Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1895, Part III, Page 18, Image 18

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    ' '
The War of the Colleges and What Their
Athletes Are Doing.
All Hint In l.nto niul Ji > v y In the Hlcyclo
\\orlil-A 'I rip lo llor Mhoo I.ulto
niul Heat * of llrc7y
11ILI3 the Western
association cham
pionship race Is
nothing like the
ono of the opening
year for closeness
and excitement , It
Is still a very In-
foresting chase and
H will require a
wlso man Indeed at
this stage of the
game to place any
-team one , two ,
three. Peorla Is In the lead , but the margin
between that city anJ Lincoln Is so narrow
that any one series of games Is likely to re
verse the standing. Duckerlno has a ball
team there Is no mistake and probably the
best controlled ono In the association. They
play geol , hard , uniform ball and will hardly
fall below their present standing , barring un
foreseen accidents It IP harJ to tell Just
where Peorla gets her strength , but the best
theory Is that It is derived from her pitch
ers. THicy esem to all be tn good form andre
ro pl'chlng better ball than was expected of
them. Doth the Qulnceys and Hockfords
have been disappointments , especially the
former , who looked like almost certain wln-
n"6rs In the start St. Joe has had a rocky
experience with boozing and Insubordinate
players anl the best part of the reason has
been practically thrown away. Alberts , how
ever , seems to have gotten them In some
thing llko condition at last and may yet
make a bid for at least second honors. They
nr6 not out of It by any means , but It will
require almost uninterrupted good work from
now on until their next eastern trip to as-
euro them , of any very material change.
Jacksonville has a goad team , but their work
lias been Irregular and unsatisfactory , which
can likewise be said of tha Omahas. With
the accession of George Darby some weeks
ago the fans expected the team to vault
right Into the van , but thej
hnvo been disappointed and their
standing Is about Uhe sameas It was then
There Is no denying the fact that the home
team has had more thf Us share of bad
luck. At no time yet have nny two of the
pitchers been , r perfect shape , nnd for the
past month there has been ono , two or three
of the boys almost wholly Incapacitated by
sickness or injury. So , under tha circum
stances , they liave accomplished all that could
reasonably bo expected of them. During the
recent visit to St. Joe the team was deprived
of the services of one of the mainstays of
the club George Ulrlch. He had a little
finger Jammed back Into his fist In last Sun
day's game , and during the past five days
has been compelled to II" Idle. These con
stant drawbacks have caused a good deal ol
shifting around , and It was this that brought
about the pcor fielding that marred s > o mail }
games. With die team In anything llko de
cent shape , the Hutchlnson family should go
to the front In n canter.
"Hard luck stories , " observed Manager Me-
Vlttlo on his return from St. Joe yesterday
"are always In order , nnd every manager In
the country has a fund on hand at ono time
or another during the season , and he is al
ways willing to get rid of them at the first
opportunity. However , 1 haven't nriy fairy
tales to retail now , notwithstanding the tall-
emlcr.s have just finished mopping up a smal
section of St. Joseph vvllli us. Wo lost those
two first games down there through rottci
ball playing , and nothing else. Hard luck
had nothing to do vslth It. When Hutch's
boys did play ball , nnd that was on our las
Cay down there , Gussle Alberts' rejuvenated
JSalntB were easy ; Just like eating soup will
a fork. Hut that cuts no figure. The St Joes.
'aro ' CO per cent stronger today than they
have been any time this season , and fron
this on I5io team that beats them will have
to play ball. They are due for a string o
victories , or. I miss the mark. Alberts has
been on the hustle , and his team presents ai
almost entirely new front. His new men are
all strong onea. Percy Grlllln Is a beautlfu
fielder at short , and while he docs not hi
very hard or often , he has plugged up a blf ,
hole In the team. California McCarthy nm
old Emmet Seery In the field also constitute
a strong acquisition. Besides these they liavc
two new pitchers , Stultz and Dolan , and
think they will both pan out well. "
"About our new grounds. I think before
the middle of July the people will bo In lov
with them , It they are not already. Th
big field offers all there Is In the game fo
the players who guard that territory , am
from this on out errors out there should b
a rarity. The stand may be a trifle fa
back , but that Is unavoidable Just now. Le
the fans give us their support for the balanc
of the present season and next year we wll
get back at them with as handsome ground
and buildings as any In the country , no
excepting but ono or two parks In the Na
tlonal league. This Is all I can say on thl
head now , but the lovers of the great spor
can depend on Just what I say. Prepare fo
a treat In the way of magnificent now ground
next spring. "
"What do I think of the outcome of th
present race ? Well , I am willing to be
a bunch of bananas that Poorla doesn't win it
It ever a club has been smiled upon by th
fickle Goddess of Fortune It Is the ono whlcl
Fatty Dugdalo controls , but It Is about tlm
for a shift. You have noticed that Qulnc
lras JU9t got through lambasting Duigy's ; out
fit , and when we got them here day afte
' tomorrow we won't do a thing to them
They. j re here Tuesday , Wednesday an
Thursday , you know. We want those thre
games In our business. If wo don't ge
them , why , Peorla will , that's all. Just vvh
will land the coveted flag , I don't presum
to bo able to guess , but If pressed for a shoat
at It I would have to say Omaha. Let ou
pitchers once get In half respectable shap
and we will back In and win. "
1'aliivnr with tlio Hull Player * .
Jack Fanning , an ex-Omahan , Is pltchln
great ball for Minneapolis.
"Sandy" Grlflln has been released by Syra
CUSB. Bandy was a cracker four years ago.
Little Holllngsworth of the Llncolns Is Lin
coin's safest man at the bat at a , crltlca
Harry Kaymond Is playing a nice game fo
Detroit and la anxious to return to majo
league company ,
Manager Twltchell of Milwaukee Is aftc
loveral new players. He says he Is deter
mined to strengthen bis team.
Peorla seems to have the best two pitcher
In the association In Hanson and Thomas
Thomas Is an especially strong man.
Carter , Yale's crack pitcher , has strained
ligament In his pitching arm and it Is fcare
that he will not be able to twirl again thl
The question which Is agitating the mind
5t a great many Hockford people Is wher
President Kent gets Ms umpires. Hockfor
Manager Alberts has at lust made a bal
team out of the St , Joes , and from this o
out they will In all probability be heard fron
bard and often.
Pitcher Koach , who made such a phenomo
lal record In the Chicago City league , ha
joined the Omaha team. Sporting News
Haven't seen him.
Dad Clarke Is now New York's main de
pendence slnco Ihislo and Meekln are out o
form. It Is rather remarkable how the ol
jian has come again ,
In ono of the St. Joe-Dcs Molnes game
Purvis hit a ball against thu fence. Th
ball stuck between the boards and he go
three bases on the hit.
While tn Qulncy lately President Kent re
narked that tha Western association Is In th
leat sort of financial condition and that th
ro pecl are splendid for beating last year'
Umpire Vorlss had a merry reception In See
< oe and Ilockford. Ot course these team
est , not by Inferior playing on their part
h , no , It WAS "do umpire" every time ! Mr
tarlrj has resigned.
Miller ot the Cincinnati has * record tkul
on't be beaten this year In a league game ,
n eleven Innings at Philadelphia ho threw
our men out at first from right field and
ad another assist besides.
There was a deal on for the trade of
lolllngsworth of Lincoln to St. Joe for Jones.
, lncoln wanted Marcum , however , and the
? al fell through. Snapper Kennedy was to
lay short In Holllngsworth's place.
The New York club Is getting slowly but
urely Impressed with the opinion that two
Itchers do not make a championship team ,
nd that other teams , the superiors of the
Giants at the bat , on th9 bases and In the
eld , have some Hunles and Mecklns them-
KroJ PfefTer Is In Chicago now doing noth-
ng at nil but looking handsome nnd cluing-
ng his clothes six times a day. He has re
used to "serve out his ssnlence" In Louis-
Hie , and will b'do ' hh time until next year ,
vhen he will likely be playing second baser
or Anson's club.
The last night the Qulncys were here , says
he Hockford Gazette , quite a number of thnm
vero full up to the imi/zle , and made spec-
acles of themselves on the streets. They
mil an off diy ahead cf them , and thought
hey could get Into condition before they ar
rived In Jacksonville.
The Pcorlans seem fond ot Hockford's base
mils. They only stole five during and after
Sunday's game. Thomas walked away with
.hree under his sweater and Dugdale and
[ Jennott were each detected In attempting to
steil one during the game Hockford Star.
Harry Truby of the Grand Haplds team has
j3on released to Hockford.
The Tobeau brothers are doing yeoman
service for Cleveland this season. Pat has
always been n good man to stick Into a hole
where ho was neeJod , but George Is sur-
irlslng his best friends by the great work
Is doing at first It was n lucky day for
Cleveland when President lloblson decided
not to release him.
Abbey said his shoulder was lame yestcr-
lay , but the fact of the matter Is , he Is n
> lg baby and his heart weakened , says a
lockford authority. Nlcol could have had
ilm when ho was put on the block , but the
lockford manager realized that Abbey would
consider himself above hard work In this
eague , and no good results could be obtained
'rom him. Quincy has an elephant on her
Merles Is about the toughest acting ball
player ever seen on the local diamond. He
walks like a cow stuck In a mudholc and ho
looks as though he lived In the Inst houeo In
Tough street. But say , that boy Is a ball
player , In spite of the errors he made yes
terday. When he meets the ball It's all day
with the horsehldc. He knocked a line hit
yesterday that neirly took Underwood and
Burns off their feet before they could get out
of Its way. All they could do was to dodge ,
and they were lucky to escape then. Hock
ford Gazette.
Umpire Haskcll left last night for St. Joe ,
where ho will umpire today. Mr. Haskell
Is ono of the best umpires In the. field , and
lias given the most perfect satisfaction here
His Judgment Is quick and accurate , his
decisions firm and fair , and he allows no
rowdyism on the diamond. Umpire Ward
comes over from Jacksonville to preside at
the rest of the games. Qulncy Whig.
Manager Watkins of Indianapolis says that
ho considers the Western league fully as
strong as the old American association and
believes that It should bo given , a standing
along with the National league.
There came near being a fight on the
ground yesterda'y between the two French
men , Larette and Larocque. Larette Is as
quick as a cat and Larocque Is' strong as n
bull , and It they ever come together It Is
evident that there wouldn't be any grass
growing within forty rods of them after the
first round. Larocque Is entirely too windy
for nny use. He Is a bully and should be
treated as such by every umpire that has
any dealings with him. Burns found out
yesterday that the Qulncy captain could not
bo treated as a gentleman. Such fellows
should bo put oft the grounds. Hockfori1
The absurdity of sending a new man to bat
In place of a regular player Is demonstrated
by the fact that of all the men who were
sent up to sav'e the game In the last Inning
this season only two made hits. On May
Grady batted In Hodson's place for the Phil
lies and made a hit and run , and on May
21 Brcitensteln batted In place of Staley for
St Louis and made a hit. Plttsburg Post.
AH the National league clubs have nick
names. The Philadelphlas are called the
"Quakers , " the New Yorks the "Giants,1
Baltimore , the "Orioles , " Washington the
"Senators , " Broskjyn the "Bridegrooms , '
Boston the "Beaneaters , " Louisville the "Col
oncls , " St. Louis the "Done Browns , " Cleve
land the "Spiders. " Plttsburg the "Pirates,1
Chicago the "Colts. " Cincinnati the "Heds. "
Lew Camp made a great hit with the In
dlanapolls audience In the last St. Paul
Indianapolis game. Johnstone , Comlsky's
ciack pitcher , had been hit hard and the
Ilooslers were making TUPS as they pleased
Camp was playing left field and had beet
kept on the move all the time. In the slxtl
Inning , after a. particularly long chase , he
walked over to the bicycle stand , which was
at the -ildo of the field , and becurlng a whee
walked back In his territory and stood ready
to mount and go after the next ball hit It
his direction. Even Johnstonc's trouble !
countenance broke Into a wreath of smiles.
Old J mmet Seery , the orange merchan
who did such yeoman service for Omaha
last year , has Joined St. Joe.
Anent the It.icn nt llcnlcy and General Cut
loc Atlilotlc * .
Americans In London are taking a remarka
ble Interest In the Cornell crew , which It
trajnlng on the Thames for the grand chal
lenge cup for sculls In the Henley regatta
and the American ambassador , Mr. Bajard
spent ono afternoon watching the America !
representatives pulling over the course In
their shell. College men on this side cf the
Atlantic are scanning the cable reports with
equal Interest. This Is the first elght-oar2 (
crew which has crossed the Atlantic am
Americans are anxious to Know how the !
athletes compare with their British cousins
In what has always been one of the leading
English sports. While Cornell has not racei
Yale or Harvard In the last ten years their
'varsity crow has a list of eighteen consecu
live victories on the water , and they hold the
world's records for a mlle and one-half am
for three miles In eight ? , so they have a
valid claim as worthy representatives o
American aquatics. The English stroke
takes a longer sweep than the Courtney
stroke , which the Cornell boys pull , but Is
slower on the recovery and uses the arms
more. With the Courtney stroke the arms
are scarcely bent , the great muscles of the
legs and back do all the work , the recover ;
Is quick and the boat never lags betweei
The cour3 at Henley Is only a little over
a mile and a half , so the raca Is a race from
the start to the finish. The Henley crew
were selected with a view to this fact , and
are lighter than the average American eight.
But In practice they have been pulling a
tremendous stroke and In ono ot the practice
races with the freshmen crew they pushed
the stroke up to fifty a minute , which Is
something tremendous. Forty-four Is con
sidered a very rapid gait. The English
critics have conceded that the Cornelllans
are likely to lead at the start , but do not
think they can keep up their stroke over the
length ot the courp ? .
Mr. Courtney , unlike most coaches , speaks
freely of his hopes and fears , "If time com
parison goes for anything and my boys are In
shape wo shall give an accounting which will
surprise even the slow-going Englishmen.
Now , although the Leander club cr-ew In 1891
did the mile and 550 yards In G 51 , the crew
to do the next best time , 7-01 , was the
Thames How Ing club crew. While several
winners of the grand challenge cup have
done 7,03 , 7:01 : , 7:22 : , others have finished
first In the time of eight minutes , and
seconds from one to fifty
"Ot course the water on the lake and at
Henley differ as to conditions , the one offerIng -
Ing dead and the other live water ; still , the
difference In time would not bo greater than
ten seconds. If that much.
"So , you see , when It comes to time , why
the ch nc 9 of our making1 nn excellent showIng -
Ing seem to be good , assuming the while
that the crews to meet ours will only ba up
to the average. So far ns other things go ,
auch as rowing on strange water nnd In a
different climate , tha aspect of the affair
changes. Though not apprehending any evil
Influence on account of climate , there Is , ot
course , such a thing as our men , even with
over four weeks' rawing Over the cours , being
"In other reapsc's ' , such as rigging of boat
nnd crew , the boat lUrlf. the patent nwlvd
oarlocks , nnd oven the ran , will command
1 the respect ot tha critics , who , If Just , will
grant us an advantage over our English
cousins. "
Late advices from Henley are to the effect
li.n tha Cornell crew are rapidly becoming
ccllmatod to the British atmosphere and
hat they have taken to tho' court * over
vhlch they are to row for the diamond
culls like a duck takes to water. They
ro on the river dally , anl while viewed
vlth hypercritical eyco , are fast creating the
dca , dontcherno , that they arc In It , strictly
n It.
Coach Courtney Is a foxy old aquatic and
ic Is paving great attention to form and
tartlnK , and the way they are breaking
away and reaching n tbp speed stroke at
orty-clght li something somewhat rcmark-
blo , to say the least. The English Judges , w ho
are always great sticklers as to condition ,
iponly avow that the Cornell bojs nro too
Ight , that U PS a crew , nnd predict that
hey will not last But In this they will evl-
lently get fooled. American trainers ntu
alsa clcjo observants ot condition tn all
ipes of athletics and fully realize what a
ac'or wind Is In all muscular competition
low-ever , American trainers but seldom rave
over bulk , let It be In a rowing crew , ptiglllmi ,
iaso ball or any of the other sports where
great muscular development Is so much do-
> cnded on. The fact L , Courtney siys , that
ho members of hlo crew arc gutting heavier
hn ho likes , so kindly have they taken to
heir work nnd the country , and In the past
veelc ho has almost doublel their exercise In
order to keep them nt the notch ho has In
ils mind's eye. The greatest Interest Is
being taken In the Cornells nil over America
and the great Henley race may very properly
jo denominated the star event of the , oison
The final selection of the crew which will
row In the Cdrnell boat In this great Inter
national race has been made , and is as fol-
ows Matthews , Splllman , Hager , Kro'born ,
Fcnncll , Dyer. Louis and Hall. Courtney an
nounces that until the day of the race ho will
devote his entire tlmo to coaching the eight
men who have been finally selected to carry
the Cornell colors to victory. He expresses
Ills belief that the crew will Improve greatly
In the interim The men are all well , and
every one of them rows as fast as he did
before leaving home.
The rowing export of Vanity Fair , In an
article commenting on lite performances of
the Cornell crew , says.
"The Cornell men have a capital and very
elastic recovery , which many of the British
crows would do well to Imitate Their bodies
work squarely , their backs are straight , nnd
there Is no slouching at the finish of their
stroke. If they had more length of reach
and made more use of their bodies for a
swing , they would be very formidable , but
unless t'ney ' are cast In a stronger mould
than former American crews that have vis
ited England they will fall off greatly when
their piston action slide becomes weak The
Columbia four , vyhlch won the Visitors' cup
In 1878 , rowed a longer stroke than any of
their American competitors before or since.
yet even they were short In respect of swing.
The weak point of the Harvard four which
cnmo over In 18C9 was their want of recovery ,
whltlii , however , Is the least of the faults of
the Cornell crew. In the meantime , It Is
sufficient to say that the Cornell men give
better promise of speed nnd staying qualities
than any American crew that has visited
England. "
The recent agreement between Harvard and
Cornell to row nnd play base ball and foot
ball together for two years has been the
chief topic cf conversation In college circles.
Outsiders hardly realize the Importance of
this agreement , but to a man up a tree the
situation Is decidedly Interesting. Coming
as It does Just after Yale's demand for an
apology from Harvard for her charges of
brutality against Hlnkcy , Yale's foot ball cap
tain , and Harvard's flat2refusal to do anything
It looks very much like a break between the
bean-eaters and the great university of the
Nutmeg state. Yale's long supremacy In
athletics has. caused her to grow a trifle
dictatorial Two years ago they accused the
University of Pennsylvania of professlonallsn
and since then there have been no contests
In either base ball or foot ball betweer
Yale and Pennsylvania. Since Yalo's refusa
to row Cornell for a decade or more the
two universities have been at outs. Last
year. In spite ot Princeton's protests , Yale
succeeded In bulldozing the Tigers Into post
poning the annual Thanksgiving day game
at New York for a week , and a Thanks
giving day game 'In December proved a
fizzle &i far as attendance was concerned
Columbia has never brought glory to the
blue and white except on the track , and the
only hope for Improvement at present Is on
the water
So , while the situation among the flve great
universities Is more or less complicated , li
looks as If Yale would be the loser In a
break with Harvard. Yale would be con
fined In foot ball to a single big game anr
that with Princeton , and the Tigers have beei
defeated by old Ell , with the exception of
ono year , slnco 18S9. In base ball the New
England colleges have shown up well , so
hero It would not bo so bad , but on the
water the case would be decidedly embar
rassing. Yale has perslstenly retted to row
any one but Harvard A race with Col
umbia would probably be n mere procession
Unless Pennsylvania shows marked Improve
ment they would probably have to take
Yale's back water , and there Is little likeli
hood of Pennsylvania accommodating Yak
with a race If Yale rows C'ornell the
cvnllenge would have to come from Yale , wh el
would be like pulling out her eye teeth. It
Is also likely that Cornell would want to
lay down her own conditions , which woulf
be a very bitter pill for ' .he sons of Mil. Ant
to follow In Cornell's wake to England for a
race would make Yale feel as though black
had been made a combination with her
college color.
Harvard certainly has , the upper hand It
the situation. Yale will either have to back
water or take the consequences , which seem
anything but cheerful. It Is possible tha :
this may lead to some good after all by the
formation of a league , or a dual league
among the great athletic universities. Such
n league among Yale , Harvard , Cornell
Princeton nnd Pennsylvania would certainly
bo a solution As It is , no college has n
vulld claim to championship except In track
athletics , nnd squabbles and bickerings do
anything but meet the approval of a lover o !
fair play and true sportsmanship.
VV liUpL'rlnRS of tlmVhcol. .
A visit to the old Omaha fair grounds race
track any evening between the hours of 5 and
S Is almost as good as going to a race
meet. Such a crowd of racing men are In
training that one would naturally think upon
seeing the swarm on the track that halt the
wheelmen In the city were racing men. They
are clad In all kinds of costumes , some In
the modern racing suits , others In "blled1
shirts and long pants and many In only their
undershirts and pants , the pants being rollec
up to the knees , and such scorching and puffIng -
Ing and sweating ! They are each chasing the
other. Messenger boys , offlca boys , bookkeep
ers , clerks , and you might say nearly oven
branch of trade Is represented and they al
aspire to be fast racing men Some of them
bhow good speed , while others the more
they train the slower they ride , but doubtless
porno friend has held a watch on them am
to encourage them stretches the truth a little
and Informs the would-be that he Is riding
his miles at a 2 23 clip nnd the would-be then
sees visions of diamonds , pianos and sue )
prizes , which he thinks ho. will vsln at the
first rice meet In which ho participates. HB
then enters Into his training with st'.ll more
spirit than before , only to ride Plowcr each
day. Why ? Because he has no speed in
him. Ho has perhaps some friend who rides
fast and he thinks ho can bo fast also , but a
man must ba naturally speedy , must have
It born In him to win races nowadays. It Is
not like It was a few years ago , when racing
men were few , A man who was speedy thei
could win without a great deal ot hard work
but now he gees to a race meet and finds tha
ha Is pitted against twenty or thirty men
who are as fast as himself. He Is Informed
by the judges that there being so large a
Held at starters the race will have to be run
In heats , the first three men In each heat to
rldo In the final. Ho rides In his heat will
eight or ten others and If he qualifies ho Is
lucky. Then In a ghort time comes the final
In which those who have qualified compete
They ride It and If a nun secures one of the
three prizes which are offered he considers
himself fortunate , and perhaps the prize ho
wins Is actually worth $20 , and to win this
prlzo he has worked hard , besides spending
a great deal of time and perhaps more [ none ;
than the prize he has won Is actually worth
\nd then think of the others he has compete ;
against. They have won nothing and are ou
both their time and money. Unless a man li
exceptionally fast that Is , able to do a mile
In IMS or bettor ho had bStter let racing
alone. IIu will b a great deal better off In
tlm long run.
Councilman Mercer , who Introduced the recent
cent blcyclo ordinance , hu coma to the fron
again with a involution to have a path six
eat wide left unsprlnkled for the use of
ycllsls on nil > tbagbuslness streets which
mvo been heretofom flooded. Mr. Mercer
eos the necessity of having legislation to
govern blcyclo rldensl and ho Is not trying to
give them the wnrstiof It , but Is only doing
vhat ho thinks will iieneflt them In the long
The Omaha Whcot club will on Tuesday
ivtnlng give a Social for the club members
l their lady friends. Light refreshments
will be served end n general geol time Is ex
pected , All club mumbers are requested to
como and bring itheio ladles.
Mr. F. M. Harter , Isecretary ot the division
meet to bo heldiln Kearney the Ith and Bill
tut , Is In the oltyr getting entries , etc , , for
ho meet , *
Plattsmouth Opens her new tblrd mile
rack Thursday with a race meet. There are
six good events on the program nnd several
of iOmnha's fast ones have signified their In-
.entlons of going down to see Just how fast
'Happy Holloway" can tide at home.
Omaha will be well represented In the
state championships this year. Last year
Dinaha did not secure a championship , but
: ho year before made a clean sweep and got
them all. They are going to try the clean
swetp business ngnlnst this year. Galke ,
Fredrlckson , Mach , Edwood , Holton nnd
ley will all be starters In the champlon-
ihlps. Gadke Is comparatively a now man ,
> ut U showing n burst of speed that will
surprise them all. Last week he rorto tne-
eighth of a mile In thirteen seconds , which Is
moving a little Fredrickson IB doing good
work , but Is not up to the standard jot
With hard work ho will round to by the
4th. Mach and lllwood are both new men.
> ut are riding llko old timers and some fast
work may bo expected from both. Holton ,
the old veteran , Is showing good form and
will bo close to the front at the flnlih. Plxley
s riding stronger than over before Last
Thursday evening , In training , he role one-
lialf mile unpaced tn 1 00 , which Is class A ,
state record , for an unpaced holt.
The Omaha Wheel club Is making great
preparations for the state meet. They will
have a special car and will leave Omaha
with their ladles at G.50 the evening of the
3d and arrive In Kearney the next morning.
Each member will wear a uniform which will
consist of wh'te duck trousers , a red , black
and red blazer , white sweater with the club
emblem on the front nnd white yachting cap
They will endeavor to have a good time If
there Is such a thing possible. The "Ooo-
glers" will not be In evidence this year ,
therefore Kearney people may rest easy. '
The most popular abort evening run out of
Omaha Is the Twentieth street boulevard to
Florence. Every pleasant evening between
the hours of 7 and 9 the boulevard Is a masi
of cyclists and carriages , the cyclists out
numbering the carriages by about three or
four to one. By thp way , the surface of the
road Is almost as smooth as nt
phalt and the wheelmen take advantage of
this by taking a spin over It almost dally
There Is no street , road or boulevard west of
Chicago , the surface of which lyuny smoother
and better than that of the Dodge street
course , which Is sK miles In length. Wheel
men , however , do not frequent It FO much
for the reason that it Is quite hilly , but for
beautiful scenery It is unsurpassed by any
thing In this vicinity. Another popular even
ing ride Is the one out Leavenworth ftreet
to Park avenue and thence to the park , In
which the drives are beautiful and the riding
fine Five years ago the run to Council
Bluffs over the Douglas street bridge nnd the
newly paved street which lead to the "cltj
across the rlvfcr" was considered the finest
In this section of the country , but the pave
ment Is now In ball s.hape and the trip U
made by but few If any wheelmen who are
out for a pleasure trip.
It ls claimed that the wheelman who ran
Into the little Italian girl on Twelfth and
Capitol avenucj last week and was nearly
mobbed by the child's parents and friends
was riding at a greater speed than the new
ordinance allows , , If this U the case he
Should have been arrested and fined for his
conduct , as there Is no excuse for a wheel
man riding at a. speed greater than eight
miles an hour through the business ( streets
Parents , however , are very careless In al
lowing their clilldrdn to play in the streets
and there should be a law punishing the
parent who permits this. They run the
risk of having' tholr children dashed to the
ground and trrtmpled to pieces by run-away
horses , which 'are by no means uncommon
thesa days. '
Hodooed by n frying pan. Such was the
experience of the wheel club last Sundaj
and never before have I been called upon to
chronicle such a clear case of "got left , '
"passed up , " etc. , nnd I hope many long
days will go by before It happens again
But v\e had lots of fun nnyhow , nnd here
goes to tell It to you. If you prefer It In
poetry let me know and you can call at the
office for copies any time after I write It
The club run was called for Horseshoe lake
for a fishing party , but by unanimous con
sent It v\as changed for Kelly's , where some
of the boys celebrated the Sunday before , nnc
some of the Jealous members had to get oven
by having some fun up theie , too. So we
started. Six of us In the commissary wagon
and ten on wheels , every one telling some
body how many fish they were going to
bring home. Well , they didn't bring them
for if they had It would have been pub
lished the next day In both editions ; and
you didn't see it , now , did you ? . For a
mascot we took "Harvey" along and Harvey
took a frying pan to cook the fish In. That's
really Captain Potter's fault , for ho notified
every one they must catch fish or go
hungry , and the "coon" thought he had a
cinch. I'm quite sorry , of course , that he
failed to get a chance to show what a good
cook ho was , but we would be
hungry yet If we hadn't had a wagon
load of eatables that our German stew arc
was wise enough to purchase the night be
fore. The ride along the river was n de
lightful ono and It didn't seem to make
much difference to the boys whether thej
went fishing or not so long as they had the
"trap" In good running order , and the road
didn't have a fence across It to stop us
Finally , however , our destination was reached
and while the two "colored gentlemen" un
hitched and took care of the horses the
others unloaded the eatables , drinkables ami
tin cupables and got ready to dina. All
went merry as a marriage bell for an hour
or so. After that they were eating and
drinking as fast as Harvey and "Chocolate"
could up the excellent lunch , and If a
good dinner and a social glass of lake water
won't make a man merry It's time for him
to let some fellow take a shot at him. After
d nner n rush was made for the fishing boats
and In a little while the lake was as
speckled as mv name by those poor mis
guided boys who fondly Imagined that all
they had to do was to throw the hook In
the water and pull out croppies , bass and
piccolos by the hundred , but as I told you
before , they didn't do It , nnd that frying
pan was .the cause of U all , for If we hadn't
taken It I'm sure every fish market In town
would have been handling the O. W , C
brand for several days As for me , I , with
a couple of other good fellows , had n sail
boat and cruised the class c waters of Kelly's
until we wer ' called to referee a match
Tommy Collins had with n friend of some
body , nobody knows who , In a little game
of trouble , but''vve ' had to call It a draw for
one talked just as hard as the other nnd we
were forced to look elsewhere for genuine
excitement. But that was easy , for any one
a mlle away could hear Harvey as he called
out "come HI ! seben , " "big dick , " "little
Joe , " etc , and if or the next Hour it was bet
ter than a minstrel show. Probably the
game would stll ( be on If "Paddlefoot" hadn't
ordered the team ultched up , for It was
getting late and nil Decided It was about time
to start homo , In order not to be late to
church. And it's lucky we started Jusl
when wo did , After stowing nwa >
Cox's broken 'pedal , Brady's bursted tire.
Lavidge's smashed wheel , and a nunibar o )
rods , reels , lines , etc. , we "gentlemen ol
leisure" lit ouf pipes and cumbered up to
the high seats of our coach and made fun
of the boys who'were forced to push a bike
home while we took It easy. That was lovely ,
and the more we thought It over the more
we laughed. But somewhere In history I've
read of a case where"he who laughs last
laughs best. " and all old proverbs are- true ,
for wo hadn't got half a mile from the scene
of our day's merriment when one of the
whels was tired and needed a rest , anil
stopped to take It , without giving any no
tice whatever. Of course we fell easy , for It
wasn't over fiflojn or twenty feet from where
wo lit , lighted , or whatever you call It. and
whll3 some big fellow was making room
for me to get out , I was trying to cheer up
another , who was In a worse fix , Just about
the time we had all the pieces picked up
Jeff Bedford came along , and after listen
ing to cur talc of woo and viewing the
remains , he offered to assist us by sending
a ilvery team from Florence to meet us.
That was the very best we could do , and
as our deliverer faded from sight we sailed
Into the woods , and I cut down a tre > while
the other boys ate wild strawberries , told
lies , and watched me blister my hands as I
Initiated myself Into the Woodmen. The
log was about the right trick , and half en
icur later we darted again , that time with
3na man on the box driving , and , I'm sorry
.0 say , I wasn't that man , for my teet are
sere yet. Drill , drill , drill , and for fully
seven miles our Trllbys patted the ground
up hill nnd down dale , doing a quickstep that
would make the Thurston rifles jealous.
Florence was already In sight when wo spied1
our rig Mr. Bedford had ordered. It
was Sunday , you know , and the
lielles and beaux ot Florence
wcro telling funny stories In all the car
riages the town afforded , and we were mot
by something that was a cross between n
country band wagon nnd a hny rack nnd
guaranteed to shake a person's shoes oft. But
It beat walking , nnd It wasn't long until
the wagon WHS filled by several tired young
men , who hunted In vain for a soft spot on
those boards. As we passed Fort Oinnha ,
I heard a soldier's clock strike 9 , and at the
next corner J looked nt my watch nnd It was
9.30. Either we were going slow or oho
the clock was wrong , I don't know which.
At last a motor came In slgjit and sean we
were started homeward for certain , nnd ns
wo spun along with a refreshing breeze blowIng -
Ing on us we Just commenced to realize how
tired nnd hungry wo were , nnd the rest of
the wny all you could henr was Mnurer's ,
sirloin steaks nud sleep. Well , we hnd
them. Just as It's written , nnd now It's over ,
wo tell our frknd > It's the finest time we
ever hnd and wo'ro going ngntn next Sunday
and take them with us. But will wo go ?
I got a tip from Kearney n short time ngo
that If the "Googlors" were going In full
force ns claimed nil the residents of the
city will vacate their homes. Whether It's
to accommodate the crowd or because they
are afraid of the unearthly nolso 1 failed to
hem.From what I'vo heard from the boys nnd
girls around/this city a blcyclo will be a
scarce article In the streets liero the Fourth
of July , for they all say Kearney for them
Of course I don't believe nil of them , for ,
as a matter of course , some of them will get
disappointed ; besides that , mnny moro sny
they nro going when they haven't the slight
est Intention Nevertheless , a big crowd Is
assured and the committee on transportation ,
nrrnngemcnts , etc. , Is Jumping for Joy nlready
over Its success In making up the list they
have. With lots ot lady members , the
funny "Goog'.crs" and Jolly outsiders I think
Iho Omnha crowd will be worth going miles
to see , and I'm sorry I can't go to help out ,
but the fates arc dead against me.
The Knox Wheel club was organized some
six weeks ago , thirteen members signing the
constitution. Rev. Asa Leard , pastor of the
Knox Presbyterian church , was elected presi
dent ; Miss Perlo Ochlltreo , secretary ; Dr. S.
E. Lsard , club surgeon , and H. L. Tostovln ,
captain. Since that date the membership has
Increased very rapidly until now the Knox
boasts of having more women In Its ranks
than all of the other bicycle clubs In the city
combined. Last Friday night the club mem
bers took a spin out to Irvlngton and upon
their return they rode direct to the residence
of Dr Leard , where Mrs. Leard had prepared
a delicious lunch. The following named par
ties made the run : Misses Florence Bete-
bener , Eva Beach , Lizzie Games , Maude
Cooper , Mntle Cannon , Hattlo Ivans , Madge
Leard , Cora Martin , Perlo Ochlltree and
Messrs. Oscar Allison , Favetto Leard , Ed
Lower , Asa Leard , Dr. S. E. Leard , Carl
Ochlltroe , Charles Stokes and Ed H. Wedge
The Invited guests who went out with the
club were Miss Blanche Lyons. Wlllard
Barrows , George Cone and Frank McConnell
Prom n 'lutirliit'a A'oto Hook.
Blair today ! You nro going , are you not ?
The "Boulevard run" last Wednesday evenIng -
Ing was a grand success and was ably
handled by the ladles.
Some of the club men who aspire to become
future 55 mmermaug will take part In the bene
fit race to bo given by the Council Bluffs boys
on the 87th.
Several of the club members will try to
make Tekamah and return today. They will
so arrange their spin that they will take their
dinner at Blair with the club.
"Grandpa" Sancha has grown giddy In his
old age and l.s cavorting around on a brightly
enameled new mount. George , hope ycur
presence will grace our runs often.
Charlie Barnum piloted n party of two over
the Tekamah century course lest Sunday and
now will make application to the Century
club. Chief Centurion Hynes , you have a v c-
tlm to spring your Initiation ceremony upon.
The dabtardly assault on Mr. Huston last
Wednesday evening Is a matter that should bo
locked thoroughly Into. If the assault was
unprovoked the Amateur Cycling club should
take It up and make an example of the bad
citizens who committed It.
It Is rumored that our first lieutenant has
grown tired ot the onerous duties of a road
officer and Intends to give up riding for the
balance of the season. Hope this is only
rumor and that our dashing leftenant will be
with us In the futura , as faithfully as In the
Tuesday evenings hereafter will be known
as "ladies' nights" until the evenings be
come too cool to enjoy a wheel trip The
runs scheduled for that evening will be man
aged entirely by the lady members of the
club. The spins will all be pleasant and
short Every lady member should nttcnd
and help to make the runs a success.
The club members to the number of eighty
or more were photogrnphed at Hanscom park
Sunday morning by Heyn. The pictures are
splendid and can be obtained of Mr , Heyn
at n special price made to the club. The
large ones especially make a' fine wall
decoration when framed.
The club enjoyed Its outing nt Bellevue
last Sunday. Only ono little feature mnrred
the trip the people who were to furnish the
dinner failed to do so and the citizens kindly
volunteered to feed the hungry cyclists In
parties of ten. Every one obtained a good
dinner and felt relieved. The game of ball
between the Toozers and Hosfords was a
lively battle and resulted In a victory for the
former score , 12 to 4. The game was
played at the range In the afternoon. The
club rode down together and home again In
same order.
The board of officers of the Tourist Wheel
club met last Tuesday evening in Secretary
Nowcomb's office and after two hours' bird
work arranged the prize list into a tangible
shape. The prizes have all been donated by
friends of the club and , while not costly , arc
sufficiently so to attract the attention of the
club members and draw them Into the
friendly contests for mileage , club attend
ance , hill climbing and century runs. The
ladles were not forgotten , as a nice list of
prizes was arranged for them to compete
for. The different contests were classified as
follows : Class A Mileage made with the
club , with nine prizes. Class B Attendance
on runs , with flve prizes. Class C Applica
tions for membership , with four prizes , dais
D Hill climbing , with flve prizes. Class E
Centuries , with three prizes ; also three prizes
for best time on any century , run. For best
attendance on ladles' runs during the season
and best mileage made , six prizes. A special
prize , a gold medal , will go to the League of
American Wheelmen * member making best
mileage during the Beacon. The rules will bo
forthcoming next week.
Qnetllons anil Answers ,
CHAWFORD , Neb , June 17. To the SportIng -
Ing Editor of The BeeIs thera a bill player
by the name of Blttlnger playing on the
Omaha Western association team ? Please In
form me through the base ball columns of
The Bee for the purpose of Eettllng a wager.
F. P. McMahon.
Ans. No. There Is a Bltt nger on the
Omaha University club team , however.
OMAHA , Juno 20. To the Sporting EJItor
ot The Bee. Will you please let me know
In Sunday's paper where Langeford ot last
year's Omahas Is ? A. Maloney.
Ans. With Memphis.
INDIANOLA. Neb. , June 22. To the Sport
ing Editor of The Bee : Should money wa
gered be drawn on forfeited game base ball ?
F. B. Duckworth.
Ans. No. Everything goes with the um
plro's decision.
SIOUX FALLS , June 20. To the Sporting
Editor of The BeeIs It a flxcd fact that
the big championship fight between Corbett
and Fltzslmmons ls to come off at Dallas ,
Tex , next October , and what do you think
of It ? An Old Reader.
Ans. It looks safe to say that It Is. Joe
Vendlg , who represents the Jacksonville
Athletic club , has seemingly consented to
allow Dan Stewart , a leading Dallas sport , to
handle the affair on shares , and Stewart
1ms made It plain that he ci..i carry the big
contest through during the state fair there
next fall , All of those Immediately con
cerned are satisfied with the arrangements ,
and as It seems to bo a settled point that
there will ba no Interference from the author
ities , there U apparently nothing to hinder
the mill taking place , unless It be that one
of the principals falls 111 or weakens ,
A Belt of Pneumatic Tires Almost Encircle
the Earth ,
The Subject Dlnciuscil hj nil I'lnlnoiit Dtic-
tur llortlilcrliiE tha Hmlnto Orlontnls
mill Mlinnlntlng .Modern 1'rogrcM
Storlci About U heelers.
Dr. Just Champlonnlere , an eminent mem
ber of the French Academy , discusses In n
Paris publication the physical effect of
bicycling on women. Ho sees In the blcyclo
something that Is destined to play a moro
Important role than anything that has jet
appeared In physical training. The blcyclo
Is an actuality , and whether welcomed or not
It has given birth to a fashion. But It Is a
fashion , he. maintains , that will not pass
away as other fashions have , however much
that fntc may bo desired by those who bear
It no good will.
The blcyclo has come to stny ns surely as
the railroad , because , like the latter , he
savs , It responds to a need , a general social
demand. The Introduction of a now sport ,
ho assures us , may lead to many new nnd
unexpected consequences In the morals and
costumes of a people. The most curious
consequence ot the present movement Is the
adaptation of the blcyclo to women , or
rather woman's adaptation to the bicycle.
This fact , ho says , Is yet a surprise to
many , who prefer to see In It but n fever , n
fad born of the folly of Imitation , rather
than to search the real cause of woman's
Infatuation with the wheel.
"I'm willing to add to the surprise ot these
superficial observers , " continues the doctor ,
slyly , "by saying thnt It Is more natural for
women to mount the blcyclo than for men.
Doubtless they fall where extraordinary per
formances of speed or endurance which
characterize man Is required , but for grace
nnd regularity of motion woman Is man's
superior In the use of the bicycle. "
Here Dr. Champlonnlero enumerates the
cause of w Oman's superiority. The blcyclo ,
while an Instrument of gymnastics , Is at the
same time an apparatus ot progress , and of
equilibrium. For progression It exacts but
a minimum expenditure of force , vihlch In
moderated movements Is very Inferior to the
expenditure made In walking. Equilibrium
Is attained without effort through a combined
and harmonious movement of the muscles.
It Is this necessary harmony of the move
ments which completes woman's triumph on
the bicycle. Woman cycles well as she
dances well. No one will dispute this su
periority of woman , even when the dance
exacts vigorous effort.
Among acrobats , who exercise at the same
Mine strength and equipoise , women , he says ,
even when they are physically Inferior to
men , are more perfect and harmonious In
their movements. A woman on the blcjcle
finds not only occasion to e\erclso these In
clinations of her organization , but derives
therefrom a veritable satisfaction.
Woman has established beyond doubt , the
doctor says , that the bicycle does not subject
her to an expenditure of force to which she
Is not equal. She recognizes In the bicycle
the most "measurable" of all Intruments of
muscular exercise. Not only can the bicycle
be worked at the least expenditure of force ,
but the expenditure at all times can be
graduated ,
This new exercise , the doctor recognizes ,
calls for a radical change In costume. The
half masculine attire attracts her , but her
taste and good sense , he Is confident , will
eventually evolve something attractive and
convenient. The tangible outcome of the
Innovation the doctor hesitates to predict.
Certainly the first result observed is the
general development of the muscalar system
"I have seen , " he says , "women obliged to
change all the armholes of their gowns , so
great was the muscular development of the
top of their shoulders Another fact observa
ble today is that enlarged muscles can be
retained until advanced age.
"Bicycling Imparts to woman's walk more
assurance One feels In her presence con
fidence In her strength.
"Her walk hitherto has often been uncer
tain , irregular. She would hesitate to ad
vance or pass In hastoIn a dangerous place ,
and would run the greatest risks because she
did not know how to measure the danger. "
Bicycling , he sajs , puts her on the alert.
The necessity ot not being knocked down
teaches her very quickly to direct herself
\\lth assurance and to perceive at a glance
all the obstacles of the way.
Begun at an early age , the continuous ex
ercise of the bicycle will have a marked In
fluence on the Judgment and the character.
Tha bicycle , he tolls his readers , reduces
flesh , first , because the exercise In itself pre
serves combustion In proportion to the ma
terial consumed. Women who preserve suf
ficient activity are certainly less prone to
premature corpulency , while those who are
not corpulently Inclined , but Indulge In bad
hygiene , find that the bicycle obliges them to
take better care of themselves. They will
be bstter able to support Increased flesh when
the proper period for It arrives. But one
ought not to count too much on reducing
flesh by the use of the bicycle , he assures
his readers. When thinness Is desired
through active exercise a special regime Is
In short , this erudlto Frenchman , who Is
evidently a veteran bicyclist , sees In the
legitimate , reasonable exercise of the wheel
the physical and moral regeneration of
woman , and through her mankind.
Ever since the Invention of the bicycle It
has been regarded ns moro or less an un
sociable diversion , or at least as not exactly
suited to the needs of , say , a young married
couple who liked to wheel , but didn't care to
go out and leave the baby at home with the
But now the kind Inventor has come for
ward and done away with all these troubles
of married wheel riders. The latest Improve
ment for bicycles Is n frame which Is known
as a "coupler. " It fastens two machines to
gether side by side nnd makes a four-wheeled
vehicle of them. Two braced rods are
clamped to the frames near the front and rear
hubs and another rod holds the steering gear
of each machine so thaj. when the handle
bars of either are turned the steering wheel
of the other turns In the same direction.
The apparatus Is very simple nnd adds only a
few pounds to the weight of the bicycles.
With It a man can take his wife out for n
ride with no necessity to study constantly
to keep within conversing distance of her.
To settle the baby question , all that Is needed
Is some little Improvement In the way of n
seat which can be fastened In the nmple
space between the two wheels. A little tot
could bo strapped In It much ns It Is made
fast to a high chair and would enjoy the
exhilaration of a spin through the parks as
much as Its psrsnts.
The arrangement by which two bicycles are
coupled together has met with much favor
and Is frequently seen on the New York
boulevards. It Is Intended primarily as a
means for a social tour of n lady and gentle
man. When a fatiguing hill Is reached
he can gallantly do all the work , If neces
sary , to the summit. It Is also usnd In the
Instruction of timid womrn The machine ! !
may readily be uncoupled and In case of dis
agreement the cjcllsts may return separately.
"The discovery and progressive Improve
ment of the bicycle , " sava the New York
Tribune , "Is of more Importance to mankind
than all the victories and defeats : of Na
poleon , with the first and second Punic wars
and any othsr number ot clamorous historic
conflicts thrown In. U U now only In the
first steps of Its progress , though It has
made Its way around the world , and U every
where extending Its field ot use with mar
velous rapidity All European countries use
It , and It has spun over the Asian border ,
bewildering the sedate and leisurely Ori
entals with Its lightness and brightness and
peed , as of gazelles and dromedaries , and
It U quite possible that tha crand Turk and
the Shnlk ul Islam may In no long time
adopt them , not only In prlva'a use , but In
tholr cer monlal professions , giving them
official and religious sanction and encourag
ing the faithful to follow their example.
"Islam on wheels liutoaj of mules and
camels or tolUomely afoot will ba a spectacla
not prophesied tn tha Koran , but probably
Invading none of Its precepts , and It U qulto
sure to come about In some , degree groatlp ,
to the advantage of that numerous ami
rather lary people. Damascus and IHgdnU
and Samnrcand and Ispahan and Bassorah ,
perhaps M'dlnah Itself , nnd holy Mecca , will
came to have their wheeling club . with local
practitioners scoring the finest records , Al
ready they nre heard of In Japan , where
the natives nre about to engage In their
manufacture , and they have begun tholr pro.
press In India nnd China , where they will
no doubt In tlmo spread nil over the penin
sula and the empire. Corea and Manchurl.t
will lose no time In adopting them , nnd
there Is the whole Indian Archipelago , with
Its hundred races , anxiously awaiting Its ad
vent. It promises to usurp the dominion ot
the whole world , which Is In nny degree
clvllbed , nnd to extend the power ot man
In moving to nnd fro In a greater degree
than any device ever adopted.
"It Is not likely that nil Ingenuities ard
vet exhausted In Its structure. A good many
Improvements may > ct nwalt It , the most
Important of which would be a propelling
motor , mitigating the somewhat crafting leg
action now required , and perlnps allowing
the rider a more gracuful attitude than the
one he sometimes assumes nt present , A
blcyclo that would run Itself with nny de-
sited degree of swiftness up to a reasonable
limit , only requiring to bo steered and bal-
nnced , would be the Ideal Instrument , unit
nn nrmy ot Inventors Is engaged upon the
problem. Perhaps they will solve It somn
day. Meantime the wheel In Its present
state of development Is n thing of beauty
and Joy worthy of the pieans of celebration
which everywhere go bcfors nnd follow It.
The Goddess Fortune Is generally depleted
ns running a unlcjcle , but that Is now be
hind the age She should motint a blcyclo ,
either In divided skirts or otherwise , as to.
her divinity may appear most becoming
a single amulet answered very well In tha
old mythologies , but nn ndded ono will bj
found n convenience ev n by the cnprlcloui
Olympian goddess mentioned , doubling tin
frequency of her visits to mankind , If not
Increasing the profusion of her gifts. "
Spoke. * .
Inventions for the benefit of the cyclist art
being made dally , but of the additions tin
electric searchlight to bo worn on the rldor'i
cap Is , perhaps , the most pronounced , A
small storage battery of about eight hours'
capacity Is carried on the wheel or In tha
pocket , nnd n body wire leads from It to tin
terminal points on the back of the cap. Tha
lamp Is detachable and weighs about one and
a half ounces nnd Is arranged to be fastened
to the top of the visor of the cap. BacK
of the little Incandescent lamp Is a strong
reflector The great advantage claimed fo ?
It Is that the light Is always focused In th
same direction fiat the rider looks , and belna
on the visor of the cap the eyes are pro
tected from the bright rays which light th
Among the mnny foolish extremes to vvhlclt
parental fondness runs none Is moro ln <
sensate than the carrying of Infants on bi
cycles. So long ns the machine holds up tin
bit of humanity Is safe , being * id fastened
that It can not fall off. DuUheraJs nervom
tension throughout , as may bo clearly aaei
from the frightened and anxious look on tin
baby's face. The vibration , too , tells serl ,
ously on the Immature norves-"vvhlle If there T
be n nip In the nlr , the motionless child li
apt to become deadly cold. All Ihls , how.
ever. Is as nothing compared with the perl'
of an upset.
L H. Bliss , "the biggest wheelman ot
earth , " Is one of Chicago's curiosities In tin
bicycle line. It Is hard to believe that n mat
six feet flve nnd one-half Inches tall and
weighing 487 pounds can ride a twenty-five- *
pound bicycle and not break H to smith *
ereens. Bliss does It , though , and enjoys It.
In fact , he seems to bo getting fat on It.
He is not one of the "fast brigade" among
the Chicago riders , but he can get over the
boulevards with great ease and comfort to
himself and at a pace that sometimes makes
his riding companions "puff hard. "
Alton E. Porter , son of J. W. Porter ol
Boston. Mass. , Is probably the youngest bl
cycle rider who racas against time and "goes
after" the records. Although only 4 yeara
and 10 months old he has ridden ono third ot
a mlle In one minute and five seconds nnd
made t\\enty-fl\o miles In three hours and
flvo minutes.
F. H. Burton of Chicago has Invented aii
ndjustlblo blcyclo handle bar which these
who have examined It claim Is "a good
thing. " By this Invention the handle bar
mny bo elevated to any desired height and
placed In any daslred position without the
rider's dismounting from his wheel.
The bicycle Is becoming a familiar sight
in Greece and the Holy Land. A blcyclu
club has recently been formed In Salonlca ,
the Thessalonlca of old.
Bicyclers who frequent the roads about
Now York occasionally tee n strange sight.
It Is a cycling club competed of eight per
sons. They rldo a queer machine , consisting
of eight full size ! safeties Joined together by
nickel bars. The man on the foremost
wheel docs the steering nnd nt times shouts
directions to the others , for the seven who
rldo the rear snfetles nro blind. They are
members of a school for the blind , who are
taken out dally for runs with their teacher.
Among the familiar turnouts which have
been causing amusement In Chicago was a
party consisting ot a man , his wife and the
family dog. The dog , which was rather
small and quite handsome , was perched on a
small bracket or scat Just behind the handle
bars of the man's machine , The seat waa
covered with handsome velvet anJ < the dog
appeared much pleased with his novel posi
Molt ICcintirUablo Hull Giinien.
COUNCIL BLUFFS , Juno 21. To the
Sporting Editor of The Bee : Will you please
publish a statement of the best games ot
base ball that have been played since the
game has been a national ono ? R. H Hill.
Ans That would bo an Impossible under
taking , but If you mean the most remarkable
games , I will say that the game plajed In
Cincinnati two years ago this month was ono
of them , and the most remarkable over played
In the Nat'onal ' logue. II was between Cln.
clnnatl nnd Chicago , and for twenty Innings
the eighteen men battled for n decision which
cnme In the shape of n drnw , each club hav
ing scored seven runs Comlskoy put cut
twenty-seven men at first base , The Clncln-
natls had men on bases every Inning except
the eighth , twelfth , thirteenth , fifteenth' , sev
enteenth , eighteenth , nineteenth and twontV-
oth , while the Chlcagos had one or moro men
on tlin lines In every Inning except the
seventh , eleventh , twelfth , thirteenth , four " * n
teenth , sixteenth , seventeenth , eighteenth nndt
twentieth. Altogether It was a most remark
able game.
No other contest In the league has ever approached
preached this one In the number ot Innings
played , excepting the game between Provi
dence and Detroit , played In Providence , Au
gust 17 , 18S2. The Providence club made the
only run ot the gameIn the eighteenth inning
and won.
The longest game on record , however , wa fv'
played at Devil's Lake , N D. , July 18 , 1801 ,
between the Fargo and Grand Forks clubs.
Twenty-five Innings wera plajed.
The longest championship game was be
tween the Tacoma and Seattle clubs of the
Pacific Northwest league , at Tacoma , Wash. ,
May 1(5 ( , 1891. Twenty-two Innings , score C to
5 In favor of Tacoma.
The longest exhibition game on record was
that between the Harvards and Manchester *
at Boston , May 11 , 1877 , twenty-four Innings
bring played without a run being scored by
either club , Coggswcll of the Manchester !
put out thlrly-ono men at first bate without
an error.
In 1877 the old Buekcjcs and the Tocum-
sehs , of London , Canada , played an elghtcon-
Innlng draw game at Columbus. Barnlo and
McCormlck were the Buckeyes' battery and
P. rers and Goldsmith did the battery work
for the Tceumsehs.
The .longest amateur game was played at
GlrarJ college. Philadelphia , Juno 29 , 1878 ,
between the college team and the Yeagor
ulub , composed ot Philadelphia amateurs.
Twnnty-ono Innings were played , the score
being 10 to 7 In favor of the Yeagors.
The shortoit game on record was between
the Dayton and Ironton clubs , forty .seven
mlnute , at Dayton , 0 , September 19 , 1884.
lllcjrvln Unco ut Unlrerilty I'urU.
On next Saturday. Juno 29 , the University 4
club will hold a twenty-five mlle blcyclo racoon
on the track at their grounds on North
Twentieth street. This race will be open to
all amateurs and the prizes will bo of such
value as to render It worth the while of the
best riders of this vicinity to compete. 81
far those who have signified an Intention ot
entering nro Frclrlckson , Holloway , I'lxlcy ,
Morgan , Holtcn and possibly Edgehlll , Tha
track In a quarter-mllo clay track and Is beIng -
Ing kept In the best of condition by a nun
who thoroughly understands that kind vt