Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 01, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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    : C 51
Delivered br carrier to nr P rt of the city.
H. W. TILTON , Lessee.
TnLrPHONCS BuslneM office , No. 41 ; night
tflltor , No. 23. ,
Grand hotel , Council Bluffs. Newly fur
nished. Ucopened Oct. 1. E. F. Clark. Prop.
Pilgrim Sitters' Academy , No. 1 , will meet
In regular * ev" Ion at 7:30 : p. in. , In their
rooms In the Brown building.
Some one set fire to some rubbish on Fifth
nvcnilB , near John T. Stewart's residence , and
the paving caught fire. The tire department
extinguished the flames without much
All pa t granda of Independent Order of
Odd Fellows of the city are requested to
meet at Independent Order of Odd I'cllows
hall Saturday evening , June 1. at 8:30. : nusU
ness of Importance to every past grand. W.
A meeting of the United Labor Protective
association was held last evening at Liberty
hall , and "General" Kclscy , who led an In
dustrial army from Omaha to the eastern
part of Iowa on foot , was the prlnclpa
Harry Egbert turned up In police court
yesterday morning with an elongated Jaw ,
the result of contact with the end of Officer
G. N. Martin's revolver at the merry-go-
round on Broadway. He was charged with
using obscene language In the presence ol
ladles , but the court thought he had been
punished enough and dismissed him at the
end of a lecture , In which both Egbert and
the ofllcer cama In for a share of advice.
H. P. Kerns is In trouble because of some
thing over ten tons of garbage which ho has
bsen depositing from time to time on Ninth
street near the Wabash crossing. The people
living In that vicinity entered complaint
and Kerns was arrested. The hoiry-headed
offender eayg he would Just as soon go to Jail
us not , but was given until Monday morning
to reconsider his decision and remove the
The board of county supervisors will hold
their regular June meeting beginning next
Monday. They will sit as a board of equal
ization first. Some action will bo taken to
provide for the sale of the $70rOOO bond Issue
ordered at a previous meeting. Tha treasurer
will probably be' authorized to sell them to
the second highest bidder , the highest having
gone back on their agreement.
Bluffs Division. No. 27 , Uniformed nank ,
Knights of Pythias , will meet this evening.
The Un'ted Labor Pro ectlva association wll :
celebrate Its first anniversary this evening at
Liberty hall , commencing at 7:30 : o'clock.
Speeches will bo made by Mr. Qulnn of
Omaha , C , G. Saunders , Emmet Tlnley , anl
others. After 9 o'clock there will bo dancing ,
progressive high five , progressive euchre and
other social features , and refreshments will
bo served.
Insure In the Imperial , Palatine or Glen
Falls Fire Insurance companies. These are
among the ; largest and best companies In the
world , and we are sole agents for Council
Bluffs. Lougeo & Towle , 235 Pearl street.
I'liKSHXAl , 1'AIt.
Mrs. P. M. Pryor , who has been confined
to her home by an attack of ( inflammatory
rheumatism for several weeks , was nblo to
ride out for the first time yesterday.
Mrs. J. D. Crockwell started yesterday for
Scharlotte , Mich , , to make a short visit , and
will go from there fo Terre Haute , Ind. , to
attend the graduating exercises of the Hose
Polytechnic Institute , her son Roland being
one of the graduates.
Jacob Neumayer received a telegram yes
terday announcing the death of Frederick
, Burmelstcr , father of Mrs. Neumayer , at St.
Louis , at the rlpi old ago of 83 years. Mrs.
Neumayer and her brother left for the south
ern city last evening.
C. W. McDonald , manager of the western
branch of the Sandwich Implement company ,
left yesterday for Denver.whrre he will re
main for a couple of weeks superintending
the establishment of a branch agency. The
agency will bo under the management of the
Council Bluffs house and will assist In tak
ing care of the heavy western business of the
If health nnd economy are valued , avoid
cheap und unwholesome baking powders ,
Dr. Price's Is the only pure cream ot tar
tar baking powder.
' Couldn't show roilontlnU.
Miss Olla Cook , daughter ot Justice Cook-
hoard a ring at the door beel at her resldenci
on South Sixth street last evening , and 01
going to the door found a rather raggei
specimen of humanity who wanted to knov
Boveral things which she thought were nom
of h.s business. She told him BO politely
but ho Insisted on asking Impertinent ruies
tloiiK. Ho attempted to Justify his curioslt ;
by saying that his name was Copson am
that ho was employed on one of the clt ;
papers. She was. not overwhelmed at till :
' nml shut the door In his face. When In
had gene she went to a neighboring tele
phone and called up the office ot the pape
with which the tramp sad ; ho was con
nccted. She found on furnishing the man a
the other end of the line a description o
tho.visitor that ho was not entitled to. wca
the name ot Copson and that ho was no news
paper man. Miss Cook then reported th
case tp the police. The fellow loitered aroi\n <
for a llttlo while , but left before the pollc
officer arrived , At a late hour ho was stll
C. 0. D. Brown has the only non-cxploslv
g.VOllne steve ever manufactured , and I
will burn from 35 to 10 per cent less gasolln
than any other gasoline stove on the market
The Illinois Automatic Refrigerator is :
peed ono. The only correct principle ye
Invented. Sell from $7.00 to J1S.OO. Don'
fail to see It at Cole's , 41 Main st.
fifty CiinilliliitiM for Church Membcmhlp
One of the Interesting features ot th
meeting at the First Presbyterian churc
Sunday morning will bo the reception c
fifty now members , most of them by bar
tlsm. Most , It not all , of the persons wh
liavo been bcforo the session In the las
week or two did so as the result of the Plei
son meetings.
Yes , the Kaglo laundry Is "that goo
laundry , " und Is located at 724 Broadwaj
If In doubt about this try It and be convinced
Don't forgst name nnd number. Tel , 157.
A Icrgf line of children's waists.
Mini CliHinniiu Will Weil.
Tbo announcement Is made that no
Saturday Miss Mala Chapman of this clt
will bo married to Dr. Crouch , a prom
ncnt physician of Denver , at the home c
her mother on South Sixth street , Rev. T. .
Muckny ot Omaha officiating. They wl
make their homo In Denver.
We "I" make special prices for runntn
service pipes for gas to your residence fe
the month ot June. Call at Gas office IE
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The Hardmaii , the piano par excellence.
( litlit ami Mlver.
Thcro will bo a meeting at the court how
In Council Bluffs Saturday , Juno S , at
o'clock p. m. , for the purpose of forming
bimetallic league. Republicans , populist
democrats , prohibitionists anil members i
the Municipal Reform league arc cordial !
requested to be present.
The Huster orchestra will glvo n fn
concert at Grand Plaza Sunday , June
from 2 to 7 p. in. Trains every twenty-s
minutes. .
livery other car coining from Omaha co :
DPCtu with" the Manawa trains. Si
"Manawa" on front end of car.
Sruteui'O Toil a jr.
Flv prisoners are to be scntcnco.l 1
Judge Smith today for crimes of which tin
have been found guilty during this term
court. They are John and Je * lo Mowei
and Uugli Keenan , convicted ol adultery , ai
Albert Ituchwtts ml Charles liyrd , ot bur
_ _
Scientific optician at Wcllman's , 100 Droa
A large line ot cblldren'i walsU.
_ ucy for remedies.
Man from Oklahoma Adopts a Violent
Manner of Paying Debts ,
1'crnon Whom Ho AM.iuttoil Clulnn the
1'rltoncr Is Unit .Mini ( Icnrrully
unit a Frlcutt of the Lnto
Clicrolioo Hill.
The Oklahoma plan of settling disputes
was transplanted Into Council IllufTs yester
day afternoon by two brash and breezy boys
from the wilderness , with great success at
first , but subsequent developments may
change the look ot things. Mike Kennedy
and George Simpson were the two Oklahoma
boys , and they had with them eleven horses ,
which are at the bottom of the difficulty.
Kennedy and Simpson blew Into town
from Oklahoma yesterday and spent the entire -
tire day admiring the frescoing on the sa
loon ceilings In various parts of the city
through the bottoms of beer schooners. Hy
the middle of the afternoon both were In a
condition that bordered on the hilarious.
Simpson had been working for Kennedy for
$10 a month , but Kennedy had not kept
his salary paid un to date. Simpson Insisted
on having tno money , and eald that It he
was not paid he would tell where the horses
came from , Intimating In unmistakable lan
guage that the horses were stolen. Kennedy
was not brought to taw by this threat , and
he coaxed Simpson away from the corner
f Uroadway and Ilenton street , where the
tiarrul first started , along Harrison street
.award . Crescent.
When the Harrison street school was
cached Simpson says Kennedy pulled a
uge 45-callbre revolver out of his pocket
nd said : "Now , you , I
m going to kill you. " How nearly he
ame to carrying his threat Into execution
a well shown by the present condition ol
Impson's head and face , for there are twc
aping wounds on the top of his head
caching to the bone , several largo cuts or
Is face , and three cuts on the back of hi :
iand , evidently made while Simpson hail
Is hand raised to ward off the blows frorr
he big gun. Simpson fell to the ground , al <
nest unconscious , and Kennedy whipped ui
Is team and drove off , taking the "clever
orses with him.
Word was sent to Marshal Gumming , and
Deputy Marshal Canning and Patrol Drlvei
elm Sandel took the wagon and went Ir
ursult of the two combatants. They found
ilmpson lying In the rear of the house jusi
or Ui ot the school building , where he hai
cen brought from the sidewalk. He wni
ardly able to talk coherently , from the com
lined effects of the jag and his wounds
Ic was loaded Into the wagon amd chase wa :
Iven Kennedy. Ahe officers went as far ai
road house on the Crescent City road , threi
ulles east of the city , finding traces of thi
ugltlve at every house they passed. Tin
iatrol horses became weak In the lenses
ml had to be walked back to town.
Marshal Canning telephoned to Crescen
mid found that the fellow with the clevei
liorses had just pasesd through not mor
han two minutes before , on his way north
to asked the local authorities to arrest him
and Justice Menary hurried out , armed wit ;
a shot gun and mounted on his falthfu
mule. Ho overhauled the Oklahoma mai
about a mile north of Crescent , and , level
ng his shotgun at him , compelcld him t
throw up his hands. Kenedy was thei
taken back to Crescent , and Menary an
Denver Hough brought him to Councl
'Huffs last night , depositing him In the clt
Simpson says Kennedy Is a very ba
man , has robbed several trains , killed hi
man , hobnobbed with Cherokee Hill , and I
other ways proved himself to bo a thoroug
; entleman of the Oklahoma type.
Saturday' * Hit ; Sule.
Every Item you will find exactly as ail
fcrtlsed. You never get disappointed In ou
Largest and nobbiest line of ladles' shit
waists ever shown In this city , with laun
ilered collar and cuffs , at COc , $1.00 , $1.3
and $1.50 each.
Hoys' and girls' shirt waists , In colore
French sateens , plain white and dainty cU
signs , In printed dimities , worth $1.00 an
$1.25 , choice Saturday , COc each.
Children's 25c parasols , 15c each.
Ladles' white china silk parasols , $1.1
Ladles' pure silk vests , EOc each.
Ladles' $1.00 white chamois kid glove
79c pair.
50 dozen , just arrived , ladles' black ta
feta silk gloves. We bought them cheai
You buy them the same way of us , Satui
day , 23e pair.
Saturday we sell B-Inch heavy all sll
satin sash ribbon , In cream , white , blacl
blue , pink , salmon and lilac , at 50c yard.
Ladles' black satin tcck tics , 25c each.
200 ladles' .calico wrappers , made fro
best American prints , Saturday eyenlni
only 39c.
60 dozen ladles' calico shirt waists , wit
large sleeves , Saturday evening , 19c each.
A big hosiery sale Saturday evening. Di
4 pairs , no matter what price , and we gl\ \
you the fifth pair free. It will pay you I
buy your hosiery of us. Come In Saturdt
evening. Sale begins at 7:30 : sharp.
Ilnocnlnurento Service * .
A week from Sunday , Juno 9 , will be Da
calaureato Sunday , and services will be he
at the First Presbyterian church In the mor :
Ing for the benefit of the senior class of tl
Council Illuffs High school. The membe
of the class will attend In a body , and
sermon will bo preached to them by Rev. E
Stephen Phclps , D.D. The Children's di
services , which would naturally occur on th
day , have been postponed one week.
Ignorance of law Is not excusable. I
norance of the merits of Dr. Price's Dakli
Powder stamps you as behind the times.
Ho WnntrU TlclbUn.
A tramp put In the best part of yesterdi
afternoon loafing around In the Fourth wa
begging eatables. Ho succeeded wherev
ho went In picking up a meal of bread ai
butter , and every now and then he would
given a hunk ot angel food with frosting <
it. Hut he threw It all away. Some of I
benefactors caught him In the act , and thin
Ing his hunger was assumed for the purpo
of giving him a chance to look for openln
for burglaries , reported him to the police. I
was caught last evening at the corner
Sixth street nnd Seventh avenue. Wh
asked nt the , clty Jail what he meant 1
throwing away all the food he had be
given , replied that "a self-respectln' bio
couldn'8 cat such truck as dat , see ? " I
wanted short ribs of beef with browned pota
toes. Ho was given a berth In the city
jail and charged with vagrancy.
Iloitou Store.
A full dress pattern for 19c. 10 yards of
Go challlc for IDc.
50 pieces fancy Jaconets , regular 12'XiC
goods , on Palo at 9c a yard. 19c Dimities ,
Ig assortment , nt 12'4c a yard.
Ladles' ribbed vests , 3c each , Ladles'
gyptlnn cotton ribbed vests , regular value
Sc , at 9c , or 3 for 25c.
Children's gauze vests , all sizes , worth
9c , at lOc each. Ladles' whlto silk para-
ols , worth $1.DO , on sale at $1.19 each. See
Extra value In cream laces nt Sc , lOc ,
2' c and C5c a yard.
Ileautltul line of ladles' slilrt waists on
ale at 75c , $1.00 , $1.25. 200 sun umbrellas ,
ull 26-Inch , heavy twilled silk , natural nan-
le , with silver tip , regular value $2,25 , to
o at $1.50 each.
BOo summer corset on pale nt 33c each ,
75c summer corset nt 44c each.
401-405 Uroadway ,
Council Illuffs , la.
Vlntt HroMu-rB Trll an Interesting Ktor.T
About Milk Coriitnlmiloner ricminliiR.
The trial of John G. and James A. Wlntt
n the charge of selling milk that illd not
ome up to the 3 per cent test attracted
n good deal of attention In Justice Cook's
: ourt yesterday. Deputy State Milk In-
ipcctor Reuben Flemmlng was the prosecut-
ng witness. He testified that he made a
est May 5 , finding that the milk sold by
Wlatt Dros. did not come up to the required
standard , and ho had them arrested In con
The description of the way In which he
ested the milk called forth an objection
rom G. II. Scott , the attorney who repre
sented the defendants , he claiming that ac
cording to the law Flemmlng had no au-
.horlty to make tests , but only to collect
milk for his superior officer to test. This
wns debated nt considerable length by
Scott and County Attorney Saunders , but the
question was not definitely decided.
When the Wlatt Uros. brought In their
customers to testify to the quality of milk
sold the court room was nearly full , nnd
every witness said the milk was of a satis
factory quality. An Interesting feature of
Lhe testimony of the defense was the charge
Ijy both Wlatts that Flemmlng had proirased
a cash settlement In lieu of a trial , convic
tion and fine.
'Flcmmlng called on me three days after
making the test , " said James Wlatt , "nnd
told me there was no need of my being ar
rested , that I could settle It for $10 and no
ono would be the wiser. I told him that I
was simply In the business In order to help
my brother , who Is very poor , and I did
not think I ought to be made to pay any
such amount for something I had nothing
to do with. After we had talked a while
ho offered to come down to $5 , If I didn't
feel like paying $10. I told him I would
talk the matter over with my brother , but
wo never made the settlement he proposed. "
When John Wlatt was put upon the stand
ho testified that ho did not own the herd ,
but was merely attending to It for his
brother. He said that Flemmlng had asked
him to make a cash settlement , using about
the same words as those quoted by his
brother , excepting that no amount was
named. As he was not financially Interested
in the dairy , he was discharged , and Justlcs
Cook took the case under ndvlsement so fnr
ns James Wlatt was concerned.
Ideally perfect In purity , leavening
strength and keeping properties Price's
Cream Baking Powder.
Mrs. Nonck'n Tlilrd Fire.
Mrs. Noack has had two Ineffectual at
tempts made to burn her out , but yesterday
the third attempt succeeded , and her house
at the corner of Fourth avenue and Twenty-
sixth street , with all Its contents , was
burned down. The fire started from an ol
stove upstairs. Some of tlm nelglibon
rushed In to help , but Mrs , Noack refusei
to let them como In , although there was r
piano Inside and some other furniture tha
might easily have been saved. An alarn
from box 43 called out the Jower Hroadwaj
company , but the house was so far froit
the fire plug that 2,300 feet of hose wen
needed , but only 1,800 could bo had. Ai
alarm a few minutes later from box 41
brought the South Main street company t (
the spot , and with 500 feet of hose from It !
cart the fire was put out , but not until thi
building was almost a total ruin. Then
was $ SOO Insurance on the house and $ COI
on the furniture. Mrs. Noack was jus
about to leave the city for the west.
Still a Ctuinco to Win WKIO.
We can't guarantee horsemen and otheri
attending the races that they will alway :
win on a horse rcce If they wear our shoes
but we can assure you absolute satlsfactloi
In style , fit , comfort and price. But then
Is always a chance that some of the res
of you might charm the fickle goddess ou
of another $800. When you can't lese It'i
worth trying , ain't It ? C. S. flyers.
There will be a sort of an Informal open
Ing of Manhattan beach Sunday. Many o
the now attractions that have been provldei
will be In a condition to be utilized. A bl {
excursion Is coming up from St. Joseph
All the steamers will bo running and tin
now cafe will be opened.
iy Illlf Sale of Copps Cheer.
Wheeler & Hereld's order book Is filled will
orders for Copps Cheer every day. F. J
Bernard , Lovllla , la. , sending In his third order
dor In three days , says : "Am having grea
sales of Coppa Cheer. "
Children's waists from 15c to $1.00.
I'"enco Posts ,
20 car loads standard red cedar fence posts
lO'/ie each by the car load. A. Overton , Coun
ell Bluffs , Iowa.
r < The old Roman epicures lived to cat ,
many of them eat for a hundred years be
cause they bought their food at a place jus
like Peck's Daylight Grocery , where every
thing Is clean , wholesome and elegant.
Haled Iluy for Mila
In iarge or small lots , by F. Gardner. In
quire of Thomas Johnson , city welghmastei
Children's waists from 15c to $1.00.
Murrliigo l
The following marriage licenses were U
sued by the county judge yesterday :
Name and Address. , Agi
John C. Thomas' , Omaha
Matilda Plcrson , Omaha
Samuel G. .Anuerson. Omaha
Katie Wall , South Omaha
George Ilautzlnger , Omaha
Theresa Hautzlnger , Omaha. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Samuel A. Adler , Lincoln
Laura Schlank , Omaha
IMeumas E , Woosley , Brecklnrldge , Mo. .
Stella Chamberlain , Marcus , la
Frank Burke of Lincoln Mdkes a Oostly
Mistake with a Broadaz ,
23 IB
Mose * Itnrlow Illotu Nltrlb Acid In 111"
l"i co nml U Terribly Hurried Cow at
the Stnto I'nrtn Develops Jtnblcs
trom UOK Kite.
LINCOLN , May 31. ( Special. ) While en
gaged In splitting wood at his residence today ,
Frank' Burke , a switchman formerly In the
employ of the llurllngton , chopped off his
arm with a broad axe. While switching
cars a few weeks ago llurke had the fingers
of his left hand crushed between the cars.
As a result of that accident the fingers on
that hand1 were amputated. Today while
holding a piece of wood with that hand he
attempted to cut off the end of It with the
axe. I3y some means , when the oxe-descended
It landed squarely across the wrist. The heavy
blade sank through the arm , completely
evcrlng both bones , so that the hand hung
by a mere shred of flesh to the wrist. llurke
lias a wife and family dependent on him for
Another distressing accident occurred to
Moses Ilarlow , a university student , while at
work In the chemical laboratory. He at-
empted to clean out a tube with nitric acid ,
one end of which ho placed In his mouth
'or the purpose of blowing Into It. He falhd
, o realize that the other end pointed directly
lowarel his face. As he blew the acid spurted
'orth and covered his face and eyes. His
companions In the laboratory threw him on
the lloor and were obliged to remove his
'lands from his face by force. He was ai
ones taken to St. Elizabeth's hospital , where
medical assistance was rendered. The doctors
: iopo to save one eye , but are not at all con-
lldent regarding the other. Young Darlow Is
a member of the second preparation class of
ho university , and his home Is In Belvl-
dere , Neb.
Early this morning Mrs. William Smith ,
an Inmate of St. Ellzabsth's hospital , became
tired of staying In doors and Jumped out
of a first-story window. She walked to
Thirteenth and South streets attired only
n a night dress , where she secured other
clothing and then proceeded to her home.
The police returned her to the hospital.
One hundred and fifty men began work
this morning on the Lincoln water works
This afternoon a telephone message from
the state farm was to the effect that the
cow bitten by a supposed m"ad dog In West
Lincoln about a month ngo , and which had
been taken out to the farm to ascertain If
the dog , which was killed at the time , was
really affected by rabies , had died from a
ell developed case of hydrophobia. Dogs
Inoculated with virus from the'cow hav
also died with rabies. The message directed
attention to the popular and erroneous be
lief that rabies will develop In nine days.
The cow case took thirty days.
Frank White , another of the quintette of
men arrested for passing counterfeit half
dollars , has been bound over by United
States Commissioner ntlllngslcy In the sum
of $300. He Is now In Jall < and Detective
Langdon believes that ho has the man In
custody who has been making the counter
feit money.
Kttito iiportlmitiKMic of rhool Motiny
Now Ui-iidy for IHntrllmllini.
LINCOLN , May 31. ( Special. ) The state
school apportionment of $250,000 Is now
being sent out to the different counties by
State Treasurer Hartley. This Is about twc
weeks earlier than usual , as it Is customarj
to distribute the various sums along abou
the 15th of June. ThQniapner In whlcl
this distribution Is ma < l ls. UH follow * . ; Upor
an order drawn by the' state treasurer am
state superintendent of public Instruc
tlon. Auditor Moore Issues warrants on tin
state treasurer for the several counties Ir
the state equalling the. amounts apportions
i to them by the state superintendent. Checki
' for the different amounts are then for
warded to the county treasurers , and hen
the money Is subject to the order of thi
various school district treasuiers accordlni
to the babls of apportionment per pupi
found In the office of the state superln
The governor has honored the requlsltloi
of Governor Morrlll of Kansas for Davit
Faltr of Chautaurtua county , that state , am
Issued a warrant for his arrest to Sherlf
J. N. Taylor. Kaler Is accused by his ( laugh
ter , Dora , 1C years of age , of being tin
father of her babe , born January 10 , 1895
Kaler Is said to be now In Gage county , thi
state , within a few miles of Beatrice.
Dr. W. S. Demaree , the new physician o
the penitentiary , will assume the duties o
his office tomorrow. Ho was down at th
pen today and made an examination of th
colored convict , W. M. Jordan , who wa
struck by Keeper Z. T. White e'ght day
ago. Dr. Demarca says the man Is not In
jured In the least , and that up to ycsterda ;
ho worked rolling and piling barrels eve
since the assault. Hut yesterday the o ]
prison physician , Dr , Houtz , cupped Jordai
In four places on the back. Jordan hlmscl
says this was entirely unnecessary. It I
the opinion of Dr. Demarce that this cup
ping was done simply for political efTecl
While Jordan was cupped on the back , In hi
sworn testimony before Governor Holcomb h
states that he was hit a light blow on th
side , and under the right arm , Prison dls
clpllno requires the convicts to salute th
guards and keepers by raising the right arr
to a point above the head. It Is allege
that Jordan's back has been so severely In
Jured that cupping In four places was nee
essary. but the convict has no dldlculty a
all In raising his right arm to the require
height. The governor has given the matte
a pretty thorough investigation , taking th
testimony of Warden Leldlgh , Keeper Wht ! <
Convict Jordan , Deputy Wagner and severs
others , and Is prepared to submit his find
Ings to the Board of Public Lands an
Buildings. So far as Warden Leldlgh I
concerned , he will not receive a very larg
shower of censure. Jordan was sent down t
the pen from Omaha December 31 , 1893 , fc
Following this sensation comes another I
the shape ot a story told by n discharge
keeper to the effect that n guard last wee
shot at one of the prisoners. Warden Le
dlgh says that a convict named Coleman a
tempted to run nway from a stone pi !
where he was at work. The keeper ordere
him to halt , but the convict kept on runnlni
The keeper then fired -Into the ground , an
Coleman Immediately stopped.
It is expected that life "appraisers " of Coi
tractor Dorgan's prison property will repo :
to the Board of Public LfriJi and Bulldlnt
within a few days. None of them have bee
near the penitentiary during ) the past wee !
and they are supposed to be In Omaha wit
the two experts pricing' Bro list of artlcli
on the Inventory.
Cash D. Fuller , Inspector ! general of tl
Department of Nebraska , today reported i
scwK3 s *
THE U' S. Government officially reports ROYAL
3.3f a Baking Powder superior to all others in .leaveTi-
3f ing Strength. ( Bulletin 13 , Ag'I Dep't , p. 599. )
S rai 3 K tK SK 3 * *
Ilnnnnn tiutunl.
Make a nhtte custard as follows : Two
tablespocmfuU corn starch wet ltd with enough
cold water to illuolve It ; 1 cup granulated
sugar. 4 cup lAitter ; stir together In a 'pud
ding mold or earthen dish and pour on
enough boiling water to make thick custard ;
beat tha whites of three eggs to snow , ' stir
Into the custard und set It In the oven to
Lake fur fifteen minute ! or for the fame
length of time In a 'rot of boiling water ;
set aitde until perfectly cold ; then remove
the slight crust that will have formed on the
lop ; have ready dl h In which you arc to
serve your ciutard and some frcfli , ripe
bnnanai minced finely ; mix with the cuatard
and pour Into the dl h and add a meringue
made of th * beaten white ol three eggs and
H teacupful pulverltfd pink sugar. A flna
custard raty be made according to above
i receipt by urtng peaches Instead of bananas ,
or Uurtlett pears. Milk should never be used
I with acid fruits , particularly In warm
weather , and pure cream In any quantity Is
i n severe lax on a weak stomach. The cus-
I tards for which formulas are given
I here can be made thus , as real cream
; answer ibe same purpose , are quite as
palatable lu most cases as the ordinary milk
anil cri'nm , without danger of being curdled
by the acidity of the fruit. Tapioca , arrow
root , etc. , may be substituted for corn starch
lu the making ot these custards , and pine-
tipples , strawberries , raspberries , are delicious
served In thU way. Custards with an extra
allowance of butter and a flavoring Df Royal
Extract Vanilla , Almond or Rose , make de
licious cream plea. Bake with either one or
two crusts of rich puff paste. If the former ,
add a meringue. Uy using the yelk * as well
as the whites of eggs and using the gratt
rind and Juice of lemons and oranges , (
both , delicious orange and lemon pies ai
made. These should be made with only or
Jlyelonlc Crenin .Sauce.
One half pint milk , % pint cream , yelk
egg , tablespoonful buckwheat dissolved In II
tie milk , large pinch salt. Bring milk ar
' cream to boll. In thick , well lined saucepai
add to It buckwheat dissolved In milk , stl
ring rapidly to prevent lumping , allow It i
boll five minutes ; remove from fire , beat ]
the yelk of egg diluted with a tablespoonf
milk. This Is better and far more healthfi
( especially for children ) than so much butti
and syrup. Syrup mnlus butter Is we
enough , but use of butter with hot caki
cannot be recommended ,
Adjutant General James D. GARO the or
ganization of a new post of the Grand Army
ot the Republic at Vcnango , Perkins county ,
on the 21ct ln U H has been named Ellis
post. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
A ceil Pnrnior Commit * Snlclilo.
NELIGU , Neb. , May 31. John Cowan , nn
old resident of the cast part of Antelope
county , committed suicide yesterday. The
boely was found hanging by n rope In the
barn , the feet touching the floor. Despond
ency from sickness and financial trouble
are ascribe * ) to bo the causes of the act ,
Inillnnoln > chool Tenclipm.
INDIANOLA , Neb. , May 31. ( Special
Telegram. ) At n meeting of the school
hoard today the following teachers were
elected : Principal , W. J. Dobson of Frontier ;
grammar department , Lillian Wclborn ; Inter
mediate , Mrs. Emma Reinhold ; second
primary , Vivian Gossardj first primary , Ellen
Wan tlio folium's llnli't.
George Mercer , manager of the Mercer
Chemical company , wns n passenger on his
trip to Central America two years ago on
theIllfated steamer Collmn. The- steamer
on that trip rnn onto n submerged rock off
the coust of San Salvador and lay for ten
il.iys In the ocean sixty miles from land.
Fortunately the FOB wns culm nml they suc
ceeded In patching up the hole In the ves
sel's hull and reached port In snfcty.
trK.iTiiKitmt' T.
I'll I r with Southerly \Vlnil ,
Vnrliihlo for . lirn k .
WASHINGTON , Mny 31. The forecnst for
Saturday Is :
For Nebraska nnd Knnpnt * Fair ; south-
erlyFoi winds' , becoming variable. . ,
Foi Iowa ami Missouri Fnlr ; southerly
For South Dakota Generally fnlr ; cooler
In the enstern portion ; northerly winds.
I.ooi I Kocorcl.
OMAHA , Miiy 31. Omahn record of tem
perature nnd rainfall , compared with the
corresponding day of the past four years :
1S93. 1891. 1SP3. 1S92.
Maximum temperature . . . 81 73 OX fi2
Minimum temperature . . . . 8ff 48 09 no
Average temperature 75 00 64 51
Precipitation 11 .00 .10 .15
Condition of temperature nnd precipitation
at Omaha for the day nnd since March 1 ,
1S93 :
Normnl temperature C7 ,
Excess for the day 8
Accumulated excess ulnce March 1 297
Normal precipitation 16 Inch
Deficiency for the day 05 Inch
Total precipitation since March 1. 5.00 Inches
Deficiency since Muwli 1 3.41 Inches
KuiiortB trom Otlior Station ! Ht H 1 * . M.
L. A. WELSH , Observer.
Tragic Sequel to a Scare from Homo
Citizen of Miir lmlltouii Awnkpncil Suit-
ilenly In the Night Driur * it 1'litol
from Under HU I'lllow unit
Kltli Ills Wife.
DKS MOINES , la. , May 31. iSncclaU A
question that Is puzzling the peace offi
cers of the city of Marshalltown Is whether
or not Mrs. Lewis Hall was the vlctltn of a
terrible mistake. Hall's version of the affair
Is that burglars tried to enter his residence
a week ago , nnd that he bought a revolver
to bo ready for the next attempt ; that about
3 o'clock yesterday morning his wife , who
slept In the front part of the bed , woke him
and said some one was trying to get In.
Next ho snatched the revolver from under
his pillow and fired at the dim outlines of
a form bending over him , which proved to
bo his wife , and then , realizing his awful
mistake , he at once aroused his neighbors.
The fatal shot took nfTect In the left cyo
and lodged In the brain , producing death five
hours later. The victim partially regained
consclousnes for a few minutes , but was
unable to give any account of the shooting.
The husband appears nearly frantic with
grief and neighbors believe the deed was
unintentional. The dead woman was his
third spouse. Hall Is an electrician and
had quarreled bitterly with his \\lfc lately.
This evening , Sunday afternoon nnd even
ing , there will be grand concerts In the
pavllllon at Courtland Reach by the First
Regiment band , Nebraska National Guard ,
I'rof , Herman Sclumke , director. The con
cert this evening will begin at 7 o'clock , on
Sunday afternoon at 3:30 : , nnd Sunday even
ing at 7 o'clock. Concerts by this famous
band will continue to bo ono of the features
of the IJcacli.
Owing to the Inclement weather of Me
morial day , which prevented ninny who so
desired from witnessing the sensational
fu.U of diving Into the lake at Courtland
Beach and recovering a needle by 1'aul Al
exander Johnstone , the celebrated mind
reader , the gentleman will attempt the feat
again Sunday. His performance ot Decora
tion day on other lines will bo repeated. At
about the s < aine hour 1 o'clock Mr. John-
stone will run a motor car from the corner
of Fourteenth nnd Douglas streets to the
Uench. Afte-r the dive , for an hour or
more Mr. Johnstonu will give many start
ling exhibitions on an elevated stngc In the
amphitheater , whlcli will be lighted by
hundreds of electric lamps.
Comfortable seats have been provided
nml nil can get an unobstructed view of
the stage. This entertainment will bo free.
Kmpcror Welcomed Uncle tn Toklo.
TOKIO , May 31. The emperor has re
turned hc-ra from Hiroshima , where he was
accorded a triumphant welcome. The
streets were profusely decorated and the
enthusiasm was Intense.
When In iloulit whit to use for Nervous Debility , I.o j of Sexual Power ( In either
! , ImKlemy | , Atrophy. Varkocele and other ueaknclics , from any cause , use
Se > ine Pills. Drains chrcked and fjll liger quickly restored. If iieirlecKiJ , such
In t wn..ka . trouMts result fjlally. Milled anywhere , icolril , for Jl.ooi 6 Ixncs for } tx > . With
in WCCKS. ocry Js-oo order c give a legal guarantee to cure or refund the money , Addicu
SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO. . 1513 Dod e street , Omnlm , Neb.
Davis DP Paint and Class louse.
Exclusive ) sellers in Council Bluffs for the justly celebrated Hoathfe Milli
OF AMERICA , put up in G1 handsome shades and guaranteed to lool
better , wear longer and cover more surface than any other paint. Thii
paint received the HIGHEST AWARD at the World's fair. Our motto
A pleased customer our best advertisement. Call or send for color card !
Wholesale and retail.
All kinds of Dyeing
and Cleaning done In
the highest Btylo of
the art. Faded and
stained fabrics made
to look as good as
new. Work promptly
done and delivered
In all parts of the
country. Bend for
prlco lut.
o. A. , UAC/I..IV.
Broadway , near North-
weitern Depot , Council
Illulfi. Iowa. Tel. lit
We have in stock 10,000 feet of hose , more than all othe
dealers combined carry. Our prices are fully 25 per cent les
than they can sell you for. Come and see and be convinced
We will sell you a good hose for 6Jc per foot.
Rooms 1-4 Fourth St. , Masonic Block.
Cleaning and Dyeing of Garments an
Gooils of Every Description.
k's Twin City ly
Works , Cor. Avenue A it ml 2Jt (
St. , Council Hinds. Ollicc , 1521 Fn
luun St. , Omaha.
. Send for Price List ,
Childr/n Cryfoi
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfoi
Pitcher's Castoria.
Children Cryfoi
Rttfher's Castoria.
' fully bi'cnusc they weaken you slowly , cradii-
nlly. Do not allow this wnstn of body to nmk
younpoor , flabby. Immature limn.Ilcnitli , strength
mid vigor U for you whether you ha rich or poor.
Tliedmit Ituilynn Is to be Inul only from tlielltul.
sou MnllcnlliiMllutc. Thli wonderful discovery
was nindnuytho Bpcclallstn of IhcoM famous Hud'
son Motile : * ! Institute. It I ) the strongest nnd most
powerful vltnllier made. 11 Is so powerful tlmt It
Is simply wonderful how Imrmlen It Is. You can
Kct It from nowhere tint from tlio Iluil.inn Medical
Institute.Vrllc for circulars nml testimonies.
This extraordinary Hejiivenator la llio most
wonderful discovery ot the nee. It been en
dorsed by tlio leading scientific men of Kuroiic ti J
America ,
HUH VAX Ii purely vegetable.
HDltVA-V Moin premuturenes ! ! of the dli
charge In twenty ilays. Cures LOST MAX *
1IOUI ) , constipationillztlncs * , falling 5enntlons.
nervous twitching ot the eyes nnd other parts.
( Strengthens , Invigorates nml tones the ciitlr *
system , 11 Ii n cheap an any other remedy.
HUD VAN cures debility , ncrvoiisiirii.i , emis
sions , nnd develops nnd restores weak organs.
Pains In tliu back , losses by ilny or night stopped
quickly. Over 2,000 private Indorsements.
rrcuinturcnesi means Impotency In the first
Btage. It Is nnymptom ot seminal weakness nml
uarrennms. It can ba utoppint In twenty ilays by
the use of Ituilynn , Huilyaii cosis no more than
nny oilier remedy.
Send for circulars nnd testimonials.
TAIVTii > m.OOII-Imimro blood duo t
serious private disorders entries myriads of sore-
producing germs. T ien conies sore tbront , pimples ,
copper colored spots , nlccra In month , old cores nml
falling linlr. Yon can wive n trip to Hot Springs by-
writing for 'niood Hook1 to tlio old phynlclans of the
Hlocklon , Market nml KllliNd. ,
Pure Half Whiskey.
All Druggists-
The Good Samaritan. 20 Years' ' Experience.
/ treat the following 0'seascs :
Catarrh of the Ilencl. Throat and f.untrs ; His.
rnscsof tholi/onml Kiir , Fits and Apoplexy ,
Hcnit Disease , Liver Complaint. Kidney Com
plaint , MervoiiH I > ulilllt > , itlcntnl Dc >
prcHHlon , I.OSH of niuiilioocl. Kern-
Iiial WcaUiiCHH , Dlnbetea , llrlnlit's Dij-
ease , St Vltus' Dnncq , Illieiimntlsm , I'nrnlj'BlB ,
White ) Hivchlnir. Scrofula , Fever Sores , TIIIII.
orn and I'lstulii Iti nno removed
wltliout tile Unite or drawing n
drop of blood. Woman -wllli lier
delicate or aiiH restored to
lit-altli. I > ropny cured wlllioiit
tapping. Hpeelal Attention
to I'rlvatt : and Venereal IHtt
of all ItliidH. $50 to Ssooaloilelt for
any Venereal IllHease I ciiiiiot | euro
witlioiil Mercury. Tupo Worms removed
In two or three hours , erne pay. Hcuiuriholda
or Piles cured.
Will save llfo and hundreds of dollars , by call
ing on or using-
Tlio only 1'liy nlelau wlioruu tell
luimoii without unking n < | ueM | < > n.
TlmHo nt n dlnliincn send for QncfstloB
llliiuk , No. 1 for men , No. ! i for women.
All correspondence striutly confidential.
Medicine Bent by express. Address ull letters
< : . w. I'ANtii.n , M. n. ,
Gncloso lOo likHtamps for rcplv.
President. Caehltr.
First Nationa
Capital , $100,000
Profits , - - -12 ,000
On * ot th * oldest bnnlu la tha itat * ot low * .
\V ollclt your butlnesi tnd collection * . W
pay 6 per cent on tlm * depoilta. W * will b *
pltatfctl ta e nd MIT * you.
W * tcnil the mtrTMoiti French
Ilomojy CALTHOS flMami n
ognl nu.-irinlfCtliatU..LTiiuTrill
hTIII' lllu-karK'n A KmU.lanc ,
C'L'KK NpprmiilorrlirAVitrleocelo
uod itr rolu : iMi vic r.
L'u ( t anil fay ( fialiiftil ,
Me Anrrltin AtaU , ClacliiBitl , CUo.
OIllcc Constructing ; Quartermaster , Omaha ,
Nub. , Muy L'S. Ib'j5. Sealed proposals , In
triplicatetnibject to tlio usual conditions ,
will bo rcuclvml linro until Ii ! ni. . central
Ktitiulunl time1 , Wednesday , Juno 2H , 1803 , at
which time und place they will lie uprnuu la
the ) presence of lilddi'te , for coiiMmotlnir
macailum roads ut Fort Ciook , Nub. Gov
ernment rcservrH the rlffht to rej et nny or
all proposals , I'lang and BpcclllrutlonH can
be Kt'cn und all Information obtained on a p.
plication hero. Knvi.'lopes containing pro-
posalH Khoutd ) > o nmrkril , "I'lopoMilv fen
mucndam roads , " and addressed to Charles
P. Humphrey , major and < iuartermu l < > r.
MM 4t .I21-22m
Special Hotices-Couocil
ij ; Jturkr , at W. H. Homer * * , 11s Ilro > i < l ny.
nulo cheap and on ea y ternif. Uity & llesa ,
39 Tearl street.
property C. It , Nlchol > on , M Vt HrnuJway.
Foil SALi : . A No7 riH t7NOTON"TVI'i : -
writer ; a Koort u new. KanduMi Mar.ufarlnr-
Ine Co. , 1028 and 1030 H. Main mrc t.
comlltlon ; JCO cunli. 11. J. Alums , W8 I'crln
> enue. city. _ ' _
ilniile. 710 Firm avenue. _
1'earl ( licet aid Driving patk , ttolij rim ey *
Leave at 13co stllco and get rowurd * j