Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 18, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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Golden Medical
Cures Ninety-eight per cent , of all
canes of Consumption , In all Its
Earlier Stages.
Although by many believed to be incura
ble , there Is tin : evidence or hundreds of
living witnesses to the fact that , in all its
earlier Mages , consumption is n curable
diicnse. Not every case , but a large per
fentfifff of fitsei , and \ve believe//// ! ' yS
percent , arc cured by Dr. Plerce's Golden
Medical Discovery , even after the disease
1m | irot rcncd BO far as to induce repeated
bleedings from Hie lungs , severe lingcritiit
cough with copious expectoration ( incliid-
Inn tubercular matter ) , great loss of flesh
nnd extreme emaciation and weakliest.
Do you doubt liundrcdH of such canes
reported Ions lit cured by "Golden Med
ical Discovery " were genuine cases of that
dread and fatal disease ? You need not tike
our word for it. They have , in nearly every
instance , been HO pronounced by the best
and must experienced home physicians ,
who have no interest whatever in mis
representing them , and who were often
strongly prejudiced and advised against
n trial of "Golden Medical Discovery , "
but who have been forced to confess mat
it mirp.isHc.4 , in curative power over this
fatal nulndy , all other medicines with
which they are acquainted. Nasty cod-
liver oil and its fillhy "emulsions" nnd
mixtures , had been tried in nearly all these
cases nnd had cither ntlerly failed lo benefit -
fit , or had only seemed to benefit a little for
a short time. IJxtract of malt , whiskey ,
and various preparations of the hypophos-
philfs had also been faithfully tried in vain.
The photogtaphs of a large number of
those cured of consumption , bronchitis ,
lingering conjjhs , asthma , chronic nasal
catarrh nnd kindred maladies , have been
skillfully reproduced in a book of 160
pages which will be mailed to you , on re
ceipt of address and nix cents in stamps.
Address for Hook , World's Dispensary
Medical Association. Buffalo , N. Y.
The Sweet
Odor of Almonds
Clcun , pure and pungent , pleases the
liostrlls as the cork comes from a jar oi
Mino. Yhlo's celebrated Almond Bios-
torn Comploxioij Cream. Per years and
tires , woinoii have sought n sufo and cer
tain preservative of the complexion.
The sun in summer and the lioat ol
itovcs and steam in winter make
Nature's work too hard for her. The
dust that Is 'always in the air grinds It
self into the sensitive skin. Soap and
wutor are not enough to got it out and
to Boolho and soften the dry chapped
do it. It cleanses the skin audits
pores. Softens the foreign matter with
in and without , soothes all irritation ,
: eels the heat of chapping and fevoi
blisters , and gives a satin surface to the
uilToring skin.
It is good for hums nnd for anj
ilmiflion. A single application is effect
| vo. Put it on at night and rub II
Driskly Into the skin and you will bi
pleasantly astonished in the morning
1'huro ha'v ) been imitations of this won
iorful bcautillor. Look out for them ,
IVccopt nothing but the roal.
If your dnisilat will not supply you. Bom
thu price. # 1. to MMK. M. YALU , llnaltl
and Complexion Specialist. 14U Stalest.
Chicago , lloiuity Gnlilo mulled fn-o.
unnontlr cured In 18 to
. You can bo treated t homo foi
line game prlco under name guaranty , li
Iroa prefer to ooma bora wo wlH contract
to pny railroad faro and hotel blltg.and no
ctmrec.lf ne toll to euro. If you hnYO taken mer
cury , lodlilo potinh , and Hill bare aehoa nod
p ln . Mucous Vutchon In moalh.KoreThrout ,
I'lmplci , Oonpor Colored 8pot , Ulcer * on
ny ptrtof the boo r. Ilulror Kyelirovrs falllnc
out , It lthl 8yphimio ItLOOU I'OISON that
wecuarantco tocuro. Wo solicit the moit obsti
nate caaei and challenge the world for a
euo wo cannot euro. u'hl disease tins nlwnri
baffled th nielli of the most eminent physi
cian * . OOO.OOO capital behind our uncondi
tional manner. Absolute proof * sent sealed oc
ppllcttlon. Addreu COOK ItF.MI'.DV CO *
807 JUiuo&fa Xemnlo , O1UCAUU. JUJU
Weakness andRecrat
Krcrr can guaranteed ,
CO yean' einerlenee. .
S rears In Omaha.
nook Fr * .
I d tti .t : Farnsktn SU. ,
We lend tT mknuloc * frrthr * .
li Ri Jy CALTHOS fro * , au.t
1 C I auar ntr ttiat liAlTHOS w 111
HI nl nUckirvr * A > KmU.loni ,
fUUK HtM-raatorrhM. * ricr < rlo
ad llh'oTOUK l.o.C > liar ,
Utt it and fe.vif : ati3frd. '
Mi A rfe imu , rUtUiXI. ) > >
Does Your
Underwear Pincli
because It's ohrunk f
If washed with
'twould always atay the same tUe. Same i
true of blankets and all woolen coodi. Clean
carntU ao they look like new. ABSOLUTE/
I'UjrEexcellent for the BATH.
Musio rtrm Insisted on Prosecuting a
Debtor on an Irregular Rote.
\V. t ) , Crnnford , Clinrcetl with Forgery
Under 1'ecullnr rircuinttnncei , Acquitted
by Direction or the Court Other
Note * from the Cnpltnl ,
LINCOLN , May 17. ( Special. ) There was
ft. rousing breeze In the district court this
morning when Deputy County Attorney Col-
llni asked that the Jury be Inttructcd to find
a verdict ot not guilty In the case o ( the
state against W. D. Crawford. Attorney
Shepherd , co-counsel with the pronecutlon , ob
jected In the strongest terms , and urged that
the jury bo permitted to pass upon the case
on the evidence. Crawford was on trial for
forging his toother's name to a note for $100.
It appeared that the brother , James II. Craw
ford , had signed three notes for W. D. , anil
that his signature was wanted' to another to
satisfy the claims of Jistey & Camp , music
dealers , with whom W. D. Crawford had had
dealings. W. D. was sick and gave a man
named Lewis $5 to take the note to his
brother at Murdock , Cass county , and secure
his signature. Lewis returned with the note
signed , apparently , and then disappeared.
Six months after this the signature was dis
covered to bo a forgery. Although \ \ ' . D.
Crawford tried to take up the note , .Cstey &
Camp would not let him have It , but had
him arrested. With these facts , MrT Collins
came Into court this morning and asked for
the discharge of Crawford Shepherd accused
Collins ot doing this for political purposes ,
but the court sustained the attorney's motion
and the Jury returned a verdict under In
struction of not guilty.
Major Fcchet went to Crete at noon today
to Inspect the department at Doane , the order
of Inspection of the collegiate military de
partments having been changed. Although
the date has not been dellnltely determined. It
Is likely the State University cadets will bo
Inspected Monday afternoon.
On. Wednesday morning , June 12 , will be
held the commencement exercises of the State
university at a local theater. The orator ol
the day will be Bishop Vincent , and the
baccalaureate address will be delivered by
Rev. Prank Gunsalus ot Chicago on Sunday
evening. June 9.
The unfavorabl ? conclusions , for the plain
tiffs of damage suits filed against the Rocli
Island Railway company for loss of life In the
wreck ot August last , has had the effect ol
driving litigant ? out of the county , and away
from the jurisdiction of these courts. At least
three ot the cases pending will not be filed
here. Two cases for $5,000 each were filed
today In Thayer county , on behalf of the
families of E. II. Zornecke of Lincoln and
J. II. Matthews of Omaha , victims of tin
wreck. One will bo fllcd In Cass county to
morrow on behalf ot the family of E. II ,
Morse of Kansas City.
It Is reported that a cigar factory , employIng -
Ing ISO hands. Is about to be removed from
Sioux Palls to this city.
In the federal court today the petition ol
Architect F. C. Flake , formerly of Lincoln
but now of St. Louis , was filed , asking foi
$2,810.20 damages from the school dlstrlcl
ot the city. Flske claims to have built ar
addition to the Park building , and wari
schools on Vine street and Saratoga avenue
"and to have made all prellmenary studies
general drawings and specifications for t
$90.000 aild a $75.000 high school building
Ho wants. J82G.50 as his three per cent conv
mission on the three ward buildings , $1,35 (
for his work on the plans for the expensive
High school building and $1C10.20 for thai
on the smaller building.
Judge Wakrfeycame down from Omixha to
day and filed with the clerk of the supremi
court a motion for a new trial of the case o
the state against ex-Treasurer John C. III1
and his bondsmen. The supreme court wll
meet next Tuesday , the 21st , and qulti
likely set a day for the beginning of thi
trial. It Is not thought that the retrial of tin
case will occupy so much time , as all thi
testimony taken In the- last trial has been re
duced to writing and made a part of thi
record , from which It can bo read to thi
Young America Is clamorous for dough <
null. Price's Cream Baking Powder make :
the best.
_ _
l > HU3IUTI.\a JilUllOATlOX AT O'XKll.l
of Three Counties Moot at thai
O'NIELL , Neb. , May 17. ( Special Tele
gram. ) A meeting was held In this city yes
terday which was called for the purpose ol
discussing the organizing of an Irrlgatlor
district. Delegates were present from Holt
Brown and Rock counties. The delegate :
were all of the opinion that a district should
be formed and the work ot getting water or
the fertile lands along the Elkhorn valley bi
started. A committee wag appointed to gel
petitions to present to the commissioner !
and supervisors of the three counties calllnf
for a special meeting to fix the boundaries
ot the district , and also to submit a propo
sition to the voters to bond the district foi
the purpose of building the ditch. It was t
very enthusiastic meeting.
The barn of County Superintendent Jacksor
was burned today. Loss , $300 ; no Insurance
Hililden Death of Jaiuni Mngnejr.
NEBRASKA CITY , May 17. ( Special Tel
egram. ) James Magney , a prominent farmei
living four miles north cf Nehawka , droppei
dead last evening while feeding his stock
lie was apparently In perfect health a few
hours before.
Mrs. William Vlnson , a pioneer settler ol
this city , having resided here since 1861
died last evening , aged 79.
A valuable mare was stolen , from the tarn
of Mrs. Thomas Morton near this city las
night. A reward of $75 Is offered for thi
recovery ot the animal and capture of thi
It Wni Unfair.
ASHLAND , Neb. , May 17. ( Special. ) Thi
letter ot A. V. Sunderlin In The Bee toda ;
In which he treats the management ot thi
Etate oratorical contest to a dish of crltlclsn
cieated a great deal of stir In school circle :
lie re" The representative ot The Bee sav
* MSB3B83riB ! ! S3
superior to all the others in every re
spect. It is purest and strongest.
Consulting Chemist , Chicago Board of Health.
Ontiueal Mumni.
1 cup ot oatmeal , 1H plats flour , 1 teaspoonful -
spoonful salt , 2 teaspoonfuli Royal Baking
Powder , 1 tablespoontul lard , 2 eggs , 1 pint
milk. Sift together oatmeal , flour , salt and
powder ; rub In lard cold , add beaten eggs
and milk ; mix smoothly Into batter rather
thinner than cup cake ; nil muffin pans %
full ; bake In god hot oven 15 minutes.
I " 1'oor SI ' " Cora Genii.
1 pint corn meal , 1 pint flour. 1 teaspoon-
tut salt , S teaspoonfuls Royal Baking Powder ,
pint each ot milk and water. 81ft the
corn meal , flour , salt , and powder together.
Add the milk and water , mix Into a firm
batter : H OH veil greased , cold gem pans.
Bake to a well heated oren 16 minutes.
Lh member ot the executive committee from
Aihltnd and learned that the statements ot
Mr. SnnJerlln were perfectly true , only he
had lett unsaid some things ot Importance.
In the selection ot judges for the contest each
district has the right to choose one , but his
choice must be suitable to the other mem
bers of the committee , which committee con-
sluts ot one member from each district.
Edtrard Knode ot this city last evening re
ceived a telegram from Etpaslo , Mo. , stating
that his brother , Ernest Knode , hid been
killed In a railroad accident. Ernest Knode
Is an old Ashland boy end has only been
away tor a few months.
for the Vnluo of a Naur.
BEATRICE , Neb. , May 17. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Louise Wlckln has had a petition
prepared for the district court asking a Judg
ment for $10,000 against Dr. Joslah V. Roop
of Wymoro as damages resulting , as she
claims , from the plaintiff having treated a
plmplo upon the defendant's nose , and In
stead of effecting a cure , causing her to lose
a portion of her nose and lip nnd otherwise )
Injuring her personal appearance.
At the World's fair the verdict was In
favor of Dr. Price's Baking Powder on every
_ _
Judge ribbottiTaUcn the Injunction .Mntlcr
Under Ailvlienient.
LINCOLN , May 17. ( Specfal Telegram. )
Argument In the Injunction case ot Hay
against Abbott was concluded this evening In
the district court and Judge Tlbbotta took
the matter under advisement until the first
of next week. Dr. Hay was represented by
J. R. Webster and Dr. Abbott by Attorneys
Hottcnback nnd John Abbott ot Fremont.
Quito a long list ot authorities were quoted
on each side , the plaintiff trying to have
the Injunction made perpetual and the de
fendant seeking to have the temporary In
junction dissolved. The point argued was
th < tenure of office , Involving the right ot
Governor Holcomb to remove. Should Judge
Tlbbelts decide to make the Injunction per
petual It Is confidently anticipated that Gov
ernor Holcomb will removeDr. . Abbott from
the office of superintendent of the Lincoln
Insane hospital and Immediately rcappolnt
him and proceed to take possession of the
hospital In the name ot the state. Such
a course would leave the permanent Injunc
tion a dead letter so far as Dr. Abbott Is
concerned , as It would only He hgalnst the
appointee of Governor Holcomb of March last.
From now out a radical and forcible move
may bo looked for any day on the part ot the
The governor today gave out no decision In
regard to the course be Intends to pursue In
tli ? asylum affair. It Is understood , however ,
that while the principal object In making the
Investigation of Dr. Hay's management cf
the hospital was for the purpsse of establish
ing a court record , there will b ? no further
proceedings In court If It can possibly be
The next executive appointment to bo looked
for Is that ot a fish commissioner , to take the
place which Lou May Is about to vacite. Ills
term of office expires shortly , and there are
a number of populists who have had their
eyes set In the direction ot tlfe flth commis
sion since the first of January. But a dozsn
ot tliDsj aspirants might be named without
hitting upon the lucky Individual. But he
will be an Independent ,
Vnllpjr f > ooinml L'orsnmtN.
VALLEY , Neb. , May 17. ( Special. ) The
Swedish church gave a musclal and literary
entertainment at their church last evening
for the benefit of the Children's home at
Council Bluffs. They cleared $15.
Miss Annie Elliott of Wlnfleld , Kan. , ar
rived this week for an extended visit with
her uncle , James Allen.
The Valley Cornet band gave a musical
entertainment the opera house tonight.
Miss Dolma Gaffln of Wahoo Is vls'.tlns
Miss Fannie Miller this woek.
Miss Lottie Presba of Colon. Neb. , Is the
guest of her aunt , Mrs. D. C. Brownson , this
Miss Frank Ilallenbeck went to Omaha
yesterday , where she will visit for a short
Pearl Esmay ot Fremont Is visiting at
homo this week.
l > cmt o of Aim. .Martini Jlnnlics.
BEATRICE , May 17. ( Special Telegram. )
Mrs.Martha Hughes , wife ot Hov. D. T.
Hughes , died suddenly at her home In this
city about midnight. She retired at an early
hour , feeling asell as usual , but just before
midnight awoke and finding It dllllcult to
breathe she awakened her husband , who Im
mediately sent for medical assistance. Mrs ,
Hughes passed away before anything could
be done for , within fifteen minutes after
awakening. The deceased leaves a husband ,
two daughters , Mrs. C. G. Perse of this city
and Miss Lulu Hughes of Lincoln , and one
con , R. A. Hughes of Anderson , Ind. The
funeral services will be held at the residence
at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon.
lionuH iir I'umlljr Itinr.
PIERCE , Neb. , May 17. ( Special. ) Ed
Burgo quietly departed from Pierce last
night. It seems a family row took place yes-
t onlay , which caused Burgo to depart. Mrs.
Burge , upon learning of his action , concluded
to kill herself , but Marshal Go It's timely ap
pearance prevented the tragedy.
W. W. Qulvey , prosecuting attorney for
this county , nnd W. A. Bruce will go to Lin
coln Monday to present the petition to Gov
ernor Holcomb asking for the release nf H.
M. Davidson , as mentioned In The Bee borne
time ago. The petition has about 500 signa
tures. _
Crop Pro < | > nrtn ut llnmlolph.
RANDOLPH , Neb. , May 17. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Weather this week has been cold ,
but warmed up today. Small grain continues
to Improve , while corn and gardens are re
covering from effects of frost. Crop pros-
pccto generally could scarcely bo Improved
upon and are the best for years.
Mm ut llnilliii ; * .
HASTINGS , Neb. , May 17. ( Special. ) The
home of Mrs. Frlckle was burned last night.
The fire was caused by the explosion of a
lamp. Mrs. Frlckle was sick and aloneat
the time , and barely escaped the flames. It
was Insured for $250. - ,
A ceil Man Mugged and lEnubril ,
CHADRON , Neb. , May 17. { Special Tele
gram. ) Selah Abbott , an old man who re
cently arrived here to visit relatives , re
ported to the police that he had been slugged
and robbed ot $500 last night.
I'lirmiT Drop * In l ,
NEHAWKA , Neb. , May 17. ( Special. )
Last evening John Magney , living near this
place , dropped dead. He was ono of the
most respected citizens and successful
lirriihfait lllicultt.
Take 1 quart sweet milk. % cupful melte
butter , a little salt , 2 tableipoonfuls Royi
Baking Powder , flour enough to make a stl
batter ; do not knead Into dough , but dro
Into buttered tins from a spoon ; bake In
hot oven unless it Is hot they will not t
light and tender.
Macar IllicalU. .
1U pints flour , pinch salt. 1 coffeecupfi
sugar , 2 teaspoonfuls Royal Baking Powde
1 tablespoontul lard , 2 eggs , % pint milk ,
teaspoonful Royal Extract Nutmeg. Sift ti
gather flour , tail , cugar and powder ; rub I
lard cold ; add beaten eggs and milk : mix I
smooth batter as for muffins , drop with tabl
spoon on greased baking tin ; sift sugar ovi
tops ; bake In hot oren 8 or 10 minutes.
The True Wo'jfl ' and Merit of
This' Greatreparation.
i n
Recognized asvihe Acme of
The ( iticstlon 1ms been asked , why
does Itnln Water Maker sell so fast ?
This is n very simple question to
answer. In the first place Kaln Water
Mnkcr Is nil nrtlclu that contains no
liarinfull Ingredients and when water
of nny nnd till conslstuncy Is prepared
\vltli tliln powder It becomes soft at
onci ! and it will not hurt the hands or
fabrics of any description. Flannels or
wuolens washed In water prepared with
Kaln Water Muker will positively not
shrink ; while printed goods. 8Ucii n&
calicoes , etc. , will not run or fade. This
preparation Is to be used In all kinds
of washing. For the bath It Is ex
quisite , as It aids the soap In Its cleansIng -
Ing net Ion. Hutu Water Maker Is not
peddled or Bold In bulk.
Head what It said about It :
Hoburt Williams , a well known dealer
at No. 1-107 Douglas street says : "Al
though I have not personally Riven
Kirk's Kaln Water Maker a test , but
from the amount wo sell of It and the
good words wo hear spoken for It , I
should say that it has taken the Omaha
people by storm. "We have a great ( de
mand for it and every one who has
given Until U'ater Maker a test and who
are frc < iuenters of this store hnve only
wonN of praise for the preparation
Kirk hus undoubtedly a most meritor
ious preparation. "
Mrs. Meyer , wife of Morns' Meyer , re-
Aiding at U104 Douglas street , and one
of the lirm of Max Meyer & llro. . says :
" \Vo have given Kirk's Kaln Water
Milker a thorough test In our house
and are very well pleased with It. The
ireparatlou Is an excellent one and It
i al'es the clothesvery beautiful , soft
nit ! white. Its merits are hard to ex-
ires.1 In u manlier to show how excel-
out It Is. It Is undoubtedly the llnest
ircpaiatlou on the market today and
t Isa pleasure to recommend It. "
Mrs. Devreanx/rrtjltlinsr ) at 1-121 Dodge
street , nnd the \vl ( of J5. F. Devreaux ,
lie well known iidvurtlslng solicitor for
ho World-Herald , said : "Kirk's Kaln
Water Maker has ueen given a test In
; ny bouse and It'n'y'proven very satis
factory Indeed 'and ' 11 am-more than
ilcnsod with itji .Jiyhave tested It In
tvashluir delicate.folH'ics , and find that
il does just whtijtjli.jls represented that
it will do. I ce'rtalmy take pleasure In
' lllilH"Water 'Makor. "
[ eco'mmendlug .
sin : is I LEA. OD AVfTii IT.
Mrs. T. F.UajUwclI , residing at No.
JltiS Douglas shVat , said to u reporter ;
I like Kirk's R.'t'lii1 Water Maker very
niH-li Indeed ; Itrls-sivithout doubt the
mcst preparation qntUpuvukit.and , ; ; I
uu o tried every oilier kind that I have
n.aril of and none"'of them are any
where near eijual t'o ' this In my estima
tion. It Is just the thing for the people
who are compelled to use hard water ,
is It softens It so nicely. To show
' am pleased with it N only necessary
o say that I ordered some more from
ny grocer nrf soon as I had given It a
: est from the sample which I was
fortunate In getting. I could not do
itherwiso bill "recommend Rain Water
Maker to every one. "
Does your llnnuels shrink , does your
ii'lnted goods run and fade , are you
willing to prevent all this , are yon wili
ng to spend 2. ! > cents ? If so , ask your
grocer or druggist for a two-pound pack
age of Ilnln Water Maker.
'peoial oi'icu Held to Consider Olcsing ol
Sixteenth Street Viaduct ,
l.onrd of 1'ubl'c Works , Kuglueer mill
Mayor Must Doclilo if Thure Is UecUlou
lloforo Tuesduy Night Knglnoer
Iteplles to Certnlii Criticisms.
It Is not Improbable ( hat the Sixteenth
street viaduct will bo closed this morning.
Last evening a special meeting of the-clty
council was held to consider the question ,
and the recommendation of the Board ol
I'ubllc Works that the viaduct bo closed , to
jo rebuilt or repaired , was placed before I )
: hrough a communication by the mayor. The
board had reported to the mayor tha aftei
an examination It found the defects pointed
out some time ngo by the city engineer tc
exist , and fully concurred In his opinion at
to the dangerous condition of the bridge.
The city engineer on request described
again the defects In the structure , which con
sist mainly In the rottenness at the core ol
the trusses ot the south end , and Chairman
Winspcar of the Board of Public Works and
Street Commissioner Kaspar made state
ments to the Earn * ! 'STfect. While on Uu
floor the city englntef'look occasion to replj
to criticism from certain quarters , the bur
den ot which was.thjft these defects shoulc
have been dizcovereu' ' when the viaduct wai
examined prevlous'iqTflie latest and receni
repairing. He staJ lJhat this examlnatloi
was made In 1893 , [ When , there was no roasoi
for believing that ylmyfruiaes might be un
round , since they did tint appear on the outsldi
to bo so. He also reminded the council that a
that time he advlpdr'Lhat a new viaduct b
built , and had no pm In the compromls
between the city aftu 3he railroad companies
according to which1 thfrrntchlriK up was done
though after the c/tV council had agreei
that repairs only w"tnacl he endorsed th
plans of these , In 'conjunction with Knglnce
Pcgram ot the UnitM Pacific and Bnglnee
Weeks ot the DurHt06n.
It was plainly stated to th council as
verbal supplement to' the written reports an
recommendations that" while the vladuc
might be used In Its present condition fc
months without accident , a truss might glv
way at any moment.letting a street car loa
of passengers through the bridge to fall o
the tracks thirty cr forty feet below.
A great deal of rambling and Irregular dh
cusslon was had.
Mercer , Jacobaon nd Kment believed thi
under the circumstances there was but on
thing to do , and that was tojiorder the vli
duct closed.
Howell , Edwards , Saunders and I3ac
seemed to think tbaUthe mayor and Boai
of Public Works were' trying to shirk the n
sponslblltty of closing ( be viaduct , since
at In their power to do It , and were ui
willing that the council should say the won
Finally , on motion of Howell , the matti
was referred to a special committee , coinprl
We will continue our grand Dinner and Toilet Set sale
this week. Remember these goods are all new and fresh
from the pottery , We will sell you
B-ln. plates " Your choice of
7-ln. plntos ,1 dilToront decorations -
7-ln , soups orations 100
Ind. butters pieces
Fruit sauces
Handled tens
30-in. meat dish
12-lti. meat dish An extra 10 per
7-in bilker cent re dilution
Covered dishes on all stook
Susjar bowl patterns in din
Cream pitcher ner ware. See
Sauce boat our white Chi
Pleklo na for decorating -
Covered butter ting 0 casks
just in from
100 Pieces , $5.03. Now York.
Our Toilet Sets are all new
goods. We will give you
I slop jar 1 wash bawl
1 largo pltohor I small pltohor
1 soup dish 1 brush vnso
I mug 1 chamber
12 Pieces , assoftoJ colors and shaposi
now goods f rash from the pottery , bought
nt a very low prlco ; will deliver the in
to you in the olty for
Our ( i-Plucc Sets . 81,75
Our 10.Picie Sets . S3. 40
A Little Talk on Glassware.
Handsome Water Set 7"t > C , worth $1.50
7-Piece Berry Set 23c , worth 750
-Gallon Water Pitcher. He , worth 550
Big Bargains-
indies' B-hoolc Klace ( jlovc ,
French kid. In nil the latest
colors , sells for SI.25. your
choice tomorrow of any pair 59c
ntLadles' Hlllc mltttt , 35c and
DOc qualities , your choice to 35c
We liave JviBt received u
blc Invoice of ladles' white
4-button gloves , Blltchecl
with black , bought to sell .25
for { 1.75 , special price
We have made one lot , a
miscellaneous lot of ladies'
fine hosiery , not a pair In
the lot worth lens than 35c ,
and more worth $1.25. Some
are plain black , tithers fast
black boot , with fancy tops ,
Itlcliclleu Mrlpos , lace open 19c
work , and some fast black.
Choice Saturday , a pair
A lot of all silk , fancy
colors , Richelieu ribbed ; also
lisle thread , black boot and
fancy top , russet shades ,
not a stocking In the lot
worth less than 75c : pric 35c
for Saturday , 3 pairs for
{ 1.0) , or a pair for
lie sure and see that tney re
marked " 11. W. " It's n
lady's Ujyptlan dyed mocking
ing- , warranted absolutely
fast black , and will not
crock , with extra hlsh
dpllced heels nnd double
soles. Try matching them 23c
for less than 50c ; our price
Tor Saturday
Ladles' line gauze lisle hose , In
fancy colors , guaranteed coforH ,
with High spliced heel ; ' In9c
thought them-cheap at 13c , which 9c
lifts been our price ; special for
Satuulay at. . ,
Saturday we Will sell another case
of those line Egyptian cotton , 5c
niaco color , Richelieu ribbed vests ,
your choice at
Ladles' line plain white , Richelieu 15c
ribbed , with fancy neck
Ladles' fancy crochet front andw { " *
neck union suits , low neck and / 1
short sleeves , ankle length * - *
Ladles' combination suits. anklc
length , V-shaped neck and sleeveless -
ng Lcmly , Prince , Kennard , the city enfrl-
neer and tlio chairman ot the Board of
Public Works for a report next Tuesday
night , but with the provision that It In the
opinion .of the mayor , the city engineer and
he Hoard of Public Works , the closing of
he viaduct Immediately Is an Imperative ne
cessity , they have the consent of the coun
sel to ( he Issuance ot the order.
Thus the matter Is left with action to be
aken by the parties mentioned. While not
specific In their statements as to what they
\ould do , the majority of the members of the
llrard of Public Works said that their opln-
on of the danger was already on record an-1
he matter * would be determined this
On recommendation of the committee on
grading the ordinance providing for a further
cut ot two feet on Lake street , between
Twenty-sixth and Thirtieth streets , was
> assed , and the mayor nt once appointed "W.
} , Shrlver , 11. W. Gibson and James Stock-
dale as appraisers.
A resolution by Saunders Instructing the
city attorney to have the writ of mandamus
against the Burlington , requiring It to pro
ceed with repairing one-third of the Eleventh
street viaduct , at once Issued , was adopted.
IT'S Alf UT.D HlOItr IN A XKir OAlll }
tumors of Thurston'R Monarchical l.enn-
liigs Orlelnntml In tlio Islnn'l of Maul.
WASHINGTON. May 17. Th's story coming
from San Franclico as lo ex-Minister Lorln
tf. Thurston being In favor of reiteration of
ho Hawaiian monarchy , although given a
emanating from "private Information , " Is not
new In Washington , as a similar story came
n the mall advices ten days ago and was
regarded as u canard. The Honolulu Adver-
llssr ot about a month ago had a letter from
; he Island ot Maul , one of the Hawaiian group ,
that a report had gotten abroad among the
natives that Thurston was for the restoration
of the ex-queen. The Advertiser dismissed
the report In two lines. When It cim to the
attention ot the offlchls here they regarded It
as a joke and one ot them said that the In
telligence and Information prevailing among
the natives ot Maul wai. such that they would
accept as true a report that Thurt'ton had
married Queen Victoria. The story now re-
appeara as "private advices , " although cfflclila
recognize tlia earmarks of the old story from
Patent * to Woilern Inventors.
WASHINGTON. May 17.-Bpeolal.-l ( ) > at-
ents have been Issued ns follows : Nebraska
John P. Cooke , Omaha , cushion stamp ;
Alphcus Fulton , Table Rock , grain dump
and elevator : Paul Herpolschelmer , Lincoln ,
threshing machine ; Emanuel Peters , Quid !
Huck , animal trap. Iowa C'harlcs P. An
thony , Cedar Uaplds , stump puller ; John
Collls , Des Molnes , steam pipe aleeve ;
Scott Kerr and 11. S. Moore. Washington ,
combined end irnte and gcoop board for
wagons ; Lfroy MoWhlnney , Creston , subsoil -
soil attachment for plows ; Kdson C. Stoore ,
Webster , gate.
May Oreanlzn Thulr llnnlr.
WASHINGTON , May 17.-Speclal Tele
gram. ) The comptroller of the currency to
day approved the application of O. H
GllbertHon and his associates to organize
the Forest City National bank of Fores
City , la.
I.RMil Olllru IlecUInn" .
WASHINGTON , May J7.-(8peclal ( Tele
gram , ) Secrelary Smith , today rendered a
decision attlrmlng thu decision ot the com
mlsjtoner la the case of Claus Albtr
Big Bargains.
While Apron Goods , 7c , 9c , 12Hc.
Percales for shirt wnlsts , DC.
Figured Serpentine Crepes , lOc.
Crlnklo Crepons , 8V&c.
Duck Suitings , lOc.
Beat Pongees , lOc.
Dross Glnglmma , 8tjc.
Best Apron Ginghams. Gc.
Batiste In light and dark colorings , 6c.
Best 12V&0 Sateens , 8c.
Best Prints , Gc.
Fine Ctiallls. 5.c
Outing Flannels , Cc.
Bleached Muslin , Be.
Toweling , 3c.
Pure Linen Toweling , Co.
Coral Inc Stays , In sets , 20c
Corallno Stays , dozen , 23c.
Sateen Cornet Clasps , Cc.
Something now In Alcohol Stoves , 25 < j.
Curling Irons , lie. 4c , lOc , ICc.
Tracing Wheels , 6c , 8c.
Pins , 4c.
Patent Hooks and Ryes , 7c.
Black Darning Cotton , 3 for lOc.
Twin Stays , Cc set.
Shields , lie.
Box Hairpins , Gc.
Kid Curlers , Sc , 12c.
Tlio llelydako Curler , 25 cset.
Safety Pins , 3c , Sc card.
Basting thread , 600 yards Co. .
Hut Department.
Men's FINE STIIAW HATS , latest
styles , 3Gc , 40c , COc.
Boys' straws , all Colors , 15c , 20c , 25c.
Children's straws , ICc , 20o 25o. An ele-
frant line ot crush hats In cloth and fur.
Great bargains.
Clausen against Herman Slndt , from the
Sidney , Neu. , land district , In which Slndt'B
entry wax held Intact. He nlso modltlcd
he decision of the commissioner In the case
of Elijah Oliver against John U. McCam-
mend , from the Watertown , 3. I ) . , district ,
ind allowed the defendant to tile an ap-
lirenhnin 1'atsed n Kmtlm * Night.
WASHINGTON , May 17. Secretary Gres-
lam passed a restless night , and while ho has
lept Borao today , his condition Is hardly so
avorable as the past few days. His appetite
s gaining , and ho has been allowed to take
more nourishment during the past two or
liree days than during the more serious stages
of his Illness.
Mr. Hltt Is slightly better today. Ho slept
more than usual last night and li resting
Wcitern 1'ottul Mntlori.
AVASHINGTON , May 17.-Spectal ( Tele
gram. ) Postmasters have been commis
sioned as follows : Nebraska Emma L.
iloon , Garrison ; Loula E. Hnlsterul , I.orottn.
own John M. Goldlzen , Palmyra ; John
Grove , liobart.
Postmasters have been appointed as fol-
ows : Nebraska Cleveland , Holt county ,
Augustus Allyn. vice P.V. . Murphy , re
signed ; Lodge Pole , Cheyenne county , Fred
> ehmkuhl , vice J. P. Crnne , removed. Iowa
Lancworthv , Jonea county , John Ileven ,
vice Henry Bcheer , resigned.
Doann Collegn Cutlets Impactful.
CIIETE , Neb. , May 17. ( Special Telo-
gram. ) The Donne college cadets were In-
pected today by Major Fecliet of the United
Hates cavalry.
Aged MlnUUr I'ulie * Airar.
BEATRICE , May 17. ( Special Telegram. )
Russell Bowe , aged 78 years , died In this
city last night from the effects of a stroke ol
paralysis received May 10. The deceased wai
a superannuated Methodist minister , and
Being an old resident was well known
throughout Gage county. The body wai
shipped to Iowa this afternoon .for burial.
Farmer' * Sun Mniliod to Dcitli.
CO55AD , Neb. , Mny 17. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) Yesterday afternoon the 10-year-old
son of J. D. Rasmusson , a farmer living six '
miles northeast of town , while working with
a pulverizer , fell from the machine and was
Instantly killed. The boy fell In front of the
machine and was dragged about fifty feet ,
when the team stopped. The father from a
distance saw the team standing In the Held. " *
and on going to Investigate found the body.
Thterri Itnlil a Slinborl Htoro.
SHUBERT , Neb. , May 17. ( Special folo-
gram. ) Burglars entered E. W. Mlniball'i
hardware store at this place laat night , ap
propriating about $100 worth ot pocket knives ,
razors , shears , silverware , etc. Mlnshall
offers (100 reward for the conviction ot th
* * -
Hctiool HOTS Out for Adventure.
HASTINGS , May 17. ( Special Telegram. )
Three boy named Peabody , Appllng and
Thompklns ran away from the Hansen school
today , tolling some of their companions they
were going to Arkansas. The oldest la
only 14. They are supposed to have starlet ]
Union County for Ilnrnli.
CIII3STON , la. , May 17.-(8pcclal ( Tele.
gram. ) The Union county republican con ,
vontlon lias been called for June 11 , Thi
delegation will be solid for Hand ) .
biscuits and pastry are the result of using
the proper baking powder.
; i
is proper in price , ingredients and strength.
Siooo to you if you find anything impure
or unwholesome in it
A. pltich of It lias power enoudh to da a pound of leavening.