Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1895, Part III, Image 17

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- 4 * * * + * * * * + * * * * + * *
By far the largest crowd of people ever gathered together under one roof in this city were at our grand opening sale yesterday. From the time the doors were
first opened in the morning until after ten at night the store was one continual jam of eager buyers buyers who needed not to be experts to see the wonder
ful values for the prices were a revalation--nothing like them had ever been seen here before nothing like them had been thought possible. But there are
bigger surprises in store for you for if you come Monday and this week you will find that nothi" ; , s impossible to the
New York Store
and Underwear
We make1 Ifiosc. the lowest prices on
the beat , newest ami freshest goods
every olio a Jilg bargain.
Ladles' Black Hose 5c.
Over 200 dozen black Hose of the lOc
grade go on solo at only Cc a pair this
Fast Black Hose Sic.
They are cotton ; they are fast black ;
the flnost bargain for the money ever
shown In Omaha.
Ladles' Seamless Hose 15c
Wo guarantee them to be absolutely
fast and worth every cent of 23c ; our
price Is only IGc.
Ladles' Summer Vests 4c.
At less than Jialf value wo ought to
have no trouble of disposing of these at"
4c. 8c , lOc , 15c , 25c.
Perfect Summer Corsets 38c.
You pay 65c for this same Corset ;
light and airy , perfect titling , the Cor
set we sell for 3Sc.
Men's Blak Hose Sic.
Wo make this price on IIoso that re
tail the world over at IGu to get ac
quainted with the men.
Men's Bnlbrlftunn Shirts 25c" .
Your choice of over 10Q dozen flno
Dalbrlggan Shirts and Drawers at 25c
Men's Negligee Shirts 39c.
There's not a better Slilrt for 7Ec than
the ono wo sell for 39e ; Just the thing
for summer.
Men's Suspenders lOc
Silk flnlB.1i Suspenders ; almost llko giv
ing them away to sell them at lOc a
New York Store
. . -
We are making a bid for your trade ,
and whllo we make price on object , wo
don't lose sight of the quality.
Fine China Silks 19c.
We give you your choice of over 50
pieces of China Slik suitable for fancy
work at 19c a yard.
Fine Wash Silks 2nc.
Never In your life did you buy any
thing anywhere near as good as these
Wash Silks at 2Gc.
Oooc ! Taffeta Silks 59c.
Beautiful checks many new designs
even at the price of D9c , which Is way be
low value.
Fine Taffeta Silks 68c.
There never was n finer assortment of
novelties In checks and stripes than
these at CSc.
Elegant Taffeta Silks 89c.
Patterns of the latest and most ap
proved designs ; the most sought aflcr
line In the city.
Finest Taffeta Silks 98c.
In checks , stripes and figures , a beau
tiful line of colors to select from ; our
price , 38c.
New York Store
Dress Goods-
Wo Intend to have n largo sllco of
the trade In Omaha If prices are any
Inducement. What of these ?
Jlna DPJSS Chillis 2Jc.
You have been paying all the way
from Gc to 8c for the very same goods
hat we sell for Z c
Fnst Color Dimities 8Jc.
Deaiitiful goods , In all the very latest
patterns. The price .should almost clean
us out of them.
Novelty Dress floods 8jc.
The very latest summer styles ; all
other stores retail them for 16o to 20c ;
our price Is
French Wool Chatlls 19c.
In both light and dark grounds ; tlie
most varied assortment of patterns ever
shown at 19c.
Staple Checked ( ilnghams 3c.
Go and Go Is the price the world over
for these , but wo make the price 3c
because wo want to see you.
Fine Outing Flannel , 3c.
Good quality light and dark Outing
Flannel ; a big lot of It on sale now nt
only 3'/4c a yard.
Elegant Shirting Percales 3c.
Every piece waranted fast color ; you
have hundreds of pieces to cheese from ;
our price Is only
New York Store
and Sheeting
Every nook and corner In the store Is
loaded with many a bargain bargains
that you cannot afford to miss.
1'nro Linen Towels lOc.
These are large size , elegant Towels ,
and we have plenty of them to go around
nt lOc a Towel.
Knotted Fringe Towels 25c.
The finest Towels In the land , with
fancy knotted fringe , will bo on sale for
only 25c a Towel.
wanted the president to adopt the most extreme -
tremo measures as to the carrying on of the
war. I was a little more conservative , and
the large conservative element of the dis
trict rnado mo their candidate. The result
was that I was nominated , and the opposing
democratic candidate was an editor , who
was then In jail on account of disloyalty.
Ho had been ordered there by Secretary
Stanton , and the Issue was a straight one
of for the union or against It.
"You can hardly Imagine today the situ
ation In 1S02-C3 , " Senator Allison continued.
"The democratic party was strong and the
republican party had been depleted by the
volunteers for the war , which had , you know ,
been called for again and again.
"In organizing my regiment for the army
I noticed that nine-tenths of them were re
publicans , and In looking over the congres
sional field I found that If all these votes
were to bo lost I would probably be defeated.
The men were to EO away to the field In a
few days. If I could have their votes I
would bo elected. How to get them I did
not know. I worried over the matter , and
finally decided that If their' votes could be
taken In the field It would save not only
this congressional district to the republican
party , but others In different parts of Iowa.
It was then a recess of the legislature , bow-
over , and such a measure would require legis
lative action. I concluded to go to Governor
Klrkwood and get him to call an extra scis
sion. I dIJ so , spending all the night on
the train to go from Dubuque to Davenport.
There was no direct road then , and I had
to go out Into Illinois and there connect
with the Chicago , Uurllngton & Qulncy and
coino back. I presented the situation to
the governor. I tolil him that It was cer
tain that Wilson could not be elected and I
Joubted whether I could be , but that my
chances were better than his. Governor
Klrkwood dIJ not think the matter so seri
ous at first , but upon my showing him the
real status of affairs he said that If I would
go and get a letter from Senator Grimes ad
vising the matter ho would call the extra
session. Klrkwood had a great respect for
GrimeJudgment. . I then went to see
Grimes , He lived at Uurllngton and I
walked from the train to his liou. = e. I was
told ho was down In the city. I looked him
up anl found him In a grocery store owned
by a young man named Gear , the same young
man who has Just been elected from my state
to take Wilson's place In the United States
eenate. Well , I presented the situation to
Senator Grimes. He laughed at first , but I
soon allowed him that I was right , and ho
said :
" 'Well , If that Is so. and I think It Is , we
will certainly lose two districts In congress
If the governor does not call an extra ses
sion. If I were him I would not hesitate
a moment. I would not only call a session ,
but I would make this the basis of the call. '
"Hero I saw my chance , and said :
" 'Governor Klrkwood pent me to you to
find out what you thought about the matter ,
and to bring him an answer. Now , if you
think that there should oe an extra cession
he would llki to know It , and I would llko
to carry him a note from you saying so. '
"Senator Grimes then gave mo a note to
Governor Klrkwood stating that I bad called
upon him about the matter and that I was
very much alarmed over the situation. In
this note he wrote about as follows : 'I am
more sanguine as to the patriotism of the
people of Iowa than Allison , but I think that
the situation Is such that an extra session
of the legislature ought to be called upon
this question. The expenses of such a meetIng -
Ing will be a liigatello In comparison with
the great Issues Involved. '
"I took this note back to Governor Klrk
wood. He called a meeting of the legisla
ture , and our soldiers were voted In the field.
We tent , I think , three commissioners , and
their votes were taken and returned , and
through this we got a republican delegation
from Iowa In congress , and I was one of the
members. Soon after this , I think , " said
Senator Allison , "the other states of the
north adopted the same rule as to taking the
votes of the soldiers In the field , but I be
lieve that Iowa wag the first to attempt this ,
and that I may. to a certain extent , be called
the author of the movement. At any rate ,
It , wa through tbli tbat I came to congreiv ,
Oood Toweling 2Sc.
Nearly 100 pieces of this Toweling ,
that you Invariably pay Go for , go ou
sale only 2ic.
Linen Toweling GJc.
All linen Toweling , the kind you've
been paying lOc for , goes wltJi us at
CV c a yard
4-4 Brown Sheeting 3 3-4c.
Yard wide Brown Sheeting , of very
good quality , will be on sale now at
only 3ic a yard.
Fine 4-4 Sheeting 5c.
Very fine quality Sheeting all you
want of It , if you como early , at only Gc
a yard.
New York Store
The newest and latest-novelties In the
city Just arrived from Now York and
Parisian markets ; 1,000 doren Flowers ,
large assortment.
Flowers lOc.
Hyacinths , daisies , bluetts , forget-me-
nets , are worth from 50c to 75c ; our
price , lOc.
Flowers 19c.
Roses , violets , lilacs , popples ; goods
that bell everywhere In the city at $1.00
and $1.25 ; our price , 19e.
Flowers 25c.
A largo assortment of Flowers , all
colors and styles , sold at $1.25 and
$1.50 ; our price , 25c.
Sailor Hats 9c.
Sailors , sold everywhere . . . nt - GOc - . , our
price , 9o
Sailor Hats 19c.
Sailors , sold everywhere at 7Gc , our
price , 19c.
Leghorn Hots $1.00.
Leghorns , sold everywhere In the city
at $2.00 , our price , $1.00.
Leghorn Hats 75c.
Leghorns , sold everywhere In the city
at $1.50 , our price , 7Gc.
Leghorn Hats 35c.
Leghorns , sold everywhere In the city
at $1.00 , our price , 35c.
New York Store
All our shoes were bought before the
rise In leat'ner , and we offer the biggest
bargains for men , misses and ladles.
Ton Oxfords 49c.
Women's hand turned Tan Oxfords ,
worth from $1.00 to $1.25 , now less than
It costs to make them , 49c.
Ton Oxfords JJ.98.
Women's Vlcl Kid Tan Oxfords , new
razor toe , a shoe that sells at any store
for $3.00 , now , Just to make our shoe
department popular , $1.98.
Ladies' Oxfords 58c.
Women's hand turned Oxfords , both
plain and patent leather tips , worth $1.00
to $1.50 , now 58c.
Dongola Oxfords 89c.
Women's hand turned Dongola Ox
fords , ncedlo tee , would be a snap at
$1.25 ; come early before they are gone.
Prince Alberts $1.39.
Women's dongola Prince Alberts , with
the new needle too and large buttons ,
very swell ; you can't touch this In Omaha
for double the money.
Ubngoln Jutlcttcs $1.75.
Women's dongola Jullettcs , a shoe Uiat
would cost you any way $3.00 In any
other store.
time to time. Dut the main lines of division
will bo the same. "
"How about the silver question ? What do
you think of this little yellow book which Is
known as 'Coin's Financial School ? ' "
"I have read It , " replied Senator Allison.
"It Is an Interesting book and It Is creating
something of a sensation In the west. It is
full of half truths. It is not a fair book , by
any means , and it will not bear Investigation.
The last chapter. In which It pretends testate
state how wo could maintain our gold with
the free coinage of sliver Independent of
similar action on the part of the nations of
Europe , falls utterly , and the author goes off
Into a denunciation of England and the
English to blind his readers as to the weak
ness of his argument. As to the silver move
ment In the west , I think the force of it Is
somewhat exaggerated. The people of the
United States will not act hastily about such
an Important matter , and the bimetallism
which wo want Is one which shall bo reached
through International agreement. "
In speaking further about silver the senator
referred to the speeches which ho had made
during the present year and stated that they
contained his exact position as to silver and
gold. His talk , however , was more of a
personal chat than an Interview for publica
tion , and the part of it relating to himself
was most Interesting.
Referring to his modest statement about
the presidency , Senator Allison's conduct In
the past has shown that he has again and
again refused high offices , and I believe that
the bee of official ambition buzzes less closely
about him than about any other public man
now named as a presidential candidate. He
has several times refused to go Into the
cabinet , Garfleld at one time offered him the
portfolio of the Interior , and at another , I
am told , he Intended to glvo him the
Treasury department. He refused to take
the portfolio of the treasury upon
the organization of President Harrison's
cabinet. During my talk with him I
asked him why he had so persistently re
fused to leave the senate for the cabinet.
He replied that his 'duty to his state and
his friends at the time these positions were
offered him demanded such an action and
that ho did not regret having done
things which he could not help. Ho did not
want the Interior department , and It was
through his Influence that General Garfleld
gave that position to Samuel J. Klrkwood.
At the time that Harrison offered to make
him secretary of the treasury General Clark-
son was spoken of for a cabinet position ,
and Mr. Allison would not accept a position
which was likely .to cause trouble In his own
party , especially when the people of his
state felt that ho ought to remain in the
In closing this article I would state that
whether Allison wants to bo a presidential
candidate or not there Is no doubt but that
Iowa will present his name In the next na
tional convention. After leaving him I
crossed the street to the Portland Flats
and called upon Iowa's new senator. Governor
Gear. I told him of the above remark of
Senator Allison and he replied : "I believe
Senator Allison Is honest In his statement
that ho has no presidential ambitions. That
will not affect Iowa , however. It will surely
present his name to the convention , and It
seems to me that he stands as good a chance
to be the next president as any man In the
United States. He comes from the right
part of the country the west. He Is right
on all questions , and he has proved himself
a eafe , conservative , and at tbe same time
able statesman. "
"Dut. Senator Gear , " said I , "It Is said
that Allison Is too conservative. He Is
charged with being alwaja on the fence , and
his opponents say that he Is afraid. "
"That la not true , " eald Senator Gear.
"There U nothing of the coward about Alli
son. He Is cautious , but not cowardly. He
has a fctlff backbone In him , end when tht
occasion demands he always shows that he
has convictions , and .the courage to support
them. There ISTIO man In the United .States
better fitted , by liU wide experience and bj
his dealing with public affairs , to be president
of the United States , For the last thirty-
two years he has been In public life. He
knows the country , Its needs and Its men.
New York Store
Dress Goods-
Ours Is without question the best se
lected and latest style Dress Goods In
the city Hcsldes , every piece Is new
and fresh.
Silk Finished Henriettas
Omaha houses have always sold them
for GCo and never lower than GOc ; all
our price , 35c.
Jamestown Silk Mixtures J VC
Elegant goods goods that arc so well
known that our price of 39c will move
them very fast.
All Wool Serges OV C
All the new shades , 40 Inches wide ;
you have been paying 75c for them ; our
price , 39c.
Jamestown Silk Mixtures 49c
These are Hie finest Silk Mixtures ever
shown by any one , and at 49c we won't
be selling them long.
Arnold's Finest Henriettas 68c
Full 46 Inches wide and In all the new
colors ; the Omaha price has been $1.00 ,
our price G8c.
He Is now GO years old , but he does not
look to bo more than GG , and ho is In prime
physical condition. "
CO.V .V V J11A 1.1 Tl I'.S.
Ida D. Wells , famous for her crusade
against lynchlngs In the south , will be mar
ried In Chicago June 27 to Ferdinand L. Barnett -
nett , an attorney of that city.
Miss Helen Cusack , a Chicago girl and well
known newspaper writer , was married Satur
day In New York to S. S. Carvalho , pub
lisher of the New York World.
Carl Drowne did not marry that "any
woman" on the steps of the capital as he
promised , but he quietly went on * and mar
ried Coxey's daughter , Mamie , the "Goddess
of Peace. "
What wlth he advent of the new woman
and a threatened rise of 25 per cent In the
price of chamber suits , a period of unprece
dented dullness In the honeymoon business
Is prophesied.
The report that Miss Wlllard Is lo bo mar
ried to an Englishman of wealth and promi
nent In reform work , is revived. It looks as
though Miss Wlllard will have to enter the
state of wedlock In self-defense , and to stop
The new man has arrived at Eldora , la.
Rev. W. B. Washburn , a Unlvcrsallst min
ister , It Is announced , will begin suit against
Mrs. Fannie Wlsner for breach of promise.
He places the damage to his heart at $50-
A new club has Just been organized among
the senior law students of the University of
Michigan , known as the "Quick Marry club. "
On Joining each member swears solemnly ho
will marry within a year , or at least make
two matrimonial applications.
Anthony J. Drexel Illddlo of Philadelphia ,
who married Mlas Cordelia R. Ilradley of
Plttsburg on the llth , presented to his bride
as wedding gifts , besides Jewels of great
value and a check for $90,000 , tontine Insur
ance policies on his life written in her favor
to the amount of $500,000.
„ Princess Heleno's wedding veil Is to bo of
Caen lace , which Is rarely seen except on
the caps of Norman peasant widows. The
thread Is of flax , ind spun only In Normandy.
This lace was worn by Marie Antoinette as
trimming for her neckerchiefs when t > hp
posed as a rural damsel at the I'ctlt Trianon.
Marriage Is going more and more out of
fashion In U-rlln. The annual statistics for
1891 show that the number of marriage's
has decreased from 17,810 In 1890 to 16,955
In 1S93 , and 16,820 in 1894 , despite' the In
crease In population of about 35,000. The
rate Is now nineteen and three-fourth mar
riages for each 1,000 of population , whereas
but four years ago It was twenty-three. Hard
times accounts for the phenomenon more than
anything else.
At a dinner , when Mr. and Mrs. Joseph II.
Clioute sat at the came table , Mr. Clioate
was asked whom he would prefer to be If
ho couldn't be hlnuelf. He hesitated a mo
ment , when his eyes fell on Mrs. Clioate ,
who sat at the other end of the table lookIng -
Ing at him with Intense humor and Interest
depicted In her face , and he suddenly re
plied : "If I could not be myself , I would
llko to be Mrs. Choate's second husband. "
Near Gainesville , Ga. , a newly married
couple on the train the other day attracted
a good deal of attention at a station by their
peculiar behavior. A lady got on ihu train
at a station and took a seat In front ' ! Hum.
Scarcely was she seated before they com
menced making remarks about her wearing
last season's hat and dress. She was severely
criticised by them for some moments.
Presently the lady turned around. She
noticed at a glance that the bride was older
than the groom , and without the least resent
ment In her countenance she said : "Mudam.
will you please have your son to close the
Alndow behind you ? " The son closed Ms
mouth Instead and tbe madam did not giggle
George Davenport of St. Joseph , Mil. , Is to
be married to his wife for the second time
In a few days. They were married before
the war , but when he enlisted his wife beard
tbat be was killed and married again. He
New York Store
Pins lc
Needles , per paper lo
Thlmblu 10
Corset Laces , per pair lc
Spool Thrc.ul y. . . . lo
Rubber Tip Pencls lo
Six Envelopes. „ lo
Six Sheets Paper lc
1 dozen Safety Pins 3c
100 yards Spool Slik 3o
Sewing Thread 4o
Ilest Rubber Go
Silk Elastic lOc
Shoe Strings , per bunch EC
Handkerchiefs lo
Hotter Ones 2c
Ladles' Fine Handkerchiefs 4c
Combs 3c
Combs 5c
Hair Pins , bunch lc
Hat Strings 3c
Pearl Buttons Go
Dress Iluttons Co
Dross Uuttons 3o
And 1,000 other articles.
New York Store
If you need Carpets now Is the time to
buy , at our opening sale. We guarantee
to save you 35 per cent.
i Hr * 15th and
Outlines of the Career of Senator William B.
Allison of Iowa.
Notnblo I'liblio llvcnts In Which Ho Acted
'an liuuornble Tart Party rrmpucU nnil
' tlio Flnuiiclnl yiicstloii-Tlio Sena
tor's Washington Home.
( Copyrighted by Frnnk d. Carpenter , 1805. )
'WASHINGTON , D. C. , June 20. I spent
an evening not long ago with Senator Wil
liam D. Allison. He lives on Vermont
avenue , wlth'ln a three minutes' walk of the
whlto bouse. In one of the most fashionable
parts j/llv / the city. The bouses about bis
Washington home are comparatively new ,
but nearly every one of them has a famous
resident and each of the older places has had
Its history. Just above Is the red brick
btmso' which Justin S. Morrlll , the oldest
man. In < tbe . .United States senate , has oc
cupied for years. Just below Is the big
btlck In which Secretary Charles Foster
lived when bo.yas carrying the burden of
the United States treasury and a secret load
of personal financial ruin through the smiles
ind quirks of Washington society. Across
the way , on the corner of Fourteenth street ,
Is * the old home of General Deb Schenck ,
now changed Into a fiat with a flower store
and a wine shop In the basement. In the
block below lives Senator McMillan of Michi
gan In an $50.000 brick mansion , and around
the corner on Massachusetts avenue are the
houses of a bakers' dozen of supreme court
justices , famous senators and rich literary
men. Senator Allison's house Is otio of the
plainest of the neighborhood. It Is a white ,
three-story brick , built In the conventional
style , with a big parlor In the front ,
a library at the back and a dining
room somewhere In the rear. It is well
furnished and Its walls are covered with
choice engravings and good paintings.
U was In the library tbat I met the sena
tor. He Is ono of the healthiest looking men
in public life. He Is now CO , but he Is In
splendid condition , both physically and In
tellectually and I might also say psychically.
He has always cultivated looking at matters
In a common-sense , conservatl > e way and
while he has been a hard worker and fairly
good liver , his life has been an even one. and
be has not allowed the chase of the dollar
nor the ambitions of politics to contract and
distort Mi fcoul. Ho is clear-headed and
clean. Always well dressed , he makes you
think of a New York club man or banker
rather than of the average American states
man. His black clothes are well cut and
the linen of his shirt and his broad , ex
pansive collar , which exceeds even that of
William M. Evarts In size , la of the finest
material and as white as tbe driven enow.
His hair within the last year has perceptibly
whitened and Is fast becoming Iron gray.
His eye , however. Is bright , and the rosy
corpuscles that shine through his fair skin
show tbat Ills blood Is full of Iron. He has
n strong face. Ills forehead Is very broad
and above the average height. His nose Is
largo and his mouth and lower Jaw are In
dicative of determination and will. He Is a
good ctory teller and be has a hearty laugh.
Ills voice Is deep and strong. Ills words
como slowly , but he seldom makes a mis
take and the sentences of bis private con
versation ere almost as rounded at those
Mhlch lie delivers on the floor of the senate.
He was ilttlng at a tablet with a box of
cigars and ol pile of papers beside him when
I called and he smoked as be talked.
As I looked at tbe papers I tbougbt of a
call I recently made on Senator John Sher
man , jraoia 1 found workjog over the manu
scripts of his past , and I asked Senator
Allison what had been his habit In regard to
keeping papers and data concerning the
historic event of which he has formed so
great a part. Ho replied that he had pre
served some letters , but that he had never
kept a dally Journal.
"I am sorry , " said he , "that I have never
kept a diary. I have kept papers some
what and I have a large amount of corre
spondence scattered through my boxes. I
may write my memoirs In my old age. I
Imagine It would be rather pleasant work.
My attention was called to It by the recent
death of my colleague , Senator Wilson. I
had to wrlto something concerning him and
It was In doing this that the past came up
before me. For thirty years back I have
known every man who has been connected
with our public affairs. I have known the
Insldo of things and the motives of our
great men. I have been , as It were , be
hind the scenes , and there are many things
that have never been published which , It
seems to me , would make interesting reading.
I am not thinking of writing now , and I
don't know that I ever will write. But the
task strikes mo as a pleasant one. "
"Tell me , senator , about your first connec
tion with politics. "
"I can glvo you my first political office , "
replied Senator Allison. "It was as ono of
the tally secretaries of the convention of
1S60 , which nominated Lincoln. I was born
and educated , you know , in Ohio , and after
my graduation at the Western Reserve college -
lego I began the practice of law at the little
town of Ashland , somewhere near the center
of the state. It was just about fifteen miles
from Mansfield , whence John Sherman comes ,
and where the late Samuel J. Klrkwood
used to practice law before ho went to Iowa.
Iowa , you know , Is settled largely by Ohio
people , and after I had practiced law for a
tlmo at Ashland I got tbe western fever
and went out there. This was In 1857. I
was republican In my tendencies , and
though I was practicing law I was much In
terested In politics , and I was made one of
the delegates to the convention In I860.
"For some reason or other they made me
ono of the tally clerks. I sat right In front
of George Ashmun of Massachusetts , who
was the prestJei.t of the convention , and I
believe that I gave to him the first news of
Lincoln's nomination. I kept footing up the
figures as they came In. and some tlmo' be
fore the members of the convention were
aware of the fact I saw that Lincoln would
be elected , and I turned about and told Mr.
Ashmun the fact. A few moments later
the convention realized it , and then ensued
ono of the most wonderful scenes In our
history. The convention was held In the
old Wigwam In Chicago , and there were
about 10,000 people present. When the
vote was announced a scream went up from
thousands of throats anl fully 1,000 bats
\\ero thrown Into the air. U rained hats
for several minutes after the announcement ,
and I can still see the hats rising and fall
ing. The people lost control of tliom-
selvej. and I have often wondered what
became of those hats , for there was
pot much possibility of recovering your hat
In a mob tike that. "
"How did you happen 'b come to con
gress , senator ? "
"Well , " replied Senator Allison , "that Is
something of a story. I don't think I was
ambitious to bo a politician. I certainly
made no effort to secure my first nomina
tion , and It came about Indirectly through
the Influence and prestige which I acquired
by being the friend of Samuel J. Klrkwood ,
who was then governor of Iowa. As soon
as he was elected ho put mo on his staff ,
and at tbe outbreak of the war he directed
me to raise some regiments for the army.
My territory was north Iowa , and I had or
ganized three regiments along In 1861 , when
I was taken sick , and * for a year I was un
able to do anything. , As soon as I recov
ered Governor Klrkwood put me again at
work , and I raised three more regiments , or
BX regiments in all. This was In 1862 , and
It waa Just about the time of nominating
members of congress. The candidate for tbe
nomination of tbe republican party from our
county was an extremely radical man. He
wanted slavery , abolished at once , and
and I have been here , with the exception of
the two years , 1871 and 1872 , from that time
to this. "
"It Is nearly thirty-three years since you
were first elected , senator. That Is a full
generation. Now , look back , will you , over
your career. Do you think It has paid you
to be a public man ? "
"I don't know , " replied Senator Allison ,
reflectively. "I have thought of It many
times , and I have sometimes decided that It
has not. It has been pleasant In many
ways , but It bos often seemed to mo that It
would have been better fqr me had I closed
my public career with my term In tbe house.
There Is really a great deal of hard work con
nected with congress , and. my life In the
senate has been one of hard work and much
worry. When I left the house In 1S71 ,
twenty-four years ago , I was , you might say ,
at the beginning of my prime. Had I
dropped politics and devoted myself to my
profession of the law I would certainly be a
much richer man than I am today. I think ,
perhaps , I would have been happier. "
"Still , senator , you have had nil that pub
lic life gives to any ono , with the exception
of the presidency , and you may have that. "
"But I am not a candidate for the presi
dency , " replied Senator Allison. "No ! No !
Not in any sense of the word ! I have never
looked upon the white house as many other
public men do. I doubt much concerning
the happiness that Is supposed to come with
the presidential office. I have knoyvn many
presidents. I have been acquainted with
them before they went Into ofllce , and have
known them -after they came out. I have
seen them go Into the white house happy
and proud In their power and In their possi
bilities ot' accomplishing great things. I
have seen them como out disappointed and
disgusted. I do not know that I would care
for the presidency If I coujd have It. It Is
certainly not a place that I would strive for.
I am In the senate now , arid I feel that my
state will probably keep lAe there as long
as I desire to stay. My experience there Is
worth something. I hardly feel that my
work Is ended yet , and the "presidential posi
tion should bo for the rounding out of one's
career. The ex-president has no place to fill
In our political activity , and , with the single
exception , perhaps , of Johii Qulncy Adams ,
there are none of our presidents who have
accomplished much of statesmanship after
they have left the white house. It Is the
general Idea that the presidency should bo a
dignified monument of that which has been ,
and In a certain sense this Is right. "
"But many presidents ) have had second
terms , " said I. '
"I do not believe In that at all , " replied
Senator Allison. "A president should not
bo re-elected , and It would bo better for the
country If this was a thoroughly understood
fact. We are always bound to bo governed
by one of three great parties. The presi
dent Is the choice of one of these parties ,
and the man who strives for re-election Is
tempted to use the machinery of the office
for his own personal ends. In Justice to his
party and to the country I do not think that
a president can be a candidate for a second
term. "
"Speaking of parties , senator' what Is tbe
outlook of the republican party today ? IE It
healthy ? "
"I think It Is In a perfectly healthy condi
tion , " replied Senator Allison , "and I think
there Is no doubt as to what It will do In the
coming presidential campaign. It will bo
united and I do not believe that there IB any
doubt as to Its success. "
"Do you not think there will soon be a
change of parties In the United States ? Are
not the east and the west drifting apart ?
Will we not have a party of tbe east and the
west ? "
"No , I think not , " replied Senator Allison.
"Tho democratic and the republican parties
will bo the great political parties of the
United States for years to come. They may
change to a certain extent their lsues Irom
believed his wlfo and child to bo dead ana
never went bu.k to his old home , lie
wandered to California , where he lived nearly
th rty years and finally drifted Into the
boldlers Homo nt Leavenworth. After leav
ing the homo he went to St. Joseph. A few
weeks ago he read an Item In a newspaper
which convinced him that his son was alive.
no went to Columbia and found that hla
wire , too , was nllvo. It was some time before
ho could convince her of his Identity , but she
became convinced and they decided to ro.
marry at once.
A buxom couple appeared before the mayor
of New York City ono day last week , bent on
matrimony. When the mayor was about to
begin the ceremony the bride asked for the
book containing the marriage ceremony and
scanned it over until she came to. the passage
Love , honor ni.d obey. " The man tugged at
the woman's dress and said : "Never mind.
I .inline , now. You needn't do It anyhow
when we are married. " The woman Ignored
him and Bald : "Mr. Mayor , I wish you
would leave the word 'obey' out when you
marry us. " "Oh , that's all right , my dear , "
sad the mayor. "No It Isn't ; It's all wrong"
said the woman. "I hellevo In equal rights
for both husband and wife , and that word
obey Is a relic of barbarism. I Insist that It
bo left out. " The
mayor was very much
amused , but ho let the bride have her war
and the objectionable word was left out.
Rev. George II. Emerson of Salem. Mass. .
who Is now 70 years of age , has been the
editor of The Christian Leader for thirty
The West Preibyterlan church In New
iork , formerly Dr. Paxton's , has unani
mously called Rev. Anthony H. Evans ot
Lockport. N. Y. , to the paHorato of the
church at a salary of $10,000 a year. He has
Rev. Peter Havermans of St. Mary's
church , Troy , N. Y. , Is the oldest priest In
active pastoral service In the United States
If not In the world. He Is now In his 90th
year and has Just celebrated the sixty-sixth
anniversary of his ordination.
The First Congregational church of Bridge
port , Conn. , celebrated Its 200th anniversary
last week. The great-great-grandfather of
Chauncoy M. Depew was the first pastor , and
had Mr. Dcpow been able ho would have
been present at the exercises.
The citizens of St. Ignace , Mich. , have de
cided to honor the last resting place of Father
Marquette with a monument befiting the
courage and enterprise of the explorer and
missionary , who In 1670 established his Jesuit
college , military station and missionary head
quarters there.
Captain Thomas L. Henry , the once noted
guerilla of Crlttcnden county , Kentucky , haa
been a church member fourteen years. The
other day ho knelt down In the duit , crying :
"I am sanctified. " He now Intends to be
come a preacher. Henry was wounded manr
times , U a farmer and fairly well off.
Jerome B. Stlllson , who started Mr. Moody
on his evangelistic work , listened to him
the other day In Rochester. Mr. Stlllson
was at the tlmo a government contractor In
Chicago , and found Mr. Moody giving out
tracts In the lumber yards. He took him tea >
a mission and got him Interested In actlvo
Christian work. Mr. Moody at the tlmo
was only 18 years of ago.
Among the noted speakers at the Christian
Endeavor convention In Boston will bo Rev.
Drs. John Henry Barrows of Chicago , Teunls
S. Hamlln of Washington , J. M , Buckley of
this city , Bishop Samuel FallowH of Chicago ,
Rev. Dr. J. F. Cowan of PltUburg , Rev.
Canon Richardson of London , Out ; Rrv. Dr.
II. II Grosiio of the University of Chicago ,
Uov. Dr. Waylund Holt of Minneapolis , Ilov.
William Patterson of Toronto , Rev. Ilufua
Miller of Hurnmelstown , I'cnn. ; Rev. F. N.
Peloubet of AuburnOdlc. Rev. J. K. Tyler ot
Cleveland , Rev. W. C. Bitting of New York.
Rev J. A. Rondthalcr of Indianapolis , Mlaa
Bcn-Ollel of Jerusalem , Rev J. Wilbur Chap *
man ot Albany. The patriarch of the con *
ventlon will bo Hou , Neal Dow , now In hi *
ninetieth year.