o . VV ! 8 1'lE O1L1IIA DAILY BEEt FRIDAY , JUNE 14 , 1495 , i Sale Special of V f Shirt Waists \ ' Saturday , Juno tslh. Y /ItIONTIHEMTAL\ / \ LOT1IHC Co , , rslli and Dopglas Sts. Our entire stock of Shirt Waists on sale Saturday at less than actual cost , 150 AND DOEN CHEVIOT UNI.AUNDfRED SiuitTVAIS'rs. SATEEN . , . . . . , . , . DOZEN LAUNDERED I'LIlCALF anti 100 CHEVIOT WAISTS , all sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ LAUNDERED SPAIt S1uTRT WAISTS In V a beaulltul line of pallerna , TILE IMPROVED STAR SIIIRT WAISTS You know their value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; n J C Special Jor Salur day oily. V i1QfN'10f C'010000037 coooocccocoooocoooooooooooooo V I1 : i 1 1 . l1m .l V , i' ' . : . 1 L ± : t. ' This Looks Funny But it's only The Hostler taking at First- a chew of Climax Plug. Every thoroughbred chewer enjoys a chew of this delicious tobacco. It does not burn the tongue. It possesses a pleasing flavor and a subtauce unequaled t by any tobacco in the vorld. When you want a good chew , get ¶ § LORILLARDTS . : at CM O C3taA R'f3JLg ' ' + 8118 @S10E1fdtK Oe ( 9 r [ , adios Waists G9c that huve been sold ns ingh as 1123 eec mail note Ohulca styles , but brokmn stze . . CIOAKS.SUtIS.FURS. Cor. 16th anti lruruun , Paxton 131L BOOKCASES. 'L .ITfl1 i I niiiiirir it I i a . : n Tbo accepted arrangement or scheme of furolstdng In nearly every library today provides - vides for a line of low bookcases , leaving a e 'wall apace for pictures equal to at least three fifllus of the total height of llte roout , Such- low cases , nnely matio throughout , , and with little or no adornment , are rarely found in the stock of an ordtnary furnture store. They can always he procured of us , bowover , and at about half the price you would pay for building them to order. They are very stoutly anti strongly joined. volumes. The doors are triple hinged and volumes. The doors are tripe hluged and dustpreoh they close lightly against a center mullion , which obviates the clumsy Inside hook or belt (0morly : used , Remember that these cabluets are very , inexpensive. Chas. 1 811 tl FURNITURC , DRAI'I RiES , oat ! UPIIOLSTI IIY. 1206.1208 Douglas 5t , Ladies' Bloomers-- For lileycloor horseback Itldlng,13,49 and $19 . A modest , desirable sty lu. fl.kSCOFIELO . . CIOAKSSUIiS.FURS. 16th and Farttanl , l'nxtolt Illk. O Uhl HST i , . . _ Wel-.a-Ma Yf -r - - - - 9JtWhr LLIOTT IIEf1DED THAT 1VAY ' lok S.reot Oar Tuesday Night as Far as Possible Toward Calhoun , J TIFIED BY A MOTCRMAN CONDUCTOR A _ _ They Are Also Able to Identify the VnUso as 'Carried by ill. . . Thcn-ilow t'rlsonet Acted When Told lit. heal Namc. It has been discovered that Elliott , the safe blower who was arrested on suspicion of having a hand in the robbery of the fix otoro and tlm attempted safe blowing in Calhoun - houn on Wednesday morning , was going In that direction late on Tuesday night. Yesterday - day E. II. Link anti John Kale , conductor and motorman on the Sherman avenue line , came to the police etatlon anti reported that on Tuesday night after 12 o'clock two men boarded their train , one of them with a valise , at Twenty-fourth anti Ames avenue , anti rode west to the end of the , ' line. Each had a transfer front the Twenty-fourth sheet line. Elliott was shown to them and they pyaltlvely ideutlaed him as one of the-men , being the ono who carried the valise. The valise was then shown up and they also posllv'ely ! identi aei this as being the one that E liott carried. Although the prisoner gate his name as C. F' . Martin , there seems to be no doubt now that his right name ! s Elliott , one of the well known crooks and cracksmen of that name. When he was brought to the station Sergeant Ormsby was present , and after look ng at him Immediately said that the man was Elliott. Re was laughed at by some of the other aer- geants present and the picluro of Elliott m the rogues' gallery was examined. A striking reaomblance between It and the prisoner was at once noticed. Then the prisoner's clothes weld. examined and all his Itnen was found marked "Eli ; Yesterday one of the ollicers asked him It his name was Elllott , and ho answered : " \\'e.l , Elliott is not wanted anywhere just at lho present time , ' Tlds statement was true. Although there are a number of recent eafebowings ! on sec rd in which It Is suspected that Elliott had a hand , there is to no case any direct proof suf- ficlont to hold hlu. Tito only points that connect - nect him with the Calhoun robbery are the fact that ho was captured in the neighbor. hood , and that ho ha. the valise of burglars' tools In his possession The man who was bound by the burglars Is unable to identify him , becfisso the burglars were maskei , 1)EJl1)ED.0.(1181 Tl1E ( JO 1'lt.1ole , Legblature Ilan Power to lele ate lhucu- tlvo Power to a hpeelnl Ihar.l , INDIANAPOLIS , Ind „ Juno 13-The so. panne court today affirmed the prison di. rectors case. It came up from la Porte county , where the circuit court decided against the governor in the contention over the appointing power in the matter of se lectlon of trustees for the state prison , Tht laws of the last legislature delegated to a beard of oaicers , including the secretary of state , auditor treasurer a d attoruey gels. tsral , the rigs to appoint rectors for prise 0125 , The governor refused to yct with the board or to commission the directors selected - lected by It , lie attacked the constitution. allty of the law , holding that the legislature might create an oldco , but had no powq to all it. The governor claimeml the 3ppolnllag power was lodged ! n him and could not otherwise be delegated , The court holdq against him in all the material allegations and Charles Hartley , warden of the northern prison , according to the board's elecllou , wlll succeed JV , French , The case applies with equal force to the prison south , : Rf ! AT THE FEDERAL BUILDING. Judge Dundy Takcs Up the Trial of Crlml nat Cnuaor-lderul Notes. Judge Dundy called the crhninal docket In feJeral court yesterday. Daniels and Gibbons , time young men sic- ctuseti of selling undamped cigars at Osceola , were placed on trial , The Woolworth-foot civil catc is still In the lmands of the jury. The grand jury is at work on the Dunbar postofca robbery case and the complaints with relatiou to selling liquor to Winnebago Indians. There are a large number of state witnesses In attendance at court , among whom are : J , 0. Coppie , C. P , Wllmat , Dancroft ; A , L. Pound , John Cunan , E , R'eir , A. C , Langdoa , W II , Bates , Lincoln ; C. H , Wilson , Dunbar ; J. M , Iluberle , Nebraska City ; H. Lanntzen and D. Sehute , Omaha ; P. J. RchttV. . A. Cornish , George Ward , \V , ii , Werden , Osceola , The carpenters and kalsominers took pos. session of Deputy Postmaster Woodard's office yesterday , The new money order department quarters are ready for occupancy , and as soon as repairs in the deputy post- master's office are completed the department will le removed to the first 1 or , The stamp department has been relegated to quarters a bit 'larger in space than a match box , and an electric fan will soon be put In to supply the necessary ventilation. Several employes of the postolace are on the elck list. Postmaster Martin says that the eanltary condition of the building is lamentable , lie adds that mince he has assumed - sumed the duties of postmaster It has given him a ( Icily headache , presumably on account - count of improper ventilation. . - - - Scarlet Fever Slcue Up. The prevalence of scarlet fever or any other contagious disease need not alarm you if you use Allen's llygienc : Pluld , It is the Ideal preventive 'medicine-clemising , purify. Ing anti healing. No household should be without it. Lnulee' Turkleh IIaU , + , Also medicated , sulphur , mercurial baths , oil rubs , hot milk , perfumed baths ; morel. cure , chiropodist , pedal cure. We are prepared - pared to do all we agree. Ladles , have your too nails made to look like diamonds. One free treatment with every bath , Special attention to hair dressing , 109 Dee Uulding. ! Grand concert tonight , Courlland Beach , FOUND DEFENDANTS GUILTY , Judge gerka hocidea Against Catlin anti Itoldwln iii the Ccnt'tery Salt. Judge Derka rendered a decision yesterday In the case in which C , Ii. Catlin and Charles A , Baldwin are charged wIth having violated the ordinance which prohibits making any additions to plats used for cemetery purposes , The territory In question is a piece of land which was formerly used as a pvrt of Prospect 11111 cemetery , but in which burials have not been made since 188 $ . Recently It was purchased by the cemetery association from the Byron Reed estate and the associa tlon was selling It out as cemetery lots 'risen stopped by the proceedings in court , Judge harks found the defendants guilty , as charged , and fined thene each $25 and the costs , An appeal was taken. The decision is considered important , as the land in ques lion is worth about $13,000. The decision is the first one under the ordinance , The best of all headache remedies is Dr. Davies' Anti-headache. o bummer Tour. 1'oh duel Bet more far ydur money in the sure return of health and enjoyment at any of the many resorts on the Union Pacific sya tern than anywhere else on this continent. See your nearest Union Paclac agent , Sum- mar tour tickets on male to Sept. 20. E. L. LOMAX , 'len'l Pas. , and Ticket Agent , Omaha , Nab , IOVINr G iYT MORSE'S. ' Adding a Stock orfllacorics to Fill Up the Besoinent , BREAKING CHINA PRICES TO PIECES One of the Largest nod hest Selected Crockery amidltllaa.wnre Stocks to cite City le'llle Sold at AI- ntoma Atay ! 'rice , We have bought the groceries. The stock is now on the way. The carpenters are right now in llno basement - ment , and in spite of all precautions they break a valuable vase or chip China at m.l- most every jar. They are bad men to have in a cldna shop and w o are much more willing - ing to sell you something at some price than to leave it In the basement to bo broken , Anti besides we must move out the china to make room for the groceries , limo most complete - plete stock ever brought to this city. All along we've had more china and glass marl than is shown in almost any two ordinary - dinary retail houses , and it's boa much. We have made reductions to ro.luco this stock wIthin reason and were succecilittg quite well when we had this chance to buy a whole grocery stock , but now all plodding ways must slop. TIE CHINA MUST GO , Anti in order to more it sve simply , make prices that were never heard of before. Common clay is no lower titan china now ; you can buy a whole dinner set , 100 pieces , Engllsit decorated dinner set , for $5,50 ; or a complete toilet set for $1.05. In fact , anything and everything in the basement goes this week for next to nothing , much less than the cost of making , just to make room for the groceries , S. P , MORSE , DRY GOODS CO. , Going to sell groceries In the basement , _ . - - - Grand concert tonight , Courtland Beach , - -S - - LtD1ES' TLJIiCtSII DATl1S. Six I'or Flvn holier , , . The manager of the bath and complexion parlors at The Bee building has secured time services of a trained masseuse for one month , who , by years of experience and careful study , can by facial massage and medicated vapors , creams and balms , make the old to look young and the young yet more youthful -all from the remedies nature herself teaches. Special attention to hair dressing , llnposmlble to lave In ' 1'hla Country Without hearing about the Northwestern line's evening "Chicago Limped , " for people WILL talk about its conveniences , tastefulness - ness and comprehensive up-to-dateness. Omaha , 5:45 : p , m , ; Chicago , 8:16 : a , m. Ves- tibuled sleeping cars , chair cars , a la carte diners , I'Intsch gas , EVERYTIIING. No ex- Ira cost. Other Northwestern trains at 11:05 : a. m. and I p , m , dally. Want your trunk checked at home ? City ticket oalee,1401 Farnam street. Summer Tourist Tlcketm via lima lVah tah Are now on sale ; for roders : giving routes , rates , etc. , call at Wabash oiPce , 1415 Far. nanl street , S A Few .5dvmOages Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & SL Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A clean train , made up and started from Omaha. Baggage checked Irour residence to destina- tion. Elegant train service and courteous employes. Entire train lightetl by electricity and healed by steam , with electric light in every berth. Finest dining car service In the west , with meals served "a la carte. " The Flyer leaves at 0 p. m , dally front Union depot. City Ticket Office : 1501 Farnam street , C. S Carrier , city ticket agent. 4- f'llilC/.r 11On 1'f.llf IllJ'1l Ir , Continued Reports of tdvanco In l'rteos and In Wsges , CLEVELAND , 0 „ June 13-The Iron Trade Review this week will say : "The week has brought the regular quota of atl vances in prices and in wages to time iron and steel industry , Mahoning Valley furnace managers have granted their employes an increase - crease of 10 per cent , following the pace set in the Shenandoah Valley a few weeks ago , and eastern steel works bare announce ] high rates , effective in July. In pig iron. under continued buying , Bessemsr has risen to $11.80 in the valley and $12 Is expected by sellers as the next stage in the advance , making time Pittsburg price $12,65 , The host Important development is the renewed effort to make effect vo what has been discussed at intervals for several years ht connection with the loading pig iron producers of the south- time establishment of a selling agency and the allotment of output with an agreed basis of prices for the different grades , It is reported - ported that $7,60 for gray forge at Alabama furnace is the figure talked of. The Tennessee Coal , Iron & Railroad company anti the Sloss Irots and Steel company are the chief figures in time arrangemmsemmt and It is believed their directors have sanctioned a year's arrangement. The steady advance in southern iron , amounting now to $1 , has been supported by the well sold condition of the leading furnaces and this condition opens time way to still higher prices , so that the difficulties much a move would have en- counteretl at any time in the past two years are largely removed. With the proposed ad. vance in southern Iron there would be no dmculty In holding current prices on northern - ern foundry and forge irons , and giving a margin beside for still higher prices , especially if southern roads should put their rates up correspondingly , 11'ILL SERI'/ : FOIL Till : CO.IIlXG 1'E.1f1 iJ-t of XVotvly Elected floors rot Natlonul itrcwer'm Asaoelatlno , MILWAUKEE , June 13-The National Brewers association this morning elected the following officers : President , Leo Elbert of Irontn , 0 , ; vice pr.-font , Charles Schul a of New' fork City and Itu Jolph Brand of Chicago - cage ; lreasumer , Charles Gunther of New York City. Vigilance committee , George J , Obermann , Milwaukee ; Perry It. Iteulter , Boston ; N. W ICendall , New haven , Conn. ; Edward Ituhl , Boston ; S. H. Evans , Iludson , N. Y. , August Uimleln , Slllwaukee ; \ \ ' . J. Lemp , SL Louis ; Albert Litter , Indianapolis ; Albert Lackman , Clnclnnatl ; L , Schlather , Cleveland ; Alfred \\'erthmuller , Burlington , la. ; 1V. 11. hlull , New Raven , Conn. ; C , fl.w'acker , Chicago ; John Thomas , Philadelphia ; Wllliarn Rimske , Pittsburg and Allegheny , 1'a. ; Robert Port- nler , Alexandria , Vu. ; August Goebel , Detroit - troit ; William 11amm , EL l'aul ; Frank hell- dorfer , Baltimore ; A. I'eymann , Wheeling . Va. ; Phil Zang , Denver : Charles Metz , Omaha ; Frank Scott , Louisville ; Gottfrled Krueger , Newark , N. J. ; Fred Gotleib , Unltl- Core , Advisory council , J. C. 0. Pupfel , M. J. Groh , II , 0. Woerx and Emil Schaefer , New York ; John Gardiner , Jr. , Phlladelphla ; Hermann - mann P. Scharmann , Brooklyn ; Peter hiauk Jr. , Newark , N. J , : E. W. Vnigt , Detroit , Gum'tave G , Pabst , Milwaukee ; henry Uhleln , Milwaukee ; . Bartholomew , Rochester , N V. ; Joseph Theurerl CLlcago ; August Busch , St. Louis ; B , J. Obermann , Milwaukee , and Clmristian hieaalch , Washington , - - - + - - - ( ibJrcttng to Iha Aces-oenta. Tiso county commissioners will hear the first equalization case on Saturday morning. The usual number of objections to assessments - ments are being reported , one party , who was assessed at $2,000 last year being am- seamed at only $2,000 thly year. Still he was on hand objecting , Commissloner Jenkins asked hhn how he expected the county to run if a 30 per cent cut was made all around. As it is , members of the county board already - ready believe that the estimated expenses for next year svlll have to be materially cut if the assessment shows the expected falling oft , . . , To Itonrgmntse the Club , There will be a meeting of the republicans of the country precincts of Douglam county at Benson hell , Rest Omaha , June 22 , at 6 o'clock p , In , to reorganize the "Harrison club" and elect amens for the ensuing year. HACDCH RlIOb. Cutting ( itr time I'rotlt end Sonto of the Cost to Unload sn Enormous t'nrclmn.oof { Vnlsts LADIES' WAISTS , 19C. \Vo have divided our stock of wash waists Into three lots , which embrace almost our entire stock. Lot 1 at 19c , unlaundered , Lot 2 at 48c , launderel , Lot 3 at tile , laundered. These waists are the very newest goods in the market , full sleeves , pointed yoke back , etc. , etc „ anti are being sold at hems than the cost to manufacture , LADIES' SIL WAISTS , $2,09. $ \Ve have made a similar division of our silk waists-three lots. Lot 1 at $2.09. Lot 2 at $2,95. Lot 3 at $3.95 , The variety and styles of these waists are so numerous that we cannot go into details , but every dollar you invest in them will bring bring you two dollars' worlim , CIIILDREN'S LA\VN DRESSES , CRC. C to 14 years , fast colors mini were made to sell al $1.25 , We have an elegant lot of calico , percale and ginghnut dresses equally low , OUIt WASh GOODS SALE Still continues with unabated interest. We have knockeJ the prices down so low that ICs a dally crowd of eager buyers. New bargains are added every day , MILLINERY SALD. \Vlth one of the most complete stocks of very finest novelties , It's no trouble at all to sell you something to your taste. All the latest European novclliea , as well as many exchtai'o designs. Summer hats will be included In our special sale for Friday and Saturday. Hats that you used to pay $6,00 , $7,00 and $3,00 for will he on sslo at $2.91 , hIAYDEN BROS. GBO , W. COOK & MIN'S S11OU STOCK. Sold to time iloston Sdre at Ahout 33 Cents on tile lolltir , This well known Omaha shoe stock , in the Karbaclm block , en 15th , has been sold to Boston Store at one of the greatest sacrifices ever inatie to turn shoes into cash , Everybody 1n Omaha knows this ( 'oak stock and how fine the Cock shoes arc , but at the prices Roston Store will sell them there svlli be such an excitement as never has been known in the shoe business in Omaha. Sale begins Monday , BOSTON STORII , OMAl1A , The largest shoe dealers in Omalta , - - - . - - - Grand concert tonight , Courlland Beach , 11'1STIiIlV : 1'1.1'110.1J. Veterans of time i.ato ltebelllon Itontombored by theonernta0veruument. ; WAShINGTON , June 13-Special.-Pen- ( ) stons granted , issue of flay 23 , were : Nebraska : Addltional-Hugh T , Crockett , North I'lntle , Lincoln. Increase-Itobert D , \Vllliamson , Omaha , Douglas ; John \V. Rich , Lebanon , Red Willow ; \Villiunt L , Ross , .lnselmo , Custer , Ileisslle-Lymmt U. Cunningham - ningham , LCearsey , Buffalo ; W'Illlnm M. llkndman , Danburv , ] fed \Vtlitnw ; JoseItit N. Iloustou , Iluinview , 1'temce ; Samuel S. Iloyt , Lincoln , basic-aster ; Harvey E. Camp , Ilamslpton , Itnm ilton. Original \vldosvs , etc. -Carollao Strayer , Decatur , Hurt ; reissue , Mary Amin Itlley ( mother ) , \Vy'meme , Gstge , Iowa : Addltional-Itobert 13rosvn , May- mmurd , 1'ayetc ; Andrew J. Cottrell , Fertile , Worth , IU neaay-John Johnson , Nortlm- w0od , North. Increase-\Villlam J. Main , liralnard , Fayette ; John \V. S. Ivers , lied Oak , Montgomery ; Reuben 1' . ( 'onory , Ma- quoketa , 1aclcsun , Reissue-\Villlanm II. Mellon , fedmnan , Palo Alto ; henry 11. Cans , Chaney , Clinton ; Samuel Iteed , Percival , Fairmont ; isIJah : J. Drury , Mum ion , Linn ; John M , Runyan , Geneva , Franklin ; John Payton , Bcdford , Taylor ; Daniel W. Stahl , Prescott , Adams ; Archibald It. Baird , ( 01- lege Springs , Page ; Augustus \V , Milton , Olin , Jones ; Isaac H. Mann , Iowa Fails , Hardin. Original widows , etc.-Edward Dlmvison ( father ) , Forest City , Winnelmgo. South lakoln : Original-Henry M. Bnker , Mount Vernon , Davison. Llcreuee-Frmtk- Im I1. Slnde , Hudson , Lincoln , Iteltsue landolph Addington , Huron , Beadle ; Airml ( 'amsdle , rtnpid City , Iennington : Philelis Shepherd , Mitchell , Davison ; 'I'homn4 .1 , Howe , Julian , Clnsk'I'hmnns ; P. Casa'rymi- dnll , lion llumnc. Original widows , etc. Abigail Brown , Northvlle : , Spink , Issue of lltly LI : Nebraska : Supplemental-Ninaveh Summers - mers ( deceased ) , Isddyville , Dawson. IIe- issue-Jtmstmma E. 11th , Bloomlleld , Knox ; \ \\'hitmsey , Republican City , liar- harm ; \\'Illlam G , Mt'Colm , Randolph , Cedar , David II. Kingery. Lamar , Chase. Iowa : Original-Robert II. Marshall ( de- ceasedl , Sioux City , Woodbury ; Jacob Neu- man , Hubbard , Ilardin ; Stephen N. Iteed , \\'iota. Ca , , . Increase-Jacob Slikett , ltel OEtk , Montgomery ; Francis A , Hovnrd , Des Moines , folk ; John W. Condoms , UloomaeId , Davis ; Erastus N , Grant , Clinton , Clinton. Peissue-Jacob P , Lentz , Marshalitown , Mlarshull ; Howard Lathrop , Brush Creek , Clavton ; Lmsther , Ulan , ( : 'fford , liar'lln ' , Oscar B , Mutton , Co ydon , Wayne ; J'hn Baltimore - timore , Ilumeston , Wayne ; Jolns H. Matthew thew Grooms Island , Jackson ; John S. 11111 , Orchard , Mitchell ; \Vallaeo Proctor , Mus- catine , lhmseatine ; Alfred Ii. Hayden. Ilum- boldt , hIumnlwldt ; George W , Parks , ladora. Ilardin. Original widows , etc.-Bridget B , Marshall , Sioux City , Woodbury ; Cynlhbl E. Butterfield , Marengo , Iowa ; Rebecca Sitter , Casey , Guthrie , Sotmth Dakota : Original-Constantine D. Meath , Slrseton , Roberts. Reissue-Itobert IC. Woodward , Virgil , Iteadie. Colorado : Original-ugh B. McNclll , Balfour , Park ; John Blurton , Jr. , Villa Grove , Sagunche ; Phlllp L.etriek , Denver , Arapahoe ; William McFadden , Colorado Springs , H1 Paso ; Ambrose R. Megrue , Denver - ver , Ar pahoe , Increase-John Corey , L mg mont , itoulder , Reissue-\V1111am Mliliken , Trlnldnd Las Anlmas ; Fletcher Allen , Lyons - ons , Bouldar ; Frelerh k Scha net , Lawrence , El Paso ; \Viilimn T. Bays , Oum'ay , Ouray issue Of May 25 ; Nehroska : Original-Tligbee I' . lilseock , Marquette , Ilsunlltun , Reissue-Lewis G L'nlhert , Chmnbers , Bolt ; Stephen A. Hi- att , Tilden , Madison ; ltavmond ltoyse , lied Cloud , Webster ; Isaac \V. Ilosvling , Ilent- rice , Gage ; Joseph R Webster , Lincoln , Lancaster. Iowa ; Original-Thomas P. Spilmnn , Ot- tumwaVnpcllo. . Restoration and increase -1Villlam Clark ( deceased ) , Onawu , Mon- ona , Restoration and reissue-Samuel Sullivan - livan , Nora Springs , Floyd. Ineraare--Wil- llam E , Crawford , Ilumeston , Wayne ; Norton - ton MrCllntock , Iilencoc. Monona , ltelssue -Wenzel Cherveny , Sanborn , O'Brien' George Brock , Dubuque , Dubuque ; Joel IMng , Thornburgh , Keokuk ; Samuel Me. Eveny' , Sioux ( 'itv , Woodbury ; Adelbert V Stevens , Sibley , Osceola ; Edwhs it. Turner , Melrose , Monroe ; James Brow nleo , Musea- tine , Muscattne ; Morgan I' MulfordVeb stem , Warren ; Reinhold Sehwenke , Masser Lucas ; George B. Lathrop , Red Oak , Montgomery - gomery ; Therbert L , Harden , Mtcksburg , Mndlsan ; Robert Camden , { Vebster City , 1amilton ; Henry \V. Douglas , Bedford , Taylor ; Bradford J , Teasley , LItlle Sioux Harrison. South Dakota : Original widows-Tattle A Leaman , Arlington , Kingsbury. North Dakota : Original-\Vllllam Furlong , Colgate , Steole. Colorado : Original-John M. McComas , Salida , ( 'hnffoo. Montana : Original-Michael ilannn , Li' Ingstnn , Parlt ; Michael \V , Manle ) ' , Sherl- dnn , Madison , Issue of May 27 : Nebraska : Original-Custavua Burg , Oma- ha. Douglas ; James I'earson ( lnlenmt , Rich- nrdsmn ; George Lehman , Coiumbus , Platte , John hfowell ( deceased ) . Sumner , Dawson , Wllilns A. Oltnstoad , ( fraud I"land , Ball increase-Lorenzo \Vhitten , 13eavor City , Furmms. Reissue-\Vlllinm If. Fostoria } , , Manley , Cass ; Isaac \'annest , Iirownsville , Nemnhn ; Daniel Bryant , Newman , Dawes. Iowa : Original-\Vallam P , \\'ellen , Dow's , Wright. Addltional - Lrmfnycttr Sprlneor , Mlliville , Clayton ; Allen T , llald- win , Iludson , lllaek Htnvk. Increase-Hans. uel Z , Murphy , EldonVa hello ; Thomas Tlernmt Manson , ( 'alhoun ; Jounce ML Ha- vis , Ifedlleld , Dallas. Reissue-Imdel A. Tnwnsend , Ihrnslde'ebster ; \1'illlnm J. Miller , Danville , Des Mohtes ; Wllllarn J. Mullinax , Cincinnati , Appanoose ; George F. Fisher , ( 'larlntla , Page ; lennard Joy , Indianola. Warren ; Milton Miner , Swnln , Marlon ; Joseph lfmm'an , Weiler , Munroe ; \Vlllinnt Sldth , Strawberry h'oint , Clay'ton' Thonas Jackson , Harris , Osceola ; Samuel 11 , Duncan Columbus Junction , Louisa. Original widow , etc.-Anna H. Swanson , Bounsboro , Boone ; minors of David \Vood- all , hock Rapids , Lynn. Mexican war survivors - vivors ; Increase-Thomas II. Ilowen , Solors , Johnson. South Dakota : Reissue-Augustus IC. lIar ker , Iroouois , Kingsbury. North 1)alcota : Reissue-James F. Deyoe , Fairmount , Ilichlnnml. Colomdn Addltional-\Vllllam H. Atwood , Colorado Springs , LI Paso , increase-Josiah 'Zimmerman , Durango , la Plata. itelssue- w'Illlam 11uwklns , Nepesta , Pueblo ; Wilson Miller La Junta , Olin Original w'Iclow's , etc.-Nancy Lo Page ( mother ) , ( 'rlpolo Creek. El Paso : minors of Samuel 0 , Luther - ther , Greeley Weld. Montana : original-\Villlam Mason , Hel ena , Lewis and Clark. - - - S To Members of the Ilnrrlmnn Club. fly virtue of my office as president. I hereby call a meeting of the llarrlson club to be held at Bennington , Douglas count ) ' , Neb. , at 2 p , m , on June 16 , 1895 , All republlcans of the county preelncte are cordially invited. This being the first annual meeting of the club officers will be elected and other business of importance. IJERMAN TIMMIE , President. Dated this 12th day of June , 1805 , 7c s , UNDERWHERE ' r 1 . . . c , + r W Quite recently 0110 of our tuall order clerks hntltletl us for lustenctlon nu 01'(1er JOStmnrited SanlnFe , New Mexico , for n stilt of under- ' la' where at 0 tills npiece-Our beekeeper has been Ilgnritig ever siuco hots' many bits wvouhl be required to ulnle a dollar at the ratio of it ) 4 to 1 , 4r S cases of tint-6 btis-seventy-nt'e cents underw'enr has reached us by rapid tl'ausit yesterday , We've decided at n rapid trnuslt gate that e they'll go lit 3 c apiece. . i \\'hml you'll see 'eul you'll know better s'hethor 1'05 can get any ' bettet' or evca ns good as flint for 7ic at nl t y ' place I , ' , ' Extra good balbelggau , sntht front baud , pearl buttons , full regular , rl flulshed-Drawers , patent sitlys , fancy linidhedt full length.-flat Is r more thatl yoUr11 find about the average 7cc' tuldcI'Weur sold lu a good ninny stores. Precisely what wso lire otTeriug at 'ThirtyAve cents. , Ila.liI 3 ; I@gitu&a twq e i-- , . , , - ' - r 1r / nr y t , . . .P'matYlAdJ . [ JJCy4 7 fjIa + KAfattta4oaaoaaa + an ooal3oaaC 4 aoanaac = araaflacnooae Q + q a i el l9 Oq r ® Qp tl ( p tlan 00 a an There's lots of snap and viul in this Iiinrs' Roolq 0 , 7 I11II1R. There's lots of pleasure and good health iii o g ' ' iii ' 6 ' pll it , too. A delicious drink , a temperance drink , a t ! a , , hontc mmlc drink , n drink that dch 'bbis the old and Q g ; young , ne sure and get the genuine q I qe' q HIRES i Q ROOT BEEfl a ° . Rootbeer 0q A25rent rtet.temake , 5retlonr , Roll everywhere , , yy The Chas. E. Hires Company , Philadelphia , Pa. yyYY c 0011000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000 - - - r w . , ' " . T e ! 4 ' r f Is what you make it. There is a r Sense of refinement in expensive furnishings - . { nishings if selected with good tasteVe 1 lave all tile Latest Novelties at Poptl tar Prices. , Make a list of What you wan t and let us quote you prices , then compare i , With the amount you were obliged to pay the i Instalment Sharks before we came here and broke up their game , and then remember the goods we offer are strictly First Class and standard in every way , . AGENTS FOR e ' ' 't ® Alaska Refrigerators , a Jewel Gasoline Stoves Lowell Carpets. A / IY Sollhot'Cai'torot HAS' PAYMINT5. , . ' / . r s / ' s 1 2 1' ; , , J 6 . , , S. % , _ f r C rC-JEI 1 _ J _ CIEf1ELJD + ' Ll Not any Experimeut. , The use o f 'l n fins ' I' abules for fl , . , , , headaches dyspepsia and other 0 stomach disorders is not an cx eri- went but an assured success. they will do all that we say they will. Rleane Tatulr.t So1J by drss , w giete or by marl U lb. ertce ( t0 cents a hot ) Is sent to Th. RI- , pan. Chemical Company , tie. I5 Spruc. mt. , N , Y , II , II Eo- :1CCL a _ A M