Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Shoeing Every Boy and Every Boy's ' Father
Mother , Brother and Sister.
Our ( Ircnt Clcnrlnn-Up S ilc of summer Tun
AlnUa Mure Intoroittnc by Ailcllnz a
Ltinlco l.nt of lloyV bhooi
to the Lilt.
AVe must tell the tans.
We can't help It.
There's no way to prevent It now. Ever
pair of tan shoes In the store Is marked do\v
to a prlco beyond all thoughts of a refusal t
Saturday we make n special effort to pleas
the boys and have markeJ them to
FOUR LITTLE PRICES $1.00 , $1.45 , $1.7i
All the youths' $2.00 tan lace shoes will t
The $2.60 kind are $ U5.
Boys' tan lace shoes that were $2.50 ai
cut to $1.75.
The $3.60 kind , the best ever made , wl
be $2.60.
We want to ? eo every boy In Omaha at 01
store Saturday or his mother. It'll do yo
ROuil to see a real genuine cut In price
whether you care to buy or not.
Ladles' la Jullcttqa and light shade Print
Alberts , some narovv square , tome squar
tome oj.cra toes , some hand turned , all vei
stylish , norm worth IMS than $2.50 and mo :
of thtm worth $ i 00 , Juno cleirlng pnco $1 4
Ladles' $2.60 black and tan oxfords , 98c.
Ladles' $3 60 tan , $2.00.
Men's $2.00 low shoes go at $1.25.
Men's email slies , 5 , 5 % , C , G > ,4 , In a
colors and shaped of $1.00 , $5.00 and $ G (
tans , go at $2.00.
Men' $4.0) and $ i.OO Russian leather at
patent leither shoes cut dowq to $2.50.
All of Hanan & Son's tan button shoe
alnya $6.00 , go for $4.00.
All those $7.03 light brown , cloth top. bu'tc
shoes for men are the extreme styles , but tl
prlco didn't seem to suit , Wo'vo changed
to $4.00.
Wo are taking extraordinary measures
make this Juno clearing a success. V
have.n't cut the prlco on just a few pairs , b
on every pair some of them cut so low th
the makers would buy them , If they know :
But we'll sell to anybody wearers , make
or dealers ono pair or a case. To get r
or the tans Is our object.
"If the shoo fits you , put It on ; " If
don't , bring It back. Strange to say , o
salesmen hold their jobs by giving their cu
torn era fits.
Tan shoes for all , 1419 Farnam st.
Great tumbling race Courtland next week.
Ilonrd of Public AVorkn Itopnrtg on 1)1 )
puled ClnlmR ot the I'livlng 1'cnplr.
In Its long controversy with the old Boa
of Public Works and ever since with the cl
over a claim for street repair work done
1891 the Darber Asphalt company has nc
cacurcd the favor of the present Board
Public Works. Acting under a suggestion
the city council that It consider the dlspu
and recommended a settlement on an equltat
basis , the board yesterday , after consider ! :
the matter for a week , drew up a repoi
which will bs'submitted ' to the city coun
at Its next regular meeting , rccommendl
that the claim , 11.1,201.51 , be paid. It
stated that the difficulty over the rnatl
arose chiefly from the enmity of P. W. Hlr
hausor , formerly chairman ot the boai
toward C. W. Squires , representing the coi
pany and having at that time the contri
for sweeping the streets. As to the cc
fllctlng statements of Ulrkhauser and J. 1
Crelghton , delegated by the board to supi
Intend the work , the present board declai
that it feels justified In taking the stai
ments of Crelghton rather than those
Blrkhauser. Included later In the dlspv
was a bill of $9.152.92 for repairs In IS !
The board recommends that this also be pa
less deductions on account of manifestly i
roncous measurements aggregating $2,435.
making the total amount recommended to
raid $19,018. % .
Bids were opened for an enlargement
the main sewer on Chicago street and
Grace street from Twenty-second to Tweni
fourth street. The bids were referred I
calculation to the city engineer , and t
awards will probably be made Monday.
In the economy of the kitchen Dr. Prlc
Baking Powder Is cheaper than low-prl (
powders , owing to Its greater strength o
CommlMtnnnri Secure n Strip Along Thirl
1'lrst Street for I'nrk Purpose * .
The proposition of Curtis Turner to don
a strip of land between Farnam and Doi
on Thirty-first street to the city for park p
poses was accepted by the park commlssl
era yesterday , with a string attached to
5Ir. Turner wants the board to devote thli
five feet additional to the east road border
on the lots which comprise numbers 13
24 , Inclusive , In block 1 of Summit Place
dltlon. Ho also asks the board to pay
taxes for 1895. The report of the commll
on locations recommends an acceptance of
land , Turner to pay the taxes. No Impro
mcnts are to bo made for two years. Ju
Lake took the position that "the place we
not bo largo enough to set a table on , " as
expressed It , and voted against It. Mr. H
field said It would bo as largo as Jeffcr
Surveyor House made * a report of his w
on the boulevard , between Elmwood and f
tanello parks , and agreed to hold all pai
relating to the survey on file In the cou
surveyor's office for reference.
The fact was mentioned that the arte !
well at Ulvervlew park Is down 750 feet ,
that new apparatus Is being placed for g <
The salary sheet , In the sum of $1,75E
together with bills amounting to $480.16 , v
recommended to the city council for paym
CnittiiRlnus IlUrnnrs.
Allen's Hygienic Fluid has been foun
positive preventive ot scarlet and typl
fevers' , diphtheria , smallpox and other c
taglous diseases. Mothers should aton
their children's throat and nasil organs v
it morning and evening.
Are Van doing to ( oloritilo tor the Hmiitn
July 5th to Sth the Chicago , Rock Is
& Pacific Ry. will cell round trip ticket :
Denver , Colorado Springs and Pueblo at $1
for the round trip , good for return pasi
till Sept. 1st. Teachers attending the fan
summer school at Colorado Springs , and
ono who contemplates a trip to Color
should remember that the "Rock Island
the ONLY LINE running THROUGH c
cars and sleeping cars from Omaha to C
rado Springs WITHOUT CHANGE. Cl
rates are imdo by all lines In Colorado to
hundreds ot places ot Interest and to
pleasure resorts. For full Information , m
time curds , descriptive circulars , rates ,
call at "ROCK ISLAND" ticket office.
Farnam St.
_ _
Fireworks display each night CourtlanJ ,
N. i : . A. lit Demur .July .Till to 1'Jth
The quickest time and best train servli
offered by the Union Pacific system.
rates and liberal arrangements for a ch
Ing variety of excursions to western res
comprising a tour through the fai
Yellowstone National park ; trips to
Francisco , Portland and gait Lake City ;
famous mountain retreats of Colorado ;
Dlack Hills and renowned Hot Springs , S
Dakota ; ta summer school at Cole
Springs , and other attractions , gee
nearest Union Pacific agent or address
City Ticket Agent , 1302 Farnam i
Newport , II. T ,
The most charming seaside- retort In A
tea. You can enjcy bathing ,'ng ' , tt' '
and yachting , the cliff walks and ocean d :
are Incomparable. You can engaga r
K Charles W. Squires at the Mlllard.
WAURB.N F. INLAND , I'renrlct
8. F. MUIl&n IMIY UOUtlS CO.
Giving rod Water Away with Kvery I'tir.
clime of 85 Cents or Over.
rnnn SODA WATCH ticket with every
purchase of 25c or over made at our
Three cues of men's stockings In black ,
brown , tan and London blue , better goods
than we cold Thursday , all go at IGc.
Fancy slilrts , laundered collars and cuffs
attached , Sue.
CO dozen all dlk ties , nice new goods , 15c.
25e suspenders go Saturday at lOc.
Negligee shirts IDc , but not over three to a
Welll tell none of these goods to dealer *
or peddlers.
FHEi : SODA WATCH ticket with every
purchase of 23c or over made at our
Hlco Cc a pound ; raisins Cc.
Currents Cc ; apricots Sc a pound.
Peaches Sc a pound ; crackers Cc.
Rread 2l4c a loafflour ; 03c sack.
Corn EC can ; tomatoes Co can.
Baked beans lOc a 3-pound can.
Salmon 9c a can for the best.
Tea 12c up ; coffee lOc up.
Halting ponder "c pound ; pepper ICc
FHEC SODA WATCH ticket with evcrj
purchase of 23c or over made In any depart
ment In the store.
Ladles' belts with silvered buckles 23c.
21 sheets linen \\rltlng paper and 24 en
velopes Se.
24 sheets writing paper and 24 envelope !
Ladles' summer corsets 2"c.
Ladles' gowns and drawers , to close , a
Ladles' summer vests 2 Vic.
Ladles' fast black hose He.
Lad'es' ' fast black hose 2 pair 3Cc ,
Boys' heavy bicycle hose ICc.
Ladles' summer vests , crochet neck , 3 fo
Ladles' summer vests , with fancy front
Umbrellas with fancy handles , Dresden
etc. , $3.00 ones for $1.50. ,
Ladles' fancy handkerchiefs 2V < s .
Buttermilk soap 3c.
French perfumery , per ounce , 13c.
Tettoros perfect complexion powder EC.
FREC SODA WATCH w Ith every purchas
of 20c or o\er , this Saturday.
Great tumbling race Courtland next week.
TUI : wosui.urtn , III.AXK
A'l ' "IcHchrM Miould Know
All about the Black Hills historic , Instruc
Uve , Interesting to a greater degree tha
any other part of the west.
The Hot Springs ot South Dakota at
Dslegates to the National Educational aa
soclatlon meeting at Denver , holding tlckel
over the Union Pacific , havs an unpreci
dented offer In the way of a low rate. r <
turning through the Black Hills. Pro
demons of Fremont Normal school , Fn
niont , Neb. , will personally conduct an e :
cursion party on this trip. Consult him t
the nearest agent F. , E. & M. V. or Uulo
Pacific railway for further particulars.
Bnontmlls trnm Conrtlnnd.
The matinee at Courtland beach at 4 o'cloe
today Is especially for ladles ahd chlldrt
who are unable to attend the night perforn
ance . The spiral to'\er , upcn which Phlllc
rolls his glebe , and the enlre ; troupa of Arab
weather vermlttlng , wlU bo the attractions.
The fireworks display on the Fourth Is
bs the greatest ever seen In the west. Th <
are from the factory of the A. L. Due con
pany , Cincinnati , who turn out the finest fir
works displays In this country.
Look out for the great tumbling race.
Through IiiiUium's Niiiiiril On * Belt.
Trains leaving Chicago Union Station dal
at 10:30 : a. m. and 8 15 p. m. over Pennsylv
nla Lines for Columbus , Cincinnati , India
apolis and Louisville run through the gre
natural gas belt of Indiana. No change b
tvvoen Chicago and Ohio river giteways , who
connection Is made for points In Kentuck
Tennessee , Alabama , Louisiana , Florid
Georgia and the Carollnas. Apply for dcta !
to Daring , 248 South Clark street , Chicago.
I miles Attention.
Superfluous hair , warts , moles and brov
spots removed by the "Electric Process. "
Corns , bunions , Ingrowing too nails , treat
by a professional chiropodist.
Medicated and Electric baths , also massa
by an experienced and educated masseuse.
109 and 110 Bee Building.
( Only exclusive ladles' bath parlors In Oman
o Look out for the great tumbling race.
is Had nil 1'yo on I'lreworRn.
3- The grocery store of Rooncy & Mackt
; o Fortieth and Cumlng streets , was broke
1(1 ( Into and robbed of 7CO cigars , a quantity
i ° canned goods , tobacco and fireworks ThursJ
night. The money drawer was open and
in small sum ot change therein , but this w
, , overlooked , entrance was by way of t
, cellar , the burglars forcing a trap door.
ra If you want the best food use Prlc
Cream Uaklng Powder.
igo Itam Curvlngton , for disturbing the pea
o was given thirty days on the streets y
terday , whllo John Bailey , for assault a
re battery , was gent up for sixty days.
Seymour camp , Woodmen of the Wor
gave an entertainment and card party In I
lodge room at Sixth and Pierce street Thu
Id a day evening. Refreshments were served.
The Red Men's Fraternal Accident as
rice elation has been sued for J270 by Richard
th Cly because for twenty-six weeks while
was laid up he says he could get no money
his accident policy.
id Fireworks dtsphy ech night Courtland.
TRimnNS Philip Herbert , Infant son
us Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Tebbenp , June 28 , 1
ny ngcd 6 months. Funeral Saturday a
p. m. Interment , Prospect Hill.
arts , ( Iralmiu Itiifrrnirnteil llrrnd.
nouj San 1'i pints Graham Hour , ' / & pint flnui
the tab1ei > poonful sugar , 1 tcaspoonful salt ,
the te.ispoonfuls Royal Baking Powder , 1U p
outti milk , or equal parts milk and water ,
rado together Graham Hour , flour , sugar , salt
your powder ; add the- milk , or milk and wa
mix rapidly Into soft dough , which 1
from bowl Into greased tin. Bake In ra
3t. hot oven 40 minutes. Protect loot '
paper first fifteen minutes.
Jtoyil nuking i'ouritor llroail.
1 quart flour , 1 teatpoonful tall't
upoonful sugar , 3 heaping traspoonfuls R
mcr- lUXIng Powder , halt medlum-Elied
hlng boiled potato , and water. Sift together t
Ivcs oughly flour , salt , sugar , and baking povy
rut ; In the potato ; add sufficient water to
sr. cothly and rapidly Into a stiff batter , a' '
or. as suit as for pouad-cake ; about a pin
Is now offering unusual Inducements to
close the entire spring and cummer stock.
Not a single nrllcla ever carried over.
The most attractive bargains yet offered
In ladles' fine wash goods or silk waists.
Waists at 19c , nt 23c , at 35c , at 47c , at 69c ;
all In splendid styles , make nnd finish. La
dles' wraps , suits , shawls and tailor-made
capos and jackets at less than maufacturers
Children's 23c straw hats lOc ; men's COc
hats at 2Cc ; men's $1.00 hats at GOc ; men's
fedora , stiff or crushes , In all colors , at less
than half regular prices.
Wo guarantee lower prices for same qual
ity of goo is In trunks , telescopes , vallcca ,
men's clothing or furnishing goods , than any
other house , or no sale.
1,500 standard 23c books at Cc.
1,000 Idsal library 2Gc books 7'/4c.
New books arriving dally.
Excellent hammocks at 70c , at { 1.00 , at
Cuttlno ; prices on potloni , laces , veilings ,
embroideries , dress trimmings and fancy
Very good butter at 9c and lie ; best coun
try butter at 12'/4c and He ; our separator
and gilt-edge creamery pocs at ICe and ISe.
Cyz-openers at our meat department.
Sugar cured , No. 1 hams , 9)4c ; sugar cured
No. 1 bacon , S'4c ; salt pork , CVic ; corneJ
bof , 3V4c ; 3-lb. can lard , 19c ; G-lb. lard , 4nc ;
brick cheese , lOc ; Llmburger , 4c ; Wisconsin
full cream , lOc ; Imported Swiss , 20c. Yon
will save more money here than elsewhere
and get the best goods money can buy.
Look out for the great tumbling race.
Still Taking Testimony In tlio Vim Conn
I'm IMC < autr rt.
E. D. Van Court and his lawyers are en.
gaged In a conflict with the county com
missioners over the settlement ot the
macadam paving controversy , which Is now
before a board ot arbitrators. The taking ol
testimony , which has been In progress foi
some days , was resumed yesterday
County Surveyor House was placed upon the
stand by the commissioners and asked tc
explain the plans and specifications which hi
drew for the construction of the Dodge stree
road. The attorney for Van Court made ai
effort to show that the plans and speclflca
tlons wcro hopelessly In conflict and tha
Van Court could not be held for the shortagi
of 1 7-10 Inches of wearing surface o
macadam , which Is the counter claim thi
commissioners set up among other things It
opposing the $10,000 claim.
The first point of attack made by Vai
Court related to the provision In the spcclfl
cations drawn by the county surveyor , li
which It Is stated that the foundation cart !
on which the road Is to bo built must con
form in contour to the finished pavement
The pa\ement Is made convex , as to It
surface. The specifications then state tha
the macadam wearing surface must be tei
Inches in depth at the center and eight 01
either side. Van Court claimed that he wa
required by Mr. House's specifications t <
pack two extra Inches of stone on the cente
of the road and still not raise It so that I
would be abo\e the contour of the eartl
foundation. When this point was brough
out it created some stir among the spec
tators , but Mr. House rejoined that th
objection was merely technical. He after
ward explained to a icporter that th
bpeclflcatlons were drawn to cover four differ
cut classes of roads granite , asphaltum
brick and macadam that it Is also pro
vlded in his specifications that the road
bed was to conform to the stakes se
by the engineer and consequently that th
roadbed for the macadam would have to b
slightly different from the other propose
roads to accommodate the extra stone. "Iu )
this , " he said , "would be scarcely notlcoabl
to the eye. " He said that the attempt a
the attorneys to make anything out of tbi
was trying to raise a mole hill Into a moun
tain , as well as the attempt to make ou
from the specifications that only six Inche
of macadam was called for Instead of elgh
upon the sides. "Only two layers of ston
wcro laid , " he says , "and the attorneys ar
trying to figure out that Van Court did no
lave to place the extra two Inches provide
"or In the third or top course , when he la !
the other two courses. The third course wa
omitted , but he should have put the amoui :
called for In the other two courses. "
Commissioner Llvesey was asked about thi
explanation of the apparent discrepancy an
eplled that It might technically bo an erroi
jut taking the plans and specifications altc
gether it was plain enough. The bids prc
' le for an eight-Inch wearing surface on th
Commissioners claim that the pecullarlt
about the demand of Van Court for extra
lies In the fact that he claimed he could nc
work under the contract and do a good Jol
He ga\e $2G,000 bond to carry out the term
of the contract. Two hundred feet (
macadam were built with a sand and gravi
filler. The commissioners have Invited tli
arbitrators to Inspect this and then say
this pavement Is not far superior to tl
balance , which Van Court finished by shove
ing In more or less clay as a filler. The cla ;
It Is said , he obtained from the roadsld
whllo the sand cost him 95 cents a yard di
Ilvered on the ground.
Regarding the water used for wetting tl
road for which Van Court claims money ,
was brought out that Van Court coi
templated laying a system of pipes along tl
macadam , but the county surveyor dl
couraged this. Van Court has a claim no
against the county for pumps and sprlnklli
In the altitude of Its excellence Dr. Prlct
Baking Powder looks down on all rivals.
Mrinnrlil Altnr.
A magnificent altar , the gift of the chlldr
ot Mrs. Alice McShane , is to' be erected
St. James" Orphanage , on Tuesday , July
The occasion will bo one ot unusal splendc
Rev. William Choka , V. G. , will celebra
solemn high mass at 9 o'clock a. m. , at whl
many other prominent clergymen are expjtt
to assist. Friends ot the Institution arc i
Great tumbling race Courtland next week.
Spirit Luke , Spirit I.a'.lc , 'plrlt I.iilco.
Through sleeper via the Northwestern Llr
commencing June 28 , leaves dally for Spli
Lake at C-10 p. m. from Webster street depi
The lake Is the same , accommodations a 1
tie better , fare a little lower , City office , 14
Farnam stieet. Depot. 15th and Webst
streets. J. R. BUCHANAN. G. P. A.
Cnlllornln or Trxin.
For lowest rates on tickets and best a
corrmodRtlons call on or address E.
Palmer , P. A. Santa Fe Route , Room 1 , Fit
National Bank , Omaha.
Summer Toitrlut TlcUet Tl i His \Vnbis
Are now on sale ; for folders giving rout
rates , etc. , call at Wabash office , 1415 Ft
nam street.
| water to a quart of flour will be requlrei
, 1 more or less according to the brand :
two quantity of the flour used. Da not maki
Ints stiff dough , as In yeast bread. Pour
Sift better Into a greased pan , 4V4 by 8 Incl
and and 1 Inches deep , filling about halt t
ter ; The loaf will rise to fill the pan when bak
iour Bake In very hot oven 45 minutes , pine
[ her paper over first fifteen minutes baking ,
vlth. prevent crusting too soon on top. Bake I
mediately after mixing.
* Perfect success can be had only with
Royal Baking Powder.
Dinner loll ! .
cold 1 quart flour. 1 teatpoonful sugar , 1 t
dor- spoonful salt , 2 teaspoonfuls Royal Bak
der ; Powder , 2 tabletpoonfula lard , % pint m
mix Sift together flour , sugar , salt and powil
rout rub in the lard cold , add the milk , and i
t ot , Into umootb , rather suffer dough than usi
Settlers on the Oniiha and Wiunebag
Reservation.J\ro Bathfiod.
t'lournoy Company Frnctic.illr ( lUes V\ \
the riclit mid Will Surrender 1'cncenblo
I'oucsilon of the Indian l.nmls
Unrly Next Year.
DAKOTA CITY , Neb. , June 28. ( Sped ;
Telegram. ) Inspector McLaughlln of the Ir
terlor department , who haH been at th
Omaha and Wlnnebago Indian reservation
for the past week endeavoring to stralghte
out the controversy between Captain 13ec
and the officers of the Flournoy company , re
turned to Washington today via this cltj
With him ho takes an agreement betwee
all the parties to tha controversy which , :
accepted by the Interior department , wl
permanently settle the unfortunate dlspul
which hits been carried on In the courts fc
the past thrje years.
The agreement which Is to be submlttc
to the Interior department was arrived i
by a conference between Inspector McLaughlli
Captain Heck , Attorneys Ualley and Jay , an
the lessees of the lands In dispute. Th
terms of the agreement arc substantially t
follows :
The Flournoy company agrees to pay tt
Indiana tne amount due thsm within thlrt
days after the Interior depirtmcnt give
notice that It has accepttd the agreemen
and It will then give peaceable possesslo
of alt the Indian lands on March 1. 189G. Th
leases are to bo placed In the hands of dli
Interested parties , to be designated by th
Interior department , with an order from tt
Flournoy company to turn the same ovt
to the agent on March 1 , 1S9C. All unpa !
leases arc ID oe cancelled.
After the leases and the lands have bee
surrendered the Flournoy tenants are to hav
the privilege of leasing the lands for a ten
of years , commencing' March 1 , 189C , on t
favorable terms as are given other partle
Present tenants are given until January :
1S9G , to lease the Iand9 they have Improvei
It will bo seen that the agreement alms 1
protect as far as possible the farmers wl
have already leased lands of the Flournc
company and have made Improvemcni
thereon. Dy the terms of the agreemei
the present tenants have until January 1 I
release the lands from the Indians. Th
gives them the opportunity of saving the
crops this season and also the advantage ovi
outsiders who may desire to take advantat
of their Improvements. The lands not leasi
by the present tenant will , after March
1896 , bo open to everybody upon terms to 1
decided upon by the agent.
Inspector McLaughlln will also recommer
to the Interior department that none of tl
lands be leased except to actual settlers ai
that no one settler shall be entitled to lea
more than 320 acres.
It Is believed that the Interior departmei
will ratify the agreement and that the lot
standing trouble at the reservation will be
an end.
WASHINGTON' , June 28 ( Special Tel
gram. ) Although Captain neck has been a
thorbed to employ fifty additional Imlli
police , the appropriation for the current flsc
year Is pa small that the authority granti
Captain Deck cannot become operative un
July 1 , on which date the new appropriate
for the department will become available.
Is expected by olllclnls of the Indian odl
that Captain Deck will next week begin t
eviction of the Illegal lessees , and It Is hop
that the settlers will obey Captain Heel
orders without resistance and thereby sa
themselves serious trouble.
It never falls to make the best and me
wholesome food , Price's Daklng Powder.
Local Alumni nf Iliirvunl Kntcrtiiln The
Old Tincli r ft tl ttunilm Club ,
It would bo hard to Imagine a better a
pointed dinner than that Riven to Prof. J.
Greeuough of Harvard university last nig
at the Omaha club by the Harvard alumni
this city. It was essentially a college gat
erlng , the "plebs" being remarkable by thi
absence. How many thousands of the you
of the land Prof. Greenough has led throui
the mazes of Latin conjugations , verbs a
adjectives would be hard to estimate , for I
Latin grammar has been the stepping ttono
the universities and schools of Icurnl
throughout the republic , coupled with the i
qulrements of the entrance curriculum.
There Is little about the staid collegian
indicate his prominence in the scholasl
world , but those who hive been his studer
In years gene by unlteJ last night In a pac
of pralso for his thoroughness and hU abil !
to lead his pupils over the rough places I
client to the study of the branch w th whl
ho Is so famously associated.
The table was closely drawn together , a
as a result the nineteen men who rat do'
with Prof. Greenough , were within hearl
instance of the good things that were s ;
during the course of the dinner. Amcrlc
beauty roses adorned the board , a large vi
filled to the brim with the beautiful flo\M
giving a pretty and effective touch of color
the surroundings.
There was no attempt at set speeches ,
though all had eomethlng to say apropos
the occasion , and the joy at being able
meet their old tutor outside the classic shai
of their alma mater. The menu was tpli
dldly arranged and served In a manner t
left little to bo desired.
Dr. nichard Stebblns was toastmaster , i
guest honor. Prof. J. B. Greenough , being
his right , and Mr. J. II. Mclntosh on his li
The table , set In a solid square , was occup
by W. It. Morris , W. L. Robinson , C.
Elgutter , Daniel Costello , W. S. Popplet
Philip A. Crape , Irwen Levlston , Homer
Lewie , Hev. David U. Kerr , Prof. A.
Marble , H. M. Allen. R. II. Eastman , H.
Sawyer , Henry D. Estabrook , A. C. Po\\
George E. MacLcan.
"Tho Crnrk Tr. ln of the World. "
A prominent New York merchant and I
porter of leather goods said in our hear
the other day : "I have traveled all 0'
Europe and America , and I cons der the tr ;
which leaves Omaha every day at C p.
for Chicago , via the Chicago , Milwaukee
St. Paul railway. 'The Crack Train of
World. ' "
In which statement thousands of oth
heartily concur.
Card of Tliiinkn.
We wish to express our heartfelt app
elation of the kind attention bestowed uj
us by our friends and neighbors at this tl
of our bereavement In the death of i
husband and father , Collins Jordan.
S 3tSa M
olo- t tS C * S 5fSS
aps all , HpHE U. S. Government officially reports ROYAL
1002 etc. . 1 Baking Powder superior to all others in leaven ,
ing strength. ( Bulletin 13 , Ag'I Dep't , p. 599. )
o Is 3 < &S * S - 2i S Ji 1 - $ S-5
1 Flour the board , turn out the dough , glv
ind 1 or 2 quick , vigorous kneadlnga to comp
i a Us smoothness. Roll out about ' , & of It :
the time with rolling pin. very thin , cut In th :
es , Inch strips , then roll these strips up tli
nil. they should be the thickness of a large I
rd. pencil , as long as can be conveniently laid
Ing greased baking tin. ( The longer the i
to are when baked , the nicer they arc. ) U
min a pretty hot oven 8 or 10 minutes. T
need to be crisp and not too dark colored ,
the Drolling.
The rules for roasting meat apply
broiling , except that Instead of cooking I
ea- the oven It Is to be quickly browned tlrsl
Ing one side and then on the other , over a
Ilk. ' fire , and removed a little from the fire
er ; finish cooking. Meat an Inch thick will t
nix In about 20 minutes. It should b3 seasc
ml. after it Is cooked.
of tlic physical bcln ? Is the result of draw
ing incessantly upon Uic reserve capital of
nerve force. The wear , tear and strain of
modem life arc concentrated upon the nerv
ous system. The young men of our day be
come sufferers from nervous debility qr ex-
liaustion , nervous prostration or weakness.
This may be the result of too much mental
worry and excitement , or the result of bad
practices and excesses , or pernicious habits ,
contracted in youth , through ignorance.
They feel irritable , weak and nervous with
such distressing symptom1) n.9 backache ,
dizziness , shooting pains in head or chest ,
sometimes indigestion. The middle-aged
men , as well , Buffer from exhaustion , loss of
manly power , low spirits , impaired memory ,
and many dcranccinents of mind and body.
The ill-used brain is morbidly wide awake
when the cnvorked business man attempts
to find rest in bed.
The physician- } and specialists of the In
valids' Hotel rt.d Surgical Institute devote
their best er.eftC9 ! to reclaiming and restor
ing such unfortunates to health mid happi
ness. They have written n book of 163
pages , treating" of tlic e miladies nnd setting
forth a rational means of home-treatment
for their cure. It is sent securely scaled , in
plain envelope , on receipt of ib cents for
ASSOCIATION , No , 663 Main Street , Buf
falo. N. Y.
This extra-
ordlmiry Ito- Ulzzfncts ,
Juvenator Is Falling Sen
the tnoet sations.Ncrv
wonderful oustwltchlu
discovery of ;
of the
the . \
ago. * and othci
lias been Endowed
dewed by the
IcndlngMlcn- Strengthens
tide men of Invigorate !
Europe and and tones tin
America. cntlrosystem
Hudyan Is Kudran cure
irely vege- Deb lilt y
ablo. Nervousness ,
Hudyan stops Einlssione
Prematureness anddevelop <
and restart
of the discharge \rcuk
charge in 20 Pains In th
days. Cures back. IOEEC
LOST by day o
quickv. ! Over 2.0CO private cndoiscmcnts.
Premature-nets meaus imnotcncy lu the first
staw. It Is a Eymp'.om of scralnnl weakness
and barrenncg ? . It can bo slopped lu 20 days
by the use or Itudvun.
Thonew dlscovorywas Tntdo by the Special-
istsofthoold ftmoi.sHudson Medical Instilute.
It is the strongest vliallzcr made. It Is very
powerful , but Imimlcts. Eold for tl 00 a pack-
ncoorS packages for 85.00plainscaled ( boxes ) .
Written piaranlco given for a cure. Ifyoubuy
six boxes aud are cot sntlrcly cured , EIX more
will be sent to you free of all charprs.
Bend for clrculanand testimonials. Address
Junction Stockton , ITIurUul A. Klllt Sta
Sail I'raiiuihco , Citl
1 JK * 3nH VHP' uu *
Tra largest piece , of
Goo dl t"ojbacco
ev&P sold for 10 cents
The discriminallnjj.up to
date younrfl&dy completes the
harmony of her cnwniiu'c } < tuni
with p&ir of the j/mmctric < vl
Mid endurin
? mct 60 Jo horiiitcri
her cowinsthu wml
li Every
I II ht 1 ono cnko c
we'd bo euro tlmt otlior calces would follow
No cither boap washes wools without fclirln
Ing and no other boap la as clllclcut unil r
{ rushing In thobutli.
Bu j ono caKe Jubt ono at your grocers. .
8 A. M. TO 10 P. M.
1500 PAIRS
TT * / V T lO TTTJ TPt > "HT" TT * / " T TT T TT * i
TO FIT BOYS-4-5-6-7-8-9 YEARS ,
P. S. We use no pennies Buy 2 pairs for a quarter.
Canvas Back and Prin
cess Duckings ;
All of our French and Court Royal
N. Piques ;
AH of our Boott Linene reduced to
lOc Per Yard.
Dress Patterns at 88c.
Your choice of a large variety of Dimities ,
Englsh and Priscilla Lawns from 27 to
36 inches wide Sold only in 10 yard pat
terns at 88c a pattern.
Mental Alertness
depends very largely on the physi
cal condition. Sluggish blood
dulls the brain , A Ripans tabule
after meals will clear away the fogs
in short order.
Klpana Tabulfi : Sold by druggist * , or by man
U the orice ( CO c nt a box ) l > irnt to The Rl-
pan Chemical Company , No. 19 Sprues it. , U. T.
l\i > Holler. No htcaiiu No
BEST rCMVKll for Corn nnd Kecd MI1U ,
Hay , Uuuiilng Separators , Creameries , Ac.
Stationary or Portable.
1 to 120 II. P. 8 to 80 H. I * .
Bend Tor Catalogue , 1'rlcc ? , etc. , il-jcrlLlnu' work to bo done.
321 So. 15th St. UiU : < \VuIiiut M . , IMHIMKI.IMI1A. 1 > A.
Itesult in -weeks. .
SIII3UMAN & JIcCONNKLL DRUG CO. . 1513 DndKo street , Oranlm , Neb. ,
The Great Military School of the \Yest.
filso N1ED3INQHAUS l\\\.l \ \ for Sinai ] Boys ,
Unsurpassed Advantages. Investigate buforo select Ins a euhooL Tor
IT * *
J.iSl.lK Sweet Stir Inn a , ifo
SOAP Harcourt Place
Seminary , Gambier , O.
FLOATS For Glrli. .
beautiful nnd comfortable bomt , lx > untlrulUbie.
end careful Bltcntlon la all thut pvrtaluB to good
JA3. S. KIRK & C O. . U. S. A I lud p UU lb , thorough test g ueral tuonUl culture. training Col&loiuei , refined icuu to oucr '