w THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. WJ5PN\ESDAY ; , MAY 29 , 1895. I COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Was TJniettlcd and Nervous Throughout the Session. THAT CEREAL OPENED DECIDEDLY BULLISH Reports nl Hot WlniU In Knnnnt Doing Qrent I mase to All drawing Crops the Chief I'-ctor of the DHJT , CHICAdO. May 28. Wheat wns unsettled tnd nervous throughout the session , but closed bullish within Vic of the top here for the day , and 2'c ' ( higher thnn It left off the flay before , Corn was strong , notwithstand ing enormous receipts , before the scorch ing dry weather , nnd clo cd with an ad vance of Hie. Oats and provisions also joined In the bulls triumphant procession. Wheat opened with an emphatic enuncla * ! lon of Its bullish principles. The generally prevailing price when the start was mode was 60c for July. Some few sales were made nt TlfJic , but against some purchases made simultaneously nt SOVic. It cold on the curb yesterday nt 78yae , The weak ness ycsterady had , In a great measure , been because of the signal service predic tion of heavy storms , which were reported to be gathering In Ihc northwest. Hut to day the weather map , except away In the northwest corner , had no signs of rain on It. The absence of rain , together with a very bulllnh circular , Issued by C. A. King ft Co. of Toledo , wns Iho chief reasons for the strong opening. Apart from those mat ters , the enrly market news was of a bear ish character. The foreign mntkes woio weak and lower. Hecelpts hero and In the northwest were heavy. Hrndstreut s esti mate of the changes for the week In Hie world's visible gave a decrease of 2k13W ) bu. , nearly , on this continent. IJefore the r last named piece of Information was re ceived , the market hud three times cast dis credit upon Its early assumptions of bull ishness. It had tumbled from Wic to 7B'4c , recovered again to S0ric ; , dropped once more to 79'ic and again recovered to BO'/ic. Kor a time It hung around SO-sC , but goon dropped again to a lower point than the previous low point , touching "Uc. Uus- Iness was smaller In volume than on the day before until the last half hour , but thi fiequency nnd material character of the lluctuatlons Indicate very little abatement In the nervousness which has been domi nating the trade HO long. The closing cables reported I'arln and Iterlln considerably lower , but the reports of crop damage al ready done are also alarmingly bad , anil shoals of dispatches from NebraFka anil Kansas coming In and reporting hot winds Ecoruhlng up what vegetation remained , the market dropped all pretensions of uncer tainty nnd again proclaimed In more decl. Hive terrnS than nt the start that It was o bull. July was bringing Sl'.dc about llfteer minutes from the close , nnd the clofce wnt lit ! under that. The corn market showed n bullish ted Ing of the superior article , and at the clos wns bringing 53c , as ngalnst E > 2c , nt tin end of yesterday's session. The absence ol rain , which was predicted yesterday , am Instead of It hot , scorching winds In Soutl Uakotn , Nebraska and Kansas and Mis Hour ! , to be followed tonight by frost li two of thoto btates , stirred up the pit am brought to book the shorts , who crowdei the pit. The receipts were heavy enouph nlthough U5 cars less thnn estimated , tin number on the Inspection sheet being 1,02 cars. July opened nt from & 3c to KPie , nm before It censed to advance , It sold at Die It reacted to 0fi : ) < - ' , rose again to Gl'jc , ol' from that to Kiy4c ngiiln , then up to ni"4i nnd closed at Kl'ic bid. Oats opened llrmor , nnd grew more s < during the session and closed very stron ) within a small fraction of the high poln of the day , and at an advance of lc on thi nearer deliveries , nnd l'o up on Septem her. Very free buying by many partli-n country orders , principally urgent , wit ) light offerings nnd very discouraging re potts of dry weather throughout the oat ; territory and considerable damugo by heat nil tended to cicnte activity. Orders from the outside to buy provision were more numerous than usual , and that In connection with the small receipts o hogs nnd the small receipts of grain , causei higher pressure for the hog products. I'orl Htnrted lli'/So up from yesterday's close , nd vnnced another 7'/6o nnd closed with nil bu 2' c of the day'H advance to the good. Lar < nnd ribs pursued a similar course , and a the end , wcie each 7'/4c higher for tin clav. clav.Estimated Estimated for tomorrow : Wheat , 42 cars corn , kOO cars ; oats , lS3 ! cars ; hogs , 30,00 Jiend. The leading futures ranged ns follows : Cash quotations were ns follows : FI.OUR-Sleady ; winter patents. J3.40t3.7' winter stralKhts. J3.2.yj.CO ; sprint' pattnts , J3.73 J.ljj sprint ; straights , 2.80Ji3.75 ; bakers , J2.755 9.15. WHEAT No. 2 sprlnK , SSSSIe ; No. 3 sprint IJRSIc ; No. 2 red. 7aTS iSO'.4c. CORN No. 2 , M'in ; No. 3 yellow. Wle. OATS-No. 2. joijc ; No. 2 white , 3Ji'O32 > lc No. 3 white , 32 r321c. . RYE-NO. 2. civic. HARLEY-No. 2. Me ; No. 3. 4S ? Jlc ; No. 1 nominal. , FLAX SEED No. 1 , J1.6I ) . TIMOTHY SEEI-Pilnu > . J3. PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , J12.C2m 12.73. Lard , per 10i ) ll.s. , Ji.CO ( .C2'i. Bhort r'lli sides ( loose ) , { G.23fj0.30. Dry taltcil shoulder ( boxed ) , 3.37'SfcS.W. ' short clear sides ( boxed G.uOftli ( t2V. WHISKY Distillers' nnlshed t'oods , per sal KlIOARS-Cut loaf , unchanKCd. The following were the receipts and shipment today : On the Proluea otch.iusetod.lv Iho butler mar let was steady ; creamery , lOrflTMo : dairy , l cltic ters , Bteady ; llKuli'c- . Cheese , ciulct : OH < j7c. NEW YOUIt UKNKIIAI. M.Utltr.T. CloslnuQuotation - , on HID Principal Coni' inodltlci nnil Maple * . . NEW YORK. May 2-FI.OUR-Recelpti. 34. KW bbls , ; exports , 33,900 bbls. ; sales , 13,300 pkgn Uaiket Ilrm , with winter wheat In fair deman Jut t > iIng grades ncch-cti.il. City mill patent- it.SJJJi.lS ; winter patents. J4.WJJ1.40 ; city mil : lrars , J4.10i74.40 ; vvlnttr straights. J3.75ei.15 lIliincRolii patents. $4.200-1.75 ; winter extras , J3.C tfS.M ; Mlnnewita bakcm , J3.25W4.10 ; winter lo\ trades. J2.4U3.U5 ; M.rlng low BrudM , J2.'X > { f2.f.i I ; yellow western , Jl Mj " \fl\KAT \ liieSflH , 155.000 bu. ; exports. JJ.OC Ju. ; snlc * . Itf.StM.tHW bu. futures ; no upot Spo irregular ; No. 2 red , in store und elevator , bJc t. o , b. , kJ > , o , nlloat. No. 1 red , kSVic , dellvern' ' Options opened actlvo and hlsher on outsld tuylng nnd dainnKe In winter wheat ; sold o ; amler vlgoious puunJIng by the local bears nn forelun houses ; ruled Irri-eulur ut noon , bu anally advanced decld.illy on hurried covrrln CORN -lit ce'liits. CI.OOO bu. ; exports. H.OX3 bu , leH , 4J5.WJ lin. futures and 33 , 3W bu. mo Boot sli.inB ; yellow. JJ'tc. Option market turn * hcak nrtcr lh npcnlne under local pressure , bi rullltd luttr on bad crop news , smaller receipt ml active covering , closed ut lUOlUc net id . ranee . . . . . . ; . . Mny . , . . , . clou-it . . . . _ . nt 67c . ; . July. 5t. ! ST ; ( Btptember , H | iluli iperts. 1.4M bu , ' - " 'j/V V - " * v mint * M.OCO Mil . spo1 ol nmrket lU'ins ; No. : . SJWMfyc ; No. l < ij IJxJ13Tp ; " Ro. ' * 'wliHt , ' 860 ; Hack' whit * . Vft ! Oplli < n < op'.tieJ nim and advanced CD h-av coverlnjr ana bail crop news , closln. ; ftjlo ur " cU > ed ut 'tcj ' July. JJV.ffjJc. closed ! July , JJH-asfc , closed at Ho ; B ptembei . closed at . AY-Uaiy ) ihlpplu. , ooJ to cholci IGQHc. IlOPf Dull ; state , common to choice , eli Iffie , USl , 405c ; co et , cIJ , : O5e ; ISM. 4t/9e. / IHDES QulM ; w t ult-d New Orleans. > i Icctcd , 4 } to C ! Ibs. , Hio , nominal ; Tvxas , i Irttfd. w to M Ibs , , nominal. LEATIIUIl-Klrmly held ; hcmloek sale. lluent Air , llnht to hravy welghl * . tQt2c ; ach tlC I.e. W OOLtul t ; diimtctlo flticr , pullet 'c. PHOVIRIONB-nerf. dull : fittiilly , III extra l.i . . JS UtJ-H.M , btft hams. U . . . city , mtra India m , JIT 40.19.00. Cut infnl nnn ; fkklnl belllrf. tHnO'io. Ijinl. mm : wen ern steam rl-rd t IC.V2H. Muy cl f J at Jii.1 nominal. July , IC.ST. nominal ; t rtr.tJ. flrii contlnint. J ? Mi South American , 17.10 ; ecu pound , JVr.aS.JTU. Poik. ntcady. 'Steifyj jmtirn ( Ulrr. western creamery , 12 < I19c ; western factory , 7'40 lie , Elglns , 19c. Imitation creamery , lOCltcj stale dnlr ) ' , Itilltc ; state creamery , 19c. CHEESE-Flrmer ; state , large , 4M 7 4e ; small , tfl7c ; part skims , l4/c ! ; full skims , EGOS Firm ; state nnd Pennsylvania , 13HCJ IM.c ; western fresh , H'iOllUcj southern , lliiW 12Uci receipts , 17.000 pkgs. TALLOW-Steady ; city , 4 404 4e ! country , 4K I'KTROLEUM-lIenvy ; United closed at ll.SS bid ; refined New York , J8 ; Philadelphia nnd llaltlmore , 17.91 ; Philadelphia und Ilaltlmore , In bulk , II K. ROSIN Sleady ; strained , common to good , JI. 2' ' I.C7. TfllPENTINE rirmi aUOSOVic. RICE Steady ; domestic , fair to extra , 4Hfl ) CUc , Jnpan , 3& 4Hc. MOLASSES Firm ; New Orlfans , open kettle , g'KKl to choice. 2sa32c. METALS-PIg Iron , steady. Corper , strong ; brokers' price , JIO.W ; pxchnngc price , tiO.ont 10.C. > . Lead , strong : brokers' prlci' , J3.07H ; ex change price , J3.20 3.2'4. ' Tin , easy ; Straits , 114 2.W14.3 : : plates , quiet , COTTONSEED Oil. Hlnw , but sellers Indiffer ent ; exporters bid slowly ; small local demnnd met at limitations ; prime crude , SM/2lc : off etude , 21i)23c ) : prime summer yellow , 27f274c ; off summer yellow , 25' ( , 2G'4c ' , jellow bulter grades , 2ic ; prime summer white , 30j31c. oAiAii.v OIMU\I. : .MARKET. Condition of Trndo nnil ( Juotn > tlnjt nn Miiplo unit I nncy Produce , EGOS Choice stock , 10010'Sc. HUTTER-Old hay or while stock , Sijlc ; fnlr to good country , CjJ7c ; choice to fancy , 10t12c ; gathered creamery , 14 15c ; separator creamery , ICc. ICc.LIVE LIVE POULTRY Hens. C',507c ; mixed , C0 6'4c ; ducks , 74ft8e ! ; turkeys , 'J&lOc ; heavy toms , 7c ; geese , Gc. VEAL Choice fat , 70 to 100 Ibs , , are quoted nt GffG'ic. large and coarse , 40 * > l&c. CHEESE Wisconsin full cream , 9c ; Young Americans , luc ; twins , lie ; Nebraska nnd Iowa , full cieiun , lic ; Nebraska and lo\vn , part skims , Hi"c ; Llmliurger , No , 1 ,1'Jc : brlek , No. 1 , He ; SwlsNo. . I , lie. HAY Upland hay , J8.50 ; inldlnml , IS ; lowland , J7.W ; rye straw , J5 ; color makes the prlca on luiy. Light hales sell the best. Only top grades bring top prices. CORN No. 2. 4Gc. WHITE OATS-No. 3 , 30c. PIGEONS Per doz. , Jl.oogl.50. VEOETAIILES. POTATOES Western stock , car lo's , 70SSOc ; small lots , SOii'JOc ; new , per lb. , 2Q2'ic. ' OLD HEANS Ilnnd picked , navy , S-i.M ; Lima benns , per It ) . , S jt&c. CAIIIIAUE-On orders , 3c. HORSERADISH-PIT 11. . . c < i7c. SPINACH Per bu. basket. &O40C. RADISHES Per ilnz. bunches , IWc. UREEN ONlONS-Per do/ , bunches , 6810c. LETTUCE Per doz. , M130c. | ASPAKAUUK Choice stock , on ordeis , 30fflIOc ler doz .htine'hcs. PIE PLANT 1'er lb. , l < ? l'ic. CUCUJIIIERS On orders , SOBCOc per doz. . PEA On orders , per V&'bu. box , f,0ir7jc. STRING llEANS-On orders , ' /i-bu. box , 75c ; -basket cinle , J1.HOJV2.00. TOMATOES Per b-lutkct crate. jr.WG.OO. ! WAX 11EANS On orders , per ' , i-bu. box , 75J > 0c. 1'RUITS. STRAWIIERRIES Choice shipping stock , per rate of 21 qts , JJ.Mii3.00. CHERRIES California , per 10-lu. box , Jl-SOffi .75. TROPICAL FRUITS. ORANGES Australian navels , per box. J3.23 ; choice seedlings , per box , JJ.UMj2.JO ; Medlter- nnean sweets , J-.T tJS.OO ; fancy St. Michaels , LEMONS Extia fancy lemons , SCO size , J3.75S 4.W. PINEAPPLES 1'er doz. , j : sr.iff2.CO. IIANANAS Choice shipping slink , per bunch , JI.73O2.00. MISCELLANEOUS. FIGS Fancy , lie ; choice , l313c ; California , bugs , Tc. HONEY New York , ICc ; dark , He ; California , . MAPLE SYRUP Gallon Jugs , per doz. , J12 , lllxby. 5-gal. cans , J3. NUTS Almonds , Ho ; English walnuts , soft- shelled , lOc ; stundauH He ; filberts , 9c ; Rrnzll nuts , So , jiecnns , 9c ; cocoanuts , J3.60y4.00 per 100. DATES In CO to 70-lb. boxes. So per lb. ; fard ilates , 9c per lb. CIDER Puie Jlucc , per bbl. , J3 ; half bbl , J3. HIDES AND TALLOW. HIDES No. 1 green hliles , 7c ; No. 2 green hides , GV-c ; No. 1 green salted hides. " ! ic ; No. 2 gie-v-n salted hides , 7c ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 15 Ibs. , SlUlOe ; No. 2 veal calf , S to 15 Ibs. , S'4e ; No. 1 dry Hint hides , 9ft lUc ; No. 2 diy Hint hides , 8f9c ; No. 1 dry salted hides , Sc , part cuied hides , ' 4c per pound less tnm fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each 25J60c ; each t01c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , SfrlOc : dry sheaillnga ( short wooled emly skins ) , No. t. jach Co ; dry Hint Kansas and Nebraska bulcher noel pelts , per green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , pound , nclual nelxht , tfjSc ; dry Hint Kansas nnd Nebraska muiraln wool pells , per pound , actual weight , 4fCo ; diy Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per pound , actual weight. < SG',4c ; dry ( tint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual weight , 4fttc. Have feet cut off , as U It useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow , 4W © 44c ! ; No. 2 tallow. 3'jSMc ; grease , white A , 4jf 4'ic : giease , white u. 3',4c ' ; grease , yellow , 25it3o ; grease , dark , 2' c ; old butter , 282i4c ; bceswnx , prime. 17T20e. rougn tallow , 2c. WOOL , UNWASHED Fine heavy , GiffTc ; Hne light , 8fI9c ; quarter blood , loJI12o ; seedy , burry nnd chaffy. 8&9c ; celled nnd broken , coarse , 7H3c ; cottwl and broken , line , GJISc. WOOL , WASHED Medium , ISWJSo ; fine , 140 I6o ; tub wnshed , 16Ml8c ; black , 8c ; bucks , 6c ; tag locks , 2lQ3c ; dead pulled , DffCc. FURS. FURS Dear , black , No. 1. large. J20.00023.00 ; ear , brown. No. 1 , large. J20.00M23.00 ; No. 1 me- dlum , J10.00 ; No. 1 , small , J12.00 ; bear , brown , jearllngs , No. 1 , latge , J10.004ri2.00 ; No. 1 me dlum , JS.OO ; No. 1 , small , J6.00 ; bear , brown cubs. No. 1 , large. J7.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J5.00 ; No. 1. small , J300 ; badger. No. 1 , medium J15.00 ; No. 1 , tmall , JS.OO@IO.flO ; bear , black , vcarllr-ES , No. 1. large , J12.0015.00 ; No. 1 , me dlum , J10.00 ; No. 1 small , J.7.00 ; bear , black , cubs. Ko. 1 , large , J6.OOflS.pO ; Nl. . , medium J5.00S6.00 ; No. 1 , small , J4.CO ; bear , black. Mont tana and Rocky mountain. No. 1. large. J1S.OOO 20.00 ; No. 1 , medium , 111.00 ; No. I , email , JIO.OO ; bear , black. Montana yearlings , No. 1 , large , J12.W ; No. 1 , medium , JS.OO ; No. i , small , J5.UO' links. No. 1. large , J11.00 ; No. 1. medium ! JS.OO , iwi * > u , i , c.i i , w , tiiuuuuiiii iion. perfect head and feet. No. 1 , large , J1.00O2.00 : Imper' feet skins. J6.00S7.00 ; No. 1. small. . - . J5.00- otter . , . .1- * . 1 Inl-fA t7 ftrt. VT . 1L' T .W -I1 ? : " large. SiflOc ; No. 1. medium , 9c ; No. 1 , small' 7c : minkrnts. fall. No. 1. large. 466c ; No. 1 medium. 7e ; No. 1. small. Co : muskrat kits. J83c St. Louis Oenor.il llurkot. ST. LOUIS , Mny W.-rLOUR-FIrm nnt higher ; patents , tl.20iI4.30 ; extra fnncy _ , J195C Hour. J3.fiO/3.75 , WHEAT An extremely nervous and unsettled niaiket , but with decidedly more bullish leanlngi than yesterday , as the news and traders gcner. ally favored that side. The opening was ic hlKher nnd quickly ran up He more , decline. ISe. and then recovered most of this loss , bin collapsed on this , declining 1'ic. Lalo turne. strong and advanced 2c. closing at the top , l > is , T.tc "h'.ve y lcrday ; No. 2 red. cnsh. S2Ue sl em8. . ? fee & ' B8BW ° ! * " " " " 5 ° ' 4C CORN Too much drouth news nnd reports ol hot winds In the west alarmed the traders nm arousi-d enough buying to advance the market , which , however , cased off soon. The advance. Ir wheat stiffened the mniket late uml U closed 1U < above yeste-rday ; No. 1 mixed , cash , Sl'icj ' Mny Ole iihke'd ; July , C3o asked ; Sopte-mber , 5 < lj OATS-Advnnced on reports of damage t < than yesterday for July nnd Boplcmber rcspeo lively. Spot steady ; No. 2 red. tbc atked ; June 23 ? . .VUU July' ! U'-C ! Sept'inber. COHo asked. c iVN JSAiVj' l't ' , 0' N'0 > a 80M at C8C- RRAN CSo bid for east track. FLAX SEED-Nomlnul , J1.40. . . 'JJh-'VJ ' SEEDS-Stemty but qulot ; clover eej J8.50JJ7.5a ; timothy , J3.OiXiJ4.OJ. . , lIAY71 > rl1.110i ! , Uulli pne car ti Icily fancy JIO , this side ; timothy , mm for fancy : olhi-i RrndM dull , medium to fancy , JD.iCHjll 61) , eat WIISUY-J1.:4 for dl llll rs' nnlshed goods , . . . . -o , o . ; wheat , 22.001 U.T corn. 13.000 bu. ; oats , J2.CM bu , SHIPMENlS-riour. I.PW bbls.j wheat. bu. ; coin , 11000 bit. ; oats. 15,000 bu. Jlnrket , NEW YORK" , May K.-SUQAn-Raw. a y fa r rennlng. 2 Ul o ; cmtrlfusal. 9 t it. SVc sale . 0 ton * and 101 hhd. . Muscodavo , S3 test at I 14Ho ; E < . < 3 bMn. nidlx.ti ujnr at i ll-Uc reniud. dull : No. 6 , 4 3-Uo ; No. 7 , < < ; _ 4 i-lCc No. ! . J7 , < ll-Kc ; No. 9 3 IMC.le * No 8K3 1S.H.1 ; No. 11 , I nt _ lHe ; No , 1 ! . S S-16S So : No. 13. 311eff A. iflisiHc : moM A 41-IIOttau ; Blkndard A. 4 MtUJHc : confection " ' A , , 1 6-UOtUo ; cut lo f 51.1C sUc ; cru.hcd 5 l'2Jiyc } ; P0wil , rrt. < iA4 IMCc ; tftnuhited 4 M < oubcn 4 _ uc ; , 1'lCillHr StuuchcHer 'I rllllct. MANCHESTER. ll y M.-Clolhs unil yarn quiet nnd Irs Imd to nuke unlei ; at con ( oltou NEW OriLEANH , Jj y M. COTTON Quiet CH ; low nuaallnl. ( Vioj .Sod crM lary , Cic ; net receipts , 1.0(8 bale * ) , ( cross , 1,717 inles ; exports , to Orent llrltaln , 3.91U hales ; to he continent , 3,415 bales ; roastwlse , 2,1CH bales ; 'ales , 4IX ) bales ; stock , 177,000 bnlerii futures , Irm ; snlcn , Cl.ooo bales ; May , JC.9J bid ; June , : s.9J lildj July , I703U7.04 ; August , 7.i3ff7.10 ; ieptember. J7.05C7.W , October , S7.01ffi.05 ; No- ember , 7.07O7.V9 ; December , J7.1. . ) ; January , 17.1in7.16. NEW YORK , May 28. COTTON-Dull ; mid- Illnir , 7 D-lCc ; net receipts , 241 bales ; Kross , 5TJ2 ( lairs ; extmrts , to Orent tlrltnln , 3. ' ) balea ; to Prance , MS liales ! to the continent , 1,891 bales ; forwarded , 2US bales ; sales , 2.000 bales ; spin * icrs , S ] tmles ; stock , actual , 219,748 bales. MTOCKS AMJ I1ONDH. Jpeculatlou In BeourltlesVn * Heavy In Tone Ye tcrcluy. NEW YORK , May 28. Speculation on the Block exchange today was he > avy In tone and Ihere was n steady decline In prices to the close 3f business , with one or two exceptions. A H'lllni ; movement set In at the opening , which , although of only menlernte force , was continu ous In Its operations nnd Imd the support of the foreigners , ns well ns the local traders. Chief among1 the causes of the depression were the reports from the west nnd southwest regarding the Brewing crops , which received contlrnmtlon In the sharp advance In the Ktiiln market. The Ixmdon market for American securities was also weak , and this helped to lower figures here. General Electric was strong In the early deal ings nnd rose Ht per cent on buying Induced by n VHKUO teport that the company was to supply the Manhattan Elevated road with motors.plhu slock closed within 14 per cent of the low Ilg- ures. Susiiuehenna & Western shares resumed their downward movement on the renewal of unfnvotable reports regaullng the company , to- wit : That President Horg was nbout tD leslgn and that obligations cnieied Into by the com pany were bearing heavily on It. The common stock declined IK per cent to 10V , closing nt 10',4. The pieferred fell oft 4'i per cent to 2U , closing at u lecovcry of 211 per cent. Paclllc Mail was In good demand on the reports that the earning capacity of the company was to bo Increased. An ndvanco of 1V4 per cent was made In the mornlntt , all but ' ,4 per cent was lost subsequently. Alton & Terre Haute rosa 14 per cent on purchasing of CO shares , bringing the stock up ( o GC , as against 35'i , the low point of the year , touched on February 15. The de clines In the general list from last nlghl'u clos- Ini * . or the best prices of the morning , ale : Denver ft lllo Orande preferred , Tennessee Coal , Northern I'nclllc picfeued , Lake Erie. A : West- i'in , Minneapolis & Ht. Louis common llrst prc- feired , Michigan Central , Mobile & Ohio , Read- Ink' , ht. Paul ft Omaha , National Llniecd nnd llaltlmnre & Ohio , 1 per cent ; New England , l , l per cent ; Northwestern , Union Paclllc , New Jersey Central and St. Ixmls Southweslein pro- fened , l'/i per cent ; Erie , 1 % per cent ; Rock Islind , Loultvlllo & Nashville , Illinois Central nnd Cotton Oil , 1 per cent ; Cotton Oil prcfcired , 1 per cent ; St. Paul and Ilurllngton , U- per cent ; Tobacco , I'd per cent ; Sugar and Ituffalo , Rochester ft PlttsburB , 2 per cent ; Delaware , Lackawanna & Hudson , 2 % per cent ; Great Northern prefened , 3 per cent ; Manhattan , 3 % per cent. An Improvement was Hindu In Ht. Paul , Minneapolis & Manitoba. Speculation closed heavy. The bond trading was generally Ilrm for Ihi * greater part of the day , but toward the cl > so prices yielded somewhat Ui sympathy with the weakness of the share speculation. The sales were J2.143.WO. The Evening Post's London cablegram says : The local stock markets were Idle and dull to day. Americana were generally lower. The financial press It advancing sales on the Mew that the past Improvement was mainly clue to the iKind syndicate's piotectlon and operation , but the best opinions h ok for no severe reaction. The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the Now York ex change today : The total sales of stocks today were 259,671 share- . Including : American Suiiar. 47,600 ; Amei. lean Tobacco , 11.000 ! AtchUson , 14.701) ; Ilnrllngtnn , 20.100 ; Chicago Gas , 15,100 ; UlstllllnB and Cattle- feeding. 13.400 ; Krle , 3.DOO ; General Electric , 15,400 ; Iloclilnp Coal and lion , 3,400 ; Manhattan Consolidated , 7,600 ; New York , Suuehanna | .V. \Ve stern preferred. G,2i)0 ; Northwestern , 9.100 , Pacific. Mall , 3,900 ; RcadlnK , 8,2W ; Rock Island. 8.200 , St. Louts & Southwestern pieferred , 5,100- , Ht. Paul , M.100 ; Tennessee Coal and Iron , 3.0CO , I'nlted States Lend , 15,200 ; United States Lead preferred , 2,100 ; Wabnsh preferred , 0,300. Now York .Money .Murkot. NEW YORK. Mny 28. MONEY ON CALL- Easy nt 1O11J per cent ; last loan , 1V4 per cent ; closed HI per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 2 > ifl3'.4 pel cent. STERLING EXCHANGE A shade firmer , will ] actual business In bankers' bills nt J4.S8WI.SS1 , ; for demand und J4.87fl.87'i for sixty dn/s ; posted rates , SI.S7'//ul.SS and J4.S8Vi04.S9 ; commercial Mils , tl.S8'l. SILVER CERTIFICATES G7'iSG7Hc. ( GOVERNMENT RONDS Firm. State bonds , Inactive. Rallioad bonds , easier. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : OMAHA LIVE f JJCK MARKET Receipts of Oattlo SiW a Great Increase in Number DEMAND STRONG A'.D PRICES STEADY -4s35 Inulnrs ( lot ToBrthir' ' Quickly anil Io n l rl k lluiluoi * liTvcii Tnke n Jump with Provisions Hint Close at the lop. TUESDAY , May 28. There was a good run of cattle today he heaviest In nearly two months. HOK receipts were only fnlr nr.d the supply of sheep was comparatively small. The total vas ins cars. The two days' receipts foot ip 3,128 cattle , 6fc3S hogs and 758 sheep , an ncrcase of over 1.000 cattle and n decrease of about 2,600 hogs as compared with last week. Sheep supplies show hardly any change. The showing of good beef cattle today was better than It has been for several lays , although the offerings Included very Ittle that could be called choice. Trade opened out tolerably lively under the Inllu- ; nco of fairly satisfactory reports from 'hlcago and a pretty good general demand. 1'rlces for the most part were fully steady and on desirable offerings a shade stronger , ind on this basis most of the early trading was done. As soon , however , as urgent orders hud been lllled buyers all showed a Imposition to shade prices on account of ess favorable eastern reports , and the clos- ng market was slow to u dime lower , with several loads unsold. The market for cow stuff wns stronger all around. Veal calves were again In liberal supply and sold lower. Hulls brought full Monday's quotations. There was some trading In stackers and feeders , but prices were very low. In fact It was the low prices that biought out a few buyers. Dry weather Is the principal bearish feature to the trade , and improve ment Is hardly possible without a good general rain. Good to choice feeders are iiuotablo at from $3.20 to $3.75 , fair to good at from $2.70 to JJ.20 , and common grades from $ J.C5 down. HepresentaUve sales : HEEF STEERS. 'Jo. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 38..1132 | 4 40 43..UK (4 ! )0 ) ! 0..13li $ ' CO SO 10C3 445 15..1113 4 C > 2G..1AU 510 9. . . . 93S 4 10 3..1100 480 30..13)1 ) 530 SHIPPING AND EXPORT. 02. . . . 917 400 6..1010 480 11..1161 COO 1..UUJ 4 S5 174..1233 4 SO 19..KM 513 2S..U1C 4 35 MIXED. IS..1303 4 73 COWS. 1. . . . SOO ICO 1. . . . 7CO 200 1C. . . . 729 3 CO 1. . . . 870 1 GO 3. . . . 7M 200 1..900 3 li 1..1DOO 105 1. . . . 910 200 7..1010 315 2. . . . 873 165 4. . . . 8',2 2 2T 1..1170 313 1. . . . 6SO 170 1. . . . 920 223 3..8.0 325 7. . . . S17 170 1..1000 230 3..1113 340 9 813 175 2. . . . Kj 235 3 ! 'Gi ' ( 340 1. . . . 880 175 3. . . . 7SO 250 13. . . . 911 350 1. . . . 700 173 1..10SO 260 1..12W 350 1. . , . MO 175 1. . . . sTO. 2 60 2..1063 350 2. . . . 723 1 75 l..llr,0 2 50 2..1035 3 50 5. . . . 972 175 2..1U70 2 G1 2..1225 300 1. . . . kCO 1 75 8. . . . "Cl 2 73 2..1243 3 CS 9. . . . 837 175 3. . . . 8S3 273 16..1125 375 2. . . . 900 200 3..KW275 1..1140 375 1. . . . MO 200 3..80012 73 3..1030 375 4. . . . 675 200 1. . . . Ml , 2 90 2. . . . 930 375 4. . . . 8W 200 8..10CJ , 300 1..122J 4 10 3. . . . 900 200 1. . . . 910 , 300 1..12SO 400 HEIFERS. 4. . . . 230 173 2. . . . i1 < ( ' 2 00 2..555 2 C3 5. . . . 40) 190 12. . . . 445 200 3..773 275 8. . . . 336 190 3. . . . 412 2 V ) 7..737 303 1. . . . 400 1 ! > 0 14. . . . Ml 2,10 8. . . . S 310 8. . . . 330 190 18. . . . 70S 210 3..523 3 SS 6. . . . 421 209 1. . . . 430 223 1. . . . 790 363 3. . . . 480 200 3. . . . J73(223 ( | 10. . . . 784 360 CALVES. . 1. . . . 100 100 9. . . . 150 250 1. . . . 130 325 1. . . . 130 160 2. . . . 133 373 1. . . . 110 323 1. . . . SOO 1 f.O 1 ICO SOO 2. . . . 130 3 21 1. . . . 200 2W 3. . . . 153 if 00 28 187 323 6. . . . 121 2 2 > 1. , . . 120 3-0) 3nU 323 2. . . . 110 21-5 9..137 S00 ! 2 < . . . 170 3 TO 2. . . . 150 223 4. . . . 177 VIM 1. . . . 200 3 W 5. . . . 120 223 1. . . . 140 300 3. . . . 150 375 1. . . . 110 250 12. . . . JM 300 1. . . . 170 373 1. . . . 120 260 1. . . . J6) 300 1. . . . 110 425 2. . . . 105 2CO 1. . . . 310 300 1. . . . 200 425 BULLS. 1..1410 175 1..1160 240 2..1123 250 1. . , . 6SO 175 1..1G70 240 3..1076 260 1..12X ) 1.1)0 > I..lt3)-2 ) > 41 ' 1.S..1130 250 1..1000 220 1..1Z70 250 1..I3GO 255 1..10UO 225 2. . . . W5 250 1..1170 275 2. . . 1230 233 l..ll'W ' 253 1..1270 310 BTOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 3. . . . 410 200 11. . . . 4M 240 11. . . . 577 290 1. . . . 720 200 1..10.M 260 14. . . . 807 300 3. . . . 2DH 2 CO 16. . . . 462 25) ) C..85S SOO 8. . . . 2.VJ 200 5. . . . 63) 255 1..10M 300 11. . . . 414 225 2 ? . . . . 463 2 CO I. . . . 830 310 1. . . . 4SO 225 7. . . . 545 273 1. . . . 7S315 1. . . . 880 225 2. . . . 641 275 1. . . . 930 323 11. . . . 330 2 S3 4. . . . KM 275 7. . . . 407 323 2. . . . 600 233 1. . . . 510 275 23..1002 333 1. . . . 4V ) 233 9. . . . 691 290 2).096 345 10. . . . 40C 235 13..450 290 6..771 350 1. . . . SOO 240 1. . . . 730 290 C6. . . . 996 SCO WESTERN CATTLE. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. 7 cows 979 } 3 23 104 steers 1102 S4 35 HOGS The market wns In very good shape today. Receipts were only moderate , and ttu demand was decidedly vlsorous on account of the strength developed Monday In provisions. Packets did the big bulk of the buying , and at prices fully a dime higher than Monday. They paid from 34.30 up to (4.45 for fair to choice heavy nnd butcher weight hogs , and bought light ami light mixed stuff anywhere from II to (4.33 , ac * cording to weight and quality. There were more common light hogs on sale thnn the de. mand called for , and prices showed up very little If any better than on Monday. I'lgs solo all the way from 12.50 to $1. Several light lo.idt were still unsold at the close , but the decent hogs were nil sold In good season , the bum going nt from (4.25 to 14.40 , as ngalnal 11.10 tc JI.20 Monday and $4.40 to 14.45 one week age today. Representative sales : No. Av , Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh , Pr. 2 250 . . . SI 00 69 23. ! . . . 430 9 162 . . . 403 70 216 . . . 430 38 147 . . . 4 10 68 HO 160 4 CO 6 170 . . . 410 78 227 . . . 4 CO 6 ISO 40 4 10 72 219 160 4 30 18 153 . . . 4 15 19 202 200 4 30 6 198 . . . 415 71 200 80 430 CO 193 160 415 35 224 100 430 100 175 200 4 mi28 2)5 80 430 84 178 40 4 20 71 220 120 4 30 49 193 280 4 20 86 214 100 4 30 95 190 3JO 4 20 I 74 214 SO 4 CO 93 172 200 4 20 i 78 233 280 430 EO 195 620 420 77 221 120 430 S3 180 210 420 61 , . .262 401 430 G6 176 400 4 SO f > 7 218 SO 4 32' < IS 139 . . . 4 23 i 75 205 40 4 32'j 74 198 210 425 75 235 120 435 81 212 320 4 25 70 203 SO 4 33 73 207 . . . 4 25 75 240 280 4 35 40 240 . . . 4 25 72 236 . . . 4 35 31 198 120 425 43 250 . . . 433 38 20 80 425 69 222 . . . 433 23 229 120 423 33 243 . . . 433 C3 188 SO 425 48 2J5 . . . 4 35 85 226 SO 4 25 74 233 160 433 0 186 . . . 4 23 09 263 120 4 33 1 410 SO 423 03 2W 120 435 21 211 40 425 S3 211 40 435 1 300 . . . 425 51 219 . . . 4 S5 6 . . . .236 . . . 4 25 83 2J3 . . . 4 40 4 290 80 4 25 f.9 230 SO 4 4) 3 270 . . . 4 23 73 211 160 4 40 41 . . .230 120 425 52 267 ICO 440 r , 228 . . . 427'4 50 LT.1 SO 440 5 2S4 . . . 4 27'i 73 299 SO 4 40 80 219 200 4 811 M 2,0 160 4 40 77 209 160 430 83 244 160 440 ' 4 ! . .219 . . . 430 71 223 . . . 440 _ 9 215 160 4 SO " 52 207 . . . 440 CO 249 160 430 63 25S . . . 4 4i 33..us ; ; ; w > 430 , 57 254 so 443 PIGS AND ROUGH. ' U " 183 40 2 50 . 1 240 . . . 330 4 . .177 . . . 250 81 107 . . . 360 15 107 . . . 250 JI.J2 115 . . . 380 f . . . .165 . . . 250 Jin 02 133 . . . 390 8 OS . . . 273 . 17 141 . . . 393 1 . . . .430 . . . 300 * ( HS 130 120 4 0) ID. . 107 . . . 3 23 ) * SHEEP The market "wnfc slow nnd a shade lower today. Supplles * " lv * only moderate , but eastern markets ha i' ' " ecllned sharply , and while the demand was ver } . good buyers were In sisting on lower prices. . Fair to choice natives ore quotable nt fiom J3.J3 ,1o 14.25 , fair ( o ROOI | westerns at from 13 'fcr'14. common and slock sheep at flom J2.35 ttt/11 gooil to choice 40 to lOO-lb. lambs at from , ? 3,7fc to JS.23. Representa tive sales : I f , No. Ji it-/ Wt. Pr. 1 buck I1W 1CJ ! ' ? 5 ° 7 mixed . .j 163 450 Receipts nml Disposition of Stock. Official receipts and. 'disposition of stock aa shown by the books atiilue Union Stock .Yards company for the twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m. , May 2SJii5 ; ; RECllHrTS. Cars. Head Cattle I'.K.J 85 2.33J Hogs lnnf. 67 6.40C Sheep I 4 50 ! Horses and mules , . . < > 2 19 DISPOSITION. Iluyers. Cattle. Hoes. Sheep Omaha Packing company. . . . 19 1,158 G. II. Hammond company. . . 219 1,004 . . . . Svvlft and Company , 190 94'J i Cudahy Packing company , . . . 221 1,082 . . . . CuduMy. Kansas City SI . . . . 24C G. II. II. , Kansas City. . . . . . 79 G. 11. 11. , Iowa 230 Wilson , 175 Cudahy llroa , , 139 . , . , It. Decker & Deg-cn 91 Carey lfc J. Lobmnn 200 L. Decker 101 Hamilton & Stephens 6 Shippers and feeder 251 10 Left over > , . . . . W W > _ _ Total 1.8K t.947 CO : ht. l.ouln l.lvu Mock , ST. LOUIS. May 28. CATTLE Receipts. 4,41. . head : shipment * , 600 heudi market strong an , active and some sules hlKher ; beef sierra rang ? ! I.IH(5.7o ; lightweights , | 3.60n4.2S ; stockers am teeders , I2.50Q4.00 ; cow . I2.2S03.75 , fnl Texa steers. S3.75C4.7J ; erass steers , 13.0064.00 ; cowi I2.00tt-3.60. HOUS Receipts. 8,400 head ; shipment * . 2,00 head : market CQlOo hither ; heavy , JI.W04.M rolled. t4.40e4.t5 ; light. t4.tOQ4.4J. SHEEl'-IUccIpti , 11,104 bead ; ihlpmenti , K lend ; most of the rwtlpln were for slnuithterfr * ; market rnslcr ; native muttnns , S4.OOO4.60i cam * mon , S3.60 ; rnuthwcst , SJ.250 < .00 | poor l ml > old nt S3.25CJ.60. CHICAGO LIVK STOCK. Cnttle Mnrket Llitlris , but Ilogi Hhowcd .Much Anllvitr. CHICAGO , Mny 3 , As usual , very Inrpe mi le were hard to sell , nnd the demand nns chiefly for BM.H ! to choice steers of medium weights. There wns no Imprmemeni In butch * ers' stuff , nnd cows were flow nt wcnk prices , with snles nt from S2 to J4.35 , chiefly nt from :2.30 : to W.75. As It wns "cnlf day" there was n Rood supply , hut the demand was so lively that although nbout 4,000 were on sale , prices shot ipwnid fully 25c per 100 Ibs. , nnd sales were nrgely nt from S" > to $5.25. The stocker nnd 'eedrr branch of the market wns not chnrnrter- zed by much life , and prices were wenkor , ns n rule. Tattle werernther slow nl easier prices nl flotn S3.53 to S3.10. About 23,000 hogs were offered on the market oday , Including G.OOO left over from yesteiday , Tlit- reduced supply , In connection with an nr- live demand from paikvrs nnd enstern shlpix-rs , gaxe selleis nn opportunity to dictate term- , ind prices advanced 6c to 15c per 10J Ibs. , the best droves fetching S3.75. Heavy hogs sold at nn extreme rntiKo of $4.20 to SI 73. chlelly nt from SI.50 to SI 65 , and light nnd mixed weight * ; mlil nt from S4.23 to S4 60 , principally nt from 11.50 to S4.60. The demand wns puillclently Inrge to ntaorb the supply , and the doling was 111 in , There wns n good demnnd for sheep today , nnd most of the 9,000 head that nrrlved werp disposed of before noon , prices ruling sternly nt jester- dny'a decline. Nuw Yor.i l.lvo Moc't Mirknt. NEW YORK , Mny 2S.-1KEVES-Ilrcclptii , 46 ! hund , none on sale. European cables quote American steels nt 111T12C per lb. , dressed ; re- filgerntur beef nt 8'j i9' ' , < .c. SHEEP AND LAMII : * Receipt * . 2.9i head ; on sulv , 4.7iV ) hold , slow , with little Indication < il linpro\emuit , sheep nnd yearlings , lower ; gonil to choice hunts , steady ; others lower : nearly 3000 head unsold ; sheep , Inferior to good , S3.20 5 < 4.25 , yenilllig' " , Inferior to choice , S4 2005.6214 , soiilhein lambs , common to choice , S4.50C7.00. HOGS Receipts , 3,123 hend ; stcndy nt S4.73 05.00. Hum n City l.ivo Mock. KANSAS CITV. Mny 2S.-CATTLE-nccelpls , 0.900 head ; shipments. 2,6'iO ' head ; market s'tady ; Texas sleers , J.i > Mf4.2"i ; Texas cows , S225 i4.0i ) : bief steels , $3 60(15.75 : nntlvx cows , S1.35ip4 20 ; stockers and fieders , } .1.2Jfj > 4.35 ; bulls. S2.5U 3.k5. HOOS-ltecelpls , 14,70i ) head , shipments , 1.70C head ; maiket lOo hlKher ; bulk of saleSI.25JJ 4.43 ; ht'nxles. SI. 33H4. M ; packers , $ l.505i 1.53 ; mixed , SllOJfl.13 ; lights , S4.009I.23 ; Yorkers , $1 15 4.:3. pl 9 , SJ.OOiii 4 00. SHEEP RvL-ulpts. 2,600 head ; shipments , 2KC head ; market steady. Mock In Mgui , Record of receipts nt the four principal mar kets for Tuctday , May 28 , 1S95 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 232 6,400 , 602 Chicago 4,500 17,000 9,000 Kansas City Oi00 14,700 2 610 Kt. Louis 4.4W S,40 < / 11,10) Totals 15,132 64WO 237io2 Liverpool Miir.irtv LIVERPOOL , May SS. WHEAT Spot , dull ; demand poor : No. 2 nil winter , 589 1 ; No. 1 red spring , Cs 3d : No. I California , 3s 10-1. Fu. lures opened quvt ; with neat nnd distant pout , tlons t4d lower , closed firm with June Id Ion el and other months 1'id lo\\c-r ; business aboul equally distributed ; Mny , 6s 9iid ; June , Cs lOil , July. fs , 10'id ; August , 5s lid ; September , 6s HHd : October , 6s. CORN Hpot , quiet ; American mixed. 4s lo'.ld ' , I'uturcs opened quiet , with near positions l > 4il lower nnd distant positions id lower ; ilosed Ilrm with nenr positions Iftl'.id lower nnd distant positions Hid higher , business nbout c\enly dls. trlbuted ; May , 4s9',4d ; June , 4s C'id ; July , 4 ! Jii ; August , 4s 8'id ; September , 4s Mid ; October , rLOUIl Firm ; demnnd moderate ; St. Loulf fancy winter , 7s 9d. PROVISIONS liacon. dull ; demand poor ; Cum. l-erland cut. S8 to 30 Ibs. . 31s Cd ; short ribs , 2 < Ibs. , 32s : long clear , light , 38 to 45 IbH. , 32s Cd , long ch'ar , heavy , 65 Ibs. , 32s ; short cli-nr barks light , 18 Ibs. , 32s ; short clear middles. hca\ > , 53 Ibs. , 31s Gil ; cle.ir bellies , 14 to 10 Ibs. . 33s Shoulders , square , 12 to 18 Ibs. , 28s. Hams , short cut. 14 In 16 Ibs. . 41 > . Tallow , line Ninth American , nominal. Ilecf , extra India mess , 80s , prime mess , 62s Cd. Poik , prime mess , western , E6 Cd ; wustein mtMlum , 63s 9d. Laid , quirt , prime western , 33s ! 'd. ' refined , In palls , 3I 6d. t'heese , ( lulet ; demand pom ; finest American , while , 4Is , finest American , colored , 42s HL'TTER Finest I'nlted States , 56s ; good , 40s. COTTONSEED OIL Liverpool refined , 16s 3d. LINSEED OIL-21 9d. PBTHOLEl'M Rcllned. 9d. REFRIGERATOR DWEF Forcquarters , 3Ud ; hlndquarteis , CUd. HOI'S At Ixjndon ( PaclHc coast ) , 2 os. The recelpls of wheat during the past three days were 1-99OOJ centals. Including 141,000 Amcr- lean. The lecelpts of American com dm Ing the past three days were 125,500 centals. Weather fine. CofTco .Miirlujt. NEW YORK , May 28. COFFEE Option * opened steady nt unchanged prices to 5 point * decline , and for the lest of the session rulid quiet nnd featureless , with foreign news In different nnd outs-.de speculation slack ; closul firm for September nnd October O'hcrs steady nt paitlal advance of 6 per cent ; sales , 9.50C bugs , Including : March , S14 70 ; July , S14.90 ; Sep tember , SH.S5014.95 ; October , S14.93 ; December , JH.ttt. Snot coffee , Rio , quiet ; No. 7 , J17 ; mild , quiet ; Cordova , JlS.U ls.CO ; sales , 1,000 bug * Rio , No. 8. spot , 511.7j ; (00 mats Interior Padnng , sriot , J2G 7o ; warehouse dellverleH from New York , 27.12S bags ; New York stoek- today , 17G.WJ > mgi ; United States stock. 241,202 hags ; nlloal for the UnlteO Slntes , 323,000 bngs ; totnl visible for the Unlte-d Stales , 5C4.202 bags , against SOJ , . 117 bngs last year. SANTOS , Mny 28. Firm ; good av'crnge Panfw , 516.M ; receipts , two dajs , 5,000 bags ; slock , 1J- 000 bnga. HAMHURO , Mny 1'8 Dull , unchanged , to ' .i pfg. higher ; sales , 5,0-10 bags. RIO DE JANEIRO , May 28. Firm : No. 7 Rio. J18 ; exchange , 9 3-lGd ; lecelpts , two days , 9XK ( bags , denied for the United State * , none ; cleated for Europe , none ; stock , 212,000 bags , cleared for Victoria , 12,000 bags. HAVRE , May 28 Opened baiely slenily , un. changed , to 'if lower , nt 3 p. m. , steady , ' , il higher ; closed Uf advance to Uf net decline foi the day , bales , 19,000 bags. Accuiiinlntloimof ( irxln .Stocks. NEW YORK , Mny 2sr Special cable nnd tele , graphic dispatches to Ilrndstrcet'c covering piln- clpul points of accumulation In the United Stutei nnil Europe , together with supplies afloat foi Europe from all sources. Indicates the follovvlnf changes In available stocks last Saturday , ni compared with the preceding Saturday : United States nnd Cnnnda , east of the Rock ) mountains , wheat , decrease , 21GI7,000 bu. United States , Paclfl.0 const , whent. decrease. . 181,000 bu. ; total decrease , wheat , both coasts , 2,8:8,000 bu. ; afloat for nnd In Europe , whent , decrease , 40,000 bu ; total dfcreate world's avail able wheat , 2.2G8.000 bu. ; United States am Canada , cast of the Rocky mountains , corn , ln < create. 1,382,000 bu. ; United Stales and Canada enst of the Rocky mountains , oats , Increase 1,153,000 bu. Lending decreases In stocks 0 ! available whent Inst week , not recorded In tin ofllclal visible supply. Include 213,000 bu. Ir Chicago private elevators , GOO.OOO bu. nt Cleve land , 82,000 bu. at Mnnltoba storage i lnts , 48,001 bu. at Jollet , and 41,000 bu. ut Louisville. Corre spending Increases arc 39.000 bu. at Kingston Ont. , und 28,000 bu. at Milwaukee uiivato elc. v alors. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ New York Dry Uooils .Market. NEW YORK , May 28. Agents have ndvancei the price of Fltchvllle "C-lnch bleached cotton ! to t'ic , nnd Golden Chain nnd soulhern sill pUlds lie each. Printing cloths In better de mand than sales , nnd only 10,000 pieces C squnres spots and June sold at 2 13-lGc. Denlmi and other colored coltons in better demand am sale. Illenched collons have nllrncted more at tentlon. Export conlrols a large proportion o cotton goods , especially drills , up to September The tone In the market for all kinds of staple goods Is steady to linn. Knnsits City Markets. KANSAS CITY. May 28. WHEAT Nominal ! ) steady ; No. 2 hard , Sl4c ! ; No. 2 red , SOc ; re Jecled. 77ft7Sc. CORN Slow at yesterday's price ; No. 2 mixed 49 < 849'ic ; No. 2 white. 51'4051'ic OATS-Flrm ; No. 3 mixed , 29 > i1i.9 > ic ; No. I white , 32c. HYB Firm : No. 2. 63c. URAN-Firm. 71S73C. Mllwnulioo .MurUutn. MILWAUKEE , May SS. WHEAT-CJulet ; No 2 northern. 82c ; July , SHic. CORN Steady ; No. 3 , 52Uc. l OATS-Hlgher ; No. 2 white. 32Hc ; No 3 white "llARLEY Firm ; No. 2 , 50c ; sample , & 1052c. RYE Qluet ; No. 1 , CCHc. Dulutli Whent iMurknt. DULUTII , Mny 2S. WHEAT Higher ; No. : hard , cash. 81ic ; May , 83o ; July , 82.c : No. northern , cash , 61'ic ; May , 81Hc ; July. S2c September , 79c : No. 2 norlhern , cnsh , 77ftc No. 3 , 74 ? c : rejeclcd , 71ic ; lo arrive , No. ; hard , 83'c ; No. 1 northern , 82.c. Mlnneupollthcut Murker. MINNEAPOLIS. May 28. WHEAT Close May , blc ; July. Sic ; September. 78c : on truck No. 1 hard. 62'io ; No. 1 northern , 81'.4c ; No. : northern , SO' c. Trlico Wheat Quotation * . SAN FRANCISCO , May 28. WHEAT Strong December , Jl.OCH. riniioclitl Notes. BOSTON. May M.-aearlngs , JI6,03G,331 ; bal. raices , 11,974,823. RALTIMORE. May 23. Clearings , J2,3S9,91Ci balances , J322.145. NEW YORK , May S ? . Clearings , J107G72KiOi balances , J5.I04.874. PHILADELPHIA. May 2S.-ClearInES. Jll.UIS , 909 ; balances , fl,37GOjO. HT. LOUIS. May 2S. Cleanings , J3.C41.316 ; bal. ances , JG04.99J. Money , DH6 per ccnl. Nev York exchange , 7Sc premium. WASHINGTON , May 23. Today's statement o | the condition of the treasury snows : Available cash balance , J1S4.W3.004 , gold reserve , J&S,2t > 3l3J. CHICAGO , May 2S. Clearings. JI5.41I.OOO , Money , easy at 4Vi@S per cent for call loans ami tp'iil per cent for commercial paper , demand , 14.VJ ; W days. JI.6S. New York cxcliange , 60 < premium. Foreign exchange , firm and unchanged rorelgu I'liiaiielal AfTalri. PARIS , May IS-Three vtr rtnt rentfs. 1021 45c for the account. Exchange on London , 201 for checks. LONDON , May 23-Consols for money and ac. count , I'Jt'.i. The amount of bullion gone Intc the Dank of England on balance today , u.uOO Gold U quoted at Bucno Ayrc * today at 299 Madrid , 13 M ; Lisbon. KU : Ht. Pfltriburif , W Athens , 71 ; Rome , 1M.M ; VUtum , 1'W. Unfavornb'o Oonditions Oontinno tj Pre vail During the Week. RAINFALL HAS BEEN VERY MEAGER Snmll flrnln , Except In the Northeastern Vnrt nt the Mute , Has bufTcrcil Severely Corn Itoinnlns In 1'nlr Conilltloii. Weekly wcntticr-crop bulletin No. 8 of the Nebraska weather service , co-operatliiK with the United States weather bureau from Its central olllce nt the University ol Nebraska , Lincoln , under .tho direction ol Q. I ) . Swczey , meteorologist of the Ne braska experiment station , for the \\cck ending May 21 , ISM : The unfavorable conditions that have pre vailed heretofore have continued during the past ueek and crops have suffered seveiely. KO/IUtL OH 2" ac,4i | | . = Al ! nn m none orl r ( ees than a trocel I i ' 2 The temperature was on the average nbout six degrees below the normal until Monday , when high southerly winds set In over the entire state. The rainfall has been very meagre , amountIng - Ing at most to n few telth of an Inch and over i-ome pot tlons of the btnte entirely wnntlng. The ground Is now so dry thill little farm work Is being done. The small grain , except In a few favored localities , particularly In the noitheastern section , has suffered so severely that It Is doubtful If even with Immediate rains It would recover puillclently to make much of a crop. Karly planted coin , Ahlle It has made little growth and has been more or less Injured by freezing weather , remains In a fair condition ; the lute planted Is for the most part still waiting for moisture In order to germinate. Meadows nnd pastures are getting very dry nearly everywheie and feed for stock Is becoming very scant. Reports by counties : SOUTHEASTEIIN SECTION. Duller All corn that Is up In doing \\cll. Frosts have cut small Krnln , tut have also killed out the woods still muip , CaiS Wheat nnd oats look well Kenernlly , but nerd moisture. Winter uhcat heading. Corn making slim prottlh Clay Dry and dusty , with hlKh winds. Wheat and rye ilind. O.Us sulTeilnff ureatly ; also pastures. I-'nrmcrs helllntr their HtoLlc. Klllmorc dun prowlim slowly. Everything el e nt u standsllll. Krult ilm-iplng off. Oats one-half dead and many Helds iiiu dry enough to liurn. OIIRO Everything standing still and need rain Iradly. Cliinles tuining. Hamilton All vrgot itlon sufferlm ? for rain , GopheiH and culwotms dulnc consldcinblo dam- aK < > to corn , l.'ally planted c > ni doing fairly well. I/ate planted vvlll not came up until It rains. Potatoes and h'ardcn stuff Retting over thn frrst In fnlr slim- . Jefferson Some wheat Is being llbted to corn. Wheat and oats ulll bo almost a total falluic. Johnson Wheat IH heading out slouly and needs rain , especially that on poor toll. Pastures iiml inmdovvs bmlly In need of rnln. Coin Is cJinhiK out well Klneo tin- last frost. Lancaster Cold nnd dry. P.isturos , gardens and all vccetutkm nt n standstill. Coin looks sickly , hut Is suffering more for A\nrin weather than rnln. OatK ari > n llttlo backward. Wheat la In average ] condition. Nemaha Wheat heading short. Oats and hurley not crowing. Coin not growing much. Applefl not seriously Injured by fiost and a fair crop In sight. Nuckolls No hpo for oats. Pastures dead. Corn making no growth. Late planted nut coming up. Otoc Corn growing slowly. Winter wheat headIng - Ing out. llluegr.iss pastures drying up much. la corn In serious condition. Paw nee Crops have made very little If any progress. Corn and onls arc looking bully. The mitli > k for cro | Is the worst I ever saw at this tlmo of the year. Polk Had week for nil crops. Oats will be a failure unless we have lain soon Eaily coin bwlly Uijured nnd emi > will bo replanted. Apples all right , hut cherrlm Injuted some. Wheat , rye and tnmo grass n failure. lilclmrdson Com , wheat nnd rye needing rain. Cornfields are Rvnvnilly free from weeds. Kallne Com doing falily well. Wheat , oats and lye suffering for want of rain ; much of the lye gone now. riix doing fairly well. Pastures In had condlltlon , and the prospect for fiult grows worse. Saunders l ir too cool nnd dry to expect any material advancement In vegetation. Kmall gialn and pakturcs suffering from drouth. Corn at a stnndstnl. Sewaid Crops are not making any giowlh , but are giudually drying up. pnttures about used up. Thayer Oats almost past redemption ; corn nt n standstill. N' > feed for stock. Simlrrels very Lad. Very little wheat left. York E-irly pljnti-il corn looks ycllnw , late planted IH waiting for rnln to germinate. Much of the onts beyond recovery. Feed for stock very bcorce. NORTHEASTERN SECTION. Antelope Corn badly Injured by frost nnd some of It ruined. Most of the rye. headed out and much of It blighted. Cedar Dry and windy , followed by cold weather. Kmall grain has been considerably damaged by float and dry weather. Corn grow ing very slowly. Cumlng Frost 1ms done more ilnmige to cr > ps than wns at llrst cupposi-d , although they have recnvcicd a little. Considerable corn In being replanted. Ilye that was most advanced Is being cut for hay. Wheat for the most part lookn well. * Olxon Heavy frost early In the week Injmlng patntoeB nnd fruit. Kmall grain holding Its own , but needing tain. Hay crop will be light If It does not rnln , Dodge Giound very dry , Fiost did much damagu In streaks. Ciops all right yet If we only have rnln. Douglas Only n trace of rain and temperature live degrees below the normal. Holt I'rost on the 2ltt did considerable damage - ago on the low lands. Com yellow nnd'glovvlh much retarded. Com planting about over and some has been cultivated. Knox Killing frosts on the 19th , 20th and 21st , killing garden vegetables and nipping young leaven of tiees , but corn docs not seem to be hurt , but too cold to grow. Madison Frosts have done llttlo damage to corn. Small grain nnd Rrass look well. Iteuts are a Rood Maml and look well. Pierce Fiost has damaged potatoes nnd gar dens , but has not dnnu much damage to crops. Kmall Rialn looks well. Washington U'ick dry nnd cold. Vegetation ban made small progicss , but U In fair condi tion. Platte Small cr.nln In doubtful condition am ) pasture alxmt used up , Much corn lying In dry soil nnd generally a poor stand fiom drouth , squirrels nnd worms. Sarpy No Impioveincnt thin week. Oats can not make a full crop. Potatoes where not cut down by frost are doing well. Late planted corn coming up. Wayne Small ginln never looked better. Corn not materially Injured by frost. Fruit will ho nbout half u crop. Glass needs rain. Ucct fields look ( Inc. Sioux City Too cold for corn. Gardens muih damaged by frn ts In exposed places , but not much damage ncntrslly. Vankton , S. D. Frost has greatly damaged gardens and completely do.trojeJ small fruit , such as plums and giapen. Wheat und oats look yellow'In places. Corn nipped by fiost and some replanting necessary. CENTRAL SECTION. Iloonc F.-ult damaged , to some extent. Com doing well. Small grain hurt some by. the front. Iluffnlo No Inuiruvcmrnt In crop prospects. Pastures very short. Corn makes but llttlo growth. Cunter Corn nearly planted , but Is being taken by cutworms. Small gialn needing ruin badly. Dw son Corn nnd potatoes have made but little headway. Squirt els taking up muih corn. Morx corn would be planted but for the drouth. Adams No rnln. Cord weather favorabU to cats. Corn not suffering much. pouTHwrcsTnnN SECTION. Greeley Semi of the small grain dried up , but the late planted holding out well. If rnln comes soon < iulto n per cent can be saved. Corn generally en mo up well , but U at a standstill and Is getting dlicolorcd. Hall Small grain damaged "mc by frost. Corn looking fine. Fruit not damaged much. Prospect for crop * very unfavorable. Howard-Rye. generally speaking , Is user ! up. Some are rutting It for hay. Wheat and outs still hold on. but nothing Is crowing much. Krarne > Ciops are holding thrlr own In the northern part nf the county. In the southern turts small grain almost ruined , Corn being hurt by cut worms. Mcrrlck Wheat nnd oats sufftrlnsr. Rye hurt very much. Corn itandi the vvcollier but. Qrasj N , W , HAnRIS & GO , BANKERS , 163-165 Dcarborn-st. , Chlcngo. IS Vll - t. , New York. 70 State-it. , liostr Boagbt aad Bald , Ceiriiponatoto UolIcItcO. dr'lnst up , CVmddemble elamaec from the froit parly In the week. Nance Drouthery hard on small Krnln. Com all right yet. Potatoes doing well. Grass Brewing ing slowly. Valley Crops are at a standstill. Kverythlnft needi rnln , Oats are turning brown , nnd also wheat a little. Chase Still dry. Whenl past redemption ami oats nearly so. Grass on the hlKhlnnds dying * out. Corn up , but ton dry to work. Fruit killea by frosts. Grasshopper * hatching out In myriads. The show for a crop th < > wurst for years. Farm w.irk generally susi ndt-il. Dundy I.llllp or no chongrIn crop conditions. Wheat almmloncd. Onts badly stunted , CVirn nit up mid iv Ktxxl slnnd , but ground too dry for culllvallon , Grass on the range making but slow growth. Kronklln All Inpe of small grain nlianilonril. OINSS sufterlng from drouth. Corn ncnrlv all Planted nnd tmwt of It up nnd looking well. Fronller ( Axil and dry. Whenl nnd onts nr gone and corn Is dlng fust. Without rain In a few days the crop * me gone. Furnas A cent week , which hns been favnrnblo In the way of keeping the ground fiom doing out. Coin that Is up can stand It some lime set without rnln. Imle plnntxl | waiting for rnln to Kt'imlnnlf. Smiill grain In thn southein part of the county preiintrm something ) In Iho north ern cannot iniike a fair crop. ( Hwper flop * not suffi-rliig much , except somn fields of wheat , which cannot stand much longer without lain. Hnilin ( . 'rops rvtnln their color , but not grow ing much Corn neaily nil planted , but too dry to romi1 up. Hitchcock Too cool for bc t growth of vegeta * tlon. Dniulh slllt rnntlnuen. Mort nt the wheat find oats dead nnd corn beginning to die. Ke-iune-y Hut rtx-tenths of an Inch of ruin In the past fifty dass. The dilesl Mny In eighteen , venrOnts and wheat two-thlnls perished. Much coin , after glowing thnsor four Inches , Is dlng. Onrilrn * . almost a total failure. Llnniln Rnln thiec-tenths of nn Inch below the noimnl for Iho week ami moie badly needed. Plielw | Small gialn needing lain badly. Corn coming tip well. Red Willow There nre no crops making nny heailvvnv. Everj'thlng and ever > biMly waiting for rain. GrnFH drying up. Webster Hmnll grain nlxmt dnno up. Pasture * dry and rntllp suffering for grns- : . NORTHwr.STERN SECTION. Ilnx llutte Cold winds and frost. Ground frozen a half Inch deep. Thunder showi-r In west of county on the 23d. Dawes Ever > thing In guldennml fields cut dnwn by fiosts. Grasa has stopped growing. Miif-t hnvo rnln stxin or theie will bo no hay. Chens Fro t nearly every night this we-ek. All the tender plains nie > killed. Cheyenne Grass bndly dried up nnd everything surTorlng for want of tain. Tin- will run on the table land. * . Wheat on Its Init legs. Keya I'nlm Week cold nnd dry. Simll grain need1 * lain. Fruit nliout all klllwl by the frost. Liigiin Smnll grain very much In need of rain. Potatoes nnd guldens cut down by thu fnwt. Rock Week slightly more favorable for crop- * thnn Iho last , but still cold nnd not enough lain. Scott IllutT Severn ! heavy frosts the pnst week , hut llttlo dnmngn done Alfalfa nol In jured nnd wild fiults doing well. Um.il ! grain growing slowly. Shenilan Week unfavorable by reason of con < tinned diy vve-ather. There Is none BO pure anil palatable as Silver Ago Ilye Whiskey. IfKATHKIt l'UltKV.l ! > T. I'nlr nnil DccUledly Cooler I'romUcil for NrhrRS'cn. WASHINGTON , May 28. The forecast fop Wednesday Is : VOT Nebraska nnd Kansas Fair ; ilcclil- cilly cooler ; southerly winds , becoming northerly ; conditions favorable for scvero local storms. For Missouri Generally fair ; cooler ; hlRh , southerly winds , becoming northerly ; condi tions favorable for severe local Htornr ! . For So"uth Dakota Showers ; cooler ; north erly winds ; conditions favorable for Bcvcro local storms In the eastern portion. For Iowa Generally fair ; cooler ; south erly winds , becoming noithcrly ; conditions favorable for severe ; local slot ins. l.ocnl Itrrord. OFFICE OF THI3 WKATIIUn HUKKAU , OMAHA , May 28. Omahn record of tem perature anil rainfall , comimrrd with the corretpondlnK day of the past four years : 1S03. 1S3I. 1S9X. 1S92. Maximum temperature. . . . ! )7 ) 7fi 77 7G Minimum temperature. . . . 72 47 El M Aver.iRt- temperature dl C2 Cl 67 1'rcclpltatlon 00 T .00 .28 Condition of temperature nnd precipitation , ut Omaha for the day nnd slnco March 1 , ISOa : Normal temperature CO Excess for the day 18 Accumulated excess since March 1 271 Normal precipitation 16 Inch , Deficiency for the day 16 Inch Total precipitation plnco March 1 5.41 Inchest Dellclency since March 1 3.15 Inches Reports fruni Uthnr Stiitlom t K 1 * . M. "T" Indicates trace of precipitation. L , . A. WELSH , Observer. Is the result of the usual treatment of blood disorders. The system U mice ! with Mercury ami Potash remedies more to bo dreaded than tbt dlscnso and In a short vvhllo Is In a far worse condition than boforo. The common result Is RHEUMATISM for which S.8S. la the most reliable euro. A few bottle ? will afford relief where all oleo has failed. I tuffcrcd from a severe attack of Mercurial Rheumatism , my arms and legs being swollen to twice their natural size , caiminR tbo most excruciating jiains. I spent hundred ? of dollors without rplief , but oftor taking a few bottles of I improved rapidly and am now a neil man.complete ly cured. I can heartily recommend It to any era IBUfferlnsfrom tlilnpainful Idlwiipo. W. F. DA1.KV. Brooklyn Klovatod It. 0 Our Treatise on Blood and Skin Puf aset mallei ! free to lof iddrcll. SWIFT Sl'CClFIC CO. , AtlanU.Ga. Itlnry byiiluiio permanently cured In 16 to ISSdaj-s. Vuu can bo treated at home tot Rthotame prlca undersmao KUiiranty. II Hyoupraferto corao lie re no nlU contract to pay railroad rare and betel bill * , and no cbareo.If wafall to euro. If yon have taken mer cury , loilltlo notasli , and still have ncliea and ruinsMucous rutrlirn In mouthKoroThrout , rlmplcg'opp r Colored SpolK , Ulcern oa anrpnrtof the bodr , IliilrorKyrbrow * fulllne out.ltlltliUHyphllltlo HI.OOI > I'IS ( Ntlinl wo utiBriintt'u to cure. Wo solicit tbo moat obitl- tmto canes and chullcnco thnvorlel for IV ra vvociinnntciirn , 'Jhli dlieaio has alvrnrs bullied tl.n slilll nf the iniiKt iiialncnt phynl- cluns. 8nooU ( ) ( > capltnl bohlnO our uncondi tional ffuainntr. yvbs liitoiiriiiifi4 rent sealed on ippllcntlon. Address fiOUIC ItlO.MIODV CO. . SOI UuBonln Tumnlo. ( .slIIUAUU. JLLJU ' ZOO SOAP FLOATS JAS. S. KIRK & CO * , U. 8. A , MAKE $10 EVERY DAY LJy a new plan of Ryatcmatl/t grain specula tion. Bend for our free booklet showing how , to ( 'Ct around advereo lluctuatlonu of the market nnd make money even on the wrong tide. 1'aat worklnea of plan and highest references rurnUhtd. VALQNTINU St CO. . Tiadtrrs Ili _ . , Chlcnco. NOTICE TO CONT11ACTOHH. Olllcc ConstructliKr Quartermaster , Omaha ; Neb. , Alay 2 . 18M. Sealed proposal. " , in triplicate , subject to the ueunl conditions , will bo received here until 12 m. . contra ! standard time , Wednesduy , June 1 , UDS. at which tlmo nnd nlaco they will bu opened In the prcHtnce of blrtdor , for constructlntf macadam roads at Fort Crook , Neb , Gov ernment reserves the right to reject nny or all proposals. I'lans and BpcrUlcutlonu caa be seen and all Informullon obtained on ap plication here. IJnvL'lopen containing pro posals should be marked , "Proposals fan macadam roads , " and addressed to Charloj F , Humphrey , major and ciuartnrmaiter. HZ8 J2l22n : .