Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1895, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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Mail orders filled at these prices ' Experienced salesmen
providing they are not sold out before N. B. FAIICONER'S Wanted for this sale , Ap
fore the order reaches us. . . , ply Monday morning 8:30 :
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'Twas a busy day with us yesterday All day long from early morning 'till late last night our various aisles were crowded with eager buyers. Every one
seemed to be buying yesterday , and how could they resist it ? The prices we are making on goods during this sale is enough to tempt any one. Never before were
such new and desirable merchandise sold at such ruinous prices , Cost cuts no figure. This month our stock must be reduced , no matter what sacrifice we
make , Every article in every department in our vast establishment ( with the exception of a few contract goods ) is being sold at cost and less than cost. Every de
partment is offering more attractive bargains than the other. If you did not attend our sale yesterday coma tomorrow. You will see bargains that will surprise
you , Do 1191 neglect this opportunity , for you can now buy the latest and most desirable merchandise of the season at less than the manufacturers' prices , These
bargains we quote below are only to give you some idea of the prices we are making. The early purchaser gets the cream of the selection.
Come Early Monday Before the Store is Crowded.
Colored _ _
Dress Goods.
Storm Serge , 51 Indies wide , navy
blues only , $1.00 quality , for
50 pieces all wool Novelty Dress
Goods , 50c and 75c qualities , for
Cheney Bros. ' printed China Silks , 05c
quality , for
Figured Satin Surahs , small , neat do-
Blgus , lu colors only , $1.00 quality , for
10 pieces 21-inch black China Silk ,
50c quality , for
* * * Colored Figured Taffetas , elegant
waist and trimming silks , $1.50 quality ,
30 pieces fauey printed WalHt Llulugs ,
20c and 25c qualities , for
Yard wide French Percallnes , for
waist and skirt linings , black and all
colors , 15c quality , for
Tomorrow 2,000 yards of Laces , in
cluding Point Venise , Vai , Torchon ,
Applique , Point Gene and Polut Paris ;
the grandest effect ever made in laces ,
goods actually worth up to 50c ,
5c yard.
Dress Trimmings We
bought too many. We sacrillco a line ,
all- good colors , worth to 75c a yard , no
limit , for
5c yard
Tomorrow only will be Stamped
Linen day. Don't miss seeing the nov
elties we are going to sell If you enjoy
doing fancy work ; these goods are sellIng -
Ing for 50c and OOc ; we clean them up
23c each
A Parasol sale never to be equalled.
These goods are all new and simply
.grand ; white China , white frame aud
stick and silk tassel , goods actually
worth to $3.00 : we start them very low
and they will not last at
They go at 43c. We are determined
to sell you your summer Comets. Don't
fall to sec this corset ; it would be cheap
for 75c.
You wuut a gown , aud this is your
opportunity. A full Lonsdale muslin
Gown , extra wide and long , all sizes ,
beautifully trimmed , and only DSc ; they
are cheap for $1.75.
We arc going to have rain and some
hot sun. BO buy that umbrella now ;
wear and color guaranteed ; they sell
for § 1.50 , during this sale they arc
Books :
COO popular Books by the best au
thors , actually worth 75c to $ L50 each ;
they go during this sale at
39c each
Ladies * silk Gloves. In black , tan ,
browu and gray , worth $1.00 1o § L50 , at
Ladles' real bid 4-button dressed and
suede Gloves , In all desirable shades ,
worth from § 1.00 to ? 2.00 , at
Ladles' dogskin driving or blcyclo
Gloves , In all shades aud sizes , worth
from $1.35 to $1.75 , at
and Gents'
Gents' 20c quality seamless ll. fe and
cotton Half Hose , in black , brown and
tan shades , fast colors , go at
122c yard
Gents' summer weight all wool Sani
tary Dr. Warner's Drawers , reduced
from $3.00 , at
$1.25 pair
Ladles' flno lisle opera Hose , with
black and plain colored boots , reduced
for this sale from $1.25 and $1.75 per
pair to
59c pair
Ladles' and children's flue white full
fashioned merino gauze Vests and
Pants ; these goods sell regularly at 75c
to $1.00 each ; vests come in high aud
low neck , long and short sleeves ; pauta
come In knee and ankle lengths ; at *
19c pair.
Black Goods ,
Priestley's Nuns' Veiling , all well , 4tf- ,
Inch. 75c quality , for
All wool Storm Serge , Goc quality , for I
37k [
Imported Henrietta Cloth , 40-Inch , all
wool , G5c quality , for
37J.C I
Pure Mohair Brllllantine , 40-Inch ,
75c quality , for
Buttermilk , Pilgrim nntl 7oo Soap ,
worth 10c , all go In this sale at
C cake
Pluaud and Dolcttrez best Perfumes ,
1 In the following odors : Aurora , Tulip ,
Parqults Lily Chypre , Acacia dc Knuice ,
1 White Pink , Moss Itosc , Muguet , Lilac ,
Heliotrope , Amaryllis , Ilellophar and
> Peau d'Kspague : regular price $1.00 ,
Si. all go tomorrow at
50c oz.
Genuine alligator , morrocco and kid
Purses , that regularly sell at lOc and
15c , for Uils cash sale they go at , . _
This line consists of fine kid and mor
rocco Purses and Pocketl > ooks , worth up
to 33c , Saturday we place them on sale
at 1
Windsor Ties
All silk Windsor Tics , in plain and
fancy plaids , regular price 23c , tomor
row they all go at
10c each.
Plain white and fancy bordered Hand
kerchiefs , worth lOc ; this stile they go
Adamantine Pins , sizes 2 , 3 and 4 ,
. regular prlco 2 for 5c , Saturday they
go at 0 papers for
ill IT 5c
2 Wash Goods.
JK Genulue Kronen Imported printed
/ui dress Swiss , regular price 50c , for this
nrf lit sale
( l
/ .1 12k yard
All our printed Jaconetts , Dimities ,
Mulls , Organdies , etc. , etc. , that luivo
been selling at 15c and ISc , for thia
sale ,
10c yard
10 pieces white hemstitched Lawn ,
regular price 23c , for this sale ,
10c yard
50 pieces printed Organdies , all new
patterns , regular price 15c , for this sale
7c yard
100 genuine Mexican Orass Ham
mocks , warranted full sl/e. sold every
where for § 1.00 , for this sale
39c each
Fringed Tray Cloths , with open work ,
stamped , regular price 30c , for this sale
122c each
Hemstitched Towels , regular price 40c ,
for this sale .
19c each
Bed Spreads
Genuine Marseilles Bedspreads , full
size ; U ls spread is worth ? li.OO ; for this
98c each
50 crochet Bedspreads , Marseilles pat
tern , n. regular Jfl.'JS spread , for thia
500 bleached satin damask Table
cloths , 2 yards wide and 2 % yards long ,
worth at least $3.75 , for Uils sale
$1.98 each
Suits and
100 ladles' Duck Suits , regular price
$0.00 , for this sale
Ladles' Wrappers , made of best qual
ity print , regular price $1.23 , for this
50 spring weight Indies' .Jackets , all
sizes , that have been selling nt from
$5.00 to $1-1.00. for this sale
$2.98 each
150 ladles' new Shirt Waists , regular
price $1.00 , for this sale
200 ladles' Shirt Waists , all this sea-
sou's new styles and most desirable pat
terns , regular price $1.25 aud $1.50 , for
this sale
7 patterns Nottingham Lace Curtains ,
worth from $1.50 to $2.00 a pair , all Inoue
ouo lot for Uils sale ,
98c pair
Ono lot flue patterns Irish Point and
Nottingham Lace Curtains , worth up to
$0.00 a pair , all In tills lot for this sola ,
$3.39 pair
A lot of plain and figured China Silks ,
worth COc to 75c a yard , all in ono lot.
for this sale , '
39c yard
Fine Flowers , 75c nud $1.00 quality ,
19c each
One lot Trimmed Huts , worth $3.50 to
$5.00 , for this Bale
$1.49 each
One lot Untrimmed Huts , worth $1.00 ,
for this Bale j
29c each
B. FALCONER , 1505-7-9 Douglas