8 THE OMAHA DAILY 11 BE : - , SATUHDAV , JUNE L 13 , JOBS FOR A , P , A , WATCH DOCS Janitors in the Public Sc'icoh Must Eo Members of the Order. SOME INSTANCES OF RANK INJU5TC : Ilimril iif IMiinitliinVlngur the Orgnii ru- tliiii I'm * IK T ml * Into riiftllluni tthrrn Ihvy Mny Act in * > | ili'i. the pot-ru'lllng advisers of the Hoard of IMticatloncro compelled to stir render to the demands of the better element of cltlrena In regard to the selection ol teachers for tlic coming year , It Is beginning to appear tl nt thuy took some meager sails' faction In ttulr defeat by garnering a few fralps among tlic janitor ? . During the past two ycara the curbstone element 1ms succeeded In organizing a con- sl'lenib ' ! " force of political workers of thuh own ttripe among the Janitors In the public schools nml at every available opportunlt ) they have created vacancies which \\erc flllei with men who could bo used for polltlca ends. The result Is that a largo number o the Janitors draw their salaries moro foi tltelr political services than on account of an ; ctllc'lcncy In their nlllclal capacities. It I cl.tltncd by some of the teachers that thesi Janitors are expected to net as spies on tin to tellers In their respective buildups and ti r.eport to the American Protective assoclatloi protectorate uny remarks or actions that cat br used as capital ngilnst uachers who an not acceptable to the order. While the membcrb of the board were In vnlved In a lively controversy over the at tempted dl mlssal of certain teachcts , whos only fault was the opposition of tin dfrvlshes , the American Protective assocla lion pluggers succeeded In p lying a fcv political debts and In getting rid of one o two janitors whom they had not been obi to coerce. One of these v\as W. C. Liu ton who has been the Janitor at the Long anne for the past two yeirs During this perloi Mr. Law ton had given the best of satlsfac tlou to the principal and teachers , who ur much dissatisfied with the change. Tli mi'inbers of the committee oil heating am ventilation , by whom the change was rccom mended , refuse to give any reason for thel action , beyond the statement that they be lleved that n change would be benetlclal. LIKUD 11V THE THAC'IinKS. Superintendent Danker says that Mr. Law ton had always done good work. The enl ; objection tluU ho nad ever heard made t him was that ho was rather old , and wa apt to bo easily rattled on that account. Th principal and teachers of the school unit In dtclarlng that Mr. Law ton Ind alway been a most exemplary Janitor , and they ar not backward In saving that the chang was made agilnst their recommendatloi They say tli it Liwton was one of Hie mos honcbt and conscientious men tSiey 1m evtr known , and that In addition to beln accommodating and faithful In thu dl&charx of his duties he commanded to a icniarli able degree the respect ot the pupils of tli school. When Mr Law ton was seen by a reporti ho was pumping a wheel down Twenty-lift street wit'a a zest and evident enjoymei that effectually disposed of the assertion tin he was too old to bo a good janitor. He Is man something over 60 years old , but n nmrkably well preset ved , and more actlv and energetic than the average man In tl ; prime of life He could not assign tli slightest reason for his dismissal. He kne that the principal and teachers had spoke most highly of him , and tSiat no complain ! In regard to his work had over been mail to his knowledge Chairman Uindhauer of the committee c heating and ventilation , bald yesterde that the members of the committee he rt commended the dlbmls > al of Mr. Lawtc simply because they thought a change wou be advisable. When interrogated HS to win fault had been found with Mr. Lawton , 1 refused to make any explanation beyond w In was contained In hlb first remark. He ai milled , however , that It was the usual cu torn to consult the vvlbhes of the prlnclp and teachers In the selection of janitors. SUCCESSOR IS A REASON. Although It is Impossible to ascertain tl causes of Mr. Lawton's retirement , tl identity of his successor throws some llgl on the mybtety This Is D. T. Kroh , wl has been for some time past a laborer In tl employ of the board. Hut It Is claimed tli Mr. Kroh's energies have been moie large given to promoting the schemes of the po rustlers than to the legitimate purposes his employment He Is one of the clioai ones whom the American Protective associ tlon protectorate has taken under Its prote tlon and has been rewarded for his pa fealty by a better Job. Another case Is that of Mrs. Mary M Causland. who was dismissed from tl janltorship of the Fort Omaha school make room for Mrs. Helen Gulnotte. Mi McCausland had been Janitor of the Fo Omaha school over since It was establlshe She Is a widow with two children and tl $25 per month that she received from tl school board was her chief suppoi During her five years of service si had given the best ot satisfaction and evi now It Is admitted by the members of tl committee , at whose Instance she was dl charged , that there was no fault to be fem with her work They assert that tin thought that Mrs ( luinnttc needed tl salary more than Mrs. McCausland. This ve Illmsy explanation Is the best excuse th lias been manufactured to support the actli of the board In this case. It may be me tloncd , Incidentally , of course , that on t petition which Mrs. McCau land submltt for re-election the word "Ireland" w wiltten In the bpace which was left for t ; designation of her nativity. For FOI reason most of the names which were e dorsed on her application were of Irish e traction , while those which ornamented t application of hnr opponent were of the o poslte chaiacter. Delicious biscuit made with Dr. I'rlei Baking Powder are nevei out of favor. WORKING AMONG THE LOWI/ Young Women from Fubor Cnlieco TrtV Up Their Abuilu Upon tin ) liolloini. Hattle Fleming , Anna Brooks and An Bernard of Tabor college. Iowa , arrived the city Thursday and took up their abe In the Chapel of the Carpenter on Sou Third street. These young women and one or two otlit of the same college will remain about thr weeks , when they will be relieved by oth yuung wometi of that colUge. The object of the visit is to Institute "college tettiement" down In the botton The work of the young women will cons chiefly of bringing together the Inhabltar of that put of the city In a social , moi and friendly manner. 'rhey will ma cills among the different homes , Icavl flowers and kind words They will strl to create a feel ng among the Inhabitai tending to elevate them toward a Christ ! standard. They will inaugurate a sewl bchool for the little gtrU. to which they w receive all who wls.li to avail themselves the opportunlt es offered A class In Unit States history will be opened for the sin boys , In winch a thorough course vv.Il given. The young woman will hold eh drea's services every Wednesday afterno at the Chapel of the Carpenter , at whl meetings classes will be formed and t blblo taught. Another featur ? of the organization Is t "lolly Girls' Club , " the object of which 1 not been fully decided upon as yet. but p. . tains chlelly to amusements , outings , etc. , bo held during the vacation. The young women will be assisted In tin work while In thr city by Rev AIPiid Irvine , who has tendered them the us ° om of his two cottages , lu which to condi their school * and inaUr their home. A mi bor of young men of Omaha will be gut : ot the srtiool , an.l aitltt in the camping c and ether ways ot recreation during th < stay In the city. Aclil t'liuiplmln ArtD Because they cost less. many tubstltti ire offered , wme ot which are dangerous' , a none of which will produce the same effect the genuine Inflft upon having "Ho ford's" whether buying .t bet Ic of Acid Phi phate , or "phosphate"Jii a s\n \ of soda Imminuel Uaptlwt ladles give t grand d ner sod nipper at V , M. C. A building S , IIAYIIIN : into,1. < IKIATH : VIUIAINSAI.I- : I'nr Siiturilny nml All Nrit World WASHAIILK BARGAINS TOR SATURDAY Staple apron check ginghams , 2Hc yard. Summer styles In good prints , 3'-ic , Light shirting prints. 3Hc. Staple mourning prints. 4'4c. Dress ginghams , light and dark , the 10 < quality , for Saturday 4'4c. Scotch lawn colors warranted , Cc yard. finest qual ty soft finish percales , lOc yard Pliiucs In light or dark figured or striped perfect colors , lOe. Saturday evening after 7 30 we will sell- 3r > c colored luce and dotted Swisses fcr 15c a yard , cue pattern only to a customer. SHIFTING SAWS. Ixiwegt prices ever heard of. Yard wide blenched muslin , 3'4c. Yard wide Anchor brand , lie. 42-Inch bleached sheeting , 7'4c ; 45-lncl bleached , He , 6-1 bleached , inc , S-l bleached lie , 0-4 bleached , K.c , 10-4 unbleached sheet Ing , liie ; canton flannel 3'fcc and fie ; shirt Ing. So , So and best for 10c ; tick ng at nl prices.DRKSS DRKSS GOODS. DRHSS GOODS. Compare these prices with anything eve quoted In Omaha and If you can beat then take ours for nothing. 32-Inch nil wool challle , dark colors , 12Hc 32-Inch wool challle , regular 29c cloth , lOc 32-Inch best make of challlo In the world 25c. 25c.40Inch 40-Inch all wool serge , regular D9c goods due and black. 2f > c 46-Inch nil wool storm serge , regular 75 tlallty , 39c. 44-Inch wool grenadine , blnck , GOc goods NOTION BARGAINS. 2 pickages pins 2 good thimbles or 2 pair or ° 3t laces for Ic. 200 yards machine thread , 2c spool , 2 dozen nursery pin" , 3c. Look , t packages needles , 14 darning nee lies , live hat and veil pins and SO pins In boi ntlre lot for Be. 600 new belts with large figured meta mckles your choice lOc ; buckle alone wort : 25c. 25c.Big Big Job lot new fancy mirrors only lOc. Special safe on ladles' ties. Chcip books , 3,000 new novels , your cholc Be All by popular authors such as Dick ens , Mirvel , Collins , etc. 12 envelopes or 12 sheets paper Ic ; pear nittons 2'ic per dozen. GROCKRinS. You can'i afford to ml" tills. G pounds gopd raisins , 25c. 8 pounds dried grapes , 25c. Good rice , 4 pounds for 2fie. 3-pound can table peaches , 12 ic. 3-pound can California pears , 12'c. . 3-pound can Golden Drop plums , 12 > < .c. 3-pound can Kgg plums , 12VjC. 3-pound can Snlder's tomato soup , 12 c. 2-pound cans strawberries , raspberrlci gooseberries , blueberries , 7 c can. A can of baked beans , fie. Prunes , former price lOc , now 7c. 2-pound can sugar corn Cc. 3-pound can tomatoes , fi' c. Evaporated cream for Ice cream , can 9c. Dukes Mixture , 1-pound package with brls pipe , 2Bc. TOR TEAS JUST WATCH US. A good Japan , lOlfec ; choice 25c. . A good Gunpowder , 194c ; choice , 2Cc. A good English breakfast , 23c ; choice , 28i A good Oolong , 23c , choice , 27V&C. Tea sittings Oe FRESH ROASTED COFFEE. A good Rio 'coffee , la'/fcc. A golden Rio , 22e. A fancy Java and Mocha , 2Fic. High grade Java and Mocha , 27I/4e. Bruken Java and Mocha at Oc and 1 ( pound. Saturday will be a real live bargiln day I llaydens' basement. Nice fres'i b'ltter 9c and lie. Best country butter made , 12Vic. Our Hpearator creamery at 14c , 16c and 18 Sugar cured No. 1 hams , 9c. Salt pork , GVjC , 3-pound cans lard , 19 soda and oyetor crackers only Be. Full creim cheese 7c ; Llmburger dices 4c ; brick cheese , lOc and 12Uc ; large cai mlmon , ,10c. HAYDEN BROS . Leaders In Everything. Only Kl no to SI. Joseph. Next Sunday. Excursion train leaves t union depot at 7 a. in. Get tickets at the Burlington's city ofllc 1324 Furnam St. , or at the depot. SHOWN BV THfi ASSESSMENT Docrruso tn Valuna HM Compared with La Vour 'Hie I'lgnrrg. "It may not be worth while to make t attempt to raise the assessment in some the wards and precmcts of the county , " sd Commissioner Stenberg yesterday , wh the county clerk hand.d him a tabulated li of the decrease In assessed values of pro crty In different sections of the county. While the bubject has not been droppe It Is quite unllk ly. In view of the small i suits to be attained , that the Board of Equ : Nation will consider the plan of raising sesbinenta in entile precincts as seriously It did at first. "If South Omaha Is rals 10 per cent on real estate 11 will mean says Mr. Stenberg , "only $1 000 to th" coun treasury , whereas It Is $25,000 or 130,000 t board wants Besides thf attempt Is sure meet with a great big kick" "If people would complain of some part't ' lar pieces of land which I could point c the board could do something , " contlnu Mr. Stenberg. "I know of one piece of prc erty assessed at $5,000 which ought to assessed at $50,000 , at least. Land In tl ; vicinity has sold as high a $100 a frc foot Some property In the heart of the ci has been assessed at one-third less th last year. " The Board of Equalization is still heart complaints It 1 ° having some trouble adjusting the bank assessments. All t the National Bank of Commerce have adopt the board's method of afseosmant , but t dlffer'nt method of assessment proposed thrso people makes a difference of about $6 000 In the valuation of the bank property , The following tables give the details of t returns of the assessors , showing the i creases of valuations In the county and cl This Includes all property , except the banl which are treated tcparately , and not yet ; sessed. Total decrease of real and personal pn erty , not Including assessment ot banks , the city of Omaha , $2,247 212. Lands In the city of Omalm were assessi 1S94 , $1,459,410 ; 1885 , $1,303012 Lots In the city nf Omaha were assessi 1894. $15,103.801 ; 1896. tl3.SR7.CC7 Dr Price's llaUIng Powder Is king of cream tartar brands wholesome and pure * " WILL _ &BVTE "A NUISANCE. Mayor Isuies mi Orilur Against the I'l iiiituiu < Vrhr itlim. As July 4 draws near both men and bi begin the practice of dlschaiglng ( Ire ar and firecrackers upon the streets In business and residence portions of the c at all hours of the day and night. To p vent this and that the community may be annoyed Mayor Hem is yetterday aft noon Usuf an order to the police instrii Ing the memhriB of the foice to arrest persons Indulging In this fcollsh practice. Hats and coikroaehes agree that one f lunch of St.-arn's Kleclrc Paste Is fatal , 2 l.fldlr * Tun.lull lluili * . Alto medicated , sulphur , mcicurlal bat oil ruba , hot milk , perfumed baths ; ma cure , chiropodist , pedal cure. Wo are p pared to do all wn agree. LiaiPi , have your tea nails made to ! < like diamonds. One free treatment with every bath. Special attention to hair dressing. Idy Bee Building. The Windsor hotel , 3 blocks from uu depot. | 1.50 per day. A. R. Heel , oreo MORSE DRY GOODS CO , A New Departure New Goods Now Gro ceries New Pirces. GROCERIES IN THE BASEMENT NCV Ilio I rr lir t mid llot lluttir , MraU inn l.vcrytlilnt rerunning lo n 1'lrit llrucrry Store Now nt Mor c' . Our new grocery department opens tomor row and we give away a glat'3 of Ice crenn soda water wltn every purchase , great o smalt tn any part of the store. A can of good corn for Be. A can of line tomatoes for 5c. A can of lye for Ic. Condensed milk only 9e. A do7en clothespins for Ic. Three packages of quail oats for 25e. Three-pound can baked beans for lOc. A pound can of apricots lor Sc. A pound of good raisins for Be. Half-pound can steak ° almon 9c. Three-pound grated pineapple 12' c. 20-pound best granulated sugar $1.00. Best coffees 17c nnd up. A full line of teas at lowest prices. Smoked meats and butter at all prices. ICn CHKAM SODAWATRIl FlliK Hoys' bicycle hose In sires 8' to 10 , 35 goods , Saturday for IBc. LaJles' fine black ho'e , Hcrmslorff dye spliced heels , two pairs for 35c , Indies' lire Ulchellcu ribbed undervcsts with taped neck , IBc. Lidtes' ecru vests , Illchelleu ribbed crochet neck , three for 2Bc. Soaps 3c , perfumery 13c. Special low prices on white satin nm "hlna silk oarasols. Special line of belM with silvered buckl n sale Saturday at 25c icn CHIAM SODAWATKH FiiBn. No matter how small your purchase yo et a glass of Ice cream sodawater free ol iiturday. Three cases of men's stockings In black irown , tan aril London blue , better good Inn we sold Thursday , all go at IBc. Fancy shirts , laundered collars nn tiffs attached , 35c. 60 dozen ail silk ties , nice new goods , IGc 25c suspenders go Saturday at lOc. Negligee shirts 15c , but not over three t , customer Wo will sell none of these goods to dealer ir peddler' . S. P. MOUSE DRY GOODS CO , Ice Cream Soda Free to Every Customer. Lii.AND > S OCIJAN IIOUSK. Nc'U po > , It. I. The most clmrmljig seaside resort In Amei ca. You can enjoy bathing , bsat'ng , flshln and yachting , the cliff walks and ocean drive are Incomparable. You can engage room of Charles W. Squires at the Mlllard. WARRBN P. LELAND , Proprietor. Our "Bargain floor" Is where a flrst-clas vehicle can be bought at a third-class prlci COLUMBUS BUGGY CO. , 1C08 10-12 Harney street. li ru'nln . Bargains In last year's styles and slight ! shop worn vehicles of our celebrated mjk See them at our repository. 1008-10-42 , Ha ney street. COLUMBUS BUGGY CO- ( liiittiiiKincii mid ICcturn. The Missouri Pacific railway will sell rour trip tickets to Chattanooga at one fare c June 25 and 20. For tickets and full ii formation call or address company's olllc N. E. corner Thirteenth and Farnam , or di pot , Fifteenth and Webster streo's. J. 0. PHILLIPPI , THOS. F. GODFREY , A. Q. F. & P. A. P. & T. A. L.AD1KV TUIUUhll I1AT11S. Six For Five IJollnrik The manager of the bath and complexlt parlors at The Bee building has secured tl services of a trained masseuse for one mont who , by years of experience and caret , study , can by facial massage and medical vapors , creams and balms , make the old look young and the young yet more yonthf all from the remedies nature hersi teaches. Special attention to hair dressln A ritnlc for a lioll ir. The Hayden Bros' employes' plcnl which takes place at West Point June 23 promises to b ; a very enjoyable affair. Tl features ot last year will be greatly I creased by foot ball games , base ball , sai races and a host of other pleasant pastime The ride Its'lf to West Point and return f a dollar Is enough Inducement to g Tlckaa can be obtained from any employe Haytleii Bros. 1BO Miles Atone t' ' n MI < Hourl That Is one of the attractions of ne Sunday's excursion to St. Joseph. There are lots of others. Get tickets they cost $1 50 at the Bt llngton's city ticket office , 1324 Farnam ser or at the union depot. Train leaves at 7 a. m. Oulck Tlinp from Drnvcr on it Wlicrl. 0. W. Dye , a Denver attorney , a wheelmi of considerable note , came In from the Col rado metropolis yesterday on his byl He left Denver last Sunday morning , and cnroute to the meeting of the National Whei men at New York next month. Ciillfornlii or Text * . For lowest rates on tickets and best c commodatlons call on or address E. Palmer , P. A. Santa Fe Route , Room 1 , Fii National Bank , Omaha. Mrx. M llmm I.oieH ll \\ntcli. . Mrs. M. E. Wilson , while shopping Thompson & Belden's dry goods house yesti day morning , was robbed of , or lost , a han some gold watch and chain. Delicious results , with least labor , fr ( the baking powder that always works b < Dr. Price's. _ SPACE FOR SCHOOL EXHIBIT llnmllworl ; of Onmlin I'uplH to lie Miov at the Mnto I'll I r. Secretary Glllan of the Board of Educatl has been figuring out the amount of bpa that the exhibit of the Omaha sciicols w require at the state fair. Ho estimates that t art department will occupy a bpare of bl\ feet long and ten feet high. The klndi garten department will fill a space twer feet long and ten test high , and the mam tuilntng department will require n spa thirty feet long. About twenty-five squt feet additional will bo required for the gt eral exhibit The phonographs , with vvW the musical and exerclte work of the schoi was illustrated at the World's fair , will pn ably b ° repaired and again brought Ii requisition for the Omaha festivities. in . ? : te § ! wwt < s t S3 wsawsawt arS arsa ts3K all IK U. S. Government officially reports ROYAL fi THE Powder superior to all others in leavening - _ $ ing Strength. ( Bulletin 13 , Ag'I Dep't , p. 599. ) Zli & &lSS&i8tt * > 'i ( KiKte ttSttttiK& i lOt erct - feriitfh Mutton llrolli. ct- all Time , 3',4 hours , C Ibs. neck of mutton , 3 quarts water , 5 oyrrots , C turnips , 2 onions , 4 tablespoonfuls Scotch barley , a little nail. rea Soak mutton In water for an hour , cut ult 5c. scrag , and put It In Blew pan with 3 quarts of water. At soou as It bolls skim well and then simmer fur I1 , hours. Cut best end of | hs , mutton li.to cutlets , dividing It with 2 bones lit In each ; take off nearly'all fat before you : re- put Into broth , skim the moment meat bolls , and every 1U minutes afterwards ; add car- icli lots , turnips and onions , all cut Into 2 or 3 pieces , then put them Into aoup eoun enough to be thoroughly dune , etlr In Scotch barley , add salt to taste let til itew together for 3'i hours , about U an hour before tending Ion It to table , put In llttla chopped parsley and serve. M'it : t.vi , sntBuT OAK sintvtci : In Connection with iKrxl Htmdiiy'n IJtcur- Mon trt-M. .loArplt. The 24th st. Pnfk avenue nml rnrnnnt st lines will be In npnrntlon on Sunday mornIng - Ing In time to clinblo passengers to connect with the Burlington' * excursion train for St Joseph leaving the union depot nt 7 n m. The excursion vtlll reach Omaha , on the return Journey , abont midnight nml passen gers will find n suincUnt number tif cars nt the depot to transport them to their homes. mi : int : ) OAK itxci : * . hprrlnt Tntln Vlit ttio Iliirllngtoii Kotilo 'I tirmlitTi lillie ! ! i1. Leaves South Omaha 0 n. in , Omaha 0 IB n. in. Reaches Red Oak In time for dinner. Tickets only $2 00 The Red Oak meeting promises to be the most exciting of the year ; { 20,00000 In prizes. All the famous trotters and pacers of the country will appear Get tickets from W. II. Cheek , agent Bur lington Route South Omalm ; nt the Hurling- tun city office , 1324 Fnrnnm street , or at the Omaha nml South Omnha depots. Two ( Ircitt l.xrtir lmts in llostoti. Via the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry , one In July nnd one In August. One fare for the round trip. Stop over nt Niag ara Falls and Saratoga If de dred , also by- bo it one way between Albiny nnd New York nt the option of the passenger. Stop over can also be made nt Chautanqua on return trip. Regular Summer Tourist Tickets to the many delightful mountain , lake and seaside reports of the east are now on < ale. Com plete list of routes and rates , with any fur ther Information desired , will be promptly furnished on application. B. P Humphrey , T. P. A , Kansas City , Mo. C. K. Wllber , West. Pass. Agt , Chicago. The rate Is not the only attractive feature of next Sunday's excursion to St. Joseph. l.ou Itiiti-H lo Iti'd ( Ink , lo\r , Via the Burlington route , June 23 to 29 , ac count race meeting at Puctolus park. Mix- , Robert J , Dlrectum , Hal Pointer and all the other famous pacers and trotters ol the country are entered. The Burlington's 0 BO n m. train from Omaha arrives nl Red Oak nt noon and n special train for Council IV.ulfs will leave Red Oak at 7 p. m , Jtm 25 to 29 , enabling one to spend practically the whoiu day at Red Oak and to reac1 * he me the same evening. Tlckcf and full Information nt 1324 Far nam street. A I'mv At Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A clean train made up and started froir Omaha. Baggage checked from residence tc destination. Elegant train service ami courteous employes Entire train lighted by electricity and heated by steam , with electric light In every berth. Finest dining cai service In the west , with meals served "t la carte. " The Flyer leaves at C p. in dally from Union depot. City ticket Office , 1804 Farnam street. 0 S. Carrier , city ticket agent. Are you going to St. Joseph next Sunday' MI in in pr Tourist TloniiH vi t the IViibn Are now on sale ; for folders giving routes rates , etc. , call at Wabash ofilce , 141S Far nam street. Are you going to St. Joseph next Sunday - denting O it. The Buckeye Buggy company ore closlui out Its stock at Fifteenth and Howard. J stock In every way finer In quality and styli than has ever been shown In Nebraska Dealers and city liuytrs will save from Z to 50 per cent on any prices ever made 01 so-called closing out sales ot the past. Thi sale lasts only a few days. Mr. L C. Hill formerly of this city , U In charge. Pros pectlvc buyers should call at once. Are you going to St. Joseph next Sunday * - ItnpOHfllh'e to l/iv In I'liln. omitry Without hearing about the Northwester ) Una's evening "Chicago Limited. " for peopl WILL talk about its conveniences , tasteful ness and comprehensive up-to-dateness Omaha , 545 p. m. ; Chicago , 8IB a. m. Ves tlbuled sleeping cars , chair cars , a la cart dinners , Pllutsch gas , EVERYTHING. N extra cost. Other Northwestern trains nt 11 05 a. ir and 4 p. m. . dally. Want your trunk checke at home ? City ticket office , 1401 Farnam street. Are you going to St. Joseph next Sunday hplrlt l.ntic , Splilt l.ukf , wp'rU I.iU : < i. Through sleeper via the Northwestern Llm commencing June 28 , ieavcs dally for Splrl Lake at 0 10 p. m. from Webster street depo The lake Is the same , accommodations a 111 tie better , f.re a little lower C ty offlca , 140 Farnam stieet Depot IBth and Webste streets. J. R. BUCHANAN , G. P. A. ntmi.iNO'ioN itourrc ixciirftlon : tost. , Iosepli huntl ty , .Juno 21 Train Itaves union depot , Omaha , at a. m. Round trip tickets only $1 50. Call at the city t cket olfice of the Bui llngton Route and get full Information. Are you going to St. Jobeph next Sunday ' rrt'k t m/'Mi * Will UP I'lthl. SOUTH M'ALUSTER. I. T. , Juno 21. T5 Creek supreme court has decided that tli recent call of a session council , being calk for the specific purpose of adjusting the roll had no power to pass an act suspending tl : chief , treasurer and auditor , and these oil cers are still In office. The decision of tl supreme court being that payment be r longer tied up , Treasurer Grayson continue work on the rolls , and expects to begin pa ; ment about July 1. There will be about 13B ( enrolled citizens , and the per capita will I about $14 per head. Forty years of viluable seivlce as n whol some food producer proclaims the worth < Dr. Price's Baking Powder. Ilotcomli lliinfiict | Arr.iiiRoinnntH , [ Arrangements for the banquet to Govern ) Holcomb have been completed. The date h : been changed to Friday evening next , li stead of Thursday. Kx-Senator Mandersc will deliver the address of welcome an Governor Holcomb will respond. Othi speakers will be Henry Kstabrook , John ( Watson , M. S Harwood and Judge Uobli son. Plates will be $5 each , and the invlti tlons will be Itsued Monday They will 1 restricted exclusively to membTS of the clu Lot ( iintmm for it swrr. At a meeting of the Board of Public Worl J yesterday a contract for the construction < a sewer to run from Spauldlng to Spragt street on Twenty-fourth , and on Spragt from Twenty-fourth to the alley west i Twenty-fifth , was twarded to John F Dall ; A Ejieclal meeting will be held Monday < Tuesday to consider the settlement of tl $13,000 claim of the Barber Asphalt compai for btreet repairs In 1891. Urollril ' ult hiiliuon or Oilixr hall l'l h. | Soak salmon In tepid or cold water 21 hourb , changing water bevural times , or let bland under faucet of running water. If in a hurry or desiring a vury salt relish , It may do to noaU short time having water warm , and changing , parboiling Hllghtly. At the hour wanted , broil Hharply. Season to suit' Uiite , covering with butter This receipt will answer for all kinds ot salt find. ( For Sal man Sauce see SauccH ) rpito hiturr * Set on fire H pint water. 1 cupful sugar ; boll twenty mlnuttB , remove from fire aid add 1 tea-spoonful each Royal ExtractClov it and ( linger llriillfil tu Muekvrrl Freshen by soaking It over night in water , 1 taking varc that the > Uu lies uppvrmuiit. lu HtlJ. TK r I JKCT1UA LA\T \ Content front the Tiilril lllninK District \\lll Ktlitti l li it rrrrft.-nt. WASHINGTON. June 21 The contested election ( Jusp of Bolluiap ngnln't McGnnn from the Third congressional district of Illinois i& expected by the ofilclnls of the house to afford a test of the election laws prescribing tho. time In which contest testi mony may bo taken. It appears that the testimony In this ca. c U now being taken whcrfflB nccordlnir to the law which has heretofore been recognize 1 as controlling In ouch matters the time when It could lie properly taken expired more than a month ngo. The statutes allow the contestant thirty dnys after the declaration of the result In which to prepare and bcrvo notice of his In tention to contest , nnd the eontesteo the same length of time In whlt-U to make nmvver. After thnt ninety dnys nrt ? given In which to tnko testimony. This gives live month ? , nil told , for the proceeding The records In the ollleo of the clerk of the house show tint the result of the lust congressional election was officially announced on the Kill of December , or more than six months ago. When the returns of the contest are re ceived It will lie with the tlcrk to clth.r open and have them printed as In other cases w he-re the Inw ha" been complU > d wither or to refer thorn to the hou e without havltiR them printed and then with the house to say what shall bo dnio. The constitution makes the house the judge ot the qualifications ol Its own members and It can Ignore the law [ t fo dlsjosed or modify It. The quest on har never been testel and the course of the house- will be followed.with considerable In- tcrext. The returns of the election from the Third district show that McGnnn received IB 3M and Dclknap 1B.325 votes. Certain ot the Louisiana cases may preront a somewhat similar problem In some of the dl'trlcts of that btate In which there are contests there Ins been a delay bevond that contemplated by the law In taking testimony , but the de lay was the result of an understanding be tween tl" > parties at lntcre t , a postpone ment being agreed upon on account of the prevalence of "mullpov In some of the sec tion' H war neces'nry to visit In tccurlnp evidence. St far as It Is known hero Hit-re was no agreement In the Illinois cise. G'llINV MAY ItOKIlOW DP AMiillCA : CnpltitlUtH of the United States Ilitvo n ( hitnrii to .Milltd tlin l.o in. WASHINGTON , D. C , Juno 21. Officials of the Chinese legation say that the Ameri can capitalists who are negotiating In China to secure n loan of 200,000,000 taels whlcli China Is a'-out to jay to Japan nro by nc mei'tis urging a vague or futile suit , and thai they stand quite as good a chance of scenting the loan as any other money representatives Some misapprehension has been created by a cable statement that China had closed hei loan In Paris. It Is explained by official1 that this loan Is a subordinate one of 10,000- 000 tacls to cover the surrender of Llio Tunj : peninsula. As Russia and France prevailed on Japan to make the surrender , thus yielding the permanent occupancy at Port Arthur , tin two countries undertook to guarantee tin loan of 16,000,000 taels , which reimburse * her for this partlculir transaction. But the main Indemnity of 200,000 000 tnels carries nt guaranty by Russia and France , to which tin attention of American Investors Is attracted There Is much Interesting speculation as U the result of the loan If it Is secured by tin American parties It Is said that the firs result vvouU be the shlpniPiit of an unprecedented cedented amount of silver. But as Chlna'i bonds are payable In gold , the u Hunts resul would be to bring back gold for the sllvci paid to Japan. H Is pointed out al = o tha the Intfest on the entire loan will not exceei $5,000,000 annually ; that Chinese customs re celpts of $23,000,090 will leaJlly meet the In terest charges nnd provide u sinking fund fo : the redemp'Ion of the bonds , which wil probably run for twenty years. Smln | Hits Muni Countnr fl.ilim. WASHINGTON , June 21 It Is not Im probable that an International commission be tween the United States and Spain will re suit from the urging of the Mora claln against Spain. This claim has brought U ] several others and the situation Is the sami as that at the time the United States am Great Britain settled their conlllctlng claim by the Alabama commission , and Krone and this country came to an accord by th commission of 1881 Spain has an offbet ti the claims for the Invasions of Florida whci It was a Spanish colony and damages t Spanish war ships during the civil war Ii addition to thlb there Is the prospect tha the Cuban rebellion will rebtilt In furthe claims. It cannot be learned that negotla tlons for a commission have ab yet beei opened , ! tenru ( > < l Activity In Culii. WASHINGTON , June 21 No official con Urination has been secured here of the re ported capture of General Gomez , commanJer In-chief of the Cuban Inturgenty. Informa tlon reaching hero Indicate a combined for ward movement by all the Spanish forces The new admiral who has assumed comman cj fthe fleet Is one of the youngest men i the service and was chosen with a view t having his energy replace the more- caution policy of the old admiral Tne arrival of te moro squadrons of Spanish cavalry Is also rt garded as a prelude to a decisive movemen by the land forces. < lip' ! ! II llo llt I'Ollllll ( illltr. ) WASHINGTON. June 21. After being 01 since yesterd = y the Howga e jury at 1.30 p n brought in a verdict of gulliy on each Indlc ment , one Indictment being for forgeiy , an j one for falsification of accounts. The Jur added a recommendation to mercy. An aj peal on a bill of exceptions has been take to the district court on appeals and probabl will come up In September. Captain Henry Howgate Was charged wit forgery and embez/Iement from the goven ment while In the Signal Service bureau. Conip ling bliito bclionl I.IMVI. WASHINGTON , June 21. The Bi reau ot Education Is making a compilation c the school laws of various states. it wi yliow that the regulations as to the appolnl ment ana qualification of teachers and thel methods ot teaehlng vary greitly In tl different sections of the country. The eon pllatlon probibly will be puhlUhed IK-N autumn , and after publication In the annu : report of the commissioner of education ma be Issued In a separate edition of 20,00 copies. KiiKlund'H ( iiru lo IlKlintriul Sclim.li. WASHINGTON , June 21 Consul Genen Collins at London furnUhes the State di partment with the amounts contributed dui Ing 1884 by the government of Great Brital to Industrial and reformatory schools at , fo lows- Industrial schools , $922B10 , day ii dustrlal schools , $37,227 , truant schools , $35 707 ; reformatories , $353,041 Killed HU Wife'4 IMrinoiir unit Illinsol TOLEDO. 0 , June 21 Gut Streamatter , Fort Wayne lumberman , shot and lulled 7. I the morning dry It without breaking MI off the head and lip of tall , place It betwim it , , bars of a buttered lUh grldlrun and br U a light brown , lay It on a hot du'i nn I dres * with a little butter , pepper nuJ lin. l . < n juice , vinegar , ur choppul pkMu. Urollril I ri-li t oil , Sew up the piece of llnh In thin ili > 'i > fltttd to yhapu , bull In tailed water tlmil from the flmt ) , allow ubuut IK itilmit > t > tin pound. ( Vrufully unwrap , mid pour \ . r u MUCU fur cuJlUli , Sue Kuuu > . Hull 1114 ( 'III. It made by lining u wli.te u 'url ' an In buiuna cutur.l , ana m x i Inn ltli thi ! pulp of npo hananuK I pretK'd III mil li a ccllcndcr or ilu > uJ bake.il in a rich upin pantry emit , and Mu lshed with a mcrlncu * 250 Children's Wash Suits- mid Dark Blue Striped-- Cord and Tassel ; andjiJVliistlc , White Piped Triiiimiiius , Sailor Styc | _ _ j _ _ _ P ' " " " " " " " " j'TL . r" A Testimonial Offer For the Y o ting * U its Ql Jg-AU-JJi Z. Sattirday at Wnnt to sea 'cm ? 50 CENTS A show window full Come hero nt tiny time. SUIT. 'fns ' is S J t fSK l- i Kemp , a birtonderIn a most drimntlc nnn- ner , last evening then at down beside the man lie had shot and endol his own life The wife of Streamatter Is a sporting woman and has been a resident of a house of dis repute In various cities , and had followed Kemp to this city n few weeks ngo The husband , however , found out her where abouts and the shooting was the result. N. i : . A. nt DiMiv.ir.liily f.ili to 12th. The quickest time and best train service is offered by the Union Pacific system Ixivv rates and liberal arrangements fo" a charm ing variety of excursions to western resorts , comprising a tour through the famous Yellowstone National park , trips to San Franclbco , Portland and Salt Lake City , the famous mountain retreats of Colorado , the Black Hills and renowned Hot Springs South Dikota ; the summer school at Colorado Springs , and other attractions See your nearest Union Pacific aguit or addrosb E. L LOMAX , General Pasvenger and Tlck t Agent , _ Omaha , Neb. A\rrtril u 'lYrrlhln ( iititttiophr. WEST SUPEIUOR , WIs. , June 21. The captain of the steamer Saglnaw Valley re ports that his vessel had n close call from colliding with the palatial bteamer North west on Lake Superior on the up trip The Suglnaw Valley had fifty tons of giant pow der stowed forward and had the bows col lided nn explosion might have occurred The weather was thick and both vcbsels were ob serving the rule which required whistling at short Intervals lu foggy weather. The vessels were In dangerous piotlmlty when they d bcovered each otner. The wheels of both were Instantly put hard aport and the great Northwest slipped past the Sagln iw Valley so clobe that one might have jumped from her deck to that of the other. - Ni-urorf * OrilrrtMl from tlin HcMtrv.ttlon. GUTHHIE , Okl. , June 21. The negro set tlers In the Osage Indian reservation are to bo driven out of that country. The O ages have always disliked the negroes and were the sponsors of an act recently pasted by the territorial council ordering all people of that race to vacate the premis-es by July 1. In compliance with this act tlie attorney gen- ei.il today IssuoJ a proclamation notifying all negroes on the reservation to leave before that da'e. llc-itvy rinu for I.UiH. PHOENIX Ariz. , June 21 John O. Dun- bir , editor of the Phoenix Gazette , was yes terday fined $ G,000 for criminal libel and remanded to the custody of the sheriff until the fine Is paid He gave notice of appeal. The llbsl Is two years old , and consisted of an editorial paragraph directed at Governor Hughes , Secretary Biuce , United State * Marshal Meadt ? and Attorney General He-my calling them assasblns and treasury looters. .Mimlrrnl for Ilih .Motu-v. DENVER , Colo. , June 21 Telegrams have been sent to the police departments In all towns ? along the lallroads running from Den ver asking them lo look for and arrest ( ' B. Pdtchen and Nina Spencei , who are bus- peeled of having murdered Jerry McGlnk-y In till" city. McGlnley died In a lodging house from the effects of morphine admlnU- tered In whisky. He had been robbed ol sevetal hundred dollars. Will Ki > r the Old City Hull full , SAN FUANC1SCO , June 21. A number ol workmen were tearing down the old city hall , a stone structure nearly CO ycirs old The work had progiessed EO that the building was u mere bhcll. The northwest cornel walls suddenly pprcad and the roof caved In Four men on the roof fell Inside the build Ing. One , Jamet Wilkinson , was1 killed lij the debris. The three others were Injured Aii.in.Miif ; tlin ' 1 in Phtte hclioclulc. PI'ITSBUIIG , Pa . June 21 The wage coin mltteo of the Amalgamated association of tin committee of manufacturers ate In ronfereniv today on the tin plate eehedulc. It Is though that the workmen will make an effort to hav. the bablu of the st-ale changed from shet-i Iron to bar Iron , and In that event they wll meet with apposition Horn the manufacturer' Will Illrtl'inur l.uri ; ! ! Vmiimitu , NE\V VOHK , June -Interest on a larg < pai t of the rational debt miture * on July | and the Treasury department will pay out ot i that day $5,5116,000 Interest ui the fours am 1 $1'J3S,705 ' Interest on the b.inds l ued in ai of the I'd" " Iflc firm Ti.tal l-bur < i > mPnN fo In ten-it and dividends on July 1 in thi < eit ] will. It is estimated , touch $76 UOO.uno Pn iMlrl UK Mrtl.nii lie ill ( line CIIK'UJO , Juno 21 fharleB Itoo and lili vvlfo Kaiin'u ' , arrived in the illy ( nun Jolt lufet evening They uru mailing , i pulinlii.il trip from Denver to New York They claim to be walking on n wager between Denver men that the distance cannot bo covered In twelve weeks They have been five vveeka nnd three days on the road. Died Mlddunlv of Mritrt I'altnrc. PHILADELPHIA , Juno 21 Henry H. Houston , a director of the Pennsylvania rail- real and a wealthy and prominent citizen ot Philadelphia , died of heart failure at his homo In Wlssahlckf Heights , a suburb o Philadelphia today. Cotton MlllH Uftitroyxil hy Tiro. TOLEDO , O. , Juno 21. The mill of the Toledo Cotton Mill company at Maumee waa destroyed by fire last night with the resi dence of the superintendent. Spontaneous co.nbuitlon was' the cause. Loss , $60,000 ; Insurance , $47,000. 1'aid a ( tonil I'rlcn for n Trotter * LOUISVILLE , June 21. Colonel Jim. Douglas nnd ex-Jailer Billy Bailey have pur- cha'-cd the well known trotting horbc , Ccm- modore Porter , 2 13. The price is iald to bo $6,800. for KllllnjIIU hnruthcnrt. EIKTON. Md , June 21. Horace Cooper was hanged today for the murder of Ills bweethcart last November. The drop fell at 1 24 , and lie wiib pronounced dead In fifteen minutes. ( iporgln'4 l.nviTiKir Mity I.Uc. ATLANTA , Ga , Juno 21. Physicians re port Governor Atkinson U holding his own , and are hopeful of his recovery , thougU they bulletin him as btlll very critically 111. L 11 it i : rinr.fi. In federal court yesterday Otto Otravodosky was found guilty of using the mails for non- rnallable mailer Frank Webb and Thomas Gruneaur pleaded guilty to selling liquor without a license. The city claims that It has discovered traces of passion or prejudice among other errors committed In the tilal of the damage suit of John Fleming against It. Fleming recovered for personal damages $1,000. It la claimed that Fleming was drunk when he stumbled and received his Injuries. The annual examination of the teachers of Douglas county was completed yesterday In the High school. The examination was con ducted by Superintendent Hill and was at tended by forty teachers , a large number of whom liavo not taught before , but are in tending to make teaching a prof sslon Snmo of the teachers are from the last High bchool graduating class. can iiiako you n iilcturo frumo for le'ss tlmn you cm liny the mouklltiy our plctiuv f i nine factory at Kill 1/aiil street i tlu > onlj ono in Ni'linisUa. and vvi > are niakiiiK lilctui-o flames all the time. A. HOSPU , Jr. Music and Art , 15 1.1 Doiml.lt , EDUCATIONAL. Harcourt Place Seminary Gambler , , O. EDUCATIONAL. FMRMADOKE MILITARY INSTITUTE Ihc Gie.it Militaiy School ul the \\e-t. \ \ Also NIEDRINGHAUS HU.L for Small Boys , I n uni i llIMI „ itl Illlf 'III > | i III I r llll'I I It ll > IO l < llll' it : * I'l S/u Illlf tl , FROM tiinccr rnoM mr TANK CHEAPER THAN STEAM. > it llnllii. > n hlixlll , .Nil UliKllMrii llUhl1 | iivv I it lu I < -ii 11 lit I > lui > \-\\nt \ \ III ) I'llll i lltf HUrHlM | ( | rfl U l | ( , A' OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary or Partatilo. I lit l t II ) ' n ( it M II IS Ctaeiro. J tiki St. , HE OTTO CAB'ENGINIE womca Ontai , Jil So , litnat. 334 X U.luul u. , IMIII.AIlEl.l'MM , l'I/