THE OMAHA DAILY J3EE : SATURDAY , JUNE 22 , 1895. CONTROVERSY OVER CATTLE Commission Men Bactl for Valno of Mort gaged Stock Bold , INTERESTING TO SOUTH OMAHA BUYER ; t ft Qaettlnn of IVIiotlinr or Not CommlMlon Men Shall Ho llulil Iloipoinlblo Uhon They Unto 11111110011117 rurclmneU Stock la lU Issue. Cattle men Iti the western part of the slat are accustomed frequently to give clmttc mortgages upon their herds of stock. Late tlio mortgage Is either paid or some arrange ment Is made with the mortgages whcnb ; the cattle may be shipped to the Soutl Omaha market and the proceeds divided be tween the contracting parties. Sometime the cattle are removed from the range with out the consent of the mortgagee am shoved on the market clandestinely and suit are started These chattel mortgage case turn ! h an abundant field of llt'gitlan. Judg Dufile and a Jury are wrestling with one c them and It promises to become a test cas before It IK ultimately decided. The proaen Eult , llko so many of the other cattle CJBO : comes from Holt county. It seems that In June , 1S91. Hugh 0 Net had several hundred head of stock runnln on the range. Ho went to the \Vllcy Cattl and Trust company , a corporation , and st cured largo sums of monuy at various time ! footing up In the course of time to nbot J7.700. I'art of hla stock he nftcrwar turned over to the corporation. Forty -si animals v > ere delivered to Holt county pai tics , who shipped them to J. A. Ilralnard an others , commlbslon men of South Omnlii who proceeded to sell to the packers , ieall < Ing $1,500 from the sale Ncal claims h had permission to dispose of the stock. The Wiley people have sued the Soul Omaha commission men for the | lnoO , thong the defendants allege that they simply r < celved commissions and turned the proceed over to the Holt county shipper. The peculiarity of the case lies In the fai that as the mortgage wus on record In Ho county It Is claimed that It was a notice t nil the world that the Wiley company ovvne the stock and nobody else cnuld sell tli steers , consequently the South Omaha con mission men should have known that tli stock was not shipped to them by the owi crs. The commission men are much vvorke up over the suit , because It Is stated that they have to look up the legal pedigree c every bunch of steers that passes throug their hands they will be compelled to kcc men out scouring the country to exam n records and cattle brands to make sure th ; their title Is good. This would break thei up In business , It Is claimed. nKV CO.vrUOVKKSY IN COIJK Qu Btlon ii f Altoulng Jin Addition to Pros prct. IIMI Heine Litigated. Old settlers were called on for ren Inlfcences at the session of tha crlmln : court yesterday. The city case against C. i Daldwln and C. F. Catlln , president ar secretary , respectively , of the Prospect HI Cemetery association , was called for trla The defendants have been trying to she that a strip of four acres of ground whlc the cemetery bought early last spring of tl Byron Heed heirs , as an addition to tl Trospcct Hill cemetery , was Itself In n early day a cemetery ground. The city passed an fdlriance In 1S92 fo bidding any extension of cemetery ground In the face of this ordinance the nssoclatlc negotiated with the Heed heirs for the a cetslon. Straightway the neighborhood vvi up In arms and employed counsel to prosecu the case , claiming that the locality won become unhealthy and unfit to live In. Tl defense rely on being able to show that I nn early day the land was used as a burylr ground and tint there Is no violation , ordinances. Attorney IJrogan Is prosecutli the case. The judge of the criminal cou refused to allow Attorney Shoemaker to tl It and then sought to get several attorney to take the case , but they refued. Nobody had yet beno burled In the ne addition to Prospect Hill ccmtery so th ; the criminal Judge Instructed the Jury tin no offense had been committed which cou alarm the neighborhood , which Is seeking prevent an extension of this popular burl Ground. Mr. HaUwIn was released. Ho lu been lined $25 In police court as president the association. _ SUIT imuuiiiir ON AN ui.u CI.VIM. Squires Seeking to Itccovor nit n Str i Nwveplntr Cnutrirt. An old street sweeping contract with tl city of Omaha has found Its way Into tl district court. C. E. Squires , who undertoi the Job ot keeping the mud oft Omaha streets , on and after May 21 , 1800 , the da of his contract with the city , has appean In court seeking to recover $9,515.46 from tl municipal corporation for the work which ] alleges he performed. The city In 1892 , through the Hoard Public Works , rejected the claim , declarli that Squrcs ) had not lived up to the terms bis contract. Ho had bound himself to i Ills work In a thorough manner , keep tl mud out of the sink holes , as well as off tl level parts of the pavement , and act und the direction of the board. Squires Is su ho dUl all this and so states In his petitlcn Which tbo sum of $9,51r Is asked. II work was to be paid for at the rate of $15 p mile. The work was done between May , 18t and January , 1892. Oils Null tlmt Itli xv Until Uuyn. Judge Keysor Is hearing a case relating a gas well at Dawson , la , which blow Itsi out after a number of Omaha citizens h "blown" themselves In for some thousands dollars. J. W. Penfield & Son have rcco\ered Judgment for $1,932 of the Daw son Town ai Gas company. Four Omaha stockholders a being sued for having- failed to put In mon enough to pay for the thousands of shares capital stock which they bought ; This mon Clio plaintiff wants applied on Its judgmei The company had $300,000 of capital stoc and A. n. Cooley and J. T. Hello alone he $205,000 worth of the shares , for which It claimed they fraudulently traded $5,000 wor of poor Iowa land. \Vuiil * I'uv fur 11 llrukcn Kiioo 1'iin , Ed lilalso. has begun a suit for $5,0 against Swift and Company of South Oma for Injuries sustained while working In t sausage department on August 3 , IS ! Illalse says he was on the fifth lloor , helpl turn out sausages , when the foreman. Fr Apple , ordered him to take two trucks to t lloor above. The elevator man was not hand and Apple tried to work the cage , ar ns a result , Illalse fell down Ihe storli breaking- his knee ran and sustaining otl : Injuries. _ < lljr Not I.lnble for ttin Dinmgp. The city , so a Jury has decided , was r liable for the violent rain which fell early the summer of 1S92 and which flooded t basement of the Creamery Packing compar The creamery was located at Fourteenth a Lcavonworth streets. A quantity of cnif kegs were stored In the basement , lie water Illled the cellar and warped the kei night hundred dollars was asked of t city , because the Chicago Lumber compa had a pile ot lumber on the opposite side the street , which , together with some cl grading , It U claimed , deflected the course the water , sending It Into the basement , I Btead ot Into the sewer. Minor Court Mm tor * . The verdict of the Jury In the suit Kublman against the Homo Fire Insuran company was for $ GSO. Fred M. Granthant was acquitted by t Jury of the charge of embezzling from t firm of Coflman , Smiley & Co. of Sou Omaha. About a dozen defendants have appeared the Baldwin-Hurt mortgage foreclosure su relating to valuable lands , asking a quas lag at summons and dismissal of the co as to them , Deputy Sheriff Mahoney brought Mas tack from the Lincoln asylum , The asyk People refuse to receive Douglas coup jnsano unless an equal number of pallet \re UUen away. K. H. Dates & Co. have been sued for t traluo of a carload ot oats. 12. Hannlgli Uio plaintiff , says be sold th iu $215 Y.CI of grain last April , when they advanced him promises Instead ot money. The jurors In district court were all dis charged yesterday afternoon , except the three engaged In the trial of caeca. Thli meant that the caws of Ich , Laudcr , It he Is held to district court , and others will gc over the term. Judgn Hatter found that Mrs. Erlckson had lost the certificate of stock In the Board of Trade and so was not liable for Its con vert Ion. Her husband's Administrator tried to make her turn It over1 to him , bringing a suit to that cud. neforo Judge Hopov.ell the well known contest over the will of Edward Cook Is being tried. Cook left a somewhat mutilated will , bequeathing property tc Presbyterian theological students , nmonp others remembered Judge Ambioso has refused to open up the littler divorce stilt. Ilemlottii Duller secured derroc against William Duller for cruelty , Vllllam tried to prove that utter the decree if divorce his wife condoned for all pasl lellnquencles by living with him at odd pelli. In county court Judge Maxtor Is trying tc eleimlne whether Frank Heller , as ad- mlnUtrator , Is intltlcd to tecovcr $1,000 ol Mrs. Erlckson and her attorney for ar illegcd conveibton of stock In the Board o ! Trade. Heller claims the estate should have he stock. l.WJ/.I.Y TliUfJtl.l'.t * iAt'/t/MMA't ; . Jliryeillic * Tlireiitrn to IU ci Up ntut Clcnt Out tinliltm. . IIRIDQEPORV , Dlalno county , Okl. , Jum 21. Trouble at Arapaho * , arising out of tin shooting of the Indian , Red Lodge , b ] deputy Sheriff Uurch , Is Mill Intense. RIM .jodgo Is still alive , but cannot llvo and thi ndlans are linking dlro threats to bo carrlce out when he dies. On the day of the shoot ng the Indians were very much excite' am hreatenlnir , but were quieted by troop A Third cavalry. Cantain Mackay in \hlch is In camp near the town. The In Hans went Into council and sent couriers ti 'art Reno an I to the Klowas and Klowa res ervatlon. Today Captain Woodson , Indlai gent of the Cheyennes and Arapahoe-s. passe. icro on the way to Araoahoo to quiet tin 'ndlans. If luc whiles tan identify Re .olKo as tlio inxn who assaulted Mrs. Ilayc : they will hang him. John Hnn el , an educated Cheyenne1 In llan , said today "I fear my people wll -Ise against the white men. The white , lave Imposed upon them beyond endurance saw old Red Lodge at Watonga. Ho salt f hla son died the Indian warriors would gi on the warpath and wipe out the whltts a fUapihoe. " Asked how many warriors thi heyennes had he said from 300 to 400. Hi said they would get no help from the Arapa iocs , but would from the Klowas. j/.ir r Iiipnn Will bend HIT Nuvy on n frulio t < Sun I'nuiclnco. SAN FRANCISCO , June 21. Private letter received In this city state that as soon a Japan's troubles In Formosa shall be settlei Admiral Ito will be sent to San Franclsci with the Matshushlma and two or three othe vessels of his fleet. The Matshusulmi Is f single-masted cruiser of about the tonnagi of the Olympla , and as Admiral ito's flagshlj went through hard fighting1 at the Yalu am off the roadstead of Wel-Hal-Wel. One o her probable consorts here Is the Nanlwa , i s s-ter ship of the Charleston , which begai last summer's hostilities In the far east b ; sinking the transport Kow Shlng with al on board. Mr. Koya , the Japanese consul general Ii this city , siys he has heard of the mattet but he can not fix a date for the coming o his country's warships nor verify the state mcnt that Admiral Ito will command them Owing to the unsettled questions In the fa east he thought Japan would not be able I spare any of her fighting flest during th summer months ? , but later In the > ear severa ships might come. Some of the objects o the cruise will be to show the sort of vessel that Japan has In her modern navy and t glvo their men the experience only acquire * In long voyages. Many Llilrnio Kx-Ufllclnl * Imp'lcitcil Ii tint I'uv Itoll Swindle. CHICAGO , June 21. The city ofllclals wh are Investigating the stuffed pay roll swln dies received valuable testimony today fror ex-Fireman Dorman of tha water-pipe ex tension department. Detectives had bee searching for Dorman for several days , an today he gave himself up and made a cor fesslon , which It Is said Implicates many e > city officials who are not yst under arresi The details of the statement were carefull guarded by the Investigators , but It Is sal that It is sensational In its showing of th widespread corruption under the late clt administration. It was reported his aft i noon that as a result of Donnan's confesslo a large number of additional arrests would t made at once. KEVVbKU TO Dlti.Mlii'i TllK t'.KY IJcfen n In tlio llnrrutt Scott Lynching Trln Meel Anottlu DUTTE , Neb. , June 21. ( Special Telegram The defense in the case of the men accuse of the murder of Barrett Scott made anothe attempt to end the trial today. Attorne Harrington filed a motion asking the court t suspend further proceedings In the trial an Instruct tlio Jury to at once bring In a vei diet of not guilty , on the grounds tint th state had not established the fact that th crime had been commltteed In Boyd count ; The motion was overruled , the court holdln that the cast ; at bar related to matters c fact rather than ot law. Vullillty of tlin Seenritlr-s nled. ! NEW YORK , Juno 21. The World rayi The Wall street quotations of the $4,350,0 ( old of the securities of the Northern Paclf lia\o been seriously affected by the news th : the holders of the preferred stock contumplai a suit to have declared Illegal nearly ha the securities of the road The suit coi templated Is based on a clause of the orlg nal charter of the road granted by tl United States government In 1864 , which fo liaJo the Issue of any but first mortgat bonds. The reorganization scheme will come I head quickly now because J. Plerrepont Megan gan U here. Ho arrived from Europe on tl Germanic. It Is likely that the scheme wl bo accomplished In ten days. President J. Hill ot the Great Northern Is here also awal Ing a conference with Mr. Morgan. Directors Untile. ST. PAUL , June 21. A decision of muc Importance , especially to creditors of the o ! Guarantee Loan company of Minneapolis , w : handed down by the supreme court yeste day. It was the case of the First Nation bank of Morrlll , Wis. . and the National Ne Haven bank against the Guarantee Lot company and S. II. Harper and W. 1 Washburn , respectl\ely. Judge Canely r versed the lower court , holding that the nei lect of the olllcers of the defunct com pa i made tlrm liable for Iho claim of credlto who might have been Induced , through sue olllelal neglect , to Invest In the compan The decision , If allowed to stand , will n parently make the directors of the Gua anty Loan company liable for the obligation of that concern. I'.inlc Among \ \ orUInc UlrU. CINCINNATI , Juno 21. A panic amoi the 200 women and girls employed In tl cotton mills of Henry Pcarce's Sons and tl Russell & Morgan printing works on Eeg ! ston avenue was caused by a fire whU broke out today In the two-story dye houi situated between these two largo factorle The sounding of a second and third alar only Increased the panic and the police h : to carry out a number of fainting girls wl were In no way endangered by the fir Luckily none were seriously Injured , thouj several trleTl to Jump from windows. Tl loss Is $5,000. More Iroubln for ttio WliUkjr Trust. ST. PAUL , Minn. , June 21. A petition wt filed In the United States court asking th : the receivership of the Distilling and Cattl feeding company ot Illinois be extended I cover the distillery at South St. Paul. Tl petition Is filed by Stephen D. Uayer , D. ( Bennett and Huco Hlumsnthal ot New Yoi and the court Is asked to turn over the Soul St. Paul distillery to the receiver to help mei the llu ot the concern. WILL NOT LOSE THE OREGON Union Pacific Officials Explain How Thej Are Holding the Short Lino. SURE OF SX MONTHS' POSSESSM They Kxprct ConcrcM to ( Irnnt Some Torn of Itcllrf nt the Pml of tlmt lime for the O\or- Intnl. There Is considerable speculation going 01 at Union Pacific headquarters as to Just wha here Is In the rumor that a committee o consolidated Cs of the Oregon Short Line ( Utah Northern has decided not to take tin > roperty In Utah under Judge Merrill' order. It Is thought by some of the olllelal ; hut a deep-laid scheme Is being played Ii order to ha\o effect upon Judge Merrltt Olhers bel'cve Ihat It Is an admission o defeat on the part of those moving for i separate receiver for the Oregon Short Lin & Utah Northern. H Is believed that th ictlon of Judge Merrltt was known to th committee In New York and consequent ! ; the committee had nothing else to do but I refuse to accept the property under th crms of the order. Three propositions am to be considered be fore Judge Merrltt next Tuesday. First , th ssuance of recel\ers' certificates , upon whlc Judge Merrlttt was silent when he hando < Io\\n his opinion In the Short Line case This matler is ono of Imporlanco an rightly comes up at this time. But upon th wo other pioposltlons there Is great dl vergence of opinion ; second , to modify hi order so as to permit .Inhn M. Ugan t assume the duties of receiver Independent o any other receiver , and third to perml ho trust company to operate the northen Ine , leasing the Southern ExtenMon on th lands uf the presetn receivers. It Is no thought Judge Merrltt will change his orde upon thc e two propositions , although pull Ic opinion In Salt Lake has bee > renounced against him for mak ng the orde which practically shut the American Loa md Trus.1 company out of managing the prop erty through a receiver. Merrltt Is looke < upon aj one of the able Jurists of the wes and it Is belle\ed he will adhere to his orlf Inal order , founded , as It is alleged , upon a absolute rightful construction of Iho sltua lion. lion.No No matter what Is done , the present re cehcrs of the Union Pacific state that the will continue to operate the Short Line < Utah Northern for the next six months , a least , and probably longer If It Is determine to buy the property under foreclosure prc ccedlngs and sale , as It will take some Urn to perfect an organization to bu the property. Men of financial re sources are leaving the money cer tors of the country and It will bo bte I September before any plan Is decided upo to take the property. Then congress , the re celvers contend , Is expected to take up funding- bill this winter , which will undoubl edly Include the Oregon Short Line & Uta Northern In the terms of reorganization , s that upon the whole , unless something I lone very soon , It Is easily seen how month will Intervene before the Short Line sltun tlon Is finally settled. \MM.siKKr ANY itvri : Tiivr i > .u.vui : tjnlon 1'uclllc In Iho Uiir to st.iy nod \V11 TO Ml ( iiinnrlltiira. "Tho Union Pacific Is made responsible fa all the crimes In the calendar , " said an offl cial of that road yesterday. "It Is sal of us that we are now blocking the wheel looking to the organization of the Wester Passenger association , when , as a matter t fact , up to this time we have expressed willingness to Join any association to whlc all lines in Interest would be parties. Th situation has somewhat changed since th dlfilcultles over the Short Line , and I don believe It would be fair to go Into an ass < elation while this matter Is still undcclde ( Should Mr. I'gan succeed to the recelvershl ] \ have no Idea that he would Join any asjsi sociatlon , for he Is on record as having said h company would be a free lance Under thes circumstances It would be useless , It seen : to me to Join an association when we mlgl have to give way to some one else. The If we were compelled to protect our ow Interests the whole country might accu : us of bid faith. Several months ago w were anx ous to join the association ar we signed the agreement creating the Wes ern Lines Passenger association , but llm quite as much Interested as we are refuse to sign , and now I don't know why w haven't the same right to refuse , althoug as a matter of fact we have not refusei As to the Denver rates , we will meet an rate made by any competing line. Wo ai not seeking to be leaders , our conservatls having lost to the company thousands i dollars , but whatever rate is made you nu bo assured we will meet It In our own te : rlory. " Not Vorv I'ar on the OutHliln. "E. W. Megeath did not quit the coal d' ' partment of the Union Pacific , " said a co man yesterday , "without reckoning tl cost of losing $7 000 a year salary. Ho interested In the firm of T. H. Havens & Ci and has also Interests In the Sweetwater Co company. While he quits the service of tl company , I have no doubt he will contlnt ; to be very close to the coal department i the Union Pacific. " nil ! I'ay Dividends on lent rut I'aclllr. NEW YORK , Juno 21. Advlcea from Lei don are to the effect that S. P. Huntlngto who Is abroad , has given notice that a dlv dend of % per cent will be paid holders < Central Pacific stock on July 1. K.11 l.i > i V Noun. F. A. Nash of the Milwaukee was In h olfice yesterday after a week's Illness. E. M. Gannon , commercial agent of tl Missouri Pacific at Atchlson , was in tow yesterday. The Union Pacific anticipates bringing In Omaha Sunday 3,000 people from poln around Columbus. Managing Receiver S. II. H. Clark of tl Union Pacific went to St. Louis last nigh Ho will be back In Omaha about July 1. Wen ern Slinrp Miootcra' Union. MILWAUKEE , WIs. , June 21 The conte In the tournament of the Western Shai Shooters union has become very exciting ar It Is belle\ed that before the close of tl match tomorrow evening all present recon will bo smashed. So far the tournament h been In every respect a successful one , tl weather being delightful. Twenty more e Jrlea were made this morning which swel the total number of shooters to ISO. It expected that about 225 will have entered b fore tha finish. The point shooting co ; tlnues and In this contest sixty-five meda have already been bestowed , seven belt awarded Ihls morning1. Adolph Strecker San Francisco broke the world's record at tl man target by getting 97 out of a posslb 100 points. Nobody else has been able come near this as yet. Nrgro I'rcichrr Lynched. LITTLE ROCK , Ark. , Juno 21. A shoo Ing affray at Portland , Ark. , Tuesday r suited In the fatal wounding of one of tl parties and ' .no lynching of the other. Re Frank King , colored , became Infatuated wl Deacon William Toney's wife and trout arose between them. When they met on tl street the p-eacher leveled a pistol at Ii man and shot him In the abdomen. He wi locked up and after dark a mob ot Infurlati negroes repaired to the lockup , took him a tree and lynched him. Americans Murdered In Mexico , DEMING , N. M. , June 21. Eight Amei can gold miners on the YaquI river , In tl ttate of Sonora , were murdered by India , about two weeks ago. News of the klllli Juat reached here. The miners had been su cessful In obtaining gold and the killing wi probably done for the purpose of robbing tl victims. III ! Ilrlcln Mttjredltll Him. SAN FRANCISCO , Juno 21. J. H. Dav ot Rochester , N. Y. , son-in-law of H. 1 Craig , a wealthy lumberman ot that clt had his preliminary examination In the poll , court yesterday on the charge ot defraudlt n number of San Franclico merchants b ; orgcd drafts on a mythical New York bank Xivla was held to answer In the supcrlo court , ball being fixed at $2,000. Davis irldo Is his constant companion In the clt ; prison. AN ARIZONA WONDER. An itcotrlc : Death Trup far Mnn nnil Item III tlin Mnunlnlti ) . One of the most recently discovered Inox illcable phenomena Is an immense electrlca stone which crops out tobqve the ground Ii an almost Inaccessible mountain pass sotn fifty miles north ot Needles , Ariz. , says correspondent of the New York Journal. I pursuing a conscientious Investigation Into subject of this kind It Is necessary to cal nto requisition such an Immense number c grains of salt thai the real trulh of the mat er becomes lost In a briny deep , as it were and passes forever beyond the pale of fae nto the realm of romance along with th serpent and the mermaid , bill In spite c .his the existence of Iho electrical ston has been proved beyond the possibility \ doubt. In a multitude of witnesses there Is safetj and It appears that the natives ot Arlzon were for years acquainted with the Eton and Its peculiar propsrtles long before II llscovery by a party of hunters a few day ago. Among the Indians the stone goes b the name of the "Death Trap , " and the pea whereon It Is located Is called Death Tra mountain. They say that Ihelr falhers an randfathcrs before them knew of th stoni and It Is only an old and experienced guld who will venture to take a party In th neighborhood of It lest by some unluck chancs a too daring hunter lose his lite b suddenly coming upon It In an unguarde noment. The stone Itself Is described as being rough , jagged outcropping , bursting u through the shale of Its surroundings , read Ing up the mountain side to the height e about seven feet , when a sharp projcctlo shelves over again , making a three-sided fur nel , perhaps nine feet long and five fe < wide. Ordinarily the rock Is of a blue , mi talllc luster , and shows traces of volcanl action , being seamed and ribbed as If b melted lava. In the heat of the day , whe the sun shines squarely upon It , the Eton assumes a faded pale blue hue , at whlc times the Indians declare It to be perfect ! harmless. As the sun leaves the gorge , how ever , the stone b ° glns gradually to deepe In color , and when night comes and there no moon , It glows with all the brllllanc at a molten mass or so many mcandeset lights. This Illumination may be dlstlncll seen for a greal distance when there are n Intervening mountains to obstruct the vlev Now , as to the peculiar death-giving powe of tha slone. It Is said thai nolhlng , gre : or small , can set foot upon It and live. powerful are the volts which It Rives 01 at even the sllghtesl contact that It Is In possible for even the largest animals I withstand their strength. Recently tl party of hunters referred to ventured wlthoi a guide into some of the dangerous mounlal pas es In the up country , and by chane found their way Into a narrow gorge , havln coma In hot pursuit after a little fleet-llmbt mountain goat , which they managed to stai from the rocks below Suddenly , while the were all some seventy or eighty feet awa ; they were astonished b yond measure to ee the goat drop dead In his tracks , althoiiR not a shot had been fired. They were imkln ready to climb up the ledge and secure tl little creature , when an old Indian , high u on the cliff behind , called to them to eto ] So frantic was his manner and so perslstei his admonitions that they waited till 1 scrambled down to them , and then for U first time cime to light the story of the clji trical wonder The peat had fallen within the death tra ] the Indian explalnc-d. and had the huntei followed after him they , to ? , would ha > shared his fate. There was ample evidem at hand to prove to the hunters the trut of the old man's statement , for the lltl gorge surrounding the. slone has been turn ; Into a perfect charnel house full of the vvhl enlng bones of Its victims. And If this wei not enough to convince the most skeptlca while they stood within thirty feet of tl btone a big rattlesnaka crawled upon tl precipice and but upon the stone , only cell and writhe , and finally die m the Ii tensest agony. The hunters expressed the deepest grat Hide to the old InJIan for saving their live but regretted no little the loss of the goa whose species lt > almost extinct now , wher upon the old man unwound a rlata from h waist and flung It up under the rocks. H aim was unerring , and presently the go. was dragged down Into a place of safei whence the hunlers removed him. This wi an old trick among experienced hunter the Indian explained , and said ho hlmsc had reaped a pretty rich harvest ot pelti by snatching frpsh victims from the grai of the death trap. The sun was almost down and had qul left the gorge , so at the request ot the Ii dlan the hunters , accompanied him to h mountain-perched cabin , and from there b held the lighting up of the stone when tl moon was gone. As they all sat about tl fire watching the phenomenon their old ho told them many marvelous stories of tl wonder , among others the legend of Its dl covery by the tribe hundreds of years ag The legend runs about as follows : "Once upon n time there came Into tl midst of the tribe asking food and shelter btranger with a marvelously beautiful fac His body was little and mean and puny ai his back was humped , but his face was fa beyond all description and strangely beaul ful. His eyes were large and luminous. III twin stars , and although ho seemed to knc nothing of herbs or their properties he po sessed the marvelous faculty of healing tl sick by laying his han3s upon them , or cvi by looking fixedly at them with his gre eyes. "Even dumb animals would flock aroui him If he chose to have them do so , and t ! chief held him In such reverence that 1 and by he adopted the stranger into tl tribe and made him a medicine man. Mai years pissed , during which time the strang still lingered , and In the meantime t ! chief's son had grown to manhood and It h came time for him to take a wife. T comllest maiden of the tribe was selected his bride and preparations were made f the nuptials. When the wedding day a rived , however , the maiden was missing , ai an old woman declared that the medlcli man had spirited her away. A dlllge search failed to disclose her whereaboul and the chief reluctanlly consented to belle the friend of his adoption guilty. A coi pany of twelve of the bravest warriors w ordered to drive the medicine man out of tl tribe , for no one would consent to seeli him killed outright , so great was the love the people for him. Early In the mornli the warriors set out to chase him beyoi the mountain , the medicine man runnti swiftly on before so that they could Ju scarcely keep him In sight. Finally It I came evident that ho was leading them i after him Instead of fleeing before thorn , ai at last , though the chief tent messengers order the men to return. It was impossll to get them to heed the command. On ai on they followed , climbing the mountal side and looking neither to the right nor the left , but keeping their eyes fixed despe ately upon the medicine man before the : The chief's messengers followed as close they dared , and at last beheld with co sternatlon the warriors fall one by ono de In their tracks between the parted lips of great blue stone. "Thus was the death trap discovered ma : hundreds of years ago , and the Indians t lleve It to have been set by the medlcl man to watd off all pursuit after him a : the stolen bride of the chief's son. " Five ( Senerntlnna Living in Onn lloil r. Five generations are represented by many women , all living together under o roof , at Juniper and Mlflln streets , says t Philadelphia Record. Mrs. Katherlne Ti tnalne , the great-great-grandmotbor , within a few years of the ripe old age 100. The great-grandmother , Mrs. Fulli Is over 70 , and Mrs. Birmingham Is past t half-century mark , although she looks b little more than half that age. Her daught Is Mrs. Frank Gray , the proud mother of t new generation. The baby , Katherlno Gra Is Just two weeks old , and Is probably greater danger of being "spoiled" than ai other baby In this broad city. Very fe little girls can boast the possession of thr grandmammas. Of course , this little g ! can't make this proud boast yet , but Judgli from the healthy appearance of her greu great-grandmamma she will be able to defer for many years after she herself will ha attained the use ot speech and reason. To the young face Pozzonl's Complexle Powder gives fresher charms , to the old , r newed youth , Try It. HEROES IN BLUE AND CRAY A Trio of National Military Parks to Bo Instituted on Three Great Battlefields. Hit OH , GETTYSBURG AND CHICKAMAUGA V Hravo Drummer Hoy' * I.oynlty Attends Ills Wounded Ailjutnnt In the Mld t nf flying llulleti How Micrltlnn Win Ilnroil Other Itecolloctlon * . Conforming to the laws enacted by the lasl congrcas , the government has taken the ncc essary steps to create three national military ; parks on the three great battlefielJs of the civil war , Chlckamauga , Gettysburg ani Shlloh. None of the e parks will bo merely ornamental pleasure grounds. The prime Idtn Is to restore those historic fields to substan tially tin ? condition they were In at the times of the battles , and In harmony with that Ue. the parks to bo created on their sites will be devoted strictly to the Illustration Of the su > ireme struggles which rendered them famou ! tor the benefit of future generations rathei than of surviving participants. In these parks every Incident of the battles will hi treated from the Impartial standpoint of tils tory , without sectional animosity or bias , atr In all the markings and monuments rlgk Justice will be shown alike to the vanquished and victors. Chlcanmuga and Shlloh were the most memorable contests of the war Ir the west , and Gettysburg was tlio most mo- mer.tous conflict In the east , and In all thrci the most distinguished generals , union urn confederate , commanded , and troops fron tjplcal sections fought , so that by securing and preserving those fields Intact , as repre sentatlve examples of the greatest battles o : the war , the government will be able te perpetuate their history In a concrete physlca form for all time to come. CHICKAMAUGA. The Chlckamauga park Is to be dedicatee with most imposing ceremonies on Septetnbci 19 and 20 next , under tne direction of tin secretary of war , with the president and cabl net participating , together with committee ! of congiess , botli house and senate , the su preme court , the general of the army and tin admiral of the navy , the governors of tin forty-four states and the survivors of thi beveral armies , union and confederate , en gaged nt Chlckamauga and Chattanoogi thirty-two years ago. The dedlcat'on will bi a red-letter event of the year. When completed the park will be the mos comprehensive and extended military objec lesson In the world It contains 7,600 acres and the central driveway , passing througl and overlooking all the heavy fight ni ground , Is twenty miles long. The old roadi of the battles have been reopened and nev roads closed. Over forty miles of the mall roads of the field have Been rebuilt In i substantial manner. The details of the sh battles Chlckamauga , Missionary Ridge Lookout Mountain , Orchard Knob , Wan hatchle and Brown's Ferry are being se forth upon historical tablets w thin the park These tablets , numbering atiout 2,000 Ii all , are cast Iron plates , tour feet by threi feet , with embossed letters. After castlnj the plates were glared black and the em bossed letters whitened , making the Inscrlp tlon distinct at a distance. Each plate wll contain from 200 to 4uO words of hlstorlca text and w 11 be fastened to an Iron post se in concrete. They mark the positions o army headquarters , corps , divisions am brigades , both union and confederate , OIK tlio parts taken by each organization an concisely stated. GETTYSBURG. Under the recent law establishing a na tional park at Gettysburg , Introduced bj General Daniel C. Sickles and approved It February last , the government will at onci proceed to acquire 800 acres and rights o way over avenues owned by the Gettysbun Battlefield Memor'al association , and alsi to acquire other lands on the battlefield b ; purchase or condemnation. Additional roadi will be opened and tablets will be set u | definitely marking the lines of the troops 01 both sides. The rights , however , of state : and military organizations to plats of groum on which markers and monuments have al ready been placed will In no wise bi prejudiced. The Gettysburg National Par ! commission , like that of Chlckamauga park will co-operate with state commissions Ii fixing positions that are not yet determined A spec'al ' and noteworthy taature of tlii Gettysburg park , authorized in the Sickle : law , will be a great bronze xable : on i pedestal bearing a medallion llkcress o President Lincoln and the whole of his ini mortal address on the occasion of the Na tional cemetery dedication at Gettysburg i : November 19 , 1SC3. There are now nearly J2.0100UOcrth c monuments on the Gettysburg n > ld , eiectei by states and regimental organl/.ntlons an military societies. Hut until a couple o years ago , notwithstanding all these mem orlats , there were no iines of battl marked and a visitor to the Held , no'icini the absence of monuments on the cnnfcd orate side would prompted to ask "Agalns whom were the union troops fighting ? " Thi lack will now be supplied and fie 1 lies nt aj troops will be carefully InJlcit'd by 'ahle-ts as at Chlckamauga , without renmro am without praise , and above all with lihioilca accuracy. SHILOH. The Shlloh Military park for which congress gross passed an authorizing act In Dcccmbe last , under the lead of Representative Divli B. Henderson of Iowa , will compilse nbuu 3,000 acres , woods and farming lanJ. Ove 4,000 confederates lie buried on the han fought field ( April 6 and 7 , JSG2) ) , anl m th National cemetery are 3bOO union di' I. ; commission like those of Chlckamriga am Gettysburg Is about to ttKe ihar e > f th ground , and , after 'he land shall hav rxei acquired , will at once begin local1 ig th bittlo lines and sites lor t.iblels and menu menls for the 25S organizations engaged I : the bailie. The arrangement of i < iwl < em brigade sections will bo placed uneltr th supervision of the tist Kndscapj auhitttt procurable by Ihe War dspirMiifit. 'Hi regulations as to tablets and n rjimniMns wll be uniform for all three paiks C'il2'umauga Gettysburg and Shlloh. Thus far $760.000 has been granted by ccn gress toward the Chlckanauga jr.ik alar.t The sums appropriated for thexpentec o marking Gettysburg lines be-lore the i > tliorl zatlon of the park on thai fn-'u aggregat $145,000 and Ihese , with the ? T7 COO cnir'ei on the Sickles act , make a total to date fo Gettysburg of $222,000. For beginning Shllo ! park $75.000 was granted by the Heidersoi act , and Inasmuch as land there Is cheap th cost of the land alone Is HmlUd to $23OOC The remainder and future sums to bo ap proprialed will be applied to the restoratlo : of Ihe grounds as Ihey were In 1862 and t the erection of monuments and tablets mid t Ihe building ot roads. HOW LANGBE1N WON HIS MEDAL. Young Langbeln was the smallest membc of the drum corps of his regiment , and hi face was so plump and girlish , and his figur BO slight , that he was known by all his com Tades as "Jennie , " a nickname given to hlr by a soldier who said the lad looked Jus like his sweetheart at home In the north. The battle of Camden , known to the con federate as the battle of Sawyer's Lane though not ono of the most famous In th civil war , was a hotly contested engagemen nevertheless. It occurred during the expedl tlon sent to destroy the Culpcpper lock a the southern end of the Dismal Swamp cana In the rear of the city of Norfolk , Va. , on ono of Us notable features was a charge b the Hawkins ' /.ous , " not so disastrous a the one at Antletam , but as daring. U wa during this mad dash that Adjutant Thoma L. Bartholomew , who had promised "Jer no's" mother to keep special watch over he boy and between whom and the lad th closest comradeship existed , was struck dow by a fragment of an exploding shell , whlc plowed a frightful furrow In his neck I time of action It Is the duly of the musician lo act as an ambulance corps ; to look afte the wounded and to carry them on stretcher to the rear. Yet It Is not part of the drum mer'a work to unnecessarily expose hlmsell Indeed It Is expected that he will Hlielte himself as much as Is consistent , slnco I the members of the ambulance corps ar killed , fighting men must leave the rank to take their places. Little "Jennie" Lang beln , however , had no notion of looking ou for his own afety. He was present to do hi part , and when the order was given t "charge , " he went with his regiment , keep Ing a sharp eye for disabled comrades an especially for Adjutant Bartholomew , Whe : this officer was wounded bo did not fall a once , but ftaggereel outside of the federal ranks , and In a moment was between r the hostile line. HEROIC CONDUCT. Then It was that thp | ad showed tlio stuff of which ho was made , for without heeding In the least the Irndon rain of bullets or the screaming shot nnd shell , ho rushed up to his friend , caught him as In his delirium no was wandering aimlessly about , and man aged to pilot him without further hurt from the field , and to a comparatively quiet place , TJicro the lad gave the officer a drink from his canteen and then rushed away to find the regimental surgeon. When that officer arrived Bartholomew was unconscious , but BOOH revived a little. "I felt the doctor pushing his fingers Into my wound , " says Bartholomew ; "ho felt In and around It , and I then heard him tell Jennlo It was no use , that I was nearly dead , and that it would not be worth while to move me. " Then the doctor left , but Langbeln would not abandon his frleml. The boy was not strong enough unaided to carry the officer away , but ho hunlcd up Charley Wiley , the drum major , a big , strapping fellow , and to gether they managed to convey the uncon scious man to a house near by , where he was placed upon a bed. LJngbeln's devotion to his friend did not ceasa wth his re.'cuc from the field , however. Later In the day the confederates were reinforced and the ; folcrals had to retreat , and so hastily that It was not n quesllon of laklng care of the wounded. In the circumstances the adjutant would have been abandoned had H not been for Iho continued devotion of his little frienj , who managed to get the Itjured man Into the army wagon and staved by him until ho was safe In the federal hospital nl Koanokc Island , where ho ultimately recovered and later Joined hla regiment. "Jennie" was awarded a thirty days' fur lough for his heroism and went back to his father and mother In New York with a lettet from his commanJIng olllccr of which ho Is still proud , beslelcs being mentioned In gen eral orders , though his medal was not granted until early In the present year. HOW COLONEL BAKER FELL. "Tho last time I saw Colonel Baker he was being cart led en two muskets , with his cap and his sword on his breast and his halt iragglng In the dust In other word" , he was being landed from a scow on Hairison's Island , having Just been kllle l in battle upon Ball's bluff , " remarked Mr. A. J. Bellows , giving some of his war reminiscences to o reporter of the Portland Oregonlan. "I saw that battle , and , as It was the fir * ! time I ever smclled gunpowder , I remeinbet It very clearly. I was a drummer boy In the Mfteenth Massachusetts , the regiment ol Colonel Dovcns , afterward United States at torney general. Tlmt night I beat the lone roll and we fell In and went down to Ed ward's ferry. About daybreak Colonel Bakct arrived I heard him ask Colonel Devon- about the transportation. A scow nnd o flatboat , which were filling with men , were pointed out. and he said , with a bert of a laugh : 'Well , evidently they don't Intend for many of us to come hick. ' "There had been skirmish firing some fou : or five miles off In the direction of Lcesbuig but soon after this the battle opened It : earnest. Our regiment had two howitzers In the middle of the stream , on Harrison's Island. It was not long before orders came to pass over those guns , and I sneaked In as one of the detail and went over. "I had Just got en top of the bluff when Colonel Baker came riding back. Dismount ing , he threw me the rein , and said : 'Here bub , hold this horse. You had better gel over the brow of the hill a little , so joti won't get hurt ' In a few minutes hewa riddled with bullet1. occurred a torr ble hand-to-hand Ptrupgle for his boJy. H was the only time during the war I saw the bayonet used in a line of battle. "Being a musician , my place was with the wounded on Harrison's Island. I had scet : enough. I let the horse go , climbed dour the banks and got Into the last boat thai \\ent back. "After Baker's death the command went tc pieces. There was heroic Individual fight ing , but teen all formation was lost. The majority of the troops were taken prisoners The rest ran and Jumped Into the river Those who reached the Island were saved but the rest were drowned In the swift cur rent. ' o - SAW NAPOLEON FALL. in Olilnnn Who VVImcusrd the ruinati ! Itnttle \\ntrrlnn. . Wednesday , the 19th Inst. , was the eight- It ; h anniversary of the battle of Water loo. Of the hundreds of thousands ol men who struggled that day for supremacj all have passed away , except two in America four In the British Isles and six In France , and most of these are centenarians There Is another , who , although not a par ticipant in the great battle , had the pr.vilege of witnessing the thrilling events of thai week In Belgium which marked the downfall of the Napoleon dynasty and who viewed thai battle from a better vantage ground , perhaps than any of the participants. That man Is James R. Green of Ellsworth , O. , who la 91 years of ago. The old gentleman ) was born In Bolton Lancashire , England , on July 25 , 1798 , an ; entered the English navy at the age of K as a midshipman. The next year his ship was employed In transporting the English soldiers for Wellington's army across the channel from Southampton to Antwerp , and II was at this time that he accidentally wit nessed Waterloo , in * iaJ8 he entered the East Indian merchant ffvice , and for many years voyaged In the Atlantic and Indian oceans , making many trips around the Cape of Good Hope to Delphi , Calcutta and Bom bay. In 1S20 he made his first voyage tc America In a sailing vessel , It requiring twelve weeks to cross the stormy Atlantic Since then ne has crossed the Atlantic twenty-three times. Mr. Green was In a reminiscent mood when seen by a Cincinnati Inquirer correspondent , and talked Interestingly of the great battle. "I v , as a midshipman In June , 1815 , on one of King George's transport ships , " he said , "and with the other 'middles' started across Belgium to Join the English troops. "We came first to Ligny , where the pre liminary battle of that terrible week In Bel gium took place. That fight was between the Prussians under Biucher and Napoleon's veterans. The conflict did not last long , bill It stands as one of the most desperate light : of history. Biucher was compelled to give way , and his retreat was almost a rout Flushed with tuccess , Napoleon pushed on t < his fate at Quatrc-Bras and attacked the out posts of the English on the 17th. "At Quatre-Bras Napoleon was repulsed falling back to Waterloo that night , when he determined to make his final stand. "On the morning of the 18th , with a sea glass which we had taken with us , wo stooi on the heights some distance away fron Waterloo and took In the whole scene. Wi could sec Napoleon on his charger rldln , along his lines preparing for the battle. Tin lines were formed and soon the field wai filled with smoke and the roar of cannot reverberated through the hills of Belgium In the afternoon the fierce conflict ceasei and the field was a sickening sight. Tin green rye had been trampled down and tin field was nothing but dust like the mldJli of the road , while the dead and woundei liy scattered thickly over the great plain Out of the 250 pieces of artillery Napoleor lost 15C , and 40.000 of his men were elthei dead upon the fl Id or prUoners. "I cin remember distinctly of seelni Biucher , Napoleon , the duke of Welllngtoi and George IV. I can remember seeln ; George III and his couriers riding down ti the London docks upon many a morning During the reign of William IV I remembs ; having seen Queen Victoria In a villa nea : London playing In a garden , and I have ills tlnct remembrances of the last four rullni morarchs of the house of Hanover " A 'l UKh Snn of the Itotiiliitlnn. A 5-year-old grandson In a proinlnen family of New York City which boasts muc ! of Its connection with the heroes of 1776 ha always taken a great Interest In the fatnll ; conversations. Ono day not long ago , relate : the New York Times , he and his gramlmi went down town to do some shopping. A noon the little fellow said"Don' let us go home for luncheon. The props ; thing to do U to go to the S - . Every food ] goes there. " Persuaded and amused by tin grown-up airs which the youngsttr had as sinned , his companion agreed , but told Mase Hopeful that he must glvo his own order "Turkey and cranberries , " he said promptly und when U came he began to do his owi carving Ho sawed away without making un ; Impression , and his grandma suggLBted. "L- me cut It for you. " "No , " he said , doggedly as he worked away. "You'd better let mi try It. It seems pretty tough , " she Intcrposei again The little fellow kept on trying for i moment , then dropped his knife and fork It despair , looked at hU plate and said cm phatlcally : "It must be a son of the revolu tlon , grandma. " FAD3 IN PHOTOGRAPHY , I'ortrntti 1'lncril on Vr lchf , I'lpei and Kelt Ilurklei. If the alchcmltts of the sixteenth century could take a peep Into the modern photo graph studio they would experience an electric shock at the scientific beauty Into which their early efforts have culminated. Since the time of Thomas Wedge-wood , who was the first to discover the value of the action of light upon a sensitive surface , nuch gigantic strides have been taken In the art that soon tha very coloring of the flesh and bloo.l will appear on our ciute do visiles. The old-time daguerreotypes , which made their entree In 182 1 , under the guidance ot DiRuerre ; the ferrotype , brought out by Robert Hunt a little later , and the ambrotypo of a still later period , ore made to hide their diminished heads before the splendor ot pro portions their rival brothers have assumed , Not so very loirg ago one's features could only bo Immortnllred n la silhouette , by tracing with a black poncll the shadows ot the1 profile ot the face cast by u can lie on white piper ; melancholy , ghastly heirlooms , cherished by this generation , as belonging tea a time when "all things were new. " There Is no feat now too dltllcillt for tha photo student to attempt ; the camera , ftom being the wonder of the age , has become a household companion. The craze for anything nnd everything new. tiys a New York correspondent , has entered this field wllh the remit ot turning out n number of quaint devices by which the photograph of a friend may be > carried on one's perron , with good artistic effect. Of these , perhaps , the case Is the most commonly seen ; n man with a sweetheart must first have thought of this arrangement by means of which the face he most admit cil could be brouglk before him nt will The hard surface of the gold c.vso takes very kindly to the photographic solutions , and the finish Is as beautifully fine as tlu > italntlest cabinet. A few appear with the decoration on the outside of the case1 , If It Is not already carven , but the favorite style Is the Inner side , where the photogiaph Is shielded from dust and too glaring light Photograph pipes are a decidedly new Invention , and altogether fetching , not lo speak of the expense , are these bits of "manly" trifles. One of these , noticeable for Its delicacy nnd ilchncss , is in tlio possession of a New York club man , who earnestly declares that the fragrant weed Is never no soul-satisfying as when Inhaled through the medium of thin bit of clay ; and no wonder. What man could not be "carried to the skies" on clouds of fragrant tobacco , with the vision of the fair joung face to softly Imprinted on tlio pipe's bowl , always beaming sunny smiles nt him ! And then the glitter of the Jewels ! the gleam of the large rubles , lingo all his dreams loty red , and the tiny diamonds sot lieie and there at its base glisten llko his love's eyrs. The meerschaum must bo richly colored to set off the decorations. Small turquoise fotm a pretty contrast to the gorgeous > el- Ions and browns of the pipe. Bric-a-brac present another form of pre serving photography ; some wonderfully line effects have been produced by means of transferring a pretty face on the Hat tur- face of a dainty vase. This is usually done before the last firing ; so as to preserve all the beauty of the pic ture Intact. U Is then proof against ravages of tlmo and weir. It is a pretty bit of remembrance to offer to a friend to whom the photv ) alone would seem too small a gift. One of the most novel forms this fad has assumed Is shown by a bright Vassar girl , who wears upon her boating dress a set of huge buttons , each showing the faca of her favorite chssmato and all beautifully set In a burnished gold frame. A tiny art gallery , and sufficient at a moment's notice to call up hosts ot pleasant recollections Another way In which the pretty facs may be carried with one on a long journey , when any bupsr- lluous cargo Is Inadvisable Is In the buckle- of one's belt. A inott unique arrangement and one eliciting decided approval If one may Judge from the number being worn. A very smart ons is worn by a young woman who counts her diamonds by the dozens , and who has spared no expense In the setting of this small but costly trifle. It Is a younger sister's face peering out from the rich setting of large pearls set In filagree gold ; the whole surface Is richly chased , giving color and tone to the milky whiteness of the priceless pearls. The face Is beautifully tinted , making one think ot the dainty Ivory miniatures of long ago. Then there are those set In frames of gold or silver without the Jewels , but the rich ness Is necessary to lend the photograph the prop ° r tone. The daguerreotype lockets are a swagger d vice for the photographed face which wo do not wish exposed to the gaze of the "common herd. " They are In the form of huge silver hearts , much larger than an ordinary watch ; their frosted surface bears the monogram of the wearer In largo English letters , and to it hangs an excecdliily long , slender sliver chain , which Is worn thrown carelessly over the shoulders , allowing the heart to drop where It pleases. I Inside the dainty face of a girl friend ( or of a sweetheart , since no one will see ) , 11 ts In b autlfully ; opposite Is Inscribed some quaint legend , supposed to ward off all at tacks of the "Evil Eye. " It Is odd to note tint among all this col lection of feminine and masculine adorn ment the face of a man seldom appears ; It may bo duo to 4he utter hopelessness ot anything artistic In their get-up , or to thp undue modesty of the fair ones , who shrlnlf from displaying the pictured face of their "Prince Charming" to the public. New York World JliiRle What was tha trouble In the Soldiers' home last Sunday ? Jingle Rev. Mr Thankful chose for hla text , "Let not your right hand know what your left hand doeth ! " Jingle Well , but what was ths trouble ? Jangle Nearly all the Inmates are one- armed veterans. removes wrinkles and all traces of age. It feeds through the pores and builds up the fatly niemliraliis and waste-it tli-sues , nourishes the shilvelled and Hliiinike.ii skin , tone's and Invigorates the nervcu anel intise'Ie's , em ( dies the Impoverished bloodvessels , anil supplies jenith anel elasticity to the action of the hi.In. It's perfect. Ynle's Skin Food , prct. Jl W nnd $3 , nt all drug store ? MMIJ M VALIJ , Hi-altli und lleiiuty Kptelallst , 116 Stuto St , Chicago licauty Ouldo mallee ) free _ Urt. IrlTUL OXI.T SPECIALIST WHO 1 HI ATI AIL PrflYATt D SEASES , WcnkniM and'-ecret ' IJitoiduitot MEN ONLY Krrrr care imirtnUtd. 8e nln ( > raik . Huok lrre . tUA > rn raHU. OUAUA. MKJB. I