Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1895, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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    1'JIE OKAHA. DAILY BEE : -SUNDAY , JUNE 2J { , 1895.
Hockfoid Took tbo Second Oamo by Supe
rior All 'Round Work ,
Colonel Mcdlnnl * Aim 1)1(1 n T.lttln Work
\ > hlcli Helped .Miittrm AlmiR Nlcol
ItBVlvoil Mcinnrlci "f III * Old
Lliiclniintl I'orin.
Rockford. 7 ; Omaha , 0.
Jacksonville , 7 ; IJes Molncs , C.
Qulncy , 12 ; St. Joseph , 1.
I'corla , 1.1 ; Lincoln , 3.
Plttsburg ; 5 ; Ixmlsvtllc , 2.
liultlmore , 11 ; Washington , 4.
Brooklyn , 12 ; Philadelphia , 9.
Cincinnati. 8 ; St. Louis , 0.
Chicago , 8 ; Cleveland , 2.
lloston , 6 ; New Vork , 3.
Knnium City , 12 ; St. Paul , 5.
Detroit. 8 ; Toledo , 5.
Milwaukee , 7 ; Minneapolis , 1.
Indianapolis , 23 ; Grand lluplds , C.
Omaha was r.ot equal to the task ot mak
ing It two straight. Hockford took the
game yesterday by virtue of harder hitting
and superior all round playing. Little Nle
also had "J\B empire" on his side. A chest
nut , but still It goes. Mcdlnnls not only
struck Hutch out twice when he should have
had his base on balls , but gave Hockford her
winning run on a foul hit by ICIIng. Foul
Insomuch as the ball struck the umpire , who
should have called the batter out. Hut he
didn't , and Hockford walked off with the
game. However , It must not bo understtod
tl'at the attempt la being made to blame the
defeat on Mr. McGlnnls , because Little Nlc's
gang won the game honestly and by good
nard playing.
Captain Hutchlnson's men have little to
be proud of. They batted poorly , ran bases
worse , und put up a loose game In the field.
Hutch himself made two errors , both , how
ever , on exceedingly difficult plays , and he
made a couple of stops and throws that com
pletely offset these. They were both ot the
circus order , and each saved a run. Miles'
fumble allowed Whoa Bill Krelg , the youth
who scored the winning run , to reach his
ba o. Trilby Truby advanced him on a well-
placed sacrifice , and he came In on Kllng's
single , which should have been an out , as
previously stated , the ball striking Colonel
McOlnnls on the foot and caroming safely
Into the Held.
The playing of the Ilockford team was
snappy and good at all times , the Held work
of Truby , Holland , Inks and Underwood belnn
fine , Indcd. Nlcol , too , revived the memory
of his old days In Cincinnati , when he ranked
with the most refulgent stars of the day ,
Bill Krelg and Joe Vlsner were also In the
conlllct clear through , and played ball as
she Is played In'the books.
A great crowd will doubtless bo on hand
today to sco the rubber played. By the way ,
In the above Imllvlduallzatlon , both Under
wood and Snyder were Inadvertently over
looked , Underkood pitched In masterly style
arid Snyder caught him faultlessly. Score-
AH. H. IH. ! SH. SB. PO. A. K
Nnttress. 3b. . 3 1
Blaglc , in 4
Shaffer. If. . . . G
Hutch'son , 21 > C
O'Brien , Hi , . , 4
Lehman , c. . . . 3
1'nce. rf 3
Miles , S3 3
Balsz , p 4
Totals . . . .31 n 8 1 1 2I 17 !
None out when winning run was made.
AB. 11. BH. SH. SB. I'O. A. E
Nlcol. rf 5 0 3
Vlsner , If 5 0 1
Krelg , 11) 5 0 12
Truby , 2b 4 0
Kllnir , m 5
Snyder , c. . . , . 4
Holland , 3b. . . 4
Inks , s.s > . 3
Underwood , p 4 0 2
Totals . . . .33 7 11 1 0 27 21
Omaha 2 00103000-1
Ilockford 2 30000011- '
Earned runs : Omaha , 2 ; Hockford , 4. Two
base lilts : Nlcol , 1 ; Truby , 1. Threo-bas <
, lilts : lliitchln.Mon , 1 ; Vlsner , 1 ; Underwood
* ' 1. Homo run : Pace. Double plays : Hutch
Inson to O'Brien : Nattress to O'Brien ; Ink :
to Truby to Kroig. Struck out : By Under
wood , 8 ; by Balsz. 5. Base on balls : Of
Underwood , 4 ; oft Balxz , 2. Base hit bj
pitcher : By Underwood , 2. Passed balls
Lehman , 1 ; Snyder , 1. Time : Two lioun
and fifteen minutes. Umpire. Mr. McGlnnls
DBS M01NKS. In. . June 2J.-Speclal ( Tel
cgrain. ) DOS Molncs lost the game agali
today through poor team work , on nccoun
of men playing out of position. Trallle ;
and Purvis nro laid up with aore lingers , si
- Holmes caught , McFurlaml played at firs
and Andrews covered short , while Grnndp.
nmblod iiroimd right Hold. Holmes , Tratlle ;
and McFarland niado an error apiece am
lest the game. Mauuk was batted hard
While the locals cou'.d do nothing will
Schwartz's delivery. Score :
Des Molnos 100032000
Jacksonville 2 00020003
Hits : DCS Molncs. C ; Jacksonville , 14. Er
rors : Des Molnos , 3 : Jacksonville , 5. Karnet
runs : Des Molnes , u ; Jacksonville , 5. Three
base hits : Carruthers. Schwartz. TWo-Uasi
hits : McYlrker , McKlbben , Deveney , Belt
Bases on balls : Off Mauck , 2 ; oft Schwartz
3. Hit by pitched ball : By Schwartz , 1
Struck out : By Mauck , 1 ; by Schwartz , 3
Stolen bases ; Holmes , Hoover. Passe <
balls : Holmes , Hoover. Double plays : Mob
ler to MijForland ; ICgan to Carruthers. Bat
' terles : Mauck and Holmes ; Schwartz am
Hoover. Time of game : Two hours am
Ilvo minutes. Umpire : Mr. Haskell.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo. , June 22. ( Special Tele
Brain. ) The Qulncys had sweet revengi
today und poumlud Nolan all over the lot
and when they got tired of bitting the bill
Irsldo the Held it was sent over the fcnee
McGreevcy was on the slab for the Browi
Sox and allowed the Saints only three scat
tcrlng bits. The features of the game wer
the homo runs of White and Boland of th
Qulncy team. Score ;
St. Joseph 000010000
Qulncy 1 2 3 2 0 4 0 0 - !
Hits : St. Joseph , 3 ; Qulncy. 17. Errors
fit. Joeapli , 5 ; Qulncy , 2. Earned runs
Qulncy , C. Two-base hits : McIIale , White
Armstrong' . Home runs : White and Bolaml
Stolen bases : Grltlln , Fnrrell , ' Armstrong
Double plays : Alberts to Murcunr Grlllln t
- 'Alberts to Marcum ; Lurocquc to MeVey
Bases on balls : Oft Nolan , 4 ; oft McGreevey
2. SJruok out : By Nolan , 4 ; by McGreevoy
1. Passed balls : Jones , 1. Batteries : Nolai
and Jones ; McGrcevey and Boland. Tim
or game : One hour and forty-llvo minute :
Umpire ; Mr. Burns.
LINCOLN. June 22.-Spccul ( ! Tclogram.- )
Orngg Wi3 knocked out of the box today I
the Hlxth and Buckerlno went In to pltcl
In the closing Innings of his temporur
Waterloo. Thomas made the phenomena
record for this league of giving no man i
naao on balls and of hitting no one wltl
the sphere. Score :
Pcorlu 1
Lincoln 0 200 O'O 100
Hits : Peorln , 15 ; Lincoln. 9. Errors
" Poorln , 1 ; Lincoln , 6. Two-base hits : Col
Una , Haller. Ebrlght , Holllngsworth , HII
Three-base hits : Grass , Bennett. Bases o
bolls : Oft Gragir. 3 ; off Ehrlght , 3. Struc
out : 11 y Ehrlght , 1 ; by Thomas , 4. Bal
terles : Oragg , { { bright and Spcer ; Thoma
anil Collins- . Time : Two hours and ten mlr
utes. I'mplro : Mr. Ward.
_ ' Played. Won. Lost. P.C
fforla 41 * j 15 65
Uncoln 27 l cz ,
Omaha , 43 2:1 : 20 M
li" Mollies 43 22 2i > K2
Qulney 41 22 22 CO
Jacksonville . . . . . . . . 43 19 21 44
Hockford 42 18 2t 42
St. Joseph 41 It 30 ? G
Games today : Ilockford nt Omaha ; Qulnc
nt St. Joseph ; Jacksonville at Des Maine :
Peoria nt Lincoln.
Louisville l'ljy ( iouil 1'lnldln ; K.tiiin bu
] 'ltlnhiirg M Inn nn Iliittlni ; .
PITTSUUnO , Juno Si-Loulsvlllo put u
ft snappy came In the Mold , but could m
hit Hart. Plttsburg hit Woyhlng cnaug
to earn all their runs. Attendance. 3,00\ \
Score :
Plttsbunr 0 1030001 *
Loulsvlllo OOOU:0000
IIIU ; PlttsburK , 11 ; LouUvllle. 3. Krron
Plttsburs , 2 ; Lau'svllle. 1. Warned rum
PlttsburK. G. Three-base bits : Herklf ;
Stcnzel (2) ) . Birrlllro bits : Genius' , o'llrlri
BhUKurt , BrlKg * . Stolen bines : Uoif-vul
Ileckioy , Smith (2) . Cross , ( 'laike. Uoubl
plays : Bugden to Berkley ; rilnpmar I
Ores * : O'Brien to HhiiKurt to Well h ; Co
llns to Welch to fthugart. 1 lasea on b'lll :
Heckley , Cross. S'lcilon. Collins. W ylilni
Hit by pitched ! ball ; Preston U ) < Strut
ut ! Clonlns , Collins , Weyhlng (2) , Brltrgs ,
VIM pitches : Woyhlng. Batteries ; Hart
nd Sugdeii ; Weyhlng und Brlggs. Time ;
ino hour and forty-five minutes. Umpire :
BALTIMOIIE , June 22. Baltimore hit
loyd hard throughout the game and the
ills were usually well bunched. McClraw
vas ordered from the game for kicking.
\ttendance , 4,100. Score :
laltlmorn 00501122 - ! !
Vnshlngton 000120001 4
Hits : Baltimore , 1.1 ; Washington , ! ) . Kr-
era : Baltimore , 0 ; Washington , J. Earned
mis : Baltimore , 7 ; Washington , 4. Two-
iasu hits : Hoblnson. Three-bane lilts : Jen
nings , Brodle. Ileltz , Kelley , Solbach (2) ( ) ,
lassamaer. Sacrlllco lilts : Carey , Heltz ,
IcGrnw. Stolen bases : CartwrlRbt. Keoler ,
Irodlo. Double plays : Crooks to Cartwrlght ;
ennlngs to Carey. Klrst on balls : Off Hof-
er. 2 ; oft Boyd , 4. Hit by pitched ball : By
loiter. 1 ; by Boyd , I. Struck out : By Hot-
er , 1 ; by Boyd , 3. Passed balls : McGuIre ,
. Batteries : Hoffer and Hoblnson ; Boyd
and McGulre. Time : Two hours and ( If-
ecn mlnutus. Umpire : Einslle.
BHOOKLYN. June 22. McGlllonly
pitched to five players , and then was taken
out of the box. Lucid met the same fate In
he third Inning1 . The batting on both sided
'or ' a time was fast and furious , Score :
Irooklyn 7 0110030 -12
hlladelphla 0 03111000-8
Hits : Brooklyn. IB ; Philadelphia , IB. Er-
rtrs : Brooklyn , B ; Philadelphia , 4. Earned
runs : Brooklyn , 3 ; Philadelphia. 7. First
mso on errors : Brooklyn , 3 ; Philadelphia ,
. Left on bases : Brooklyn , 8 ; Philadelphia ,
4. Bases on balls : Oft McdlM. 1 ; oft Lucid ,
I ; oft Stein. 1 ; off Car ey. 2. Struck out : By
Uicld. 1 ; by Stein , 1 ; hy Carsey , 3. Three-
mse hits : Lucid , Hamilton , Thompson ,
Turner. Two-base hit : Thompson. Stolen
mses : Hullman. Boyle. Hit by pitched ball ;
luckley. Wild pitch : Stein. Batteries :
l.ucld , Stein und Grim : McGlllCarsey and
luckley. Umpire : McDonald. Time : Two
icurs and twelve minutes. Attendance , 5,000.
ST. LOUIS , June 22.-The Browns had the
game up to the seventh , when the visitors
lommenced to pound Breltonsteln hard , tie-
ng the score , and piling the winning runs
up In the last two Innings. Attendance ,
3XW. ( Score :
St. Louis 1 02001002 f
Cincinnati 2 f
Hits : St. Louis. 12 ; Cincinnati. 12. Errors :
t. Louis , 2 ; Cincinnati , 1. Earned runs :
St. Louis , 4 ; Cincinnati , I. Two-base hits :
Miller , Murphy , Connor. Three-base hit ;
Cooley. Stolen bases : Brown , 2. Double
plays : Ely to Connor ; Smith to Vauglian ,
First baeo on balls : Off Breltensteln , 1 ; oft
Pnrrott , 1. Struck out : By Breltensteln , 3
Wild pitch : Parrott , 1. Batteries : Brelten-
stein and Poltz ; Purrott and Murphy. Time
Two hours. Umpire : Keefe.
CHICAGO , June 22. The Colts won to
day's game In the first Inning , by battlnf
Walace for three singles , n double and r
triple. Attendance , S.ttM. Score :
Chicago 50010200 * I
Cleveland 0 1 1000000 :
Hits : Chicago , 10 ; Cleveland , 11. Errors
Chicago. 1 ; Cluvelund , 1. Earned runs : Chicago
cage , 4 ; Cleveland. 2. Two-base bits : Ev
erett , Langc. Three-base lilts : Lange. Hem <
runs : MeKenn. Stolen bases : Dahlen. Struct
out : By Hutchison , 6 ; by Wallace , 5. Bas <
on balls : Oft Hutchison , 1 ; off Wallace. 2
Batteries : Hutchison and Donahue ; Wai
lace and Xlmmur. Time : Two hours am
live minutes. I'mplre : Galvln.
BOSTON , Juno 22. Five thousand peopli
saw Boston defeat New York In a clus <
gome this afternoon. Score :
Bcston 2 0010101 * I
New York 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 i
lilts : Boston , 13 ; New York. 9. Errors
Boston , 1. Earned runs : Boston , 3 ; Nev
Ycrk , 3. Two-base hit : Long. Throe-busi
hit : Parrel. Homo run : Long. Stolen b.iKes
Long , Bannon , McCarthy , -Burke. Sacrlllei
lilts : Duffy. First base on balls : Tucker
2 ; Nichols. Van Hnltren. Struck out
Sc'hrlver , D. Clark. 2 ; Tlernan. W. Clarke
Bannon. Batteries : Nichols and Ganzcll
Clarke and Schrlver. Time : One hour am
fifty-live minutes. Umpire : Murray. At
tendance , G.OOO.
Played. Won. Lost. P.CI
Boston 4 < 5 29 17 fi3.
PittBluirg 50 31 19 fi2.
Baltimore1 It Oi 18 E .
Cleveland ) 29 21 ns.
Chicago 02 29 1 K.
Brooklyn 17 2(5 ( 21 55.
Philadelphia 17 25 22 IB.
Cincinnati 47 25 22 Kl.
New York 49 2fi 23 53.
Washington 47 20 27 42.
St. Ix > ul9 M 10 31 32.
Louisville 47 7 40 14.
Games today : Cleveland nt Chicago ; Gin
clnnatl at St. I.ouls.
Knnsns City 1'lnyi All Around St. 1'nul ivac
Win * Handily.
KANSAS CITY , Juno 21 Perfect fieldlm
and heavy hitting made the game a elncl
for tbo homo team from the first. Score :
Kansas City 2 3 2 0 1 2 0 2 0 1
St. Paul 0 00101030-
Hlts : Kansas City. 18 ; St. Paul. 8. Er
rors : St. Paul , 3. Batteries : Hastings am
Bergen ; Johnson and Boyle.
GUAND RAPIDS , June 2J.-Scoro :
Grand Kaplds 000321000
Il-dlanupolis 1 C 0 8 13 0 1 - :
Hits : Grand Kaplds , 17 ; Indianapolis , 2
Eriors : Grand Rnplds , 2 : Indianapolis. :
Batteries : Donahue and.Eurlo . ; Fisher uni
McFarland. .
DETROIT , Juno 22. Score :
Detroit 2 21300000-
Toledo 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 1
Hits : Detroit. 11 ; Toledo , 9. Errors : Tc
ledo , 9. Batteries : Pears and Twlneham
Petty , Nops and Roach.
MILWAUKEE , June 22.-Scoro :
Milwaukee 211300000
Minneapolis 010010200
lilts : Milwaukee , 11 : Minneapolis. 9. Ei
rors : Milwaukee , 0 ; Minneapolis , 5. Bal
terles : Rettger and Weaver ; Holly an
Played. Won. Lost. P.CI
Indianapolis 43 28 15 63.
Milwaukee 47 2o 22 53 ,
Kansas City 47 21 23 Gl.
St. Paul 45 23 23 48 ,
Grand Rapldt ) 4.1 22 2:1 : 48 ,
Detroit 43 2J 23 48 ,
Minneapolis 43 21 22 48 ,
Toledo 43 17 28 37 ,
Fprliicllrlil Ilofentit flri-tna.
SPRINGFIELD , Neb. , June 22.-SpeclD (
Telegram. ) Springfield took another gam
today from Gretna by a score ot 11 to !
Score :
S'lrlngflcld 302100230-1
Grotna 2 0 0 1 0 1 1 3 0
Batteries : Peters and Bates ; Schelffelt
Fowler and Will the Kid. Hits : Sprlnplleli1
7 ; Orotna , 15. Struck out : By Peters. 7 ; b
Suhleftele , 6. Two-base hits : Peters , Yomu
Three-base hit : Swain. Gretna , two-has
hits : Morrison , Wllber , McAvoy , Will lh
Kid. Double plays ; Fox to Swain ; Pflug t
Swain. Time : Two hours and fifteen mln
utes. Umpire : Will Magner.
Munli-.r iinil frilnr Creok.
CEDAR CREEK. Neb. , June 2-Speelt (
Telegram. ) The second game between Mar
ley und Cedar Creek was played at Manle
today. The features of the game were th
heavy batting and base stealing by Coda
Creek. Score :
Cedar Creek 2 10182130-1
Manloy 240100004 1
Double plays : Fackler to Frans ; Sayles t
Schneider. Batteries : Cedar Creek. Gravt
and Fncklcr ; Mauley , Andrus brother !
Umpire : Reed. Time of game : Two hour
and forty-llvo minutes.
IVnlmo v * Schnylrr.
WAHOO , Neb. , June 22.-Speclal.-Th (
game between Sehuyler and Wnhoo whlc
\\as played at Schuyler yesterday resultc
thus ;
Schuyler 000000022-
Wuhoo -
Hajterles : Wahoo. Bcnett and Hal
Sohuyler , Klmmel , Cook , Edgar an
Palmer. Struck out : By Boliett , 10 ; li
Cook , Edgar and Klmmel. 4. Error :
Sohuyler , C ; Wahoo , 11. Base lilts : Schuyle
2 ; Wahoo , in ; Time of trume : one hour un
thirty minutes. Umpire : Pyle.
( iiiiiin ut XViilrrlcm.
WATERLOO , Neb. , June 22.-SpecI ( ;
Telegram. ) The Waterloo Grays und U
Elk City ball team played ut tbo pai
today. Score :
Grays 03041005'-
Elk City ' . ' 12004000-
Hapes on balls ; Elk City. 4 ; Grays.
Struck out : Bv Elk city , 7 ; by Grays. ;
Double plays : Elk City , 2. Hut tulles : El
City , Compton and Crlnk ; Grays. Fosti
and Painter. Time : One hour and forty-ll\
minute ! . 1'ir.plre : F. Wheeler.
Anltrt High tclioolVln .
ANITA , la. , June -Spenlul.-TI 8 ( )
High Bohoul nlno played the Banthni
school nine yesterday. Score ;
RirtCham School. . .
Hluh Hchaol 1 0 2 7 3 3 0 -
Ba'tr-rlos : lian liam and Worthing ; Sllli
and lllo < il. Struck out : By Itangham , A ; L
MIIoii. t. I'mplre. Uittlg. Tlmo of ganv
Two hour ; ) and thirty mlnutev ,
lint riiuo t Mint ! * ,
Sl'OTIA , Neb. , June 113 > eolaU .Scotl
beat Orl today In n hotly contacted gan
by u scorn of 17 to 11. llattrrKM H.'jtli .
Burton , Wl.cex and Moore ; Orti , Luonui
and Baker.
econd Infantry Nnrrowly Escapes Annihi
lation by the University Olub ,
Errors In tbo 1 Iftli Unvo the Soldiers the
Only Itiini Ilioy Secured During
tbo Unmo Iln8lcr' Cutoli
tbe 1'cntnre.
The soldier boys from the fort came down
o University park yesterday , bulging with a
grim determination which could not be held
n even by the pretty sox which cncnscd
heir sturdy little legs. When they went
jack to their dreary barracks the grim de-
ermlnatlon had been taken all out ot them
and the pretty red sox were flapping about
hotr attenuated limbs. All because the col-
ego boys didn't do a thing but give them a
ilggor dose than they received on the preceding -
ceding Saturday.
With the exception of two Innings the
game was pretty enough , although It might
iave been better If the soldiers had not been
o fully decided beforehand to throw In a bg !
ucculent error every now and then to make
hlngs Interesting for the spectators. The
Jnlvcrslty boys put up a good article , and
voitld probably have shut out the soldlirs but
'or some rank playing by Crolgh In the
hlrd Inning. These errors , together with
hreo hits , one a scratch , netted them the
only runs they got. The Collegians evened
ip matters In the fifth by raising them five
on seven lilts , five of them two-baggers , a
) iso on balls , and the attempts of some
of the soldiers to throw the pigskin over
he fence and grandstand. Then Mr. llud-
wclscr dug a hole at short-stop and let the
jails go over him there , while Mr. Russell
took his place and did very well. Hoblnson
lid some great twirling , the only soldier
who could apparently connect with him be
ing Russell.
It won't do to overlook a catch that Haslor
made In middle Held. Crclgh hit the bill
lard and It looked as If It would never come
jack. But while It was climbing Into the
atmosphere over Mr. Hasler's head that
gentleman Jumped twenty-six feet In the
air , drove the fingernails of his right hand
nto the whizzing planet and with his sturdy
arm brought It to earth. Then ho stretched
out his arm and handed the ball to Dinl-
Itz , who caught Blttlngcr off second base ,
making a very pretty double play. Score :
AB. R. BH. SH. SB. PO. A , E.
Crolgh. ss. . . . 5 3 2 0 0 2 3 1
Abbott , c B 2 3 0 1 7 2 (
McAuliffe. 1 1.0 0 3 1 1
Koblnson , m. 5 2 3 0 1 2 0 I
McKelvy. 3b. . 5 1 1 0 2 2 4 1
.Iclen. p 5 2 0 0 1 0 3 (
Lowler , If. . . . 1 2 1 1 0 2 0 (
Clarke. 11) , rf. fi 1 1 0 0 2 0 (
Gregg , rf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (
Bltlngcr , lb. .
Totals . . . .43 1G II 1 C 27 13 I
AB. R. BH. SH. SB. PO. A. E ,
Goode. If
Russell , ss , p. 4 1 3 0 0 1 1 1
Deuberry , c. . t 0 0 0 1 7 0 1
Shanahan , 3b ]
Pudlltz , p , ss. 5 1 0 0 1 1 2 I
Shea , rf
Trapper , 2 ! > . .
McGlnnls , lb. 4 0 2 0 0 8 1 1
Haslcr , in. . . .
Totals . . . .35 5 8 0 G 27 10' ' K
University 0 1 2 0 10 0 2 1 0 K
Second Infantry. . . . 0 00500000 I
Earned rims : University club , 3. Two-base
hits : Crelgh , McAuliffe , Robinson , Lawler ,
Blttlnger , Shea. Three-base hit : Robinson
Double plays : Abbott to McKelvy ; Shana-
han to McGlnnls to Deuberry ; Has.
ler to Budlltz. Struck out : By .Iclcn
7 ; by Budlltz , 5 ; by Russell , I
Base on balls : Off Jclcn , G ; oft Russell , 2 ,
Hit by pitcher : By Jelen , 1 ; by Russell. 1 ,
Passed balls : Abbott , 1 ; Deuberry , 1. Wh !
pitch : Jelen , 1. Time : Two hours. Umpire ,
I'liml In jut Dos Monies Develop * Some In-
tnrestlncVnrk. .
DES MOINES. June 22. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The final day at the Des Moinei
Driving park's kite track developed thret
speedy events. About 1,000 persons went tt
the races. The weather wus fine und tin
truck fast. Summaries :
2:23 : class.- purse $500 :
Giles Noyes , b. g. , by Charles Caf-
frey ( Pylo ) . 1 1 :
Dan McCabe , b. g. , by Accommo
dation ( Ames ) . 2 2 ;
Longmont , b. g. , by I'haila Mont
King ( Houck ) . 5 G I
Diamond U , b. g. , by Northwest
( Camiun ) . 3 3 '
Hall Cluud , b. H. , by Herschel
( Bush ) . 4 G I
Frank Potts , c. s. , my Bonny Boy
( Fullager ) . G 4
Tom Lee , b. g. , by Shadeland On
ward ( Lee ) . 7 7 I
Jap , br. g. , by Robert Rysdyk
( Fuller ) . 8 8 !
Joe Beppo , b. s. , by Joe N. Lee
( Chlttemlcn ) . 9 9 !
Time : 2:14'i : , 2:14 : > , i , 2:14'i. :
Hnl Pointer made an exhibition mile Ir
2:0 : Vi. the last half in lUO\i : and the lusi
quarter in 0:29. : Jack Curry paced him will
n running mate.
2:17 : pace. fCOO :
Red Lady. b. m. , by Red
Wllk ( Kltzmlller ) . 1 1 2 G :
Chamois , c. s. , by Champlain -
plain ( Thompson ) . :
Hurley F , b , g. , by Legal
Tender ( Wautle ) .
Keat Eaton , e. in. ( Katlng ) . 1
Miss Williams , b. in. , by
Williams ( Blbbins ) . I G 7 3 1
Minnie A , blk. m. , by
Clinker ( Curry ) . G G 5 G i
Lulu G , s. m. , by Consul
( Corr ) . 7 7 G dr
Time : 2:14H' : . 2:15 : , 2:12' : $ . 2:16 : , 2:10. :
Fiee-for-olf trot , $ SOO :
Nightingale , s. m. , by Mam-
brlno King ( Geers ) .
Klamnth , b. g. , by Morokus
( Raymond ) . :
Kentucky I'nlon , s. m. , by Ab
erdeen ( Fuller ) . :
Hobby P , b. s. , by Charles
Caffrey ( Pyle ) . 333
Time : L2Ui'4. : 2:12',4. : 2llVj. : 2:12U. :
Hiri : nn tint I IIIBII 'Irirk ,
PHILADELPHIA , Juno 22. The eight !
nrnual tournament of the South End wheel
men was held on the Tloga track today
There was a largo attendance , despite tin
unfavorable weather. Results :
One mile , novice , class A : C. H. Millei
won. Time : 3:27 : 2-5.
One mile. 2:20 : , class B : Ed Miller , Vine
lend , won ; Dlrnbergcr , jr. , second ; Coburi
third. Time : 2:31. :
One mile , championship of Philadelphia
class A : A. H. Nester won. Tlmo : 2:22ti. :
One mile. open , class B : Cabanne won
Brown second , Titus third. Time : 2:324. :
Ono mile , handicap , class B : Miller (12i (
yards ) won , Cabanne second , Titus third
Time : 2:2lij. :
Ono mile , club championship , class A
Bi njainln Peck won. Time : 2:3(5. : (
Two mile < . handicap , class A : W. C
Douglas (80 ( yards ) won. Tlmo : 4:4114. :
One mile , open , class A : C.A. . Churcl
non. Tlmo : 2S3. :
An exhibition mile against time , with i
flying start , by the quad team , was made b
2'irtVi. the fastest time made on the Tiogi
ttack. John S. Johnson rode half a mile
with flying start. In 0Kii. : )
Alill-ltnlij- firing Illll It I.oir'il.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind. . Juno Z2. The HU
prcme court today , nt a special meetlnf
decided that the antl-Roby racing law
passed by the last legislature. Is valid I
nil parts. Thin reverses the doeMon o
Judge Glllctt. In the Lake circuit courl
which permitted the IMiy Racing ossocl
otlon to conduct a uontlnuur.R meeting
Under the derision there can be no white
racing at Robv uril only summer rucef
two weeks In forty-live days.
The supreme court ai o decided thai pal
up building association stock lfs taxable.
I'lvr-i-x Kcnlr : nt Km ,
RED OAK. la. , June 22. ( Special Tele
gram. ) At Pactolus p.irk this morning wa
seen some interesting workouts among th
fast hordes. Perhaps the most noteworth
wn * the mlle of Azoic In 2:121- : ' . the lust hril
In lH'-j. : ( Directly stepped u mlle In 2:10. : th
Lint tniif In lilc'iCarbnnalo la .showln
phenomenal rpeeci. Dlrei turn la his workou
went u mile In 2:12. the Insit quarter I
PvjJ. : With good weather next week ther
will be srent crowds to witness the races.
Arrnmmmlut'iiM * for rjundiru S "cltrr' ,
TEK.XMAH. Neb. . Juna 2i-Spodal. ( )
Yesterday Cluronco Clafllln , W. H. FHrldgc
J. II J-rdan and Ai-drew Anderson ait
imrtlea. cnruUtlng of flftr-elght people froi
Omaha , made arrangements far an outln
nt Holman's lake , and will combine an
drive In four-horse carryalls through th
ountry enroute. TrMTcon.itont Irnvol to
and from the lake evIH Ouy Is Increasing.
The lake Is cloven mtlGsln length nnd teems
with fish , which , by the way , have not
been taking the hooU-Mio past two weeks
ns they did before the spawning Benson.
ty the use of Ilvo tr/vs und minnows for
bait they are again lilting nicely.
L'iiiscivr : HUN SHOUT.
Inmlin Women Mnkn homo ( lood Shot *
Hpci-lnl I'rocnini.
The recently organist-Crescent Gun club
icld Its regular shoot yesterduy afternoon
and presented a premium of much Interest.
The attendance was uMisttally large , a now
'eaturc being IntrodHftil' In the attendance
of a largo number tiCii ladles , for whom a
special target shoot had been arranged. The
irlzc in this contest was won by Mrs. L. E.
toberts. The other contestants were Mrs.
Mien , Mrs. l.nmorealjx. Mrs. Wright and
Vrs. Smith. In a lively ten bird shoot , In
w ilch there were twelve entries , the honors
ivere carried oft by Mrs. Lamoreaux.
The principal contest was the twenty-bird
shoot , of which the score was as follows :
Slmeral 11011 11110 01000 10001-11
{ oberts 11100 OJOOl OOOOt 01010 7
Javis OKKH ) 11011 11110 10IO > > 11
Marsh 01100 01010 00000 00000 4
! row ) 11000 11100 ODIOD 6
ilarnard 010)1 ) 11110 W1UO 10001 9
Mien 11111 OiWlO 111W 01111 13
loyt oi ( i loan iiooi oocoi 9
Wright 0)111 ) 10001 01010 100W-8
Lamoreaux 11010 11100 00011 OW01-
lAIcstono 01100 00010 11111 11000 10
'owen 10010 01100 11000 11110-10
( linnhitViin by Two Illril * .
A team of eight men selected from the
Omaha Gun club shot n match with eight
) lckcd men from the Council Bluffs Gun
club on the grounds of the former yester-
lay afternoon. The conditions were eight
Ive birds to the man , thirty yards rise , llfty
loundary , modified English rules , for the
price of the birds. The score :
Parmelee 1111 2222-8
Read * 22l 211 fi
Johannes , 2221 0211 7
Blngham 1021 22M G
McFarlane 1012 1212 7
Hughes 1111 2l l 7
Blake 1211 1202 7
Peters 1121 211-7
Total 55
Council Bluffs
IlHrcsholm 2121 1121-
West 2122 2K2 8
Hart 2221 102i-7
Rlcokman 2001 1110 G
Graham 2201 1201 G
Campbell 2M1 122 G
HofTmayr 1102 1222 7
Hardln 120J 1011 G
Total 53
Adding to NuiiiUrr of U'licol Club * .
Another bicycle club has been formed to
swell the list of organized wheelmen. It
s styled The Columblas of Omaha , nnd the
object is to promote good fellowship nnd to
arrange u series ot pleasant evening and
Sunday runs free from scorching and pro-
lilbltlve length to untrained riders. The
following ollleers were elected last night :
President. W. L. Dickey ; captain , H. W.
Howell ; secretary and treasurer , W. W.
Turner ; llrst lieutenant , T. Irwin ; second
lieutenant , F. W. Petprs.
The llrst run will occur on Friday evenIng -
Ing , when the club will ride to Florence via
the fort , returning1 via' the boulevard.
Twenty-four members joined last night ,
nnd a number who were unable to attend
the meeting expressed their Intention of
Joining. * ,
The Union Paclllc Wheel club was organ
ized yesterday and toUSl-ats of employes of
the Union Paelllc svsWm. Weekly runs
will be made eaeh ' .Saturday.
The following road ollleers were elected
for the term of one month : Captain , W. E.
Reid ; llrst lieutenant ) Wf R. Moran ; second
lieutenant , John Newlcnn ; bugler , Bert
Fowler. ' . . .
Onmln Agiiln t Hockford.
At the. fair ground.- ) today the third game
of the Ilockford scrlert will be called ut3SO. :
Ball trains leave Howard street on the
Fourteenth and Sixteenth street lines at
3:10 : on Sunday. The teams will bo :
Omaha. Position. Ilockford.
O'Brien First.1 Krelg
Hutehlnsoii . , Second Truby
Ulrieh T.hlrd. Holland
Miles Short ; Inks
Shatter Left ; . Vlsner
Slagle Middle : Kllng
Pace Right' . ' . Nlcol
Lehman . . . .v.Catcher. Snyder
Carrlsh Pltcfri'r , . . Snyder
Cornell l-'lniilly Irrrpln.
ST. LOUIS , June 22.4A special to the Re
public from Terrel , Tex. , says : President
E. R. Gieen of the Texas Midland railroad
has received Champion Corbett's accept
ance of the former's Invitation to train at
this point. Corbett has Informed Mr. Green
that he will probably spend the month of
October as his guest In this city. Presi
dent Green states that training quarters for
the champion will be erected somewhere on
the line of the Midland near the cltv , and
has expressed himself as ready and willIng -
Ing to expend $3CCO or $4OOJ In order to
afford Corbett every facility for getting1 In
lighting trim.
Hot Hull t Kxnter.
EXETER , Neb. , June 22.-Special.-A ( )
very lively and hotly contested game of
ball was that played Friday on Exeter's
line grounds , between the Geneva and Ex
eter clubs. A largo crowd was present to
see the- game , which was won by the
Exeter team. Score : '
Geneva 0 1240011 1-10
Exeter 00023123 - ! !
Batteries : Geneva , Shackelford , Propst
and Benedict ; Exeter. Reid , Marvel and
Fowler. Umpire : Walter Scott.
l.ouiu'd tbe < i'iintR ,
The Young Men's Christian association
nine was victorious yesterday in their game
with the South Omaha Giants. Summary :
Runs : Young Men's Christian association ,
1G ; Giants , n. Struck out : By Sprlngute. 12 ;
by Diamond , G. Errors : Young Men's Chris
tian association , 4 ; Giants , 12. Three-base
hits : Diamond , Knickerbocker. Two-base
hits : Burns , Casey. Batteries : Young Men's
Christian association , Sprlngute and Trull ;
Giants , Fitzgerald and Diamond.
Moux full * Ali'pr.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D. , June 22. ( Special. )
The prospects of the big bicycle meet to
be given here June 28 under the auspices of
the Sioux Falls Wheelmen are most flutter
ing. It will be n class A affair and the
outlook Is for the attendance of nearly all
the furjt. men within the 20D-mtle radius al
lowed for class A events. On the evening
of Juno 27 a lantern parade will occur.
Atlilcln Cruin lit < rpHtnii ,
CRESTON , la. , June 22. Special Tele
gram. ) John V. Crum , who has excited the
athletic world recently by his phenomenal
feats , was in the city today on his wuy
home from the State university at Iowa
city. He was enthusiastically received hereby
by his many friends. His health Is good
and he Is apparently happy , certainly un
pretending. Crum has participated In a race
each Saturday since April 28.
Twonty-l-'our HourItccnrd rr knn.
LONDON. Juno 22.A twenty-our-hour
bicycle race against time wus started yes
terday at Putney for the Carwardlnc cup.
It was won by C. C , Fontaine , who cov
ered 474i miles , beallngcthe amateur rec
ord by fourteen mlle lT"J. J. Paterson was
seeond , with u scorn , of JCC'/l miles to his
credit. |
WreOlInc .MitlHi lit TaliiinirP.
TALMAGE , Neb. . J/JMe 22.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram. ) Next Saturdajv , at 3 o'clock In the
afternoon a wrestling match will be held In
Cash opera house between John Gohiiey of
Benkclmun nnd Floyfl-Harshman of Avocu
This Is to be a sqiiurohlp nnd shoulder
wrestle for a purse of , Vyft
Mlnnrxolii U hi | ) \ \ UcniK'n.
MINNEAPOLIS. JuOelU The eight-oared
race between the University of Wisconsin
boat crow nnd the JjICTpjPsotns was rowed
over a two-mile straightaway nt Lake Mln-
netonka this afternoon'nnil won by the Min
nesota men with a leildinf three-quarterd ol
a length nt the finish.'ffliie : 10:22. :
Siindiy Dull llrliUcdi Toledo.
TOLEDO , June ? 2TJ'j circuit court to
day unanimously sustained the decision o
Judge Pratt of the common pleas court one
refused to dissolve tho'Injunction which hai
been granted against ' 'Sunday base ball
This is the end of Sunday base ball In To
ledo for this reason. ,
Kilns : It u I'on I rinver , Too.
Jack Kllng of the Ilockford base bal
team and Johnny Murphy of this city playei
n mutch game of fifteen-ball pool at Folcy't
last evening for { 59 a side. Kilns playing 1C *
balls to Murphy's llfty. The game wui
close and hotly contested. Murphy , flnallj
winning by n score of 50. to 9S.
lincu MI Sprlngilplil ,
SPRINGFIELD. Neb. , June 22.-Speola (
Telegram. ) In the flvo-mlle handicap bl
cycle rare today on the new quarter-milt
truck of the Springfield Athletic club Hurr >
HoUowuy took the time iirlx * , Tom Parmuli
lint , Phil Bottorff second , L vl Anson third
Time ; 1344. ;
Letter fur KM Sullivan ,
There Is a letter at the sporting depart
nicnt of The Bee for Kid Sullivan , sprinter
American Oarsmen Easily Taking Hold of
Preparatory Work on the Thames.
'opubirlty of tbo Cretr Itnults In Many
Opportunities for Mild lU lmtlon |
Iviigllnh ICxpcrtn Affect lo Uo-
spl-to 111 Style. '
Copyrighted. ISM , by 1'resa Pnbllshlnc Company. )
LONDON , Juno 22. ( Now York World
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) The World's
rowing expert with the Cornell crow writes
hat among the visitors to the Americans
his week were Ambassador Bayard , his
laughter and the two secretaries of the em-
> assy. and that yesterday Mr. Andrew Car
negie , who has his tiomo near by , appeared
at the quarters with eighteen ladles and gen
tlemen , Including his partner , Mr. Phlpps ,
and Mr. Charles Stewart Smith. The party
watched the crew launching and accompanied
t down the river and afterward visited Un
derwood , where the members of the crew
were Introduced. Mr. Carnegie made a neat
speech to the boys , expressing confidence
that they would give a good account of them
selves. The Toronto crew arrived at Henley
this morning.
As at present arranged the Cornell crew
will bo as follows : F. M. Matthews , bow ;
M. B , Splllman , No. 7 ; E. C. Haycr , No. fi ;
V. W. Kreoborn , No. G ; T. W Fcnncll , No.
I ; 0. R yer. No. 3 ; C. A. Louis , No. 2 ; T.
Hall , stroke. The Leamlcr crew will prob
ably sit as follows : C. W. N. Graham , bow ;
J. A. Kord , No. 7 ; H. Graham. No. 6 ; T. J.
Q. Duncannon , No. fiV. ; . B. Stewart. No.
4 ; n. Durnoll. No. 3 ; M. C. Pllklnglon , No.
2 ; C. W. Kent , stroke.
For the diamond sculls the following will
compete : The brothers Thompson ( Canada ) ,
Jacques Boudln ( France ) , Guy and Vivian
S'lckals , H. Beaumont ( Burtcn-on-Trent ) , and
[ Ion. H. Dullness.
Mr. H. C. Techman will coach the Leander
crew at Henley , commencing the 27th Inst.
The new college crew Is being taken In hand
jy Mr. W. K. Crum. The Argonauts , who
arrived In Kngland from New York by the
Drltannlc , are expected at Henley tomorrow.
The Cornell crew seems to have already be
come popular , and , In fact , have received
several Invltatlono to afternoon , teas and
garden parties In the neighborhood , among
them one from Mr. Mackenzie , lord of Hen
ley manor and partner In Lord Brassey's
firm of contractors ; Mr. Edward Moss , the
celebrated Oxonian pcullor , and Mr. Car
negie. So far they have resisted the tempta
tion with Spartan fortitude , declining all in
Per contra a somewhat unpleasant Incident
iccurred yesterday morning while prepara
tions were being made to take a snap shot
with a camera as the crew was In Its or
dinary swing to detect any fault of style
that might have escaped the vigilant eye
of "tho old man , " as Courtney , the coach. Is
called. Two members of the reserve had
Just fixed a buoy In position In midstream
when a river steamer , the Windsor , suddenly
changed her course , and , making straight
for the buoy boat , hooked It In spite of re
monstrances and dropped it 100 yards away.
Much comment Is caused by Council's
quick stroke , and an expert writing to the
Graphic today says : "Judges of rowing who
have paid early visits to Henley and seen
the Cornell crew practicing have been won
dering by what fatuity our visitors have
been led to think their style should prove
victorious over our own. It Is true they row
a very fast stroke , but It Is perhaps the
shortest ever seen on the Thames , and quite
hopoltss for producing a pace. Plenty of
English eights can row well over forty
strokes per minute , but they keep It long In
addition , and I don't feel the slightest fear
that the grand challenge cup will this year
have to cross the Atlantic In spite of the
bombast that has appeared In American
papers. "
Sub-Uaptnln Picks Out nit Klnvcn tbnl
1.limit n Victory by Thrrn Hum ,
The match played on the grounds of the
Omaha Cricket club yesterday afternoon
was by no means devoid of Interest , and
although the scores were small , the field
ing showed great Improvement. Messrs.
Lawrle and Ford captained the two teams
and victory crowned the efforts of the hit
ter's contingent by the small margin of
three runs.
For the winning side the batting of C. H
Young , the bowling of H , W. Taylor and
the Holding of Messrs. East. Hobb ami
Miles were the features of the game.
For the losing side Messrs. Francis nml
Harcourt did splendid work , the former's
fourteen being the result of that number ol
carefully played singles , a truly patient anil
praiseworthy performance.
II. Lawrie's live and ? lx extras. In addi
tion to the twenty-four runs , contributed
by tbe two above-mentioned batsmen , might
bo said to make up the entire score of the
side.The bowling of the Vaughnn brothers and
the long stopping of F. A. Kemp were of a
very high order.
The scores of both sides are given below
D. H. Brotchle. b Ford ]
F. A. Kemp , b Cookson C
H. Harcourt , c Hobb , b Ford I !
J. Francis , o East , b Taylor 12
W. H. Vaughan , b Taylor C
G. H. Vaughan. b Taylor (
H. Lawric , c Miles , b Taylor E
H. H. Young , b Hobb 1
K. J. Hart , run out i
Guild , c Burnett , b Hobb i
.George Gilbert , b Taylor (
J. Crulkshank , not out (
Extras (
Total / 3 ;
F. H. Burnett , e W. H. Viiughan , b
Lawrle 1
C. H. Young , b W. H. Vaughan H
O. H. Cookson , b W. II. Vauphnn 1
H. \ \ . Taylor , b W. H. Vaughan :
J. C. noylo , I ) G. H. Vaiighan !
P. B. Ford , b W. H. Vaughan 1
J. Cameron , e Fcanels , b W. H. Vaughan :
Arthur East , b O. H. Vaughan ;
G. H. Young , b G. II. Vaughan :
A. 1) . Hobb. L. B. W. , b W. H. Vaughan. (
G. O. Miles , b W. H. Vaughan (
D. W. Johnson , not out (
Extras I
Total 4 !
Those desirous of having some practice
can have their wish gratified every evenliif
after ti o'clock during the coming week.
Notice of the match for next Saturdaj
will bo given In due time.
Srnrclilng nt I'ldrflpfd.
FAIHFIELID. Neb. , Juno 22.-(8peclal ) -
A scries of races , or rather one contlnuoui
race for different distances , was held hen
yesterday under the auspices of the Fair
Held Wheel club. The course was over or
dlnary country roadH and measured exactlj
six und one-fourth miles. Prizes uggregatlni
$10 were offered for winners of first lap , si ;
and one-fourth miles ; llrst four laps , twen
ty-llvc miles ; llrst eight laps , llfty miles
llrst sixteen laps , 100 miles , and for great
est number of miles covered In eleven hours
There were sixteen starters. O. E. McKel
vie , an 18-year-old boy , made n clean sweoi |
taking every prize offered. His time fo
llrst lap was 21:30 : ; for twenty-live miles
one hour nnd a half ; llfty miles , three hour
and a half , und for 100 miles , seven hour
and forty-two minutes ; distance run dur
Ing eleven hours. 133V4 miles. John Broder
Ick , another boy a year or two youngei
was the only one to stay with the wlnne
Mahtllda , nye youst git me twine o
douse Itiilu Wntur MnUir. I saw liln
In dot lu'c pnpor ; I KC < > dot Mlstc :
Kirk , too. Hnye WIIH great follur , lmy <
ninku iK'.slnwM mlt dose World Kul
fulliH'H , hnyu beau luitnv pcopli'M in d <
rlvur tnule. Aye npio ; ! to da man do
kccpc doiiMc Uttln Watur Maker ; Intyi
Hay him koepu da color * cln ma houxi
un dn no mil uvay. Aye tank dot lHa
vet Yolmsoim nay alxnult In'f Krlek
neil , luiye git knock over t > y dcr rail
road , but liuyo trowo dcr train oft ml
du truck , Imyc ult up , Hinllu and mi ;
Imyo tank Iiayigo home. Aye tell yoi
next tlmu rot Mahtllda HIU ! tmy about
douse Haiti Water Maker.
to the finish. In the final event bo was
only flfteen seconds behind. Itrodcrlck't *
nlniiMnstlci friends undented him with a
inndsomc silver drinking rut ) nnd name
other tokens of appreciation niter the race
was over. A laice crowd of people , many
of them from nrfKliborlng towns , watched
the race during the day ,
u.osi : OF TIII : SOIIIII/.INIMST. : :
lltitli Anmml Tournament KniU In n Mil *
uritukro Mini' * Vlrtnrjr.
MUAVAUKKR , Juno 22. The ninth nn-
mal tournament of the Western Sharp-
rhooters' union came to n close tonlKht.
Kdward lllchtor of this city won the kins' *
; arget shoot nnd was declared klnu of tbe
tournament. Fourteen more marksmen were
uvarded medals In the jiolnt contest today.
The result of the shoots are :
KliiK target , jirlr.e , king's medal : Kdwanl
lie-liter , Milwaukee. 'JiS ; second.Vlllliond
Utt , Lacrosse , 2X ; third , John Sohmldt , Mil
waukee , 123 ! ; fourth , J. II. VanduscnVI -
lena , 218 ,
t'lilon target : Klrst. Steven Muncler , Mil
waukee , 70 ; second , C. ! ' . ( lotsch , Omahii ,
CS ; third , Joseph Qusrhe , Mllwuukee , ( S ;
'ourtli , Anton Mohr , Milwaukee , 07 ; tlfth ,
John Schmidt , Milwaukee. 07.
1'i'ople'H target : Klrst. H. M. 1'oiie. Hart-
'ord , C'onn. , DO ; second , A. StrceUel. San
Francisco. 93 ; third , Until llcrg , Daven-
> ort , 93.
Man target : First. A. Strecker. San Fran
cisco , 97 ; second , Max Itosenthal , Milwau
kee , 93 ; 11. M. Pope. Hartford , Conn. , 93 ;
fourth , A. P. Stefful , SheboyKKii , 93.
Stnndanl target : First. M. Olndele. Sfl ;
second , Nicholas Handail , I'lnclnnatl , S2 ;
third , K. U. Payne. Cincinnati , 82.
Cliiix It Mm I nllrd In A\i | " r-
I'lTTSIU'UO , Juno 22. Atiout 3,000 Jicoplo
ittendcd the second day's raclns of the
1'lttsburtf Athletic club bicycle meetum and
were very much disappointed because itcne
if the class II rldurs put in .in upps.Mance.
In consequence nil the races werj ila s A.
/.Imtnerman went a mile , llylnsc start , paced
ty tandem , In two minutes ilat. Airhle
Williams , UK'oil 10 , did u half-mlio under
similar conditions in 1OS. :
Half-mile , open : Danker won. Tlmo :
1:10-1-5. :
Half-mile , state League of American
Wheelmen chumplonslilp : Hunker \ > on.
Time : 1:11. :
Mile , open : Iledfern won. Time : 2oC. :
Mile , Chronicle-Telegraph Trophy cup :
Heilfern won. Time : 2:2. : > 1-5.
Five miles , state League of Atnerlcitn
Wheelmen championship : Irons won. Time :
13:29 : 3-5. _
Will Not I 111 co uith .lolltnon.
1'ITTSllUHO , Juno 22. Arthur Zlmnier-
nan , who U here to ride exhibitiontrlnl
heats at the local bicycle races , says that
inilcr no circumstances will ho meet John S.
'ohnsoa In a rnco for the championship this
year. Zimmerman will leave In August for
\ustralla and he says that If Johnson really
wanta to race for $5,000 a side ho will II nil a
nan to race Johnson for lint amount. He
will not pay who the unknown Is. Zlimner-
nan went a mile on a quarter-mile track last
light by electric light In 2:03. : This Is the
'astest mile ever made by night.
H lloviii-l > prliicllnld Ti-nnU Tiniriinmrnt.
IJKLLKVUB , Neb. , June 22.-Speelal.- ( )
Mlsses Connor , Longsdorf nnd Kayscr nnd
Messrs. Longsdorf , Kayser , Peters and
/uchcr attended the tennis contest at
Hprlngflcld Friday , SprlngllMd wlnnltig the
doubles and llellcvuo the singles.
f'nnii Cnint > l.rncnc.
OUICKNWOOD. Neb. , June S2. ( Special
Telegram. ) Kaglc opened the season of the
Cass County league nt this place today.
Score : Kaglc , S ; Greenwood , 22.
Dnfmilrd riipllllnii Rrnrk4.
The Wllcox & Draper ball team crossed
bat.s with Papllllon yesterday and won by a
score of 45 to 15.
Unvo Ilcon r.oocllnqr llmVc8t ivltli Tliolr
CHICAGO , Juno 22. Chief Inspector
Stuart of thu postal service and several of
his assistants today arrested four green
goods men and captured $2,000 In fresh ,
clean , counterfeit bank notes. The men nr-
rested gave their names as Patrick ( Jorln ,
Hohert Evans , Charles Durch and Lawrence
Ouinan. Mrs. II. C. Anson , wife of the pro
prietor of the Hotel Sterling , at 2SC Mich
igan avenue , and William J. Holsapple. the
bartender , were arrested , but afterward re
leased from custody. The hotel was the
headquarters of the gang- For borne time
liostmasters In various parts of the west
have been sending to Inspector Stuart green
goods circulars which they had found In the
malls , all of them having come from Chi
cago. A decoy was laid for the men and
they Invited Inspector Mercer , whom they
supposed to bo a prospective purchaser of
the goods , to a conference nt tlie Hotel
Sterling. The arrests followed.
fnrilii.ul .UnliiK < il Dniul.
HOME , Juno 22. Cardinal Amltdare Mala-
gola , archbishop of Parma , Is dead. He was
born In 1840 , was ? a native of Italy and was
created cardinal In 1893.
Lcmliti" , Newspapers , After Thor
ough UIHI Careful Investigation ,
Heport that His KemeiUe.s Ctiro
OH Out of Kvcry 100 cnses.
During the past five months such rollabU
Journals as the Boston Post , Philadelphia
TlniPs. New York Press. Baltimore Ameri
can , \\aslilngton Post and equally prominent
newspapers In oilier cities have thoroughly
Investigated the claims made for Munyon'i
Homoeopathic Homedles , with the most ns
tonlshlng results. Head what they liavo t4
nay :
The Iloston Post says : "Since wo bcgai
to Investigate the claims made for Munyon'i
Remedies wo have received letters and testimonials
menials from nearly every state In th
union , and find that his remedy only falli
to cure about 4 per cent of the cases. Semi
of these cures have boon so quick and sa
thorough that they seem almost Incredible. "
"The Philadelphia T.mes says : Out ol
1811 reports received from those who used
Munyon's Hheumatlsm Cure , 1744 doclar <
themselves positively cured , and 33 say the ]
have been greatly benefited. This Is cer
tainly Indisputable evidence , and must plnci
his remedies as one of the greatest discov
eries of the age. "
The New York Press says : "We flnj
that out of every 100 who have mod Muiu
yon's Remedies ! > 6 have declared thcmselvcl
cured or greatly benefited. There cat
now bo no hesitancy in saying that Mum
yon s Remedies may bo termed positive
cures. "
The Baltimore American says : "U will
bo soon by the testimonials we have pub
lished that Munyon's Hhciimatlsm Cure acU
almost Instantaneously , curing the most oh.
stlnato cases In a few hours. This rcm.
cdy never falls tb cure sharp shooting palm
In the arms , legs , sides , back or breast , ol
soreness In any part of the body. If It
guaranteed to promptly cure lameness , sci
atica , lumbago , stiff and swollen Joints , stlfl
back and all pains In the hips and loins. It
seldom falls to give relief after one or tw
doses , and almost Invariably cures before on
bottle has been used. "
A full line of
On haml. Mulled on receipt of price.
fllKALOK .f I' CO. ,
1403 Fainam Btiect. Oppoilte Paxton Hotel ,
Mnnyon'n Oulilc to Health with every pur *
chase of Ma genuine lemedlc * from
KU11N & CO. .
Fifteenth nml Douglas , Omuliu Agency.
All remedies mulled on receipt of orlee.
A 11 forms of Blood anil
SUlu Blouses. Horus , Spots.
I'mijiles , Scrofula , Tumors.
'letter , Itu/oinn and Illouil
I'oison thoroughly cleansed
from the system.
JL.ADXtS given cnrQftil
ecial attention far nil
many peculiar nil-
a - iM - iW'courso ' of treatment.
\AfI7Alf IVIFN ( VITALITY WEAK.iiiad ) ( |
VVtAIIVItnl HJ iy , t0o cloau appllca-
tinn in Ijualneaa or study , ncvcre mental
"train or rief SEXUAL KXCESSKS In inlJdle
tlie efftctB of youlhlul foil e , nil
"iriil or readll from to our new treatment for.low of ,
_ _ .
iltnl nrt\VIT-
Dr.Scarles &
mend llrnna.
. J tf.
I'rugjlit ' for CTIcfteilfri Kitfllih IH-t-A
wnif B 'l ' In lied " " ' < ' " " "V' ' "
tKiiM. § c l J nllll Mm ilblioo. TuUo .
noolhcr. .1 / > l dangeroul lilllu. -
i " Atl > mr i ii.orirn44 j.
t" ttaror f ' t > M > loul i IwllnwoWi 'n11
"ilrMi-r for I.n < llr . " I" ' " < ' 'T return
Hull. lO.OOl ITMllmoBUH. . .Van.MP.I - .
Eoldbj til l * > Uruiilni.
HIS is an off year for FAK
IRS who pretend to have all
kinds of cheap sales , You know you
can't fool all the people all the time , and
buyers are using good judgment in avoiding
such shopkeepers ,
Our success lies wholly in the fact that
we have employed HONORABLE METH
ODS in our business. Every article must be
just as represented , and values are guaranteed
in every case. We established REASON
goods in Omaha and are rewarded by an
excellent trade in the face of hard times.
We sell either way for cash or on
fialo by all Iflrst Class Dualurx. Manufactured by tbo ' '
I'actory No. 'Ml , St. Louis , Ma.