Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Advocates of Honest Oity Government
Moving in Dead Earnest.
To lie Held In tlio Ilimril of Trnilo Hall
Tomorrow Night HiinilreiU of 1'co-
plo Lxpeclnl to 1'urtlclputo In
the Deliberations.
At 8:15 : o'clock this evening there
\vlll bea public meeting of all of the sub
scribers to Citizens' Reform movement , anil
eiicti friends as they may wish to Invite
thereto , at the Hoard of Trade hall , Sixteenth
end rarnam streets.
\Vhllo this mooting will be public , only
those persons \\lio are In active sympathy
\vlth the objects ulilcli the Citizens' Ucform
movement have In view , arc expected to par
ticipate In the deliberations.
The declaration of principles of the or
ganization provides for holding the public
meeting at any time after 300 signers have
been secured. At this tlmo moro than COO
of the voters of the county have signed , and
us a result , the call has bcn Issued.
The call for the meeting Is as follows :
Citizens' Itcform Movement , Omaha , June
28 There will bo a public meeting of all
the subscribers to the Citizens' Reform move
ment , and such friends as they may wish to
ln\lto thereto , at the Hoard of Trade hall ,
corner Sixteenth and 1'arnam streets , on
Tuesday evening , July 2 , 1893 , at 8 15 o'clock
sharp. Don't fall to respond.
W. H. IIUNTUU , Secretary.
Not a failure recorded to blur Its forty
years' record us best and purest of bak ng
powders Dr. Trice's.
Cnrnllil itcn U ho ttmiltl Iiiltu tlio Itourit of
I'ulillc Mnr.iHiicaitc } .
This evening Major Hernia will trans
mit to the city council the name of a nnn
for member of tlio Hoard of Public Work *
to fill the vacancy occasloneJ by the expira
tion of Commissioner Halcombe's term. The
Identity of the proposed member has been
a subject of anxious consideration anting ha f
a dozen aspirants and ns no definite informa
tion 1ms been given out that the major has
come to a decision , they all continue to hope
It Ins been generally talked for some time
past tint the appointment of the new mem
ber would be made the occasion for a general
reorganization of the relative duties of the
members. It was opined that there would
bo a new chairman and that Chairman Win
spear would go baik to his old jcb at the
heaJ of the street department It has been
recently stated that the Idea of Mich a change
has been abandoned and that Mr.Vlnspear
will bo redeslgnated as chairman for another
year , while the now man will rank with Mr
So far as has been reported , there arc even
active candidates for the appointment wl hout
considering the pi slblllty of City Engineer
Rosewatcr's appointment as chairman of the
board The e are Oeorgo V Munro , J. W
rurnas J. L Illack , J A Heverly , James
Stephcti'on , 13 Henedlet anJ Thomas Shaw
Mr HIaek and Mr Shaw are both practical
engineers , the latter being the present head
of the draughting department In the ofllce ol
the city ong'no ' . Mr Hevrrly Is a local
contra" ' As nearly as .may be gathered
"fsiippol.ilinpnt 1 es between Munro and
Furnai. Doubt Is expressed as to whether the
appointment will be confirmed bj the conn
ell The present ruling force In the council
would not bo dlspleised to s ° o Major Hal-
combo retained , and It Is whliperel that an >
apiointment which the mayor may make 1 *
likely to be turned down with that end In
view. Some of the local corporations whlc'i '
have very recently given an exhibition oi
their abllltv to tmnlpulatc certain members
of the council arc said tn bo working against
Munro's confirmation and several of the
counclliren also oppose rurnas.
$1,000 fireworks display the Fourth afternoon -
noon and evening at Comtlaqd beach.
Tliro * Vi Honolulu Purlt oil 11 IlirM-v
A personally condnMeil excursln Wll
leave Omaha vli the Hurllngton Itouto a !
4 35 p in , Saturday , July 13 , for a bicycle
tour of die YcMiwst ne National park Mam
moth Hot Springs will be reached at noon
Monday , July 15 , and the next morning the
150-tnllo clicult of the paik will be begun.
As the park roads nro excellent , this can
easily be accomplished In four days.
The cost of the round trip ticket to Mam
t moth Hot Springs Is $17 50. Rates at the
paik hotels , $1 00 a day for a i.tay of a week
or less. After that $ T 00 a diy
$7500 to $ S500 will about cover the entire
expense of the trip. Including sleeping cat
fares both ways , meils enroute , etc.
The party will not conform to any pre
arranged cut-nnd-drled schedule , but wll
move according to the wishes of the majority
of Its members and will bo accompanied bj
Mr. J i : Buckingham of the general passen
ger department of the Uurllngton Route at
Address J Francis , 0 I' . & T. A , , Omaha
Neb. , for full Information.
TUI : wo.Mii.itrui , n .ALK 1111,1. ; , .
AM Teacher * Miolllil Know
All about the Ulack Hills -historic , Instruc
tive , Interesting to a greater degree than
any other part of the n' < t
The Hot Springs < . ( South Dakota are
Delegates to the Nallunnl Educational as
sociation meeting at Denver , holding tickets
over the Union Pacific , huve an unprece
dented offer In the wa > of a low rate , re
turning through the Ill.ick Hills. Prof
demons of rrcmont Normal school , Tre-
niont , Neb. , will personally conduct an ex
cursion party on this trip Consult him 01
the nearest agent F R & M V or Unlor
Pacific railway for further particulars
A I'tnrdtaiit tiM
Offered bv the Chlcigo , Milwaukee & St
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. /
clean train , made up and started fron
Omaha. Uaggage checked from residence ti
destination. iiegant train hervlce am
courteous employes. Kntlro train lighted bj
electricity and heated b > steam , with electrli
light In every berth. Finest dining cai
ccrvlco In the west , with meals served "a It
carte. " The rijer loaves at C p. in. dallj
from Union depot.
City ticket oillce , 1C04 Faruain street. C
S. Carrier , city ticket agent.
fv OM.8:11.70 :
; * .
To llotton unit Kuturn Via the VVuliutlt.
For the Y P. S C U. convention the Wa
batfh will cell tickets at above rate July 5th ti
Slh Inclusive ; , Tor tickets or folders glvlnj
full information In regard to routes , limits
etc. , call at Wabasu ollico , 1415 rarnam st.
or write Q. N. CLAYTON.
N. W. P. Ag't , Omaha , Neb.
I miles Attention.
Superfluous hair , warts , moles and brow
spots removed by the "Uloctrle Process. "
Corns , bunions , Ingrowing too nails , trcate
by a professional chiropodist.
Medicated and Hlcctrlc baths , also masag
by an experienced anil educated massi-uso
109 and 110 Iko Uuildlng.
( Only exclusive ladles' bath parlors in Omaha
lard at 'I'lituUi.
The undersigned desire to thank the Mod
ern Woodmen o ( America , the Grand Arm
of the Republic and all the frto'vis who wer
to kind , to ui at the funeral of our late hus
b ud and brother , Walter Walker.
Summer Tuurlit Ticket * \li tlin IV aim
Are now on idle ; for folders giving routti
Mtes. etc. . call at Wakub cfflce , HIS F i
: . , HllOTIIUIl-4.
Tlinio Arn Ilxtr.i Spnrlnl llnrgnlni.
Paris , green , per pound , 25c.
Poison fly paper , Dutchcr'g , a sheet , 3c.
Hunyada water , per bottle , 15c.
Tea kettles fo- gasoline or oil stoves , make
good sauca kettle ; , IGc.
Elastic and all kinds of starch , package , 7c.
Laur.dry starch , 3\c.
worth $ COO , $300 , $100. $350 , $300 , which
wo will close out regardless of value at the
ono price of $1 9r >
Headquarters for everthing ,
TIII : A it A us 10 t'laiiT.
A I'mclnc Mntrltl it n Tumbling Itnrr ,
Ever since the two strongest men In the
troupe of Arabs met face to face at Court-
land beach there has been a great deal of
boa tlng upon thplr respective ability ns
sword fencers. Doth have given exhibitions
before the sultan , but they have never met
face to fac ° until Slo Hassan Hen All con
solidated the Arabian forces at Courtland
recently. Since then Hen All has heard
( .0 . much boasting and blowing about their
relative merits from each of these gladiators
that he has concluded to give them a chancp
tomorrow night to "show what they are
made of" Htn All Is to be the judge and
these two champion broadsword lighters
will first go thnugh the stick exercise known
to Arabs ns "Shmealats , " and second for
points with Aiablnn scimitars and shield ?
The Slo says ho Is thoroughly conversant
with every point In sword fighting and he
will decide the fight upon Its merits , giving
the winner n medal himself. He says
American pugilists and base ball players
nro no fun at all In comparison with this
oriental game and Mohammedans consider It
the only true method of lighting In that part
of the world.
In addition , a tumbling race Is to take
place tomorrow night between Tayon Kltch ,
Japanese , and Salen Hen llatlj , Arab. This
Is In connection with the regular Courtland
beach attractions for tomorrow evening.
Miller * Kcfiuo to Kotiirn to Ion-it and I'tiin
( Ins C'liiirgrH.
Officer Wler came over from Council HlufTs
jestcrday after the colored people , John
mil Jennlo Miller , who ivero arrested eari >
Sunday morning by Olficer Sullivan on a
charge of having robbel Oscar Hellgh of
several hundred dollars in cash. Oillcor Wler
illd not accomplish his ml s on and rcturne !
to the Bluffs , the Millers refusing to go over
without the necessary requisition papeis. . .
Just before being arrested Jennlo
Miller gave to Mrs. Rudd , a cellmate ,
i roll of bills , with tno adjuration to keep It
mill she caw her again. Mrs. Rudd made
in effort to hand the "stuff" over to ono of
the slation ofllcen ? but for some unexplained
reason they didn't get it , but Colonel Lapbey ,
the colored HWJO- , did H amounted to
$ ' )0 ) , and wa doubtless the balance of He-
llgh's money The court ordered Lap ey to
turn the money over , but Lapsey rofu ed , un
til threatened with nrrest , when ho gave It
to Detective Haze and took a receipt tor It.
No nlum , ammonia , unwholesome or any
doubtful substances whatsoever used In Dr
Price's , Baking Powder.
No Orclni of nlc In the Water Work * C use
IT III NTT , .liuumrr.
The decree In the foreclosure suit of the
Farmers Loan and Trust company against the
American Water Works company was filei
In federal court with the signatures of
Judges Rlner and Dundy jesterday.
In substance It provides for the payment
of the bonds and Interest ; stipulates thii
there shall be no order of pile- Issued before
January 1 , 18 % , provides for distribution of
funds , , and specifies how Sclp Dundy , master
In chancery , will officiate with relation to the
Attorney Webster Is preparing for an ap
Two ( Jrt-iit I'xcuiitniK to Itnuton.
Via the Lake Shore & Mlchlgin Southern
Ry , one In July and ono In August. Ono
fare for the round trip Stop over at Niag
ara Falls and Saratoga If desired : also by
boat ono way between Albany and New York
at the option of the passenger. Stop over can
al o be made at Clmutauqua on return trip.
Regular Summer Tourist Tickets to the
many delightful mountain , lake and seaside
resorts of the cast are now on tale. Com
plete list of loutes and rates , with any fur
ther Information desired , will be promptly
furnished on application. H. P. Humphrey ,
T. P. A , Kansas City. Mo. C. K. Wllbor ,
West Pass. Agt , Chicago.
$1,000 fireworks display the Fourth after
noon and evening at Courtland beach.
11 via' itni IASI\
through faru I'list > p-elul I'nrtlns Post.
Hoston July 5 to S Haltlmore July 15 and
1C Half fare for the round trip. Special
parties in charge of excursion managers with
through car service from Omaha
Ask about them at the
Northwestern Line
Ticket oiace , 1101 Farnam street.
R. H. Ritchie. General Agent. G. F
Wefct. G. P. awlTA.
Indliimi , Ohio HII I I'cmiivlvniiln
Are connected with Chicago by the Pennsjl-
vanla lines , which traverse forty counties In
Indiana , forty-four counties In Ohio , and the
Keystone state from Pittsburg to Philadel
phia. No other transportation system touchIng -
Ing Chicago so complete ! } covers these states
Write Derlng , 24S South Clark stieet , Chicago
cage , for paitlculars.
Nell ! CllllIKU Ill I IlllP.
Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railway's
Chicago vestlbuled limited leaves at I 40 p. m
Lincoln , Falrbury , Hcllevue and points south
and west at C 15 p m.
cumoitr I triiro oils.
For full Information In regard to summer
excursions apply ut the city ticket ollico of
the Ch cage , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway ,
1501 Farnam street. F. A. Nash , general
$1,000 fireworks display the Fourth after
noon and evening at Courtland beach.
HHl'CKMarie. ' . Infant daughter of Mr. nml
Mis. Tbco Ileuck
runeriil Tuesday. July 2 , 2 p. m. , fioni
residence , 3217 ( "unilng street.
nUMO.NT-Mis Snrnh. at St. Joseph. Mo ,
on Juno 'Jit , widow of H Dumont nnii
inothci uf J H. Uumont of this city.
runcial services will bo held nt the Betn-
Eden U.iptlft chut oh , 1'aik avenue , noiu
Lo.ivonwoilli St , Tuesday , July 2nd , a (
2.30 p in Interment at Forest Lawn.
The Last Call Before the Fourth Two
Days to Buy Tans.
lueiiluy niulVoilur9diy the Hiinnor DIIJH
of tlio ( It-cat Clciirlnc-Up of luu
Shoes nt tlio Drrzcl
bhoo Compiiny.
Tor the next two dajs WD will make an
extra effort to close out our ladles' tan ox
fords , the leading bargains being those beau
tiful low , tan , button , Zelgler's make of
Philadelphia , the oxtord that lias al\vavs
been $100 , the balance go at $250.
Ladles' la Jullettes and light shade Prince
Alberts , seine narrow square , some squire ,
some opera toes , some hand-turned , all very
st > llsli , none worth less than $250 , and most
of them worth $4 00 , June clearing price $1 4S
Ladles' ? . ' CO black and tun oxfords , OSc.
Ladles' $3 CO tan oxfords , $2 00.
Mcn s London cut twin oxfords , our regu-
Hr $300 shoes , with patent leather vamp , or
dongola kid , will make a specially fine bar
gain from now on until the Pourtli , your
choice of hundreds of pairs Is only $1 " 5
Nothing wo ever advertized begins to equal
this bargain.
Men's $2 00 low shoes go at $1 25.
Men's small sizes , c. u'i , 0. C'i ' , In all
cc.ors and shapes of $4 00 , $5 00 and $ C 00
tans , go at $2 00
Men's $100 and $300 Russian leather and
patent leather shoes cut down to $2 CO.
All of llatmn & Son's tan button shoe : ,
ah\a > s $ C,00 , go for $1 00.
All those $700 light brown , cloth top , but
ton shoes for men are the extreme itjles ,
but the price didn't seem tosuit. . We'vt
changed It to $4 00.
The bojs' and youths' tans are at almost
nothing now. You'll miss It It you don't buy
jour boy a pair.
All the youths' $2 00 tan lace shoes $1 00
The $2 50 kind arc $1 15.
Uojs' tan lace shoes that were $250 are
cut to $1 75.
The $ J 50 kind , the best ever made , $2 50
Do > ou need a low shoe for your boy ? Got
lots of them.
Our joutlis' $150 low she ° B OSc.
Our bajs' $200 low shoes $1 25
Clearing tans out until the Fourth ,
1110 Farnam st.
Clmtigcs In l.ucntloiiH of Ciimp inln I.osse *
During tlm 1'unt Six MiMitlm.
Chief Hcdell of the fire department Issued
an order yesterday by which the numbers
and locations of the various companies nio
reclasslfieil as follows :
Unglne company No. 1 , Ezra Mlllard , 1317
Harney street ; engine company No. 2 , Con
tinental , 211 South Tenth street ; engine com
pany No 3 , Joe Sheeley , Eighteenth and
Harney streets ; engine company No. 1 , Fire
King , Sixteenth and Izard streets ; hose com
pany No. 5. Eighth and Pierce streets ; hose
company No ti , 914 North Twentj-fourth
itr < ? et , hose company No 7 , Thirty-sixth and
Jackson streets ; hose company No 8 , 4022
Hamilton street ; hose company No 9 , 3111
South Twentieth street ; hose company No 10 ,
2931 Dorcas street , Iio3e company No. 11 ,
Thirtieth and Spauldlng streets , hose com
pany No 12 , 713 South Twentj-seventh
itreet , hook and Hdder company No 1
Eighteenth and Harney streets ; hook and
ladder company No 2 911 North Tttentj-
fourth street ; hook and ladder company No.
1 , Eleventh and Dnrcis streets
This makes a number of changes In the
previous organization of the d pirtment , b >
which Increased efllclcncy Is expected. The
Continental engine , which has formerly been
locited at Thirteenth and IInrn ° y streets , has
been removed to No. 2's Ijouse on Tenth
street , and a hose cart takes Its place
In the Harney street house. Before
the change there was no hO e at the Harney
street house The Idea Is to make an
arrangement by which sufficient hose will
always be on hand to man the engines as
soon as they arrive at a fire In the down
town district The colored hose company be
comes No. 12 Instead of No. 5 , but the lo
cation Is unchanged
Chief Hedell has al o finished his report
for the first six months of 1S03 , which In
cludes all possible data relative to the work
of th ° department The total losses aggre
gate as follows January , $39048 ; Febrmry ,
$7.503 ; March. $17.204 ; April , $1,415 ; May ,
$1.385 , June , $230.
The month just past Ins probably recorded
the smallest lire loss of any month In the
history of the present department. There
were only thirteen alaims turned In during
the month The entire value of the prop
erty Jeopardized was $39C32 , on which there
was an aggregate ln urance of $21,075. The
entire loss on buildings and contents aggre
gated $210 , or an average of $17 for each
fire The loss over Insurance was $115 , which
when subtracted from the total loss leaves
$115 as the entire amount which the insur-
anp' companies were cilled on to pay
The losses and insurance for the first six
months of the year are summarized as follows
lowsValue of buildings , $7G5S4 ) ; value
of contents. $049,8 0 Total , $1 415.2G1
IXJPB on buildings , $3G,9.9 ! , los on contents ,
$32,918 Total loss , $09,847. Total Insur
ance , $940,091.
Tlttre were 177 alarms turned In as follows
lows- January , 39 , I'ebruiry , 33 , March ,
50 ; April , 20 ; May , 22 ; June , 13. Of these
147 were first alarms , twenty-three still
alarm" , five false , one second alarm and one
second and third combined.
The number of fires reached ICO , of
which G3 were In one-story buildings. Nine
fires extended to two and one to three-story
The number of miles traveled In responding
to these alarms were l.GOG , hours worked ,
203 ; feet of hose used , 72,975 , feet ol ladders
ute < \ , 2,881.
Other baking powders have been swept
Into comparative disuse by the admitted su-
perlorlty of Or. Price's , .
Itoiult n f n Uunnwny.
A splendid draft horse , belonging to A
Peterson , a grocer on Leavenworth street , ran
away at noon yesterday on North Twenty-
fourth street. The light delivery
wagon was broken and fell in
such a manner that every plunge
of the frightened animal brought the front
axle against Its hind legs The horse's hoofs
were nearly cut off , and Its feet almost
severed b fore It fell from exhaustion at the
corner of Twenty-fourth and Hamilton stieets
The animal was so badly Injured that It
was found necessary to kill It.
$1,000 fireworks display the Fourth after
noon anil evening at Courtland beach.
( Inn I lire fur tup Hound Tilp.
For the round trip to all points .within 200
miles The Missouri Pacific will sell July
3rd and 4th. Limit for return July 5th. Call
ut City office , N E. corner 13th and Farnam ,
or depot , 15th and Webster streets.
Uninnn VV lie Mt r > } tnti lloUrrpti liruliur
torbptt mill IIUVlfr. .
Vcra Stanwood , the lihndcome , dashing anil
unscrupulous woman who Is said to have
stolen the affections of Cbamplon Jim Corbett
from bis wife , Is well remembered by many
of the local men nboiit town. She was an
Omaha girl and It VT.IH In a Ninth street
resort that she started out an the life which
she bus since followtA with enough notoriety
to satiate even the most exacting member
of the lower world.
The woman's right name Is Jessie Taylor.
At the time of her birth her father was a
switchman In one of the Omaha yards , while
her mother and a sinter still reside on North
Sixteenth street In this city. Prom her
earliest years she was not satisfied with the
fare which the switchman's salary provided
and tn looking for a chance to better her
self she found and accepted a position In a
down town res'mi rant At this time she gave
abundant promise of the beauty which sub
sequently enslaved the fighting champion and
she acquired a list of admirers long enough
to completely turn her giddy head
After a few years Jessie struck up an
acquaintance with Lon George , who was
driving a hack at that time. She finally
married him. After three or four years of
married life , during which a child was
bo'ii , they dlsngreed and separated. The
woman claimed that It was on account of tlio
cruelty of her huslnnd but , however that
may be , she graduated from the married
state Into a life of shame She was the
mistress of several local sports and finally
dropped down Into a tenderloin resort , where
she set a pace that made oven the hardened
skates of several years standing open their
eyes. But the town grew too slow for her
rising aspirations and about four years ngo
she went to Chicago , where she adopted the
name of Vera Stanwood , and soon became
the rage among a certain clas" of rounders.
Her face and figure gained her entrance
Into the Allen resort on Dearborn street and
thete she soon became a favorite. The Allen
place was then the swell resort of the city-
She formed the acquaintance of all of the
leading sports and some of the prominent
business and professional men of Chicago
Numerous stories are told of her mad
escapades dining her residence In the Allen
palace and she was noted as at once the
most beautiful and abandoned of the fastest
circle of n very rapid city.
A short time after she moved to Prankle
Wright's resort in Plymouth Plice and It
was there she met the big bruiser , who was
at once her slave He had visited the house
in company with a party of sporting men
and a mutual attraction has existed ever
since She went to New Orleans to see him
whip John L Sullivan in 1892 and It Is
claimed she saw tlio fight from the
vantage of male attire and an eye glass
When Corbett was absent on his trips en
dearing telegrams were dally exchanged , until
a row , In which another Home of Corbett's
and a well known Chicago sporting man
figured , broke up the Intimacy for a time.
After tlio World's fair Vcra found herself
without a cent , anil after a friend of
her's , named Grace Lee , hail pawned her
diamonds the two women prepired to seek
more attractive fields They fitted themselves
up with some fashionable costumes and went
to San Tranclsco to attend the midwinter
fair. They quarreled During a drunken
orgle Vera noticed n picture of Corbett on
the wall of a wine room That started a
discussion , In which she relented some re
marks made by her companion , and after
ward laid In wait for her and stabbed her
several times. The Lee woman finally re
covered and Cornell heard of the escapade
and went back to his old flame. Since then
It Is claimed that he has promised to many
her , and Is only watting to obtain a legal
separation from his wife to unite himself
with his mistress.
NourHiIng cakes and biscuit made by
help of Dr. Price's Baking Powder are as
necessary as pure air and water for growing
N > \ \ 1'liin ofitrret I limning by Day l.nhnr
I'tlI In Onrnitlon.
The street sweeping machlnas which have
been relied on to clear the accumulated
refuse from the pavements of the city made
their final trip Sunday night and yesterday
the new plan of cleaning by day labor went
Into p-actlcal operation.
Ever since the council approved the plan
of day Hbar stre ° t cleaning Street Commlb-
sloner Kaspar been experiencing all the
troubles of a man who has patronage to dis
tribute. Although less than fifty men wll
be required even when the new system Is In
complete operation , more than 700 applica
tions have b en received for positions. Mr.
Kaspar's office in the city hall has been li
a continual state of tlege and even his home
ls > not exempt from the Importunities of men
who are anxious to draw a silnrv from the
city. When ho went homo to dinner Sun
day he found thirty men waiting at his resi
lience and some of their wives even called to
urge the claims of their husbanls The
name and address of every applicant was
taken and the list tills a good sized book
They will be considered In order and the be t
men will bo given places as fast as there arc
The s'reet commissioner started his men
In the business district alwnt 5 o'clock yester
day morning. Work was not begun until 7
o'clock on the suburbin streets. Only elgh-
te ° n men were employed at the start , as
they were new In the work and the com
missioner did not want to start moro men
than ho could superintend As soon as the
first gang becomes , acquainted with the sys
tern , more men will be added and from thlr y
to forty will eventmlly be employed.
Mr. Katpar said yesterday that he was
sure that the experiment would be a success
Tlio men seemed to take hold of the work
In good shape and In a few days they would
lip able to get along more rapidly. Some ol
the streets were In very bad condition to
start on as they had not been thoroughly
cleaned for some lime , but after the new
system was thoroughly under way ho ex
pected that better results would be obtained
than under the contract system.
Under the present system , men with brooms
sweep the dirt Into piles , after which ' It is
shoveled Into push carts , and eventu illy
It Is transferred to wagons , which haul it
away to the dump
Complexion powder Is an absolute necessity
of the refined toilet In this climate. Pozzon ! ' : .
combines everv element of beauty and purity
$1,000 fireworks display the Fourth after
noon and evening at Courtland beach.
< lii'up Itulm to I miUtlile , Ky ,
Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern railway
will , during the G A R. encampment , Louis
ville , Ky , sell excursion tickets September
8 to 11 , good returning until October C , from
St. Louis to Louisville at a rate of not ex
ceeding 1 cent per mile. Address J. M
Chesbrough , general I passenger agent , St
Louis , for further particulars.
I'onrtli of .Idly I xcumlnn.
Iowa , Nebraska and Minnesota points via
the Northwestern line ) Greatly reduced rates.
1401 Farnam street.
E recommend the Royal Baking Powder as superior to
all others. It is indispensable for finest food.
United Cooks and Pastry Cooks Asso'n of the United . \
WiW ? ey ! S3 ? W SWr
llo t ii .Miilltni.
Ona and one-bait pints Hour , one-half pint
corn meal , one tablrepoonful sugar , one tca-
ipoonful salt , two teapoonfuU Royal Making
I'otvder , one tabletpocnful butter , ttirue cgiu ,
anil ono pint ( full measure ) mllli , ono teaspoonful -
spoonful Extract Cinnamon. Slit together
Hour , corn meal , sugar , salt , and powder :
rub In lard cold , add eggs , beaten , milk , end '
extract cinnamon , mix Into batter a little '
stlffer tlian ordinary griddle cake batter , have i
KrlJdlc lieu ted regularly alt over , grease It , '
lay un It mutlln rtngi , nleo greated , half fill ,
them wllh batter. An soon as risen to tops I
of ringi , turn them over gently nlth cake
turner ; bake nice brown on cither IJ . They
should bake lu seven or eight minute } .
French Itolli.
Quo uuurt
| teuspoonfuls Hoyal Baking Powder , one tablespoonful -
spoonful lard , nearly one pint milk Sift
flour , talt and lard together thoroughly , rub
In lard coid , add milk , and mix Into rather
firmer ( lough tlmn ordlnuiy Flour board ,
turn out ilough , and Immediately give It one
or two quick vigorous kntadlngs to com
plete it > smoothness No divide It Into1
pieces hizo of egg , then each piece In ralf ,
which form under the hands Into appearance
of fl'iort. thick rolln tapering sharply at each
end. Put two of tl e c pieces together side
by tide , plni'lilng ends together a little , lay .
them * ' ! grcaij baking tin was'i over with1
milk laVe ! : in hot oven fifteen m nute ? .
11cuna Hell ,
Oi.c quurt flrur , one-talf te-"p iful salt ,
two teaipoonfuls Itoyal liuktng Powder , ono
lu < ] t oae p.lut milk , S1U 19-
gether flour , f.tlt and powder ; rub In Ian
cold , add milk , and mix in the bowl Into
kmuoth dough , easily handled without stick
ing to hands and board. Flour board , turn
out dough and give It a quick kneid or two
to equalize It , then roll It out with rolling
pin to thickness cf one-half Inch , rut ou
with large round cutter , fold onlnlt over
the other by doubling If lay them on greaeei
baking sheet without touching. Wash then
over with a little milk to glaze them. lUke
In hot oven fifteen minute * .
llrcllkfmt HUrilit.
Take one quart of aweet milk one nil
cupful in lind butter a little tali i o 'able
spoonfuls Hoyal Making I'otv Icr 11 ur enougl
to mak ; a stiff IwtteJ , do not kn nil in'
dcugb , but drjp ir.ts lut'-i 1 -i ftc n t
spoon ; bake In hut nv- . lc < It ik hj ; they
Will uqt be light 3Uil tcud.r.
A Startling
In New York City , for live con
secutive years , the proportion
of Deaths from Consumption
has been three in o.vcry
Twenty Persons.
Kplilemlcs of Cliolern , Yellow Fever an J
other iliscixscs of similar character , so ter
rible in their results , occasion wide sprcnil
nlirm nml rc-ccivc tlic most cntcfiil consid
eration for their prevention and cure , while
consumption rccc-ivcs scarcely n thought ,
jet the- number of their victims sinks into
insignificance vv hen com ] ) ircil w ith those of
consumption. Comp.irattvcly few people
know what to do for their loved ones \\licti
they sec them gradtiallj lose- strength , lose
color , manifest feeble1 vitality nud emacia
tion , or develop a cough , with dillicult
breathing , or hemorrhage Cod liver oil for , i long time- given in nil such cases ,
but the poor success attending its use
coupled with its imuscntntg tistclias led
many practitioners , ns well as the public at
l.irge , to place their main reliance in Dr.
Picice's Golden Medical Discovery. It de
serves early attention and will prove effect
ual not in cv crj case-hut in n large percentage
of cases , mid we believe that fully oS per
cent of all cases of consumption cnn , if taken
in the early stages of the disease , be curcl !
with the "Di'covety " Dr Pierce docs not
ask people to believe until they have in
vestigated for themselves A pamphlet lias
bee-n published Imv ing the names , addresses
and photographs of a large number of those
cured of consumption , bionchitis , lingering
coughs , asthma , chronic nasal catarrh mm
kindred maladies which will be mailed free
to those sending for it with their name and
nddipss upon n postal card , or > on can have
n medical treatise , in book fonn of iGo
pagis , mailed to von , on receipt of nddtcss
and six cents in stamps Yon can then
write those cured and learn their experi
Addtess for Hook Woiu n's DISPKVSARY
fully bcmuso they weaken you Klouly , gradu
ally. Do not allow tlih wi > slo of body to nmkc
younpoor , llnMi ) , Imirmturemun Healthstrength
nml v Igor Is for y ou w tietticr j ou ho rlih or poor Ilndy nn Is lo lie hml nulj fiom tliellcnl-
son Meillcnl Inmltute. Tills wo-ijortul rtls < ovtr >
w us mmlc by the bpcclnllits of the old famous Hud
sou Medical Institute. It Is the strongest ami most
powerful vinilzcr imcle. It Isso powerful Hint It
Is simply- wonderful how harmless It Is. You can
get It from now li re but from the Hudson Mcillcul
Institute.Yrlt6 for clreulnrs and testimonials.
This extraordinary Itejuvenator Is tlio most
wonderful illscoviryof the ngo. It Ins been en
dorsed by the lending scientific men of Luropo and
II171) VAX h purely v csetnble.
IltTItVAV stops prcmaturcness of the dls-
clnrsc In twenty clius. Cures LOST MAX
HOOD , constipation , dizziness , fulling soii-mtluna ,
licrv oils tw Itcliiuu uf tlio e > es nil J other parts.
Strengthens , Invigorates nml tones the entire
eyfttcm. It Is aa cheap rut nny otbor rcmeily.
IIVIIVAV cures debility , nirvoiunes , emis
sions , and develops and rcstnna weak orguns
1'alns In the buck , losses by day or night ( .topped
quicklv. Over 2,000 prlv ate Indorsements.
I'rcmntureness means Impotcncy In the first
stage. It Is a symptom of seminal weakness and
barrenness. It can be stopped In twenty day s by
the use of Hiulyan. Htuljun costs no more than
nny other remedy.
Send for circulars nnd testimonials.
TAIXTKIl m.OOD-Impurc blood < lno to
serious prlvntedl'ordcncnrrlcs myriads of i-ore-
producing perms Then comes sere throat , plniples ,
copper colored spots , ulcers In month , old Fores and
falling h-xlr You can R iv e n trip to lint Springs by-
writing for 'lllood Hook' to the old phy slclans of the
Stockton. Murktl nnd I'.llN S ( . . ,
l'huplc.9 , blackhcid * , rid , rougli anil oily rUn
and h iuda , dry , thin , und falling
hilr , and einiplu b iby bluntpliei
art priM-ntud and eurid by ClTI.
CLIIA SOAP , inont eftVitlMj pkln.
purifUiiK and beautify Ing onp In
the worjd , nil well an purest nnd
hnrelent of tolkt nml imrtery
tn'd ' ttuoutflinnt the world
That Tired Feeling.
One dose of Ulack Tonic taken at bed
time , will wipe out that tiled feeling Po
vou know anything clt > o that will equal thin
I'rice only $2 00 per dottle.
Throe bottles for $5.00.
Remember each dos > e of Ulnok Tonic Is
wortli moro than we ask for three bottles.
Ask your drugist for ; i botlu.
Manufactured only by
Black Tonic Med , Go. ,
On Courtl nil Luke. Omaha
$1,000.00 Fireworks
on July Fourth.
Daylight l'lrewoH < 8 also
, „
und I1.very
; r dial
Aclmlssl in to
Arupltbciili i , 1 ic
t tgll h > HlwleMB. o-1 > llfw
i.r t l itln > l Umll I We rl >
Will be the price.
In the p of the philosopher , " 'Tisn't nil gold that glitters. "
the situation of a big supply store like ours POO suits of a
kind , ami tin eo humlivil of another , battling against scarcity of
We've prep.ueil well , but not widely. Hut while we can't battle
against 1'iov idence , let us encourage bujlng by bllteily cut prices.
I ! suits , each honestly \votth ? 1'J.50 , Knifed down to ? 0.75.
riesh , clean , newly made suits , lining , mechanism , cut , trim
mings , cloth of the very best ever put Into a $1'J.OO mtlt , every
lllii all wool , not a Haw , not a break In the garment § 0.75 a suit.
Light mixture of Casslmere In It-button cutaway back and
Navy Uhio Serge , single or double breasted sack style
Hu > a suit don't buy a you please. This Is the most vve can sac-
rltlee ; we shan't loose another penny moie. If a $12.00 suit for $0 To
Isn't ciicomagement enough for to loosen the shoestring of jour
piuKetboolv then -we'll put them in camphor or dump "em Into the
Cumuli lllulTs Mlssoml tiver.
This offer to last the entire week.
This offer to last this entire week.
HOI weather
with a very warm offer to
new beginners. To every one buying
their complete outfit of us this week we
will give a
Our offer is for THIS WEEK only and
he set is shown in our west windows , We are
ho wing quite a number of new fall styles in
Carpetings , including Tapestry and Bed }
Brussels , Moquette and Axminster. Sev
eral new colorings have been added this
season and we have secured every nov
elty shown. We are closing out
Alaska Refrigerators at about cost.
We are agents for the Jewe
Gasoline Stoves there are \
no neeldonts with Jewels.
Ca > li or Easy Payments
Health is Economy.
, A well man can do as much
ca work as two men who arc "tinder
a the weather , " and do it better. A
box of Ripans Tabules in the office
will , save hired help ,
nipnn's Tnl.ulra Hold by drURRletn , or by mall
If the prlci * ( u ) ( UiU a box ) l pent to The Ill-
pans Cli-mlenl Company N < r 10 Fprucc t . N. Y.
Ihe Great Militaiy School of the West.
Also NIEDRINGHAUS HALL for Small Boys ,
Investigate before selecting a school Tor
Cnttilogiir undress
Sweat Sitrltifia , Mo
rule by all first Class Ijuulc'is. M.iiiufactiucil by Uiu
L'actory No. 'Ml , Si. Louln. Ma.