Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 06, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Next Convention of the Pharraaceucial
Association to Bo llsld at Lincoln.
Clinrge that Jublteri WcreHclllne Ailullcr-
ntccl ( looiU CnuiM Hplrltccl iJlicmnlon
KlTort to bnvo America from the
1'lood ot Foreign Noitrums ,
Acting upon the report ot the reference
committee , to which was ubmlttci the sub
ject of trade Interests , the Nebraska State association unanimously pissed
the University
a resolution yesterday asking
versity of Omaha to establish a department
of pharmacy.
The ecntlmcnt was developed by a discus
slbn of the feailhlllty of creating a state col
lege of pharmacy.
In the midst of the remarks W. D. Hallcr
of Illalr , president of the State Hoard of
Medical Examiners , and who was a member
of the last legislature , frankly told the con
vention that It would bo hopeless to expect
any relief from the State university. Ho
preceded to pay his respects to that Institu
tion and said that 600 students attended the
State university who should bo educated at
the Lincoln High school. Ily rights a r-i.ulr
of pharmacy should Lo established at the
Stale university , and If proper methods were
adopted It could be. The state was In debt
and the university was overcrowded with
Lincoln youths. Mr. Ilallervas grectoJ
with applause , especially when ho stirred up
the present methods at tlio university with
reference to Lincoln pupils.
Other recommendations of the trades Inter
ests were dlcciUEcd and the report was re
ceive ! and1 placed on file.
The report of the executive committee
was received and adopted.
The following resolution was Introduced
by Mr. Kuhn :
Hesolvod , That the delegates to the
American Pharmaceutical association bo
Instructed to request that association to
organize an effort to prevail upon the rep
resentatives and senators to pas such
laws as will change the present rules and
regulations with regard to medicinal copy
rights arid trade mark preparations , which
are so llxcd that the American public Is
the prey of the whole world.
The sentiment mot with the concurrence
of the delegates.
A resolution of thanks was tendered nil
firms which contributed prices , and the sec
retary was Instructed to show the proper
appreciation under the olllclal seal.
Mrs. Julia CrUsey Hoobler read an Inter
esting paper on "Tho Soda Fountain , Its
Uses and Abuses" which was well received.
"Judicious Advertising for the Retail Drug
gist" was ably handled by M. W. Ityerson
of Omaha.
"Tho Relation that Should Exist Between
the Doctor and tlio Druggist , " by J. W.
Moore of Harvard , was a subject In which
interest was centered and the sentiments of
the speaker approved.
Mrs. 11. N. Shumati of Nebraska City read
a splendid paper on "Tho Kin Do Sleclo
Drug Man. "
The following new members were elected
C. L. Reynolds , Talmage ; E. Dradwell , Fair-
Held : James , Williams , Wood River ; J. Stout
Ponder ; S. W. Green , Ewlng ; Charles Wells
L. II. Hoyt , Omaha ; II. E. Urown , Louisville
J. W. Harinan , Orchard ; Conrad Thelen
Shelby ; B. 13. Grimths , A. L. Johnson , C. E.
Lathrop , 0. IS. Iledwell , H. S. King. W. J.
Shrador , O. II. Wlrth , Omaha ; S. E. Scarr
South Omaha ; W. L. Foote , J. Harvey Green
S. E. How ell , C. J. Halnes , F. II. Do Coo
P. C. Peterson , Omaha ; F. I. Carlton , Pal
myra ; O. T. Ray , Osccola ; J , T. Leahy
Jackson ; S. M. Cooper , Lincoln ; C. H. Smith
Plattsmouth ; J. S. Llvesay , Coresco ; L. H
Holan , Wcston ; R. L. llcckwlth , Imllanola
A. D. Nesblt , Tekamah ; E. C. Felton , York
P. II. Smith , Alliance ; J. J. Green , Elsie ; C.
J. panan , Omaha.
An attempt to change the name of the as
sociation Was voted down.
During a discussion prior to the noon re
cess the question of adulterated drugs cre
ated a small breeze. M. 13 , Shultz ol
Beatrice openly announced that every dniK
Jobbing house bold adulterated drugs anil
ho favored action to Improve the quality ol
goods which were shipped to druggists
He wanted a microscopic test and a rigid
law for better drugs.
Mr , Holler of Blair believed the only re
lief was a national law which would pre
vent Importation of adulterated drugs from
other states. A state legislative enactment
he believed , would not bo remedial.
Mr. Snow of Omaha made a speech ex
pressing surprise that a druggist would
knowingly bell adulterated drugs , and sali
that the remarks of the preceding speakers
were too sweeping , and ho challenged theh
assertions to a largo extent. Druggists a
a class were not knowingly distributing ar
Inferior quality of drugs to customers.
Mr. Ilaller refused to concur with Mr
Snow. Ho arose again and repeated thai
nearly .every druggist In Nebraska was sell
Ing adulterated goods , and the people , h
said , were to blame for It , because the drus
business was being made a "commercial1
occupation , because department stores wen
selling goods cheap , and the people wen
always looking for popular prices ,
Mr. Sherman of Omaha sustained Mr
Snow and defended the charge that drug
gluts were handling "watered goods. "
Mr. Shultz and Mr. Hallcr , however , Im
movably stood by their frank assertions am
threw a few more bombs Inti
the convention. Mr. Kuhn expressci
his amazement at the assertions and dc
fended the charge that even Inferior sod
water was being shoved over marble coun
ters In drug stores. The discussion waxci
warm and Mr. Snow ncnln filled the air wltl
meJIcal volapuk and description of an nnaly
tlcal test of the drugs sold In Omaha , bu
many of tip country delegates maintains
silence and allowed the battleto be fough
out between the five leading participants.
Mr. Smith Wilson brlelly admitted tha
drugs were sold to retailers at a certali
standard of purity , but Jobb rs were not re
quired by all druggists to supply good
chemically pure , or "C. P , " according t
drug parlance.
An attempt to adjourn In the midst o
the discussion was defeated by those wh
wished to hear an extended talk on the sul
Ject. A motion to take a recess , later , unt
2 p. in. , was carried.
At 12:30 : the convention took a y > ccss an
most ot the delegates assembled at Elgli
teenth and Harncv streets , where the
smiled before the camera and had a grou
picture taken. „
The Jarvls Wine company of Council Bluff
was frozen out of the main hall in the ex
hlblts. according to the opinion of Thoma
C. Jarvls , but promptly opened a display 1
one of the ante-rooms. Notwithstanding th
fact that the company does business In
state of prohibition tendencies , the cxhlbl
U one of the largest at the convention , an
has been quickly popularized by a "free dl !
pensary" of beverages on the lustallnitr
plan , In charge of Tom Jarvls ,
William C. Off , one of the delegates wh
studied under Prof. Flint , gave on cxhlbltlo
of hypnotic power and mesmerism In th
anteroom In the morning. He successful !
placed Charles Crunklcton of Beatrlco n
II , C , Mathlson In a trance In theprescnc
ot several tpectntors.
At the afternoon session Dr. Dlckersoi
manager ot the pharmaceutical departmer
at Cudahy's , read a proficient paper on " 1'ej
sin , " and exhibited some rare specimens <
hog itomachs In bottles.
W. O. Taylor. In behalf of the travelln
men , presented C. R. Sherman , the heal eei
rotary of the association , with a handsome !
designed chair for courtesies extended t )
Mr. Thcophllus St. Martin ot Wahoo , t
chairman ot the committee on deceased men
ber . delivered a eulogy In memory of C. 1
Goodman , A. F. Johnson , Dr. E. M. Par !
and Charles F. Ron ell.
M. Mason ot Homer , P. R. Garrett of No
folk and 0. L. Stlllman of Columbus wei
elected members.
Colonel Prank P. Ireland of Nebraska Oil
extended an Invitation to visit the Crelghtc
at the request ot Count CrelgUtoi
Limited time prevented acceptance , but the
convention extended Its thanks.
The "Impure drug" discussion was not
Without opposition Lincoln was chosen as
the next placs of meeting.
Lincoln Wilson of Lincoln was unani
mously elected president for the ensuing
year. H was a Lincoln day , even to a portion
tion of the new president's name.
President-elect Wilson , In response to loud
calls , took his scat on the platform , after de
livering a brief speech of gratitude for being
thus honored with the chief executive duties
of the association , Mr. Wilson Is a popular
young drupglst who has been In business at
Lincoln for nine years.
Other officers elected wcra :
Vice presidents , L. W. McConnell of Me-
Cook , H. W. Shuman of Nebraska City , II.
P. Tucker of Grand Island , O. W. Moore of
Harvard , J. F. Gcrto of Seward and
Theophllus H. Martin ot Wahoo.
Secretary , W. L. Helleman of Tecumseh reelected -
elected ) .
I/ical secretary , H. II. Barth of Lincoln.
Treasure' , Jerry L. Bowen of Wood
River ( re-elected ) .
Theto was a spirited contest for three can
didates for the State Board of Medical Ex
aminers. Norman A. Kuhn and J. 11.
Schmidt of Omaha and Henry R. Gerlng of
PlatUmouth were finally selected.
H. R. Gerlng of Plattsmouth , C. J. Dau
bach of Lincoln , N. A. Kuhn of Omaha , M.
E. Shultz of Beatrice and J. St. Alartln of
Wahoo were chosen delegates to the Ameri
can Pharmaceutical association convention
at Denver.
A. L , Johnson and G. W. Moore won the
honors of presenting the best papers during
the convention.
The retiring president. Henry R. Gerlng ,
was presented with an elegant chair whsn
ho surrendered his olllce to his successor.
It was decided to hold the next convention
June 2 , 3 and 4 at Lincoln in 1S9C.
1IAVD1.N IlltUS.
Tomorrow U Ilnrcitln Hny lit lluvdmiV.
The special sals of wash goods which we
Inaugurated this week will be continued to
morrow. The wonderful prices we are mak
ing , makes this the most successful wnsh
Roods sale ever held In Omaha.
Cheney Bros. ' COc printed Indlas , 35c yard.
Swivel wash silks , 30 Inches wide , 2Ec
Black and white check taffeta silks , 49c.
7uc changeable taffeta silks now 59c.
There's none finer In the land than ours
every vl'Itor says so evary now Idea all the
most.excellent creations from European fashIon -
Ion CMiters.
Special for tomorrow we sell nearly COO
trimmed hats that under ordinary circum
stances should sell for ? 3 , $ G and $7 , this
day 12.88.
T'te ' ladles of the Hillside church have been
having such success with their midday lunch
at the Young Men's Christian association hall
that they have decided to serve lunch on
Thursday from 11:30 : to 2 p. m.
They look for liberal patronage.
KxmrHloin boutli nnil Knot.
Excursion tickets via Chlcag9 will be sold
by rullwajs In west and north
. west good over Pennsylvania lines as fol
lows :
To Chattanooga , Tcnn. , June 23 , 26 and 27 ,
account Epworth League conference ; good
returning fifteen days , with prlvlbge of ex
. tension fifteen days additional.
To Baltimore , July 1G and 17 , good returnIng -
Ing until August G , account B. Y. P. U. meet-
To Boston , July 5 to 9 Inclusive , extreme
return limit August 3 ; account Christian En
deavor National meeting. To Boston , August
19 to 25 Inclusive , for Knights Templar con-
: elavo ; extreme return limit October 3.
- Tickets may also bo obtained on above
, dates at city ticket olllce , 248 South Clark
, street , and at Union Station on Canal stroat
; between Adams and Madison , Chicago. For
, detailed Information apply to Derlng , 218
. South Clark street , Chicago , by letter , tele
. gram or In person.
, At the First Presbyterian church tonight
, at 3 o'clock Rev. S. H. McCormlck will
lecture on "A Walk Through London. " Ad
, mission , 25 cents , for benefit of foreign mis
, sions. Music and refreshments after lecture
Summer lour * .
; The tourist rates offered by the Burling
. ton route for the summer of 1895 , are as
attractive , In their way , as the resorts tc
which they apply.
Practically , every resort In the country IE
embraced In the Burlington's tourist ticket
ing arrangements.
The rates to the Yellowstone National
park , Hot Springs , S. D. , Estes Park , Colo.
the fishing and shotting grounds of north
ern Wyoming are particularly low.
City ticket omce , 1324 Farnam street.
, Irilby.
The modern Trilby of beautiful feet and
lovely form keeps her head clear by uslnt
Dr. Davis' Anti-Heartache. Never falls to
euro all kinds ot headache , neuralgia and
AJr . IJturUlmrii's i iilifcmili Party
Will leave Omaha Monday , June 10.
For berths and full Information apply tc
Mrs. T. W. Blackburn , C34 South Thirty-first
street , or Burlington city ticket olllce , 1324
Farnam street.
A i O\T < r- .
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A
clean train , made up and started from Omaha
Baggage checked from residence to destina
< tion. Elegant train service and courteous
employes. Entire train lighted by electricity
and heated by steam , with electric light lr
every berth. Finest dining car service In
the west , with meals served "a la carte. "
The Flyer leaves at 6 p. m. dally from Union
City Ticket Ofllce , 1E04 Farnam street. C
S Carrier , city ticket agent.
I.mllo * ' Turkish Until * .
Also medicated , sulphur , mercurial baths
oil rubs , hot milk , perfumed baths ; manl
cure , chiropodist , pedal cure. Wo are prepared
pared to do all wo agree.
Ladles , have your toe nails made to lool
: Ilka diamonds.
One free treatment with every bath.
Special attention to hair dressing.
Duriint l.nglno I'laccn In Service After i
Test It Mode.
The Durant steamer will be placed In post
tlon In No. C engine house as soon as thi
arrangements are made for an olllclal tes
of the apparatus. Chief Redell wants ni
Inspection to bo made In the presence o
representatives of the city and the Unloi
Pacific company , so that there may never b
! any controversy In regard to the condition
of the steamer at the time It goes Int
municipal service. The test will probabl
bo made In a few days and the steamer wll
then go Into the regular service.
As soon as the Durant engine goes Int
service the Fire King ; will bo taken dowi
and overhauled for needed repairs. Th
pumps need a thorough going over , and till
and the addition ot a relief valve will pu '
the engine Into very fair condition. N
decision has been made respecting the ne >
location of the Fire King.
, Paste ; kills all kinds ot vermin ; 25c.
Oniclal Notice of the 81110 Sent to the Fir
General order No. 5 , which was Issued b
Chief Bedell of the fire department yester
day , Indicates In detail the uniform
to bo worn by the oincers and men ot th
department. There Is no material chang
from the uniform now In use , except tha
the requirements are somewhat more M
The department Is notified that addition :
fire hydrants have been placed In service a
the following points : Thirty-first and Btnne
streets ; Maple street at Intersections c
Thirty-first. Thirty-second and Tblrty-thlr
streets and Thirty-fourth avenue , and b <
twecn Thirty-third street and Thlrty-fourt
avenue ; Tcmpleton street , SCO feet west c
Twenty-fourth ; Half Howard at the Intel
boctlona of Thirty-third , Thirty-fourth an
Thirty-fifth streets.
Action of the Joint Oommitteo Appointed
to Secure Better Water Prosturo ,
Iinincdliitn Stops Itrcnmniondcil to < ! ct
I'osiegilon of the Witter Works 1'rop-
.erty Under Forfeiture Clause
or by Coudcuumtlon.
A mooting of the joint committee of the
city council and Board of Flro and Police
commissioners appointed to secure from
the federal court an enlargement of water
mains to secure better protection from fire
was held at the city hall yesterday after
noon. For the council the mayor and two of
the regular committee on fire and water ,
Messrs. Prince and Bechol , and for the Board
of Fire and Police Commissioners the whole
board save Smith were present. The city
engineer , the city attorney and Chief Redell
of the flro department were present by spe
cial Invitation.
Commissioner Brown's plan was that the
committee report back to the city council ,
recommending that Immediate steps be taken
to secure an enlargement of the mains by
an agreement with the receivers. In ase this
was Impossible the c'.ty attorney should bo
Instructed to begin proceedings to compel
the spec.fic performance of Its contract by
the water works company.
City Attorney Council said that a prefer
able coursa would bo to proceed to take the
property of the company under forfeiture ,
according to the terms of the franchise , as
this was the right of the city when violation
of contract had bo2ii proved.
The city attorney was supported by Com
missioner Strlckler , who Introduced the fol
lowing resolution :
Resolved , That It Is the sense of this
joint committee that the city of Omaha
should own the water works and that nec
essary steps should bo taken ns speedily ns
possible by tlio mayor and city council to
acquire title thereto.
It was suggested that by the latter method
no relief could bs had soon , but the city
attorney said ho would Inks a contract to
secure the entire plant by forfeiture pro
ceedings by n year from next fall.
Brown said he believed that If possession
of the plant was desired he ( .nought It should
be secured by exorcising the right of eminent
doma'n and by condemnation proceedings
entirely Independent of the contract.
Mayor Bcmls was for proceeding as sug
gested by the city attorney and Mr.
Stickler's resolution was seconded by him.
Prince was very anxious that the com
mittee have a meeting with Judge Dundy
for his advice as to how best to secure re-
Mr. Connell agreed that the Interview with
Judge Dundy might bo advisable , and he
thought that after that a formal demind
should be made by the city on the water
works company to carry out Its contract
by supplying pipe of the necessary size ,
and If It refused the mayor and council
should be recommended to begin such pro
ceedings as would result In the ownership of
the plant by the city , leaving the question
open whether the proceedings should b under
forfeiture or by condemnation. This view-
was put Into the form of a resolution which
was offered as a substitute for Strlckler's ,
but Strlckler's was adopted. The Impor
tant difference between the two Is that the
- one adopted did not provide for making on
the water works company a formal demand
that It fulfill Its contract. The vote on mak
ing the substitute was a tie , Bechel , Prince
, and Brown voting for and Mayor Bemls ,
Strlckler and Dsaver against. On Strlckler's
resolution the vote was : For , Bemls , Strlck
ler , Deaver and Brown ; against , Bechel and
It was decided not to have an Interview
with Judge Dundy.
, Six for rirn UiiUur * .
The manager of the bath and complexion
parlors at The Bee building has secured the
services of a trained masseuse for one month
who , by years of experience and careful
study , can bv facial massage and medicated
vapors , creams and balms , make the old to
look young and the young yet more youthful
all from the remedies nature herself
teaches. Special attention to hair dressing
ruNuuvr. nmiiiTo..s' ASSOCIATION
Meeting Hot Spring , boutli Duluitii , .Inn-
11 anil 1' , ' , IS'jn.
Special rates Juno 10th via the North
western line from all Nebraska stations. Ask
your ncarcbt agent or write the undersigned
for particulars.
G. P. A. F. E. & M. V. R. R. , Omaha , Neb.
Special rates Juno 7 also.
At Cnnrtlnml Toilny ,
The Nebraska Pharmaceutical association
will hold their annual outing at Courtland
beach on Thursday. The program of sports
and games begins at 10 o'clock and will
continue through the day , with dinner from
12:30 : to 2:30 : o'clock. Manager Arthur will
have the First Infantry band of the Nebraska
. National Guards In attendance and La Burno
will perform on the tight rope both afternoon
, and evening. At 7:45 : o'clock Prof. E. Rush
will make his first balloon ascension and
parachute Jump. The beach management
anticipate a largo attendance and have made
preparations for all who may go.
Ilninc8pclors' Kxcuralnni.
On Max 21 and June 11 , 1S95 , tlio Union
, Pacific system will sell tickets from Missouri
river points and stations In Kansas and Ne
braska to points scuth nnd west In Nebraska
anil Kansas , also to Colorado , Wyoming , Utali
and Idaho , east of Welser and south of Heaver
Canon , at rate of one first class standard fare
for the round trip. Minimum rate , $7.00. II.
P. Dcuel , city ticket apent U. P. system ,
1302 Farnam street , Omaha.
A Sample Package (4 ( to 7 doses ) of
Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets
To any one sending name and address ( o
us on a postal card.
Hence , our object in sending them out
5. They absolutely cure
re TOY *
Biliousness , Constipation ,
Coated Tongue , Poor Ap
r- petite , Dyspepsia and kindred
ns dred derangements of the
36 StomachLiver and Bowels.
at Don't accept some substitute said
to be "just as good. "
al The substitute costs the dealer
at less.
of / / costs you ABOUT the same.
HIS profit is in the "just as
Address for FiujB SAMPX.E ,
la' World's Dispensary Medical Association ,
A'o. 663 Mala St. , BUFFALO , N. K
Mny Mlildletnn of Olidycnno AtlmlnUtnri
to HcMclf n rHt U. > o < o of 1'olton.
A fatal sequel to whit nppeara to bo nn *
other glory of mltnlactdfconfldcncc occurred
at the Presbyterian Jititpltal at 1 o'clock
yesterday afternoon , wKon May Mlddleton , a
young woman 22 yearscof ngc , died from
poison self administered.
Miss Mlddleton hod Hon an Inmate of the
hospital for one week. JShe wns In a dell-
cato condition and was.a ctrnngcr In the
city. She Mme alone , Ind during her stay
at the Institution has boon very reticent con
cerning herself and her troubles. The only
Information that was learned from her was
that she haa lived at Cheyenne , Wyo. The
story of her trouble Is gathered from a let
ter which wns found In lier possession.
The letter wns dated at Cheyenne Juno 2
and wns evidently In reply to one which was
written by Mlsa Mlddleton after she entered
the hospital. H covered four pages , closely
written , and abounds In tender phrases and
endearing epithets. The writer referred In
directly to the girl's condition anil expresse.1
satisfaction that she had found a place where
she could have good care and nursing.
Judging from the closing sentences of the
letter , the writer Is under n cloud , for ho
tells her to direct the envelope ns she ad
dressed the previous one , and to write on the
Inside to her "own ever loving John Sharp. "
He speaks of troubles which are not ex
plained nnd expresses the hope that till will
yet end well nnd thnt when the clouds have
all cleared away there will be mnny happy
years In store for both.
It Is believed that the name-given nt the
hospital Is nn assumed ono and thnt Mlsa
Mlddleton was a young woman who had
come to Omaha to conceal the results of her
Indiscretion. Hut she never gayo the
hospital authorities a clew to her real
Identity , or to her previous history. She
was a rnther pretty girl and showed every
evidence of refinement.
The body was nt once taken to the morgue ,
where Coroner Maul will hold an Inquest.
One battle full standard quart of Silver
Age Hyo Whiskey Is worth n barrel full ot
It U Ihn rirm to Cliiltn Arid land Under
thp Cur y \rt.
The Yellowstone Park , Land and Irrigation
association , with headquarters In this city
has Just filed Its application nt Cheyenne for
14,000 acies of arid land along the valley of
the Stinking Water river In Wyoming. The
land Is located 100 miles northwest of
Sheridan and not far from the Billings ex
tension of the Burlington.
The application has been accepted nnd nl-
ready the company has turned the water
upon the land , It running through the
Irrigation ditches which are built from the
The filing of this company is the first under
the Carey net , which provides for the re
claiming of 1,000,000 acres of arid land In
each of eight of Die western states.
S. I * . AlorHn I'ry Hoods < 'o.
For men a special bargain In outing shirts
Thursday at 15c only three to n customer
none to dealers or peddlers they're wortl
Summer corsets , 39cthey're worth "fie
only two to a customer. Gowns and draw
ers , good muslin and cambric , 47c , wortl
75c , and a special lot of women's muslin
drawers , 23c. Corset covers 25c , both very
very cheap. Thursday only.
Ilii'f KntoH III Hot .xprlucx. s-
Via the Burlington route , Juno 7 and 10.
The Burlington's " 'Black Hills , Montana
and Puget Sound TSxpress , " which leaves
Omaha at 4:35 : p. m. dally. Is the fastes
as well as the best train to Hot Springs * .
City ticket olllce , 132VjFarnmn.
A man with a club Is talk
ing about nolii } ? out to the
bicycle race tonight to head off
( lit1 Western Tnlon Kid who is
like the Klmlmll IMano always
ahead. The Klmlmll sells on
easy payments. The Kid Is not
for sale.
A. HOSPE , Jr.
Music and Art ,
1513 Douglas.
JUNE 8th .
The Renowned Violinist.
One NigtitOnly.
RESERVED SEATS , 75c-$1.00-$1.50
Now on sulo ni Aclolph Meyer's Muslo Store
1Mb and Faintim.
LA BURNO , Blondlri's successor , give
tight rope performances afternoon
and evening.
Baleen ascension andiparachuto jump a
7-l5 : p. m.
Nebraska Druggists' Picnic all sort
of gnmoa and sports , beginning a
10 a. m.
1st Infant y Band.
Sherman avenue cars now run on 13th St
Boy d's"e"S X , June 12
Thn merriest of all Durlenques , IIOMEO AND
JULIET. 40 Gentlemen of thin city In the cat
4) , under the direction of Mr. J. Edgar Owens
Popular prices ; 75. V ) . S3 cents.
Beats on ale at Uox Office Tuesday morning
Under the mnnngcroent of KI ) . T. IIAYDK.N
All Amateurs. All Speedy Men.
COLISEUM TRACK , Idmisslon 25 Cents
It I * jx good tblag. Piuti U alone.
Vlmt Is tlio Outlook for nn Uncommonly
Hut , frjrlnir Sutninrr.
Last winter wns long nnil pcvcrc. Will
lie mitnmer In Its turn bo uncommonly hot
nil trying ? Men nsk each other this
.ucfltlon . ns they gather nrountl the ther-
iiometcra nml wonder If the sun Is going
o brenk the record. Weather crnnks ,
ke jealous people , arc always looking for
nformatlon that will make them wretched ,
Unfortunately for the grout army of
tay-at-humcs In towns and cities It Is not
Kisslble to Ignore the altogether.
t will obtrude Itself on the attention
vlth wearisome persistence. Hut It Is
) oss.lblo to keep the body In a state of
ictlve resistance to the health-destroying
tilluonccs of the season. This Is done by
inythlng that keeps up the vltul force ,
nets upon the 'organs ' of excretion , so
hat wacto matter Is readily thrown off
and generally cxercUes a soothing ,
strengthening , beneficent power.
Of all means devised for this end Duffy's
lire Malt Whiskey Is the most conspicu
ously useful. . It Is kept In thousands of
lonseholds , and In particularly valuable In
ill cnsus where vital force Is deptessed
ind the system Is Inert and force-less.
That such circumstances demand a stlmu-
ant something to act uulckly and
ihoroughly has long been the concurrent
; estlmoliy of the best physicians. In the
> est sense of n shamefully abused word ,
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is an "Ideal"
stimulant. It Is trie Horn fusel oil. It
s helpful to women In all conditions of
KDtt0 TEti-CtW
"ioe American Tobacco Co
Tell the Truth.
No need to tell any false
hoods or parctice and deceits
about our tailoring business ,
because we have such values
to offer that the plain truth
has prospered us for fifty
years past and has earned
for us the largest and best
tailoring business in the
We buy our woolens and trim
mings from first hands , in
large quantities , for cash ,
and procure first choice and
best styles at lowest prices.
These advantages enable us to
make to order suits or over
coats from $15 to $50 that
would cost you one-fourth or
one-third more in any estab
lishment making equally
good garments.
Trousers to order , t4 to JU , and plenty of
styles to cliooso from.
Bamulcs mailed ,
Oarnionta expressed.
207 S , I5TH STREET.
Rowland Wm , Bailev , D. D.S
Lv : ) G
34 floor Paxton
Finest and Best Denial Work
Gold Pllllngi , Crown and Ili-ldgo Work
Tec ill extracted without pain without gm.
Use Dr. Ballev'sTooth Powde
Straw Headgear--
We haven't the positive assurance that all straw hats matlo of
Japanese straw are so beastly cheap this * year because of the recent
war In that country , but It polnln that way somewhat.
Take a Yedilo , for Instance , a much wanted straw hat , prety light-
extremely so dressy , Is this season -10e ; the same blessed article wn8
cheap last year at 7fic llowuver , In justice to the market , we are not
so positive that the goods have depreciated so much In value.
Close prollt dealers could likely sell 'em nt ROc , but they're OT > e to 75c
iu- the average store anywhere.
" "c buys a good straw hat here , almost as good as C > 0c elsewhere.
Genuine Manila hats are sold at $ 'J.r > 0-We have 'em Just ns good If
not as good as found In the market , at $1.5.
Hlaek nnd White mixed YeddosJBc. .
Japanese llrald Pearl , 7"c , 05c.
Imitation Manilla , 7fic.
Anything and everything In the line excepting those who have an
Income tax iabol'drawlng a $2.00 premium for a name. We decline
with thanks to handle any branded hats.
Hoys' and Chlldren.s' hats , ir.e . L'oe 3c New styles nnd shapes
Is a style and character
about our
Furniture and Carpetings " |
which seems to be greatly appre
ciated by the buying public.
We don't jnggle with prices to try and
make them appear ridiculously cheap. We p |
don't ' believe in misrepresentations , for we have
built up an Immense Business on
Strictly Honorable Methods. You
may depend upon every assertion made * *
you by our salespeople and goods will be
just as represented. We sell at the
same price to all for either
CASH or on . .
The Standard
remedy for all stomach and liver
complaints is Ripans Tabules.
One tabtile gives relief , but in
severe cases one should be taken
after each meal until the trouble has
disappeared ,
nipani Tabultg ; Bold by drugilsli , or by m Q
If tha price ( W cent * a box ) U tent It. Tb * Ill-
pans Chemical Company , No. 10 Sprue * St. N. T.
JlCn rHuCd the Ksnturei ami It mor <
Ing Dlcmlshea.ln p. Ixxik ( or a lUrap ,
ilobnll. Woudliury , J27\V'(2JHt.N. V ,
( CTSutor ot Woodbun'a 1'ocUl Boj ) .
18 Till. OBLT
Disorders of
Krcrj euro cuuranleeil
so yearn ui in-rlenoo.
B years In Omahft.
Hook Freo.
We fml th marrplnui 1'rfnrh CALTHOB ! > > < . u < l n
It'gul nunmttoltiatlALUio * lll
I.TOT Illichnrc" A l'inl"li"i. ,
t'Ultn fcprrinnlorrlicn.t nrlcoccle
iuxinisjoui : i. .t wcor.
I/it ttaiii fayi/salnfrtt ,
ildrm.VON MOIIL CO. ,
IUU Jttrriria A | > nU , lladnnill , tblt.
For ealo by all First Class Dealers. Manufactured by the
factory No. 204 , St. Loula , Ma.