Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 24, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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You Can Save
Many Dollars
on Every Suit
Bought at our Great Red Figure Clos
ing Out Sale the present week.
Below is a short list embracing a few of the
special bargains to which we wish to direct your
attention :
Ono of our special bargains is an fill wool Gray
Cassimoro fcack Suit reduced from $11.00 ; .00
this week
Wo are offnring durable , stylish and thorough
ly well made Light Check Cheviot Suits , reduced - .00
. this week
ducod from $1O.OO ;
Strictly all wool Medium Color Sack Suits that
would bo bargains at $11.00 ; this week $6.50
Strictly all wool Chock Cassimoro Suits , supe
rior to most $11.00 suits sold in this city ; this
Gray Mixed Cheviot Suits , the most desirable
fabric over placed on our counters , worth $12 ;
this week
Blue Check Cheviot duits , equal in finish and
quality to any made in this country , reduced
from $13.00 ; this wock
Very fine Clay Diagonal Suits , frocks and
sacks , former price $15 ; this week .75
Ill our Children's Dept.
Wo are showing fine Brown _ Mixed Diagonal
Cassimoro Suits , now , desirable patterns , for $1.50
mer price $3.00 ; this week .
All wool Shepard Plaid Cassimoro Suits , supe
rior to most $3.50 suits ; this week $1.75
Beautiful Grav nnd also Blue Hoofer Suits
with week largo sailor collars , worth $ ' 1.00 ; this $1.95
The nobbiest styles of Scotch Cheviot Suits
shown this season , $4,50 the usual price ; this $2.25
week. .
Black , Blue nnd Brown Cheviot Suits , manu
factured the present season to sell for $5.00 ; $2.50
this week , .
Light and Dark Cheviot and Cassimoro Suits ,
never week sold before for loss than $0.00 ; this $3.00
Do not spend a dollar for Men's or Children's
Clothing until you have examined our unfiqualed
Cor. rlh and Douglas Sts.
5 *
. > s
This week we are going to sell Par
lor Goods , Couches and Bed Iiounges at
prices 'way below any we have hereto
fore offered. We have had a good trade
on Carpets and other goods but Parlor
Goods haven't moved so fast.
Flno overstuff Parlor Suit ;
5 piojo.s ; damask cover ;
worth $100 this week
Fine Tapestry overstuff
Suit ; live pieces ; worth
$50.00-this week only
Flno 5 - niece Mahogany
frame suit ; damask cov
er ; worth $75.00 this
week , i
Fine Il-picco Mahogany In
laid Parlor Suit ; damask
cover ; worth $50.00 ;
marked down this week to
Couches that we formerly sold at a
$15.00 marked down to close at 828.00 a
! ? : { 5.00 marked down to close at 17.0 1)
$ 'jr > .00 murkoil down to close at 14. ( IO
$20.00 marked down to close at 9. 75
Bed Lounges tint we formarly sold at
S'JO.OO marUiMl down to close nt 00
$15.00 marked down to close at 8,00
? 1'J.OO marked down to close nt . 6.00
Odd Divans. Odd Corner Chairs , Odd Easy Chairs , uu-
holstcrcd In fine damask and tapestry , marked
down to half price to close.
$50.00 Turkish Hockers , to close 828.00
$110.00 Platform Uockora , tq close. . . 15.00
$15.00 Mahogany Hookers , to close. . 9.00
$10.00 Mahogany Hockero , to close. 4.00
$ . ' 10.00 Unsy Chain , to close 14.00
? 'J5.00 Kasy Chairs , to close 12,00
S'JO.OO Knsy Clmlrti , to close. 10.00
$15.00 Kasy Chairs , to close. 8.00
1U.OO Easy Clmirs , to dose. 5.00
O.Ou I'nncy Hoi-kern , to close. 8.0O
$5.00 Fancy Hockers , to close. 2.50
$4.00 Fancy Itockors , to close. 2.00
r These goods tire nil new and bought recently when the market
touched bottom. You cannot afford to miss this PARLOR SUIT
SALU. If you do you will regret it , aa goods go for a song.
BOSTON STORE Northwest Cprner
, 10Hi nnd Donglai.
Some Features of the Union Pacific Ac-
counta for the Short Line Branch ,
American Lonn nnd Trust Company
by Tnklng Exception * to Judge Cornlilt'i
Idem Itcipectliic Scope of the Hear *
Ing Equipment null Mntcrlnl.
When Special Master In Chancery Cornish
began the hearing In the Short Line & Utah
Northern divisions case yesterday In
chambers In the Union I'acldo headquarters
the attorneys Interested In the cause began
a wordy battle over the rules presented by
Auditor Young. Mr. Kellogg , repre
senting the American Loan and
Trust company , said that \\lillo he hnd
no direct Information from his people he felt
Inclined to accept the rules. Mr. Pierce repre
senting the first mortgage Interests , started
out by objecting to any surplus being at
tributed to what have been termed con-
soIdated mortgage divisions at any time
while the first mortgage Interest was In
default , and In this view ho hesitated to
commit his Interests to the acceptance of
rules , which might Involve this.
Mr. Kellogg then showed his hand by
stating that It was his understanding that
this hearing would largely aid the court
next Monday In St. Paul In making a final
order In the application for a separate re
ceivership. This brouglit the lawyers Into
the arena , and after an hour's talk , to
which Judge Cornish listened Intently In
that calmly passive manner he has wlillo
on the bench , the matter made the fol.ow
ing ruling :
"That the proceeding Involves the stating
of the accounts from the period from Octo
ber 13 , 1SD3 , to September 1 , 1894 , for ttio
purpose of ascertaining what , If any , funds
are subject to a division as a , first question
to bo presented In this reference , as to the
period referred to. If the parties are not
ready to proceed with the examination In
this account at this tlmo they can
arrange for a further and adjourned
hearing upon that point and If they deslro to
proceed \\lth any further branch of the In
quiry sugqcited by the reference they can do
that at this tlmo or continue the whole mat
ter as they desire. Hut It is not to be un
derstood that tliu master is to be precluded
from making any such Inquiry and investi
gation on his o\\n account as he desires to
satisfy hlnifelf as to what rules shall bo re
ported to the court as appropriate rules for
the division for the period prior to September
1 or thereafter. "
To this ruling Mr. Kellogg took an excep
tion and then the St. Paul attorney called for
Mr. Oliver W. Mink , one of the receivers of
the Oregon Short Line & Utah Northern. Mr.
Mink makes an Intelligent witness. Ho deals
with millions as llttlo children do with their
small belongings and which In their play
they speak of as money.
In October , 1894 , the receivers filed an
answcr to the petition of John V. Dillon , In
which they reported total receipts and net
earnings to August 31 , 1S94. He stated that
they reported total coupons paid , asell ax
nil features In connection with the account-
Ing. In that answer they stated that the re
sult of operations warranted the payment of
all first mortgage Interest. In default at that
time on the Utah Northern first mortgage anJ
Qregon Short Line 63. Under the order of
November 1C , 1891 , the interest coupons were
paid In part at the ofllces of the receivers In
New York , Do ton , London nnd Amsterdam.
The Interest on the coupons due August 1 ,
1S94 , has not been paid , or rather the Interest
off the Interest , said Mr. Mink , although the
court made an order to tn t effect.
He stated that ho had "considered the rule. ;
as to the division of accounts under discus
sion and they embodied his judgment as being
the only rules that could bo made under ex
isting circumstances. He stated that the let
ter In the first instance taking up this mat
ter \\lth the auJltor had ueen written by
him. Ho was asked If he could give the lift
surplus on the Oregon Short Line & Utah
Northern system from October 13 , 1&93 , to
March 1 , 1S95 , after the deduction of
all Interest payments to the latter date ,
which he stated to bo $256,722.16
Mr. Kellogg said that he understood that
for March , 1895 , the net earnings from
orleratlnn were $132,349. To which Mr. Mink
gave assent. Mr. Mink , when asked If ho
would bo able to report to tlio court next
Monday in St. Paul fully as to the earnings
by months on the Short Line & Utah
Northern , said that the receivers would bo
able to report In part If not wholly ; that
ho had given Instructions to have- late
months made up In order that an estimate
may bo made , but these slips had not yet
been Issued.
Mr. Mink then offered the fol
lowing btatement showing the amount ol
Interest on mortgages of the Oregon Short
Line & Utah Northern Hallway ordered paid
by the court and authorized to bo paid by
the rocslveis , which statement the witness
thought necessary by reason of questions
propounded to him by Mr. Frank Kellogg
representing the American Loan and Trust
company :
W.ilio Central drat mortgaRi ? coupon * , due
Januar > 1 , 1S94 1.41C
I'tnli Northern railway Ilrnt mortK.iKe
7 per cent coupons , due January 1 , 18'J ) . . 20.12 ;
Utnh & Northern consol coupons , due
January 1. JS91 45,77 :
Utnh Southern railway Eeneinl mortBiiBe
coupons , ilue January 1 , 1S9I W,41 <
OroRon Short Line flint mortKase roupons ,
due reliruary 1 , 'S'JI 4I7fC <
Utah t Northern railway equipment trust
coupons , due AptII 1 , 1S94 3,5"X
I'lnh Southern extension coupons , due
January 1. 1S3I 33SS (
Total JGC0.1K
Se\eral ether questions were asked by Mr ,
Kellogg of the witness with a view of bring
ing out features of the Interest account whlcli
plays 'so prominent a part In the suit for a
separate receiver for the Short Line am !
Utah Northern.
On cross-examination by Senator Thurstor
Mr. Mink went Into detail as to the equip
inent of the Short Line and th ? manner Ir
which material Is purchased and how charged
out on distribution. Ho Mated that his re
port would not show the amount of materla
that had been distributed and not used ami
would not appear In the accounts of the Shorl
Line company , coming only Into the accounts
on actual use. He said that on August 31
1S94 , there was material to the amount o :
$292,161.64 which had not been charged lnt <
the Oregon Short Line & Utah Northern
This same general arrangement was continue !
after September 1 , 1S91. Generally speaking
he said the amount of material on hand ant
not used would run about $200,000 , which wai
a charge on the Short Line , but not Includci
In the present accounts for reasons stated.
Mr. Mink said that Ills statements pre
sentcd a faithful plcture-of existing conditions
but there were many unadjusted claims tha
would have to bo taken Into consideration li
the event separate receivers were appointed
Mr. Mink stated that the net earnings of ti ! <
operation of the Short Line & Utah Norther !
from Octobei 13. 1893 , to March 1 , 1895 , aboy
th' sums ordered paid were $256,732.38 , bu
he wanted It understood that this amount tine
no sense represented cash on hand , but wa
merely a book credit.
Cross-examination by Mr. Kellogg , afte
which an adjournment was takn until
World' * Columbian Imposition
Was of value to the world by tllustratlni
the Improvement In the mechanical art
and eminent physicians will tell you that th
progress In medicinal agents has been o
equal Importance , and as a ctrengthenlni
laxative that Syrup of Figs Is far In advanc
* f all others.
\Vooilnmn nf thnVorW , Attention ,
All members of Alpha camp No. 1 will met
at their hall today , 5:15 : p. m. , to meet Thurs
ton lUtles , Hy order
0. E. ALLEN , Clerk.
Courtlnnd llracli.
Courtland beach wilt open on Thursda
next , Decoration day , Mr , Arthur , th
manager , Is having everything put In "shl
shape" and promises one of the best attrai
tloni of the teaion for the opening day Job
\V , Holier has been placed In charge <
the advertising.
II.VYUKX 111103.
Special Snle of Cltiltitir ] ; ( tint WnMi ! ttin
for I rliluy mnit SntnnlnT.
It's gelling of this klitdithit keeps this s'ore
In front and advances iti place In the public's
opinion ,
Special low price ? Ire our boys' and chil
dren's clothing for Friday and Saturday , Jil-
vtnlle suits , ages 3to > 7 years , your cliolco
of a largo line of a 11'wood blue and brown
and tan , worth $3.60. at $1.50.
Dig selection of juvenile novelties , In new
Bhades and stylesalso'lilick nnd b'.ue. When
you see them you'll eayi f 6.00 and $6.00 any
where. Friday and Saturday at $2.25 and
Hoys , we are after you , No old styles.
Everything new and fresh , sizes 13 to 19. Our
salesmen will show you.15 styles flno all wool
-stylish 3 and 4'button long cut sack suits- . In
fancy cheviots , blue , black and gray , IS cunca
clay worsted and silk mixed cassliiere , well
made and trimmed , the k'nd ' we sold for $7.50
to $9.00 , special Friday and Saturday at $5.50.
A sale of washable suits for boys at 39c and
A sale of odd knee pants for boys at 15o
and 25c , and all wool at 35c.
A sale of men's trourers , never rip trousrs ,
at 4Sc , worth $1.00.
M-n's all wool trousers , worth $3.50 , at
Shall share the festivities. Ask our sales
men to show you those men's tin ? all wool
suits at $4.75. lue ) ! and black all wool serge
pults at $5.75. The black and gray clay
worsted frock and sack suits at $7.50. We
will save you from $1.50 to $7.50 on any suit
you buy or money back.
Hurmah challls , In both dark and light
grounds , only Cc yard.
Duck cloth In dark blue and striped effrcts ,
guaranteed fast colors and new weight , lOc
Fine Swiss muslins , printed , worth 25s yarJ ,
at only lOc.
Finest quality Jaconos e pllpse In beautiful
line of colorings , 30 Inches wide , nt ISc.
New 30-Inch spring jnponette , 25c yard.
All of the leading colors and any good de
sign In 30-Inch Jacnnet duchesse , lOc yard.
Scotch lawn , warranted fast colors , at only
5c yard.
India novelty dimity , worth 25c. at 15e.
Best percales In any conceivable coloring
or figure , stripe , etc. , lOc yard.
A I oir AftvfiiitiiCP * .
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A
clfan train , made up and started from Omaha.
Baggage checked from residence to destina
tion Elegant train service and courteous
employes. Entire train lighted by electricity
and heated by steam , with electric light In
every berth. Finest dining car service In
the west , with meals served "a la carte "
The Flyer leaves at 0 p. m. dally from Union
City Ticket Office. 1504 Fnrnam street. C.
S. Carrier , city ticket agent.
The "N w Woninn"
is Interested In anything pertaining to her
comfort particularly when she travels.
That Is why her attention Is directed to
the fact that only the latest and best models
of sleeping cars are attached to the Burling
ton Route's fast trains to Denver , Chicago ,
Kansas City , Hot Springs and Deadwood. She
will find the berths unusually roomy , the
lighting and ventilation perfect , the toilet
rooms as convenient as coulj be desired.
Tickets and full Information at the city
ticket office , corner Earnam and llth street.
Tr.imwiiy People I'ropnrlnc ; to buhmlt u
A route of the proposed Omaha-Fremont
tramway Is now being laid out. Representa
tives have within the past few days been In
the country , traveling1 over It with the aid of
the preliminary blue prints , mention of which
has already been made. The line of road
will bo mapped out and In this form a definite
proposition will bo submitted to the .county
commissioners , In all probability , in tile near
future for them to act upon. Thus far the
pioposltlon from Colonel Pratt has been re
garded on both sides as In the nature of a
notification of what was proposed.
Karl's Clover Root , the great blood purifier ,
gives freshness and clearness to the complex
ion and' cures constipation ; 25c , DOe , $1.00.
Sold by Goodman Drug Co.
rir ilor.ini on it Itun.
While exercising the fire team nt No. 10
engine house Wednesday evening the pin In
the cleUce of the road wagon broke and the
neckyoke slipped from the pole. The pole
struck a sewer cap and was broken. This
frightened the horses nnd they started on a
run , dragging the driver , Ira Loomls , out of
the wagon and throwing A. H. Head out on
the ground. Loomls held on to the lines as
long as he could , but was compelled to let
go or be dragged to death. Loomls was con
siderably bruised en the hips and Head was
also Injured , but neither dangerously. The
horses ran to Thlrty-rlxth and T streets In
South Omaha , where they were captured and
brought back , none the worse for the run ,
Illinois Aflur the St. Louis ltrlln.
SPRINGFIELD , 111. , May 23. In the state
senate today Chairman Campbell of the
special bridge committee made a report that
the statutes of the United States and the
nteratate commerce laws , as well as the laws
of the state of Illinois are being constantly
violated by the St. Louis Bridge and Terminal
combination and the report recommenJs that
Attorney General Moloney be requested to
communicate with the attorney general of the
United States to Invoke a remedy for the
great evil resulting from the unjust discrimi
nations and extortionate rates of the bridge
.omblnatlon existing in open violation of law.
rvlcbrutrd tlio VHfd'n Illrllidny.
The jury In the case of the state against
Paul'Johnson , charged with selling liquor on
the Island without a license , remained out
all night without reaching a verdict. On
January C the state's witnesses claim they
bought beer at his place , having been at
tracted by the sign "Saloon. " hung over the
door. Jonnson swore that the witnesses did
not call that day , as he distinctly remembers ,
because he was celebrating his wife's birth
day. He also said that he disposed of noth
ing stronger than pop after he found out at
the beginning of the year that his place was
not located In Iowa.
Hnil No I i r lor Music.
A saloon row which occurred In South
Omaha on April 3 has been tried In the
criminal court before a Jury In a case In
which Mike Stokes lias been charged by the
slate with committing' an assault on Conrad
Heymlch , bartender at the saloon on Twenty-
sixth and Q streets. Stokes and three com
panions were drinking and grew noisy. They
were ordered to leave , which all did except
Stokes , who was thumping n banjo. Hey
mlch attempted to eject him and used a
chair for the purpose , but got the wprst of the
fight. The quarrel then found Its way Into
Foot llenmtli n Cur.
Thomas Coover , 19 ( years old , and residing
at Eighth and Pierce 'streets , had his left
foot badly crushed yesterday by a freight
car passing over It. He was crossing the
tracks at Seventh and Pierce streets Just as
an engine on the Uulon IPaclflc was switching
gome empty box care. Ills left foot was
caught In the frog nnd before ho coulil
extricate It and befnfe the train could be
stopped half of the first car passed over It ,
Ccovtr was taken to St. Joseph's hospital ami
It Is thought thatjthefoot can bo saved.
Vllliiril After tliu Oregon Short Mnr.
NEW YORK. May 23. Henry Vlllard li
said to be taking an active Interest In tin
Oregon Short Line contest on the line of the
present ( Starbuck ) management , and then
are Indications that the latter U trying tc
strengthen Its position by purchases of stocl <
In Ihe op n market. It being lawful to Vote
upon the actual certificates under the laws o :
Hut Little to Do.
Prom present Indications It teems probabli
that when the city council meets as a boa re
ot equalization this morning It will havi
less to do than utual. No protests have beei
filed , though It It expected that some wll
be presented directly to the board.
A handsome complexion Is one of th
greatest charms a woman can possess
Pozzonl'a Complexion Powder elves It.
oiii > uitii : > TO 1.1 : SOLD.
Tlio Court I'ori'ri the Itrrclvcr of the
I'Uulty to t li p Out tlio Stork.
"Within thirty days this stock must be
closed out , " co says the law. Not a dollar's i
worth must bs left. Everything must go. j
The average man doesn't realize what such
an undertaking means when so largo a stcck
as the Equity Clothing Ce.'s It taken Into ,
consideration. It rreany first that all the
$15.00 to $18.00 suits In the house must RO
for lers than half price to make their sala
sure ; the receiver made It $6.75. Flue worst.d ,
ckssltncro and cheviot suits , nicely trimmed ,
the best fitting , bst wearing suits In the
world. $6.75.
$5.00 gels all the $10.00 and $12.00 suits.
$4.00 g la all the $8.00 and $9.00 suits.
The furnishing goods are almost given
away ; 25c and 35c sax go at 15c a pair.
Neckties of all descriptions , 25c , 35c and
50c ties , go at lOc , IBc nnd 20c.
An elegant line of negligee fh'rts for 50c.
Hats cut all to pieces , $2.00 and $3.00 derby
hats cut down to 95c.
13lh and Farnam St. .
Hellman Black.
All of thn DrpirtnmiU to Ho rrnimfurriMl
to Ilia 1 lr t floor.
Postmaster Martin has decided to make n
radical change In the location of depart
ments nt the postofllce. The money order
and registry departments , which are now
on the tccoml floor , will be removed to the
first floor In the quarters now occupied by
the stamp department. The latter will be
transferred to the corner occupied by the
general delivery "box , " nnd this corner will
be enlarged In order to make
room for Chief Stamp Clerk Ander
son nnd bis assistant. Miss Btlpgs
Miss Collln's desk will permanently
be located In the deputy postmaster's ofllce
and thus Mlfflclent space will bo at the dis
posal of the money order department. The
old quarters of the latter on the second floor
wIP be used as "overflow" rooms.
Th ? citizens of Omaha who patronize the
potolllce transact all business on the
ground floor , save time caused by cllmb'ng
stairs and expediting service generally.
Postmaster Martin says that he has bcn
prompted to make the change to accommodate
the pation * of the office and In response to
popular demand. Recently he kept an ac
count of the numb ° r of Inquiries made b >
strang-rs as to where the money ordrr de
partment and found that In three days
thi > rp were thirty-five of these Inqulrl s. He
therefore believes that the change will prove
b.'ii'flelal to everibidy. Includ'ng ' overworked
postal emp'ovp ' ? , to whom questions of this
Kind are dally propounded by bewildered pee
pie In search of the money order department.
Two Men \Vho Arn llxllrveil to lo ! Home
llrontcrrh Arn fnpttirpil.
About 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon John N.
Hulbert , an employe of the American Express
comp.iny , went to his residence at 503 South
Tnenty-flrit avenue. When he entered the
house he saw that It had been ransacked and
a number of valuable articles stolen , among
them being two suits of clolhcs. The burglars
were probably In the house when Hulbert
ntered and made their escape through a
ack entrance. They were seen by Al Ward ,
n ex-policeman , ns they went do\\n the allsy
nd he quUzed them as they were about to
nter another yard from the rear. After
elng closely questioned they gave up the
idea of entering the latter yard and slatted
iouth on Twentieth street. Soon afterward
Itilbert went down the alley to make In-
Irles and learned the circumstances. The
police were Immediately notified and De-
ectlves Savage and Dempsey started on the
rail. The men were sighted near
wentlelh nnd Pierce streets nnd
after a hot chase , were both captured and sent
.0 the station. At the police station they
; ave their names as Charles II. Tliompscn and
Frank Flower and claimed to have come from
California. Nothing of any value was found
n their possession and It Is thought that
they had planted the stolen property soms-
where near where It was stolen.
The police are of the opinion that the men
are experienced crooks , although they are not
over 25 years old. They answer the dsscrlp-
tlon given by Fritz Staechsr , who was robbed
ast night at Thirtieth and Lalk streets.
Look ( lut for tlio Monies
And all other contagious diseases by keepIng -
Ing a supply of Allen't Hygienic Fluid con
stantly on hand. It has no supeilor as n
preventive medicine Is a pure and sweet-
smelling dls Infectant , deororant nnd germi
cide healing and cleansing. It has many
other uses which are told of In the wrapper
on the bottle.
The ladles' bath nnd complexion parlors
liavo secured the services of a lady after
May 28 , who has made It n spsclnl ctudy
o cure all diseases of the soalp ; also pimples
blackheads aii'l freckles are removed from the
face Superfluous hair removed with electric
needle ( 'urns and bunions cured Ladles.
we Invite you to Investigate. Hundreds o'
estlmoniuls. 109-110 Bee building.
Of Interest to I.ndicq.
For one week after the 28th each lady
taking a bath will have one free treatment
Ladies , for rheumatism , neuralgia or any
ikln trouble , try our medicated baths ; nn
experienced nnd skillful masseuse.
Doctors are especially solicited to send
their lady patients who need baths of this
kind to us. Especially low rates to such.
From one week after the 28th each lady
taking a bath will have a fico manicure
by a professional.
Hot milk baths , oil rubs , electric baths.
Massjge by a masseuse.
A positive cure for falling hair and all
diseases of the scalp and hair , Twenty
years experience. Call and get a trial treat
ment free at ladies' bath looms , 109-110
Bee building.
IinpoAillilo lo iU 111 Till * Coun'ry
Without hearing about the Northwestern
line's evening "Chicago Limited , " for people
WILL talk about Its conveniences , tastefulness -
ness and comprehensive upto-datencss.
Omaha , 5:45 : p. m. ; Chicago , 8:15 : a. in. Ves-
tlbilled sleeping cars , chair cars , a la carte
diners , Plntsch gas , EVERYTHING. No ex
tra cost.
Other Northwestern trains at 11:05 : n. m.
and 4 p. m. dally. Wont your trunk checked
at home ?
City ticket office , 1401 Farnam street.
Dvuver hlvpnr
The Union Pacific Denver Fast Mall train
carries a Pullman sleeper with buffet service ,
leaving Council Bluffs dally at C p. m ,
Omaha nt 6:15 : p. m. , and arriving at Den
ver 8 a. in. next morning.
Reservations secured at Union Pacific city
ticket office. HARRY P. DEUEL ,
s City Ticket Agent.
1302 Farnam Street ,
It should be a crime to give
children meat more than
once a day. Give them
i Quaker Oats.
Sold only In 2 Ib. Packages. !
* "
v i
A Dead Easy Job
A tloatl easy job for the ' 'nd" umn In this cslnbUslunont. Nothing
to Buhoino , nothing ; to think. No sensational reports. No oxparloncos
ot Hliuifjlitor houses. No pitthotlu reports of money-losing transactions ;
not oven n report tibjtit some fliuiiioiul calamity , happened to some con
cern not on this phuua. Nothing but sit down on the edge of seine
dry goods box nnd wrlto up n fo\v facts about something that lay before
Here tire three different sulls a day old rathoi1 a day old In this
store , enoh marked SlO.i'O. Two of 'em are 3-button cutaway snclc and
the ono a straight cat tmck.
Tlio writer of this Is partial to dark coloring. Perhaps it has some
Inlltienuo when they're described as pretty patterns. However , we'll
ngreo to let your optic judge. A bhick worsted , mixed with a tiny
thread of glosoy silk , Is always a welcome pattern for neat and tasty
Precisely what they are : Silk ml.xotl worsted , some mixed with
old gld color silk , some with pnro white or cream. Matters llttlo
what coloring of silk , but pure sllk is what wo deslro to call your atten
tion to.
N it a particle of doubt that you pay for a garment like It at least
$15.00. It is worth every fathing of It bilk mixed worsted is a tailor's
clotn , and wo wager that a biiit of the same material , the same lining
nnd trimmings ns ours , cannot bo had In any of thcso slob-job-ready-
mado-tailor-shops for less than at lea st J25.00.
3S ? tlonoln ratiiout Trench lili > slclaii\vlll nulcllyciiro > /oiiof'on'"ii.rl ' I
. ntu'ofdlWhareo , wiilcliihiotclirotcpiVipftil ioRporniiilofriKcH'nn'l
. nil Uiehorrnrjollrmioteiicr. < WiII , > l3 ! < iclcaiiitsthollvcr , tU
[ Ut-hUHt. AND Ar I C.H kidneyaatid theitrltmryoruaiisof ulllinimrltlcs.
CUPinENE ( itrenKtlicns and restores Bninllwciikorfrnna.
The reason RUfreren nro not cured by Jxwtorn In hrcuino nlnctj" per rent ere trrnblcd will
_ . „ ! ( 11 In. otll'l IKNKI the only known rcmrdy to euro nlllioutiuiopi ration. Cummtliniint
als. A rltti-nRunmntPoelVpnnntl money rrlnined If six hnzn dopi notclrcct a ircrmaututcurft
pUX ) box , six tat $5 $ 00 , by moll. Bend for XUEK circular and testlmonlnU.
Address I > .1 VOL JtKDICISIK CO. . 1' . O. Ii.t 2070 , Ran Traiicisco , Oil. fbrSn'.e la
The old Mossbacks who formerly sold you 5-ycar-
old Furniture and Carpctings and palmed them off ns
the latest styles are feeling very sore , and those who
ade yon pay S7.00 for an article worth $1.50 find
their occupation gone.
We Furnish Your House Complete.
Furniture , Carpets , Draperies , Crockery , Lamps , Stoves , Etc. ,
Etc. Our prices are just the same whether you buy for cash or
011 EASY PAYMENTS. We arc agents for Jewel Stoves I
and Alaska Refrigerators " d < > T i' Special Inducements I
to New Beginners.
Black Rings
Under the eyes and a sallow com
plexion show biliousness. This is G
one of the most disagreeable of
stomach disorders and if allowed to
have its own way will result in great
harm. Cure biliousness at once by
using Ripans Tabules , One tabule
gives relief.
Rrni ! Tabulti : Bold br dniffUti. or t > r
U th * price W emit a boi ) ! tent li. Th * UU
Chemical Compiny , No. 10 Bprivit. . . N. Y.
_ _ _ TT- "