nnwiiMfMiMt'"iiilir ) * Ttt i i u ii'i SJ , - , ' WfMKPlWII * tw -s - TH33 OMAHA -DAILY JpE : SATUKPAY , < TUN B 15 , 1805 , WIND MADE SHOOTING IIAKD Gilbert Again Walks Off with the Bjst Average for the SCORES ALL OF THEM RUN HIGH Lincoln Team Trtktu tlio I'lntlsnionth Cup , Jrntlng llio Onmlia Mm Two I lrd4 anil tlio CliaUrnn Tnum 1'ciur ( lunil IVork on J.lvn UlriM. Again was tlicre a merry popping at the /ilgeons / over on tlio Omaha club grounds yes terday , and dcsplto a stltt brteze from tli. sotitluvest the shooters made wonderfully guoil scores. Gilbert made the best Brand average of the day. missing but twelve birds out of 145. The first nlnp'.een events were at fifteen targets , at $1.50 and $2,00 entrance , and of these tlio socrea arc appendend : Lln- ( lerman , 14 ; Klmer. 12 ; Gilbert , 14 ; Leonard , 10. Trotter , II ; Harklns , 11 ; Latshaw. 12 ; J'armcr , 15 ; Wilson , 15 ; Brewer , 11 ; Dlakc , 13 ; Llouders , 13 ; Karkler , 7 ; Terry , 10 Glade , 9 ; Becker , 15 ; Urowlng , 14 ; Hcgelow , 11 ; Nlcolal. 10 ; Parmelee , 15 ; Hughcr. 13 ; J. W. Deu , 14 ; Uogers , 14 ; Miller , 13 ; Uudd , 15 ; Ackerman , 14 ; Way , 14 ; Kcnnedy,12. No. 2 : Llndcrman , 14 ; Gilbert , 13 ; Leon ard. 12 ; Trotter , II ; I'armer. 14 ; Wilson. 13 ; Itrewcr. 14 ; lllako , 14 ; Klamlow. 12 ; Decker , 15 ; Urownlng , 15 ; Illgelow. 13 ; I'armelee , 13 ; Harklns , 12 ; Den , 13 ; Latt , 10 ; Rogers , 14 ; JluJd. 14 ; Terry , 11 ; Karken. 9 ; Ackermnn , 11 ; Kennedy , 11 ; HutiRatc , 9 ; Schroder , 15. No. 3 : Llndcrman. 11 ; Gllbsrt , 15 ; Leon ard , 10 ; Trotter , 14 ; I'armer , 15 ; Wilson. 14 ; lllako. 13 ; Flanders. 10 ; Becker. 14 ; Drown ing. 14 ; Hlgelow , 14 ; Den , 14 ; Parmelee , 13 ; Latt. 12 ; Uudd , 14 ; Brewer , 13 ; Way , 15 ; Glade. 12 ; Harklns , 14 ; Smith , 15 ; Hogers. 10 ; llllberry , 15 ; Brockcr , 9 ; Hughes , 12 ; Ackerman , 13 ; KonnoJy , 10. No. 4 : Llnderman , 15 ; Gilbert. 15 ; Latt , 12 ; Urewer , 15 ; Parmelee , 14 ; Kemery , 12 ; Den , 14 ; Becker , 15 ; Ulgelow , II ; Browning , 15 ; Rogers , 15 ; Sharpe. 15 ; Miller , 14 ; Trot- ler. 11 ; Schroeder , 14 ; Uudd , 11 ; Blake , II ; Way , 15 ; Flanders. 13 ; Ackerman , II ; .Palmer , 14 ; WlUon , 15 ; Clyde , 12 ; Kennedy , 13 ; Smith , 13 ; Hungate , 11 ; Hllberry , 14 ; Glade , ft ; Bailey , C ; Cole. 13. No. 5 : Llnderman. 13 ; Gilbert , II ; J. W. D.'ii , 15 ; Parmelce. 13 ; Brewer , 15 ; Becker , 15 ; Blgelow , 13 ; Browning , 13 ; Sharpe , 13 ; Miller. 14 ; Trotter , 12 ; Schrocder , 13 ; Budd , II ; Blake , 13 ; Harklns. 12 ; Flanders , 9 ; Palmer , 11 ; Wilson , 14 ; Kennedy , 11 ; Kern- cry , 0 ; Glade , 11 ; Latt , 12 ; Clyde , 10 ; Way , 15 ; Uogers , 13 ; Dealt. 14 ; Hughes , II ; Organ , 13 ; Klmer , 14 ; Smith , 15 ; Cole , 14 ; Balljy. G ; Hllberry , 14 ; Den , 12 ; Hungate , 13 ; Lceiler , 7 No. C : Llnderman , 11 ; Den , 15 ; Becker , 14 ; Blgelow , 13 ; Browning , 13 ; Trotter , 13 ; Schroeder , 15 ; Budd , 15 ; Blake , 15 ; Flanders , 13 ; Palmer , 15 ; Wilson , 15 ; Gilbert , 14 ; Parmelee , 13 ; Kennedy , 13 ; Ackerman , 13 ; Head , 9 ; Way , 15 ; Waddlngtcn , 11 ; Harklns , 12 ; Uogers , 14 ; Dean , 9 ; Smith , 10 ; Hughes , 12. 12.No. . 7 : Llnderman , 11 ; Don , 13 ; Gilbert , II ; Pnrmelee , 11 ; Rogers , 12Ackemann , 14 ; Sharpe , 14 ; Miller , 13 ; Becker , 15 ; Ulgelow , 12 ; Browning , 11 ; Latt , 12 ; Clyde , 7 ; Uudd , 14 ; Schroeder , 14 ; Flanders. 11 ; Wilson , 13 ; Way , 14 ; Palmer , 14 ; Blake. 14 ; Cole , 11 ; Dean , 8 ; Trotter , 14 ; Klmer , 12 ; Hungate. 5 ; Smith , 10 ; Clayblll , 13 ; Kemery. 13 ; West , 12 Hughes , 13 ; Waddlngton , 7 ; Harklns , 10 Drawer , 10 ; Read , 7 ; Kennedy , 12. No. 8 : Llnderman , 13 ; Den , 13 ; Parmelee , 15 ; Ackerman , 12 ; Becker , 14 ; Dlgelow. 11 Drowning , IB ; Rogers , 16 ; Uudd , 15 ; Flan- deru , 12 ; Nelson , 10 ; Sharpe , 11 ; Clyde , 12 Gilbert. 15 ; Palmer. 11 ; Blake , 11 ; Miller 12 ; Clayblll , 12 ; Schroeder , II ; Trotter. 15 Way , 15 ; Harklns , 11 ; Cole , 12 ; Hungate. 9 No. 9 : Llnderman , 12 ; Den , 14 ; Parmelee , 13 ; Becker , 15 ; Blgelow , 12 ; Browning , 15 Dudd , , 15 ; Flanders. 14 ; Wilson , 13 ; Gilbert 14 ; Palmer , 14 ; Blake , 14 ; Ackermau , , 14 Clayblll. 12 ; Cole , 11 ; Brewer. It ; Way. 7 ,1'roclor , 12 ; West , 14 ; Schroeder , 14 ; Fogg fl\l .Trottcc. Hf ; Waddy , 11 ; Harklns , 12 Korfhedy , 14 ; I6ffnan | | , 11. No. 10 : L'nderinan , 12 ; Parmelee , 11 ; Gil bsrt , 15 ; Rogers , 13 ; Ackerman , 15 ; Grablll 11 ; Trotter , 13 ; J. W. Uen , 10 ; Fogg. 11 Schroeder , 13 ; Wilson. 14 ; Flanders , 13 Becker , 13 ; Kennedy. 9 ; Clyde. 12 ; Kemery 12 ; Browning. 14 ; Blgolow. 14 ; Uudd. 14 Drewer , 11 ; Urockcr , 11 ; Palmer , 13 ; Way 12 ; Colo. 13 ; Den. 9 ; West. 11 ; Hoffman. 12 No. 11 : Parmelce , 13 ; Llnderman , 14 ; Den 15 ; Dcak , C ; Browning , 15 ; Decker. 13 ; Wll BOH , 14 ; Illake. 12 ; Crablll. 14 ; Miller , 11 Flanders , 14 ; Gilbert , 11 ; Palmer. 15 ; Cole 10 ; Fogg. 10 ; Dlgelow , 13 ; Clyde , 13 ; Schroe < ler , 13 ; Kennedy , 12 ; Rogers , 11 ; Trotter , 14 Uudd , 14 ; Read. 10. No. 12 : Parmelee , 13 ; Don , 14 ; Rogers. 15 Drowning. 12 ; Uccker , 11 ; Uudd , 14 ; Blnke 11 ; Llnderman , 14 ; Flanders , 11 ; Wilson. 13 Ackorman , 14 ; Colo. 12 ; Kennedy , 12 ; Crablll 12 ; Trotter. 13 ; Gilbert , 15 ; Schroeder. in Ulgelow , 14 ! Palmer , 9 ; Fogg , 11 ; Hoffman G ; Urocker. 10 ; Drewer , 11 ; Waddy , 8. No. 13 : Parmelee , 13 ; Den , 13 ; Becker , 1C liludorman. 12 ; Ackerman , 11 ; Trotter. 13 Miller. 13 ; Gilbert. 15 ; Crablll , 12 ; Clyde li ; Flanders. 11 ; Drewer , 12 ; lUudd , IE Schroeder , 14 ; Drowning , II ; KenneJy , 13 WlUon , 13 ; ) Hoffman , 13 ; McFarlane , 12 Palmer , 14 ; FOSK , 13 ; Rogers , 14. No. 14 : Parmelee , 12 ; Budd , 14 ; Gllberl 14 : Becker , 15 ; Schroeder , 12' Llmlcrmar 14 ; Browning. 14 ; Kennedy. 11 ; Den , H Ackerman , 13 ; Flanders , 8 ; Wilson , 14 Fogg , ' 12 ; Hoffman , 13 ; Cole , 12 ; McFai lane , 14 ; Crablll , 14 ; Palmer , 14. Kvent 15 was twenty-five targets , $2.t entrance. $15 added : Ulnke. 18 ; Gilbert , 2 : Decker. 23 ; Llnderman , 22 ; Uudd , 25 ; Pnrrr clec23 ; Browning , 22 ; Den , 22 ; Cole , 2' Acleerman\ ; Crablll , 24 ; Trotter , 2 : Hoffman. 20 ; Palmor. 21 ; Dlgelow , 21 ; Ker nody , 21 ; Wilson , 22 ; Flanders , 20 ; Fogi 20 ; Tremens , 23 ; Rogers , 20 ; McKarlane , 2 Kvent sixteen waj for the Plattsmouth cuj a. team shoot of four men to a team , ten tai Kets to the man , $10 entrance , $50 addei The score : Onnlia Team Parmelce , 10 ; Ackorman , ! Brewer , 7 ; Kennedy , 9 35. Lincoln Team J. W. Den , 8 ; Miller , i Llnderman , 10 ; George Rogers , 10 37. Chadron Team Kemery , C ; Wilson , 9 ; Flu tiers. 9 ; McFarlane , 9 33. Lincoln carried oft the honor by two bin' over 0 in all a and four over Chadron. The last shoot of the day was a live bli event , eight birds to the man , $5 entrain and $10 added , thirty yards rise. The scon Parmoleo 02211122- J. W. Den - Uen - Hofrman - nrockcr - Uruwer - Wailillngton 10220020- Fogg - llildd - llogors * . Kennedy - Cclo 22002210- Ackerman 20021202- Heiul 22220022- Wllson 52102120- I'lamlcrs * - Kenneily - Crublll a 1111111- KOW AMO.NU TIIK 8TATK .IllOOTKli Contltlerabln DlnTUlnfxctloii lUUU Aiiinn Ilin stntti .V o < "iltliin Mri l > pr . During- the annual meeting of the N brnka Sportsmen's association at the Me cor hotel lust owning nn undercurrent < feeling was noticed that did not see ominous while the meeting continued , b Hhowcd Itself clearly BO after the muetti adjourned. The truth of the matter Is that a const eroblo part ot the association In net sntl ficd , and Indeed is greatly dlssntlsiled. wl tlio manner In which the annual shoots a being conducted. It la plainly noticeable that few towi or cities In the state not conveniently a cesslble tn Omaha , and httvlng Bun chit hnve representatives at the present tn shooting tournament. The clubs nut re resented arc without representatives chlel because th sentiment prevails among the that the Nebraska state shoot at Omaha not really a Nebraska Fhoot , but an lov shoot , The > * ray that the tournament lie Is , In fact , on Iowa sell , nml thut the. pr groin la arranged to the advantage of lov Hhooters. They do not dollnltely furnl ; the reasons for this , but they cite the fa that In past tournaments here , and In tl present tournament , Iowa theaters ha made the best word * . They call It i "Interstalu" tournament. In addition to thin they ray that Omal has been "hogging It. " They urge th Omnhu , being at the eastern bonier of tl state , bhouM not be , except rarely , chosi ur the place of tlig annual tournamer and that as a rule a city near the eentr part of the state , as railroad linen ru nhould bo ( elected. The preference shov for Omnhn In the meeting ! ! of the atnte as- noulatlon In explained by the fact 'that only clubs In cities on easy conncctlonal linen are represented. Added to thin Is the criticism against the management of the Omaha tournaments. It Is alleged that It Is In the Interest chleily of Frank Parmnlco and bin coadjutor , J. O. Rend , They complain that these two men lmv < j a "cinch" on the business. They Bay that the program Is no fashioned that Parmaleo , a member of the executive com mittee , may have a miap In furnishing' am munition and bltio rocks. Another objec tion Is that , for the rnko of the finances of these two parties , the matches nre made too liiFlgnlllcant ami too many , * o that the price of this targets nt 3 cents , and too frequent ties , eat up the entrance fee and the added money for each event. The upshot of It nil Is that there Is strong probability that the Wp ti > rn Nebraska SK | > rtsinei's a'B-c'ntlon , which amalgamated with the Nebrnskit Sportsmen's association at Hastings In 1852 , will soon be reorgan ized. It Is Fluted thnt tlio nH ilulm at Genoa , Button , Hastings" , MoC'onk , Mlniloii , Arnpi- hoe , HoldrcRo , Kearney , Grand Island , North Plattc. Shclton , Ohlowa , Callowny and Broken Bmv favor IhlH plan. At the mi-itlng , In the absence of the president , G. W. Loomls , Vice President UVd Arkerman of Stnnton presided. The gun clubs represented were the Omaha , the Demls Park and the Raymond of Omaha , the Capital City find the Lin coln of Lincoln , the Hastings. Salisbury , Kearney , Sutton , Arapahoe , Chudron , Slbluy nml Columbus. The Chnilron club had been admitted to membership by the executive committee of the stntu association In the year , und the action of the committee was endorsed by the convention. When balloting began for the place of the next annual shoot a controversy arose us to the standing of the Capital City club between Rogers , representing that club , and Lat- Bhaw , representing the Lincoln club. II appeared that most of the members had se ceded from Lincoln club and organized as the Capital City club , but had not paid the Initiation fee of $10 , and Latshaw contended that the Capital City club should not have a vote until this fee was paid. After con siderable discussion nosers paid the fee and the club was considered In good stand- Inir ami entitled to four votes. The report of the treasurer , W. H. S lIuthc.H , showed $1.10.35 In his hands. The question as to the place where the next annual tournament should be held thcr caino up. J. C. Read , for Omaha , promisee thnt If the shoot were held nt this cltj $1,01)0 ) added nionoy would be furnished Rogers for Lincoln promised that If tin shoot should go there fSOO or $ l,00d would b < put up as added money. Haigravos of Sut ton spoke for his town , and said that Jiift nddecl money would be put up , promls'nj besides good accommodations and a ROO < shoot. Smith of Kearney Insisted thnt I the shoot went nwav from Omaha It shouli be nt Kearney , and ho BUKgested strongl ] thnt Omaha was too far to one side of tin s'ate. On ihn place of the next annual shoot tin Inform. ) ! ballot slccd : Omaha , 20 ; Lin coin , 12 ; Kearney , S ; Sutton , 4 ; Arapahoe 4. On the formal ballot Oinnhn receive ! 28 votPS to 20 for Lincoln and was nn nounred RR the place where the ne.v tournament would no held. Prrsldent O. W. Loomls , Vlco Prcslden Ted Ackerman. Secretary Frank Parmalci and Treasurer W. H. 3. Hughes were Ihel re-clectpd by acclamation. On motion of Hnrgnives a committee c. three was np | > omted by tne chair to ilraf a new constltullon and by-laws. The com inllteo consists of Messrs. Hargraves Hughes and JlcFnrland. Chefs , llko doctors , often disagree , but a : to the unapproachable excellence of Price" ; Cream Baking Powder they bear united wit ness. Kill It'ALTJUl , IHtSllXUAKU LAZX.IJlO.fJ One or tlif Three Miuiilit Win tlio Subur b.in at lioppilirnil To lny < NBW YORK , June II. Tomorrow will bi opening1 day of the Jockey club's eprlni meeting and the attraction on the progran will be the historic Suburban , the preates contest of the year. The Suburban thl year Is of less value than ever before. Thl ; was made necessary by the uncertain ! ' that surrounded racing- when the stake wa entered. However , the horse owner iloc not value the Suburban for Its money. It I the glory and honor of wlnnlncf this grea handicap that Is coveted. Following ; ar the entries , weights and probable Jockeys Sir Walter , 120 , Doggnt ; Domino , 123 , Taral Rubicon. 119. W. Mldgly ; Lazzarone , IK I. Murphy ; Sister Mary. 115 , Hamilton ; Do dare. 108. J. Lutnley ; Song and Dance , B Orlllln. The withdrawal of Ilamapo ha been a great factor In the decrease of In terest In the race. Of the seven remain Ins entries three are confessedly only ou for second nnd third money. Song nn > Dance Is the lightweight of the party , hav Ing to take up but ninety-nine pounds , ul though with Grlllln In his saddle ho wll have to carry several pounds overwelghl 11UKNIU ) MONKY I-OK Till : WlbK ONI- Jockey McUonnltl l.irei I ho Tulrnt ttt SI l.ntilH n TiTrllili' Tlirmr | ) O\TM. ST. LOUIS. June II. The Kendall stable' ' entry , Urania , won the llrst event toda with cafe , and A. II. C. , the favorite , wo the second event In a drive. This gav the talent n world of courage to bet o Prince Carl , the hot favorite In the thlr race nt 2 to 5. It was considered flndln money at these lltnires. but the favorll was ridden around the course In a dream way and never allowed to become prom nent at any stage of 'the contest. Jocke J. McDonald and Trainer Reed were calle up Into the Judges' stand and the forme was set down Indellnltcly for poor rldlni Ilesultu : First race , three-quarters of a mll ( Urania (2 ( to 5) ) wonv Campania (15 to 1) ) se < end , Carrie U (15 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:15. : Second race , live furlongs : A. U. ( (2W ( to 1) won. Claude Hill ( C to 1) secom Airtight ( Sis to 1) ) third. Time : 1:02 : ® . Third race , mlle nnd three-sixteenth : San Hlns (10 ( to 1) ) won. Janus ( G to 1) gci ond. Michel ( W to 1) ) third. Time : 2:02'/- : Fourth race , nine furlongs : Prince (4 to 1) won , lirakeman (12 ( to 1) ) second. S Leo (4Vb ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:57. : fifth race , five furlongs : Alike Kelly to 1) ) won. Mermnlil (2 ( to 1) ) second , McIIent (3 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:02. : Sixth nice , nluo furlongs : Salvador ( I I 1) ) won , Jim Henry (10 to 1) second , Will ) ; ton ( C to 1) third. Time : 1:57H- : 11 UN STOl'l'KI ) Till : \V1IUKL UACfc e Truck \Vn : u t nnd Ono Itcror Ilittllrently IS.-fii HrnUm. SYRACUSE. June 14. With one world record broken and the track very fast , ra ! put an end to the bicycle racing here toda Tlio downpour lasted for half an hour enl but was sulllclent to put the track In sut condition that riding would bo dangerou In the novice race John SchnfTer of th city clipped four seconds oft the record < 2:19 : , made by Guy Chafteo on Wednesda The Jlnnl of the half mile , class U , was n run. Results : Ono mile , novice , class A : John Schoff won. C. H. Giles second. Time : 2:15. : Social 100 yard dash : Covllle , Syrncus won ; llrodfrey , Norwich , second. Tim 0U : > . Half mile , open , class A , first heat : : A. Foell , Durf.ilo. won. Time : 1:13 : 3- Second heat : H. C. Winter , Buffalo , wo Time : 1:10. : Half mile , open , class U , first heat : C ( llaker , Columbus , O. , won ; Dlrnberge second ; W. J. Halfert. Utica , third ; F. Fisher , Syracuse , fourth. Time : 1:09. Se end hcnt : F. H. Allen , Syracuse , wo Robert Terrlll , Syracuse , second ; A. Drown , Cleveland , third ; Otto Zelglo fourth. Time : 1:12. : 100-yanl dnsht open : Covlllo won , LI second , French third. Time : 0:10 : 2-5. \Ml.t. 1IA.MSII Till : I'OKICION IIOO Onlitey Direct on Yotn to ( routine i'crt I to llninn TrncK ICTpnK. CINCINNATI , June 14-The directors the Oakley Jockey club , who hnve near tli city one of the best equipped race trac ! In the country , determined at n meeting t day to have no foreign book on the trac This action wns taken to promote hli class sport , and through U the thoroug bred breeding Interests of thd country , can l > 2 stated on authority that Loulsvll Latonla will follow the lead of Oakli and nbolUh the foreign book. I- BIRMINGHAM , Kngland , Juno 11. Tl Birmingham handicap stakes were cor peted for today. There were ten runnel Including M. F. Dwyer's Banquet II. , wl Slmtns up. The American horse wns n placed. Mr. VInor's Sardls won. Uannu hnlshed ceventh. ' triv in dim in HIT I lrlc . SAN FHANCISCO. June II. Three of t : live races ut the liay District truck todi were won by outsiders , Julia Martin , til ! capturing the last ut CO to 1. Ue-JUlU : Klrst 'face , seven furlongs , selling : Nc imimltc (2 ( to 1) ) won , Jerome S (10 ( to second , llnyford ( J to 1) ) third , Tim Second race , four and a half furlong selling ; Kalrmount (2 to 1) won , Zola to 1) ) rccoml , Taberlus ( t to 1) third. Tin ; 0:5 : * . Third race , nix furlongs , hnndlcn Thelma ( . to 1) won. Charmlon (2 to 1) st oml. Hymn (8 to 5) third. Time : 1.14. n Fourth race , one mile , gelling : Symr thetlc'n I < ast (10 to 1) ) won. IloncJ Himn (4 to 1) second. Hydy ( J to 1) ) third. Tim "rath race , five nnd n half furlongs , ne Ins : Julia Martin , filly , (5 ( to 1) ) , won , Crawford (12 ( to 1) ) second , Major Cook (4 to 1) ) third. Time ; llt'a. : Miiuil C. llorfi n I H t .Mllr. Dt'HUQttK. la. . June H. The Nutwood park races closed with n fair attendance and a fast track. The event of the day was Maud C's mile In 2:10U : , the fastest trotted mlle this season. Results. 2:35 : trot ; Hurdcll won second , third and fourth heats In 2:22 : , 2:22 : nml 2:21 ; Pattle Clark won the first In 2:22. : Helen W , Sil ver Tip , Jlelle Pilot , Lulu Delaney and Colnm also started , „ 2:20 : pace : AIHe won three straight boats In 2lMi. : 2lS'i. : ' 2:20U. : Carile W , Frank Pitts , Davy D nnd Clear Grit also started. Free-for-all trot : Phoebe Wllki-s won SPC- end , third and fourth In 2l4Vi. : 2:121 : , 2:17i. : . Maud C won the first In 2l : ' 4. Kentucky Union , Senator A and Robbie P also started. County race : Ullly McGregor won third , fourth nnd Ilfth heats In 2:3l : i , 2:35 : , 2a-i. : : ) Hilly Wortwood won the llrst In 2:31 : > i. Mng- Klo n won the second in 2:3314. : Mnno also started. _ A wholesome mlnco p o Is a marvel of culinary skill. Dr. Price's linking Powder makes the crust dellclously wholesome. / / . .II'UDTKIt JIK.tTft FI.YIXt } Jill : \t Si'iMon's Itcniiltn Kovnr pil In it Itnco itt Ovrrliinil I'nrk. DRNVKR , June 14. It wns Indies' , day today at Overland park nnd the grounds nnd grand stand were filled to overflowing. An excellent card was presented , the track wns In perfect condition and the weather pleasant. The race of the day was the third , which Hal Pointer won easily In tuo straight heats. Flying1 Jib did not seem In the best of condlltlon. During the day two track records were broken. In the third race the second heat was paced In 2:10 : 4 by Hal Pointer , establishing1 a now record for the track. Between the fourth nnd fifth races Robert J went against that record with a running1 mate and succeeded In reducing the figure to 2:00 : Hat. He paced the last quarter In thirty and one-half sec onds. It was the opinion of the judges that Tlolwrt J's record today * was the fast est ever paced at this time ot the year. Summaries : First race , trotting , 2:17 : class , purse $ SOO , best two In three : Albania 2 1 1 TrouhU" om < > . . , Lizzie S 3 3 4 Lady W C 4 5 Dan Vclox 5 5 f Mt > tger 4 6 dls Time : 2:18 : , 2:10 : , 2:15Vi. : Second race , pacing2:28 : class , purse $800 ; Keen Cutter ] Attml Wllkos Tom Johnson 3 4 2 C Kitlo Medium 7 fi 3 ! Gypsy 5 3 5 "I Fred P 4 5 4 ( Franklin C 6 7 dis Time : 2:23 : , 2:21 : , 2:20 : , 2:2(0' : ( . Third race , pacing , free-to-nll , best two In three , purse $ SOO : Hal Pointer 1 1 Flying Jib 2 : W W P . ' . 3 ; Time : 2:14',6 : , 2:10 : i. Fourth race , running1 , purse , polo pen > race , four nnd a half furlongs : Flying Hire ! won , Dutch Ullly second , Ulrd third. Time 1:01 : % . Fifth race , running , purse $ ! 00 , seven fur longs : Billy Sunderland won , Little Nol second , Venwood third. Time : 1:32',4. : Sixth race , running , selling , purse , $125 five furlongs : Little H'.l won , Artless second end , Borderer third. Time : l:03 : > i. AI.I.KNTOWN t ! A ItACKU NOU Three Week * Ago llnVn : a Common loa ! ( llorao In It iltlmorr. NEW YORK. June 11. This was th < closing day of the Fleelwood Park trottlnt meeting1 and the harness races were wit nessed by a small assemblage. The 2:2' : class race was an In-and-out affair foi seven heats , which finally resulted In r victory for Allcntown , a horse of unknowr breeding that has been driven on the roai In Baltimore until three weeks ago. In th < third heat the tire of Allentown's sulkj broke and the horse finished behind the dls tance Hag1 , but the Judges allowed him U start again , owing to the unavoidable acci dent. After this heat Demarest laid him ui until the seventh heat , and with the othen tired Allentown went to the front and won Mascot paced two exhibition miles In 2:0' : nnd 2:07i4 : , Summaries : 2:27 : class , trotting , purse $500 : ' Allentown . ' . 1 I'll 9 9 5 . : McKean : . . .14 11 7 2 3 1 1 On Time 7 10 3 7 1 2 I Sacasa H 5 - Prince Albert 6 ! Olenson 5 2 4 3 G < lr Senator 3 3 G C 5 dr Salute 2 4 1 dls Clarla 10 8 10 8 dls D U C 4 C 8 dr Falrport ! > 9 5 dr Freedom 13 12 dls Oakland Prince 8 dis Chris Lang 12 dls Time : 2:22i : , 2:18Vi. : 2lWi : , 2:20. : 2:22 : 1. 2:2l : s 2:2411. : 2:15 : class , trotting , purse $500 : Mormnn 1 1 San Pedro 2 2 Gretchen 3 3 ; Tlrno : 2:1814. : 2lGy : , , 2lfiy : , . 2:18 : class , pacing , purse $500 : Pralro Lily 1 1 Harry 2 2 Dalgctty 5 : i : Charlie B 3 0 Abeto 4 5 Daisy Dean G 4 Time : 2:11 : % . 2:16 : % , 2:13'i. : Abbott uixl llurtcn Orniv. MONTREAL , June 14. Stanton Abbott champion lightweight of England , and Jac.1 Burke , charjjplon lightweight of the south ern states , met tonight In the Crystal rlnl for $250 a side. The agreement was that 1 both men were standing at the end of tin ftf tennlh round the light would be declarei a draw. Kid McCoy acted as referee. Th fight" was a hot one throughout , and a both men were up at the end of the battli the contest was declared a draw. Nelthe could be said to have obtained any ad vantage over the other at any stage of th argument. For lb IllR "VHrmnr liacr. NEW LONDON. Conn. . June 14. Yale' nomination of ptllclals for the various boa races have been made. George Rives o Uoston will referee , George Adee of Uarlow on-Sound will be timekeeper and H. J Cook of Philadelphia , Judge for Yale. GALES FERHY , Conn. , June 11 Th work ot the past few days has been sever upon the Yale crew and the aggregat weight In the boats'has gone down con slc'erably. The Harvard 'varsity Is Improv Ing steadily ami today went over the four mlle course with a vim. ( iretim \ \ < nut I'apllUou , PAPILLION. Neb. , June II. ( Special Te ] egram. ) The third game of the Sarp County league contest was played her today between Gretna and 1'apllllon an resulted In n victory for Gretna. Score : J to 17. Papilllon lost on inability to hit th ball at the right time. The Gretna clu broke the rule of the league agreement b ringing1 In a pllcher from Council Bluffs. < nlllnclmiu I > f tj Austin. LINCOLN , June II. ( Special Telegram The adjourned games of tlio State Law Tennis association were completed todaj The game resulted In Culllngham wlnnln the mutch nnd state championship fror Austin. Scoie : 6-2. 6-3 , 3-C. 1-0. 7-5. Iliiuthnrno Will Nut Oprn. CHICAGO , June 14. The attorney genen today filed a bill In the circuit court t restrain the Chicago llaclns1 assoclatlo from opening Hawthorne race track. Th track waa to hnve been opened next wcel et fcrutrh Mutton llrotli , Timo. 3 % hours ; Gbs. \ . neck of mutton , lie quarts water , 5 carrots , 5 turnips , 2 onion 4 tablcspoonfuls Scotch barley , a llttlo sal y. Soak mutton In water for an hour , cut o scrag , and put U In stewpan with 3 quarts i ir1) water. An soon ai It bolls skim well ar 1)o ) : then simmer for U4 hours. Cut best end < mutton liito cutlets , dividing It with 2 bom In each ; take off nearly all fat before yc put Into broth ; skim the moment meat boll and every 10 minutes afterward ) ; add ca P : roti , turnips and cnlons , all cut Into 2 or pieces , then put them Into soup soon enoiif to be thoroughly done ; stir In Scotch barle ; add salt to taste , let all stew together f < er 3Vi hours ; about ' /i an hoar before sendii IK It to table , put In llttlo chopped parsley at serve. -alt ' 71 OMAHA 'PLJYS ROCKY J5ALL . . ) ij < l New Grounds' ' the Homo Team Opened with a Disaster , jl.i MADE ERn6fc'ENCU3ll TO LOSE TWO I lute It' * Mom Oiilb.itteil tlio Vlaltors , but Ulivn It 91110 to I'lrhlliiR UucK llud the Ilctter of tlio The new ball park nt the fair grounds was dedicated yeslerdny afternoon In the pres ence of a fairly good crowd by tlio Omutias nnd Mncolns. The chnngo of base looks as If It was going to be a winner , but before this can become an assured fact there must bo several changes of the conditions now existing. In the first place the diamond Is too far from the grnndstand. Tills , however - over , Is suceptlblo to easy remedy. A llttlo grading and a good deal of scraping and the trick Is done. As It Is now the spec tators' vision Is kept on n constant strain , still it Is a hundred-fold bettor than being right on top of the players , as was the case In the Charles street cigar box. Aside from thcso drawbacks , the grounds are all 0. K. , and with a llttlo labor and expense can be made second to none In the country. There Is plenty of room for playing the game as it should be played , the fielders have a chance , and BOde do the hitters , and this Is what the patrons of the game like to see. U Is safe to say that within afew weeks the Omaha club can boast of the best and prettiest grounds In the west. The motor facilities are ex cellent , and yesterday the special base ball trains made the trip , both going and com ing , In less time than It required to reach the old park. The game was a corker In more respects than one. To begin with , Captain Hutclilnson's merry lads outbatted nuckerlno's clodhoppers Just 2 to 1. And there was another thing they excelled In , this time 10 to 1 , nnd that was in rotten ball playing. Of courre , all the players were not contaminated by this jaundice work , for the blunders wore con fined to but four men , little Miles hog ging the persimmons wllh no less than six. Shaffer's brace of errors were attributable to the rough field , and consisted In letting two hits get by him. The outfield Is very rough and full of gopher holes and Is In ind need of leveling and rolling. On the other hand , the Capital City crowd made one mlsplay , a wild throw by Senator Hill to first. Aside from this they played steadily , energetically , brilliantly. Buck- erlno was there bigger than a horso. Ha is a heady fellow nnd has won the Omaha crowd by his untiring efforts In belinlf of his team. IIo never becomes tired or list less. It Is a continuous hustle and an In cessant jolly on the part of the big manager from the tap of the first ball until the end comes. Louis Balsz pitched a beautiful game of ball , nnd wl.fli Anything like half decent support ho vijoup | have had enough hair off the Llncolns' jipads to stuff n mattress. Freddy Barnes , also did a little twirling himself. Of course , he was lilt rather hard , but when n hU would have done Omalia the most good that was when Barnesey wouldn't let them have. It , , Hutchlnson Injured one of his mauley/j / JnLthe third Inning and gave way to Natjcpss. , The kid was n trifle rusty , yet showed n disposition to do what was expectcd-of him. Jack Haskoll's umpiring was good. Score : " 'OMAHA. A-ft.'tt. BH. SH. SB. I'D. A. E. Ulrlch , 3b.n > . , Olnrvlnm * I ' * ! t ( > 1 n ( \ f\ f\ t\ Totals . . . .35 8 7 1 3 27 12 1 Omaha 0 02200201 7 Lincoln 2 0212020' 9 Earned runs : Lincoln , 2 ; Omaha , 1. Two-base hits : Single , Hutchlnson. Three- base hits : Shaffer. O'Drlsn. Homo runs : Dalsz. Kennedy. Double plays : Miles to Hutchlnson to O'Brien ; Allies to Nattress to O'Hrlen to I < ohman ; Holllngsworth to Kbrlght to Sullivan. Struck out : Dy Halsz , 1 ; bv Barnes. 2. liases on balls : Off Dalsz , 4 ; oft liarnes , 3. Passed balls : Lehman - man , 2 ; Spoer , 2. Time : Two hours and ten minutes. Umpire : llr. Hnskoll. NICOL'S DOTIUOW NOT A OOOD ONE. UOCKKOUD. 111. . June U. ( Special Tele gram. ) Pitcher Howe , one of Alison's stable of Colts , signed by Nlcol for the season , was tried in today's gnme and lost It in the first Inning1 by his wlldness. Uolnn wns put in. and wn more successful. Hanson pitched a masterly game. J'lynn made n marvelous catch in center. Score : Ilockford 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 1- 1 Peorla 5 0010023 - ! ! Hits : Ilockford. 5 ; Peorla , 12i Krrors : rtockford , 2 ; I'coriu , 2. Harned runs : Ilockford , 2 ; Peorla , 5. Two-base hits : Krelg1 , Dennett , Dugdalo. Home runs : Kllng , Selrlrr. Wild pitch : Howe. liases on balls : Off Howe. . 4 ; off Hanson , 3. Hit by pitcher : Uy Howe , 1. Struck out : Uy Dolm ) . 1 ; by Hanson , 2. Left on bases : Hookford. 4 ; Peorla , 4. Double plays : Nul- ton to Hnller ; Fisher to Nultorv to Hnller ; Dolan to Krelg , Datterles : Howe. Dolan and Snyder ; Hanson and Dugdale. Umpire : Mr. Burns. JACKS ON A HITTING STIIKAK. JACKSONVILLE. 111. . Juno II. ( Special Telegram. ) Urackett's Drown Sox suffered defeat today on the home grounds In a rather one-sided game. lloach was hit hard nnd often and Schwartz pitched nn excellent game. The home team made four home runs , something wonderful for these grounds , as there Is no such thing1 as putting the ball ovar the fence. Score : Jacksonville 2 0 3 1 2 1 2 1 4 If ! Uulncy 1 00230001-7 Hits : Jacksonville , 16 : Qulncy , 10. Er rors : Jacksonville , 2 ; Qulncy , 5. Earned runs : Jacksonville. 11 ; Qulncy , 2. Two- base hits : Egan nnd Hell. Three- base hits : Devcnney , Holt , Kutz , Itoland. Homo runs : Hoover , Taylor , Eian , Van Dyke. Datterles : Schwartz and Hoover ; Iloneh and Uolund. Umpire : Mr. Ward. DICS MOINES , June 14. The DCS Molnes- St. Joseph game postponed ; rain. STANDING OP THE TEAMS. iv' .Played. Won. Lost. Pr Ct. Peoria 37 2G 11 70.3 Lincoln 36 25 11 G9.4 Omaha 38 19 17 B2.8 Des Molnes . . . .f.i. 35 18 17 61.4 Qulncy . . . . . . .f..1. 37 18 19 48.G Uockford . . . .h. . . . . 3fi If 20 4J.4 Jacksonville 37 14 23 37.8 St. Joseph . .lt.f. 34 8 2G 23.5 Games toda'yy Lincoln nt Omaha ; St. llrnlletl Milt Salmon or Oilii-r Suit rinli. i Soak ealmon In tepid or cold water 24 hours , changing water several Umcs , or let stand under faucet of running T ater. If tn ' a hurry or desiring a very salt relish' , It may j do to soak , short time , having water warm , and changing , parboiling slightly. At the hour wanted , broil sharply. Season to suit taste , covering with butter. This receipt will answer for all kinds of salt fish. ( For Sal mon Sauce see Sauces. ) MIIIMI Mntirr. Set on fire 9i pint water , 1 cupful survr ; boll twenty minutes , remove from fire I add 1 teaipoopful each Royal ExtractCIo 4 i and Ginger. ' llrnllnl Nilr Mnrlirrel. Freshen by staking It ever night In water , taking care that tha skin lies uppermost. In Joseph at Den Molnes ; Peorla nt ItockfonlJ Qulncy nt Jacksonville. HAMUS OF TIIK NATIONAL MOAdUl' AIIKOII and Ills C oils Wear Out Two Ito ton Ilitttrrlrit nml Win. HOSTON. June ll.-Grllllth iillched gilt- edged ball and wns given splendid support. Boston's hits were widely scattered. At- tcndnnce , 3,400. Score : Ilootan 0 4 Chicago 1 21002010-7 Hits ! Itoston. 7 : Chicago , 19. Errors : lloston , 1 ; Chicago . Earned runs : Boston - ton , 1 ; Chicago , 0. Two-baso hits : Klttredge , Orllltth , Dnhleii , Hyan. Homo runs : Oan- zel , Everett. Stolen buses : llannon , Mc Carthy , Nash , Lowe. First biso : on bills : Hnnnou , McCarthy , 2 ; hong , Nash , Duffy. Sacrifice lilt : Orltlltli. Struck out : Uy Orllllth , 3. Double plnys : hong to I < nwe ; Long to Tuck"r ; Slewurt to Alison. Passed bails : llynn. Hit by pitched bull : 1-ong , Tucker. Batteries : Stlvetts , Nichols , Hynn nnd Oanzol ; Orllllth nud Klttredge Time : One hour and forty-live minutes. Umplie : Kcpfe , QUAKERS SNATCH A PA1U. PHILADELPHIA , June 11. The Phillies won two games from the Colonels todny by hard hitting nnd better playing. Weyhlng pitched against his old comrades In the llrst gamp nnd was batted for nineteen hits , br-sldes giving llvo men b.isus on balls. At tendance , 3,000. Score , first game : Philadelphia 1 0 0 G 0 1 0 0 4-17 Louisville 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 G Hits : Philadelphia , 19 ; Ixjulsvllle , 12. Kr rors : Louisville , C. Earned runs : Philadel phia , G ; Louisville , G. Two-bnse hits : Dele- lihnty. Taylor , O'Hrlen , 2. Three-bane hit : Thompson. Home runs ; Clements , 2 ; Drouthers , 2. Sacrifice hits : Boyle , 2 : Rellly. 2. Stolen buses : Turner , Sullivan. Left on bases : Philadelphia , 8 ; Louisville , 7. Struck out : Hy Taylor. 3 ; by Weyhlng , 1. Double plnys : Sullivan to Doyle ; Preston to llrouthers. First base on errors : Philadelphia , 5. First base on balls : Off Taylor , 2 ; oft Weyhlng , G ; off Beam , 2. Hntterles : Taylor , Beam nnd Clements ; Weyhlng nnd Welch. Umpire : Emsllc. Time : Two hours. Second game : Philadelphia 30002207 0-14 Louisville . . . . , 0 6 Hits : Philadelphia , 23 ; Louisville , 13. Kr rors : Philadelphia , G ; Louisville , 3. Karned runs : Philadelphia , 9 ; Louisville , 3. Two- base hits : Dplehanty , Sullivan , Preston , Hrouthpra , McCreary. Home ruifs : Turner. Delehanty. Sacrifice hits : Boyle , Deletmnty , Mailman , Cnrsey. Stolen bases : Delehanty , Thompson , Clements. Left on bases : Phila delphia , 12 ; Louisville , 13. Struck out : By Carsey , 1 ; by Cunningham , 3. Double plnys : Sullivan to Hallman to Uoyle. First base on errors : Philadelphia. 3 ; lAiulsvlllc , 3. First base on balls : Off Cunningham , 4 ; off Heam. 2. Batteries : Cnrsey , Huam , Clem ents nnd Orady ; Cunningham and Zahner. Umpire : Kmslle. Time : One hour nnd twenty minutes. Attendance , 3,000. HAMMING'S WORK TOO SMOOTH. BALTIMORE , Md. , June ll.-PIttsburg wns helpless before Hamming's superb pitching. Hawley pitched well until the seventh inning. Attendance , 0,300. Score : Baltimore 0 0201071 ' -11 Plttsburg 0 00000000 0 Hits : Baltimore , 1C ; Plttsburg , 3. Er rors : Baltimore , 1 ; 1'lttsburg , G. Earned runs : Ualtlmore , 4. First base on balls : Off Hemming , 3 ; off Hnwley. 3. Struck out : Ity Hemming , 2 ; by Hnwley , 1. Three- base hits : Dlerbnuer. Two-base hits : Hroillc , Clark , Donovan. Sacrifice hits : Jennings , Gleason , Carey. Stolen bases : Stenzel. Reltz , Sugdcn , Jennings , Gleason , Clark , Kelli'y. Double plnys : Jennings to Carey to Jennings. Hit by pitcher : By Hawley. 2. Batteries : Hemming and Clark ; Hawley and Sugden. Tlrne : Two hours and twenty-llvo minutes. Umpire : Murray. CINCINNATI WINS ANOTHER. WASHINGTON , June 14. Pitcher Fore man of the Hods In a Inrgo mensure won the game for them today. Attendance , fi.OOO. Score : Washington 0 10010010 3 Cincinnati 2 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 6 Hits : Washington , 10 ; Cincinnati , 10. Er rors : Washington. 4 ; Cincinnati , 2. Earned runs : Cincinnati. 2. Three-base hits : McGulre. Stolen bases : Cnrtwrlght , Ab bey , Selbech (2) ) , Joyce , Hogrlever. Sncrl- Hce hits : Latham. Double plays : Latham to Pnrrott. First base on balls : Off Mer cer , 2 ; off Foreman , 3. Left on bases : Washington. 8 : Cincinnati. 7. Struck out : By Mercer , 2 ; by Foreman , 7. Passed balls : Merrltt. Batteries : Mdrcer and McGulre ; lilircman und Merrltt. Time : Two hours and twenty minutes. Umpire : Long. STALKY STRUCK A SNAG. BROOKLYN , N. Y. . Juno II. The Grooms found Staley's curves easy after the third Inning , and batted out eleven earned runs. Attendance , 1,000. Score : St. Louis 3 00000400 7 Brooklyn 00020031 12 Hits : St. Louis , 13 ; Brooklyn , 18. Er- I rora : St. Louis. 1 : Brooklyn , 2. Earned runs : St. I > ouls. 7 : Brooklvn. 11. First base on errors : St. Louis , 1. Left on bases : St. Ixmls. 7 ; Brooklyn , 8. First base on balls : Off Stnloy , 2 ; off Kennedy , 1. Struck out : By Stnley. 1 ; by Kennedy , 2. Homo runs : Brown , Qulnn , Banner , Shin- dip. Uurrell. Three-base hits : Bonner , I'eltz , Daly. Two-bnse hits : Brown , Grlf- lln , Lachnnco , Treadway , Shlndle (2) ( . Stolen bases : Brown , Cooley , Qulnn. Wild pi teh : Kennedy. Batteries : Stnley .anil Peitz ; Kennedy nnd Burrell. Tlrno : One hour nnd forty-seven minutes. Umpire : McDonnld. VAN HALTHBN MADE THE MISCUE. NEW YORK , June 14. Both Clarke nnd Young's work in the box was meritorious. Van Haltern'Jt error In the seventh Inning gave the Forest City a victory. Score : New York 0 00000000 0 Cleveland 00000010 * 1 Hits : Now York. G ; Cleveland , G. Errors : Now York , 3 : Cleveland , 1. First base on errors : New York , 1 ; Cleveland , 2. Left on bases : New York , 3 ; Cleveland , 4. Bases on balls : On Young , 3. Struck out : Hy Clarke , 2 ; by Young. 7. Three-base lilt : McGarr. Two-baso hit : Young. Sacrifice hit : O'Connor. Double plays : Farrel to Fuller ; McKean to Chllds to O'Connor ; Young to O'Connor ; McGarr to O'Connor. Stolen bases : Tlenmn , Van Hnltren. Bat teries : Clarke and Wilson ; Young and 7Am- mer. Time : One hour nnd forty-five min utes. Umpire : Campbell. STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. Pr Ct. Boston 33 21 14 63.2 Plttsburp 44 27 17 Gl.4 Cleveland 43 2fi 17 CO.B Baltimore s 37 22 15 C9.5 Chicago 48 2G 20 56. ! ] Philadelphia 40 21 19 G2.E New York 42 22 20 G2.I Cincinnati 42 22 20 52A Brooklyn 41 20 21 48.F Washington 40 IS 22 45.C St. Louis 45 IB 30 ai.3 Louisville 41 7 31 17.1 Games todny : Clevelnnd nt Boston ; Louis ville at Brooklyn ; Cincinnati at New York ; Plttsburg at Philadelphia ; St. Louis al Baltimore ; Chicago nt Washington. SCOKKS or "rim WK.STKKN I.K.YOUK Milwaukee Slugs Moro Kffe'ctnnlly Thnn Mliinciipolli and Win * . MINNEAPOLIS , June 14. Whllo hlltlnf and fielding were about even today , th < Brewers got their hits well bunched at tin outset and won the game early. Score : Minneapolis 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 0- ! Milwaukee ) 3 0202001 * I Hits : Minneapolis , 11 ; Milwaukee , 15 Errors : Mlnnca | > ells , 1 ; Milwaukee. 1 Batteries : Frazer nnd Wilson ; .Stephen : and Weaver. ST. PAUL. Juno ll.-Knnsas City for felted today's game to St. Paul , their trail not arriving In time for the game. STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. P.Ct. Indianapolis 37 24 13 c- ! . ! Minneapolis 36 20 1G G5.I Milwaukee 40 21 13 Gl ! Grand llnplds 37 19 18 51. < St. Paul 38 19 19 DO.I Kansas City 40 18 22 43.1 Detroit 37 16 21 43.1 Toledo 39 15 21. 33.1 Games today : Kansas City at Mlnne- kso o- ok. . k. k.li k.h lilt lie U. 'S. Governmiit [ officially reports ROYAL I Baking Powder superior to all others in leaven. 10 ' ing strength. Bulletin 13 , Ag'I Dep't , p. 599. ) ns - , th ot the morning dry It without breaking , cut ofl the head and tip of tall , place It between tin bars of a buttered fish gridiron , and broil tc a light brown ; lay it on a hot dish , and dress with a little butter , pepper and lemor Juice , vinegar , or chopped pickle. llrnllnl I rmli < nil. Sew up tha piece of fish In thin cloth , fitted to shape , boll in salted water ( bolllne from the first ) , allow about 15 minutes to the pound. Carefully unwrap , and pour over II uuuco for codfish. See Sauces , llntrtnn I'le. Is made by using a white cuitard as In banana custard , and mix ing with the pulp of ripe bananas , preyed through a collender or aleve , and baked In a rich open pastry cruet , and fin ished with a meringue * Milwaukee nt St. Paul ! Detroit nt annul Hnplila ; Imllnnnpolls nt Toledo. COHMit.L HIM lIKTTttlt ON WATKll Itliucan Pronhtnmi DatoAt tlio rriiu- ftylvnnlnn * bMinn Oprn I.mictlu. ITHACA , N. Y ; , June 14. The annual race between the freshmen eights of Cornell and the t'lilverslty ' of Pennsylvania wns rowed this afternoon nt Cnyugn over the two-mllo course and Cornell won by nine lengths In 11:183-5. : With the exception of a few light showers In thu fore part of the afternoon , which quieted the waves , the dny was perfect. The air wns cool and the lakn calm , without a ripple on Its surface. Attendance. 6,500. The race wns started promptly nt 0:10. : Pennsylvania took the wnter llrst. Cornell rowed forty-four strokes nnd Pennsylvania thirty-right. The Pennsylvanlnns did a crent deal more splashing than Cornell nnd Cornell's machinery-like motion soon com menced to tell. The rowing of Pennsyl vania , wns very rutgod : during the second half-mile , the men being nil doubled up. Cornell passed the mile point n full two lengths nhenil. Pennsylvania now com menced to row steadier , but Cornell hnd the stroke nt forty-two nnd Pennsylvania's thirty-six. At the mlle nnd a half point Cornell had Incicnsed her advantage to five lengths , while her stroke had been In- citasetl to forty-eight. Cornell llnlHhed in magnificent style , ench man working with nccurney , and with a stroke of forty-six , a full nine lengths or moro ahead of the Quakers. Pennsylvania crossed the line thirty-two seconds Utter. Time : 11:18 : 3-5. Won liy the Court. . BROOKLYN , Juno 14. There was a hear ing before Judge G.iynor today on the order Issued by Judge Urown of the supreme court last night directing Mayor Schlerln to show cause why a mandumus should not bo Issued compelling him to grant a Ilcenno to the Seaside Athletic club. After stute- mentH by counsel JiulKC Gnynor put the henrlng over until tomorrow , nnd then Lawyer Grout asked what the club would do In reference to the Dlxon-lCrno contest , wliIch was billed to take plnce tonight. Judge Gnynor replied thnt he felt sure the authorities would deal fairly with the club , and If tlio law were violated it wns the duty of the authorities to make arrests nnd secure the conviction of the responsible parties. jjv\v YOTtK. June II. Mntrhmnker Jim Kennedy of the Seaside Athletic club pn- nounces that the light between George Dlxon und Frank Erne , scheduled for to night , has been Indellnltcly postponed. Scbuylor I'lnyuil n Dull Oninn. SCHUYLEU , Neb. . June ll.-Sieclal ( Tele gram. ) The Hurpolshelmers defeated Schuyler today. The game was won tn the llrst two Innings. Schuyler played an un interesting gnme , being slow to accept op portunities. Score : Scluiyler 0 00100003-4 Hcipolshclmers . . .35003000 0 11 Earned runs : Schuyler , 2 ; Ilerpolshelm- ers , 3. Two-base hit : J. Church. Home run : Stewart. HIISPS on balls : Oft Klmmel , 6 ; off Abbott , 1. Struck out : Hy Klmmel. G ; by Abbott , C. Hatterles : Klmmel nnd Palmer ; Abbott and Uurr. Time : Two hours. Women Increase their fund of pin money by using the most economical baking pow der , Dr. Price's. Hollo.- * * High 1'orc MEMPHIS , Juno 11. The averages In the second iinntml flioot of the Memphis Gun club , which closed yesterday , were given out today , llelkes Is the llrst , with nn average of 9G.7G ; McMurphy second , 91.11 ; Young and Men 111 tied for third with 9i72 , nnd Glover fourth , with 92.32. Vniulyko lends the 90 per cent class with nn average of 1)0.10. ) "Shorty" lincon nnd Harden Unrtlott lln- Ishud In the SO per cent class , nnd Elliott , Dubray nnd Meadows in the 70 class. Cnllfori > li Aguliist < lilcaRO Today. CHICAGO , June 14. After a week's trainIng - Ing In Champaign , rested and confident of a victory over the Chicago Athletic asso ciation tomorrow , the University of Call- fornlu track team arrived In the city nt 1 o'clock todny. The Californlans arc in ex cellent condition and promise some record breaking tomorrow. The meet tomorrow between the local athletes nnd the western men will be one of the great athletic events of the year. Floltl Dity Exurulac * I'cu'ponod , YORK. Neb. , June 11. ( Special , ) The rain which fell at this place yesterday Interfered with , the Hold day exercises which were to take place hero today. While the greater portion of the program could have . beei < rendered , the heavy ruin destroyed the twenty-mile road race , the main feature of the day. nnd the exercises have been postponed till next Thursday. o Dnvlil tlty Win * HIH Second. KEARNEY , Neb. , June 14. ( Special Tel egram. ) The second game , between the Kearney nnd David City ball teams was played this afternoon nnd resulted In n score of 18 to 11 In favor of the visitors. The batteries were Van Fleet and PickerIng - Ing ; Smith and Maupln. Crnlo Uoriialctl Lincoln. CRETE , Neb. , Juno 14. ( Special Tele gram. ) A Lincoln laundry sent down a ball team today which \va.s glad to get home with three scores against ten made by Crete. Jones' pitching for Crete was the feature of the game. game.o Atherton Thrown Grilled. ROCHESTER. N. Y. , Juno ll.-Ed Ather ton .defeated Dan Ormes , the English wrestler , in two falls. They wrestled catcli- . The tlrst bout lasted as-catch-cnn. twenty- two minutes and the second ten. minutes. r.amo ut Sioux City. SIOUX CITY , Juno 14. ( Special Tele gram. ) In a game between the Kansas City base ball club nnd nn amateur local nine todny the Kansas Cltya won. by a score of IS to 8. Hood's Is IsWonderful Wonderful "At barrelling tlmo I took a severe cold which settled In my limbs , and In a short time developed Into lu- llniuninlorf Illicit- minium. After spend- Ins a good sum of mon ey for different reme dies nnd suffering all winter , I became so crippled that I had to walk with the nld of crutches. Hy the kind i advice of a friend I was ! prevailed upon to buy six bottles of Hood's | Sarsaparllla. I took the | medicine and It has f til- air. A. W. Cooler , ly restored me to health Clifford , y. D. ani i think it ; Haved tar I.lfr. I will cheerfully answer all who may wish to correspond about my aflllctlon or state ment" A. W. COOI.KY , Clifford , North Dakota. " * " Sarsa- wssw * parilla Be Sure to Get Hood's Hood's Pills cure nausea , aud blliouini/ . ANNOUNCEMENT > Housekeepers have washed with all the soaps advertised and their woolens have continued to shrink. Is the only one which Is guaranteed not to shrink underwear and woolen goods. Beware ol Others. For Sale By all Dealers. MANTJFACTtJIlED ONLY DY SCHODDE , CHICAGO. Both the method nnd results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; itisplcnsnut and refreshing to the taste , mid acU gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Howels , clonuses the ays * 12111 effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevers nnd cures habitual 'lonstip.ition. Syrup of Figs is tha only remedy of its kind ever produced - duced , pleasing to the taste nnd ac ceptable to the utomach , prompt in ita action and truly beneficial in ita effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , ita many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug , gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- euro it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO SAN FRANCISCO , CAL. LOUISVIUE. KY. FOR A LIMITED TIME " 1W A HAND30MR FREE FOU0 TfcH-CtKT PLUG , TOBACCO CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR < * * ' The American " ( bbacco ' DOCTOR Searles & Searles SPECIALISTS. All forms of Blood nnd Skin IJIsoasos. Sores , Spot * I'lmplus , Scrofula , Tumor * . Totter , I'czoma and Blood 1'olson thoroughly cleansed from the system. . , LADIES Riven cnrofal jC3ana ( special attention for all itholr many peculiar all- mi'Uts. I CATARRH. Throat . Liver , Dyspepsia iTroubles cured by special course of trcutmonu MEN ( VITALITY WEAK ) mad * mc.iv 80 by too ciOBO nppllco * tlon business or study , levera mental strain or grief , BEXUA1. KXCESHES In mlddlt life or from the effects of youthful folllei. all yield readily to our new treatmtnt tor lou 01 W ? > ITJ Your trouble * If out ot city. ThcuianOj * ' * ' "cured at home by corm'ri-n.lrne * . Dr. Scarles & RAILWAY TIME CARD. Leaves ( IlUUUNUTON & MO. IllVKR.lArrlvca Omaha ) Union Ucpot , IQlli At Maaou tjta.l Umuha 10lSam . Denver Uxprcua . 9 : 0am 4:3Spm.Ulk. Hllla , Mont. & 1'uget UnJ. I2x. 4:0.pin : 4Upm . , . .Denver Kxprnsa . 4:06pm : 6 : ; pm. . Nebraska Local ( except Sunday. . 7 : 0pm CUain. . . Lincoln Local ( except Sunday ) . . .ll.am : : : 2:15l : > m..l''ast Mallfor ( Lincoln ) dully. . . . _ Leave * ( CHICAGO. UUHLINOTON & Q.IArrlvea' OnialialUnlon Depot , loth & Maaon tUa.l Omaha 4 MSprn . Chicago Vestibule. . . . . . 9uOant : ClWum . Chicago Uxprens . 4Upm : 7DOpm. : . Chicago and Ut. Luuls Enured * , , couam ll:3Sum : . 1'uclllc Junction Local . 6:30pra : Mull . Z ; upm Leaves IC111CAUO. MIL. & ST. 1'AUL Omnlial Union Depot , loth & Maiion Sm. 6.COpm . Chicago Limited HilCjm. . . .Chicago lixprena ( ei. Sun. ) Leaves ICIHCAUO 4 . OmahalUnluii Depot , 10th & &la on Stii.l Omaha 11 :05am : . . . . Kaatern Kxprcdn , . . 5 :30piu : 4:00pm. : . . . Vestluuleil Limited 9 : < 0am 6:5&am : . Mo. Valley Local 10:30pm : t : < jlim . Omaha Chicago Special Leaves I CHICAGO n. I. " " Ti > A l'IO lArrlvei Omalial Union Depot , IDtli & Ma jn Sta. [ Omaha _ B A ST. ll:00am. : . . Atlantic Impress ( ex. Sunday ) . , . tipm : C'.Kipm . Night Iliprcaa . 6J6aia : ; 30pin. . . .Chicago Vdstlljulca LlmltuU. . . . t38pm _ WEST. ' t:00pm. : . Oklahoma & Txo lx ( ex Sup. ; . .10:35opi : IMOpm . Colnrnili ) Llmltfil 4mpm : ) Leavm I C. , ST. I' . . M. & O. ( Arrlvea Omalial Depot. 15th an J Welnter Bis. I Omaha 93am : . . .Nehrunka I'andcngcr dluTly ) . . . , BUSpm 4:30pm..8loux : Clly dpi CMS IBX. bull. ) . . .llliam 6:10pm . 3t. Paul Limited . 10-iam Leaven ' F.Tn. i MOr VAlJLBi * T7\rrlvea' Omaha ) Depot , litlianJ _ Web ter Hla jJJmaha 2 10pm . Kant Mall anii Kxpre . ( T&Tpm 2:10pm.cx. ( Kat. ) Wyo. Kx.ex. Mon.i. . . liMpm :05am. : . . Norfolk Expreoa lex. Sunday ) . . , I0:30am : lOpm.j . . . . _ , .St raul Exprem. . , . . . . .103iam ! Leaves I ir C HTrJr& crTt. lArrlvea OmahaUJnIonDepot _ , 10th Se alaaun Hl . | Omaha 9. Warn . Kansas City "Day ttxpr a , . . . . 6Wnm ; jljlSpm. KC.Jitetit KxL Vlj U T' . Trnn. . tMtna Leaves I MIH.SOUHI I'ACIKIC. ( Arrives pmahalpcj > qc , i5th anil " Webater Bit , | Otnalia 1040am ; .Kt. Loult "Kipfe . l :0oitm : St. I ul icxpreit . 6rO pm ; 30pm. . . . .Nebraska Ix > cal ( ex. aun. ) . . . . . 8:00am : _ " ' ' Uavcri ! 3IOUX CiTY " & " * PA"CIFIC. ' 'lArrivc * " Omahul Depot , ISih nnJ Webiter Hla. [ Omaha 'f * _ 6 ; IOpm . . .j. ± . . Bt. I'aul LlmlteJ . . . . 10iium : I.cav a I HIOUX CITV & PACIKIC. JArrlVta OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Ma on Bt . | Omaha 6 : Slum . Bloux City l'a ! ? , . . , , , . , ; * jKpm _ . . . St. I'aul Limited. . MMpm Leavca'l UNION J'ACIHCJi lArrlvei " Om hatJnlonDepot | _ _ , 10tli _ & Muaon Bta. ( ll:5'pS'f l"o:00 : tn . T7l < arney Kxpr.M" . , , , . l(5pra ; 2Wptn . . .Overland Flyer . GUpm 2OOpm.Ileat'c : A fltromili'ic Kx. ( i. yun ) . JMSpra 7:30ijin : . 1'acino l'ipr m..10:5iira : ! ipm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kant Mall . , . 4llCpm WAI1AKH nAIL\VAY Arrlfci " n U gotlpth & Mawn Sti. Omaha "j.-Kpra si. LouU Cannon Dill. . . . . , ll:5'pS :