TTTTC OTUATTA. DAIIYY JlEEi r TTTTITtSDAY. MAY 10. 18nr . SPB01RL NOTICES / ilTcrtttcmmU ( or Ilitmo rolnmns nlll tM km nit II 12I3O f , in. for ilia evening nml until B it. ni. toe the moraine i ud holiday edition. AilTtrlUcru , by rfqnedtlnB a nnmbvrod ( Iicck , ran linve answer * aclilrrcsril to n numbered Irttcr In earn of 1 ho lira. An- tvtcrs no nililrcrtcd will lie drllrnrod upun llmcntullim of tlio clirrk onljr. Itnter , 1 l-8c u iiori ) , lint lusurtlou. lo n word livrraflcr. Nothing tukou for Ills than SOo lor llrst Init-rllon. jlii-so iidturtUcincnti niuiit lun toiuccu- lively. SITUATIONS WANTED. ot'NO MAN WOULD LIKE SITUATION A3 ntenoKraphcr nml bookkeeper lu law oirice. Will accept smalt snlniy with privilege of reading law. Address 1 * 14 , Itcc. A 87MS * BITI'ATION WANTED , FOR STRONG , healthy bay ot 1C yenrs , U painstaking and considerate ; not afraid of work ; wages no ob ject. Address 1' 1C , Hc . A-M8SJ 1S WANTED MALE HELP. WANTKD. 1,000 MEN TO WHITE MB TODAY for th * receipt ( absolutely free. In plain waled envelope ) which cured me of nervous debility , exhausted vitality , etc. Address C. J. Wnlker. box 1,111. Kalamazoo , Mich. B-M46S WANTED , MAN TO TAKE ORDERS IN CITY for old ritnblliihcd house ; former i-xperlenco unnecessary and salary i > ald weekly. Apply after 9 a. m. nt 1515 DuiiRlas. II MSI I JC WANTED. SAI.ESMKN ! The Hanks Nur ry Co. , _ . . . * n-MT > Jio | 73 TO $12 $ SALARY PAID SALESMEN FOR cigars ; experience not necessary. ? ? . , " rtuccmonts nrfetcd customers. IJIshoplne | , fit. 1-ouln. Mo. II-M Sl-18' SALESMEN TO HELL BAKING POWDER Wo put our goods In Blnsa rolling pins. CO month and cxi > enscs , or commission. Chleapi llakins Powder Co. , 767 Van Buren jt. . CM " * - * TAILOR , EXPERIENCED COAT MAKER. AT once ; n Bte dy man nnd of soo.1 habltn. A Koodl Btcndy Job nnd pxxl prices to right man. Addics * John Butler , Merchant Tnlliir. Btnn. berry , Mo. H-MM11C' CLKIUC WANTED IN GENERAL MEItcTlAN- dine Elore. Good thnnce for a lively German with nbrmt 6 to C years' experience. Address P IS. Boo olllce. B-MS33 * WANTED , roil U. 8. AUMY. ABLE-BOWED tnininrrlcd men. between 111" ngcs of SI and to citizens of the United States , of Rood char acter und temperate h.iblts. who can l > eak. read nnd write EnRlUh. Tor full Information t > I > ly. preferably .by letter , to lecrultlns cnicer at Tort Omaha , or at 1321 Funmm street , Omjha , Neb. U WANTED I'-hM..ALE .HELP. ARE YOU IIONiST. SOBER. INDUST111OUST If no , engage with us for 1335 ; 3uo n month. J3.WO a jeni ; you can make It easy ; six hours a dny. Our nRfnts do not complain of haid tme : . WhyT They nre making money selling our 1'erfectlon Ulsli Wnshcr. the only practical family washer manufactured : wnshcs , dries nnd poll hes dishes perfectly In two minutes ; no experience nectsfary ; a child of S operates It ( anlly ; cheap and durable ; weight , thirteen pounds ; made of nntl-rust sheet steel : capac ity , 1W plix-cs , JIO.OOO for Its etiual ; every ram lly wants one ; you don't have to can\u3 ; a noon as people Know ) ou have It for ml. they send for n d'sh washer : each nsent's . ternloiy protected ; no. competition ; we furr nlEh cample ( weighs six pounds ) In nice case to lady agents to take orders with ; one agen' made 1214.51 flr t ten dn > s. Address for fill particulars Perfection life. Co. , Englcwood 111 C M5M WANTED-FIFTY GIRLS FOR ALL KIND : cf work. Canadian Employment Oince. 152 Douglas street. C M103-M22 WANTED , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- VTOrli , 81115 Dodge street. C-C33 iYANTED A GOOD , SENSIBLE GIRL IN PR1 vntc family ; must be Rood co > ik ; no wnslilnB references icqulrcd. 101 So. 20th st.C C SOC-15 * FOR RENT HOUSES. HOUBIiS , lK. . DAULINQ. 1JA1UCER IJtXJCK , D-3CO UOUSiS IN ALL PAIlTtt OK TUB CITY. THE O. F , Davis company , 1503 I'lunam. D 3d S ; DENAWA & CO. . 108 N. 15TII ST. D-362 II. E. COLI ! CO. LAHOEST LIST IN OMAHA , U--M3C1 1708 FARNAM STIIEET. W. M. Itogcrs , J323 1'nrnnm street. D-3C3 FOUIMtOOM IXVSEMnNT. Ell S. 2ITII BTHEKT , D M131-M23' CENT11ALLY LOCATED. 10-HOOM HOUSE , modern Improvements. Imrulro 712 N. 19th. D-M3CS NINIMIOOM MODEIIN HOUSE. 1539 BIIJ3n man tt\enue , J3 ; 10-room modern Iiounc. llur. delte. rear Phermnn avenue , } 23. liyron He Co. , 213 South 14th street. D M79S-M10 VEHY DiSIItAIILG : HOUSES VACANT MAY J t J. II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. ' 1'hono fcS. D S77 _ 7-TIOOM FLAT , ISANOE AND ALL MODlfnN omvcnleci'u , 701 S. 10th ulrcct. ChirlesV , llalltr. 511 I'uxton block. _ . _ D M2SO-M27 * " -noOM "COTTAOE ? MODERN ; lawn and ulrndc. 2121 Miami. D M4C6 NICE MODERN FLATS , CHEA1' . J. W Baulrc. 24S IJce. IJ-5U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOll HENT. DEsfliAllLE HOUSE& toomsi 211 8. 2llh s ( . , (30. 7 rooms , 42 < I3 Cumlng st. , (2 ! . I rooms , bM N. 27lh nve. , J22.50. i ; rooms. 4907 CMS si. , 110. rooms , 4927 Da\rnport st. . UP. K rooms. SIM Jackson st. . IS. I rooms. S113 I'rntl t. . J7. Bee fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam it. D S51 LARGE LIST. F. D. WEAD. ICTH & DOUGLA D 547 Ji FOR RENT , FINE NEW 10-ROOM HOUSE , 620 No. JCth t. H , T. Clarke. 219 Board of Trade. P-CS3 RENTAL AGENCY , 310 NO. ICTH ST. . P-727 k./ FOR RUNT. FLATS AT NORTHEAST CORner - * # * ner of llth nnd Howard rts. ; newly papered nnd painted ; J15.00 n month , Imiulru room k.R 14. Flrit National Bank Bldg. D 723 Zl FOU RENT. AT BELLVIIE , NEAR R. R. nepnt. a fine 10-room huuse. line grounds , R- abundant fruit : alio 4-room rottaie. Henry T. Clnrk" . No. IP. Board of Trade. Omaha , or IV. II Itrtt * . * OJ1\11B D-TO A FLAT. S 1100MS. WITH HATH AND OAS ; very complete ; suitable for liounekoeplnK. 510 Bmith ICtli street. U-M7I1 _ NiArLv"Ninv c-nooii COTTAOU WITH bath , irducc-1 to 11X00. MM California St. D-SM _ _ _ ' vnn'f Disn\Ani.n ruuxisiinu nousn , close In , J , II. Sherwood. 3 N , Y. Life. D-531 _ i : . M7 x. : JTH ST. . INQUIKK isth st. i > sco-is i-nooM iiorsn. is.oo van MONTH. IN quire ililii rapltnl avenue. D M56t 10 * _ FOR UINT. : NK\V MIOOM COTTAOI : , con. SOth nnd Kahler sts , rlslcin. city water ; only 17.0J. Imtuitf rarnain. U-STS-IS _ FtmNiH 1 1 1 : o jiors R 6v snviyi IIOOMH TO rent n 1'ark avenue for Ihreci months from Jcnn Int. Adilrasa r15. lice. It S73-1J _ _ ' ' " ion rvi'ffoL AvnNr'B. 7'hoo.Ms . at MH raiiltnl nvenue. -M8j 17 * _ VOlt Hl-NTrTwioM 1IOUPI3. ALL MODHIIN Improve menta ; luird wood finish. 4'K K. : ir.l itrvet. U MSiH 19 IOH BENT KUBNlbHKD HOOM8. tODCUN'TlOOM , WITH TllOAIlIJ. HC CABS. C M > 08-M ' _ KICK tOOTII HOOMVULL 1'tJlt- jilaliJ , prlvato family. Call 2112 Cu s < lrert. TWO ruiiNitJiiiD nooMS : ONI : WITH ALe - e ; vrtvuia family : modern. t'JT H. tMh uve. 18 * IUNT , ox SOUTH NTH STUKT th H.IIK , furnlihrd room In private family. No oib-.r iKiiinlcis , M-ry ijuUt nnd homo' like. IloAril If d lrcd. AUJiMS with reference , o ss. nc . i : f < 7-i8 _ MICKIA" HOOM8 TOH 11KNT. Call t J107 l > auglas. i ; M7H3 1 I LAIIUK 1'IIO.NT IIOOM , WITH UAT1I ; NIl'KLY furnUheil. MS South lth. _ U-J1837 1C' IWOV'HONT UOOJIS , WITH IJATH. Ml n.\V- onporl. K 11177 ZS _ _ ISABT KIIONT IIOOM , rUItNISlir.n. S10 N. mil street. -MI-JO * _ rrBAH.NTiKOM. _ " iiiiajx3 ai ; . K MOT uorSK , FfnNi mn. WITH on without Ixjanl , ciilcnill.l yurJ and t > hide for summer camfort. 1' il. llee. U-MM1 1C * IlOOMi AND BOA11D lOARD AND IIOOM. J1.19 Wl'.ElC. 1SS1 CAS3 K MTM SI * _ ItOOUS WITH UOAIIU. LTOriA. > Rt DAVKX- port St. F-TvH-li * _ 13OAUO AND ItOOMS KOU TWO. K.V SUITK. I43.W per month , 210J DiiiKlas. K M 17 IIOOMH WITH DOAllU AT T1IIJ PIIUINKII , Kt South tctti street. UNFURNISHED liUOMS TO rOB BENT-STORES AND OFgIOE3 ON 5 Ki.naANT BTonn noow , JS , - cate < l In the twst part of this city. Addrns J. & M. Conrad , Kalrbury , Neb. 1-M903 M roii nKNT. Tim 4-STonv nnicK BOILD- Ine , lie Fartinm street. This bulldlne has a nro proof cement basement , complete iteam heating fixtures ; water on all floors , eras , etc. Apply at the office ot The Ilec. 1 910 IIBNT , KIH8T-CLAS3 TIIHEK-8TORY nnd bnnemcnt brick store building , 1003 Tar- nam street. HultnWo for any kind of busi ness. Inquire room III , Flrat National Imnk bulldlnff. I-MSM 2) DK8K IIOOM WILLIAM J. WCLSIIAN3. Ml Ifonrd of Trade. I MMT "WANTED TO KENT. LIST HOUSES Ton HENT WITH O. < J. WAL lace , 312 Ilrown Ilk. Have calls for mttaces. K 777 LIST HOUSES FOll IIDNT WITH F. D. WEAD. K-5IS J } WANTED , IJOAIID AND IIOOM FOll LADY nnd child , with private family In Rood loca tion , llest references. Address 1 * 17 , euro Ilee. K-MSS5 16 * WANTED TO nENT. A dOOD rCRNIHIIRD hotel In Iowa or Nebraska. See C. D. HutchInson - Inson , IC23 Parnam Ftreet. K Mtoi U STORAGE. FRANK EWEIUC J" HAIINI2Y. M-37G I1I5ST STORAan DUILDINO IN OMAHA , U. S. fov. bonded warehouse ; household cnods stored ; lowest rates. 1013-1015 Lcavenworth M 377 STOVB3 STOHKD DURINQ SUMMEIl. TEL. SCO. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Stave llepalr Works. M 37S PACIFIC BTOnAOH & WAREHOUSE CO. . BTII & Jones sts. General storage and forwaidlng ; , M-S74 WANTED TO WANTED , A STOCIC OJ1 OOOD3 WORTH 11,000 to SC.OOO Address M 19. Omaha nee. N-MHJ Wn WILL BUY CHEAP HOMES AND IlESI- deuce- lots anywhere In the city. Must bo bar- RaUis. Itecd & Bclby , Board of Trndn bulldlni ; . N-162 _ STOCKS OF CLOTHINO , ORNTS' FORNIBH- IHBS , hats nnd shoes. S. Arnstcln , 1M3 OauRl Ktrect. . N-M706 J5 WANTED TO BUY , A GOOD SECOND HAND Shaeton ; must bo cheap , for cash. Annly 900 o. 23th ave. N-S37-15 * WANTED. FROM" 2 TO S TtOOMS OF NICE noconil-linnd fiirnllure , In gooa condition. Ad- dr > < | 22. Hoc. N-M906 16 * POK SATjE TfTJRNITUIlE. FOU 8AI.R , ON ACCOUNT OF REVOMAL TO New York , will sell nil the furniture , carpets. etc. . of a 10-room housr , cheap. Call nt Kl B. 2C'h ave. O-MC21 FOR SALE-.HORSES , WAGONS.ETO BAI.n CHEAP. A GOOD I1UOOY HORSE ; 1512 Douglas street. P-S72-0 FOll SALIOOOD HADDLR HOUSE. KN- nutre Theo. Urndman , care Ilronnlns , KlnK & Co P-sns HOR SALE HOO AND CHICKEN FENCE WIRE. BETTER and cheaper than wood. J. J. I ddy. 403 B. llth. q M65I Ma ) 16 WEQMAN PIANOS , BRIDGEPORT onOANS. Wootlbrldge'nroa. , 117 S. 17th. Q 379 HARDWOOD COMRINATION 1IOQ AND chicken fence. Char. It. Lee , 9th and Douglas. Q 3SO THE STANDARD CATTL3 CO. . AMES , NED. . has 400 tons coed baled hay to sell. Q M472 _ I1AR OUTFIT : olTlGIN- nlly coil Jl , 000.00 ; cheap ; must sell Address O 29. Bee. _ Q-MGSMG FOR SALE A PET DEER. INQUIRE A. D , nrnndels , noston Store. Q C3I FOn SALE , SECOND HAND IIILLIARf table In good condition. Inquire room 214 First National Hank Hide- Q-72J 23 FOR SALE. 2 DII.LIARD AND J IXDOL TA bits , In Rood Older , nt very IDVV prices. Ad dress John Heldcllc , 1'nlrbury , Neb. Neb.Q MW 22 FOR SALE , AN UPRIGHT SOHMRR PIANO , Address P 3. Ileo oHlce. Q-M633 IS * CLAIRVOYANTS MRS : DR. II. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT , RR- llablo business medium , Eth year at 119 N. ICth. S-3S1 MME. CLAYTON. CLAIRVOYANT AND CARD reader. Heads cards Ilka an open Ixwk. Tells your mission on entering. 223 N. nth. 8-MM7 16 * s. FRANCIS KEENE. CLAIRVOYANT AND Independent slate writer , gives ndvlco on all matters of Importance , such us business , love affairs , marriage , divorces , lawsuits , etc. , ID cntcs lost or stplen goods , reunites tin ? sepa rated , brings speedy marriages , removes stum bllnc blocks and bad luck ot all kinds. 1823 Farnam street. B M8KJ IS * MESSAGE. BATHB. STO. MADAM. SMITH. 502 S. 13TII. 2D FIXX > n. ROOM I ; magnetic , vapor , alcohol , steam , sulphuiln nnd sea baths. T 782-18 * MASSAGE , MADAME UERNARD , 1121 DODGR. T MCI1 20 * MOST COMODIOU3 HATH PARLORS IN city. Mine. IIovvoll , SIS & 320 R. 15th ; thoioiiKhly practical clropodiat and manicurist ntlcr.lnnt. T M813 Jll * MADAMK LA RUD , 1C17 HOWARD ST. T-SC3-J12 * TURKISH BATHS. TURKISH IIATIIS : ONLY PLACE IN CIT exclusively for ladles. Suite 109-110 Bee bldg. 135. BIX UATHS J5. MME. POST , 319H B. liTH. 730 FERSONAli. THE BELLE EPPERLY CORSET. MADE TO order from measure. 1909 Farnam street streetU3SJ .VIA.VI CO. , 346 11EE nLDG. ; HEALTH UOOH free ; home treatment , lady attendant. U 3S4 MISS MINNICIv'S DRESSMAKING PARLOR 2119 Farnnin st. Prices reasonable. U-7 1-M15 II. HAAS. FLORIST. I'LANTS. CUT FLOWERS , Ilnnquet. hall , realdence and grave decorations , 1813 Vlnton street. TelephoneTJO. UM9M _ " PAPER "CONTAINING REAL PHOTOS OF ladlon vvlehlm ; tovcd mailed for stamp , Uo 1608. Denver , Colo. M174 Ml HATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST , 31914 S. 15TI U-731 1'RIVATE HOME FOR LADIES DURIN conllneinent ; babies adopted or otherwise pro MJod for. 2J23 Caldvvell street , Omnhn. NVb. t' MSGC J12 * GENTLEMAN WHO GOT OFF NO. S AT Arnpnhoe , Neb. , May 11 , giving Informatlor of 1'red IJUInuw'a ilvulh , plcusc send his ad diess to P 20 , Ike , Omaha , Neb. Impnrtan Don't delay. U M903 17 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , SIS N. Y. LIFE , loans at low tales for choice security In No , braaka and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W-59I MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMA1I real estate , llrcnnan , Love A Co. , Paxton blk W 385 IMPROVED CITY LOANS AT LOWEST RA'IKd , U. H. Harder & Co. , ground flcor. Uee bid p. W 41 MM MONRY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTAT _ at C per cent. W , 11. Mclkle , lit Nat. Ilk. bid ? , W 393 MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED O1IAII. . property. Fidelity Tiuat company , 1702 Fumam. W 3S9 INVESTORS DIRECTORY CO. . 1) WALL ST. New York , offer any part IW.O'JO ' eastern li veitont' name * , who have money to luvet' lust compiled. Wrlto ( or particular * . W-MH1 M21 AGENCY U. B. MORTGAGE CO. HUHMI loan * to Iusey i Thomas , Council muffs offlci W-ltl crrr LOANS , a A. BTARR. r N. Y. LIFE. w s MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATE.TH O. 1' . Davis Co. , KX Fnrnnm t. W M _ _ _ " " LOANS"ON IMPROVED" & UNIMIUIOVKD CIT _ pruperty. W. i'amam Smith & . Co. . 1320 I'arnam W-5W MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- turc. pianos , barsts , v * aeons , or any kind of chattel security nt lowest possible rates , which you can pay back at any tlm < or In any amount. FIDELITY IX3AN GUARANTEE CO. . Room 4. Wlthnell Mock. X 371 MONKY TO LOAN ON I't'RNITURU. I'lANOS. hoicc * . wagons , etc. , at lowest rate * In city ; no removnl of coed * : strictly confldeallal ; ) nu can pay UK loan oft at any tlm or In any amount. amount.OMAHA UORTGAGB LOAN CO. . SH So. Kth St. X-370 J. . HADDOCK. ROOM 427 , RAIIGR UIXKIK. X-3TJ MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURB AND plan. s. Fred Terry , 43) ) Ramca blk. X-3i BOARDING HOUBE3 FOR RENT. TO on. itnsroNsiDiB PARTY , r.wins nbout 30 boanUrs. U : t location la ctv | , 1' 13 , lie' . (71 AND ECONOMIZE YOUR TIMEHUSBAND YOUR STRENGTH ft INCREASE YOUR PLEASURE BY USING SANTA CLAU5 SOAP BEST PUREST AND MOST ECONOMICAL- Sold eve0Vflii THE . made r NIFAIRBAM COMPANY BUSINESS CHANCES. I MUST HAVE MONKY WITHIN 15 DAYSt will sell J2.20000 first mortgages , covering SCO acres Nebraska land , taxes paid , for (7GO ; In * tcstlgato. Address O 47. Vie , Y M713 1C FOR SALE , MY LOAN AND JEWELRY HI'SI- ness. Fred Mahle. pawn broker , 1517'4 Far- lum. Y M831 JH TO SELL : GROCERY STOCK. GOOD LOCA- tlon , cheap , fixtures and stock complete , butcher shop attached. Addrers , II. E. llur- nam , 617 N. Y. Life Uldg. . Omahn , Neb : Y M923 MM * FOR EXCHANGE. rt'ILL TRADE DIAMONDS OR JEWELRY for a good second-hand bicycle. Call nt 1303 Douglas street. Z-M752 17' FOR EXCHANGE , SET LEATHER COV1MIED Encyclopedia for young and saund hnise. In quire 2,21 1'oppleton a > c , 2 S58-1S * A Sirr OF ENCYCLOfKDIA , 25 VOLS. , FOR trnilo for n good horse. Cull 17M So sth nftcr C p. ni. Z C2-15 * TO SELL OR TRADE , A J2.000 STOCK OF shoes , what ha\e sou to offer ? Address F 19. lice Z BG3 16' A NICE BTYLE FAMILY HORSE. COAL black , Bound , good free driver nnd BcntleIn e\ery way , to exchange for good drlxlng horse. Fidelity Trust company , 170 ! Farnam street. Z M8S3 FOR SALE RhAlj ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE 13YRON REED COMPANY. RE 153 MI'ROVED GARDEN LANDS NEAR OMAHA nt prices that will surprise you , If taken within 2 weeks. J. II. Sherwood , 4J3 N. Y. Life. RE M724 BARGAINS , HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS ; sale or trade. F. 1C Darling , Barker block. RE 15 EXCHANGES AND SALKS ; CITY PROPERTY , farms , merchandise. GarUn Bros. , 210 N. Y. L. RB-374 IJAROAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN ertlcs and farms. Jno. N. Frcnzer , opp. r , O. RE 375 SNAPS , S TO C MILES FROM OMAHA P. O. 40 , SO 01 120 acres. Improved. S30.00 per acre ; M ) acres. 335.00 per acre ; 250 acres , f (0 00 per acre ; C 10-acre tracts , 175 W to 1190.00 per acre. Must bo told. 940 N. Y. L. bldg. RE Mijl FOR SALE-LOT 14 , I1LK 2 , BAUER PLACE" This lot is 50x128 , couth front , near ; w.ll soil cheap on easy monthly pa > ments to right p.trty. Also lot 2. in lluiKeye Place , nnd lot 1. blk 6 , Poppleton Park. Take n look nt llu1 lotj nnd If they suit > ou cnll nnd I will mal.o price and terms to suit. Geo.B. Tzschnck , Dee ofllceOmaha. . RE C5I FARJt LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. N. Y. L. RE-C03-JT- FOR SALE OR TRADE. , A GOOD FARM CONt talnlng 400 acres In cast central Ncbiaskn , good soil , good improvements , pknty of rnlr * and good large ciop doing \\rll ; good reliable tenant In charge ; will take In exchange n good stock of fieih and merchantable groceries , p-m money and perhaps some time on h part ; this Is a good chance , nnd with the present pros pects will soon bo taken up. For further particulars address P. O. box 72. Columbus. Neb. RE-M71S K. 7 ROOM MODERN COTTAGE , 3C3 N. 40TH. only J3.700.00 ; srcat bargain. Address O CV , Jjc , * , RIv NEW G-IIOOM COTTAGE. LARGE LOT. ONLY J1.90000. Clark nnd N. SUt ; snap. Addroxs P 1 , Bee. RB-M791 FOR SALE 5-ACRK TRACTS NEAR SOUTH Omaha , J1M.OO per acre. 12 ncica on pioposed boulevard , southwest , $30d.OO per acre. 15 acres northwest on Military nnd pived street n d near electric car line , J250.00 per 1 ) I2' | . block -Potter's add. . West Omaha , J75000 ISC ft. on 23th st. , north of Fnrnam , J07.00 per front foot. Lot with four-room house on Martha , near Mlh st. . T'OOCO. Lot with five-room house near Mth nnd LInd sey ave. , JSOO.OO. Ixit with live-room house , 35th nnd Hurt its. , 11.20000. Vacant lots and houses nnd lots In all p. rts of Omnlm and acre propel ty at prices mucli below leal value. Potter . George company , cor. IGth nnd Fnr nam. RE MS1J-13 FOR SALE. 9-ROOM HOUSE. BATH. HOT nnd cold water ; cistern , tillered : 2W cash. bal. monthly per cent Int. Pi Ice 51,500 Lot G1 ft. Ames Real Estate , 1C17 Farnam. RE 859-1C * 7-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. S62 N. 40TH. only J3.700.00 ; crcat bargain. RE M790 NEW B-ROOM COTTAOE. LARGE LOT. ONLY J1.90000 , Clark and N. 81st ; snap. RE M791 CORNER. C4V4 FT. , CABS ST. , JKO. 50 ft. , North 25th. J550. Hundred per cent li thffe In n mos. , Ames , , 1017 Farnam. 11B SJ-Jt DRESSMAKING. MRS. C. A. LUCAS HAS RETURNED AND opened parlors at 1C03 Douglas street , where she will be pleased to see her fo.-mer friends. M157 M23 DRESS MAKING IN FAMILIES. 4316 OR ANT. XJ11DEBTAKERSAN1 > EHBALJttERS II. K. nUBKHT , FUNHHAL DIRECTOR AND embalnvr. 101 * Chlcnso st. , telephone 90. 408 SWANSON & VAL1CN , 1701 CUMINQ , TEL. 100) . 409 M. O. MAUL. UNDEHTAKRH AND EMI1ALM- er , 1417 Farnsm at. , telephone ZK. 410 C. W. BAKER. UNDKnTAKER , 613 S. 16TII ST. COAL D. T. MOUNT HAS RKMOVJID HIS COAL ofllce to 209 S. ICth St. , Brown block. 400 THK KUST IS THE CHEAPEST NO SMOKE. No Kuot. S.OOJ pounds cf the Vst Wyomlns coal. 51.50. delivered. Just tllln.c of 111 You have to pay that for dirty , smoky coal. If you ( ire Interested In the fuel question use Sheridan cool. IMS Farnam itreet. M401 PASTURAGE. WE HAVE ICO ACHES OF DLUE QIIASS PASture - turo for h-irses. board fence , sprlne water ; Bnrton ft Phelps. Ollmore. Neb. , or A. W. Phelps & Son. 197 N. Y. Llfo bide. Tel. 105L 47S-July ! HORSES AND CATTLK PASTURED. l',4 miles frnm car line , blue ETOSS. spring -water. II. H. Harder & Co. , Uee building. 873-10 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELEffniCAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRAC- or * for electric llitht and motor plants and all klnd < of electrical construction.VcUrn Elec trical Supply Co. . 1015 Howard St. 401 CARPET CLEANING. CHAMPION STEAM CARPKT CLEANING \VKS. 71S-7N S. 14th St. Tel. US. Service cuaranleed. U. S. Q , Kuhn , Mer. ; Pat Ward , foreman.Mil i : > -Mil MtJSIO , ART AND LANGUAGES. GEORQB F. QELLENUECK. BANJO AND CUlUr teacher. 1511 Cast street. MIDI LOST. LOST , PAIR fll.ACK KID OIX3VUS. ALSO black utm necktl * . sealed Is Kelley-Stlxer en velope. Lfave at lie * otnce. Lost SO IS' DENTISTS. Pit. PAUL. DENTIST , attl HURT ST. 41T BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED UIRROR3 UESILVEUED. 711 N. li. tot . - Lf'- -vw. * L - - - BIO2CLES. M. O. DAXON. 401 N. ICTH. J9J VICTOR DICYCLES. THK FINEST OF ALI , bicycles. Omaha Ulcycle Co , 33 N. Kth street , 231 STERHNO. BUILT LIKE A WATCH. WESTern - ern Electrical Supply Co. , 1515 Howard street. SE11 THE VISIULn BALL BKAniNQS ON Relay Special. Will & Bra. , 19) ) N. 15tb. REMINGTON AND n/QLD. CROSS QUN CO. . 11C S. 15th street. 597 A. L. DKANI ! & TO. . WHOLESALE AND TIE- tall bicycles. 1116 I'arn&m street ; bicycles rolj on easy payments. 393 WESTERN BICYCLE & OUN CO. . H10 CUMINd C6I MANTELS , GKAT b AND TILES. WOOD MANTELS. GRATES , TILES FOR FIRE places , vestibules and large floors ; write for cataloueue. Milton Rogers & Sons , Omaha. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C E. MORRILL. PAPER HANGING , HOUSE slim painting , brlrk work , plastering ; off. R. 1 , llarlcer blk. ; tel. 735 ; shop 2211 Ixaid ; tel. 403. 40 } BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & U. ASS'N PAY 6 , 7 , 8 per cent when ,5 , 2 , S years old. always redecmnbl3. 1701 Farnam st. Nattlnger , Sec i 411 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omnh.i L. & B. ' 1704 Bee . G. W. . Ass'n , bldg. Nattlnger. Sec. . . , . . 412 SHORTHAND AW i'VREWRITING VAN SANTS SCHOCTL TOR SHORT HAND. N. Y. Llfo. Omaha , AU fflr circular. 41C HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER , laiAND JONES STS. 75 rooms at $1.60 per < ljiy , 90 looms at 12.00 pet .daV > pprtnl rntps lo cominefclal trnvelers. Room nnd board by week -or month. Frank Hlldltch. manager. 403 AETNA HOUSE ( EUHOPEAN ) . N. W. COR. 13th nnd Dodge. Room * by day or week. 403 H. MAROW1T2 LOANS.MONEY. . . 41J N. 1C ST. OMAHA' coLffndtr rfnxi'AL SURGERY. FREE ' - y dentistry t tL/Jost. / , 'ICth" d Cap. ave. 7 ' - ' * 07 TAKK . UP. IXUND ) , 1 LIGHT BAY MARE. MAY 12. AP- nly to II. C. Vun Avery , 1IKC Capitol nve. MOM 1C' NOTICI3 OF nECEIVKH'S SALE. Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to nn order of the district court of Douglas county , Nebraska , entered on the 9th day of .May ! 1S93. In a suit pending 1n said court , , wherein William A. Wallace Is plain tiff and Wallace and company. Incorpor ated , U defendant , I will on Monday , the 27th day of May , 1S93 , at 2 o'clock p. m of said day nt the place of business of sale Wallace and company. Incorporated , a1 number 411 South Tenth streetIn Omaha , Ne braska , sell at public auction to the high est bidder for cash all of the assets of said Wallace nnd company. Incorporated. Said assets consist In part of calaon bars back bars , mirror frames. User coolers , etc. all belns manufactured by the said Wallace and company , Ineoiporatcil , a complete out- lit of Improved wood working innchlnrry together with shafting and belting and two Detroit electric motors of Ilfteen horse power each , the olllce furniture and fixtures and a lot of raw material nnd partlallj manufactured stock. Said property may be Inspected at any time during business hours and the under signed Is authorized to sell all or parts o said property at private sale at any time prior to the date fixed for public sale. Said sale will bo conducted according to the Instructions of the court embodied in the said order which will be found In the olllce of the cleric of the district court or a copy of the-same may be Inspected on the above premises at any time during business hours. JOHN JENKINS. M-ll-171 m nnd e Receiver. /.awycrs autl solicitors. SUES & CO. IJc < Jtluilillus , OMAUA/Nob. Advlco KltUU RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves ( BURLINGTON & MO. RIVER.Arrives ( Umaiial Union Depot , IDth As Mn on bts.f Omaha w.i-uin Denver Express 9:40am : 4J3pm : Blk. Hills , Mont. & Puget Slid. Ex. 4l/pm 4iJim : | Denver -Express 4110pm t-MIpm..Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) . . 7)5pm : Sloam..Lincoln : Local ( except Sunda > v..H : < 5am Leaves ( CHICAGO. UIJnLINQlON & Q.IArriTes * OmahaUnion ) Depot , IJth & Mason tits , ( Omaha 4:43pm : .Chra ; co Veitbue : ! : Mam SWam : Chicago Cxpre : * 4:15pm : T.'SOpm..Chicago nnd St. Louis IM > res . * : uOum USism I'acinc Junction Local B:3Dpm : Mall IMupm Leaves | CHlCAb"O. MIL. & "ST. lAULTArrlvei | OmahaUnion ) Uepot , lot i & Masun8ls. _ | Omaha ' C:00pm : . . .Chlcaco .Limited .T 9:30am : llilOam..Chicago Kxrreai.v'e * . Sun. ) . . . . . < :00pm : Leaves ICIUCAGO & NORTHvVESi'N.IArrives Omahal Jnlon Depot , lOlIi A Maton Sis. ) Omaha IlOSam..7..r..Eastern kxprehs 5:3Lpm : 4:00pm : 'Veitlbuled.Limited. . . . . . . . . 9.40am 6&am : Mo. Valley. Local . . .lOiJOpm t4jpm ; Omaha Chtcaeo Special i:16pm Leaves I CIIICAUO. Il.'T.'J * J'AUIKJU. | Arrlvei OmaaalUnlon Depot , lpji | ( f aliaon Sli. | Omaha IIOOam..Atl.intlo : Expres6Tx. Sunday ) . 65pm . NlKht1 Krrress . 9Enm : 430pni . . . . .Chicago Vesl . fti lUed Limited. . . . l:15pm : , , Oklahoma & tcxjui , Kx ( ex SunK.lOUiam l : < 0pm . CuloraJg , Iluillcd . : OUpm Leaves I C. . ST. .f'M. ' It O. ( Arrives Oinahal Depot. 15th antf\Veba er Bts. | Omoha I Xam. . . . Nebraska aiaenger ( Jally ; . . . . tl ; > i > m 4JOpm.,8k > ux City I3int > ( ex. 8un..llS5am : i-.lOpm . 8t. raMCpijfmlled . U3jam ; Leaves I F. U. & . Omahal Depot. 15th cjninvTeliS er Uts. "lllOpm . Fast MaflrEh"d5ixpieM , . 4.55pm : ( \VyK"Ei.lex. ) . Mon. ) . . . 4Mpm : * 5ara. . . Norfolk lixprein ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 10:3 : Jam tU'piu . at. 1'aul Express . 10:3 : jam Leave * I K. U. . ST. .J. & C * U , ( Arr.vej OniahoUnlon | Depot , 10 Si Mason Sti. | Om.ilia liuOam . Ksnrss City "Day I5xprss..7.7 5Mpra : ; 45pm.K. C. Nisht Ux. Ma U. P. Truns. CMam Le ves | MI8SOUHI "PACIFIC. IArri\eT Omahal Depot. ith and Webs'er Sts. | Omaha ICMOam . St. Louli Kxpresi . CloOam l:30pm : . St. Ix > ul Eipn-n . 6:08pm : Nebraska Local < ex. Bun. ) . : OQair. Leaves I SIOUX CITV 4 I'ACll'lC. ( Arrives Omahal Depot , ISt ti and Webs r ats. | Omaha t\tvm St. iVurj linltciiT. I0.i a.m Leave ! I SIOUX CITV & PACIFIC. ( Arrive * * OmahaUnloo | Depot , 10th & Msson Bls.j Onulia < .Uam..8loux Clty r tnEcr .tO:35p"m > : Mpm St. Paul Limited lljpm Leases I UNION PACIK1C ( Arrives OmahallJoilonDcpol _ , 10th & Muson Sts. I Orualuv 10:0uam. : . . . . . ,7.Krarney ixs > reii . l:4iiim : I'0 pm . . . . .Overland I'lrer . , & : Kpm ZOOpm.Ueat'ce & Stronub's ix : , ( ex. BUD ) . > :4if.ui T.Mpm . I'ac.fle Uxprex . 10Uam Upm . . . . . .Kail Mill . 4K > ire Ee ve " , VVAnASH " > IAIIAVAV. ! fArrhu OmahaiL' Depot. Jtlb & Ma a SU. | Omaha , DELICATE WOMEN should UBO BRADFIELD'S Female Regulator It tin nperl > Tonic and oxertia won * norfnl Influence In HreiiKthenlnchcrjji'tcin by driving through the ( irnpor channel nil Im purities llpnlth nnd strength arc guaranteed lo rosuit from Iti use. My wife wan bedridden for eighteen months , after mine Hriutneld's KrimilDIlciiil - lor for two months l prtllnivrrll ) . M. JOHNSON , l litmArk. DRADF1ELD nCQULATOK CO. , ATLANTA , Q\ . EolJbji > lllrugcUti ttlOOpr l-ottle. T TV T T TTTTTT-T& FOR A LIMITED TIME A HANDSOME FREE PLUG TOBACCO CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR Tne American 'tobacco Co DOCT SEARLES &SEA3LE5 ( Chronic , Nervous , PriviU DIS31SJ3. T15EATAIKNT V MAIU ron nl ntlon I'rOB Wo cura Catarrh , all diseases of ths Nose , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver , Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Female - male Woakncssos , Lost Manhood , nnd ALL PR.VAIE DISEASES OF MEN. WEAK MEN ARE VICTIMS TO NERVOUS Debility or kxhsusllon. Wasting Wtakneu , In voluntary Louses , with Early lievuy in young nd middle aged ; lacg of vim , 7K"r ! and weak. < ned pretiaturely In approaching old ng . All field readily to our new treatment for loss ot vital power. Call or addres with stomp for tlrc'jtnr . free book and receipts. Dr , Ssarte anl Seirhs , , , Alw.ays Reliaple ; Purely Yegelablc. Perfectly tasteless , elegantly coated , punre , regulate , purify , cleanse nnd mrciigthcn. RAD- WAVS PILLS for the cun > < ? nil ilkimtler * of the Stomach , lion els , Kidneys , Oladdcr , Ncr- MHIH DlHcasct , Dizziness , Vertigo , Cecil > encss , Piles. SICK HEADACHE , FEMALE COMPLAINTS , HILLIOUSNESS , INDIGESTION. DYSPEPSIA , CONSTIPATION mid All Disorders of the Liver. Obierve the following symptoms resulting from dsca ! u nf the dlgestlvo organs : Constipation , Inward piles , fullnesi of blood In the lu-nd , acid ity nf the Htomach , nausea , henrtliurn , dlngust or to d , fullness of weight of the stomach , sour eructations , sinking or llulterlng of the heart , choklnt ; or suffocating sensatlona when In lying i r ltloii. dlmnefu oflxon , dots or > hofoio the night , fever and dull pain In the head , dellclency of persplm'loi , yellownrBa of the skin nnd e > oi. pain In the elde , chest , llmlm and sudden Hushes of heat , burning In thi > llcnh. A few d KB of RADWAY'S PILLS will free the 8 } stem of Kit the alK > ve named dlAirdprn. PRICE 25C A I10X , SOLD IIY DRUGGISTS OR HENT 11V MAIU Send to DR. RAIMVAY . < t CO. , Lucll IJox 3C3 , New York , for JU ) k of Advice , DR. ISTIIK OtfLT SPECIALIST WHO TttKATB AIX , PRIVATE DISEASES , Wenknoa * and Secret Disorders of MEN ONLY ICrerjr euro guaranteed. so yoani' flipcrlenco. 8 jcnrj In Omaha. Hook Frco. / .Hh A Fariium Nt * . , QUA II A. A'KU. WHITE SPOTLESS Aims Bnft nhlto hnnda , shapely nulls , en aropimluctd by tha celebrated CLTI- cuiu UEliruits when nit otberi fall. In facial blemishes , or ilia revernt liu. mors and dlicnsn of the f VI n nnil * rnli | , with l s of hair , even when -crofu. lout DI hcn-dilnry , they lira cqunllj- sua.e * fut. Bold ever ) u here. Notice. The annual meeting of stockholders of th Fremont. Klkliorn & Missouri Valley Unll road company will be held nt the offlce o : the company In Omaha. Nebraska , on Frl dny. May 17. 1B9S , at 2 o ciock p. m. , for thi 'election ' of directors nnd for thn trnnsactlor of such other business us may come bcfor the meeting nRDFIRLD > secretary. Dated April SB , 1893. DOANE DECIDES TO RESIGN , Cundldates Wlio Would lie Secretary of tin I'arlc Coinin'ftloii. Wlien the members of the 1'ark commls Elon meet Friday afternoon they will b callsd upon to select a new secretary , as Gu ; K. Doano has expressed a determination t tender his resignation at that tlmo. Mr. Doano has held tlio olllce of sccrctar ; ever cinco the passage ot the law crcatln tba park commlsilon. While it Is cot known by thn nubile that Mr. Doano has decided , to resign , it has been whispered to a tew frlendi , and they in turn have told pther * . At this time not more than tlfty people know that he hag con cluded to step out. Of the fifty who know of lib decision three are candidates for hi * shoos. They are K , 1' . Apple , Charles South ard and Fred Lowe. A Vevr AUvuiitnsrft. Offered by the Chicago. Milwaukee & . St. Paul railway , the short llns to Chicago. A clean train , mada up and started from Omiba , UaggaRe checked from residence to destina tion. Blegant train icrvlce and courteous employes , entire train lighted by electricity and heated by steam , with electric light In every berth. Finest dining car service In the west , with meals served "a la carte. " The Flyer leaves at 6 p. m. daily from Union Depot. City Ticket Offlce , 1504 Farnam street , O. S. Carrlrr , city ticket agent. llomeicthen' Kiourslon To all points on the F. , E. & M. V. H. n. Date of sale May 21st , 1S95 ; limit 20 days from date of purchase ; minimum round trio telling rate , fZ.OO. Ticket office 140t Farnam it. Depot 15th and Webster t . i. K. BUCHANAN. 0. P. A. THE CXPIPII5 Qr * * BRIGADIER It. I had now no doubt at all about getting Into the yrtrd , but I had very considerable misgivings as to how I was to get out ngaln. It would be too tnimlll.itlnR , utter trylnR hero nnd trying there , to have to go back ta my hole again In despair , or lo b ? arrested by the guards ouuldc , and thrown Into those damp underground cells which are reserved for prisoners who are caught In escaping. I set to work , therefore to plan what I should do. I have never , as you now , had the chance of showing vilmt I iculd do ns n general. Sometimes , after n ; lass or two of vvlnc. I have- found myself -.ipablo of thinking out surprising com- Inatlons , anil have felt that If Napoleon ad Intrusted me with an army corps , things , ilght have gene differently with him. Hut , ovvevcr that n-ay bo , there Is no doubt tint n the small stratagems of wnr. and in that ulckness of Invention which is so necessary 'or nn officer of Jlght cavalry , I could hold my own against any one. It was now had need of It , nnfl I felt sure that U would not fall me. The Inner wall which I hsd to scale was ullt of bricks , twelve feet hlsh with n row of spikes upon the top. The outer 1 " ad only caught a glimpse of once or twice , vhcn tlio gate of the cverclso yard was men. The space between the walls was vcr twenty feet , nnd I had reason to believe hat there were no sentries there , except t the gates. On the other hand , I knew .hat there was n line ot soldiers oulsldt * . Uohold the llttlo nut , my friend' , which I " ad to open with no crackers save these , wo hands. One thing upon which I relied was the height of my comrade , Dfnumont. I have Iready said that he- was a very tall man , Ix feet at least , and it seemed to me. that f I could mount upon his shoulders and get my hands upon thcs pikes. I could eslly icale the vvnll. Could I pull my big com panion up after me ? That was ttio question , 'orwhen I set forth with a comrade , cvoi hough It be one for whom I bear no aftco- Ion , nothing on earth would male ? me aban don him. If I climbed tha wall and he on Id not follow me , I should be compelled .o return to him. Ho did not seem to con cern himself much about It , however , so I hoped that he had , confidence In his own ctlvlty. Then another very Important matter was he choice of the sentry who should be on duty in front of my window at tlio tlmo of ur attempt. They were changed every two hours to Insure their vigilance , but I , who natched them closely each night out of my window , knew that there was a great differ- nco between them. There wore pome who ncre so Keen that a rat could net cross tha yard unseen , while others thought only of heir own ease , and could sleep as sound y leaning upon a musket as It thy were at home upon a feather bed. There was one ispeclally , a fat , heavy man , who woild re lic Into the shadow of the wall and doze ; o comfortably during hla two hours that I liavo dropp-d pieces of plaster from my win dow nt his very feet without his observing It. ly good luck this fellow's watch was duo rom 12 to 2 upon the night which we had fixed upon for our enterprise- . As the last dny passed I was so fllTert with nervous agitation that I could not control myself , but ran cjaseleasly about my c 1 , Ike a mouse In a cage. Every mom'nt I nought that the warder would detect tli ? oosencss of the bar , or that the con try would observe th ? unmortared stone , which could not conceal outsldo , ns I sto'd within. \s for my companion , he sat brooding upon lie end of his bed , looking at me n a sidelong fashion from time to time. My companion seized me by the knees , yelling "Help ! Help ! ! A prisoner Is escap ing. " and biting his nails like one who Is deep In thought. 'Courage , my friend , " I cried , slapping him on the shoulder , "You will see your guns before another montli Is past. " "That Is all well " Bald " very , he. "Uut whither will you fly when you get free ? " "To the coast , " I answered , "All comes right for a brave man , and I shall make Bttalglit for my regiment. " "You arc more likely to make ( straight for the underground cells , or for the Portsmouth hulks , " Mid he. 'A soldier1 takes his chances , " I re marked , "It Is only the poltroon who reckons always upon the worst. " I raised a flush In each of hla sallow cheeks at that , and I was glad of It , fur It was the first sign of spirit which I had ever observed In htm. For a moment ho put his hand out toward bis water Jug , ns though he would have hurled it at mo , but then IIP shrugged his shoulders and cut In silence once more , biting his nails find scowling down upon the floor. I could not but think , 09 I looked at him , that perhaps I was doingtlio Flying Artillery a very bad service by bringing him back to them. I never In my llfo have known jtn evenIng Ing pass as slowly as that -one. Toward nightfall n wind sprang up , and , ti3 the dark ness deepened , it blew harder nnd harder , until a terrible gale was whistling over the moor. As I looked out of my window I could not catch a glimpse of a star , and the black cloudy were flying low across the heaven : . The rain was pouring down , and what with Its lilitlng ami Milaihlng and tlu < howl Ing and ncrcaiuliiK of tlio wind , It was Imposslbln for ire to hear the vtcpj of the sentinels. "if I cannot hear them , " I thought , "then It Is unlikely that ( hey can hear me , " and I walled with the utmost Impatience until the inspector hould have come- round for his nightly peep through our grating. Thcji , having peeped through the darkness and eeiii nothing cf tbo sentry , who was doubtless crdur.lilng In sonio corner nut of the rain , I frit that the moment was come. I removal the bar , pulled oul the stone and motioned to my companion to pus through. "After you , colonel , " sild he , "Wilt you not go first ? " I atked. "I had rather you showed me HIP ivay. " "Come after me , then , but come silently , as yon value your llff. " In the darkness I could hear the fellow's teeth chattering , and I wondered whether a man ever had such a partner In a doiprrate enterprise. I seized the bar , however , am mounting upn my * tcol , I thrust my had and shoulders into the hole , ! hid wrlg gled through ai far as my waUt , when m ; companion seized roe suddenly by the knee and yelled nt the top of hla voice : "Help ! help ! A i > rlion r It etcsplng' " Ah , my friends , what did T not feel at tha moment ! Ot courio I saw in an Instant th game of this vile creature.'ly should h rltk his skin In climbing walls when h might be cure of. a tree pinion ( rom tu English 1 for hiving prev ntfj fi iscar * Cf one so much mort dlstliiKiiU'i I thin him self ? I had recognlttJ him as n poltro n and a sneak , but I had no * , undrrtloat tha depth ot bas ness to whlrh h ? cnuM dei < rnd , One who has spent hi * life among gcnll"- men and men of licnor ikca not thl U ot men things until they hippen. Tlio dU not seem to understand that he was loit more certainly than I. I writhed bick Into the dirkness , and , seizing him by the t lire-it , 1 struck him twice with my Iron bir. At the llrst blow he yelped nt n Illtlo cur docs when you tread upon Us paw. At tte second , ikuii he fell with a grcan upon the Hoar Tim I f.itel mysjlt upon my bed , nnd waltol res'gncdly for what ever ( punishment my Jailers might inflict upon me. me.Hut Hut a minute passed and yet another , with no sound save the heavy , snorlmr , breathing of the senseless wretch upon the IKor.Vat It possible , thru , nmld tlio lnry at the storm his warning cries had pas ed un heeded ? At first itvas but a tiny hope , another minute nnd It was pr-bible , another and it was certain. There wv 10 sound In the corridor , none In Ins courtird. I wlpei' the cold sweat from my brow , Mi ask'd my self what I should da next. Ono thing tecmel certiln. The man on the flcor must illc. If I left him 1 could tint tell how sSrrt n Urns It mUht lis li fo-9 He never tliotight that n dcipcrate man was vvithln a few feet ol Mm. lie Rave the alarm. I Jare not Jtrlke n llfiht , so I felt about In the iljikneis until my liand came upon somcthliiK wet , which 1 knew to bo lila head. I raised my Iron hir , but them was something , my friends , which prevented mo from bringing U down. In th ? heat ot flKht I liavo slain many men men ot honor , too , who hail dona mo no Injury. Yet hero was this wretch , a creature too foul to live , \vlio hail tried to work mo so great a mluchlcf , nnd yet I could not lirlng myself to crush his ehilll In. Such deeds nroery well for n Spanish par- tlda or , for that matter , a Eans-calottc 'o the Faubourg St. Antolne but not for > a Holdier nnd a gentleman like inc. However-tho heavy breathing of the fellow mad : me hope , that It might bo a very IOIIB tlmo before ho , recovered , Jils .senses. I gagged lilm , tlicrflore , nnd bouhd him with Htrlpi of blanket to the bed , so that In his weakened condition there was .good reason to think that , in any caseliu night not got frco before the next visit ot ho warder. Hut now again I was faced vllh new difficulties , for you will remember hat I had relied upon his height to help ma ver the walls. 1 could have sat down and hed tears ot despair had not the thought of ny mother and the emperor como to sustain no. "Courage , " said I. "If It wcro any ona ut Ktlonne Gerard ho would bo in a bad fix now ; that is a young man who la not BO easily caught. " I set to work , therefore , upon Beaumont's licet as well as my own , and by tearing hem into strips and then placing them to- tether I made a very excellent rope. This I led securely to the center ot my Iron bar , vhlch was a little over a foot In length. Then I slipped out Into the yard , where the rain was pouring and the wind screaming ouder than ever. I kept In the shadow of ho prison wall , but it was as black as the ace of spades , and I could not ice my own land In front of me. Unless I walked into ho sentinel I had nothing to fear from him. When I had come under the wall I threw up my bar , and to my Joy It stuck the very first time between the spikes at the top. I climbed up my rope , pulled It after mo , and dropped down on the other side. Then I scaled the second wall , and was cli ng astride among the eplkcs upon the .op , when I saw something twinkle In I he darkness beneath me. U was the bay. onet of the sentinel below , and so close was t ( the second wall being lower than the Irst ) that I could easily , by leaning over , lave unscrewed it from Us socket. There ho was , humming a tune to himself , and cud dling up against the wall to keep himself warm , little thinking that n desperate man within a few feet Of him was within an ace of Etahlbng Llm to the heart with Ills own weapon. I wai already bracing myself for the spring , when the fellow , with an oath , shouldered his musket , and I heard his steps squelching through the mud as ho resumed beat. I slipped down my rope , and , leav ing it hanging , I ran at the top of my speed across thq moor. ( Continued Tomorrow. ) D0NDY MAKE3 A NEW KUL-E. Attorneys Mint In tbo ruture Ho Ready nlth 1 linlr I'uioi. Judge Dundy announced yesterday thfit be proposed to adopt a new rule In cases coming up before him In the criminal branch of the federal court. He said that the court had bc-cn IrnporjJ upon In the past by the attorneys and their client * , and In many In stances the government had paid for attorney * and witnesses ot the defense , when the de fendant was abundantly able to pay inch ex penses , This practice he- Intended to step In the future vvhnnever he was able to determine that the financial standing cf the defendant wait sufficient to pay the expenses Incurred In the. defense cf M * own ciso. Ho stated that ho uinled attorneys to be ready to hear their cases accenting to their assignment an4 unr | s the/ did so tbo races would be dis posed of In tome other way that would take them from thedocket. . Good lawyer ? , in hla estimation , were tlioso who were prepared to go to trial wlieji the ean.s were called , and unless they Mere , xome one would have to suf fer the conseijufnMJ. , It Wai u Cao of Ininnltjr. Ypsterday the coroncr'a Jury rendered a verdict of HulcMe , caused by temporary In sanity , In th5 case of Charles P. 8luimonds , who wan found dead at the door ot his resi dence at Forty-third and Vlnlon str U Tues day morning. A number of witnesses tes tified that Slinmondi hat ] been mentally un sound at times lor iom Urn * past and that vvlillr In that condition he had frequently de clared that he was not JOIIB ; | to live much longer. He had made a vlmllar remark M ho vras leaving his work t 3 o'clock Monday afternoon. Uulntr tor n Scpumtlpn. Judge TJufflt hti been Rlvfcg a hearing to th * KtMi'ler rtlvorc * cult , TU o parties. Whllmln * Ktander. the plaintiff , nd her husband , Alexander , have b tn llrlng to tbo same bouse since the ( till w started last fall , but they fall to agree. Though stronft and kble bodied , Mm. Keander charges that Keauder refute * her aupport , spending bli spare cash for drinkKhe also charges Keander with being cruel nud beitl&K her M the head.