THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAIIA , SATURDAY JUNE 1 , 1805. SINGLE COPY 1TIVE (1ENT JAPANESE ARE VERY ANGR1 Concessions Made to the Great Powers Ai Just Becoming Generally Known. PRESENT MINISTRY WILL Bt FORCED ASIC 1'opulnco Hold It ItenponMble for Not Hi i\crylhlnR : Accruing frum the AVnr l'orcltiicri In Formosa Alnrinod. VICTORIA , May 31. The steamship VI ( orla arrived yesterday bringing advlc dated Toklo , Japan , May 1C : The Imperial proclamation , published Mi 13 , gives the people of Japan an Insight In the true position of affairs and enables the to open an Investigation on their own a count. Criticism can never bo direct against an edict Issued In the sovcrelgr name , but the events which the docume records may bo considered apart from th ( recital In this particular form. These w lie discussed with a view to ascertain ! ; the exact responsibility of the ministers state and with the purpose of holding the to strict account for occurrences which t pronounced to be dishonorable toHhe d nlty and prestige of the nation. Thcro can be no mistaking the depth a Intensity of popular feeling In their ang exclamations the multitude charge Coil Ito's cabinet with treachery , cowardice a connivance. Count Ito's services to t state will soon bo wholly lost sight of a nothing remembered but his failure to : sort the toriltorlal claims In defiance of t peremptory commands of the three gn Kuiopean powers. The whole official cli believe that the prime minister will resl before the various political organlzatlc have hail time to consolidate against hi The recognition of the power of the pee to shape- the destinies of the admlnlstratl Is one of the most singular social devcl \ inents of modem Japan. Attempts to Introduce democratic Instl tlons have been followed by results vvh the advocates of a constitutional syst never anticipated. Since the establlshnu of Parliament no cabinet has ventured oppose the popular will by force. The pr ent cabinet Is least of all likely to take vigorous a stand. The loss of Manchur territory will not be lamented by the Ja ncso for any length of time. They proba realize that its possession would have bi a pecuniary burden and a cause of r manent anxiety. What they cannot forg Is the alleged negligence of the governm In falling to ascertain In advance whet Its acquisitions could or could not bo tallied. They further aver that the mil try failed to maintain the dignity of nation throughout the negotiations w Russia , Franco and Germany ; first , by yli Ing prematurely when much might have b gained by a prolonged diplomatic cndca to better the situation ; next , by scndlm proposal which was sure to bo rejected the league and which had to bo folio' ' by additional humiliation ; and finally by ' ceptlng defeat without striving tq sec nny alternative that should compensate the inevitable sacrifice During the period of the negotlatl forty-five Journals were suspended for tempting to throw light on the forbid subject. Some of them were friendly to ndmlnstratlon. The first trial of the Corcan prince , Chung , the favorite grandson of Tal \ Kun , on charges of treason nnd mui ended May 11. Ho was condemned to de ; whereupon Tal Won Kun burst into palace of his son , the king , who was have been the principal victim of the r nnd sought mercy for the convicted nssas The feeble-minded monarch gave way nentenco was commuted to banishment life. Till Won Kun at length extortci promise that the terms of expatriation shi bo reduced to ten years. American and European residents of 1 nioca nro In great alarm owing to threatening attitude of the Chinese sold on the Island The Chinese authorities 1 lost all control and until the Japanese I possession it is feared that foreigners i be In serious danger. MO III. : 1 Id 1111.Ml IN CU1IA. Insurgent * Mont Defotit nt the llunili SpnnMi lroop . HAVANA , May 31 , Colonel Zamora , the head of a detachment of 300 troops , fc n number of Insurgents occupying posit between Plazucla and Rlncon do Calle An engagement followed and the troops < tured the Insurgents' position , the on leaving four dead on the field and carr ; away their wounded. Lieutenant Fenian who was operating in combination ' Colonel Zamora at the head of another tachment of troops , alter opening fire v the Insurgents charged one ot their posit at the point of the bnvonct and compc the enemy to retire. The Insurgents two killed and had several wounded , the sldo of the troops ono soldier was K and three wounded , The regiment ot Isabella the Cat ) came across S50 Insurgents between Ba and Manzanlllo. After an engagement w lasted ono hour the Insurgents were rot leaving fifteen dead and eight wounded surgents Among the killed was the In gent leadT , Guerra , and It Is reported two other Insurgent chiefs , Reuter and V were Wiled , but the death of the two last named has not } ct been confln During the engagement nine Koli were killed. HAVANA , May 31. A hand of 700 surgents , commanded bv Goulct , recently tacked a detachment of fifty soldlets were ts coiling cattle Intended for the su of the city of Santiago de Cuba. Toj at the head of 200 volunte-cis , went ou meet the Insurgents and an engagement lowed. Five of the insurgent ! ) were k and several wounded. < mor.iun : 10 JKDUAII llriloulm Killing llrltUh subject * In Tt I'll Province * . roNSTANTINOPIiB , May 31. Advices celved here from Moosh state that the dcnco occupied by the French , Diltlsh the Russian envoys his been forcibly ent by the. TurKI.ih gendarmes , who attempts nrrest n tervant of the envoys. They abusive language and were expelled illfilculty. Tills ncns , coupled with the i frnm Jeddah , that the British consul vice consul , thu Ruidan acting consul the French consular tccrftary were atta and shot at outside of the town , has ca considerable excitement in diplomatic cli The Urltlth Yire consul , as already cal was killed and ( lie British consul wai , slip wounded. The" ether consular officers zerlouMy wounded. The shooting Is attrll to Bedouins. Three llildsh war tihlps been ordered to Jeddah. with tnttructloi protect the lives of farclinierx and to Inv C te the killing of.1 the British vlco cc mid the wounding ot the consular officer iTn\miipm \ Itoinbanlliii ; Krr I.unc- LONDON , May 31. A dltpatch to Times from Hong Kong today confirms news contained In the Acioclated press patch ot last night from Hong Kong nnnc Ing that hostilities between the Japanese Ct Intro republicans on the Island of Fori bava commenced , According to the T dispatch , the Japaneno forces landed at LIIIIR , H the extreme north ot the UUr , FcrmiiKU. yesterday , and fighting hot' ' them and the Chlnonn commenced. The prlch to the Associated pren from I Kong announced that private- Advices reci there were to the effect that , the bombaidlnf Kelt Luug , FJtKE filLt'JHl WILL .NOT IlELV THEM London Tlmri t'nnimtnti nn Agricultural Conditions In America. LONDON , June 1. The Times thla morn ing has an editorial commenting upon the agricultural report of Mr. Hugh Gough , first secretary of the British embassy In Wash ington. It rays"All the dismal compari sons contaaial In this report tell ono talc of encrmous production nt non-remunera tive prices. With cxcesdlngly cheap land and with economy of production nnd hand ling carried to a rcmarkab'c length by com mercial Ingenuity , the American producer : are yet baflicd by the magnitude of thelt own operations. Ixiudly as the American farmers complain , they at all events have plenty Most of them vvouhl probably have failed to enjoy as much as this had the ) remained In European cities to glut tin labor market. They desire , however , tt command moro ot the good things of life nnd It Is from them that the demand come ! for all sorts of economic experiments. Thej are firm believers In the notion that an In creased currency would cause a rise Ir prices. Therefore they are an easy prey o the wily persons who want ti sell silver. But the price of grali at Liverpool would not alter , thougl every western farmer had all the sllvc , currency the mine owners are anxious t < t supply. The article arrives at the conclu slon that the British farmer might maki moro of his chances. WAS A COWAIIUlj ? ASSAULT. . Full DotnlU of the Ammunition of the lirltlfth Vlco Consul nt Jcdduli. r JEDDAH , May 31. The following partlcu lars have be n received of the assasslnatloi of the British vice consul here and the wound ° of other consular officers yesterday. Mr. W 11 S. Richardson , the British consul , the Brit Ish vlco consul , Mr. Brendt. the Russlai consul , and M , D. Orvllls , the secretary o the French consulate , were taking a wall when , apparently without any pro vocation they were assailed by elgh Bedouin Arabs who , when only four yard away from the consular officers , opened fir upon them with guns and pistols. Th British vice consul was so badly wounde that he expired ten minutes after he wa shot. While he was lying wounded on th ground , the Bedouins fired the contents o their pistols into him and also stabbed hit with knives Mr. Richardson was badl wounded. Mr. Brandt had his Jaw broke and his nose shot away D'Orvllle alon escaped serious Injury. The recovery c Messrs. Richardson and Brandt Is doubtfu Fifteen arrests have Iren made and tli greatest excitement prevails here , intens : fled by the fact that several British wa ships are expected at this port shortly i order to Inquire Into the outrage and insli upon the punishment of the offenders. Lite reports from the phslcians attendant upo u the wounded consuls show that D'Orvlll was much more seriously wounded than i first expected , and It Is feared that he wl die from the results of his injuries. riiANci ; ACIKD rou mit IIIMUI Protection of the Chinese. Kiuplro Knot tint to Intoi-estft In the Kiist. 3 PARIS , May 31. In the senate today J ) y Hanotaux , the minister of foreign attain 3d made an Important statement regarding tl foreign policy of the government , In whlc ho denied that Fiench national Interes , or were suboidlnated to the Interests of otlu powers. Ho explained that the part whlc France took In the European represent ! tlons to Japan was dictated by the Interesi no of France , in view of her position In Indi neVI China and the protection she owed to Front VI religious missions In China. France cou 311 not see the Independence of China inenaci e b ) a permanent Japanese occupation. the empire of China fell or was rude ho shaken French Interests would surely su toH fer from the consequent disorder and ai H , archy. Russia , ho continued , held the san innd view regarding the necessity of maintain ) ! nd the status quo In China In her own Interes and Germany , likewise , had reasons for ac Ing In unison with France and Russia. ild Regarding the approaching festivities Kiel , upon the occasion of the opening of tl Baltic and North Sea canal , he said th he the character of the Invitation allow i ry Franco to accept It without making ai ve change in her policy. The participation he France , ho explained , was simply an act ayer International courtesy. TANKS ON nitK. llarbnr ? , u Suburb of llnmburg , In Djnge or of Heine vIpcd Out. HARBURG , Germany , May 31. Five at the Bremen Trading company's petroleu nd tanks caught fire tonight. The fire Is st ns raging and covers an qnormous extent te. ground. Thousands of barrels of petroleui ip- In addition to the five tanks of the Ore in ipny ny Trading company , have been destroyed. T ng Galser factory and the American companj BZ , petroleum depot are safe , as the wind Ith driving the flames In the direction of t Ic Elbe. Icon on Finlmnr ; of the Jtelielo Captured. ns HAVANA , May 31 Azcquy Diva , vvi ed authorized the revolution was by comm ist tee in New York to raise rebel bands On Pnnar del Hlo nnd to prepare for the lin led ln of the e\pedltlon oigunlzed by Unrlci Collazo , ni rived In Cuba on the steam lie Mnscott , When taken by the police ula paper was found In his necKtic whUh t polli-e huil difficulty In preventing him tic Ich swaUuvviiiK. H contained the nnino of Dd , A. Colanmi. Seveial houses In Havana 11 : In- Mntiuuas have been seaichcd. iir- I Ko guards In Jumuntn huve captured t icbel chief , Beinnrdlno Jimenez , who ruls tat i banu of thlrt } near Humonalto und III ? a , tlfty vllliis. ion Colonel Caprll maintained the Ilio in ed icbel band three times as largo as hl-i ov force under the lebel leader rVri'i'U era Peier , vvlillo pasMnj ? the liver Llmoii' ' The iebels vvuo repulsed and lost four , le In- and seveial wounded. InH H- Hho secures u I.OHM In l.midci ST JOHN , N r , Mny 31-Colonial S ( retnry Bond bus obtained n loan through to London banking sndlcuto of $2,600,000 at oi per cent , to run for foity years. This i led Ileves the pressure upon the colony A Hand MI > S his visit to New York help hlH pin pone , but for obvloiiH reasons ho r cepted the London offer. Special provisl bus bi en made to secure thu Fnvings ba safely. The government Is now ready meet nil obligations' . All shades of prt and public unlto in approving the loan T banking * syndicate is to ir.tlucntlal that re- curries , the fullest confidence. res smd : | ( nliiiti Lillet iiptitred , md MADRID. May 31.-Advlccs fro-n Havn red received b ) El Impurclnl icport ihe capti ; to In Cuba of the rebel chief Plurelo. T .ed Srmnlth troops in Cuba have fought a beef of tube-Is near Sintlugo do Cuba , fie 1th which clt ) the Inhabitants distinctly hen ws the llrlnir Of the Spanish one was Kill nnd Un eft wounded , nml of the i obeli thi md were killed und a number wounded Hid L'ADIMay 31. The torpedo boats Mnr ; ed Alonzo nnd 1 Illplims have Killed for Cub i sed Curtli t allt-cl nn Ilio ICiillitiHilda CSl LONDON. Muy Sl.VV. . K. Curtis , assl nnt fecietnry cf the trcusury , who reach London yesterday In older to arrange 1 ere led the completion of the bond contract , call today at the hanks of the Hothschllda n ive J. S. Tilor iin Ac Co In oulei to ll\ the d : to for closing the contract No further tt < itl- will bu tnkcn until the arrival of iheIor , sul which ar on thcli wny In charge of Log Carlisle , chief cleik of the Tiensuiy i ptirtmont , J'lmcr * ruiUMiiil an Apo-ouy of Turkey the rONSTANTINOPLi : . May 31.The Iti the olan , Fiench nnd llrltUli nnibns ° HdariJ h.i III- mule icpiesentntlona to the Yurklrh B > nc- crnmont demundlng1 prnmpt puiiUhiiient the culprits , mid to lx > Turkish K < ind d'nrme * . who forclbl ) entered the resider occupied by-tho nvi > > of Hussla , Fmr nen und lUeat llrltaln ut Mouyh , uslns tibut Ceo ImiBuaKo und nttomptlnt ; to urrest a fe of nnt of the envoys. fen , lt | > * lUpldlj- < uiilliitr l hlnnie Terrlln Us- LONDON , May SI. The Times tornorr will print u Jupnt h fioin TK'ii-Ttun , vvh K.D thut thu J U'unese ' are rapidly "vu eie mini- the Llu > T i > peninsula an I that I movement will bo cvmplcU'd In u tow Un SOURCE OF BAD GOVERNMENT [ ntorference of National Parties in Affairs of Oities Ono Cause , CORPORATIONS RESPONSIBLE FOR MUCH Interesting 1'upors and Ulicnitloni lloforo the Niilloiml Municipal I.c guo Contention rmil Adjourn- 111 cut lU'nchcd. CLEVELAND , May 31. The morning's session of the National Municipal league to day was marked by a somewhat smaller at tendance , the reason being , no doubt , that the warm weather prevented many spectators from participating In the sessions. The first paper of the morning was that of Charles Richardson , vlco president ot the league. Ills subject was "Municipal Government bj National Parties. " Ho was followed by Francisco I. T. Mllll- ken , who spoke on "The Municipal Condition of San Francisco. " E. O. Graves of Seattle , Wash. , and Clin ton It Woodruff of Portland , Ore. , made ad' dresses on the same subject In connectlor with their respective cities. Prof. Albion Small of the University ol Chicago read a paper on "The Civic Federa lion of Chicago. " Prof. Small dwelt ai length upon the organization and hlstorj of civic federation In this city , and stated that civic conscientiousness began at Chicago cage with a mass meeting , held In 1893 , bj William T. Stead of London. ThB federa lion was comprehensive rather than factional It did not assume that school teachers an the best people to draft revenue lavvs , no ; that ministers arc likely to be competen Inspectors of sanitary conditions ; nor Ufa politicians will do good service In rcgulatlnj educational and religious enterprises. President Frederick Elliott ot the Drook lyn Law Enforcement society aso ! read i paper , which detailed the work done by tin society In * the recent social crusade In Nev York. The afternoon session opened with a pope by Frederick L. Slddons of Washington upoi the municipal condition of that city. Hi declared that the government of the Dlstrlc of Columbia by congress was far from belni satisfactory. "Good City Government From Woman' Standpoint , " was the subject , of an addres by Mrs. Hunkle of New York. She showei In a convincing manner that municipal evil strike directly at the home , and that there fore , women feel them the most severely. Rev. J. Z Tyler ot this city read a pipe on "The Work of Christian Endeavor So cletles in Behalf of Good City Government , ' iy John Willis Daer , secretary of the Unite' ' Societies of Christian Endeavor , who was un able to be present. , Rev. Donald McLaurln , D. D. , of Octroi ! illch , read a very Interesting paper on th municipal conditions existing In that cltj le concluded by asking If the league con erence could suggest a radical and human reatment for dealing with the social evil I iltles. POLITICS TO BLAME. The general conclusion which was reache after the presentation of testimony from a sections Is that the chief source of city mis government Is Intrusion of national party ui ; anlzatlons Into the domain of city politic ! All were agreed that this Influence should h janlshcd. Uov Gregory J. Powell of Omaha declare n the afternoon discussion that the soli : tlon of the municipal problem will never b reached until the evil resulting from the pel 'orrnance ' of city duties by corporations I corrected. Mr L U. Holden of Cleveland contends 'or ' minority representation as a gre-u al and reports of the benelts to be derived froi that system were made by several delegate ; Mr. John A. Gana of Cincinnati offered resolution memorializing congress to so moi fy the naturalization laws that an appllcar 'or naturalization must show a certifies ! 'rom a homo officer as to his age , oocupatloi ilrth-place , and port of departure , and on roni the United States consul , setting fort the character of the applicant. Mr. James W. Pryor of New York pn sented this resolution to be considered by It executive committee. t Whereas , The government and the const tutlon of the United States nre foundc upon the capacity of tin- Individual cltlzt for self-government ; and Whereu'i. Popular government In the lars and rapidly growing cities of this conntt has practically failed to dc\e'.op ciipaclt for local self-government In the citizens < our municipalities ; and Whereas , The citizens who fall in the duty to the local government which affee dally and Intimately the happiness , tl comfort nml safety of themselves , the families and their neighbais , cannot coi tlnue to discharge the duty of citizens i the nation with that patriotism upon whlc our forefathers founded our federal goven ment , and therefore be it ntsolved , That In the opinion of the N. tlonnl Municipal league the present cond tlons of local government In the great mi Jotlty of cities In this country Is ( .urn as i threaten the IntcsTlty of our cities nr ultimately the existence of the nation ; nr Resolved , That in the opinion of th league the question of municipal goven ment demands the serious consideration nr devoted service of sill citizens who vvou not have the rottenness of our city goveri nients still suffering from boss rule spread. The convention then ended after a she speech by President Carter , In which 1 congratulated all who had attended upon tl beneficial nature of the proceedings , Tl place of the next annual meeting will be s lected by the executive committee. e WILT JIK * 0 .1/Z.WJKV 1 Action of the It'ntionnl Asnnclatlan Hi Avwrtml ( Jenrrikl Trouble. NEW YORK , May 31. The Nation Bituminous Miners organization having d elded against a general strike and declare the CO-cent rate in force In the Plttsbui district and West Virginia , a basis for settlement Is established In the other dlstrlc and a Joint meeting ot miners' delegates ai mine , owners will now be called to settle tl Ohio , Indiana and Illinois rate. Some of tl state officers of the miners' organizations a trying to oppose the decision ot the nation organization , but President Penna declar he will resign If the decision of his organlz tlon is not accepted by the various district The refusal of the miners to quit work In tl Plttsburg district and West Virginia whi ordered to do so by the national organlzatli has brought about the present situation. Is reported that a joint meeting of miner delegates and operators will be held elth Saturday or Monday. HK.ll'ir.ST 7MJ.1.S KI'EK JiAO\ \ il VII Tarts of the VVrst Deluged with Pan IIIB Showers of Ytntcr. ST. LOUIS , May 31. Dispatches from vai ous points In Iowa , Nebraska , Kansas , A Kansas and this state Indicate that mu needed rains have fallen there wltliln tl past twenty-four hours. Crops of dlflc ent kinds which were In bad condition t cause ot the drouth are much benefited , From Calvert , Tex. , comes the report numerous washouts caused by heavy ralr icEiiltlng In much delay to passenger ai mall trains. Several bridges are report gone. The crop damage Is great. A pa of several large farms are now under wat and all of those In the low lands a ruined. This section Mas never visited 1 such a rain betore. Or cut l > iimi < ; lo linllrnnd1. DENVER , May 31. Railway manager ) a fearful lest the great downpour of rain a snow the past two days result In dlsastro fiends In the rivers like three years at which did enormous damage to rallroai Since the storm began early Wednesd morning until It ceased last night , the me remarkable precipitation of 1.73 Inches fe For Colorado this U an unusual record , a frr the same length of time It Is unpar , Wed. At Leadvllle and many other p ac In the mountains , the snow was over f fett deep. It li melting rapidly. L svnt'iroas ficKKi ) 01- trumer Sent to the CoMiuWllcicue Ilrlnc Them Into lnrt- SAN FRANCISCO , May 3i The forcbod- ngs of the friends ot the passengers andrew row of the Collma were exceedingly gloomy his morning , and few cherished any hope f the survival ot thosQ hitherto unaccounted or. The Pacific Mali' Steamship company IcclareJ that It had received Absolutely no vord from the scene of disaster , Mrs. S. H. Gushing , mother ot the two young men who were- passengers , received a message from the con picked up by the San Juan , dated Mazatlan , as follows , "Am icre , returning on San Juan , " Late In the afternoon a message was re ceived by Mrs. Peters , whose son Louis was a passenger for Guatemala. The telegram waa dated Guatemala , wag unsigned , but pre sumed to be from Mrr. Peters' husband , who resides In Guatemala.t was as follows ; 'Louis Is eafe on the Bayracouta. " Another dispatch to a private stlpplng firm from Guatemala states that the steamer Bar- racouta , which has been'crulslng about the scene of the wreck In search of survivors , las picked up a raft with nine passengers from the Collma , and Peyers was among the number. The BarracouTa has not yet put Into port , but the Paclfiq Mall officials sug gest that the vessel prbbably signalled a smaller vessel , which pu $ Into port , to con vey the news of the rescue to the nearest town , and thence telegraphed to Guatemala. The latest details received here up to G o'clock are contained In , the following message sage- I "COLIMA , Mex. , May31. Six survivors of the steamer Collma have reached here They are John Thornton , } K. E. Chllberg of Seattle , cabin passengers ; j Peters and Vlndor and Seamen Gonzales and Johnston. They are said to have reached shore on a raft , anJ another raft with five mnn Is reported from San Telmo. The survives state that the women and children wore all In the state rooms , and many of them went down with the steamer. The survivors also report that Purser Walfer was seen fin a well manned boat pulling away from Oie sinking steamer toward shore. It Is supposed that thla boat Is still afloat. " f jj.ii'j/r no MB 3//s&/o.v SOCIISTV i Violation or tlm Itl lit ut Kollglous Liberty Condemned by' Resolution. SARATOGA , N. Y. , MoV 31 , The Baptist Hcme Mission society continued Us sixty- third anniversary this morning. The follow ing resolution relating to the Seventh Day Adventlsts and Seventh Baptists , offered by Rev. Dr II. L. Way land of Philadelphia , was adopted- Whereas , In some portions of the United States churches who h.1v conscientlouslj recognized the Seventh l y ns a day foi rest and worship and li.ivothereuftT on the llrst day of tire vvuek connclctitlously engaged in labor vvhicH In no wise dis turbed their fellow cltlzfnn , tlnve for thl act been arrested and fined and Impri'rnei ! and put upon the chain Hn tluit'orr1 Resolved. That we most , solemnly pro'tsl against this violation of jthe right of relig ious liberty for which aur fathfis h v < contended nt the cost of Imprisonment am spoiling of goods nnd of slrli"S , and ever ot life Itself. Addresses were made by Rev. G3orge E Herr , Jr. , editor of the Watchman at Bos ton , on "Formative Influences ; " by Rev. II , E Pope of Minnesota on "A Study In t Comparative Religion , " apd by Rev. A. H , Lyon of Idaho on "What Becomes of tin Moq ° y " Tills afternoon addrVsg--s were- made bj Rsv. Dr A. S. Coates of New York or "Work Among Italians and"Poles ; " by Rev , F N. Roberts of North Carolina pn "Whal Shaw University Has DotifVtor the Colorei People ot the South. " And by Mrs.--M. C Reynolds , of Massachusetts , on "A" " Plea foi Spelman Seminary " ' 11/7,7 , Il.lf'lS l UltK.tT TIMt I'lvo ThmiBiml Kjrpuc.ctt nt the Fcattviil nl K.insn < City. KANSAS CITY , May 31. A grand Turnei festival to last three days will begin hen tomorrow and promises to be a grand success There w 111 be present Turne > societies from th ( district of the Missouri < valley , St. Louis Kansas , the RocKy mountains and Ne braska , besides urners from otlur socletle : who will be guests It Is expected that a least 5,000 persons , Including Turners , theli families and friends , Will , bs here Com mlttees from different Turner societies Ii other cities have already bsen hers and se lected quarters The llrst delegations will arrive tomorov morning from St Louis on a special trail over the Missouri Pacific. Qn this there wll be 250 active Turners , 100 veterans and abou 500 guests. The Denver delegation of seven ty-five and a delegation from Qulncy , 111 will arrive tomorrow morning. Each delega tion will be m t at the depot by a rcceptloi committee of local Turners and a band o music For several days tha local socletle have vied with 'each other In making prepara tlon for the reception of the guests and tin visiting Turners , and may well be proud o the exertions which have been made to brlni them to the gate city of the'southwe'st. Th exercises , which are to be of d. varied char acter , will ba unique and exceedingly In tcrestlng. DOES GllE.lT D.IM.K11 Kiillrnnd Trucks Wmliml Avrijr nnd n : , Mnnlicr of CutllA Drowned. WACO , Tex. , May 31. A special fron Hlllsboro , Tex. , to the News says a watc spout struck near there last night. It cause an eighty-acre lake to burst through a dan : About GOO feet of the Missouri , Kansas t Texas railroad tracks were washed away , i slmllarloss occurred to the Cotton Belt an rails were twisted In all sorts of shapes. Al wires were down until this morning betvvce Waco and Hlllsboro , and communication wit Fort Worth and Dallas was cut off. Al trains on the MIsbouri , Kansas & Texas an Santa Fe railroads are going over the Wac & Northwestern and Houston & Texas Cen tral The Santa Fo Is also washed out be twean here and Temple.forty miles soutr Several hundred cattle were drowned In tli Hackberry bottom near "JHIIsboro and 1 South Hlllsboro several families were drive from their homes. Ond house was demo ! Islud. No trains have jrlv.etl at Hlllsbor at this time from the north , and all th malls from that direction 'arc from five t twelve hours late. No talmato ( can be ol talned an yet of the loss. < U ) unknown ma was found drowned nearfUHlBboro. FtdllT AMUJiU T1IK KLl\H < jnO H II.I/M Atlantic City Lojfjo ij noanopil ni Trultor and boc < &Hlonl4tH. HARRISBURG. May ? L. 4s an outcom ot the strife between the factions of th Elhs , Grand Exalted , Ruler jDetweiller ha Issued an official circular to the officers an members of all subordinate lodges Ho dc Clares that he meaps to .uphold the tiui vested In him and at any cost to prever the attempts ot "mlsguU'ed/Eecesslonlsts" t disrupt the order In conclusion he say : "I hereby warn all lodges holding or claln Ing to hold dispensations and charters froi the grand lodge of thq B. P , 0 , E. .froi recognizing In any way ( he so-called an spurious grand lodge which met at A lantlc City in June , 1894'and which It I proposed to hold theca In July , 1805. I foi bid any representative of any subordlnal lodge from attending the meetings ot sal Illegal , contumacious and rebellious bed : 1 forbid any and all lodges from paying the per capita tax to any of the officers of sal body , under penalty of having to pay san again and with the penalty further Impose by our laws. " * > Hot WtiuU ( turn Up ludlini Crnpi. INDIANAPOLIS , May SI. This has bee the hottest day of the jenr here. Tt thermometer registered M in ( he shade i 2 o'c'oclc. The hot winds and burning su of the past two weeks have severel blighted urowlni ? crops The rainfall hi been unusually deficient , being- over elevt Inches short for the ftato for the fli months past , and a calamitous condition rapidly uppronchlne Vc-ectatlon ol s Hindu Is wlthcrltur. FOR A CIGARETTE PICTURE Tarry Parker , Colored , Killed by Larry Bohfin , White , Yesterday Aftornooni QUARRELED OVER A GAME OF "CRAPS' ' Deed Done Quickly on the Sldcwntk nnd the Stricken I.nd lllccds to Death III n FCIT Minutes llovvcn Buys Ho Acted In Self Defense. Harry Parker , a 10-year-old colored boy , tnown In police circles as the "Denver Kid , " vvaa stabbed and Instantly killed by Larry Johan , a whlto boy of the same age , yester day afternoon at 1 30 o'clock. As soon as the murder was committed the murderer fled , but was arrested at G o'clock by De tectives Dempsey , Davis and Donahue , and is now In the city jail. The murder was committed on Elevcntli street , at the east cnJ of the alley betwccr Capitol avenue and Davenport street , and Ir lie presence ot a dozen witnesses. So qulckl ) was the deed done that the bystanders hail not time to Interfere. The murderer dasheJ up the alley and escaped before they had ever time to notice particularly his appearance. Infonmtlon of the murder was Immediate ! ) telephoned to the morgue and the police sta < tlon Coroner Maul appeared before the boj explrej. A few minutes later the patro wagon arrived , but by that time the boy was deaJ. He roomed at 224 North Eleventl street , a few doors north of the spot when the tragedy took place , and he had bcei dragged as far as the door before he expired There was only one wound and that waa : deep and jagged gash , which penetrated tin laigo artery under the heart. The murder was the result of a quarrel be tween the two bojs during ; a game of craps They were throwing the dice for clgaretti pictures , nnJ In the course of the game tin colored boy tried to obtain possession of i picture that the other boy claimed. Eje witnesses state that In the course of thi quarrel both drevv knives , and the colored bo ; al > o had a cane , which ho used as a weapon The boys clinched and upon separating , cu at each other several times. Finally tin white boy appeared to be getting the bettc of It , and Parker struck him with the cane At this moment Bohan lunged forward am diovo the blade of his knife Into Parker' breast. Jerking the knife out again he rai up the alley and disappeared. Detectives tracked Bohan to his slbter' hou93 on Chicago street , between Elevent ! and Twelfth street' , where he had been llv Ing , but there they lost his track. Mean while a I/and of young negroes had followed whlto boy , who they thought was the mur derei , to Florence lake. There they sur rounded him and threatened to lynch him but the boy , almost frightened to death , sue ceedcd In breaking away from the band an ran to the Union Pacific car shops. Officer Sullivan and Flsk were sent after him , bu found that he was not Bohan. The detectives went to the house of Bohan' brother , at Seventeenth and Nicholas streets but failed to find the murderer. Later In th evening , however , just before G o'clock , the received Information from one of his rela lives ( hat the boy wa3 there , and anothc visit was pal : ) to the place. After a hunt c several minutes he was discovered crouchln in a dcrk corner of the garret. lie wa dragged forth and taken to the police statlor wherc , the charge of murder' was booke against him. The police officials refused to allow n porters to Interview the prisoner but the gave out the Information that the boy ha confessed to the killing , saying that ho did I In self-defense The knife with which h claims he committed the deed was found o his person , and Is a cheap iron-handled al fair with a short blade. Although eye witnesses of the nffray ai.J Bohan claim tha Parker had a knife , none was found on hln and none was found on the ground where th murder occurred. If the murdered boy dl have a knife it must have been carried o by some of the bj slanders. Bohan will be 1C years of age In a montl .la . Is a slim boy , about five feet six Inchc n height , and weighs In the neighborhood ( 120 pounds. He is an orphan , but has thrc sisters anJ a brother In the clly. Ho hs borne a good reputation. The murderol boy came to the city tw incnths ago with three others from Denve At the time the police were notified to loc out for them Of late he had been employe as a dishwasher On April 24 he had bee arrested , being charged with trespass , bi the original charge was larceny , he wit some other boys having stolen some art cles from the premises of E citizen , The Inquest over the remains of Parki will be held next Monday. 7 > VJER MONEY. iliicnh I'elorunn shoot * Anton JMIIOII Uui In 11 vlri-jjho Over ( > el > : . Last night shortly before 10 o'clock Jacc Peterson , n blacksmith working for Iho Ml sourl Pacific , shot Anton Jensen , a labore who washes out the boilers of engines fi the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Oh Omaha railway , In the left leg Just above tl knee , Inflicting a painful flesh wound. Pete son was arrested. Jensen was taken to 11 police station , wher the bullet was extract ! and his wound dresed by Dr. Moore. Tl affray occurred In the Chicago , Minneapol & Omaha round house. About a year ai Peterson borrowed an amount of mom from Jensen , He has paid the maney bac but at various times has claimed that Jen t obtained $10 more than was due. Last nlgl Peterson was called to the round house do some repairing and to some companlui charged Jensen with cheating him out $10 This was reported to Jensen , and afti Hie Iwo had some words over ihe malte Jensen attempted to put Peterson out of tl building The latter drevv a revolver ai shot Jensen. He attempted to fire nnothi shot , but Jensen managed to Jerk the v\eap ( from his hand , . TUllll VLKrjr..t.\I'S 1'JCTUIIE DUtr St. Joseph Veteran * C nnsldernlily llxcrclsc liver n Peculiar I.xhliminn. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , May 31. ( Special ) Tl Grand Army of the Republic pott at Cai eron will Investigate the action of the po commander , Craig , who tore down the pi turo of President Cleveland on Decoratli day from the walls of a church , A comml tee had been appointed to decorate the e < ' flee for the services to bo held on th day and hung a picture of the preside among those ot the union uuny geneial When Commander Craig saw the picture the president ho was enraged and In tl midst ot the services toio It down. Tl members ot the post arc divided In oplnlo as to the act of the post commander , large number of them Insisting that 1 should be commended Instead of being en demned for it. Commander Craig holds th the picture of the president descciated tl building and Its surroundings and ictus to bo sorry for hauling It from the .vail. forced to 1'iiy the Khir. CRESTON. la. , May 31. iSpoclal Tel gram. ) The case against Dr. Ego Terwll ger and party , who were arrested for viol ; Ing the state medical lawn , has been pin tlcally settled , the physicians agreeing pay the fine. CnUi Itlcx Will rtKlit AliMrnguit. SAN JOSE. Costa Rica , May 31. It li t general opinion here that It will be dllfici to avoid war with Nicaragua. Public npltil eeims to favor such a war. Military ttons continue. Movement * of detail hti iuer , Muy III At New York Arrived Kaiser Wllho III , from Genoa ; Prussia and Cohimb from Hamburg , At Hamburg Arrived Servla , ( rom 13 tlmore. At Genoa Arrived Werra , from N York. SHE SHOT HER HUSBAND. Mrs , I.uclla Steven * of Council HluITi n Atiirdervst. This morning between 2-30 and 3 o'clock Mrs. Ltiella Stevens , living on Main street near Kiel's hotel , in Council Bluffs , shot her husband twice. The woman was taken to the police sta tion and the man to the Woman's Christian association hospital , wturc he Is dying. No cause Is known jet. Mrs. Stevens will not talk and her husband cannot. LK.IUUK Of ltEl'VltUC.l.\ . H Selected to Ueprenont Nehrniku nt the Niitloimt Convention. LINCOLN , May 31. ( Special Telegram ) The executive committee of the State League of Republican Clubs met at the Llndell to night and cleclcd Ihlrty delegates and thirty nltcrnales to Ihe national convention at Cleveland , June 19. There were present of the executive committee Frank M. Collins , chairman ; H. M. Waring , secretary ; W. Mor ton Smith , First dlstr.ct ; J. C Horton , Second end , J S. Matthews , by W. E. Peebles , proxy , Third ; J. M. McDow , S. II Stcele , Fourth ; J. C. McNally , J L McBrlne , Fifth , and H. M. Grimes , by J. E. Evans , proxy , and A. M. Robinson , by W. W. Hasoall , proxy , Sixth. The following delegates were "ected. At Large J. Hall Hitchcock , Tecumseh ; harles J. Green , Omaha ; R. B. Schneider , 'remont ' , W S. Summers , Lincoln ; \V. E. ndrevvs , Hastings ; J. N. Paul , St. Paul. First District O. M. Limbertson , Lincoln ; 11. Stevenson , Lincoln ; A. C. Wright , Elm- oed ; T J. Majors , Peru , Second John L. Webster , Omaha ; Ben S. alter , Omaha ; A. S Button , South Omaha ; II Robinson , Omaha Third William Steufer , West Point ; Brad i Slaughter , Fullcrton ; N D. Jackson , Ne- gh , Mcll C Jay , Dakota City. Fourth L. E Walker , Beatrice ; Charles . Anderson , Do Witt , E. J. Halner , Aurora ; ohn W. Barry , Kalrbury. Fifth F. S Young , Edgar ; C. E. Adams , uperlor ; J. A. Piper , Alma ; D. E. McKeeby , ted Cloud. Sixth W. W. Hascall , Ord ; M. T. Kin- aid. ONclll ; H. M Sullivan , Broken Bow , I. D Harris , Ogalalla. Alternates , the first named alternate-atj arge- First district J. Charles Mills , E A tkin on , Fred Woodward , Lincoln ; H. C. Vortham , Pawnee City ; G. W. Holland , alls City Second D. B Dk'klnson , Tekamah ; C L lover , Papllllon ; 1) 55 Mummert , Blair ; B Molkle , T. D Crane , Omaha. Third A C Abbott , Ponder ; J. A. Pierce , Union ; T. L. Matthews , Fremont ; W. H , Jucholz , Norfolk , M A. Chantry , Madison Fourth E. E Good , Wahoo ; John Zlm- merer , Sevvard ; John Texal , Bruno ; Petei foungers , Jr , Geneva ; George W , Shrock "ork. Fifth James McNally , Edgar ; L. C. Hop- ils. Beaver City. Sixth William Geddcs , Grand Island ; J H latch , Grand Island. The ex-olllclo delegates are Hon. John M hurston , H M. Waring and F. C. Collins. The committee did not break up Its cxecu Ivo session until after 11 o'clock p. m. Icclslon In the Supreme Court on the Mulct I.nvr. DES MOINES , May 31. ( Special Tele gjam. ) In the case of the state ot lovvr against William Ashort et al , appellants nd the state of Iowa against Savery Hole company , appellant , ap'pealcd from the Pdll district , the decision of the lower court wai oday alfirmed by the supreme courU Tin result of the decision , It Is said , will bo t ( close every saloon In Des Molnes , as it i ! believed the saloon men will bo unable t ( show a sufficient number of legal names tt heir petitions. H is probable a sec-nt petition will bo circulated Immediately , am It Is very probable that a sufil clent number of names can bi obtained. The action was to cnjonl ; iquor nulsanco under the mulct law 01 ho ground of the Insufficiency of the pe < Ition The main contention was as to tin July of the auditor in receiving and fillni 'he statement of consent. The supienn : ourt holds that the filing by the counts auditor of the statement of consent as pro rtded by section 17 of the mulct law did no make It valid or decide in any manner as ti 'ts sufficiency. The court holds that tin finding as to the sufficiency o signatures of such a pctltloi does not devolve on the auditor any mor than on any other person. Ho Is merely re Iti'red ' to file the petition for record if It ap pears on Its face to bo what It purports I be. No other point is raised or decided , This sends the case down to the cour below with the burden of proof on the dc 'endants to show the sufficiency of the petl Ion , The supreme court was unanimous ii affirming Judge Spurrier's decision. Judg Klnne , however , still holding to his oplnloi that the law was unconstitutional. C ISK O ; i'ulaco Car Cnm\mnr \ Seclc to Ilrcnvci 8700,000 n < Ihimiiton. CHICAGO , Mny 31-The suit of the Pull mnn Palace Car company ngalnst the Mil waukco for fTOO.OCO came up before Judg Seaman In the United States court thl morning. In 1SS2 the two companies en tcred Into a flfteen-iear contract , whlc the road was privileged to end nt theij , plratlon of five , eight or eleven > iurs Th rallioad furnlphed SJOO.OOO and the Pullira company $100.000 for thu building nnd o-juir ment of forty-live parloi and bleeping c.u to be run on the loud. The Pullman COT p.inj vvua to tuko chaiyo of the opoiullo of the ears und each > ear icnJjr an nc counting nnd iniiKu n dl\llon ot t'Kpiofit ' nciordlng to the Interest of each. Th contract pioMded that ut the end of llvi eirfht or eleven je.irtt the inllroad coul pny the Pullman company the Bum of tlOO , OOu nnd become solo owner of the c irs un the 1-01 vice At the expltatlan of the yenrs In 1S90 , the tallroud gave iintieo to ih Pullman company of its uitunMoti to bu out the latter. The Pullman comian claimed $101,000 for their fouitli Inteieat , an the rnllroad insisted on deducting hcver' thousand dellars for damages to the ca'i This was not allowed , iind now the Pul limn company Is suIiiB for } 7UWK ) ) dair ages , the St. 1'iiul rorul being willlni , t coinpiomlFe for oiic-fcniiteonth : f lu-t mn In addition to the Milt now on trial , ihcr li one by the rallrcnd comiMDY iiKiilns the Pullman company pending' on tli chancery docket , iihklng for nn older con polling- the Pullman < jinimi \ to urder n accounting for iho expenses of operatic dtirlnff the eight y uri II at iho < 'onti ( was In foice The h aim. ; of the "ucu wl piobably take a vvcolc or mor\ VVrr tlliie vvllli Tnri i > nti ee , CHICAGO , May 31. The executive oflc ! < ] of the westcin roads vvieslled vvllh tli question of percentages today. 'Ihry wii unable to reach a conclusion , but dlde to leave the nuitur to aibltmtlon , It tl directors of the Missouri Puclllc would ni thorize the iigents of their lines to sett the trouble In. that manner. The im-etln tomorrow will tnko up the question of n'ti and tr.ifllo vlu Onmha. * < nhimril lioytiili Omn Intern Up. MACON' , Ga. , May 31The PonU.aul A Line boycott cube vvns again taken up b < f < --rc United States Judge Sn r in thin ell today Two short sessions of llin couit v\e held , eaih time on adjournment being tuK < to allow tli ii judge nnd nUnrnttyH < D bol sides to hold a fcecret constitution. It piobuble Unit pome kind of a compromli may be made. I runnrniitliientiil l.lntM < IUo It Up. CHICAGO , May 31- The trunscontlnent lines hu ve abandoned their attempt to foi ( t paHtcngur association. Today U wn a pounced yhuSild there not be u satlsduto attendance ut the meeting , whlea vv scheduled for June 3 , Iho meeting would 1 Indeilnltc-ly adjourned. Snti.lllll Uill lln hMi NEW YORK , May SI. A Boston dlpU htatcs that T. Jefferson Ooolldue , Jr , of t New England railway reorganization cci mltteo s > as the sub-bill passed by t Ith de Island legislature on Wednesday w entirely satisfactory in every way to I reorganization committee , RAINED FOR MANY HOURS Great Downpour in Nebraska is Not Yo > Concluded. NO COUNTY HAS BEEN OVERLOOKED Sinnll Ornln Will llo Moro Tlinii Half l Crop Ulillo Corn Mill Ulvo Among the Urn\lmt YleliU In the Mute's Illntory. Tor more than forty-eight liours rnln lm fallen In Nebraska , continuing through lust night. From three to IHo Inches nro re ported from every comity. It was the heav iest general rain In Nebraska Hinco 1S92 , , according to the best authorities. Much corn that would not otherwise hnvo bcciv plnnteil Is now being put In. The general estimate Is that small gratu will bo more * than halt a crop , while the corn crop will bo the best In the state's history. I'LiATSMOUTII , Neb. , May 31. ( Special Telegram ) Cans county secured a good rain late yctcrilay afternoon , anil the crop outlook Is decidedly Improved. Farmers report - port that snmll grain has a good prospect. Corn \\as not far enough advanced to suffer any danmgo during the recent hot winds , and } C8tcrday's rain has scncd to glvo a. splendid Impetus Everybody and particu larly fanners and merchants feel jubilant ovoi the prospects. COOK , Neb , May 31 ( Special Telegram. ) . A hc.ivy rain passed o\er this vicinity jesterday evening , greatly recuperating ; wheat and oat crops , which will Inuuro a. fair yield this season. Corn never looked better. C1IADRON , Neb , May 31 ( Special Telo- gram. ) A soaking rain fell throughout this , entire section yesterday and from C until 12 p. in It was a perfect downpour , such as this county has not experienced In stv- eral years. The crops \\lll all bo greatly benefited , and the hearts of all are corre spondingly elated. DECATUR , Neb. , May 31. ( Special. ) One of those great , old-time , famous Ne braska tains Is now falling , and the smiling faces of the farmers and citizens denote- their faith in the crop producing clement. FORT CALHOUN , Neb , May 31 ( Spe cal ) Yesterday it began raining and last night there was a nice shower. HENDLEY , Neb , May 31 ( Special ) The , farmers of this locality are Jubllint over the heavy ralii' , which began falling lust evonlngr and continued most of night and today. . It c.imo In time to sine the corn crop , ulilch IP now almost guaranteed to bo the largest cron ever lals J In Furnas county. MINDEN , Neb , May 31. ( Special-Slnco ) 5 o'clock justerday Mlnden has liad over four and one-half inches of rain , the largest fall or eight tears. BERTRAM ) , Neb , May 31 ( Special. ) 'his section has been fa\ored within the ast twenty-four hours with the heaviest rain luco IS'll. , and the prospects for bountiful reps \\ere ue\er better1 at this time of year. HOLSTEIN , Neb , May 31. ( Special. ) It allied fully three Inches ? hero laat nlidit , and liero was another hard rain today. Every- ilng Is soaked. Thin Is the best rain that as vUltcd these parts since the spring ot ; h02. Oats will make a good two-third * r ° PCornvvas not injured by the dry enthcr. * " " " ' * " " - WAUNETA , Neb. . Mny 31. ( Special. ) At o'clock josterday a heavy rain sot In , which intlnucd until noon today , during which tlmo lie streets and all low land was completely nundated , and all upland fields are noalceit o a depth of eight to twclvo inches. This. s the heaviest rain that has passed over thla ocallty for the past two ican" . While noma f the early sown wheat is badly Injured by lie dtouth , with the proper amount of rain- all from this on many fields will muke a , air crop , and corn and oats will be line , 'respects for more rain is good , anJ cvery- ody Is jubilant. FAIRFIELD , Neb , May 31. ( Special. ) L mild rain sot In about midnight und has ontlnued at intervals during the da > Prob- bly one-half an Inch of water has fallen , and here Is a fair piosnect of more tonight. FREMONT , May 31. ( Special ) . There vvaa light ahowcr here jc terday afternoon , fol- owed by heavier shower1) during the evening nd night , fully three-fourths of an Inch f rain falling. It will bring out Bomo of the icldt ! of tinill grain , but a great deal of that n the higher lands was bejoml help Cora vas standing the droutlt all right , but tha aln will bring It forward rapidly. The jcet raisers lm\c commenced thinning and \eedlng beetp , and carryalls are being run , o the fields to carry out the help. A good nany chlldicn are being employed , SCI1UYLER , Neb. , May 31. ( Special Tele gram. ) Haln fell foi the last two day * , end- ng thla morning , aggregating ono and forty- hundredthB niches. Condition' of. crops so iiuch changed that there Is now little thought if the discouragement that was felt but A fuw lays since. VIHGINIA , Neb. , May 31. ( Special Tele gram. ) Thursday's rain left about one Inch , of water on the giound. It will make oats. Join was not sulfcrlng. but tlih > rain will irlng It along in good shape. Rye Is broken somewhat on account of wind. The long aces that were prevalent hero the llrt of tha \cck have changed to great big grins. ELSIE , Neb , May 31. ( Special Telegram. > Perkins county lias just been visited by tha test rain that has fallen here for the past three yea is. Haln commenced fulling tester- day morning ut 2 o'clock and continued steadily for fourteen hour * There will ba ut least two-thirds of a crop of mnnll grain and a full crop of corn. The rainfall was at le.ifct three Inches and the people are rejoicing ELWOOD Neb. , May 31.Special Tclo- ! ram. ) A total of 285 Inches of rain .by .ho government guago has fallen In thla county In the past twenty-four hours. Wheat and oats teem to be recovering Horn the effncts of the drouth and promise afalr crop. Corn was not damaged and never wcra inspects better for n booming ciop , FAIRMONT , Ncli. , May 31. ( Special. ) Thh place was tnatcd to an Inch of rain , yesterday afteinoon and last night , with a ; oed prospect of more todiy. OSCEOLA , Neb , May 31 ( Special. ) Polk county had a grand rain yesterday , CRKIGI1TON. Nob. , May 31. ( apeclal. ) ThlH section was visited by another heavy rain yesterday afternoon and last nluht. The ground Is thoroughly wet to a depth of ono toot. The sky Is perfectfy clear today and a strnni ; southeast wind Is blowing , , SHELBY , Neb , , May 31. ( Special. ) The heaviest rain for two years fell yesterday ; afternoon and evening , there being fully end and one-h ilf Inches. GOTHENIlUllO , Neb. , May 31 ( Special. ? During the last forty-eight hours a llttlo more , than two Inches of rain ! aj fallen throughout this section mid Is just In tlmo to save the late sowing of the small grain crop. crop.WESTERN. . Neb. , May 31. ( Special , ) I'lno showers of rain here > e terd.iy and last night have caused growing crept and grass to revive. The oits will need more rain and a hard wind which has blown from the south today will surely bring It. sntl'IilSE , Neb. , May 31 , ( Sroclal.- . The long drouth was broken lost evening by , a good shower. About ono and a quarter Inches of water fell. The Dluo river has raised several feet this morning , which In * dlcaten good rains to the west , Farmerd are feeling more hopeful , and , with favora * hie weather , thcro Is no reat > on why thejj should not get a KOOI ! crop. Oats , corn , rye , alfalfa and and pasture will bo great ! ) ) benefited by the rain. 8TOCKIIAM , Neb. , May 31 , ( Special. ) This hcctlon yesterday lece-lvcd a vplcndlc ) tain , soaking the ground to a Rood depth. The rain , beginning Wednesday night anil continuing most ol Thursday , has changed the faro of imtiiie. TJUJNTON. Neb. , May 31. ( Special ) ThliJ portion ot the state can boast today of th < J heaviest rain known Blnce 1801 , A steady douinioiir began sboitly after midniKht Is ( night from the northeast and cottlnufd wilt ecai < ' ! > a incMicntary Interrurtlun almoq clever. Iiouro Ilio i.uct amuunt of the ralq