Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1895, Image 3

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Delivered by carrier to any part of the city.
H. W > TILTON , Lewee.
Tntnr > IION3B-IuilneM ! office. No. S night
editor , No. Z3.
Grand liolel , Council Bluffs.Newly fur-
aluhed. Reopened Oct. 1. E. F. Clark , Prop.
r-- B. S. Keller has built a fine addition to his
/ homo on North Second street , at a cost of
nearly $1,000.
C. V. Lancaster and Julia Paultcek. both
of Council Bluffs , were married by Justice
Walker last evening.
There will bo a meeting of the cadets at
the High Echool this morning at 0 o'clock
on Important business.
Rcbekah Relief association will meet this
afternoon with Mrs. Hazcn , 514 South Sev
enth street. Work of Importance.
An umbrella belonging to Mrs. O. Ewall
was stolen from the front porch at 121 Wash
Ington avenue. Monday night , but was re
r turned later by the thief.
It * Mamie C. Baxter commenced a suit In dls-
irlct court yesterday against Corlcna E.
Mayne , Emora A. Cobb and Isabel Cobb on
three notes aggregating $2,250 In amount.
Solly Hough , who has been lost from the
chain gang for about a week , was picked
up In the Mint saloon Monday night anil
taken back to the city'Jail to serve out the
rest of his sentence.
Bluffs division , No. 27 , Uniform Rank
KnlghtR ot Pythias , will entertain Pythlans
and their friends this evening at Castle hall
There will bo 6. musical and literary program
refreshments , cards and dancing.
The plant of the late lamented Wizard Tele
phone company was" sold at public auction
yesterday afternoon by Constable Baker. It
was bid in by the Novelty Manufacturing
company , of which Ell Brown Is the treas
urer , and the amount paid Is $230.
Emma Grabbo filed a petition yesterday In
the district court for a divorce from Hartwlg
Grabbe. She was married to him May 11
18SS , In this city , but he soon became a ha
bitual drunkard to such an extent that she
left him. She wants the custody of her two
A dozen members of the athletic team of
the University of California passed through
the city on their way from their triumphs In
the cast to their western homes. They were
accompanied by a party of Yale and Harvari
students on their way to the Intercollegiate
tournament at Denver.
Miss Klssell , who lives with her mother
at 1918 Fifth avenue , was arrested yesterdaj
afternoon on a 'charge of disturbing the
peace. F. Peterson , ex-general janitor of the
city schools , filed a complaint alleging that
Miss KIsFoll and her mother had been In the
habit of encouraging the attentions of gentle
men to such an extent and at such unreason
able hours that the peace of the community
has been Jeopardized.
Experience shows the desirability of hav
ing fire Insurance In an old and strong com
pany. Wo write Insurance In the most re
liable companies In the world , among then
being the following :
Imperial of London , established In 1803.
Glens Falls of New York , established In
Fireman's Fund of California , establlshec
In 18C3.
Palatine of Manchester , Eng. , established In
1886.Lougee & Towle , Sole Agents , 235 Pear
IT.ltSOXAL J'.tll.Kllt.ll'HS.
Mrs. L. B. Cousins has returned from
visit with friends In Nebraska City.
Miss Nannie Hardln leaves tomorrow tea
a visit with friends In Gretna , Neb.
Miss Nellie Jacobs expects to leave Monda
for a summer visit to Salt Like City.
Judge W. R. Green of Audubon was , In
the city yesterday , and held a ssssion of
the district court.
L. R. Fisher , of the Wells-Fargn Express
company.'s force at Kansas City , Is visiting
his- Council Bluffs , friends.
Mrs. Mary DololiSf Sheldon- . , Is In the
city visiting her mother , Mrs. George Lang-
made , on North Eighth street.
Mrs. Jane Atwood and daughter , Mlns Liz
zie , of San Barnardlno , Cal. , are guests of
C. W. Atwood on Baughan aveifue.
Miss Grace Swcaringen , who taught dur
ing the past year In the State Normal school
at Sheeny , Wash. , will arrive In the city to
day to spend the summer with her relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Wyman of DCS
Molnes passed through the city yesterday
on their way to the Pacific coast. They
stopped off with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wal
lace ou Bluff street.
'lc > I tin I'lthllu nil.I Our I'titions.
W.8 have decided to change the name of
our new beverage , and In the future It vill
be called only
This refers to what was known as "Copp's
Cheer. " ( The name of the herb tonic will
remain the same. ) This chang" Is mad" :
for the purpose of allowing us to copyright
our label , with a name exclusively our o\vi , ,
which will be done at onca ; also to prevent
the goods from being confounded with a
beer called Kop's Cher ( said to pa Imported ) ,
that Is being sold to romt- extent -In this part
of the country. Wheeler's King Temperance
Beer contains neither alcohol , malt or grain
of any kind , but IB n pure hop extract , - refined
fined and carbonated by a process of our owr
S * Invention , and hns been decided by the
I Revenue Department , December 5 , 1S94 , as
not subject to special tax.either for manufac
ture or salo. These goods are manufactured
exclusively by the 0. R. Wheeler Brorflti
company , 134 East Broadway , Council Bluffs
la. Wheeler & IleroM. proprietors.
( liiirgfil wltti Hureliiry.
An Information was filed In a Justice shot
yesterday charging William Young , a farniei
ot Silver Creek township , with burglary. The
complainant .was Mrs , Peter Nelson , who
with her husband , have been living or
Young's farm , an arrangement having beer
made by which Nelson was to have $20 i
* month , a cow and free house rent In retun
for his caring for the farm from spring untl
after harvest. Some sort of a dlsagreemen
arose between Young and his tenant as to tin
manner In which the contract was to be ful
filled , and on Decoration day Young took bacl
his cow , claiming that Nelson had not llvoc
up to his agreement. Nelson and his wlfi
had made all preparations to leave the placi
and hunt for another homo. They had packet
up all their household goods and come t <
Council Bluffs. The day after Decoration da ;
a neighbor came to town and told them tha
Young had broken Into the house and throw !
all their things out Into the front yard
breaking open boxes and scattering bcddlni
and furniture lover the grass with great free
dom. Mrs. Nelson hurried out and fount
that a nice new featherbed had been allowct
to He out In the rain over night and had beei
almost completely ruined. Constable Albert
will go 'out to Silver Creek township today ti
arrest Young.
Implement Iliiilnpts Itnslilni ; .
A call on the Implement row these day
will satisfy any one that business la plcklni
up and better times are no longer In the un
. certain future. Trade Is reported better li
ill lines , but especially co In c-casonabl
toods , as harvesting and haying machinery.
At the big McCormlck warehouse they hay
been compelled to put in electric llghu 01
the loading platform and are running a nigh
crew getting cut from 12 to II cars pe
lay. In addition to a large number of smal
> rdr3 , or "locil" shipment ! .
Sixty days ago , when the maria emen
stepped putting In goods , It was suppasei
the 3GO odd cars ot machines and twlno li
stock would be ample to supply the trade
but since June 1 they have received 14 car
from the factory at Chicago , and yesterda ;
wcro compelled to forward 57 carload order
for country points to the home office to b
filled direct from the shop , as It was impoa
Bible to handle them here.
This Imenso trade Indicates a big harvest
and a big harvest means everything to thl
country. _
Neglige and summer shirts and ladle :
and gents' ties , a very large stock and th
largest stock of straw bats In town , are
part of the great Spetman Bros , stock that 1
being sold by the assignee at ridiculous !
low prices. It Is also the ladles' chance t '
get unheard of bargains In dry goods.
Metcalf Bros , have a iplendld line ot slim
mer .clothing.
low Organizitiou to Disturb the Recent
PoUticol Eqni Ibrium ,
Clnlm Hint Tlioio Who Fnncht to PfCicrvo
the Union Are Mot Hcmg ( liven
1'roper Itccogiiltlon .Mombcri
liiplalu the Ubjecti.
The latest thing In the way of a political
organization to be sprung upon the people
of Council Bluffs U the Soldiers' and Sailors'
club , which started out Monday evening at
a meeting held In the court house , from
which all were carefully excluded but those
jelonglng to the two classes designated In
the name. The object ct the club as state }
n the constitution Is the betterment of the
moral , social nnd political condition of sol
dlers an ! sailors. Ily those who are on the
nslde It Is sUteJ that the political side I * the
one which will bo most assiduously culti
" \Vo have come to the conclusion , " said
one of them yestciday , "that the soldiers are
not receiving their share of recognition from
the government they fought to preserve. Ths
Grand Army and Union Veteran league are
all right , but there arc hundreds of old sol
dlers who can't belong to either of them be
cause It costs too much.Ve don't expect
this will cost anything , and so there will be
nothing to hinder ns getting every soldier In
the country Into It. When any political
parly puts an old soldier's name on the
ticket , yon can bet that no will get the solid
soldier vote , and the party that doesn't give
the soldier what he wants will have to get
along without his vote. We don't expect to
demand the earth , but only what we think
rightfully belongs to us. "
It Is learned that similar movements are
on foot In many of the cities of the land ,
and that they all emanate from one source.
Indicating that there Is a big scheme on foot
to unite the soldiers of the whole country
Into a band tha' will light as courageously
for the loaves and the fishes as they used to
fight for the liberty of the slaves.
Itotton Ktorr. < minctl ItlnfTs.
All wool challlcs. Our entire stock reduced
to 25c a yard.
nig reductions In umbrellas and parasols.
50 changeable silk parasols In blue , green
and brown , waxel wood hanJlc , worth $3.50
on sale at $2.25.
500 children's parasols on sale this week
from 15c to 95c.
25o and 33c zephyr ginghams reduced to
17c a yard.
200 pltcM dimities on sale at 12&c a
500 pieces of fine wash goods on sale at
Do a yard.
See show window.
Sale on capes and Jackets continued for this
101-105 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs.
Ji-rry Slmi Arrested.
Jerry M. Shea was arrested yesterday
morning and charged with being a fugitive
from Just'cB. The message upon which the
arrest was made came from the Omaha
authorities , and was to the effect that Shea
had passed two bogus checks , one for $8
and the other for $12 , the latter upon Wil
liam F. Garrlty , a wholesale liquor dealer ,
at the corner of Tenth street and Capitol
avfnuo In Omaha. Ills own name was
signed to both checks , and were drawn upon
the First National and Council Bluffs Savings
banks , In neither o ! which ' he had any de
posit. Ho was detained a't the city Jail until
0 o'clock In the evening , although no warrant
WPS shown.
Early In the evening a telephone message
WHS received from the Omaha officials stating
that It had been discovered that there was
no way of compelling him to go to Ne
braska , for the amount ot money aliened to
have icon secured was not largo enough to
constitute grand lurceny. He was accoyl-
Ingly released , but no sooner had hg set foot
outside of the Jail than ho wqs again picked
up , this time on an information tiled by H.
V. Innes , charging him with cheating by
false pretenses.
The Information alleged that on March
31 ho went to the auditor's ofilca nnd repre
sented to R. V. Innes , l e deputy county
auditor , tliat he held the assignment of a
claim of $29 owned by S. I1. MacConnell ,
against the county. On the strength of the
representations , which seemed to be properly
vouched for In writing , the claims were
bought by Innes and the money turned over
to Shea. It was afterward learned , the In-
formatldli says , that ho did not hold the
ass'gnment. Shea was released on a bond of
$200 to await his hearing Juno 24.
Junn Mllllnnry > u'e.
All trimmed hats at a great reduction.
$10 hats for $6 ; $ ' 2 hats for $7 ; $6 hats for
$3 ; $5 hats tor $2.50 ; a nice trimmed hat for
$1. These prices will continue for the next
30 days. Miss Ragsdale , 10 Pearl street.
Yes , the Eagle laundry Is , "that good
laundry , " and Is located at 721 Broadway.
If In doubt about this try It and be convinced.
Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157.
ITrrppt'on to vrnlor * .
The reception to the graduating class of
the High school by tlio Alumni association
took place last evening at the hall of the
Woodmen of the World , which was thronged
with youths and maidens of the graduate
type , of a standing ranging all the way from
four days to four times that many yeais.
Two long tables were arranged In the center
of the room , at which the members of the
class of ' 95 sat , while the other guests occu
pied seats at either end of the room. W.
S. Balrd , president of the Alumni associa
tion , acted as master of ceremonies. The
program was opened with a selec
tion by the Dudley Buck quar
, tet , "Hark , the Trumpet , " by Buck , after
n which Edwin S. McCrary gave an address
upon "Success or Failure Rests with the In-
dividual. " After another selection by the
n quartet , George H. M-iyne spoke on the
"High Scholl Graduates In the Professions. "
A recitation entitled "Training a Hur-baml. "
by Mildred Mumma , was followed by a solo
by Clyde Altchlson , "The Monarsh. " Charles
M. Harl delivered the prlnlcapal address of
the evening upon the subject , "Our Ideals
the Measure of Our Success , the Basis of Our
Clvllzatlon. " It was an eloquent effort In
Mr. Harl's happiest vein. The program was
concluded by n duet by Mrs. Roff and Mrs.
Mullls. After this came the banquet , and
the festivities of the evening were closed
with dancing.
Have you seen the unequalled bargains In
midsummer millinery all new fresh goods
no old stock to work off , and In cheap goods
hats nt your own prices. Baby hoods nnd
shirred hats especially cheap at Mrs. E. J.
Scott's , G3G West Broadway.
We will make special prices for running
service for gas to your residence for
the month of June. Call at Gas office tor
Muy I.i iiMi tin ) Opera House.
Negotiations have been pending for several
weeks patt by which It Is expected that John
Dohany will lease his theater to n gentleman
from Leavenworth , Kan. , In the near future.
The deal will probably bo closed .within the
next ten days. The rental to bo paid Is $1,500
for the first year , and the lessee will spend
$ ,1,000 upon the liouro In the way of clean
ing , frescoing , new scenery , and other re
pairs necessary to make It a first-class pop
ular resort. The name ot the gentleman who
contemplates making the lease hat ? not yet
been given to the public , but he Is paid to
have been In the theatrical business foi
twenty years , and to bo thoroughly competent
to give Council Bluffs a metropolitan , broad
gauge place of amusement.
Commencement Is not complete unless youi
diploma Is framed. See the new sty lea Ir
frames. II. It. Smith & Co. , 45 Main street
A nice assortment ot children's wash suit !
at Metcalf Bros.
Coutirlt It Hi IT * Hey Honored.
Will M. Keller , eon of S. S. Keller , has re
turned from a year of study spent at Princeton -
° ton college , New Jersey , and will spend the
summer vacation at home. Ho entered the
contest In histology and won the prize , i
sunyuer's free tuition at Woodhall , Mass
Unfortunately the result ot the contest was
not announced until he reached home , and
on account ot tha great distance ho decided
not to take advantage ot the great assistance
the study would have been to him. He will
begin the study of medicine In the tall.
Will tifvo it Itiico Mrrt.
E. L. Duquette and a number of other
wheelmen of the city are making arrange
ments for a race meeting at the driving park
Thursday , Juno 27. It Is to bo In the nature
of a benefit for John Wortman , a farmer ,
who has been suffering for months from In
juries received In an accident last April ,
when ho was knocked down and run over by
B. Duquette's bicycle In the dark. Wort
man has a wife and two email children who
are In destitute circumstances now that the
father Is unable to attend to hU farm , and
the county has had to support them.
Duquette states that the report that Wort
man Is talking ot beginning a suit for dam
ages against him Is false. The township trus
tees have been meditating such a move , In
the hope of reimbursing the county for what
ha * been expending to keep the family
torn starving , but Duquette has consulted
n attorney and ascertained that no suit can
o commenced by any one but Wortman , and
Vortman says he will not.
Ladles , have you seen those solid ma-
ogany suits , those magnificent new style
hairs and other new things at the Dur-
co Furniture company's ?
Ulillo OIIK riling.
Five thousand feet 8-Inch top , 12 to 26
eet long , at 9V4c per lineal foot. A. Ovor-
on , Council Dluffs , la.
Murrhigo I.lcoiur" .
The following marriage licenses were 1s-
ued yesterday by the county clerk :
ame and address. Age.
chn Hewer , Cumlng county. Neb 3,1
Aicy Duff , Cumlng county , Neb 27
Anton Gundrnm , Council Bluffs 23
'imma Schneider , Underwood 19
The Hardman. toe piano par excellence.
Davis , agency for Munvon'a remedies.
AO I'JtoaitEss JoirAitn.i HK
Dlnputo with Venezuela Just Where
It \ ViI IvoVnrn \ CO-
WASHINGTON. Juno 18. No progress in
ho negotiations between the United States
nil Great Britain touching the submission
o arbitration of the Venezuelan boundary
matter can be recorded since the reply made
iy the British foreign office to Ambassador
Bayard's representations last January , to
which reference was made In Parliament
yesterday by Sir Edward Grey , the parlia
mentary secretary for foreign affairs. Mr.
Bayard went as far as his Instructions from
Secretary Gresham would permit In urging
ho British government to arbitrate the dlf-
erences between Itself and Venezuela , but
ho British answer politely but firmly set
.he cos'e Just where It had stood for the
past _ five years , which amounted to a decllna-
lon to yield to Mr. Bayard's proposition ,
t offered to arbitrate the title to the coun
try west of the modified Schomberg line , but
ivould admit no question of the British title
: o the vast territory lying east of tlmt line.
Secretary Greuham had liad this very claim
n mind when ho wrote to Mr. Bayard , as
follows : "I cannot believe her majesty's
government will maintain that the validity
of their claims , long In dispute between the
two countries , shall be conceded as a condi
tion precedent to the arbitration of the
niestlon whether Venezuela Is entitled to
other territory which , until a very recent
period , was never In doubt. Our
nterest In the question has rcpeatelly
been shown by our friendly efforts to further
a settlement alike honorable to both coun
tries , and the president Is pleased to know
Venezuela will soon renew her efforts to
bring about such an adjustment. It is not
doubted that you will discreetly exert your
nfluence In favor of some plan of honorable
settlement. "
Now , from the answer returned to Mr. Bay
ard by the British government it appears
that It Ignored all that Secretary Greshnm
had to.say touching the claim of Venezuela
to other tracts lying closer to British Guiana
that It was not content even to stand on the
original Schomberg line as , the whole of the
British claim , but would submit to arbitration
only the stretch of territory running down to
the mouth of the Orinoco and embracing the
rich mining country ot the Yuruarl as far as
Quaclpatl , which It had Included in ts ! > claims
without notice , and , suddenly , by what Sec
retary Gresham described ns a "comprehen
slve sweep" made In 18S7 , apalnst which
Mr. Bayard himself , then secretary of state
protested In formal Instructions senttoUnltei
States Minister Phelps. So the matter rests
Just where It did five years ago , and It Is
doubtful If anything further will be at
tempted by the State department In the absence
senco of come Instructions from congress a
Its next session.
C'lofi'.nc Exarclfic * of the School Yrnr a
Sacrpcl Henrt Aciidcmr.
The closing exercises at the Sacred Hear
academy In Park Place yesterday were of to
Interesting a character that quite twenty o
the clergy of the city were present to llstei
to the program and to witness the medals
wreaths and honors bestowed upon the pupil
for proficiency Jn stu 'es. In advancement Vim
In deportment. The little nudltorum of th
academy presented a perfect picture , all th
girls of .the school being gowned In white
the little ones having a small space In th
c"enter of the hall devoted to themselves , whll
the larger girls and graduates of other day
were ranged In lines up and down the eas
room , facing the stage. None but the clergj
of the diocese were admitted , the pupils tak
Ing their well won laurels without so muc !
as a single member of their families belnp
piesent to participate In the Joy of tha occa
sion. This has been a practice for manj
years throughout the schols of the Sacred
Heart , the teachers and pupils only comln
together at the close of the school year am
taking leave of one another as they hac
begun the course of studies.
The program was finely rendered , th
young women showing themselves of a re
ceptlve nature and reflecting that which"thej
had learned most gratifyingly to teachers
as well as the clergy present.
Miss Lorn Phelps and Katherlne Kevin
were the graduates of this year's class , am
the laurel wreathes which they had won b ;
conscientious effott and hard study grace !
thoughtful brows , though Hie happiest llgh
imaginable shone from their eyes as they
wore presented with medals , colors and books
prizes for hard work.
iiui.n or .t LIVE watt
Woman l-'ntnlly Hnm-.Ml nnd One of Her
IScHruur * -noiiiily Injured ,
CLEVELAND , July 18. People passing
along Ontario street last evening wer
startled by the screams of a woman whlc
came from the roof of a restaurant known a
the New Wright house. Looking In the dl
rectlon from which the cries came they sa\
a woman entangled In the telephone am
electric light wires forty feet above th
ground. Her-cl&thes were on flro and sh
was calling loudly for help. Several mei
ran up the stairs leading to the root am
Thomab Bell , a stereatypcr In the employ o
the World , ascended by the flre escape. Bel
reached the unfortunate woman as soon a
the other men and together they released he
from her perilous predicament. Just as thej
had succeeded In freeing her Bell caugh
hold of one of the wires with his hand. Ir
an Instant he was writhing with pain. So in
one had the presence of mind to cut th
wire , but that did not cave Bell. Ho fel
head downward to the fire escape , a cell o
wire being about his hips and holding him
suspended In the air. He screamed for hel
and for a time It seemed that he would b
burned to death by the flames that wer
playing about his body. Ho was finally re
leased and together with the woman wa
sent to a hospital. The latter , whoso nam
Is Edith Johnson , will die , her arms an
legs being burned to a crisp , but Bell , thous
badly burned , will recover. The woman
who was a waitress In the restaurant , ha
gone to the roof of the building to see
flre which was burning a block away. Sh
leaned out over the roof * to get'a bette
view and In doing so gratped the elcctrl
wire with her hands.
Mllu-nnkm Attorney Commit * Suicide.
MILWAUKEE. June 18. Bradley G
Schley , a prominent young attorney of thl
city , was found dead In his office today. H
had committed suicide with a revolver. N
cause U unsigned tor the deed.
Qr ui's on Which AHonj js forEa'oon Men
Will Argue foijj. / . " tuerse < leaB.
_ lll't t
Iowa Snloon Keeper Coiumltii Suicide Ino
to llroodlne OrcrMulti I.IUT ttonmu
I'olsoni licr. ( / ' ( ! Tliroo
Children loxvii Nmr .
DES MOINES , la. , , ,71 $ $ 18. ( Special talc-
gram. ) The saloon altorrio'ys arc not entirely
satisfied with the dccjsjjin of the supreme
court that the matter ot deciding Upon the
validity of the petitions of consent does not
rest with the county auditor , but will argue
10 application for a writ of supcrsedcas In
10 supreme court tomorrow on the grounds
hat the action of the city council In connec-
on with the filing of the petitions with the
udltor gave to the saloons the privilege to
un regardless of the sulllclency of the petl-
on. Most of the saloons will close at 10
clock tonight and-remain so until the writ
A resolution passed by the city council
ast evening will also be presented to the su-
remo court. The first paragraph of the res-
lutlon states that before granting the saloons
permit to commence business the city coun-
11 fully examined and Investigated the petl
on of consent and became convinced that
: io same was stifllccnt ! under .the law. The
cxt statement Is the mulct saloon has
ad a good effect upon the moral condition of
ho city , has reduced court expenses and
rought to the city much revenue. There
ore , for these reasons , the city council
onvlnccd that the law U a wise and bencfl-
eut one. In conclusion the resolution says
tiat the city council Is Informed that the
ranting of the supcreseJeas by the supreme
ourt 's ' purely one ot discretion , anJ there-
ore the city fathers petition the court to
alee Into consideration the welfare and hap-
lnc > ss of the city and suspend the action of
ho Injunction until the court shall have an
pportunlty to pass upon the sulllclency and
alldlty of the petition.
I'lrriiinii I iilln from HI *
DES MOINES , June IS. ( Special Tele
gram. ) C. P. Hill , n locomotive fireman on
he Rock Island railway , fell from his en
gine while It was running at full speed near
3ooncvllle , la. , last night and was fatally
njured. Ho was found unconscious at the
ottom of the ravine twenty feet deep , where
10 had fallen on his head on a pile of rocks
11s skull was crushed and his left shoulder
iroken. The unfortunate man lived twenty
nlnutes , but did not regain consciousness. It
s supposed that while leaning out of the en
gine he lost bis hold and fell through the
ridge to his death. Deceased had been In
he employ of the Rock Island for three years
d was regarded as an Ipdustrlous nnd
allied employe. He leaves a wife and two
children , who reside at Stuart , to which
lace the body was taken.
C'lmngpil ItH ISnmo.
SIOUX CITY , la. , June IS. ( Special Tele
gram. ) At a mooting of the Trl-State Fair
association toJay the name of the organlza-
lon was changed tothe - Sioux City Fair as-
oclatlon and final arrangements were made
'or a meeting to be he ) ( ) from September 20
o 30 , Inclusive. All thaistock of the assocla
Ion has been plated.n jV committee was
named to draft artVclcs of Incorporation and
select provisional officer/ " .
The high water Ifi life Missouri river has
cceded biidlclently to permit of the reaump-
, lon of work on the' wriassons of the Short
Llno bridge. Two-hundred men are now en
gaged and the force will be doubled next
week. 'i
I'nlnniipd Ilprnolf nnil Thrro CtilHren.
CEDAR RAPIDS , Ia. . June 18. Mrs. Sanford -
ford Glllls , wife of a vfll-to-do farmer near
Shellsberg , polsone4.herself and three ot her
children last night. . . She was known to be In ?
sane. All four .died. < ;
Mrs. Glllls started ou ( of the house with
a 4-year-old child In her arms after adminis
tering the poison to the three children and
herself. A few rods from the door she fell to
the ground ; where both were found dead.
Her husband was feeding stock at the time.
Mrs. Glllis had just returned from Indiana ,
where she had been treated for derangement
of the mind. Several days ago she threat
ened to leave home today.
CII HII'H i umlltlnn Improving.
DES MOINES , la. , June 18. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Ex-Senator Cassatt of Pella , who re
cently tried to kill himself by cutting his
throat In his bank In that city , Is still In
this city , under close watch of a deputy mar
shal at a hotel. He Is Improving physically
and mentally , but Is not yet strong enough
to be released , and no attempt has bsen made
to get bonds. Ho Is not allowed to Bee the
newspapers and has few visitors. Two of his
daughters are with htm. United States At
torney Fullen Is expected hero Thursday and
will probably take some action In Caasatt's
Stnrvrd Utmndif unit Stooif.
WEBSTER CITY1 , ti. , June IS. ( Special
Telegram. ) Edward Lenuko , the man who
U reputed to bo as wealthy as any farmer In
this section of Iowa , was arrested tcday ,
charged with gradually starving both him
self and his stock tj Jev.n. Leninite at every
sale of tax delinquent lands In thlr. county is
always first on the gro iirla nnd now cwns
acres upon acres ot Hamilton county ital
estate acquired lit "this way. His arrest has
ciused a great surp-ise hure , but the officials
who have Investlgii ; d the matter kay the
charge will stick.
Women Allied In Hid I' < eapp.
CRESTON , la. , June 18. ( Special Tele
gram. ) M. il. Fprd , who has been confined
In the county Jail on a charge of Insanity ,
but escaped Sunday night , has been captured
at Kent. Ford was aided In his escape by
two young women , who hired a livery team
and drove him across the country to Kent.
Will Cunningham and his little daughter
came near meeting death during yesterday's
storm. A bolt ot lightning prostrated them
to the ground and Mr. Cunningham and his
daughter were unconscious for some time.
Central I.IWH Mcdlcul Association.
WEBSTER CITY , In. , June IS. ( Sp-'tlal
TeKgram. ) The twenty-first annual meeting
of the doctors of the Central Iowa Medical
association was In session in this city today.
Doctors were present from within a rad.ut , of
150 miles and the session has attracted much
attention from the fast that Dr. 1'ltUyfcon of
Des Molnes would furnish a papjr on a sub
ject entirely new -Irj' " medical fraternity.
Tonight the visitors re enter.talnv'd at the
Wlllson and over XOO guests were present.
I'ramntlnu fir ( V-'nti-r Cootor.
RED OAK , la. , j June 18. ( Special. ) Dr.
Frank Miller , a lUyJ Qak boy , who has been
acting as Interne to Hie Presbyterian hos
pital at Chicago thkpJjst year , has been ad
vanced to the posltlouj of hospital surgeon.
Dr. Miller Is the top , OS .ex-United . States Mar
shal D. B. Miller ot this city.
Mulct Law Indncen Mllclile.
CLINTON , la. , pitta 18. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Roy Martlii ' Ifs.her | , a saloon keeper
aged 38 , committed' suicide this morning by
shooting himself Id tly ? head. The act was
anonaE p. SANFORD- . w. UEIKMAN.
of COUNCIL BLUrr3. Iowa-
Capital , . . $100,00
Profits , - . . 12,0000
One of the oldeit tanks In ttie itate of Iowa.
We eollcH your butlneei and callectlani. We
pay S per cent on time depc lta. We will be
pleated to sea and serve you.
SIMS & BiHBRIDGE. . SrCra1 ? .
end Federal Court : ) . Rooms 300-7-8-9 , Una-
cart , Block. Council Blurts , Iowa.
the result of brooding over the mulct la.w.
He paid his tax latt wec'rf , but tilt ) feared
prosecution. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Committed by Shooting.
CEDAR ItAPIDS , la. , June 13. fSp-clM
Telegram.- ) Ella Kofcr , living Al-
burnett , committed suicide last night by
shooting hcKclf In the head with a revolver.
There Is no known cnute for the rash act.
r l < nnMl HciKt'lt mill Thrro ( lilldrrn.
CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , Juno IS. Mm. Sanford -
ford Glllls , wife of a well-to-do farmer near
Shcllsberg. polsane.l Iic.r.v-If and three of her
children last night , She was known to be
Insane. All four died.
l nun nicUcMiin Not Olltlt.v.
GLENWOOD , la. , June 18. ( Special Tele-
gram.-Isaac ) Dlckcrson , on trial hero for
bank wrecking , was acquitted by the Jury
at 12 o'clock ,
n.i.ixvis i'tn.triviA.\ii
Unveriior AltRelcl Convenes n Spcclnl Sot-
nliin nf the Illinois l.cglnl.itur * .
SPRINGFIELD , 111. , June IS. Governor
Altgcld today Issued a call for a special ses
sion ot the general assembly. The session
will meet next Tuesday. In his message
the governor says the special session will be
asked tc pass revenue laws to relieve the
deficiency in the state treasury , to pass laws
regarding sleeping car charges and regard
ing the justice courts of Chicago , The ses
sion Is called for Juno 25.
Other subjects mentioned In the call arc
laws to compel foreign corporations doing
business In Illinois to pay a reasonable II-
csnss tax ; to establish a system to prevent
the unnecessary .accumulation ot business In
the courts ; enabling parties to a dispute ,
alone , or with the aid of a county judge , to
select their own board of arbitration , Inquiry
or conciliation ; grand Jury , convict labor and
libel law. It Is understood , however , that
bills on all th : subjects have been drawn
and approved by Governor Altgeld , and that
they will be Introduced at once when the leg
islature convenes.
The call for a special session Is a genuine
surprise In Sprlngfild. There Is much re
joicing. The legislature spends from $150,000
to $200,000 a month In the city.
lleerrnur In Wyoming Cuttle Shipment * .
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , June IS. ( Special. )
The shipments of southern cattle over the
Union Pacific , Denvsr & Gulf railway for
this year will fall 20,000 head short of what
was at first anticipated. About 00,000 hcaa
have been shipped up to the present time
and about 30,000 head more will be shipped
before the close of the season. The ship
ments of 1S'J2 ' , 133,000 head , are the largest
since the shipments by rail commenced.
The reason for the shortage this year Is the
general raise In prices. The southern cattle
owner who contracted to deliver his herd
has not only failed to gather nil his cattle ,
but In many cases has driven them Into the
hills and out-of-the-way places where they
could not be gathered. He figured that thert
was more money In holding tuem than In
filling his contract with the northern stock
niRii. Messrs. Clay & Forrest are the only
northern buyers who will get all the cattle
they expected , thalr contracts calling for a
definite number.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , June IS. ( Special. )
Superintendent Malloy and Trainmasters Hay
and Culross of the Union. Pacific arc making
out a new time card for the Wyoming di
vision ot the line. The schedule will go Into
effect June 23. Changes In passenger train
time will be slight.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , June 18. ( Speclal.- )
The Eighth and Seventeenth regiments ,
United States Infantry , stationed at Fort
Russell , near this city , have made arrange
ments to celebrate July Fourth with a good
program of field sports. There will be nine
teen events , Including racs , Jumping , tug-
of-war , etc. Captain P. H. Ray will be
director of sports. Lieutenants E. N. Jones ,
J. de L. Lafitte and V. K. Hart will act as
judges. Lieutenants C. P. Terrett and T. L
Smith will be starters.
Court Innd Itcncli Notes.
The Tourists- Wheel club , 250 strong , wll
visit Courtland beach this evening. The run
Is in charge of the ladles of the club.
The attendance at Courtland last evening
was quite large , considering the cool weather
The Boys' brigade ot Beth Eden
Baptist church , 100 strong , arc campIng -
Ing 'In the grove at Courtland , The
lads went Into camp at 8:45 : o'clock
yesterday morning and will remain
there today. There was an attempt at roll
call last evening , but as fast as one boy was
brought Into camp a half dozen others wculd
sneak off to the merry-go-round , switchback
or others attractions. The boys enjoyed
themselves hugely , taking In the light rope ,
trapeze , contortion and balloon with all the
eyes at their command.
( Continued from Second Page. )
; o 1 shot.von enally. There wore dlsnp-
jolntment * throughout the dny , the mud
ovrt turning nil calculation * . UonUs :
First ince , etx nnd uiic-hnlf furlongs :
MsrtK ( S to 1) ) won. 1'rnnln ( even ) second ,
flic Kitten (10 ( to tlilril. Tlmr ; 13V4. : !
Second rnco , four nnd one-hnlf fnrlones !
[ ' 'cm-son (4 ( to 1) won , Wllllnm Duk ? . Jr. .
(4 ( to 1) ) second. Ulchmond Urile (4 ( to 1) )
third. Time : 0f : > 7ij.
Third race , nillo nnd one-slxtcrnth ! Ihick
Mnfslo (1 ( to S ) won , Shining llr'.lo (10 ( to 1) )
Sfcoml. Michel (6 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1,52.
Fourth rnco , pdllnp , seven nnd one-half
furious ? : First Chnnco ( I to B ) won , Hush
(15 ( to 1) second , Cnmimnln ( S to 1) ) third.
Time ; 1:31. :
Fifth wee , six furloiiKs ! t.lwttn ( iu to 1) )
won , l.lndn (7 ( to 10) ) second , Dnvltl 00 to 1) )
third. Time : 1:16. :
Sixth rnoe , soiling , threr-ciunrtors of n
mile : Uoutilo (10 ( In 7) ) wen , Mnlllc It ( I to 1) )
sprond , 1'rlnccss Itoso (3 ( to 1) ) third. Time :
1:19. :
Currlqiuilll Itnn Trni'lc ut 'I'rUco.
SAN KUANO1SCO. June IS.-Thomns 11.
William ! " , president of the Cnllfornln Jockey
club , returned today from the cast to ar
range for the club's winter meeting. Since
the opening , last season , Kdwnrd Corrlgan
nnd his associates have started the con
struction of n new trnck and announce that
they will manage an Independent meeting ,
nnd another nice track war seems certain ,
but Williams says he has no fears for the
result , lie says such horsemen as IMvyer ,
lyorlllard , Forbes and Oodney all promised
to send horses to San Francisco next fall
nnd to run them on the Hay District trnck.
Ho claims to hnvo the bookmakers , the
California racing public nnd turf men with
him.Vo will , ' he announced , "wnlt for
Corrlgnn to announce ! his stakes Drat. As
soon ns he announces n stnke or n large
purse event we will Immediately announce
n. similar one , nnd run It on the same day.
Michael Mclncrny , O'Lcary and John Con
don , who fought Corrlgan to n successful
end In Illinois , told me Hint they proposed
to carry their light to the west , and are
coming here to nltund the meeting. "
T I out Did Knlrly IV p 11.
SAN FUANCISCO , Juno IS. Two favor
ites , two second choices nnd an outsider
won the rnccs at the Uay District track
today. Summaries :
First race , live and a half furlongs , sellIng -
Ing : Uttle Tough ( I. to 1) ) won , Uolllo M
(3 to 1) ) second , Ited Idle ' (8 ( to 1) ) third.
Time : l:09\i. : \
Second race , live furlongs , soiling : Moni
tor (3 to 1) ) won , Oracle S (5 to 1) ) second ,
Loon It ( I to 1) ) third. Time : 1:01. : '
Third race , six furlongs , selling : Sir
nichurd ( even ) won , Her Majesty ( S to 0) )
second , Inkcrtnan (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time :
l:13 : > ,4.
Fourth race , one mile , selling : Tnr nnd
Tartar (2'i ( to 1) ) won , Garcia i to G )
second , May Day (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time :
Fifth race , fix furlongs : Thelmn ( even )
won , Captain Hees (3 to 1) ) second , Char-
inlon (2 ( to 1) ) third. Time : l:12'fc. :
TriirU Mow nt I'lltxlnirtr. ,
PITTSnUUO , Juno IS. The spring meet
Ing at the McKces Itocks track opened to-
dr.y nnd will continue five days , Attend
ance , l.OuO. Track slow. Results :
2:50 : claps , trotting : Nettle Hull won In
three straight "heats. Time : 2P.O : , 2:27 :
2:23'i. : John Thomas , Sunlight , Hud Money.
Ilosedalc , Ilcd Wclsser , Kllwood , May
Wllkes nnd Lltt'.e Sam also started.
2l.r : class , pacing : Lady II won the second
end , third and fourth heuts. Time : 2:17' : < ,
2:16 : i , 2:18 : 1. Hnnnls , Jr. , won the first
hent In 2:17. : llrown Frank. Dick , Willis ,
Queen Gothard , Dr. Woods , Ocean nnd
1'etcr Piper nlKO started.
2:29 : class , trotting : Vermont won In throe
straight heats. Time : 2:2S'i. : 2:2C'i. : 2:2G',4. : '
Nuughty Clara , Dlnnn , Avannn , Pleraon ,
Ixmls C , I'carl J and Adonis also started.
First Dny of the C < nl Irinin's Driving Clnli.
DETROIT , Mich. , Juno 18. The nrst of
the races of the Gentleman's Driving cub !
wcro held at Highland park today. Results
First race , 3:00 : class , trotting , purse , $300 :
Hassll Wllkes won In straight heats. Time :
2:3K'/4 : , 2:3014 : , 2:3W4. : Marietta , Ethel C and
Louis 1C also started.
2:20 : class , pacing , purse , J400 : Nlcol
won In straight heats. Time : 2:17'.i : , 2:1711 : ,
2:18. : Trlxle Hall , Dixie Van , Clyto , Little
Wonder , Jeff Davis , Nigger Uoy , Lelah W
nnd Itlvcrslde also started.
2:35 : class , trotting , purse , $300 : Nora !
won In straight heats. Time : " :2G',4 : , 2:31H :
2:3f : i. Daisy lilue , Harry II nnd Charlotta
also started.
w Valkyrto on Her .Maiden Trip.
GLASGOW , Juno 18. Valkyrie HI. th
challenger for the America's cup , start
en her maiden trip today. Her fitting ou
A-HB completed ' thls.mcrnlng. ShQ was towei
Milt from Go'urock nt 2:30 : p. m. and wa *
let go In mldchannel , proceeding down
the Firth. Lord Dunrnven nnd Mr. George
L. Watson were on board of her.
Itnln Stripped tlio Di"i Mnino * Riico * .
DES MOINES , In. . June 18. ( Specla
Telegram. ) The Capital City Driving park
races , advertised for today , were post
poned on account of a heavy track. Tin
program will begin tomorrow and last th
rest of the week.
When thostoinnch gets out of genr everything clso seems to fol
low suit. Every organ , ovcrv nerve , every part of the body do-
Vends upon the Btouiuch for austenauco nnd nourishment.
When the stomach is weak nothing strengthens It to quickly
nnd safely ua
gEE * n order to cnro dyspepsia and stomach troubles , the stotnnch
A _ tnustbo rested nnd H cannot r rand digest food nt the paiu tiuio.
g This Is the point where Stuarts Dyspepsia Tablets set In their
a * . , "work. Yon twko them nftcr inculg nnd tlmy thoroughly tligat the
g fooit no mutter how weak the stomach iniiy be , und thus by rullov-
< v _ Ing the stoiuiich ulvca it a much needed rent und u euro Is the
gj ; natural result
S Sold by druggists nt 60 cents per packngoor direct by mall ,
g Stuart Chemical Co. , Marshall , Mich.
, Tlll9Brentv < > ac" ' > ' '
vitullz rtUcpri-Ei-il > .
tlonof u famoui Trench i.iiytldan.wlll quickly cure von of all ntr-
yens or dlywic * oj llio genc-r.itlvo owiim , fiii-h ni I.ost Mnnhcod ,
Insomnia , 1'iilnsla the Kmlsslnnn , Ni-rvoim Deullltv
I'lmp e , UnfiUifsa to Marry , lxlianstln : Uruliis , Vnrlrorele ai
POP-'I'K ' PA.II ! : ! , ? ! l [ J' ' > r " I-n-vfnls qnlrlr.
. - . - . - . - - , , - , . -parts toBppnnatorrhfcfinii !
AFTER pi'the ' horrors of Im potency. CiUPIllUMKclcaiikCaUiollver , 111
inn r i t.rt
kijncysond the urinary organs olull Impurities.
C'Cl'IMEND BtrenKthcnsnnilro torf8pmnllwcukorK ns.
Tlio ri-oson eutTerprs ro not cue < l by Doctors Is because ninety per cent nro troubled nlt'i
PfoXndll * . CUl'IHKNEIs the only known rrraed/ to cure wlllioutuii operation , .
Us. A wrltton ( fni rantPO given and money returned If eU hoxrs docs not Ol'cct a iiermaneutcura
AtjOOaboxElxfurS.OOby mall. Bond ( nrvnuic circular and IvstlmonlaU.
Addrcsa I > .4 Vol. nKDICIXR CO. . P. O , P.ox 1070. San Fronclico. Chi FnrFnlr ty
Formerly Known as
Entirely non-nlcoliolic. Requires no license , eltlu-r government or state ,
to sell. The best mibstttute for IIIBCI- beer ever manufactured. Testimonials
from iireaclierH. doctors , lawyers und others. Send for samples uud pam
phlets. Manufactured only by the
G. R. Wheeler Brewing Co. ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Cleaning and Djeia of Garments and
Goods of Every Description.
Scliocdsnck's Twin City Dye
Works , Cor. Avenue A nnd 2 ( th
St. , Council Hluirs. Office , 1521 Far
nam St. , Omuha.
Send for Price List ,
Becchnm'ij pills arc for bilious
ness , bilious headache , dyspep
sia , heartburn , torpid liverdiz ,
xiness , sick headache.bad taste
in the mouth , coated tongue ,
loss of appctitc.sallow . skin.etc , ,
when caused by constipation ;
and constipation is the most
frequent cause of all of them. .
Go by the book. Pills 10 * and
15 * a box. Uook free nt youc
drugtfist's or write 13. F. Allen Co. ,
365 Canal St. , New York.
Annutl tr niors ttun
iu the world ,
is experience.
The Lorliiartls have been
manufacturing tobacco
continuously since 1760.
Do you wish to profit by
this experience ?
brand that for years
has been the standard
of high grade tobaccoSr
'Tis ' a rich , lasting
and delicious chew.
Sold everywhere.
Pure M Whiskey.
All Druggists-
The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' ' Experience.
\VOKLI > 'j IIKKltAI ,
/ treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Tliront nnd Lungs ; DlR <
raseaof the 15jo nnd Kar , Fits and Apoplpxyi
lli'nrt Disease , IJypr Complaint , ICIdnoy Coin-
pliilnt , NervouH iscliillty , Mental Me.
jtrcHSloii , I.OSH of niaiilioocl. Hem *
inal WcalciicsM , ninhctcfl , llriclit's Dis
ease , St. Vltns' Dance , Itlieniiiatlsm , Paralysis ,
WlntoSwohlnir. Scrofula , Fever Sores , Tinii.
or ( iiicl I'lHtiila lu aiio reiuovcil
\vitliout titc UiilTu or ( irnvt-iiijr a
< lroi > ofbloocl.Vommi > vllli licr
delicate or raiiH rcHtorucl to
Itcaltli. IlropHy curtid without
tnppliiK' . Hpeclal Attention ifivcu
to t'rlvato and Veiicrc-al niHeoHCH
> f all Ulu'ilM. 650 to Ssoosrorl'clt for
uny Venereal IllseaHe I cannot euro
\vltliout nuercnry. Tupo Wormsrcmovnl
In two or ilirco hours , or no pay. Hemorrhoids
or I'llcs cured.
Will eavollfo nnd hundreds of dollars by call-
inn on or iislnt ?
Tlio only riiynlrlnn ivliorun tell \vhutulU
a pnrhou AVlthoiitanUliii ; 11 < | iichllon.
Tliiiso nt a illHtiinrii hcnd f r yucfltlou
llliuili , No. 1 for menNo. s fur wumcn.
All ooiTcspoudenco stru'tly confldcntlnl.
lledlclno scut by cxprces. Address till luttcra
. W. IMNOI.K , M. n. ,
Enclose lOo In stamps for rcplv.
ST :
JUNE 23 , ' 95.
Special Notices-Council
_ UiJ JUurkp. nt\V. _ B. Homer'a , 63SUruuUwiiy. _
sale cheap and un ea > y Urniu. Day & Hem.
_ J9 Pearl fctrtfCt. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ propertyC.H. _ _ _ Nicholson , W9V4 Uruadway.
FOfl SALE , A NO. 4 RB MINafb N TYPE. ' '
writer ; us coed an new , Hand | cli Manufactur
ing Co. . 1028 and 1030 U. Main street ,
elrl. Un. Jacob Sunn , ! 18 I'latoer