Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TltfinSDAY , MAY 30 , 1805.
Delivered br carrier to any part of the city.
H. W. TILTON , Lessee.
TELnPHONES-Buslnes * olDce. No. 43 ; night
editor , No. n.
311.\ Oil 3IKAT1UX.
Grand hotel , Council Bluffs. Newly fur
nished. Reopened Oct. 1. E. F. Clark , Prop.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
by the county clerk to D. Drlscoll , aged 32.
and Grace Whaley , aged 18 , both of Council
Mr. D. Drlscol and Miss Grace Whaley ,
both of this city , were married yesterday
afternoon at the Lutheran parsonage , Rev.
G. W. Snydcr , officiating.
Robert McElralh , a farmer living near
Trcynor poslofflcc , was badly hurt by the
kick of a horse Tuesday. Three ribs were
broken and Internal Injuries sustained.
Comrades of encampment No. 8 , Union
Veteran League , will meet at their hall at
1 o'clock p. m. today , prompt. By order of
C. N. Warren , C. K. , W. H. Spcra , Co. Lt.
J. E. Bates has sworn out n writ of attach
ment for the office fixtures of C. A. Clement ,
with whom ho was formerly In partnership ,
to satisfy a Judgment of $100 rendered In his
favor by Justice Cook.
B. J. Slmms commenced a suit In the su
perlor court yesterday against J. R. Snyder
to collect a balance of $109 , claimed to bo
duo on a consignment of 105 bunches of
bananas at CO cents a bunch.
All members of Washington camp No. 12 ,
Patriotic Order Sons of America , are re
quested to meet nt their hall over IQl.Mnln
utrcet nt 1:30 : p. m. to take part ' .I the
parade. By order of the president.
All members of Bluffs City council No. 7 ,
Jr. 0. U. A. M. , are requested to be at Grand
Army of the Republic hall at 1 o'clock sharp
to take part In parade with Grand Army
of the Republic. E. F. Wagoner , R. S.
Captain W. E. Altchlson of the Dodge
Light Guards desires the members of the
company to meet at the armory In the
court house this afternoon at 1 o'clock to
take part In the Decoration day parade.
The will of the late William O. Oliver
was filed yesterday for probate. All the
boys arc disinherited , the property Is di
vided among the girls , and Miss Mary Oli
ver , the youngest daughter , Is appointed
executrix without bond.
Amanda , the 3-months-old daughter o
Mr. and Mrs. A. Peterson , died of conges <
lion ot the lungs yesterday morning at 5:30 :
o'clock after an Illness of one week. The
funeral will take place this morning at 8
o'clock at the residence , 000 Avenue H.
The dispute between John J. Fralney anil
Mrs. W. D. Jonca over two chairs was set
tied by a decision ot Justice Cook yester
day In Frolney's favor. Mrs. Jones did not
appear and Fralney was allowed to walk off
with ono of the chairs under each arm.
Will Bebhlngton , Al Phillips , Dan O'Con
neil and Mike Crogan , a quartet of boys
who are troubled with excessive smartness
which they fchowed by making Insulting re *
marks to ladles on Broadway , were dls
charged by Judge McGee yesterday morning
with a lecture.
Pete Bondo. the Cut-Off saloon keepc
who was locked up In the city Jail at his
own request , was discharged by Judgu Me
Gee yesterday. Ills mind Is thought to 1 >
affected somewhat. During the day ho flleil
an Information against Antono Bcrnccke ,
charging him with assault and battery.
John Butler , a Northwestern news agen
running from Chicago to Council Bluffs
filled up on liquors of assorted varieties Tues
day night .and attempted to board a motoi
on Broadway near the Methodist churcl ;
at midnight. Ho fell and struck his lien
on the pavement , sustaining a big gash.
A team belonging to B. A. Wyman tool <
fright yesterday while standing In front o
the Masonic temple and rushed down stree
with a heavy wagon attached. They collide
with a buggy on Fourth street and topple
It over , nnd finally became Involved with
telephone polo and bad to stop , after tear
Ing the harness to pieces.
Mrs. Frank Jones , nllao Mrs. Harry Boltn
a colored woman , was arrested ycsterda
charged with being an accomplice with he
husband and Minnie Bird , another colore <
person , In a badger game on Pearl strce
opposite Bayllss park. She and her hus
band put up $25 each as security for their
appearance In police court this morning
nnd were released.
At a meeting of the vestry of St. Paul's
church held yesterday It was decided to dis
pense with morning services from now on
through the summer months and hold one
service a day , at 4 p. m. , to be followed
by Sunday school. Some difficulty was found
In securing an organist to take the place of
J. H. Slmms , and this change was made In
order that Mr. Slmms may keep his place
for the present without giving up his new
work In Omaha.
An Information has been filed In Justlc"
Vien's court by Mrs. Gocbel charging Mrs.
George Schafcr with assault and battery.
From Mrs. Goebcl's story It appears thut
Mrs. Schafcr mndo some remarks derogatory
to Mrs. Goebcl's character , and when the
latter went to Interview her she was cuffed
around rather promiscuously. Mrs. Schafer
was In Omaha when Constable Baker went
after her yesterday , but she Is expected to
bo on hand this morning.
Insure In the Imperial , Palatine or Glen
Falls Flro Insurance companies. These are
omong the largest and best companies In the
world , and we are sere agents for Council
Bluffs. Lougeo & Towle , 235 Pearl street.
Mr. Henry Swan returned yesterday from
G. W. Culllson of Harlnn Is stopping at the
Grand hotel.
Rev. T. W. Williams goes to Little Sioux
today to deliver a Memorial day address.
Prof. II. C. Doano of Ypsllante , Mich. . Is
In the city , the guest of Dr. James Me-
Frank Gallagher , formerly a reporter on
ono of the local papers , Is now connected
In a like capacity with the Chicago Chronicle
a new democratic dally.
Mr. Stover , ono of the lessees on the Ben
Hnr properties at Cripple Creek , Is so over-
JoyeJ at the striking of some rich ore that
ho Is oft for Denver to taUo to himself a
A. C. McGulgan , formerly n well known
character about town , engaged In the legal
business , hai returned from a tour of the
universe. About a year or two ago the re
port tfas circulated that he was dead , but
bis appearance on the streets yesterday In
dicates the falsity of the report.
Mrs. J. N. G. Wyllo returned yesterday
from Sioux City , where she has been taking
treatment for consumption from Dr. Shoo-
maker. When she went away two months
ago her condition was very critical , and hei
recovery was considered doubtful. She hat
now recovered from consumption nnd In o
short time. It Is thought , will have regained
her strength.
C , O. D. Brown hai the only nt > n-cxposlvf !
gasoline stove ever manufactured , and II
will burn from 35 to 40 per cent less gasoline
than any other gasoline stove on the- market
I.o t I Iflrra Dug * .
Colonel Jake Shoup , the city po'indmattcr
was driven to drink by a trouble that came
to him Tuesday night. Some one broke tin
lock to the pound door and let fifteen of hli
dogs cut. Ha reported the cuss to the pollci
yesterday and asked for the wppointmem
ot a special detective to see that the opera
tlon vas not repeated. He suspects some o
the hunger * on about the rnce track of havlni
victimized him.
Thief from Module.
A telegram was received from Modale , la.
yesterday from Sheriff Wilson asking tha
C. II. Nlchol ? be arrested as a fugitive fron
Justice. Nichols Is a horse trainer at tin
driving park , and heva picked up b ;
Chief Scanlan yesterday afternoon , lie I :
( apprised to have stolen a watch and chain n
Modulo. He U In the city Jail waiting for :
call from tha ModJlo authorities
Scientific optician ut Wollnun'i , 406 Broad
Hardman , th plauo par excellence
agcncx ( r Muuton'i remedies ,
Police Looking for a Tramp Carrying a
Email Black Medicine Chest.
Choked } > f nn Intruclnr Who Pretomlcil to
lie Selllnc Meillclnr , but WHII Ap
parently He nt nn Rubbery If
Nothing Worse.
An Innocent-looking tramp , with a black
medicine chest to match , has been alarming
the residents of the southern part of the
city , and has already done enough to Insure
his being sent to the penitentiary , If ho Is
caught. Mrs. Martha J. Standley , a widow ,
living nt the corner of Ninth avenue and
Sixth street , went out to work Monday
morning , leaving her children , a little girl
of 12 and a boy of 6 , at homo to look after
the house. Between 8 and 0 o'clock In the
morning there was a knock at the front
door and the little girl , on answering It ,
found a man standing there , who asked If
her mother was at homo. She replied that
she was not , and th < S fellow started to
come In. She tried to keep him back until
ho had told his errand , but he pushed by
her nnd went In.
Finding the little girl an unhandy thing
to have around , he caught her by the throat
with both hands and chocked her till she
was black In the face. She fell to the floor ,
and for a few minutes was unable to move.
The man went out Into the back room and
searched through cupboards , closets and
drawers. The little girl after a time re
vived and went out after him , whereupon
he choked her again. He finally left the
house , but visited several houses In the
neighborhood , offering to cure the ladles he
met of catarrh and rheumatism by means
of some compound he pretended to be car
rylng In the little black chest.
As Officer Covalt made his rounds the
little hey found him and told him of what
had happened , but so far as Is known the
police have done nothing toward locating
the fellow. Ho Is described by the girl as
about 30 years of ago , light complexloncd ,
with sandy moustache , medium height , ami
wearing a light colored sack coat and vest
a white broad-brimmed slouch hat , black
trousers , and blue-striped shirt. The
women who saw him give a like descrip
tion. An Information will probably be filed
by Mrs. Standley this morning , and an
effort will bo made to locate the man.
At the lnton ) Store.
On Monday wo will place on sale 50 pieces
red and blue checked glass toweling , war
ranted all linen , at 5c a yard. These goods
are well worth Sc a yard.
25 pieces of 50-Inch unbleached table linen
regular 45c goods , on sale at 29c a yard.
25 pieces Turkey red table damask , war
ranted fast colors , would be considered
45c , on sale at 25c a yard.
50 pieces of figured dimities , regular 13c
quality , on sale at 12Hc a yard.
100 pieces fine dress ginghams at Cc a
New line of ducks and piques at lOc and
12 0 n yard.
60 pieces of Imported zephyr ginghams , In
plain , checks and stripes , also heavy corded
and lace stripes. Dont' fall to see them.
We show a complete assortment of Frcncli
dimities , organdies , printed madros and Ens
llsh crepons In all qualities.
401-403 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs.
Flou-erH for Dcconitlnn ,
We are going to have a nice asortmcn
of cut flowers and plants for Decoration
day. Baskets and bouquets made to orde
at any price you desire. J. W. Wllcox
florist. Tel. 09.
The old Roman epicures lived to eat , am'
many of them eat for a hundred years be
cause they bought their food nt a place Just
like Peck's Daylight Grocery , where every
thing Is clean , wholesome and elegant.
The Now Process gas ranges are sold by
Cole & Cole. The asbestos oven Is a big
saving of gas. Either gas or gasoline stoves
wo can fit you out. 41 Main street.
Children's waists from lEc to $1.00.
Wtintu 1U Dnmngct.
George Burke has commenced a suit In
the district court for damages In the sum of
$20,000 , making the Omaha & Council Bluffs
Bridge company and the Chicago , Burlington
& Qulncy Railway company codefendants.
The suit Is the outgrowth of the Lower Main
street accident , about two years ago , when
H. F. Holmes lost his life by being caught
In a collision between a motor and a freight
train. Burke was conductor on the motor
train that was destroyed. Ho demands a
Judgment from the motor company because
the rheostat was not properly protected from
water and electric currents , there was no
Insulation on the handles of the current lever
and brake , and the machinery was Imper
fect In other respects. The Burlington Rail
way company Is made defendant , on the
ground that the train was moving at a rate
far In excess of the four-mile an hour limit
laid down In the city ordinances , and no
flagman had been stationed at the crossing
as provided by law. The plaintiff wants
damages because of alleged Injuries Jo his
legs , body , head and pplne , of a permanent
nature. Ho was confined to his bed for
five weeks and kept from work twelve weeks ,
and claims to bo suffering from a paralysis
of the nerves of the back nnd neck , and a
curvature of the spine , as the result of the
accident. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
III ) ; Snlo of Coppi Uhcur.
Wheeler & Hercld's order book Is filled with
orders for Copps Cheer every day. F. J.
Bernard , Lovllla , la. , sending In his third or
der In three days , says : "Am having great
sales of Coppj Cheer. "
, llnlofl liny ( or nnl
In large or small lots , by F. Gardner. In
quire ot Thomas Johnson , city welghmaster.
Children's waists from 15c to $1.00.
Frnro I'uiti.
20 car loads standard red cedar fence posts ,
10'&c each by the car load. A. Overton , Coun
cil Bluffs , Iowa.
A large line ot children's waists.
fitlll a Chnncc toYlci 8HOO.
We can't guarantee horsemen and others
- attending the races that they will always
win on a horse race If they wear our shoes
but we can assure you absolute satisfaction
In style , ( It , comfort and price. But there
Is always a chance that some of the rest
of you might charm the fickle goddess out
of another $800. When you can't lose It's
woith trjlng , ain't It ? C. S. Dyers.
ClniiluuttsMll Spruit.
The selection of speakers for High school
commencement day has been made. The
first four were selected for excellence in
class room work , and the remainder on ac-
CXjnt ot the merit of their orations. Ttit
following members of the clws will speak
Ernest Irons , May VanBrunt , Jennie Me-
Intyre , Jasper Ferguson , Ethel Witter , Brett
JcfferlH , Edith Fields , Berne Sawyer , Ozrt
Illancliard. Caleb Koblnson , Maymo Mulhol 10
land , MeJa Klrkland , Wilson Squire , Dottli
. Wallace and Fred Parsons ,
Itlc itiico Alrotliiff.
Spring meeting of the Unlcn Park uaclng
association commences May 22 , and con >
tlnues ten days. Five good races dally
commencing at 2 p. m. One and a third
fare on all railways for round trip.
Yet , th Eagle laundry U "that good
laundry , " and Is located at 721 Broadway ,
If In doubt about this try It and be convinced ,
Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157.
Hchool .Memorlnl
In moJt of the schools yesterday rcclta
tlons were suspended during the latter hai
of the afternoon session and the tlmo devoted
voted to cxcrclces of a patriotic nature , ii
honor ot today's national holiday. The exer
clses at the Washington avenue school vren
partlculirly Intoreittng , addresses being madi
by C. O. Saunders. W. F. Baker , W. H.
Spera , Colonel D. B. Dally , L. E. Brlden-
stein and other * , In addition to the program
of ringing and recitations. At the close
the pupils marched out of the bullJIng to
music , executing come fancy movements with
great dexterity , and In a manner that re
flected well upon the efforts of the prin
cipal , Mies Mangum , and the other teachers.
The exercises at the other schools were
also Interesting , the recitations , orations anJ
the like being varied with singing.
There will be COO pupils of the city schools
In today's parade , under the leadership ot
Marshal Willie Askln. The High school
cadets will bo In line and will do some fine
marching , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tlj ! ( Ulipl.ijr of I'lotrerf nt Md'honon' *
( lrccrili < nnrs.
Only three blocks cast from motor turn on
Pierce street. All klnJs of choice bedding
and house plants for sale cheap. Vases filled
and planting done free of charge. Wo have
employed Mr. Q. S. Kcnney for special land
scape garJenlng ; 20 years' experience In large
cltlw. Telephone 241.
It will bo pleasant at Lake Manawa today.
tixiniGixns run DIJCOKAIION DAY
U. A. U. and U. V. I , . Will Hun Itlrat Ob-
ftrrintloitN of the Dny.
The Grand Army of the Republic and the
Union Veteran legion , Instead of uniting to
fcho.v honor to the deceased soldiers who
fought shoulder to shoulder In defense of
the country , have decided to run opposition
exercises , the former at Falrvlew and the
latter at Walnut Hill cemetery. The two
celebrations will take place at exactly the
same hour , 2 o'clock , but the two parades
will not come within the danger line of
ono another , the Grand Army starting from
Bayllss park and the Union Veteran legion
from the corner of Washington avenue and
First street.
E. L. Shugnrt will bo president of the
day and W. F. Baker , as marshal , with D.
Maltby , John LIndt and C. S. Hubbard as
assistants , will have charge of the parade
for the Grand Army. The column will form
on Willow avenue , the right resting on Pearl
street , nt 1:30 : p. m. The carriages will
form on Seventh street north of Willow
avenue. The procession will move promptly
at 2 p. m.
At the cemetery the. following order of
exercises will be observed : Overture by
the band , song , prayer by Rev. V. C. Roclio ,
song , oration by Hon. Smith McPherson ,
music by the band , The exercises at the
"unknown graves" will consist of dirge by
the band , address by Hon. Walter I. Tenlth ,
depositing flowers by the Grand Army of
the Republic , volley by the Dodge Light
Guards , taps , benediction by Rev. Henry
The parade of the Union Veteran legion
will form In line on Washington avenue ,
right resting on First street. Commands
will be In line at 1:30 : p. m. Column will
move at 2 p. m. Upon arrival at the ccmc
tery the veterans will bo stationed at the
graves of all deceased soldiers , accom
panied by daughters of soldiers. At the
sound of the bugle they will decorate the
graves of the departed. At the same time
a chorus of school girls will sing an appro
priate hymn. The following program will
bo observed : Music by band , dirge ; prayer
by Chaplain Snyder ; addess by W. W. Wal
lace , chairman ; music by choir ; original
poem , "Memorial Day , " Captain B. W.
Hlght ; address by Hon. C. G. Saunders ;
music by band , "Star Spangled Banner ; "
address by Rev. T. J. Mackay of Omaha ;
music by choir ; music by drum corps ; bene
diction ; taps.
\ lilt Mnnnwii Tnilujr.
A half holiday to Manawa today will bo
a pleasant recreation. Trains will run every
half hour.
LociU .TacUnoM of the St. I'uul Itond Talks
to th < ) Morch'itttfl.
The second monthly banquet of the Mer
chants' and Manufacturers' association was
held last evening at the Grand hotel , am
there was a largo attendance of the business
men of the. city. After the spread had
been disposed of and the cigars were snioul
dcring , Luis1 Jackson , Industrial commls
sloner of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pau
Railway company , was Introduced and made
the principal speech of the evening , a commonsense
monsenso address upon the possibilities o
the middle west from an Industrial stanj
Ho cautioned the citizens against letting
small manufacturing enterprises slip wlill
looking for big ones. Iowa has coal and
and enterprise as well , and Is therefore at a
great advantage over Minneapolis and St
Paul , which have the enterprise but no coa
within 300 mlle.3. By encouraging small be
glnnlngs , an Impulse can bo given manu
facturing enterprises which cannot but re
suit In building up the middle west. Marke
gardening must be encouraged , and Ire
planting should be lookel upon as one of tin
most Important things before the peopl
of Iowa , Nebraska and Colorado. Grape cul
turc has already reached a high mark. Th
manufacture of paving brick Is coming west
and It Is only a question of time when all
Iowa will be paved with brick of her own
manufacture. Council Bluffs and Omaha ,
with their combined population of 225,000 ,
furnish an excellent market for manufac
tured goods ot all kinds , which must prove
tempting to capital.
The moral Influence of such an associa
tion , Mr. Jackson continued , Is better than
the securing of a big factory , for It can
make the town and Its Inducements to capital
known all over the country nnd unite the
business men of the region In an effort
toward upbuilding Its commercial Interests.
Several other speakers were called upon and
responded with short speeches.
MnnuMU T nil in Tocluj.
Manawa trains will run regularly today.
Complete the holiday by visiting the lake.
Looking Oter the Giounil.
W. V. Powell of Vlnton , L. A. Tanqueray
of Pueblo , Colo. , Charles Daniel of Atlanta ,
Ga. , and William White of London , Ont. ,
arrived In the city yesterday morning over
the Northwestern railway and were met at
the depot by a committee from the
Merchants' and Manufacturers' association.
During the day they made a tour of the city
with a view to acquainting themselves with
Its advantages as a proposed site for the na
tion il headquarters of the Order of Railway
Telegraphers. In the afternoon they attended
the races nt the Driving park and In
the evening they went to the
Merchants' and Manufacturers' association
banquet at the Grand hotel. They have
nothing to say as to their final determina
tion In the matter , and the result of their
visit will not be known for some little time.
They do not hesitate to say , however , that
they are pleased with the general appearance
of Council Bluffs and the reception accorded
them by the citizens. Whichever of the
three cities , Council Bluffs , Terre Haute
, and Peorla , wins the prize will also have
the national headquarters of the Order of
Railway Trainmen , as the two orders are so
closely connected that they must be kept
together. If the Council Bluffs business men
give the Merchants' and Manufacturers' asso
ciation the right kind of support there Is
no reason why the present efforts of the as
sociation should not be crowned with suc
Boston store will close at 1 o'clock Thurs
day , Decoration day.
( elehnuion lit the liutltntr.
; Decoration day will bo celebrated today at
the Iowa School for the Deaf by field day
exercises under the management of David
- Ryan , Jr. , teacher of gymnastics. The fol
lowing arc the officers of the day : Presi
dent , Superintendent Henry W , Rothert ;
Judges , A , T. Fllcklnger , trustee , Prof. G.
L. Wyckoff , principal , and Miss Cora E.
Coe , teacher ; timekeepers , Zach B. Thomp
son , Miss Fannie Williams ; assistants to
, manager , Owen Carrell , Frank Durland ,
Susan Hall , Hattle Boono.
Wlllan Kulo.iteil.
C. J. Willow , the ex-president of the Wiz
ard Telephone company , was released from
durance vile yesterday by Marshal Canning.
The local authorities hesitated keeping him
without knowing something more than was
contained In the telegram and the short
letter from the Kansas City chief of pollc * .
No move has so far been made to prosecute
htm here , but Ell Brown Intimates that
something will be done today.
Boston store will close at 1 o'clock Thurs
day , Decoration day.
( Continued from Flrtt Page. )
England. The bishop read selections trom
the different parts of the scriptures , the 39th
Psalm , the 00th Ptalm and the Ifith chapter
of I Corinthians. Then a quartet , stationed
at the side , fang sweetly Cardinal Newman's
hymn "Lead Kindly LightAgain the
bishop read a few verses trout the scriptures
and the funeral prayer and then the services
closed with the Lord's Prayer and a bless
ing. The entire service lasted but fifteen
The bishop stepped to one' side after In
viting those who cared to do so to look upon
the fuce of the eminent deceased. Of this
Invitation every one In the room took ad
vantage and a long line of people silently
formed and passed by the side of the casket
taking one last look at the features of the late
secretary as he lay peacefully at rest with
his left arm crossed on his breast. Mean
while the president , the cabinet and the dip
lomatic corps had retired to make ready
for their Journey to Chicago with the re
When the crowd had withdrawn the casket
remained open for halt an hour while a few
came to take a last look at the face of the
dead. The great east room was deserted sive
by the presence of the army officers In charge
of the arrangements , and by a small group
which sat sllouitly and sadly near the casket.
This latter group Included Mr. Otto Ores-
ham , Mr. Andrews , son-in-law of the de-
eased , and Bishop Hurst.
Just at 11 o'clock a bugle sounded from
lie cavalry without. It was the signal to
love. The attendants of the casket
epped forward and prepared to seal It.
Us Kato Field , who had remained In the
oam , stepped to the front and was the
ast to take a look at the dead. Then the
d was screwed down and the squad of
arlnes formed at cither side or the csket
id at a word of command from Colonel
aywood bore the casket slowly through
ho corridors to the hearse In waiting. The
on and son-in-law followed and after
hem came the president and his cabinet
Ith their wives. A carriage with Mrs.
resham and her daughter Joined the fun-
ral cortege at the executive mansion , the
Hilary which had been drawn up on Penn-
ylvanla avenue , facing the white house
; rounds , awaiting orders , were given the
ord of command and the funeral party ,
'Ith Its military escort , moved down Penn-
ylvanla avenue to the Baltimore & Ohio
tatlon , from M'here the sad journey to
hlcago was to be made.
Major General Thomas II. Ruger was In
ommand of the escort , and the following
ere the members of his staff : Thomas M.
Incent , U. S. A. ; Colonel H. C. Corbln ,
J. S. A. ; Major W. P. Hall , U. S. A. ;
ilajor J. C. Muhlenburg , U. S. A. ; Captain
Jrosby Miller , U. S. A. ; Captain C. W.
Vhlpple , U. S. A. ; Captain Rogers Blrney ,
. S. A. ; Captain G F. Felberger , U. S. A. ,
nd Lieutenant J. A Blunt , U. S. A. Cap
tain Whlpplo was overcome by the heat ,
lo fell from his horse and was taken to
hospital. The military detachment was
ended by troops A , E and H of the famous
icvcnth cavalry from Fort Meyer , headed
ty a band of forty pieces mounted on heavy
roop horses.
Major Lcbo commanded the cavalry. The
'amoils Marine band with Its full comple
ment of sixty men In glittering uniforms of
liver and blue swung Into line after the
eglmcnt of cavalry and was followed by
ho marine corps and from the navy yard
arracks three companies , commanded
y Captain Robinson , with 120 men In Hue ;
ho four guns of battery C of the Third Ar-
Illery followed with torty men In line
ntlor command of Major Rowell.
When the hearse , followed by the short
iroccsslon of a dozen , carriages , had
merged from the white house gate , It
ame to a halt In front of the troops
rawn up In the order given. The troops
alutcd ; General Ruger , and his aides lifted
heir hats and the Marino band struck Into
he solemn strains of "Nearer My God
'hce. ' " To this music the military detach
ments marched past the hearse and when
he last company had passed the carriages ,
lontalnlng the president and Mrs. Cleveland
nd members of his official household , fell Into
Ine , the relatives not accompanying the
. 'uneral cortege , but driving privately to
ho station shortly before train time. Three
lands played dirges along the march.
Sidewalks and windows along the line of
ho march were crowded and Hags on all of
ho buildings were half-masted.
The column proceeded at a rapid rote
.ml reached the station shortly before
noon. The marine corps and the Fourth
artillery band was In line Just opposite the
entrance. A halt was called , and the troops
stood at a present arms , while the hearse
drew up to the sidewalk , from the right
came the music of the Marino band , "Safe
n the Anns of Jesus. " Far to the left a
wandering organ grinder played "There Is
a Fountain Filled With Blood. "
The funeral train In Its appointments was
ono of unusual magnificence. It was made
up of five Baltimore & Ohio and Pullman
coaches , and was drawn by ono of the most
powerful engines employed on the Baltimore
& Ohio "Western Limited" trains , with En
gineer Lockhart and Fireman Eaklo in the
cab. The train was under the charge of
Conductor Taylor. First behind the engine
was the composite car "Esperanza , " which
was occupied by the body resting upon a
low catafalque draped In black , and the mili
tary guard of six artillerymen. Next came
'he Pullman , "Columbia. " It has two draw-
ng rooms and seven staterooms , and was
occupied by the members of the cabinet and
First Assistant Postmaster General Jones.
The "Colanthe" came next. Its occupants
were Mr. Landls , private secretary to Mr ,
Grcsham , Senor Mendonca , the Brazilian min
ister ; Senor Romero , the Mexican minister ;
Mr. J. W. Doano of Chicago , a director of
the Pullman company ; Mr. Bond , division
passenger agent of the Baltimore & Ohio ,
and Mr. McElroy of the Pullman company.
The "Virginia , " which came next , was oc
cupied by President Cleveland and Secretary
Laniont. Neither Mrs. Cleveland nor any of
the ladles of the cabinet were in the party.
The rear car , the Haslemclr , was occupied
by Mrs. Gresham , her son. Otto , and Mr.
anil Mrs. Andrews ; Mra. McGraln , Captain
Fuller and the family servants.
On the train the casket was placed In a
cedar outer case , bearing a gilt plato with
the words : "Body of Walter Q. Gresham ,
Chicago , 111. "
It was Just 12:15 : o'clock when the train
started , and If schedule time Is made it will
reach Chicago at 2 p. m. tomorrow.
Ceremonies Will Not He Attended by Any
CHICAGO , May 29. United States Mar
shal John W. Arnold jias 'been placed In
charge of the. local arrangements for the
Interment of the late Secretary Gresham.
Only In a general way has lie arranged for
the marth to the cemetery tomorrow.
Colcncl Corbln will reach Chicago at 7
o'clock tomorrow , and 'tlto marshal and
General Merrltt will meet'hlm ' on his arrival
and the program will be' definitely arranged.
As contemplated tonlglil , tWo will be no
attempt at display. It js ; probable that the
only troops participating Id the display will
be the cavalry and artillery * from Fort Sher
idan. The Infantry wilt W'brought ' to the
city with the others at , fto'clock , In the
morning , and their participation will depend
upon the wishes of Colonel 'Corbln ,
During the afternoon "Marshal " Arnold and
General Merrltt had a. conference with A.
A , Sprague , the local representative of the
Gresham family. They arranged for the
Interment at Oakwood and for an under
taker to meet the funeral train at Sixty-
third street , with a state hearse drawn by
six black horses. The honorary pall
bearers , the city officials , the county Ju
diciary and the Loyal legion will Join In the
escort at that point.
A meeting of the Judges of the United
States courts and the local government of
ficials was called late this afternoon and
twenty honorary pall bearers were selected
among them being William A. Woods
James G. Jenkins , John W. Showalter
Judges of the United States circuit court
Romanzo Bunn , William J. Allen , Wllllarr
H , Seama , Judges of the United States rnB
trlct court ; Henry W , Blodgett , retlrei
Judge of the United States district court ; W
G. Ewlng , Robert Tuthlll , Judges of th 10 <
state courts. The Loyal legion was re
quested to furnish the active pall bearers
The funeral train will reach Chicago at :
o'clock , and the train will be stopped a
Jho Sixty-third street crossing ot the llllnoli
Central railroad tracks and the funeral
cortege move from there to Oakwood.
At a special meeting of the city council
today the council decided to attend the
funeral In a body.
UAi IONS roTiu : rtiN Iteprcsentntlvr * of Itllnoli unit In-
illnnn Will Attend.
SPRINGFIELD , 111. , May 29. The mem
bers of the Illinois general assembly will
pay their respects to the memory of Walter
q. Grcsham at his funeral In Chicago. A
committee of fifteen members will attend
the obsequies. This was agreed to today In
Joint resolution adopted by both houses.
INDIANAPOLIS , May 29. In response tea
a telegram sent to Secretary Lament last
night , signed by a number of prominent
citizens and old friends of the late- Secretary
Grcsham , asking that the remains bo tnkcn
to Chicago via Indianapolis and be allowed
to lie In state In Indianapolis for a tow
hours , the following reply was received by
Chairman Edward Hawkins today :
"The family of the late General Grcsham
fully appreciates the kind sympathy that
your telegram suggests , but for private rea
sons they conclude to proceed Immediately
to Chicago , where the Interment will take
place at 2 o'clock tomorrow. "
The committee sending this telegram to
Secretary Lament , with several other citi
zens of Indianapolis , will leave for Chicago
tonight to attend the funeral.
Ilcfnscil to DlnciiM the Oiientloil of I he
.Sccri'tury'n Miccrmor.
LONDON , May 29. All the coming en
gagements of the staff of the United States
embassy , including the stats ball , have been
cancelled on account of the death of Secre
tary Grcsham. No member of the embassy
was present at the Derby today. A repre
sentative of ths Associated press questioned
the United states ambassador , Hon. Thomab
F. Bayard , with reference to the statements
from Washington that he would probably suc
ceed Mr. Grcsham as secretary of state.
Mr. Bayard said : "These ara mere specula
tions nnd I cannot discuss them. "
Mr. Bayard was then asked to send through
the Associated press n message to the Amer
ican people upon the death of Mr. Gresham
and he said the following might be trans
mitted : "American history Is rich In heroIsm -
Ism , and no son of America ever deserved
the epithet 'heroic' more perfectly than Wal
ter Q. Gresham , for his courage was unsel
fish as his honor was stainless. "
Clmncellor llnrcourt Itcplles to nn AiUtrri *
of the Hunkers.
LONDON , May 29. At a meeting of leadIng -
Ing city bankers and merchants held at the
banking house of Glynn , Mills , Currle & Co. ,
It was decided to form a gold standard de
fense association , and Mr. Bertram Currle ,
the chairman of the meeting , was elected
president of the new association. The fol
lowing address was then forwarded to the
chancellor , Sir William Vernon Harcourt :
"We , merchants and bankers of this city ,
deslro to address you with reference to the
discussion which has taken place In Parlia
ment on the currency question. We arc
constrained that we view with grave ap
prehension any change In the system of cur
rency which has prevailed without Intermis
sion In this country since 1810. We believe
that any serious attempt to modify It by the
adoption of silver as a standard of value ,
either alone or concurrently with gold , will
bo followed by consequences dangerous to the
trade and commerce of the country , and
further , If It were possible that such a meas
ure should not only become a law , but made
effective In practice , It would disturb con
tracts , Injure credit , check enterprise , and
thus prove disastrous to both capitalists and
wage-earners. "
The signatures to the above address Include
the names of Brown , Shipley & Co. ; Fruhl-
Ing & Goschen ; Morton , Rose & Co. ; Ralll
Bros. ; Charles Raphael Co. ; Barclay , Bevan ,
Tlrton. Hanson , Bouverlc & Co. ; Currle &
Co. ; Roberts , Lubbock & Co. ; Schroeder &
Currle , and the directors of the National and
Provincial Bank of England ; the London and
County bank ; the London and Westminster
Bank of England ; the Union Bank of London ;
Lloyd bank ; Paris Banking company , and the
Alliance , Martins bank ; the Union Discount
company and the Bank of New South Wales.
The chancellor of the exchequer sent the
following reply to the address :
"I concur entirely In the opinion that the
experience of well nigh a century has proved
that the present system of currency Is suited
to the wants of this great commercial coun
try , and that to depart therefrom would be
disastrous to the trade and credit of the
United Kingdom. You may rely upon It that
her majesty's government will not give coun
tenance to any change In the fundamental
principle of our monetary system , nor In any
discussion In which they may be called to
take part will they admit any doubt of their
Intention to firmly adhere to the single gold
standard. "
Jnpnn nncl Franco rnctiiR Kacli Otliur In a
AVnrllKo Attitude.
LONDON , May 29. A Times special from
Shanghai this afternoon says that alarming
reports are current at Shanghai. It Is stated
a renewal of hostilities Is Imminent. The
viceroy of Formosa Is said to have rebelled
against the government of Peking. The
Japanese ships are reported to have been
cleared for action and the French ships at
Formosa are also said to have been prepared
for action. In addlt on rumorj of Russian Inter
vention are current at Shanghai and steam
ers have been ordered to Ticn-Tsln with pro
visions In view of the probability of Russian
Combining ; Acnlnst Guntemn'n.
NEW YORK , May 29. A special to the
World from Salvador says : There Is no
doubt that there Is a plan of forming a
Central American union without Guatemala.
Should Guatemala attempt to Interfere with
the plans war will bo declared. That un-
While wo do most of our
, UL.Y , , . * about the Klmlmll
plauo , the best on earth , we
don't lose Kl lit of the fact that
t \ the I1IH7.0 nnd the Htillot < ! c
. < l Davis pianos nro nonrly ns
Rood and not as high priced ,
JJJ Easy terms.
A. HOSPE. Jr ,
Music and Art ,
1513 Douglas.
Special Notices-Council
UJ Uurke , at W 8. Homer's , US Uroadway ,
Mile cheap and tin caiy terms. Day & JItas ,
; 19 1'farl.mreet.
- property C. K , Nicholson , 63'JH Uroadway ,
. nritrr ; an KOCH ! as new. Kantlwlih Manulartur
Ing Co. , 1 < US and 1030 U. Main street ,
condition , ICO caili. II. J , Adams , > IS 1'trli
avenue , city. _
( Ingle. 719 first avenue *
doubtcdljr would precipitate A jcvolut'on '
against President Harrlos of Qnatcnmla ,
causing his overthrow , as the failure of the
plans for a Central American union are
ascribed to his ambitious designs.
Tarnishing Kmploriiirnt for Cub 1 in to
Keep 'Hicm Contoiitcil.
HAVANA , May 29. Captain General Mar
tinez de Campos has assured the news
papers of the province of 1'uerto Prlnclpo
that the government will contribute the
Bum of $20,000 per month for the construc
tion of the railroad between I'uerto Principe ,
the capital of that province , and the port
of Santa Cruz on the eastern coast ot that
province. The government has decided to
undertake this work In order to give employ
ment to about 700 laborers. It Is deter
mined also to finish the war noon , even If
It Is necessary to bring more troops from
Spain for that purpose. The captain general
has received a dispatch from the govern
ment at Madrid , c.iylng the Spanish minis
ter of war has ready 25.000 additional
troops for transportation to the Island of
Cuba , but Do Campos was asked to advise
the government first whether reinforcements
wcro necessary. Ho replied , saying no
moro troops were needed at present to sup
press the Insurrection.
MADRID , May 29. An official dispatch
from Havana announces that the Spanish
troops have won a victory over the Insur
gents commanded by Macco. Two small
bands of Insurgents , which have appeared In
the vicinity of Camagucz , are being actively
pursued. . ,
1'aMMir Decline- ( Icrnmn Decoration ,
I'AHIS , May 29. M. Louis Pasteur , the
distinguished French chemist , who of recent
years 1ms attained remarkable results In the
prevention of hydrophobia by Inoculation , has
refused a German decoration which has been
awarded to him as a result of his labors In
the cause of humanity and polcnce.
Volunteer * to Alii tlia pnlllnrll * .
HAVANA , May 29. A 70100111116111 of 700
volunteers left hero yesterday to take part
In the campaign against the Insurgents. Other
towns have furnished 1,200 additional volun
Captain General Martinez do Campos has
arrived at Puerto Principe.
Deny th Mlnlsturlitl Victory.
nOME , May 29. The opposition newspa
pers refuse to acknowledge the victory ot
the government In the recent elections.
The Italia , commenting on the result , says :
"Tho ministers have not obtained the result
expected. " _ _ _ _ _ _
Death of nil lllHtorla I'rrnonrtco.
PAHIS , May 29. Albert , otherwise Alex
ander Martin , the last survivor of the gov
ernment established by the National assem
bly In 1848 , died yesterday near Crell , De
partment of Olso. He was 81 years old.
Foster , Ethel Artayilsc , aged 9 months and
20 days , at home , 108 Grace street , Council
UlufTs , la. , Wednesday , May 29 , 1895.
Funeral Friday at 10:30 : a. m.
Take your family down to Manawa today.
The New Process gas ranges are sold by
Cole & Cole. The asbestos oven Is a big
saving of gas. Either gas or gasoline stoves
wo can fit you out. 41 Main street.
A large line of children's waists.
Boston store will close at 1 o'clock Thursday -
day , Decoration day.
Thrj- Are Mnny. Hut One of the Want la thj
People Imvo nn Idea that colds arc con *
traded In cold weather. This Is not cor
rect. When the pores of the rkln nro open
nnd n chilly wind blow ? against the body ,
then Is the greatest danger. The flmt
sneeze , a fiillllltitf In the nostrllx , a dull *
ness of the head nil Indicate the first
symptom * of n cold. And a cold In warm
weather Is a a bad ns at any other time ,
There Is but one thing to do when any oC
these Kymptoms come , nnd that Is to bring-
about a reaction at once. A delay may ,
mean serious consequences. There Is but
ono way by which a healthy reaction cnr >
be bt ought about , nnd that Is by the use
of a pure medicinal stimulant , nnd them In
but one thing thut can bo depended upon nt
pilch a time that IB Duffy's Pure Malt
Whiskey. It Is what Its name Implies
perfectly puro. It 1ms boon before the
public for many year ? , and In the most
popular of all stimulants , because It U so
pure and powerful.
If you have any of the first symptoms ot
a cold , you should not delay a moment , )
but use this great preparation at oner. I'o
not permit any drugplst or grocer to Bell
you anything else. A cold cannot be curcil
on the Btnrt by nn Inferior whiskey , nnil
you should Insist upon having the best , and
Just what you ask for.
Always Rcliaple ; Purely Vegetable.
I'crfcclly tnclelpra , rlCKnnlly cooled , punr ,
rrRUlatP , purify , clrnnoc imtt strcnctlirn. HAD-
WAY'S I'll.I.H for the euro of nil illKonlcm of
the Stomach. IlimeK Kliliicy * . llliulilcr , Nrr-
Miim Diseases , Ulizlncsa , VcitlKO , CocUvcnesiV
and All Disorders of the Liver.
Observe the following symptoms resulting from
dlsonmw of the illRrstlvo orpins : Constipation ,
Inward piles , fullneus of blood In the head. ncUl *
Ity of the stomach , nnuscn , hrnitbuin , illpirust
or fovnl , fullness of weight of ttic stomach , HOUP
rructntluns , sinking or fluttering of the heart ,
chokliiR or surfm-ntlng sensations when In n.
lying position , ( llmnrfu of vision , ilnts or wettt
before the right , feter ami dull p.iln 111 the lienil ,
deficiency of pvisplmtlon , yellowness of the skin
nnd eyes , ] > .iln in the side , rhest , limbs and
sudden flushes of beat , bumlnR In the llesh.
A few iloho of HAinVAY'S I'll.I.S will frc
the H\slom of nil the nltovp named fllhortlers.
1'iuun 25o A iiox , soi.n nv mtuaaisTs oa
Feml to nil. IIA11WAV * CO. , Lock Uox 303 ,
New York , for Hook of Advice.
President. Casbltr.
First lationa
of COUNCIL BLUFFo , Iowa. , $100,000
Profits , 12 ,000
On * of ih oldest bnnka In the ilate ot lawn.
\Ve solicit your buslne and collections. W
pay K per cent on time deposits. Wo will b
to ice Mid ienr you.
for infants and Children.
" Cnstorln , ISEOwell adapted to children that
I recommend it us hupcrlor to any prescription
known to 1110. " H. A. Anciicn , M. D. ,
Ill So. Oxford St. , Brooklyn , N , Y.
"Tho use ot 'Castorla' Is so universal and
Its merits so well known that It seems a work
ot supererogation to cndorws It. Few nro the
Intelligent families who do not 'keep Castorla
within easy reach. "
i ! MARTYH , D. D. ,
New York City.
C'ustorla cures Colic , Constipation ,
Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea , Eructation ,
Kills Worms , gives sleep , uud promotes ( U *
gostlon ,
Without Injurious medication.
"For several ycara I have recommended
'Cnstorln , ' nnd shall always contluuo to do
FO , as It has Invariably produced bvncflclal
results. "
EDWIN F. PinnEE , M. P. ,
ISth Street and 7th Ave. , New York City.
( This may seem Incredible but It Is nevertheless true nnd toe are prepared to jirovtourl
attcrtiont. Jllnrlt Tonic jittritlcH tlie blooil , re/iiliitfH tlin tivi-ri'M ,
IffcatPH apjictltti , " ' ' . ' " P / Bi YOUR DRUQOIST SELLS IT. V/
V iHueKtlon , ttllaiiHiJ'Mln jBxyaJSr S .V
\fjinift in'otlitcen rt'jrrNh'i
TJ till/nlci'li. ltd poiltlvelyl
\J guaranteed to curean/iltneit ; , \ . .
V If you have not given It a ! Manufacturers ,
\J trial do BO to-day and watch . ,
- ' . .
\ / Its miraculous powers. fmSa S& M KT - ' OIIIH < mn ' <
We have in stock 10,000 feet of hose , more than all other
dealers combined carry. Our prices are fully 25 per cent less
than they can sell you for. Come and see and be convinced.
We will sell you a good hose for 6Jc per foot.
Rooms 1-4 Fourth St. , Masonic Block.
Davis DP Paint and Class House.
Exclusive sellers in Council Bluffs for the Justly celebrated Hoath& Milll
OF AMERICA , put up in 04 handsome shades and guaranteed to look
better , wear lonfjor and cover more surface than any other paint. This
paint received the HIGH iBT AWARD at the World's fair. Our motto :
A pleased customer our best advertisement. Call or send for color card.
Wholesale and retail.
All kinds of Dyeing
and Cleaning dona In
the hlRheit style ot
the art. Faded and
utalned fabrlci mad *
to look as good as
new. Work prompt/ !
done and delivered
In all parts or the
country. Bend Cor
price Hit.
BK dwajr , crar North *
/ Depot. Council
Ulutu , Ion * . Tel. to ,