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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 13, 1895)
TUB OMAHA DAILY BKJ3 : THURSDAY , JUNE 13 , 1805 , Tim OMAHA DAILY COUNCIL BLUFFS. OlTICn , - - NO. 12 PCAHL STUHCT Delivered by carrier to any part of Ihe city. It. W. TII.TON , LCI P. cfflce. No. j night editor , No. 13. Grind hotel , Council muffs. Newly fur- nUbcil. neopencd OU. 1. K. F. Clark , 1'rop. The Union Veteran Legion will ir.eet this ovcnlnR. There will bo n meeting cf Lily camp No. 1 , Hojal Nelgbbors of America , this evening at 8 o'clock. Captain Hayes , who was fllp.btly hurt In a runaway accident Tuctdoy , win up nnd around jciterday , Ms Injuries bUng lc c KC- rlons than was at first thought. The Mutual I'rotocllonlsls of Neola and vl- clnlty arc making preparations tor an old- fashioned fourth ot July ccUbratlon , with barbecue , graceful walk contest , DIP reading of the dcclantlon of Independence and other amusing features. All members of Hawkevo ledge No 181 , In dependent Order of Odd PclloB. . are asked lo meet at Odd Fellows' hall , ntSO , this even- Ins , June 13 , to arrange for the funeral of Urother O.V. . Delllngcr , . which will take place Friday , June 11 , at 2 o'clock p m. Iy order of M. L. Fonda , noble grand. rf Bert Sorensen was given a hoarltiK yettcr day on the chaige of committing an as sault and batttry on Adolph C'lrlFtlan , alhs Swanbolm. The proi-ecutlng witness failed to npipeur , and as the evidence showed that he wn the one to bl.imo Justice Cook dls- mlffcd the defend nit and charged up the costs to Christian Qeoargc . Delllngcr died at 11 15 Tuesday night of cancer of the liver , nt the age of Cl years and 10 months , after being 111 eight month * . He was a member of the Broadway Methodist church and HatvVteye lodge , Odd Fellows. The funeral v.lll be held at the resl dencc. 1817 Second avenue , tomorrow after noon , at 2 o'clock. Jim Co > le , charged with arFaultlng llo- . , ratio Langton , had a hearing bi'foro Jus- f tlce Vlcn yesterday and was discharged. It being shown that Langton was railing n dis turbance In bis saloon nnd that he merely ordered Langton out and stood with a big re volver In his hund , ready to enforce his com mand If he had to. Considerable complaint was cau ed yester day by the unloading of u tewcr at the corner of flroadway and I'carl streets , ami the depositing - , positing of the contents , to the amount of n I vvogon load , on the pavement. The fllth wn < f of a disgusting look and odor , and shoul , : have been taken out nt night. The work wa * done under the supctvision of the city engl neer. J. M. Flagler was driving along In a Ugh buggy In front of the Washington avenue school house Tuesday afternoon , when an other man , also driving a buggy , collldcc with him , breaking a wheel of Flagler's ve \ hide and otherwise damaging It The col llslon was caused by the attempt of the othe ; man lo pass between Flagler and the curb stone. The city council went out yesterday ant look over several bridges , the piling o which has rotted away and left the structure ; nt the mercy of the ( list heavy flood tha may come along Examination was nisi made of the old Rescue hose house on Nortl Main street , which has settled a full tw . 1 Inches and j lvcs premise of sliding Into In * dlan creek bodily before long , unless step are taken immediately to keep It In place. I'atsy Cavanaugh Is tbe name of a young man who was In Ihe city Jail for two o three days this week tervlng out a hcntcii'- for drunkenness. He got out Tuesday b some hook or crook , but yesterday showed u at the jail again nnd tried lo pass aomcthln ; Ihrough Ihe bars to his former fellow prls oners. John Sandel , the patrol driver , tav him and called to him to stop. Cavanangl started to run , and Sandel overtook him afte a hot chase , and soon landed him again be , _ hind the bars , where he will enjoy Jail die I for another term. Experience shows the desirability of lim ing nrelpsurance In an eld and strong com pany. "we write Insurance In tbe most re liable companies In the world , among thet : being the following : Imperial of London , established In 1S03. Glens Falls ot New Yoik , established In 18ID. 18ID.Fireman's Fireman's Fund of California , establlshei In 1SG3. , Palatine of Manchester , Eng. , established In 1886. 1886.Lougce Lougce & Towle , Sole Agents , 233 Pear Btreet. J'-EK.SO.VIV , Mrs. Lyman leaves Sunday evening for , he future home In Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Lunger left yestcrda for a live weeks' trip to Honolulu. Sheriff Seymour of Denlson was In the city yesterday looking for the perpetrators of a burglarly In which some diamonds were stolen. T. C. Daw son , accompanied by his uncle Prof. E. J. Hamilton of Seattle , Wash. , has gene to Des Molnes to visit his brother , Allan Daw son of the Leader. W. \ \ \ Chapman Is lying at the point of death at his home from creeping paral > sls , and his physician gives him hope of but a short time to live. Thirty of the public school teachers have so far signified their Intention of attending the meeting of the National Teachers' as sociation , which begins at Denver , July B. O. G. Ilalrd Is In Oakland looking after the affairs of the county clerk's olllce , while Deputy Clerk L. I ) . Uoblnson Is at Ames , at tending commencement exercises of the Iowa Agricultural college. ( lit IhU Out , Lake Man.lwa Railway company time card Until further notice trains will leave for the Grand Plaza at 8.30 a. m. and 2 , 4 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 0 and 11 p. m. Leave the lake at 7 30 a. m. and at 1 , 3 , 4:30 : , 5.30 , 6.30 , 7.30 , S:30 : and 10:30 : p. m. C. O. D. IJrown has the only non-explosive gasoline stove ever manufactured , and It will burn from 35 to 40 per cent less gasoline than any other gasoline stove on the market I lorencu I'ltlil Diiiul. Florence S. Field , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Field , died jesterday morning at 4:45 : o'clock at her home , 220 Harmony street , 21 jears of age. She had been a sufferer from consumption for eleven months. The funeral will take place Friday morning at 10 o'clock from the First llaptlst church , of which she was a member , Hov. T. F. Thick- stun officiating. The following young men will cfllcUte as pall bearers. Ernest Irons , Fred Wesner , Hiram Colburn , Alfred Don ell , Walter Joseph and Alfred lllackford. Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good laundry. " and Is located at 724 Broadway. If In doubt about thin try It and be convinced. Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157. Davis , agency for Munvon'a remedies. Nmrtlnir for 'llielr llnntr * . Most of the pup Is at the Iowa School for the Deaf were loaded on the cars yesterday along with their baggage and started on their homeward Journeys. The difficulty In get ting them oft was similar to that experi enced by on/ one with children , only multi plied a good many times over. There were over 275 children and moro than 300 trunks , and It was a scene of confusion worse con founded until the last little one had left the building , armed with hla package of lunch ind his railroad ticket. I'esturagc , firet-clara , reasonable and near city. .1. W. Squire. 101 Pearl t. For sale , phaeton and harness , Mrs. L ) man. I'uirrtiilncil tlio M-nlnri. The members of the High school senior class were entertained last evening by the Juniors at the residence of Spencer Smith on Washington avenue. The rain did not have the effect of diminishing the attendance In the slightest degree , and only Intensified the enjoyment of the > oung people. Nothing was left undone that could add to the r pleasure , and the Juniors showed themselves as expert In the art of entertaining as the centers In being entertained. Scientific optician at Wollman't , 402 Dread- way. The Uardmaa. tbe piano car excellence. N'EIYS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Manila Verrier Takes a Dosiof Morphine with Suicidal Intent. DOCTORS HAV NO HOPE OF RECOVERY None of Her Afunctntet nt the Hnsplttil Ktiuir nf Any Kniuu Why hbo MUhecl to Take llcrnclf Out of HID Uorlil. Maud Varrler , one cf Ihe rurtes al the Woman's Chrlsljan Association hospital , tool ; an overdose of morphine yesterday afternoon , presumably with sitidlcal Intent , and at a late hour lust night was at the point of death , with three physicians working with might und main to keep up her respiration by artificial meant. She was 19 joars of age and came from Grand Island , Neb , about a year ago. Since being at the hospital she had gained the affection of all of her asso ciates. She was of a lovable disposition and had a face and figure that attracted atten tion by their bauty wherever she went. So ar as Mrs. Moore , the matron , knows , she ad no motive whatever for wishing to die. About 3 o'clock she was given permission iy Ihe matron lo go to her room and He O\MI. At 6 o'clock , when she should have eportcd for duty , she was still In II.T room , ml Mrs Moore went to see why ( he had not ofiic down. When she went Into the room he knew after the first glance at the con gested 'ace that all was not right. As soon s ahs had had time to make a closer ex- mlnatlon she came to the conclusion that lolson had ben administered , & < id seveial liyelclans were soon at the hospital. All urlng the evening they worked by the dying glrl' bcd lde , to keep hsr breathing bj : hc usual means adopted In such cases The } Aero unable to hold out any encourage ment to her friends to hope for her recovery , low ever. It was at first thought that she might have rled to put herself to sleep by means of a mnll dose of morphine ana taken a larger dose than eho had Intended , but this theory a as discredited by the fact that she hud ukcn pains to put her trunk In cuter and n.rn all her old letters. Besides this she lad been In the hospital to long that bhc w perfectly familiar with the use of mjiphlne and would hardly have taken an overdose hrough any mistake. Mtf Vairler , the mother of the girl , was at the hospital last Sunday for a visit. A elfgram was sent to her last even ng con- alnlng the sad news , and It is expected that she will be here today. She left a scaled let- , or addressed to her mother , which It Is ex- liectcd will explain all , but left no other mes- sayes. The other nurses at the hospital were nlmost heartbroken at the fate of their com rade. She was very musical , a member of the Baptist church at home , and had belonged o the choir In her native city. Her slng- ng and her blight , sunny disposition had made her a favorite at the hospital , and her inhappy fate caused the shedding of manj tears at the hospital last evening. MUICI. Hlg re'uetlon In black drcsa goads. Sec prices on serges , 40c. Fine French serge strictly all wool , at 2uc a jard. IJOc Prencl serge nt 3Gc a jard. 7Ec fine India twill , 45 Inches wide , warranted all wool , on sale , at 4Sc a yard. 7Jc ! storm erge , 44 Inches wide , at 69c a > ard. $1.00 storm serge , 54 Inches wlJc , at 75c a jard. ( JOc all wool Henrietta , 40 Inches wide , at 35c a j-ard 40-inch all wool heiirl- etta Imported good.3 on sale at ISc a jard 40-Inch flno German hcnrletta , 17-18 twill , u01 th DOc. on sale at E9c a jard. COLORED DRESS GOODS. 40-Inch all wool suitings , worth GOc a yard lo go at 35c a yard 51-Inch all wool English tweeds , regular value $1.25 and $ t BO. on sale at 89c a yard. Wo have just received another case of col ored serges. We had them before. They are worth 50c a yard. While they last 23c a j-ard. TOWLER , DICK & WALKER. Council niuffs , la. DorHii't I.IHo It. The following communication was received at The Bee oulcs yesterday : COUNCIL BLUFFS , la , Juno 12. Editor Omaha Bee : On last Sunday morning Rev Stephen Phelps , In addressing the High school graduates , took occasion to remind them that , In connection with other ques tions they would have to meet , would be the "Mormon question. " Wo think this very unfortunate and Inopportune , becaust our constitution knows no special religion and our public schools are , or should be , re moved far from religious bias. When Dr Phelps was called upon to deliver the Incca- laureale sermon , he was not warranted in rsferrlng to any religion In a manner that would prejudice the minds of his hearers A fair proportion of the taxes which keep up our city schools are paid by people who have been denominated "Mormons. " From time to time children of thes * "Mormons' graduate with honor. Shall these people be subjected to religious Intolerance ? Shall they be Insulted at a public service known to have been In honor cf a public school event ? It will not do for Dr. Phelps to say that he referred to polygamy , for that Is a dead Issue , the people of Utah having given It up. Will Brother Phelps please explain him self ? If he meant the church In Utah and the followers of Brigham Young , let him so state , that we may know. But evn then his reference was unnecessary , for they have sworn allegiance to the government and the liws of the country and their church has oniclally declared against polygamy. Did Dr. Phelps refer to the work organized by Joseph Smith In 1830 and now continued by his son , neither one of whom has cqunte- ninced poljgamy , and If so , why ? Is our work hurting the morals of Council Bluffs' ' Is It Infringing on others' rights ? Or Is It meeting with such favor among Iho thinking people that the minister of another church must warn our High school graduates that they must meet It ? What Is there about tills "Mormon question" that these graduates will have to meet ? This reference was unfortunate on 111 * part of a minister who was chosen to ad dress a class of voung people stepping out from a non-sectarian and froa Institution and thus prejudicing their minds against something they knew little about. Rev Phelps has been In the ministry for many vcars and has grown old In the service. Why has he not met the "Mormon ques tion ? " Why does he not do It now ? If It must b3 met , he would be setting a good example by leading out. Yours for right , T. W. WILLIAMS. Dr. Phelps was shown the communication and asked what ho had to say. "I will tell The Bee , " said he , "Just as I have told Mr. Williams In a letter I Imvo written him In reply to the same sort of a note which ho sent me , that I barely mentioned the Mormon question once In passing , together with other questions which I thought worthy of attention by the High school graduates. I had not the least thought of there being tiny so-called Mormons In the city. I have always thought of Mr. Williams' church as the Church of the Latter Day Saints , and Kupposed II had repudiated the name of the Mormon church. By the Mormon question I meant only that which I think those words have been commonly understood to mean , namely , pol > gamy and Its resultant and kin dred evils. I would bo glad Indeed 43 know that polygamy Is a dead Issue , as Mr. Wil liams FQJB. I had not the. slightest Idea of referring to the beliefs or practices whlcn Mr Williams' church holds " Elder Williams announces that this evenIng - Ing at the tent at the corner of Washing ton avenue and Harrhon street he will speak upon the subject , "You Must Meet the Mormon Question , " and he extends an Invitation to all who were at the bacca laureate services last Sunday to atlend. Ladles , do not fall to look at the beauti ful new things on second and third floors of the Durfeo Furniture company. Nothing finer Is made. Tried to llrcntt In. John Cover , who attracted a little attention lo himself Utt winter by stealing a clergy man's baptltmal suit from the church ante room , sought to operate on a larger ucalo yesterday afternoon , by branching out as a full-fledged burglar. He watched the resi dence of a man named Duncan , near the cor ner of Broadway and Frank streel until ho I saw nil the members of the family leave. He Ihen went between the Dungan house and the adjoining one , removed the screen , and was juit In the act of crawling through when Officer Covalt , who had been watching him , nptiared on the tcene and offered to take a band In the proceeding ! . Cover sought safety In flight , and proved a betlcr sprinter than tha officer. _ Keilcy U i Inillgnint. Jim Kclloy blew Into town from Omaha yesterday. Ills leg was done up In a ban dage , he walked with two crutches , his valise was tied around his neck , his clothes were dirty and ragged , and altogether he looked like a relic of an able-bodied cyclone. He called on Overseer of Ihe Poor Swear- Ingen and asked that ho be sent to the hospital for treatment. Sncarlngcn Investi gated htii record and found that ho had lived In DCS Molnes , Lincoln , Omaha and several ther places In this vicinity , but had never truck Council Bluff * until vesterday. ucarlngen told htm he ccuU not send him o the hospital at the expense of the county. ut would wl Unity give him a railroad Ickct to some other town , whcro ho might ml the charity field not so badly over worked. This did not suit Keilcy at all. He com menced to denounce thu overseer In un- neasured language for refusing to help nn ild soldier , and applied a number of epl- hets to him that would look better In a letlonary of profanity and obscenity than n a newspaper. This continued nil the ay up the street , Kelley following Swear- ngen on his way to dinner as fast as he ould with his three legs After dinner he : ame back to the court house nn.l poured Ills tale of woo Into the ears of Counly Auditor Matthews and J J. Watts , the old soldiers' friend. He told them both that hens . \ns seriously considering the advisability cf going back and wearing out his crutch n Swearingen. The latter kept out of his ffice most of the afternoon , and thu avoided charging up his own funeral ex penses to the profit nnd loss account of ho poor fund _ lo the 1'nlillo mill Out I'.it'niM. We have decided to change th * name of iur new beverage , and In the future I : will IB called only "WHEELER'S KINO TEMPERANCE BEER. " This refers to what was known a = "Copp's Jhecr. " ( The name of the herb tonic will remain the same ) This chang" | s mad- "or the purpose of allowing us 10 copv right mr label , with a name exclusively our o\i , ivlilch will be done at enc ° ; also to prcvm Ihe goods from I elm ; confounded with n beer called Kop's Che r ( ea'd ' to b ; ImporUJj. that Is being sold "o 'nnt- extent In this part of the country. Wheeler's King Temperance "Jeer contains neither alcohol , malt or grain of any kind , but Is a pure hop extract , re- flnoJ and carbonated by a process of our own mention , and has been decided by the Revenue Department , December 5 , 1S94 , as not subject to special tax cither for manufac ture or cale. These goods arc manufactured exclusively by the G R. Wheeler Brewing company , 134 East Broadway , Ciuncll Bluffs la. Wheeler & Hereld , proprietors. Mrnmbout MMII uttli u ( iirrnr. Capta n James O'Neal , supervising Inspec tor of steam vessels for the Fouith district United States government , Is In the city , the ; uest of W. J. Davenport. Captain O'Ne Is a veteran in the steamboat service , and bar had a whole lot of exciting experience * crowded Into his long life. He was about the only southern Mississippi river democratic steamboat man who proved loyal to the gov ernment In the early COs , and for fear he might not be able to resist the temptations thrown around him , Secretary Stanton had him practically placed under arrest ant , taken to WushlnsUon to receive the appoint ment of master of tranapoitaUon for Giants army He was through all the exciting events U Memphis , Mllllken's Bend and V cksburg and rendered such distinguished services to General Grant that the great warrior never forgot him. At the close of Grant's seconj term he appointed Captain O'Neal to the po sition of Inspector , which he now ho'ds , but It was declined for the modest reason that he was still a democrat nnd that there were republicans who deserved it more. The mat ter remained thus until the appointment was revived by Cleveland The captain Is going north and stopped over a couple of days to revive old associations. Hs first visit tp Council Bluffs was at a time when there was but one house In the entire country. Cole & Cole bought a big pirt of the Dun- gan stock , and ate making bargains In hard ware Phil Ips' Screen Frames , 19c. Sc-ecn Doors , C5c and 75c. Philadelphia Lawn Mowers ( Genuine ) , $4.50. Gasoline Stoves , $2.50 up. The Process Gas Stoves and Ranges , $1 to $30. Western Washers , $2.75. Wood Frame Wringers , $1.85. Iron Frame Wringers , $1-50. Screen wire lower than over. Same fine Sterling six-hole ranges at Dun gan'o ; cost price , way down. Some Siberia Refrlgc-ators at half price. 41 Main Street. _ Negllgo and summer shirts and ladles and gents' tics , a very largo stock and thu largest stock of straw hats In town , are n part nf the great Spetimn Bros , stock that Is being sold by the assignee at rdlculousl } low prices. It Is also the ladles' chance to get unheard of bargains In dry goods. Krrni' CciiMin | Wonlnir , Charles Kerns , who used his fists on Amanda Bothers the other day to convince her of his superiority as a man In the hope of gaining her admiration to the marrying point , explained the little transaction In Jus tice Vlen's court yesterday. He pleaded guilty to the charge of assault and battery and a fine of $20 was assessed against him On the second charge , which was preferred against him later , that of threatening to kill her , he was bound over to keep the peace and gave his own bond of $200. Ho then went to Jail to serve out his $20 nnd costs on the other charge. Both Kerns and the girl wore countenances very much the worse for wear , the result. It Ts said , of being nut to gether In the woods a few days ago and get ting poisoned by Ivy. iltine Millinery Milo. All trimmed hats at a great reduction $10 hats for $6 ; $ ' 2 hats for $7 ; $ C hats for $3 ; $5 hats for $2.50 ; a nice trimmed hat for $1. These prices will continue for the next 30 days. Miss Ragsdale , 10 Pearl street. Look out for the excursion to St. Joseph Juno 23 , via the Burlington route. Fare , $1.50 for round trip. 0. M. Brown , ticket agent. _ Ciiiinti ers Dl Pete Hartwlg , "Suspender Jack" Hanfon nnd Theolore Mooney , whom Charles A Knott accused of engineering a gambling game In which ho lost $19 , were discharge * : by Justice Cook yesterday morning. It seems that Knott has n penchant for Jumping Into criminal 1 tigatlon and then Jumping out again before the matters come to a head. A few months ago he caused the arrest of n little girl on the charge of beating a school mate , but failed to appear when the time came for the trial , leaving the county to pay the expenses of his fun. Yesterday be did Hie same way , having been paid the amount he lost by the gamblers. This time however , the costs were charged up to bin and he will be made to pay It possible. I li wrn for Commencement I xprcl n , Wo have a surplus of roses , carnations am smllax. Cotno and get them at your owi prices. J , F. Wllcox. Telephone , 99. We will make special prices for running service pipes for gas to your lesldcnce for the month ot June. Call at Gas office lor Information. vvnitii Dun Five thousand feet 8-Inch top , 12 to 20 feet long , at 9Hc per lineal foot. A. Over ton , Council Bluffs , la. \\.ll Itoli'imun' * lloiuu Iliiriflurlztcl. W. II. Robinson's house , at 123 Washing ton avenue , was entered by burglars yester day afternoon , The members of the family left the house at 12 o'clock , and none o the family were there until 6 in the even Ing. Then It was found that some one ha < torn off the wire bcrecn from the bathroom window. In the rear part of the house , ant obtained access to the Interior. The house was well ransacked , bul fco far as could bo discovered last night nothing was mlsslni but a black silk waist and a brown sill dress skirt. Dr. Davis' Anil-Headache cures quick , and pleasant lo take. BOARD'S ' PLAN MIL NOT PAY Not Enough Unemployed tonvlcU to Make- a Contirct Profitable. v i VI'DUCT CASE TO'CDME UP TUESDAY Abbntt-ltnr Anylum CHSO Submitted on lit f mill Will Ho Itectilcti by tlio Supreme liiurtnlllio Soiitoti Ji't I'ticidnj. LINCOLN , June ' 12 , ( Special ) Warden Leidlgh points out for the benefit of the Hoard of Public Lands nnd Buildings the Inadvisability - advisability of attempting to let the state prison contract for a term of two years , as provided by the bill. Practically the con tract could only bo let for twenty months , or until the expiration of the next term of the legislature. Warden Leldlgh says that at the present tlmo there are but ninety-nine convicts confined who are not employed at convict labor , as shown by the following list of convict labor subcontracted at the present time : Haincss shop 18 Hioom .shop II Cooper phop > Foundry 'J , Total . . * . 1M > This makes 159 convicts at 40 cents per day , $61 CO , which Is a low estimate on the price. These subcontracts expire In January , 1899. The necessary convict labor to conduct the prison Is as follows : Kitchen 2 I'uim ' Stock jnrds 3 Stable 2 Holler room < Cell house 9 \Viit clcn'b bouse 4 ( 'Impel itinncis 2 Hospital attendants 2 Librarian 1 Clerk 1 Itarbcr 1 j.iundrj' < > : n t gate 2 'ump house 2 Yard runner 1 Jardcners 2 Total 77 Out of the 333 convicts now confined In the lanltontlary there will average ten sick , caving but elghly-nlne convicts not em- ilojed at convict labor and available for the u es of a prison contractor. Warden Lel dlgh does not believe that any contraclor \ould , for Ihe limited time of eighteen or wenty months , desire to stock up the prison vlth machinery for the work of but clghtj1- nine men. In his opinion the state can nalntain these convicts for 20 cnts per lay per capita In the light of this showing t is possible the Board of Public Lands and Buildings may recede Ironi their Intention of making a wholesale contract with anj lontractor. VIADUCT CASE IN SUPREME COURT The case cf the state of N bra ka , ex rel the city of Omaha , relater , against the Chicago cage , Burlington & Qulncy Railroad com pany comes up on pstltlon In error to the iupieme court from the district court of Douglas county. Judge Ambrose presiding In the court below th ° cltj of Omaha flle ( ' i petition and application for mindamtis tc compel the Burlington to prop ° rly repair tht Eleventh street viaduct , extending from Jack on to Ma ° on streets , a distanca of four blocks , over and across all of Ihe tricks of said railroad corporation. The opinion of Judge Ambro'e , Innded down at the Febru- iry term , 1S95. orders tliUt the writ of nuin- d-imus shall r'sue. closing in thete words I do not now Intend to decide whether tht requirement In behalf of the cit > in equitable ind Just or not. So far as I may , and make this order find , I desire to reserve that ques tlon for future consUlentlon , and If , In the Judgment of the supreme court , the solution arrived at by me Is correct , then the ques tion of determining the proper proportion to b ? borne by this respondent. In view of the above facts , will be further considered anl ultimately determined. With this simple ex pression of what I dyijij should be the ulti mate result of this cate , the writ of man damus will Issue as prayed " The bupreme court. Announced that I would take the case if ) > and listen to argu ment on Tuesday next The Hay-Abbott Insane hospital caffvva > called In the supreme .our * today it 2 " "u p. m. Judge Reese an-nunc M that Ihel. el In reply to the petition if the ntiorn"y sen eral had been served on Genual Webster , counsel for Dr. Hay , and that G'i ral Web ster's brief hod been serve 1 un COUUSP ! lor Dr. Abbott. Judge Reese said tint he .vlshed to prepare another brief but d d not deurc that It should delay the progress of the hear ing and thus cirry the case over to another term. Chhf Justice Norval said that the. ctse would be carried over to next Tuesday , June 18 , and It was accordingly submitted on the briefs filed without argument. M : IH ; ii I.OSKS C.VIKS COLI.KOI : .Norfulli Ctii ilio Inntltiitlon In Itelnrn for I'nvmi ; It * Imli'liro'lnriH. NELIGII , Neb. , June 12 ( Speclil Tele gram. ) A compromise was reached by the board of trustees late last night on the ques tion of removing Gates college to Norfolk. In effect the agreement Is that Norfolk shall pay all outstanding debts , amounting to about $10.000 , the same to be deposited In a bank subject to the check of the treasurer Further funds arc to be provided by that town to meet the running expenses of the college for the next vear , and If by May 1 naxt $80,000 additional cash has been raised by Norfolk then all opposition on the part of Nellgh to the removal of the college shall cease. It Is further provided that the pres ent buildings , library , laboratory and real es tate shall ba turned over to 'the local trustees for use In establishing an academy or for such other educational purpose as they may elect. The college will be main tained at Neligh during the coming jeir under this management In effect Norfolk gets the college name of Gates and In return pays the outstanding Indebtedness. < nnlUditril tlio fiKii. NEBRASKA CITY. June 12. ( Special ) Judge Chapman and a party have Just re turned from a fishing trip at Independence lake , twenty-two miles from Minneapolis One day ho caught a fine mess of bass , the smallest weighing three and the largest five and one-half pounds. These ho tetermlnel to send to Plattsmouth friends , to quiet all ar gument 04 to his prowess as a fisherman. They were accordingly packed In Ice , In a barrel , and shipped to PlaUsmouth , a letter preceding them telling his friends to watch for Ihe barrel They are watching yet. The barrel get no further than Minneapolis It U against the laws of Minnesota to ship fish from the state , and the Judge's b'g catch was confiscated by the game warden. I' if' in"inli ltioiit ti Mini PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , June 12. ( Special Telegram. ) Mrs. Nellli1 A. Archer of this city toda > flltd a suit for damages In the district court for t'ho sum of $10,000. The defendants named In the petition are F. G Egenbsrger. M. S Rypn , Nickel & Frahm , John Mumm Lous ( , % edeker. Hans Gees , George Weldman , Clans Sprecht , Herman KlelUch , Andy BrcbaCk and C. I ! Peter son , all saloou keepers of this ci'v. ' Their bondsman nro also made partlei li the nc- lion The plaintiff alleges that In 1SD1 the Inherited $0,700 from her inuficr and thai she Invested U In properly ly this city. At that time her husband , Sam Archer , w s earning $800 a year. He began frequenting the saloons at that time , and since then hn become an habitual drunkard , She also al leges thai he has within the part four > eits squandered all her and property In the saloons of the defendants. She now claims thai he Is a ph ) < lcal wreck , and not capable of earning $100 a jear , the result of excessive drinking , .M'UIAN Al\Y SIKCUUU CANriUl.t ) Mlnnc < ntn Will t'rnlnibly PurnMi No Next I'lihi-rnUy ' ( liiuu-dlnr. LINCOLN , June 12. ( Special Telegram. ) The mailer of Ihe chancclloishlp of Ihe State university Is not vet definitely de cided. The regents held , an adjourned meet ing Ihls evening. To a reporter for The Bee Chancellor Canfleld fald : "In Iho mat ter of the Incoming chancellor It Is under- stool that the regents are well pleased with Prof. George MacLean of the University of Minnesota Prof. MacLean has been on the ground of the Nebraska university and Is pleased with Hie surrounding ; Tin1 que-tlon of his appointment has been taken under consideration and a decision will bo rendered within a week. " The professor has returned to Minneapolis I ti'r < l < o nc HiKtliiK * Ccillrgo. HASTINGS , Neb. , June 12. ( Special Tele gram ) The closing graduating exercises of the Hastings college was held before a largo audience at the Presb > terlan church this evening. The exercises of the academy class was held this afternoon. Margaret Jones , Ed R Bushnell , Alice Brown and Clifford O'borno composed the class. The ox ° rclses of the college class was held this evening. The college graduates are Lillian Brown , Tranqitellne Andrews , Martha Cum- mlngham , Lettle Shepherd The candidates for master of degree were Jennie R. Carpen ter and Laura Bailey. Tlie e two joung ladles have the honor of being the first grad uates of the Hastings college In this branch The $23 prize for the best Junior essay was awarded to R. A. Patterson. C. A Arnold received the $10 prize given by Rev. Mr Clark of Grand Island. tlrrolmm'x MM lniii | rtniico. GRESHAM , Neb , June 12. ( Special Tele gram. ) The county board granted village government to Grcshim today and appointed the following trusteesJ. . E Hart , Herman Dlers , W. N. Hylton , S. A. Btrbee and C S Bristol. The contest for Incorporation Ins ben long and animated and resulted In favor of good government. Extensive preparations are being made to celebrate the Fourth of July here , lion Judge Bates of York will deliver the oration The Osceola band has been engaged to fur nish music _ < hirg < > il \\llli linrmi WESTON , Neb. , June 12. ( Special Tele gram ) Deputy Sheriff O'Shea of Lincoln ar rested Harry Hurst today on a charge of complicity In a theft committed In Lancaster county a week ago He had two pals to as sist him In the stealing. The articles stolen were a buggy , horse and harness The buggy and harness were found In possession of Hurst when arrested The man has a fimlly In Weston and has been following the business of well digging In this locality the past few months. H > ir\uril Ucildinc I'rll" . HARVARD , Neb . June 12. ( Spechl ) This morning at 9 o'clock , at the rcsldene of G S. Babcock , Nelson II. Updike was mar ried to Mlts Mclta Babcock of this city , Rev. L P. Rose of Hastings performing the cere mony. Mr Updike has been n resident of Harvard tlnce-hls bo > hood and IB cashier of the Union State Innk , nnd the bride Is the only daughter of G. S Babcock , one of the leading merchants of this city. An nitir I linil Mnil NEBRASKA CITY , June 12. ( Special ) The closing exercises of the Institute for the Blind , which have been In progress dur lug the past week , ended tonight with the annual commencement. The exercises have been highly satisfactory and largely attendee ill through There v.ero five graduates this jear. as follows Harry Renter , Alice Hersli Paul llagle , Henry Schroder and Lena M Trucudalc. I'linxiMl tinI EMERSON , Neb , June 12. ( Special ) Emerson's new creamery has b = en running a nonth now and the farmers will receive paj for their milk tomorrow They will receive 50 cents per hundred , which will net their about in cents pr pound for their butter This Is highly gratlf > lng to the farmer' and better than they expected. Locil mer chants are only paying from S to10 cents for butter. I'r. I'ltrKlmr't t I ORLEANS , Neb. , Juno 12. ( Special Tele gram ) The Orleans Chautauqua Is Increas Ing In Interest and attendance. Yesterdaj Dr. Paikhurst set the assembly wild will his remarks on "Daniel Among the Poli ticians " Dr. John Gallagher lectured to a largo audience tonight on "What Some Women Have Done , " which was highly applauded. Dentil fit Mr * . John Yunker. ASHLAND , Neb , Juno 12. ( Special. ) A telegram'to Rev. Lso Hunt Ihls afternoon from St. Joseph , Mo , announced the sudden death of Mrs. John Yunker , mother of Mrs Hunt. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hunt left for that place to bo present at the funeral which take place tomorrow afternoon. Will Kcjjiiliitu tilt ! Unldrnn. FALLS CITY , Neb. , June 12. ( Special ) - At n special meeting of the city council an ordlnuanco was passed prohibiting chlldrer under the ago of 14 years on the streets after 9 o'clock p. m. , unless accom- pinled by their parents. All violators of the ordinance will be fined not less than $1 anl not more than $10. Wiiyno'ii I iitcnt Cnrln lly. WAYNE , Neb. , June 12. ( Special Tele gram. ) A thoroughly developed live colt with two perfect hind legs , but no fore legs Is the latest curiosity here. Where the fore legs should be the body Is perfectly smooth and covered with hair. Many people view el the freak today. Dr-Hlliof Mrs. < nrrlo I' . ( row. ST. T'AUL , Neb. , Juno 12. ( Spcclal.-Car- ) rio E. Crew , wife of F. W. Crew , formerlj sheriff of Howard county , died at her place of res'd-nco ' jesUrday. The deceased was highly respected In the community. Nearly the entire - tire city attended the funeral at 10 o'clock this numlng. tut tin In ( inail Cnmlltinn. LYONS. Neb , June 12 ( Special Tele gram ) The cattle on the Indian reservation are In fine condition. Fifteen teachers will go from this countj to Denver to attend the National Educational association meeting July 1. roit v V o Mora ford's Aclit I'lionphute. Dr. Geo. II. Knapp , St Louis , Mo , says "I find It an excellent preparation In dyspep sia and nervous disorders , such as mental ex haustion , wakcfulncss , etc " Mr.J. W. Holllna , of Sweet Springs. Mo. , wrltca : "Iconslder the Pyramid Pile Cure without an ciual : It cured mo In less tuuu CO dayi. I waited 13 Uuys or moro to bo rfuro I uus fullycured bcforo writing you ; I can now say 1 am cured and lalnll recovitnoiid tlio 1'yrnraM I'llo Cure at every possible opportunity , bccuiua It itesrrre * it. Ur KaUerbrooU reports that the Pyramid Pile. Cure not only euros the various forma of piles , but never falls to glvo immediate relief on tlio IIrat application , no matter how severe tbo pain or discomfort may be. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR IT IS SUPERIOR TO ANY SOctt. and $1.00 tl DruggtiUor bylmtll from SALVE , LOTION OR OINTMENT. Prramlil Drug Co. . Albion. Mich. IEADY TO STAND TRIAL Defaulter Taylor of South Dakota Tired of Dodging Officers , EAVES ALL TO THE COURT'S ' MERCY n the Nature of H Compromise Tinmen No IMroot rroml r Are Mmle by the Slntc-Stolm fund * Will lie Ilccovernl , SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , June 12. ( Special 'clegram. ) A warrant for the nncst of auth Dakota's defaulting treasurer , Taylor , as Issued today under the state seal and laced In the hands of his friends , who will t once escort him back to the capital , 'ajlor , through his relatives and attorneys , ias come to an understanding with the ttorncy general , by which he hopes to ccompensc the stale for Us loss through his peculations and practically escape punlsh- icnt for his crime. The story of Taylor's ravels Is an Interesting one. After leaving South Dakota ho first made his way to 'lorlda. From Hint state he went to lav ana , thence to Central America , thence o Dutch Guinea , In South America , Uicnc ? 0 Kingston , Jamaica , where he became lanlc-strlcken and hid , on account ot the rrlvnl of the steamer on which be went rom Havana to Central America. 1'rom ( Ingston he went to Para , In Brazil , and rom there came north nnd Is now In a ectlon of the continent where the weather s more endurable than under the tropics Ic has been cultivating whiskers , but these \lll probably disappear before his return Ic will bo nt Plerro within n week or ten lays , ready and wilting to do everything vlthln his po > cr to restore to the state the unds with which It entrusted him and to suffer whatever penalty the courts of the commonwealth may sec fit to Infilct upon him The return of Taylor to South Dakota Is n the nature of a compromise between his ttorneys and the attorney general , although he latter has made no spjclflc promises. Taylor's filends icallzed that he would eventually bo raptured nnd they Inally held n consultation with At- orney General Craw foul The olllclal 1 clincd to enter into any argument , but said that experience had laught him hat a fugitive who showed a disposition to imlo his wrong as far as possible and brows himself upon the mercy 'of the court \as much mora likely to be trcited with enlency than one who waited until ho was dragged to trial by force and then sought 0 free himself by an appeal lo lechnlcal lolnts of the law Taylor's attorneys took the hint Implied n the remarks of the attorney general and at once began the arrangements for hie eturn. They have supplied themselves with 1 state warrant , In order tint beckers after ho reward may not take advantage of Tay or and arrest him after he crosses the state Ines on his way home. Meeting of * lnln Pair M < nior9. ( The state fair board of managers attended o the ordinary routine InclJentals to Its reo Irg ycH ° d y . nJ. vlil el the-fatr grounds o locate several exhibits nnd a booth for tbe Women's Christian assoclat'on. ' It hm benn leclded to give pioneers the freedom of the grounds on "Pioneer day , " and lo create nero Interest In the baViy show , at the sug gestion of Martin Dunham , by giving a few rash prlics u addition to a barrel of apples for the best specimen of pink-cheeked cher ubs In the state A ( I 111 I trll S\vltchllllMl'rt I'nlntl , At the meeting of the Central Labor union last evening , the Switchmen's Union of North America No. R , was admitted to membership. OAS8IDAY FINALLY 0 VtJQUT Srrcrnut Klnc Mifccrcli In Uettlnc M Mlpprr.r I'rUonrr llehlnil the itnr * . Last nlRhl Sergeant King arrested Lew , Casslday , n petty thief of this city who baa been vvanled for tome tlmo for larceny. Cntsld.iy picked a pair of Mior-s oul of a box In fronl of a fchco sloro at Twenty- fourth-and Seward streets while the pro prietor was not looking , and on the nexb day returned and sold the shoes lo the tnmq man from whom he had stolen , Some lime later Ihe proprietor tumbled to lha fact and swore out the warrant for Cnssl- day's arrest. The paper was put In the hinds ot King for service. He went lo Cuslday's house al Seventeenth and Nicholas streets , and. found him there. Casslday expressed great willingness to go lo Ihe polled station , but before doing so the olllccr allowed htm to go Into an adjoining room to wash his hands. Catslday did not como back and when the sergeant went to Investigate hl delay an , open window assumed moro than ordinary significance lo him List night OifMday wont to J.ill without : washing his hands. Ilrl-Ur Uiviti.u-t s-nMl | SIOUX CITY , Juno 12. ( Special Tele gram ) The contracl for Iho conMructlon of the Short Line bildgo here was signed by ) the Credits Comtmittllnu company today. I tutor the charter the bridge will have to bo completed by March 1. TO YOUNGWo Wo Offer n Remedy WhliblusurcB Safe ty lo Life of Mother nnd Child ROBS CONFINEMENT OF ITS PAIN , HOnilOfJ AND RISK. "My wife used only two bottles She was easily and quickly relieved , U now doing splendidly J S MOIITON , Harlow , N. C. Sent by eiprcM or rcn'l on rnroipt of frtce. 8100 per linlllc. Ho k " 1U M0111E11S1 innlliMl free , UHADI Ikl.l ) Hntlt'I.ATOll CO . ATtjANTA.QA * blll.ll 11Y A 1.1. l > ltl.01srs. oionoi : P SANTOUD. A. w. IUIKMAN. I'roulclcnt. Cashier. of COUNCIL QLUrFJ , ( own Cinitul , S100.00 Profits , ' 12,0000 One of the oKloft tmntis In the plate of Io\vn. Wo solicit jour liuslncpB nn < l collections. W lin > S per ctnt on tlmo deposits. Wo will ba pleiipeit to RFC niul serve you , AIj SALE or . TllfUSPAY AND riUDAT OK THIS WUUIC. TRIMMID HA TS FI OM 850 UP It US. U. J. SCOTT. 53C Broadway. . Special Nolices-Couocil CHIMNKVS CLKANHD ; VAULTS CLEANED. 1M IJurUe. nt W 8. Hoiner'a , MS liroailuny. ruui r PAHM ANO oAiioiN ! TANn roh' pulf clitup nml un easy ternia. Day & Hens , S9 Pearl Uriel. LANDS TO EXCHANOE TOIl C1TTC properly U. It. Nicholson , MS > 3 Ilioadway. ron BALI : . AT NO 7 nEMiNcnoN rm n wrllor , IIH Rood a new. BaudnlUi Manutaclur * Ing Co. , 1US ( and 1030 S. Main itrru. for infants and Children. "CnstorlalaRO'nclladapU'dtoclilldrcnthat I recommend It mi Mipcrlor to any prescription Unowntomo. " II A. AUCIIEK , M D. , Ill So. Oxford St. , llrooklyu , N , Y. "Tho UTO of "Castorla1 U so universal and Its merits BO w ell knon n that It scorns a w ork of ( supererogation to end jfbo It. Few are the Intelligent famlllvi who do uot Keep Costorlrt wlUiln easy reach. " CiUUKJ ILlUTYN , D. D , , New York City. Cnntorln cures Colic , Constipation , Sour Stomach , Dlarrhcua , Eructation , Kills Worms , glvea sleep , aud promotes (1I gestlon , Without Injurious medication. "For several yoiM I bavo recommended 'Costorla , ' and hhall always continue , to do BO , r.s It Invariably produced beneficial results. " Enwix r. TAHDnE , 51. D. , 123th Street and 7th Avo. , New York City. TUB CcNTAim COMPAVY , 77 JtcnnAV STHEET , Nrw Yens COT. t-JOSEl , HOSR , HOSE.1 We have in stock 10,000 feet of hose , more than all othef dealers combined carry. Our prices are fully 25 per cent less than they can sell you for. Come and sec and be convincedc' We will sell you a good hose for 6 c per foot. COUNCIL BLUFFS PAINT , OIL & GLASS CO ; , Rooms 1-4 Fourth St. , Masonic Block. COUNCIL BLUFFS. STEAM DY1J WORKS All kinds of Dyeing and Cleaning done In the highest style of ij the art. Faded and 1 } Btnlnutl fabilca mada 1 A to look as good am ccvv. Worlt promptly done and delivered In nil parts of tha country Bend foe price Hit. ' O. .1. J I'ro/irlotor. Urradway. near North. pX ? . "tern Depot. Council , Dlulfi. Iowa. Ttl. Ki Davis Drug , Paint and Class Exclusive sellers in Council Bluffs for the justly celebrated Hoath& MillU Ban Mfp. Co.'s "BEST" PREPARED PAINT , TUB STANDARD PA1NU OF AMERICA , put up in 01 handsome shades and guaranteed to look batter , wear longer and cover moro burfaco than any other paint. Thia paint received the HIGHEST AWARD at the World's fair. Oar motto. A pleased customer our best advertisement. Call or send for color cardi Wholesale aud retail. 200 BROADWA.Y RESTORE LOS ! YIGOR When In clou ) I whit la me for Nervoui Debility , Ix > cf Sciiul Tower ( In either lei ) , Imp'tency Atrophy , Vtiicel ml other welknesies. from unjr tiuie , till Scunelill Dulni die ked ncl full vigor quickly restored , If n'l'ltrud , inch . . u , . . . Irou'lei relult ratiUy , Milled itiyohere , aled , li/r | lei Cboici ( uf (5 w. VVIih AlLbUJb lu % Weeks. cierr ( s d ctrder we give a Ir al ju4rinte < lu cur t-r refund tl < in ner. AdJieit BUERMAN & McCONNELL DHUQ CO. , 1513 Uodfo Htrcet , Oiuahu , Neb ,