THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : .SUJSTDAY. JUNE 28. 1895. Tim OMAIIA SUNDAY COUNCIL DLUFFS. OFFICE , - - NO. 12 PEAUti STREET Delivered by carrier to ny prt of Ihe cltr. II. W. TILTON , Lessee. TELEPHONES Business offlc . No , Ill nlghl No. 23. Ml.\UJt 3IKATWX. Grand hotel , Council Bluffs. Newly fur- nUhed. Ileopened Oct. 1. E. F. Clark. Prop. Mrs W H. Wakeflcld entertained the members of the Whist club Friday afternoon at her cottage at Lake Manawa. The members of Bluff City tent No. C3. Maccabees are requested to meet at i. u. 8. A. hall , 101 Main street. Monday evening. All members of tent 32. Knights of the Maccabees , are requested to meet at their hall Monday evening. By order of com mander , against officers of the The two state eases French League Safety Cure company have b.e3n dismissed so far as Charles C. Cook Is concerned. Harry Fuller , a small boy who has been troubling motor conductors by his fluency in Jumping on and off moving trains , was fined $1 and costs yesterday. Mrs. M. F. O. Hlnman , state president of the Woman's Christian Temperance union , will Bpeak at the First Presbyterian church at 4 o'clock this afternoon. All are cordially In vited. The Sunday School Workers' union has decided to suspend Us regular meetings un til the third Tuesday In September , at which time there will bo the annual election of ofllccrs and reorganization for the fall and winter. Harry Williams , who was caught drunk and asleep In the Northwestern yards Friday night , was fined % : > and costs by Justice Walker yesterday. The Justice then remitted the fine upon condition that Williams would leave the city Immediately. Minnie I ) . , 1-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs , J. Umble , died yesterday of cholera In- fantum , after a six weeks' Illnefcs. The funeral will take place this morning at 10 o'clock at the family residence , 2103 Avenue I , and the remains will be burled in Garner cemetery. Onicer Murphy found a lot of books and other property of a Burlington newsboy yes terday. It was stolen last December. The officials state that the owner of the stuff Is satisfied , now that ho has his property again , and will not make any effort to hunt down the thief. Myrtle lodge No. 12 , Degree of Honor , will celebrate Its first anniversary at Ancient Order of United Workmen hall In Merrlam block on next Friday evening by a literary and musical program nnd nfroshments. All Ancient Order of United Workmen members and their families Invited. It Is stated that a move Is on toot to have a special United Stats ofliclal appointed whoso duty It shall be to sec that the laws against seining are enforced at Manawa. The seining lias been going on almost with out Interruption for the past two years and the fish will In time be thoroughly cleaned out. out.O. O. E. Reddlck and James Ross , two of the suspicious characters who have been ped dling spectacles about the city , were fined $10 and costs In police court yesterday morning. Their fins was suspended on condition that they pay for a license and the costs In the suit , which amounted to $5.20 apices. They complied as cheerfully as possible. Friday night as one of the steamers was drawing up to the dock at Manhattan beach It knocked loose an Iron pin upon which tht adjustable platform was resting. The end of the platform fell and with it a man and two women , who were waiting to go across on that very boat. They slid off quietly Into the water , which was about neck deep. All three were rescued without much trouble , am' as one of the ladles stepped upon terra firma drenched with Manawa water Inside and out she remarked , "That's a lot's nicer toboggan olldo than the other. " ' Fire and tornado Insurance written In bes companies. Money for farm loans at lov rates. City property for sale or trade fo ; farm lands In Iowa. Lougcc & Towlc , 23 , Pearl St. The Hardmnn. the piano par excellence. raiisus.if- Miss Jennie Bull Is visiting In Denver. Miss M. Lauretta Belknap Is vlsltln IrlcndJ In Silver City. Miss Slna Groom and Mrs. O. 0. St. Joh are visiting relatives at Bartlett , la. Mrs. It , V. Hurd and daughter , Clara , an guests of the family of George B. Hex. Ed Strew sold out the Grand hotel clga stand to Howard Hattcnhauer , and will prob ably locate In Chicago. Dr. D. Macrca , sr. , Dr. D. Macrea , Jr , George C. Brown and Vic Stephenson spen Friday at Timber lake fishing. Jacob He. s has returned from Iowa City where ho has completed his course In the lav department of the State university. Miss Louisa Boescho , who has been attend Ing the State university at Iowa C.ty , has re turned homo for her summer vacation. Mrs. Thomas Rlshton and nelco , Mrs. C. M. Crlppen of Ncola , return today from a week's visit with relatives In Taylor county , Iowa. Judge J. E. F. McGee anil wife left Friday night for a trip to Lake OkoboJI. They will probably spend the whole summer there , returning In the fall. Mrs. Aurora Barber of Klgln , 111. , spent Friday In the city on her way to Santa Anna , Cal. She was the guest of Mrs. W. W. Sherman - man on South Seventh street , Justice Vlen , Herman Schurz , Emmett Tin- ley and J. It. Fulton returned yesterday from a five days' outing at Noble's lake , during which they caught nobody knows how many fish. fish.Misses Misses Helen Tyler and Ethel Barclay have returned from Cedar Falls , where they have been attending the State Normal school. Mho Tyler graduated from that Institution at the Into commencement. W. W. Chapman , who has been confined ( o his homo by a dangerous attack of paralysis for several weeks past , leaves this morning for Kirksvlllc , Mo. , where he will take treat ment from a specialist. Miss Maud Huzfn leaves this week for DCS Molncs , where she will Join a company of her school friends and go to Chautauqua , N. Y. , where she will spend the summer tak ing a course In Dolsarto and elocution. Misses Carrie and Nellie Dodge are ex pected homo rrom the east next Wednesday. The former has Just completed a law coureo In the University of New York , and the lat ter has been , attending Echcol at Northampton , Mass. James B. and Ilalph Archer , sons of D. W. Archer of this city , accompanied by Arthur Kecllno nd several of their schoolmates from St. John's Military school , near Syra cuse. N , Y , . are taking a four days' trip on the lakes before coming homo. Halph Archer organized the crowd and engineered the trip. They are expected homo Tuesday. The commencement at St. John's was preceded by a six days' encampment , with caJots there from Chicago , Hock IslanJ , Denver and other places. The commencement exercises oc curred Thursday and were wound up by a hop. _ Wo are selling lots of frames thcso days. Come and get your picture framed. II. L. Smith & Co. , 45 Main street. For rent , furnished and unfurnished rooms. 710 First avenue. _ A nice assortment of children's wash suits at Metcalf Bros. _ Y. M. O. A. l ) y Events follow each other thick and fast at the Young Men's Christian association today. In the morning at 9 o'clock State Sec retary W. A. Magee will conduct a consecration cration meeting. At 3:45 : p. m. a stirring open air service will be held on the street Just In front of the association rooms , and at 4 o'clock I/Jcomotlve Engineer C. W. Me- Clure of the Iowa Central railroad will ad dress men In the gymnasium. This U a rare treat for the local association and It Is hoped that every man In the city may avail himself of the privilege. wtiitc oust Five thourand feet 8-Inch top , 12 to 2 $ feet long , at 9 < 4c per lineal foot. A. Over- ton , Council Bluffs. la. Metcalf Bros , have a tplendld line ot sum mer clothing. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EivU , ( < tenejr ( or Munxon'i remtdlei. Republican Primaries Hold in Every Pto- cinct in the Oity. HARLAN KEN CAPTURE HIE MAJORITY Though the fontoitV n Spirited the Itcnt of recline I'reTnllccI - l.lnt of the Delegates Helovtcil. The republicans held their city caucuses art evening In every precinct , and as the re- nn overwhelming Harlan delegation will e sent to the county convention , which meets t the court house In this city next Thursday f'ternoon at 1:30 : o'clock. Every meeting as largely attended and the enthusiasm and lie Interest shown were only such as are seen vhen a nomination Is equivalent to an clec- Ion. In spite of the determined contest by oth the Drake and Harlan men , however , verythlng waa harmonious and there will bee o sores to heal up this morning. The Drake nen were clearly outgeneraled. In spite of the lard work they have done during the past ew weeks , and the McFarland men cut still ess of a figure. The following table shows n estimate of the comparative strength of he three candidates In the various precinct elegatlons as made by several Drake men ast evening after the returns were all In : McFar- Drake. Harlan. land. * lrst ward riint precinct t 1 Second pteclncl 4 * promt wiuil , Klrst tupclnct i Si-conil precinct < "hint wnril . Vtrrt ureclnct Z J ; Second precinct * * ourlli wniil . , 'Irnt ineclnct Jecomt precinct * l 'Ift.i waul . . l.'lrst ( ireclnct Secoml precinct . J Ixth ward ' _ 11 Totnls H 47 6 The following Is a list of the delegates rom each precinct : First ward , First precinct : W. C. Dickey , SV. H. Spera , W. C. Hendrlcks , C. A. Mor gan L. Sherwood. Second precinct : C. O. launders. William A. Gronweg , J. S. Gretzer , I. Stevenson , II. Ohlendorf , Jacob Sims. Second ward , First precinct : C. M. Harl , W. F. Sapp , A. W. Askwlth , J. C. Baker , M. ) . Snydcr J. J. Steadman , O. W. Graham. Second precinct : J. II. Pace , P. H. Wind , J. C. Mitchell , W. S. Balrd , E. A. Rlsser , Wade Roper , W. S. Wllklns. Third ward , First precinct : S. T. Walker , J. M. Matthews , G. W. Hewitt , P. C. DeVol , W. M. Shepard , V. L. Treynor. Second pre cinct : W. E. Balnbrldge , Ed C. Brown , O. \V. Gordon , James Armstrong , W. R. Brown. Fourth ward , First precinct : Dr. F. S. Thomas , F. H. Hill , E. E. Mayne , H. D. larl , N. M. Pusey , II. J. Chambers. Second ireclnct : J. A. Gorman , Slack Peterson , W. J. Rue , L. C. Jackson , David Jordan. Fifth ward , First precinct : W. A. Hlgh- smlth , E. E. Sayles , Ovlde Vlen , D. B. Dalley , Cash Cochran , Ed Canning , H. L. Ward , J. C. RoberUon. Second precinct : T. A. Brewlck , A. Lavenberg , F. H. Brownlee , C. B. Howard , R. P. Morris , George Gates. Sixth ward : C. L. Clatterbuck , A. C. Harding , W. H. Dudley , W. H. Montelth , D. S. Kerr , N. A. Crawford. HOC SILK'S MONDAY IOC A YAICI1. lleiiiilsoi ) tire * . Ono Store Week or Our Grrnt Jiiiui Clearing Snip. MONDAY THE BIG DAY. A sale at which every article will bo found anJ told exactly as advertised. Over 200 remnants of figured and plain China silks in lengths 2 to 14 yards , choice 15o yard. 09c quality 20-Inch white Ilabutla wash silk , 23o yard. Chenney Bros. ' 24-Inch figured black ( all black ) taffeta silks , was $1.00 and $1.25 , now C9o yard. Monday wo will sell 38-Inch , all wool , black nunsvelllrg , worth COc , at 29c yard. $1.50 and $1.75 all silk Iron frame grena dine , SCo yard. Our 50c quality pin dot Swisses , In solid black , also In pure white , Monday 35c yarJ. Solid black Imported dimity , 25o yard. Ladles' white China silk parasols , Monday $1.05 each. BENNISON BHOS. , Council Bluffs. .St. Francis Commcncrnirnr. The annual commencement exercises at St. Francis Xavler's academy will take place Tuesday evening. Miss Eleanor Callahan will glvo the salutatory and Miss Anna Kllmartln the valedictory. Essays will bo read by Miss Kathcrlno Lerch , Miss May House , Miss Myrtle Keefer , Miss Mary A. Monaghan and Miss Marguerite Murphy. Miss Nettle Flint will give a recitation. The program will be varied with musical selections , piano .and harp , choruses and Delsarte exercises. At the close 'nonors and medals will be awarded. Similar exorcises will be held at the academy Monday evening by the younger pupils. At St. Joseph's academy the regular com mencement exercises were htld last week , two boys being graduated , Francis Murphy , the subject of whose essay was "Strikes , " and Theodore Tholl , who read on essay on the subject , "Bo Short. " "Tho Prodigal Law Student" was a play presented with a good deal of ability by twenty-four pupils of the school. Among the honors conferred were the following : For perfect attendance at school during the year , Michael Nolan and John Tholl. For perfect attendance at Sunday school 1 during the year. James Danahey , Michael 1 Nolan and John Tholl. For regular attendance at Slinday school , John Grady , James Ingoldsby and James Lan- gan. gan.Those Those having a general average of ninety and above were : James Danahey , 97 ; James Jngoldsby , 96 ; James Langan , 95 ; John Tlioll , 90. Mrs. E. J. Scott , 53G West Broadway , spe cial millinery sale Monday nnd Tuesday only 25c wreaths , lOc ; 7Go wreaths. 35c ; 75o rose sprays , 2Gc. A large assortment of choice flowers , lOo , 15c and 20c ; black untrlmmed ( hats , lOc , 15c nnd 20c ; trimmed hats , 25c up Please remember the dates , June 24 and 25 Preparation * fur trio \Micl Mrc-t. Great preparations are being made for the wheel meet to be given next Wednesday June 26 , at the driving park , far the bene fit of John Wortmann , the farmer who was struck by a bicycle last April and severely hurt. E. L. Duquette , assisted by a number of the local wheelmen , Is engineering the affair , and manifesting a great deal of hustle There are to lw seven races , beginning ai 3 p. m. . In the following order : One mile novice , three prizes ; one mile open , three prizes ; one mile handicap , four prizes ; boys race , under 17 years , one mile , three prizes quarter-mile open , three prizes ; half-mile open , three prizes ; two-mile handicap , four prizes. C. B. Itandlett. whose silvery lungs were In evidence at the Ganymede meet last year , wll act as Judge and cnunclator , Ilussell Condon of Omaha will act as referee , J. L. Llvcsey of Omaha , W. D. Carothcrs of Council Bluffs nnd S. L. Etnyro as timers , and John Hlnes of clerk of the course. Equal Interest Is being taken by the wheelmen of Council Bluffs am Omaha , and Indications point to a largo at tendance. Motors will be run directly to the driving park. H. E , Frederlckson. the champion of Ne braska , Is entered In five races , and the man agement Is negotiating- Holloway , the Plattsmouth wonder. Besides these are en tered W. F. Clark , H. C. Gadke. Herbert ' Shackley , Jack Cully , James Match and Edgewood of Omaha , and Joe Boyne , W , S , nigdon , E. C. Duncan , George Duquette , II. C. Haltenhauer , C. A. Bonham. O. H. P. Mike- sell and others from Council Bluffs. Trustees Drstroy tlia Daiii , The Lewis township trustees have effectu ally put an end to the work of filling up Manawa with water by destroying the dam which wai put In across Moiqulto creek and ] forbidding Messrs. Heed and Odell repairing It. The water was somewhat low at the be ginning ot to * teuton , on account ot the low water In the river , and to remedy this a dam was built. By Its aid the water was caused to rt o quite rapidly , and In a few days the depth had Increased nearly a foot. About this tlmo come of the farmers began to raise a kick , on the ground that the overflow dam aged their farms. They" called upon the township trustees , who , after looking the /round over , decided that the dam must be destroyed. They acted accordingly , and the Manawa people had tu bo satisfied with what water they had on hand , which was about eight Inches lem than what they would have liked , although the deficiency Is not great enough to hurt the boating and bathing. lliiKlon tore. Special sale ot belts and belt buckles , GTc and 75c. Silver buckles reduced to 39c each ; 50c buckles for 33c ; 39c buckles for 25c ; DOc black silk belts for 2Gc. Special pflces on ladles' parasols. $4.00 black silk parasols , chiffon trimmed , reduced to $2.95. parasols reduced to $4.00. Blue , green nnd brown changeable silk sun shades , worth $3.50 , on sale nt $2.25. - $2.GO and $3.00 umbrellas reduced to $1.95 each , $2.25 silk umbrellas , beautiful line ot handles , on sale at $1.C9 each , FOWLER , DICK & WALKER , 401-405 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la. Trip * Tor the Knight * Tptnplnr. George Palmer , a prominent Red Oak mer chant , was In the city last week making ar rangements for the trip the Knights Tcmplir of Red Oak expect to make to the triennial concbve at Boston next August. The local commandery doesn't expect to go In a body and a number of Council Bluffs people have been laying their plans to accompany the Red Oak men on their special train , which will consist of four vestlbulcd sleepers , with baggage car. The Indications are that the party will consist cf nearly 200 people , all Knights Templar , with their families. The train will leave Red Oak Monday , August 12 , and go to Chicago over the Bur lington. From Chicago the route lies over the Grand Trunk to Niagara Falls , which will be reached at sunrise. From the falls they will go to Toronto and spend a few hours there , after which they will proceed to Kingston , where they will tak3 a steamer for a ride down the St. Law rence , taking In Montreal on the way to Que bec , where they will stop two days. Satur- lay night they will go to the White moutr alns and. spend Sunday there , holding an afternoon service at Mount Washington. In ho evening they will go to Boston and spend our days , leaving by the Fall River line of boats Thursday for New York. The return rip will bo over the Lehlgh Valley road , and ivill take In Washington , D. C. Master Goff , the youngest cornet soloist In he United States , will tppear during the concert at the Grand Plaza , Lake Manawa , to- lay , both afternoon and evening. We will make special prices for running service pipes for gas to your residence for ho month ot June. Call at Gas oQlce lor nformatlon. SmiiBhod lirlfio * ! ! lluggv. Fred Gclso and another man were driving : n a buggy yesterday along Frank street nt the corner of Pierce street when n hoi they were leading behind the buggy came alongside and became tangled up In the wheels. It finally got Its fore feet in the tmggy , and Geise tried to drive It back by hitting It with the whip. But that only added to their sorrow , for the horse In front became frightened and broke loose from the buggy. Both men were thrown out , bul not seriously hurt. They owe their lives prob ably to the fact that they were thrown out , for the buggy was literary smashed to smith ereens. Every wheel was broken , body split , dashboard torn oft an.d the top bent. One ol the men had his foot stepped on by one ol the horses , and both horses had their legs skinned considerably. Juno .Milllnory Mile. All trimmed hats at a great reduction. $10 hats for $6 ; $12 hats for $7 ; $6 hats for $3 ; $5 hats for $2.50 ; a nice trimmed hat for $1. These prices will continue for the next 30 days. Miss Ragsdale , 10 Pearl street. A polish thht will make your piano or furniture look better than when you boughl It. It's cheap and all right ; get It at Blx- by's , 202 Main street. Yes , the Eagle laundry is "that good laundry , " and Is located nt 724 Broadway. If In doubt about this try It and be convinced. Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157. Stole Ilrns from .Sp-acuo. Roy Orrell was arrested yesterday morning on the charge ot stealing about J20 wortl of brass from the Sprague Iron works' , In the western part of the city. The theft was com mitted about two weeks ago. but the polio were at a loss for a clew until Orrell soU the stolen stuff at a seconl-hand store. He was taken to the county Jail yesterday to await a hearing , which will be given hln Monday In Justice Walker's court. If he succeeds In giving a bend U Is Mid ho wll be Immediately rearrested on another similar charge. Called Ilcnry ( Icors anil lielliinir Qimclc , OBERLIN. 0. , June 22. At today's session of the Psychological convention , being he d here , Mr. 'A. Swift Holbrook of Chicago deliv ered an address on "Poverty ; Its Causes and Remedy. " Holbrook called Henry George and Bellamy quacks , and as soon as his dis course was finished , several members of the convention took exceptions to the language used. One speaker said that , notwithstanding the fact that men differed with us , they should not be called names , and that the only way to gain Influence with those men and their sympathizers was to treat them with respect. Cnsliler Thrno Tlinimand Short. ST. PAUL , June 22. A special from Grand Forks , N. D. , to the Pioneer-Press says : Auditor Sykes of the Great Northern has nearly completed his Investigation of the ac counts of the missing cashier , D. S. Stewart , who was reported missing a week ago today , and reports shortages thus for aggregating nearly $3,000. Investigations thus far made cover the past two years , and as Stewart has had the position for ten years the aggregate amount may be large. Nothing Is jet konwn as to the present whereabouts of Stewart. lilcaiiilut Urn--cUt L irntoil , OAKLAND , Cal. , June 22. B. F. Mannion , druggist , for whose arrest a warrant was Issued at the Instance ot the wife whom ho deserted for a young girl , has been located at Hot Springs , Ark. , where ho Is said to bo living under the name of H. F. Bond. Man- nlon v/cnt through a bogus marriage cere mony with a respectable girl named Kate Wlntow , who believed him single. Ho also Induced the girl to forgo the names of her grandmother and aunt to checks aggregating $1,900. rxonirressni in | | nrrla Sued. TOPEKA. Kan. , Juno 22. The long ex- pected suit against ex-Congressman W. A. Harris ot Llnwood , Kan. , was died today In the United States circuit court. B. Murray , the plaintiff , asks tor $20,000 damages because - cause ho allleges Harris estranged Ills wife. The late Mrs. Harris died Juno 4. 1S94. Mrs. Murray secured a divorce last November and In February of this year married Harris. Governor Atkinson .Much Ilettor. ATLANTA , Ga. . June 22. Physlc'ans In attendince up n Go/ernor Atkinson pronounce him much better tonight , and with no back set , which Is not anticipated , he will recover. He sleeps well and retains nourishment and medicine. The relatives ot his family summoned - moned to his bedside have returned home. Itoliy Knclnc Law Conitltiitlonnl. INDIANAPOLIS , Juno 22. The euprem court today reversed the decision ot the Lak circuit court and held the Itoby racing law constitutional , The supreme court also bel < that paid up building and loan assoclatlo stock is taxable. Wvitfrn l'o tiimiter Appointed. WASHINGTON , June 22. ( Special Tele gram. ) J , ' 0. Metcalt was today appointee postmaster at Secar , Hardln county , Iowa vice Abner Blair , resigned. Hupert Foldi was today commissioned postmaster at Ilenn Neb. Goitly Illaso HI Nailivlllo. NASHVILLE. Tenn. , Juno 22. Fire broke out In the Masonic block at Murfreeaboro las night and burned the entire block , Includln the postofflce , Los * 420,000 , with J 17,000 in lurtnct. 0\VA \ POLITICS BOOMING lopublican County jCpnventions Open the Fall Campaign ! : OIN'S VAGARIES " , " , SCOR D ROUNDLY Irnkc , Ilnrlnn nnd llnrnti Kecclvo Support for Oororiior , ln , Montgomery Colonel OriUMuMm n fol lowing In I.yona. IlED OAK , la. , June 22. ( Special Tele- ram. ) The republican bounty convention oday nominated the following ticket : Ilcp- eeentatlve , II. E. Cook ; treasurer , D. II. Illmore ; sheriff , 0. A. Hose ; superintendent f schools , J. W. Clark ; surveyor , E. Cleaver ; oroner , S. H. Krldlcr ; supervisor , Junlus lesson. A resolution was passed Introducing the tnte senatorial candidate from this district nd representative from this county to use 11 honorable means to procure the passage y the next assembly of the resubmlsslon esolutlon Introduced In the last session by Ion. F. Cooper. This was done for fear the allure to return the latter would be con- Idercd an Indication that Montgomery ounty was growing cold on prohlblton. An ndeavor to Instruct delegates to the sen- torlal convention failed , nnd this probably Illed an attempt to instruct for governor. J. M. Junkln of Hed'Oak Is the only can- Idate so for announced for state senator , nd It Is not at all probable ho will meet vlth any opposition. The nominee for treas- irer Is from Vllllsca , and he was chcst'ii n the twenty-second ballot , after a hard ight. This will bo the first time for seven- ceil years that the second city In size of the ounty has been given n nomination for a Dimty office by the republican conventions , Ithough it Is strongly republican , and has icon In the habit of paying Its own campaign xpenses nnd Increasing Its majorities year ifter year. The delegation to the state convention nominally stands nine for Drake , three for larlan nnd one for Harsh. In case of a trong contest It can be depended on as polld or Drake , but leaning far toward Harlan.v ohn S. Anderson of Stanton was nominated or auditor to fill the vacancy caused by the' ecent death of Auditor Peterson. The convention was harmonious and en- huslastlc and apparently not much Inclined o favor free coinage of sliver. Hon. Smith McPherson , the chairman , was frequently applauded when In his speecahs he took oc casion to score Coin's vagaries and Indl- ectly put In a ward for honest bimetallism. LYON COUNTY. HOCK IIAPIDS , la. , June 22. ( Special Telegram. ) The republican county conven tion met here this afternoon and selected lelegates to the state , senatorial and repre sentative conventions. The state delegates are divided somewhat , , yet the larger part of them will favor Colonel Ormsby , with Drake as second choice. The delegates are : Hon. H. G. McMillan , Hon. E. C. Hoach. F. H. Skewls , A. L. Amsberry , S. E. McGelvery. It. T. Hunkln and C. E. Llewellen. A. H. Davidson was allowed the privilege of se eding his own delegates to the senatorial convention , and chos3 G. L. Vaneaton. H. B. Lockwod , D. W. Lewis , E. Y. Greenleaf , C. W. Bubhnell , W. H. 'Bradley and C. T. Tuppcr. The representative delegates are George Deltrlck , F. . T. Junkln , E. W. Lewis , John Dunlap , E. L.I Horsetail , C. B. Lempke and Johnathan Miller. iBy a resolution pre sented by E. C. Hoach. the representative lelegates were Instructed to co-operate with the delegates to the- senatorial convention , and use all honorable means to secure the election of A. H. Davldsbn. BUHLINGTON. la. , June 22. ( Special Tele gram. ) Des Molnes cottpty republicans held a big and enthusiastic convention this after noon. Dslegates favorable to Harlan for governor , were elected. ' NKOLA , la. , June 22. ( Special Telegram. ) At the republican caucus this evening Dr. F. Dobbins was selected as chairman and J. A. Hamilton , secretary. The delegates chosen to the county convention were : W. II. Klllpeck , George L. Wilkinson , J. A Hamilton and John Miller , and the delega tion stands two for Harlan , one for McFar land , and one unknown for governor. MILLS COUNTY. MALVEHN. la. , June 22. ( Special Tele gram. ) The following delegates were elected to attend the republican county convention at Glenwood next Tuesday to elect delegates to the state and territorial conventions : State Senator .A. J. Chantry , S. B. Barnes , A. E. Cook , William Kline Emerson. B. Brown. C. W. Black. E. ill. Hamilton , T. E. Whit- field. The expressed preference of the dele gates for governor Is Harlan. CRESTON , la. , June 22. ( Special Tela- gram. ) The Adalr county republican conven tion was held at Greenfield this afternoon and was largely attended. The delegates were Instructed for J. B. Harsh for governor and are as follows : George H. Smith , W. II. Brlnten , J. A. Stevens. A. Hoot , Jacob Pole , John Hlgglns , J. H. Conley , A. D. Crooks , W. II. McClure , George E. Morris S. L. Shreves. Resolutions were adoptet favoring the use of gold , silver and paper money , with defined restrictions. The demo cratic party was denounced for Its conduct of public affairs. IOWA IKLKI'HONK LINES. Miitiy Now CompiinlcR Nprlngliig Up In tli < nliitu. WEBSTER CITY , la. , June 22. ( Special Telegram. ) This section of the state Is being honeycombed with cheap telephones. Lines are now In course of construction from Clear Lake west through Garner , Brltt , Algona , Emmettsburg and Spencer on the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul railway. From Brltt they will work north and south , going nortl to Albert Lea and south to Humboldt. They made connections at Clear Lake and Hum- bolt with the Iowa Union lines and will thus put Humboldt within the reach of nearly every Important town In the state by tele phone. Their rates are considerably lowei than thee of the old companies , and In al towns where enough patronage can be securec they are putting In exchanges. ICnrnrder HUM ot N.Kprmldl. PACIFIC JUNCTION , la. , June 22. ( Spe cial. ) The report sent from Plattsmouth to The Bee Tuesday to the effect that the Junc tion Recorder , published at this place , hoc ceased to exist , under foreclosure of a chatte mortgage , Is Inaccurate , and the citizens are Indignant that puch a report should have been circulated. The Recorder came out In Its usual form yesterday and the publlshe states that there Is nd fear of Its suspension Burton , the publisher , has become lntereste < In a new straight" republican paper to b Harted In PlattsmOtiUi1 next week and th Jealousy of the "correspondent probably prompted the artlcl/ " Flru ut , l < i mi I''IIH. | ! CEDAR RAPIDS74 , , , Juno 22. ( Specla Telegram. ) The stund crushing plant of th Ivanhoe Construction "company , near Iowa Falls , was destroyed-by fire this morning The loss Is $15.000. : ' i lo it * ( rop' Cuiiilltloni. CEDAR RAPIDS n'ijj. ' , Juno 22. ( Specla Telegram. ) President Ives and General Su perlntendent Wlllia'ms'1 ' of the Burlington Cedar Raplta & Northern , and' ' C. P. Squire Special Note-Council Bluffs CHIMNEYS CLEANED ; VAULTS CLEANED. EU Uurke , at W. B. Homer * * . US Uroadway. FUUIT FAIUl AND OARDEN LAND FOH ale cheap anil on cany ternm. Duy & Hew. 13 1'earl street. _ FAI1M LANDS TO EXCHANGE FOIl CITY property. C. n. Nicholson. WSJ4 Uroadway. BALE. A NO. 4 'IICMINOTON TYPEwriter - writer ; HS ( rood as new. Sandnlch Manufactur ing Co. , lu:3 and 1030 B. Main Hired. WANTED. OIIIL FOR GENERAL 1IOUSU work , at COO East Tierce street. FOR SALE. A NEARLY NEW NINE-ROOM liouee , with barn , cUU-rn , city water at house and luirn , fruit , nice shade tn-eii , on a nicely 1-radcd lot Wx225 fret , for I3.30U.04. two-third * cash , US 1'erln avenue. Council Blurt * . FOR RENT. FROM JULY 15 TO OCTOUER 1 three UrKe , well furnlUiixl , exceptionally coo room i , slniflo or ensulte ; bf > t location ; reference once * required. Addrees L , llee office. ind James C. Pcatley , of the Burlington , hire ust returned from a tour of Inspection of the ormcr road. They found that abundant ihowers had fallen over the entire system , and that crops were In splendid condition , 'respects were never better at this time of ear , and with favorable weather the bal ance of the season there will bo heavy crops , ( 'oMTrnllmi ot NEW YORK. June 22. The second session f the convention of bacteriologists was held tday at the Academy of Medicine , 17 West 'orty-thlrd street. l > rof. William II. Welch f Johns Hopkins university presided. A ommltteo of seven to make nn extensive In- estimation ot bacteriology was appointed. The committee will decide ns to the methods f bacteria cultivation , standard types and ntcrpretation of results. The American 'ubllo Health association will accept the re tort of this committee as authoritative and nnl. Bottling the Iton. ) DUHANOO , Colo. , Juno 22. Thomas I' , mlth , assistant secretary of the Interior do- lartmcnt , has arrived In the city from Wash- ngton. Ills mission Is to assist Commls- loner Kldd In settling the Utcs In accord- nco with the Into treaty passed by con- rcss , which has been slgneJ by a majority f the Utcs. Ho docs not supersede Colonel Cldd , ns Washington dispatches of a few days go Intimated. I.imlicd to u Itnnt and Timirct Adrift. BOISE , Idaho , June 22. A special from Caldwell , Idaho , reports the kidnapping ot 3. II. Eldrldgc , a detective who has been nvesttgatlng the murder of Thomas Honan. lo was lashed In a boat and turned adrift n Snake river , near Huntmgton bridge , n hort distance above the rapids. He sue- ceded In lootcnlng himself and swam ashore. Admitted the Now Knghinil iMoutatlitn. MINNEAPOLIS. June 22. At Its final ueetlng today , the executive committee of he American Whist league , admitted the Vew England association of some thirty or orty clubs to membership on the basis ot an auxiliary club , and selected St. Louis a : he meeting place of the next executive BBS- Ion. / Ono ( if the Crow Aliasing. TACUMA , June 22. The steamer Anna M. 'lerce , nt Whldby Island last night was to- ally destroyed by fire. The cook Is missing and Is supposed to be drowned. The 1'lerce vas a tramp freight carrier. She carried no mssengers. Civil KnsltKTrs < oncliido Thotr Si-salon. HULL , Mass. , Juno 22. The American Society of Civil Engineers closed its twonty- "sventh annual convention today and more ban 400 members and Invited guests left for 3oston for a short outing in the White moun- alns. _ Knrlno Tiilf a Varttlon. WASHINGTON , Juno 21. Minister Kurlno ind Secretary Matsul of the Japanese lega tion , leave here tomorrow for a summer tour of Niagara falls , lower Canada and the sea shore. _ TRI.KHK.l I'llllt IllltKFS. The Texas "honest money" democrats have decided to organize. The jury In the case of Banker Mears at Fargo , N. U. , failed to agree. The report that President Cleveland Is In poor health Is denied at Buzzard's Bay. After a running fight with ofllcers the Italny Lake , Minn. , bank robbers escaped Into Canada. J. N. Wlswell has been appointed receiver of the National Benefit and Casualty com pany of Milwaukee. Bernard Miller , the steward at Delmonlco's , New York , committed suicide at Phoenix , Ariz. Ill health was the cause. Kappel Krledland , making eleven in all , has been arrested charged with complicity In the New York firebug conspiracy. The Dawes commission has arrived In the Indian territory ready to commence the work of securing a new treaty with the Indians. The Saturday half-holiday law In Missouri went Into effect Saturday. At Kansas City very few mechanics or merchants observed it. There Is strong talk at Dentou , Md. , of lynching Marshall Price , a convicted mur derer , In case the court grants him a new trial. Evansville , Ind. , Is making great prepara tlons to receive the Catholic Knights of St. John , who hold their convention , commencing Monday. Captain Edward Alexander Paul , a veteran of the Mixlcan war , and for many years , n prominent Washington correspondent , died Saturday. Senator Quay has announced himself a candidate for the chairmanship of the Penn sylvania state committee. This will likely precipitate a fight. The UnlteU States circuit court has decided that the ordinance of the city of Hamilton. 0. , requiring canvassers for goods for future delivery to pay n license , Is Illegal. In the trial ot Police Captain Eaklns nt New York Saturday , Matilda Herrman , the keeper of a house of ill repute , testified that she had paid $30,000 altogether for police protection. A nisTixuvmnanVUKLATK Kt , Hov. FrnncU I In on , Who Introduced the Cnpuchlns In tlu Country , Puiict Away. MILWAUKEE , Juno 22. lit. llev. Francis Haas , who Introduced the Capuchin order In the United State ? , died at St. Agnes' convent , Foml du Lac , WIs. , today. Father Haas wn born at Metzerlen , Switzerland , November 25 , 1S20. He came to the United States In 1S50 and was given charge of St. Nicholas , now known as Mount Calvary , twelve miles east of Fond du Lac , to start a monastery for the Capuchin order , which had not been repre sented In the United States until that time. Father Haas had always been nt the head of the order In this country until It was cation- Ically raised to the dignity of an Independent province on August 7 , 1SS2 , he having been successively guardian , commissary , custos and provincial. In 1S78 , by a unanimous vote of the deflnator general of the order , he was appointed deflnator general by Pope Leo XIII. This necessitated his residence at Home. About two years ngo ho returned to this country on a visit , was taken sick and had been ailing ever pliice. He tendered his resignation as delimiter general , but It wai not accepted. Permission , however , was granted to him to remain In this country until he should recover his health. , Quarrel Over Property l.iMiM to Murder ST. LOUIS , Juno 22. At Webster's drove , a suburban town ten miles west of the city , between 3 and 4 o'clock this afternoon , Dr. Frank .Soldo shot and Instantly killed Mrs. Jane Peterson , his sister-in-law. Mrs. Pe terson's sister , Mrs. Horlsh , attempted to stay his murderous arm and Settle leveled the revolver nt her and fired , rihe fell with a bullet In her breast. Settle then pressed the muzzle of the weapon against his tcm- plo and sent a bullet Into his own brain. He dropped dead. They had quarreled over n trivial division of property. Aflrr homo of the V.ililrr ! > lll Millions. NEW YORK , June 22. An order for the issuance of citations was Issued today to Arthur Brown of Falrfleld , Conn. , Plating that an application will bo made to grant letters of administration upon the cstato of William II. Brown , who died In October , ISC.r > . The apllcatlon was made by William H. Brown ot Chicago , son ot th deceaseJ. His object la to bring action against the executors of the estate of the late Cornelius Vanderbllt for the recovery of $2,000,000. The claim Is the only estate left by William II. Brown. Vanderbllt loaned a considerable turn of money to Brown In 18G1 upon a Una ot p'.cnmcrs trading from Nicaragua and other ports. Brown ullages that the stramcri repaid the loan within a thorl time and thit Vanderbllt never made any accounting of the profits by the steamers subsequently , hit share ot which hl heirs estimate nt $2,000- 000. Sottlc-.l th Tin Plain .Suite. PlTTSnOna , Juno 22. The settlement ot the tin plato scale has llxed the wages for 12,000 tin plato workers for a , The sheet scale , which has also been nettled , decided the wages of 20,000 men employed In that branch , making a tntal uf 82,000 men In the Industry whosa rate of pay has been tottlcd. The Iron wngo conference will beheld , In Youngstown. Tie ! Ohio valley puddlers objccn to the $4 rate decided upon at the Cleveland convention nnd want $4 50. They will hold an indignation meeting tonight to protest upon the scale being signed ot the $1 rate. Presi dent Garland of aho Amalgamated association thinks their objection will not amount to any thing. _ ItaUed Wages 'IVn Tor Tent. SCRANTON , Pa. , Juno 22. The Lacka- wanna Iron and Steel company has granted to Its 6,000 employes n 10 per cent Increase , In wages. The Incrasc In wages will make a difference of $25,000 .In the monthly pay roll. HK.lTllKll FOKKV.lltT. Pair with South Winds I'm mined for Nehrnnka Todur , WASHINGTON , June 22.-The forecast for Sunday IB : For Nebraska , South Dakota nnd Kansas Fair ; south winds. For lown Fair ; southeasterly wlrulft. For Missouri Fair ; warmer ill the south ern portion ; variable winds. Local It curd. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMAIIA , Juno 22. Omaha record of tem perature and rainfall , compared with the icrrespondlng day of the four years : 1S93. 1SH4. 1S93. 1892. Maximum temperature . .81 S5 ' 82 67 Minimum temperature . . . f.8 ( H r > T t 7 Average temperature . . . . 70 74 OS 82 Precipitation : . . , W .00 M .IX ) Condition of temperature and precipitation atOmalm _ for the day and slnco March 1 , Normal temperature 73 Deficiency for the day 3 Normal precipitation 21 Inch Deficiency for the day 2t Inch Total precipitation since March 1 8.48 Inches Deficiency slnco March 1 -1,78 Inches TWO OR THREE TIMES A WEEK STRONG AND CLliAR STATEMENTS FROM RELIAHLli PEOPLE Everybody Who is Personally Interested in the Modern Treatment nnd Cure of Chronic Diseases Should Hend nnd Weigh the Evidenco. Two or three time * n week there nppcnri In those co'iiiniif ) now testimony. The cue : lire not \vorkod over mill reprntril tlmniinil ngitln , hut nich issue ccmtulnn nrw vv.dmicc Do not mUt liny or these chnplrri , IK iln-y contiilti HtutcnicntH Hoiiirttiiiu * Irom > onr IrloiuU nnd nclghhnm , niton Irom people ol general lift veil us lorul reputation , null al ways Irom piitlrntH who Imvo miftVrod from sonic M'tMlllur form of < : l < i > : ino , which ilr- slic to Kliiiw M d'ntliuuly cnralilc. II you inln uny of I IICMI clmptiTB you : iru mlMlnj ; Important link * In tlin chain of evidence. DON'T WAIT ! Drs. Copclnnd nnd Shepard would kindly warn the Invalid Unit one months trent- rr.tnt now nt u cost of n trilling sum , Inclu- si\e of medicines , nnd nlded by summer's helpful nursing , is worth two months of up hill doctoring against the rigors nnd bllz- znrds ot winter. Begin treatment now. Module , loivn , rurnltlirunn InHtnncool CurIng - Ing Through the Homo Treatment. Mr. Frank Benin , Modnle , lown , recently took a brief course of home treatment with Drs. Copeland and Shepard , Now he writes : "Your medicines thoroughly nnd promptly cured mo of catarrh of the kidneys , weak back and rheumatism. Before I begun with you I had been n great sufferer with kidney disease , so that I could hardly nt- tcnd to my farm work. Your home treat- men soon llxed me all right , nnd I nm In splendid health now and have been so your treatment nearly two years uuo. " KOH HOME TREATMENT SEND FOH SYMPTOM BLANK. OI.IJ-TI.A1K 1MTIKNTS. The Ciifio of nn Onmhi 1'iitlent Shows the ItllRhtlni ; KIK'ctn of Catarrli upon the Younij Ono More 1'root That Cores Are Permanent. Miss Ora Battreal , BIS N. 10th street , city , IR a student at the Omaha School ot Short Hand and Typewriting , Boyd's theater. Her father and mother , Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Battreal , give these facts : "A long time ngo we began to notice that a slow catanh was getting hold ot our daughter's system. It was not merely a little trouble In her nose and throat , but It affected her In many ways so seriously a * to rob her of health entirely. The disease- blocked her nose with tumors and fprend to her eyt-s so shu could hardly see to read at all. Her voice beennio hoarse nnd hep throat was constantly sore. Later on her hearing began to fall ; In fact , hardly any sense soemud to escape. After eating she was subject to headache nnd Indigestion , nnd she was steadily growing weak and losing llesh. A large part ot the Urn ? MISS ORA BATTUEAL. CIS N. 19th St. terrible headaches were present , which took he.- strength and vitality and made her almost an Invalid , "Slnco Ir. Shepard had her cnso In charge she 1ms got rid ot all these troubles. This was two years ago , and no symptom ot the old condition has returned. Our daughter's case Is proof to us that the methods ot Drs , Copeland and Shepard nre. V , J capable ot curing people In such a way that they STAY cured. Her eyesight is perfect ; her hearing Is nlso perfect. She Is strongnnd hearty , free from pain , and wo can gladly state that her health Is re stored. Our experience with Dr. Shepard Is in every way satisfactory , and through tills trying case he was successful at every point. " DRS , COPELAND & SIIEPARD , ROOMS 311 AND 312 NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING. OMAHA. NEB. Office Hours 9 to 11 n. m. ; 2 to C p. m. . Eve nings Wednesdays and Saturdays only , 6 to 8. Sunday 10 to 12 in. " PRISMATIC E1IAEXGTR.IG FOUNTAIN. This beautiful fountain will bo in operation twice every evening during thla week , from 0 to 0:30 : , and from 10