Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 30, 1895, Image 1

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All Branches of the Sjrvioas Represented in
the Qresham Obsequies.
Simple Scrvlcrs t the U'tilto Homo Con
ducted by Illihup Hurst 1'roiliUnt
anil Cabinet Accompany the llo-
nmliu to the City by the I.tlco.
WASHINGTON , May 29. . The remains of
Walter Q. Grcsham , the dead secretary of
state , accompanied by President Cleveland
every member of his cabinet and the secre
tary's family , left Washington nt 12 10
o'clock today on a special train for Chicago ,
where the final Interment will take place to
morrow. In life , Secretary Gresham had
loved most the military career of his ardent
youth and of all his titles hid ben tha
fondest of that of general , which he had
won upon the battlefield. In death he was
wrapped In the stars and sir pes and given
n soldier's funeral. The whole city mourned
the nation's loss Every department of the
Kovcrnment was closed. Every flag In Wash
ington was at half mast. All tl.o regular
troops In Washington , cavalry , artillery and
Infantry , escorted the remains to the rail
road station.
Mrs. Grcsham , the stricken wife , was so
overcome by her grief that she was unable
to attend the services at the white house.
The casket was berne to the executive man
slon through the files of military and there
deposited In the east room , President Cleve
land and his cabinet , as honorary pall
bearers , accompanying the remains thither
The cast room had been draped with a pro
fusion of American flags and decorated will :
palms and potted flowers. The black cata
falque and the black seal rug on which
It rested , were banked with the rarest ani
most bctutlful flowers. The assemblage was
of tha most distinguished character. All the
members of the diplomatic corps In ful
court costume , resplendent with decorations
and many of them stiff with gold lace nni
braid ; the officers of the army and navy In
brilliant uniforms and all the high civ I
officials of the government , tlio president am
his cabinet , the Judges of the supreme court
senators , representatives and other digni
taries and their wives were present to pay
their last tribute to the honored dead. Al
were profoundly moved by the simplicity o
the service. It consisted merely of the
reading of the funeral service of the Metho
dlst Episcopal church by Bishop Hurst , a
personal friend of the secretary. When the
benediction was said , the strains of Cardln.i
Newman's beautiful hymn , "Lcid Kindly
Light , " trembled on the air and It was over.
With bowed heads those present took a
long last look at the well known features
and departoJ. As the funeral cortege
emerged from the white house grounds the
long stretch of cavalry , with their heavy
yellow plumes , the artillery and the Infantry ,
drawn up along the avenue , saluted , and the
scarlet coated marine band played "Nearer
My Gcd to Thee. "
The military then took their places under
command ot Major General Rugcr and slowly
led the way down the avenue to the station ,
precede. ! by a band of forty pieces mounted
on heavy horses. There were corps from the
navy yard , three companies of Infantry ,
four gun batteries from Washington barracks
and four batteries from Fort Meyer , In all
about 1,500 men. As they swung down the
avenue to the solemn strains ot the funeral
dirge , the sidewalks and every nva'Iab e space
In the windows overlooking the avenue were
lined with reoplo. As they heard the mulfied
drums , the multitude reverently lilted their
hats as the cortege passed.
While the casket was being conveyed to
the train , the band played "Safe In the Arms
of Jesus. "
As the train left the station , the military
departed and the city became quiet and Its
streets almost deserted ,
Before S o'clock this morning the floral I
tributes to the distinguished dead be
gan to arrive at the old Pomeroy
house , overlooking Lafayette square , now
an annex to the Arlington , In which the
remains of the secretary of state lay. Only
a few pieces , however , were received there ,
most of them being sent to the white house ,
vvlrre the service was to be held. Those
taken Into the drawing room were a beautiful 1
wreath ot lilies ot the valley and roses from
the Department of State , a massive tablet t
of orchids from the cabinet , a huge wreath
of purple orchids , calla lilies , and lilies of
the valley tied with royal purple from the
members of the diplomatic corps , a cross
from the Department of the Potomac , Grand
Army of the Republic , and a battle flag from
the secretary's old comrades of the Army
of the Tennessee ; a blue field ot Immortelles
with white square In the center containing
the representation of a pile of bullets and
the words , "Forty rounds. "
The casket lay In the drawing room lookIng -
Ing out upon the public square. Secretary
and Mrs. Lumoiit , First Assistant Postmaster
General Jones , ex-Secretary of the Treasury
Drlstow and Mrs , Brlstow , and a few other
Intimate friends were with the sorrowing
and stricken family , Mrs. Gresham , broken
In spirit , exhausted by her long vigils , and
overcome with grief , was in such a nervous
state that her daughter and son prevailed
upon her not to undertake the trying ordeal ol
attending the services at the white house ,
At 8:30 : o'clock , therefore , the doors were all
closed and the stricken family were left alone
with their dead. For almost thirty minute s
they remained taking their last leave.
Meantime , without the preparations wer
being made for the military burial. Mounted
police were displayed about Lafayette square
and along the curbs , jU Intervals of a few
feet , were policemen to keep back the crowd !
already gathered in large numbers.
The Pomeroy house , In which the secretary
lay , joins that one occupied by Charles Sum <
ner. The locality breathed historic remln
Ucsnccs , Opposite was spread LafayetU
square , the most spacious park In the city
while beyond , through the massive oaks am
elms , gleamed the shining walls of the whlti
house , the state , war , and navy bulldlngi
and the heavy Corinthian columns of thi
treasury. On the left was the old Madlsor
house , now the home of the Cosmos club
while farther down Lafayette place were thi
old Taylor house , now occupied by Senatoi
Cameron , and beyond It the site of the ill
fated Blalne mansion , In front of which Gen
cral Sickles shot Philip Barton Key , where thi
attempt was made to assassinate Seward , am
where Blalne died.
The bugle commands floated across thi
square as the horses of the > ellow tassclei
cavalry , the lumbering caisson of their artll
lery ami the blue coated foot soldiers , tin
military escort were drawn up Into line aloni
Pennsylvania avenue. Colonel Wilson , h
uniform , had general charge of the funera
arrangements , He was at the Arlington giv
ing the final directions concerning the re
moval of the body to the white house , am
Captain Hall ot the Nineteenth Infantry wa
there In charge of the detail of eight mci
from the Fourth artillery , who were to csrr ;
the casket.
At 9 o'clock the doors to the room wher
the remains lay were opened and the famll :
retired to the rear apartments. Mrs
Gresham In an agony of grief was almos
carried from her room by her stalwart son
Otto , and was followed by her daughtei
Mrs , Andrews , and Mrs. McQraln and Cap
tain Fuller. Meantime Mrs. Carlisle am
other ladles of the cabinet hero arrived am
offered such words of comfort as they could
Soon after the carriages containing th
members ot the cabinet began to arrive
Secretary Carlisle , Acting Secretary Uhl , At
torney General OIney and Secretary Herber
drove up In the order named.
At 915 President Cleveland arrived Ii
the white house carriage , accompanied b ;
Cnlonol Wilton. The crowd craned the !
necks , anil a few camera enthusiasts , wh
seemed unconscious of the solemnity of th
occasion , attempted to secure snap shots
The president wore a black frock coat. II
looked far from well , anil ascended , th
broyrn itoae step * yrltU Bom difficulty. ,
moment later Secretary Morton and Post
master General Wilson arrived In their car
riages followed by Secretary Smith on foot.
The casket had been closed and the presi
dent and members of the cabinet were given
no opportunity to view the remains.
At exactly 9.30 o'clock five red-coated
rumpeters marched up Lafayette place and
stationed themselves outside the line ot
mounted police to give the signal when the
cortege departed. Thirty seconds later the
icarse , drawn by two coal black horses ,
Irew up at the door. The president fol
lowed by members of the cabinet In the
) rder of their rank , acting as honorary pall
bearers , descended the steps and stood with
uncovered heads whllo the eight artillery
men carried the casket with slow and solemn
tread between them. The casket was
shrouded completely In the folds of the
American flag , but the stars and stripes
: ould hardly be discerned for the flowers
banked upon it.
The artillerymen walked beside the hearse
as It drew away , halting at the corner until
the president and members of his official
family In their carriages had taken their
positions ahead. Acting Secretary Uhl was
with Mr. Cleveland , Secretary Carlisle was
alone , Secretaries Herbert and Lament , At
torney General Olney and Postmaster Gen
eral Wilson , Secretaries Smith and Morton ,
and First Assistant Postmaster General
Jones and ex-Secretary Brlstow followed In
the order named. Bishop Hurst , who ar
rived at this moment in his carriage fol
lowed the hearse. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews ,
Otto Oreihnm. and Captain Fuller following.
Mrs. Carlisle , Mrs. Lament , Mrs. Brlstow ,
Mrs. McGraln , Mrs. Grcsham's sister , and
several other close friends remained bahtnd
with Mrs. Gresham.
The funeral procession preceded by a squad
of mounted police moved down Lafayette
place , flanked on cither side by a line of
policemen , behind whom were thousands of
people , many of them with bowed and un
covered heads. Here and there a tear
trickled down the cheek of one who had
known and felt the kindness of him who
was teen to be laid to rest forever. The
procession swept around the great bron/o
statue of Lafayette at the corner of the
square and up the broad avenue , passed the
drawn-up artillery and cavalry to the en
trance of the white house grounds. Slowly
It moved along the line of carriages of the
diplomatic corps , members of the supreme
court , officials , members of congress and
other Invited guests to the steps of the
white house.
The casket , preceded by ths president and
cabinet , was borne by the artillerymen to the
East room , where the services took place.
The East room of the executive mansion was
ela'borately festooned for the solemn occa
sion. The windows were hung with the stars
and stripes , and each of the many mantels
and mirrors were hidden by huge flags hang
ing from the celling to the floor. The entire
southerly end of the room was a forest of
palms and potted plants Around the East
room wall , palms were gracefully arranged ,
making a circuit of rich , dark green foliage
"lacked by the drapery of flags.
Chairs were arranged In rows along the
naln portions of tin room down to HID great
entral door , through which the casket was
lorne Seats were reserved for the Immediate
ilnsfolk 'of the dead man , for the president
nd Mrs. Cleveland , and for the numbers of
he cabinet and their wives. Within this
olemn , black-robed circle , stood the stand-
nls for the catafalque resting on a large
ilack seal rug.
At the upper end of the place where the
latafalquo was to rest stood a large wreath
learlng the cards of the President and Mrs.
Jleveland. It was of white roses and white
hododcndrons , tied with white ribbons.
Mongslde this was another superb wreatn
rom the State department of white and red
DECS with sage palms and calla lilies , tied
\lth purple ribbon At the foot of the stand
ards stood a cross ot violets from Chief Jus-
Ice and Mrs. Fuller. Conspicuous for Its
are beauty was the floral tribute from the
orelgn representatives. It was In the form
of a large crescent wreath of orchids , lilies
of the valley , American Beauty roses and
carnations , tied with a bow of Hrg ribbon
vlth the words "Diplomatic Corps" In gold
etters thereon. Among the profusion of
loral tributes were the following Large
cluster of white roses and calla lilies , tied
with white ribbon , from Secretary and Mrs.
Carlisle : palms and La Franca roses from
Comptroller and Mrs. Eckels ; blue guidon
with corps colors , with words "Forty
Hounds" wrought in Immortelles on a blue
ground , from the Army of the Tennessee ;
Maltese cross of La France and pearl roses
'rom the Army of the Tennessee.
By 10 45 the vast east room was nearly
ljcl. The seating arrangements were perfect.
Lieutenant Sew ell , corps of engineers , and
Lieutenant Glltnoro , Fourth artillery , under-
took to care for the army and navyMcssrs ; ,
Hayward , Renlck , Falson , Smith and Keller
looked otter the seating of the diplomatic
body , whllo Colonel Wilson exercised general -
eral supervision ot the interior arrangements
Ex-Secretary Brlstow with his wife was one
of tha first official guests. Closely following
him came the Japanese minister , Mr. Kurlno ,
with his attache. The remainder of the dips
lomatlc corps came along very rapidly. Sir
Julian Pauncefote , the British ambassador ,
with his wife and daughter , preceded Am
bassador Patenotro , who was accompanied by
his wtte Then followed the Italian ambassa
dor and Baron von Kettler , who Is acting as
the German ambassador , with full suites. The
ambassadors were given a place of honor in
the first row , to the right ot the catafalque ,
the ministers and attaches of the legations
were seated in their rear and In the main
the first row , to the right ot the catafalque ,
All the members ot the diplomatic body were
apparently In attendince , with the exception
of Minister Wcckerlln of the Netherlands ,
who Is absent from Washington. The mem
bers of the supreme court came In singly
and were seated on the left of the cata
falque. Mr. Thurber , the presi
dent's private secretary , gave the
assistance of his arm to Justice Field , who
was very feeble. Just In the rear of the dip
lomatic body , In the center of the chamber ,
were seated the general officers of tha army
and navy with their ladles , among them
General Ruggles , General Batcheler. Pay-
masfr General Stanton , Inspector Breckln-
ildge , Admiral Ramsey , Captain Matthews
ami others.
Bureau officers from the varlons depart
ments filed in , among them Comptroller
Eckels , Assistant Secretary Wllke and Assist
ant Secretary McAdoo. A few senators whc
were In Washington attended the ceremonies
and were given prominent places by Ser-
geant-at-Arms Bright and Sccr-tary Cox ,
Senator Stewart was in the very first row ,
Senator Gray sat behind him and Senatoi
Morgan occupied a place near the side aisle ,
The State department sent an Imposing : dele
gation , consisting of all the employes down
to the humblest messenger , headed by Assist
ant Secretaries McAdoo and Rocknlll ami
ex-Assistant Sccratary John Moore. Personal
frl ° nds or the late secretary completely
filled that part ot the room not occupied by
A few minutes before ' 10 o'clock the fam'lj
of the deceased , except'Mrs. Gresham , whc
retrained at the hotel , were ushered Into tlu
green room , through whose open doorwaj
they had a plain vle\v of the catafalque
Almost Immediately at a sign from Colonc
Wilson the crowd In the center divided , am
the casket , borne by eight stalwart sergeant !
of the Fourth artillery , under command o
Captain Charles D. Hall of the Nlneteenll
Infantry , was borne to the east rom am
placed upon Its supports. The floral tribute )
were gathered by the ushers and heaped It
profusion upon the black surface of tin
Again the crowd divided and the preslden
and his cabinet entered. President Clevelam
headed the party , with Mrs Cleveland upsi
his arm. In order came Secretary and Mrs
Carlisle , Secretary Lament and wife
Attorney General Olney nnd wife , Postniastc
General Wilson and wife , Secretary Mortoi
and wife , Secretaries Herbert and Smith um
Acting Secretary Uhl. They took the'r place
standing at the head of the casket at tin
right of the south windows. Bishop Ilurs
stepped forward and a hush fell upon tin
company and the clear voice of the clergy
man rang out with the words "I am the res
surrectlon and the life , "
The service WHS remarkably simple .am
free from ostentation. It was the full burla
service ot the Methodist Episcopal church
practically the same aii that of the Church o
( Continued on Third Pago. )
All the Roads Leading from Persia Into
Armenia Are Closed ,
Drive Out Turkish Olllclnli nntl Tlircntcn
to AtlHck n ItiiMtan Tnnrn Ucn-
ornl llcllcf tttiitn HeMclomViir
teen KB Ucclurcd.
( Copj rlKlKrd , 1813. by the Associated Press. )
DJULPA , Russia , .May 29. The special
correspondent of the Asosclated press who
Is Investigating the situation lu Armenia
has furnished the following correspondence :
The Turkish go\ernment Is taking prompt
measures to pre\cnt the uprising of the
Armenian revolutionists next month. All
roads leading from Persia to Van have been
closed by order of the Turkish government ,
the Intention being to shut off communlca-
lon between the revolutionary leaders In
'crsla ' and their agents In Armenia. One
Armenian courier who tried to get through
.rmenla from Koo was seized by Turkish
Within the past week the Turkish consul
it Sautch-Bulak , In Persia , tried to cross
iv er Into Turkey with an armed escort of
welve men , but he was turned back by the
Turds , who held possession of all the roads ,
.t the same tlmo the Turkish officials In
lie town near the border were chased out
if the country by the Kurds. They took
ofuge In Havendus , whcro they are now.
'ho ' Kurds have warned them not to return ,
'he ' Armenians hope that the Kurds anl
_ 'urks will get Into a fight and exterminate
; ach other A reasonable explanation for
.his activity of the Kurds may be found In
letter from Sheik Abdell-Kadr recently
rltten to his brother In the mountains of
Kurdistan. Abdoll-Kadr announced that the
iiiltan had appointed him to command tha
tamldlch regiment of Irregular Kurdish
: avalry , together with a force of regular
"urklsh troops , and that there was to be a
; reat war , during which ho and his troops
tore to capture the Husslan city of Khars
Many well Informed persons In western
'ersla believe that Asia Minor Is on the
ergo of a great religious war , which the
mltaii of Turkey Is forcing upon the world
In order to retain his prestige among the
Mohammedans , many of whom ha\o been
[ rumbling at him for his lukewarmness in
: he cause of their religion and threaten to
leprl\e him of his caliphate.
As eight months have passed since the
lassoun and Moosh massacre and nothing
ms been done In consequence by the Turk
ish government , the Moslems of Persia are
beginning to believe tltat nothing will be
done and that Europe's protests count for
nothing As a result the Persians are be-
; Innlng to talk of having a massacre of
Christians on their own account I have
ieen frankly told In Persia that if nothing
Is done to punish the Turks for the Sas-
= oun affair , the zealous Moslems of Persia
ivlll seek the favor of their God by scourg-
'ng ' and driving out the Christians. Were
: t not for the strong hand of the Persian
government and the good will and protection
if the shah , the Christian population of
/ ersla would bo murdered within a week
My Information Is to the effect that Bit-
: lls Is on the brink of a massacre , and that
.rouble may bo looked for at any moment
This news , from a different source , Is of the
same character as the jicws which I re
ceived last week , announcing that thq
Christians at Van were within an Inch of
u massacre.
The situation In Armenia has grown no
better for the presence of the commission
of Inquiry ; as a matter of fact , It has grown
worse , and the Christian people of eastern
Turkey are at the present moment in
greater peril than they were the week of the
massacre. The Christian people have
spread east Into Persia. Near Ouromla , a
few days ago , the- village of Daloolan was
attacked by 400 Kurds and several men
were killed. The village is now deserted ,
except for a few armed men who are guard
ing the empty houses. Another attack Is
looked for dally , as the Kurds have senl
word that they mean to remove Baloolan
from the face of nature In revenge for the
death ot one of their men. There Is no
doubt whatever but that they will carry oul
their threat.
I'nglnml Culled Upon to MnUu Her Gimnui-
tee ot 1'intcctliiii Oooil.
SARATOGA , N. Y. , May 29. The Amer
ican Baptist Missionary union adopted a
resoluticn today expressive of Its condemna
tion and abhorrence of the atrocities per
petrated by the authorities of Turkey In
Armenia , and urgently calling upon the Eng
lish people and the English government to
enforce the terms of the treaty of Berlin
In favor of the Christian population of Tur
key , which terms England undertook to
guarantee. The resolution also urges the
United States government to use its goo.
offices in securing this Important result.
The report of the committee on self-sup
port on foreign fields was read by Rev
II. P. Colby of Ohio , chairman of the com
mlttee. The committee report and recom
mendatlons that church missions be self
supporting , were adopted.
The report of the committee on revision
of the constitution was read. The alter
atlons to the several articles were taken
up seriatim , discussed at length am
adopted ,
HKl'BII' O1P7JS . /I.I/M/O.V1" JJ.V.V A
Kepnlillcnn Lender * Invited to Meat Kx-
I'rmlilPiit IliirrUnn.
NEW YORK , May 29 Chauncey Depew
gave a harmony dinner at nis residence to
night to a number of leaders of the repub
llcan party. Amcng those present were
Ex-President Harrison , Governor McKlnley
Governor Morton , Senator Thomas Carter
E. II. Butler of the Buffalo News , Senate
Elklns , Mayor Strong , ex-Senator Warne
Miller , ex-Senator Thomas C Platt , ex-Sen
ator Frank Hlscock , P. S. Wlthe'rbee
Cornelius Vanderbllt , General Porter , C m
mlsEloner Theodore Roosevelt , D. O. Mills
Lieutenant Governor Saxtcn , State Senate
Joseph Mullen , General Samuel Thomas
Congressman J. J. Behbn , Commlsslone
W. Brookfleld. Judge W. H. Robertson
Cornelius N. Bliss , Hamilton Pish am
Colonel Fred Grant.
Early In the evening Mr. Dcpew made thl
statement : "This IB a quiet social Ulnne
and there will ba no speech making or any
thing of that sort , I never make speeche
In my own house. What could be more nat
ural than that the friends of the ex-presl
dent ( the only living ex-pr sldent ) and th
man who nominated him should have a din
ner In his honor and Invite all the rcpubll
can leaders he could reach. The Idea lirs
occurred to mo last Friday and I Imme
dlately started to tarry It out. To thos
who were in town the Invitations were sen
by hand and mall and to those out of town
by telegraph. Only one of the gentlemen
Invited sent a refusal , uml that was bccauc
of illness. Congressman Thomas B , Ileec
was In the Maine woods and could not b
reached. I Intended to keep the matte
secret , but some of those who were Invited
mubt have let It out , "
I hnxn Itrroiiiu mil ( ! for IM ml nl ,
TOPKKA , May 29.-Wnrdcn Chase of th
state penitentiary Ima been found guilt
of unbecoming conduct and has been rec
ommended to Governor Morrll for ills
missal. The charges nre "Improper rela
tlona with the assltont matron at the pen :
tentlary , and many fcpirnto nets of ma !
fcasance In ofllce.'f The investigation ha
been going on for sevral weeks , and mut-
sensational evidence has been developed.
Ohio Itrpubllcnn Ticket Completed In SInclt
the Snnio Manner n Mnrtrd.
ASA A. nUSHNELL. Governor. Springfield.
ASA W. JONES , Lieutenant Governor ,
W. D. Qt'ILBEHT , AUdltor. Caldwelt.
Judge , Chllltcothr.
JOSIAH B. ALLEN , Clerk Supreme Court ,
FRANK S. MONETT , Attorney General ,
SAMUEL B. CAMPBELL , Treasurer , Bleu-
E. L. LYBEIlGEn , Member of the Donrd
of Public Works , Coshocton.
ZANESVILLR , O > May 29. The republi
can state convention was as tame today as
It was lively yesterday. After being In ses
sion till midnight and nominating the head
ot the ticket , there was little life left In the
delegates , and only minor places to fight
over. Owing to the way In which the fac
tional lines had been drawn by the McKln
ley nnd the Foraker men In nominating
Bushncll for governor , it was evident the
slate headed by Bushncll would go through
and candidates not on the slate would go
down like Nash , Kelfer , Hoyt , Pee , Harris ,
Barger nnd Nevln had previously gone down
before the antl-admlnlstratlon combination.
The administration did not surender with
out a fight , however , and.held the conven
tion In continuous session ( rom 9 a. m. to
2 15 p m. With a single exception , In
which little Interest was taken , the Bush
nell slate went through complete for the
eight places on the state ticket and secured
a majority of the members and all the of
ficers of the state committee , and really
made a clean sweep of the old regime. Yet
he most material thing for the future are
lie conditions that confront Governor Me-
Clnley. Ills presidential boom In Ohio
s In the panic embarrassrnent as was Sher
man's candidacy under the Foster admfnls-
ration with Garfleld's senatorial annex In
8SO. In 1884 Sherman had the Blalno elo-
lent , as well as Foraker and Foster , to
ontcnd with. In 1SSS Sherman had the
ame old experience , and In 1S9G there will
e a McKlnley delegation from Ohio to the
epubllcnn national convention , but it will
e selected by Foraker and Bushnell , no
natter what may bo the result of the state
lection next November.
The Forakcr-Bushnoll combination has
ontral of all the party machinery and the
ircstnt party organization continues till
fter the selection of the delegates to the
next national republican convention. For-
iker and Bushnell will be two of the dole-
gates-at-large themselves , and they are not
at all likely to grant Governor McKlnley
ermlsslon to name the other two , although
t Is believed they will consent to Sherman
and Fester going as the other delegates-at-
argo The force of the machine in such
trong hands will also control the selection
if district delegates , and there are some
vho think Foraker may come out In 1890
as Garfleld did in 1SSO , which would mean
hat McKlnley would come out as Sherman
lid at that tlmo and In succeeding years
f the republicans carry the state next No-
ember and Bushncll becomes Governor nnd
> 'oraker senator , there Is no telling what
\lll happen In Ohio In 1806 and thereafter
> houU Bushnell serve four years as gov
ernor , ho will probably succeed Sherman In
ho senate , as well as Foraker succeed
Brlcc , and the old school of republicans
votild all be retired There never was a
state convention In Ohlo.that Involved BO
many radical changes for , tjiofuture as the
one closed with the ForaljyjrtiushnoTf men
n the saddle for further conquests.
When the convention rqassemblcd at 9
o'clock today prayer was offered by Rev-
Richards of ZanesvUIc , Ex Secretary-
Charles Foster , chairman of the committee
en resolutions , presented the platform ,
which was adoptoJ and c'leered as read ,
and especially the resolutions on McKlnley
and Foraker.
General A. W. Jones of Youngstown was
nominated for lieutenant , governor by ac
clamation. General Jones .was , llko General
Bushnell , a captain In the civil war and both
were on Governor Foraker's staff and are
great friends of the ox-governor.
The Foraker men named the whole state
; lcket by about the same running vote as that
tor governor last night. Ex-Governor Fora
ker nnd his most close personal friends took
an active part In the proceedings to the last
Their opponents made no aggressive contest
after the vote that had been shown for Gen
eral Bushnell. The Foraker. men also secured
control of the state central committee , and
organized It In all rcspscts In thslr Interest
The most notable defeat today was that
of Major Charles S Dick for auditor , who
has been chairman of the state executive
committee for three je rs , anl Is Governor
McKlnley's close political friend and mana
ger. Dick was defeated by W D Gullbcrt
one of the most aggressive-Foraker men In
the state. f-
Senator Sherman , Secretary Foster and
other old tlmo leaders occupied seats on the
stage and saw the slaughter of what were
called the mossbacks by the so-called kids.
The proceedings of the convention was a
revolution In state affairs , let It Is conceded
that McKlnley will be accorded the Ohio
delegation to the next national convention
Th re are whisperings , however , about the
delegation balng no more jsfncere than those
which Sherman had from Oio state the yew
when he was a candidate tor the nomination
for the presidency. C
General Grosvenor at l:30 : > reported that the
committee on notification hjjd decided on Sat
urday , Juno 1 , when the committee will vlsll
General Bushnell at Springfield and officially
Inform him of his nomination , and that the
committee had just received the following
response :
SPRINGFIELD. O. , Mny 29-To Hon
Charles Foster , Chairman Notlflc.itlor
Committee , Zanesvllle : I have just re
celved your notification of my nomlnatlor
for governor of Ohio. I regret that It ii
Impossible for me to reach SCanesvllle Ir
tlmo to make my acknowledgments to tlu
convention buforo It adjourns. I am deeply
fcnslble of the distinguished honor thir
has been conferred upon me , nnd npprecinti
the responsibilities I must asume In nc
ceptlng the same.
Please give the convention my thank !
nnd assure them that Ivvlll do all In mj
power to make victory certain In Novem
her. I will be plen. ed to pee the commlttei
as proposed on Saturday , Juno 1 , at G n m
After adopting the eagle , as the party
emblem and the usual local resolution ! ) am' '
authorizing the stuto committee to fill al
vacancies , the convention at 2:10 p , m. ad
.V/.YK.I.V riuir o > riu co/ ;
Stimulates Homo I'rodtjctlon , but Mattel
Imported Vrclclr * Hour.
NEW YORK. May 29. Seno'r ' Romero , th <
Mexican minister at 'Washington , com
tributes to the current number of the Nortl
American Review an article which Is o
Interest In its bearing upon'the dlscussloi
of the sliver question. Mr. Romero point :
out that while- other leading commercla
nations have the single'gola standard , thi
silver standard In Mexico cficpurages verj
largely the increase of export of domestlt
products. The stiver standard also stlm
ulatss the development of home manufac
lures , the price of foreign commodities beini
so high that It pays well to make some o
them at home. The great advantage ot
which Mr. Romero lays btress is that thi
low price of silver abroad makes It un
profitable to export it. The circulation I :
therefore Increased , so that there is now ILL
ample supply of money In the banks , v.hid
stimulates Industry , maintains prices am
increases the demand for jabor.
On the othtr hand , h $ points out tha
the silver standard has greatly reduced I in
portatlons and that the Import duties
which until recently were the largest Houre
of Mexican revenue , are therefore mud
Kent and Flour Mill llurncil.
CINCINNATI , May 29 , Rover & Altcn'
big gtaln and flour mill near the B'g Pou
elevator , burned down since midnight. Lo
JSO.OOO. Covered by Insurance.
So Far as Known Only Nineteen Persons
Have Been Sav.d ,
Third Olllccr Iliitmrii , Who Coinm.indcil
the Itnnt Unit Wns 1'lckcd V\t , Hun
Uoubhetlicr Any Moro
Clrurcit the Ship.
SAN FRANCISCO , May 29. Only meager
and unsatisfactory advices have been re
ceived today regarding the foundering of
the Pacific Mall company's steamer at Man-
zanlllo , Mox , last night. The officials of
the Pacific Mall persist In the statement
that they have received no information of
the wreck of the steamer and they have
tried to discredit entirely the statement of
the disaster. Several dispatches have been
received by the Merchants' Exchange and
by private shipping firms , all confirming
the tale of the ocean tragedy , and varying
only in the minuteness of the information
conveyed. Captain Pitts of the steamer
San Juan telegraphed this morning that he
picked up a boat containing nineteen per
sons , fourteen of whom were passengers and
five members of the crew of the Collma.
The rescued boatload was taken to Man-
zanlllo , and then the San Juan started out
again in search of other boats ot the Collma
the presumption being that the balance of
the passengers and crow were afloat In the
other boats.
The occupants of the beat picked up were
as folIowB- Cabin passengers1 Domlnco
Albano , Gushing , Thornton , Sarabarla , Rutz.
Steerage passengers John Crew , II. W
Boyd , Antonio Rome , R Rose , S. J. O'Neill ,
G. Rowan , Jose A. Sails. L. L. Zancre.
Crew O. Hansen. third olllcer ; a car
penter ; A. K. Richardson , storekeepr ; Raymond
mend Avlles , J. Morel.
The names Sarabarla and Rutz do not ap
pear in the steamer's list of passengers
sailing from thin port , the presumption
being that they Joined the steamer at Mazat-
lan. There were two Cushlngs on board ,
brothers , and a lady and gentleman each
named Thornton. No Initials of survivors
were given In the brief telegram.
The latest Intelligence regarding the dis
aster received hero was In a cipher message
to a local shipping firm , containing the
statement of Third Olllccr Hansen , who
was in charge of the boat picked up. Han
sen related that at about 11-1G last night ,
as the Collma was about fifty miles from
Manzanlllo , and between there and the port
of Punta St. Almo , an accident occurred to
her machinery. Hansen had no time to In
vestigate the trouble , but believed a boiler
had burst. The Collma was put about , but
began to sink rapidly. A scene of wild con
ftiblon ensued A boat was lowered and
most of the others swung , but so far as
Hanson knows the boat hs commanded was
the only one that got clear of the sinking
ship She quickly foundered , and to avoid
suction , Hanson's boat quickly pulled clear ,
and the night being dark , It was Impossible
to tell whether the other boats got away
from the ship or not. If these boats only
got clear away , the calmness of the sea and
Lho low , sandy beach > twenty miles distant ,
would enable them to make a safe landing
In a few hours. As the passengers were
all asleep , however , Hansen fears that few
escaped One hundred and sixty pascngers
and crew are still unaccounted for.
The following passengers from San Fran
cisco landed safely at Mazatlan before the
Collma proceeded toward Manzanlllo : E
W. McCutcheon , W. C McCtltcheon , J. M.
C. Maxwell , H. M. A. Miller , L. P. Bell , G.
V Gray , B F Crlsby.
All day long the offices of the Pacific
Mall and the telegraph companies and news
papers have b"en filled with anxious friends ,
of passengers and crew , making tearful In
quiries about their friends. Many of the
scenes were pitiful in the extreme , anJ the
most gloomy forebodings prevailed , despite
the assurances of the officials that the
Collma's machinery was In excellent condi
tion , having been Inspected just previous to
her leaving ; that her commanders and of
ficers were skilled teamen , and that the
chanres were In favor of the safety of their
Among the passengers unaccounted for
are Prof. Harold Whiting , Mrs. Whiting
Miss Rose Whiting and two children of
Berkeley. Prof. Whiting occupied a chair
In the State university. Another Is J. E.
Chllberg of Seattle , who was on his way
, south In the interest of Central American
coffee planters In a new steamship line
between Central America and Puget sound.
The Pacific Mall officials have received no
further information beyond the dispatch
from Captain Pitts of the San Juan , giving
the list of those saved.
The very latest dispatch from Mazatlan
via Now York , says"Tho accident occurred
, at about It'lG o'clock ; 160 missing. " A
cipher word that Is not exactly understood
by the steamship company may change the
wording of the message as regards tllo time
The following message has been received
from the officers cf the Firemen's Fund
Insurance company : "All ready to proceed
to the scene of the Collma disaster. Urgent
need of tome one caring for the San Fran
cisco underwriters' Interest. Can obtain
divers here. "
The Inference hero IB that the vessel
struck on a rock. The Insurance board held
a meeting today , bijt took no action.
Twenty-four hours have passed since the
news of the loss of the Collma on the Mex
n ican coast was received In this city , and the
officials of the Pacific Mall company are as
much In the dark as ever with regard to
the loss of life With the exception of a
brief dispatch from Manzanlllo , giving the
names of fourteen passengers and live mem
bers ) of the crow , who were picked up by
the San Juan , not a word has been received
about the disaster and the fate of the other
1C1 persons on the ship Is in doubt. Meager
as is the Information of the loss of the
ship , the officers do not bellve the loss of
life was as heavy as reported. This view of
the case Is not shared , however , by the
friends and relatives of the passengers and
crew. The ship was lost Monday night and
the fact that only a small boat load of pas
sengers had been picked up leads many to
believe the vessel went down so rapidly the
others did not have an opportunity to save
In support of their views of the situation ,
the officers of the company asssrt the Collma
was so well equipped with small boats that
It could have hardly gone to the bottom
quick enough to prevent all on board from
getting away In safety. General Passenger
Agent Avery , who has traveled the route
many times , says the ocean In the vicinity
of Manzanlllo Is as quiet as a mill pond at
this time of the year and the deep water
along the count enables eteamers to make
the trip to Panama In eight of land. At
night , lie says , they usually go out a mile or
two further for safety , but even then are
within seven miles of land. He argues ,
therefore , that If the Collma went down
Monday night , as reported , the accident
could hardly have been severe enough to
prevent the small boats being lowered and
everybody getting away in safety.
He thinks the passengers and crew got
safely away from the Collma before she
sank and are now floating In bats In a be
calmed tea , if Indeed , they have not already
reached shore. He said If the boats had
Beached fchore In safety , the news of their
arrival would probably not be received here
for a day or two , from the fact that te'egraphlc
offices on that part of the Modem coast
are few and the facilities ) poor. The wlrea
are strung along on trees and messages are
of'en delayed for days. In support ot this as
sertion ho cites the fact the company has
been unable to communicate with Its agent
at Manzanlllo since the news of the accident
was received. * HUM o.v TIIK
Colng to Chlcngo to Unroll the Mew Con-
fcdrrnto Monument.
CHICAGO , May 29. The first large con-
.Ingcnt of distinguished southern guests
whom Chicago will entertain for the next
'ew da > s arrived today over the Baltimore
& Ohio from Washington. They were met
jy the reception committee and others and
taken in cairlagcs to the Palmer house.
Among _ the Washington party are : General
Wade Hampton , General Eppa 1 hi lit on of
Virginia , M. C. Butler of South Carolina ,
General Ilcth and daughter , General Holmes
Conrad and wife , General S. 0. French ,
General L. L. Lomax , General Marcus
Wright and wife , General Greene of North
Carolina , General II. C. Douglas ot Mary
land. A party from Atlanta also arrived
today. They Included Quartermaster Gen
eral of State Woods and Major James M
Cooper , assistant postmaster of Atlanta.
The principal toasts proposed and responded
to at the banquet at Kinsley's tonight were
Address of welcome , Ferdinand W. Peck ,
president citizens' committee ; response ,
General John B. Gordon , commanding United
Confederate veterans ; "Taps for the Old Days ,
Reveille for the New , " Colonel Henry L
Turner , toastmastcr ; "The Army of the
United States , " Lieutenant General James
Longstreet ; "The Reunited Nation , " Major
General John M. Palmer ; "The American Sol
dier In History , " Major General M. C. But
ler ; "Hero's the Hand of Fellowship , " Gen
eral John C. Black ; "Shall Not the South
Grasp It ? " Major General Fltzhugh Lee ;
"Tho Beauty ot Porgetfulness , " Judge II. S.
Tiithlll , "Southern Chivalry from 177G to
1SG5 , " Lieutenant General Wade Hampton ;
"Tho Christian Side of the Soldier. " Rev. Dr.
II W. Thomas ; "The Prosperous Southland , "
Lieutenant General Stephen D Lee ; "The
National Guard , the Nation's New Soldiery , "
Major General Alfred Orendorff ; "Southern
Infantry , " Lieutenant General A. P. Stewart ;
"The Crown of Heroism , " Luther Laflln
Mills ; "Tho Motlur of Presidents to the
Historic Northwest , " Senator John W
Daniel ; "Tho Individuality of the American
Soldier , " Major General Kyd Douglas.
Vl'llKLl ) fill : IM'OKM.triUA t > l'HTjM
Feature of thu Wyoming Criminal l.uw lc-
cl trod to l > o CoMntllnt'onu' .
CHEYENNE , May 29. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The Wyoming supreme court today
denied the application of Charles Boulter foi
a writ of habeas corpus. Boulter was con
vlcted of manslaughter In the dlstr.ct court
of Laramle county and sentenced to five
years' Imprisonment. Ho claimed that his
conviction was unlawful , because founded on
Information Instead of indictment. In Its
decls'on denying the writ the court upheld
the legality of the Information s > stcm , and
held further that It was not unconstitutional
because defendants might be prosecuted at
the option of the county officials under either
Information or Indictment.
In the Murphy habeas corpus proceedings
It was dcc'ded that under the laws of the
state of Wyoming bigamy Is a crime. Murphj
was arrested on the charge of bigamy , and
claimed that there was no law in force In
the state by which he could be prosecuted
While Wyoming was still n tcrltory the
laglslature enacted a law covering the
crime , there being at that time an act of
congress covering It. Murphy claimed that
at the time of the enactment of the law the
territorial legislature had no authority to
pass It , It being a matter within the exclusive
jurisdiction of congress , and that the act
being void at the time of its enactment , It
was not revived by the adoption of the
state constitution. The court ruled that the
territorial legislature had the right to pass
the law and that it was continued in force
by the constitution.
sr.TTl.KD THE HKJlIXAlti' QUlibTlOb
United I'rcsuj tcrliiu Church Vsunnci tlin
Vrto I'ounr Over I'Mom.
PITTSBURG , May 29. This mornlng'c
session of the Union Pacific general assembly
was gl\cn to hearing reports. The committee
of education made a favorable report , showIng -
Ing that the seminaries have productive en
dow nments of ? 281OCO and colleges have an
nvestcd endowment of $348,000. The report
of the committee on building and overtures
i\as then taken up and the question of
seminary control was finally disposed of
The majority report proposed that the gen
ual assembly have the veto power and aho
the authority to remove professors from th ;
seminaries for unsoumlncss In the faith. The
minority report was the same except that It
stipulated that professors should not be
removed without first being given a trial
In today's discussion It was found that the
signers of the majority report had Intended
that any professor charged with unsoundness -
ness of faith should bo given a trial before
removal , buj the report had not stated It
Consequently there was no serious division
on the question and a resolution was passed
embodying these propositions. H aUo pro
vides for the appointment of a committee to
negotiate with the synods having control
of the theological seminaries with a view
to the adjustment of any apparent or al-
lodged dlscrepacles before this action In their
chartered rights.
It ink of Commerce Uniililo to Meet Itx
OutHtundliic ( Ilillcntlotm ,
BROKEN BOW. Neb. , May 29. ( Special
Telegram. ) The Bank of Commerce of this
city closed Its doors this morning No
statement has been given out by Its officers
Thq bank had previously been regarded
strong by most people. The president of the
bank Is C. J. Stevens ot Anslcy , who Is
also largely Interested In a bank at Ansley
and Mason City.
The Bank ot Commerce has been under
the direct charge of Cashier F. M Rublee
and S. B. Thompson , the vice president
The deposits as shown by the last state
ment May 3 were $32,710.99. The state
ment gave $ C8,000 resources , but very little
of that can bo realized upon now , as about
$42,000 ot It Is In notes and discounts. At
tachments were placed on the bank building
today , the money on hand , $514 51 and $4,000
In notes by the creditors. County Treasurer
Brown Is the heaviest loser. He liad
$11,200 of the county money deposited In
the bank. Both the other banks are able
to stand the run made on them.
VIC.tXKI ) 111' HKlt llUtill.lXD'li DK.tTIl
JctrUh Ilnbbl Dropped Dead mill IIU Hlfu
Isow n Muni iic.
INDIANAPOLIS , May 29. Louis Sheerez-
fskl , a Jewish rabbi In charge ot the Sharah
Tcfllla , was stricken with death this after
noon just after finishing his sermon at the
synagogue , It being a church holiday. He
become very 111 during the service , which he
managed to finish , and then started for his
hi me. He fell at his door and died In a few
minutes. His wife was not at home , but
when she returned a neighbor told her the
terrible news. With a cry she rushed Into
the house and threw herself upon the dead
body of her husband. In endearing terms
she pleaded to him to speak to her. tore
the clothing from his body , raised his eye
lids and chafed his hands. Then ensued a
terrible scene. She completely lost her
reason and became a raving maniac , broke
the chairs , demolished a lot of furniture and
smashed dishes. All the women were
frightened and ran from the house. Men
entered but could do nothing. The situation
was not changed at a late hour tonight unO
her reason Is probably gone forever.
1'nlllimii llorrutt MIIK Vnntljr.
GALESI5UUG. Ill , , May E8.-Crnnd Master
Workman Wilkinson submitted his nr.una !
report today to the convention of the
Drotherhodo of Hallway Trainmen He
says that the Pullman boycott had cost
the order 5.000 members und uue ; < l legisla
tion that would prevent a recurrence ol
twch trouble , lie claimed the brotherhood
must respect the law uml faithfully compl >
with Its agreements. Ho rcromcmlcil o
constitutional amendment that would make
grand masters and llrst urnnd ma ien
equally liable with the grand treasurer foi
proper handling cf funua. The conventlor
voted down u preposition to lessen thi
number of delegates at national delegation ]
by means ol district conventions !
Many Pruts of the Btato Favored with
Heavy Showers.
In Some Localities it Amounted to Almost
a Flcodi
Reports at Railroad Iloatlquirters Very
Favorable on AH Sids. ;
II DimiiRO Dnno by the Hot Wlmlt
Durlni ; the 1'nnt T o Dni
vuii HO in : iiy i.rr.icL'd
Heavy rains swept over many pnrti ot
cbraska yesterday and last night , refreshing
reps on all sides. Adams , Polk , Buffalo ,
Incoln , D.iwes , Daw son , Madison , Furnaa
nd Hall counties were favored with abund
nt showers.
Carefully prepared reports received by tha
allroads from all parts of their lines In
Nebraska indicate that no damage has been ,
one by the recent hot winds that cannot bo.
ffacetl by these rains.
In explanation of the statement that even
mall grain has not been materially damaged.
s a direct result of the warm wind' , grain
iien assert that last year's drouth Is wholly
csponslblo for complaints In hls direction ,
'armors , however , realizing that corn would
epeml to a greater extent upon rains ot
ils season for Its growth , planted heavily-
11 this cereal. Reports from this source ,
istlmato that SO per cent of Nebraska'a
rowing crop Is corn and tint Its condition
s good , not being sufficiently advanced to.
10 damaged by hot winds. In many sec-
Ions tinall grain Is In excellent condition *
ccordlng to tie same authorlt'ts.
Rnln began falling at Chadron at 10 o'clock
n Tuesday night , From there the storm haa
teadlly advanced , and an area almost as.
atge as the state has been covered. At 12
'clock last night It was raining along the
Jnlon Pacific- from Cozad to Schuyler , a dls-
ancc of 170 miles. Every station along this.
Istance reported a heavy fall of water at
hat time , nearly two Inches , with som
all , and rain still pouring down. At that ,
ime rain was falling lightly at North Bend ,
and Fremont. Along the Hue ot the lltir-
Ington and the Elkhorn the same condition
xlsted. Rain fell nt Blair , north of Omaha ,
arly last evening , and Just before 3 o'clock ;
his morning the storm retched Omaha , drlv-
a by a strong northwest wind. It givua all
nllcatlons of a steady shower.
SIIKLTON , Neb , May 29. ( Spsc al Tele
gram ) This section was visited this oven-
ng by n fine rain which continued for over
wo hours and upward of three Inches ot
ivatcr fell. It was the best rain this section
lias had for Uo years past and people arc.
eellng jubilant. Oats which have suffered.
; rcatly from burning winds the past few
lays will be helped wonderfully , and It la
now thought they will ma'jc at least half a
ciop. Corn has been doing well despite dry-
weather and today's rain wl 1 give It an
inpctus which , with favorable weather from ,
his on , will Instil e big crops.
Prospects are gocd for moro rain tonight.
NORFOLK , Neb. , May 29. ( Special Tele-
; ram. ) A much needed rain commenced
falling heie this evening and the effects ot
ho recent hot winds will soon disappear.
Crops ot all kinds In this section have not
suffered to any considerable extent.
LEXINGTON , Neb , May 29 { Special
Telegram ) The drouth and hot winds were *
broken this evening by a splendid rain ,
which appears to bo general throughout tha
county , espsclally heavy In the eastern and.
Eouthcrn pait. It came In tlmu to help
many fields of small grain.
BEAVER CITY , Neb. , May 29 ( Special
Telegram. ) The drouth which has been pre
vailing for three weeks was broken tula
evening by a splendid shower.
KEARNEY ? Neb. , May 29. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A good rain commenced fallliifc
here about ! > o'clock this evening and haa
kept up ever since. It will probably con
tinue all night.
HUMPHREY , Neb. , May 29. ( Special Tel
egram. ) Hot winds yesterday and last
night did some damage to crops. Clouds are
hanging all around hero and conditions arc *
favorable for rain before morning.
CHADRON. Neb. , May 29. ( Special Tele
gram ) About 10 30 last night It began
raining and continued tlnough the greater
part of the night , Insuring a good hay crop ,
and settling the dust , which has been so-
annoying the past week.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb , May 29 ( Special
Telegram ) A fine rain of two nnd one-
tenth Inches fell here tonight , accompanied
by some hall and wind , which , however ,
was not strong enough to do much damage.
It Is still raining
SCHUYLER. Neb , May 29. ( Special Tele
gram ) The forty-tight hours of hot wind ,
ceased at an early hour this morning , hav
ing been severest last night It has been
cloudy and very humid all day Heavy
clouds abound and In the northwest Is the
Hash and roar of on approaching itorm.
BERTRAND , Neb. , May 29. ( Srec'al Tele
gram. ) A light rain accompanied by hall
fell hero late this afternoon. Prospects are-
fair for moro rain tonight.
CENTRAL CITY , Neb , May 29 ( Special
Telegram ) The hot wind ot the past few
days was followed at 7 30 tonight by a heavy
rain accompanied by hall. A strong wind at
the time caused the loss of 100 panes of
glass. Crops and gardens have suffered very
little. Indications are that there will ba
more rain tonight.
OXFORD , Neb , May 29. ( Special Tele-
Kram ) A good rain has been falling hero
for three hours nnd greatly benefits crops.
Corn was not materially damaged by the
wind of this week , though small Kialn suf
HASTINGS , May 29. ( Special Telegram. )
Thin part of the countiy was visited by
an elegant rain tonight. Fully one inch of
water fell.
ELM CREEK , Neb. . May 29 ( Special
Telegram. ) A good rain commenced falling
about G o'clock this evening and promises to
continue all night.
HOLDREGE , May 29. ( Special Telegram. )
It began to rain here at 4 p. m , and la
still raining at 9 p. m. An Inch of rain baa
BROKEN BOW , Neb. , May -Special (
Telegram. ) A very heavy cloud hangs over
this part of the country and It Is raining ,
with a fair prospect of a good rain to fol
Join the arndc.
The Omaha High school cadets will fora *
today at 1 o'clock ! p. m. on the north
side of Sixteenth street , between Furnam
and Harney streets , and will marrh from
there to Hanscom park to assist In th
memorial day exorcises under the a < plc i
of the Grand Army of the Republic ,