Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MAY 31 , 1895.
Very Good Holiday Bun of All Sorts
Beaches the Yards.
Locnl Men Alter the Tow Fcit Htccrs
Offorcil , I'Hjrlng Strong Prlc
Upon Stcnily mid Cloio Active
mid btroiig.
( ' . THimSDAY. May 20.
There were ICO cnra of stock received to
day , n very respectable run for a holiday.
The four days' receipts foot up 5,311 catllc ,
17,011 hogs und 1.1SO sheep , this bo Life' nn
Increase compared with last tviext iibout
3,000 caltle , nnd n decrease of 1.W ) hogs
und ZOO sheep.
The supply of catllo was 1.S10 h , uil , ns
ngalnsl 1,000 yesterday nnd 1,017 on
Thursday , Offerings Included no ( holoo beet
slccrs , and few Hint even by courtesy could
be called good. This mndu Irado/iulel , al
though the decent beef cattle , In fact , nny-
thlng thai Ihe killers could ii&o , sold nt
jjooil strong prices. Shippers , as usual on
Thursday , did very little , out the diessed
beef men were nil wanting cattle , and by
the middle of thu forenoon the supply was
There was also a good gcnor.ll demand
for butchers' nnd beef cows. Such sold
readily nt steady to strong prices. Fomo
choice polled heifers biought Tl.7.0 , Ihe
highest price paid hero In 11 long Kinn. The
common and canning cows were In Indiffer
ent demand , although prices \scroabouttho
name ns on ycsteiday. The market for
veal cnlvff * was 'dull , but not iiuotnbly
lower. Hulls , stags , etc. , generally fcild ut
ullghtly tlrmer Ilgurcs.
The stacker and feeder trade gnvo moio
nlgn of life thnn It has for EOIIIO time , nnd
prices ruled a shade stronger all around ,
supplies were limited nnd the country de
mand was slack , and the limited Hirelings
were soon picked up. Representative Hales :
DHISSKD : mi2r.
No. Av I'r. No. Av. I'r. Nn. Av. Pr.
13..1018 tl 00 21. . . . ii.ll )4 2 } 19. . . , 1173 tl 'i5
IS. . . . 723 3 C3
1. , , . 7CO 1 2. " , 1. . . ! i 0 1 W 1 , . .10:0 2 60
i. . . . 8 < io i M a. . . Wl I 'M 7.C. . . . S2 < 2 W
5. . . . 852 1 40 2. . .1000 209 C. , . . 633 2 03
2. . , . ( W I M 1. . . . 89) ) 2 DO S. . . 123 3 ( X )
9. , . . 777 1 5 0. . . . ! ) IQ 2 0) S.C. . , . .KIM 3 00
2. . . . liC : 1 70 3. . . . M8 2 UO 1. . . . 90 3 l )
1. . . . ! ' 0) 1 75 3. . . . 910 2 00 4. . . DIM 3 10
1. . . . 7SO 1 73 1. . . . MO 2 I. , 1. 3 23
4. . . . 800 1 75 & ) . . . . 912 2 15 1.l' ' . .1120 3 40
2..1GS1 1 75 11. . . . SCO 2 25 l' , . .1120 4 00
3 , . . . 7K * 1 75 2. . . * * > C5 2 4' ) I. , . .134) 4 00
3. . . , 9di 1 80 1. . . . 7iO ! 2 CO 11. . .1115 4 03
12. . . . 812 1 to
1 cow and cnlf $22 CO
3. . . . 21V 1 75 10. . 401 2 10 1. . . . 030
2. . . . 3iK > 1 75 430 2 15 8. . . . 4SO 2 CO
1. . . , 520 1 75 , 640 2 ir. ' 5. , . . I.S2 2 35
2. . . . 350 1 90 , U60 2 15 3 ; , ' . . 726 2 40
2. . . , SCO 2 00 , M : 2 15 1. . . C2) 2 f,0
1 , . . , 420 2 00 13. . . 492 2 2i ) 1. , . . 35 < ) 2 CO
4. . . . 230 200 1C. , , 400 2 20 1. . .IOCO 3 73
7. . . . 472 2 05 3. . . WO 2 20 7. , . . 3'J2 3 00
2. . . . 300 2 05 2. . . 4W 2 20 4. . . 720 3 G5
) , . . . 722 2 10 8. . 2 2 > 1. . . 740 4 70
1. . . . 530 2 10 1. . ! cio 2 25 13. 4 70
4. . . . 407 2 10
1. . . . 170 1 23 3. . . . 90 2 M -137 275
ID. . . . ISO 2 IN ) 1. . . . ) 2 CO 141 3 00
I. , . . 70 2 CO 6. . . . 1SS 2 00 125 3 25
1. . . . 140 2 00 2. . . . 113 2 51 110 3 CO
4. . 212 2 10 1. . . . 90 2 DO 15) 3 d )
1. . . . ISO 2 00 1C. 2 CO 170 3 75
1. . . 310 2 15 3. 173 2 75 ISO 4 DO
4. . . . ICO 2 23 4. 173 2 75 170 4 0)
1. . . . 220 250
1..115) . . . 775 2 13 1..1010 2 40
1..1WJ 2 00 , . .12.10 3..1116 2 40
1 , , . . coo 2 W ) . . .1135 2 15 1..1OM 2 40
3. . . . s ; ) 2 mi , . . 9V ) 3. . . . 716 2 CO
1..11M 2 10 . . .mo 2 25 3..106 2 Co
. .1200 2 10 . . .11:0 2 25 1. . . . ( .SO 2 CO
! : : ; , 510 2 10 . . . 120 2 35 1..1500 2 C3
1..1050 2 15 . . 970 2 40
1..U20 4 00
1. . . . 400 200 4. . . . 312 2 CO 14. . . . 490 2 fO
6. . . . 403 205 16. . . . C31 2 C3 C. . . . 436 290
2 7113 2 SO II. . . . 400 2 C3 15. . . . "CO 2 U3
8 422 223 10. . . . C20 2 C3 3.vKO 293
312 225 2. . . , f.53 2 C5 17. . . . 719 3 1)0 )
298 225 15. . . . 518 270 3..C7C 3 ( O
4. . . . S10 240 2. . . . CIO 2 75 1C..C37 300
4. . . . C23 2 CO 2. . . . MiO 275 2..MO 310
1. . . . MO 2 CO 18. . . . 737 28) 12. . . . CGI ) 315
1. . . , CtO 2 CO 8. . . . C37 2 SO 20. . . . 930 320
8. . . . C97 2 55
1IOOS The run wnt 5H6 head , ns against
5,027 yesterday anil 7.0S4 on lam Tlmrxiluy. The
cocul IICKH were hotter than on ye lenlay , while
there wa n larger percentage of Inferior Unlit
anil light nilxoil Htock on BnK . lluslness opened
out active , with prices Bteaily to n Kliuile stronger
on the Komi to choice heavy anil butcher weight
hogs , will ) miles at fioin JI.40 un to II.GO. The
llKltt anil light mlxcil stuff IK-INK' In literal supply
ruleU. slow ami luwvr , with Bales ut from J4.10
up to } 4.45. There was no urgent call for plgt *
ami light wclghtB , ami they were very Blow sell
ers at from J2.CO to $3.75. The maiket closed
up rather I''isy all arouml , but the ilecent hogs
were piactlcally all disposed of early. Trailing-
toil&x waH largely at from $4.30 to $5.50 , an
nmilnnt $4.35 to $4.43 ypsU-nlay ami $4.30 to $1.40
one week ago today , itciirraentutlre sa'ea ' :
No. Av. Rh. I'r.
9) . . ,154 80 $4 00
30. . 103 SO 4 00
gO. . , 157 SO 4 10
78 1C2 SO 4 15
77 102 160 4 15
67 .ISO SCO 4 20
43 .191 210 420
75 .171 ICO 4 25
67 .192 400 425
33 .152 SO 425
3 .276 SO 4 25
3S7 .174 ice 4 23
CO 188 ICO 4 25
78 167 243 4 30
$0 181 20J 4 30
7 208 240 4 30
60 178 240 4 30
C3 178 4 30
77 198 2SO 4 30
71 201 2M ) 4 30
17 171 SO 4 tO
19 202 120 4 30
T4 193 240 4 30
77 19J 40 4 35
42 181 ICO 4 33
D : 198 CO 4 33
14 ISO 80 4 35
* 47 213 120 4 35
78 198 200 4 35
71 'M 120 437V5
I 200 4 37 ! 4
. . . . . . . . ICO I 40'
US 221 . . . 4 40
S8 201 SO 4 40
63 194 120 4 40
84 177 tO 4 40
i-ias AND
2 140 . . . 200
4 197 . . . 225
42 91 . . . 2 25
18. . . 85 W 2 X
1. , , 310 . . . 2 CO
is vo . . . : 73
21 145 . . . 300
8 108 . . . 300
1. . . . 203 . . . 3 00
HI1K121 * None were received. The demand I *
very Rood , but us eastern mniketa have declined
hnrply till" wivk prices re qiiotnbly lower.
Fair lo choice natives nre quotable al ! 3.2.Hfl.25.
fulr to KIXH ! \ \ < ' ii > in8 at tl.00iirl.00i common ami
mock flicfii. : .3U3.tO ; cod to choice 40 lo 10Mb.
lambs , ; 3.fil5.5. lleprviicnlallvc ealea :
No. Wt. Pr.
10 native cwea 92 } 3 W
UecetpU Hint l > t > pii < ltloii of Stock.
Oniclnl rcceliits and disposition of Block as
ilic < wn by Ihe bdoka of Ihe Union block Yards
company for the twenty-four hours ending at 3
o'clock p. m. , Thursday , Mny 30 , U93 :
Cam. llend.
CntlT ? S'J 1,210
1IOS8 Cl C.1I4
Duyei-s. _ Caltle. H K . Sheep.
Oniulm 1'iuklnK company 421
U , II. Hammond company , . . , IDM 1.22. !
Hwlft pud Company. . . , . M l.SJ'J 10
ludahy 1'acklni ; company. . . , : ti 1.303
U. II. 11. , lown . , 87
U , II. 11. . Unman City 87
Cudahy , Kansas City. . . US . . . .
Cnditliy llros , 259
llnliiteud 225
rianklngton , 155
Totali . US I 5,510
1'Brmer * show Anxiety to Get lliclr Cuttlt
to .Market.
CHICAGO , May SO.-Onlnt largely to the hlghc
prlco of feed and a scarcity pt water in man ;
( ectloni , faimern arc KiiJInK their caltle t ta <
market In much larger numlwri and tlitj recelpii
at prominent we lcrn market * ate larce , run ' '
nine ahead liutcad of behind a year ago. Trail' '
wu of a holiday character and fairs were ver ;
low nt weak prices for all except the bent lain
with cramy cattle especially dull und weak
Common ta fair grades again predominated , niii
for lui'h prlctiterc from 15c to We lower , fnl
to utrlully cliuice line brrf Btei-rn weighing 1.5i'
to lf'X > IDS. Mlllng principally at from U-M t <
| l.6i. Ciinneri t ll at from SI. 75 to C.40. butch
era' cow * at from I2.U to 13.23 and fat con * am )
halfera ut from ( ISO to II. 3. and sixxl to clinic. .
veal calve * arc In deuuind at from 14. 60 to IVto
Tliu ktocker and feeder Inule It demoralized um
Ilia decker nialktt It ovcuupplled and Irreiru
Inrly lowtr. A few txtra feeder * continue. Ic
bring high price * . n uch loll ore not \er :
plenty , but talcs of good feeder * urc mainly a
from ixw la U.15.
In nor * fewer are belnr mark trd here I hi
week. Ths demand opened active and a got *
bUitncM woi tranioctctl at utronger prlcci , loca
( fcktra buying Iretljr. Later , after inoit c
the supply wn rold , trmlo foccnme duller nnd
price * w < > rc weaker , without being qnolnbly
lower. CVmmon to exlnv heavy sold nt from
! ( . ) to tl.BO nml light * at from I4.Z > lo II.U ,
while common to choice mixed brought from
. to JI.70.
Slii-cp trade was yery dull nnd prices wer
WMik. elpr | rnlllnx the mntkot from < 0c to
Me luwfr Ihnn n week npn. Natives were al-
able nt from J3.23 to $3.tO , Toxnnn wore worth
from 13 to tl.W. Inml.s Hold nt from ( I tn JJ.JO
and tprlng Inmbit brought from 11.75 to I.V7S.
Itecelpt.i ! Cattle , 9W ) head ; hog * , 3 > , < Xx ) head ;
hep , 9,000 head ,
M. l.otilt I.lvo Mnck Mnrtict.
ST. I.OUIH. May ) . PATTMJ-Ilccclpt * nnd
nWpmcntd not reported ; market opened utrarty ,
but became enfler townrd the close ; shipping
nnd export native steers range nt JltOiiJ.'ij
butchers' sloors , light to heavy , J3.501H.CO : stock-
cm nnd feeders , 3.0)fJI.2i : cows , 2.Wff3.73.
1IOC5H IJulk of snlcs , tl.4004.CO ; llRht , SI.IUQ
.SUnni'-Hlnw nnd weak ; nallvrs. JJ.0303.7J ;
BuulhwoM. t3.:0&3. > ; lambs , 13.0004.00.
Condition nf Triiclo mill ( Jtlotntlnii nn
Mnpln anil 1'nncy 1'roiliicr.
There Is nt the present lime only about two
grades of country butter coming to market. A
small proportion of the hi-st butler In selected
for the retail trade to be used us table butter ,
while the balance Is cold for packing slock.
Oeese nud lurkcya arc % ery slow sale , Ihe
latti-r especially being In very light demand.
I.lve turkeys were refused yesterday nt 7c.
r.tlllH Choice Block. lOc.
I.ll'TTL-It-oid hay or white stock , 483c ; fair
to pjod country , 75jSc ; choice to fancy , I'JIjl.'c ' ;
Katlit'rvd creamery , 140 15c ; separator creamery ,
LIVE POt'LTIlY-Hens , C',407c ' : mixed , &fi
ducks , 7j'Q8c ( ; turkeys , no demnml ; gc.-se , Cc.
smnll lots , fcoillwc ; new , per lb. , 2e.
VEAIy I'lmtce fut , 70 to 100 Ibs. , nre quoted nl
CtJCi c : large und conrse , JgjuHc.
CIIKESE Wisconsin full cream , Oej Young
American ! ) , Me ; twins , Ilcj Noliriifka nnd lown ,
full cream , lOc ; Nebraska nnd lown , pnrt skims ,
6U7c ; Lhnliiirger , Nd. 1 , lOc ; brick , No. 1 , lie ;
IIAY-t.'pln'nd liny. J8.50 ; midland , J3 ; lowland ,
* i.50 ; rye straw , | 5 ; color makes Hie price on
hay. Light bales sell the best. Only top grades
bring lop prices.
riaiONS : 1'er doz. , fl.ty > 01.BO.
I'OTATOns' Western stTk. cnr lols , 70BSOc ;
small lots. SoftOOc ; new , per lb. , 2i72Uc.
OLD HEANS llilnd picked , navy. f.y > ; Lima
beuns , pi-r lb. , fi93i , < jt.
OAIIIIAfE-On ! orders. Sc.
HOIlSEltADlSH Per lb. , CifJ7o.
KPlNACII-Per bit. linskct , 33H40c.
HADISIIEH-Per doz. bunches , 10021C.
OHEKN ONIONS Per doz. bunches , OfflOc.
LETTUCE-IVr doz. , 23ff30c.
ASPAllAOt'S Choice stock , on orders , SOJflOc
per doz. bundle * .
TII3 PLANT Per lb. . IRlU-e.
CUCUMHEHS On tTtleiH , 40JT50c p ° r iloz.
PEAS On orders * , per ' , fc bu. ln > x , COffOc.
KTUINO MKANS-On orders , U-bu. box , 73c ;
4-bnsket crate , Jl.CO.
TOMATOES Per C-bnsUet crate , J4.CO.
WAX I1EANS on orders , per ' ,4-bu. box , 73e.
4-LnsUet crate , J1.75.FHUITS.
STUAWHEIimnS-Cholcc shipping stock , per
cnse of 24 qts. , J2.C05T2.75.
CIIEIUUUS California , per 10-lb. box. , J1.23
© I.CO.
GOOSEHEIUlinS-Per 24-qt. case , J2.50.
GUANOES Auslrnllnn navels , per box. J3.25 ;
choice seedlings , per liox , $2.25ft2.DO ; Mediter
ranean -sweets , $3.0003.23 ; fancy St. Michaels ,
LKMONS Kxtra fancy lemons , 3G9 size , J4.73J
PINEAPPLES Per doz. . > 1.75i2.00.
IIANANAS Choice shipping stock , per bunch ,
Fins Fancy , 15c ; choice , 12ffl3c ; Cnllfornln ,
bacs. 7c.
HONEY New York , ICc ; dark. He ; Cnllfornln ,
! 5V4ifT1Cc.
MAPLE SYRUP-Gallon JIIRS , per doz. , 112 ;
Illxby. 5-gnl. cans , $3.
NUTS Almonds , 14c ; nngllsh walnuts , soft
shelled , JOe ; standaids , lie ; niberts , 9c ; llrazll
nuts , Sc ; pecans , 9e ; coeonnuts , J.T.r.Oti'XI ( per 100
DATES In no lo 70-lb. boxes , 6c per lb. ; ( nrd
dates , 9c per lb.
CIDI211 Pure Jluce , per bbl. . } 3 ; half bbl. , } 3.
LIVERPOOL , May 30. WHEAT Spot , quiet ,
demand poor ; No. 2 red. Ga 9'td ; No. 2 red ,
spilng , 6s 3d ; No. 1 haid , Cs 2',4d ' ; No. 1 Call-
fninln. Gs 9Wd , ; future * closed steady ; Mnv.
5s Uliilj June , Gs n'.id ' ; July , Gs lOd ; August ,
lOHd : September. Ga lid ; October , Ga mid.
COHN Spot , weak ; American mixed , new , 4s
lOd ; futures closed stently ; May , 4s O'.id ' ; June.
4s Slid ; July , 4s Sd ; August. 4s Slid ; September ,
4s S' d : October , 4s Sld.
FLOUR Firm ; St. Louis fancy winter , 7s 9d.
PROVISIONS Short ribs. 28 Ibs. . 32s ; lonR
clear , light. 33 to 45 Ibs. , 31s ; lonir clear , heavy ,
3lH Cd ; short clear backs , light. 18 Ibs. , 32s 0.1 ;
short clear , heavy , G5 Ibs. , 31s Cd ; clear
bellies , II to 1C HIM. . 33s ; shoulders , square , 12 to
IS Ibs. , 2Ss ; hams , short cut , 14 In lii Ibs. , 41s.
. Pork , prime mess , western , ' 61s 3d ; prime me
dium , 53s 9d , Lard , steady ; , prime western , 3I
CHEESE Quiet ; demand moderate ; fines
AiniTlcan white , 40s ; finest American colored ,
12.1 Id ,
lltlTTER Finest United States , GGs ; good , 40s.
HOPS At London , Paclllc coast , J2 Gs.
St. I , mils Whrnt H > I.
ST. LOUIS , May 30. The general feeling In
wheat was K-arlsh on good rains , which were
reported all through Kansas nnd In different
sections of Mlaanml nnd 'lown. Chicago was re
ported down to 79V40 for July nnd that had n de
pressing effect also. July wheat sold here a
WiffSllic , nnd September was offered nt 7 ! ) c.
Little was done In corn. July selling ut2Tic ! , but
that was bid for more ; September was offered at
4B < c without a buyer.
LEA1 > Stronger , higher and active demand
sales at J3.05.
E(1QS Finn , Uc higher and In demand : fresh
lO'.ic. _
London Stock IJuuuitiotii.
LONDON , May ; 10. 4 p. in. clo tns :
Can. Pacific . Oil ? St. Paul 'con i
Krlu . P2H N. Y. Central 104M
Erlo''ds . 701 $ Pennsylvania . . . 54h
111. Central . 08' < lluadln ; ! ! ) >
Mexican ordinary. i0 ! > 6 Mex. Gun , new Is. . 8li > j
H.\n SILVEU-30 ll-lCd per ounce.
MONEY Vi per cent.
The rnte of discount In the open market for
Iwtli short nnd three months' bills Is % per cent.
\\iiu .Mxrkct.
ST. LOUIS , May 20. WOOL Firm ; receipts
light ; Missouri , Illinois , etc. , combings , 14 < ic
line , Oc ; Kansas nnd Nebraska , medium , 9Jfllc
heavy line , SCc | ; Texas , Arkansas nnd Indian
territory , fall and sprlns. medium , llf12c ; henv }
line , C07c ; Dakota , Wyoming nnd Utah , me
dlum , tldl2c ; heavy fine , r.flOc ; tub washed
c-holce. 19 { j20tfj fair , 17BlSe ; coarse and low
1'orelBii I'liKincml , \ flair I.
LONDON. May 30. The amount of bullion
withdrawn from tlio Hank of England on balanc
today was 1S9OUO.
PA1US , May CO. Three per cent rentes , 1021
41Uc for Die nccount ; exchange on lx > ndon , 2H
2P40 for checks. The weekly statement of the
Hank of France Issued today shows Ihe following
changes ns compared wllh Ihe previous nccounl :
Noles In circulation , Incivare , 36.570.0 iOf ; treasui >
accounts current. Increase. C,075,000f ; bills dls-
countixl , Inciease , CC,575O.K > f ; gold In hand , de
crease , 1.875,0 < jOf ; silver In hand , Inctense , 3,000 , .
LONDON , May id. The weekly statement of the
Hank of England Issued . toduy shown
the following1 changes us compared with
the previous account : Total reserve. In
crease , 30l ) ; circulation , Increase. { 317,000 ;
bullion , Increase , ( S489,0 > X ) ; other securities. In
crease. 459,000 ; other deposit * . Increase , 339-
000 ; public deposits , decrease. 109,000 ; notes ,
reserve , decrrnre , C$32.1 ) ; government
securities , Increase , 10iU03. The pro
portion of the Hank of England's
reseno to liability , which last week was
CI.3S per cent , Is now 68.10 per cent , dold quoted
toduy : Human Ayres. 249.CO ; Lisbon , 28 ; Mnilrla ,
13.50 ; St. Petersburg : . 5 ; Athens , 77 ; Home , 10I.SO ,
Vienna , 103. _
t'.tiit WHEAT iioLtnxas VI.OHKD out
l.os < j on the Deil Aiiiounls to n Lurgo I'ur-
tune In Itsnlf.
SAN FnANCISCO , JIny 30. One hundred
and seventy-nine thousand , four hundred tons
of wheat , comprising the balance belonging
to the estate ot James 0. Fair , stored since
August , 1S93 , at Ihe Porta Costa wnrehouse ,
has been sold lo a syndicate of dealers com
posed of George W. McNear , Halfouf , Guthrie
& Co. , ppplnger & Co. , nnd Glrvla , Baldwin
& Eyre , Ihe four largest wheat exporting
flrms on the coast , The sale wau confirmed
by the probate court today. The prlco paid
was 85 cents per cental. Counsel for the
administrators ct Iho Fair estale and at
torneys for the heirs acquiesced In Ihe sale
as being In Ihe best Interests of the etalc.
Hy the deal , $3,040,800 will pass Into Ihe
hands ot Die administrators.
U Is estimated that the less on Fair's at
tempt to corner wheat will not bo less tluin
$2,000.000 , Mr. Fair began the deal In
August , 1803. Wheat for May , 1SOI. delivery
waa then quoted at $1.22V& to $1.25 , Iho lowest
price ever reached up lo that time. Through
T. W. McLaughlln ns a broker ho did his
purchasing. When ho had boughl 200.UOO
: Ions at prices ranging from $1.25 to $1 per
cental , Ihe market began lo drop and wenl
much lower. Some of the wheat \vas peddled
out until the amount on hand v-as reduced
lately to about 170,000 tons. The storage on
lUe wheat has averaged from $10,000 lo $50-
000 per mcnlh right along end Interest and
Insurance have largely increased Die expense
ot carrying U. Tha holding cott alone has
amounted to { 900,000 ,
llnvo l.niuleil In
SHANGHAI , May SO. Lord I. ! Chang
Fang , son of LI Hung Chang , with 3ohn W.
Foster , will blurt tor the Pescadores to
morrow to formally transfer the Island tt
Formosa to the Japanez ? . The Jnpanesfe have
landed nt Talphophcfu , a town of 70,000 n
habitants , eleven mlU-n up thu Tansitl ilvcr.
und the residence nf the goveruor ol
Formosa , * nd have Informed the authorities
that they Intend to take potieuku ot the
Island , righting U imminent.
( Continued from First Page. )
gallon with W. J. DryalT , of fifty-live years'
experience as a farmer , learned that the
crops as yet were not Injured In any notice
able degree If the waterfall IB sufficient to
make a crop hereafter , but unless It Is kept
growing now It may bo felt severely. The
II. & M. water gauge hero shown a fall of
fifty one-hundredths of an Inch at 0 p. m.
today , with a strong Indication for moro to
night. Keports Irorn north and west since
the rainfall show a great deal heavier shower
than at this point. At on * place about three
miles west and two north the fall was nearly
two Inches In one hour.
O'NEII.U Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) A fine ruin visited this section last
night and today. Three-quarters of an Inch
of water fell and It Is still raining hard.
Crops are looking fine , corn especially.
Small grain has good prospects where the
sand has not cut It. The hay crop will be
the largest over grown In this section of the
state. Farmers and business men are ju
GENOA , Neb. , May 30. ( Special. ) The
best rainfall of the season came last night.
It literally poured down for moro than two
hours. It Is reported by those who took ob
servation that over two and one-half Inches
of water fell. Corn Is In splendid condition
and safe. Winter wheat was too far gone
to amount to much. Oats will give a good
half crop or better. Potatoes are saved. '
especially the late crop. Everybody , par
ticularly the farmers , rejoice. The pros
pects are for moro rain.
UBLOUADK , Neb. . May 30. ( Special. )
lain conunsnccd falling about 8 o'clock last
.Irjhl . and continued a regular downpour until
fter midnight. Two Inches of water fell
nd the ground Is thoroughly soaked. This
k-Ill rcvlvo most of the small grain and pre-
Icllcns are freely made of a large crop of
heat and oats. Corn has not suffered to
ny extent from drouth and will now fairly
utdo Itself. Farmers are jubilant this morn-
ng and business men are full of hope for
oed times coming.
IJOKi.US , Neb. , May 30. ( Special. ) Ilain
ell today to the depth of two and three-
ourths Inches and Is still falling. Small
; raln will be more than half a crop. The
: orn crop will be the largest ever known In
Ills vicinity. Gardens are looking flue.
NEIJIIASKA CITY , May 30. ( Special Tele ,
.ram. ) A refreshing rain folllowed the wind
f the past two days , continuing at Intervals
11 day , winding up with the heaviest rain
if the season this evening.
NORTH PLATTE , Neb. , May 30. ( Special
Telegram. ) Ilaln began at daylight this
nornlng and continued all day and Is still
'ailing. ' Over two Inches of rain fell. Very
Ittlo moisture next month will Insure the
mall grain crop.
Lightning killed a valuable cow this morn
ng In this city belonging to Andrew Wess-
'erg. '
'erg.WYMOUE , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele-
; ram. ) At 2 o'clock this place was blessed
iy a shower that lasted an hour or more ,
nd at 5 o'clock the rain Is again falling , with
irospecta of continuing tonight. Everybody
s happy , and encouraged in consequence.
SUPERIOR , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A fine rain has been falling at Inter
nals here all day , and coming gently , all was
.bsorbed. Indications are for more tonight.
Oats are partially saved and pastures re
ylred. Everybody Jubilant.
LINCOLN , May 30. ( Special. ) While It
was ruining In all parts of the state yester-
lay , Lincoln didn't get any. At 3 o'c'och
i. m. today a shower cinie up frcm the Eouth-
ivoslwesl , which lasted about an hour. It
j a gentle rainfall , unaccompanied by
Aiundcr or lightning. Following this the
ivcather cleared , but toward evening thick-
lined again , with Intermediate , light showers
and indications of rain throughout the night
The vegetation of Lancaster county has al-
eady been wonderfully Improved , and with
excellent prospects for a big corn crop there
's also a feeling that small grain may make
at least half a crop ,
WAHOO , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Ilaln has been pouring down here
"or twenty-four hours.
CURTIS , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Nearly three Inches of rain has
alien hero during last night and today and
.he clouds are still pouring It down. This
nsurcs the corn crop. Small grain Is In
bad condition and not over half a crop can
be expected.
YORK , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Telegram. ;
A good rain has been falling at this place
at Intervals since last night. Reports from
over the county show that oats are greatly
benefited and there will be a good crop of
same. Corn Is doing fine. Farmers are
BERTRAND , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
; ram. ) Almost three Inches of rain have
: allen here since yesterday. Little more
moisture will be required to insure an aver
age yield of small grain. Prospects for more
rain tonight are good.
SHELTON , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele-
; ram. ) Over an Inch of rain fell today and
t Is still cloudy tonight.
M'COOK , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
; ram. ) The Republican valley has been de-
nged with rain which commenced falling
about 10 o'clock last night and has continued
all day and tonight. Over three Inches have
already fallen. Such a rain this county has
not experienced In years.
RED CLOUD , Neb. , May 30. ( Specla
Telegram. ) A fine rain began falling lasl
night and continued at Intervals all day
About an Inch of water has fallen and there
Is certain prospect of more. The rain Is
evidently general as the whole heavens are
SYRACUSE , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A fine rain fell hero this afternoon
accompanied by considerable wind. Farmers
concede that this will save the oats , bu
claim that wheat Is beyond redemption.
SIIUDERT , Neb. . May 30. ( Special Tele
_ ram. ) A drenching rain began hero about 3
o'clock this morning and continued at Inter
vals throughout the day with prospects foi
more. This places the wheat and corn In a
flourishing condition and makes farmers fee !
nUTTE , Neb. . May 30. ( Special Telegram.
A heavy shower fell last night lasting
more than an hour , followed today by a con
tlnuous downpour during the greater part o.
the day , placing Boyd county's small grain
beyond reach of the drouth and Insuring a
crop of corn above the drouth.
WAYNE , Neb. . May 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A fine rain has been falling here for
several Jiours and growing crops are In ex
cellent condition. The regular crops and
sugar beets promise to be largo and there
will bo about four-fifths of a crop of wheat
and oats.
GORDON. Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) This section of the country has been
treated to a regular old-fashioned rain. It
commenced raining about G o'clock : this
morning and kept up all day and Is still
raining. This rain almost Insures a crop of
small grain and farmers are feeling very
jubilant. The cattlemen are on the regular
spring round up and caltle ore looking fine.
HARTINGTON. Neb. . May 30. ( Special
Telegram. ) Every acre of Cedar county and
all of northeast Nebraska has been thoroughly
drenched. Last night a heavy rain fell ,
abundantly supplying ths need , but this after
noon rain fell In torrents , flooding the streets
and pouring over the tops of the sidewalks' ,
something which has not happened for
several years. It Is safe to say that more
water fell last night and this afternoon than
all last year , wetting the ground to the depth
of three or four feet. It saves small grain ,
vegetables and corn beyond a reasonable
doubt. Everybody Is jubilant over the splen
did prospects of an unusually large harvest.
HAY SPRINGS , Neb. , May 30. ( Special
Telegram. ) This section has been visited by
a htcady rainfall for the last sixteen hours.
Crops arc In fine condition. Everything Is
lovely and everybody happy.
WAVERLY , Neb. , May SO. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) This afternoon this , section was
visited by an old-fashioned rain. It was
general and came gently and was absorbed
readily. The farmers are feeling jubilant.
GREBLEY CENTER. Neb. . May 30.
( Special Telegram. ) The long drouth was
broken here last night and today and by
one of the beet rains of the season. The
la l twenty-four hours has revived .everything
and the farmers are now cheerful and happy.
STROMSnURG. Neb , , May 30. ( Special
Telegram. ) Rain began falling here last night
at 0 o'clock and continued four hour * . About
three-fourths of an Inch of water fell. This
evening the county was visited with another
copious rain , with prospects for more. Broad
miles are visible on every countenance
mid every one feels happy.
HVnUAItn. Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele-
gram.-A ) good soaking rain fell hero last
night breaking the drouth. Wheat and oats
will make an average yield.
DOUGLAS , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram.The Decoration day cervices here
were largely attended. Governor 8. A , IIol-
cornb was present. Ilaln somewhat marred
the exercises In the afternoon and broke Into
the governor's address to some extent , but
It was not so bad , how vpr , as the dampness
was much needed , 1\ I at still raining this
evening and the Indlcatldns arc that It will
continue all night. The farmers are jubilant
9vej ihe tain 03 It amc ' Just In time to
save the small grain cro'p.
WILCOX. Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The largest and best rain this lo
cality has had this spring fell hero last night
and today. The fall ls.l\ve \ Inches by actual
government tsst. WllcoxMvas the center of
the rain storm , which , came from the north
east. Farmers are rejoicing over the splendid
WEEPING WATER , Neb. , May 30. ( Spe
cial Telegram. ) After the exercises a splen
did rain fell that gladdened the hearts of all
and broke the drouth that had threatened to
do great damage to crops.
SILVER CREEK , Neb. , May 30. ( Spe
cial Telegram. ) Last nlglit In four hours
the ground was thoroughly soaked , A heavy
rain fell this afternoon.
BLAIR , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) At 4:30 : p. m. a nlco steady rain
started , which did moro to decorate the
farmers' faces with smiles than anything for
some time. This Insures a good crop of corn ,
whllo small grain will make a fair crop.
OAKDALE , Neb. , May 30. ( Special. )
This place had one of the finest rains last
night of the season. Two and one-third
Inches fell.
UNION , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A splendid rain fell here at 4 p. m.
The prospects are good for more.
BEAVER , Neb. , May 30. ( Spcal ! Tele
gram. ) Four Inches of water have fallen here
In eighteen hours , soaking the ground for
several Inches. The corn has not been In
jured by the drouth , while the small grain
flslds show less damage ihan was at first be
lieved. Many fields will make half a crop.
LEIGH , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Telegram. )
There was a shower Wednesday night and
good rain this afternoon and evening , with
; oed prospects of a heavy rain all night.
'hough the crops were not damaged much
ere by frost and dry weather the moisture
vas badly needed. Farmers and business men
re jubilant as with plenty of rain the best
; reps ever grown In tills part of the state
re In sight.
AURORA , May 30. ( Special. ) Rain began
'ailing about 8 o'clock and the gauge showed
7-100 of an Inch this morning. This
mount of moisture will do vast good just
t the present time here , and If It Is supple
mented with more of the same kind In a
veck or so this county will get a fair oat
rop. Corn Is in good condition.
FALLS CITY , Neb. , May 30. ( Special. )
\ heavy rain commenced falling about 12
j'clock last night and continued until 12
I'cloclc today noon and has wet the ground
o the depth of six Inches in plowed ground.
CREIGHTON , Neb. , May 30. ( Special. )
timely rain visited this section last night.
A steady fall set In at 8:30 : p. m. and con-
inued until 3 this morning. Small grain and
: crn stood the wind of Monday and Tuesday
tcry well , but was badly In need of rain.
FRANKLIN , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) From Wednesday evening till Thurs-
ilay noon four Inches of rain fell here. Crop
prospects are excellent. This Is the first
rain for five weeks.
LEXINGTON , Neb. , May 30. ( Special
Telegram. ) The rain that commenced last
night continued for twenty-four hours
hroughout Dawson county. Three Inches of
ivatcr has fallen.
INDIANOLA , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele-
ram. ) A heavy rain Bt In at 10 o'clock
last evening and It Is1 still raining. Two and
icven-elghths Inches of water has fallen ,
he heaviest rainfall for years.
FA1RDURY , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A heavy rain commenced shortly
after noon , lasting for over an hour , and Is
still followed by occasional showers. The
round Is well saturated and the rain ap
pears to have fallen In all parts of the
BLUE HILL , Neb.1 , May 30. ( Special Tele
; ram. ) About one inch of rain fell here up
o C o'clock this evening- - ' and indications are
very favorable for ah all1 night's rain. Corn
has been doing well despite ths dry weather
and this rain will give Ita good start. Ev
erybody Is feeling very Jubilant.
MILLARD , Neb. , iMay 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A fine shower of rain fell here this
evening , which will grially benefit. all gro'w-
Ing crops. Grass was suffering greatly from
the drouth. There are good Indications to
light for more rain.
RANDOLPH. Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Last night a fine rain came , and this
afternoon and evening It rained , so that crop
prospects are above par. The rain Is not ac
companied by wind and all Is going Into the
ground. Over an Inch of rain fell. It is still
cloudy and drizzling.
DUNBAR , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A heavy rain fell here this afternoon ,
Insuring a good oat and wheat crop , and will
Jo Inestimable good to corn and gardens.
INAVALE , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele-
s'ram. ) This section received last night at
least an inch and a halt of rain. Farmers
and every one are Jubilant now. The bat
crop , which was nearly gone , has revived
wonderfully , and the prospect for a corn crop
never was better.
HOLDREGE , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tek--
sram. ) It rained all night last night and up
to 11 o'clock a. m. Three Inches of rain have
fallen. There was no wind and the ground is
well soaked , and It Is still raining tonight.
OGALLALA , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
.ram. ) Two Inches of rain has fallen here
since 5 this morning , and still raining hard.
A good deal of corn , millet and alfalfa will
be planted when the storm ceases. Everybody
"s greatly encouraged.
ORLEANS , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) Greatest rain In three years.
Farmers arc happy and the people rejoicing.
Wheat and oats will make a fair crop. Thu
corn crop Is In splendid condition.
ARAPAHOE , Neb. . May 30. ( Special Tel
egram. ) Three Inches of rain have fallen
since 10 o'clock last night. This Insures
one-half crop of small grain.
NELIGH , Neb. , "May 30. ( Special. ) A
fine rain set In last night about 8 o'clock
and continued without Intermission until
almost morning. The ground Is soaked tea
a good depth and with seasonable weather
henceforth a crop Is assured. Farmers and
business men are feeling jubilant.
HARVARD. Neb. , May 30. ( Special. )
Last night the county' was favored with a
light shower , which lays the dust and re
vives vegetation. The rainfall was about
one-fourth of an Inch and was accompanied
by heavy winds.
ST. PAUL , Neb. , May 30. ( Special. )
Last night there was a glorious rain. It
commenced raining about G:30 : and continued
until early this morning. Over one and one
half Inches of water fell and everybody this
morning looks happy.
FULLERTON , Neb. , May 30. ( Special. )
The finest rain of the season set In last
night , which lasted nearly all night. It
seemed to be general throughout this part
of the state. It was certainly the heaviest
rainfall this county has had for sevcra
years. Nance county has the finest prospect
for the largest crop ( ot pats and corn , espe
cially the latter , this , year she has over had
Today every one Is smiling and happy.
HUMPHREY , Nei. | May 30. ( Speclal.- )
A regular old-tlmo i soaking rain was thi
Issue last night. A four hours' steady rain
fall has saved this section of the country
from an unquestionable small grain failure.
Everything has a revWe'd look this morning
and at the present tlthe'condltlons are favor
able for -a good crrt > of small grain. Un
sprouted corn will 'pomp forward and tha
' "
damaged by recent U'oi"wlnds , will lay dowr
Its burden and come forth In all Its glory
BATTLE CREBIC.i 'N.eb. . May 30. ( Spe
clal. ) Ono Inch of ; Taln ; fell last night ,
There Is a good prospect for corn. Beet
are all right. „
VALENTINE , Nebt.x May 30. ( Special
Telegram. ) A gentle' ' rain has been falling
here for teh last twelve hours , with Indi
cations that it will 'continue ' during the
night. This gives renewed hopes to farmers ,
as wheat up to the present has not been ma
terially damaged.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tel
egram. ) Two and out-half Inches of rain
has fallen In Platte county In twenty-four
hours. This Is more than has fallen for
two years all told. This Insures small grain
and gives corn a magnificent start.
TECUMSEH. Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The first rain that has fallen over
Johnson county since May 10 fell hero today.
Wheat , oats and fruit have suffered some
what and corn has not grown any In two
LODGE POLE , Neb. , May 30 , ( Special
Telegram. ) It has rained steadily for four
teen hours and the ground Is wet five Inches.
Moro moisture has fallen today than at anyone
ono time for three years past , and both
farmers and ranchmen are jubilant ,
IJENKLEMAN , Neb. . May 30. ( Special
Telegram , ) There I * great rejoicing In
Dundy county today. It rained In torrents
and old soldiers declare It is the heaviest
since 1SU1. The water gauge at the station
shows a rainfall of almost two and a half
Inches , which will wet down two feet. The
rain began tailing about 2 o'clock this worn-
Ing , and continued until C p. m. During the
next ten days the largest ncrcago of corn
and potatoes will bo planted since the settle-
mjnt of Dundy county , Uundy county Is all
CENTRAL CITY , Neb. , May 30. ( Special. )
Later reports show yesterday's storm to
bo for worse than nt first reported. Outbuildings -
buildings are strewn" over the fields , houses
unroofed and many barns torn down. In
the vicinity of Archer a dozen largo barns
wer ewrccked. The residence of George
Kull near Archer was torn to pieces. Air.
Kutl's leg was broken In two places from
a falling chimney. Five miles north of this
clly the hall was three feet deep. Several
school houses were torn to pieces , largo
trees were broken oft or upturned by the
roots and corn , grain and grass arc mown
down or battered Into the ground. Corn
and oats will probably recover. It Is cloudy
this morning , with Indications for more
Until ralllnc In Jinny Sections of Tlmt
CF.DAR RAPIDS. la. , M.iy J0.--(3peclal (
Telegram. ) Rain began falling at 4 o'clock
this tnuinlng and there as a sti-.iilv down
pour for nearly tan hours , effectually break
ing ths dioutli.
DUS MOINES , May oO.--A splendid rain
fell liure today.
CLAU1NDA , la. , May Sft 0\'t.r an Inch
of ral'i , the first slnco early In May , fell
today. Wheat and oats nn suveil , but buy
is h''vor.d reclamation.
CARSON , la. , May 30. ( Special Telegram. )
Eight hours of steady rain has fallen toJay ,
breaking the drouth ,
MALVERN , la. , May 30. ( Special Telu-
gram. ) A shower this morning and a hard
rain this afternoon has broken the drouth.
MASON CITY , la. , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Heavy rain fell all day , putting a
damper to outdoor exercises.
MARSHALLTOWN , la. , May 30. The
drouth was broken In this region by con
tinuous , soaking rains today. The crops are
all right.
SIOUX CITY , May 30. A heavy rain fell
hero last night. It will bo of great value
to .
crops. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Omnliti rind * Itself Inrluileil In the Ilcncfl-
crncc of tlio Clmuls.
When the rain storm , which had been pre
vailing elsewhere for two < lays , reached
Omaha about 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon
It was to the discomfort physically of
thousands on a holiday outing , but far from
grumbling , all were delighted.
The clouds had been watched all day with
Siopc , for they were full of the promise of
rain , and when the generous fall began no
ono was so Ill-natured as to complain of
wet feet or clothes , or the Interrupllon of
The rain clouds came from Ihe southwest
with scarcely any wind , frightening light
ning or loud thunder. A copious fall of three- [
quarters of an hour was followed by two
hours of almost clear weather , when the
clouds rolled together again and a gentle rain
set In with Indications that It would continue
Ju t Ovur NcbriMliii' llnriter.
HOLYOKE , Colo. , May , 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A good soaking rain commenced to
fall at 2 o'clock this morning and from the '
appearance of the flooded streets and con- ,
tlnual downpour of water the floodgates of
heaven have certainly been lurned loose , i
At 7 o'clock this p. m. there Is still a steady
rain falling and good prospects of a contlnu- '
ance until morning. At 7 o'clock p. m. the
government rain gauge measured two and '
one-third inches of actual rainfall and In all ,
probabilities will" reach three Inches before ]
morning. This will assure a bountiful har
vest of corn and small grain.
Cloud llurat In I'cxii * .
SAN ANGELO , Tex. , May 30. A disastrous
cloudburst occurred yesterday along the
Johnson and Devil rivers. Five bodies have
been recovered from "draws" which were
Hooded by the cloudburst , and It Is feared
a number of settlers In the valleys of the
two rivers have perished. Searchers have
been unable to reach several large ranches
In that section. The "draws" which have
water In them only a short time after rains ,
were deluged , the waters of Devil's river
rushing down In a series of waves six feet
high. One ranch , with 1,700 sheep , lost 1,300.
ItnliiliiR in ailiRiiiirl.
MILAN , Mo. , May 30. The drouth which
has prevailed for the last two months , de
vastating this country , was broken last
night by a steady rain , which has continued
for over len hours and It Is still raining
It will revive the corn , help the onta and
and start the grass.
South U.ikutn ( , ot8 Wet.
SIOUX FALLS , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Heavy rains In this part of the state
last night put crops to the front again.
.l.VAOl/A Vh
"Flnnlgan's Fortune" at the Empire Is
the funnlett little comedy seen In the city
for a long time and It Is well worth seeing.
Ed Wrotho makes the most eccentric of
Irishmen and his fortunes are followed by
the audience with roars of laughter. Mr.
J. M. Nead makes a fine hit In his Dutch
part. Mr. W. S. Nead Is very funny as
Rafferty. Mr. Harpur makes love to the
charming little Katey ( Miss Pauline Chan-
dos ) In the approved fashion. Mr. G. Oil
man Is a first-class character as the French
count and Miss Lizzie Edwards Is a fine
study as his accomplice.
Tien Baby was sick , wo gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child , she cried for Castorla.
\Vhen she. became Miss , she clung to Castorla ,
Wbn ha had Children , she gave them Castorla.
No need to Read >
i order to find out about Pearline. Your friends can
ell you all you want to know. You'll find most of
them use it. Ask them about it. We'll leave it
to any one of the millions of women who arc
jsing Pearline , if it isn't the best the most eco
nomical thing , for washing and clean
ing. But all the Pearline users
don't get its full benefits. Some seem
) think that'll1 s only for washing clothes
or cleaning house.
Pearline wru.ics ejty .jiing" .
And with almost every use you can put
_ _ _ it to , besides the labor it saves and the
ruinous rubbing , it gives you better work better results.
CJ kA Peddlers anil some unscrupulous grocers will tell you " this 5s ns good as"
OCllU. or "the same as 1'carlinc. " IT'S FALSE Peatline is never peddled ,
and if your croccr sends you something in place of 1'carlinc , bo
honest itmfit laek. < JAMES PYI.B , New Vo.k.
Wo only Imvo room to show ono
IK-il but wo Imvo too
many line beds and this week will
inako ridiculous prices to move
A nno * 30 Mnntel Folding
Hod for only
A line up rlfflit Folding
French bevel mirror In
front , worth $75. to close
out .
A JM PolUlntf IJed this { UJ2.00
week to close
nil through tlio line
This Folding Bed , vunrtcred oak TlliS Fi36 IC3 BOX , $2.75
Worth $50 , ynly $20.00 A Good Retrigerator$5.
Extraordinary Half Price Sale
This Wesk Only
Wo bought Ifi Reliable Gasoline Stoves
from Stoetzul & Co. nt half valiu1 ,
and must close them out this week.
"What you pay elsewhere P ? nr aasssa 2
$30.00 you can buy of us for $1(5 ( 00
$ 1.00 you can buy of us for $15 00 d
$82.00 you can buy of us for $ l't 00 G
$ liO.OO you can buy of us for $13 00
$ 0.00 you cau buy of us for $2 1)5 )
$ 4.W ) you can buy of us for $2 50
A.burner stove like cut , to
close out , only $2.75
Ev ry
ed one
of the
in tha
Pure Malt Whiskey.
All Druggists-
I3y a new plan ot tyslemallo grain specula
tion. Bend for our free booklet uliowlnu how
to get around adverse lluctuatlons of the
market und make money even on the wrong
Hide. Past workings of plan and highest
references furnished. VAL.I3NTIN13 &
CO. , Traders Blif. . Chicago.
Write for Bank References.
'D Operation. No Detention from Business ,
SOT-308 N , Y. Life Blag. , OMAHA , NEB.
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