Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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May's Appointment on the Fhh Commission
Depends on Number of Vacancies ,
Chnncollnr CnnllelU HUM Unoctby to the
University Student * I'rugram for
JHomnrlat I > y Druokon I'o-
llccmru Itun In.
LINCOLN , May 29. ( Special. ) There Is a
doubt expressed In the olllce of Governor
Itolcomb as to whether or not the present
flsh commission of the state of Nebraska Is
a legally organized body. In 1S93 Governor
Crcunsq appointed , during an Iritcrmlsslon
cf Ihe legislature , Lou May , H. II. Oakley
nnd Mr. Mclghed as a rtsh commission. The
last session of the senate , following the ap
pointment , failed to confirm these appoint
ments. Their terms expire In 1S95 , 1S96 nnd
1807 , Mr. May's being the first to explrci He
la an applicant for reappolntment. Governor
Holcomb has written to the president of Ihe
National Fish commission , expressing high
appreciation of the services of Mr. May , and
staling that should It bo decided that all
three appointments are now null , owing to
the failure of the senate to confirm , he would
take great pleasure In naming him as ono of
the three commissioners , llut he says there
lias never been a popullat member of the
commission , and should It transpire there
was but one vacancy ho should feel it In
cumbent on him to appoint a populist.
The Dank of Commerce , a state bank of
Broken How , has gone Into voluntary liquida
tion. Hank Examiner McGrew left this even
ing to take charge of IU-The president la
K. M. Kuble and the capital stock was
The farm lands of Louis Meyer , in Little
Bait precinct , were this nfternoou slated
to be sold at master commlhslonor's sale by
Sclp Dundy.
Lee Dyurs , another of the flvo men ar-
ircsted for passing counterfeit money , had
an examination before Commissioner 1311-
llngsley and was bound over to the district
court In tire sum of $300. Ho awaits trial
in Jail.
This morning defective gas fixtures
caused a flro in the residence ot John H. .
Ames of the law firm of Harwood & Ames
The parlor furniture was ruined before the
flames were extinguished.
The last chapel services of the year wen
held at the university this morning. The
room was crowded. Following the regulai
services Chancellor Cnullcld addressed tin
students. This was the last official occa >
slon on which the chancellor , who goes tt
the Ohio State university , will bo with them
Ho thanked them briefly for their klndnesf
to him during his tenure of office and askoc
them to receive his succeasor , whoever h <
might be , as they had received him. Ills
words were vigorously applauded by the
Following la the complete program o
Memorial day exercises tomorrow ai
"VVyuka cemetery :
Line of march form at Grand Army o
the Republic hall at 1:30 p. in. , proceei
cast on O to Twenty-third street and taki
Reassemble at cemetery gate at 2:15. :
Distributing flowers by Woman's Relic
corps to comrades.
Decoration of graves.
Assemble at Grand Army of the Ropublli
lot anil service to "unknown dead" b ;
Grand Army of the Republic.
Song and flag drill by twenty little boy
and girls.
Contributions to "unknown dead" b ;
iVomau's Relict corps and Daughters o
Veterans and Sons of Veterans.
Song by Farragut quartet.
Song by Daughters and Sons of Veterans
' Address by Comrade Strode.
1 Song , "America. "
All organizations , and especially all ol
Boldlers"ore condlally Invited , to Join th
procession and take part In the exercises.
A portion of the police force this morn
ing weie employed In arresting ono of th
officers who had arrived at that stage In
prolonged spree when he became violer
and abusive. His name Is lllalr. Ho al
tempted to take two men Into custody c
nn early hour this morning who were wait
ing peaceably alonK and disturbing no oni
Blair's actions attracted the attention {
Ofllcor Wheeler , on another beat , and li
came to the rescue of the men. Wheolt
Bays lllalr pointed his gun at him no les
than a dozen times while ho was takln
htm to the station. In special session th
morning the cxclso board removed Bla
from the force and appointed George Han
to his place.
UlnlUor * Moetnt Stnntnn.
STANTON , Neb. , May 20. ( Special. ) Tt
Elkhorn Valley Association of Congregi
tlonal Churches Is in session here todc
nnd will close tomorrow evening. The fo
lowing ministers and lay delegates are I
attendance :
Aluaworth , Rev. II. E. Lochlln , Bloon
field. Rev. E. Martin , T. J. Slmontoi
Brunswick , Rev. G. T. Noyce ; Butto. Ro
W. Lonay ; Carroll , Rev. S. Jones , Messr
J. A. and O. W. Jones ; Crelghton , Mrs. J. 1
Kllpatrlck , Rev. Dustln , Rev. W. T. William
Mrs. Mary Williams ; Glovorsvlllo , Mr. 1
J. A. Rico ; Maple Creek , Mr. W. J. Prlo
Nollgh. Rev. J. F. Ellis. D. D. . Mr. J.
Iloblnson , Mrs. E. B. Gcer , Mr. 0. ,
Williams ; Norfolk. Rev. J. J. Parker , M
D. Rees , Rev. William Leavltt ; Park. M
O. E. Clark ; Plorco , Rev. A. G. Brand
Mm. M. C. Itrando , Mrs. G. C. Chose , Mi
D L. Upton : Stanton. Rov. II. M. Lymo
" 77 Mr. George Parker , Mrs. Zlon ; West Cod
Valley , Mr. Donnor. . Miss Grace Donne
Clearwater. Mr. J. Dorcmus ; West Cad
Valley. Mr. Carl Thompson ; Willow Valle
Rev. G. T. Noyce , Mr. D. F. Nlchol ; Petet
burg. Rev. Thomas Griffiths ; indlvHua
Rov. J. W. Kldder , Rov. J. D. Stewart , sta
Sunday school superintendent. Aurora ; Re
W. J. Pasko. general missionary for nort
ern Nebraska.
Cockrell Unnti to Iteinme lluilneM.
LINCOLN , May 29. ( Special. ) C. A
Cockrell , who yesterday was forced to t
wall by foreclosure ot a chattel mortgage
Ills property , and the wild flurry in wheat
Saturday last , has decided to resume buslnei
provided he can make a satisfactory sett !
nient with hU creditors. To this end ho h
addressed tha following circular letter to i
interested. Mr. Cockrell says this does r
mean that he will continue the Omaha bu
ness. That will remain closed , as ho 1
lleves It impossible to successfully conduct
grain and brokerage business In two points
the same time.
LINCOLN , Neb. . May 29 , lS93.-Dear S
Owing ; to my Inability to m ? t margin ca
I wns compelled to suspend , nnd hero
nppolnt Tuesday , the 4th day of June , IS
f to meet my creditors nnd Us upon soi
basis of settlement. Will meet at Cap )
I hotel on above Uatn at 2 r > . m. Yourt vc
tnily , C. W. COCKRELL
rorbr * U Still Alive.
FREMONT. May 29. ( Special. ) Pcoi
are coming to the conclusion that A. '
Forbes , Instead of being at the bottom
the I'latto or umno ot the lakes In t
vicinity. U allvo. A party hero claims v <
positively that ho Raw Forbes walking e ;
on the Elkhora about a mlle cast at I
city at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon , c
tying a small bundle In his hand. He v
too far away from him to speak tn him. 1
MraYO.l his hand , and Forbes in reply win
his bundle. He says he will take his a
that tbu party he saw ou the track v
Forbes , Another man claimed to have s <
Forbc * near his house Wednesday , but
being questioned about It said It mlj
h.ivo been Tuesday Instead.
No Truce of Iurlar * .
DUNIIAK , Nob. , Mar 9. ( Special T <
gram. ) Hi * Jewelry trays which were sto
firm C. II. Wilson's safe taut nlfiht
found empty near the Mock yards. No c
I. a jret bcvu found to ( ha robbrri , tbuu
three stuptcU sre now betas kcld at 'I
mage till searched. A reward ot ( GOO bas
been offered.
NEUHASKA CITY , May 29. ( Special. )
Two men , claiming lo bo paper hangers
hailing from South Omaha , were arrested
here this morning , charged with safe blow
ing. Two safes were blown at Dunbar last
night and the suspects drove hero from that
place at an early hour this morning. About
(100 In cash and $250 In Jewelry was secured.
Olllccr * I.lcctcd far tlio Kiimiliit ; Vcnr and
Itrporln Itccelvml ,
LINCOLN. May 29. ( Special. ) The Grant
chapter of the P. E. 0. elected tha following
officers for the ensuing year this afternoon :
President , Mrs. Carrie McNaughton , Superior ;
first vice president , Miss Kittle Dulton , Hast
ings ; second vice president , Miss Virginia
Corbett , Lincoln ; recording secretary , Mrs.
Wagner , 1'lattsmoutli ; corresponding secretary ,
Miss Dorothy Hlgby , York ; treasurer , Mrs.
Fox , Nelson.
The following delegates were elected to
the supreme grand chapter , which meets In
Omaha In October : Miss Virginia Corbott ,
chapter K ; Mrs. Isabella Day , D ; Mrs. Mon
roe , M ; Mrs. Miller , H ; Mrs. Frush , I.
The additional visitors today were : Miss
Harlan , York ; Mra. Trey nor , Omaha ; Mes-
datiies Wcllman and Wellman and Misses
Eagleson , Conoway , and Cora Conaway of
A handsome reception to the delegates and
visitors was Riven tonight at the residence
of Mrs. Dr. Pebles.
Tha following program was carried out
today : Devotional exercises , grand chaplain ;
music. Miss Miller , Plattsmouth ; roll call ,
report of finance committee , standing com
mittees , election of state grand chapter dele
gates , election of aecretary of bureau of enter
tainments , report ot committee on treasurer's
report , miscellaneous business , receiving new
chapters and granting charters , music , Miss
Maud Rlsser ; election ot officers , memorial
hour , reading chapter reports , P. E. 0. sym
posium , leader , Mrs. Good , Wahoo , and
minutes ot previous session.
The short session tomorrow morning , which
Is the last , will comprise installation of offi
cers , Instructions by the president , closing
ode and adjournment.
The total membership of the P. E. O. In
the United States Is G.OOO. The order , which
is an old one , was first Instituted at Mount
Pleasant , la. , In 1SG9. The objects and alms
of the association are nonpolltlcal , nonaec-
tarlan , and have nothing to do with woman suf
frage. Mutual Improvement In art literature ,
science and the progressive theories of the
ago are sought by the principles of the order.
Oovornur llolcnmh's .Military AtnlT.
LINCOLN , May 29. ( Special. ) Silas A.
Holcomb , commander-ln-chlef of the Nebraska
National Guard , has appointed the following
official staff : Brigadier General Patrick H.
Barry of Grecley county , adjutant general ;
Colonel Edward W. Lee ot Douglas county ,
surgeon general ; Colonel W. G. Swan of John
son county , commissary general ; Lieutenant
Colqnel N. P. Lundeen of York county , Inspector
specter general ; Major W. L. Stark of Hamil
ton county. Judge advocate general ; aldes-
do-camp , Colonel J. H. Peabodj of Douglas
county , Colonel Thomas D. Hatcher of Doug
las county , Colonel Harry B. Mulford of
Douglas county , Colonel Fred A. Miller of
Lancaster county , Colonel Lewis F. Walker
of Dundy county. Colonel W. F. Cody of Lin
coln county. Colonel Herko Koater of Knox
county , Colonel Daniel D. Carey of Dodge
county , Colonel Wllber F. Bryant of Cedar
county , Colonel Edgar Howard of Sarpy
county , Colonel W. J. Vosburgh of Seward
county ; special aide , Major Edmund O.
Fechet , U. S. A _ .
UriidunUnK KxnrclniM at AMlluml.
ASHLAND , Neb. , May 29. ( Special. )
Last night at Slmlngton' opera house thir
teen ot the graduating class of ' 95 took part
In the commencement exorcises. The class
was so largo that It requires two nights to
complete the work. The remaining members
performed their part this evening.
A committee of colored people were In this
city yesterday afternoon making arrange
ments for a plcuic for about 300 of their
people for Juno 20 , at which time the Ash
land team will play the Wllcox & Draper
( colored ) team of Omaha.
A Polish count direct from Poland Is ex
pected to arrive In this city the first ol
next week to Interview David Dean , presi
dent of the Wyoming Irrigation company
on the point of settling about 500 of his
people In that state on the company's land ,
; I'rppnrlnK for Illu tirnpt.
s SHELTON. Neb. . May 29. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) A number ofpromlnent _ farmers ant
business men have been at work the pasi
| few days with a preliminary survey for ai
Irrigation canal to run south ot this place
The survey will be completed tomorrow am
steps will at once be taken toward organlz
Ing a stock company to construct the ditch
It will be sixteen miles long-and the source o
supply will be the I'latte river , which it wll
tap about ten miles west of this placo. Tin
ditch will be twenty-four feet wide at tin
bottom and will have capacity sufficient ti
furnish water to Irrigate 15,000 acres. Then
Is abundant capital behind the enterprise ti
Insure Its success , and It will bo constructci
r this season.
' OvnrlitnU Kiigliiocrfl Dlasnllfltlml.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb. , May 29.-
( Special. ) Orders have been received in thl
city taking off four regular freight engine
from the two divisions ending here ot th
Union Pacific. This order Is said to be du
to numerous kicks from regular cnginemei
for full time , and the company has concludei
to comply with their requests by taking ol
enough engines to keep the ones left on busj
This has caused a great deal of dlssatls
faction among the englnemen who will be lal
off June 1 In consequence ot the order.
Oxford Asnntiiln Convicted.
BEAVER CITY , Neb. , May 29. ( Specla
Telegram. ) The Jury In the case of Wllllar
Blouvolt brought In a verdict of guilty thl
morning , having- been out for twelve hours
Dlouvelt was charged with the ossasslnatloi
' ot Frank Urlethaup near Oxford July K
1894. The crime was a cowardly one an
public sentiment Is that justice has bee
done. Blouvelt will bo sentenced Satui
, . married at Haitlngi.
ir HASTINGS , May 29. ( Special. ) Mi
Samuel P. Yateman and Miss Lizzie Stronu
were married this afternoon at 2 o'clock c
the home of the bride's parents , southeast c
this city , Rev. Mr. Scott officiating. Th
brlda la the daughter of ona of Adam
county's successful farmers , while the grooi
Is a successful business man of this city.
Accd Couple
NEBRASKA CITY , May 29. ( Speclal.- )
Henry A. Platt today tiled his petition I
district court praying for a divorce from h
wife , Flora. The plaintiff Is aged 70 ar
the defendant 69.
A marriage license was granted today I
Louts Vandervort and Miss Emma Gav
tuornc , both of Omaha.
Schuylrr Couple Hurried.
SCIIUYLER. Neb. , May 29. ( Special Tel
gram. ) F. H. Kolm and Clara Nleman wei
married tonight at 8:30 : at the home ot tl
bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. John Niemai
Rev. E , F. A. Hantel officiating.
DUtrUa t iiurt nt Liny t'rnter.
CLAY CENTER. Neb. , May 29. ( Special
Tha May term of tha district court fi
Clay county opened this morning , Judi
Hastings presiding. The docket contati
about sixtyfivecases. .
' 'e ' Small lll.itu at M. I'anl.
v > ST. PAUL. Neb. , May 29. ( Special. ) Tl
° ' small dnelling of George iV. Lluton wi
ils consumed today. Loss about $400 , Insurau
ry $300 la the German ot Frtfcport.
AVIlt Try iltichnrr for Digamy.
iras Atnxandcr Buckncr is having mo
asut trouble from the law than Is duo to a in ;
ed who already has troubles of hU own
th possessing two wives. Aloxan lev was pen
as on trial several days ago for bigamy , b
en It was discovered that hs married r ,
on stcoiul wife In Lancaster county. Cone
qiuntly the charge of bigamy was U !
ht inl oil , but ho was held nn th charge
adultery. But it was tound that Alu
under. If convicted. Eta ruin n chance of st
line a larger sentence on the dilute
blsamjr than on the charge of ndulter
and therefore the latter cl'.nrRO was ) ill
en m-sxcil ycMerdoy afternoon Uy Jud
re Berks , but Ale.xnndor wns Immediately t
on a warrant , H't-U ' in Lancast
Ufr county rhnrclnsr him with blp my. I
Eh was token lo I ucoln lust nli.t by JJcpu
al- Slwrlft Lelghton or that city.
Eighty-Eight Pupils Allowed East Evening
to Withdraw with Honor.
Completion of tlio Four Year * ' Course SIR-
im.zeil by a I'rafmlun < if Complimen
tary Iluqtictn mill 11 an ill In from Iho
JfricudiVlio I'll c lie ( I the Huuie.
Eighty-eight of the bright youth of Omntm
sat beneath the star of hope on the stage of
Doyd's opera house last evening. It was the
annual High school commencement. A small
army of young men anil women stepped upon
the battlefield of life , with 'diplomas aa
weapons and school days as a mental ever
green of the past. The usual garb of white
lost none of Its time-honored popularity
among the "sweet girl graduates , " while
the slender young men who sat by their
sides looked manly In conventional black.
The air was thick with the fragrance of
flowers. Roses were visible everywhere. They
nestled In Psyche knots on the fair ones and
hold down the thumping hearts of the bash
ful young men who faced the biggest audi
ence of the season. The background of the
stage was a woodland scene , while hanging
from the top center of the stage flies was a
hugo floral display bearing the figures " 1833. "
Prof. Homer Low Is sat on the stage near
the wings. Near him sat President Akin ot
the Hoard of Education , Superintendent A.
P. Marble and Jonathan Edwards , llohlnd
the scenes were a number of mothers and
sisters , who attended to the preliminaries and
accompanied their sons and daughters to the
very threshold of their triumph.
It was a comparatively warm night , but
that made no material difference to the
rushing. Jostling crowd of the graduates'
friends , which jammed the entrance to the
opera housa as soon as the doors were
opened , A nominal admission fee was
charged. The opera house was profusely
decorated In honor of the event , The boxea
were draped with bunting ot white and blue
Intermingled with the High school colors.
The classes ot 'D3 and ' 91 occupied the
boxes. The seating capacity of the house
was not sufficient to accommodate the Im
mense crowd. It seemed as though "all
Omaha was there. " The foyer was packed
and scats on the radiators were at a pre
mium long before the clock struck the bout
ot S.
When the members of the graduating class
marched upon the stage they received an
ovation. The class of ' 95 , with colors ol
apple graen and white and a motto of "Nt
Tcntes Aut Perfloe , " consisted of :
Sadla P. Allen , Anna Anderson ,
Grace Bartlett , Kittle May Ulnkley
Margaret Chamberlain , Cathryn Cortelyou
Itn Marie Dunn , Nellie Gamble , Eva Hamil
ton , Dorothy Holland , Lydla Johnson , Edltf
M. Kuhne , Mary Llvcsey , Teresa McArdle
Grace McMillan , Nellie Morlarty , Anna C.
Nelson , Hattlo Paulson , Minnto K. Allison ,
May Anderson , Beatrice Ball , May Ballou
Iloso Bernstein , Lee Comstock , Carrlo Day ,
Carrlo Falrchtld , Allco Loulso Garrett , Lydlo
Glbbs , May Hantin r , Bertha Hungate , OthO'
lla Karbach , Grace J. Leonard , Helen
Mackln , Florence McHugh , Anna McPhall
Fannla Myers , Anna Nordwall , Buth Pier-
son , Myrtle Roblson , Loulso C. Smith , Marj
Towne , Edna Fay Wetzel , Grace T. White
Emma Wlntade , Ida Wlthrow. Ella Phelps
Nelllo Randall , Mayme Scoville. Katie B
Swartzlander , Mary Wallace , Adda Whlpple
Ethel Williamson , Katlo Winslade , Waltei
E. Banker , Samuel Burns , Jr. , Burton Chris
tie , Austin J. Collett , Frank W. Engler
George Helmrod , William Matthews , Her
bert Oberfelder , George Axford , Hall T
Beans , Edwin T. Chapln , Gordon Clarke
Mosher G. Colpetzer , Harry M. Cross , Ham
IHon S. Glllesplo. Robert Lansing , Jessi
Merrltt , Fred S. Parsons. Clark G. Powell
Ernest A. Sheldon , Joel Stebbtns , Georgi
Stonoy , Fred Walker , George Wtnslade , Al
bert Parmaleo , Fred Plnkerton , John W
Shank. David A , Small , Alvln A. Steel. Join
T. Sumner , Clarence Williamson , Frank H
The program was Introduced with an over
tare by Butler's orchestra , followed by t
splendid essay on "The Influence ot Decay , '
by Miss Anna Anderson.
Alvin A , Steel delivered an oration 01
"Llfo Insurance. " Ho favored the Idea am
advanced a sound argument.
Miss Eva Hamilton won honors easily b ;
her happy thoughts of "The Novel as ;
Meano of Reform , " an essay teeming will
An Instrumental duet , "Seville , " fron
Bergson , was the next number In which th
participants. Misses Othella Karbach an
Helen Mackln , received the plaudits of tb
audience , which evidently knew a gooJ thins
Miss Ella Phelps' essay. "Tho Modor
Oracle , " was ono of the best features of th
The banjo club of ' 95 , consisting ot Mlsse
Ruth Plerson , Grace McMillan , Grace Leon
ard and Messrs. Sam Burns , Jr. , John 1
Sumner and M. G. Colpetzer , was greete
with an encore when the strains of th
Franklin march expired , and played th
"Merry Traveler's Quickstep. "
"Echo and the Ferry , " from Jean Ingelou
was recited by Miss Kate B. Swartzlande
and received the applause It fully merited.
During the Intermission between the firs
and second parts the orchestra rocked th
craillo of a new song of pretty melody er
titled "It Will Never Rain If You Tak
Your Umbrella , " the words by Waldo I
Warren of the High school and the musl
by Harry Izard , a local composer.
Part second of the program opened wit
music , followed by an oration on "The Cor
servatlvo Laws of Nature , " by Hal T. Bean :
Mr. Beans' achievements were In consonanc
with the general excellence of the exercise
and ho was greeted with a demonstration i
Miss Nellie Gamble , whose beauty aj
pealed to the silent admiration ot all who sa
her. stepped to the front with a bouquet of re
roses In her right hand and spoke entertalt
Ingly upon tha subject of "The Modern Joa
ot Arc. " The "sword of flowers" In tt
speaker's hand was the Index of her n
marks. It was the weapon of the mode :
Joan ot Arc , compared to the weapon i
the Maid of Orleans. , whose steel and armi
made history.
Wagner's "Tannhauser , " under the pn
flctent touch of Misses May Ballou and Anr
Nordwall , divided the musical honors of tl
Edwin T. Chapln spoke of "Tho Ne
South , " from the famous speech made t
Henry W. Grady. Mr. Chapln's reproductlc
of the great Georgian's sentiment was r
celvcd with a prolonged manifestation of a ;
proval from those tn front.
Miss Edith M. Kuehne's clever essay c
"Tho Power that Rules the World" shared
the rhetorical triumphs of the evening.
Dr. A. P. Marble , superintendent of 1 :
structlon , then delivered his annual addre
and the popular educator was extended
cordial greeting as he arose to face his a
mlrers. In substance the doctor reviewed tl
work of the class with pride , and after shoi
erlng eulogies upon the graduates he ga
them come excellent advice. He said th
the eyes of 10,000 school children were npi
them tonight and their achievements wou
bo an Inspiration for students who we
still In the ranks. He wished each ai
every one of them smooth sailing on ti
ocean of life.
Colonel H. C. Akin , president of the Boai
ot Education , presented the diplomas. Eai
recipient was vigorously applauded. At tl
conclusion of the presentation and am
class yells the orchestra struck up an t
spiring medley. When the music died aw ;
and the program was at an end the gra
uatea were overwhelmed with flowers ai
congratulations , the commencement reach
Its climax and another link was added
a chain ot unbroken successes. Amid t :
enthusiastic yells of the classes ot ' 93 , ' !
' 95 , 'OG. ' 97 and ' 93 respectively , all ot uul
were given with a vigor , the exercises we
Una feature of the commencement wbl
won much favorable comment was the so
veulr edition of the High School Reglsti
uhlch contained Miss Dorothy Hollaiu
class poem ot ' 95 and the program of t
commencement and data dear to the heai
ot e\ery Hlgb school student. Us succc
was duo to the efforts of a staff compos
of Hrncsl Sheldon. J. W. Shank. Jr. , H.
QUUsnle. jr. , Dorothy Holland , WU1 Qed :
3alsy Bryant , Harry Metcalf , Gertrude
Waterman. Guy Maufcbl , Alma Claflln ,
lalph Connell , Harry jTukcy , Miss Quacken-
) ush , Mr. Turner and .Mr , Houston. This
publication was replete with Interesting
contributions from Hlgll echool students ,
Miss McCune was , 'n , pliargo of the "com
mittee of anxiety , " A .lt was termed , and
which consisted of' tlkchers behind the
scenes who supervised Hho exercises. The
drill ot the graduating class was partial-
arly proficient. -
Among the teachers , jot the High school
prefiont last evening , were :
Invcn Lavlston. assistant principal ; S. D.
Deals , Knto A. McHugh , L. J. Blake , L. Mc
Cartney. May Copelnnd , Antoinette Ogden ,
Elizabeth Craven , Maria Okey , Mary F.
DeVoll. Mary E. Quackenbush. C. Bclee
Dlnturff , Lucy J. Roys , Decle A. Johnson ,
Mary E. Sinford , Karl J. Kelsey. Villa B.
Shlppey , Mary A. Landls , Besslo J. Snyder ,
Belle H. Lewis , George M. Turner , Helen
Lloyd , Georgia Valentine , Suzanne Walker ;
military drill , Lieutenant Julius A. I'onn.
Kplncopnls In ScMlon I.IMcn to the Mishap's
Annual AililrrM ,
The twenty-eighth annual council of the
diocese of Nebraska convened yesterday
at Trinity cathedral. Twenty-eight clergy
and forty lay delegates were In attendance.
The session was opened by the celebration
of the holy communion at 10 o'clock , Bishop
Worthlngton being the celebrant.
Rev. Carlen Goodale acted as cplstolar anJ
Very Rev. Dean Gardner as gospelar , Canon
Whltmarsh assisting.
In place ot a sermon the bishop read his
annual address , In which ho gave a sum
mary of the ton years' work of the diocese ;
noted the clerical changes , and deplored tlu
frequency of the changes In pastorates. The
clerical force had Increase ! In numbers , ho
said , but It has been touched by the restless
spirit of the age. This has tended to retard
the extension ot God's kingdom. Bo the
fault where It may , It liqd Interfered with
permanent work.
The Mission board , he said , had determined
on a revision of Its methods , the field now
to be divided Into four divisions under
four archdeacons. Attention was called to
derelictions In offerings for the Disabled
Clergy Fund , the Theological Fund and the
Episcopal Endowment Fund. This arose
In some parishes from a disregard of the
duirch resolutions passed supporting these
lines of work , The Importance of cultiva
ting the missionary spirit was dwelt upon
and the clergy reminded not to neglect to
keep the people Informed on the needs of
missionary work. The 'bishop hoped that
the evening celebration of the holy com
munion would be dispensed with , as un-
Cathollc and without satisfactory basis. Re
ferring to the pastoral letter to the House
of Bishops he said that It was not claimed
that It had a coercive power to bind the
clergy , but made very clear In theological
terms and ecclesiastical language that which
the church believed. It met a necessity
tn a time of disloyalty and faithlessness.
"Wo earnestly hope , " said the bishop , "that
the letter has been read In the churches of
the diocese and that Its contents have been
made the basis of clear and explicit in
struction from the pulpit. " Referring to
church statistics , the bishop said that the
educational Institutions were adequate to
the needs of the church. He complimented
the various charitable Institutions for their
merciful work and called attention to the
Importance of the labors of the Woman's
Auxiliary and the Brotherhood of St. An
drows. Every parish , he urged should
have both these lines of work well pushed to
the front.
After roll call and , the re-election of the
secretary and assistant secretary the coun
cil adjourned for lun'ph.
The afternoon session of the council was
ailed to order at 2:20 : o'clock and a number
f Important standing committees were ap
olnted by the bishop to make reports later
n church extension , education , legislation
tc. Reports were received from a number
f committees , the treasurer submitting a
inanclal report Indicating a fair condltlor
f finances for the council. The benevolon
nstltutlons , also put * In reports. Including
ho Clarkson hospitali and Brownell Hall
On motion of Dean Gardner a committal
was appointed to make report this morn
ng relative to Decoration day , expressing
ho sense of the council that It Is wholly li :
ympathy with the day and what It stand
or.In the evening at Trinity cathedral ser
mons were preached on missions by Rev
P. D. Llwyd and Rev. A. E. March. Thi
alter comes from the extreme western per
Ion of this diocese , being located at Con
ral City , where he has charge of a parish
now nearly self-supporting , besides doing
missionary work In adjacent towns. H
divided the agencies for the spread o
Jhrlst's kingdom Into two branches. H
placed the efficacy of prayer first , an
.dded that the preparation of a map Indl
eating the mission field , with Its stations , 1 :
an Important and necessary adjunct. II
exhibited such a map of Nebraska , Indlcat
ng the need for missionary effort
IOWA. itoonr.E ovi.s/cs
Cloud Removed from \Yoocllmry County
l x-Offic r * at Mnnx ( Ity
SIOUX CITY , May 29.-SpecIal ( Tele
gram. ) The Indictments found against a
number of the ex-officers of WooJbury
county last December were dlsmlsed In
district court today. The Indictments were
against ex-Auditor Jordan , ex-Treasurer
[ vlfer , ex-County Attorney ISevlngton , ex-
Deputy Auditor Roberts and ex-Super
visors Strange , Hunting , Mohler and Jer-
nan and charged conspiracy to defraud the
county and obtaining money by false
: iretcnces. After tha Indictments were
found Strange was tried on one
nnd Bevington on three. Verdicts
of acquittal were returned and
[ he county attorney reached the conclusion
that It would bo useless to try the rest.
The sale of the Union stock yards bore ,
ordered at the last term of the federal
court , has bene flxed for July 1. The esti
mated value of the property Is about Jl.DOO-
Clone of Corning hrltnnls.
CORNING , la. , May 29. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The Corning High school closed
the year's work at the Church of Christ
this evening , where a clans ot &evun were
graduated. The church was t-eautlfully
decorated. The following woio the gradu
ates : Nettle Vance , Blanche llandatl. Her
bert Hoxle. Theodore Gerar.l , firncst
Simons , Earl Bussing and David Wilson.
Improving the Wyoming Kunze.
' LANDER , Wyo. . May 29.-Speclal. ( ) An
application will bo made to the United
States government to grant a right of way
across tthe Shoshone reservation for a
stock trail. Ranges which will accommo
date 10.000 head of cattle above the north
fork of Wind river are unavailable because
tlio reservation canot bo crossed with
stock. , . , , ,
Urnnuitlu Company.
MALVERN , la. , May 23. ( Speclal.-The )
Malvern Hose Dramatic company pre
sented "Tho Octoroon" ' > to a full house at
n the opera house last 'evening. ' Kvery one
present complimented the players on their
rendition of the piny , iTho receipts were
about $115. , ,
Urn ut , Crtt | ° n.
CRESTON , la. , May 29.-Speclal ( Tele
gram ) . Early this moaning fire destroyed
two frame buildings , < entailing a los.s of
$1,500. The buildings1 were situated In n
row of frame structures nnd for n time It
looked as If a fearful Conflagration would
result. , t
( 'might lilir Hour.
EM BAR , Wyo. , May 29. ( Special. ) Dave
Blanclmrd of UpperiOwl. ' creek caught an
800-pound silver tip 'bear In a trap a few
days ago and succeedt l in bagginghim. .
The animal killed n number of young colts
In the neighborhood before Ills capture.
Struck by u Trutn mid UHttd.
CRESTON , la. , May 29-Speclal ( Tele-
gram. ) George Holcomb , a young farmer ,
while sitting on the platform at Afton
Junction today at neon , was truck by a
passing' Burlington train and Instantly
killed , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1'nlil > early 00 Per Cent.
WASHINGTON , May 29. ( Special Tole-
Brain. ) The comptroller of the currency
has declared a llnal dividend of 9.8 per cent
In favor of the creditors of the lied Cloud
National bank ot lied Cloud , Neb. , maktnu
In all 69.8 per cent on claims proved ,
amounting to $57.070.
I'rltifo tlmmllur Cunvote : < l.
CHEYENNE , May 3. ( Special Tele
t gram. ) The trial of Isaac Chandler , ar
Eighth Infantry private , charged with at' '
tempting to kill Policeman Ingalls of thli
city , was concluded this evening , a verdlc
ot guilty being found.
m ,
Each lecture will be 1'KEE , after
which a 1'HKK demonstration will bo
and will I'tiblloaHy Demonstruto given and those who desire will bo
treated FREE upon the stage , without
Their AVomlorful Power of Anl-
denuding- even removing- the outer
nial Magnetism lu the Cuvo of garment a of the patients , fully demon
Many Chronic ami So-Called strating' the Wonderful Power of thoao
two boys-Bo loiiff called "Tho Ilumau
Incurable Diseases W. FLETCHtK HALL
Magnets. "
PROF. W. FLETCHER HALL will Deliver the following Lectures :
FRIDAY WBGHT , - Subject ; "The Power of Vital Magnetism as a Curative Agent , "
SATURDAY E ATINEE. Subject ; "Suffering Woman and Her Heroic Fortitude to Endure , "
SATURDAY WIGHT , - - sFbjsctT1 Our Disobedience of Nature's ' Laws , "
MEN ONLY , No Boys Admitted Under 14 Years of Afro.
TEN YEARS' WOKKVlmt statistics declare lius been nclilnvcd In tlio Permanent Cure ot
Chronic Diseases l > y Animal Magnetism during the Past Ten Years. The i'ollowliif ; is a full
Synopsis of cases successfully recorded as Permanently Cured by Animal Magnetism.
SPECIAL NOTICE The Management of these Great Magnetic Healers , known throughout the world
asThe Human Magnets , " has engaged a special suite of parlors , Nos. 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 at the PAXTON
HOTEL , where all those who are able and willing to pay for private treatment may call during the entire
month of June , commencing Friday , June 1st , and receive consultation , advice and examination of their various
conditions free of all expense , and if curable may receive the services if they so desire.
Afifi O I/A VK31EXTS ,
A feat which will astonish the scientific
world will be essayed by Paul Alexander
Johr.stone , the great mind reader , this after
noon at Courtland beach. At that hour Mr.
Johnstonc will dive into * the murky waters
and recover from Its slimy bed at the bottom
of the lake a privately marked needle which
had been previously thrown there by a com
mittee. Scientists have held that water was
an Impenetrable barrier to the transmission
of thought. On tomorrow Johnstonc will
demonstrate the fallacy of such a belief. The
feat is not altogether devoid of danger , but
on the other hand the per cent of danger
Is largely against the young psychological
student. Only once before has such a test
been attempted and that by Mr. Johnstone at
Kansas City , a week ago Sunday. At that
time Mr. Johnstone was thrown Into a state
bordering on complete catalepsy and It was
only by the hardest sort of work by attending
physicians that he was brought to a normal
condition. In regard to the attendant danger
of the feat Johnstono Jocularly remarked
to a Bee reporter : "I can afford to take such
risks. At best I can live but three years and
why not while I live give my time and life ,
If necessary , to the Interest of science.
If I die I can at least know that I lived In
the Interest of a good and worthy cause.
I am to scientists an enigma and If I can act
as a medium between scientists and the
occult beyond I will gladly do so. " The teat
will be held under the auspices of Sheriff
Drexel. Johnstone , heavily blindfolded , will
leave the Merchants hotel at 4 o'clock , mount
an electric car and mentally directed by Its
motorman run It to Courtland beach. Ar
riving there he will dive from an elevation
Into the water and get the needle. The test
Is bound to be successful as Johnstone has
bargained his reputation and future against
the successful culmination ot his quest.
JMSIUO.V.ll. r.UMOK.U'7/3.
J. II. Louis , Harlan , la. , Is at the Arcade.
T. Plnnlo is registered at the Barker from
C. G. Scott , Ed Perry , P. S. Plumb and
O. S. Woodward arc registered at the
Barker from Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hartwetl and Mr. nnd
Mrs. Joseph Potter , Klkborn , WIs. , are reg
istered at the Murray.
George A. Magney went to Springfield yes
terday , where this afternoon ha delivers a
.Memorial day address.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Tibbals , Defiance , la. ,
and Mrs. W. It. Tibbals , IJubuijue , la. , were
guests at the Murray yesterday.
nev. T. II. Sanderson went to Madison yes
terday , where last night he addressed
graduating class. Today he delivers a Me
morial day oration at Norfolk.
At the Mercer : Robert E. Woodson , St.
Louis , Mo. ; Samuel L. Chapman , Platts-
mouth. Neb. : C. Kirk , Boston ; C. II. Pane ,
Hastings , Neb. ; A. Gardner. St. Louis ; C. K ,
Latshaw , Chicago ; A. II. Gale , Ba sott ; W ,
M , McCall , Grand Island , Neb.V ; , n. Alex-
ander. W. W. Alt , Wahoo , Neb. ; n. P. Pit-
kin , Kansas City , Mo. ; C. Height , Cheyenne
Wyo. ; C. H. Beach. Salt Lake ; 8. R ,
Mumaugh , Portland , Ore. ; C. G. Palstron
Ceresco ; 0. W. Swlnglcy , Beatrice ; 11. N
Flddlck , Galena , III. ; r. . Johnson.Stan'
aster , Mas .
h > lira kHn ut the Hotflu ,
At the Merchants William Simpson , F
A. Kroomyer , N. K. Howard. M. D , Clary
l.lnroln : John H. Fllbtr , Harttngton : H. II
Tolln , Sidney.
At the Arcnde Newell South. Humphrey
A. I * Stcele , David City ; A. Lambclet
Talmuce ; J. P. McCartney , Gereva ; John
H I'rice , Nebraska City : Max Urucknnr
I'latto Center , II. O , Why man , Norfolk
M. F. Klotr , Lincoln.
mnnizio OZJDCH ]
School Children
will eat sweetmeats and you can't
prevent it , The first you know of
it there is a head ache ; the child is
billions and something must be
done. Use Ripan's Tabules , a
remedy which is standard for such
nipans TabulMS Sold by dnurzl t . or by man
U the price ( M csnti a box ) li eent to The Ill-
pan * Chemical Company , No. 19 Spruce it. , N. V.
( In M >
Mieoc l lnd otbtr weaknciio , > nr uie. u a
- . l * "d [ " " Yl < " ° ' " " "cUir mtoced If nr/lerttil , inch
Result in 4 weeks < . .1 Hf ny hcre. Mllnl. . to ft MI | . 6 botet fofll . u > . With
\r nrtVXt-fJrVto " ' lilv < 1 * l"il1 " " > < to lire nj icfun.l llw mnn. A'l.lri" .
Ul 1 1 IMr * XT p r -
& McCONNKLL DHUQ GO . . 1513 Dodt'o street , Oinnlm , Nob.
\U \ tKCUM'G-- ' . FOR \O TEN-CENT
Tne American Tobacco CQ
- . ,
Decoration Day.
Fort Omaha Bund.