FHE OMAHA ILY BEE ESTAULISIIED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , FRIDAY MAY a I , 1895. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENT BLUE AND THE GRAY UNITE Immento Gathering Do Homage to th < Southern Dead of damp Douglas. FOES IN WAR , BROTHERS IN PEACE Confederate Monument Unveiled In thlcwR" with Imputing Ceremonies AUdriM by OciiGr.il Wndo Ilninptoii nn llclmlf of the Bauth. CHICAGO. May 30. Financially and to daily the historic ' Mason and Dlxon's line' has been obliterated from the map of th United State * , and In the leading feature o the Memorial day exercises here today I would seem that politically , as well , th "dead lino" lalJ down over a generation ag to mark the territorial division between ou slave and our free territory has been throwi down. With the dedication today In thlf ono of the staunchcstinlon cities , In th heart of the country whence came the blue coated warriors who marched "from Atlant to the eei , " of a handsome monument to th lasting memory of men who were the gra and fought for the "lost cause" under th star * and bars , a confederate "high vvatc mark" was established far north of that sc at Gettysburg by force of arms. This , tot with the ungrudging consent of the staunc unionists among whom it Is placed and wit the countenance 'and assistance ot veteran In blue , foes In arm. ? , but friends In peace- doing honor to an acknowledged valor vvhlc Is now the common heritage of our countr ] The dedication was accompanied by pcrhar the most Impressive and Imposing ceremonU among the exercises set down for Decora.tlo day In nny part of the union. At Cottag Grove avenue and Thlrly-flfth street , then I the outskirts , but now In the heart of th ! city , a ttockailo was built during the civ war and named Camp Douglaa , and the ; many thousands of confederate prisoners wci confined between the yeirs 1SC2 an * 18CI The men held there under the restrain ! which befall captives of war had spent the 1 , ' lives In the balmy cllmato of the sunny soutl nnd the rigors of a northern winter told upo them severely. As a consequence 0,000 < them were liberated by death and wei lurltd In Oakwnod cemetery at Cottage Grov nvenuo and Slxty-sovonth street. It waa to the memory of these C.OOO wl had died In a military prison In an enemy country that the monument was to3ay dcd cated by their comrades and opponents I srms on the spot where they lie burled. ' Is the first monument to confederate dea erected In the north , and the event was pei haps without a parallel In history. It does not appear that anywhere else c the face of our round globe , within a perlc of thirty yeirs after the close of a blttcrl fought war , the vanquished have ever bcfoi erected a monument to the memory of the comrades In arms In the heart ot the victor tcrrltorv. Especially has the sight neve been witnessed ot the victors heartily Joli Ing the vanquished In doing honor to tt Valor of the vanquished dcaJ. HOW IT CAME ABOUT. This dedication Is the outcome of a movi mcnt Inaugurated by the confederate assocl ; tton of Chicago. It undertook to ralso tl necessary funds for the erection of the mom ment , and General John C. Underwood , southern officer , In command ot the northei divisions of the United Confederate veteran was chosen to carry the. work forward. Tl fund started with $1 COO from a lecture give In Chicago by General Gordon of Georgi Citizens ot Chicago also subscribed $10,00 and subscriptions by confederate veterans ar others brought the fund up to the necessai amount. The monument was three yea under construction. The largest assemblage ot distinguished co : federate veterans ever teen in the nori was ono ot the notable features of the occ fclon. Those nruscnt Included Generals Jol 11. Gordon , Wade Hampton , James Lon street , Stephen D. Lee , Fltzhugh Lee , Han Iletli , S. G. French , E. C. Wolthall , M i Duller , L. L. Lomax , Marcus J. Wrlgli Frank C. Armstrong , Eppa Hunton , Josci O. Shelby , William II. Payne. Fayotlo Hew 11 C. U. Evans and Joseph H Lewis. Near all these distinguished visitors , accompanl by their wives and families , together wl representatives of the Confederate assocl tlon ot Washington , D. C. ; Camp Moultrl Sons of Veterans of Charleston , S C. , ai representative delegations from Atlanta ai other points , also arrived yesterday. They wcro mot at the depots by comrad In armu who preceded them and by the loc reception committee , composed ot federal ai contedcrato veterans and the leading profc ilonal and business men ot the city with oultablo scort and driven to their hod Later they attended a matlnco performan at a theater. In the evening they were welcomed to t city by Mayor Swift , General Gordon i spondlng. This was followed by a me brilliant banquet at Kinsley's. Today's cci monies began with the ringing of the Colui blan liberty bell , firing ot a national salu by. battery D , Illinois National guards , the lake front. Then a carriage parade of renowned nort ern nnd southern generals was formed ai moved under military escort to the Twelf street depot and there took trains In wa Ing for Oakwood cemetery , whore the dei cation ceremonies occurred. The mllita escort consisted of the well known Fli regiment , Illinois National guard , under coi ma ml of Colonel Henry L , Turner , as w as the Chicago hussars , a mounted mllita organization ot soventy-fivo men , under coi inand of Captain Qulncy. The dedication ceremonies were open with prajcr by Colonel Joseph Desha Pie ott. chaplain of the Kentucky Orphan b Bade , C. S. A. Then General Underwood , a few Introductory rcmarKs , placed In t chair Rov. Dr. W II. Bolton , pastor of t Centenary Methodist chure.1i anil past coi mandcr U. S. Grant post No. 28 , Ora Army of the Republic , of Chicago , who i llvered n brief address on assuming 1 dutlew. The dedicatory oration by Lleuti nut General Wade Hampton of South Cai Una followed. General Hampton spoke follows : GENERAL HAMPTON'S ADDRESS. The scene presented here today Is ono tl could bo witnessed In no country but c own and for this reason , If for no other , possesses a significance worthy of the grt cst consideration. A few > cars ago bra men from the north ami south stood fact each other In hostile array and the bi blood ot the country was poured out II water on many a battlefield. Thousam aye , hundreds of thousands , of our bravi sloop In bloody graves ; men who gava th lives to provo the faith ot their conv tlons , and now north and south , stamll by these graves , wherever they may grasp hands across the bloody chasm a proudly claim federal ami confederate s dtcra as men who have given to the wo as nnblo examples of courage and devotl to duty as can bo mro.lcd ou the pages history. Nor U this nil that marks this occasl nil exceptional and romurKuble , and wh ! should render It memorable In our ann for all tlmo to como. No monument In I world has sudi an honombio history as taclua to yonder one. That mini u mi marKs Ilia gnues ot no victorious soldle but ot the followers ot a lost cause ; It not on southern soil , but on northern ; I men resting under Its shadow como fri our far-nft southland and It owes Its cr tlon not to tlio comrades of these di soldiers , but mainly to the gonercslty a magnanimity of their former foes , the el B ni of this city. All honor , then , to I bravo and liberal men ut Chicago , vvtio h : shown by their uctlou that they regard I l\ar as over and that they can vveluo an frlondH on thin solemn and aut > tci occajloa their former i'licinlts As long tlitx lofty column points to heaven , as i graven Btnne remains , future generations Americans should lock upmi It with prl not only ai an 1'onor to tliono who conceh IU rouctruitlon , but n's u xllfnt , though i bio emblem ot a rot toted union und c united pocplc. In tlio UR.WO ot my coir.rai anil Hrlng and in my own nam give grateful thanks to the brave men ot Chicago who have done honor to our dead here , not as confederate soldiers , but as bravo men who preferred Imprisonment and death rather than freedom obtained by a dishonorable sacrifice ot the principles for which they wcro willing to die. PREFERRED DEATH TO FREEDOM. Of the 6,000 confederates burled here not no was an officer ; nil were privates , In no ay responsible for the unhappy war which rought an Iliad of wees upon our country , nd yet these humble private soldiers , any no of whom could have gained freedom > y taking the cath of nlleg'anco to the ideral government , preferred death to the acrlflco of their principles Can any possl- ilo dishonor attach to these bravo men of htcago because they are willing to recog- Ize the courage and devotion to duty of heso dead confederates ? Imaglno If you can , my friends , the sor- ow , the despair of these poor prisoners ly- ng In prison and dying for their faith. They died hero In what they looked upon as foreign and hostile land , far from the and of their birth , with no tender hands f mother or wife to scothe their entrance nto the dark valley ot the shadow ot death , nd with all the memories of their faraway omes and loving kindred to add the sharp- st pangs of death Itself. They were true nen and say , If jou please , that they were .nlstaken , that they were wrong , no brave man on earth can fall to do honor to theli : ourago and their steadfast adherence tc what they conceived to bo their duty. Death places Its seal on the actions ol men nnd It Is after death that wo "measure men. " Wo of the bouth measure our dead omrndcs burled hero by the standard np- illed to men , after death , and you of Chi' : ago have measured them by the same tandard , the only standard by which wo cat measure men , and by applying this yoi have shown that you have come to the ilghost standard vouchsafed to men nnd ot .his north nnd south can stand with honoi alike to both sections. Are any fedora joldlers disloyal to the flag under which thej bought because thcy-Joln In decorating the graves of bravo men whom they met Ir battle ? Thousands of federal soldiers Ho undei southern skies In unknown graves. Am when on Memorial day In the south the .raves of our dead are decorated gray leaded confederate veterans and noble , de oted women , strew flowers over the gravei of the federal soldiersIf the humane , gen erous action of this city In doing honor te .ho memory of their old antagonists Is ele nounced as desecration It would seem to fol ow that tl-o decoration of federal gravei by rebels' hands should be open to tho. sami criticisms , but no denunciation of southcn people for daring to honor the memory o men who were once their enemies has me my eyes. Such narrow and bigoted feelings as wouh prompt a discordant note on occasions o this kind are rarely found among true mei and bravo soldiers and I have often though .hat If the two great captains who won engaged In that death grapple In Virglnli had been left to settle the terms of peace each supported by his faithful followers , thi country would have a peace Indeed , om honorable alike to victor and vanquished and which would have prevented the evil brought about by the politicians. HIS TRIBUTE TO LINCOLN. As It Is , the south recognizes and honor .he magnanimity of General Grant towan our great chief , General Lee , and deplore as an unmitigated misfortune the assasslna tlon of Lincoln. I repeat omphatlcal y thi untimely death of President Lincoln was re garded by all thoughtful men of the soutl as ono of the serious evils which had be fallen our section nnd I venture to say tha my southern associates hero present wll sustain my assertton. We know that durln ; the war ho devoted every energy of mln and body for the restoration of the unloi and that result accomplished we felt tha his big brain and his kind heart wc.nl prompt him to deal kindly and lenient ! with his fellow citizens ot the south ; for hi highest If not his sole aim was to see th union restored and It was a cruel fate tha deprived him of what ho hoped would b the reward of his labors and the sout of ono who would have been her stronges protector In her sorest hour of need. Some of our northern fellow citizens seer to paraphrase the biblical question , "Ca anything good come out of Nazareth ? " b applying It to the south ; but , my frlendi wo really are not all evil. Put yoursel In our place and Judge us from that stand point. In the convention which frame the constitution there were two partlc which held opposite posttons , ono advocal Ing the formation of a central government and the other advocating the doctrine e states' rights. It was to reconcile thcs antagonistic views by compromise by vvhlc all powers not delegated to the generi legislature were annexed to the states , bt like all compromises It left these vital que : tlons unsettled. From 17S7 until 1SG1 th proper construction to be placed on th clause ot the constitution Just referred t has led to constant and often angry discus ston. This unfortunate condition of nffali was further complicated by the Injection e the question of slavery Into It and we a know what haa been the result of these ut happy differences. These are all now dead Issues and I el not propose to discuss them. The voxe questions since the foundation of the go\ ernmcnt are settled and reference to thei Is made only to show how natural the court of the south was , educated as the peep tfiero wore , In the school of strict stal rights. Every southern man felt that a en made upon him by state i\as an Impcri tlvo command and that his duty was to obe without hesitation and nt all hazards. Whe the north called on Its citizens to rally I the old flag they , too , responded to tl summons from a sense of duty as did tl people of the south to the call made on then York and Lancaster , cavalier and roumlhcai no longer wage war on each other ; all ai Englishmen , proud of their country and tl red rose and the white are emblems i peace and of the glory of old England Ca wo not all be proud of the prowess of tl American soldier ? A memorial poem by Major Henry Stantc of Kentucky was next , and the literary pa ot the dedication was closed w th an ai dress by Rt. Rev Samuel Fallows , blsht ot the Reformed Episcopal church ot Ch cage , late general United States volunteer The ceremonies of consecrating the gui nnd placing the floral decorations follow < and the exercises closed with the firing three volleys over the graves of the de : by the First regiment , Illinois Nation guirds. ending with a bugle blare ar "taps. " Following the set program came the dec ration of the graves of union soldiers In tl cemetery by the ex-Confederato assoclatlo assisted by a large number of visiting lad ! from the south , many of them noted sout : crn beauties , among whom were Oener Underwood's daughter. General Longstreet daughter. General Canell's daughter , ai many other celebrated southern women After the exercises the guests were ente talned at luncheon by the Chicago club ai reviewed the procession of the Grand Arn of the Republic from the balcony of tl Auditorium. Tno display of flowers on the graves the confederate and federal dead was ve Impressive and will long be remembered. Fi several days they had been coming by tl carload , six carloads having come by 01 railroad alone. Sivannah sent palmettc mosses , wild cnillax , magnolia blossoms at laurel wreaths. New Orleans rent 5 000 magnolia blossor and other tributes from New Orleans ni Pensacoln The Charleston car contained G green palmettos , 1,1)00 pounds of Carolli branches of ccdur , magnolia and laurel at many set des RIIH In laurel leaves Interwovi with the letters "S. C. , " the work of womi ut the Daiighters of the Confederacy and tl Ladles' Memorial association of Charlesto Two carload * cnmo from Atlnnt.i , nnd I 'liuled rotes , palmettos nn'l designs by tl Lidlea' Memorial nsnoclitlcm of Atlanta. IVII lleuil from Ihc llr.it. CINCINNATI. May SO. The first hrat vi Um wrx reported this morning An in Kiinvn man overcome by the h at fell de ; on tic fttre'U He was about SO years o ! iua fairly well dretecd. FLOWERS FOR UNION DEAD Memorial Day Observed with Elaborate Ceremonies All Over thj Country. GOVERNOR MORTON HAS A FAINTING SPELt Unllctlni from Decoration Servlcci O\ci Jinny n f the Graves of America's lojiil Hens Who Foil In the tlvllar. . NEW YORK , May 30. Veterans of tin union army In this city celebrated the da ; ot the dead under favorable conditions. Th parailo of the Grand Army members , start Ing from the Plaza at Fifth avenue am Fifty-ninth street , showed eadly the ravage which the years have made In the ranks o the volunteers ot 18C1-5. The review In stand at Twenty-fifth street was occup'e < by ex-President Harrison , Governor McKIn ley , Governor Morton and Mayor Strong The graves of soldiers In Trinity church yard were handsomely decorated by a committee mitteo representing the Grand Army post of this city and Greenwood and other come terles In or near tbo city were also remem bered. The principal observance of the day , how ever , was at the tomb of Grant , Rlversld park , overlooking tlio Hudson river. Th services there were under the auspices c U. S. Grant pest , Grand Army of the Re public , and consisted of a memorial aJdres by Governor McKlnley of Ohio. The Unite States cruiser Cincinnati was anchored I the river by order of the secretary of th navy and fired a salute. The statue In Battery park of John I Ericsson , the designer of the Monitor , wa adorned with flowers In honor of his dU ingulshcd services for the union cause At New Rochelle n statue of Thoma Paine , the framer of the Declaration of It dependence , was unvleled this afternoon , a , dresses suitable to the occasion being dellv ered by Colonel R. G. Ingersoll and Thadduu B. Wakeman GOVERNOR MORTON FAINTS. Whllo Governor Morton was reviewing th pirado at the stand In Madison square toda ho was observed to turn pale and ho so down abruptly. The next Instant he lurche forward and fell with his head against th rough scantling on the reviewing stand. A. W Cole , his private secretary , spran forward and caught the governor's head an raised it. Ex-President Harrison was only moment behind Mr. Cole , and they , with th assistance of Mayor Strong , lifted the gov crnor from his chair , and laid him upon th floor of the reviewing stand. A young lad came forward and offered a silver brand flask. General Harrison poured some of th 'Iquor Into a glass of water and pressed I : o the governor's lips. Governor Morton1 face was very white. His eyes closed weai Ily , but when a band came by playing a stli ring march they opened quickly and he strut gled to get on his feet again. Mr. Harriso bsnt over him , and putting his lips to tli governor's ear , said "No , governor ; yo must lie still. You have been overcome wit the heat. We have sent for a carriage and w will take jou away. " t The governor was lying behind a boar partition about thirty Inches high. "Tea away that partition , " exclaimed General Hai rlson and In a twinkling three big pollceme had torn the partition down. The uovcrnt smiled faintly and again struggled to gi upqn his feet He was assisted this tlm by Mayor Strong , Mr. Cole and a member i the governor's staff. "I must review the parade , " said the go' ernor. "No , no , " InterJecteJ General Harrisoi "You arc not fit ; you mu't como with me. " "I will review the parade , " Insisted tl governor , and he etoodi straight as an a row and looked out toward the avenue , mighty cheer went up from 10.000 throa and the governor raised his hand to his ha which had been placed on his head. As 1 did so he swajed from side to side , ai woull have fallen had not strong arm ? su ] ported him. Then he turneJ to the mayi and asked him In a tremulous voice : "WI you review tfio parade , Mr Mayor ? " "Yes , yes , " said the mayor. The governor was then helped down his carriage by General Harrison and other The general gbt Into the carriage with tl governor. J. J. Aston end other membe of the governor's staff climbed In and tl carriage was driven to the Fifth avenue note where ho soon recovered. PKKSl.NY IS 'IIIU T1AIK FOU PKAC Gcneriil Longitropt Writes a Letter to MixnnclMiinttn Scllool. LOWELL , Mass. , May 30. In the cour of the Decoration day exercises held In tl public schools today A. L Bacheller , mast of Green school , read to his pupils the follo\ Ing letter from Gsneral James Longstreet : "GAINESVILLE , Ga. , May 27. To the P plls of Green School , Lowell , Mass. : Yoi worthy master had kindly Indicated a desl for 'a few words to his pupils , to make er phatlc the fact that today we have no dlvld sections , and the relating of some inclde which actually came under your ( my ) observ tlon' during the late civil war. A comp ance with this request Is a pleasure. "In the winter of 1SG3 the confederate am under my command lalil siege to Knoxvlll Tenn , , the union forces In the beleagured cl being under command of General Burnsld who assaulted my lines at Frederlcksburg 1SG2. Around Knoxvllle all day long , and d after day , could be heard the constant ai heavy cannonading , mingled with the Ince sant musketry firing , showing the blue ai gray with artillery and Infantry were ba tllng for their convictions ( as they understo them ) , while on the outskirts now and th the fierce ring and clatter of sabers and t zip ! zlpl 7lp' of the deadly carbines show that the cavalrymen of both armies were n Idle. Yet after midnight a holy , solen hush , as ot God's benediction , fell upon t two opposing forces , and soon the stillness night was gently broken on Armstrong II by my headquarters band playing the 'St Spangled Banner , ' which , at its concluslc was answered by General Burnslde's hea quarters band playing the 'Bonnie Blue Flai to which my band responded with 'Yank Doodle ; ' then from General Burnslde's cat 'Dixie , ' and my musicians replied wl 'Hall , Columbia , ' and to close the serena the two binds played first a sacred piece , a both wound up the evening's entertalnme by Joining and In perfect tune playing 'Hon Sweet Home. ' TRUCE IN THE EVENING. "During these evening concerts It won have been easy for my men to have kill General Burnslde and vice versa , but a soldier who would have been guilty of a punlc faith on these occasions would ba been violently dealt with , and when the la beautiful strains ot 'Home , Sweet Horn were wafted from the two bands upon t evening air strong men showed pall checks and tearful eyes , that on the me low wcro unblanched and stern wh "breasting the storm ot shrieking shell ai splashing shrapnel. "If recent publications be true. In t ! closing dajs around Petersburg , when Ge cral Leo ordered me to re-establish 1 broken line , Captain Robert T. Lincoln General Grant's staff was with a detachme of union tioops that pressed close up General Lee's headquarters , as I took po of General Bennlng's brigade and check the federal advance for a short while , a here with my men wo protected General L from capture and had a severe cngageme with the opposing forces. Only thirty yea from that time have elapsed , and In Novel ber , 1S9G , I would be delighted to fee t leunlted American peopa ! place In t white house that gallant young union offlc who pressed up so close to General Lei tent and rode hard on our heels to Fan vlle ! , Amelia Court House , Sailor's Cre and Appomattox. This certainly demo stratca a sentiment of loyalty to one coil try and ono flag and a revival ot the e ot good feeling. "When politicians , from sinister motlv would precltltato a crisis which appeals ( o our sectional prejudices , let us"rekindle our patriotism by going back to 'the scenes In which the great , good men iotik part who framed the constitution an We shall learn from them to deal kindly and considerately with each other na members of the simc great family and to cherish a patriotism broad enough to embrace our whole country. All of us north and south should bo proud of New England , her varied civilization and thriving Industry , and glory In the suffcr- ngs and vlrtuca of the pilgrim fathers and ; ather with her sons at Plymouth Rock to ccall the Mayflower with Its precious relght , and wo should be equally proud of amestown and cherish the memory of that oble band who , In face , of every dlscour- gemcnt and danger , planted a stable colony pen this virgin land where years later jtst went up the- heroic cry , 'The cause ol lostcn Is the cause of alll' showing how armly the southerner sympathized with hit lorthern brother In the determination to cslst foreign aggressions. ECHOES GRANT'S SENTIMENTS. I rejoice In the eloquence of Everett , lift my hat to Warren's form perpetuated In narble , and In fancy visit the tomb of Web- ter at Marshfleld , where the sea rolls Its ubllme diapason , as If It lamented the de parted statesman , and In the same spirit 1 honor the Illustrious men of the south , ami n thought wander along ( he banks of the Potomac , where the fore.tiost man of the world sleeps his last long slumber. This iplrlt finds expression In General Grant's Personal Memoirs , ' where , In the conclud. ng two pages of the last volume , he makes t pathetic appeal to his follow countrymer o banish all the passions of our late war cease all criminations and recrimination ! and be a harmonious people ; and my hope and prayer are that the beautiful sentiment ! of the dying warrior upon Mount McGrcgoi may permeate every gathering and pulsate through every speech upon Memorial daj and touch a responsive chord In all heart ! as they strew flowers upon \hc \ graves of tin soldier dead , confederate and federal. "Host on. embalmed and nlntcd dead , Dear na the blood ye Cave , No Impious footstep hero shall tread The herbage of your grave. 'And ' In this spirit I hope to be In Chicago , \licrc with Abraham Lincoln's son and wttl the Q A. R. posts and confederate encamp ment. I trust to participate In rendering ap proprlate tributes to both the heroic unlot dead and the gallant companions In arms o mine who died while prisoners at Cami Douglas. " _ mo .ir/j.v mtowNRn AT I.EWI i : . C. Uimiulok nml K < 1 'lUcUer Jlcct Urutl In it Dam. LEIGH , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele gram. ) E. C. Dlmmlck , manager of tin Stanton Breeding Farm company's ranch , nlm miles northwest of town , belonging to Mar shall Field of Chicago , and Ed Tucker , hi : ranch foreman , were drowned about 11 o'clocl this forenoon. The accident happened whlh a dam was being repaired. The team twi hired men were using got oft the dam Inti he water , which was about fifteen feet deep Tucker rode his horse Into the stream to tr : and get the team out. He was thrown of and was struggling between the horses ii the water when Dlmmlck came up. Hi plunged Into the water to save Tucker am In the struggle both were drowned. Tin dam was cut , but the bodlt s washed dowi stream with the water and were not recoverei till late In the afternoon. Tucker was foum one mile below the dam , and Dlmmlck abou three miles lower. Dlmmlck has been man ager of the ranch for five jears. He wa strongly talked of as a candidate on the re publican ticket for1 state'6enator from hi district last fall. Hevtra jnember of th Uniform Rank Knlghts-xjt Pythias' Madl son , which order has' taken charge of th body and will conducfTthc ? funeral. It I not decided yet whether the body will b Interred at Madison or Fremont , where rel atlves of Dlmmlck llve STERLING , Neb.- May 30 ( Special Tele gram , ) Charley Huston , the 15-year-old soi of N. R. Huston , a farmer , was drowne today. With two other boys ho won swimming and got Into deep water , an not being a good swimmer , was drovvneil CVCI.ONI ; n.vn.vm ; NB.K CUU-.MV : Houses Demolished itiulicvornl Tenons In jurcil by the Twlitor. CHAPMAN , Neb. , May 30. ( Special. ) j severe hall , rain and wind storm struck thl place about 7 o'clock last evening , doln ; some damage to crops and breaking many win dows. A small c > clone struck about tw miles east of here , taking everything In It track , one-halt mile wide and a mile lonj The farm house of A. Bailer was complete ) demolished , and Mrs Bailer and two chll drcn sustained severe Injuries and were toun in an unconscious condition. Bailer wa quite badly hurt on the head , but their othe children escaped moro luckily , their clothe being literally torn from Uielr bodies , an they are covered with bruises , caused by th hall. The family was Just preparing to tak to the cellar when the storm struck th house. Had they done eo all would hav been killed , as the cellar caved In and th ends of several timbers were ; driven Into It t the depth of a foot. The roof and part c the floor were carried threje'-quarters of mile. Several barns and other buildings wer also demollshhed. Two Inches of rain fell. PICNIC HliMJHK-j COLI.Al'slC. Distressing Accident ut NpDru K City Uur Inc livcorutlun D.iy Services. NEBRASKA CITY , May 30. ( Special Teh gram. ) The Decoration day exercises at tli park were marked by a most dlstressln accident. The temporary e ats broke and tl occupants were thrown to the ground. Mr ; Dr. Bedel's limb was broken In two place ; O. N. Watson and Mrs. g. W. Hogo wei badly bruised and had to be conveyed 5ioin In carriages. Several others were > more e less Injured. Sheriff Huberle returned from Auburn th morning , having In custody Charles Foste and T. S Lambert , whom ho arrested at thi place last night on the charge of robbing tl Dunbar postofflce. The greater part of tl Jewelry stolen at Dunbar was found In the possession. They will be turned over I the government for prosecution. Dr. J. W. Chadduck , one "of tlie oldei dentists In the state , died today. agoJ 64. I came to this city In 1 03 , The decease was prominent In Masonic circles. Cromhirnt 1'iiimcr Commit ! hulcliln , OAKDALE , Neb. . May 3Q.-MSpeclal. ) Joli Cowen , a well to do 'farmer,1 living two mill from here , was found. In hia barn this mon Ing suspended by the deckr dead. Ho hi been 111 for several ylara , and of late h mind has been unbalanced , , Ciirrleit the I'omlH In'ltifl ( Irlp. NEW YORK , May SO.r When Loga Carlisle , son and private secretary ot tl secretary of the treasury , stepped on boai the eteamstlp Paris he carried a grl | sack , In which were fully ' $50,000,000 i United States bonds ot late Issue. The : bonds will bo placed In the hands European bankers and VMIl Ileiiime with N ominlon Men. PROVIDENCE , May 30. Superlntendei Legco of the At'antlc mills' ' has given notli that on Monday morning work will be r turned In the mills with nonunion hand None of those who participated In the still will be employed. Similar action by etui manufacturers Is expected. L'nllrd I'rrnbyfertxn * Adjourn. PITTSBURG , May ? < ) . The United Presb ; terlan general assembly finished IU woi last night and adjourned to meet In Xenl O , on the fourth Wednesday of May , 180 An attempt was made * to reduce the ( salarl of the general officers , but It did not BU ceed , ltrpri' cn'utl e IHtt Ii M-ller. WASHINGTON , May 30. Representatl' III * passed a fairly comfortable night. Eat day shows a slight Improvement over tl preceding one , and on the whole his coi dltlon U quite a little better than a week BE LOYAL VALOR REMEMBERED ) econtion Day Services Observed by Ne braska Citizens Generally. ESTING PLACE OF VETERANS VISITED "lowers Hpreid Upon tlio Graves by Lovlnc llnmlaVhllo Eloquent OrntorJ 1'rnlso the Cnuto for Which They Ulcd. LINCOLN , May 30. ( Special. ) Memorial ay was appropriately and universally ob- erved In all parts of the city. Hags and untliiR were profusely displayed and by noon all lines of business were closed for bo day. Simple but Impressive religious ervlces were under the direction of the Irand Army posts and the Woman's He- let corps. There were a large number ol people In from the country , and In the early afternoon a stream of carriages filled the oad to Wyuka cemetery , but the services vero necessarily cut short and hurried by ho rain storm , which fell upon the city at p. in. The donations of flowers had beer Ibcral and the committees of the posts had > ecn busy all the morning arranging vreaths. The loving task of decoration was 'ntrusted ' to the ladles , who were met at he cemetery gates by delegations of school children , who assisted In the work. At the rave of each veteran was a small flag , bear ng the letters "O. A. R. " The name , rank company and regiment of the burled soldlei vere upon a small card attached to eacli flag. flag.A A magnificent cross of evergreens was one f the striking decorations , and It was placet ! on the G. A R. plot. In the center was the vord "Unknown" worked In flowers. This vas placed there by the Woman's Hellel corps of Appomattox post and was to thi nemory of the unknown dead. At Wjuka and St. Theresa's cemeteries hero are Interred 147 soldiers and om army nurse , Mrs. Hettlo K. 1'alntcr. Mosl of these arc burled outside the Grand Ami ) of the Republic plot , whlcb Is ono of the lamlsomest In the cemetery. Since lasl Memorial day twenty-seven veterans ha\c lied and been laid to rest within these cem eteries. The parade to the cemeteries was header > y the Sons of Veterans band of Unlverlstj "lace , numbering fifteen pieces. Companj 3 , Nebraska National Guard , followed General Amasa Cobb post , Sons of Veterans mistered about twenty men and boys , ant bo Lincoln Light Infantry had about twentj n line. At the state capltol all the desks were lesertcd In the different offices throughoul the day , and most of the doors locked. VALPARAISO. Neb. May 30 ( Specla Telegram. ) The largest procession ever seer n this place took part In decorating tin graves of the fallen soldiers today. Aftoi returning from the cemetery Prof. Grlnici of Lincoln delivered an eloquent address ii the opera hoube , followed by a shoit , stir ring speech from Major M. B. Llflln of thli place. A choir of nlno singers renders several choice selections and the spirits o all present were further enlivened b ] .ho magnllicent rain , which fell during tin latter part of the services. LYONS , Neb , May 30. ( Special Tele ; rnm. ) About 2,000 people took part In thi Decoration day exorcises hero. Ono hundred Indian school children and twelve employe : of the Omaha reservation took part In th < program. II. E. Carter of Tekamah am Judge Keysor of Omaha were the speaker ; of the day. The afternoon exorcises closei with a game of base ball between the In illan boys of the reservation and the horn team. Score 8 to 8 at the close of the las half of the fifth Innings , rain Interfering NOHPOLK , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele gram ) Abundant rain and cheering cro ] prospects stimulate love of country and thl condition greatly aided Norfolk people Ii the proper observance of Memorial day. Th graves 'of deceased veterans wcro deco rat'd by the Grand Army of the Republl post this forenoon , and at 2 p m. a gram lirocesslon , headed by the Norfolk Mllltar ; band and the Moore Rifles In their natt ; now uniforms and followed by the newl ; uniformed fire department , Hobertsoi Guards , Mathewson post. Grand Army of th Republic , and a long line of citizens am carriages , paiadcd the streets and marchei to ndgewater park , where Rev. Mr. Sander son delivered the finest oration ever bean hero on any similar occasion. HASTINGS , May 30. ( Special Telegram. Rain Interfered somewhat with the ob servance of Memorial day. The open al piogram had to be dispensed with , only detachment of members of the Grand Arm going to the cemeteries to decorate th graves of comrades who have- answered t the last roll call. At the opera house ever available seat was taken. The program wa opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Rose , fol lowed by song by a chorus composed c Mrs. Judge Deall , Misses Ward and Gunsen houscr and Messrs. Casscll , Carruthcn Snyder and Phelps. The address was mad by Congressman Andrews , who eulogize the men who formed the bone and sinew c the union army , the privates , while pay In tribute to the greatest lights. Five llttl girls went through the ritual of decorattn the graves of the unknown soldiers , eac reciting a verso as she deposited her vvreatl Music was furnished by a quartet , Messri Snyder , Cassell , Phelps and Carrutheri and the Hastings Military band. Rev. Mi Folsom pronounced the benediction. BEAVER CITY , Neb , May 30 ( Sped ! Telegram. ) The Decoration day exercise were postponed this morning on account ( the rain , but exercises were held at the com house this afternoon. SHELTON , Neb. , May 30 ( Special Tell gram ) Rain this morning Interfered wit Decoration day exercses. In the afternooi however , a lares crowd assembled In tl opera house to listen to the annual addres The exercises were under the auspices of Je Hooker post , and E. C. Calkins of Kearnc delivered the address STROMSnURG , Neb , May 30 ( Spec ! Telegram ) Memorial day was appropriate ! observed here today Probably the large ; concourse of people inarched from the Grar Army hall to the cemetery that had evi gathered at this place on an occasion of th kind. The services were conducted undi the auspices of J A Mower post , compar I. National Guards. J. A Mower post , Grar Army of the Republic , Women's Relief corj and children of the public schools marched I line , followed by citizens and headed by tl Stromeburg Cornet band. The exorclsi closed with a splendid parade and an addrei by lion James Kyner of Omaha. SYRACUSE. Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tel gram. ) Decoration day services were observi today In the opera house , Captain J II Stlcl ler of Hebron delivering the address. Tl housa was packed to Us utmost capacity ar flowers were In abundance. After the addrei the Grand Army of the Republic and Sons i Veterans marched to the cemetery to mart ! music , where the graves of the comrad were appropriately decorated SUTTON , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tel gram ) Memorial exercises were held th afternoon , but were Interrupted by a heav rain storm , which continued until ovenln Business was suspended during the service whch took place in the Methodist Eplscop church. Hon. Randolph McNatt of Ri Cloud delivered an oration. The vocal mus was fin3 , Although raining , a large numb at the cloEO of the services went to the cen etery and decorated the graves of the fou teen union soldiers who arc burled there. GRAND ISLAND. Neb. . May 30. ( Spec ! Telegram ) Judge Starks of Aurora deliver ! a memorial address at the soldiers' lion this morning. The graves of tli3 depart ! heroes In the city cemetery were decorat < In the presence of COO people. A memorl day program , In which were addresses I Hon. O. A. Abbott and others , was render * at the opera house this afternoon. The pa ade was dispensed with on account of rain. VALLEY , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tel gram ) Decoration day was duly observed thli city today. In the forenoon the icho children gave an Interesting program of too ; ami recitations , after which the large crowi ! partok of a btskct dinner. In the afternoon the veterans , headed b ; the Valley Cornet band , marched to the ccnv etcry , where the , graves of deceased soldier ! were decorated. Short addresses were mnili by W. H. Whitman of this place ami Prof D. W. Hill of Omaha. In the evening an Interesting musical pro gram was rendered at the opera house , will short addresses by W 11. Whltmore and Prof Hill. The music was rendered by the Prof Campbell quartet , assisted by Prof. Roy Smltr and Mrs. Harrison of Fremont. RED CLOUD , Neb. . May 30. ( Special Tel cgram ) Decoration day was duly observci hero , though the order of the program wai Interfered with by rain Rev. O'Neill o Pawnco City being unable to deliver the ad dress , Hon. W A. McKclghan spoke at tin opera house during the rain , after whlcl the graves of the departed veterans wen decorated. WAYNE. Neb , May 30 ( Special Tele gram ) Decoration day dawned bright am beautiful nftcr a splendid rain. Ily nlm o'clock all the business houses had beet decorated with flags and hunting , and b ; 10 the- streets wcio crowded with people At 1 30 the parade , formed , band , Gram Army of the Republic , uniform rani Knights of P ) thins , Modern Woodmen , fire men and citizens In line , and marched ti the opera house , where 1,200 people had as setnbled , and nearly as many moro weri unable to gain admission. Speeches wcri made by a number of prominent citizens nftcr which the parade again formed am marched to the cemetery , where the grave of departed Grand Army men were deco rated , the ritual services being nbandonei owing to the rain. HARTINGTON. Neb. . May 30. ( Sptcla Telegram ) Hundreds of people from nl parts of the country participated In th Decoration day exercises here. A gram parade to the cemetery , followed by th usual decoration of soldiers' graves , occuplci the forenoon. Music was furnished by th Hartlngton and Coleridge bands. In th afternoon J. C. Elliott of West Point gav a highly eloquent and able address to i packed house. WAVERLY , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tel CRram ) Decoration day was observed b the usual services and wcro In charge o the Grand Army of the Republic post. Th town In geneial was piofusely decoratci and flags were floating from every bulldln In honor of the ones who fought and die for their country Ilrlef ceremonies were hel < at the cemeteiy over the dead comrad.es graves. The veterans were ably addresssi by Messrs. Atkinson and Woodward of Lin coin. coin.DUNI1AR , Neb , May 30 ( Special Tele gram. ) School closed today .with appro prlate cxeiclses , orations , essays and reel tatlons being the order of the day. Prol Saylor of the Lincoln Normal unlverslt delivered an address this afternoon to largo audience. NORTH PLATTE , ' Neb. , May 30 ( Specla Telegram ) Church Howe delivered the me morlal address hero today and the old soldier vent to the cemetery In carriages to decorat n the face of a blinding rain. WYMORE , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele gram ) Decoration diy was duly observer \t 10 o'clock 300 school children marche o Main street , headed by the Rc > nolds bam On Niagara avenue they were met by th { nights of Pjthlas band , Grand Army c he Republic , Women's Relief corps and clti zens The procession was formed , headed b he Knights of Pythias bind , followed by th Women's Relief corps , Grand Army of the Re public , children In charge of Mrs Vance , MU Mitchell , Miss Southwlck , Miss Uolton , a eachers In the primary department , and ell zens In carriages am } on foot. The procci slon took up the line of inarch to the schoi house , wh-re Prof. Grubbs and Rev. Dunkc berger delivered speeches , after which ti ; Grand Army of the Republic and the Wi men's Relief corps proceeded to the csmetor ; leaded by the Reynolds band. An Interestln eaturo was the drum corps and the spectacl of so many children In line , each carrying lag. The threatening weather Interfered wit ho program at the cemetery somewhat , enl a few venturing to go. NEBRASKA CITY , May 30. ( Special Teh gram. ) The observance of Decoration da vas marked by the usual suspension of bus ness and decoration of buildings. The pr < cession was composed of the Otoe Corm band , school children , mllltla , fire depirtmcn speakers In carriages , confederate voterar ind Grand Army of the Republic posts A : he city park Rev II. C. Harmon delivers the address. EXETEU , Neb , May 30 ( Special ) Dei oration day was very appropriately observe at this place. The town was beautifully an tastefully decorated with Hags and buntlni At 10 a. m. the procession formed In fror of the Grand Army of the Republic hall an narched to the cemetery , where the usui Grand Army of the Republic services wci observed. Colonel N. S Dabcock was ma shal of the day. At 1 45 p. m the Grar Army of the Republic , Sons o ! Veterans ar Women's Relief corps formed at their ha iml marched to the opera houtc , where tl address of the day was delivered by Re G F. Walker , assisted by Rev. W. T. Clln The musical part of the program was coi ducted by Prof D. D. Worley of York ar Ills large chorus class of this place. ASHLAND , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tel gram. ) Decoration day was observed In th city today by the largest crowd ever see In the city on this occasion. Long befoi noon the streets were thronged wltlrpeopl Philip Folsom delivered an oration cntlth "Our Honored Dead. " Frank Young d llvered the "Death lied of Benedict Arnold which , In addition to an able address 1 Rev. J. W. Seabrook , and music by tl Republican Campaign quartet , made one the best programs ever rendered for BUI a service. The last of the program was I : terrupted by the appearance of black cloui In the southwest. 1'ULLERTON , Neb. , May 30. ( Spcc'nl ) The exercises of the day were managed 1 the Grand Army of the Republic The Oral Army of the Republic post and the Womar Relief corps met at the hall of the formt from which place they repaired to the ccm tcry and decorated the graves of the el parted comrades. WEST POINT , Neb , May 30. ( Special ) Decoration day exercises received more th usual attention hero The Grand Army the Republic post , headed by the West Pol band and followed by the mayor and ci poratlon olllclals and a number of civic so etles In full rcgal.a , marched to the pub cemetery , where the graves of the do heroes were decorated. BRAINARD , Neb , May 30 ( Special ; Decoration day was observed In patrlo style. A largo procession was formed , head by Bralnard Union band , marching throu the principal streets , thence to the ccn tery , where the graves were decorated STERLING , Neb , May 30 ( Special Te gram ) The flno program for Dccoratl day was only partially carried out , owl to a heavy rain storm that commenced 3 o'clock and lasted the balance of the d : The crowd was In the grove listening the oration of the day by Rev. Mr. Bro' of Vesta when the rain came. BLAIR , Neb. , May 30 ( Special Telegrar The people generally turned out well ted and attended memorial services Neai every business house In town was clos and decorated. The procession to tlic con tery was very long , nearly all of the dllTcrc orders turning out as an escort to the Gra Army of the Republic. Among them wcro t Ancient Order of United Workmen , Mode Woodmen of America , Independent Order Odd Fellows and German vercln. Ma farmers from the country were In with ( can After returning from the cemetery ex-Sei tor Manderson delivered a rousing patrlo speech at Germanla hall , which was filled WEEPING WATER , Neb , May 30 ( S | rial Tckgram. ) The city was filled w people who came to attend Decoration d exercises. The procession to the ccmetc was a long one. After decorating the grav they marcliel to the Congregational chur and listened to a fine address by Rev (1 Harrison. The Wauash ban ! was prose and assisted In making the program ono the best ever carried out. O'NEILL , Neb. , May 30.-S'ifdal ( Te gram ) Decoration day was obervd he Haln prevented many from participating , I a good crowd wan out. The buslncub houi wcro decorated with flags and hunting , a the city presented a holiday apPrT'ince. procc slon consUiIng of the O Nclll till1 band. General John O'Neill post. Grand \ri of tbo Republic , company P , Nrhrai ( Continued on Third rage. ) DROUTH IS DROWNED 'ownponr ' of Bain Drives the Demon ol Dry Weather from Nebraska , ERTILE FIELDS THOROUGHLY DRENCHED tate Soaked from End to End by the Tall of Twenty-Four Hours. ORN CROP OUTLOOK WAS NEVER BETTER iffects of Frost and Hot Winds Moro Than Overcome by Water. iCME HAIL REPORTED , BUT tJO DAMAGE mull Ornlii Hoi Ivcd imil rutturci Ilef rciheif All O\rr the M U > lliislnoss Men , Itnllruiiil Mrn , 1 urincm iinil Stocluucu Hrjuloe. Drouth Is drowned In Nebraska. Desperation Is deluged and weary vvntch- rs for a sign find hope's fruition In the romlse of a bountiful harvest. No fortjeight hours In tbo state's history ere ever fraught with moro anxiety than lioso during which the hot wind blow from unday night at midnight till that hour n Tuesday night. And no twenty-four hours wcro ever moro lessed than the time elapsed from sundown I'cdnesday till sundown Thursday. From Dnwcs to Otoe , from Dakota to Jundy , east , wcbt , north and south , sand 111 and corn belt , every county 111 No- iraska has been drenched. Daw son county got three Inches. Gosper county got four Inches. " Red Willow county got three ? . „ Custer county got three. Dox llutto got two. These are samples. Similar reports nr t hand from every county In Nebraska. In omo counties moro rain fell during thli line than had fallen In six months before , n many counties It was the first rain that ad come In three to six weeks. In all It did ntold good. Corn Is all right. That Is the consensus of the dispatcher \lilcli follow. Small grain will be greatly benefited ami he ravages of frost and simoon will bo vercome to a largo degree by the effects f the rain. Pastures will be revived and stock on the ange will find both grass and water. Ralhoail managers discussed the situation esterday with greater cheer than they have ihown for many weeks. From all along all he lines the same reports came , heavy ralna and crop outlook Immensely Improved. This means freight hauling both ways next fall and winter. At South Omaha , stock commission men ead the rain reports In The Ileo yesterday and rejoiced. ' Ilest reports como from the grazing regions. Jobbers and manufacturers felt the Joy that comes with the certainty of n crop , that meaning business of all kinds In Nebraska. It was a Godsend to Nebraska. . For details read these telegrams from alt over the state : ELWOOD , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele gram ) Two and one-half Inches of rain has ullen hero within the last ten hours. It Is. itlll raining hard. OHAPPELL , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele gram ) The drouth Is broken In Deuel county. It has rained steadily here for the 'ast ten hours , and It is still raining hard. MINDEN , Neb , May 30 ( Special Tele gram. ) A splendid rain fell hero last night. Fully an Inch of water fell and there Is a. ; oed prospect for more. DUNCAN. Neb , May 30. ( Special Tele gram ) Platte county wan visited by a drenching rain last night and there Is lots more In sight this morning. Good crops ot small grain are now assured Corn looks fine and Is ahead of the usual average at 'his time of the year. PLATTE CENTER , Neb , May 30 ( Special Telegram ) The dry spell was broken her * last night by a rain that poured two Inches , and a half of water Into the ground. GREELEY CRNTER. Neb , May 30. ( Spe cial Telegram. ) A heavy rain fell hero last night It came In time to save most of the small grain. HILDRETH , Neb , May 30. ( Special Tele gram ) A two-Inch and a half rain fell hero yesterday and last night. The hot weather of Monday and Tuesday did no damage here. SIDNEY , N'b. . May 30. ( Special Telegram - gram ) A heavy rain fell hero from 1J. o'clock last night up to 10 o'clock this morning Reports from many places in the. county make the rain general , Small gram may be saved. Corn greatly Improved. Al falfa and hay sure crop. MOORFIELD. Neb. , May 30 ( Special Tele gram. ) This -vicinity Is being visited by th best rain wo have had this season. Rain has been falling almost steadily for the past twelve hours with no signs ot abating. About two Inches of water has fallen. It will beef of great value to pastures and corn which were suffering. A largo amount of corn will now bo planted. STANTON , Neb , May 30 ( Special. ) The high wind ot Monday did no material d.iinago to ciops In this county. Plenty ot lain from now on will Insure u g"ncral good crop for Htanton county , wt'ile com will ttnnd a continuous drouth of two weeks n ore * without Buffering maturlclly. CAMHRIUGE , Neb , May 30. ( Special Tclegiam ) Thrco Inches of mill fell liore ) last night and this mornlm. Farmers and luilnosi" men now feel Jubilant over the ex- ceilent prospects for good crops , HUMPHREY , Neb , May lO. ( Special relegram. ) The copious lulus of last night have been followed by a ralnull today ot two Indies. It Is still ralnln ; , with favor- Eble prospects for continuing thiough the night. MUNROE. Neb. , May 30.- ( Special Tele- irai ; ) Ono and three-fourths Indus of rain fell hero last nlcht. wil ) Jh will revive , the crcipH In teed shape. It Is raining again t" ilplit. SHENANDOAH. la. , May 30 After thrco days of wind und dust a quiet but copious rain set In tliia morning at daylight and prospects are good for an all day's rain. CRESTON , la. , May SO. ( Special. ) Rain has been falling hero tlnco 12 o'clock last night , The moisture comes at nn opportune * timo. The value of tuo rain cannot be com pute 1 In dollars and cents. There Is a Jir- bllant feeling In thin locality. PLAINVIEW. Ncn. . May 30 ( Special Tel egram ) A line rain began falling hero early last evening nnd kept up during the entire * night and the greater part of today. Small grain , which was somewhat Injured by th rerent hot winds , Is looking : well , The hay crop la assured. PIERCE. Neb. . May 30. ( Special ) Ai heavy rain last night gladdened the hearts of the farmers and every person In this neigh borhood. The heavy winds the two nights previous had made the Mnall grain look a , trifle gloomy and the farming community felt likewise , fearing a repetition of last year'm shortage of crops , but the thuwer last night caused a wave ot iadueis ; ! to sweep over the county ASHL\ND , Neb. , May 30. ( Special Tele- cnm ) T'IC ' drouth hers wa broken early thlii morning by a light shower. About 4 o'cl fk It cnnmenoefl to rain , and continued fT ab nt cr > ' hour In a gentle downfall ot wa'ir that in ile cvcryb'-ly lork ni happy abe bo The Dre rcprmntatlvo. In conver- ( Contlnui'I ou Sixth Pate. )