'VIIK OMAHA DAILY WE 15 : MONDAY , JULY 1 , 1895. TIJE OMAHA DAILY COUNCIL BMJFFS. r r > OFFICE , . NO. 12 PCARL STRE2UT Deliver * ! br ranter lo nr P rt of the ellr. 11.V. . TILTON , Lc et * . onlce , No. 3l night editor , No. U. MI.MUt Ml'.t > 1W.\ . Buy your cigars , pipes , tobaccos and canes tt Grand Hold Clear store. 'Grand ho.el , Council niuffs. Newly fur- nlnhed. tteopenod Oct 1. K r. Clark. Prop. The people of Macedonia will pilnt things rod July 4 In the most approved fafhlon An elaborate program has been In course oi preparation for weeks past Wall Mel ad- don'8 band has been engaged from this city to help things hum. Mary S Ilavvard died Stlurday at the homo of her hunbind TV lUvvarJ , III V.eston aged 33 years Tlio funeral wa held yLSter- day with the following gentlemen ns pall bearers Prank Mrl'hurron. William \esey. William \Vhuney Charles \Vlghtman , I2irn- cst KHPP' ' K an'l ' l''s ' Johnion. r The two amis of J W Strong who left ho'iio suddenly last fall while their father was Hck , have turned up. They walked f'pin here lo Ikdtord and got a Jcb with a \icr \ Since the Jrb ran out they ha\c cd around promlacu us'.y and at Ii't came . . . .o .own Saturday night , each with a new suit of clothes. Tire nnd tornado Insurance written In best companies Money for farm loans at low rates City property for sale or trade for faun lands In low a. Lougce & To'vlc , 215 Pcnrl St. W The 2 p ni tr.iln to Lake Mana'v.a Is an ejicurslon train every day In tie ; week -x- r ptliK Sunday One fare piys for the round trip tlck'tu good lo uturn on any train dur ing liflcrnuon or evening Yes , the 12nglo laundry Is "that good laundry , " and IH located nt 724 Ilioadway. If In doubt about this tiy It and be convinced Don't forget name and number. Tel 157. i'//fso.\.i/ . i' nt mn John Illchcomb of ( Jlenvvood was In the city ycsteiday on buslne s. Jl'ss ' rioioncc Mattyli t In Omaha , the guest of Miss IMna Until for a week Miss Mnmle Williams of Glrnwood was the gU"st of frlcnJg on Scuth Seventh btrcet last vvi'ek II C. Connor of Crcston passed through the city yesterday on hs ! way to Taccma , Wash Mrs. S. S. Keller has ginc to Prcop-rt , III. to attend the funeral of her sister , who died last Saturday. Jo'm h Dodge , son of N I' . Dadgc has re timed from the east , where he attcnde'il school last yea- . Mrs J A L Wad'ell of Kan as City vvll arrlvo In town for a visit with her mother Mrs Horace Hverett. Ml"B Florence Dalley Is vMtlng friends Ir Toronto , Can. , before r turnlng from the east where she ) vl'lted friends Miss Lois MeOInn of Omaha Is In the city , the ruest of the Mls cs Maude and Mary nryant on Stutsman street. Tom llrooks son of J I' Urooks , has gone to northwestern Nebraska to work on a rand bel nglng to Charles T. Ste.vart. George W. ri"inlng , formerly of Councl Bluffs , and for flvo years assistant secretary rotary of the Young Men's Christian assocla tlon at St Joseph Mo , has iccently bee" elected general secretary of the assoclatlo at Arkansas City , Kan. Juno Millinery "iilc. Al ! trimmed hats at a great reduction $10 hats for $ G ; $12 hats for $7 , $ C > hats to $3 ; $5 hats for $2 CO ; a nice trimmed hat fa $1. These prices will continue for the nex 80 days. Miss Uagsdnle. 10 I'earl street. Ilin ( ! . It W hcolrr llrMvlnij < n Wheeler's King Temperance Deer , formerl known ns CJopps Cheer The best sel'ln temperance drink on the market. 131 Ua Broadway , Council Illuffs. We will make special prices for runntn aervlco plres for gas to jour residence fo the month ot June. Call at Gas olflco lo Information. . Mineliiy t MHIIIVVII , Sunday was a quiet , unostentatious day of enjoyment for the crowd of people who visited Mamwa The first sunshine after the days : of rain and cloud called forth n largo number of visitors , who enjoyed the perfect summer afternoon and evening to the ful eBt cxtoat Colonel Heed provided several very pleasant features In the way of entertainment that vvero well appreciated The Tyrolean War blers g'\e conce'ts in the aftorroon and even ing , and a full * band and orchestra from Ornth.1 occupied the band staiid , The steam ers vvero running nnd carried parties across thr lake to Manhattan beach , and nearly nil afternoon the lake was covered with a fleet of sail and row boats Cnloncl Heed Is linking great preparations tor the Fourth and promises an elaborate pro gram Men are working nKht nnd day on a now switchback railway that will traverse the lake front the full length cf the pavilion It will be ready for use by the Fourth The lake Is becoming more than ever a family resort. Hilt of the crowd yesterday appeared to bo women and children On both sides of the lake are numerous tents , nnd the coming week will see the canvas-covered pop- " < tion largely Increased , IIKOS. Moiieliy'H llartralnv BOo and COc all wool Trench challles , 25c yard 20c and 25c half wool challlcs , Monday Oc yard. 500 ladles' tan and blick leather belts , worth 2.r > c to $1 00 handily , any two alike manufacturers' samples , .Monday entire lot 9c each. L idles * 25c , ItOc , 35e and 40c liindker- chleftf , manufacturers' simples , Monday 12Vjc each Ocnts' 20e and 2'c handkerchiefs , Monday Oc each If you didn't attend our big hand kerchief sale Saturday evening , do so Mon day , the last chance HENNISON I1HOS , Council muffs. Ita HIM I it Delleh no- A union meeting of the Presby tTlan , Ttrp- tlst and Congregational church's was held at the last named church last evening , m i sort of reminiscence of the Plerson revival meet ings Tlio auditorium was full Hev ) r.OS Askln spoke on the condition of the churches OSr. nnd the city before the meeting" , llev V f. Qtocho on the characteristics of the revival and lr 1'helps on the results Hev He-iry liel.ong bpoko of the llnanclil pirt of the mietlngi ) . and' It developed during bis ad dress that there was a deficiency of about $100 which had to be raised then ami there or ehe made up by the members of tin Ministerial socHtloii liy meins of n little Judicious begging $00 of the amount was ral'eehlle ! this was going on anothei mcL'Ing was In prugre > at the Droaehvay Methodist church by the churches of the eastern part of the city , and the remalndci ot the amount calltd for was raised. \Viuli ft" ie MKIIIIVUI Iniliy , Kxtra attractions have been engaged for Clrand riari. hake Manawa , today There > will be full string orchestra , which will pro- : \lelo excellent Instrumental music throughoul > the afternoon and evening. In addition thi : famous Tyrolean vv irblers will appeir and en- tcrtaln ths people with theii marvelous \varblmg This Is the greatest troupe ol warblers on the American continent , ami those who fail to hear them will ml s a greal cnteruiiiinent Colonel Heed li preparing tc ( jnlarge upon the usuil attractions and In tends to teciiro the belt tale-tit In every llm to be found In the country. He will com nienco today with the Tyrolean warblers Don't fall to hear them Don't overlook the fact that the Spetmat Block Is being acrlflceJ nt any price to sell If you do you will miss the bargains In Iry ; coojs , clothing , shoe * , hats and all reason nblo standard gooJs that you mu/t buy Thi larger the crowd the uuicKcr the gooJs go and the greater the sacrlflca In values. \\niiu < ( rinni ; . Flvo thousand feet S-lnch top , 13 to 20 feet long , at 9'io per lineal foot. A. Over Uluffi , I * . > IWSi'HMI ' COOTt BUM'S1 ' Dr. Stepbcn Phelps Enunciates a Startling Doctrine at Ilia Ohurob , CHURCH PROPERTY SHOULD BE TAX'D llo Snj tint llollclotu Corpornllon * Slioulel Ili-ar Ibelr I'roportlonnte Mi ro uf tlin 1 xpcmn of tlio UuvtTiiincnt. Cliurch members , and particularly clergy men , nro commonly Mtppo . "d to bo oppoied to Hit levying of lasts of an ) port upon tliurth propel ty , but Dr. Stephen I'hdps , paster of the first 1'rrsbj terlan tlmrch , Is not olio of that tort. On the conttary , he believes ( ) tliat a churcli , like any other cor- tvtatlon , should pay for w'nat It gets , even to Its iharo of the expenses of carrying on state nnd miinlctpal governments. Ye ter- iay ! morning , In letpon'e to a request tint he sliouhl pi each a seimon appropriate to the Sumluv btforo Imltpcnacnco day. he rave an outline of what ho thought were tlio duties of gnod i.ltlzcns. Among othti things 1)0 ) B.lld "Good cltIrons will not shirk taxes. They will not regard It tin lionorab'o tiling to a\old paying tdxcw wherever such a thing Is po slble Thevlll pav attention to the expenditures of thr-lr city governments to sea that the administration Is conducted n ? economically a * possible , nnd that the taxes nro distributed equitably Nor do I believe tint churches ought to be ovcmpt from taxa tion Like miy othir corporation , they should bar their share of tine expetiFes of Hi" go\ernmtnt. and I hall the day when the laws ( shall be so changed as to make this the rule f\crywhere" Among tliu othei things tint he polntel out a demanding the attention of all good cltl/eni were the miking of laws , election" naturall/allou 1'iip placing of restrictions upon Immigration nnd Sabbath desecration uiAMPioNMiii" itvfii ins \viii : : < tiiymrilr * rxpcrtril to Tnko n rroinlnmt l'nrl i r HIP .lilTifmi Hrrt. Local wheelmen are very much Interested In the races for state championships which are to bo held In Jefferson , la , July 4 nnl , " It Is the twelfth annual meet of the lown division of the League of Amerlcin Whe l- men , and the tiMial snnshlng of records Is looked for The prl/e < aggregate In value $1 800 and will bea temptation to c\ery fast rider In the state Among the Oanymcdes who will attend nre IM Duquette.V S lllgdon , IM I'll sons , llnv Hlxby. Harry HnttcnhauerVld Galnes nnd a lot of others whose names are not jet public property All the above are entered In one or more races , and Duciuctte llatten- hauer nnd Ulgdon have gone In with the Intention of shattering a record and taking away four state championships Two of the championship races , the quarter mile and two mile , will occur Thursday , and the other two. the half mile and mile , on the following day The Gan > mcdes have unbounded faith In Hattenhauer's ability to carry off the quarter and the half , for dldn t he etermlly knock the daylight out of the state record a week ago' If he can repeat the operation this week his part of the country Is regarded as tolerably safe Tor each of the four races there Is a prUe of $25 but the prl ? " Is not what the wheelmen are after so much as the palm of victory Council muffs will be well represented In all the other races , where the prize1 ? arc more numerous nnd more valuable , from a mone tary standpoint , and there Is not much doubt that her men will come back with some cause for congratulation , at least They will make the most of the opportunity of booming the national circuit meet under the auspices of the Gan > modes of this city , to be held October 11 nnd 12 , and an effort will be made to secure the next championship meet for Council nluffH. The evening of the 4th will be enlivened by a banquet , and on the night of the 5th when the races are over nnd there Is no further reason for obejlng the laws of health there will bo a smoker nnd unlimited fun for nil wheelmen , whether members of the League of American Wheelmen or not. UOblON SI O Kit. Mid-Summer calo of Unilrrtrrnr We offer men's gauze underwear , all s zes worth 30c , at 25c each , 50c a suit. Hlg line'of men's fancy random underwear regular 35c gnde , at 25c each , 50c a suit Gents' fancy random , blue mixed wider- wear , silk bound , pearl buttons , our regular 50c grade , on sale at 33c a garment , or CCc n suit Gents' Trench Dalbrlggan underwear , full fashioned , goods , worth 75c , at 50c each , iGants' full lisle thread Egyptian ribbed regular 76c quality , onsale at 50c each. Gents' fancy ribbed underwear , regular price 50c , to go at 39c each Ladles' fine Swiss ribbed vests , worth 19c reduced to lOc each Ladles' line lisle vesta , worth SOc , on sale at 2.1c each Hoys' heavy rbbed bicycle hose , worth 25c. on sale at 19c'a pair Children's heavy ribbed hose , all sizes wairanted fast black , worth 15c , on sale at lOc a pair. Ladles' full black hose , worth 35c , at 20c : a pair. FOWLER. DICK & WALKnn. 401-403 Hroailvvay , Council Uluffs , la. Open Air Meeting. The Young Men's Christian assoclat'on followed olny lowed the plan adopted by the Salvation Army yesierdiy afternoon and held a rou Ing op air meeting at the corner of Pearl street and Uroiilvvny. The association organ was brought : down from the rooms and led a score or more ) of the workers , In a few h > mns , which were ; Joined In enthusiastically by a largo crowd cl , men who drifted In by twos nnd threes wiille the tinging was going on Hev Henry Do'ong w-s discerned coming up street wltli - a big dry goods box in his arms This was . pluited cut In the middle of the street and occuplel by Mr. Delong long enough to In- traduce Secretary Harry Curtis , who made ; few remarks and flmlly Invited the crowd ur Etilrs. Most of the crowd accepted the In- vital on and the gvmna lum was full to over flowing H D Duncan of St Joseph , .a well known banker , led the meeting , which was . Interesting und wide awake throughout Mr , - Duncan has the reputation of having con ducted the mo"t successful young men's bible class In the state of Missouri for the lart live i years , and his remarks and manner Indlcitei that tlio reputation had been honestly earned . llrfina'H C. < . l > . . Screen doors , 49c each. Hammocks , 49c. Gi ollne stoves from $1 lib up. One-pint Mason fruit Jars , per doz. , quart .Mann fruit Jars. 59c doz. ; half-Ballon idMason fruit jars , 70e doz 21 pounds granulated sugar for $1. , , One pound plug tobacco for 15c ; one pound flunking tobacco for 15c. ' Ki.e gallons gasoline for C5c. Salmon , lOc I per can. MKATS. Sirloin and rcrterhouso steak , lOc. llounl steak , 8 > { , c ; chuck ' , eak , GUc. llest rib roast. Sc , chuck roast , 5o and Cc Dolling beef 3c and 5c. Mutton chops. Sc. Leg o' mutton , 7c. Silt pork , Cc. Breakfast bacon , lOc. - I fimpound lard Sc i"cno ! ham Sc ; boneless ham , tOc Fugsr cured ham. lie. - IMiviiHi HUM < niictnrtor. Andrew Wind was down nt Manawa yes terday doing some carpenter work for Colone t need When It came lime to no home Colone lie d told him h" would not have to pay inj ; fare on the motor If he would tell the con duclor that he had been working for him Wind boarded the motor whose destlnle vvero presided over by William Ilatcl.olor ai conductor Wind told him he had been workIng rkhe Ing for Uced. and that Heed told Him he would not have to pay any fare , but Hutch elor said that was no go He rang the bel and was about to put Wln4 off. whm Wlm reconsidered and pild hlc fare \Vlnl thei followed Ilatchelor out on to the back plat ' form and hostilities were renewel. with the result that llatchelur. so Wind tiys , pulle < a gun out of his pocket and told him to go back Into the car or he would blow him ful of holes Wind complied with fie uquea ami thub lived to get up tovvu. He calk at the police station and repjrUd li s prlev- ante , but at a late hour last nip-il ' ' - d not determined whether he would matte tru-blo for IlalcTielor or not. * .Inie'pli ' pert' * U el te np. Joseph Speer of the Kjgle laundry Ins a tiiaiUtont. Cure * dog bltea and make bites. Metcalt tjroj. have a tplendlct lite r ; ! : & mcr ciottifng. * lliirrl'on fell p leinu Cmnpuijr Org inUcil. A new telephone company has been organ ized by C. M. Harl , S tt. Wadsvvorth , S. L ntnvre , C. n It. Campbell and A M John ston to handle the Harrison telephone pat ents In Iowa. The amount of stock supposed to bo possessed by the company Is $100,000. The Hardnmn. the piano par excellent : * . A nice assortment ot children's wash suits at Metcalf JJros. Davis , agency for Munvon's remedies. 111 , 11.11 i'l.\'ilU\1. V e'trruin of tlie I.itei Iti'liclllim ItcmamhcreMl lir tliu .cne nil lum-riiiiie'iit. WASHINGTON , .lunr 3) - ( SpecialPen ) - Hlons giante el , l ue of Juno II , Wi we're ) Xebruikn OilKlnnl-Corno IUH T Hr.xllev , St. 1'nul , Howard , Willl.im MeNally , Ho- CM , Colfn\ Supiil'-iiie'iitnl-Ly man Hrows' ler , I'llc-on , \ \ lic-e lei llel'-xue Juines M MolTeid , Sihuyler e ulfnxlllliitn II OtK Tic'titon , Hltclieoek , Mnlhe'W Doyle , lliulle Mill" , Knox . lovvn Urlglmil Augustus Lotto , Hui- I lliigton , DeM Molnes , Tlionns Sldwe-.l. Laglo Glove , \\ilght , ItUtitiiMiv A Uniting ! ' , I I'crry , Oallui , hcvl 1' Hurr , T one Tiec. Johtfon 1 ne i e1 ie Ale \iilnle i I > Kewln - tefet , MndKiti Ilel iiiOllbPit J Shce-- inaktir , lliiivvurden , bluux , UeoigeW Ili hon , bloiiKoocllnii > , ( 'harks C. Si litnlilcHnmpton , franklin , Juhn f riinlth , CogKon , Minn , Jotiiih J Young , llii-tinji1- , \Vlllf , ( .Jiirgc' W. Uiiulei. Scrnn- ton City , Unem1 1 humus tirce-r , Hoelforil , Taylor. Joseph Tioxcl , ji . lluillngtcin Ues Motiie , Alpheut U 1'iiolp" , I'oluinbln , Murliin , Jii'ub Vnrley , Sheiiatido.ili , I'.ige , Jon ithun Sn.ue , Kalun i , Wu'-hlngton South Dakota Original Alir.iin Hakei , Uiilurville , Cu ter. Inereuve Sll i S Dunn , Lennox. Ijlni olu HeK-ue ( ieoige Wiiijlit \ciinllllnn , Clnv , James H. I bll , Kapld City. I'eiinlngton. Nnitb Dikota Original Mathlas Nelson , Hutton , Tralll Ceilorado Uilglnal ( "c = arlo Ilnc.i , Trlnl- dail I..xi An'ni.i" ' . Alpheus A. Corbin , I'ueblo , I'ue'blo. Aeldltlun il ' 1 honias A Oalti'-liii , S.xllil.1. Pbiitce Clii inil widows , etc Clcctix A Sutton I.a Junta , Oteio , Su an T \ oung I'll' bio , I'ueblo Montana. IndentI'cter Damphou'-e , AiiKUtn , Lewis and Cl.trke. IHMXUI of June ] . ' Nebraska Original Samuel Charter , , Adams Itfiuvva ) and luerea e John L Cluevit , Vnfl' ' iliawo , bnunder" llc SMUC Jonathan lu-on ! Utrlnt , ' , Stotta nitiff , Hllas oiini , ' , 'J ( cum-'tli , Joliti'-nii , Svvun Llni'iln l . * > 1'aul W Jos-"pli , ' , < iinc.t4tt r , IfiJiil , \\e ttrvlllc , riiitci Oiiglnil vvld- , etc Mlncro oi I'l.ink'in ' Maiies , bt Kdwnid , lioom. , Maltha J Gorpe , Fremont , , low a Original I'-nnr S Hul * Selma , Vi'ii lluicn Addltlonnl Daniel 12 ro\ , Liiiuiiit , Hut h , man KCIHV.I ! and HHU'i'o .MunMff C' 1'rathu Morton Mills , Mont- fomir > InriLafo I'hllandci Heul , lioiu- pirte , Van liuren , Jo tpli 1' l'ltt = , Dilla" , Nlarlon , NeK.m Altl'ollutn Cincinnati , Ait- PTIIOOSC ilttl HUt1 Thomas M MUchtll , \\est Liberty , Mii'-catlne , Henry 1'hlpiw , Sioux It xpld , liueiia Viita , Jacob H T.ion- 7k-r ( .lenwood , MIIlK , Me-riitt H Smith Des Molne Polk , Marc A I'lckcMlng , lice Oak. Montgomery. Dujiltl b 1'e-ek Itudm in Palo Alto Oilglnnl vvlilows , ete Mi-orb of Jonathan I" ParrK AtheKtati , Tavlor South Unkotn Hencvval David Chnmbei aln , Hriile Heiie-wal and Increahe Smith \\hltmaii , rauniiitrilale , Pennlng- ton Incicii'-i Gordon Aldrkh , Gram" Me'.ulovv , Mlnnebaha , l siie c f June1 13 Nebraska Inc reuce Ifonce1V Hamlln Tecumseh , Johti'-on , Robert Stewart , Phil lips , Hninllton Hclssue William Purdy ( Icthenbiirg , Davv on , Henrv 1' Fovvlci Hlkhorn , Doug a John r Orcen , StTthvllle 1'runtlei , Samuel Mlllei , Heel Cloud , Web -tc r lovvn' OtUtnnl Adam Loii'-k Htiill''gton Des Molnes Adclitlonnl-Wllllain Whit ncyir'im Pott uvattamle- , John G Hick abaugh. Valley. Wachliigton Itc-ne-vval Ge'orRe Macconne'll , Indlanola , Warren In dense John Stoudnour , Alburnette , I.lnn John Pore'in in. Lewlsburg , WayneLewi P Tuttle , DPS Molnes , Polk Hel sue \ \ H Ham J Anderson , Clarion , Page , Liwrenc Machart , Arminosa , Jones , layman D Houir Hlnnchnrcl , Page , Hdwarcl ' Hi own , She ] on , Oliilen , John M Hoberts , Albli , Moil oe , Kll W Jay , Lvnnvllle , Jasper , Paul II . , Muller. Vallpj Junction , Polk , John A 1111 , I.lnevllle , Wayne Mexican wtr widow Curollnp Schercr Davpnpoit Scott. South Dikota Hel sue Hobert C Havv- , < lns , Sioux rails. Allnnrhnlri , Henjaniln S tartlett , Mlllbank , Grant , Willluni H San- , ord , Ilermoou , Custer Colorado Original Jamps Sweeney , Den- /er , Arapihoe Helssue William II. Thom as. Denver. Pueblo. Issue of June H Nebraska Hestorntlon nnd Increase Tcvvnsend U Huff , Oxford , rurnno Hos- oratlon nnd rel ue 12 cazer Root , Bentrice Tage Renewal Hunton JI Shoemaker , .Incoln , Lancaster Rpnevval nnd Increase , , 'rederlck 1 * Webber Klrkwood , Rock In- e-r ease Thomas J Shirley , lTtlcn , Sew aril , , John W Hrevver , Broken How , Cutter He-- Fsue Heurv Ru fccll Omalia , Douglas - Isaac P Hillings , Hvvlng. Holt Original widows etc Minors of Albert G II Cnl- loun , Ko.unpy , Huffnlo , Martha J , Stone " 'alrbury. Jefferton , minor of Amot > A Sln- ; Ieton , Tairbury , Jcffci'on Iowa Hestoratlon nnd reissue Pool S-xv- ago ( dpcpa ed ) Tabor , Tremont Inerexsp , Jdlm U Orancly , Pe-rry , nilln1Gcoigc - W Moitan , lA'tts , Louisa lUKsue Nathaniel U. Warrington , Garden Grove. Detiitur , Al- en Aj'plegnte , Wintcrset , Madison , Thorrns , H Marsh ill. Wlnthrop , liucliannn , Georse Inl prgLehlgh , Webster. Thoin is C.ihlll. i'reston. JacK on , James Wllllims Webster Ke-okiik , Charles W Ca e , Council llluff- ' I'ottawattnmie , Alonro Sinford , Lenox , Tn > lor , Thomas S Glfford. Hoone = boroimh , Ucxine , George H Mjers , Hdclvllle , \\n- , ) ello Original widow h Sarah Sa\age , Ta- iior , Trpniont South Dakota Increase John Hazlett , Sioux PalK Minnehnha Reissue Henry Cl.urehlll , Mellette , Splnk , AlphonsuB H Hm\ey , MellettP , Sjilnk , O--edr Howe , Mount Vernon. Duvlson ; Martin Pahey Sioux Palls Minnehnha. Colorado Orig inal John IJslcr , Roslta , Custer Additional Henj imln F. Haldwln , Denver Arapahoe Issue of June 15 Nebraska Original Georpo W McKnlght Dralnanl , Hutler ; Charles W Grave" , Itam- n pey , Deuel , Henry .1. Pavnp , Reaver City Pumas , George II Woodruff , Weeping Water , Ca--s Increase Dan'tl Baxter Broken How , Cu ter ; Samuel S Ilucklns Calvert , Dumly. Rpl'ueClark It Stone-r Neluon. Nucko'ls ; Samuel Steel Tpcum'-eh Jolni'-oii. William Crow , Klva , Howard. An- deison Bell , Omaha Douglas , Ulljah Btod- dard , Omaha , DouKlas Original widow Phebo Jane O'D.mlels , Genoa , Name dt Iowa OriKina' Marlon T Kuirington , Ot- > tumwu , Wapello , Pltzrov Sfs lens Cedar Palls Blnck Hawk Rpstoratlon and reis - sue Cvius Wollford ( ili celled ) Decoiah Wlnne hlek Increase Hiram M < Claran a Guthrlo C'cntpr , Outhrle Rels-fciie Ichn H Suit" , Mnlvern , Mills , I e Hurlewood , Rpn- - vvlck , Humboillt , George Shafer , Packwood Jeffprson , Cvrus H Cronk Sutliprland O'lirlen. Am ° den J Anson , Marshulltnwn AI irsbnll Ch irles R Norton , He-drlck id.B kuk , Wil lam O Matkie , Ca'edonla , Rlng- > -old , Georgp W Bitv Ruthven , Palo Alto - Theodore Southland , Lime Fprlngs , Howard William Well" . Rot kw ell City. Calhoun. Htnn Dlxnn Blanrlnrd , Page Original wi low Mary nitler , Des Mone | Polk South Dikota Relssue-Kdward IPbliKon BridKewatPr , McC'ook Colorado Oiiglnal Joseph L Howard I.GVflind. Lai liner , \\illlam Buckley Ros lta. Custer Additional Robert C Oborno Colorado Springs , 121 Pa o Increase Gtcrge J KnlRlit La Plita Li Plata He- [ Istue 12dgar D Alken , Silver Cliff , Custer. DtMIOIIIlK ( I ( llllxllllllllllllS. . ] NI2W YORK. June 30-Rpv John A. H 13M Wilton spoke this morning on "Tho Libera ( tion of Cub i and the Duty of American Patriotism " Among other things he said It was u lilting time to "peak on patriotism He declared Cuba was appeulInK 10 Amerli.1 for help The e\ampp | ot our liberty had I aUK wlde prad effect , but he > declared , our Man , Kcured no more * r-"ppct li > the Spmlsh In Cuba than a dlshrag He declared It wa * a duly of ourt , to liberate Cuba , and uttered u prote-st agnln t Consul General \ \ Illlams declaring he should tie removed Ho to'il an Incident or two of the cruelties of the Spanish to the Cubans , and closed by ap pealing for a "Mo-sps from Wasblngton ipto lead the Cubans out of bondage" Mint III * IrHieltnt ; Ctiiiiimiilitn. KANSAS CITY , Juno 30 Walter Steven , son , a youth whose parents live In this city was sliot and killed early this morning Ir the .Missouri Pacific freight yards Seer after the HhootliiB Ir.i Jorgensen , a younti Dane , appeared nt the police station and utnounced IIP hail shot a man Accordliu to his story , lie was attacked by two mi'ii with whom he- hail been beating his way on fieltht trains from Omaha to this elty ( Jne of them slipped up behind him 'ml knocked h'm down with n eoup'ing pin One of the two men proved to be Stevenson The otht r escaped Though the pol'ce le - talneJ Jorgensen pending an ln\e an they believe th U he shot In self-defcnff after his companions had attempted to rot htm * iuv nnil f.rUl Mill lii-n- . MANIST12I2 , Mich. June 30 Representa taut tlve C W Perry's taw and grist mill ut Pierre Pun twimty milrn north of here vvuii chstrcvc'l by Hie list night. Tutu lota about tlOO.UX ) ; no Insurance. for tlio vid'JlJof Mrotlnir to lie- gin nt Mintrrtetr Tinliy. SIOUX CITY. June 30 ( Special ! Tht Northwestern Indlatf'fichers' association will . convene here at i i > 'clocj < tomorrovv mornla ( ng for Its' annual tinnier Institute. The meeting will cent lnt t/aft the week. Over 010 Indian teachers tire- already In the city , ' ' and miny more'are jcyfed for late'r on. The following Is the we-k' ' program1 Monday , July 1 Moflilng w. slon , 9 n m. AdtlrisB of welcome. , Prof. II 13 Ktatz. fiipciliitendont city T eMi > l . Sioux Cltv , rup pponse , Leslie D.xvtrfslipeiliitendelit Plan- rtic-iiu w heel , Soullp'IUkntii , "Itulintiles ot Indian Hoys' bc-hoo ! * , ' " i HeM J Hgnn , Clontnrf. Minn , ' luelu trlnl Training an iieinent In RaceIMiimtloii , " Rev C J Ryder , Dl > . Ne-vv York livening elon. ! . 4 p m The I'litmi * tlf the IMutnted ln- illHii , " Captain W ill Heck , acting agent Omali.x .xml \ \ inuc'bium Indian ngency , No- hrn llH , "The Outlook for an Educated lit- dUin , ' Le > llo Watson , tnipciliiuiideiit Mi-minionee nhoo ) Wls-conchi Tuc"ilny , Julv 'j Miirnlnir * .e"snii | 0 n in "What Does tm- Child Hrli j , t > thi Hi Imol Intc-llcctunllv' ' 1' H MHK S ntco. Neb. Primary Ptectpts of In II ni Chlldicn , " Oliver l IMvvat'ls pilncliml ti-iihcr Sho- KlioiiP school Uvomlng lv nlng se lon , 8 p in 'Organluitlon nnd Value cif Div Schools ' J OPI rirr Wilght agent Hnse-bud iiKPiipy South Dikntn "lUllglmis Attitude * if theChllil. . " Hev. Thomas L Hlggs , Oahe- , Smith Ink ita Wednesday , July 3 : Morning np sloti , 9 a m ' "Hie School Piom HIP Matron's StanUiolnt | " Mis Laura Lutklns , nmtion lla'-kall lti tltutp , Kan nc , 'How Can We1 Help Girls at Their Homes'1' Mrs Lmilsp Pitcher , tuition , t'lntnb school , e'ttih , "Sehool Suliltiitlon , " Dr L r Mlihiel IICPIICV phvlelin Che v put p rlvci. North Dakota Evening < -e" lon xp m Addicts , Ptof C H Gilbert , supcMnteniletit city school" St Paul , "Indian Vornneul ir In the Indian S ( hool" Hev A L RIKHH prlnilpll , Satilee Ti lining school , Nebraska Tliur dav , Julv 4' Mcunlrg pension , 0 a m 'Duty of the ReM'cctlvp Stateto Caie for flip I'ducutlun of HIP Imllnns Within Theli Hurdetv " T \ \ HI ickburn Omaha. Neb , "Shou'd lenv x T ike Ch U P if the Uducatlon of the Indians Within Her Holders' " HeV T S Hilley , Cedar Haplils , Trlibiv , Tulv 5' Morning e son | lam -\\hut Does the Chllel Hrlng to the > Ri heel Moiully' " Ul hnp W H Hire Slou\ Palls S D , "An Obstacle In HIP Way of Pi news on the Part of Indians" Ada H SI MUt prl iclp il tcachii , Hn'kell lii'tlttitp Ivans HvptilngI'slcn 8)1 ) m - "What Cltl/en I lias Done foi HIP Omnlias , " ! ' ( _ ' r.unpb- - . 'iiDerilitendei't Uiniihn ' chnnl , Nobri'kn , ' Thi- Attitude * of the * Indian Tnvvxrd Whltp Clvlllr i tlon. " RPV H It Prl-.Mol , principal , Hnmpton Institute' Virginia Siiturdiv July fi Morning p'--lon fl n m "Relation of Age-nt anil Stiperlnteiul- put , " J n Hisa , suppilntpnilctit , ( , enoi fcbool Nebrioki lovnph ( 'foments , agent Sintep aifene NcbrT-kn aildrcps C ip tain R H Pratt. supeilntemlent , Carlisle1 = ebool , Pennsylvania AFrA'H3 AT fcOUTH OMAHA. Dr. W heeler cm tbr Itonrlli cncn of tbei Ilr- Hlovviil VV nil III of ( lir-lit. " Hestovval of Christ's " "The Wealth" was the topic chosen for a morning sermon yet * - t ° rday by Hev. llr Wheeler at the Pirst Presbyterian church. The text w.is , "Who being In the form of God , took on IIIinelf the form of a tervant " In brief the doctor said Christ had the mental tranrcript of God and In Him dwelt all the fullne's of the God head. Is the oft rep'Rlvd assertion of the scriptures but It was not Ills glory to hold fast to the expres image of the Pather while the world through sin had lost capiblllties to plea e ( ! od and was suffering for a reJeemer potent enough to reinforce men So He tosk the form of a servant find emptied Himself of grace and truth as IJe tat with us In th ° school room of discipline and b ° came obedient unto the cro" * , that we through His riches might become partlkcrs.of the divine nature His earthly life was a continued behtovvment of right Ideas on the pbverty ot the world's thought , the enrichment of human Ideals tea a crushed and wrecked race that groaned In helplessness In earth s night of sin , waiting for the illumination of the star of Jacob. It came with Christ Clod-Helen with riches for men , and attonlbhed them with the word "My life is all for you. " Men had lost faith In themselves , in the world , and In God Christ emptied a living , buoyant faith into men's hearts A dull , dispirited woman , captive of lust ! t and hopeless , awoke to newness of life by Ills v ord of emancipation to her toul , "Go , and sin no more" An Impulsive ttshennan , lov ing , but unstable as water , and clnracterless under Christ's gift becomes a rock of ver ities upon whose confession the church stands. Christ's bestowal of wealth was not In vain If our checks mantle with shame be cause of the greed , passion and crime of our ancestors , our souls are Jubilant In memory of their faith In martyrdom and achievement The Christ can never die ; neither will His riches tarnish , nor their glory grow dim , Underneath the race are the pierced hands ami aching heart of Calvary He Is not dls- , couriged with us nor ashamed to cnll us His brethren Rvery man that hath this hope purlfleth himself and awaits duty's call and the form of the servant" Is leading the world to the final conquest of all sin. Tonight the city council will meet In regu lar session Mrs I ) nna Alb = rry returned yesterdny from a visit with friends at Ottawa , Kan. Miss Mrbcl May field returned yesterday from a two weeks' -visit with friends in the western part of the state. Rev R D Gideon was called to Stans- bury. Mo , yesterday by the death of his stepfather , Mr. J. G Hopkins. Policeman John Deters fell asleep at the , Jail yesterday afternoon and some one took a razor out of his pocket nnd made off with It. Yesterday noon Chief Hrennan notified all of the saloon keepers to keep their front , - doors closed and locked all day Sunday after , this. Oscar Hill will have a hearing in police , court this morning on the charge of selling : i , liquor without a license. The county attor , ney will prosecute the ca e. irn - T. D. Hatcher has b = en appointed an offi - cer on Governor Holcomb's staff , with the rank of colonel In the Nebraska National Guards Mr. Hatcher received his commission - sion yesterday. There is a law forbidding the receiving of presents by members of the Hoard of edu , cation from applicants for position ) ) , yet It - Is stated on the streets that every member , has accepted presents of different kinds , within the last month or so. , Mosier , the liveryman , Is worrying about - the prolonged absence of one of his rigs - , Saturday afternoon a lady called at the stable , and -hired a horse and buggy to drive to . Council Bluffs. Up to last evening she ad not returned , and the police In Omaha and the muffs vvero notified. The Hoard of Education will meet tonight. , If reports are true It will be a lively ses sion , as teachers and Janitors arc to be , elected , as well as a president and secre tary Cheek seems to have the pole for pres - ident Talbot Is favorably mentioned for sec retary , though cviry 'member would be glad to get the Job. YESTERDAY AT COURTLAND \ Tumbling tinea for' VVeilnosiliiy mid I Ire- \vorkn fjr ( tjin I einrlli. The matlneo and evening performances ol ofml Achllle Phlllon upqn Ills spiral tower ml the Royal Moorib'n troup of Arabs were well attended yesterday. The Arabs enlarged their part of the exhibition in numerous > ways and their featsj , received unusual ap - plause. I'hlllon. upon the wooden globe. Is one of the wonderfe of modern ages The way lie handles the fe'obe while running II up and down tlie runway which encircles [ lie tower and across a fifty-foot cable , botl forward und baekvvartt , never falls to re , , ceive applause upon applause Just rens Phlllon waa about I'ardugh his performance last evening he slipped und fell , but for Innately it did not Irjure him The heavy dew falling on the runway caused the ac.ei , elent. elent.Thtse Thtse two exhibitions take place on tin fourth and the management has prepared to entertain patrons with not only a grand ills play of fireworks In the evening , but alsi daylight fireworks during the afternoon , The- great tumbling race between an Aral and Jap wl 1 taks p'aca Wednesday evening There will be a grand display of dayllgal fireworks on Hie fourth as well as a moil magnificent display In the evening. In add ) tlon to the entire regular fhows of the Arabi and I'hillon. . A tumbling race between an Arab and lap | will take place \\edncsday evening , the winner to receive } 50. rut : MH : tini.r or ruiu'i. - OMAHA , June 29 To the IMItor ot The Dee Inasmuch as the lloird of Plre nnd i 1'ollco , Commissioners has recently fleeted a new ( chief of police for the city of Omaht 1 take this opportunity Jio acquaint the public ' with the board's c'holc ? . The present condition of the police force of the city led p majority of the board to be- llevo that a man from outside the city who was fully capable would bring better results . than a local , as he would Ime uo enemies to punish or friends to favor. The action of the board In this regard rela tive to the fire department has given general satisfaction and has proven the wisdom of telectlng experts far a city the size of Omaha During my trip to Chicago I talked with the leading police and detective olllclals of that city , all of whom spoke In the highest terms of Martin White , both as a gentleman and ns a private olllchl , I also conver'-vd with many of the private cltlrens In Chlcigo who were reuly to recommend Mr White for any position to which he might a pire. I have bcforp me a large number of letters from Chicago people recommending Mr White and herewith give extracts from ome of them which will show how he Is rcgirded by tlio e who know him be t M. J Schnack. Inspector of police , Chicago , says"We have worked together on miny cases and I never met anv man whoso sug gestions I would as readily net on as his Ills re xiircefulness In expedients for coping with criminals Is most remarkable. ! ! Is possessed of such marked executive ability that I consider him highly competent to handle not only the police syi'cm of the St Paul , or any other railroad but also that of any of the large cities of the country " M Hrennan , formerly chief of iwllce of Chicago. iys "Mr White Is reliable , trust worthy and competent , has a thorough knowl edge of all details pertaining to police and de'ectlve business and Is withal a perfect gentleman. If I weie requested to recom mend a person for such a place 1 know of none that I could more cheerfully recommend than he " IMvvln Walker , distinguished Jurist , says "I bolleve him to be thoroughly competent for the responsible position of chief ot police of your city " M Ro eiithal , assistant United States at torney , Chicago , siys 'I have known Mr White Intimately for the pist five years , both as a man and as a detective In that time I prosecuted In the neighborhood of fifty ca e , v\here the police work was done under his direction and control. No more admir able and systematic police work could have li en done than that performed by Mr White In those cases 1 also wish to say for Mr White tint I have n ° vcr known him to do tint as a detect ve which he ought not to do as a man I can simply eiy of him that h Is absolutely honest and conscientious and a man possessed of rare ability as a detective " The following is from a letter of the Gir- den City Sind company , Chicago "The bearer , Mr Martin White , has been known to this company for the past twenty years Ho has rl en etendily step by s'cp solely throuph merit. We can -afely sav that no man can exceed him In executive ability in hi' particular line. In all our acquaintance with Vr White we have never known him to Indulge m strong drink of anv kind and as he Is entirely a self-made man we are of cour'C. anxious to see him get on the top " William S foirc't , n dWlngulshrd criminal lawyer cf Chicago , siys "As a detective he IsIn my Judgment un urpi sed by onv other detective In the United States As a man I know him to be Intelligent well read honest and In all respects trustworthy I have been with him at all hours of the day and night In all parts oi the west and I have always been delighted to notice that he never under any circumstances tabled n drop of intoxicating liquor " H P niliott freight claim agent of the Milwaukee road says "I take pleasure In suiting that he Is a gentleman worthy of connd ° nce nnd e teem nnd In the detective service , in my op'nlon ' , he has no superiors and few equals " John D Shea , Inspector of police , Chicago and one of the most noted thief catchers In the country , "ays' "He Is a man of wide experience nnd has a personal knowledg" of nearly all well known thieves operating In this country He Is a man of good sound Judgment and rare executive abllltv " A L Sweet pre ident of the Chicago , Wilmington and Vermilllon Coal company "I have known him for the past thirty-one years , In fact from a small boy and I am very sure that any one who wants to use him In the line of business ho has been engaged In for the past twelve or fourteen \cars will make no mistake. He Is perfectly competent to nil any position In the way of detective work or management of the police force " The following Is a letter from Jacob J Kern , state's attorney , Chicago "This Is to certify that I have known Mr Martin White of this , city for twenty-three years I first knew him when he and I were both con- 'nected with the Chicago , Wilmington and Vermilllon Coil association He has been a police otTicer \arlous capacities for sixteen years Per the last six years 1 have had occasion to meet him In his official capacity as an olllcer and I In mine can truthfully testify In his behalf that he Is without doubt the most proficient man In his line of busi ness that I have ever met , always finding him correct ; his advice sound and hi" courage never wanting As a citizen I have always found his honest , upright and trustworthy I regard him a a model man I make this statement from twenty-three years of close observation " P J. Gibbons , captain of police , Chicago says' "He Is a man of exemplary habit" , al ways commanding the respect aril c'-t'cm of his'business associates Helng popses ed of a strong personal character , I am fully satis fied that he can make a success of any business he undertakes. " John 12 Mahoney , captain of police , Chicago cage , says "He Is an honest , sober , In dustrious and conscientious man nnd pos sessed of rare ability as a detective" Nicholas Hunt , inspector of police , Chicago cage , says- " 1 know him to be , a sober honest , Industrious man , compe'ent of filling any po ltlon that he may seek " C 12 Aldrlch , captain of police Chicago ; says "I have known Mr. Martin te officially and socially for the past en years and during all these years I have held ' him in the highest esteem As an officer he Is active , cool-headed and courageous , and It Ite Is with peculiar tact he traces and appre hends criminals " Lyman Lewis , inspector of police , Chicago cage , suys "I have Known Mr Martin White during the past ten years and In that time I have always found him to be gentleman Regarding his executive und de tectlve ability I take great pleasure In com mending him " The following letter speaks for Itself Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul Railway . Company , Special Agent's Office Chicago III Chicago , June 2G 1S85 Martin White I2q Chicago , 111 Dear Sir In accepting youi Beechain's pills arc for bilious ness , bilious headache , clyspcp sia , heartburn , torpid liverdiz- , ziness sick headachebad , , taste in the mouth , coated tongue ! loss of appetitcsallo\v skinetc. , when caused by constipation ; and constipation is the mosl frequent cause of all of them. Go by the book. Pills 10 $ &r > j4 a box. Book ftee at you - druggist's or write R F Allen Co. , 365 Canal St , New York. - Annuilx "iiori.1 n6'r ( EDUCATIONAL. - Kenyan Military Academy , Gambier , 0. KeA year ThU olil and remarkably succensful school 11 roil ilts thorough preparation fur culle-RO or butlne nnd careful inipcrvliilon eif licullli fcabtts and manner * It Is much Uii-olJcbt , lartfcn nnil lifkt iqeilpixHl boHrcling ncliool fur buys In OLlo IlluslrulcJ culalu ; - ILLINOIS COMSERVATORY .test iirtriirtliinllialldriart menu of Mii-loul Study > l roitgnituti as assistant special ( iRcnl of the Chicigo. Milwaukee & St. I'aul lu Inny com pany , ten Ured mo on ye ti-rday I dum It but Just to jou to expu-f ! " my high apprccU- | tlon of the many valuable tennis , that ym , rendered the company during ) uur coniit-cilon I with my department covering a pTlod ot I over fourteen yeais , nnd n Jure you -hat you 01hi have my earne t wishes for success in the . management of the police dipartnu'iit of the . city of Omaha , ns Its chief csicutlvo ofllccr , which position you have rfccutly accepted in severing > ° ur connection Ith mv dcI I partment you take with you my Rood will and klndett wlshi * . Should U.TC l < o any thing In the way of counsel or otliciulse In which I can render you nssl tance I shall cheerfully serve you. Yours truly , J. A. HINSnr. Special Agent. I Prom these nnd various other sources | fioin which we have gathered Information we believe that we have secured the fe.rvlc.es of . n man who will give the people of Oinnlm | the protection to life and prop rtv to which they .ire Justly entitled llp'pi'ttfully , D CU2.M D12AVI2U. MUST CHOOSE ANOTHER. Mr. Minn Mill Not Accept I'mitiiriitn ot I lr t < cniBirii tlciiiiil Cliuirli Hev. W. H. Wise cf Lafayette I ml , called recently to be the pastor of l'iie > Plist Congre gation Lhiirch of this city to succeed llov Dr Duryca will not accept. Hie congrfgallon was very much dUip- polnted to receive this Information ye tcrday morning In n letter from Mr. Wise to A I1 Tukey , which was read after the morning service When Mr. Wise was called It was considered beyond question that he would accept Ho tilled the pulpit with entire satis faction in the latter part of Januiry anil elurlng Kobruiry , btcaine' acquainted with many of the. ' numbers of the church , and when thu call wits transmitted to him It was believed that the question of Dl. Duryra s succetsoi had b"t > u settled It was ktiuvvn al the time , however , that a movement was on foot at Lafayette to build n people s churcli , of which Mrlte was to be pastor Jt appears tint thlb was "success ful nnd Uie fact Is stated In Mr \ \ lstas the ground for icfusal to accept the' c ill to Omaha. Ik1 nys that owing to the- ardor with which the plan has been cirrli-d f i ward and the warm feeling toward himself on the part of the promoters lie could only regard It as a desertion for him to leave , these people now Ills refusal puts the rlrst Congrpgitlonal chinch again to sea In tlie mattci of a pastor - tor > _ < nticht i Me x-rti-r. Oillcei I.uKo yesterday made JIO cstra liv j capturing u dr citfr fiotn the nrinv Ills II line' N 1'ltt H lll ell und he de."Hlted fnnn the Twcntv FO < on I Infniitiy nt Port Mibraia on June. G 3N In i of bis clc-ini tl n vva e > i > t out an 1 a rcvvaul of JIO was offe-rc'd for bis captutt I < ! the result of the usual tuatnicnt of blood dl ordcie. 'J IIP syMoin isllllcilvvlth Mtieury and 1'otiMi icincelios mole ) to be ell ended than tl.B dkeaFc and in n short while in In a fni worse condition than before. Iho common result U foi which S.S. ' * . N the mo t lellnhlp cuio. A few bottlesw 111 adore ! i elicf w hci c nil clrc has failed. 1 'iifleled from nscvetc nttncKof Jlercurinl Ithcuinnti ni , my nrms nnd legs being RWalien to twice their natural Eire' , canting the most exciuclntinKpalii0. I spent huiidi eels of dollars without relief , but after taking a few bottle oof I Improved inpldlv and ntn now nvvellinnn.complctc- ly cured. I can heartily recommend it to BUT oio RiifTciliif. ' from thl painful dUen c- . \ \ . T. DAI.I V. Hiooklyu Kiev atcd I ? ft Oar Treatise on Blood and Slcln r > i ra J mailed free to luf address SWIFT SI'llCH 1C CO , AtlantaCa Searles&Searles SsPECI ALISTa All forms of Blood nu I Skin DNu ises , f crOH , bpou I'lmples , birofula. Tumors. 'letter , I evoin i and Illnod I'oNon thoroughly eluanso 1 fiom Ilio system. IiADIbS glve-n careful iuiu bpeclal attention for all Hair many peculiar all- CnaT AR MH , T h r o a t ainps. I.lvcr. Dyspepsia .Tiimblcs cille-d by siioi-lal course of treat menu ( VITALITY WPAKI niailo H0 liy lee cioso .ippiica tlon tu lnc tuily , severe menial rrnln or erief BCXUAIj KXCUSbUS In middle llf ? Sr froS the eftect. or > outhlul follle. . all yield readily to our new treatment tor lo 3 of u'liTP ' ? < Your trouble * If out ot c.ty. llicunanclj "KE1 cured at home by cor .HI n l < tic * . Dr.Scarhs & Seirl3s.uoI.l.lltrr. . ( ! ' , . ' . . _ _ EVERY WOMAN Some times Depdg a reliable monthly rrgulatlng meillclue. DR. PEAL'S , PENNYROYAL RILLS , A " 3 prompt safe nnd eertnln In result. Thocenu. lneDr IVul's ) nevtrdi ftDpoint Hcnt any where , 1100. Bliermao & McConncll Drue Co. 1511 iirtct. Omaha , Neb. ZOO SOAP , , JAS. S.KIRK & C O. , U. S. A SIMS RiiNRinnriK Aitormjii..ii.iHvit Ol.\10 \ DAinrjlUWuLi , ractleo In the State end Federal Courts Rooms SOO-7-S-9 , Sriu. cart. Block. Council Bluffs. Iowa. line of i' . ho hon- A llttld , hut thj bd pur K. frctJ unlshcclj el scnsa iv nrdcd , largn > Icm eCho < ho I n IT ns i vvllli of thlai bowels , . * gt nnd 'Phi1 Koiuilno nitl < t pi oaf lo organs nmt- c'ti'lilni : that vvv M-ll for $1 10 Jy Is mi ( iielluiuy pii'tmv. 'riu > ptlc'i * Ille llleli"4 il Illle * fl liiic.liul inilatei Kills' * . UK.'UI llle'llt-4 III s/.e | cd nnct tha In \ \ hlliWt > IlllVe1 elllle | a 111HIV Mil use ! at this SJUM lul pilu > . It's not maul' ailvK\llc \ ) > to put ( ill ton luiic . 1 HOUIIlt with Ik vvliut jou vvattt might be uiu' BAD COMPLEXIONS I'lmplci > , lilacUuiulKi red , KHlph nnd oily fMn nuil liiiMK , clrv , Ililn , unj lulling Imlr iiiul fllllplitiuliy lilcmlftlet arc picM tiled I'ul cured liy Cl'Tl ' i cilv r-OAl' , miKl ctTirtlverkln. . pnii MI u mill lniutlfvliiK Hcnpla tin \V.M | . | , an well an pureat ani r-\\tct < i > t uf tolit ! nnd miracry ' ukl throuliout ) tliu world. Tlie Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Experience. r IHSKASKK OF sir.s ANU MOMl.N. IMtOlMttlltOll Ol" 1IH2 AVOltl.D'S 1IKUUAI. b OIMIMMCIM : . / treat the ( allowing Diseases : Catarrh of th Head. 'lUrout nnd IAIIIRB : Dig. rnppBot tliu Iljc and Pur , Pits and Apople-jy , Heart IMxi'iihP , I.lvei Complaint. Kldtie-y Com , 1853. plaint , > ! er\OIIH Ilcl > lllt > . niontiil lie- Diiua e'.Hloii , I.OSH ol niniiliuctcl. Hem- mil WcaUneSH , Dinbctex , Iliiulit'B Dl . "vvhal raw. * , Si Vims' Dine" * , Kin innuthm , I'araljMs , II3AD- \\liiU'Swililnir Sciolula , I'evci f-orps. Tiiiii- iiy ex. ori and iMstula in inio lomoAC-tl led ol \\itli iit tlie Uiille or Urawliitr i > tlmol clropofItlocxl.Voniai -\vltli her ic , and delicate rtfaiiH roHtorvtl to Nerv- Iifiiltli. Ir | > Hy cured ltli ut obtain tapIiliiK' . Hpuclal Addition tfl'vcn ver ox. Id l-rl- atami Venereal l > lHennen after- ofall Uliid-4. ijC o to $ $3 < xiploilelt for Cap- anv Venereal HiscaHC 1 eiimiot euro t ) l > ii- \ltliotit nicrctir > . IIIH | > Wormsipmovi'it ng my IntvMioi thicH ! houis , urnoiiu ) . lleuiuirholda t 1 ctu or I'llcs ciiuil. not af < TIIOSK WHO . \iti : Arri.icrni ) \VillFavolifp.ind humlieeU of dollais by call * tINS. liiKon or uelnc DR. C. W. PANCLE'S HERBAL MEDICINES. TIlDdlll ) I'll ) nil Illll Will ! I III ! It'll Al llllt lllU ay n PITSIIII Itliiiiilutlclii ) ; il iiie ( .tliin. 'Ilnmn ut u cll lunci ) cruel fur Ourritlou lllunk , No 1 foi mm , Nn. V lei MUIIII u. All corrpppimde nco strlelly confidential , lledieinobent bj cxpicsa. Aililrees oil lettera to o.v. . I AMCI.I : , M. . . , 555 BROADWAY. COUNCIL Enclo o lOci in utumps for replv ClEOnau I > , SANFOIID , A. W. nniK&IAN. President. Casliltr. of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa Cupittl , - - $100,00 Profits , - - - 12.0000 One < > f the olilest Imnks in the rtato of I cm a. f Bullclt your business nnd collections We pay S per cent on tlmo detiuslts. We will b udcd to BCO uml orv jou Special Hotices-Couocil CIUMNUVS CLKANUD , VAULTS CLHANKD. Ld Durke , atV S Homer B , US llroaduay. rituTr I-AUM AND aAitunN I.ANU roil ttiile cheup and on easy uiinu. Day Ac Hess , 29 I'earl street. Toil bAUJ A N5 i UI-MFNcTrON TYl'E. \\rllfr ; aa good as new. bind lch Manuraclur- IHK Co. , 1UJS und 10.0 B. Muln Btree.t. rou SAM : . A NIAHIY l\v NINI : HOOM house , v\lth lulu cIMvin , city vittr ut house und turn frull. nice KI ! nlu lrcs on u nicely snide d lot DO\J. fi ct for } 2 Sin ) O3. t u-thlrd cash 94S 1'i.iln uvcauc , Cuunc.ll lllilfrs , \\AMIJIJ SICONI : > H\NI > MIMOdllAIMI. If clieap J It hmdu C'ciunc.11 llluff _ _ _ _ _ \VANTii : * . 'IVVO { llltm TO UOHK IN ICU en am | iul > r In ( li.uid I'la/.i I ikt .Manawa. e ; < HMl itfcrcnccM rciiulitd. Apily ut ejranj I'l ua. WAsni : ) ATONCI : A noon MAN TO woiuc nn f i eilt firm e uti fiunish house to llvo In. J It Mi flu rwi. 1281 Kast 1'krc.u rtritt A lilltl , TCISSIST IN HoTHUVVOriR AT J2 houtll Mxtb ( .tie ct a Your House Heated Free- , Not from a financial standpoint cx- acll > but oulirc'ly KIMJIJ frcm the A A dpfcels which are so often found In the general run of hiatinc ; plunU. D" . llcntlntEnnd Saitltiir } I uulnccr , Steam and Hot Hutcr llciitlnir , 202 MAIN ST. COUNCIL I1LUFP S , IOWA. ART ? OL.ABS Of the most b-autiful patt rns ongiiinl d < s ( ? ns , and the prettiest fancies of archi tects and home builders fulthlully and arilstcally rtprodueed. PiATE GLASS- I'roin a single window to car lo's GLAZED SASH- All block bUei , and any special size or shape desired furnished at less than any competitor's prices by the COUNCIL BLUFFS PAINT , OIL fc GLASS CO. , The largest exrlusivo house in Western Iowa Stud for prices on estimates. Ma-onic Temple It \ \ - Cleaning .mil . Dyeinj of Garoientj anJ GooJs of livery Description , Sclioutls ick'.s Twin City Dye > \urKs , ( .or. Avenue A iiiul 2 ( > tli St. , Council Itlnilh. Oll'icc , 15211'ur aain hi. , Oimiliu. Send for Trice List ,