THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , MAY 29 , 1895. SPECIAL NOTICES , ta for Ilitno column-will ho taUrn fiitll 12I3O p. in , for the ermineand nntll 8 j > . m , fur the morning nnd Sunday trillion. Advertiser * , liy rrnnrnllng a nomltore'l clitck , tun Imro nnnurm nildrrsird to n numbered letter In rnrn or Tim lleo. An- Mters n.i nililrcMcil " 111 lie ilrllvoroil upon I limitation ot the rlicck only. little * , 1 I-2c niorO , Orst liiicttlon , la n wont licrrnflnr , Nothing taken ( or lr tlmn ! ! Cc tor llr t Insertion Iliene adtcrtlioinents nitut tun ronsrcii- their. SITUATIONS WANTED. POSITION IIY THOnorUIII.Y . young ludy ntrnngraplitr , experience. ! In gene ul oillcc work ) best cliy reference. AJJrtuM I * ; > ' . live. WANTKU. IIY A COMl'KTHNT YOUNO I.ADY. a position In family to teach unmll children during mitnnicr. AiKlrrs * , Urace M. 'Wrston , 2SI5 ( . nHfiirnlii Bt. A 3S1-21 * WANTED WALE HELP. WANTKD , 1.00) MKN TO WI11TU ME TODAY for the receipt ( ubwilulclr five. In plain ncnl-U envelope ) which cuieJ mo of nervous itcblllty , exhau-tnl vitality , etc. Aildrcss C. J. Walker , borl,3ll.K-Llam iooincli. H-M I6J _ _ _ _ _ * WANTBD , MAN TO TAKRbniKR3 IN CITY ( or old cutablUheil hauxu ; lornier experience unnecrotmry and imlnry paid weekly. Apply afler a. m. til 1518 Douglas. 11-M6I4 JO The Hawks Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , WU. n-MTSU JIG * CUI1AN l-'HKCKLES , I'UItU AND MII.I ) . 6C. It 184 J21 WANTII > , HAIISMIN : TO HULL , A KINK line of oils , Krruat's , petroleum , cxchiHlxcly ur an a Hide line ; vxpiTlonce tiol necessary. Ad- Orcss The Tlon.1 Oil Co. , Cleveland , Ohio. 30 WANTlil > LAITNUUYMAN IMMKDJATKIA's will give lialf p.irtncrthlp In pliint against ex perience to UM Ml round laundrymnn that Is llrst-class In e\ery re-pcct. Uon'l 'write unless you can nil the bill. Crete 8U > nm Laundry , Crete , Neb , It M I7 50 * _ WANTKI ) , GOOD , STKADY. SOIIHIl IIHIIAD and caUa baker ; single nun pi t Torrrtl , work Is llKlit , but steady. AdilreEs'ut once. Grlunold bakery , 1' . O. Iwx Z > 2 , Qrlswold. la. 1I-M30I ; p _ WANTEU FEMALE HELP. AllU YOU I1ONUST , BOllLMl , INDUSTRIOUS ? If no , engage with u ( ur 189j ; J300 u month. } 3 GOO a yeur ; you cur , make It easy : six hours a day. Our UKent.i il i not complain of hard times. V.'hyT They are making money selling our 1'crfccllon Dish Washer ; the only practical family unlit r manulucturtil ; washes , drU-s and polishes dishes perfectly In two minutes ; no excellence necessary ; a Lhlld of 8 operates It easily ; cheap nnd durable : weight , thlitecn Rounds ; nmde of antitrust sheet stiel ; capio- y , 100 piece * ; for HH ivjualj every lum- llyunts one ; you don't have to canvas ; as teen as people know you have It ( or * ale they Hcntl for n dish washer , eitch agent's territory protected ; no competition ; we fur nish sample ( ut'lghs six u nmJ.i ) In nlra case to lady agents to take orders with ; ono agent made > 214.U1 Hist ten days. Address for full particulars 1'crfcctlon Mfg. Co. , 12nglcwood , III. C MK3 WANTUD , ami. ron auNnuAt , 1 1 o u REwork - work at 51U Lcu.t street. C M3I2 t8 * OB BENT HOUSES. 1IOUSK3 , P. K. DAHMNa. UAIlKUIl IILOCK. U-3JJ HOURS IN ALU 1'AHTS OF TlIE CITY. TUC O. I * . Davis company , ISCS Kuruurn. D 3G1 IIOUSUS ; UUNISWA. & CO. , 108 N. 15TH ST. D-3C3 _ II. U. COLE CO. LAHO1S3T LIST IN OMAHA. D-ilStil _ I70S FAIINAM STIIKCT. W. M. lingers , 122J Kanmm street. D 33 > NICE MODEIIN FLATS , J. W. Hyilre , 218 Hoc IlulldliiB. D 318 Foil IIENT7"DESIUAIJLL - - 9 rooms , 211 B. 21th nt. . 130. 7 rooms , 42US Cumlng St. . J . 7 looms , W N. 27lh me. . H..M. I r > ems , 4307 Cnsa St. . ( W. f rooms , < 'J27 Duvenport St. , H9. C rooms , S420 JacUso.i st. . ti. B roimia , SD13 Pintt nt. , )7. Bco Kldcllly Trusl Co. . 1702 Parnam St. D-531 LAltQE UST. , 16TH & DOUGLAS. U 317 J3 IU3NT , PINE NEW 10-UOOM IIOUSK , 020 N. 28th st. H , T. Clnrke , 219 UoarU o ( Trade. D-CJ3 DENTAL AOnNCY , 310 NO. 1CTII ST. D-727 FOR UENT. AT DCLLVUE. NEAR II. R. depot , a line 10-room house , line ground * ; nbundant fruit : also 4room cottage. Henry T. Clark , No. 219. Hoard of Trade , Omaha , or \V. 11 , llctt. Uellvue. D-736 _ A FLAT , G ROOMS. WITH 11AT1I AND OAS ; very complete ; suitable ( or housekeeping. 314 Bo. 26th st. D-M7I1 _ JfCAULY NKW 6-nOOM COTTAOE WITH bath , reduced to J13.50. 9035 California st. D-820 _ VKIIY DKSIHAI1LE FURNISHED HOUSE. close In. J. H. Sherwood , 4tl N. Y. Life. D-831 _ _ " TEN-ROOM MODERN HOt'Sn , CLOSE Itf" ; 5-ruom loltngp , city nter : store building , i0 ! Fnrnam. L. S. Skinner , agent , 310 New Yoili Life. - _ D-MJ12I 10-ROOM HOlISi : . MODERN , LOCATED 5ll Douglas. W. F. Clark. D M906J1S * FURNISHED OR"UNI'IMINISHED ; " " THE handsomest residence In 1Cuntze IMace. For Sarllculara i nqulro Adolph Meyer , 13th and "amain. _ D 152 FOR RENT , 9 ROOM HOUSE , MODERN 1M- provemrntR , well located. Imiulre 1S05 Sher man avrnue. D M1C6 FOR RENT-A COMrLHTI.-LY FURNISHED house , beautifully located , convenient , to busi ness. For particulars Inquire of I * R. Skinner , room 310 New York Life. . D 2K-M * FOR , RENT , MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE. ISli draco St. , JM. Apply to I. A. Scott , Omaha Nat , bank. D-M214 30 _ TO RENT , HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS , MODERN. detached , barn , nice lawn , good neighborhood. Ask nt 1704 Farnam. D 144 31 FOH RENT. 8-ROOM HOUSE , ALL MODERN lmpro\ements ; hard w < od llnlsh. No. 401 N. 23d sU D MKJ 28 _ _ TEN-ROOM , I1RICK ; OAS. HATH , LAUNDRY ; not basement plan ; Keys 20)1 ) Capitol a\enuc. adjoining. D MS33 31 * _ _ TWO 9-JIOOM 1IRICIC HOUSES , 1330-41 PARK nvvnue , facing llanscom park , nearly new \ \ linrd uood llnlfh ; llrat class modern con tt vcnlenccs. Inquire 1113 South Thlrty-secom street , 1 > M3J9 _ FOR RENT. MY RESIDENCE. COR. 2ITH AW St. Mary's avc. ; also offer my horses am cairlngcs for sale. Mrs. M. Hcllman. D-373 1 * _ _ TO RENT. JUNE 1ST , FOR SUMMEI months , furnished houie of seven rooms 01 I'ark inenuf. Address R * 0 , Dee. U M376 ) _ _ _ _ _ _ FIVE ROOM COTTAGE. 819 S. 21ST STREET . * D-38J.23 _ _ - FOR RENT. HOUSE OF TEN ROOMS. 113 S 18th st All modem ron\enlences. Inquire a 201) ) S. 16th st. D. T. Mount. . D-3M I OK KENT VUKNlbHED BOOMS , NICE SOUTH FRONT ROOM. WELL FUR. nlehed , private family. Call 2112 Cass st , E M233 _ _ _ NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Call nt 2107 Douglas. E M79J 1 I'LEASANT ROOM. 1919 DODOE. B-MJjT FURNISHED ROOM. 626 8. 10TII STREET. . B-M107 J18 * t NICE Ft'RNISHED ROOM3 FOR LIOH1 hoiuckecplng. 1111 South llih. E J03-iS' _ FURNISHED ROOMS , SINGLE OR ENStUTE 613 Si 13th. .In ! lloor. south side. E * j'.3ij * NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS , 507 8. 2ith AV E M31C S * Fl'RNISIlED ROOM FOR RENT. SOI S. 25TI E MJK ROOMS. CONVENIENT cheup , cool , large lann , 2iill St. Mary's. E-M400 30 * rURNISHED ROOMS AND BO ARI 1S11 CHICAGO. EXCELLENT LOCATION ' FO1 iwms with board. Mrs. Churchill. F M32) ) 2 * MUVATE FAMILY CAN Ac"cOMMODATl uenlleman and wife , or twr > gentlemen ; pleas ant front room * , good lionrO. at 211 ! Cans K MIM 29 * J'lIE ROSE. MO IIARNEY. NICE FURNlSIIEl rooms with iKMrd ; rpeclal intea to gentleman P SQ.J2 | f ROOMS WITH HOARD AT THE SIIH1NER iH S. Nth street , F M10 SO * IIOOMS Wmi UOARU , UTOPIA , 1121 DAVEN port st. F-3SS-3 * UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO REN1 I'NFURNISIIED ROOMS ; OIT U-M39S 9 * ICR RENT STORES AND OFFICE ; FOR i RENT-THE 4-STORY 1IRICK 1IUILDINC 91 ( Farnnm street. This building has a Ur < proof rrmeut bairmrnt. rmnplet * team heal Ing fixtures , * wster on all llourf , gai , etc. Ac ply at lha ollle * or The. lie * . 1 919 DESK ROOM vlu.\lTj. WE"L5iTlANS. 5 DorJ of TiiJe , I 1IS3I AGENTS WANTED. MEN AND WOMEN. K TO 119 A DAY. ADdress - dress the. Handy Heater Co. , S3I New York Life bldg. , Omaha , Neb. J-SH LAI1Y AOENTS lU'IIUHH UNDEItaARMENT ; nulrk snlen ; big prollts. Catnloguc free. Mrs. N , II. I.lttlo Mfg. Co. , Chicago , III. J-MMO AOENTS , CAN YOU VISIT STORES AND show our sign printing muchlm- merrhanlsT Write quick. Stamp Arc Co. , Racine , \Vls J-MM2 29 * WANTJiD TO RENT. LIST HOUSIM TOR RENT WITH O. O. WAI.- lace , 312 Ilronn blk. Have calls ( or cottages. K 777 LIST HOUSES FOR RENT WITH F. D. WEAD. K 5tS-JJ WANTED. LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOM In private family , west o ( 21th st. Reference. Addr-.w II 22 llt- . K 383-23 * STORAGE. STORAGE. FRANK EWERS , 1214 IIARNEY. M 376 IJEHT STORAGE IlUILDINf IN OMAHA. U. 8 , gov. bonded warehouv nousehold goods -.toreaj lowest rates. 1013-101J Leavcnworth , M 377 STOVES STORED DURING SUMMER TEL. SCO. 1M7 Douglas. Omaha Stove Repair Work * . M 37S PACIFIC STORAGE * WAREHOUSE CO. . 9TH & Jones sts. General storage and forwarding. M 57 4 WANTED TO BITS STOCKS OF CLOTHING , GENTS' Ft'RNIBH * Ing * , hats and shoes. S , Arnsteln , 1303 Douglas street , Omaha , Neb. N M706-J3 WANTED. GOOD SECOND HAND UPRIGHT piano , cheap. Roberts nt llennett's. N 263 VANTEI ) , TO HUY. FOR SPOT CASH , SECondhand - ond-hand furniture ; parties contemplating breaking up housekeeping would do well to call or address C. F. U. , nt Merchants hotel N-M3C3 W FOR SALE 1TURNITTJRE. . OR BALI : ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL TO New York , will sell nil the furniture , carpets , etc. , of a 10-room house cheap. Call at 631 8. 2 lh ave. O-MC21 FOR SALEHORSES , WAGONS.ETO On SALE OR TRADE. TOR GROCERIES , A good buggy horse. 1C12 Douglas st. P M185 25 ' 1RST CLASS FAMILY HORSE AND FINE phaeton. 83' ' ) South 21st street. P 377 2' ' FOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS iVEGMAN PIANOS , BRIDGEPORT ORGANS. Woodbrldge Rros. , 117 S. 17lh. Q-379 IARDWOOD COMBINATION HOG AND chicken fence. Clms. R. Lee. , Otli and Douglas , Q-3SO HE STANDARD CATTLE CO. , AMES. NEIL , has 400 tons good baled hay to sell. Q M472 OR SALE-A PET DEER. INQUIRE A. D. Ilrnndels , Boston Store. Q MO * UI1AN FHECKLES SOLD EVERYWHERE , 5C Q-1S4 J21 AUNLDY MACHINERY , S15 N. 1CTH street , Omaha. Q-M3I9 Jl * CLAIRVOYANTS .IRS. . OR , It. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , RE liable business medium , 8th year at 119 N. 16th. - S-381 MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. .IADAM . SMITH , M2 S. 13TII , 2D FLOOR. ROOM 3 ; magnetic , \npor , alcohol , steam , HUlphurlne nnd sea baths. T M312-1 * IOST COMMODIOUS BATH PARLORS IN city. Mine. Howell. 318 & 3JO S. 15th ; thoroughly practical chiropodist and manicurist attendant. T MS13-JH * MADAM LA RUN. 1C17 HOWARD ST. MASSAGE , MADAME IJERNARD , 1421 DODGE. T Ml53 3 * MRS. DR. LEON , ELEGANT MASSAGE AND electric bath parlors , restful and refreshing. No. 412 North 14lh street. T M33I 1 * TURKISH BATHS. TURKISH BATHS ; ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusively ( or ladles. Suite 109-110 , Bee bldg. SIX 1JATHS 3. MME. POST. 31914 S. 15TH. 730 PERSONAL. THE 1JELLE EPPERLY CORSET , MADE TO order ( rom measure. 1909 Farnam street. U-383 VIAVI CO. . 318 BEE IILDO. ; HEALTH BOOK ( ree ; home treatment ; lady attendant. U 331 B. HAAS. FLORIST. PLANTS. CUT FLOWERS. Iianquet. hall , residence and grave decoration * . 1813 Vlnlon street. Telephone 778. II M993 11ATHS. MASSAGE. MSlE. POST , 319V4 S. 11TI1. U-731 CUBAN FRECKLES , WORTH IOC FOR 5C. U 184 J21 PLEDGES NOT REDEEMED OR EXTENDED by June 15 will bo sold at auction. 1'red Mohlc , 111754 Farnam. U M2I3 13 ASSISTANT IN A HIGH SCHOOL WISHES TO tench In family In Onmha or Council HlulTs for the summer. Pleasant home mote of n consideration than salary. Address R 5 , Bee. U M351 SO * PRIVATE HOME FOR LADIES DURING confinement ; babies adopted or otherwise pro vided for. 2C31 Charles street , Omaha. Neb. U M8C6-JH * UMBRELLAS COVERED AND REPAIRED , 315 , No. 16th. Jas. Henderson. U 3S7 J 27 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N. Y. LIFE , loans at low rates for- choice security In Ne braska and Iowa ( arms or Omaha city property. W 391 MONEY TO IXDAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , lirennan. Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W-S33 IMPROVED CITY LOANS AT LOWEST RATES. H. II. Harder & Co. , ground lloor. Bee bldg. W 421-M29 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at C per cent. W. U. Alelkel , 1st Nat. Bk. bldg. W SW MONEY 1O LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam. W-3S9 CITY LOANS. C. A , STARR. CIS N. Y. LIFE. W 3SS MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F , Davis Co. , 1503 Farnam st. W SS8 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Fnrnam. W WO INVESTORS DIRECTORY CO. . 10 WALL ST. , New York , offer any part 100.000 eastern In vestors' names , who have money to Invest ; Just compiled. Write for particulars. W-M303-J23 * AGENCY U. S. MORTGAGE & TRUST CO. . for K per cent loans submit applications to Puicy u Thomas , Council Ilturta oillcc. oillcc.W 253 LIFE IN8URANCE _ POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. V. O. Cheaney , Kansas City , Mo. w-y MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture. pianos , bars ? * , wagons , or any kind of chattel security at lowest possible rates , which you can pay back at any time or In an > amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . Room 4. Wltlmell block. X37 > J. B. HADDOCK. ROOM 427 , RAMOE RLOCK. X-372 MOf4EY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND planes. Fred Terry , 430 Ramge blk. X-371 MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no rcmo\al o ( goods : strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan oft at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE IXDAN CO. . : o So. 16lh St. St.X370 X370 BUSINESS CHANCES. A RARE CHANCE ; A WELL ESTABLISHED produce commission buslnes In splendid lo cation In Omaha for sale at n bargain ; com pletely equipped ( or butter and eggs. Host ol rea ons ( or selling. Address P. 53. Bee. M829 * CUUAN FRECKLES , THE ONLY CIGAR. 6C. Y-154 J21 FOR SALE MY LOAN AND JEWELRY DUSI. ness. Fied Mohle. J317V& Farnam. Y-M891-JU FOR RENT. A NEW 2-STORY RRICK HOTEL , with modern Improvements : vUteen commercial rooms , family tvoms , help's room , etr. ; to be completed ami ready ( or occupancy about July IS. An excellent oportunlty ( or the right man. nids on rent are own to nnil Including June I1) ) , 1S95. The. Wllber Hold Co. , Wllber. Neb. Y-M23J ll Jl.OD WHEAT IS NOW P.OOM1NO. Get In on this rlilng market. Wheat Is bound to KO higher , Eteobody Is buying wheat. t > m1 for our manual on trading In grain anil pro. \lilons ; also Dally Market Bulletin , ndvl.lns what and when to buy Both free , fitsntell & Co. . Bankers and Broken , Suit * 132 , Trailer ! IllJg. . Chicago. Y MJW-23 * IP ANYBODY WANTH TO SELL GOOD SIXER lot and taka labor ( painting ami paprr hangIng - Ing ) In tnd * . AJJr . R II , . Onulu .lie' . 0 - ' . BUSINESS CHANGES. Continued. 11.000 OH WILL BUY A MANUFACTimiNO bui > lnr * In Omaha ; good reasons ( or selling. Address R 13 , Bee. Y-M401 30 * YOIt CAN CLEAR J2100 TO $10000 WEEKLY ; obtain your state agency ; do not finr unl * i > ou can Inveit ( rum JCO.O ) to ( tO.O ) , payabln only on receipt of goods , something new ; no experience necpry ; WP send ( ull partlrulani with highest reference * . Address Manufacturer , P. p. box 1K4. New York City. Y MS9I 20 * EAR IN ONE OF THE LEADING TlOTKLS In Omaha ( or sale. Address D , 1W2 Cumlng slreot. Y M393 28 * FOR EXCHANGE. A NICE STYLE FAMILY HORSE , COAL black , sound , good ( ree driver nnd gentle In excry way , to exchange ( or good driving hone. FMellly Trust company , 1705 Farnam street. Z M659 " FOR EXCHANGE , SO-ACRE FARM IN GREAT sugar beet district ; mdse. or bank stock prc- ( erred. W. O. Tcmplclon , 405 N. Y. Life. K-M217 8 THE NICEST FAMILY HORSE IN THE CITY for * ale cheap , or will trade ( or bicycle. Ad dress P 5 * . Bee. 7/-M2U WILL EXCHANGE GASOLINE STOVE Autohnrp ladles' Rambler Safety , for god paler - - lor furniture , sldeboaid , carpets , or -ll cheap. Address R 23 Bee. 55-381-30' FOR BALE HC.AL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE 11YRON REED COMPANY. RE 158 IMPROVED GARDEN LANDS NEAR OMAHA at prices that will surprise you. It taken within 2 weeks. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. RE M72I BARGAINS , HOUSES , LOTS AND FARM S ; sale or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker Block. RE 156 BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- crtlcs and ( arms. Jno. N. Frcnzcr , opp. P. O. RE-37S SNAPS , 5 TO C MILES FROM OMAHA P. O , 40 , SO or 120 acres , Improved. 130.00 per acre ; 200 acres , ' 35.00 per acre , 230 ncies. JIO.OO per acre , 6 10-acre tract * , 75.00 to 1100.00 per acre. Must be sold. 940 N. Y. L. bldg , RE M25I FOR SALE LOT 14 , BLK 2. BAKER PLACE. This lot Is 50x128 , south front , near car ; will sell cheap on easy monthly payments in right inrty. Also lot 2 , In Buckeye Place , nnd lot 1 blk 8 , Pcppleton Park. Take n look nt the lots and If they suit you call nnd I will make price and terms to suit. dco. B. Tzschuck , Bee office , Omnhn. RK 631 FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. N. Y. L. RE9S J7 * ROOM MODERN COTTAGE , 202 N. 40TH , only J3.700.00 ; great bargain. RE M790 MEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE , LARGE LOT , ONLY Jl.900.00 , Clark nnd N. 21 t ; snap. RE-M791 IOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. BELL AND buy lots , acres , f.irrr.s. Oarvln Bros.,210 N. Y. L. \VE MUST SELL THE NORTH 33 FEET OF our lot. It's right on grade. It fact-H west , tlm 's the only bad Oature. It's right In town , .0 ( eet north o ( Leavcnworlh on 2'ith nve. Slants back 12 ( eet to n wide nlley. Several years ago we weri rfcred $0,301. " We wouldn't refuse J2.700 v ! > w. 89 feet ncros the street sold for $31,00) , just n \\lillc ago. WP might trade this nnd S3 feet next potith with a gond house on It for place further out. Rather sell. Some of us nt home all the time. 721 S. 2 * > th nve. RE 372-28 * FARM. FINELY IMPROVED , NEAR OMAHA. part money , part city property. Ames. 1C17 Farnam. RE-3C7-31 * . 'OR J150 DOWN. HAL. J23 EACH 3 MONTHS , six per cent Int. , 5 large room * , cellar cl t rn. city water ; house built by day work : Jl OOC Aineo. 1017 Farnam. RE 509-31 * TRADE LANDS OR CITY PROPERTY FOR 3- story brick hotel. Ames , 1017 Farnam. HE 36M1 ONE HUNDRED CASH. $21 EACH 3 MOS. , 5 r. hou-e , city water , clstein ; price $70) , 0 per cent Int. Great bargain. Amei , 1617 Farnam RE 370-31 * M. O. DAXON. 402 N. 16TH. 893 VICTOR BICYCLES , THE FINEST OF ALL blocles. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 323 N. 10th strict. 394 STERLING. BUILT LIKE A WATCH WEST- crn Electrical Supply Co. , 1315 Howard street. SEE THE VISIBLE BALL BEARINGS ON Relay Special. Will Barnum & Bro. , 12 } N. IJIh. 390 REMINGTON AND EAGL"D. CROSS GUN CO. . 11 $ S. 15th street. 397 A. L. DEANE & CO. , WHOLESALE AND RE- tall bicycles. 1116 Fnrnam street ; bicycles sold on easy payments. 393 WESTERN BICYCLE & GUN CO. . 2116 CUMlNG CGI MANTELS , GRATES AND TILES. WOOD MANTELS , GRATES , TILES FOR FIRE places , vestibules and large floors ; write ( o : catalogue. Milton Rogers & Sons , Omnhn. M399 UNDERTAKERS AN1) EMBALMERS If. K. Bt'RKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND eml-almer. 1618 Chicago St. , telephone 90 , 403 SWANSON & VALIEN , 1701 CUMINO , TEL. 1000 409 M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALM e. ' , 1417 Fnrnam St. , telephone 225. 410 C. W. BAKER , UNDERTAKER , 613 S. 16T1I ST 411 D. T MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL oillcc to 209 S , 10th St. , Brown block. 400 THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST. NO SMOKE. No soot. 2,000 pounds of Ihe best Wyoming coal , $4.50 , delivered. Just think of It ! Voi have to pay that for dirty , smoky coal. If you are Interested In tha ( uel question use Sheridan coal. 1603 Farnam all cot. MIDI LOST. LOST-GENTLEMAN'S PLAIN GOLD RING. Finder pleabe return to this otllc < > and receive reward. Lost 371-29 * LOST , ON SUNDAY LAST , GOLD BREAST pin on Can. * between 13th and 19lh. Leave n Bee oincc. lost 3S9-23 * STRAYED , A SORREL MARE. WHITE SPOT In face ; return to J. W. Foley. 1S16 N. rcth ( or reward. Lost MS99 2J PASTURAGE. WE HAVE 160 ACRES OF BLUE GRASS PAS- turn ( or horses , board ( ence , spring water Barton & Phclps. Gllmoru , Neb. , or A. W. 1'helps & Son , a)7 N. Y. Llo bldg. . Tel. 1054 478-Julyl * PASTURE , CATTLE & HORSES. T. MURRAY 90J J1S BLUE GRASS. SPRING WATER ; II. II. HAR dcr & Co. . Bee building , 221 HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER. 1TTH AND JONES STS. 75 rooms at $ I.M per day. 50 rooms at 12.00 per day. Special rates to commercial travelers. Room and board by week or month. Frank Hlldltrn manager. 4)J AETNA HOUSE ( Et'ROPEAN ) . N. W. COR 13th and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. 403 BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & B. ASS'N PA1 0,7. 8 per cent when 1. 2. 3 years old. always redeemable. 1704 Farnam st , Nattlnger , Sec . 414 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & II Ass'n , 1704 Dee Bldg. G. M. Nattlnger , Sec 413 PUMP3 AND WINDMILLS. C. II. HOYDEN. PUMPS AND WIND MILLS all kinds o ( pump repairing. Leave order with Churchill Pump Co. ; telephone. 603 , M163 J21 * DANCING. MR. AND MRS. MORAND WILL GIVE PRl vale lessons In dancing at their home. 2'JOti Dodge street , during the summer. 223-J23 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRAC tors ( or electric light and motor plants ami al kinds of electrical construction. Western Elec- llcal Supply Co , . Jil5 Howard St. 494 CARPENTERS AWU BUILDERS C. E. MORRILL. PAPER HANGING. HOUSL sign painting ; brick work , plastering ; oft. R. 1 Barker blk. ; tel. 733 ; shop , 91 } N. 21th St. 401 SHORTHAND AJMD TYPEWRITING A. & VAN BANTS SCHOOL. 515 N. Y. LIFE. M914 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. GEORGE T. QELLENBECK. BANJO AND aulUr ttachtr , lull Cass stretu MI09 BUSINESS * NOTICES. DAMAQCO MIRRORS RESILVERED , 719 N. It PAWNBROKERS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 411 N. 16 ST 41 } DENTISTS. DRvPAUL , DENTIST , Mia HURT ST. . 417 WINGED TABLE , These winged tables ( with a soml-clrcular verhanfi on each IJo ) have always been a amlllar sight In clubs and private libraries , 'hey ' have heretofore been built only to order , 'his acaton for the first time we can supply uch a table at low coil. They are Immensely convenient. On these wo great semi-circular projections may bo laced a vase , ornaments , flowers , a file of > ooks , writing materials or the late maga- Ines. They arc very spacious and give , to ny table a distinguished look. The low ehelf takes an exactly opposite liape , which permits ample room for the rawlng-ln of a- chair If It Is desired to use no of the overhangs as desk. Wo divide the box framing Into two largo rawcrs , operated from the ends of the table. The legs of this table arc composed of clii9- ercd pillars with bead molding ; decoratlvoly liey are very effective. Chas. SMverick & Co , , FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , 12 < H120S ! - - DOUGLAS ST NOTE Our prices nro the lowest on cheaper grades of furnlttlra : A. good SUeto rd tlO.OO A good Extension Table 2.50 V good Chair. . . . < . . . > C5 A. M U B EL M El N T = 3 , Will open next Oih Decoration Day. PAUL MIND ALEXANDER JOHNSTONE READER , AND Tlin Fort Omaha Band , Searies&Searles ( SPECIALISTS. . .Alt forms of Blood mid Skill Dlsnusov Sores , Spots. 1'iniplvs , Scrofula , Tumors. Tottur. Ec7omn and Illood I'oWon thoroughly cleansed from the system , ; LADIfcS clvon cnrcful nnclHpoclnl nttcntlnii for nil tlinlr niiiiiy peculiar all mem Is. CATARRH , Thront .Lungs. Liver , Dyspnpslu Troubles cured by special course of trcntmont. WEAK MEN ( VITALITY WEAK ) made HO by too close applica tion to business or study , severe mental strain or grief. SEXUAL EXCESSES In middle Ilfo or from the effects of youthful follies , all yield readily to our new treatment for loss of vital power. WD1TP Your troubles If out ot olty. Ihcusandi " ' * " . ' . . cured nt homo by oor.'iwpiin.lynce. Dr. Scarlfis 1110 tMirniuii , . Omulm , Neb. l'-a\vycrs and solicitors. SUES & CO. Ucc UulldluiOMAUA , Neb. Advlco IWEW RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves IUUHLINOTON & MO. niVEn.lArrUej Onmhal Union Depot. 10th & Maaon tit . [ Onulu JO :1 : tain Denver Expresi > : < 0am 4Jipm.BIk. Hills , Mont. & J'uget Snd. Ex. 4ljpm : i:30pm : Denver Expredi 4:10pn C:45pm..Nebraska : Local ( except Sjn lay } . . 7:4Spm : SllOam..Lincoln Local ( except Bun > | j . . , U:2Sara : i:4Jpm..Fa : t Mall ( for Lincoln ) Dally. . . . Lea\cs ICIIICAGO. OUIlLINa'IOK'"Q.Arrives ( OmahalUnion Depot , 10th St Masun tils.Omaha ( * 4l3pm : Chicago Vestibule 9:5Qain lMam Chicago Express 4lipm : TtOpm..Chicago : nnd Bt. Louis Express. . 8UOam ll:3Sam : facino Junction Local K:30pm : I'aj ' Mall IMOpra Lea\cs ICU1CAOO. MIL. & BV. 1'AUL.jArrives Omahal Union Depot , loth & Mason Bla , | Omaha "e:00pm Chicago Limited 8:30ara : ll:10am..CIilcasa Qjxpress ( ex. Sun. ) > :00pm : Leaves ICU1CAUU tt NUHTIMV EaVN. I Arrives OmahaUnlcn | Depot , 10th & Maion 81s.Omaha [ il.Olaln EaMein i Express :3i : > pn 4OCpm : Vestltiuledi Limited : 0am : S5am Mo. Valley Local 10Jpm : ttDpm : Omaha , Chicago Special I:15pm : Leaves I CHlCAaoril7ir& ; 1'ACIKIC. ( Arrltei OmahalUnlon Depot , , I0 i ec Mason Bts. | Omaha SXhT. ll:00am..Atlantic : ExpraVs ( ex. bunday ) . . . 6:6ipm : ( :25pm : Night Express 9:5nm : 4:3Upm..Chicago Vestlliuled Limited. . . . lMpn ; " : ' > jpm..Oklahoma & . Jtxas Ex ( ex Sun.10J3ara ) : l : < 0pm Colmadiii Limited 400pm ; C. , STjiI'jM. i O. [ ArrUea' Dtpou lith rta Webster Sts. | Omaha t.t'.am..Nebraska" 'I'tfistnger ' ( dally ) . , , . flipn tMpm.Sioux : CltyLCxpre a x. 3un.llUan : ! H > pm. . . St. Vfcop : Llmlte-j ll3an ! Leaves I lf I , VALLEY. : Arrhe Omahal Depot , and Webster Bts. I Omaha * I:10pm : Fast'Mall and Express , tUpm : 2:10pin.ez. : Bat ) \Vyo. Ex. ( ex. Mon. ) . . . 4Kpn : ) StfSam.rJorfolk Kxnresmex. riunjay.10:30am Cill'pm nt. Paul Express ll3S.iiii ) ! Leaves I K. U , oT. J. & C. 11. ( Arrives OmahajUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sls.JjOm.tha 8Wam Kansas City Day Express..7 6:30pm : l:45pmK. : C. Night Ex. via L. 1' . Trans. 6Wam : Leaves ) MISSOURI "I'ACII'ICl ( Arrives Omaha | Depot. Itlh and Webster Sts. | Omaha 10:40am : St. Louls Expres4. , 6Wai ; t:20pm lit. Louis Express ttOSpm 3:30pm Nebraska Local ( ex. Sun. ) > :00am : Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACU'IC. ( Arrives Oroth | Depot. 15th and Wjbstsr 81s. | Omaha Citttpm St. l'aul "LlmllejT. , . . . . ,10.35am Leaves I BIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives OmahaUnion | Depot , loth * Mason Sis. I Omaha 4&imBloux : Clty Tais nker , . . 10lipn\ : Upm , , Bt. Paul Limited. . . , , lt.ipm Lea s I ; ONlON FXCIK1O [ Aiftvir OmahtUnlonDepot ] _ , JDtlt tt Mason Bts. | Omaha i500 ; mHKearney"EipreM,7T7n , . . . 2tS : | > m 20pin. : . . , Overland Fiver 6ii-pm lOOpm.Beat'ce : & Stronub'tr Cs. ( ex.Sun ) . 3.41pm 7UOpm , . . , . , .4 . .pAclllo Express. . , . , 10Uum : _ 6t5pm : Fast Mall. . . , 4 Idem l e e l WAUABJl Gmahi1 Union & W iuD U , ( Unuha CHAPTKU III. ( Copyright , 1893. ) A young woman of the rarest beauty , tall md slender , and with the carriage ot a great ady , came Into the chamber and moved cross to the high , carved chair which lurtogh made ready for her , and seated her- elf upon It as upon a throne. She had a tale , fair skin , and her hair , celled heavily n plaits upon her shoulders , was ot the hue f a red harvest sun. There wcro Jewels In his hair , anil upon her throat and hand * , nil her long robes were of rich shining tuffs. A chain of wooden beads , with a ross of gold at the end , hung from her girdle , and she gathered this In her fingers s she Eat , The boy , Donogh boath , came with her , ml crouched In humility on the floor at her Ide. Ills thick form and dark hair , and his ivor-largc head , which waa not to ba noted icfore , spoke a likeness now to hist father. Vhen , as If under the spell of her attraction , 10 nostlcd nearer the lady's chair , nnd ouchc.1 her garment with his hand , she drew It away. Murtogh Mordha , before he took his seat again , and leant back to half llo upon the kins thrown upon It , told her the Spaniard's lame , and explained to her his errand. The Spaniard , bowing hlnuelt low , sank upon ono knee , and reverently kissed her hand , as durty had seen his father kiss the ring of ho bishop of Rosa. Ho was proud to oh- crvo this , because his wife wuj holler and norc saintly still than any bishop. The lady smiled upon tha Spaniard , and ill that she said to him , and he to her , was n his tongue. "I cannot speak It well , " she said. Her voice had the sweetness of a per fume In the air. "I lived nt Seville , In the old convent there , for only two years. 1 have 10 Joy of remembrance now save lu the peace and charm of those years there , but I fear ny memory of the dear speech Is dimmed. But I will listen with nil my oars nnd oh , so gladly ! " She fastened her regard upon his eyes ; he great , rolling , midnight eyes and held It there , that she might the better follow his speech. "Beautiful lady , " the Spaniard said. "I earn only now the power our language , spoken by such lips , may have to enthrall the learlng. Condone my error , I pray you , but t caught from Father Donatus that you were this strong chieftain's wife , and I see that you are his daughter , and even that U strange , to look upon him and you. " "I am his wife , but only In name , naught ! lso , " she answered. The wave ot compre hension sweeping over the surface of the Spaniard's eyes made Instant confldnco be tween them. "I am In captivity here. Ho is a pirate , n Ootli , a murderous barbarian. Ho and his savages here but of this mure a little hence. I beg you now to speak some thing of your mission your errand here , lie IS as. helpless to follow your words us one of these hounds ; but no dog Is keener to suspicion. " The Spaniard with eager swiftness of speech , piled ono upon another the curtailed topics ot his business. The lady , moving her flngcrs along the beads , gleaned the narrow pith of It , and dressed It forth in now phrases for the lord of Dunlogher. "The king of Spain will send this month , " she said In the Irish , "a mighty army to drive the heretic English to the last man from this Island of Saints. They have wounded Rod too long ! The last drop of Heaven's patlenca Is dried up by their crimes. Thslr queen was not born In lawful wed- A Young Woman of the Rarest Beauty. lock , and the Blessed Sacraments are dally profaned by her and her accursed people. Those who sustain and honor God now will be sustained and honored by Him through glorious eternity. " "These things are well known to me , " said Murtogh , "I would not need the king of Spain to tell them to me. How will he speak concerning himself ? " The lady was not afraid to smile Into the eyes of the Spaniard. "You are to speak after a moment or two , " she told him , with a calm voice , "but hear mo this little first. My heart Is broken here. I do not know how I have had the courage to live. These Jewels I wear , the fabrics of my raiment , the wines on the board yonder , are all the booty of blood-stained waves down at the foot of this terrible cliff. Ho and his savages burn false lights , and lure ships to ths rocks , and rob and murder their people. It was thus un happily I came here , and In fear of my life , while. I was still half dead from the water , I suffered the marriage words to bo read over mo but now you must speak. " "I would show you tears rather than words , dear lady , " the Spaniard said ; "and blows on your behalf more preferably than cither. Father Donatus whispered the tithe of this to pie. The whole truth burns like flro In my heart. As my fathers gave their blood to drive the Infidel from Granada to I lay my own poor life at your dear feet. If aught but harm to you could come from It , I would slay him now where he lolls there on the skins. He Is looking at you now , waiting for you to speak. " "The king of Spain has heard much ! ol you , " she began In the Irish , without turnIng - Ing her head. "Ho Is filled with admiration for your strength and valor. He desires deeply to know what you will be doing. When you will take arms , and Join him with your great might In the battles , then there can not be any doubt of his victory. " "That Is easy to see , " replied Murtogh. "But the king ot Spain's battles are not my battles. There would be some reason te bo given to call mo out for his wars. The English will be doing mo no hurt. They cannot come hero to mo by water or by land ; and If they did I would not let any ol Breezy times arc tlit > c There's no necessity for us to blow about our ability to sell pianos. It's Hlnii > ly a plain , unvarnished fact tlmt the Klin- Iiall Is the best piano on earth. The World's fair commission said so. Kasy terms. A. HOSPH.Jr. , Music and Art. 1613 Douglas. tliem depart nllvp. For wlint cause should I go to them ? Let the king ot Spain tell me what It would bo In his mlnil to do In my1 bol.nlf when 1 did this thing for him. " The lady ppoko to the Spaniard. "The last of my people are killed , They would not have seemed different to you perhaps to you who were bred In the gentle graces of Spain but they were not the ferocious barbarians these O'Mahonys nro , My father was loarno.1 In Latin nnd ICnpllsh , and It was his dream that I should wed In Spain. " "Oil rapturous vision ! " said Don Tello , with now flames kindling In hU cycn. "And If It shnll bo iirovod prophetic as well , beau tiful lady ! Something of this , too , the priest whlsperoj but the precious words return tome mo as your dear lips breathed them forth 'wlfo only In name. ' I long to hoar them once again. " The lady repented thorn , with tender de liberation , and a languorous gleam In her blue eyes began to answer his burning gaze. "I have held the fierce beast at arm's length , " she paid , "because he Is also a fool. I woultlt give a year of my life to bo able to laugh in his fnco , nnd slap these beads across It. I have told him the blessed thought came to mo even whllo wo knelt at the altar together that 1 am bound by n vow. Ills big empty head Is open to all the fancies that lly. Ho believes tlmt nn enchanted woman drives tip her horses from the bottom of the lake down nt the foot of the small tower hero every night for food , nnd he cprcad ? corn for them , which the thieves about him fatten on. Ho believes The lady smiled upon the Spaniard. In witches rising from the sea , and epreclmuns , and changelings , like any Ig norant herdsman out In the bog , but ho U rlghtened churchman , too. He believes that [ am a saint ! " 'As I swear by the grave of my mother you are ! " panted Don Tello. "Hut speak now to him. " 'The king of Spain will do very great ihlng. ? In your behalf , " she recited In Murtoqhs totiguo. "Ho will make you of the rank of a commander In his armies , and he will cnnoblo you. " "I am noble now , " Murtogh made com ment. "As noble as the king of Spain him self. I am not a MacCarthy or an O'DrlscoIl , that I would be craving titles to my name. " "Then ho will send large , rich ships here , " she began again , with weariness in her tone , "to bring you costly presents. And the I'ope , he will grant you ten years' Indulgence or It may be twenty. " "Ask him , " broke In Murtogh , sitting up with a brightened face , his hand outstretched to secure silence for the thought that stirred within him "ask if the Holy Father would ba granting Just one spiritual favor I would beg. Will this gentleman bind the king of Spain to that ? " "And may I wholly trust , " she asked the Spaniard , with half-closed eyes , through which stone the invitation of her mood "may 1 trust In your knightly proffer of help ? Do not answer till I have finished. You are the first who has come to me here In this awful dungeon and I have opened my heart to you ai perhaps I should not. Hut you have the blood of youth In your veins , like me you are gallant and of high lineage you are from the land where chiv alry Is tha law of gentle life Is it true that you will be my champion ? " The Spaniard rose with solemn dignity , though his great eyes flashed devouringly upon her , and his breast heaved under Its cuirass. He halt lifted his sword from the sheath , and kissed the cross of Its hilt , "Oh , my beloved , I swear ! " he said , In sombre earnestness. She translated ! the action nnd utterance to Murtogh. "Whatever of a spiritual nature you would crave ot his holiness he would grant. " She looked up Into the Spaniard's eyes , and lot lier own lashes tremble , and fed the ravening conflagration of his gaze with a little sigh. "It would be very sweet to be lieve , " she murmured , "too sweet for sense , I.fear me. Nay , Don.Tello , I need not sucli a world of pursuaslon only only lift your right hand , with thumb and two flngcrs out , and swear again. And say , 'Ilera , I swear ! ' " "Is It your name ? " he asked , and as she closed her eyes In assent , and slowly opened them to behold his oath , he lifted the fingers and waved them toward her , and passionately whispered , "Uera , queen of my heaven , star of my soul , I swear ! " ' "That Is the sign of the pope himself , ' she explained , with Indifference , to Mtir- togh. "Whatever wish you offered up you have it already granted. It is Don Tello who bears the holy authority from the pope. ' The Lord of Dunlogher hurled himself to his feet with a boisterous energy , before which the lady , wondering , drew herscl away. He stretched his bared arms towan her , then flung them upward as In Invoca tion to the skies. The beatitude of some vas triumph illumined his glanc : . "Oh , then , Indeed , I am Murty Morda" he cried. "It is I who am prouder than nil the kings on earth ! 'it Is I who have won my love ! Oh , glory to the heavens that sent me this Joy ! Glory and the praise ot the saints ! Glory ! Glory ! " ( Concluded Tomorrow. ) Nothing Succards I.IUo 8uecris. The auccesses achieved by men and things are not always based upon merit. Hut a success well merited and unprecedented In the annals of proprietary medicine , should these ever como to be written , U Hosteller's Stomach Flitters , n botanic medicine , dlscuv ercd nearly half a century ago , nnd the lending remedy for and preventatlve of ma larlal , rheumatic and kidney complaints , dys popsla , constipation and biliousness , Thnmton nnil Fran Hllvcr. CHESTEU. Neb. . May 27. To the Kdllo of The Hee : Did John M. Thwstou ever ex press himself as favoring the free nnd un limited coinage of the American product o silver at the ratio of 1C to 1 ? A IU3ADKII OF THK DEI2. Yes ; but ho did not declare for any par tlcular tatlo , o lloinmcnUorii' I xrurslon. Tuesday , June 11 , ono faro for round trip minimum round trip rate $7.00 ; limit , 20 days To nil points on the F. B. & M. V. H. U. I Nebraska. Wyoming and South Dakota Ticket ofllco 1401 Farnam street. j. H. HUCHANAN. General Passenger Agent. THU KEAI.TY .UAUICET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record May 23 1S93 : WARRANTY DEEDS. M E Whallf to E L Ilatier. n Ji of U ot lot 18 , block IS , Improvement nsnoclatlon ndd , J ClurlvH Miiuulre to iirah A LarUnn , out lot 21 , In WalrrlcKi 30 J A Pelersen and wlfa to M I' Harris , lot IS. IlurileUr Court J F K Darllni. and wife tu William Klein , w H of lot i : , block 10. ] arker'H ndd 3k W P to A P Ilrody , lot 11 , lilotk 1 , slovens Place 7M South Omaha Land company to L M Darling , lot 8 , block 151 , Huuth Omulu. . : ; QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. I'nppleton Park llulldlnp awiclatlon to Omaha Havlnxs bank , lot 1C , block 1 , Poppleton | > urk 1,2 C II Ilreeil nnd wlf ti > C E Clapp , lot 3S , block I. Orchard Mill MillDEEDS. DEEDS. Special master to U J Cox. lot 3 , block 4 , Plalnvlew add . . . . . . . ti Same to Massachusetts National bank , lot 6. block 75. Dundee 1'lacu , 21 Ha mo to 1 ( J Twlmlng , w Vi of lot ! > , bli tk 8 , Wllnut Hill . . . . . . . & Bams tu J II C'rumm , lot , Oak Hill No , 1. Cl Total amount of transfers. . . . . . , ; , , .H.T7 CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS ) co'dod tlmt the Eleventh nnd Slxtoentt ) Street Viaducts Be Repaired nt Once , AILROADS WILL BE ASKED TO DO it t They I'.ill to Act the Work Will PrococU nnd tti Cunt lie Amrmeil t'uuimlf tecs to Secure llrtlorVntcr PrcMure Appointed. It was determined by tlio city council last veiling tlmt tlio Klovcnth street and Six * ocnth street viaducts shall at once bo ro nlrod. An effort will bo inailo to get the nllroads to the original expense ot the ork , which Is to be under the direction ot 10 Hoard of Public Works , but If they ro use tlio work will bo dona by the city nnil ic coats Assessed , Gordon led the action by Introducing ft roso- utlon Instructing the Hoard of 1'ubllc Works o proceed at once with the repair of tlio Eleventh street nnd Sixteenth street via * nets , the costs to bo borne by the railroad ompanlcs proportionately whoso tracks luh tuler. The board Is to glvo the railroads en days' notice ot the city's Intention to lake the repairs , and It no action Is at the ml of that tlnio taken by them the board 8 to proceed anil the costs are to bo assessed gainst the railway companies. The resolution was unanimously adapted. V resolution by Duck was also adopted In truding the city engineer and Hoard ot 'ublio Works to furnish an oatlmalo In a vuek of tlio cost of the repair of the l.lov.- nth street viaduct. In refusInK to approve n resolution for & vaterliiR trough at T only-fifth and Cum- iK streets thu mayor took occasion to speak ; f the state of the general tunil. Said lie : "H Is thcso small Items which go to make p the largo Inroads on the general fund , ml I nm compelled to remind the council hat the utmost care Is necessary to carry s through the year. It will bo remembered hat the amount of the levy for the general n ml was llxeil at 10' , 4 mills , with the ni- orBtamllng that 2 mills ot that amount was or the fire department. If this arrange * ncnt Is to bo carried out In good faith , as ho mayor and council nro In honor bound to o , thcro will bo loft In the general fund ess than $100,000 to cover the expenses for ho remaining eight months ot the year , 'ho drafts on the general fund for the first our months of this year amounted to about 01.000. On this basis the amount required or the balance of the year Is about $122,000 , vhlch will leave a deficit of $22,000 unless adlcal measures are adopted to stop the eaks caused by watering troughs and similar , expenditures which arc not absolutely nec essary. " Mr. Taylor of the E'ghth appealed for thorough rough , paying that Inure was no trough In its ward , and the resolution prevailed In plto of the veto. The mayor transmitted a veto mesiagu re specting n resolution Instructing thu I'tmrd of Public Works to proceed Immediately to cause the laying of all crosswalks hitherto ordered. The mayor stated that there w'as o controversy between the board and con- ractor , nnd he suggested that the matter could bo safely left with the board without an arbitrary resolution. The mayor's objcc- lens were heeded. City Engineer Uosowntcr , with regard to ho repair of the Sixteenth street viaduct , submitted a proposition from U. II , Camp- ) ell , whoso acceptance ho recommended in case repair only was determined on. Mr. Campbell offers to reconstruct the four spans , ot timber , for ? 2'J1G , which docs not ncluilo new lloorlng. llo will stipulate that the work bo completed In sixty day * . Tlio proposition was referred to the commllttce on viaducts and railways. Hlds for the placing of water troughs at Twenty-second and Cumlng streets. Nine teenth nnd St. Mary's nvcimo nnd Fifteenth ami Chicago streets wcro tiled by llvo bld- lors , the lowest being that of J , J , Ilnnno- gan , which was $227.30. The bids wcro re- 'errod. TO PUOCUHR LAUGBH WATER MAINS. A communication was read from the Hoard of Flro and Pollco Commissioners asking .he council to take Immediate steps to com- > el the water works company to furnish ado- tiuate water pressure for the security ot property. It was urged that as It was un disputed that several mains In the business inrt of the city were too small oven when nt their fullest capacity , notion and not words was what wan required , and that the ex- sting danger was so grave as to warrant the city In InuUtlng on Us contract rights. Considerable discussion followed the readIng - Ing of tlio letter. Mr. IIowoll suggested tlmt It bo referred to the mayor , the council committee on lire and water and a commit tee to bo appointed by the Hoard of Flro and Police Commissioner ) ) , which should wait on Judge Dundy and endeavor to becuro without delay an enlargement of the mains. This suggestion was adopted. Dr. 3. U. Mercer notified the council In writing that ho would expect to bo paid $20,000 damages on account of the continued clo3tiro ot the Eleventh street viaduct. Ho stated that some ot his most Important prop erty Interest wcro near and along the street , and dependent on the trafllc of the street , and charged the city with neglect ot duty In not seeing long before to the opening In a safe condition of the viaduct. Dr. Mercer's claim was referred to the committee on claims. J. W. Priest , a hack driver , asked for damages In a reasonable sum on account ot Injury to himself and horses In a runaway caused by hl team becoming frightened nt a bin hole In the street at Fourteenth street and the Union Pacific tracks. A concurrent resolution by Prince for the repair of Furnam street from Twentieth to Twenty-second street was referred. In viuw of the allegation of the city elec trician tlmt his office might bo made almost sclt-sustalnlng If an assistant were allowed so as to make the solicited Inspection ot many buildings possible , a concurrent reso lution was Introduced by Mercer allowing an assistant after June 1 at n salary of $40 per month. It went to the nuance committee. . The committee to which was referred the communication of the mayor urging that the street railway company bo compelled to tear up unused tracks on several streets reported adversely , holding that at this tlma the thing proposed would cause grievous hardship to the company. The report wad adopted. An ordinance , by Saunders , prohibiting the dropping , throwing or leaving upon any street or alley In the city of Omaha uny , tin cans , nails , bottles , glass , wires or places of tin , Iron , tteol. zinc or other metal or pieces of chlmi or crockery , and declaring the came to bo a misdemeanor , and t rovld' Ing a penalty of from $1 to $100 for tha violation of this ordinance , 1ms been froj pared. ANNUAL FEAST OF SHEVN03. Urilliutlcin Nervier ! nt Tcmplo luracl 'I his Morning , What promises to bo a service of un usual beauty nnd ralemnlty will bo cola4 brated this morning at Temple Israel on Hnrrioy street. The occasion Is thq annual recurrence of the feast of Shevnoi , va riously known as tlio feast of Weeks , Pente cost or Revolution. The main feature of tie Jay. however , will bo the graduation ot live young people from the normal depart ment of the religious school of Temple Israel and the conferring upon them of diplomas , entitling them to the degree of Religious teacher. The temple will bo elaborately decorated for the occailon , and the temple clolr , as sisted by a trio of stringed Instruments , had arranged a maRnlflcent'inuslcal program , Thtf pupils to graduate are Laura Uoetr , Miriam 11 Hart , May Heller , Hannah Hehfeld ana Max Merrltt , Services begin at 10 o'clock , and all who ; with to attend ore welcome. / ' When JUby was sick , wo gave her Castorla. When slio was A ClilU , tlio crloJ for Costorla. When she became Situ , she clung to Gwtprfa. Alfotn sbo had Children , she gava them Castcrfjy