Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 31, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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    TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , MAY ! 11 , 1805. a
Delivered by carrier lo'any part of the city.
H. W. TILTON , Lcs > ee.
office , No. 43 ; night
editor , No. a.
Grand hotel , Council Bluffs. Newly fur-
nlthcd. Reopened Oct. 1. H. P. Clark , Prop
Anton Carr of Heclford has been bound over
to the federal grand Jury on the charge of
The funeral of tlio tcn-months-old chllJ
of Mr an ! Mrs. A L. foster will take place
this morning at 10 o'clock nt the residence ,
10 $ Ornce street.
Joe Klosc nnd Mike O'Lcary have reported
to tlio police that thieves broke Into their
rooms near tlie eastern limits of the city and
stole n lot of clothing.
A wagon load of niuff street residents
enjoyed a picnic at the Maync farm near
llanthorn lake , The mandolin club accom
panied them and furnished music.
C , II. Nichols , the horre trainer supposed
to have stolen n watch nt Mo-Hie , was turned
over yesterday to Deputy Sheriff Wilson of
Harrison county , who took him away.
The grnvei of the Catholic soldiers were
decorated with ( lowers nnd the national
colors ycstcrady mornlnc at the Catholic
cetretery by the members of the church.
Henry Egbert , a stable hand , created n
illnturbinpc nt n trerry-go-round on lirondway
near KlKlith street. Tuesday night , hud was
arrested , charged with disturbing the peace
nnd using obscene language In the presence
of ladles
The pupils at the School for the Deaf had
field day exTdtes yesterday In honor of
Decoration day. A large number of people
were present from the city nnd the exercises
passed off nicely Prizes were offered for the
winners In the various events and the In-
ttrcit shown by the visitors was nlmoit as
great ns that of the youthful athletes
Anton Ilcrnccke of Cut-off wns arrested
yesterday morning charged with committing
assault and battery upon Peter Hondo. Her-
necko does not deny hitting Monde , but
claims the latter was making a disturbance
In tils saloon v\lon he was ordered to go out.
He refused to budge and n scrap on ued. In
which several blows were struck. Dernecko
will have a trial In the police court tomorrow
Insure In the Imperial , Palatine or Glen
Tails Fire Insurance companies These arc
among the largest and best companies In the
world , ande .ire solo agents for Council
niuffs. Lougee & Towle , 235 Pearl street.
rou nr.coitAi ION HAY.
lllg I > l < pliy of Flower * nt iHoriicraon'ii
Only thrco blocks east from motor turn on
Plcrco street. All klnJs of choice bedding
and house plants for sale cheap. Vases filled
nnd planting done free of charge. Wo have
'employed Mr 0 S. Kcnney for special land
scape garJcnlng ; 20 years' experience In large
cltle.3. Tclophone 214.
Foster , Ethel Artamlso , aged 0 months and
20 clays , at home , IflS Grace street , Council
niuffs , In , Wednesday , ' May 2D , 1893.
Funeral Friday at 10-30 a. in.
Dr. II Lawrlo of Ncolaas In the city
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hdmundson returned
yesterday from a short eastern trip.
Mr. and Mrs J. B. Lewis of Walnut are
In the city visiting relatives and friends.
John McrKle has returned from the cast
nnd will spend the summer with his parents
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. Merklo , on Washington
W. U. Kemp , formerly a member of the
poiJeo force , has been appointed policeman
nt Courtland bench during tlio summer. He
showed great capacity for this kind of work
while on the city police force , and will no
doubt discharge the duties of his position
lllg Snlo of Ciippt uhcor.
Wheeler & Horeld's order book Is filled with
orders for Copps Cheer every clay. P. J
Ilcrnard , Lovllla , la. , sending In his third order
dor In three days , says : "Am having greal
sales of Coprw Chcor. "
Wo will make special prices for runnlnf
service pipes for gas to jour lesldence foi
the month of June. Call at Gas olllce lot
The Hardman , the piano par excellence.
fir.ind Annr Unit lice irpcti'd.
A welcome surprise was given the members
bers of Abe Lincoln post. Grand Army , ) es
terday afternoon. They attended the Dcco
ration day exercises nt Palrvlcw ccmotorj
nnd at the close marched back to the musli
of the ilium nnd life to the hall , where the
expected to have n social time. When the ?
reached the hall they found that In the !
absence the ladles of the Relief corps Imi
remained there during the exercises and hit
put down a handsome now brusscla cnipe
on the platform ami matting around thi
room. The boys In blue spnt nn hour o
two with the ladles , singing songs and en
Joying themselves generally.
Still n Mmnct ! til VMn SHOO.
We can't guarantee horsemen and other
attending the races that they will alway
win on a horse rnco If they wear our slioct
but wo can assmo you absolute satlsfactlo
In style , fit , comfort nnd price. But tlier
Is always a chance that some of the ics
of you might charm the fickle goddess on
of another $ SOO. When you can't lese It'
worth trying , ain't It ? C. S. Dyers.
Itlg Ituco Mooting.
Spring meeting of the Union Park Racln
association commences May 22 , nnd cor
tlmies ten days. Five good races dull ly
commencing at 2 p. m , Ono and a thlr
fare on all railways for round trip.
11 IICO I'llltK.
20 car loads stamlarJ red cedar fence postj
lOVio each by the car load. A. Overton , Cout
ell Uluffs , Iowa.
Children's waists from 15c to $1.00.
\\mtiui Mint Pay.
A victory for the Citizens' bank was ill
result of the trial of .the case In whlc
James Wcston was sued upon throe notes (
P,7fi eac.h , the oiitgiowth ot a deal In whlc
Wcston sold forty acres of lind near Mai
awa for (5,000 to n Minneapolis s > ndlcat
Wcston's defense was that his wife , wlm :
name appealed on the notes , did not sig
them , nnd his Inference wax that n forgi
had been nt work. The Jtny ictlud tn lo
liberate Wednesday evening nt G n'clocl
nnd jeslerday afternoon came In with n vc
diet In favor of the bank for the full fiti
value of the notes.
Tlio old Roman epicures lived to eat , at i
many of them cat fur n hundred years b
cause they bought their food at n place Ju
like Peck's Daylight Groceiy , where ever
thing Is clo.ui , wholesome nnd elegant.
llalttd llujr for stiln
In large or rmall lots , tjy F , Gardner. I
quire of Tuoinas Johnton. city welglmiaste
Children's waists from 15c to " $ l7oo !
A large line of children's waists.
Telrgrnplirn I.ravo Todujr.
IIio committee of tbe Order ot Hallwi
TcleKiaphers expect to disband this evcnli
nud leave for their homes. They put In > e
torday looklnc tlio town over and took nether
other turn at the races In th afti nioo
They vUlted all of the lending nttlca bull
liiK In the city ami expressed "irprlso
the oxrcllent accommoilatlou * that could '
Ctven the order In cafe Ccuncll UUiffe * off
U accepted. _
Yci , tlio Eagle laundry Is "that goi
UunJry , " and li located at T2t Broadwa
U la doubt about thli try It nnd be convince
Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157.
QcEectlftc optician at Wallnun'i , 400 Uron
A Itrgt line of chtMren'i wnlits.
vkv\\ in i,111 , inii\i u KI nnn ;
Old-Timo Enthusiatra Noticeable in the
Obs3rvation of Memorial Day ,
Procrnmii nt tlin Ccmclorlcn , Cnrrlcct Out
Under tlio D.rcctlon of the Urnnd
Army unit tlio Union Veteran
I.cglon , ( Jultn Interesting.
None of t'no old-tlmc enthusiasm vvas abated
In jcstcrday's observance of Decoration clay.
The people ot the vicinity Generally observed
the clay as a holiday , nnd for the most part
suspended business operations. All day long
the roads leading to the city from nil parts
i cf the county were thronged with vehicles
containing men , women and children , all ben
upon using the day In the customary man
ncr. Mnny picnic parties visited the country
S3 that thltiRH were kept even and tfiere
wcro about ns many people In the city as
usual , nnd not a great many more.
Two celebrations wcro held , one under th
auspices of Abe Lincoln post , Orand Army o
the Republic , nt Fall-view cemetery , nnd tin
other nt Walnut Hhl cemetery , under tin
auspices of the Union Veteran Lesion. Tin
Orand Army parade vvas termed nroum
Ilayllss park , and contained the larger shar
01 those who wished to honor t'ne dead sol
cllers by marching. During the night enoug
tain had fallen to lay the dust and cool the
atmosphere. The marching was consequently
much more pleasant than usual , and larger
ciowds took part than are generally on hand
H. L. Shugart presided at ths exercises at
the cemetery. After n song and an invoca
tion by Rev V. C. Rocho , pastor of the IJap-
tlst church , Hon. Smith Mctlierson delivered
the principal address In the eloquent and
forcible style for which ho li well Known
Judge Walter I. Smith delivered a fine address
at the unknown graves , after which the
floral tributes were placed upon the graves of
the tleparlcd heroes. The end of the exer
cises find to be somewhat hastened by the
threatening storm , nnd many of the audlenc--
drifted homeward before the program was
The cxerclsej at Walnut Hill cemeter > ,
with the Union Veteran Legion , were equally
Interesting. The parade formed at the corner
of Washington avenue nnd First street When
the column arrived nt the cemetery members
of the legion wcro stationed at the graves of
the deccised soldiers , with the daughters
of EO dltrs , and nt a bugle call tha
graves wcro ornamented with floral offerIngs -
Ings , while n chorus of school girls sang an
appropriate hymn. After prayer by Rev.
G W Snyder , chaplain of the legion , W. W
Wallace , the chairman , made a few remarks.
Captain II. I ) . Hlght , who has been shut out
largely from communication with the world
by total blindness for the last year , had com-
posed nn original poem , which wns read
tlio subject being "Memorial Day. " C. O
Saunders delivered a stirring address on war
themes , after which Rev. T J. Mackay ot
Omaha delivered an address In his eloquent
way. Music , vocal and by the drum corps
was Interspersed through the program.
M\V : nvicc.INS
At thn Motion Store.
On Monday we will place on sale EO pieces
red and blue checked glass toweling , war-
rnntol all linen , nt 5c a yard. These goods
are well worth Sc a > ard.
25 pieces of fiO-lnch unbleached table linen
regular J5c goods , on sale nt 29c a yard.
25 pieces Turkey red table damask , war
ranted fast colors , would be considered at
45c , on sale at 25c a yard.
60 pieces of figured dimities , regular 19c
quality , oil sale at 12l4c a yard.
, 100 pieces fine dress ginghams at 5c
Now line ot ducks nnd piques at IOc and
124c ! a yard.
EO pieces of Imported zephyr ginghams. In
plain , checks and stripes , also heavy corded
and lace stripes. Dont' fall to see them.
We show a complete assortment of French
dimities , orgnndles , printed madros and Eng
lish crepons In all qualities.
401-405 Uroidway ,
Council D'.uffs.
' -hot It\o lllrilK.
The gun-shootlsts of the city engaged li
a shooting mntch with live birds for targets
yesterday morning at the Council lUuffs GUI
club's grounds. There were two' matches
the first resulting In a tie between A. W
Rlekman , F. E. Klngsbury and Augustu1
Hereb'iielm , and the latter resulting In
victory for W. D. Hardln. Score : Firs
match Rlekman , 10 ; Hardln , S ; Mather , 9
Hart , 7 ; Konlpmacher , 7 ; West , 9 ; High
smith , 9 ; Klngsbury. 10 ; Ilereshelm , 10.
Second match Ilardln , 10 ; Illghsmlth , C
Mather. S ; Hart , 9 ; West , 9 ; Klngsbury , 9
Hereshelm , S.
C 0. D. Brown has the only non-exp'oslv
: gasoline steve ever manufactured , and
] will burn from 35 to 40 per cent less gasolln
j than any other gasoline" stove on the market
VA odclcd In I hiirch.
The marriage of Miss Nora Finn of Lenox
la. , nnd Walter F. Stephan of this city va
solemiil/cd yesterday morning nt 93
o'clock at St Francis Xavler's church. Rev
Father Smythe officiating. They were at
tended by E. F. Stephan , brother of th
gioom , and MUs Lls-zlo Finn , n sister o
the bride. Mr. Stephan Is n member o
the firm of Stephan Bros and the bride v\a
; formerly cmplo > ed In the Boston xtoin li
this city. They will begin housekeeping a
t's The Illinois Automatic RefrlgerUor Is
good one. The only correct principle je
Invented. Sell from ? 7 00 to $18.00. Don1
fall to hco It at Colo's , 41 Main Bt.
in- Davis , agency lor Munvon's remedies.
Decided Mnrclty In hnmn I.lno mill Prlcr
lire Shoved I'piviinl. '
NEW YORK , May 30. The Iron Age toda
: says : The Iron and fteel markets may we
bo pronounced buoyant. There Is every proc
that the consumption Is expanded , and tli
demand has certainly enlarged greatly , sine
many belated buyers are endeavoring to cove
be for the future. During the week buyers an
Ich sellers of bessemcr pig Iron have come U
Ichof gather and there have been large tales fc
of delivery during the third
quarter , at $11
Ich valle > furnaces.
In the steel market there Is a decide
te. < scarcity of billets for quick delivery , and tli somewlnt unusual spectacle lias b cn wl '
gn nessed of Plttsburs consumers making li
wr qulrles In eastern Penns > lvanla. In tl
Cleveland district there have been temporal
ck. stoppages of rolling mills , owing to delajs I
d llvfry of steel. The leading western mil
usk $17.25 nnd $1750 for delivery during ti
third quarter , but have not done much hue
ness. In the cast buyers are still disincline
lid to purchase at the advance.
be- Coke hss sold recently at $1 35. A larf
uat business has a'o be ° n done In wire rods , fi
ry- ; which some kclllers now ask $23 at dovetail
There Is a great deal of activity In all tl
lines of finished Iron. The buying of shee
has been heavy , and therj Is a good run
In- orders for plates. Pkolp continues scarce ea
and west. In foundry Iron both northern ar
southern foundries tlircilcn to make a fu
thcr advance for all deliveries after July 1.
Humors are afloat In the copper trade th
the Rothschilds have bought the Anacom
mine , the greatest In the world. It has pr
duccd 100,000,000 pounds In one year , at
could turn out f,0 per cent more. Rum
say lias It that tbe Old Dominion mine In Arlzoi
IIU , has also been sold.
es- CnnnnMiltin > r li 11 idly Hurt.
nn- Last night at 10 o'clock Rev. A. T. Whl
in marsh , n well known elergynmn of tr
lidat city , wns struck nnd Knocked down
at Sixteenth nnd Cnpltol nvenue by n hnr
bo attached to n buissy drlxeu by J. SI. Tn
ffcr ner , a newsinper mun of South Omaha , ni
vvas seveiely Injured. Canon Whitman
wan croEtflng the street to get n cur win
oed he was muck. Tanner states tluit ho v\
ay. driving vlowly , but did not notlc the inn
! > r , llacoti. who uns on a passing strc
cur , HtUnilc'l tu the injured man until t
paticl nugon airlvcd and carried him
the C'iarkson hoypltnl
iiid- It Is Impossible lu ft , re I el I the results
the Injtirlr * Hint Cnnon Whltmarsh i
celved. n ho U n man Cl years of age. T
worn Injury teems to bo to his back. 1
| also received a severe cut on the bick
the head nnd nnothcr over the right eye.
The right clavicle wns nlso broken ,
( Continued from first Page. )
National Guards , the mayor , city council and
numerous citizens on ( cot and In carriages
paraded the principal streets nncl mirched to
the cemetery , where the gravM of the old
roldlcrs were decorated ,
BKNKELMAN. Neb. , May 30 ( Special
Telegram , ) Elaborate preparations had been
made by the old soldiers and citizens here
for the observance of Decoration day , but
owing to the rain which fell throughout the
entire day the program vvas condensed
However , the rnln will make the day more
FAIRMONT , Neb. . Mny 30. ( Special Tel
egrnm. ) Fairmont observed Memorial day
with patriotic enthusiasm. Early In the
day the streets were cowded with people.
At 9 a. m. the procession formed In front
of the Grand Army ot the Republic hall ,
composed of Grand Army of the Republic ,
Woman's Relief corps , Sons of Veterans
nnd other civic orders , West Blue nnd
Fairmont bands. Wagons with school chil
dren followed. The procession went to the
cemetery , where the ritual exercises of the
Grand Army of the Republic occurred and
tlio graves of the soldiers covered with
flowers. At 2 p m. Hon. C. S Miller of
this city delivered the address
LEIGH , Neb , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram ) Decoration day was appropriately
observed In Leigh. All the people In the
country round about were In town together ,
with large numbers of visitors from neigh'
boring towns. The Crcston Grand Army ol
the Republic post attended In a body , to
gether with a largo delegation of citizens
The services were held In n grove , Rev. J
L. St Clair of Madison delivering the nd
diess. A large procession was formed o
the Grand Army of the Republic , Woman's
Relief corps , Sons of Veterans and the civli
societies of the town and marched to tin
cemetery , when the graves of the hcroei
and others who have gone before were pro
fusely decorated with flowers.
HARVARD. Neb , May 30 ( Special. ) The
Memorial services passed quietly , with the
usual exercises. Hon John A. Ehrliart , jr.
vice department commander of Norfolk , de
llvered the address , folllowed by music am
tlie large procession to the cemetery , led by
the Harvard Cornet band and drum corps.
FREMONT , May 30. ( Special ) Memorla
day was very generally observed here. Then
was a large turnout from the country Flag
were displayed on all public buildings , am
nearly nil the business houses were dec
orated with flags and bunting. The parad
was formed at 10 o'clock , J. C Lee actln
as marshal and A. V. Hull as assistant
There were over 200 students from the nor
mal school In line and thirty-two children
from the Orphan's home. The school chil
dren attracted considerable attention. There
were over 500 of them In line , each carrying
n flag At the close of the parade the usual
public exercises were held at Love's opera
house , which was packed. In the afternoon
the post of the Grand Army of the Republic
and the other patriotic societies marched to
Ridge cemetery and decorated the graves of
the soldiers. The floral decorations were very
- tasteful , and no soldier's grave , no mattter
, how obscure and unimportant the occupant
may have been , wns forgotten.
WISNER , Neb , May 30. ( Special ) This
has been n gala day In Wlsner. The rain of
last night refreshed vegetable nnd animal I
, life and filled the people with a spirit of
celebration. As a consequence many of the
business buildings were decorated with buntIng -
Ing and numerous flags were unfurled to the
balmy air. The largest number of people
congregated to observe the day ever seen
In town on a similar occasion The opera
- house was unequal to the demand for seats
by those who attended the Indoor exercises.
The memorial address was delivered by Hon.
, E. K. Valentine of West Point.
ORLEANS , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Decoration day exercises were not
largely attended on account of rain , but
patriotic sentiment was not wanting. Cap
tain Culver of Mllford and Mrs. Nellie
Illccrdson of Lincoln were the speakers. A
a public reception vvas tendered them at
Masonic hall tonight.
NORTH DEND , Neb. , May 30. ( Special
Telegram. ) Decoration day was duly observed
served here. The opera house wns packed
Each state was represented by a young girl
dressed In white , who , with n few words , de
posited a wreath on n mound made to represent
sent a grave of the unknown dead. Exer
cises at the cemetery had to be partly post
poned on account : of the rain , ,
VALENTINE , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tel
egram ) Early this morning transportation
was sent over from Fort Nlobrara , which
took back to the fort members of the Grand
Army of the Republic post , the Woman's
Relief corps , the school children and man )
others. On arrival near the cemetery they
wcro met by Colonel Townsend and his en
tire command , consisting of five companies
of the Twelfth and two companies of the
i Eighth Infantry , nnd preceded by the regi
mental band , marched to the cemetery , where
flowers w ere strewn , but other exercises were
cut short on account of rain. At 3 o'clock
In the afternoon people congregated at tht
court house hero nnd were addressed bj
0. Major J A Scamahorn of Gordon.
KEARNEY , Neb , May 30. ( Special Tele
gram ) On account of the rain last nlghl
and most all clay today , Decoration day has
not been observed as It otherwise would have
< been. There were , however , probably 50C
people at the cemetery , and the graves were
appropriately and profusely decorated. THE
exercises this afternoon were held In the
armory under the auspices of the Grand Arm
of the Republic posts , and Major I. A. Ar
nold acted as master of ceremonies. Addresses
dresses were made by ex-Senator Hlack and
Hon. Norrls Drown. This evening Unlor
ittie Veteran Legion No. 126 hold memorial ex
tie ercises In the city hall , Colonel J. L. lirowt
of presiding Two vacant chairs were dedi
of cated and the address vvas made by Hon
ai Darmeter of Denver.
Innt TECUMSEH , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele-
nt grain ) The Grand Army people and cltl-
generally turned out to assist In the
proper Memorial day services here. Th
graves of the old soldiers were nanJsomel
Vt decorated In the Tccumseh cemetery will
beautiful floral offerings.
INDIANOLA , Neb. . May 30. ( Special Tel
egram. ) Rev. 0. K. Bebee of Mlnden , de
partment chaplain , delivered the memorla
sermon In the Congregational church Sunday
Captain H. H. Benson ot McCook was thi
orator of the day at the opera house till
afternoon. The house was well filled. Thi
outdoor exercises were modified on account o
ay the rain. After the exercises the post drovi
ell to the cemetery and decorated the graves.
sot FAIRBURY. Neb. . May 30 ( Special Tele
he gram ) There vvas a large attendance at tin
memorial ceremonies , although the parad
was cut short by the rain. Attorney Genera
Churchill delivered the oration. The exer
nd clses were conducted by Russell post , Gram
to- Army of the Republic. The Womon's Relle
for corps. Sons of Veterans , and company D , Second
at end regiment , participating.
M'COOK , Neb , May 30. ( Special Tele
led gram ) Ahc continued heavy rain here to
he clay rnmp.lled the commutes having In charg
'It- the exercises for Memorial day to postpon
In- the observance of the day. The entire pro
the gram as arranged for today will be carrle
iry out Sunday afternoon
In WAHOO , Neb. . May 30. ( Special Tele
Ills gram ) Decoration day vvas appropilately ob
the served here , the different orders of the cit
iM- taking part. A parade was given In the after
led noon , followed by an oration at the oper
lious by Rev. M. Place. Rain prevented
rge majority of the people visiting the cemeteries
for but the graves had been decorated In th
nd. morning.
the YORK , Neb , May 30. ( Special Tele
etsot gram ) The usual Decoration day service
ot were held at this place. A large crowd wo
ast pressnt.
ur- rLowiits rou virrntv.vs' GKVVK
h'at I'lHce of Koldlor * hi I OH a Properl
ida UcrontttMl.
iro- BOONE , la. . May 30 ( Special TeleRram.- )
The licavy raln fireatly Interfered with tli
olla Decoration day program. During a brief cei
satlon of the rain this afternoon the old so
Uteri proceeded to the cemetery and covere
the graves of their comrades with flower
.hla Th < > other exercises took place In the oper
at house. There was an eloquent aJJrees b
irpo Judge Z. A. Church of Jefferson and anothe
nn. by Judge Ramsey of Boone. Hon. A. .
ind Holmes was president of the day The bl
tien rsh bicycle races set for this afternoon were pot
\as poned on account of the rain until ne-
inn Wednesday.
cot CRESTON. la. . May SO. ( Sp-clal. ) M <
the mortal day , for which extensive preparatlot
to had been made , was Interfered with by ral
The graves of the departed veterans wei
decorated and In the morning a detail of o
Fhe comrades addretsed tbe pupils of tbe publ
He schools.
of S'lRNANDOAH , la. , May SO. ( Special.- )
The Memorial day exercises tit purnsldo post
occurred at 1 30 this afternoon at Priest's
park and the Rose- Hill v cemetery. Hon.
James McCabe cf Council Bluffs was here to
deliver the oration , The annual patriotic
memorial concert , always U ttmrge of A. S ,
Lakt\ was held last night at tle | opera house.
( Special. ) The observance ot Memorial day
was conducted by tile Belilcn post No. 69 ,
Grand Army ot the Republic. In the forenoon a
delnll of old soldiers and cchool children
visited the cemeteries nnd decorated the
graves of deceased veterans. At 1 30 p m.
the parade vvas formed , In which the various
secret orders and the public schools partici
pated. Tne ritualistic memorial services and
program of the day took place. ' nt the park
and were attended by n vast concourse of
people. Hon. C. M. Harl ot Council Hinds
delivered the oration.
PERSIA , la. . May 30. ( Special Telegram. )
There was a Brand celebration of Decora ,
tlon day In Persia , la. Eight hundred people
were In town.
DES M01NES , May 30 ( Special Tele-
grim ) Memorial day exercises were greatly
marred by the rain , which began shortly
after midnight and was threatening with
Intermittent showers all forenoon A heavy
shower about 2 o'clock broke up the parade ,
which had started for the cemetery , two
miles away. The exercises were subsequently
held In Calvary tnbsrnacle. Congressman
Oolllver of Fort Dodge delivered the oration
Flowers were sent to the cemetery about
noon and strewn on the graves by Sons and
Daughters of Veterans.
MALVERN , la. . May 30 ( Special Tele-
pram ) Decoration day wns observed by the
Grand Army of , tlio Republic , assisted by
the citizens. Hon. W. M Eaton of Sidney
delivered a very able address at the opera
house , after which a process on , headed by
the veterans , marched to the csmetcry , where
the graves of the fallen heroes wcro appro
priately decorated with flowers.
MASON CITY. la. May 30 ( Special Tel
egram ) Colonel E S. Ormsby of Emmets-
burg delivered a stirring address In the
opera house to old soldiers today
CARSON , la , May 30 ( Special Tele
gram. ) Decoration clay exercises were held
here , an address being delivered by Rev.
W. P. Golden of Grlswold.
' till ) * > nuu niul Itnlu.
CHEYENNE , May 30 ( Special Telegram )
Snow and rain which has steadily fallen
all day prevented holding the outdoor exer
cises which had been arranged on an exten
sive scale for observing Memorial day here
At 10 o'clock the High school bicycle roai
rnce was run off In the storm The course
was seven miles. Howard Challln won the race
and the time was 32 minutes. A union
memorial service was held at the opera house
by the members of the Grand Army of the
Republic and the Christian Endeavor society
Piesldent Claik , the organizer of the Chrls-
tnln Endeavor movement , made the speed
of the evening.
Introduction ol "HI | | | * "
"Split" Is a term used In England of a
half-pint bottle , which Is likely to become
Americanized , because Apolllnarls "splits'
are now being Introduced here , and bid fair
to bo as well known and popular on this side
as they are In England.
The bottling of Apolllnarls Water In hal
pints or "splits" Is said to bo due to tin
Prince of Wales , who expressed a wish ti
receive the water In bottles of this size
Apolllnarls "splits" have1 since become
feature In the London clubs
Many people , when not wanting as much
as a pint , will bo glad to receive a half-pint
bottle Instead of a glass , thus being sure
to obtain the water fresh and genuine
New York Tribune , March 3d , 1895.
OMAHA , May 30. To the Editor of The
Bee : The Is-from the World-
Herald of a day or two since :
"The Bee advocates the nomination of ex-
Senator Hurlan by the Iowa republicans for
governor. So does the World-Herald There
are come chapters In the life of the aged
candidate which would help democratic pros
pects In Iowa amazingly. "
The cause advocated by a newbpaper must
be low Indeed when Its. editor can conde
scend to such foul slanders as this. The
, - man assailed Is ono whose life has always
been of unquestioned purity , both person
ally and politically. Advanced to one of the
highest honors that of United States sen
ator at less than 35 years of nge. no one
has ever been held In higher esteem by his
fellow senators , and a few jears later we j
find him selected by that man of men ,
Abraham Lincoln , as one of his ciblnet , and
unanimously confirmed by his peers.
Is there no purity of life or rectitude of
conduct safe from the W.-H. , or Is Its editor
a political Ishmuellte whosp hand Is against
every man ? IOWAN.
llcilltli In till ) Household
Is pretty nearly a surety If Allen's Hygienic
Fluid Is there. There Is no medicine Its
equal for all-around usefulness. First of
all , It Is n preventive medicine wards off all
contagious diseases. It heals nnd purifies
bruises , burns , scalds and sores of all kinds
Kills germs and odors. Its many other
uses are described In a pamphlet which will
be mailed free If you address the Clins. L.
Allen Co. , St. Loulb , Mo.
A FOIT Aclvntitiic1-
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A
cl'an train , made up and started from Omaha.
Baggage checked from residence to destina
tion. Elegant train service and courteous
> employes. Entire train lighted by electricity
nnd heated by steam , with electric light In
every berth. Finest dining car service In
the west , with meals served "a la carte. "
The Flyer leaves at C p. in. dally from Union
: City Ticket Office. 1504 Farnam street. C.
S Carrier , city ticket agent.
- STEEL At 12 o'clock on the night of Slav
- -Agnes , wlfo of George Steel , rged 40
years. Funeral Friday , Mn > 31 , nt 3 p.
< m , from fnmlly residence , 2501 Pletce
, street. Interment Prospect Hill cemetery.
Friends Invited.
DR IIOIIKRTS Nellie B , wife of Melvln
De Roberts. Funeral services will be held
nt her parents , J A. Aulnbiugh , 1007 South
Twentieth street , nt 1 o'clock , Friday
May 31. Interment at Dajton , O.
I nlr and Cooler with VnrlnbloVlmls tot
WASHINGTON , May 30 The forecnsl
for Friday is :
For Nebraska Fair ; cooler In the easterr
portion ; variable winds.
For Iowa Unln ; cooler In the ensterr
portion ; southerly winds , becoming vari
able.For Mlsourl Fair In the southern portion
showers In the noithern portion ; cooler
southerly winds , becoming variable.
For South Dakota-jfihQwirs ; varlabl le
winds , becoming southi'dy ,
For Kansas Showers ; topler In the east
ern portion ; southerly' winds , becomint
variable. ,
I.ocnl Ilicnnl. ,
OMAHA , Mny 30. Omalitv ' record of tem
perature and rainfall , ootriparod with tin
corresponding day of the pant four > ears :
'l 3 1S9I 18-H 1&92
Maximum temperature ; . 'M ! 75 79 7
Minimum temperature. .1. 08 68 69 D
Average temperature. . . t. 70 CG Ct ! C
Precipitation . .u U .10 .31 .0
Condition of temperaturq nnd preclpltntloi
at Omaha for the day nndi since March 1
1895 : , ,
Normal temperature . . . . . . , . , . C
he Excess for the day. . . . , , . . . , .
Accumulated exce s slnpc Xinich 1 . 2S
Normal precipitation . . . . . , , v . 16 Incl
Deficiency for the day . . . . . . . . 05 Incl
Deficiency since March 1 . 3.40 Inche
JUtportu from Other St.itimn ut H P. M.
r ' Inclkate * trace of preclpltitlcm
l-A..VhUJII. : Obtje
Karl's Clover Root wll purify your blocx
clear your complexion , regulate your bowel
and make your bead clear aa a bell : 25c , iOc
-tanrtjno. |
( Continued from Second Page. )
Delelianty , Clements , 2 : Tnylor. Stolen
Imses : Ijitham , Hey , Smith , lloRHevcr ,
Hnmllton , Uoylo. Struck out : l y Tnylor ,
3 : by Porcmnn , 1. Double plnys. Miller to
Smith to Orny. Orny to EvvlnK. Cro" * to
Uovlp to Hellly. rirst on errors. Cliulnnntl ,
I ; I'hllndclphln. 2. Hneo on ball * : Off Tny
lor , 4 ; off roreninn , .1. Hit by pitched ball !
Clement" , 2. Pn-wcd bills , Mcultt , Clement" .
Hntterlcs : roremnn nnd Merrltt : Tn > lor
nml Clementf. Umpire : Mr. nmslle. Time.
Three hour * .
si'iDiHis wnun ouipn.nD.
HUOOKhYN , MnySO-Tlio llrooklyni nnd
Clevelnnds plnycd a irnino nt I2ustcrn pnik
this morning. The Cle\ elands presented
n much pntchfd-ui > tenni , but lost from
their Inability to hit Unub Elite nt critical
moments. Score :
llrookljn 10053100 ' -10
Cleveland . . . 000010000-1
Hits Itiookl.Mi , II , Cleveland , G Krrors.
Hrookbn , 1 , Clc\ eland , 4. l.urned runs
Hiookljn. 4 , Cleveland , 1. Klr * > t Impo by
errors Cleveland , Z ; Urooklj n , 2. heft on
bn M ltrookl > n , C , Cleveland , fi llacea on
bills OK Cuppy. Struck out : Ily Cupp > .
1. bv Dull ) , 1 Two-base hlti : Corconin.
Shlidle , Hurkett. Stolen lins-a. I.iChance ,
Coicornn. Double plnyi Daub to Corcouin
to I.aChanco , 2. AfcKean to O Totienu to
O Tnbeiut. Hit bv plUhed ball : /Imiucr.
Wild pitches. Cuppy HUlerlcs. Daub and
Dille * . , Cuppy und O'Connor
It was 1'ntny liolivor Tebcau's turn to
laiiRh nt Hnotern p.irk In the afternoon
Kntno Wallace held -his opponents down
to two hits , which accounts for the down
fall of Koutz' warriors. Sccie :
Hrookbn 0 00000010-1
Cle\ul.ind 250000000-7
Hits : HrooKI.n , 2 ; Cleveland , 11.'r -
rors nrookhn , 2 ; Cleveland. 3 named
runs- Brooklyn , 0 , Cleveland , 1 Klist
ba e by error" llrooklvn , 2 , Cleveland
2 Left on bases llrooklyn , 7 , Cleveland.
3. Hnsc < < on ball * Off lAU-ld. 2 , oft Wal
lace , 3 Stmck outIly Lurid , 1 , by Wal
lace , I , by Humbert , 4. Throe-base hit.
O To beau Two-base hit Hurkett Sto'en
ba LaChanre , 1 Hit by pitched lull
Shlndle. HatUuIco Lucid , Uumbert am
Dalley , Wallace and O'Connor Time One
hour and lifts-one minutes. Umpire
Mr Murray. Attendance , 10,000
HOSTON. Mny 30-Over 5IX 3 lin-o bill
cnthu la ts witnessed an Ideal Knine at tin
Southend grounds this morning1'ot until
the lust Inning was the result of the con
test settled. The fielding of both Hums
was almost perfect and there v\ns Just
enough peed batting to keep things moving
at a lively gait. Scrre.
IJoston 1
St. LouU 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0- i
Hitslioaton , 12 , St Louis , 9 Karnoi
runs Hoston , 6 , St Ixmls. 3. Two-ban
hltFDuffv. . Dowd , Millet. Three-base hW
llannon Home um. Hannon Stolen bases
Hiown. 2 , Cooley Sacrlllce hlf I ! union
Klist base on balls Tucker , McCaithy ;
Hrovvn , Cooley , 2 , Connoi , 2 Struck out-
Tucker , Nice , Lowe , Cooley , 1'letz 2 , Dowd
Double play Hly to Connor Hit bj pitched
ball Nice , Qulnn Hatterles Stlvetts and
Hvnn ; HrelteiiBtcin nnd Pcltz.
The afternoon game was won by Hoston
by clean Held work. Clarkson was batted
nt will , but Nichols kept the hits of the
visitors bcattcred. Attendance , 10,000
Score :
Hoston * -12
St Louis 0 20001000 3
Hits : Boston , 10 ; St. Louis , 9. Krrors
Boston , 1 ; St. Ixnils , 3. learned runs. Bos
ton , 6 ; St Louis , 3 Two-base hits : Con
nor , 1'eltz , Bannon , N > e. Home luns
Nje , Hannon Stolen bases : Bannon (2) ( ) .
Lowe , McCarthy. Bases on balls Off
Clarkson. 5 ; oft Nlchois , 2 Stuiek out
By Clarkson , 1 ; b > Nichols , 3 Double
plies : Na h to Lowe to Tucker ; Kly to
Qulnn to Connor. Batteries : Nichols and
C3nnel ; Clarkson nnd Peltz Time : One
hour nnd forty minutes. Umpire : Mc
Played Won. Lost. P C't
Plttslmrg 32 22 10 OS 8
Cincinnati 33 20 13 M ) u
Chicago 33 20 13 CO fl
Cleveland 32 19 13 M 4
Philadelphia 29 17 12 r > S C
Baltimore iir > 14 11 BG 0
Boston 27 15 12 [
New York 29 14 15 48.3
Brooklyn 2- ) 12 17 41
Washington 30 It 19 3d 7
St Louis H3 11 22 33 3
Louisville 28 5 23 17.9
< 9cunis or THI : AVISTIKN LHAUUI.
IncllnniipolU Socureg r\v More from St
I'a u I with IIIHP. :
INDIANAPOLIS , Mny 30 The leaders
had no trouble In vvlnlng both games today
through heav batting. Score , morning
gnine :
Indlnnapolla D 1 2 0 4 0 0-1(1
St. Paul 0 0 2 0 0 0 3
HitsIndlnnnpolls. . 17 : St. Paul , 8. Er
ror * : Indianapolis , 3 ; St. Paul , 4. Bat
teries * Cross and McFarland ; Jones , John
son nnd Berger.
Afternoon gnmc :
Indlnnnpolls 100S7030 7-2C
St 1'nul 100000200
Hits : Indianapolis , 24 ; St. Paul , G. Er
rors : ImllanapolK 5 , St. Paul , 3. Batteries
Fisher nnd Mt-Farlnnd ; Johnson and Ber-
ger . ,
TOLEDO , Hay 30 Morning game :
Toledo 0 10001000
Minneapolis 010000000
Hits : Toledo , 11 ; Minneapolis , 7. Errors.
Toledo , 1 ; Minneapolis , 2. Batteries
Htighoy nnd Roach ; Fenneberg and Wilson
Afternoon game :
Toledo . . . 01 132010 1 11
Minneapolis 10000304 4 1
Hits Toledo , 4 ; Minneapolis , 13 Errors
rors- Toledo , I ; Minneapolis , G Hatterles
I'ett > . Nops nnd Roach ; Frnzler , Fanning
and WINon
DETROIT , May 30 Morning game :
Detroit 3 G 0 0 3 2 0 1 1 K
Milwaukee 0 2 1 0 0 2 8 0 3 If
HitsDetroit. . 19 ; Milwaukee , 22 Errors
Dotioit , G ; Toledo , 4 Batteries- Johnson
Whltehlll and Twlncham ; Rettger , Arm
strong and Bolnn.
Afternoon game :
Detroit 100001000
Milwaukee 21300301 ' -It
Hits : Detiolt , 10 ; Milwaukee , 18. Er
rors : Detroit , 1 , Milwaukee. 0. Batteries
Whltehlll , Twlnehnm and Lohbeck ; Stevens
and Woav er.
GRAND RAPIDS. Mich , May SO.-Score
morning game :
Grand RaplJs 1023G310 5-2
. Kans-as City 10222170 4-1
Hits : Grnnd IlnpliH 22 ; Knnsns City , 22
. Errors : Grand Rapids , 7 , Kansas City
G Batteries : Jones , Stafford and Carle
Daniels and Berpen.
Afternoon Bumo.
Ornnd Pnplds 11400400 3-1
, Knnsns City 0 I * 0 2 1 0 2 0 2-
Hits : Orand Rnplds , 21 ; Knnsns City , 14
Eirors : Grnnd Rapids , 2 ; Knnsns City , 1
Batteries : Stafford and LJarle ; Hustlngi
and Bergen.
Played. Won. Lost. P.C't
Indianapolis 'X 20 G 7B
Grand Itaplds 27 If ! 11 r,9.
Minneapolis 2.1 11 11 CO ;
Kansas City 27 12 15 41.
Milwaukee 'X 12 15 41 I
Detroit 2G 11 14 44 I
Toledo 27 11 16 40
St. Paul 25 8 17 32 !
t- I'orm 1'liiycri nt Hull I'runcUco Do n ( inni
Day 8 Ilimlneim with tbe ItodUIr * .
SAN FRANCISCO , Mny 30-A holldn
. crowd visited the track today and got th
best of the bookies. Five btralght lace
went to the tnlent nnd Mero'tt win nt C t
1 Is all that saved the bookmakeis ftoi
complete disaster. This lace wns ru
three seconds under the California recon
08Cl Results :
Cl First rnce , one-half mile , maiden 2-yoai
00 olds : Xeetn ( even ) won , Letiokc Illly (7 ( to 1
second , Josephine (3 ( to 1) ) third. Time
0-41 < 4.
Second race , about f\x \ furlongs , selllnc
C7 Grade ( even ) won , Halifax (2 ( to n eecom
Regent (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1 1C'4.
Third race , five fuilongp , handicap. Quli
(3 ( to 2) ) won , Hymn ( fi to 0) ) second , Ply i
to 1) ) third. Time : 1 OVA.
Fourth rnce. five and a hnlf fuilongi
selling. Tim Murphy ( I to 2) ) won , Amerlc
(5 ( to 1) ) second , Gold Bug ( no betting gtvei
third. Time 1 08'i
rifth race , ono mile , gelling : Cominltislo
( U to 2) ) won , Miss Ruth M to 1) ) secum
Centurion (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1H. :
Sixth race , mile and a hnlf , ulx hurdle :
Felling : Mere ( G to 1) ) won , North (8 ( to i
second , Longwell (0 ( to 1) third. Tlnu
2:43' : , * .
ItfKiilt * ut Itntiy ,
nonv. May 30 First race , six furious'
Domlnlco won , Toano tecond , Lulu T thin
Tlmo : 1:17. :
Second race , nine-sixteenths of a mill
Miss Kitty won , Grutchen second , AUdl
Mo third. Tlmo : 0-74.
Third race , six furlongs : Fullerton Lni
won , Frank Fuller second , Llttlo Hill
third. Tlmo : 1:17V4- :
Fourth race , one mile : Wandrrman woi
Engle Bird second , Mopsy third. Tlmi
1 4U1.
Fifth race , Bevcn furlongK. Flort
Mejtrs won. Hannlgan second , Weave
man third. Time ; 1 32'j.
CM nil hl'iml l < hiupriulrdi
! . ST. LOt'IK , May 30 Six thousand pe-op
attended Fair Association pnik toda
Track fast. Only two of the six favorlt <
won , Jockey. Cash sioun was
for pulllnp St Autrustlno yesterday nnd
the congress refused to rcvoKo his license.
Results :
First rnce , purse , six furloncn Trenoln
( S to 1) ) won , Jim Hogg (5 to 1) ) second ,
Rosebery (30 ( to 1) ) third. Time ; 1.1G < 4.
Second race , purse , four nnd n half fur
longs : Ncwhoii'o (6 ( to 1) ) won. Mlko Kellv
(12 ( to 1) Fccond , Little Urnmblc (12 ( to 1) )
third. Time : O.M'i.
Third rnce , Memorial handicap , M.KOO.
tulle nnd nn eighth Flgnro ( G to 6) ) won ,
Cadmus , ( B to 1) ) seeoml , Candid ( G to 1)
third. Time 1 M.
Fourth rnce , purse , mile nnd n hnlf Jnnus
(10 ( to 1) won , Onntha (4 ( to 1) ) second , Wll-
mnr (5 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 2 3 't.
Fifth nice , purse , seven furlongsO'Con -
liel (10 to 3) wnu , Ruck Massle OVi to 1) )
second , Rey del Jlnr (8 to 1) ) third. Time :
1 Sfi'i.
Sixth race , pur e , sK futlonRs : Whontlev
(10 ( to 1) ) won. Rovnl Lady ( G to 1) ) second ,
Ozatk (4 to 1) third. Time. 1.13.
t , \MUY i.osr iiv u.\itii.issM : : : < tH
Old Not Wilted Udrro llu Wua Itldlni ;
( nuuli-r l'i nnr In III" tlrrln.
NF.W YORK. May 30-About 8,000 people
wont down to Grave cml track today 1 ho
chief event on tlu > card v\ns the BrooklMi
Derby , In which Counter TOIIOI * and Kceim i
were about equally favorites , although the-
latter was held at ti littleiliorttr pi Icent
the end of the > b ttlng.hen the 11 ig fell
Counter Tenor went to the fiont. In ti tc
of his 12J neil id * , nnd pcomcel ti bo itttllng
along oi ll < . . Kccnan wns Inclined tou k
nnd dining the Hist throe.-quarters of n
mile Grlllln wns working his passage ) on the
fnlnt-lu'itrted biute. At the- turn Into the
titie-tcli all tmt the e two hud given It up
and It looked ns If Koonnn could nit tun
iiiuih further Counter Tenor was lendli g
nt the ln t eighth , but Liimlcv paid so
much attention to th' hot o behind him
thiit ho allowed Tonni to rush to the c tit-
fldi > of the track , nnd therefore lost tin
taie. ns Kecmin ran sti light nnd won
I.unlpv tliiew away the llfth inccnl o , for
IIP kept a closeVMitch on the > hoi'os In
stead of his own mount , Poac-ptnakpr , pullIng -
Ing him too far out of HIP nice nnd loIK
to Putrlrlun , on whom Tural lode n Hi c
inpp Rp iilth-
Flist inec , live furlongs Dam cl ( I to tl
won , Fnsclnntlon (2 to 1) ) pcoml , Aidatli
(10 ( to 1) ) thlid Time * 10.-
Second lace , mile and nn eighth
Stovvnvvny (3 ( to 1) won , Alix (10 ( to 1) ) second
end , Itev e-1 Santa Anltn (2 ( to G ) third
Tlmo 1 5S.
Thlnl rare , prlvnto swecp'take-H , five fur
longs. Axiom (1 ( to I ) v\cn , BessieHi outline
( G to 1) rpcond , Loislann (4 ( to 1) ) thlid
Time- 02.
Fourth racp , Btookl > n Derby , milt- and a
qunrte.1 Koi-nan (4 ( toG ) won , Counter
Tenor ( fi to G ) FCC end , Sir Galahad (15 to 1
thlid. Tlmo. 2 10's
Fifth lace , Mrtlo f = takp , sclllnc ; , mill
nnd a sixteenth. Pntrlelnn ( .G to 1) won
Peacemaker ( to 1) ) second , UiieUrenc (7 ( to
5) ) thlid. Time : 1 II
Sixth lace , sl\ furlong ! Ilnllstonc (6 ( tc
1) won , Manchester (1 ( to 1) ) second , Sunui
( G to 1) ) third. Time- 15.
Seventh inco , ifurlong4. ! . Felling Corn
cob ( IB to 1) won , Dnilc ( u to 1) spoon I
Golden Gnte (9 to 2) ) thlid. Time 1 Ill's
Two 'IliniiHnncI I'ctiplo Iliero Yoilcrelu >
with .lolliiHteinc u * . Spec-till Attrnuticiii
Notwlthstnndlng the wet weather nm
several other attractions In different sections
of the city , Courtland Ueaeh Inaugurated It
third season yesterday under entirely favor
able auspices , quite 2,000 people passing thi
gates and disporting themselves wherove
sweet fancy dictated The shrill tones of tli
barrel organ attached to the mciry-go
round , the beseeching cries of the vcndci
and tlio excellent music of the Second In
tan try band were reminiscent to a degree
Hut the people wanted the switchback an
the wooden horses whllo waiting the airival
of Paul Alexander Johnstone , the well
known mind leader , who WHS tlio opening
attraction nt this popular icsort.
Johnstone had bacn extensively advertised
to lecover a needle from the bottom of tin
lake , und the excitement was Intense when
ho arrived at the gates , having operated a
motor tinln all the way from the cltj blind
I folded , without accident. At G 15 he en
tercd the water , the needle having been
some hours bcfoie concealed In the mud of
the lake by Sheriff John C Drcxel Blind
. folded and with only a small cord to nld
Mm In his search for the needle , connecting
his own body with that of Mr Drexel
Johnstone In the second dive brought up the
hidden article to the amazement and won
der of the crowd. The rain coming on Just
as ho entered the watci many were unfoi-
tunato not to witness this remarkable feat
but Mr. Johnston ? , none the worse for his
( batn , will repeat the Interesting performance
B Sunday afternoon.
When Johnstone left the Merchants hotel
yesterday afternoon a committee of cltl7 ns
composed of T P. Cartrlght , J. T. Duncan ,
Frank Ireland , Frank Lange and Harry
Moores , accompanied the mind render to
3 the special motor train , which he was to
opeiato through the streets of Omaha to
Courtland Beach. The trip to those compos
- ing the party was full of Incident , Johiihtone
being entirely master of the motor , stop
r ping at crossings , slacking up for passing
I trains and giving warnings to those In
. front , the small boy In this connection being
very much In evidence. At Sixteenth and
Locust streets Johnstono changed cars and
taking one of the East Omaha motors he
began to give Superintendent Lazarus n
practical lesson as to lion to run a train
over the Omaha tracks. When the beach
gates were reached there was a big crowd
piesent to welcome the mind reader , who
had succeeded In mystifying oveiy person a
member of his motor party.
l.loiitcnnnt Trim Sliiki-n Appointment" f
Olnccm for tlin KrisultiB Vriir.
; At the conclusion of the Memorial day
exercises at Hanscom park > cster3ay after
, noon , Lieutenant Pcnn , commanding the
High school cadet battalion , Issued orders
No. 7 , revoking all appointments of cadet
, onlcerstand making the following appoint
< ments and assignments , taking effect of date
! The cadet olllcers are assigned to companies
as follows ;
Company A Captain , Ralph S. Connell ,
, lieutenants , Dale and Small ; first sergeant ,
Jensen ; sergeants , Hunter , Holan , Holmes
and Humphrey ; corporals , Clark , L. Shaw ,
Morton and Williams.
Company D Captain , G. U. Purvis , lieu
tenants , Colletto nnd God o ; first sergeant ,
Sumncr ; sergeants , Dowers , Welshans , Yatcs ,
and Sweet ; corporals , Slides , Engel , Raymond
mend nnd Cuscaden.
Company C Captain , J. Merrltt ; lieu
19 tenants , K. Connell and Ross ; first sergeant ,
1.3 Young ; bergcants , Doano , Wlgton , Beans and
)7 0 Bcecham's pills arc for bilious *
18 ness , bilious headache , dyspep
sia heartburn liver.diz-
, , torpid . -
ziness , sick headachebad , taste
ho in the mouth , coated tongue
iCS ,
nn to loss of appetitcsallo\v , skin.etc. ,
ui when caused by constipation ;
ir- and constipation is the most
ir1) )
le. frequent cause of all of them.
IS. Go by the book. Pills 10 $ and
Irt at a box. Book fne at your
(3 ( druggist's or write B F. Allen Co. ,
, 365 Canal St. , New York.
lea Annul itlei mon thinS/ifl OCOUoix.
'ebbing ; corporals , Curler , Stoncy and Sail
er.Compiny D Captain , J. II. Stcliblns ; lieu-
mants , Llndcey and Tow lie ; first sergeant ,
Osantner ; sergeants , Tukey , Leonard , True
tut Penfolcl ; corporals , Kyncr , Cotton , Man-
hosier nnd Hoblnon ,
Company A , captain , Ralph Connctl , tnvlna
von the first honor ? nt the annual competl-
Ive drill , Is announced as the color com-
ny for the ensuing year.
linns C. llnnscn Is mtule cndct lieutenant
and ndjtitant ; Hay C. Wagner , cadet lieu-
etenant and quartermaster ; Ward Clark ,
cadet major ; Kenneth nvnim , cadet
lii.irtcrmatter sergennt ; Clicotcr A. Franklin ,
cadet color sergeant.
Spnnlfili < ! ttcil > fmtrrrknl. .
LONDON , Mny 30 A special dispatch re
ceived here from Madrid says the gunboat
TaJohA has been wricked near Scbistlau ,
Children love it. They will
eat it every day for ten
vcars ; gives them rosy
Checks tin ' good teeth .
Sold only in 2 Ib. Packages ,
V - *
Allforn.Hof blood and
Shin HI8" isci. t-ores. Spots ,
I'lniples , Scrofula , Tumor * * ,
'letter , Kc/una and Illood
I'n'sim tliormiRlily cleansed
from tlio system.
i-ADIbS glxen careful
urlnl nttcnthui for nil
"limy peculiar all *
Hu v lee COHJ appllcu-
tlon to bUBlneM or study , e\ere mental
strain or Krlcf , SHXUAt. UXCCSSIW In raliliU
life or from 'lie effects of joiltliful follies , all
yield reidlly to our new treatment for Ion of
Mini power .
Your troubles If oul ot
cuie.l nt homo by oor i" , ml ice.
ItlI ' * ' "
lrlmi > ry'Ho *
, tlarrurplill9pcrmiinontlr ! cured In 16 to
[ 3A dayf. Von can bo trcntcd At homo for
thosimo prlcomidoranmo gunrnnty. It
Ijroii prefer to roino hero no wlW contract
to pair railroad faro and betel blll , nnd no
clinrceIf no fall to cure. If you have taken mer
cury , liidlde pnlnnli , nnd still Imvo nclics and
pnlns.JIuoouRTatclicH In mouth , SoroThroat ,
I'luiplcs , Vuppnr Colored bpntH , Illrerii on
anrpartof the body , HiilrorKyi'lircnvH rnlllnc
tint , It la thliSyplillltlo 111.0(10 rOIMIN thai
we gnurnntco to euro Wo BollcltUiomnut obstl-
t in to cnsis and chullenc" tliovorld for n >
r.iHii we ciinncit euro. * ihl dlcnRO 1ms nlvrnra
hnlllod tl.oBklll of thomimtcnilni-iitpliyil-
clans. 8500OOO cniilUil tt'lilinl our uncondl *
tionnl tniaraiity. Absolute ) proofnFontsonlod on
nppllcstlon. AdiJrcM COOK ItKMIMlY CO , ,
U07 MuBOlDn Touinlc , CU1CAUO. ILL.
Dm ! completion * , baliy Wcmlslien , and falling
" liulr puuutctl t'j ' tJiJTt.
CUIIA boAiMontcffee -
ih c tllii niirlf j Ina and t cuutl-
flng ooi'p In the r , nrlil , a *
ui II HI parent nud tof
toilet mid tnirpcr } euapt Only
cuio for pimple * l > cciu e nnlj preventive of
cloyfjlny of the j > oien hold CM v * " *
JAS. S. KIRK & CO. , U. S. A ,
President. Cashier.
First National
Capital , - - 5100,000
Profits , - - - 12 ,00 0
One of I he oldeit bnnki In the state ot Iowa.
U' no licit your butlncii nj collection * . W
pay fi per cent on time depoiltt. We will tx
pirated to > ee nnd itrv * you.
Sometimes needs a rcllnuta
monthly regulating medicine.
Are prompt , ksfe nnd certain In result. The genu
ine ( Dr I'ml'tO neverdlKappoInt Bent anywhere ,
il 00. Sherman & McDonnell Drue Co , ISli
itrtet , Omaha , Neb.
Ol.UO \ Kr RSINRIHIIP.I' . AUorneyi.m-l.uw ,
( Pmctlcp In the 8t&t9
nnd Federal Courts. Roomx
300-7-8-9 , Bhu-
par ) . liloclc , Council Bluffn , Iowa.
Special Notices-Council
iU lluike , at W 8 iloinLr's , , n llroruluay.
Mile cliiup and on cany U ima. Ijaj & , HIM.
J'J I'cnil ulnct.
piuperty C. It. Nicholson , W.i'4 ' llroaduay.
Toil BAI.n , A NO JlI'MfNoToN TVI'i-
writer ; n Knwl ns ntw. b.inUulili Manufactur.
Ing Co. , luJS nnd 1030 H. .Main street ,
rou BALI : , coL.UMiu'.s i'iiAirioN. GOOD
Condition , JCO cash. H. J. Ailams , Hi , 1'erln
u\enii' > , city.
ulnifle. 719 Flikt avenue. i
i :
iy ? d Cleaning and Dyeing of Garments anil
n , Goods ol Every Description ,
r- y Schocdsack'd Twin City Dya
Works , Cor. Avenue A anil 20tli
St. , Council llhillH. Office , 1521 l-'ut
le imm St. , Unuilin.
y.CB CBMl Scud for Price List ,