at $3.00 to $1.50. The market on butchers' stock , cows , heifers , etc. . was In about the same condi tion ns noted on previous days , the maiket > orlB ! 't.t'ady > wlth " ° new features of 1m- A few smnll hunches of stackers and feeders were offered on the market and taken at steady prices. Itcpresentatlve KtllUS I HEEF STEERS. 13 bulls 1100 J2 25 4 mfxed 1032 J3 CO 50 steels 1010 3 50 COLORADO. H. Griffith. 5 cows 10SO 340 23 steers 1310 453 NEDRASKA. 2 steers 11SO 3 70 HOGS The offerings of hogs were quite liberal today , the receipts being the largest since Thurs day of hist week. There were fifty fresh loads reported In the vimls , ns ngnlnst fifteen yesterday nnd forty-five loads on Tuesday of last week. While there were quite n go l mnny light loads In the yards the general quality of the receipts , was good. The market wns slow to open. Large receipts and nn unfavorable outlook In the east were against the selling Interesls. At the same time Ihe puckers were slow to get down to business , the buyers being Into In commencing operations. When lhi > market did < pen It wus nt n decline of 5c from yesterday's prices , nnd II was on that basis lhat the hogs Hold. While the trading wns nt no time very active , nn enrly clearance was effected. The best hogs on sale louchcd JI.SO , HS ngnlml J4.75 yesterday , the quality nf the top S 114 . . . 375 'S . .120 . . . 375 SHEEP There vvue n few sheep In today which sold nt steady Wlfes. Knlr to choice natives are quotable nt frnnrSS.ro to J3.oO , fair to good westerns ut fiom SS.23 to J2..j. common nnd stuck sheen ill from JI.tf.Ho , J2.25 , good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs nt from J3 to J5.50. Repre- Kentatlve tales : No. . , Av. Pr. 70S mixed westerns * . ! IJ < 33 & 600 3S native lambs - M1ICAOO LIVK hTOCIv. Ill Cuttlo the Iteeelpln , tVcro Light null the Uouernl Deiifiinil loilernte. CHICAGO , July 2 , In nittle the receipts were light nnd the general Demand only moderate at weak prices for coia/non grades nnd stendy prices for desirable ottering * . Extremely few cattla sell as high n JS.M .nnd sales of native dressed beef nnd shl iHhg1 steers toilay were principally at from J4.4.1 to J4.55. with Kales of very ordinary cattle ar'from Jl to JI.25. Well finished cattle of medium weights were Ihe favorites , nnd steers w fgttpg 1.500 Ilw. and up ward hold a ROCK ! deal below choice lots that averaged from 1.2-5 to 1,4'W Ibs. Cows and heifers weie fairly active nl from J1.75 to J3.75 for poor to strictly choice , few selling ns high ( in $3.50 or ns low ns Jllullrf sold ut from 11.75 to J3.50. with very little Inquiry for exporl bulls. Texas cattle arrived to Ihe number of ulxml 1.500 head , making 5 > JO head received In two ihiyn. They were In excellent demand , and nellein claimed that prices were lOc higher. Texas steers sold ut from S3 to S4.40 , und cowa and bulls bronchi from $2.15 ! $3.15. lUrely rj. ( JO hogs were offered on the market today , Including 3.t rt left over from yesterday. Tim supply was sulllulently large , however , to satisfy the moderate rcqulrt-mmts of buyers , us Chicago packers were not tuklnu hold with much freedom , nnd after Ihe first strength bo-li heavy nnd lulled lots averaged Oc per 100 Ibs. lower. Common lo choice heavy hog * sold nt from J4.CT. to J5.15 , common to choice lulled nt from 14 K to J5. light weights nt fiom JI.75 to J5.05 and pigs al frum Jl U 14.5. ) . The average quality of the heM " " n"t as goul ns Is usual on Tueolny. The bulk of the tales was at from $4.95 tu $5.05 for heavy , and al from fit.W lu J5 for light In cheep about V.OuO head nrrlved here today , against 17,653 bead yesterday , und 15,770 hend hint Tuesday. Tile nnallur receipts. In connec- llin wllh a very K xl demand , checked the de clining tendency ol Ihe market noticed yiater. ilny , mid good sheep nnd Inmb * were stronger , Sherp wi-r. < pnlatlf nt fiom 11.4) lo J4 ) . for in ferior to cxti-n ! UB , but thole weiu fe.v iwlrs ntx vo U25 or lower than 12. TV\JHIH itlllrn nl from 12 to ) i In KO I nnmbeis. There w K brlpk denmnd for ppilng Inmbs for the round f July Undo nt fiom 12.75 to 55.JOr in Ibn. for iKKir to choice lots. Ilfcelpls-Cnttle. 6.0-W hend : eolv ( , 2.1M hcndi hogs , IC.tioi ) henJ ; sheep , a.oiM heaiL KIIIIKII % l l.y Live .stork. KANSAS C1TV , July . -I'ATri.lJ-r.rci'lpU. 6.WW head ; slilpment * . 2.200 head. Mnikot flow- nnd weak ; Texns Pteers , Ji.00fll.20 ; Ti-.vas cows. J..t-op-.sji beef Meem. R40W-i.4U : nail\o cinvp , l.f.0fl3.73j . stocl.cis nnd fccdcm. 12.50 I.W ; hulls. H.a&fJ 2.51. HIKIS Itecelpln , 12.600 hend ; shipment- < V ) hend. Maiket weak to lOe hluhei ; bulk of sales , J4.Wfll.80 ; henvles , J4 75tfl.90 : packers. J4.60C4.90 , mixed. J4.CO 4.fO ; llehts , II.50V4.70 ; Yorkets. Jl.ei ( H.70 ; pigs , J4.lM4.f | , . 8III3KI1 llecelpis , 1,400 hctiJ ; p.lilpmcnle , 8M hend. Market steady. Ht. I.onU l.lvo MUCH .Mururt. BT. LOflS. July S.CATTr.iRocelpts : , J'3.25 ; fed Texas sleets. $350 l.75 ; Krnsn sli-cfs , J2 .iOji3.f > 0 ; alive * . Jli Oi > ff7.rm , lows. J..l tft. : ; ) . HtKlS Receipts. 6i ! i liedd ; slilpinenlt. 1200 head ; mnikft lOe lower , heavy , tl.S5tfl.tOj pack ers. I4.6.KH vr , ; light. J4.5-ifll.M ) . SHIOEP-Recelpts. 2.W ) head ; shipments. WO Head , maiket very quiet : natives , Ji.j'jjj ; t , siiutimeslein ranged JI.2Jt)2.2i ) ; lambs , shniply lowir , J3.OOU4.50. New York l.lvo Mni-k .Mirlet. NEW YORK , July 2.-1IEEViH-RecHpts. : FO head ; no trading. European cnhlis quote Ameri can steers nt lOWiM'tr. dieted Weight ; le- filgeiatiir beef. S'ar.Hjc ; exports today. W ? In-even and 2.11S qunitirs of beef. SHEEP AND LAMIIS-Reeelpls , C.SOO head ; sheep , Mtsuly ; lambs' , sliw , 140' ' c lower ; slieip. I'"r in pi line , J2.o > ) 4.W ; lambs , common lo pilme , S3.7fitifi.S7ii. HOGS Recelpls , 3,100 head ; steady ut tJ.15 T ' 5.40. stock lii Melit. Record of receipts nt the four principal matkols for Tue. day , July 2 , 1S95 : . . , _ . OnlUc. Hogs. Sheep South Omnlia 1.915 3.cl7 : 740 'blingo 5c-jO hW ; ( 5,0 KntiniB I'lly c.nOO 12 ( Vie l.tn , St. Louis 5.IOJ G.MO 2i ! % Totnla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.7IS 35,137 TTcT' ' . Wool -Mi.r.'u-l. PHILADELPHIA. July 2.-WOOL-Qulrt. hut flrni under light Ktoeks ; Ohio , Pennsylvania nnd \\t-sl Virginia XX und * . above. lGf17e | ; X nnd "b"v ; ' . 165(17c ; medluin , 20 21c ; qu.irter blmid. ' ( i21e ; common. ISftllic ; New Yollc. Mlchigun Wisconsin , etc. , 16il7c ; medium. lnliiOc , quarter-blol. 2nj(21c ; rommi.ii. liiilkr. washed combing and delaine , lino. ls i 19e ; medluin , 2K122iunwuslieil ; , midluin , 15 ili-c ; quarter-bl.Md , isiiillic ; lunld. ICuTc ; mi- wnihnl , light and bright line , K'HIS.medium ; , ll'ijil.i'ic ; qiiaiter-blo < id , 17fil c ; common , 11W 15c ; imwnshed , daik coloied. Unlit line , yfilne. medium , Ili4iil3c ! : common. 13tl4c ; eoame , IVii jbc ; leirllorlal iitnl noithneslein , light tine. Mi lOc ; heavy flue , 74i9e ; line medium , lofillc ; me dium , lltilZc ; quarter-blooil , 125) 13c ; conr e , 11 LONDON , July 2. The fourth series of the eo. lonlal wool sales for this year opened nt the \\iHil exchange loday with n gwd attendance of huyets , bnih English nnd continental. Then- Mas also HOIIK ; representative American buyeis present. The tone of the rales was strong , with the demand especially for cioss bleeds , combing , merinos and Cape of Good Hope nr.d N.ital wo < Is showing VitMiil denrer. American buyers bought fnlily. The nnniU-r of bales offered was 14.5C9. of which 500 were withdrawn. Sales In detail : New South Wales , 3,809 bales ; Kcouied. fiHilRls I'W ; Breairy. 4 > if-lil. | ! ( jueenslunii. 2,251 bales , scoured , tdfil.i Id : greasy , f iSUd. Victoria. 97i 4' , < lii91id. I'apc of Good Hope and Natal , l.o'li b-ili-s ; pconred. 5 < [ .dls | 4141 ! ; creasy , 4(67d ( 11OSTON. July 2. The wind market continue * active , with the prospect of another Ic per Hi. Incieuse nil around. I-'ew Montana wools have come forwntd , while new washetl lleeees nie yt scarce and 'irlces largely nominal. Australian wools are In good demand at prices about 1 < higher all around. The following are the quota tlons of reading descriptions : Ohio and Pennsylvania , XX and above , 16'ie. X and above. IGo ; delaine. ls < 44il9c ; umvashed lHfl2c ) X Michigan. 15jil5ltc ; No. 1 Mich gan ISffiltHX ; New York. New Hamp-diiie and Ver mont , UtillHic ; X Illinois , riijil6e , ; No. 1 II- llnois , IKU illie ; Kentni'ky ununshed quarter and threo-elgluhs-blmid , combing , 17Jil8'ie ; Indian ; , and Missouri quarter-blood , iTiffl'ijc ; Texas spring medium , 12 il3c ; Texas , spilng line , list 1 'ic ; Montntia , line ini-illnni and line , 10ii13e , scoured , KKi5c : ! ; Montana. No. 2 medium. 12'ullc scoureil. 30fi31c ; Am-tral an combings , supeillne. 41j43c ; Australian combings , Kuod , 3d'i37c ' ! , cms- . bieds nnd quarter-bloo.ls , 28OSdu ; cios ) iids and Ihree-elBhlhs-bloods , 22f(33c. ht. I.nuU Cenoril 11nrtet. ; ST. LOt'lS , July 2. KLOfR-Oull , heavy and unchanged ; patents , J3.40j4.00 ; extia fancy { J 75 5f3.8i ; intu-y , J3.4'Jt3.5 ' ! ( ) ; choice , $3.2 < Jit3.30 ( live Hour. J2.73 4.fH ) . WHEAT Market was nllllcttd with another nervous spell this moinlng nnd was extiemely uiiKetlled for a time , though rather llrmt-r nt the opening. There came H weak spell , in which there was Ic decline , followed shortly by a strong spell , when l' c advance In September was hi'ld to , the close being at the top and ? gc aliovc yes- tenlay. July , however , inly recoveied l'4c and closed \c hilow ye."tL-rday. tlioiiKh with buyeis , No. 2 red , cufch , 70c ; July , 70'c ' ( bid ; Seiitembei , 70Ho. CORN Ojiened weak on bearish crop news nnd heavy pcMIng ; after telling off 140 the feeling be came strongL-r on icported decrease In the visible supply and reports of large expoit purchases nt New York. The recovery , however , wns small , No. 2 mixed , July , 41"sc ; September , 47c bid. OATS 1'utnres weak on the continued dtpres- slon In cash and the selling out by IOIIKS on every decline ; after declining 'i l'dc there WHS a small reaction and a thin elope ; No. 2. cash , 2i < < c bid ; July , 227fcc bid ; September.22Jiii227i1c. . HYE The llrsl of the new crop came In today ; n car grading No. 3 , as It was dlity , hold , east track , at Coc ; other sales were of old al fioc for a small lot and 65e for n ear No. 2 , east track. CORN MEAL J2.1522'i. ! IIRAN Steady but quiet ; eaplein buyers paying G1c for east track , and taking all offered at th.it. HAY t'linlce glades timothy scarce and In de mand. ranKlng nt } l3.00'jil4.50 , eai-t bide ; prulrle. unchanged but more active. K U1S Steady but plow at Sc. WHISKY Klrm at J1.23. LEAD Dull and easy ; pales at $3.05JJ3.07'.4. PROVISIONS I'ork. Mnnduid muss , J12 50. Lard , prime steam. JC.37'a ' ; choice , J6..VI. llacon. tioxed pbonlders. jS..rn ; longs , $7 ; ribs. J7.12'- ' , ; shoits , } 7.2ii. Diy salt meats , boxed shoulders , J5.75 ; lonns , J6.37M. ; libs. Jfi.r2'.j ; shorts , jn.75. RECIOII'TS Flour. l.tKrt bbls. ; wheat , 36,000 bu. ; corn. 2.0'i ' < ) bn. ; oats. 21.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Hour , 10.000 bbls. ; wheat , 6,000 bu. ; corn , 43,010 bu. ; oats , 26oOO bu. Liverpool .Market * . LIVEIU'OOL. July 2. WHEAT Spot , quiet ; demand poor ; No. 2 red winter. 5s 4'id ; No. 2 red Fpring , stocks exhausted ; No. 1 hard. Man itoba. 5s 10d ; No. 1 California. 5s 4d. Futures opined quiet , with near poslilons 141 ! lower , and distant positions 9id lower ; closed quiet with near and distant positions hi lower ; business iibout equally distributed : July , 5s 4d ; August. 5s 4'4d ; Septemt , 5s 5' d : Octotier , 63 Cd ; November , 5s 6d ; December , 5s 7'id. CORN Siot | , quiet ; American mixed new. 4n 3d. Kuturts opened quiet , but steady. wlti : near iiositlons I'id Io\ver , and distant | > " 5ltlons 1'id ' lower ; closed quiet with near jiosltlons V IIUid lower , and distant p.isltlons lfil'4il lower ; busi ness aliout equally distributed ; July , 4s 2Hd ; AIIKUXI. 4s 2'nd ' ; September. 4s 5d ; October , 4s 3'nl ; November , 4 < 4d ; December 4s 4'4d. FI.otTR Dull ; demand poor ; HI. Louis fancy winter. 7s 6d. PROVISIONS nacon. long clear , IlKht. 38 to 4S Ibs. , 33s : long clenr. heavy , 55 Ibs. . 32. 6d ; phorl clear backs , light , 18 Hit. . 3s Cd ; priori clear middles , heavy , 55 Ibs. , 32s M ; clear K-llles , 14 to 16 lln. , 34 . Shoulders , Miuale , 12 to IK ll > . , 31s. Hams , short cut , 14 to 16 ll . , 4"is. lleef. evtia India mess , 78'J.I ; pilme mess , Cls , 1'oik , prim.- mess , line western , 57s fid ; western medium. 50s. Laid , dull ; prime western , 33s Gd ; relined , In pall . 34s C.I. ClIiEKE : Firm : demand fnlr ; finest American , white. new , 3Ss ; llnest American , coloied , ni-w , 2s. llt.'TTER Finest United Htntes nnd good , nom inal. COTTONSEED OIL Liverpool refined , ISs. L1NSKED OIIj-22i > . I'ETROLEl'M ' Retined , 8'4d. REFRH1ERATOR 1IEEF Forequarters , 3id , hlnihiuarters , 5'id. llfil'H At London ( Pacific conPt ) . 2. The rece pts of wheat during the past three days were 1C2.0HO centals. Including 50,000 American , The receipts of American coin during the PUP ! three days vveiu 31.800 centals. Weather unsettled ( "ofTre .Murker. NEW YORK. July 2. COFFEi : Options opened dull nt u decline nf 5fflO points , ruled Inactive nnd for Ihe most part nominal , recovering the IOSH on small Iix al demnnd und n few European oideis. which made pelleis senrce. ; sales , 7,000 bogs. Including : July , Jll.25flll.30 ; August , Jll.30 ; September. J1I.45 ; October , J1I.10 ; December , J14.40. Spot coffee , Rio , dull and nominal ; Ne 7 , J15.50 ; ir Id , quiet , but steady ; Cordova , J1S.25 { ( 19.01) ; warehouse deliveries from New York yes- lei day , 2t.5C7 bags ; New York stock today. 216.93S bags ; t'nlted Slates stock , 2-.iG.050 bags ; nlloat for the I'nlted Statei , 252,000 bags ; total \IMble for the I'nlted Stales , 51 ,050 bugs , BKalnH 312,886 baK last year. HAMllt'RO. July 2. Hnrely steady ; unchanged to li pfif. lower ; tales , 9.000 bnRS. ANTOH , July 2. ljulet ; go < id nvcrnge Santos , 114.70 ; receipts , three days , 12.0UO bags ; stock , 116.000 bags. Weekly report : Quiet ; Rood nvernge per 10 kllon , 114.70 ; receipts during the week , a'J.diO biiKs ; phlptnents to the I'nlted Htates , none ; stock , 116.000 bags. 1110 UK JANEIRO. July 2-Steady ; No. 7 Rio. J15.10 ; exchange. 103-16.1 ; receipts , two days , 10.000 bass : cleared for the I'nlled Stairs , 2,000 bags ; cleared for Europe , 3,000 bags ; stock , U7.000 bags. Weekly report : Htendy ; exchange , stand ard. J15.10 ; exchance , 10 3-lfd ; receipts during the week , 40.OOO baps ; shipments to the United States , none ; Block. 157,000 bags. 1'rnrlx Mlirknlf. I'EORIA , July 2.-CORN Market dull , lower , No. 2. 45'ic ; No. 3. 44 > 4C. OATS Market dull , lower ; No. 2 white. 270 27' c : No. 3 white , 26 < v02C c. RYE Market dull , lower ; No. 2. COfiClc. WHISKY Market firm ; finished goods on the lm U uf J1.24 for hlKh wines. RECEHTS Wheat , 1.800 bu. : corn , 28,800 bu. ; oats. C2.700 bu. : ry < > . none ; barley , none. SH II'MENTS Wheat , COO bu. ; corn , 8,450 bu.j oats , 97,100 bu. ; rye , none ; barley , 700 bu. Foreign Flnnnclul Affairs. I'ARIH. July 2 Three per cent rentes. 102f 17Wc for the account. Exchange on London. Kt 2)'Jc for checks. LONDON July I The amount of bullion g ne Into the Hank of Kngland on balance today , 12S.UOO. Gold Is quoted nt llufnos Ayres today at 24 , Madrid , 14.M , Listen. 27Si. h'l. 1'tteriburg , M ; Athens , 77 ; Home , 101.47 ; Vienna , 1'jj. ' WEATHER CROP BULLETIN Last Week Rather Too CoM for tha Best Possible Comlitions , RAINFALL ALMOST UP TO NORMAL Wet C.rouml anil Clouity bUlo ( Jlvo the n I liauoo to Cnlcli L'p to Cum Itnlu Dolnyi HID Marveit , y weather crop bullolln Ko. 13 of the NeUra Uacatlicr service. co-openilltiK with thi ! Unltt-d States bureau , Itsuoil from thu central olllco nt the I'nivcrslly of Xo- braKkn , Lincoln , under direction of O. IX Svxczey , mi-tcorolOBlst ot Iho Ni-bruakn x- perl men t station , for Hitcck cn.llPd July 1 , 1S93 : The week opened with abnormally high temperatuie nnd in some parts of the state winds which did more or less damage to grain that was headed out , but the greater portion of the week has been decidedly cool , averaging as a whole aboul eight degrees below the not mat. The week has been one of cloudy skies , with several days of light but continuous rains which , although not quite reaching the normal amount for this season of the .vear , yet come ? o gently as to be of more than usual value. Over the western portion tion of the state and along tin- southern border lens than half an Inch fell ; over the central portion from half an Inch to an Inch , while In the eastern end of the state generally upward of an Inch fell , with a limited area of over two Inches In Cuss , Sarpy and Saunders counties. The winter wheat Is generally beginning to ripen In the southern half of Iho state , hut wet weather has Interfered with the harvesting of wheat and rve and but little progress has been made during the week. Oats In the southern portion of the state generally suffered considerable damage from the hot weather and winds early In the week ; In the northeastern section of the state all small grain has made excellent pi ogress and Is In unusually promising con dition. Corn has made but slow growth during the week on account of cool weather and It Is somewhat backward for the season. Ow ing to the slow growth of the corn and the wet condition of the soil , weeds have be come unusually troublesome. 1'otatoes continue to do well nnd are re markably free from bugs. Grass In meadows nnd pastures continues to grow vigorously , and In some localities new hav Is In the market. Alfalfa Is Brewing rapidly and In some cases the llrst cutting from this spring's sowing has already been ntaoe. Hep'trt hy counties : SOUTUHAKTKltN SUCTION. IlntU-r The hpal of Monday ilnningi-d cropB xllKlitly , lint the rains have , n-palnil tin- ilani- nge nnd have di-layoil farm work , ( 'urn KPithiK wocdy. Home mil In oal . Second giowth of ry < promlfi-s Uvo-thlnls of a ciop. t'nra Winter wheat haivi-stlng nnd cultivation hlmlt-ri-d hy wtt weather. Spring vvhoat and ( MB ! hKik line. Check-ri'wod coin nearly all laid hy , Isled making n good giowth. 1'otators never hotter. I'liHlurpM good , Clay Oats nnd wheat will not bo a InrRc yield per acre , hut quality of grain i-xct-lk-nt. Corn Immense. 1'nclurva look well. Potatoes nhnoKt made. Kllhnore Coin doing llnely , hut ? omo very small. Oat and llax suffered from the he.it of me caily pint of the week , hut late rains will Impiove their conditions , liuly coin laid by. 1'aMtires need mole rain. llnse Wi-nlher fool nnd favorable to all crops. llnrvfMlnir In full blast.Vhtnt arid oats rather short. Corn all right yet. Hamilton Hot sun and Hind early In the week cut oat crop shoit ten huahels per acre. Hnme Pieces are almi'st mined. Hye and wheat are Improving gome. Corn looks line , wnlle othei pieces are small nnd woody. Hay will bo u good crop , also alfalfa , cane and millcl. .Icn'emm Corn growing nicely , hut still needs rain. Oats short , but well headed. lings Injur ing oatB and corn. Wheat and rye will not he even half n crop. Ji'lmFon ' W.ieat harvesting on hand. Some o.ils also ripe nnd will he a good crop. C.irn as hllth ns a man's hi/ad. Somu Is laid by and Is very weedy. Lancaster Small grain suffered much till the rain ; now doing well. Corn , where well tended. limks very well. IVitatoes promise a good ciop. NVmaha Wheat harvest begun hi fore the rain. lint Inteirupted hy inlny weather. Karly corn tasscllng. Apples In the market. 1'otaloes plenty. Nnckolls Corn Is growing very fast and has a good color , hut ruin came tie late for the outs , which uii > about ruined and are being cut foi fodder. Otoe Corn In excellent condition. Harvest of rye and winter wheat commenced. Oats doing well and promise a heavy ciop. Grass nnd mil let In good condition. 1'awnee Some wheat threshing out much better than was expected. Corn Is nliotit n week late. Oats haivest commencing. Stinw short. Store rain needed. Chinch bugs doing consider able damage. 1-olk All ciops making good , steady giovvth. Oats , pastures nnd meadows are glowing un usually well. Potatoes good. Hlcliaidpon Corn glowing rapidly. OatB will be a full ci't p. Italns have hindered faun work. Hiillnc I-'lrhl of week hot nnd diy. but hist of week very favorable for growth. Some damage to oats from lust and chinch bugs. Coin doing tlnely. Saunders Corn haa grown slowly. Small grain all headed. I'minlsc of a big harvest. Listed Cfiin rather weedy. ( , rass abundant. Sevvaid Oats not doing ns well as was ex- peclHl. They cannot make more than half n erop. Corn is doing finely , but many llelds very late and xmatl yet. Winter wheat Is beginning to turn. Thaycr Oats too far gone befoie the rain to make. Corn d"lng modeiately well. Much of the icplanlcd Is small. Crop generally clean. Harly planted corn being Inld by. Not much fruit. York Hot winds early In the week hurt pome flclds of small K nil n badly. Corn Is veiy back ward for this time of the year. NOIlTHiASTiilN SUCTION. Antelope Small grnln Is In good condition nnd corn In making rapid pr < giess. Hoyd CiopH above the average. Some damage lo corn from hail. Italnfall normal. Hurt Too cool for corn , but couldn't be better for nil kinds of tmiall grain and glass. Spring rye and bailey In the milk nnd oats just h'ad- Ing. but promise the best for years and tin nays ahead of the average ncason. Wild glass and pastm MS line. Cedar Corn growing Blow. Kmiil | grain con tinues to do nicely. Colfax Too cool for corn , which , however. looks well. Spring wheat , oats nnd barley look the heft for years. Hye that | i iked dead two weeks ngi > will make a quarter to half crop. Ornss In excellent O'ndltlon. CumhiK Weather gi.od . for pnrill gvnln , which never looked better. Corn n little Mnall. Pota toes and all garden tiuek good. A prvrre hall storm damaged bailey and rye badly In northern part of rminiy. Dakota Wheat , oats , corn nnd meadiWH nevir aveiaged better at this season. I'utatoes a full crop and a laiKe acreage. Weeds very bad. Dlxon Coin has made slow growth. Ilest show for wheat , oats and hay for yars. Dodge All small gmln nnd potatoes have grown well. A little cold for coin , which IH u few- days behind what It was last > car. DouKlah Temperature for the week averaged seven degrti s tielovv the normal and rulnfull O.ir. Inches less than normal. Holt Wheat heading fast anil will bo n good crop. Corn grows slouly from cool nlchts. 1'astures good. Meadows growing llnely. 1'ula- toes diiing well and no IIIIKH. Knox Ciops lire doing nicely. Small grain Is headed. Coin la being laid by. Sweet coin Is tassellng. Madison Orowth of corn retarded by cool weather and cultivation hindered by wet weather. Hye being harvested. Wheat and oata being harvested. I'laite A very good week for all crops , eppe- clully small grain. Corn IH rather backward. OatH and spring wheat promise the laigest crops ever ratted here. Corn doing well ; ulto grass , millet and alfalfa. I'otatws doing well nnd no bugs. Kunltowen nnd other weeds crowing phe nomenally. Sui py Cool and cloudy , with plenty of rain. All crops doing tlnely , but some coin Is getting very weedy. One Held of corn rejioited In lappel. Itusslan thistles have appeared HOIIIB In alfalfa this faprlng. Stanton Week exceptionally favorable to small grain. Wheat nnd oalx are hunted out. I'astureg In Kuod ec mil It lun nnd hay ciop will bu large. Suear beels growing nicely. Wmhlngton Oats heavy. Wheat good. Torn , poiatoea and ruh'ar beets all In promising Con dition. Wayne Smnll grain U filling nicely. Borne N , W , HARRIS & GO BANKERS , 163-165 Dcarborn-st. , Chicago , f 3 Wall-si. , New York. 70 Stnle-tl. , lioitc CITY. 00171117 , r i \ K I r \ f . WoVcte BON Dfc Buajbt aud Belli. Corrcipondcnoe Bgllcltcd. damage from hall on the SHh. Corn tlolnp well , but backward , I Sioux Oily , In.Crop pro"i'fcl excellent. letter pntl of the week rattier cool for corn. Ynnklon , S. -Wlip.it nn.1 outs In tplcmllit roiulltlmi nnd hove Just c < .intiien'-ed to color In finer ? . Some wheat badly lodged on low wet Rroiiml. Some rye ha been cut nnd bntlcy IB ready to cut. Corn coming on nit right. CENTRAL SECTION. Itaotio All crops doing well. Onti promise a. Kt'"d crop. Wheat fiilr nml corn prospccls excel * iiffaln iueliloli hcmli-il 'out nml hlnstcil In May In ( lending out again nm ! will make n fnlr crop , nut * somewhat Injiiiril liy Imivy wind , lint will nuke n fnlr ctop. Pustules excellent. New h.iy In the market. Custcr Wheat In tilonm ami In fine condition , Coin very uneven , Wee-l heaviest for learn. Tall wheat turning. IMw run Spring vvhcnl nnd onls nre bndly u e l up , hut corn In nil light > el nml potatoes would iiinlie n niiod crop If e could gel more rain at once. ( lines lm > ftcidiciicil up ninl looks nil right ngnm. Oieclcy All crcp * ate doing well. Choke rlictv rli-i me ilpcnlng. Hull- Coin making very inpld growth. t.lstr-il coin n poor stnml nnd weidy. Onls iioiiirnh.1t weedy nnd will make from throc-foutlln to n full crop. Huwnid-Corn growing well , Plenty of garden vegetnlii | . NamSmnll grnln In filling out writ Corn Wiiiil-l ilo belter with wniincr weather , Potnlocn diilnil well. PnMnres exi-elli-nt. ShciinmiCiops hnvo made a fnlr growth. O.ils IIMni'tlnc mniie. Nights too reel for corn. Con Rlilernlite cotn laid by , llyu will nmlie half a crop. IVtiitoes Koinl. V.illcy-Thc hent of Mond.iy mido : the fmnll grain wilt nnd developed Koine iu t. lint mm * have ti-t I veil It. Coin i In better comtltl n Hum luM work , but li behind the iu-n on. Some havn lumr-sliil the first crop of nlfnlf.i fi < nn this spi Ing's flovv ing. SOUTH WESTERN SECTION. Ailnnn C'ciin l doing well. Some iu t in enl * . lint will imil ; , ' a fair crop. 1'olatoiti go il. Chiirp Halher lee cold for corn. Small grain will give n very email yield. Alfulfii eulilnit cinniuenred. OrnFshoppers very had In pl.-uei. Lincoln Crops nnd pnslilragc are In exii-llml Cl'lldllllin. I'nmly All vegetation ha * Improved winder- fully since the mill. ri.inUllnCoin Is In splendid condition. Wheat nnd rye will pnduilily nnike n thlid of n > roii , Snine onl.M will Inveiy lltlil. Urnsi nood. rrontler Hye one-luilf n crop , O.lls heavy In Ftiaw , but Until In the In u'l. ' Coin doing well , flrass belter than flnei1 1SU. ! r'ninn ! * Hatlier * i i | foi i-oin. nnd weeds very bnd. Some lust on oati. Sirninl ginulh of lye Is Just In liloom. liny ciop will be mie. Hprln.t \\licnt mnkliiK n big nmuili and Just iMiinmi'iu'lng to lirad. H.ithin Corn nml weeds growing fast. 1'nMurcs nnd meadow * In line rnndltinn. 1'otatncH pminlsn the laiKest yield for > euis. Alf.ilfn looking ( Inc. lllti'hiiiek Wheat and cats all dead fM-ept wheve Irrlgatetl. A favoialile week for corn , t'as- turps fair , hut rain needed. Webster Coi n ln-lni ; laid by. but ni-vdi mnro rain. Kearney Soil wt down four to plx Imhes. Spring wheat and oats will be from half lo thie" 'liiaiters of n rio | > , nml In xnmc locnlltli u full erop. There will lie considerable bailev. I'eik-.nn Coin doing nililv well , ( lats tiadly dam.iged by diy wniiher miller In the Mcatx-n anil needlni ; more rain now. riu-lp" Coin IR doing well. Thete wilt b nearly half n erop of wbe.it nnd oalK. Hed Willow 'orn Is grow lug well , but la late , Mo-u lulu Is needed. Ilo\ Unite Crops me ndMinelng rapidly , except i-n-ii. which Is nulte Uickwaid. 1'asturago abundant. CMu-iij The lain has done nn Immense nmount of Kixul. Oats heading. Corn doing well. Cheyenne Cinps ale looking well , but ground IK beginning to get dry , ihuiiRli nothing In surfer. Ing yet. PawcF A fnlr growing week , with local phow- er > * . .Small gtaln piofpeits good. All Mock dolns wc'l . Keith Too much rain. Low bottoms rovorcil with water. OUIKH neatly teady to evil. Alfnlfa and corn doing llnely. ( liound very weedy. Ke.\a I'nlin Coin and poi.it. . ies il. ' .ng well. SciittH Illuff Cn > ps ale grow.ng lapldly. Alfalfa Is being cut for hay and Is veiy heavy. Slf.ux Sin-ill ginln 'Jo'nK ' well. Uutlier too cool for corn. Pastures line. Sheridan Wheat and oats have Improved dur. Ing the week , thouKh more tain Is needed. Cov IH growing Mowly. _ \MATIIIK : IIU.UA Cool \Veiitlier Hm Uiiiiu-ilril Iho Growth of I orn * nntrhut. . WASHINGTON. July 2. The weather bureau In HH ic-pott "f ciop ciiillllotii for the week ended July 1 says : The week hast been Kctiernlly favorahle , nl- tho-.iKh too ctKil In slates of the Missouri ami upper Mississippi valle > H. with Ion much rain over poi lions of the ( lulf states nnd northern Texas. In the southern Males the corn crop Is now practically laid hy In Kciietnlly excellent eivtdltlon. Cool weather has retiiided the Riowth of coin In the Dakota.- * , and while Nebiaska and Mlntn-hotn rejiort the crop liiickvvnul. II Is In point condition. Arkansas and Keiitmky report the outlnnk for coin im the must promlsliiB In years , and while lalns huve lieen U-nellclul and Ihe crop Is doInK well In Ohio. Indian , ! und Illi nois , In the twolast named slates there nio comiilalnts of danmite hy clilnchbucs. Wlnti-r wheat harvest Is Hearing completion over the northern i irtlnn of the wUiter vvhent lii-lt , and thioshlnir Is lieciniiltiK K'-noral. Spring wheat Is now heading , and tin- condition of thin crop , cmitlnues favornhle. Lldit frosla occurred nn Iho 2Mh and 2Uh In portliOB of the DnkotaH , Minnesota and Wisconsin , causing xllKlit damaga In some localities. AcciiiiKiliitliin of drain. NEW YORK. July 2. Special cnhle and tele- Krnphlo dlppatohfs to HnidKtrei-l's , rmorlnff prin cipal points of accnmulatlnn In the t'nltiil Slates. Canada and Eun-pe. Indicate tinfollovvlni ; changes In available stocks last Saturday , as compared with the pievlous Saturday : Whent , I'nlted States nnd Canada , east of the Rncky mountain * , decrease , 3.023,000 hu. ; 1'nclllc i-onst. decrease , 400.0OO hu. : total decrease , hoth coasts. 3.423.0i ) bu. ; nlloat for and In Emope , Incieasc , 2,840.000 lm. ; total dew-en e world's nvnllahle. 5R3.000 hu. Corn , I'nlled Stales and Canada , east of tlie Rocky mountains , decieiue , C05.0IKI hu. Oats United Slates nnd Canada , cast of thu llnkv miumtulns. decieaMl.tlK.ooo hu. Ix-ad- Inc decreases In visible stiicks of available vvhent not Included In the olllelnl visible supply report for hist week Include the followlni ; : IM5.000 Int. In north west i rn In i-rlor eleviitnrs , 430.0HO bu. In MllvvniikK- private elevators , f,3 , < W bu. In Chl- cnito private elevatiirs. 44.009 bu. at 1'orl Huron and i.o.O'H ) bu. ul Cleveland. Taere were no cor- rei-piiiidlnB Incientcs , Ihe larKi-r ones lielni ; 20.000 hu. each al Akron and OKdemdiuiK. SiiRwr .tlurkot. NEW YORK July S. StT.AR Raw , nominal ; sales , 6,384 hairs centrlfiiK.il. ' ' " > test. 2 6-lCc , c. and f. ; s.iHKl IIIIKS centilfUKiil. tit ! test , nt brenk- . and 1.0'0 ' bags c-n'rl- w.iler , 2 ll-ICc , c. and f. . fUKiil. K leht. nt breakwater. 3 > lc , exhlp - meni ; l.57i : baps nvilasH-s. 8-J test. IHc , c. and f. ; renned. linn : N" . . 4Sit3-lCc ; No. 7 , 3 ll-lfiill'dc ; No. 8 , 3'kWI 11-lBe ; No. . 3 13-16W 4e ; No. 10. Wt < it3 15-lCc ; No. 11. 3 ll-lCJJ3'ic ( ; No. 12 , 3 9.1Gfr3 ic : No. 13 , .1-V ; off A. 4 l-lMflXcj mold A. 4 11ICfiliFtiindnnl : A. 4 5-1CH4'ini confectlniiers' A. 4 fi-l&iil'.ic ; cut loaf , 5 l-lCM5'o : crui-liid , 5 MMj5ic ! ; Kriinulatcd , 4 7-lCtf4'icj ' ! ciiU-D , 4 MC4ic. ! IMIIvviinUre .Marl < ot . MILWAUKEE. July 2. WHEAT Weak ; No S sprlnir , 70c ; No. 1 northern , 7Cc ; Kcptembcr , I'bilN Neclected ; No. 3. 4CHc. OATS Imiellve ; No. 2 whle , 27Hc ; No. 3 white , nominal. IIARI.EY Weaker ; No. 2. 4 < ic ; sample , 48c RYE In inmU-rale supply ; No. 1 , 59'ic. AUniit-niiollH IVIirnt Murker. MINNEAPOLIS , July 2. WHEAT A llttl * hiuher ; July. 70Hc ; Sep-emher. CSi c ; December , 7M/ie. On track. No. 1 hard , 72e ; No. 1 northern , 71'io ' ; No. 2 northern , 70'ic. FLOUR Easy ; tlrsl palmtH , J3.80fM.20 ; second palenls , J3C iii3.90 ; llrsl clears , $3.45 3.55 ; necand clofim , J2.95ii3.05 ; e > | inrt bakers. J2.W03.20. KniKMH 'llv I'riiilncr M-irkvl. KANSAS CITY , July J.-WHI3AT Quiet ; No. 2 hard , CMjCSo ; No. 2 led , CSJ(7tic ; reji-cted , W4 CORN Lower ; No. 2 mixed , 39V4Q40c ; No. 1 "oATS C'4c lower ; No. 2 mixed , 22'.aG23'c ' ; No. 2 white , 25c. . Duliitliliciit Marlrt. DUI.UTH. Minn. . July 2. WHEAT Quiet ; No. 1 hard , cash. 72 > ie ; July , 73e ; No. 1 northern , cash. 72'ic ' : July. 72'io ; September , "OV.e ; Di-oem- ler. 72'.c ; NJ. 2 northern , ctis'i , GSvdcj No. 2 north- rm , M'e ; u-Jectid , C 'ic : to airlve , No. 1 hard , 73c ; No. 1 northern , 72 ! < iC. Oil Murker. 11REMEN , Jul > 2. I'ETROLEUM 7 mark t ' ' " "LONDON. July s.-r-Ai.utiTTA LINSEED- Spot , 3fx : Juno shipments , vl.i cape. 3S . ANTWERl' , July 2.-l'ETROLEU.M-19t WcO 2 > ) f. 'I'rUcdVheiit Qiiotulloiie. RAN FRANCISfO. July 2. WHEAT Easyj Detc-mber , $1.0. % ; cleared , 12S.110 cintnU wheiil. Miiiicbemer 'Icxtllni. MANCIinSTCH , July 2.-Cloltm and yarns qulft , with very little business doing. K. P. SMITH ( Tel. 1J08) B. M. STANI-'OIID F. P. SMITH & CO. GRAIN and E-UIOVISJONS Room 4. M. Y. Life Hldu. , Omnha. Ilranch cilices at Kremont ami C'junibu | > , All orders placed on the ChlnKo Itourd of Trade. CorrenponilcntH : Sihwurtz , Dupi-e & Co. , C'hl * capo : Schrelner. Klnck & Co. . Bt. Louis. Uefer to First National Ilank. Oinalu. JAX1KS K. liOYD. J.V. . DEAN. Telephone 1O.19. BOYD & DEAN OMAHA. NKH. COMMISSION Grain. Provisions & Stocks Uoom 111',4 Hoanl of Trade. Direct wires to C'hlcuKO nnd New York , Corrcspondt-ntu. John A. Warren & Co. MA 1(0 ( IN No mailer wliii' boon.v-i on npec > THADINH ululiun you inur lnivu read enJ .tor our * , which li NE\V anil COMI'LETE. It clearly explain * trudlntc and UKl'INES ALL UARKET EXl'RUbaiONri. Il'i free and will teach you omethlnir , AnuOGAST & CO. . U Tradfrt Uulldlne. Chicago.