Til 10 OMAHA DALLY HUH : SATl'HDAY , J 1TNE 22 , l 0r > , COfflMCIAL AND FINANCIAL Lower Cables Oauso a Slump in Wh nt , but Short * Cover nwl ft Emotion EUMKS , CORN ACTIVE BUT SUFFERS A DICLINi O t blioncit .Moreiiliimllon Ttian uti the I'rfrpillni ; Dnjr I'rinlnloin I'lrm Up Aflrr n U cak Opening HIM ! De cline ( III J n Trlltr , Jtmr 21.-Lower cablrw A dec Idcd slump In wheat tmlay , but cover ing by fhorlH cauj't-il n rv.irtlon from the lower llgiirc. July fold down to W'.ic , lull recovered to TIUc. nnd rk > tHil at "u'tc , or If lower thnn on the day befoie. Cutn wu > . nl o weak , but with pcih.ip ! ' n better tea- 'on than win at for weakness , the tlay'f tli line being only fractional. c to \c dots ilosctl He lower. ProvttiUiiitt were ac tive and weak , but In the end only sllilitly lower. The wcakni'si * In wheat wnH at tin i.pvnlng . as protiotinced as the llrmnesj prc'-nillng It-w than three weeks' ago. July , \\lii 'i ' elided yesterday til 7P c bid. opcneO with sillers from " 0c duwn to "O' ' c , niul srime sales nl the muno time were n low ns "o c. HuyltiK urdcrB prevented Its gains lower nt Hint llmi- . lull were not milllclenl to iln more than Mtcntly the price within tin limits of the opening range. The short ? bought several times nt the opening , aiul several times again on thu vuilmis Mumpr which snici'cpiled each other ilurliiK the fore noon. On each little rally there wits lots' ' of short wheat for snlc until the price foi July got down tn < S',4c. Frnm that ) MIII | | tln-rc WIIB nn advance of lo lo "u'vc. The latter prlco MUM cmrcnt around 12 iiVUick. . Tinsbntt n'llei'H did nuthlr.g to help tin diM'Ui olntc bulls until the low point uliovi bml born reached. After that they ciiulil be ( ll.-tlnijulshcd from tbc luills , HO cagei illd they appeal In ali'oiliing the whcal which wast for Milr. TinIcttlgu murki-t * were weak. I.lvcrpoul had the complain ! l < > inaki' ( hat tinreiHpt * of fiin-lgn whcal In the I'tiltt.l Klimdoin ft'ithtcc ilnvt nmountcd to the heavy amount of S.SIO.tnH Im The principal pail was from llti slr and Afmntlmami a prlvntc cablcKratn frcm Hcilln quntiMl a ilot line In the price of whcai there f.qunl to Pic per Int. , due , II was Raid , to the German government hnvlii ) . raised Us estimate ( if the crop. The north wesU'in tciclpt * were 117 cari. The c-NjKir clenraticcK from the Atlantic pnrts wert -.ipiiiliitlnily | Hinall , nmotintliiK to onlj aliout Srt.ooo 1m. In wheat and Hour together VnrclKii tnarkclH were ? llgllly ( Irregular PiirN i'ln t d n trlllc bluhcr : Antwerp I2' < ji lower , nnd Ilerlln from 1 mark to 1' . , mnrki lowor. Here Ihc market , near the close iiile.l . rather llrm nt from 70"ic to 71c foi July , and after touching 71'sc for an Install cli.scd . at 707 > , c. There wns a fair degree of activity Ii corn , but , as was the1 case In wheat , tin price differed. The growing weather mil Kllghtly heavier receipts discouraged FOIIII of the loenl traders , who , for n feu days , have been buyers , and they unloaded The price of July at the opening wns fron 4S7tc to We. nnd It declined to ISc. Will the recovery In wheat , com rose ngnln K 49c near the end nnd eloped at 4S74e. OutH were much more nctlve than ycstcr day. Fluctuations were still confined to i rather narrow range , and to n great extent tent Inlluenecd liv the wheat nnd con markets. September ranged from 2S'c ( tt 27 .1' . and closed nt 277/Kc lo 2Sc. The provision maiket was active nm weak for some time , but became firmer Inti In the tiny , and In the c-ml prices were onl' ' n Irlllc lower thnn they roted nt on tin dav be-fore. Pork for September , afte Helling as low im $7.0"i about the npenlng workiil up again to S12.12' ' . . . and clo. oil n JI207'.i , as agalnsl ? 12.1ri on the prevlou nfternoon. I 'ird wns rather neglected am only lltictuated over a 5e range1 , nnd closci 2'iC ' lower for the day. There was a fal amount of activity In rlb . The prlco a the close showed a decline of 2'ic. The de Cash ittotatlonH were aft follows : I''IOL'IlVt ak. WHUAT No. 2 sprlnR. 70'i 73c ; No. 3 nominal ; No. 2 reil.70isfi71ic. . ( XHN-No. 2 , 4Sn4STvc : No. 3 yellow , 4S\c. OATM-No. 2. 2XMiT2)iiie ( ) ; No. 2 white31Sf34c No. 3 while , SUJfiSlVic. HYU-No. 2. 62o. HAIll.iY No. 2 , 63c ; No. 3 , 6Hi 52ic ; No. 4 nunlnal. I-'l.AX SBED-N'o. 1. fl.MU. TIMOTHY SiiD : Prime. jr-.fA rildVlWIONS Mess i uk. iwr Mil. , 11.7rf 11 S71S ; lurel , per 100 Ibs. . } G.4 : > 5tC.47'4 ; short ribs Hides ( loo.e ) , JB.lOwe.H ; dr > ' salte- l shoulder | ,1.37li4j.1.60 ; shoit char Bides ( boxeil ) . . WHISKY Dlstlllern' finished Roods , per Kal. Jt 2f.is. The following wre the receipts nnJ shipment today : On the Prolii3j oxcnanro toliy the bittlar mar ket was Htoadv : cra.Tnory. tualT'io : dairy. UU lie. Kffirb , ste-ady ; lOHaimc. Cheese , OJ4 7Ho. NKW YOIIK liKNKH.U. .UAIIKKT. Clojtlni ; Oii'itmloin mi thu r.-lnulpil Com- ninilltliM Hint Mnplcx. NGW YOUK , June 21. Fl.Orit-necelptu , 15 ti bbls. ; exports , 2.7.1' . ' ) bbls. ; ualeM , 12C iO pKK Market for pprins wheat was weak. Some exp , i Imiulry , but no results. Hyc Hour , Blow. WIMAT Ke-cclptK , 6,700 bu. ; exports , none Bales , 2l,22i,00) bu. futurm and 21,000 bu. tp.it h'pot closed steadier ; No. 2 red , In stoic and ele valor , 74'ic ' : afloat. 71V ; f. o. b. , "C'.tcj ' No. northern , 7kic. : ) dellvere < l ; No. 1 hard , 79'ic , de llvere.1. Options declined actlvelj under lenewc. . llquldatl. n , coupliil with weaker cables and fa vorable crop news until midday , when the price ; were rallied by Illinois of a bit : export buflnejv at outpors find tlurlni , ' the afternoon wan tlrniei i"OHN--Il-x'e'pts. l.M.l1 . * ) bu. : exports 30. . ) bu sales , UO.OOO bu. futures nnd 32.iv , ) bu. spot SK.I. | quiet nnd t.iHier ; No. 2. M'ic In elevator M'.c uilo.it ; Bieamer mixed. M c , Options de c'ined under active llquliUtlrn , afterwn'.d rccov ered with wheat and closed llrm at lttl\c no loss. July , D27ifiUV. closed nt 53 ? > c ; Ausust ' " ' . " 4- . . I'-nM-d ' ' .I - nt Ol'.c ; September. G4ttflJ4' c closed at 64Hc. HATS Hte-elpts , K.100 bu. ; exports 100 bu. s.i.es. 1G.IKX ) bu. future's and 115.IOO Int. spot -'i"1 ! . nctlve but enfler ; N2. . Slt e ; No. 2 , de h\ered. Sl'iCSl'ic ; No. 3 , SOVie ; No. 2 wh'tc ' 4l' ' e. Ni > . 3 white. 33ie ! ; track , mixed westein 32ff3U" ; truck , white western , 3Mi41e. Option dull nnd easier , ulth it Una ) tally ; pilces un ehangeil to Hc lower ; June closed fit 31c ; July 8lBai 4r co ed at SHie ; September , 31 fl'31Sc c | , sed nt 31"jc. ll .v v Plrin ; shipping , SOflCOe ; good ( o choice HOI'S Quiet ; state , common to choice , rid " ' . 1SS4. 4iSc ; 1'iiclllc conn , old , 365c ; Ik84 4TSc. HIDES Strong ; wet salteil New Orleans , se lifted , 25 to < * > . > tl.H. , CVtC , ni'intniili Texas , sr Intul SO to M Ibs. , nominal ; lluenos Ayres. : ' " ' Itw. , ISO , nominal ; Texas , dry , 24 to 30 Ibs. 12P" 'iOl8teudy ; domi-stlc tleece , 16T2Se ; pulle. N Quiet ; ftralne.l , common to Kex > d , II.I ( il i iLEATHEH Firm ; hemlock sole. Huenos Ayrvf Imhl to he-tvy we g its , ! 2ii2.1c : acid. 21I4c. rHOVISH.SS Ileef. llrm ; beef hams. 19 SO Cut meats , firm : p'cklcd ' bellies , JJ.71HC.2' , picklt-1 sh iirldem. J5.R7t > ( ! fi.W. I ird. dull ; wesl ern steam closed nt JG.C.2V nominal ; July close nt 'B T.I. n. . nilnal : SeutemlKr. < G.li. ! nominal : re fined , steady ; compound. J7. 1'ork. fn'rly ' actlx and lower nt 113 0.1013.75 ; family. J13 ; short deaf III 'ITKH Steady : western dairy. 9JJ14e ; wes n rrriunery , 12ulSc ; western factory. Hfl2'ic ' I1nna. IWfIm tntlrn er trn- * ! - . 116fl3c. slat dairy , I18l7c ; state creamery. 17' lilSc. ir'-'SK- " ht-tre. 5HtJ7t\c ; small. CfjSc part ikliiis , 4fi. ' . ' . < full skims 1'ic. | . ; iljS ( W-iiV . t Hid 1'rtirsylv.inla , llfll tjc we-stern flesh. II 1 c ; receipts , S.W6 pkgj. TALLOW " . .nil . lower ; city. 2 per pkg. ll.c : cnun'rv 4' . us lo qunllly. I'ETUOLEt'M- ; United closed nt Jl fO hi. HOS1N Klr.iur : - rnlfexl. lunmeti to gioj. II ( 61 t . STUAWHEUr.I4H12c. . METALS 1'g i. llrm : American. 101il3c Coppor. quiet : Linkers , price , tlO.W ; exchange M" * . l.e 'l. inner ; brokers' price. J3.12Vj ; ex change , J3.S3. Tin. firm ; Straits. J10.04 : platei nifuket tirm. Slter. | llrm : domestic. J3.SO. COTTONSEED OlISlow , with wenk undei lone ami exporter * holding oft for lower prlcei luminor yellow , Wifl56 ? c. Nriv YorU lirr tiooiti .lUrket. NEW YOniC. June II Agents have advance Au..u-aa .trail denims ( uul cotton cuibimsren u , 'I ' ill t rf . | | . , ' .illl I . , I I I \ . . j 1 I i ' . , i f. i y p n K . - 'if.i i b. bn',1 .1 ( ; ' . ! ll nun > f r II. . ' . .1 . ) wn ii'il .1 . ml e tt.'iiii nnd of iiic t.i-l tnu - .HI.- MMIICMI - ij , i > . ! ' lli.il . has limiinl t-i | . iti..tis l.i . , n . - if m. .H t r n. . stmk. nnd is- , lift tteie i.\ii , | . | Tleie was n K"0.l lii"\e- in'iit of piKiix mid n MI > slivltic market "us i \rr > tiatutnl roltecthm of the wur c of trade. t > uii.v Ciiiitlllltin nf 'Irnilo nil. I IJiiiilntlii n on Maple nail lunc. I'r.t turn. Tli"i I * n little nrnker fcollhx In the marl.pt for tttfklnir I'K-U buile-i. Qjotlttlunr : itlHH-fhi.lce Mock. 1V- lll-TTin--raf : ! < ltt tt eh. So ; chnlcp to fan. y , I'ilil2 > ; tsi.lhi'ittl cnintry , lla ; semiutor | cre-ttinrry , IU- . I.1VI3 I'lMM/rnv-Henc. etil'.ic. lnoslfi ! . So. cpilng ( l.l.kct.s . , Jj.oou .W pndm. . , nr ll Uc Jin b ; thiili" . Se , Intl. , ji. Mile , ( ! ec e5c. . ViIiMiole : < - fat. 70 t.i iw Ibs. . lire ( ( UDtt-el at ct)7c ) : lnt-.c | nii.l . CO.UK. Uil' c. CIIIS--U'IM | ; ( : itoin lull e-1'iT.m. 9c ; YOUIIB AiiirileniK. ICe ; iwlnn. lie ; NtlimiKn nnd l"Wn. 'till cr.-atn. IlkNebtn > ki * and lt < \\n. part skims. IttTel.llnl'liltiel ; - . No. 1. lOc. lulck. No. 1 , lie. Htvlm No. 1. 14i- . HAYfpli.nd luiy. J . :0 : ; tnldlalld , } Si Inwlan.l. 17.50 , ij.MihW. . f. > ; color nmKcK ( heprlcu 011 buy. l.lKht lmi > s sell the best. Only t"l > Kradcs I rltiR tup pt it i r. I'lllKliNK-IVl- . , ! l.oOfi1.W. YiniTAiti.ns. : ; Thcio wan nollilni ; rsirrliill | ) new In HIP market fur \tv-lal > lt'9. emulations : l-OTATlii : " . Old sl'ck , 7SCSOii new imtnlen * . i holcittut I : , 1'Oe. ONlnNS neiltiiiiliis. per cralo , J1.WO1.CO ; Cab Ifniiila In micki. . i Mbu. . , JliVKII.tr. . nl. l > UKANS-Hiiti.l tiUlied. n.tvy , ll.Wi l.lm.i beiins , per Ib. . f.i4tliiC. I'AMIlAdll-on flidi-is. ! ! ic. HI'lNAfll-l'el bu. ba'ket , SSCIOc. ItAlilSIIUS-l'cr do ? , bunehi-s. lS172e'C. ( > UIIN : IINIUNH l > r dm. bunches , 15e. l.nTTl'i'K-l'i-r tltm. . tOi2c. | ASI'AllAlirH-fholee slutk. on olilcrs , 50c pel doz. bum hm. I'll ! I'l.ANT-IVr Hi. . > ; fllc. ( | Vr.MlliiS-On : ( oldeis , Mflf.oc . per doz. IMIAK On older ? , per bu. . JI.50. STUINO IllIANS-On otdeis. per U-bll. Iwx. r.ojj cue. \V.\\ lIlUNH-On ciders , per ' .s-bll. tiox. fC di7'c. TOM ATOJItfPlot Ida Mock , potCbaskct crate- . Jl 7 : . . per 4-har-Kct crate. JI.L'5. THXAS Sgl'ASHI'er ilnr. . . em orders. 403MC. I-'llflTH. The maiket e tetday was tinner on K.th blaeUbf i rles ami mn > l > errle- . Kastein Ktoweis ot stiawbetrteK have received \ety little for their cup this s.-asun. prtet\t Sav- IIIK been verj l.iw . In the lendltiR cHsiern tnnikets I'ui.nK th * pH I week In N--W Yotk the \er\ in. \ailetliK of b.'iito" , which anlv.d ll p-rfrci . on. I tl. in. shottliiK latKf sire and beau'iful C' ' > lo. . . had to sell d. . w n as low IIH "itto tie per quart , \\hlih Is unusually low for the best Kinoe of beriii's as e.itnpureil . to prices realized In pi e\ Ions scuMins , they usually pclllm ? In Ihe nelK-hlK.rhiKi.l . . of Ilkt. t. . 12e per qiiatt. The bulk or Ihe fall to pi line terries had to be forced off In tanirr of I ) . ' to . ' ' . per quart , which left ueiy sm.tli inarKln f"r t u < niower when Ihc fn iBht. C-HII- mlhs on met ehatit's eomm sii.n . and other ex- pen es were deducted , s.- . that from the nmer'i. . sdindp .Hit th" crop this > ear has bem prnc- tlcallv a. failure , as they have icallz.-d so lltlle that It ban not paid In many eases for the time and tiouble In raising the fruit and In sonic In- slancen the actual expenses to which they havr been put have not been I'votercd. ejuotatlons. HIM ) IlASI'lll-ilUIis-rer 24-iit. cas-e. 14.60. I'l.l'MS California , per bov , cbidco stock , $1.51 Kil.Wi ; southein. per case. $2.UOf2.2V Al'lllCOTS t'allfotnla. choice stock , per box ) l.40 < Til.7D. e'Al.H'OHNIA ri-JAi'tlHS-IVr box. J1.25. POI'TIinitN I'HACHIIS I'tr li-bu. bin. 75e. Al'l'I.r.S Southtrn , per ' , s-bu. box , 75crU.OO. e-.ise of 2-1 qts. . J2.7 : , ii. : ( " ) . STnAWHIJIlHIIIrf Choice shipping stock , pel lase of 24 its. | . $ s. ( > t. ClinillllKS Cnllfoinla , per 10-lb. box , J1.50. OOOSiiliilHliS-l'er 24-qt. case , J2.00JJ2.- . . SOl'TIIKUN riliUHllS : Per 24-ql. case , J2.W 1ILACK HASI'IIKHUIKS I'er 24-lt. case , 3.t . HLACKIIKHHIKS < 'holco stock , per 24-qt ( a'1 . OIIANOIIP Navels , per box , none ; cholci seedllnKS , per box. 12.60 ; Mediterranean sweets , $3.2T. ; fancy Kt. Michaels , J3.23. I.nMONS Kxtia fancy lemons , 3CO size. $3.Mfi C.OO ; 300 size , J6.lKaC.6' ) ' ) . ItANANAS Choice shipping slock , per bunch 12.00 4T2.2S. PINKArn.ES-1'er doz. , J1.7J82.25 , accordlnf to size. PIGS-Fancy , lie ; choice. 12ai3c ; California bags , 7c , 11ONUY California. 1IJJ15C. MAI'LE SYIU'I1 Clullun Jugs , per doz. , J12 Illxby. r.-gal. cans. J3. NfTS Almonds , lie ; English walnuts , soft helled. IVc ; ttnnd.iids , lie ; llll.crtR , 9c ; Ilrnzl nuts , l-c ; pecans. ! > . - . DATES In C.O . to 70-lb. boxes. 5c per Ib. : fan' ' d.-itrs. 5c per Ib. riDEK 1'ure Juice , per bbl. . J3 ; half bbl. , f3. COCOANfTS-I'er hundred. S4. HIDES AND TALLOW. The nplulon Is expressed by tli > se who have been In close touch with the maiket that bides hnve reached the high iiolnt. HIDES No. 1 gie-en hides , t'4c ' ; No 2 gieer , hides , Su ; No. 1 green sailed hides , DC ; No. ! green salted hides , SVic ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to i : 11.6. , HilOc ; No. 2 veal evilf. 8 to 15 Ibs. , 12c No. 1 dry Hint hides , 12l4c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides. 12c ; No. 1 dry salted hides. 12c ; paitly cured hides. He per Ib. less than fully cured. SHEET TKLTS-Oreen snlled. each. 23JCOc sreen inlted sheaillngs ( short weiole-d early sklnii , each , SiflSc ; dry sliearllngs ( short woole-d carl ) sklnb ) , No. 1. each , SfflOe ; dry shearlings ( shorl \\ooled early EUlns ) , No. 2 , each , Cc ; dry Him Kansas nnd Nebiuska butcher , pelts , pel pound , actual weight , 6fSc ; dry Hint Kansas am Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , nctua weight , 4fiCc ; diy Illn1 Cclorndo butcher woo pelts , per pound , actunl weight. 486Hc ; dij Illnt Colorndo murrlan wool pelts , per pound nctuul weight. 41JCc. Hnve feet cut oil. ns It I ; useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW AND CHEASE-No. 1 tnllow , Vif | t4c ; No. 2 tnlluw , SHWtc ; grease , white A , 4'n I'lc ' : grease , white II , 3'.4c ; grease , yellow. 2'i { 3c ; grease , dark. 2ic , ; old bulte-r 2 2i,4c ; bees ax , prime , 17f20c. rough tali.nv , ic. WOOL , UNWASHED Fine heavy. 6iJ7c ; fin. . light , SiifSe ; qunrter-blood , ICSfllc ; seedy , burr : and chnffy , SfStic ; cotted nnd bioken , coarse , 75 9c : cotted and broken , Hne. O'8c. WOOL , WASHED Medium. UfllSe ; fine. ll { I6c ; tub washed. IRfTlSc : black. So ; bucks , 6c tag locks. 233c ; dead nulled. 6Cc. FL'HS. Fl'IlS Hear , black , No. 1. large , J20.00Jf2j.OO bear , brown. No. 1 , large. $ U ) OOg2S,00 ; No. 1 , me dluin , J16 ; No. 1. small. JK. bear , brown , year ' lings. No. 1. largeI10.WS12.00 ; .N'O. 1. medium ( Hum. JS.OOiiC.C'O ' ; No. 1 , small. J4 ; bear , black Montana and Hocky mountain. NV > . j | arge HSW:0.00 ; No. 1 , medium , $14 ; No. i Bmai | J10 ; bear , black , Mi ntana yearlings , No. 1 large. J12 ; No. 1. medium , IS ; No. small. Ji bear , black , Montana eubs. No. 1 , ( nice. J8.60 No. 1 , medium. $4.60 ; No. 1 , small , J3 ; bear silver tip. No. 1 , laige , JW ; No. 1 , medium. $12 No. 1. small , IS ; bear , silver tip. yearlings , No 1 , large. $11 ; No. 1 , medium , Ib ; No. 1. small 13 ; bear , silver tip , cubs. No. I , largo , $1.0001.50 No. 1. medium , COc ; No. 1 , small , toe ; fleher No. 1 , large , Jt ; No. 1 , medium , > 6 , No. 1 , grnall J4 ; fox , ul\er ( , ns to color , according to beauty No. 1 , large$100 ; No. 1 , medium. ICO ; No. 1 small. $60 ; fox , silver , pale , ae-e'ordlnif to beauty No. 1 , large , $ M ; No. 1. me-uium , | 30 ; No. 1 Email. tX : fox. cross , No. 1 , large. | 7 , No. 1 medium. 13 ; No. 1 , email. 12 ; fox , red. No. 1 large. 11.60 ; No. 1. medium. 11.25 ; No. 1 , small II ; fox , gray. No. 1. large. T5r : Xo. 1. medium TOc ; No. I , small , 40c ; fokits. . No. 1. large , 60c No. 1 , medium , we : No. 1 , Email , 30c ; lynx. No 1. large , JJ ; No. 1 , medium , 12 ; No. 1 , tmall 11.60 ; mat ten , No. 1 , large , | 2 ; No. 1 medium 11.60 ; No. 1 , snmll , II ; mink. No. 1 , large , COi CSc ; No. 1 , medium , 40o ; No. 1 , small , Sic ; mlnli dark. No. 1 , large , CSc : No. 1 , medium , 40c ; No I. small , 30c ; mountain Hon. perfect head an * fen. No. 1 , large , J1.W82.UO ; Impel feet skin : J6 OOfiTlH ) : No. 1. nn.ill. $5 : otter , pale , No. 1 large , $7 ; No. 1 , medium , la ; No. 1 , small , 14 mccoon. No 1 , la'ge , 60S70c : No. 1. medium 5 e ; No. 1 , large. 60c0J2.00 ; tkunk. black , cased narrow btrlped. No. 1. laige. f.0o ; No. 1 , me dlum , 40c : No. 1. small. 25e ; broad striped , No. 1 large. lOfiSJc ; wolverine. No. 1. large , ! 4 ; No. 1 medium. 3 ; No. 1 , small. 13 ; wolf , mountain No. 1. large , $3 ; No. 1 , medium , 12 ; No. 1 small. 11.60 ; wolf , prairie. No. 1. large. CS0SOc No. 1. medium. CiV ; No. 1. small. 40e ; beaver per fkln. No. 1. large. IS.OOifCOO ; No. 1. medium 14.60 ; No. 1 , small. $2 ; beaver kits. No. 1. Ijrge * 2. No 1. medium. Jl W ; No. 1. smnll. ; 5e muskrnts. winter. No. 1 , Inrge , fiJflOc ; No. 1 medium. 9c ; No. 1. small , 7c ; muskrnts. fall No. 1 large , 4J6c : No. 1. medium , 7c ; No. 1 mall. Cc ; muekrnt kits , ittte. St. Loul ( ienerMl 'Murket. ST. LOt'lS. June 2l.-KLOfIt-Lower nnd dull patents , JJ.'J.'O.IU ; extra fancv. | 3,70S3.SO } ; fancy f3.4.C36n . ; ch'.tce. ' 13 Cli 3.0 : Uye lli.ur . , J3.75JJ4.00 \VHKAT Opened 'nc lower , but rapidly de dined I'ic more on heavy sales , but ns soon a the buying becnrne better the market firmed u ] and recovered l" c and closed with selleis ' , C1S4 U'low yiftenlay. Dli-eouiag ng cables , Ind'cntlon ' that the rain wns nl-.ut over In wheat district nnd breaking markets elsewai re were the e-ain-e of the rapid declines : No. 2 red. en * ? i. 76c nsked Julv. 70I70'c iiskul ; Septunber. 7l\c nsked. COHN Wuk nnd lower. In sympathy will wheat and lower rablei : from Ihe lowest poln there was n flight loactlon. but the close wa firm , though Ic below yesterday : No. 2 rnlxe.1 cash , 44i e- bid ; July , 41'ic ' bid ; ijeplernber , 4C1 , askrd. OATH Dull , weak and lower , closing nt Tdiil decline from yenteidnv ; No. 2. cash , 23c nsked July. S6 4t : September , 2 HC ; bid. HYPN mlnal. e-OHN MRAI - 3.2.fi3.30. IIHAN t'nsetllid ; C4c bid ; tea nsked , ens trnck. FLAX SKHD Numlnnl. IIUASS t > Kii > S Nominal. IIAY-Heprw.nl and lower for tlmithv nt Ml. " $ r..CO : Iimlrle. Inactive but firm at $11.W 11.5' this side. lU'TTIMl I'nchnnttttl : sepnrntor creamery , 15i ICe : fancy ElElns ISfflS'sC. ' iOOS-Steady nt ! > e- . LKAD Dull , weak nnd lower ; $3.10 nsked $107U bid. SI'EI.TKII Dull nnd weak nt J3.47'.j. ' WHISKY-J1 I'HOYISIONS r.-rk. standard mess. $12. Ijin ! prime strnm. 1C.20 ; choice 'C.32 % . ll-icon , Imxe should is. J0.f > ) ; longs , IC.76 : ribs , f.i.fcTU : shorn J7. Dresseil meats , boxetl shoulders , $5.60 ; lontci J6 ! ' rllx R.J7'i ' : shorts. IC-K1 ! . IlECKIITS Flour , 2.CVX ) bbls. ; wheat , 11,01 bu. : c 'rn ll.lKrt bu. ; oats , Jl.KO bu. SHirMHNTS Flour , 3. < ) bbls. ; wheat , t.O. bu. ; corn. C8.0H ) bu. ; o ts , 9.000 bu. REACHING HIGH\YATEtt \ HARK Encouraging Crop News and Replenishing of Stocks the Moving Power. STILL WORKING UP PRICES OF IRO ! I uriinrcK n it Alllli All lin'y unit Mnii ) th.tt llitvr llei'ii tilto for Yrnri Miirtlng Up Cuke * I'ru- eluc ri Cut Crlcct. NH\V YORK , Juiitj 21. II. O. Dun & Co.'H Weekly Review of Trndc , which Is sues tomorrow , will siiy : From nil parts of the I'nlte-d Stntes the bc t ndvlcvs obtainable tell Of n rising title of trade and industry , which threatens here and thelo lo mount too far and tto fast. The volume of all business Is by no means equal to Hint of 1M > 2 , ns yol , though In come Itnpoitant branches It Is larger than In tlml of any other year , 'lite .iMuence of n tremendous ( lower coulrlb- utos to the rise encouraging crop news and conllilcnt replenishing of stocks wbleh have lie-en for two yours depleted to the utnuist. Hxceptlng too heavy rains In Texas crop icportB this week have been highly t'licoiir- ' nglng. Fututo Injury to colton cannot bo pre dicted , but as yet nothing Indicates n yield below 7rjijolX > 0 bales , which Is not supjiosod to threaten n famine. If thu commercial ami mill stocks were ruinomhureil , now exceed ing by 2,500,000 bales-a full consumption un til September 1. Receipts continue mnnll nnd tonsiimptlon Is close to the maximum here and abtoad , Ihoiigh the marketing of Itrltlsh goods Is not entirely oncouruglng. Mbeial purchases of all pioduets by the s-outh do not Indicate a belief that my fi'flous nils-fortune Impends. So the stronger trade In wheat growing stales ac cords with brighter crop prospects. Reports fiont apilni ; wocat platen anil fiom ihe 1'aclllc cunn are n. cheeiinB that allh.iUKb the lo of winter wheat wait IIIIRC thitc , thon- whose e ll- inateii ha\e been moHt accinate In icivnt ye.us now \.il > In pieillctlonH fiom 4W.uml.0ijo ! to 470- UlXt.OlIU bllxhel ! . . Atlanilc exporlf for thnv week" , II'iir ' Inclti.leil . liaxe Urn only 3.7CS.T1 > buplu-ls , nRalnvt 6 nn-j si2 Ini-li.'N last M > ar. li.illcatiiii ; no tncent ileinan.l . at cut-lent price * . There lias been a fall of 0 eenlH In w.ieitt , with beu\lcr Kile-it than for tureo weeUn. The itiHli for siippllea In lion an.l . pteel resem bles a "bear panic" in Ihe vtot k market. lle- cntitp prices are mountliiK everybmly binrlen to buy. wi that they in..ant hlKlier. llegjuincthas reacln < < l J12.C , : . at I'lttsbtirK , the liar axMoelat'on ' has ailtanced conunon t. . Jl.15 , the \Vlie Nail aKxoelation put their pio.liKt . to Jl. . ' ' ) IH-I k.-R , the Fteel mil inakei-K have ralpeil the price to JIM. eaKtein an.l . H.ut'.ieia finnaci-H have both raNed prii.'S ni aln . ' 0 i ents pe ton noI it tictural loam * are $ l.r anil anKlcM 31.23. It Is un.b-alable tlml wolkfl In operation ate cro\Mtd ] with oiilerst anil otherK which have been Idle for y ar fire pre- pailnit to reminie. At the fame time the most potent eauie . f the tipwaril ptartlni ? In pricew , the Kcnual belief that a combination of coke pro- iluei-iH would ralne the price to $1.5J fifter July 1. IH apparently reiaoveil by a nnr ainoni ; the proiliiceiH anil a fall to J1.J5 In continclB for the laftt half of IMC. . l-'iillnrra for the week have been 233 In the 1'nlle.l Statrst , iiKaliiKt 211 last year , and thirty- one In Camilla , aBalnbt twenty-live last year. ( I.KAKINU ItOUSi : TOTAI.H. nf ItilBlrojs Transacted by tilt : Mnoclitteil Itnnkft l.unt Wcclc. Ninv YOUK. June 21. The following table compiled by llrailstreet's , ehowi" the total clear ance-it at the principal cities and pere-entiiKe ol Increase or ilecreas-o , a compared with the corre- week last year : KI-IVIUW or TUADI Kcports from Mont All Kotirccs Are of i I < t1\'nrihlp Nuttire. NiW YOIIK , June 21. llradstreet's tornorrov will my : The" feature of the business this weel Is the customary check to activity In the trndlni In staple nrllcles of merchandise , duo to the nea approach of midsummer , with the nccmnponyini stocktaking In some linen. In addition to till ! the only other note [ > lntlng to Improvement I tbc reaction of prices of cotton , coal , wheat Hour. cum. oats. prk and lard fiom prevlou fu-tlvlty and high levels. In nlmost all the othe directions rejiorts on the buslnesH nnd outlook nr xcepllonally fnxonible. nxuitts | of wheat ( nm our us wheat ) . l * li ivmstB , this wi 'k. as tele gmphed t-i llradsiret's , amount to 2Ui,3n bunhfls. ngalnst 1.71S.tK ) bushels last weel I when the amount was exceptionally small 1 9'7 coo bushels In the third wi-ek of June , 1HH 3 664' ( ) bushels In 1S93 , 2.4r,7,0i bushels In 1 M and l. .i".l l bushels In the corresixmdlng perlc. Tlm more active I'adHc const dtle an' nloioc alone. In pren'ntlng distinct failures of tiad eiich week. rVin Francisco reports that hot wind admittedly affected Ihe California wheat crop wldch no * will not N- likely t > i-xcw.1 33.tM > .fic bushels. Full trade prospects at 1'ortlajid. Ore. art. bright. Tiuvmn lu-moiinces exi irts of Hour cotton and machinery to the Orient ajid lumbt- to South Africa , while Seattle ha sent a larg anuiunt of silver money to Melltterrane.in i rti There hnve been no special changes In the r.vial and . -lorthwest tlon of general trade nt wislern ern cities but tli" volume of bunlne n nnd gen eral feeling at Milwaukee nnd at Uuluth Indl cntut Improvement. In the southern states I nib I ness continues at nl iut midsummer proK | > : tlons. I'lirelL-o I'lilitnt'liil Aff lm. PAKIS. June 21. Three per cent ri > ntfi > . 103 l..ko for the nccutint. Kxchnnge on Ixindon , 2 ! 20isc for eherks. l/NDON. June 21. Oold In quoted nl Ilueno Ayres toiUy at 260 ; Madrid , 1J.W ; Lisbon , ixw yt. 1'e-tcri.burg. ! f > ; Athens. 77 ; Home. 104 40 ; VI ennn , 10.1. The amount of bullion withdraw from the Hank of 1'ngland on balance today wa I'lnunelil .Niitr * . HOSTON. June 21. Clearings , $15,973,87 $ ! ; Iml anoes. J1.44S.12) ) . UAI.T1MOHK , June 21. Clearings , 12.161. S25 ba.Uirr . IM8.2CO. NK'V YOItK , June 21 , Cle-ailngs , | C7.1 7,73 ( b Unoit. 11.670,607. CHICAGO. Juno 21 Clearings , 114.362.0) ! Mpnty. easy , ralrs. Iij5 I'er cent fur call lo.m and ( Q { ver cent for cominurclaJ pape-r. Nti k i x " n . f | m im SI ilit.g I- il i.a II 4 n.l ! * ! . I Illl M IM I III.V . .tilthl l CluirltiKs.il f. t , iiiu'f. t. | l tic 15. ST LOTIS. Junp 2l. _ t-U irings J3.r.2r.- bnl nnr < . MM'Tii M..n . v.l'HMM' cent New Ytuk i-xihangt' , vv premium- WASHINGTON . Jutlf rr.-Todny'ii slntrtnent of the eiindltlon of the ( tertiur ) shows : AMtllnble cnsli rnlnncc , , JISJ.476.4lHi pvIiSfms \ , J5.i432.i. ; " NYOl'KS AND lUiNDM. rirrpnnt .MorKiin'j a'trturn rroni i.trnp : : ninr Ainlimilnn on \ \ nIrce't. \ \ . NEW YOItK. June 2aifi\Ynll street wns mud ; unlimited thi * in. inlng't.\dr ' the return to hlf olllieof Mr. M.ug.in frotti.'i ) Euinpinn trip , elm- Ing which It IH Known thaV he held conference ? with the hi.ldeis . of Nnrthern I'nrtlie mid He.nV- Ing securities. Mr. .MitVfAn dealt In genet ulltlcs , stilting Hint Europe | \ \ | ; to take our glt- ! edged seiurltles , belli-Mng that we were com mitted lo the geld Mnnrtard. ud Hint he Is sat- Iflle.l . the Nntthern l'uitk' , : ( ie-.rgnnlr.ntlon will not bi * underinkeri without m-ilerlnl g.tln. A ; being coriolmrntlie r\Idence of nn unimpeach able witness , the Stock exchange traders madt this stnleuienl the motile- for an upwnrtl turn ol fair proportions , but which was not of slnylnp quallO. At the opening of the Stock cxchaniii prices were uiegiilar. but generally lower ol slight changes. The miiiKet si.i.n . . took upon Itsi'll : i K'tter tone , t'oloiad.i . Ftu-l mid ui ! ' < I'fi ' eent. Coloiad.i . Coal and New England 2'i ' pel e-eiit , I'lttsbuig Western preferred ! ' - . per tent Wheeling At Lake Eile preferred S per rent , Wheeling & Ijike El Iteommon S. per cent , am' ' DIMIHIng I'd per cent. In the general lift flue- Hi mil gains were made. At the higher llgurt sales t.i icallzc prollts were made , which broilghl nboiit a leaetli.ri. . which wns un mpoiliinl , exeepl Hint Hay Stnte ( las broke 3 per lent. New Eng land IS , per cent , and e'oloiado Coal 1 per cent Hefoie- midday the depici-st n was checked am there wan a renewal of t.ujlng. the Imptovliij tende-neles ci.ntlnulng up to 2 ii'clock , at w-hlcl time nn advance' ranging up to ! 'k per e-enl bin been made. New England , Metropolitan Tiae-llorv liulutb. South Hl.ore . * . - Atlantic , Atlantic com. mon and preferiett. Tennestee foul nnd elenera ! lilei trie lending. I hen came n break of ' ( , to ' . per cent. In which Susque'iaiina AI Western prt- feite-d. Manhattan , Sugar , Iowa e'entral , Colonub Knel. Noitlirrn racllie prefeirtil. Heading nn. . ' Chit-nit" "as wete nmsl pri.mlnent. . In the Intel tiiidttiK Hay Stnte llns milled l per cent. St I'uul . Omaha preferred 1'u ' per cent. Manhaltat % per cent , mill the other shares n small fraction and the mail.et cliisetl fairly steady. The born n -iul.'itl.'ii was light Inolumc , but strong It bine. Near the clew prices ean-d off In sympu Ihv with hea\lnt'i > of Hie shnte speculntlon. Tin litHl sides were JI.MS.I.VK1. The Evinliig I'ost inblegratn : The ppeculatlie m.irkets wete featureless t day. The continued Kim of un--al.-ible money here amounts to n posl- tlie eilsls In t.ie way of ease. Speyer's ls- tie of j' > 75i < i.i < i of elt > of e'lilcago 4 tier cent gold bonds announced i-hould go well. The Issue wns no. generally known In busli'ess houses. The following wire the closing quotations nr , the leading stocks on the New York exchnnst today : Atchlnon Nortnwestcrn tiO ! < AdnniB Express. . . doptd Ml Allan. T. H N. Y. I'enlral lol'i ' Ant. ExpreBS 113 NY. . .V N. E 4lh , Ilnltlmore A. Ohio , Ontario A W 17"J CatiHda 1'aclQc. . . . Oregon Imp 11U Canada Southern. . ! On > eon Nnv V'U CL-ntrullMciao. . . . O S. I. A U. N. . . . dies. .V Ohio 1'nclHu M.lll 30V Chicago Alton. . . . it' . 1) . X E r.M C. . M. * V t-r. { IMltHbnrir 157 Chicago eins vMlfI'ulltnan ; , I'al.tco. . 174 Consolidated Oaa. M. U. ( } . W 17 > 4 C..C. . C. 4St. L. . . . ' II. O. W. pfd 44 Colo. Co.1 k Iron. SiH Hock Inland 72l Cotton Oil Cert. . . . VN'tlst. Paul U7It DcluwarH.fc llud. . ISP't1 ' dopfd A. . . _ _ V.fi. U. (1. pfd 47 [ St. P. A Omaha. . . . 4d D.AtC. K. Co SIIUI dopfn 117 Erlu ' Southern Vitclfla. . do pfd. ' S'lirar Koflnory. . . . 117H Fort Wavne 167 Tenn. Co-il .V Iron. ( ! . Northern ofd. . . Texas t'ncinc C. &E. I nfd Illl T. .kO Cent. ufrt. . Hocking Valley. . . I'll Union Pacific. . . . . 1'JS , Illlr.oli Centr.ll. . . PS U. S. Kxnrc s 40 SUP. AtUiilutu . . . : iO W. St. U i P 110 K..IT. pfd H4 do nfd. JO Lake Erlo A ; Wosl 24 , Wells Kniro Ex , , . 110 dopfd M XVrhtern Union . . U2' < LakeShore " " Whnoling A ; L. B. . IftH Lead Trust elotifd 48U LoulBvlllo&N. . . . OK M. ft SI. L 22 U A N. A 1) . A 1UO ll'i ' Manhattan Con. . , ( j. E 3ft < ; .MomtmlPt40 N , IJ 30H , MIchKnu Cent. . . . O'jmip , v.l TJM ni. ( dopfd. OS Molillo iOlilo . . .Jljtri . t-r. : o . NnnhvllleChat . . . CK T. A ; A. A N. M. . . . National Cor.laia. T. Sr. L. AK. U. . . . 1 ! docfd 4 N. J. Ontr.il N. A : W. pfd i dolpfd 11 , ' ( North Am. Co. . . . at , . Am. Tob. Co 113H Northern I'ncllla. . 1 dopfd 1I4U No.Pnc. pfd 10 St I' . , M. & M 11U4 U.H. . D. * Q The total pales of st"ckq . teilay were 27.1,125 Fluirrx , Including : American' ' < SiiKar , f.2.W9 . ; Hur- linKton , 7,80) ; cblcaKo n * . ' 8.60. . ) ; ( Colorado Coal Anil Iron. 4.W ) ; Coloradii Knel. 4 , 00 ; Dlstlllert and Cattlefeedlnir connudiy. Sfi.10' ) ; Oeneial Ulec- trlc , 3,90H ; iMttK Ifland frrartltm , 4,200 ; Mlrmurl Paclllc. 4M 1 ; New Jerfftfy Central , 7WO ; New York & New Knglnnd , thlnl paid , 7.SOO ; Northein I'.iclllc preferred , 3Rm ; IleadiliK , 19.500 ; St. Paul. 9.800 ; 'iVnncrHpp < val and' Irtn , 24,700 ; NVhcfllng A FM'le. Nutr YorK .Mouev Murknt. . NKW YOltK , .Tune 21. MONBY ON CALI - Ka y nt 1 per cent ; closed at 1 per cent. IMUMU MI'JHt'ANTlI.i : rAPI3U-2ii 3',4 ' pei STBH1.INO IIXCHANOB-Klrm , with actual > > UKlnemi In bankern' bills at } 4 89mJ4.S'Ji for de. mand nnd at J4.S8iifT4.8S i for 60 days ; posted rates. J4.89 4.8i'i ! and J4.89M4.90H ; comnurclal bllU. } 4.87s4fl4.ts. ! K1I.VKH C'KUTII-MfATna C6VgC7c. OOV1-3UNMKNT HONI'S l-'lrin. State bonds , dull. Itallroad Winds , easier. ( MoflnK quotations of bon.ts . were as follows : Iliilntli Ubeiir Murknt. DlM.t'TH. June 21. WHEAT No. 1 hard , cnil 72c ; .lime. 71V ; July. 72Sc ; No. 1 noilhern , casl 72'ic ' : June , ,3tt.c ; July. 73M.CStiiteinlvr ; , "Pic No. i northern , cash. C * ; c : No. 3 northern. 64Jc rejected. f,2 , > ie ; to air he , Nei. 1 hard , 74 * c ; No. nurtht-tn , 73Sc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mliioe tnolU tMient MnrUnt. MINNEAPOLIS. June 21. WIIEAT-Stead > Jun.71 4c July. 7l c ; Stiitember. CiiSJlKi c r.n track. No 1 h.ird , "Jc. Nu. 1 northern , 72'tc No , S nurtlieru , 7K , OMAHA. LIVE STOCK JIARKIfl Onttlo Stcntly und Strougf r mid Good i'ricci IV tl for All Offerings. NOT A LO/D / CF BEtF STEER3 R'CEIYLt < J tut lit j of HOK * Not HI Uooil it * Ilir 1'rc Dn.T , lluym Illil l.nwor True * ml ii Slow niul Hr.ict'i'C ' Mnrktit llrttilts , I-'tUHAV. June 21. The rcooliits teulity oonulstvil of 2SO hoail o oittk : > iniil iol. ! licgf , us iiRitlnst 110 cattle 3.C09 limis a il uis Klit'Op ycxli-ixlay , niul 3fi cattle , 2.71-fj IU.SK nt.el l.i S sliccji on Kililn : of laFloek. . Therivi'lpls of the tiny wet tilt' t'klltts-t Mil. . r Monday. There we-iv t.ulv loit'l * of cntt'.o III tl : Mii-ilP , luit nit a vlncli' load of fat bcr "tools. Tin- IttTliiK. * were niiido n | > nf cn\v murk rattleetc. . , In fact a llttlo of mos t'Vi'i' ) thing i'.xe-e > | it fat cattli1. Such cattl is were hero lit ought good , linn in UTS. an the offoiliiKs were nil picked "I' early In th day. Tlie cow Ktnff sold at $1.701.13.1:3 : , wit tin- bulk of the sales at Jl.sVii'J.M. Itelfer were In K ° od demand , and what few thci were here were coon picked up. llotin slock , ImllH. etc. , sold alinut thu same a yesterday. Representative rules : COWS. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. . . . . * 70 1. . . . MO 1210 II. . . . ' . 'S3 } 2 W I. . . . Sfl : , I 73 4. . . . ! M2 2 ll ) 3 . . . Kf > i ! tl ) a. . . . sen i 7r , 3..1103 2 a i. . . . "so 2 in 1..1MO 171 3. . . . 723 223 2..1140 27,1 1..11KO ISO 4. . . . K.S . S 25 2. . . . ! > 70 310 1. . . . MO 11.5 1. . . 10M 2 2T. 4. . . . t'CO 3 K' ' 6. . . . M.8 1 S5 1..112(1 2 ! 5 2..IOSO S 25 1. . . . SCO 20' ' ) 1. . . . WO 235 : . . . . Mi ,1 2'i 6. . . . fcM 210 1. . . . ! Ult 2(0 ( 1..1IOO 323 IIKIKEIIH. 1. . . . tSO ISO 2. . . . 530 20. 2..7n2 2 2T. i. . . . fn i 75 2. . , . 435 2 to 20. . . roi 2 40 1 . .10 . 2 M 1. . . . I4Q 220 1. . . . C0 273 1. . . Gil ) 2 in ) 3. . . . fw6 2 23 HULLS. I..1331) ) 223 1..11M 240 1..1470 2 f,0 , 2..1070 235 2. . . . WI3 2 M . . . . ' ' 275 1..1020 223 1..14IH ) 2 M 1..1250 300 1..1030 2 2S 1..1ICO 2 f.O CALVES. 1..370 2M 1. . . . 120 4 ( ) 1. . . . MO 4 M ! . . . . 243 325 4. . . . 132 4 in ) 2..1W a W I. . . . 100 4 00 1. . . . S''O ' 4 00 4. . . . 225 o uO i. . . . no 4 oo i. . . . ro 4 23 rEEDEits. 1. . . . OCO 240 22. . . . 610 270 5. . . . MO 3 ! 0 4. . . . 1137 240 4. . . . too 3W 2..743 3 4j 3. . . . r.r.c . . 2 r.o 2. . . . s.v > 310 41. . . . 1103 3 45 2. . . . W.O 2 70 7. . . . 817 3 23 MlLKKttK AND SI'ltlNGEHS. 1 cow and calf Sf ? ' - ' 1 springer 1 springer ' ' J1 1 cow and calf n ! ! ! 1 cow and calf > ' w WESTEHNH. Nevadn. No Av. 1'r. No. Av. Tr. * o bulls low Ji co so sirs , tig..io-f , js 23 IIOC.S Only thirty-two loads of hogs were re cclvi-d today , a slight falling off as comparei with Friday of last we-ck The hogs were not a : good n yesteiday , theie 1-olng fewer really goo < loads In the yarils. There wei - some heavy bogs but not as good a.t the JI.CR hogs yesterday. Tin ci.ndlllonH were such as to favor a dfcllne , ani the buyers started out bidding He- and In man ; cjises fno lower than ye : erday's early maiket With MI few hogs here bujers were nm1 Incline , to make the concession asked , mid the resul viiit n slow and dragging maiket. The hogs kep selling , a load or two at n time , and the receipt Mere gradually worked off. llepicsentatlve sales No. Av. Sh. I'r. No. Av. Sh. 1'r. 31 179 . . .J42- ) SO 211 40 J4 3.i M lr.9 ICO 4 K 0 241 40 4 3.1 40 197 1CU 4 25 12 20. ) . . . 4 35 7 : , 191 440 42.1 6 312 . . . 435 ! > 250 . . . 4 31) ) II 31.1 . ! . . . 4 B."i 75 190 320 4 SO 70 21S SO 4 35 r , 242 . . . 4 3.1 . 2S 220 M 4 3.1 C1) . . . SOS 2N ) 4 50 70 2l ) Ml 4 K 2 21- , . . . 430 70 271 2M ) 44' ) f 1M 100 4 30 ( .9 212 . . . 4 40 7S . . .19P. 24ft 43' ' ) 77 215 20. . ) 44.1 M 197 . . . 4 li ! > 13 > < " > SO 440 7 241 . . . 431 4 255 . . . 4 SO S | 111.240 430 f.S 2IS 241 440 S2 2i)2 120 4 32'4 ' f.7 . 232 W 440 r/i 212 vn 43214 "r , 211 w 440 1 . . . . . . . .30135. . t9 259 SO 445 C7 217 12D 435 C2 211 12.1 . 445 8 221 1M 4 3.1 E.1 rf. kl ) 4 45 77 20 120 4 35 11 .V * . . . 4 41 74 . . 22C SCO 4 31 CS 2M 241) 4 W S4 220 fcO 4 35 71 2Ii3 4i ) 4 M 74 ' . . . 212 120 43.1 f,0 241 . . . 4 SO M. . 245 40 435 f,2 , 273 SO 4M 21 230 40 4 S5 & ! . . . . . . . .314 80 4 S5 66. . . . . .195 VJ ) 4 35 SKll'S AND CI'LI S. 1 . . . . . .170 . . . 20) 3 200 . . . 225 1 2IX ) . . . 2 2.1 PIOS. 14 H2 . . . 285 10 121 . . . 325 SHEEP There were no phecp here , nnd nothln In make n market. Fair to choice natives nr tiuot/ible at ffini J2.75 to 13.W ) . fnlr to gtod west ems at from J2..M ) to J3 , common nnd stock slice at from J1.75 to J2.f,0. and good to choice 43 t Iffl-lb. lambs at from J3.75 to JS.25. OHICAtiO l.lVi ; . g In t'nttlo , HOB nnd Mippp of itilrljr ' ctlviCharacter. . CHICAGO , .lane 21. In enttlo only nliout 4.W head were received toitay , maklnjr the receipt fmthu we < 'k a little lera than 42,00'3 ' heart , a Inereaw of over 3n < K ) head UP compnied with th same time last wwk. With a fulr ( 'enernl < 1 < mand und limited offerings , Inoladln sntne cattl that had l * 'n ( in the maiket for several das' prior , trade ruled steady at fnun J3.75 Hi J5.95 f : IK P to choice native steel's , ( "holre lots \\er steuly : and fi\jm 10c t.i 15c hlKher 'than a wee apt , while common kinds \\eiu duil and weax Texans were ( Inn.with ivcelpts of almut CO. . ) hea. . Aliout 119.r/X ) IIDKH have anlviil here thin wee' . . Ix-inK ulnmt 2'o.j . less than arrived In the nun time last week. The iweipta today were es'l mated at tV 0 I'ead. ajid as S.OOO were carrle jver last ulirht the offerlnKS nmuunted to 2ttA luMtd. Them wiut a fair hx'al and shipping d ( mand at yeslcrday'B decline , nnd a uooij liuftlnu ; wns tnincai'ted at from 14.43 to J4.S ) for vommo tn choice heavy , from J4.40 to J4.CO for mixed an Cniin 4.23 to J4.C5 for llsht. The liulk of tli nJ t cK'i'Uiietl at from | 4.rtr. ) . J4.75. and a J4.45 to WW for llKht. At the1 cl.o s.-ih weru made conritlernlily helow early prices. In sheep the week's receipts will IniKHv excee ruelpts last , wedk , and those fir a year ae < Texas and the far wcht are pendlna ; In a ii i m.uiy shi 'p that sell at from } 2 to (230. Natl\ shM'p are selling fretly at from 13 to J4 , eull anil Inferior lots fetching finm tl to $2.75. Sprki lamlis have been offered HU-rally and Mies wet active at fiom (3 to $5.S5 , acc'irdlnK to ijualiti T ( lay's trading was fairly active at stead prices for sheep , lamlis helm ? about ill ? lowt than yesterday , and fr 1111 15c to 25e lower tlnn wH ( > k aso. { hi-ep slow and a decline for the wee of aliiut 23e In many lastano-s. Hecelpts : C'attle. 4riii. ) html : calves , 300 hcai IIOKS , IS.OfiO head ; sheep , 12,1V ) Innd. New York l.lvi > loeX .Market. NIIW YOItK. Juno SI. linr.VHP H celnt : 3,34s hend ; on sale , Cl cars ; market slow , lOfil ! lower : native uteeis-IKKIP to prime. f4..10Sif.7 ; distillers. } t.25Ji5.W ; Lulls and dry co\\s , Jl.SO. . 4.00. KuruiK-nn cables nun'e American steers i ll'kfilZ'iiC ' , dressed weight : lefrlserator Ix-ef i fliijdlii'ic. No exixnts t nlay ; tomorrow , l.i : betnes and 1.37" " > iiuarteis of Ix-ef. SIliii : : > AND I.AMIIS-lleeeiiits. 7.07 ? head : ( sale. 35 cais : sheep , dull , Ue lower ; lambs , slov MlV.c lower ; about 2.r. " uiiMild. mainly shee | shet'p. l x > r 1.1 Rood , } 2. ( < )03.75 ; lambs , Inferior I choli. . , J5.0)fi ) ( . 'A linr.S Itit-eipts , I.SSO head ; weak , but n. . lower ; Inferior t > choice , J5.ooji5.(5. : Nl. I.dills l.lve Murk .MurUet. ST. I.Ol'IH , .lunc Jl.-CA'lTI.B Hec.pB | ( , 1.6 liiiml ; Fhliincnts. | l.Uil Imid ; nnrket stroiiK i IlKht nfeilnps and Inactive ; dressed beef ar KhliUlK | ' | fctit'lH , 1125 15.50 ; llsht tteeis. 53.5'l tS co\\s , J2.Wfi3.25 ( : Texas cattle , active and a hhu ; hlKher ; fed steers. i3.5ofi4.75 ; ( 'rass ste 'rs , J2 ( jlJ.Wl. cows. J2.KHil3.ft > . IliiC.K Iln-clptF. 4..W ) head : shipments. 2.0 liKid ; marki < 10c lower and acitxe : huivy , $1.5 4.115 : iiaekers. ] 4.4iii4.r.'i | ; lltlil. $4 3'UH ' 5ii. I'HHHI1Kivi'lpts , 7fO head : Fhlpni"iils. non. . maikel dull , but weak ; natives , } : .mif2.50 ; l.tiub 54."i(5.K ; nri Texas Fh 'p i.n sale. KintHH I ) I.10 Mock KANSAS. ( MTV. Jimti 21. CATTU : Itix-eipti 5.5i > ) head ; uhlpmenls. 1.IMO head. Maikel stead for iK'St. ; others weak ; Texas steers , $2.uiifc41 ! Texas cows , J2.50'a3.10 ; beef ftecis , J3.75t'i.C | ( natlvii cyws , ) l.5fi.t.oi ; Moi-krrs and feeden t3.oiii4.30 ; bulls , J2. 0i30'j. I1OO8 llecelpls. 9. i "HI bead ; shipments. 71 head. Market wer.k to 10 ? lower ; bulk of sale : I4.4ni4(5 ; II.-MM-S. )4.r,51i4.A ( ; nackeis. SI.sr.fr I.r , : lalxi-d , t4.30ii4.00 ; IlKht. I4.20i74.4j ; Yolkers , | 4. ! l41 ; iilK . l3.WifM.4il. Slini.P Ittcelpts , 5,400 head ; shipments , non Market Bleudy to lOc lower. Mock In MIIII. Iteeord of receipts at the four principal ma CketH for Krlday , June 21 , U5 ! : Cattle. HOBS. Kh ? ( South Omaha 3SO 2515 4 Dili-film 19.00 4 , : * ) 12.0 Kansas City 5,500 U.UHJ f.1 , St. I/ouls 2ii)3 5M)1 ) 1.0 ' TuUilfJ 27.0S ) 21,515 1S.S CciffeH .Murker. NKW YOUK , Juno ! ! . COKI-'UIJ-Optloi opt-nttt dull at n decline of ( iiio p las. tub Inac-llvu a4id nurinal without foivlKti ivlvanc of Inlluvnrv anil no onlcrs of cxmn-inuiiee ; closi iiulet at Mllu | ili.l . ilwllne. Sales , 7,2.7) ) baK IncludliiK : 'Muith , (11.15 ; July , 114.15 ; An urn 114.20 ; SrplemlxT , tl4.2.4rll 30 , Octolx-r , 114.3 llit-olilN-r , 114.3. ! . Hj < .t . rorf.e. dull ; No. 7 , tl- ' Mild , qnlel ; Ciiiluva , tlS.2 , ' 119. i ; sales , ni < i WaivhoUMi ilellvtrl fiom New Yolk yn-tt-rtla C.MJI bans ; New Voik Muck twlay. S32.'ii7 ! IKIK I'ntlnl Sloti * stcx-k. 30S.577 NIKII : nllmi for tl t'nlted Stoles. SSS.unl UIKII ; filal visible for tl rnli-d ! St.iteu , UO.CCO UIRB , aKalni.t . 315,135 bai lull > ' * SANTOS , Julio U.COl < 'l'UU-L > ull , fuuJ av . . i J-.r i . 11 > q I I it IU 1.1 Hve'i.ts , lt > K I.1 * . i. . " ' UMiti li.l. .ftin $1 COIi-i'TI ' : ( Julel. uw't ( ifg I , HI i. tales . . OM l-igp lilt > , Jun. . Ii rtil'pnVdh. : . N > T IthJ 'mild ' for Hit' I oil-I Stall's , i-.nn. ' , dr.uo.l foi III.IM. , u.ne ; t..clt , im.ft * ) lulls , tlonlt.l Jiitlt . . . . ls.l > M b.ius. IIAYIIE. June JI.--CorrEE--Opened ( | lcl nl itf loui'i. nl ( i.on. . Kti'l.dy nnd tliiibnniied ; at ! i. m. , iinchniiKfd. tlie-d tt .ly nt 'If net tie. ellnc tVr Ihe day , iilis , IK > ) tflgs. l.lvVriinm MnrUt't * . LIYEUI'iitiL. June WHEAT-Spot , . . Icimmd , iiieinle , | : Ni 2 red winter , . ' * O'id. ' Ni > . ' red tprlng , sb.tKs exhaiuled ; No. 1 haul M.nl : . l.'ba , flu U.I ; No , 1 I'allf.Mn'H. . f.s ' . .I. I'muii" > | ietleil slcnd ) with neur nnd dl'tnnl pixlll'.lis ' . 'c ' lower. t-l. < " . "l M y t\llh nrnt voi.UI.iiis IV . nid : Istnnl ti"Slth < nii 1.1 Innei ; bu ln > n : ieu\lest "ll middle po llli'IIK , .lime , 5s . ' , ' > ! . Oi > ti.bi'i , f' 7d ; Noirmlei , fr i'4d. CKIIN Spnl. quui. itilxo.l new , It 4'id. I'll lmo i.pened dull a'ul un. . linr.Sinl. il. ed ipi.e . A-.HI June uiuhanitid and other inot.ths ' , .1 . l.mci luiAliK'fA ht'ii\le t on middle pu'itluiiii ; June , 4 I.I. lul > . 4.1 Id : August. 4s l\.1 ; tieplililbei , I . ' ! , t'ct.bei' , . Is i.d ; Noieml.ei- C'.tl. I'M.i it'I ! I "ill ; .I. unilul poor ; St. Ij.nln fnllo : winter , S . I'lloi'lSIONH ll.ii'on. steady ; demand mod. einle ; ( "undidInn 1 tut SI 11 a ) llm . Us ; nh..il ribs , -'S Ibs. . I'Js ; long , -leni. llRht. SS l.i . 45 II' " . , 3S . long clear , lui.vv , K < lb . , ! ; I" B eb-.u Iniks , IlKlll. IN lb . 2Us r.l . ; sholt cleat IM'.dlles , hc.ity. 55 ibs. , 32ft ; elear be-lllvii. II to 10 Ibs. . KK sbouldi'is. qu.ire. 12 t , , 14 Ibs. . 29 * Gd : hums , short till. II to 111 llm. . 3i > 3d. Tallow , line Norili Am.'i . Iriin , noinlnnl. lli-if. uxlia li.dia iu.Ms ; | . | Illl1 Illess , ( > i'H G I. I'lillt. pllme IlliSH , Hue West- Mi. K'f. pllme medli-m. ' . ' . ' - . 0.1. Lud. dull ; pruii" wesiern. 33s ; telln l. In pnlls. X * Gd. CHEESE rirrn : ditiuind ino.leiale ; tlnesl Anicilctin white , 12s , tlnt-st Anieilcnli colote-l , 4 t lll'TTril ruii.t , fnlttd Stntcs and giiod. tioiu- Inn ) fiiTTO\sl-ii : : ) Oll Llveipool tcdttcJ , ISs. . I'r.THOl.l.TMUettned. . KII | . ' , . HOI'S -At l..nd.m. rnrllle caii-t. 2t. Tne lecclpts . .f wheat durlni ; the p.'nt thtei days \\crc 43S.1HO eentals. Intludlni ; M.imi Amerl. ran. The teeelpts of Aniirlciin coin ilurlim tin past Ilitco tlijs wete 70.10) centals. W'-nthfi overiant. . \\iiol .Mi.ri.i'l. . KT. l.OUIS , June 21. WnoiSlrniiR. . but tin rhmu : ' , \ prices : Ml > v > nrl and Illinois romblni ; ir.c . ; coiiibliiK .m.l . i loth. H'vSim.c ' ; im-.llum , ll'v. ' ' roanc and braid. 1 r.tlll'ii' ' . liMlit line , lie ; hea\\ . ( Ian , S' sr9r ; Knnsart and Ni braika medium. IK l.tc ; llthl tine. "SiSc : heaxy line , rfie ( : Texas Alkansns. Indian Teirltoiy. etc. , fall and spiliiK mixllum , I2'i1 e ; . MI > C ar.d low , S < (1 ( > V ; IlKht line Sift.V. . heavy tin.CSiSc . ; l > iUiln. Wyomlnz , rtiih etc. , lui'dlum bliSc ; ciurw nnd low. 71Sc ; IlKh nue , 7SSe ( ; heav > fine , 3IK. < \ IIOSTON. June 21 - The Host. . .n . ( Vmm.-iela ! llnletln will sa > t. 'in. . .Mow . of the wool imiiUrl : The w'H-k Is m.uUed by hlii sales. Dhlo Ili'i-e- have advanced from ' fie ! In the Kreafles AUK lifillii has aduineed 2if3c. MicF.iurl ( innrier- hi. .ml . combine now Kelts f..r .tic. clean. Thi llnesl uiUMisliMl western V\MOS s.'ll . at P.3c eli an. l-'oielKii nmikels have not > e | ad\an. ' > d In \ in- jiat'iy , except In ii-Kard I-1 m..halr and luMu wools , which ha\c advanced Sd Ihlx week In Kllsli maikels. The i.rriTliiKS for the London il anctlun July 2 ( S ! i.ii i h.ihs ) me nmiMi.ill * Re. New men's wiar lleht weight wooli IK lia\o been opened this wi-elv at last ceason't' prices. The wiles of Hie week ale 4,635 000 Ibs domestic and 3 243.0 * ) Ibs. f. ti-lun , iiRiilnst 3.H23.- Hi * ) Ibs. doni'Stiiand 2 r.75ni > j | b . forclun Ins ) week , and 1 r.ir.ooo . Ibs. doinintlc and H7.i iO llm. foreign foi the MIIIH * nit-K last M-ar. The sale ? to date lmw nn Incieasc of r.12..M9 ! Ibs. tin- mestlc and 23 S 15,1101 Ibs. foielRii finm the sales t.i the Fiiinn date In 1MH. The recelpis to dale s.iow i decieiiKe of 7.S9U bales ilMil. Btlf and an increase of 113.S91 bales folelKII. _ ( iitton vinrkrt. ST. I.Ot'IS. June 21. COTTON Quiet , steady mIddllnR. 6 13-lCc ; sales. 400 bales : lecelpts , 27 : liales ; shlpmints , S07 bales ; Ktock , 23.321' , liilcx. NIW ! YOIIK. June 21. fOTTON-Qtilet ; mid- lllntr , " 3Knet ; rece'pls. none ; tro > s. Sll bales ; i-xportK. to the continent. C9) ) bales ; forwarded. 10.1 . balrs ; sales. 1,501 bales ; KplnneiK , Cl bales ; slock , 210.M.7 bales. NMW OKI. HANS , Jan" SI. COTTON Quiet ; middling , C 1-lf.c ; low mid IliiiK. C tc : Kood mill- nary , f.c ; net and urosH" IccMpts , 319 bales ; ex ports , to Or. 'ill lliltaln. 1,174 bales ; to the conti nent , CO Kites : lonstwlpi230 ' bales ; bales , 300 bales ; block , 121,293 bales. .MIIwinkrH tirnlit .I1iirknts. MIMVAfKCi : . June 21. WIIHAT Lower : No. bpilm ; . 725ie ! ; No. 1 noilhera , 77ifcc ; July , 72UC. fOUN insy : ; No. 3. 411'te. ' OATS Dull and li.wei ; No. 2 white , 31e ; No. 3 , nominal. IIAIII. MY Nominal ; No. 2 , 50c ; sample , CSc. UVn-Dull : No. 1. C2e. _ M-rUci * VViit-.it ( j loiiitl in . SAN FIlANi'lsrO. June 21. Wl I HAT Finn DvccRiU r , tl.iKISi ileand , 72.700 t italu. Miinciicstrr li-xtllt" * . MANCimSTKU. June 21. Cloths and yarn > quiet and rather easier. /i.l.VS.I.S CllUI" I'HtlSI'WIS hXVKl.t.KSl Corn l.lkely to Isxeeeil tbe ( ircutcnt Yleli In the MMeN History. TOPEKA , Kan. , June 21. Secretary Co burn of the State Agricultural board IBSUCI Ills report today on the present crop condl tlons , batv > d on reports from nearly ever ; township In the state. H shows a marvblou Improvement In all crop conditions am bright prospects. A million and a half acre of wheat will bo cut , the average yield bclni between eight and nine bushels to the acre In the northern portions of the state tin fiequcnt. June rains have Improved thi quality greatly. It Is corn , the crop overphacJowlnR In acre age , value nnd importance any other wlilcl Kansas produces , wherln the state nov promises to exceed oy lar the best of It wonderful previous yield records. The are ; now reported is placed at 8,410,948 acres , o more than 20 per cent the largest ever be fore planted , which was fi,9l3L'07 acres Ii 188S. The bttrpasflng year of corn productloi In Kansas was lSi > 9 , when the crop aggre gated 273,888,321 bushels from an average o 40.15 bushels rer acre. An equal averagi for the present year and acreage thould glvi nearly 64,000,000 bushels more. There I nothing In present conditions to suggest thi as an Improbability. Haws have been gen erally abundant In every county during Jun and the weather mcit favorable. From com ties where corn Is more largely proluce correspondents turn up the situation as "Hes at this time of the year in the state's his tory. " The rains have worked a very notabl change In tl'e condition of oats , causlni tht-in to head and fill much better thai seemed possible May 1 , although most o the straw will be unusually short. The ylel proml-es to be not less than twenty-flv bushels per acre , or a total of 32,000.00 bushels of "mtdlum" to "very good" grain thu largest output since 18U2. llanqnnttcil Attorney ( .enernl Illinium. CINCINNATI , June 21. Hon. Judson Har inon , attorney general of the United States was the gn st of honor at a dinner give : by the Cincinnati Har asosclatlon tonight There were 120 guests. Judge \V. H. Taf of the I'nlted States court of appeals wn toastmasti'r. Judge Taft opened the speak Ing with the toast , "Our Gurst , " nnd hlghl complimented Judge Harmon and also I'resl dent Cleveland for having chosen so wlsel In lining the vacancy In his cabinet. AI torney ( ienrral Harmon was visibly affette and In his response spoke w.th manifest cm barrassment. He confessed dillldence an said th E wan an occasion when "speech wa silver and silence was golden , and the rail 100 to 1. " Ux-Oovernor Forahor resjioniU to the toast , "Our Loss the Country's Gain. llciitlv tor III" llrillcitlnn nf NittioiKtt Park WASHINGTON , June 21. Major Jame Goeby of the Twelfth Infantry has been detailed tailed at the Chlckamauga and Chattanoog national military pirl ; for duty In locatin and laying out camp ; , under the direction c the park commlss'on. for such orgtnlz.itlon other than troops of tip I'nits-d State ? arm as may apply for camping grounds to he cc cupled during ded'catlon ' week at the park. s. Lightning Mruck a Dj-iniiiiltc Mitira/.lm UAIVriMOHE , June 21. A Klngwood. A\ Va. . dispatch to the Herald says that nca Tunnelton , about 9 o'clock tonight , llghtnln struck a dynamite magazine. An awful e.\ plosion followed. Several persorsero kll c and much property was damaged. THI : iu\i/rv : .n. INSTIUJMHNTS placed on record June 21 1895 : \v.\iiiiANTV nnciis. It V. Slewatt ai.d wife to T W Ityiui , w 2-5 lot JO , block 10. AlbrlBhfs Annex . t 2 ; Thomas llortm- and wife to A M llemcr. loin 1 and 2 , block 10S , South Omaha . l > .1 It 1 1. . iiuhmd l.i i : A UoiiKland , tot IS. block lus. Knuth Om.iha . IAI Lo > ett and wife In Hans llantv-n , lot 19. bliKk 3. William HaKi-d.iin add . I.n M N Teller ami husband tn J II Viinl'allen , ' l.'t 7. blink I , Omaha View . 1.21 12llcn ItlchardM.n . t < * samiv i t < ame . S1 niiiis. : : Special master to ( lb.be lj.an and Trust company. | . .ts 2 and 3. block 2 * . Went Omaha . 1.1 Total am. .tint of tiaiirferH . t35 0 W W. HARRfS : & Ga BANKERS , 163-165 Dcarhorn-st. , Clilcaco. ' ' > /cll > st. , New York. 70 Stalest. , Host. IFT , cotjMTy , -.D'lOL.WATErlanil 'Hil hlO ORADE : ubt a-.d told. Cotrctpoudence Uolloltc llrtbcrt Orilercil to Slum CHIII * In tbo ( JiiiickcnliiKli < it < p. WASHINGTON' , Jlllir 'Jl.-Ji'hll ' N , Quack- riUinvhhoiO n.iinc was dioppnl from tlm nual rolln , K"1"1' ' " l nlllt wl'cn J''ne ' ' llri.il' Icy of the tliflrtrl juprenu' court lnue.1 . .1 writ on t'fcri'inry Ilfrbort to Munv why ape po i iii.i lie nlvrlt of in.ind.iiiiiu i-lioiihl not Im uraiitfd lo conipcl him to CfMore .Mr. IJilirk- piilmrli to the tinvy llh tin1 rank of com- m.indcr. Tlic ra o M quite n celebriitcil one. Commnrtiltr Qimcketibusli w.is tcntcncvtl br court iiuullal to dlsmltwl trom llio inivy. but I'rrjldi'iit ilninl cimimiitid the tcnloucc t tilnpt'ii-'loli for | v. years. ThrotiRh a clclli.il orrur , wlint W. Schloy vvm promoted to llm l.ink of commander , his cammlstlcn lead vi.'tf quickcnhiiJli. ilnmlsMtl , It was ? licld. lie - c\nr that notwithstanding Mils clcrle.il cnor Qu-icKcnburii wnt tllll In the navy , nnd ! > - \\.is to lecognl/.t'il until 18S8 , when Secrct.tiy . C'hiimller onloreil hl nitiiu1 slrlokcn from Un iia\nl roll ? . Mlni'O tlicn Qti.icUi nbusli h.i * bci'ii slrlvliiR to sin-tiro rpliistatcment tliroiigii cn.'grfHS. and falling , ilceided lo appu.il to the courts. : NrvtH fur thu Army. WASHINGTON , June 21. ( Special Ti le- Kram. ) The following army ordcrnero is- stii-d today : First l.leutcnnnt ( li-nrge II. Davis , Fourth Infantry , Is ordered to report as Instruclor of military fclence and tnetl. * at tlutgcr'K college , New Ilruns'vvlnk , N. J. . October 1 ; Captain John J. llrori'ton , Twi'iity- fourth Infantry , \\lll ptoccd to Join his com pany ; two months' leave Is granted Socnnil Lieutenant John I1 , lllce , Third cavalry ; C.ip- taln Alfred 1-3. llradley. nwlstant turgcun. Is tMiisferrcd from Fort Custer , Mont. , to Fnrt Yellowstone. Wyo. ; C'aptaln Charles M. Orandy. its lslant surgtnn , ls > transferred from Fort Yfllottftiuie lo Wnsl.lnglon llarrncks , I ) , t' . ; let\e : of alin-lico granli'd It ) Second Men- tenant Kilwln V. Ilookmlller. Second Infantry , Is extended llftecn days ; First Ueutt'unnt Charles I' . Cahtiny , Jr. . Is detallt'd as in structor at the cast Fin ! Ida tcmlnary. Gain s- vllle , Fla. : Captain Frederick W. Thlbant. SKtli Infantry. Is grnntcd two months' leavu of abs-vnce ; leave of absence for four months , with permission to go abroad. Is grantcil Captain Karl 1) ) . Tliomne. Fifth cavalry. reunion Surgeon Appointed. WASHINGTON , June 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) Dr. CaU-b Ilrown was toifuy appointed an examining surgeon of the pension bureau at Pac City. la. II. V. J. Llnnen wns todny appointed post master at HairlEon , Douglas county , S. 1) . , vicu T. T. .loustra , resigned. I rii peetlvii I'miniitliillii anil HellreinenM WASHINGTON , June 21. Colonel William Wlnthrop , assistant Judge advocate general of the army , will reture In August. His re tirement will promote Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Ilarr to be colonel , and Major Gcorga II. Davis to bo lieutenant colonel. C'iiiicrr Ninnn II tl Keiitly In Travel. WASHINGTON , June 21. Heprcsentatlvo Hltt , accompanied by Mr ? . Illtt , will leave here tomorrow morning for Narraganeett 1'ler. He has been growing stronger for sotno time , nnd his physicians think that ho Is now able to .travel. Iron lilt I OIllclulK Acquitted. PHILADELPHIA. June 21. The case against W. II. Somerby , ex-supreme Justlco of the Order of the Iron Hall , C. H. liaker. supreme medical examiner , Joseph Gladlng and James K. C. Kerstey of the executive * board , under Indictment for placing $200,000 of the Iron Hall money Into the funds of the Mutual Trust company of Philadelphia , ot which they were also olllcers and directors , when the trust company was threatened wltli the appointment of a receiver unless It made good a $170,000 shortage In Its capital stock , was terminated here today In the court of the quarter sesMons. District Attorney Graham today asked that a verdict of not guilty bo returned because from an examination of the records hu was satisfied that the men In dicted had acted with due authority and could , not be criminally prosecuted. Judge Arnold , Instructed the Jury to render a verdict la accordance with the statement. NHinsku Clalnmnts for it I.iilid ( irnnt. DENVER , June 21. A special to the News from Santa Fe , N. M. , says : Arguments la the Juan Gldgrak case are still In progress be fore the Uni.'ed States court of private land ! claims. The claim covers 120,000 acres , In cluding the town of Las Cruces and the best part of the Mesila valley. Judge J. U. Cesna of Hastings , Nob. , Is one of thu principal claimants , and others are scattered through Nebraska , TexaiH and Louisiana. The case will mainly turn upon thu question whether the revolutionary government of Iturblde , un der which the grant to Dr. Heath Is repre sented to have been made , wns ever recog nized by the United States. Fiitlior-ln-I.-iir Ulll I'H.V tlm Hills. SAN FRANCISCO. June 21. In the pollca court today , J. C. Davis , the Rochester , N. Y. , man , who was arrested for obtaining money from local merchants under faUe protons , was held to answer in the biiperlar court tn two additional charges. Hall was set at $1OOU In each ease. The charge agaln't Mrs. Davis was dismissed , as > it wat , not frhown that she had participated In his offenses. Too attorney for Davis also announced Mrs. Davis' father wo.iM make good all losses wlr.ch mer chants or others had fcustalned through the prisoner's acts. .1 1-lt'it Ion AKiliittt StriliB liijiincllnnr. * a ( INDIANAPOLIS , Juno 21. The officers ot the National Ljbor federation in th's city ara preparing a call for meetings to be held In every city In the United States a week from Sunday , the purpose being to denounce the Debs decision. President Mcllride , of the federation , will sound the keynote wl'h a reusing speech against the decision. The object , Secretary McCralth siys. Is to 9cu o the passage of a law by the next con gress definitely defining the rlrhts of workIngmen - Ingmen and abolishing government Injunc tions. Novnl rti-itrc * In H l > nnr < - Salt. PANTA CRUX. , Ca ) . . June 21. In the dl- vorco suit of Elizabeth Stewart ngaltwt John A. Stewart , a novel entitled "A Search fop the Heart , " written by the de.'endant , In China , was Introduced In evidence. The novel i elates adventures of the hero with varloua ftmalts and Mrs. Stewart claims it to be an autobiography of the defendant , and that In the- various characters hi > rcccgnlzes iwoplo with whom t'.io ' alleges the doctor was fn- timate. _ _ Kalinin City SI-HK Its Water lliiatM. KANSAS CITY. June 21. Kansas City's $3,000,000 bond Issue for the purchase of Ita own water facilities has at last been prac. tlcally disposed of. The city council ton ght accepted the bid made by the tyndic.ilo composed of Klddcr , Pea body & Co. , R. L Day & Co. and HrcwBtcr , Co'bb & Ks'tabrooU : of IloFton. and the Illinois Trust and Smugs bank , Chicago. A premium of $48,000 was offered by the ( syndicate. Aitl for the. tJcmllnte In OU'uliom i. KANSAS CITY , June 21. A large consign ment of supplies for the destitute of Okla homa was shipped to Round Pond today. Rev P. Shane end Judges Nash , who are soliciting alii , say , liowover. tint more sup plies are bully needed , and will continue to lerelvo food and clothing at tholr headquar ters hero and forward to the suffering people. Mnrr ago t lei-fined. The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday by the county JttJgc : Name and Address. , , James Dlckson. Omaha' . . e > > ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " Urnco Pctlll ) , Omaha . . . . . . . . . ; . Jehu Jou'pli , Omaha . rj ' ' ' ' ' Mary FrunclH , Uiimhu . . . . . . . . L'l K. I' . SMITH ( Tel. 13..S . ) B. M. IJTANKOUU F. P. SMITH & CO. C.KAIN and L-MiOVIssIONS Room 4. N. Y. Life H\I\K. \ \ , Omtiliu. Ilran.-h otlle-e nt Kn-mont and Columbus All rrders placed on the e'hbago Iloml uf TiaU . Coire-sp..n.lents : Sihwarts. . ' Dupce A = Co. . e'lil- rag. . , hcbrelner. Thuk .Si e'.i. . St. Ixiuu. Hvfer tt. l-'lrbt Nuilunul Hank. Onmha. MAHdIN Nu inuiu-i wbf IwokU-t on j c. TKADINO ulatiun | m inaj have read unJ l\PI.AIN ! ! fvr " " . , which I. NUW uaa ° 'l ' ' ' ir fico an.l will ti-ach you