Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 29, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Lincoln Oommiislon Firm Caught in the
\Vheat Hurry ,
C.V. . Cuckrcll Comprllcrt by IIio Unusoul
Itnu of IIio Markets to Close
the Doom of Ilia
LINCOLN , Hay 2 ? . ( Special Telegram. )
Tbo stock commlislon hnuiw > of C. W. Cock-
rell in the Capital hotel closed Its doors this
morning , nnd a number of Lincoln specula
tors are mourning the loss of their margin * .
These are said to amount to $7,000 or $3,000
In the aggregate. E. M. Vr'estervelt Is In
possession , under a chattel mortgage , which
Is said to he ( or onlr $500.
Today Thomas Halley , one of Cockrcll's
customers , began suit In attachment In dis
trict court against him for $2,387.50 , alleg
ing that defendant had left the county and
concealed hlmtclf to avoid scrvlc * of sum
mons , and that he had removed his property
to defraud his creditors. Process was ac
cordingly Issued carnlsheclng the American
National Exchange bank , where Coclcrcll had
a small deposit , and another Issued for Wcs-
tervelt , who holds the chattel mortgage , but
the latter was not found In the city. An
attachment was also Issued for Cockrell'a
race stock out at the fair grounds. Before It
was served It was learned that County Com-
mlssoncr Mller had a chatt-1 mortgage on
the stock. Cockrell says his Omaha house did
little business during last Saturday's fluctua
tions , and he hits settled his obligations dollar
lar for dollar. Ilolh houses are closed with
a good prospect of remaining so , although he
thinks he may In tlmo reopen. He says he
has claims against customers aggregating
something like $17,000 , from which he expects
to realize very little , as It Is almost tmpos-
Bible to collect a debt on an option deal.
Cockrell has gouo through several financial
crises and come out on top. Three years ago
he had a balance of $30.000 to his credit In
Lincoln banks. That Is all gone.
Judge Hall this morning gave Mrs. Mary
D. Manning a divorce from her husband , Dr.
Charles 1) . Manning , on the ground of de-
Bortlon and nonsupport.
In the case of Patrick & Co. . wholesale
tobacco , against Klein and Jack , the
jilalntlff secured n verdict for $1,081 In the
district court this morning. Patrick & Co.
sued Klein on the bond of Jack , given to
square an alleged shortage on the part of
Klein , who was a traveling salesman for the
firm.There Is being raised n fund for the erec
tion of a building on the State university
grounds as a homestead for the various tocle-
tles now occupying the main building. In
cluded In the societies are the Young Men's
Christian association and Young Women' *
Christian association , who will there make
their future home. Other societies ore the
Dollan , Union and I'aladlan. Young ladles
representing these organizations have started
a subscription.
This morning Judge Holmes heard argu
ments on the motion to quash the summon *
served upon the bondsmen of the defaultliifi
cx-oll Inspector , Frank Hilton. The bonds
men contended that they wore residents ol
Washington county , where service was im
properly had upon them , and that the cause ol
action did not arise In Lancaster county ami
was not rightly brought In this county ,
Judge Holmes reserved hU decision.
The troubles In the Lincoln L'ght Infantrj
liavo finally landed that military combination
In court. Members who oppose going Intt
the National guard ask the district court foi
the appointment or a receiver and an In
junction restraining the others from assert
ing title to company property. Plaintiff )
not up that the company was organized ir
December , 1891 , for the purpose of maintain
Ing an Independent military company no
subject to the laws of Nebraska except li
times of war or public danger. By glvlni
entertainments and In other ways It hai
procured largo sums of money , with whlcl
uniforms and equipments have been pur
chased , a drill hall or armory procured am
furnished , all of which Is the common prop
erty of the company. On March last n reso
lutlon was Introduced that It bo the sens
of the company that It go Into the slat
inllltl.t. This was rejected. On the 2Gth i
elmllar resolution was Illegally carried
twenty members being absent. Plaintiff
aver this resolution Is not binding upoi
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
bcstlon Opens In the Hennte Chamber trill
n I. urge Attcmlnnco.
LINCOLN. May 28. ( Special Telegram.- )
Mrs. Jennie Holtzlngcr Bryant of Omaha
president of the Nebraska grand chapter c
the P. E. O , , presided at the opening of th
convention this morning In the senate chani
ber. Devotional exercises were led by Gran
Chaplain Mrs. Dtitton of illastlngs. In th
president's address Mrs. Bryant expressc
satisfaction with the past year's work c
tha order and high appreciation of the faltli
lul support of her colleagues In office , a
veil its that of members of the various chatters
tors throughout the Uate. Miss Johnson' '
address of welcome was received with eUdon
appreciation and Miss Hlgby responded In
graceful speech , which received applause.
The following delegates were prcscnl
Chapter A , York. Miss Grace Moore. Mri
J.l. . Picrson ; D , Superior , Mrs. Isabel !
Bay , Mrs. Laura Allen ; E , Omaha , Mrs. 1
13. Allen , Mrs. II. II. Shoemaker ; I' , Plattf
mouth , Mrs.'IiU 12. Wagner. Miss Myrtle Al
wood ; G , Hastings , Mrs. Nell C. Tovuisem
Mrs. Margaret 1) ) . Lynn ; II , Iloldrege , Mr
Hulda Miller. Miss Cora G. Little ; I , Wahoi
Mrs. Mary n. Frush. Mrs. Orpha G. Gooi
J , Nelson , Mrs. Ilertha C. Fox ; L , I larva n
Miss Alice Mcllride ; M , South Omaha , Mr
May C. Smith , Mrs. Mary E. Munro ; N. Mil
den , Mrs. Mary C. Palmer , Mrs. Clara J
Hague ; O , Geneva , Mrs. Hattlc M. Kdgertoi
Among the visiting P. K. O. are : Mr
Delia Wlnans Carver , Los Angeles , Cal. ; Mr
Maud Hayward AVatklns , South Omaha ; Mr
Kmma Bradley , Superior ; Misses I.llllo Cool
Marley and Mabel Cobb , York , and Mrs. ar
Miss Gourley of Nelson.
The present olllcera of the grand chapte
all of whom are In attendance on the coi
ventlon , are : Jennie Bryant , president ; Clai
A. West , first vice president ; Kittle Dutto
Kecoml vice president ; Carrie McNoughto
recording secretary ; Dorothy Hlgby , corre
pending secretary ; Mary Houseworth. trea
urcr. nnd Kittle Dutton , chaplain. ElectU
of ofllcers for the coming year will occur t
morrow afternoon ,
Not Aiuloiu to l-'lilil I'orbea.
FREMONT , May 2S. ( Special. ) Forbe
dltappearanco Is still a mystery. No 01
seem * at all anxious to hunt him up , and h
family vccm wholly unconcerned about hit
Ills bondsmrn say they shall do iiothli
toward finding him. There were rumors ye
terday and today that some clothing hi
been found at one of the lakes near tl
I'latto that was Identified as his , but It cou
not be verified.
Apollo encampment. Independent Order
Odd Fellows , elected the following olllce
last o\enlng : F. M. Henley , C. P. ; Geor
llasler. S. W.J Soren Anderson. J. W.j
Trufcsdoll. II. P. ; Walter Bullock , secretar
Earnest Shurman , treasurer.
The case of Carl Wsllccn against J. :
K-IIIan , editor of the Nebraska Illene , w
fcettlcd today. aim oillcvr released t
property levied on and delivered It to t
defendant mid the costs and amount due w
paid. Kllllan will continue the publlcatl
of the Blenc here and Java he Is going
KCt new material. The entire outfit whl
was levied on by the cciutable Inventor !
less than $100.
tlittrn C'allrc * KiiiiinltK nt Nr
NKL1G1I , Ntb. , May 2S.-Seclal.-Tho ( i
port sent out from Norfolk concerning I
removal of Gatci college to that point frc
Nellgh conveys a wrong Impiesslou ot t
situation. The board of trustees did i
.vote to change the location , nor Is tin
Iho least probability ot the full board , whl
meets In two wccki , endorsing the rceo
iner.dat Ion of the Norfolk members and tin
/rirndi. Hat * * college will remain at Nell
and there Is a rind proipcct that it will
pUced on a firm financial ba U.
Teruiiunti llruiluxtlni : KxrroUe * .
TKCUMSnil , Neb. . May 5S ( Special T *
gram. ) At the ojwra hous horn tonight (
currvd the ninth graduating exercises ot t
Tecumsch High school. Her. C. C. Lasby ,
D.U. , ot Lincoln delivered the address to
the class and the music was furnished by
the High school pupils and Prof. Llvln's
Mandolin club. The graduates are : Gall K.
True , Arthur D. Harmon , Nelson M. David
son and Cory A. Phil pott.
Sfltnl-Annual Apportionment nt the I'unil
MiKln by Hiiprrlnttmlrnt Corhitt *
LINCOLN , May 28. ( Special ) State
Superintendent Corbett has Issued the semi
annual , or June , apportionment of the state
school funds. Following Is the tabulated
statement by counties :
Btntc tni JM.83UM
InterrM on United Klutca Innda 300.1
Interont on vtulo bomln IJ.OVICT
Interest on countlioniM . GO.C13 Z
liitvrvit on school district Iwnds 1.67M7
IllliTc-t on nclinul laniLi solil . . . . Si.OllZl
lntorr t nn school land * liiiscrt . .
Interest on lullne Inmtn wM . . . . ,
Intrmt on saline Inmls leased . . P.638.S7
Interest on state drpwltit
In compliance with the provisions of the
school laws , this has been apportioned to the
several counties aa follows1 Whole number
of children , 302,729. Amount apportioned ,
$250,990.42. Hate per scholar. $0.708503 :
No ot
County. Scholars. A tut. ill
Ailnms 6.4M ( 4.5T.279
Antcloiw 1,110 5.011.1I7
ISmni-r 70J 437.17
IMilne It-i 1JI n
JtooriK 3.673 2.C017 !
Il.ix Hutu- l.f.l'i J.034C3
llroun . e . 1.4S3 1.0'O.fS
llurfalo . 7.7 1 6.491 6j
Hurt . 4,403 2.115 M
Duller . B.7H 4,01.367
Ca-8 . 8 131 5.77M7
IVdar . 3,512 2,433.37
Hum- . 1.2U W.1I
nic-rry . 1.IM 1.0J011
nirtcnne . 1.732 1.2:714
I'lnv . .374 7.5liOa (
Colfnx . 4.51S 3.111 ! Oi
I'umlnB . fsn * S5 ?
' . CO
r'uatcr . 8.0IS 6.700
l > lk < ibl . 2.0 1.41743
D.IHI-J . 2,017 1.87511
Iliiwiwm . . " > 3,110 3
l.uel , . 9V 077.33
IHxon . 3.4H 2,421 CS
7.SM 6.2W.M
. . . . . . . . . . . . .
1'rnnUlln . 3.Tr ! 2.30i.i
l-nmller .V.V.V. . . .V. . 1 . 3.3M .TO.OI
. . . .
flnrllelil . RM , ! ! ' { ! ?
Ornnt . 1 < I ,
Oreclcy . 2.11D 1.431.95
Hall . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . 609 4,272.30
llnmlllon . 5.270 J22
Ilnilnn . 3.431 2.I30.M
Unyi- , . 1,311 B1327
Irrfprwu . 571J
SS5S : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : .ig
Keith . 61721
1.074 700.91
Ke > a 1-ulm .
KlmlMll . 273 1U3.42
Knv . 4 30J 3,0'S ' 71
1-inoiHter . ZW 11.211.41
l.n ln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.93J 2 , 3.3 !
Mrl'licrson . J-J" .
Morrlck . JJ" f'lS
. 2,374 1S m
. . . . . . < S 1 3.41R.S1
H . . . 4.510 s.ft"7-fj
" ; . . . 7,3-w r.19901
: : . . . . . : : . . < >
, . , . . " " . . . " . . 6S03 4.S3IR *
! . . . . . . . 4076
o- : : : : : : : : : . : : jg ; .gs
" " "
. . . . . . . . .
Semis muff . 4 ? ,
" "
"SST" .
Thomas . '
SSSiS0" . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . ? .
"SnsVou- : : : : : : : : : : : : ; : : . 4,010
\\-nync . "
Wi-lurtrr . l's ;
Total . . ' . S6S. HM.MC.42
The apportionment for December. 18D4. was
J21506S.SS. leaving the present June appor
tionment J41.927.51 larger than that of De
cember. The apportionment ot a year ago
was slightly larger than for the coming semi
annual apportionment of Juno next.
1-iiwcns' Hliiycr Hrlil for Murder.
SIONCY , Neb. , May 28. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The body of Ilobort P. Fawcus , who
Sunday evening
was so brutally murdered on
ing by V. W. Dozarth , at Camp Clarke ,
was brought hero this morning for burial.
The victim's back was almost ripped open
by the buckshot which had been fired from
the gun only twenty-five yards away. The
coroner's jury returned a verdict that the
deed had been done with premeditation and
felonious intent and held Uozarth for mur
der In the first degree.
The funeral of Fawcus occurred this after
noon from the Episcopal church , Re\
George Deecher ofllclatlng. The services al
the grave were conducted by Frank Welcl
lodge. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons ,
this city , and was one of the largest tun-
orals held here In years.
Thomas W. Wolfe was brought hero to'
day as an accessory to the murder and li
showing evidence of insanity. There l !
serious talk ot a necktie party tonight.
Stockholders Could Not Agrrn.
BEATRICE , May 28. ( Special Telegram.- )
Tlie Beatrice Hardware company's doors wen
cltEcd this morning under chattel mortgagf
and It Is now in the hands of the mortgagees
of whom there are a number. It Is understood
that the closing of the establishment is partlj
duo to a failure to agree upon tlte part o :
the stockholders. George II. Drowsier wai
until within the past month a heavy stock
holder In the concern , but sold out to Johr
P. Wagner. The present owners are Wagner
John A. Forbes and J. E. Jones. The in
debtedness Is about $4.000 and It Is claimcc
by the proprietors that the Invoice which wll
be begun tomorrow will show stock and gooi
accounts amoun'ltig to moro than $10.000.
Mrs. J. K. White , residing north of thi
city , died today. The deceased was well am
favorably known In Ueatrice , being th
daughter of the late Warren Cole. Sh
leaves a husband and an infant son.
I'lko for .Nebrmsa Lake * .
IinNDLCY , Neb. , May 28. ( Speclal.- )
The citizens ot Hendley received an abund
ant supply ot pike from the State fisher ;
Saturday with which to stock the lake tha
almost surrounds Lincoln park.
The Sunday schools of I'urnas county wll
hold their annual convention In Llncoli
park Sunday , and several prominent speak
ers have been secured from distant places t <
address the vast audience which Is ex
pected. There are between twenty-five an <
thirty Sunday schools In the county.
Shelby ituloou I llit | tattled.
BHELDY. Neb. , May 28. ( Special Tele
gram. ) After hearing testimony relative t
remonstrances until after midnight yeater
day anil during the cntlro forenoon toda
the village board granted licenses for th
rale of intoxicating liquors to Fred Schmld
anil Henry Weber. This ends a bitter flgh
which has been In progress several weeks.
1'lrn lliiinnio nt XVujrno.
WAYNE. Neb. , May 23. ( Special TeU
gram. ) About S o'clock this morning th
barns and sheds ot L. Nurcnberger wer
destroyed by fire together with thirteen hea
of horses , one stallion , harness , granar
10 sheds , farm Implements and about 2.0C
bushels of grain. Loss about $2,500 ; insui
| " ance $000.
. ) , District Court In lloyd fount jr.
id BUTTE. Neb. , May S3. ( Special. ) Tli
term of district court for Doyd county wl
open Monday. The trial day of tha allege
lynchcrs of Barrett Scott has not yet bee
fixed , but .tome action will undoubtedly t
taken ihoitly after the opening.
Drmlto of u Mluucu ClUsen.
ot MINDRN , Neb. , M y SS. ( Special.- )
Irvln Drake , one ot MlnJen's most prom
nent real estate and business men. died la
night. The body will be taken to Illinois t
sirh morrow tor burial. He loaves a wife , bi
? '
no children.
I'ropnittl Sunday "M'liool Convention.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb , May 28. ( Sp
clal ) The Hall County Bumlay School a
soclatlon convention will bs held In tb
IC * city at the English Lutheran church June
bo anil 2.
Memories Awakened by the Twenty-Seventh
Annivortaiy of Decoration Day ,
ot ( he Variant Crtnrtrrlcs In
Chnree ot the National ( loTrrninent
Ntimlieri ot Dead Allioec Urstlae
I'luco the Government Ounnls.
Tomorrow li the twenty-seventh anniver
sary ot the official designation ot Memorial
or Decoration day. It was General John A.
Logan , then commander In chief ot thi
Grand Army , who Issued the first order dedi
cating May 30 , 18CS. as a day to be observed
"by strewing flowers or otherwise decorating
the graves of comrades who died In defens :
of their country during the late rebellion , and
whose bodies now lie In almost every city ,
village ] hamlet and churchyard In the land.
In this observance no form of csremony Is
prescribed , hut posts and comrades will , In
their own way , arrange such fitting services
and testimonials ot respect as circumstances
will permit. Let us , then , at the time ap
pointed , " wrote General Logan , "gather around
their sacred remains and garland the pas
sionless mounds above them with the
choicest flowers of springtime ; let us raise
above them the dear old flag they saved from
dishonor ; let us In this solemn presence
renew our pledges to aid and assist those
whom they left among us , a sacred charge
upon a nation's gratitude the soldiers' and
sailors' widow and orphan. "
The order met with a cordial response In
the hearts of tbo people and the observance
even at that period was qulto general. The
occasion was a memorable one , particularly
so at Arlington , where the ceremonies were
most Imposing. General Logan's order was
read to the hushed and waiting crowds ,
prayer was offered by Dr. Byron Sunderland
and the oration was delivered by Hon.
James A. GnrfielJk afterward president ol
the United States , himself dying a martyr' :
death. Ho quoted Mrs. Julia Ward Howe's
"Battle Hymn of the Republic" with a most
reverential fooling. Some of bin sentence !
were Inspired with dramatic force. He- said
"As the traveler descends the Appenlnes
e sees the dome of St. Peter's rising above
lie- desolate Cnmpagna and the dead city
> ng before the seven hills and ruined pal-
ces appear to bis view. The fame of tht
ead fisherman has outlived the glory of the
iternal City. A noble llfo crowned will
eroio death rises above and outlives the
ride and pomp and glory of the mlghtlesi
mplro of the earth. I love to believe thai
o heroic sacrificeis ever lost ; that tlu
laracters of men are molded and Inspires
iy what their fathers have done ; that treas
ired up In American souls are all the un
: onsclous Influences of the great deeds o
no Anglo-Saxon race , from Aglncourt t (
unker Hill. With such Inspiration falluri
as impossible. "
The beautiful custom has become nation
fide with the passing years and ranks will
ndependence day In the affections of th
icople. Nor is it confined to the soldier deai
.lone. . The generation which has come Inti
.ction slnco the closing of the war vies -will
he participants In the terrible struggle Ii
lonorlng the memories of the men whos
.erolc . devotion preserved the heritage the :
njoy. There are few families without ni
.mpty chair at the hearthstone , a hallowei
nount on the hillside. The cares and strug
les of life , mayhap , prevent the living fron
living proper attention to the graves of thos
the have gone before. The coming of Me
norlal day arouses the dormant memories o
ho loved and lost , and turn footsteps ceme
cry-ward , recruiting the depleted ranks c
Jio soldiers and combining patriotic sentl
; nent with the ties of family.
Much has been done by the national gov
jrnment to honor the memory of the me
who fought for Its preservation and to fos
.or the patriotic spirit that animated then
Eighty-three national cemeteries , contain
ng 330,700 honored dead , have been -estat
.Ished by the government. Every Indlvldu :
grave is marked by a stone tablet of granlt
jr marble. The private cemeteries , wher
.hrongs will assemble on Thursday , ma
.eem . fair and delectable , but still fairer tha
Jicy are the "national cemeteries. Treasur
has been spent without stint to make thei
i\hat they should bo nnd are the simples
and yet grandest nnd lovlest God's-acres 1
.ho world , lavishly adorned by nature , pel
ectod by art , and guarded over by the starr
Hag. There the sun shines softest , the gras
grows greenest , the flowers bloom brlghtes
the trees spread most luxuriantly. N
weeds or brambles or thistles are suffere
o enter there. The very atmosphere aroun
them is sacred , and the sympathetic visile
may fancy a halo hovering over them ; fe
n them rest exclusively the heroes wt
died in the cause of freedom.
On the battlefields where the union armli
won the Interments were so conscientious !
made that over 90 per cent of the dead wei
afterward identified. Where time permlttt
the confederate dead were also religious !
burled and their graves marked as careful !
as those of their federal antagonists. On tl
fields where the union armies were defeate
nnd driven off the enemy cared little for tl
fallen except to get them out of the way ar
under ground with the least expenditure i
tlmo and trouble. In most of the southei
prisons the union dead were burled and the
; raves marked I y their living comrales , ofte
under the most adverse and trying clrcun
stances. The result of that admirable syste
has been that the mortuary record of tl
union armies In the war of the rcbcllk
excels In completeness by long odds v
similar records ever before known.
By the end of the year 1SCS seventy-two
theto national cemeteries had been foundi
at great expewe , and In them , In conne
tlon with 820 local cemeteries In varloi
places , the government assumed charge
310,233 graves. Of these the names of 175,7
had been preserved and were indicated on t !
headstones. Concerning the remaining 14 (
4G9 , It Is alone certain that they died fightii
In the union armies , and the only Inscrlptli
that could bo placed over them was "U
known United States Soldiers. " Of the who
number then gathered Into these cemeterl
less than one-fifth reposed In their origin
graves , and these lay on battlefields who
union victory Insured their careful Inte
ment. and which afterward happened
become the sites of tl.e cemeteries. Mo
than four-fifths were removed from the TO
trenches of the battlefields at some dl
tance , or from their roadside graves ,
from hospital burial plats. Since 1SG3 till
teen additional national cemeteries lia
been established , with 14,459 more gravi
making to date eighty-three In all , with .
aggregate sleeping population , by nctti
count , of 330,002. Five of these contain t
remains of soldiers other than those engag
In the war for the union one being local
near the City of Mexico , and four olhe
being used solely as attachments to front !
military posts In the wesl. One of these
ot exceptionally sad Interest thai on t
Custer battlefield In Montana , where in
lie the bones of 918 regulars , over 300
whom were massacred In 17G by Sltli
Bull and his rampant Sioux , In recent yea
by provision of law , the interment of a
honorably discharged union soldier may
secured In a national cemetery upon apr
cation lo Iho proper authorities. Bui su
Interments nowadays are not numerous , a
comparatively few of the national cemeter
receive additional Interments al this da
On the other hand , the friends of the c
ceased are constantly having bodies reinov
from the national cemeteries to private bi
lal places , so that the total number
graves under the care of the governme
changes but little from year to year.
The moat beautiful ot all the natloi
cemeteries and the greatest as regards t
number ot Identified dead Is thai on Arllngt
Heights , near Washington. U contains 10 , !
Interments 12,216 known and 4,349 unknov
Its location , overlooking the Potomac and
rectly facing the capital , is perhaps the fin
In the world. As the years glide away a
coming centuries usher into life millions
human beings Arlington ihall be a mi
for the unalterable principles of truth , a
around Its undulating vales and green h
oeks the splrll cf love and loyalty shall kn
at the vespers of nationality and swing p
fumed censers at the holy shrine of pra ;
and patriotism.
Monument * of marble , granite and brci
lift their modest or | prntentlous heads , ap
pealing to the memory cf these who wander
near the Jowly b d Shirc valor sleep * , but
when these emblerrM' ' 61 love and remem
brance have crumllcii.lnto ) Impalpable dust
the truth for which thty , died shall shine out
like the rising tun atid bj as lasting as
eternity. 11 '
No grounds are flrjtrjor better kept than
the sovenlecn acres of Gettysburg cemetery.
There are l.OSO labeled graves and 1,612
nameless , yet each a hears a marble head
stone at the end. , The martyred Lincoln
participated In the ceremonies attending the
formal consecration of'Vho ' place on Novem
ber 19. 1863. and thWe his Immortal words ,
uttered on that supremp occasion , arc fitly
cut on Ihe pedestal of the government monument
ment In Imperishable granite :
"L t us hero highly resohc that these
dead shall not have died In vain ; that the
nation shall , under God , have n now birth
of freedom , and that the government of the
people , by the people and for the people
shall not perish from the earth. "
Other splendid and noble monumenta
abound , but none are moro highly admired.
But the biggest national cemetery In point
of population Is the Vlcksburg , where 16,633
heroes sleep , gathered from the scattered
graves about the union lines at Vlcksburg
and from neighboring fields and hospitals.
Of these the known number Is 3,913 nnd the
unknown 12.720. The Nashville cemetery
comes close to It In number of dead , having
16,546 sleepers , taken from hospitals nnd
outlying battlefields , with a much smaller
proportion of unknown.
But Frederlcksburg cemetery , which ranks
nexl lo Nashville in number of deaJ , Is
greatest and moel melancholy of all In the
number of Its unknown. Of the total 15,274
soldiers burled here , 12,786 an enormous
proportion arc nameless. The cemetery oc
cupies Marye's Heights , the celebrate ! In
trenched position held by Lee when Burn-
side's ttoops chaiged and recharged against
II in vain with such dreadful mortality.
Under there clrcumalances the union dead
remained where they fell , nnd Idenllflcatlon
and burial by their comrades were Impossi
ble. Hither also were borne many bodies
from the Wilderness and Chanccllorsvllle.
The VIeksburg cemetery stands second to
Fredericksburg In the number of Its un
known slcepcH , and next Is the mournful In-
closure at Salisbury. N. C. . the site of the
old confederate prison pen. where , out of a
tolal of 12,137 Interments , all but 102 are
unknown. When the place fell Into union
hands the dead were found piled promiscu
ously In eighteen trenches , each 240 feet
long. These were opened and the bogles ten
derly relnterrcd In an orderly manner.
The Memphis cemetery contains 13,984
graves 5,166 known and 8,818 unknown col
lected from the camps and hospitals around
Memphis and from Island No. 10 , Fort Pil
low ani minor places. The Andersonvllle ,
Ga. , cemetery , the companion Institution to
Salisbury , contains the bonca of 13,702 pris
on-pen victims , whose names , happily , are
all known save 923. Fortunately. Iho union
prisoners Ihero were permittee ! lo bury Iheli
comrades and to keep careful record ol
In the Chattanooga cemetery sleep 13,055
of the fallen from the gory fields of Chat
tanooga , Chlckamauga and Rcsaca. Nexl
to it In populousncsBls the Chalmette cem
etery near New Orleans , on the silo of parl
ot General Jackson's old battle ground
There He the bodies of 12,640 union soldlen
and sailors , brought from all parts of thi
I The Jefferson Barracks cemetery , whlcl
was once an old 'post cemetery , but en
larged , contains the bones of 11,682 soldiers
including 1,108 confederate prisoners , takei
In the early battles of the war lu Missouri
At the Marietla , Ga. , cemclcry repose thi
remains of 10,160 union soldiers , collectei
from various parts of Georgia , and at Beau
fort , S. C. , rest 9,270 b9dles of soldiers am
sailors wTio died on the south Atlantic sea
board. Half are unknown.
Next to Die above1 In polnl of size are th
national cemeteries at Jiampton , Va. , wit !
6,656 Interments ; Richmond , wllh 6,545 ; th
Soldiers' Home , District of Columbia , wit !
6,424 ; Stone River. Tenn. . with 6,146 ; Popla
Grove , Va. . with G.199J Corinth , Jllss. , will
5,724 ; LltUo Rock.Arlc. , with 5,693 ; Clt ;
Point , Va. , with 5.15,8 ; Mound City. 111. , wit ;
5,213 ; Cypress Hills , near Brooklyn , N. Y ,
5,100 ; Antletam , Md. , 4.736 ; Winchester , Va ,
4 4S2 ; Florence , S. C. , 3,013 ; Woodlawn , nea
Elmira , N. Y. , 3.075 , of which 2,068 were con
federates , and Finn's Point , N. J. , 2,645 , o
which 1,134 were confederates.
Over 9,000 confederates In all are burled 1 ;
the national cemeteries , principally , however
at Woodlawn and Finn's Point , nnd at Jeffer
son Barracks , Mo. , Camp Butler , 111. , Cit
Point , Vn. , and London Park , Md.
Cover It over , that long narrow bed.
Strew -with sweet flowers the home of th
dead *
A yoldler lies there , encased In thai lomu-
A soldier lies Ihero enwiapped In Its gloon
Dut his soul Is not Ihere , It has taken It
At the roll call of duty , in the darkness c
night :
He had fought the good fight , his work v.-a
well done
Ho had captured the fortress , the prize li
had won.
So cover him over with hcautlfrl I'owcn
Our counlry's defender , this hero of our :
His bivouac's ended , his camp lilc's dcpd-
So cover him up In his lontr nnr-jw bod.
BELLA r. . HOVlLL. !
IlllmUoUlert the Mlml Keailor PlmU nil
d 0 Fllln n Hidden Trricrlptlon.
, f A tcsl of the powers of Mind Reade
n Johnblono cnlorlalued many down tow
spectators yesterday afternoon. Incldenlall
Iho program furnlshoJ a sensation for othei
who were nol aware of whal was really gi
ing on.
A prescription was written by Dr. E. V
Leo nnd placed In a sealed envelope , whlc
was given to the clerk at the Merchani
hotel. After a committee of local clttzei
had secreted the envelope in a drug stor
Mr. Johnstone was to find the envelope nr
fill the prescription , his eyes being bliui
folded during the time. This feat was pe
formed to the letter. A committee , coi
sisttng of Arthur II. Brlggs , E. E. Howel
Leo Spratlln and a Bee reporter , took tl
envelope to the drug store at Fifteenth ar
Harney streets , where It was secreted undi
a pile ol sponges in the show case ,
few minutes after Mr. Johnstono was take
to his room at the Merchants hotel , wliei
he was blindfolded. Ho then look M
Howell's hand and led him to the carrlai
which was In waiting. As soon as the parl
had embarked , the mind reader took the roll
and lashed the horses Into a gallop. H
eyes and face werbjcoverod by nt least
dozen thicknesses ot cloth , but ho drove i
, " though ho were going to a fire. Up SI :
' tcenth street as far ( is Chicago , then en
. ! ; to Flfteenlh , dodging street cars and veh
al cles as would a skilled , horseman with h
eyes open. Scores of people rushed out <
the street , thinking Hwas a runaway , ai
the passengers were Jiol really Euro that
was not. The committee was sick of I
job before the mail 'pace had been mal
Is talncd for two block : ; , ' as the vehicle no
rowly missed colliding with a street c
and sailed around a corner through a cru
of carriages as though It had the street
Istelf. > . '
At last Johnstone drew up at the dr
store and soon succeeded lu locating the e
velope. Then he . oxcbangod his guide f
the druggist , and started after the prescrl
tlon. One after another he took down t
bottles and In halt an hour from the tit
of the start , tbo prescription was filled , coi
ploto , The feat was the moro wonderful ,
that every effort was made to throw t
ed mind reader oft the scent. As noon as
irof had picked up a bottle and set It down
of was moved away and concealed , but
nt each case Johnstone readily got It agal
During the performance , ha was ve
nervous , and his hands shook as though
was under a severe strain , but after It w
he over ho soon recovered and seemed no
on the worse for his experience ,
.65 .
n. CnlH U ( lorn to 1'rnon.
II8' After spending about two years In t
8' Douglas county jail as a constant board
of W. C. CoffielJ lias bidden gocylbyo to 1
ica pain and left for a tfn-year sentence at t
nd tale penitentiary , which ho will serve c
II- under conviction of forgery.
Tbo supreme court several weeks ago i
fused Collleld a new trial. He must undi
go a sentence for having tried to rob Oma
banks of about $4',000 In money , whli
re Lovever , was nearly all recovered. O
Onmhn , Neb.
Mav SlsU Juno 1st.
- * \A & * * LJLt ITI *
The Human lapels > * "S' 'K SM : - "
Startling Revelations of Occult Science.
As tlio Mnguet Attracts the Stool , so do
they Driiw the Multitude : ) .
The Blind , Deaf , Lame , Palsied ,
They arc coming with Healing
Paralytic , as well as
ing in their Hands.
All Chronic Diseases
The World's Invincible
Treated Free Upon tlu Pabllc Slajo ,
Will Deliver the Following Lectures :
FBIDAY NIGHT Subject : ' 'Tho Power of Vital Magnetism ns a Curtxtivo Agont. "
AFTERNOON Privnto to Ladies Only , No Children Admitted-Subject : "SuiTorlne : Womort and
Her Heroic l
Fortitude to Enduro. "
of Nature's SATURDAY Xaws. " EVENING To Mon Only No Boys admitted under 14 years of ape Subject : "Our Disobedience
, . SPECIAL NOTICE Each lecture will bo free after which a free demonstration will bo given and these who
aosire will bo treated free upon the stage , without denuding or oven removing the outer garments of the patients , fully
demonstrating the wonderful power possessed by these two boys so Ion- * called "Tho Human Magnets , in the cure
ot all chrome diseases by the Magnetic Fluid generated in the human svstoni and transfused to that of another body by
the simple laying on of hands.
What Statistics Declare IIns Been Achieved In the Permanent Cure of Chronic Dlssnscs b y Animal Mag
netism During the Past Ten Years.
The following is a full synopsis of cases which have boon successfully recorded as permanently cured by Animal
raagnotism in the hands of such operators a3 generate sufilciont of the lluid to give to another , during the past ton
years , or , commencing Jan. 1st , 1885 , and ending Jan. 1st , 1895. As statistics are our only guide the following iacU
an be guaranteed absolutely and implicitly correct in every particular.
SPECIAL NOTICE The management of these Great Magnetic Haulers , known throughout the world ns "TTi *
Human Mtignots" has engaged a special suite of parlors , Nos. 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 at the Pnxton Hotel , whore all these who
are able nnd willing to pay for private treatment may call for the entire month of Juno , commencing Friday , Juno 1st ,
and receive consultation , advice and examination of their various condition free of all expense , and if curable may receive -
coivo the services if they so desire.
PAXTON HOTEL , Juno 1st to July 1st , IncUisivo.
ME- §
of enjoyment is found by every lover
of good chewing tooacco in LORILLARD'S famous
This tobacco represents the result of 134 year's experience
in blending and preparing tobacco to suit a universal taste.
A delicious flavor has been imparted to it without the addi
tion of any harmful element. In substance it is unequalled
by any chewing tobacco ever prepared. When you want a
delicious satisfying chew , try CLIMAX PLUG.
field's financial operations were carried on
lu the fall of 1893. Ho came from Kansas
n- City and posed as a wealthy and prospective
or tobacco merchant , making deposits of drafts
P- on Chase's National bank of New York and
hone other concerns and then only drew a part
no ot the money called for by tbo drafts.
uin Mrs. NoUon's I.euvo of Alitenre.
ho OMAHA , M y 28. I desire to state that
ho Mrs. Notson secured leave of absence from
It her school In August bcforo she had ever
' " seen Mr. Corbett or communicated with him
' at all. After his election , she asked mo to
he wrlto him a letter In her behalf. At that
as tlmo she distinctly told me that ho had never
ne promised to appoint her as his deputy , but
that she mcst earnestly desired the position ,
and I Inferred from what hhe said that one
thought she hail earned It from the party.
he I have It from the gentlemen theirm-lvon
that she told two others precisely what eho
er.Us told me that Mr. Corbotl had never prom
Us ised her the dcputyshlp. Prom all her con
he versation with me. It appeared that xho
lUt simply hoped to Induce him to appoint her ,
although he had made no prombo whatever.
Mr. Corbett was the choice of the people
of this state , Is filling an Important office
hah. with credit to himself and to the alvantago
: h. of the schools ot the state. There is cer
3f- tainly nothing la this matter which should.
call for his condemnation or for the with
drawal from him of public confidence.
Superintendent of Omaha Public Schools.
LINCOLN. May 28. I entirely concur In
Superintendent Marble's conclusions From
all the Information obtainable , there certainly
seems a strong Injustice In attempting to
maku Superintendent Corbott at all account
able for Mri. Notion' * death.
Chancellor University of Nebraska.
Want ( aili Initrail of Stock.
The suit of tbo Kitchen heirs , Jessie L.
Cowherd , Charles Kitchen , Jr. , Nellie
Kitchen , William Whalen and Herbert
Whaleu ban been carried by Iholr guardian
Into district court. Vi'hllo In probate court
the estate ot Illchard Kltchon nas bolng
settled and among those particular helra ,
James I ) . Kltchon proposed , as executor of
the estate , to distribute shares of utoilc In
tbo Kitchen Hotel company , lu lieu ol
money , for the payment of legacies ranxlng
from $5,000 to $10.000 $ each. Th * will pro
vided that the heirs might bo so paid off
under certain conditions. Tlio heirs ob
ject to receiving stock Instead ot money ,
because a $90,000 mortgage on the hotel was
renewed and they claim this places au extra
burden on the gift which they do not deslra
to assume.
Ktni hrmlnu Talk ItrvUnil.
WASHINGTON , May 28. CoiiBreiisn > < in
Updegraff of Iowa , who Is here , hat !
formation , It Is claimed , that tliu in , i.tiit
Intends to call an extra session of tha
Kitty-fourth congress early lu October. Mr.
Updegraff says he got Ms pointer fiom loadIng -
Ing demociats who are In close' touch with
the administration. Ho further says that
the cxda hcsslon will bo asked to appro
priate or make Home oth r provision for
raising/a lovenue to run the government ,
\Vut hluipljr u I'ernoniil Quarrel.
DIJNVKIl , May 2S. A special to the Now *
from Vv'olcott , Cole , , puts rather a different
aspect on Iho reported battle near there
Sunday. Iwtcad of growing out of tha
hatred between tha cattlemen and the sheep
men , U now appears to haNo bron simply a
row among tonic conboys over a porjonal
matter , The physicians In antcl-
pate no fatalities.
( Jreclcy Outer School Trnclinr * 1'leolei ) ,
GltHRLKY CiNTiil : , Neb. , May 28
( Special ) The Ureelcy High school bnanl
elected a full corps of teacher * at their inuct-
Ing las' night.