ft THE OMAHA DATLY HER : T.IIITKSDAY : .TUN.M fi. ISOS. Boars Jumped on Wheat nt the Opening Yeotcrdiy , CORN FOLLOWED WHEAT , CLOSING HIGHER Oatu Worn Irremilnr nnit While Trmllnir WHS Quite Acllro Throughout Only * 1'nlr Utilities * W s Transacted Hint llonili. CII1CAC3O. Juno fl. Tlio hears Jumped on wheat at the opcnltiB today nnil knocked ' /.c ( oft It before the Hcsslon ImJ clofod. The hulls liinl pucceedeil In tossing It up ifc , mid It closed only Uc lower thnn that. Corn followed whrnt and closed with a. naln of > Jc. Oats mo up He , hut provi sions Fhow a lofa of 5o all around , after having hcen lower. Wheat had BRaln a very weak opening. The starting point for July was over the range covered by "S'io and TGUc. with very Ilttlo for cnlo lielow "Co. A considerable quantity changed hands nt the last named quotation , however , and for a few minutes the maiket went FtngB'Tlng iiround ns If the wheat out of doors had Imbibed some thing stronger than water and had com munlcatcd Its conroauent unsteadiness to the price , Some .scattered showers were reported as having fallun throughout Ohio during the night , and foreign markets went lower. That a feeling of depression which appears to bo cprcadlng among speculators OH a consequence of reaction from the too engor buoyancy which recently prevailed caused the weakness ! at the opening was apparent. The crop news received from private sources was geneially aH disheart ening as before , although there appeared to bo a dirfciencc of opinion In St. Louis regarding the amount of damage done to the wheat crop of Missouri. Some reports claimed the prospect of three-fourths of an iiverugo crop , whllo others were conflient there would not be over CO per cent of an average raised In that Mute this > cnr. The total shipments last week to Kurope from the exporting countries amounted to about P.OOO.Ouo bu. , Including the 2,400W > 0 bu. from this country , 3UOOUM bu. fioin Itupsla and 1,410,000 bu. fiom Argentine. The market took on a firmer tone when It was observed tl.at some weak holdings had been disposed of In the llrst few minutes of the Kcsslon , thu offerings came from the short sellers nnd the bulls saw then just where they stood. The llrst substantial assistance re ceived by the bulls came from Iliqulry which sprang up for cash wheat. At the commencement that was confined to the local buslncfs , but later Duluth advised a palo of 103,000 for export , besides 00,000 bu. for winter wheat mills. The price had many rices and falls from 77c to TtJc , but finally bounced near the close to 77l4c nnd left off with buyers at 77''iC. Corn was weals for u few moments at the start , but soon changed Its tone. The I'lullctlon of dry , warm weather , with last year's experience of the effect of such , and the falling oft In the iccelpts were the rea sons for the strength which succeeded the early weakness. July opened at M'/ic , rose to ! ilc and closed at GlVfec , compared with Clo on yesterday. Oats were Irregular , whllo trading was quite active throughout , only a fair busi ness was transacted. The disposition to buy was about equal to the selling offers , and when stuff was offered , sales were quite readily effected. Fluctuations were entirely Influenced by wheat and corn at the opening and an easier feeling was noticeable , accompanied by lower prices , which remained during a greater part ol the day. At times prices would take an advance and the C'OEO came during one of these periods , showing an advance of from He to 'lio over yesterday. Hog receipts numbered 3(5,000 ( and the mar ket was weak. Provisions with that to start on , were heavy and gave little sign Cash nuntntlnnn were ns follows PIXJUll Dull nnd Ktendy ; winter patents , J3.70 CT4.00j winter strnlKhts , > 3.2SW3.73 ; bnkem , ! " .i'j j3.Oi ; Bprlns pntcnts , W.'JOifl.SO ; spring BtrnlKhts. $3.1001.00. W1IKAT No. 2 cprlnir , 77U08ii,4c ) ; No. 3 Bprlnir. 73M73T4c ; No. 2 roil , 76'i ' ; c,4e ! CO UN No. 2. GWUMc : No. 3 yellow , ' ' HYK No. : , cic. HAHLMV No. 2. C2o ; No. 3 , COcj No. 4 , 4Sc. FLAX Snill ) No. I. J1.49. TLMOTHV Hii-i : : > Prime , J3. VIIOVIHIONK Mess pork , per bbl , . SH.IOil 12. & ) . I ird , per 1 < V > Ibs. , J6 MiiC.52',4. ' Short ribs sides ( loose ) . tO.inflO.20 : dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . jri.37lilf3.GO ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , . . , . WHISKY DIstlllerB1 nnlshcd goods , per gal. , 1. .G' ' . SUflAHS-HnchnnKed. The following were the receipts nnd shipments today : On the I'roJuou . oxoh.inrto today the bntt3r mar- kevvaii nrm ; creamery , 10Jl7c ; dniry. lost ESBB' sloaily ! HUUUMc. Cheese , ciuloti OH NEW YOKIl OIJNiit.\l : , MAKItET. Cloilng Quotutldin on tlio Prlnulptl Cora- tuciilltlcs null Mnple * . NEW YOniC , June 5. KI.OLHl-llecelptn , 23.4M bbls. ; exports , 11,600 lihls-j coles , 10.700 pkgj Market dull and lower to fell ; prlng patents weaker ; the unxettled wheat market shuts ou buyers ; Minnesota Tntt-nts , S4.10ffl.65. city mill pntents. H.S506.13 ; winter patrnt * SI.raOI.40 ; city mill clenr * . JUO@I.40 winter stnilRhls , J3.7Sftl.lC : Mlnnenoli patents , H.6)fr4.70 ) ; winter extius , J3.COOJ.63 ; win ter bakers , J3.J3 4.t3 ; winter low gradps , J2.43J 8.03 ; spring low grades. SS.Wfl2.SO. Hye Hour stendy ; sales. SW bbls. ; fancy , I4.40SI4.CO. COIIN MEAL Quiet ; yellow western , J1.1SO l.X ; llrnndywlnr , S3 ; rales , 00 bbls. WHEAT Hecelpts. 10.000 liu. jevports , 139.SOO 1m. ; sales , 3,440U)0 ) liu , futures , 40,000 bu , spot Spot market strong ; No : led , In store nnd ele valor. 79\ie. \ ntlont ; WVic , f. o. h. ; Wlic nllont No .1 hard , 8lc. delivered. Options weio Ir regular. Tim morning market declined unde mln west nnd bolter crop news with the lowc cables , foreign selling nnd big Kusstnn ship menls ns additional factors ; rallied on covering nold off on Ilrndstreet'g , and finally advances on covering and reports of u blit milling drman < nt Chicago ; closed Hfltto higher ; No. 2 led June , clo eil at 79'ic ; July , Ti\i \ < n tV > * e. closed n EOVioj August , ? J iflsOHo , closed nt SOHc ; Hep temebr , StvffSlHc , close dnt 51Hc ; December , S1H S3 15-lCc. cloned nt S2ic. COHN llecelpts , 63,600 liu. 5 exporls , IS6.400 bu. Hales , 300,000 bu. futures , 6S.SOO bu. fwt. | Spo rmuket , Mrong ; No. 2. S6o In elevator : 57 ntloat ; nnd 5714C. f. o. 1) ) . , ntloat : yellow , SS'ic Options oiwnrd lower , under favorable crop news but llnally advanced with whcnt. ami clo o , stionn at % \c net pain : July. S5'if56Vtc. closw at SCVic ; Heptember , 68H057ic ! , clo ( sl at 67 c. OATS llecelpts , 53,700 bu. : exiiorts , 100 bu. soles , KO.O'W ' bu. futures. 203.000 bu. spot. Sio | matket active ; No. 2 oats. SJHCSSMiCj No. 2 de llvered. SS tfW o ; No. 3. S2V4c : No. 2 while ICc ; No. 3 white. J5V4e : track , white western IOIJ4&r. Options were wrak and at tlrst sagged but closwl strong , with whcnt nnd corn at Ijl Ho advance ; June cloned at S3c : July , 34,4 t3U . closed at 33Hc ; August closed at 3lc ; t-ep temlwr. 3SH43Jc , rlo ed at SSc. HOI'S Dull ; state , common to choice , old , SO Ic : U9I , 4iSc ( ; coast , old , SWIc' 1631 , 4iiSc. HAY Quiet ; shipping , tOijSJcj good to choice K > 7Jc. H1DUH Firm ; wet salted New Orleans , se Ircted , 45 to 65 ll > ! . , 640 , nominal ; T xas , sc lected. W to li ) ll > s.,7o. nominal ; Huenos Ayres dry , 20 to Jt Its. , I5c , nominal ; Texas dry 14 to SO Ibs. , lOc. LEATHEIl Klrm ; hemlock sole , Uuenos Ayrts light to heavy. ZJtiMo ; ocld , : ifj'lc. WOOU-Klrra : domestic : foefe. lCf23c. PUOV1S1ONS lleef , quiet : family , Jll.MflllO. ) extra mr , S.W < /i.OOj iwf hims , Sl .50 ito.ra Href , dull ; city , exlm India mr s , J17.WBW.W Cut meats , steady : pIcKlnl l > llle > , S' > .00j6.00 pickled stmuldetv , JJ.Oi3.iJ. Ijird , quiet ; west cm stea inclosed at 16.7306.80 : city ut tS.5 rales. 200 tleices ; July closeil at JC.tO ; nominal H < pteinlH > r. 17.10 ; reHned , lower ; continent , JI.IX5 IHilk , dull and easy ; new mess , S13.75 ; exlra prime. JU.W. Hl'TTEll-Qulett factory , S012e . CHEESE Hull ; state. larire. 6 ic ; small , 5UO 7'io. ' part hit Inn , HiU4Uo ; full skims , IfHHc. Etlds rlleady : atale nd Pennsylvania 1H4O m c. westrrn frcnh , li\c , soulhetn , Iljl2ci re- celpls , 14,750 pkg * . UOSlN Uull ; strained , common to good , $1.65 Q1.C9. METALS Pig Iron , quiet. Copper , strong oHc , I10.W ; xcha < ig price , I10.W. , slrong ; hrt'kers ' * prior , t3.13'4i exchange , iKi > , | j.o. Tin , slrudy ; Klinlln , S1I.25 ; plalcs , ull. Pptlter , nnn. Kuli nn 'ihange , 5 tons ur.i ) tin lod.ty nt IH.C. ' , ; fi Ions June , SI4.20 ; 10 HIM H"pUtm > r. tit. ! , ; 10 I'm * October. 114.25. COTTONfKnO Oi-Mi ] > rket dull ! prime crude , 23 S4cj prime yellow , 2'sc ; oft crude , 21f23c ; limn itunimrr j-llo\v , 27627HC ; off summer yel- , tv , ZcXrili'iaj yellow butler grades , ZSc ; prime unnncr white , not quotr < l. O.MAIIA UHNKKAL .MAKKUT. dominion nf Trade and ( Juotntlo'll nn H plo nnil I'ntiry I'roiluce. The receipts of eggs continue very light and he nmtket In firm , At the same time the nniktt dors not show much Inclination to ad. unco nnd ( he price remains the same. A * nlii-mly nulnl the nonllry market Is very ull. The ilrmand Is light and receivers linve nld woik lo kvep slocks cleaned up. Prices \r < f low on nil kinds. Choice venl Is nut very plenty nnd fancy : alvrs lulu * piutty good prices. Quotations : iH-Choice : ! stock , lOc. HUrrnn Packing slock , S' , c ; choice to nncy , 10 12c ; gathered country , lie ; ncparalot cruimoiHo. . LIVi : POL'LTHY Hi-n < . Cc ; roosters , 2W ic ; tprltiK chickens. J2.00S4.00 per doz. ; ducks , ifSc ( ; tuileyi : > , 6J(7c ( : KVI-SC , So , VEAIf-Cliolce fat , 70 to 101 Ibs. , are quoted nt , ft7r ; Intcc nnd conise , llfolic. CHEEMIWlrronsIn full crenm , 9c ; Younn \merlcans , lOc ; twins , lie : Nebraska ami Iowa , full crenm. lOc ; Nebraska nnd Iowa , part skims , bSl'c ; Llmhurger , No. 1 , lOc ; brick , No , 1 , He ; Swiss , Nn. 1 , 14c. HAY-l'pIimd hny , JS.JO ; midland. J8 : lowland. ; 7.,0 ; rye straw , $3 ; color male's the price on my. LlKht bales sell the bett. Only top grades lirlnu tnp prices. P1HUON8 Per doz. , Jl.COfJl.SO. VnOETAIILKS. The ilrmnnd for Ihe more common kinds of vegetublcs Is dull. Home grown stuck tins tn ii grcnt extent taken the place of that shipped In from the south. The new potato crop of Arknnjas , judging from the icpiutx to date , will lie nearly double 1nnt year's yield. The crcj > of ' 01 brought In > ci much money to the state that the general crntgH haif been nently doubled. The llrsl tiip will be chipped out nnd the small potato saved for m ? il , which will be held nt home nnd usoil thiouKhout the Halo until next year. Thus Aiknns.is Ima rhnnKcd finm nn Impinter lo nn cximrtcr of the spuds , nnd the slate has profited Immensely thereby. Quotations : rAI'Lll'LOWElt Southum stock , per crnle , . 'W. ONIONS Ilermudns , per crate , Jl.50ffl.CO ; Cnl. Ifnrnln , In jnrks. p r II ) , 2c. PUTATOKS Wistern stock , car lots , 70I8STC , mall lots. SOfiWc ; new. per HJ. . 2c. OLD IICANH Hnnd picked , navy , J2.20 ; Lima licnns. per Hi. , 5'jI. ' , c. rAIIIIAOi-On : onlcis. 3c. 8PINACH IVr bu. basket , 03fflOc. IIAniSHES Per dnz. bunches , He. OltlJKN ONIONS Per doz. bunches , CJJlOc. LHTTl'CE Per doz. , ! 5i30c. ( ( ASPAllAOt'S Choice stock , on orders , SOftlOo per doz. bunches. PIE PLANT Per Hi. . 'Jiffrt- . tMICl'MIIEIW On orders , 40ff:0c per doz. PRAR On orders , per Vl-bti. l x. COffCOc. STHINO IlEANS-On orders , < 4-bu. box , COc ; l-tuiskct cintc , SI.25. TOMATOES riorldn stock , per 6-bnpket crale , tl ; Texas Block , per 4-baskct crate , S2.SI. WAX HEANS-On orders , per > 4-lJU. box. 73c ; liu. IIOXP.H , J2.OT. TEXAS HQUASH Per doz. , on orders , 40iT50c. mtllTS. There were only nt out fifty capes of straw berries on the market yestoiclny , nnd theic wnn a lively hustling among the menllieis of the retail trade to get what they wanted. The market was higher In consequence of the good demnnd nnd light receipts. The receipts of black raspberries are Inereas- K slowly ns the season advances. The market yesterday was steady. The offerings were taken readily nt the quotations below. Quotations : STIIAWHERIUES Choice shipping stoek , per pe of 24 qts. , J3.0003.X ! ) . ClIEniHKS California , black per 10-lb. box , J ! . " " > : Itnyal per l > nx , Jl.W. OOOSEIinilUIES-Per 21-qt. cape. J2.fO. POUTHEUN CHEHHIEH Per 21-qt. case , $2.23. 1ILACIC HASPIIEUKIES-aood stuck , per 24-pt. case , 12.00. THOPICAL FIIUITS. The lemon market took n big Jump yesterday. The continued hot weather In the east has nenl . Ices upward at New York and other points of supply nnd holders hero are advancing prices accirdlngly. So far this season theie has not been n very heavy demand nt this point. Pineapples are not very plenty Just nt pros. ent , HIP rupply on this mnikot having been pretty well cleaned up. Quotations : OUANOES Navels , per lux , J3.23fM.30 ; choice seedlings , per box , > 2.2. > { i2 W ; Mediterranean sweets , J3.2J ; fancy St. Michaels , $3.25. LEMON'S Extra fancy lemons , SCO size , Jd.MJf C.OO ; 3 < K ) size , jr.OOfC.OO. | IIANANAS Choice shipping Block , per bunch , 52 M 2.25. PINEAPPLES Per doz. , $2.0002.50. MISCELLANEOl'S. FIOS-Fancy , 13c ; choice , 12gI3c ; California , bags , 7c. HONEY California. 110150. MAPLE RYHUP Gallon Jugs , per doz. , J12 ; Dlxby. li-gnl. cans , $3. NUTS Almonds , lie ; English wnlnuls , soft shelled , 12c ; standards , He ; .filberts , Cc ; Brazil nuts , kc ; pecans , 9c. DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxes , 5c per lb. ; fard dates. 9c per lb. CIDKIl Pure Juice , per bhl. , $5. half bb ! . , $3. COCOANUTS Per hundred , $4.00. HIDES AND TALLOW. HIDES No. 1 green hides. 7c ; No. 2 green lildes , C',4c ; No. 1 green salted hides , 7 > ,4c ; No. 2 green salted hides , 7c ; No. 1 venl calf. 8 lo 15 Ibs. , SftlOc ; No. 2 veal calf. 8 to 16 Ibs. , S'4c' No. 1 dry Hint hides. CiiflOc : No. 2 dry Hint hides , 8ao ; No. 1 dry sailed hides , Sc ; part cureil hides , \ > , c per lb. less Ihan fully cured. HIIEEP PELTS dri-cn salted , each , MGC green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , each. f.SilSc ; dry shcaillngs ( short wooled enrly skins ) , No. 1 , each , MTlOc ; dry shearlings ( short wimliHl early skins ) , No. 2 , each , 5c ; dry Hint ICnnsas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per pound , actual weight , 5j8c ; dry Hint Knnsas nnd Nobrnfika murrain wool pelts , per pound , actua weight. 4ICo ? ; dry Hint Colorado butcher woo PC-Its , per pound , actual weight , 4iJ6He ; dry Hint Colorado murrlan wool pelts , per pound actual weight , 4iCc. Have feet cut off , as It Is useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW AND GllEASE No. 1 tallow , 4'fj. } . IVjc ; No. 2 tallow , 3'AWlcgrease ; , white A , 4 j Hie ; grease , white II , 3V4c ; grease , yellow , 2HC 3e ! grease , dnik. 2V4c ; old butter , 2f2',4c ; bt'cs- wnx. prime. 17W20c ; rough tallow , 2c. WOOL. UNWASHED Klne heavy , 67c ; Hne light. SfTOe ; quarter-blood , lOIUZc ; seejy. burry nnd chaffy , 8ji9c : coiled nnd broken , coarse , 7fl He ; celled and broken , line , GftSe. WOOL , WASHED Medium , ISfflSc ; fine , 11 16o ; lub wnshcd , 1601Sc ; black 8c ; bucks Cc lag locks , :03c ; dead pulled , 5Cc. KUHS. IS ; No. 1 , small , $6 ; In'ar , brown , cubs , No. 1 large , $7 ; No. 1 , medium. S3 ; No. J , small. J3 badger , No. 1 , medium. $13 ; No. 1 , small , JS.OOIi 10.00 ; bear , black , yearlings. No. 1 , large , JROOf ] 15.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J10 ; No. 1. small , $7 ; bear , black , cubs. No. 1 , large , JC.OOCS.tX ) ; No. 1 , me dium , J3.00f6.00 : No. 1 , small , $4 ; bear. Mack , Montana und Hocky mountain. No. 1 , large JIS.OMU'O.OO ; No. 1 , medium , J14 ; No. l , small JtO ; bear , black. Montana yearlings. No. 1 , large , $12 ; No. 1 , medium , $8 : No. , small , $ " > bear , black , Montana cubs. No. 1 , large , JS 50 No. 1 , medium. J4.50 ; No. 1. small , $3 ; bear , silver tip. No. 1 , laige , $20 ; No. 1 , medium , $12 ; No. 1 , small , $8 ; bear , silver Up , yearlings , No. I , large , tit ; No. 1 , medium , JS ; No. 1. small , $5 ; bear , sliver tip. cubs. No. I , laige , J1.00i1.50 No , 1 , medium , COc ; No. 1 , small , 50c ; fisher No. 1 , large , $8 ; No. 1 , medium , Jii ; No. l , small Jl ; fox , rilvcr , ns to color , according to beauty No. 1 , large. $100 ; No. 1. medium. $00 ; No. 1 small , $50 ; fox , silver , pale , nccordlng lo benuty. No. 1 , large , J50 ; No , I , medium , . $30 ; No. 1 , small , J29 : fox. cross , No. 1 , large , J7 ; No. 1 nwllum. $3 ; No. 1 , small , $2 ; fox. red. No. 1 large , $1.50 ; No. 1 , medium , $1.25 ; No. 1 , small $1 ; fox. gray , No. 1 , laige , 75c ; Ku 1 , medium , 50c ; No. J , small , 40o : fox klls. No. l , large , 50cc No. 1 , medium , vw ; No. 1. small , 30e ; lynx. No , 1. large , $3 ; No. 1 , medium , $2 ; No. 1 , tmall , $1.50 ; marten , No. 1 , large. $2 : No. 1 medium $1.50 ; No. 1 , small , $1 ; mink. No. 1 , large , MT 65c ; No. I , medium , 40c ; No. 1 , small , 33e ; mink dark , No. 1. large. 65c ; No. I , medium. 40c ; Np 1 , smalt , 30o ; mounlnln lion , perfect head am feet. No. 1. laige $1.00ft2.00 tv - iiu. ii.e c , .w4 * .w ; Imperfect skins 86.00a7.00 ; No. 1. small , $5 ; oiler , pale. No. 1 large , $7 ; No. 1 , medium , JS ; No. l , small. $4 raccoon. No. 1 , laige. 60R70c ; No. 1 , medium JOc ; No. 1. large , BOcS2.00 ; skunk , black , cased narrow striped. No. 1. large. 50c ; No. 1 , me. . dlum , 40c : No. 1 , small , 25c ; broad striped. No. 1 large , : o25c ; wolverine. No. 1. large , $4 ; No. J iiK'dlum , 3 ; No. 1 , small , $2 ; wolf , mountain No. 1 , large. $3 ; No. 1 , medium , $ J ; No. I small , $1.50 ; wolf , prairie. No. 1 , large , 656 ! < 0a No. 1 , medium , COc : No. 1. small. 40o ; beaver per skin. No. 1. large. J5.00S8 00 ; No , 1 , medmm small , Cc ; muakrat kits. 2K3c , -cumulations of Ciraln Stocks. NEW YOIIK. June B. Special cable and tele graphic dispatches to Hradstreet's. covering the principal points of accumulation In the unltet States , Canada nnd Europe , together with sup plies atloat for Europe from all s mrces. Indicate the following changes In available stocks Insi Saturday , as compared wllh the preceding Sat urday ; United States and Canada , east of the Hocky mountains , wheat , decrease , 2.271,000 bu. ; United States. Pacific roast , wheat , decrease , 4SOood bu. : nlloat for and In Europe , wheat. In crease , S.ISt.Ooi ) bu. ; total decrease world's avail , able wheat , Joo.OM bu. United States nnd Can ada , east of the Hocky mountains , com , Increase I.esS.mX ) bu. United Stales nnd Canada , east ol Ihe Hocky mountains , oats , Increase , 1,871.00 bu. Leading decreases of wheat storks at points not covered In official reports Include 15 0 < V ) bu In northwestern elevators , 111.000 bu. nt Joliet , iO bu. In Milwaukee private elevators. SO.CO bu. In Chicago private elevators , tl ttto l > u. a I/mlnvllle. 42.000 bu. at Kingston. K.0 > 0 bu. at Kort Worth. Corresponding Increase Includes 40. . OiM bu. at Leavemvorth nnd 54.000 bu. at New port News. The heavy Increase of slocks of wheat afloat for and In Europe last week Is found In supplies at Antwerp and Odessa am In those afloat for Europe , Cotton Market. NEW YOIIK , June t. COTTON Quiet ; mid dling , 7Uc ; gross receipts. 257 bales ; exports , to Oreat llrllaln. 2.769 bales ; to the continent. 34 ! bales ; forwarded. 41 bales ; sales , 238 bales , al spinners ; sWk. 2ir,7 rLat s. NEW OHLEANS , June -COTTON Sleady middling , t\c : low , (7-16o ; good o nil nary , 6 l16c ; ncl and gross receipts. 116 bales ; ex ports , coastwise , 102 bales ; slock , 19,768 bales. Now Yiirk Dry ( looiU Miirlcct , NEW YOIIK , June JAgenls hove advanced Ihe'prices of Lockwood II 58-Inch and A 40-Inch brown cottons Uc ; Alkn Foulard prints , Uc With a good company of visiting buyer * prtsen there wa more stlllng In the market , and con slderable business In autumn specialties. Tli market for wla * sheeting * U somewhat restless our-yard brown sheetings arc firm nt 4Uc net and no stocks ; three-yard sheetings , 4ic. nnd tnndard drills. SCS'ic ' net. priming clolhs , ulcl at 2 13-16C. STOCKS ANlt HOND3. Security .Market WAR Larpoly In the Iliimls of Prufesstonnls. NEW YOIIK , June 5. The stock market today wns largely In the hands of professional bear raders. Speculation wns weak at the opening under nn active selling movement In wheat ; orplgn houses were prominent , the market for Americans In London being ntso weak. When the morning selling orders had been filled , Ihe rncllng had been filled , Ihe market became tendler. The Improvement wns merely tempor. iry , and Ihe pressure to soiling was quickly enewed , Ihe coal shares leading the active 1st In the downward movement , 11 was note o much the volume of the sales thru caured he decline , ns the lack of support to the mnr ; ct , buyers being very scnrce , except nt Inwei Igures , The market continued heavy up to nnd beyond midday , and It was not until nboul lellvrry hour Hint the dealers lost their tone ) f depression. Then some of the shorts began o cover , with the result that small recovetlen vcre made In Ihe final dealing , part of this re covery wns loaf , nnd the market closed unfil led , prices In the main being lower on the day. The weakness of Iho share speculation wns Im parted to those Issues of the speculallvc clusx n the bond matket , and mnlerlnl recessions fol. uwed , notably In Ihe limiting morlgnges. Among the lilgher prlcod nnd less nctlvc se curities values were well sustained , nnd In poinf. cases qulle substantial gains were tecorded. Tht sales were Jl,8.7,000. The Evening Post's London cablegram saysi The refus.il of the porle to submit to the pro- losed scheme for Armenian reforms deprops d ill the speculative shares , but consols nnd othot nvestment .securlllcs were strong. American shnics wore Iho weakest feature. There wns not much Folllnn. but It uns dllllcult tu find buyers. They closed dull for New York quulntlons. The ferllns grows lhal a further Improvement will equlie stimulating by fuilher progtess In thf lending rcorgnnlzntlons. It Is believed In some liiurlvrs that negotiations are far advanced fet in ndvnuco by the Hnnquc de Paris nf the .CflO.OOO Chinese loans with special Kusslnn guarantees. This Is s.ild to represent the exlrn ndemiilty exacted by Jnpm : for lellnqulshlliH ler claim < m the Line Tung peninsula. The following were tlio closing quotntlons on the lending stocks of the Now York ex change today ; ' Alchtaon n Normwesterii 07J < Adams Kxpruss. . . 144 N. W. pfd 144J Alton. T. 11 any N. Y. Central 101X Am. Express Ill ) N. Y. &N. E 4S'(1 ( Baltimore , V Ohio , li' ' Ontario , t W 18i < Camid't Pacific. . . . 52 Orcaron Imp IHI ; Canada Southern. . I'M Oroirou Nav l'7Hi Central Pacllle. . . . 18\ O. S. L k U. N. . . . 7 CIius. A. Ohio 22 ! < PaclMc Mall iMd Chicago Allou 160 P. U. .t U M C. . U. A. t ! bl > . I'lltslmr * 16f , ! < Chicago Uas 71 Pulltiiaii Palacu. , IT'-'Hj Consolidate ! Gns. 14' ' Headlm. 174 ! C..C. . C. ASt. 1 41 K. O. W 10 Colo. Coal A Iron. HI- K. O. W. pfd 40 Cotton Oil Cort. . . . 'J7' . Hock Island ( .MM DcluwnruA Hud. . St. Paul UUIft Del. . Lack. AW. . . dn pfd. . . . l"0u ! D. A H. a. pfd 4H'i St. p..v.Omaha. . . . 8 n.AC. F. co nn dopfn 1M Rrle 10 > i Soultiprii Pacillo. . S.'M'i do ufd. ' 2MH it : tr ll'illiiery. . . . 11 H rortWavuo 167 Tenn. Cell A Iron. 2W6 (5. Northern ufd , . . 1'8 Tuxus I'acllle 1IH C. AE. I. nfd VOH T.fiO Cent. ufd. . 7l'n ! Hociunir Valley. . . 'JU Union P.iclho 111M1 Illinois Canlrvl. . . 0. > K tl. S. ExuriHi 40 St. P. .V Duluth . . . 2i ! \V. St. L. A P h It.ATi.pfd Hl'H do nfd HUS Lake irlo A West ' - ' : ! ' ; Well * Km ro Hx. HIM dopfd s'jif Weslern Union . . O' ' .t LakeShore 146M Whcclinir Si. L. E. . ii : ? < Leatl Trust tl.l dopfd 444 ! LoulHtrlllo A N. . . . 67K M. li , bt. L as U ft N. A IIH U. A U. ( i M' ' Manhattan Con. . . . 11HH O. E 35 ! 4 MonmhlsAC 15 : L ! ( ! „ Michigan Cent. . . . 1011 C. V. .VI' Missouri Pacific. . 28 fir , Mobile A Ohio . 24 H. A.T. O Nashville Chat . . . G3 T. A. A. A N. M. . . . National Cor.lasa. 2S T. St. L. .VK. C. . . . n'i ' ilocfd ; , ! i 18 N.J. Conlral D'.H 1. II. K N. A. W. pfa IIJ < dopfd W North Am. Co. . . . f'H Am. Tux Co lliW Northern Paelflo. . 5 ! < do lid 1111 No.Pao. ufd 18' { St 1' . . M. A M 1111 U.I' . . V. AO 5 The total sales of stocks today weie 1M.702 shanks , Including : American Stignr , 13.MO , Atchlson , 13.200 ; Ilurllngtoii , 7.6W ; Chicago Gns , 3.EOO ; Distilling nnd CattlefecdlnK. 6.700 : Oi'iiPinl Ek-ctrle , 9,600 ; Manhattan. 3.SOO : New Jcisoj Central , 6,400 ; Northwestern , 3.503 ; Heading , 22,60) ; Ht. Paul , 11,400 ; United States Hubbei , 12,500 ; Wabash , preferred , 3,400. Now York .Hincv l\lurkr. NEW YOIIK. June 5. MONEY ON CALI/- Easy nt Ifj2 per cent ; last loan , 1 per cent , closeil nt 1 per cent. PHIME MERCANTILE PAPEH 2',4Q'3li pel cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Slrong nnd higher , wllh nctunl bUBlne.-s in bankers' hills nt Jl.d { i'4.S9il for demand nnd SI.SSIiM.SSU for s.xly days ; postwl rates. S4.8SiM74.Sl and $ I.SS' a I.SO. Commercial bills. $1 * 7'J ' 14.S7H. SILVER tKRTIKICATES-W ; T67 < , ic. GOVERNMENT HONDS Stendy ; state bonds , dull , except Virginia centuries , which are strong and active ; railroad bonds , weak. Closing quolatlons on bonds were as follows : U.S. 4s , reg..naw. : . P. iHta or 1'5. . . 100 U. S. iBCOllp.UUW. U. AH. O. 7s H. S. Bs. rex I ) . All. O. 43 II. S. 6scou.i llll Kriu 2ds 05 U.S. 4B , rotr 111U ( i. H. AS. A. tin . . . Oi ) U. S. 4H.coilp 11:1 : ( i. II AS. A. 7a. . . U.S.'s. rez 117 II. AT. ft 5s no. Pacific Us ot "JS. . 100 do OH Ala. Clais A 107 M. K. A T. 1st 13. . Ala. CUss U 107 do ' 'd 4s Ala. Class C Mutual Union Us. . 100 Ala.Currency. . . . 117 N. J. C. Don. 6s. . . . 11HU La. Now Con. 4s. . 01 } No. Pac. Istl 118H MlHHOiirl Us 100 do''ds PI ) Hi N. C. Us 124 N. W. Consols. . . . 1411 N. C. 4 doS. F. Dab. 5j. 1(1 ( ! ) S. C. non fund R. G. West. Isti. . . 77H Tenn. nows-t Os. SO St. P. Coisols 7s. . 128 Tenn. new set iis. 100 do C. A P. W n. 114 Tenn. oldOs (10 ' 7kM Va. Centuries. . . . 02fil St. L.AS.F'iGji'.l ! 112 do deferred fil- Tex. Puo. Ista niw Atchl.son 73M do 2ds so AlchlBon Vil A. . . . U. P. Istsof 'JJ. . . 10.i Canada So. ' .Ms. . . . 1041 ( West Shore Is I * A N. Unified 4s. 8'J So. U K oil W lloitun Stock < > ut > cniiuii. BOSTON. June 5. rail loans. 2SU percent : ilmn loitiis , 2H'34 per cci.t. tlonlti ; onooi for stocks , bundaand mluliK shares : A.T. is. P U 1-1U W. Elw. ntiL . Am. Suirar. 117M WIs. Central . Am. Surar nfd. . . . 10U ! EdlHOii Klfe Ills. . ISO Uny State Gas . 11)5 ) Ucn. Elec. nfd . ISOU ( lIcllTolephone. . . 102 AtchlHiu 2Uu . 24 IIOHlon i AlDHny. . 20H AtchlBon 4n . 73M IIOBton AMnluo. . . 101) New Kuzlaud Os. . 1MW C. II. , VU . . HIM Win. Cent. lats. . . . fiOH Fltchburir pfd. . . . . HI Atlantic . 1.1k CtKii , Electric. 3. Host-in tt Montani IlllnoiH Stool . Ilutlo A BostOT. . . Mexican Ccntr.U. Calniret A Hccli. . N. Y. AN. E Cuntennlal . 1 Old Colony . 7.H Kr.-iukltn . 151. Oiv. Short Lino. . 151.m Rubber . 42H Osccola San Ulezo 11 Onincy 117 Union Pacific. . . . 13 Tnmiirucx 134 71 Wolverine 134U \Vestlnirh.Elpo. . . . 32 ! < Si n Krnict 03 .Mlitlnt ; Siua' < ( > : initlcni. . SAN B'UANCISCO , Juno 5.--Tho otncllt cloi- Injr quotations fur mlnliiff stocks toJ.iy were n ) follows : Alta C Justice 2 Annoa. 22 Kentucky Cou 2 llclcher 33 Lady Wash Cou. . l Deal i Belcher. . . . 41 Mexican 32 Ilodto Con 40 Mono s million 7 Mount UlHblo 15 Caledonia. fi Occidental Con. . . . IH Challenge Con 17 Ophlr 125 Choilur 17 Overman 15 Confidence 74 Potosi 3H Con. Cut A Vo. . . . . 230 S.ivaeo 33 Crown 101111 35 Sierra Nevada 47 Exchequer 1 Silver Hill 1 Gould A Curry. . . . . 22 Silver Klus 2(1 Halo A Norcross. . DO Onion Con 27 Jull.i 2 UlnhCon 3 Sliver btr-i , OOH'307c. Mexican dnlltr.i , 533 Drills , alk-lit , 2 } < u : leluraphla. Si. New Yon .limn < uitttlniii. NRW YORK , Juno 5.- Tna following irj tha eloslne tumini quotation Hiilwer. 20 Ontario HOI ) Choler 41) Ophlr 12O Crown Point 65 Plymouth 20 Con. Cii' . A V.i. . . . 23.1 Quicksilver. , . . 3S7I < Uendwood 35 Quicksilver pta. . .1701) ) Gould A Curry. . . 20 Sierra Nov.ld * . . . . 40 Halo A Norcross. . H.I St.ind.-ml 225 Ilumestako 2075 Union Con. 2.1 Iron Silver 20 Yellow Jacket. . . . 40 Moxlcun 35 London HtouU ( JUDliitloiu. LONDON , Juno 5. 4 p. m. closln ? : Can. Piictflo 5n : < St. Paul eon trio 1UH N. Y. Coutr.il L'rloSds (1UU Pennsylvania , . . . 54 111. Cgntral 1)8 Koadlur nw Mexican ordinary. 20) ) < Mox. Ccn. new 4s. . 07 HAR 8ILVER-30 porounce MONEY-U per cent. The rnte of dlreount In the open market for short bills la K per cent ; three months' bills , 11-16 per cent. _ _ _ _ _ Foreign I'muncinl Affulrj. IKHUN. June 5. Kxchnngo-'on London , 8 days' eight , 0 marks 45 pfg. PA HIS. June 5. Three per ctnt rentes , 102f 75c for the account. Exchange on Londan. SOf y ZHto for checks. IX3NDON , June 5. The amount of bullion gone Into the Hank of England on balance today , 4,000. Bar sliver has declined to 30 7-16d per oz. Gold Is quoted at Huenos Ayres at 2 .W ; Mid- rid. 13. &i : Lisbon , 27H ; St. I'elerKburg , M ; Athens , 77 ; Itome , 104.80 ; VUnnn. 103. fliianclul .Nutcs. BOSTON. June 8. Clearings. JI6,473,501 ; bal. ances. 11.815,654. HALTIMOUE. Juno 6. Clearings , t2l ,4C2 balances. | 3tl,9U. NEW YOHK. June Clearings , J92,860,007 balances , S5,518,3St. PIULADEIJ'HIA. June 6.-Clearlngs , | 12tJ , . 441 ; balances , ill.t09. ST. LOriR. June 5.-Clearlngs. 15.830.081 ; l | . ances , S71I.374. Money , tOO per cent. N w York exchange. We premium bid. WASHINGTON , June 5. Today' * statement o the condition of the treasury shows ; AvallaliU cash balance , J1E3.6CH.607 ; gold reserve , ! 'J9,47S. U CHICAGO. June ( . Clearings , J18.08J.Kn Money , easy ; call loans , 4i > 05 per cent ; com merclal pniwr. &UG4 per crnt. New York ex < change , 40o premium. SterHnir exchange , postci rate * , demand , I4.WU ; sixty days , OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cnttlo Receipts Were Slightly Less Thnn en Tuesday , SOLD READILY AT TEN CENTS OFF tccrlpti of HOBS Heavier Than Since Mny S3 Increased Supply nnil Lower 1'rlcc * Kin whore Cnuinln Jtc- iictlon of a Cents. WEDNESDAY , June 5. The receipts today Included 73S cnttle , t > ,078 hogs nnd 450 sheep , ns against S03 cnt- 'le , 4.0CG hogs and 213 sheep yesterday nnd ,000 cattle , 6,027 IIORS nnd 717 sheep on Wednesday of last week. In cattle there wns n sllRht falling off , ns compared with yesterday , but In hops there wns a substantial Rain. Tor the first half of the week there have been received 1,033 cattle , ll.Sol IIORS nnd CHS sheep , ns nRalnst 4,123 cattle , 11.SC5 hops and 1,470 sheep for the corresponding period last week. CATTLE There were only thirty-one fresh loads of cattle In the yards today , as against thirty-seven yesterday nnd thirty- seven on Wednesday of last week. Of the cattle here a considerable proportion con sisted of fat steers , whllo other kinds of : attlo were In very lltsht supply. The mnr- Het on beef steers was generally about lOc ewer , though the trade was somewhat un even. The desirable cattle were soon picked .IP , but the half-fat or warmed-up stuff did lot sell so readily. The cattle , however , were about all sold reasonably early In the day. The best rattle here , averaging 1,200 to 1,370 Ibs. , Fold nt $3 to $ Ti.05 , while the lighter stuff went at $1 to $ U5. .Aside from one or two bunches , the offcr- ngs of cows and heifers cojialstcd mostly of odds nnd ends , one or two head In n ilace. Good butchers' stock did not show much change from yesterday , though the buyers seemed a llule Inclined to bear irlces. Common cnnnors nnd rotish stock were < low and weak , but good veal calves were Inn. Inn.A A few stackers and feeders were offered on the market and sold at about steady irlces. The bulk of the cattle of this de- ' crlption went nt $3 to $3.CO. Representative aes ! : BREF STEKHS. Jo. Ay. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 0. . . . C3I J3 CO 22..1021 J4 40 17..1374 tl M 7..1077 400 1C..1154 445 4).12 < I5 500 7..104 : . 42. ; 23..10,0.4 C3 20..1370 303 COWS. 1. . . . SSO IS. , 1. . . . 850 2 JS 1..1W 300 1. . . . 720 1M 1..11SO 223 1..11CO 30) 1. . . . 900 13.1 ! . . , . 750 523 3..10S3 3 CO L. . . 840 173 1..10r.0 2 of 3 MO 301 4. . . . ! > 00 ISO 3..lOlli 240 23. . . . ! > 23 315 3. . . . MO 1 S3 1..1070 210 1..101(1 ( 353 1..112J 200 1./MO 2 B ) 1..10IO 340 I. . . . W7 200 4. . . . 730 2.13 3. . . . 870 3 4'l 1..11CO C 00 2. . . . Mi 2 S3 C2..KK2 3 t : . 1. . . . 870 20) ) 1..10IO 2 fil 1..13S1 373 B. . . . S2 2 10 3..1 ( f 2 83' 1..1050 4 CO 1..1170 2 S3 3. . . . s3 3 0) ) HEIFERS. L. . . SCO 210 1. . . . C'O 223 2I > . . . . 76G 313 II. . . . MO 210 1. . . . GV ) 22'i 1. . . . S70 373 I. . . . SCO 2 TO 2. . . . 4M 2 TO 1..10S ) 37 : . 1. . . . 450 22' 1. . . . 4 < 0 2C1 25. . . .103' ' ! IK 1. . . . 720 213 23. . . . 023 305 22..1122 440 3. . . . 370 2 23 HULLS. 2..KCO 175 l..I < KX ) 235 3. . . . KO 240 1. . . . fi.'O 200 . . . . . 233 1 970 240 L. . . 1100 213 2..10iV 240 1..1110 21) ) 1..1CIM ) 2 2.1 1..UM 4 40 1..15M ) 2 10 1..1HO 2 25 1..HIO 2 40 1..1220 2 TO 3. . . . S20 233 1..IIW.2 10 2..1SS5 2 C3 CALVES. 1. . . . ISO 173 l. . . . 10) 330 2. . . . IS. ) 4:0 2. . . . S35 173 L. . . IM J TO I. . . . 151 t fO I. . . . 370 ZOO 1. . . . 01 330 2. . . . 173 4 fO 1. . . . 10 300 2. . . . 123 75 1. . . . 1.-.0 450 . ) . . . . 303 3 03 1. . . . KO 1 00 1. . . . ICO I BO 3. . . . ISO 323 1150 4(0 1. . . , 210 300 L. . . ICO 3 CO 2. . , . 173 4 W STOCKUHS inFEEPEnS. . 1. . . . 9SO 23(1 ( 3.'MOV 6 00 20 ; . . . 77S 320 3. . . . 533 263 1 K > 300 2..1010 320 1. . . . 700 S C3 f . . . . lG-3 Oi L. . . 76J 323 2. . . . MS 275 3. . . . 520 310 1. . . . 4CO 325 1. . . . 710 275 7. . . . 411 315 12..I'M. ' ! SCO 6. . . . 710 2 SO WESTERNS. 1 hull 1.V ) J2 TO 2 steers 1012 $ .1 CO 1 steer" . 1070 2 CO " 'IfBteeis 1161 373 2 stecre..i..lU7Bi.3.50 \ . I HOGH Tlnre were- eighty lends tf linjra. nc compareil wllh fifty-six cars yesterday and slxty- l\vo cars on Wednesday for last we l ( . Today's run WHS the largest plneo Mny 2J. The nuallty of the IIOKK on pale was not much different on un average from yesterday's offeilnKH. though Ihere may have been ft few more light mixed loads en the conimonl.ili order. Uniler the In- Mucnee of inore lltirral receipts nnd lower mar kets nt oilier points the market here experienced a slight reaction. On un average prlfi > .i could not bo called more lhan Cc lower , Ihe del-line being the greatest on the oommonlsh light nnd mixed stuff. In iminy CUB--S coed heavy hoes sold about ns well as yesterday. For n d.wn market the irade was fairly acllve. The de mand , on the part of the packers , was fair , and they appeared readv to take the hogs nt the de cline , The liulk of the hugs changed hands early In the day nnd the pns were ckared some time licfore midday. The close wns about like the early market. Th top wns 14.55. ns again ; ! 54.60 yesterday. Tlie bulk of the hogs sold nt from J4.33 t$4.40. . Representative sales : No. AV. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 223 . . . J4 10 2 320 . . . $4 ? 5 172 2' ' > 4 13 li 210 . . . 4 T5 154 260 4 15 02 223 . . . 4 35 176 120 4 15 78 234 RO 4 35 M in.3 40 4 17IA 7S 211 . . . 433 33 17fi 80 4 20 SI 11)7 ) . . . 4 35 Ml 1(11 ( 120 42i ) SS 213 100 435 2 175 . . . 42) SI 210 240 4 M C 173 . . . 4 2) ) M 221 SO 4 33 ,1 213 . . . 4 20 79 222 2 0 4 35 PO 203 200 425 4 22 . . . 4 S3 24 2SO 120 4 2 > M 221 ICO 4 SS S7 215 KO 4 2 > . 121 217 i21 435 O 213 120 4 23 83 197 SO 4 35 S2 18 ? 400 4 25 89 22.1..120 4 35 9S 198 120 4 23 SO 252 SO I 41 43 193 120 4 25 43 210 . . . 4 40 74 221) 120 4 25 1 310 . 4 40 53 190 . . . 4 2.3 77 201 . . . 4 40 73 192 120 4 25 C3 238 . . . 4 4) 4 253 40 423 (11 ( 21S 40 440 1 4SO SO 423 72 231 . . . 440 57 193 200 4 23 M 2 160 4 40 Cli 201 SO 4 K 7S 217 SO 4 40 240 rCO 4 25 C 20 ? . . . 4 41 1S3 SO 425 ' "C 300 . . . 440 " 191 120 4 25 70 214 80 4 40 S9" ISO 120 4 23 09 258 SO I 40 CO 194 40 4 23 Cl 224 SO 4 40 77 192 120 423 C7 ZG2 40 440 27 199 120 4 23 C7 2C3 . . . 4 40 C3 1S5 40 4 25 70 233 . . . 4 40 70 179 160 4 23 73 232 . . . 4 40 04 183 120 42.7 11 23S . . . 440 S2 IPS 120-4 27'.4 S 3S4 SO 440 16 181 . . . 4 30 14 330 . . . 4 45 f,0 210 ICO 4 50 4 310 . . . 4 43 10 213 . . . 4 30 C5 278 40 4 4 ! 44 203 40 430 CS 278 SO 4 45 GT 203 120 4 30 C3 268 12) 4 43 72 197 120 4 SO 7C 234 40 4 43 6 209 160 4 30 49 2f,3 160 4 45 4 197 . . . 430 C3 237 100 443 4 213 . . . 430 C8 2(2 ( . . . 445 1 233 . . . 4 30 43 203 40 4 43 07 203 160 4 30 C7 277 80 4 43 39 217 . . . 430 G 30S . . . 445 73 2U 240 4 30 73 2B5 80 4 45 41 231 210 4 3214 22 329 . . . 4 43 84 207 160 4 32',4 fi 430 . . . 443 03 200 40 4 32'4 ' C9 235 SO 4 45 71 2110 SO 4 32Vi CO SCO . . . 4 CO 21 243 . . . 4 33 Cl 2C SO 4 CO B 2C.S . . . 435 f,7 2fC , 80 4 SO 12 2t 120 4 3r. C7 2r,0 . . . 4 CO C 223 . . . 4 35 73 215 . . . 4 CO 4 270 . . . 435 . . . 61 0 . . . 410 4 230 . . . 435 < SKIPS AND CULLS. 1 210 . . . 2 CO 1 110 . . . 225 J..1X ' 19 120 . . . SCO 1. ) 140 . . . 2 CO 'C 141 . . . 3 CO 1 100 . . . 300 r-7 141 . . . 365 27 123 . . . SCO . . .20 145 . . . 400 SHI3EP There wereMwtftloublc-decks of prelty fnlr western sheep on-nale nnJ a few nallve Iambs , The buyer * ytn d a few killers nnd cleflneil up the offerings ni firm price" . Fnlr to choice nnllvcs are qwftnblo at from $3 to $3.73 , fair lo good werlerns at'Xrpm 32.CO to 13.50 , com mon nnd slock sheep Dt from $2 lo 2.75 , good lo choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs < Ut from $3.73 to $5.23. Quotations : ' > , \ } Nsacui , * : r. ? M'VM 198 western wethers . ) 92 3 20 202 western wethers ! ) 3 20 2 bucks . . .t. . . 183 3 r. 2 nntlvo ewes 6. . . . : 123 3 75 1 native lamb . . -.t 50 COO 10 nntlve lambs /iv-/r * 7 C no 25 nallve lamb "y | ' 51 B w tlHIOAOO tlVK hTOGIt. Few Cattle of the Be'ttW Clnu Hogi nnd Miecp Hlioitr1 ! ) Decline. CHICAGO. June 5. CA.TTLK-Fewer entile are coming forward lhan last week nnd there Is a ( rrowlnir scarclly of choice lols , prices for which are higher under Ibe Influence of a good demand from shippers. The arrivals continue to show deterioration In quality and the dally offerings consist very largely of Texans and common na tives. For Ihe comparatively few cattle of Ihe teller class prices showed plenly of slrene'h , but other kinds were slow of sale and common grades lOo lower. Two sales of exlra choice beeves were made at f6. and come choice steers were sold at from IS.7S lo (5.SS. Pules were largely at from $4.23 to $5.23 ; grassy steers were numerous and sales of > uch were ( low at from $3.CO to $4.25 ; very heavy cattle were discrim inated against. The pltntlfulnes * of Texas cattle made It hard work for sellers anil sales were largely at a lower ran re of prices. The slocker ami feeder Irade Is still very dull and prices are extremely low , as compared wllh a few weeks ago , salts being moslly at from $2.60 to $3.M. HOOK There waa a I > | R run and fully 40,000 head were on sale. Borne sales were made at as high prices as were paid yeslerday , but much of the trading waa done at a decline of Cc. The offerings embraced a larger proportion of common light hot * and such droves moved on slowly at Ihe decline , but era ) fat. matured hogs sold at from $4.3 } to $ .4.10. Light weights ound buyer * nt from $ MS to II.W nnil mixed offn nt from M.35 to $4.6.1. SIIKIJP The receipts today Jumped to ubout 4,000 head , and with n slow drmnnd prc"n ! for ommon lots were from lOc to I5o loTftr. Nntlve hecp sold nt from $2 In $4.13 , Texans from $2 o $135. yearling * from $150 to $ .UJ nnd oprlng ninhs from t4 to $8. llecelpts : Cnttle , 1IMO licad : hess , 83,003 head ! heep , 14,000 head. OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES. liiK of lines UurltiK the fmt Week linn Item Liberal. CINCINNATI , June 5. ( Special Telegram. ) Tomorrow's Price Current will say : The mar. iftlng of IIORS hns been llbeial Ihe p.-ul wl : < , "hough Iws limn Ihe preceding week , and bill Illlo In excess of Ihe conespnndlng lime ln l car Western packing , S60.000 , against 5S5.0' ' . > 0 he preceding week and 310.000 Insl year. From March 1 Iho lolnl Is 3.7l3.0viO , ugnlnal J.ISO.l'vO n ear ngo. Prominent places compare nn follows. Places. 1JB5. JJ34. Chicago 1,335.000 l,12fl,0"0 < ansas City 575,000 ttn.OiV ) ) maha . . 2M > 000 42" f"X ) St. I * > uls 22.toOO ! 217.010 Cincinnati 133,000 llG.pmi ndlnnapolls 1IJ.010 11I.COO Milwaukee - 13s.mn ) los , < t" < i Vdar llaplds U2.000 CD.W'O ' U. Jiwoph S7.000 107.010 'Sioux City C4.0K ) S3 COO St. Paul liS.OX ) 74 , ( < vi Ollutnwa 77,000 75 , ( > 09 SC. l.mtln Llvo .Stock. ST. LOt'lS , June C. CATTLE Receljitc , 4.9'0 lead ; shipments , 2,1' ' head , lluyers demanded too to ICc off on natives today , but holders re fused lo yield and Ihe market dragged heavily. Shipping nnd beef steers range $ l.2' . 73.23 ; llglil to heavy butchers' , J3.23JT4.23 ; slockers nnd feed ers. f2.50Sf3.75 ; cows , $2.23fi3.CO. Texas raltle ran 23c lower on poor , but remained lib-nil stendy on bettor grades. Fed steers , $3.50jl.CO ; grassers , $2.5003.60 ; cows. $2 < Xjj3.23. ) HOOK Receipts. 3.700 head ; shipments. 400 head. Market CWlflo lower ; h"iivy. $4.40JJ4 CC ; imcklng. $4.25574.CO ; IlKht. 3.9 > 1 4.SO. SHEEP Receipt * . 4.IOO head ; shlpmenls , 200 lead. Market for native muttons steady at $3.23 iTl.25. but common stuff 23c off ; southtvcst range , $2.COH3.23 ; lambs , f3.50i74.CO. Kninn City Livestock. KANSAS CITY , June 5.-CATTLC Tlccelpls , 4.100 head ; shipments. l.MO heiul ; market steady for best ; others weak to lOc lower ; Texas steer * . f3.25Jil.IO ; Texas cows , $2.25i3 00 ; beef sleeta , )3.2.ft5.C'J ) ' ; nntlve cows. $1.0)94.23 ; stockeis und fcvders , J2.3jjf4.50 ; hulls , $2.0083.30. HOGS Receipts , 12.SOO head ; shipments , l.SOO rod ; market COlOc lower ; bulk of sales , fl.sog 4.50 ; heavies. $ l.43f4.C3 ; packets , $ I.SOILS' , ; mlxi-d , $ l.20j4.r,0 ; lights , $1.1004.23 ; YurkerK , $4.15 4.25 ; pigs. $ J.15 4.15. HHEEP Receipts , 2,000 head ; shipments , COO head ; maiket steady. New Vor.f Diva Mock .Murker. NEW YORK , June B. REEVHS-Rccelpts. 1,900 heiul ; slow , 10tfl3c lower ; nnllve fleers , poor to prime , $ l.0073.73 ; slugs and oxen , J3.00B 4.75. European cables quole American steers HI I0' < .5ril ie , ilrcBFtd weight ; refrigerator beef , Sij HHEEP AND LAMHS Rccclpls , 4,700 head. ii-ep nnil ealllllKS , dull ; lambs , ncllve , ' ! < . lilgher : sheep , poor lo prime , $1.50tf3.75 ; year , linns , $3.73fl.r,0 : somhern lambs , inferior to choice. $3.124 ! < ? ? 7.00. HOGS RccelplH , 6,900 head ; llrm al II.S084.9V MocK In MIIIC. Recoid of receipts at thu four principal mar kets for Wednesday , June 3 , 1S93 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 738 6.018 i-0 Chicago H.liOO 36.001 14.000 Kanjns City 4,100 12.SJO 2COO St. Louis 4,9HO 3,700 4K'0 ' Totals 21,238 C8.578 21,130 U O' .Miirliet. I1OSTON. June C. The American Wool and Cot tun Repoilcr will FU.V lomormw of Ihe wool Irade : Although the market has continued to wear thai quiet exteilor that characterized it all during Ihe last few months , the fact icmalnn that llic pales Ihls week In their total arc equal to the average weekly aggregate under wlrichc used lo call Ihe normal Irade conditions. The sales of the week nmount to 1C57,000 llifi. do mestic ami 1C35XK ( ) Ibs. foielgn , making a total of 3.115.000 11.8. . ngalnst a lolnl of 2.40i.OOO ; lli for the previous week and a total of 2.1CC 0-10 Ibs. for the correpp mdlrig week last year. The sales since January 1 , 1S'J5 , amount to C3.S64 4'.0 Iba. . against Cl,413,400 Ibs. n sear ago. The r.upply nf line foreign v.'ools In New Vmk has l.ceii Incieascd tlurlng the IMP ! week by the ar- tlval of shlpnifnls of lioth Cope and South American gtowths. The current demnnd has shown no Improvement over thai previously repoited. The fe.iiiire of Iho week Is tlie sale of about 1.500.000 Ibs. ol Valparaiso. The sales In New Yoik for the week amount to 2.2S.009 His. KiiHtein mills have been In the market nnd a much laiger business could have been done had uellers been willing In meet their Ideas of values. While foreign wool.- , eunllnne to remain llrm , the dealers In maliv In stances havn s il'l for les than Die mme cnn bi purchased for today abroad. The aggregate Kiile : In Plill.idelphla for Ihe jasl week are 1,517.f.OO lli . , and shipments have amounted to 1.90,11C ( His. The fact that nenily 4OJO.txo Iba. of wool have bivn leci'lvwl In excess of las-l year since January 1 establishes Ihe fact that mole businec Is nntlclpateil. Hhlpments have amounted lo 1.S90.14C Ibs. , nnd the corresponding week of Insl year shows 2,735,038 Ibs. ST. LOUIS , June C. WOOI. Slronger nnd In good demand ; Mlssnuil , Illinois , elc. , fancy combing. 15c ; combing nnd cloth , 14ic ; medium clothing , 145fl4"ic ; coarse and braided , 13'tiC14e ' ; IlKht line. 11'ifl2e ' ; heavy line , SiilOc ; Kansas and Nebraska. Hil3e ; llcht line , 7jSC ; heavy linn , 5 < iJ6e ; Texas , Arkansas etc. , medium , 1113e ; coarse nnd low , SfflOo ; llghl line , 91(10c ; heavy fine. CfiSc ; Pakola , Wyoming. Utah , etc. , me dium , tJZ12e ) ; coarse and low , 7JSe ; light line , 7fRc ; heavy line. Cfffie ; tub washed , choice , 19'.j ( T20c ; fair , 17(71Sc ; coars-c nnd low , 13fl5c. ( .Ivdrpiiol Atiirltnts. LIVERPOOL , Juno C. 12:15 : p in. WHEAT Spot dull , demand poor ; No. 2 led winter , 5s 9',4d ; No. 2 red spring , C 3d : No. 1 haid Manitoba , Cs 2Hd ; No. 1 California. Cs 9M.il : futures opend dull , wllh near and distant posi tions \ 4lower ( \ ; closed steady , wllh near port- lions HfMid lower , nnd distant positions Hd lower ; business about equally distributed ; June. 3a 8'iil ; July , Bs ' , id ; Auiiusl. 5s 'Jlid ; Hpleni - tier , Cs lOi.id ; OcUiber , 5s lOfid ; November , C ll'.id. CORN Mnrkrt dull ; summer mixed. 4s S'id ; futuies opened dull , with near nnd illstanl poblllons ! ,4d lower ; closed dull , wllh near posi tions ijij/'iid lower , nnd distant position * 1411 lower ; business heaviest on early positions ; June , 4s C'id ; Julv. 4 B'id ' : August , 4s 6'i < l ; September , 4s 7d ; October , 4s 7Ud ; November , 4s 7ifcd. FLOUR Maiket llrm ; demand moderate ; St. Louis fnncy winter. 7s 9d. PROVISIONS llacon , firm ; demand poor : Cum berland cut , 030 Ibs . Sis ; short ribs , 23 U < . . 32s ; long cleur , light. 3845 Ibs. , 33s ; long clear , heavy , 55 Ibs. , 31s 6d ; short clear backs , light. IS Ibs. , 36s Sd ; short clear middles , heavy , 53 ibs. , 33s Gd ; clear bellies , U'llG Ibs. , 33s. Shoul ders , fquare , 12fl8 Ibs. , 2Ss. llama , short cut , 14ffl6 Ibs. , 41s. Reef , India mess. SO : prim * mess , C2s Cd. Pork , prime mess , fine westcin , Cls 3d ; line medium. C3s 9d. Lard , dull ; prlmo western , 33s 9d ; rellned , In palls , 34s C.I. TALLOW Fine N. A. , nominal. CHEESE Sleady ; demand moderate ; finest American , white , 40s ; llncst American , colored , 42s. 42s.HUTTER Finest Unlled Slatei , 7Cfl ; good , 40s. COTTON SEED OIL Liverpool icllned , lEs 3dLINSEED LINSEED OIL 21s 9d. I'ETHOLKI'JI Rellned. M. REFRIQERATOR REEF Forequarlcrs , 3Hd ; hindquarters , C'.id. HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) , 2os. St. Loul * ( ien r.ll .Murkot. ST. LOUIS. June C. WHEAT The market was weak Ihls morning , declining l'.4c before Ihe bearish lendency lecelved nny kind of a check. Then there wns a ? ie rally , which was soon lost , bul the maiket again strengthened and late advanced > tc. Tlie close was nt Iho Inp and "to nl ve yesterday ; No. 2 red , cabh , SOfiSlVfcc ; July , 78c : September , 77e. CORN Not so weak as yesterdav. although good crop reporls were reporled. Flucluntlons were within n narrow range , with a llrmer tendency , closing HW4o above yesterday ; No. 2 mixed , cash , 4Sic : July. 49Vi 49 c. OATS Weak at opening , when September of fered ijc lower ; Inter recovered nnu closed c above yesterday ; No. 2 , cash. 2SVic bid ; June , 2Sc ; July , 29 4c bid ; September , 2Sic. HRAN Knsy ; east truck , sncked , B3'ic. FLAX SEI2D Nominal al $1.40. ORASS HERO Nominal ; oul of season. HAY Strong ; choice timothy. $10.50012.73 , east side ; prairie , steady ; J7.tOIflO.00. EGOS Ixiwer : fresh. lOc. WHISKY $1.26 for distillers' finished goods. LEAD Slroniier. higher ; $3.07J4ff3.10. SPELTER Firm ; $3.43 ; held hlKher. PROVISIONS Pork. slandaid mers , $12. ,5. Ijird. prlmo slcum. $ C.37H ; choice , J6.CO. Ilacon , Imxeil fhoiildcrs. $ C25 ; longs , $0.87 ; rlls , $7 ; ehorls. $7.12',4. Dry smoked meats , boxed shniil. ders , $3.50 ; longs , $6.S74 ; ribs , $6.CO ; shorts. $ C.7J , RECEIPTS Flour , 1,000 bbls. ; wheat , 0,000 bu.j corn. 17.000 bu. ; onts , 7.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 3.000 bbls. ; whcal , 16,000 bu.j corn , IC.OOO bu. ; oals. 2.000 bu. CoffMnruet. . NEW YORK. June 5. COFFEE Options opened dull nt unchanged prices and ruled In- ncllve and featureless throughout Ihe session. The European , Rrailllan maikels equally In different und dull. Closed dull at unchanged spot coffee , Illo. dull ; Ko. 7. Jlii ; mnu , quiei ; Cordova. $18.20fil9.0) : sales. 700 bags Muracalbo , n t. Warehouse deliveries from New York yes terday. 17,034 bags ; New York stock today. 101. . 702 bags ; United States stock. 2I9.7C6 bmss ; afloat for the United States , 2S1.000 bugs ; totul visible for the United States , C32.7CG bags , against 2S9.- 280 bags lust year , _ _ lVurl MnrketJ. PHORIA , June B. CORN Market quiet J No. 2 , OATS -Murket'dull ; No. 2 white , JO'.icj ' No. S white 30c , HYINomlnal ; No. 2 , C4C6IC. WHISKY Market firm ; Hnlshed gooils. $1.25. HKCUIPTS Wheat , COO bu. , corn , 22.000 bu. . ont * . CO.GOO bu.j rye. COO bu. ; barley. 700 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 9.000 bu. ; corn , S.SOO bu. | oats , C6.0CO bu. ; rye , COO bu. ; barley , 2,800 bu. Mllivuubee Slttrltetn. MILWAt'KKIJ. June C.-WHr3AT-Weaker : No. 3 spring , 77c ; No. 1 northern , 62'4o ; July , 78'/4c. IX > IIN Dull and weak : No. 3 , WHc. OATS Steady and quiet ; No. 2 white , 33c ; No. I white , 311ic. 1IAHLV3Y Nominal : No. 2 , 49o ; cample , COc. HYK Flrmtri No. I , < 6Uc. Mwrkot. NEW YORK , June 5. St'OAIl Raw , steady ; sal7CO bag * centrifugal. 6 tut. at SKc ; 27 hhds. and 300 Lacs Muscovado. (9 t st. at 2 K-l < ; l.SCS bag * Pernambuco , 69 ted , at SHC. and ) W bags rnalaues sugar , 19 t t at 1 ll-lCc ; nHneJ , quiet ; Mo. fi , 40 4 3-1Cc ; No. 7 , T4C Mt < ; : No. 8. UO MCo ; N.\ 9. 1 IS-KtMe ; No. 10 , J ; J.1 into ; No. 11. a 11-18 U3Tic ; No. 12. SMiOtc ; No. 1 ! , ; Hc ; off A , 4 . 16 4Hc ; tuolJ A , 4 11-UVtlKc ! rtnndnrd A. B-lCniUc ; confectioners' A. 4 S-ltfUlic ; cut lonf , > 1-lCftSUc ; powdered. 4U"tl 15-16c ; granulated , 4 7-lGSI c ; cubes , 4 Mlmicnpoll IVlipnt .1tnrkpt > M1NNKAPOLI8. June B.WIIBATStcndy : lune. 77cj July. ! 7Wc : September. 74)lci on rack , No. 1 hard , 79c ; No. 1 northern , ISUc ; No. 2 northern , 77 Uc. M'rUcoVlicU ; ( Juit tliin . SAN FHANCISCO Jure . , S.--WltKAT-Stfudy : December , $1.03 ; ; ; cleared , 19,061 centals. BALL AT THE MERCEH. Ilnro n Dnnca < lttt lletoro tlio Vlrltl liny ixurui : o . Tlic Jntgglstj cleaned up nil tlio business of lie convention yesterday afternoon. In tlie evening a ball was had at tlie Mercer hotel , to the strains of the CrclKhton Theater or chestra. Light refreshments were served. The affair was under the supervision of : Reception Committee Or. nnd Mrs. S. U. Mercer , Mr. and Mrs. A. Kleld , Mr. and Mrs. ! . U. Ileduell , Mr. and Mrs. 0. > V. Ilooblcr , Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Hoyt , Mr. and Mrs. M. Hycrfon , Mr. nnd Mrs. tlcnrge I'orter. Mr. nnil MM. 13. A. W. Sncll , Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Sherman , Mr. and Mrs. Chester Clark , Mr. nnd Mrs. E. E. IJrucc. Mr. and Mrs. C. P.Voller , Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Kuhn , Floor Committee George \V. Mercer , C. H. Sherman , X. A. Kuhn , William J. Shratlcr , Jjmos Ueed. Mr. and Mrs , Charles II. Sherman led the grand march. The Mercer Chemical com- | > any , whose representatives were the hosts of the evening , were thanked with due sin cerity for the hospitality extended to the association. Today the delegates will go to Caurthnd tieach nnd have a field day of athletic con tests , picnic nnd grand climax to the con vention. A large list of prizes will be com peted for , and the Courtland beach manage ment will present n special program , Including a concert by the First Infantrv band , The following marriage licenses were Is sued by the county clerk yesterday : N'ame and Address. Ago. -Matt O. HiTgoti , Omaha . ! M Bi'lle Ilnllnm , Omaha . 2i Alexander 1' . Llddell , Omaha . a I Emma I'rultlp , Omaha . 30 Charles K. Writer , Omaha . 21 Mny Sanford , Omaha . Ill Clarence Michael , Lcnvcnworth , Knn . 27 Mary Jenkins , Fort Worth , Tex . 32 Frank Sobcskn , Omaha . 20 Mary YushtnonsKa , Omnhn . 19 l.owellyn Cooler , Omaha . 23 Ullle IJIIlliiBS , Omaha . 21 Conservative Lit tin Itoillps. ts pretty nearly a surety If Allen's Hygienic Fluid Is there. There Is no medicine Its equal for all-around usefulness. First of all , It Is a preventive medicine wards off all contagious diseases. U heals nnd purifies bruises , burns , scalds and sores of all kinds. Kills germs and odors. Its many other uses are described In a pamphlet which will he mailed free If you address the Clias. L. Allen Co. , St. Louis , Mo. ri npll Will Stnv nt Home. BUFFALO , June G. The report that ex- Postmaster General Ilissell Is enrouto for North Carolina is untrue. Mr. Dlssell Is at home in this city and Is in the best of health. He has no Intention of going to Ashevllle. _ I'KltSUXA / - I'.tllA ait.lj'll ! > . C. H. Fitzgerald of Kansas City Is at the Mlllard. James F. Egan , Uawllns , Wyo. , Is a Paxton - ton guest. Dr. T. E. Falrall of Tocumsch waa In the city yesterday. Mr. Jesse L. Merrltt has become night clerk at the Arcade. J. W. Fowler , nnd John Chamberlain of Rapid City are 1'nxton guests. D. n. Klelh and A. H. Slocumb of Dow City , In. , were In the city yesterday. C. E. S. Wood and Joseph Simon of Port land , Ore. , arc registered at the Paxton. Mr. nnd Mrs. Clarence II. Howard of St. Louis were guests at the Mlllard yesterday. Mra. May Needles and Miss Frances Mag- ner of Utc , la. , arc guests at the Merchants. F. D. Hadley , traveling passenger agent of the Illinois Central at Sioux City , is at the Mlllard. A. E. Lnngdon of Papllllon and T. W. Langdon of Gretna were In the city last evening. Plumbing Inspector Duncan will leave Sun day for Philadelphia to attend the convention of the National Master Plumbers' association. Mrs. Edward Eddy and Miss Sarah Ularney of Denver arrived In the city last evening to attend the wedding of Miss Nash. They ore at the Mlllard. W. L. May of the Nebraska Fish commis sion and president of the American Fisheries society leaves today for Now York to attend the twenty-fourth annual meeting of the society , which opens next Tuesday. One of the Incidents of the meeting to which mem- bero arc looking fondly forward is a clam bake , to bo given Thursday evening under the auspices of Iho New York Fish commis sion nt Euton Point , L. I. NcliniskiiiiR Ht tlio HnlflH. At the Paxton W. J. llynes , 13. A. Trues- dale , Hastings ; 11. A. Small , Kearney. At the Arcade A. M. Miller. Collln U. Miller , Davenport ; A. W. Wellman , York ; C. W. Jamison , Yutan. At the nellone J. G. Drcnlgcr , Broken How : G. W. Fox. Lexington ; J.V. . Jlohu- qulsl , Oakland ; H. H. 1'rossen , Louisville ; G. II. Pratt , Hastings. At the Merchants J. A. Iloonoy , Ne braska City ; II. Livingston , E. T. 131nck , Cook : E. C. Millar , Fullerton ; Mrs. V. H. Vuu Dorn and son , Wlsner. WK.lTHUlt FOHU.U.IST. Fair with Southerly Winds Promised for Neb ii < Uti. WASHINGTON , Mny C. The forecast for Thursday la : For Nebraska and Kansas Fnlr ; routh- crly winds. For Iowa Fair ; warmer In the i-astern jiortlon ; easletly winds. For Missouri Fair ; warmer ; va.-'al'lo ' For'South Dakota Fair ; ( .utitluirly winds. Local Itrcont. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU. OMAHA , June S. Omaha record of tem perature nnd rainfall compared with the corresponding day of ' Maximum temperature. . . . 80 70 76 70 Minimum temperature. . . . 65 51 Cl Cl Average temperature C8 02 C5 70 Precipitation W .02 .00 .00 Condition of temperature nnd precipita tion nt Omahu for the day and since March 1. 1S93 : Normal temperature CS Excess or dellclency for the day 0 Accumulated excess since March 1 310 Normal precipitation 18 Inch Dellclency for the day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18 Inch Total precipitation since March 1. G.2I Inches Dellclency since March 1 3.32 Inches Reports from Other Statliuif at H I' . M , T Indlcalts truce of precipitation L. A. WULSH , Observer. Children Cryfoi Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cryfoi PStcher's Castoria. Children Cryfoi Etcher's Castoria. Till ! UKALTV M.VHKlr , INSTRUMENTS placed en record Juno 5 , WAnitANTY ncnns. A L Dlnlr and wlfo to A U HcrdiiMn , loll 1 nnil 2 , block 17 , Kountze Place . 511,000 Oeorge Devei-cll nnil wife to IJ H Ilowlty , lot 8. tlock t. Pnpplelon palk . l.POO J U WalcrllHd and husband lo same , tola 14 nnd IS , block 8 , samp. . . , . . .1 . 1CM linns Nelson und wife lo H J Pclcrson , lot II , hluck 3. lli-ooldlnc ndd . 1,100 J M Westerfiold nnd wlfp to Hiram Hard * till , ' , lot 1 , WullRli & W's sulallv . S.OOU John Flynn and wife to John Atideison. n H lot II , block U'2 , South Omaha . C7S QfIT CLAIM IIKKDC. T H Pmllh and wife lo A L Ilhlr , lots 1 and 2 , block 17 , KduntKo 1'l.ice . 2 nnii)3. Mnsler In chnnrrry to T II Smith , lots 1 and 2 , block 17 , Kounlie Pl.ice . . . . . 1,300 Same lo PhltmU'lphla MorlRnKe nnd Trust company , < 4 lat 2 , block 1.1 , Omaha. . . , 3,725 Pamo to same , lot I , block 19 , Poppli'lon park . 4MO Samn In panic , W H lot 3 , block 42 , Omaha . . 3.723 Total amount of trnusfcis . S3C.C77 EXPECTANT MOTHERS , Thut our wonderful remedr " JlOTHKllS ' FI11KND , " whlt-h makes chllil-blrth r iy may be within the roach of nil we lii re rnlucril the irlcn to One llollnr per bottle. Hanaro ot mud * , counterfeits nnd subttltuUi. [ TAKE NOTIIINQ BUT MOTHERS . . . KoLt > nv AM. iiucnaisTs. . . . OTWrite for book "TO MOTHERS" mailed ft free. Till ! Itlt AIIKI r.l.ll URI11H.ATUU CO. . g Hole Proprietor * . AHnntn. 111. PATRONIZE D ; purchasing good's rr.aflo at the following Nebraska factories. If you cannot find what you want , communicate with the manufuc- lurcti a > to what dealers handle their coodi : llVltL.ll * nriXK. BKMIS OMAHA BAG CO. Manufacturers of nil kinds of cotton & Lurlip. bags , cotton floir tacks It twine m specialty , id' < U-61S S. llth-sU JIKKJKVAST fUH ( > , VLOUIt , VK.IST. WM. PRESTON & CO. Msnufacturers of Preston's California Flakea. fl Sickle brand slf rtlilnc Umir & yeut Do yoj , is Preiton's Dell flourT llltKWKUlKS. OMAHA BREWING ASSOCIATION Cat load shipments made In our own refrlgerntoi cars , llluc Illbbon , Ellle Export , Vienna Export , nnd Family Export , delivered to All parts of city. COl-fKK , Hl'lVKS , IUKIX I'Un'l'KH. COHSOLIDATED COFFEE CO. , Coffee Roasters Spice drlnders , Mnnufactureri German Baking Powder and German Dry Hop Vcnst. H14 and 1416 Ilarney-st. , Omaha , Neb. VIMVK. S. F , CILMAS , Manufacturer of Qold Medal Flour. C E. Black. Manager , Omaha. FVKS1TVKK PAVTUKIKH. OMAHA UPHOLSTERING CO. Manufacturers ol parlor furniture , lounges , din ing tables & folding beds. 28th eve. , Doyd to Hnhlcr streets. 1CK .tXI > CO.tl. . SOUTH OMAHA ICE AND COALCO. IJomestlc & iteam coal. We have the * nest. Of. flee 1MI Farnam-st. Telephone : Ofllca 373 , yard KG . J , A. Doe , gen'l manager. lltOff M'OHffA. INDUSTRIAL IRON WORKS. Mnnufacturlng & repairing ot all kinds of ma. chlncry , engines , p-imn . elevatorc. printing presses , hangers , shattlnt * couplmgi. 1408-J Howard St. . Omah . PHOENIX FOUNDRY C- ) . Fire hydrants , water & cas pipe , spcclnlsj boiler fronts & fittings , street H'y car wheels. Archl- I tcctural Iron vorks. Office 307 B. l th-st. , Omaha. PAXTON & YIERLIHG IRON WORKS. WIVs of Architectural Iron Work. General Foundry , Machine nnd Blacksmith Work. En glneers & Contractors for Fireproof Building * . Office and Work3 , U. P. Hy. * So. 17ln Btrett , Omaha. ilAXUVAOTVItlSfi VIIKMISr.S. THE MERCER CHEMICAL COMPANY , Manufacturers of fluid extract ! , elixirs , ryrup * , St wines , compressed triturates , hypodermic tab- Ills , pills St sclentltlc medical novelties. Omaha. vow , cienis. L. G DOOP. Manufacturer Maltresses , Sprint Beds ; Jobber Feathers snd Pillows. North 14tb and Nicholas Bts. . Omaha. . 3llXKIt.il' WATKH. MEDESSA MINERAL WATER CO. , 2M So . 11th St. . Tel. 234. Medesa Mineral Water , Carbonated , unequalled. Plain for lubl use unsurpassed. XltillT IIVITU1I , I'lKK KK ' AMERICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPH , Th * only perfect protection to property. Exam * Ine It. Dest thin * on earth. Reduces Insurant * rates. 1204 Douglas-st. Or Kit AM FAUTOltllM. KATZ-KEVIHS CO , Manufacturer * of men' * ft toys' clothing , psnts. ihlrts A over ll > . 802-211 8. Hth-tt , J ll'KIt JSUXHS , THE OMAHA PAPER BOX CO. Manufacturers of all kinds paper boxes , shell boxes sample cases , malllnc tubes , etc. wtd. ding cake & fancy randy txixes. druggist & boxes. 1208-10 Jonrs-st. , Omaha. HIllltT t'AOTOHlKX. EVANS-NEBRASKA SHIRT CO. J , II , - . Exclusive custom shirt tailors. KU Farnam strest. TeUphont tot. 1:1 r/.vo intic'C. HENRY BOLLH , OMAHA , NEB , Factory In Louisville , COM Co Quality of brlcK guaranteed to b as goca u any loapufarlurttl butsldi oC this cat * . Henry Uolln. F. P. SMITH ( Tel. 18) ) 8. M. STANFORD F. P. SMITH & CO. GRAIN and PROVISIONS Room 4. N. Y , Llfo BldR-i Oitmlia. Ilranch ofllcea at Fremont and Coluinbus. AH orders placed on the Chicago Hoard of 'Iradc. Correspondents ; Schwartz. Dupee & Oo. , Chl- cairoi Schrelner , Flack & Co. . Ht. Louis. Ilelcr lo First National Hank , Omaha. MAIidlN No mailer whtt liocklel on spcc TIIAIIINa ulallon you mar have read scnJ for "um. which Is NiW ana I'VPi A IN nil tlAI * ' " COMPLKTK. It clearly explain * margin Iradlntt and UKFINES ALL MAHKirP iXl'JliBSlONS. It's free and will teach you omethlnc. AIIUOQAKT * CO. , 21 Trader * Uulldlnir , Chicago , . .