Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 11, 1895, Image 1

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    iqniti'T ' i ft w-f Tflfw
Nothing Definite Has Been Received Con
cerning the Fate of the Missionaries.
1'Inco l > Ono Which llns , Tuit llccn Opened
to foreign Commerce Umlor the ( 'hliieKC-
Jnpaneio TriuljrMilcli I.lkuly
Angcrctl the InliibltnnU ,
SHANGHAI , June 10. No definite news
hag yet been received litre In regard to the
latest report concerning the fate of Ihe mis
sionaries at Cheng Tu , capllal of Ihe province
of Sachuen , who are said lo have been massa
cred. It is known , however , thai serious
rlollng occurred rccenlly al Cheng Tu , bul
affairs there have since been reported quiet ,
although the rioting was spreading In the
country southward.
The reporl of the toial deslrucllon of Ihe
missions of Cheng Tu , Kla Ling and Yoa-
cho-hu has been confirmed. The local officials
refused proltclion lo Iho missionaries unlll
the mob completed the work of demolishing
the buildings. The mission stallons at other
places have been threatened. About twenty
adults , besides n number of children , have
taken refuge at Cheng Tu and Yamen. Vice
roy Ling Is blamed for the affair.
WASHINGTON , June 10. ThelChlneso le
gation has received no news as to Ihe re
ported massacre of all the missionaries In
Cheng Tu , and strong hopes are entertained
that the affair may be less serious than Iho
meager reports Indlcalc. U Is stated at the
legation lhat Cheng Tu Is n large city In the
Interior of China. The people are far re
moved from centers of foreign commerce ,
such as Canton and Shanghai. Recently ,
however , by Ihe Irealy of peace wllh Japan ,
this Interior clly was one of several places
to be opened to foreigners and foreign com
merce This no doubt , It Is stated , has agi
tated the people who have lived by them
selves from time without remembrance. II
Is said that the number of m sslonurles , In
cluding their families , In the entire province
of So Chun , of which Chcni ; Tu Is the capi
tal , must be less than 100 Including ail nation-
alltles The missionaries' headquarters arc ill
Cheng Tu where it Is believed there are nol
exceeding ten missionaries , the resl being
Ecaltcred through the province. But this
estimate is based on the general Informalloii
of Chinese olllclals , as there are no exacl
details of llio cxlenl of Ihe missionary serv
ice Ihrough China
The Tsung LI Yamen soughl lo secure fron
each foreign government a complete 1st ol
the missionaries und their places of service
but this was not given. H Is said that tin
emperor of China und the Tsung LI Yamer
have given every possible protection to tin
missionaries , nllliough II has been found Im
pcsshlo lo guard against mob violence , par
tlcularly nt remote Interior points Tin
Chinese government has asked foreign gov
crnmcnls lo appreciate these dilllctiltles am
has advised that the missions should ba kep
within safe limits , but the zeal of the mis
Blonarlcs has led them to push Inward w th
out fear of results to po nis where Iho Chines :
olllclals have had dililcully In affording ful
Notwithstanding this , the authorities a
Peking have done their utmosl They hav
placed upon Ihe vlcurs of the provinces th
responslbll ty ot prelecting the missionaries
churches elc , the viceroys understanding tha
they will bo degraded If mobs are pcrmtttei
to disturb the missions. As a result , th
viceroys and Ihclr prcfecls or police ar
ncllve In rcslralnlng mcb outbreaks. Th
official gazette of China , recently receive
here , shows that a change has been made I ;
the viceroy at Cheng Tu and that a ne-w on
has Just assumed his duties. This , added t
I Iho agllalton of opening the city to for
clgners , may account for dlslurbanccs , al
though , as already staled , Iho fact that dls
mturbanccs have occurred Is not known to th
I Chlneso ofiUlals here
m It Is said thai Wu Chang , the place t
v.hlc'i Ihe French ship has been scnl , Is ai
oilier largo Inler.or lown near Iho rive
Yang-tse-Klang. The river affords Inlan
navigation to largo vessels up lo W
Chang , bul is unnavlrnble further up II 1
probable- , therefore , thai the French bhlps fi
. to Wu Chang , ns It Is the farlhesl weslcr
< { point reached by navigation , and on the wa
K to the remoter point of Cheng Tu At tl
] French legation no Information had been n
9i celvcd concern ng the reported massacre Tl
ami French ambassador M. Patenotre who ie ]
* t resented his government at Peking some te
5 jears ago and who negotlalcd Ihe Irealy I
which Tonquin became u French provinr
B expressed his doubt of the correctness of tl
leport lhat the Chinese wore Interceptli :
dispatches bearing upon the alleged ma
i sacre. When ho was In China len years at
ho said dispatches were never Intcrceplc
f nnd lie always had free communication bol
< B his government nnd with the admiral i
M- > ths French fleet He says it Is possible for
Tmft French gunboat to go up Iho Yang-tsc-Klar
* * Wf river , which Is navigable as far as Hanko.
* & ' Minister Patenotre , by referring to ton
documents at the legation , ascertained tin
there were about 100 Catholic missionaries
A China , of which * lsty-four wcro French at
W twenty-five Italian Concerning the numbi
9 of Protestant missions , ho had no ppecll
knowledge. The number of mlssloiuMes at
* post varies from Iwo to ten or more
The Stale department has received no ill
patches from Minister Denby or other ofllcln
In China regarding Ihe reported mlss > 'ona ' !
A massacre al Cheng Tu. There are no recon
nl Ihe department showing the number
Art L missionaries at Cheng Tu. Thcic is a tcl
9M graph line to Cheng Tu , and the State d
V partment officials think there should bo i
{ dililcully In learning nil the facts In the ca
] end as no reporl of the inatMcre hud been r
H colvcd by t"io department it was thought th
the outrage may have consisted of the d
strucllon of properly only , and not have r
suited In the dca.h of any of the mlsslonarU
H It Is said at the State department If t
Cheng Tu mentioned In the dispatches Is t
H point on the Yans-tse Klang It Is probat
frj that there a-o five oi six Protestant mi
IB rr slonarles nnd two or three Catholic mUaio
ailcs at the place.
M This afternoon Stale department olficla
utter Investigating the rtpoits , tald lh
Mm though an ciror had been made In the trar
T B mission of the name of the pbco where I
( massacre Is eald to have occurred. U Is I
< lloved this name. Instead of being Chung 'I
m should be Chang Te , the capital of Hunr
Mn-i In this place there nro a number of forel
i-CJJK - ' mUslonailcs. and the anti-foreign feeling w
] very strong In 1S > 93 Iheie worn thrcalcnl
demonstrations by Iho people , nnd Iho m
WM shuarlcs were kept for tome time In a fit :
W of terrorism by ihe display of placards abi
m Ing the "foreign devils. " and warning t
natives against affiliation with them T
condition of affalis was regarded by Unll
StateJ Minister Denby as grave enough
Mm warrant rcpretentations to the Chinese gi
JN crnmcnt , and the tacts weie made the it
I Jrct ot Fcveral reports ! iom Hie minister
9m the State department Chang Te Is access !
F\ to small gunboats , and a British vvarshlp v
* . & * J Itcd the neighborhood s ve-ral years ago
I f\f \ All UHlliiS touppnn Iho ( iCToriunrnl
mm LONDON. June 10. The Press assuclatl
| B this ) evening * 'itn thai leading English pi
1 tlclatu have Inltmilcd lo the members of I
, ] H R cbery cabinet lhat the minister : will
JP * ' < fak t.ippnrtcd by the public oil'i'on ' of the cai
4 try If Great Orltaln Joined with the otl
"mM s jK\vi > ri In a dl pla > a r-vly lo the attltt
wKf of the Turkish government In regard to i
f propouls of fbtf powers fcr the icfurn
WM Anucn'a.
91 I'liiD l > MTI'III I.irritiling.
V VIENNA. Jutis 10. Aceordl'iK to advl
1 received hare trim Wlen rcoti < adt the reo
Wf cloudburU'washod away a number of houi
V br'l ' tR whole lrecU In the communes
4 w Scharznbath. Schalalttn and HoLwalk'rkd'
7 It U added Umt twelve persons wera druwi I
] at Scharzenbach alone , and that the da-na
WM which cinnot bo rcpal'td fcr vwra amsu
la tbss : three places to over JOv.OQO flurms
I'ut Mot Your Trim In Men Who Seek
After Onico.
LONDON. June 10. A dispatch to the
Inies from Berlin gives a detailed account
t the address of Prince Bismarck to the
grarluna on Sunday , mention of which was
made In these dispatches Sunday night ,
'rince Bismarck said he was Ignorant of the
Ian of the present legislature. He pcs-
esscd no Influence with and no author ly
ver them He Intimated to his hearers that
t would be very difficult for n man who had
etlred from public 1 fe lo regain an Infiu-
nee of Ihls characler when once he had
ibandoned his position ns a leader. He
trongly denounced Ihe manner In which the
ommerclal treaties had been rushed through
'arllamcnt , and said the money which might
liave been derived from the public revenues
hus carelessly thrown away was urgently
equlrcd for strengthening the German army.
Ie urged the agrarians to take more trouble
nt election time lo relurn genuine represenl-
.lives , men with Interests allied to Ihe volers ,
nol men whose Inlcrests lie chiefly In Ber-
In , among people without an acre of land or
thout a blade of corn to their n tines He
advised the agrarians not to give their votes
.0 any one desirous of becoming a public
minister , not to vote for any one whose wife
ivlshed lo shine In Berlin society. From
people of Ihls characler con.e Ihe burrs who
st ck fasl to ministerial posts. It is useless
o expect them to champion agricultural In
"Let us not , therefore , elect ambitious
persons , " he said , In concluding his address
o the agrarians , "but rather those of our
own flesh and b'ood. Husbandry was the
first born , but It Is not the mosl favored
Irade , because farmers cannel live In Ihe
towns , and consequently they have not much
nfiuence In making the laws. We must
stand shoulder to shoulder against the drones
> vho govern us and who produce nothing but
Prince Bismarck then called upon his
hearers to give Ihrec cheers for Ihe em
peror , "tho first landed propiletor , not only
because he was their first prince and ruler ,
but because he was 'flesh of our flesh , and
blood of our blood ' For this reason he must
feel how the multitude , his most loyal and
pet haps his most burdened subjects , suffer
for his sake.
I could wish for the revival of the old
and noble custom of the reigning prince re
ceiving no salary , but living on his anceslral
lands , thereby remaining in touch with the
husbandmen and with the people of the coun
trj. " said Bismarck. "Well , that Is n pious
wish , but It will not be realized , otherwise
we would apply a similar process to the
ministers also. "
These are the most Interesllng passages In
a significant speech whose chief fealure was
the veiled attack on the government and the
emperor The leference lo "burr" mlnlslers
was cvldcnliy directed at Dr Carlen
Boettlcher , minister of the Interior , and
Count Caprlv I , the former chancellor.
M\V ITALIAN r.viti.i VMI\ : OIMMI : : )
Kin ? Iliimhcii Warns 1 ticiu that Ui'trcnch-
niuit U Abiolutcly Nrci'\ .
HOME , Juno 10 The new Italian Parlia
ment was opened to lay \\lth great ceremony
by King Humbert. The city Is decorated foi
the occasion and iugo crowds of people as >
sembleJ to witness the arrival of the seir
ators and deputies King Humbert and Queer
Margarita were cntliuslnisllcally cheered as
they drove Ihrough the streets , which were
lined with troops.
His majesty took his peat upon the throne
with the customary ceremcuy , and In hli
speech said "Tho Italian people have st
clearly manifested their opinion at the poll !
that no doubt remains legardlng the ques
tioii3 which require Iho promptest dlscusblot
by the assembly. The people recognize tha
the finances of Italy occupy the foremost p' c <
In this connection , and the mosl slrlct re
trenchment of the expenditures Is necessarj
In order to raise Italy's credit abroad. Par
Ilamcnt will then be asked to dc\ote Itsel
to the Important question of communa
finances and administration and to Judlcla
reforms "
His majesty also said that he trusled tha
this legislation would do much to draw to
gclher Ihe various class3 of Ihe population
Jontlnu'ng ' , King Humberl dwell al Icngtl
ipon the friendship existing between Hal ;
ml Great Britain and upon llielr co-oparatioi
11 Africa , adding thai Ihe policy of Italy li
\frlca henceforth would be one of con'ollda
Ion of hei posf = e = slons , and not of adven
ure His majesty concluded with remarklni
hat he relied on the efforts of the member
if Parllamenl to maintain ihe edifice of na
lonal unity erected by his father , Vlcto
manuel The king's speech was greatly ap
plnuded on all sides and there v > ere repeate
: heers for hU majesly Only Ihe soclallsl
vere absent from the opening of Parllamenl
ir.CKUiia jo i MM ; ( ; IMU : vi. MAU : <
tuld on the CIt ) of ( ilium fe rcd by lh
, „ . . Authnrlllr * .
HAVANA , June 10 The bands of Jlln
laceo and Sartorl have added to Iheir num
icrs sixty negroes from near Glbara On Ihl
nccounl II Is Ihought lhal these bands wl
soon pay a visit to Glbara Insurgent Gener :
jomcz has passed through the province e
I'uerto Principe. Troops will concenlrale 1
ho vicinity of Tunas for the purpose of hell
ng the cltl/ens In case trouble should I
.hrcalcned H Is reported thai Ihe Insurgenl
luring the last revolution burled two canuoi
and according to recent advices Ihese hav
jeen dug up and will be repaired and place
' , n readiness for fulure action. Maceo , U
nsurgcnt commander , has Issued orders con
Handing the insurgent sharpshooters lo kl
Colonel Sandoval If Iho opportunity is pn
scnted , oul of revenge for ihe dealh of Marl
Captain General Martinez de Campos is I
eave Ihls clly for the province of Puerl
The Insurgents have fired upon a coai
; uard vessel which was watching Die coa :
between Punla Corda and Sabanllla dc Ma
c , nnzas. One volunteer was killed and or
' llcrllttl e i Mil Introduced.
LONDON , June 10 The House of Con
mons reassembled loday and Ihe parll ;
he mentarj secrclary for the foreign cilice , S
he Edward Grey , Inlroduced a bill lo regula
lie Iho of seals In .
catching Bering sea. In i
Is- doing he explained it was designed to repiai
In * act of IS'Ji , lo carry out the agreemei
with Russia , and that there would be a fe
alterations. The bill passed its llrst readln
lllMiiurilc Giniint Attaint tha Opniilui ; .
15- HAMBURG. June 10 Regrets have bei
15he received from Prince Bismarck , who says th
> e- his healih will not permit him to accept tl
'u Invitation of the Senale lo allend the cer
in. . mon'cs at the opening of the canal at Kiel.
sras tirfnunl DCS MoiucA hulooiilala.
ng DES MOINES , Juno 10. ( Special Tel
U gram ) After a short career ths mulct s
Icons of Des Motuea were cloied today by
he decision of Judge Spurrier of the dlstrl
'he ' court , holding that the signatures of the r
cd tltlon of consent are not only Infulllclent. b
to tome of them fraudulent. This decision Is
) toV the Pressman case. U was agreed by t
ib talaou keepers lo abide by Ihe decision of I
ibto courls. The question as to who had to p :
hli on the euilicieney of the petition was
Is agreement taken to Ihe suprahie courtf Tli
court decided that the liquor men mutt esta .
liih the sufiklency of their petition A proi
Inent saloon keeper said Die only Ihlng now
lei a new petition of consent , and the slgnatut
will bo hard to get , aa the temperance el
ment hav been agitating the question and L
lhbi v eloping public sentiment.
in pmbpzz'cr btt-n , > lei fii the ToiU.
itn SIOUX F\LLS. S D , June 10. ( Spec
n ) Ex-Acting Mayor
Telegram - Sampson
o again In the hands of the sheriff. His bom
men today withdrew because promises ma
) > j Sampeon relative to turning over men
which h was Indicted for embezzling ha
net hern fulfilled.
Altrcc'l Thief Hound Over.
0 PVWNUE CITY , Neb. . June 10 ( Spec
Iff Telegram ) Charley Brown , the. colored I
) I arrested Friday for robbing C. Blco & Cc
g * Rfirral m rchaudiCQ store , bad t trial tl
in afi-r "in and was put under $500 b nda
IT In district court.
Important Statement Regarding Trench
Policy Made in the Chamber.
Soclnllitn Cnll for the I'ubUcnllon ot the
Trcnly with ItusiU but the Min
isters Declined Govern
ment hintiilni'd.
PARIS , June 10. The question of France's
policy In the far cast was revived In the
Chambsr of Deputies today by SI. Mlllcraud ,
the socialist deputy , who protested against
France playing what he termed "Germany's
game. " SI. Sllllcraud was supported by-
many socialist members of the Chamber , who
objecled to the participation of Franco In
the coming festlvllles In couuecllon with
the opening of the Baltic and North Sea
The minister for foreign affairs , SI. Hano-
taux , rcp'leJ amU radical It terru llons , which
were met by centrist cries of "Silence com
munists. " SI. Hanotaux defcnJeJ the
presence of the French squadron at Kiel by
saying the French sailors would represent
not a downtrodden France , but a nation
confident in her strength and rich enough
In glory to dread comparison with no other
povv er.
Adverting to the question of France's
policy In the far easl , M Hanolaux made an
important statement , declaring that oven
had French Interests been less affected than
Ihey were the government would have con
sidered It to be Its imperative duty to Inter
vene Immediately after Russian Interests
wcro threatened Nobody could be blind ,
ho continued , to the dangers of a icversal
of French policy In refusing to support Rus
sia at this Junclure. He believed himself
to be the faithful Interpreler of Iho feelings
of llio country when he telegraphed to St
Petersburg that Franco places her alliance
In Iho first rank of her conslderatlcns , and
the government of Ihe republic was , ihere-
fore , disposed lo support with all possible
efilcacy the views of the Imperial govern
ment concerning the conditions of peace be
tween Chira and Japan.
Continuing his remarks upon the subjecl
of Iho French squadron , he said Ilia Intere-ts
of France , too , justified the attitude adopted
and he po nted out the s tuallon in Egvpt al
1 the present lime as a result of Ihe mistaken
policy of abstention which the French parlla-
IIKIH had foi cod upon Gambetta , who foresaw
the lesult of the evils of the policy of ro-
slralnlng Ihe governmenl from activity so
far as the Suez ca ial was concerned The
recent policy of activity nnd expansion
adopted bv France had lifted her again to
her proper place among the nalons of the
wotUl and had brought about Ihe alliance
wilh Russsia an alliance which had given
Trance the point d appul she longed for. SI
II inotaux concluded by asking for the tin-
eqalvocal support of all Ihe members of the
hamber , for , he tald , a policy of vacillation
would only weaken French prestige abroad
M Florens asked If In return for French
support In the east Russia would ad France
o obtain the freedom of Egypt
M Goblet demanded Ihe publlcallon of Ihe
trealy of alliance with Russia , If one was
In existence
At this point M Rlbot Interposed , saying
"You know well enough we cannot publish
It "
SI. Goblet then continued h s remarks , In
sisting that the visit of the French squadron
lo Kiel was Ihe unfortunate result of the
French co-oporatlon wilh Russia and Ger
many in Ihe far tasl. Frenchmen would
never understand any policy of reapproach-
merit with Germany so long ns the disputed
question of llio provinces of Alsace and Lor
raine remained unsealed
M Rlbot concluled the debate by endorsing
ing all Ihe remarks of SI. Hanotaux The
order of Ihe day approv n the dnclaiatlons
of Ihe go/ernmcnt was then adopted by 36 :
to 103 and amidst loud cheeilns the Cham
her of Depullts adjourned.
niu. nt.nj.v 7o .t.iir. TODAY.
Utlgeno V. OelH unil IIU Associates Wl.l
Servo Out Ihplr Sentences.
CHICAGO , June 10 Eugene V. Debs aiK
oilier officials of the American Railway unloi
will be sent to Ihe Woodslock coumy Jail lo
morrow. The certified copy of Ihe order o
Ihe United States supreme court was receives
toJay and the United States marshal wa :
ordeieJ to return the men to Jail. The mei
under sentence of Imprisonment are : E V
Debs. G. W. Howard , S Kellher , L W
Rogers , James Ilogau , W. E Burns , H. SI
Goodwin and Martin Elliott Iheio U n
question as to Ihe lime the men will serve
Tno original sentence was six months fo
Debs , ani three months for his associates ii
two different contempl cases , Ihe senlcnc
being made concurrent by Iho court. Th
defendants' attoineys later had the senlenc
made cumulative In order to take a deslrei
legal action , and Ihe time to be ecrvel b ;
the prisoners Is consequently a matter of dU
putc It Is thought probable , however , lha
an effort will be made lo have Judge Wood
rclnslate the concurrent sentence
George Howard , Ihe former vice preslden
! of Iho A. H. U , now president of Ihe In
11 dustiial union , which Is a rival organlzallo :
of the A R U , dc ires to be sent to som
county Jail In Indiana nnd has received wha
10 construes as a promise from Judge Wood
o gratify his desire.
I'llOl in A.Al.lltl FOlttiK * ITUll JIVVI
1'crsons Saw Him In Oiklun :
About Ihn Time of thp Murder.
SAN FRANCISCO. June 10 The coroner'
nquest Into the death of Miss Nellie Harrlng
ton , murdered in her flat ten days ago , wa
resumed today. Sirs Crouse , n neighbor c
Miss Harrington. sald lhal Senalor Buck wa
not the only man who had visited the mui
deied woman. Anolher elderly man had frt
quenily taken her driving Sirs Slary Ho
nl a sister of the deceased , testified lhal she ha
quarreled wllh Miss Harringlon because Hi
laUer persisted In accepting Senator Buck' '
attentions , knowing him to b : a marrle
man , and that continually accompanying hli
lo restauranls and resorts was Injuring he
character. Several witnesses testified th :
Senalor Buck was in Oakland after 1 p. m. o
the day SIlss Harrington was murdeied , f
that Buck could not have possibly crossed tl
bay before the hour her dead body was dl :
.S.I.NT.I nt novMt novsK JIUJI.M :
Ten lo I'lttecn iutliu'i : Supposed to llo 1
ct the Mrticiuio.
WICHITA. Kan . June 11. A special to tl
Eagle from Arkansas Clly al 1 o'clock lh
he ( Wednesday ) morning says : The Sanla I
he roundhouse and repair shops In this clt ;
S3 with all their contents , are turned lo tl
by ground. No one knows how the fire caugh
ial There are. It Is said , from ten lo fifteen ei
.1)- ) glnc-s In the roundhouse and the loss will 1
from $100.000 to ? 1EOCOO.
I niiornl of Hold's .Mother.
le- I
Ie XENIA , O , June -Whltelaw Held ni
\vife arrived at Cedarvlllo today , and \ve
directly to the old home , Iwo miles in 11
country , where his aged molher lies den
llo was greally tioubled because lie hi
Ial not seen her before she died. Mrs He
Is will ba burled tomoirovv afternoon In 'fa
IsU box cemetery , adjoining the Held fun
Ude where lies her hubband.
ey Movcnie ; t of Occjii 'tenners Juno 1
At Glasgow Arrived Carthagenlan , fro
At Gibraltar Arrived , Em , from Nc
York for Genoa
Ial At Southampton Arrived Fulda , fro
icy New York.
i.'s At San Francisco Arrived Australia , fro
his Honolulu.
to At Leith Arrived Missouri , from Bal
or HX.S r roj.vr GRADUATES
Cnilct Schulz of West Virginia llcndt the
WEST POINT. June 10. The inllllary ex
ercises today were heavy artillery drill at 5
p. m. at the sea coast btttcry and drill ot
siege mortars and pyrotechnic- . ! this evening.
At dress parade this evening the standing In
general merit of Ihe graduating class was an
nounced as follows First , E II Schulz ,
We t Virginia,1 second , Harry Burgess , Mich
igan , third , J A. Gurney , Michigan , fourth ,
Jens Rugge , Jr , Minnesota ; fifth , Casper II.
Conrad , Scuth Dakota , sixth , H E. Smith ,
Mlnne'ota , tcvenlh , Harry II Stout , Penns- !
\anla , eighth , II A White , Iowa , ninth , J L.
Knowlton. Illinois , tenth , C. H Pajnc , Mao-
land ; eleventh , T. A. Ames , Wl'consln ;
twelfth , C. II Arnold , Jr. , New York ; thlr-
leenlh N K. Avcrlll Michigan ; fourlcenlh ,
H. L Cavaugh , Oklahoma ; tlf oentli , Joseph
Wheeler , Jr , Alabama , rdxicenlh , A S Flem
ing Kcnlucky , fevenlecnlh , P B Pajne , Vir
ginia , eighteenth. M O Blgelow , Michigan ;
nineteenth W O Sills , Norih Carolina , twen-
llclh , A. C NU en , Ohio , twenly-tlrsl , T W.
Darrah , Kanras , tvvtnty-seconJ , Amcrlcus
Ml Ciioll. Alabama , twenty-third , P L Mills ,
Ohio , twenty-font tli , M L McGrew , New
Jersey , twenty-Unit , C E Hawkins , Pennsyl
vania , twcnt-"lxlh , T. L. Richardson , Wis
consin ; twenty-seventh J. S. 1'z.rker , at large ;
twenty-eighth , C. It How land Ohio , twenty-
ninth , F P Slveter , Petinsjlvania ; thlrlle h ,
M. F. Smith , Michigan , thirty-first. L M
Nottman , N w Jerfe > , thl-tv-second , 0 H
Divls , Ohio , thlrtj-third , F. S Hutlont New
'Vork ; lhlrtfourth , J H. Herron. Ohio ,
hirty fifth H Dlxon. Iowa , thirty-sixth , A.
S Brooks , Arkan is , thl-tj-seventh G II
Prltchard , Jr , Georgia , tlilrlj eighth , Thomas
F Dwjer , New York , tblrtninth. . F. W.
Sml'li , Kentucky , fortieth , W S McBroom ,
Indiana ; forty-fir l , L H Lewis. New York ,
forty-second. D S. Stanley , Dakota ; forty-
Ihl d , B T Simmons , North Carollni ; forty-
fourth. J N Angus In , Loulsltna ; forty-fifth ,
S. 0. C'relcn , Massachusetts , forty-sixth ,
Gliard Sturtevanl New York , forty-seventh ,
L H. BT.S , Illinois , for'elghth , Anton
Springer , Jr. . Pennsylvania , forty-ninth , Wil
liam U Watson , New Jer e > , fiftlelh , O J
Charles , Illinois , fiftj firbt. Tho-nas A Pea-co ,
Texas , fifty second , Dinlcl Duncan , Kentucky.
M.ciu.T.uir o/.vfTr"r7iK/.s im. OATH
Chief iluatlifl I tiller Ciunoer from Itlch-
iniitiil 10 AilnilnU'or It.
WASHINGTON , June 10 Mr Olney to
day became secretary of state , succeeding
W. Q Gresham. Chief Justice Fuller , who
had como to Washington from Rlohm"nd ,
administered the cnth of olllce lo llio new
secretary In thn diplomatic room at the
State dcrartment Mr 0 ney came a on * lo Iho
State department at 10 15 o'clock and after ) n
few moments' conversation with Mr Landis ,
private secretary to the late Secretary
Gresham , ho was Joined by Assistant Sec
retaries Uhl , Adeo and Rockhill , and re
ceive 1 their congratulations. After vailing
half an hour Chief Jusllco Fuller appeared ,
accompanied by his daughter , Mrs Aubrey
Secretary Lament also came over from the
War department , and the party , which had
been dialling In Ihe sccrelary's olllce , re
paired lo tin ? diplomatic rocm , adjoining
and the oatli was then administered to Mr
Olney. The sccrelary then received the
bureau chiefs of the Slate department and
settled down to the routine of his new
ncalii Inillvlilil | UVho ( Irt n Mica nf
I'l'Ut'r 11 I u ml * .
WASHINGTON , June 10 ( Spcc'nl ' Tele
gram ) The Treasury dcrUrtment hat
authorized the custodian of tl | * public build
ing at Lincoln to award thojjfollowlng con
tracts for supplies to bo used during the
fiscal year , ending June 30 , lf9C To C II
Havens & Co , contract for supp'ying fuel
at his bid of $900 CO , to the Lincoln Slreel
Railway company and Lincoln Gas company
contracts for furnishing electric lights and
gas at their respective bids , $420 and $2SS
and to L Preston crnlract for furnishing
Ice at Ills bid of $78 73. The acting chid
clerk of the treasury has bent to the cus
todian of the court house and posl lilce build
Ing at Nebraska City a check for $200 on the
Omaha National bank In favor of D P
Rolfe & Co , this sum having been dcpoMtec
as guarantee of faithful performance o !
contract for supplying building with fue
during the current fiscal year.
More shipu to If a M tit to t ho I lorlil i ( on M
WASHINGTON , Juno 10-The ndmlnlh
tratlon has decided that a United State1
V.s ol of war rhotild be sent to Key Wes
for the pui-poio of co-operating with llu
revenue ttitttrs in watching ; for filibuster
Ing expeditions Iravlnif that and otliei
places in Florida lo aid tha Cuban Insur
gents This decision was learned laic to
night , Juct bofoie feeciclnry Herbert's < le
piruire for Alabama , und ho poncludei
that the Itnlulhli fhould b < > used for tin
purpose Tliei latter Vf-scl ) s now at Nev
\ork Orders uic eorted | to be ' out li
hei commander to piepare for the \oyagi
and It Is rfossiblo before many days shi
will be on her way to Key West.
Sliri ' iir v ere .Vit .Mutdcroil.
WASHINGTON , June 10 The reporl pub
8 IMied In New York today thai n parly o
government t > ur\eyors vveic killed by Chick
* nuiw Imllrins ) near Llltle UogRy , In th
Indian Territory , la t Wednesday is in
correcl A dispatch has been received a
the survey from Henry Gannon
chief topographer nt Little HoKgy , stalln ,
Hide Is no trutli in the reports of a massacre
sacro Tilt1 survey linn ten parties of ubou
ten men each nt work In the terriloiy sur
v eying the lauds of Hie Chlckasaw nntlor
II Is said llio Indiana know Iho work I
for Iheli bonelll nnd give Ihe best of treat
ment to the surveyois.
Tliiir ton VMII hprnk nt < Inxrlnnil.
CLEVELAND , O , Juno 10--James II
Hoyt of this city , one of the niott brllllnn
after dinner speakers In Ohio , has bee
selected ns the toasltnasler for Iho giea
baiKiuet at the convention of Iho Nnlloim
Hopub'lcnn leagueL'hauncoy SI Uepe\
1-ns been assigned n toasl 11 is exjioole
thi't Goveuioi .McKlnloy nnd ox-CJoverno
Fornkor will bo nblo to ntloild the b inque
though there la s-omo uncertainly about I
Hon J J Insnlls Hon J. I' ItmrovvB c
MlthlBun , Hon H Clny Evans of Tonne
bee und lion John SI Thuiston of Omah
are among Ihe other Fpeakeis.
Ni br.tiilrn lo
WASHINGTON , Juno 10-Special ( Te ! <
giam ) Postofllces have been established a
follows Nebraska Slahlon , Polls countj
Jnincs T Honncr , poslmastci' . Iowa Fret
dale , Johnson counly , Uracford I'tibOi
The followingpostofllooB have neen ill !
continued Nebraska Elmer , Hftyes counts
mail will go to Strlcklanl. lown Klssmei
Cnlhoun county , mall will go to Pamory
Iowa pobtmnstors were npuotntLd today f
follows- Avon , I'oik county. H IlicKln
vice W. Eveand tctlgned ; Peru , Madlso
J ) county , J. \ \ Keller , vice .M. II Travl
No Noril of \Vnmhlp
WASHINGTON. Juno 10-Becretnry He
bert said today thai H hael'not yet be <
dctcimined vvhclher a war vop ol would 1
senl lo Iho Florida eonsl to prevent a fll
buslerlnt ? oxpedllion i.olnK to assist tl
Cuba rebels Navy olllelalH seneially n
of the opinion thai there IH no nec.epsi |
for any such action by the United Stale
It in piobublo the net Ion of tbo Navy d
partment will depend upon Becrelary
Stuto Ulney If he desires thai a vvarsh
palrol tin ; coast one no doubt will be ner
lovritn llu .Mudo .1 : iiiililpi
WASHINGTON , June lO.-The battlosh
Iowa Is to bo made n flagship , though n
so designed originally. Secretary Heibe
has found It expedient to 111 her out
this way , nnd the board of naval bure :
clilcfn was engaged today In discuss ! )
p'nns for lln chunije of the Interior a
rangtments. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Srro ut Tilil of lloucuto rnnuncnrcil.
WASHINGTON , June 10-The trial
Captain Henry W How gate on two Indie
ments , chnrglmr forgery and falslflfcatii
of accounts while iliMuirsinK otllccr of t :
signal service In Ib7' , waa begun toda
The morning was consumed In obtaining
jury and making the opening speeches.
iiorlsnirii'i Anocntloi.
The Nebraska Stale S ortumen'a aspocl
ticn will boll a three * days' meeting In tli
city , beginning on of the prese
W , H , Bancroft Appointed Joint Kcceivcr
of tbo Utah Lines ,
Onion 1'iiclllc Vlrtunlly Win * \lctory by
the lUclMon mid Order of Juclgo
Mcrrllt nt Suit I , l < o
SALT LA KG CITY , Utah . June 10. ( Spe
cial Telegram ) Judge Merrltt rendered a de
cision this morning In the Oregon Short Line
receivership case. Ho confirms the appoint
ment of John M. Egan as receiver , but a'-so-
clatcs with him as joint rcccl\er W. 11. Dan-
croft , present general superintendent of the
western end of the Union Pacific pystcm
Judge. Merrltt requires the American Loan
nnJ Trust company to pay all Interest duo on
flMl mortgage bonds , Including the Ham
mortgiges on the Utah Southern lines.
On the nutter of receivers' certificates ths
order Is silent The failure to mention the
certificates Is regarded by attorneys for the
American Laan and Trust company as equiva
lent to a refusal to authorize the Issuance of
filch certificates , as without an cracr from
this court they cannot be made a lien on
Utah linos.
While the appointment of a co-rcceher
had been foreshadow el in these dispatches , it
Is something of a surprise Iti the extent to
which It protects Union Pacific Interests.
The court granted e\cn more than the Union
Pacific asked It has imposed impossible
conditions , according to the trust company ,
by ordering the pajmcnt of defaulted Inter
est , and refusing to authorize certificates
upon which to ralso funds.
While the attorney b refuted to state what
they proposed to do , a represcntallve of the
trust company , who Is kiijwn to speak aulhor-
Itathely , said' "We have stated from the
outset that we would not accept the Utah
lines under a Union Pacific Joint rocelver-
shlp , and we will nut recede from this posi
tion. We will do nothing. We will lca\e
the Utah lines entirely alone. We cannot
take them subject to the Union Pacific re-
cehers , therefore sve will not touch them
We were entitled to a separate recehorship ,
but this Is not such an appointment. The
failure to permit the Issue of receivers' cer
tificates also clones the matter up. We can
not act under the order. '
"Will it net bo somewhat lncon\enlcnt to
operate the lines outside of Utah without en
trance to Ogden ? ' was asked.
"I am not to certain about that At any
ate WP are in as good a position ub the
'nlon Pacific "
Having refused to accept JuJgo Merrill's
ider , there die but two courses loft lo Ihe
ru t company operation of the lines outside
f U'ah , with Pocatello probably as the hcad-
uarteu' , or entire * abandonment of the re-
eivership proceedings It Is believe J that
ho former course will be pumicd and tint
oreclosuro and sale unJer the consolidate 1
lortgago will be pushed The decision Is of
oubtful advantage to the Union Pacific It is
Iven access to Salt Like bjt is shut off from
uttc and Portland , und Is obliged to operate
ie unprofitable lines running poulh from this
Ity All the llnei in Utah will remain under
Jnion Pacific ccntiol , as Judge Merrill's or-
cr becomes Inoperative Ihrough the refusal
f the trust company to accept it.
Tie decision Is not well received by the
usli os ? community , which was anxious for
hort Line headquarters to bo establlshcl
ere and Ihe court Is very warmly crlliclzcd
SenateThurston and family leave tomor-
ow for Idaho Concerning the dccl Ion , the
enalor said "The appointment of an asso-
lalo receiver will reult In nn abandonment
f Ihe field by the irust company , as It can-
ot carry out its present plans in regard to
ho line0 "
i.tic.u , oi riciAi b o > am :
ippoltitment of Cn-Ku-niicr llincruft llu-
Knnlril tilth Mitlnfiii lion.
It was a foicgone conclusion that the
ihort L'ne and Ulah Northern would be placed
ir.der the control of a separate receiver , the
nly hops of Iho Inleresls antagonistic to the
\tnerlcan Loan and Trusl company being lo
ecure a co-receiver who would be fair lo the
Union Pacific , which has now been accom
plished In Ihe appolntmenl of W. II llan-
roft , superintendent of the mountain division
if the Union Pacific
General Manager Dickinson was elated over
he appointment of Mr Bancroft , whom IIP
regards as the one man of nil men to dlrecl
he Interests of the separated property
"Dut I don't believe Mr Efan will accept
he terms of Ihe Iransfer , embo lying as It
Iocs the Ulah Soulhern. a propetly which
las nol paid operating expenses Our people
feel sallsfied vvilh llio lerms of the order at
made by Judge Merrltt and If It Is accepted
jy the American Loan and Trust companj
t musl bo done al grcal cosl lo Ihat
corporation The American Loan and Trust
company , through Its atlorncys , has fought
he co-receivership Idea from Ihe beginning ,
and Ihls , coupled wllh the Interesl fealure
of Hie order , which Is along Ihe lines out-
"Incd by Ihe attorneys for the llrst mortgage
nttrcbts , receivers of Ihe Union Pacific and
Oregon Short Line will probably prove loc
much of a load for Ihe receivers lo carry.
"Should Mr. Egan acccpl it will not affec :
ho forces at Union Pacific headquaitera tc
he exlcnt of more lhan Ihlrly men , and a-
for our mechanical forces , Ihey are rediicei
to the minimum. It has been my Idea , how
ever , all the way through thai if two re
celvers were accredited to the properly ant
Uie contenllons of Ihe attornejs for llio fir-i
mortgage and other Interests follow eJ thai
the successor receiver could not conslstentlj
take the property.
"As you have Intimated , Sir Egan wll
now operate the properties In the Eighth am
Nlnlh circuits , " addressing the reporter , "bu
I can ha'dly believe this , as Ogden Is the ke ;
to the situation and II would leave Mr Egai
Iho ends of the line to operate , while tin
great middle woulJ bo operated by Ihe pros
enl receivers , for I take It that Mr. Uancrof
would refuse to take the road If his scnlo
should object to the order. "
There was consl.erablo satisfaction ex
pressed about headquarters when the term
of Judge Merrill's order became known , fo
the majority of the heads of department
felt that Mr. Egan would not take the Shor
Line loaded down with nonpaylng division. '
as In the case of the Ulah Southern ani
Southern Extension
William II Hancroft. the co-receiver ap
polnled by Judge Merrllt for the Oregon Shor
Line & Utah Northern , was born October 20
1S3S , al Neburg. . 0 Ho cnlered rallwa ;
servlco April , 1S5G , as telegraph operator an' '
tlckel clerk of Ihe Michigan Soulhern Hall
way , tlnce which time he has bean consecu
lively , May 1SC1 lo 1SC9. division operatoi
clerk and dispatcher Erie road , 1EC9 to 187
dispatcher , superintendent's cleric and tral
dispatcher , Kansas Pacific , October 20 , 1S7I
lo April 1S75 , assistant superintendent , Atchl
son , Topeka & Santa l"e : May 1S75 lo 1S7 (
superintendent St. Louis , Lawrence & Wester
railroad ; January 1 , 1870 , lo April 1S7S , chic
dispatcher Mltfourl. Kansas & Texas ; Apr
1878 , to July 29 , 1SSB superintendent ! varlou
I divisions of the Denver & Hlo Grande rcaO
August 15 , 1SSI , lo July 29 , 1SS6 , receiver r
the Denver & Hip Grande Western ; July 2 !
I860 , to July 1. 1S90 , general eupcrlnlender
I Denver & Hlo Grande Western , January 1 !
1S90 , lo date , general superintendent of 111
Mountain division of the Union Pacific.
. _ JuUgo McXithnr Hut the Nnvlcatlou Com
' tinny Stilt Duller Ailvlicmrnt.
The hearing- which has been going on bi
> fore Special Master In Chancery L L Mi
Arthur of the Ninth circuit at Union Paclf
headquarters under the foreclosure eu
brought by the Farmers Loan and Trust con
a. pany , trustee under the consolidate
i In mortgage of the Oregon Hallway and Navlg ;
nt tlon company against the receivers of tl
Union Pacific and otberi , pertaining to tl
settlement of accounts of the former receivers
of the Oregon Railway and Navlgitlon com
pany , S. II. II. Clark and others and the
iresent receiver , n. McNelll. was finished yes-
lerday morning. C 12 S. Wood was prcsnt
last week and represented Major McNelll
Joseph Simon of Porthud of the law firm of
Dolph , Mallory & Simon was the reprcsenta-
live of Ihe Farmers Inn and Trust com
pany while Judge Kelly looked after the
L'nlon Pacific Interests Special Ma ter Mc-
Arthur took the mailer under advlsemenl , In
vle\v of Ihe fact lhat there Is a great deal
of exp ° rt testimony to be milled over Judge
Kelt } and Judge McArthur left Sunda ) even
ing for St Paul , where they have certain
matters to present to Judge Sanboru of the
Eighth circuit.
7Kor/i//.s of intoiicu Ai'i'Licizrn
Mrs i ; . II , , \iipti | | | < mid Dr. llolcli'M Ciuno n
triMittloii nt Mniix 1'iilln ,
SIOUX FALLS , S. D , June 10 ( Spe
cial ) The trial of n civil suit Involving the
paltry sum of $50 has created something of
a sensation In this clly. The case was In-
sllluled by Mrs L E Thompson , who came
out from v rniont some time ago as com
panion to Mrs E I ) Appcllus , who Is here
for a divorce , to recover } IJO to pay plaintiff's
expenses home Mrs Thompson diluted that
the agreement vas that she should have her
expenses paid both ways , besides her sal try
as companion , and that she had been dis
charged without having money for her return
trip advanced
Mrs Appcllus did not appor In court , but
her phjslolan , Dr Helden , also a Veunonter
out hero for a divorce , who has been attend
ing Mrs App llus during her Indisposition ,
testified that Mrs Thompson had nol been
discharged Instead , Ihe door belwecn the
rooms of Ihe Iwo women has been locked lo
keep Mrs Thompson oul because the latter
had a dlsagreeab'c ' throat trouble which
greatly amioved Mrs , Thompson.
Here Is where the sensational part began.
Mrs Thompson then took Ihe Bland and testi
fied conccinlng the doctor's professional and
other vIMts to her mlstro ° s , and lold of
scenes which t-he had observed when she was
suppotcd by the olherb lo be oul of sight.
A judgment was remleied ngalnst the de
fendant for $50 and costs. The story of the
trial soon rot abroad and Dr. Uelden pulled
down his shingle and took an evening train ,
saying he was going back to Vermont. It Is ,
however , Ihought that he has gone to some
other South Dakota town , where he will re
main until he gels his divorce
Mrs Appellus lefl wllh Dr. Ilelden Her
trunk was attached at Dell Itaplds and
brought back to settle the judgment. Doth
bought tickets for St. Paul
/ : . T. UUOT 1 } > l.lllH' CK AOA1X
Oilpcr Cnprrn nf the llnttrlrn Mini Who
Murrlndciilimt Ilm VMM.
nEATHICE , June 10. ( Special Telegram )
E T. Hoot has again brought himself Into
public notice. Last February Hoot went lo
Omaha and was married to Mrs. Kato Hus-
tcll of Sioux City. Heturnlng to Beatrice In
a few days ho denied being married , claiming
that he had change ! his mind about the mai
ler after procuring a licence A few weeks
later Mrs. Hussell-Hoot came to this clly and
proved lo Ihe atlsfacllon of every one that
Root was her lawfully welded husband After
she had remained here a number of days
mailers were arranged belvvcen Hie parlies
and they b-gan housekeeping , she attending to
all the preliminaries of ronllng and furnishing
a lieu e Apparently all had gone well until
Saturday. Without apprising his wife of his
movements Hcot went to Lincoln From there
ho sent her a mo sage say Ing he had been
called to Lincoln unexpectedly , had secured a
paying sltuUlon and would return the day fol
lowing , but up to 1hls time has failed to put
In an appearance and Mrs Hoot Is positive
ho has no Intention of returning.
Root is a man of no means , aside from a
houro and two lots In Ihls clly , and these he
deeded to his three children Ilefore leaving
( he was clly assessor ) he finished the annual
assessment and sold his claim against the
com ty therefor
Alirough an enllro stranger he-e until last
Kilday Mrs Hoot has galneJ the resj-ecl of
evc-jonc by her demeanor since coming
here , and the sympithj of the community are
largely with ncr She has staled Elnco Hoot's
departure that shu will not live with him
hcreaficr should he decide to return. ll.lMi .1 l > l.r.lVI.TKK.
Wyoin'iiff C'otnty Irriisnrer Kouml SnurU
HiimlriMl Dollar * .Short.
LANDER , W > o , June 10 ( Special Tele
gram ) Elmer Hank , who relired from llio
counlj Ireasurer's office In January , 1S93 , Is
found lo be n defaulter In the sum of $1,400
The money was secured by making false en
tries Salurdaj the sheriff went to Washakle
where Hank was cmplojeyl In the post
tradei's store as tlrrk and acting postmaslcr.
11 was found that lie hid not been at the
lore for Ihree days Ills books were al enc <
examined and Hie discovery was made that
ie had robbed the postolllce of over $100
The sheriff learned that Hank had gone nortli
oward Ihe Halllcsnake range
CHEYENNE , Jun 10 ( Special Telegram ]
The Wjomlng supreme court today decided
for the defendant In the application for ball
of E S Crocker , the Evanston cattleman
charged wllh Ihe murder of his partner , Har
vey Hooth II held lhal Ihe statute which
'orblds ball being allowed after an Indict-
nent has been returned charging a capita
offense Is unconstitutional and inoperative
where the proof Is not evident or the presumption -
sumption of guilt great ; also that the dlslrlci
courls have Jurisdiction In determining th <
ire-iimptlou of guill In accordance will
this dM-ion Crocker will be given a hearlnf
on ( he quesllnn of ball in Ihe Uinla counts
llstiict court Thursday.
iticii iioiAt niftVitrmtr uici ,
I'rotpcctor * riockinu- Into the Country inn
Making out ( Inhni.
GUTHRIE , Okl. , June 10 For several day
rumors have been current lhal gold had beei
dlscovereJ In paying quantillcs on Hogg ;
creek , some fourteen miles boulhwcst fron
Arapahoe , Guthrle county. Last Frlda ;
Tommy Bell came to town and slaled som
very rich leads had been found and Ilia
people were flocking into the mineral rcgloi
from all points of the compass. In less thai
Iwo hours several parties were equipped an *
on the road. Sleesrs Leo Wells and Ale
Hanshaw returned today and reported ver ;
r cli fields and that hundreds ot men wcr
on the ground staking off claims. The vei
runs from C'obb creek , In the Caddo country
to the head of the Boggy , a distance of fort
miles , and ranges from ihruo lo eleven mile
wide Slessrs. Wells and Hurish iw brougli
back eomo specimens , which have bee
lested by Sir Cramer , an experienced mine
and afcsaylsl , who reports Ids specimens ver
rich with precious metal. 1 lie btrata of gel
Is found on an nveraga of about seven fee
below the surfatfe , and U very oas ly gotlc
out A mining lown has h"en laid out an
plaited under the towniltc laws Reports sa
that people are coming in and staking ot
mining claims at the tale of a hundred
day. _
tours ? nut : * AUK . .SIMJIUHXIM
Nothing hut a lleuy Itulu Can Irfectuull ,
( heck 'llirm.
BRADFORD , Pa. , Juns 10. The forest fire
lhat started last Saturday are 21111 burnln
fiercely and large cangs of men are worklu
trying to prevent the flames from spreadln
to valuable property. In Elk county tl
woods between Russe City and Chaftee ai
ablaze and considerable heavy timber Is belli
devoured by the flumes. Kane Is turroundt
by fires and points that last week's fires d :
not burn nra now being burnel c cr
Urge force of men Is no.v at work t-ymg to p' (
vent the flames from spreading to oil ar
other valuable properly Yesterday's lire i
Sugar Run demoycd 1,600000 feet of Ui
and 1,000 cords of bark belonging to Stout
Hoden ) H O Oitrander lost 3,000 000 feet
logs and tome lumber. Allen's lumber cair
has been destroyed and the people of tl
place barely had time to remove their hou *
hold goods , A big fire Is reported bctvvei
Chipmunk and Limestone , and much valuab
property Is in danger. Everything In tl
woods Is again dry and unleit It rains soi
10 there 1s no telling wbat the result may be.
Tragedy of Sunday Night Now Made as
N Olcar as Day ,
Guilty love Between Mrs. Ish and the
Dead Man Caused Murdor.
Coming Suddenly lute the Bedroom Ho
Saw the Whole Truth.
,1 nines I | | AcUnoulfMlgm thnt llo Vlrei/
tile Mint * tlmt Killed Clmpp'o UCCIUIHO
the Iutter Uiul Hern tntlnmto
n-llh .Mrs. 1th.
William H. Chappie was killed by a shol
that entered his head just above and bhlml
the left car , pass'ng cnllrely Ihrough Ihe
brain and lodging In Iho bone beneath the
right cat.
James Ish has confessed that ho fired thai
Chappie's face shows the marks of povvdoi
burns , proving conclusively lhat the wounds
on his neck and breast were fired at short
As neither of the wounds In the neck nor
the one In the btcist was sufllclent to cause
death at once , and were not necessarily fatal
at all , It Is a fair Inference thai Ihey wera
fired after Chappie had received Ills mortal
hurt , and probably after lie was dead.
These facts , brought out al llio aulopsy > es-
tcn < a > , demolish the story of the shcotlng
Ilrtt lold by Mrs. Ish. Hut she demolished
that slory herself by telling another to the
effect that the eliols were all fired by her
htisbind , and lhal they agreed between them
tint she should take the onus of Ihe crlmo
on herself , believing she would be more lon-
lcntl > dealt with
No other topic received public attent'on '
vcsterdaj as did the exclusive story told by
The lice of the crime and Its cau cs The
publication of the letters and the centrart
found among the personal effects of the dead
man produced a sensation almost as profc und
as the announcement of ( lie murder. It made
EO plain the circumstances surrounding the
affair that | > cople were falrl ) asloumlod at
the almost phenomenal aspects of llio liaison
and Its terribly tragic end
Iloth Mr and Mri. Ish tried to b ° ar up
je-sterday and stick lo their llrst story It
was ii'eloss , for they both broke down and
confessed , separatclj > et told the Fame story
In the main
Ish suspected Chippie of bsjng Intimate
with Mrs. Ish Ho thought when the dead
man came lo the house on Sunday evening
mt II was nol to IK the sewing machine ,
ut to sec Mrs Ish Instead of going to Die
ellar , as he cald bo would , he"went lo a
edroom adjoining lhat in which Chappie and
Ira. Ish were looking at the nfachlne , Ite-
irnlng suddenly , lie suiprl'cil the pair In
compromising position , and Ihe bs-
an.Yesterday's developments In the case will
o found In the following matter.
lUSltAM ) AM > win : coNriss :
nil Onus Up tlmt llo 1 Iruil tlio hholK tlmt
Killril Clmtiplr.
There Is no longer any doubt that Ish
Illed Chappie. The story that The Dee
ubllshcd jestcrday advancing thai Ihcory
as fully corroborated by the evidence that
as , discovered dm Ing the day , and was fin-
lly and positively piovcn by the confessions
f both Ish and his wife , who decided to tell
t leasl a parl of what they know of the
Illlng of Chappie.
During Ihe early part of the day Ish per-
Isted in maintaining the story he told at Urn
line hu was ai retted , to the effect thai the
cad man had been killed by his wife Hi ! )
vlfo seconded him by giving Iho bume ac-
011 n t of the shooting
In giving the delalls of Iho Iragcdy the
wo not only contradicted each other , but
hemsclves. Ish was especially contradictory
n his statements An an instance , he gave
hrco iliffcrcnt explanations of how lie got
he icvolver which he claimed hla wife had
Hatched from his hand and vvilh which she
lad shot t'happle To one man ho said tlmt
lo took It out of a but can drawer , to an-
Iher lhal he had It In his pocket , and to a
lilrd that he did not have it , but took It
rom the hands of his wire.
Plimlly , In view of thsso conlradicllons
and also of Iho evidence lhat was plainly
minting to the fact thai Mrs. Ish did nol
ire a shol , Ish was taken Into the private
office of Chief Dctcctlvo Haze and asked foi
ho Iruo statement of how the tragedy oc
curred. At first ho atlompled lo maintain
.hat the story he- first told wai true , but Hit
mprobablllly of Iho slory was forced upon
ilm. Then lie Bald lhat when ho entered
lie bedroom Chappie was l > lng on Iho lloor
shot by Mrs. It > h , with Chappie's nwn rc-
iolvcr , and that ho then fired four times al
lilm. It was then shown lo him how It
aggravalcd his guilt If ho shot at a man who
tvas already wounded and not In a position
.o defcnil himself , even If the man had at
tempted to assault his wlfr > . At thai Ish
acknovvlodged lhat he was the man who
killed Chappie.
Ish.aid that on Saturday ho discovered
that his wife had been Intimate with Chap
pie Consequently , when Chappie came to
the houio at 7 o'clock on Sunday evening ,
oslcnhibly lo fix a ECU Ing machine , ho felt
satisfied thai ho came lo meet Mrs. Ish.
The suspicion was fctrenttl oned by Iho evi
dent fact lhat Chappie did not expect to
find him nt home , because when he saw Ish
ho remarked thai ho had called to fix the
machine , but had decided to let It go to the
follow Ing day. Ish Insisted , however , that
ho should do It at once.
After fliupplo waa stated before the ma
chine In tha bedroom Mrs. Ish lold Isli lo go
down lo the cellar for Kindling wood. Ish left
the rtom , but Instead of going Into the ctlhr
hn got his itvelver , and In a few minutes re
turned and opened the door of the room. Ho
n his wife sitting on Chappie's knee , her
arms aluut his neck Chnpple saw him , and ,
draw ing hi * revolver , fired two or tlirce shots
at him , none of them taking effect. Ish
then leveled hU revolver and ( lied four shots ,
nil of them laklng effect.
When Mrs Ish was Informed that her hus-
binil had confetti ! to having killed Chapplo
Mie broke down and said to Police Matron
"Why did ho tell Ihls9 It Is true that
Jlmmlc fired the allots. We had fixed up the
htory and had agreed that we would awcar
thai I fired all the shots. We thought that I
could get oul of It b'ttcr than he. "
Rhe Bald thai when her husband left lha
room Chappie drrw her lo him and forced hfr
on hlj knee and allcmpted to take liberties
with her. Bha rctltlrd him but while S'IQ
was In tlilx position lull rpentd the door and
navv them He then commenced lo lire at
Mr ? . Ish denlea positively that she had writ
ten the- notes thai v.ere found on Chappie's
pcrion The Iflicrs were thown her eaily
jB'erdny ' nioinuig bill the mod : thn denial
evin h'furc the had lo Itrl at them. She alto
id Hut HIP never had any rMauans with
Chappl , but tlmt he had been penecut ng her
f'r t ins I'n ' f
Adoring t llr statement mcdri by Jsh ,
Chapplo vvafc the Qrtt nisu to draw ave pop