TILE OMAIIA DAILY BEE : , WEDNESDAY , MAY 15 , 1805. ( I SPE01RL NOTICES , Ailrertlnctncnu for tlienfl rolunins " 111 bo ten tinII 12I3O | v m. for the ermine ami nntll H p. m. for Iho moriilna nail huiulr Kill Ion. Atlvi-rllncri" , l > y rrqorKtliiR n nimilxircil check , inn Imro nnmrrrn mlclrr sr < l to n munl > rrc < l letter In rare at 'I I IB lice. An- Utem su niliircucil will bo ilfllrnrctl upon I tmriitutlon of Ilia clirch only , Kates , 1 ! ! ! ( ; H uonl , first Insetlliiii , lo n cml licnaflrr. > i > thlnj ; tnkcm Inr list Iliuu > ! Gu for llrnt IIIM rllini llirnu advertisements must lun cminecu- IIrely. SITUATIONS WANTED. BITVATION WANTIJU , PLACIJ AH HKCOKD Klrl nnd neamstreM , or cook In p. Inquire ot tin. W IX Annln , 80S BoutU 21t street. A-M3 I'OI'NO JIAN WOl'LI ) I.IKK SfTt'ATION AH BtfnoKrnpher nd bookkeeper In law ulllcc. Will mcrpt small tmliry with prtvMrse of rcnillnu law. Addn-Bi P 14 , lice. A 87H5 * BlTl'ATfON WANTKD , TOIl HTIJOXO , healthy IJDVof IS jr.-us. la iiiln tnlilnK a/iil oonnlileratr ; not afraid of work ; VMIKea no ob ject. Adilreiw 1' 18 , lice. A 11883 JS * WANTED MALE Hi-LP. WANTHD. 1,00) ) MKN TO WIlITi : Mli TODAY ( or the receipt ( nlmoluttly freIn plain xealeil envelope ) which cured me of nervous debility , hauntpil vitality , eta Artdreai C. J. Walker , box l,3IUJalaniazoo , Mich. n M46i WANTfiD. MAN TOr AKB olujKUiTlN"ciTY for old c tabllnhed house , former otperlenco uancecxrary ami iialiry paid weekly. Ainily alter 9 a. m. at 1115 Douglax. U MCI4 J6 WANTHI ) , HALHSMIIN. The I lavs kt Xurscrj Co. , Mlluauktc , WIs. -M7o Jio I7I TO I23 SALARY I'AID HALCSMr.N FOll dKara , experience not ncces iry l.xtra In- ilnccments offered customers , lllihop & Kline , St. I.oul > . Mo. H M 7S1-18 * SALESMEN TO SELL BAKING POWDER. We put our Roods In glass rolllnB pins JCO month nnd expenses , or commission. Chicago linking Puwder Co. , 767 Van Hut-en st. , Chi cago. B-"MSOT-2li WANTED , EXPERIENCED DRESS GOODS salesman , llmntson Bros. . " . _ ' ? } ? ! LAIIOKKHH AND TKAMHTF.IW ON RAIL mad vvoik In South Diknta Free piss Kramer & O'Hc-arn I.nbor agency , lllh imd Firnam BtreoIs. B M8S8 lj * SALESMEN ( .MEDICAL ) WANTKD TO CALL on physicians with large ami important sursl- cal vrork , now ready An excellent Income can IB earned by phvslclan * or others of K"O < 1 address. Htnte age nnd experience. Lock Bo 1K2. Phlladtlphlst Pa , U M883 IS TAILOK. UXPIUHCNOniJ COAT MAKKH , AT once , a Hteady man ami of Bowl haliltn. A KOI I. ute.idy J t > nnd pxxl iirlcm to right man. AildrcM John llutler. Merchant. Tailor. Stan- lurry , M. ) . UM591 1C' CLERK WANTED IN OENI'.RAL MERCHAN- dlso store Good clinncu for n lively German with about 5 to C sears' experience Address P IS , Bee ofllce. B-MS32 IS' WANTED i' JiELP. ARE YOU HONKhT , hOBER , INDUSTRIOUS ? If FI ) , encage wllli us fur 1SS3 ; MO a month , } 3GOtt a > uir , > ou can make It tasv ; six hours n day. Our agrnts do not complain of haul times. Why ? They nre making money selling our Perfection Dlsli Washer the only ptacllcal family warder manuf.ictuicd ; washes , dries sml pollHhes dlslus perfectly In two m'nutes , no experience ne .rs .iry ; a child of 8 operates It faslly ; cheap and duiable. weight , t.ilrteen luunds : made < > ( nntl-ruat sliert tteel ; capic- lly , 100 pieces , J10.0W for Its cqml , every fam ily wonts one , > ou don't have to canvass , ns pnon ns people know jou Invo It for Bile the } * send for a d sh vvashur , each agent's tenttory prot cteJ ; no eumpelltlon ; we fur nish F.-imple ( neighs Blx poiinls ) In nice case to Udy TKLMit * to in\ia \ nuleis with , one auen ! m.-ulo JJ14.S.I llrst ten iln > s Aildre s for full particulars Perfection MfB. Co. . Englovvood. III. C M159 \VANTED-nFTY QIIILH TOIl ALT , KINDS of norta. Canadian Umploinent Olllce 1S22 IfoiiKlns street , C M15S-M22 ANTnn , CIIIL FOR OENEHAL HOUSE- vvoilt , 2518 Uodge utreet. C 633 FOB. RKNT HOUSlih. a , r. K. UAItLINO. UAttlCBK HLOCIC. D-3GO 1IOUHIS IN ALL I'A UTS OF THU CITY. THL O. r. Davis compiny. 150S I'"armm. D 3 < ; i IIOU&US ; IIUNAWA & CO. . 10S N. IS I'll hT D 3C2 II. K. COLU CO. LAHOEST L13T IN OMAIIA. D-MSU Z70 * KARNAM BTRnHT. W. M. ItOKcrs. 132a Parnam ttrect. D 5C5 rOUIt-HOOM HASEMUNT. ill 8. 2ITH STIIKET. U M13I-MJ3 CENTRALLY LOCATED , 10-IIOOM IIOUSU. modem Improvement * . Inquire 712 N. 1'Jth. D-M38S NINR-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 1MJ 8HER man nvenue , J30 ; 10-ionm modern house. Bur ditto , rear Sherman avenue , } 20 Bjron Reei Co. . ill South 14lh sticet. D M7JS-M16 VERY DESIRABLE HOUSES VACANT MAY Jt. J. II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. 'Phone 3 S t p-377lS 7-ROOM \TTllANGE AND ALL MODERN omrcnlecrs. 701 S. 16th street. Charles W. Halter , Ell Paxton block. -M2SO-M27 * t-ROOM COTTAGE , MODERN ; BEAUTIFW luwn nnd nh.idt > . 2121 Miami. I ) M4M ICI : sionnu.M FLAIU , cim\p. J. W. Squire , 213 llee. D-M3 FOR RENT DUSIRABLE HOUSUa. B rooms. 211 S 24th st. , (30. 7 rooms. 4203 Cumlng- , f23. 7 rooms , WO N 27th ove. . Kl K. S rooms , 4907 cy.ea st. , 110. fi rooms. 4'I27 D.ivenport St. . J10. C rooms , SID J.ickson st , , 13. E rooms. S3I3 Pratt St. , J7. Bee Mdellty Trust Co. , 1702 Farnnm st. D-551 LIST. F. D. WUAD. 1C5H & DOUOLAS D-517 J3 FOR HUNT. IMNR NEW 19-IIOOU HOUSE , 53 No. 2Clh at. H. T. Clarke , 219 Hoard of Trade. D-CG3 RENTAL AQKNCY. S10 NO. 16TU ST. D 727 FOR RRNT. PLATS AT NORTHEAST COH ner Of lllh and Howard ti. , new-ly pipered nnd minted. Jlj 0) month. Inquire room 514 , Plrat National lljnk Illdg. p 723 23 roil RUNT. AT IlELLVt'E. NEAIl U. R ueA > t. atine 10-nn > in house , fine ground * abundant fruit , nl.io 4-room cotiime. Henry T TArke. No , 219. H. ud of Trnde. Onnha o W. II Bed , llcllvue. 1 > 7M A nAT. 5 ROOMS , WITH HATH AND OAS \try complele. suliablu for limnckecplnc. 31 South Sflth ntrret. L > M741 NnAHLY NKWROOM COTTAOE VITH t&th. rtMuceJ to I13.DO. 303S CalKurnlu st. st.DS20 D-S20 _ _ VERY DESIRAllLU rURNISHlTb HOUSE , In. J II. Sherwood , i ! N. Y. Life. Life.n n 831 FURNISHED HOUSE IXR RENT , C-ROOM modern. J2SOO per month , for summer. SO South 21st street. D M840 18 * J.ROOM COTTAGK. 17 N. KTH ST. , INQUIRF SM H.mth ISth St D Jco-ia 8-ROOM IIOUSE , SIS.O > > I'KIl MONTH TN quire 8616 Capitol enue D-.MS6I IS' roil RENT. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAnE , COR SOth ami a-ihler sin , eUlein city water : nnl J7.00. liKiuIn1313 Fiirnam D 875-15 rt'RNISIIED HOUSE OF SEVEN ROOMS TO rent on Park avenue for thre * m.mtlui frnm June Ut. Addre P 15. Dee. D 875-15 KJIJ CAPITOL AVRNl'u7T ROOM INOI'IIin at 2JU Cupllol tivenue. U Slsfj 17 * SOU BENT VLUtiNibliED BOOMS. ROOM. WITH BOARD 241 CASH K MSW-M19 * NICE bOUTH FRONT ROOM WELL PUR. nlnhccl , private family. Call 2412 Caia street. K-JU3J TWO FURNISHED ROOMS ; { INR WITH ALcove - cove ; private family ; modurn. 07 S , 2iih ave. n Mtt is * I'OR RENT. ON SOUTH 23TH STKKT NUAIl th putb. furnlihed room In private family No uth r bnarderi , very quiet and home like lloard If desired , Addicsi with reference O JS , Ree , E-CS7-16 NICKLY FURNMbllED ROOMS VOH RENT Call at HOT DtvuRlae. B-M791I J ARai-fFllONT ROOM. WITH famished. SIS South 19th. K-MU7 U > T\\X > FRONT RIXJMS. WITH B VTK. W D VV. enport. K-MS77 2S FIWNISHED BOOMi AND BOARD BOARD AND ROOM , J4.50 WCE1C. 1S S CAS3 F-M7M 24- HOOllti WITH liOAUD , UTOPIA , 1731 DAVEN l"rt 8t F 703-li * TWO PLEASANT SOUTH ROOMS WITI 2BM Parnam it. K S6S K * BOARD AND ROOMS POR TWO , EN SUITE , JIJW per month , Iliii Uiuxlas. I1 MiW 1J * ti IUENISHED EUOM8 TO RENT ' HUNT-TWO UNFURNISHED HOOMS 1M7 IXxlje itnwt. O MUJ K * FOR RENT 3TOKE3 AMP OFFIOE3 'OR RENT , TUB 4-STORY RRICK I1UILD- \ng. \ SIC Parnam street Thli Imlldlno ; has n flro proof cement tianement , complete steam heating flxturen , vrater on nil floors , ga * . etc. at the nine * of The Be' . 1-910 'OR REMT. FIRflT-TA8 ( ! > 4 TllItnE-HTORY and tenement Jirtck slnrc ImlMlnE. Ifn Far- nim utrcol Suitable for nny kind nf linnl- ncw Inquire room 314 , rimt National lunlc bulMIng 1 MSH K > K3K ROOM WILLIAM J. WRL9IIANH. 331 Hoard of Tiade. I MSS7 V/AWTElJ. LADY AtlUNTB. Rt'ItllER ITNDKROARMENT ; nulclt fnlen. Me ttrniiui , calaloRue free. Mrs , N. 11. Little Mff. Co. , Chicago , 111JM173 J-M173 15 WANTED TO RENT. LIST HOUSES POR RENT WITH O. d. WAL Inee , 31 ! Hroivn tlk. Have calls for cotta r a IC-777 LIST HOUSES FOR RENT WITH V. D. WKAD. K 518 J3 A PURNIHHEfJ HOUSE I1Y A HMALL TAM- lly with Kootl references. Address P 12. ! > < ( K 8701I * WANTflD. HOARD AND ROOM POR LADY nnd child , ulth private family In KINK ! Incn- tlon. Rest references. Address P 17. cirr llee. K MW 1C * STORAGE. STORAOB. TRANU E TR3 , 1211 HARNEY. M 376 P.KST STORAOi : BUILDING IN OMAHA , U. S. ROV bomled warchouw household gocds stored ; lowest rnte . 1013-101 $ Leavennorth M 377 STOVES STORI7D DURINO SUMMER TEL. ! M . 1207 Douglai. Omaha Stove Repair Works. M-373 PACIPIC STORAOK & WAREHOUSE CO , 9TH & Jonci t . General Btorago and fonvardlng. WANTED TO BUY WANTED , A STOCK OP GOODS WORTH 14.000 to JC.DOO. Address M 19. Omnlui Bee. N M543 WE WILL BUY CHEAP HOMES AND RESIdence - denco lots anywhere In the city Mint be bar- Cains. Reed ASelby , Board ot Trade Imlldlng N-1C2 STOCKS 01' CLOTHINO , GENTS' FURNISH- Iniri , hats and shoes. S. Arnsteln , 1".03 Douglas street. N M706 J3 WANTED TO BUY. A GOOD SECOND HAND phaeton ; must be cheap , for caah. Apoly 900 So 25th ave. H7tS' FOR SALE tTJRNITURE. TOR SALE , ON ACCOUNT OF RRVOMAL TO New York , will Bell all the furniture , carpets ; etc. of a 10-room house , cheap. Call nt 531 8. 28'h nve. O-M821 I'OR SALE--HORSESWAGONS.ETO HORSE. PHAETON AND HARNESS FOR nala cheap. Address P , O. box 87 , station R. P MSG5 15 * FOR SALE CHEAP. A GOOD BUGGY HORSE , 1S12 DoUKHs street. P-872-20 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOG AND CHICKEN TENCC WIRE. BETTER and cheaper than wood. J. J. Ltddy , 403 S 14th. Q MK.1 MaylC WHGMAN PIANOS. BRIDGEPORT ORGANS. Woodbrldge Bros . 117 8 17th. Q.-379 HARDWOOD COMBINATION HOG AND clilcl.cn fence. Cliay R. Lee , 9th and Douglas. Q-OSO THE STANDARD CATTLE CO , AMES. NEB , ha < ) 400 tons good baled hay to sell Q M472 FIRST-CLASS OAK BAR OUTFIT ; ORIGINally - ally cost 51.00100. cheap ; must sell , Address O 29. Bee Q-MG24-1G FOR SALE-A PUT DEER. INQUIRE A D. Brandels , Boston Store- . Q C9I FOR SALE. SECOND HAND BILLIARD table In Rood condition. Inquire room 314 , First National Bank Kids. Q-73S 23 FOR SALE A NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. J1J3 00 machln , 30 Uejs , detail adder , walnut case , li.w Iwen used I sear , will sell for J'JO 00. Address communication , Mueller & Schuster , Neb. Clt > . Neb. Q MS01-13 _ FOR SAI-E. AN UP1UGHT SOHMER PIANO. Address P 3. Bee ofllce. Q-MS3' , IS * CLAIRVOYANTS MRS DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , RE- llalilo business medium. 8th jear at 119 N. 16th. S-331 MMI3. CLAA-TON. CLAIRVOYANT AND CARD reader. Reada caids like an open book. TclU vour mission on entering223 N. llth S M507 16 MRS. FRANCIS KEKNE , CLAIRVOYANT AND Independent Rlnto writer , gives ndvlcc on all nutters of Importance , such as business , love affairs , marriage , divorces , lawsuits , etc. , lo cates lost or stolen goods , reunites the sepa rated , brings speedy marriages , removes stum bling Llocks nnd bad luck of nil Kind * . 1323 Fainam street. 8-MS51 13 * M-flSBAGE. UATHS. ETC. MADAM SMITH. S02 S. I3TH. 2D FI/DOR. ROOM 3 ; magnetic , vapor , alcohol , steam , nulphurlno nnd sen baths. T 7S2-18 * MASSAGErMAD'AMU BERNARD , 1I21 DODOE. T M641 21 MOST COMODIOUS BATH PARLORS F cltjMine. . Hovvell. 318 & 320 S. 15th. thoicughly practical clrupodlst and manicurist attendant T M813 Jll MADAME LA RUE , 1017 HOWARD ST T 863-J12 * TURKISH BATHS. TURKISH BATHS. ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusiveJ ! for ladles. Bulte 109-110 Bea bldg. 135. SIX BATHS ti. MMC. POST. 31954 S. 13TH. 730 PERSONAL. THE BELLE EPPERLY CORSET. MADE TO order from measure , 1909 Farnam street streetU3S3 VIAVI CO. , 348 BEE BfJDG.rHEALTH BOOK free ; home treatment , lady attendant. U 334 .MISS MINNICK'S DRESSMAKIXO PARLORS 211) Farnam flt. Prices ) reasonable. U-7S1-M15 * I ) HAAS , FLORIST. PLANTS. CUT FLOWEIli. lUnquet. hall , residence and grave decorations. 1813 Vlntnn street. Telephone 778. US1993 PAI'ER CONTA1NING REAL PHOTOS OF ladles wishing to wed mailed for plninp. Iox 1603. Denver. Colo. " M174 M21 * BATHS , MASSAQE. MMC. POST. 313V4 S. UTH U-731 PRIVATE HOME FOR LADIES DURING confinement , tables adopted or otherwise pro vided for 2123 Caldncll street , Omaht. Neb. U-MS6 ! JI2 MONEY TO LOAN KEAL ESTATE ANT HONY LOAN .t TRUST CO. . 218 N. Y LIFE , loans at low tales for choice security In Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W-391 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Love & Co. , Paxton blk W 333 IMPROVED CITY LOANS AT LOWEbT RATES. H. H , Harder Ac Co. , ground lloor. Bee bldg. W-421 M29 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE t 6 per cent , W. B. Mclklc , Ut Nat. Bk. bids. W-393 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam. W 389 INVESTORS DIRECTORY CO . 10 WALL ST. . New York , offer any part lOO.iwo eastern In. vestora * names , who have money to Invest1 Just compiled. Write for partlculv- . partlculvWM131 W-M131 M2b AGENCY U. S. MORTGAGE CO SUBMIT loan * to Pus * ) & Thomas , Council Bluffs olllce. W 4S2 CITY LOANS. C A. STARR. M5 N. Y LIFE. W SS8 MONEY TO LOAN AT I-OWCST RATES. THE O. P. D\l Co. . 1505 Farnam t. W 3S $ LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property , W. Fnrnam Smllb. & Co. , 1320 Foriiam W 390 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FJRNI- ture. pianos , horses , wagons , or nny Ulnd of chattel security at lowest p < > lble rates , which vou can pay back at any time or In cny amount , FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. Room 4. Wllhncll block , X 373 * MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOd. hones , wagons , etc. . at lowest rate * In city , no removal of KOCH ] * : strictly conlldentlal ; you ran pay the loan off at any lira * or In any amount OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 So. 16th St. X J70 J. B. HADDOCK. ROOM 427 , RAMQE BLOCK X-373 MONEY TO IX5AN ON FURNITURE AND plano l Fred Tarry. J R mce bjlc. X-371 BUSINESS CHANCES. I MUST HAVE MONEY WITHIN 15 DAYS , will sfll Ji.20o.00 first mortgages , covering MC ucrea Nebraska land , tixei paid , far t'.M , In vestigate. Atldresi O 47. Dee. Y M71S 1C * FOR SALE. MY LOAN AND JKWHLRY BUSI- nesi. Fred Mahlp. pawn broker , 1517U F r- tarn Y M8St JH BUSINESS CHANGES. Continued. TO SBIO , ; GROCERY STOCK. GOOD LOCA- tlon , cheap , fixtures anJ sF6ck enrnptele , Jnitcher shop Itiehe'I. AiMrem H K. Bur- nam , 617 N. V. Lift Bldg. , Omahn. NeK Y M < > 23 MJV SPBCt'LATORS , 1.00" " ) WANTKD WITH 81WO ) to Join big cnmblnitfon bUylnR wheat. Pnrtlc * ulirs. Ix > ck Box 19 , Cedar Falls , Ift Y MSS IS * FOR EXCHANGE , WILL TRADE DIAMONDS OR JEWULRY for n good second-land bicycle. Call nt 130S Juglas street. Z-.M7I2 17 * , snr LEATHHR EncyclopedH for young nnd saund horse. In quire 2721 Poppleton avo. Z SiS-15 * A SITT OF ENCYCLOPEDIA , 2' . VOL9. , FOR traile for n. Bood horse. Oill 1703 Sn. 9th after 6 p. m Z 802-15 * WANTKD TO TRADE , A PARLOR ORGAN for Iiorse anil buggy. Address P 11 , Bee Z-870 14 * TO SELL OR TRADE , A J2.000 STOCK OF Bhoes ; what hare you to offer ? Addreu P ID , Bea SO 8GJ 16 * A NICE STYLE FAMILY IIORSE , COAL black , Kound , good free driver and gentla In every way , to exchange for K < * 1 driving horse. Fidelity Trust company , 1702 Farnam street. / MS > FOR BALE KbiAL ESTATE. ABSTRACTS. THE JJYRON REED COMPANY. RE 153 IMPROVED GARDEN LANDS NEAR OMAHA nt prices that will surprise } ou. If taken within 2 weeks J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y Life. RE M724 BARGAINS , HOUSES , IXT8 AND FARMS ; eale or trade. F. K. Darling , Barker block. EXCHANGES AND SALES , CITY PROPERTY , farms , merchandise. Garvln Bros. , 210 N. Y L. UU 374 BARGAINS , SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PRoS el ties and farms. Jno. N. Frenzer , opp P , O. RE 375 SNAPS , S TO G MILES FROM OMAHA P. O. 40 , 80 or IX acres. Improved , S30.00 per acre ; 2JO acres. $35.00 per acre ; 2W acres , 110 00 per acre , G 10-ncre tracts , (75 CO to J1W.OO p r acre. Must bo told. 910 N. Y L. bldff. RC M25I FOR SALE LOT 14. BLK 2 , BAKER PLACE This lot Is 5)\128 , south front , near cur ; will sell cheap on easy monthly pivments to right party Also lot 2 , In Buckeye Place , and lot 1 , blk 6 , Fopplcton Patk , Take n look ut the lotj and If they Bull you call and I will make price and terms to suit. Geo.B. Tzschuck , Bea ofllco Omaha. RD 651 FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. N. Y. L. RE-C98-J7 * FOR SALE OR TRADE. A GOOD FARM CON talnlng 400 acres In cast central Nebraska , good neil , good Improvements , plenty of rnln and good large crop doing well ; good reliable tenant In charge ; will take In exchange n good Block of fresh and merchantable groceries , pirt money nnd perhaps some tlrao on a part , this | 9 a good chance , nnd with the present proa- pecM will soon be taken up. For further particulars oddrcs * P. O. box 72. Columbus. Neb nG-M7H 1C * 77ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. S62 N. 40TH , only 13,70000 ; great bargain. Address O G7 , ! ) < , , RE M790 NEW B-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE LOT. ONLY J1.90000 , Clark nnd N. 21st ; snap. .Address P 1 , Bee. RE M79I FOR HALK-3-ACRE TRACTS NEAR SOUTH Omaha , J.153.00 per acre. 12 acres on proposed boulevard , southwest , J300 00 per acre. 1C nctes northwest on Military -and paved street nnd near electric car line , J200 00 per Lot24 block 1 , Potter's add. . West Omaha , J7"iO 00 ISO ft. on 25th St. , north ot Fnrnam , JG7.03 per front foot Lot with four-room house on Martha , near 20th t. . J500.00. Lot with live-room house near 30th nnd Llnd- fey nve , J800.00. Lot with live-room house , 35th and Burt ats. , Jl 200 00. Vacant lots nnd houses nnd lots In all pirts of Omaha nnd acre property at prices much below real value. Potter & George company , cor. loth nnd _ Far- nam. RE MS15-19 WE HAVEN'T TIME TO GIVE YOU A LIST. ns we clew nt 1 p. in. Saturday , but Inolc at the 41 feet ju t east of pilace barn , 17th and Davenport , ma'te us an offei Haven nice building lot for JIOOW. and can gel ! you an S-room houaa to put on It for J2M.CO 1Cou want to trade come In nnd * ? ec ? us ; look nt our window , lemember we never offer nny- thlnn but genuine Miavx. n j ; COLB co JDJ Nortl , ,3th- RE M3I9 15 FOR SALE. 9-ROOM HOUSE. BATH , HOT and cold water ; cistern , filtered , J200 cash , bar monthly G p.-r cen' Int. Price fl.COO Lot 61 ft. Ames Real Estate. 1517 Farnam RE 859-16 * 7 ROOM MODERN COTTAGE , 3C2 N. 4QTH , only J3.700.00 ; great bargain. RE M790 NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE , LARGE LOT. ONLY $1,90000 , Clark and N. 21st ; snap. RE M7S1 11-ROOM HOUSE , MODERN IMPROVEMENTS nnd barn. 48-ft lot , et front , at u nacrlllcc , W.60000 , J1.009 cash , balance to suit ; 5SO N 32nd st. RB-761 14 * M. O. DAXON , 402 N. 1GTH. 303 VICTOR BICYCLES. THE FINEST OF ALL bicycles. Omaha Blc } cle Co , 323 N. 10th street. 391 STERLING , BUILT LIKE A WATCH. WEST- crn Electrical Supply Co. , 1515 Howard street. 395 SEE THE VISIBLE BALL BEARINGS ON Relay Special. Will Barr.um & . Bro. , 120 N. 15th. 399 REMINGTON AND E/GLE. CROSS GUN CO. , 116 S. 15th street. 397 A. L DEANE & CO , WHOLESALE AND RE- tall blcvcles. 1116 Farnam street ; bicycles sold on easy pavments. 193 WESTERN BICYCLE i GUN CO. , 2116 CUMINQ CGI MANTELS , GRATES AND TILES. WOOD MANTELS. GRATES , TILES FOR FIRE places , vestibules and large floors , write for catalougue. Milton Rogers & Sons , Omaha.M39 M39 ] DRESSMAKING. MRS. C. A. LUCAS HAS RETURNED AND opened parlors at 1C09 Douglas street , where she will be pleased to see her fo'mer friends. M137-M23 DRESS MAKING IN FAMILIES. 4316 GRANT. M150-MJI * UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMERS II. K. BURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND cmbalmer , 1618 Chicago st. , telephone 90. 4)3 HWANSON & VALIEN. 1701 CUMING , TEL. 10GO. 40J M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALM- er. 1417 Farnam st , telephone 225 410 C. W BAKER , UNDERTAKER , GI3 S. 1GTH ST. 411 CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. O. E. MORRILL. PAPER HANGING , HOUSE sign painting , brlrk woik , plastering ; off. R 1 , Barker tile. ; tel. 735 ; shop 2211 Izard ; tel. 405. 401 BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & II. ASS'N PAY t , 7 , 8 per cent when 1. 2 , 3 years old , always redeemable. 1704 Farnam st. Nattlnger , Sec. 411 HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings Apply to Omaha L. & B. Abs'n , 1701 Bee bldg. G. W. J 'aginger , Sec. 413 D. T MOUNT HAS REMOLD HIS COAL office to 209 S. Kth St. , Brown block. 400 THE BEST IS THE CHEAPES'l NO SMOKE. No soot. 2,000 pounds of the 1 ? t Wjomlng coal , Jt.M. delivered. Just thin I of II ! You have to pay that for dirty , smoky coil , If vou are Interested In tha fuel question uie Sheridan conl. 1605 Farnam street. MI01 PASTURAGE. WE HAVE 1G ACRES OF BLUE GRASS PAS. ture for turses. board fence , spring water ; Br.rton & Phelps Gllmore , Neb , or A. W. Ptielps & Son. 207 N. Y , Life bids. Tel. 1011. 478-July 1 * HORSES AND CATTLR PASTURED. 1'J miles from car line , blue grass , rprlns water H. H. Harder & Co , Bee building. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 873-20 BOARDING HOUSES FOR RENT. " TO A OOOD , RESPONSIBLE PARTY 22 rooms about 31 boarders Beit location In cltv P 13. Bee. $71 ELECTItlUAL ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRAC- ors for electric light and motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. Western Elec trical Supply Co. , 1511 Howard St. 401 LOST. LOST. PAIR BLACK KID GLOVES. ALSO black satin necktie , sealed In Keltey-Htlger en- velope. Leave at nee olfice , Uist-SJO K * DENTISTS. DR. PAUL. DENTIST , ZOW HURT ST 411 Beccham's pijj Jrc for bilious ness , bilious headache , dyspep * sia heartburn , , ojfpid liver.diz- ziness , sick heallnchcbad , taste in the mouth , coated tongue , loss of appetitekfllow ? skinetc. , when caused b constipation ; and constipation is the most frequent cause of UU of them. Go by the book. Pills 10 * and 954 a box. Book fret nt your druggist's or write B.F. Allen Co. , 365 Canal St. , New York. Annual tain * tunm thin 6.(00 ere tout SHORTHAND AND TYPE WRITING VAN SANTS SCHOOL FOR SHORT HAND , N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. 416 HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER. 13TII AND JONES ST3. 75 rooms at 11.50 per. day. CO rooms nt 12.00 per day , Special rates to commercial travelers Room nnd board by week or month. Frank Hlldltch , manager. 403 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPE \N > . N. W. COR. Uth and Dodge. Rooms by day or week. 403 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 719 N. 1 40G CARPET CLEANING. CHAMPION STEAM CARPET CLEANING WKS. 718-720 S. 14th St. Tel. 1.55 Service guaranteed. U. S. G. Kuhn. Mgr.J Pat Ward , foreman. 12J M23 PAWNBROKERS. II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY. 418 N. 16 ST. 415 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. GEORGE F. GELLENHECK , BANJO AND guitar teacher. 1911 Cass street. M109 DENTAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COLLEGE DENTAL SURGERY , FREE Infirmary ; dentistry at cost. 16th & Cap. nve. 407 solicitors. SUES & CO. Bco Building , OMAIIA. Neb. Advlco FHEI3. RAILWAY THE CARD Leaves lUUHLINaTON i J1O. ItlVUU.Arrives ( Omalial Union Depot. 10Ui U Ma on ais.J Umaiia 10.li.im Denver Impress 9to.im : 43l > ni.lk. ] 11111 * . Mont. & 1'UKCt and. Hx. 4lj : | > m 4.3apm Denver Kxpreas 4:10pm 6.45pm. Nebraska Locut ( except HundnJ ) . 7:45i : > m C.lOjm..Lincoln Ixjcal ( except SuniU > K..ll:5am 2. lim . .fast Mall ( for Lincoln ) Dally . . . Leaves ( CHICAGO , DUHLINQluN & Q.JArrhea OinaiiajUnion Depot , Wth a Mason Sta ( Omaha 4.42pm Chicago , Vestibule 9.50am 9Wam : Clilcagd Express 4 10pm 7:50pm : .Chicago anil St. Louis Express . S.OUjin ll:35am : 1'acino Junction Local C. Opm Fast. Mall 2:40um : Leaves ( CHICAGO. MlLT' & ST IAUL.Arrlvc3 | Omaha ] UnloiiUcpot _ , loth & Mason Hl . | Onmlu 0.00pm..77..Chicago. Llnlteil..777.7. | . . 9:30am : ll:10ani : Chicago Cxpreso ex. Sun. ) 6.00pm Leases IU111CAUU A : Nulirmvnsl'N | ArrKis OmahaUnion ! Depot , wH & Mngon Sis I Omaha lT:05am7 Eastern Express E.3ipm 4:00um : Vcstlbuleri Limited 9:40itm : GiSDnm Mo. Valley Local 10.3)pm ) EMOpm . . . . Omaha Chicago Sp'cl.il 2:15pm : Leaves | CHICAGO. It. 1N & 1'ACIKIC. lArrUea OniaaalUolon Depot , lijth & aiaaoii Sts. | Omaha . ll:00am..Atlantic : express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 6w : > pm 0.25pm . .NlKlU.'Express 9Ma : 1.3upm > . .Chicago VettUniled Limited. . . . l:35p : WEST. 6.00pm..Oklahoma & Texia Hx ( ex Sun.10:3Jam : 1:40pm : Colorado Limited jiUOpm Leaves I C. , ST. I'.I M. & O. ( Arrives J0mahajrepot , lith and Webster 3ts. | Omalm : riam..NebFaBCa Passenger ( dally ) . . . . 8.15pm 4.30pm..Sioux City Express ( ex. Sun..ll:33am ) : t ,10pm St. Paul Llmlteii IO:3Jani : jea\ei | FTC. & MO. VALLEY. . lArrhes Omalial Depot. 15th and Webs'er ats. I Omaha 2:10prn : Past Mall and Expiess 4 S'ipm 2:10pm.ex. : Sat ) Wyo. Ex. ( ex. Mon ) . . 4:53pm : 9 05am..Norfolk Express ( ex. Sunday.10.30am ) 8icpm at. Paul Kxpre 3 10:3Sam : Leaves I K. C. , ST. J. & C. 1 > . ( Arrive * OmahnUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Sts | _ pinuha 9Mam : . . .Kansas City Day Express . 5.30pm 9.45pm.1C. C. Night Ex.la U. P Trans. 6.50am Leaxcsl MISFOUHI PACIFIC. lArrlveT Oimlial Depot. | 3th and ' \Veb3terSU. _ | _ Omaha lOMOam St. Louls'Exprcss 6:00am 9.30pm St LouU Expreo 6OSpm : 5.10pm. . . .Nebraska Local ( ex. Sun ) 9.UOam Leaves 1 SIOUX'CITY & PACIFIC. | Airives OmahaDopot. | _ 1511 , and _ Webs'er Stg. | Omaha " 0.10pm" St. I'aul Limited . . . . . . _ . .10 3Jam Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives OmthaUnlon | Depot , lotli & Mason Stg | Omaha "oTd'iim ' 7..Sioux City Pacs-nscr 10:35pm : 6.33pm St _ Paul Limited. . . . . _ v.12.30pm Leiwu's I UNION PACIPIC pUrlveaT Omahaiynlon Depot , 10th & Mason St _ . | jJinaha 10Mam : Kearney Express 3H3pm Z CKpm ) . .Overland Flyer lirim Z.OOpm.Ueat'ce & . 8trom bB Kx ( ex.Sun ) 3:4Jp'ii : 7:30pm : Pacific Express 10 5onm 6.15pm Past H.ill 4:10riB : Leaves I WADASIt RAILWAY. | Arrlvu CmaliajUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason SU. | Omaha PERSONAL D. S. Williams of New York Is at the Mur ray. George Denson of St. Louis Is at the Del- lone. lone.W. W. W. Nattcres of Kansas City Is at the Darker. Ira L , GlfTord of Reading , Pa. , Is at the Mlllard. R. C. Johnston of Chicago Is a guest at the Paxton. Church Howe of Auburn la autographed at the Pax ton. Part of the Sousa band are registered at the Darker. John K. Schurtz of "New York Is a guest at the Murray. Gene Foley of Mitchell , S. D. , Is a guest at the Dellone. H. A. Anderson ot Boston Is In the city , at the Murray. T. E. C. Johnson of Boston Is registered at the Paxton. S. II. Bryan of Milwaukee Is registered at the Merchants. < > ' A. H. Sargent of fjL. ouls Is a guest at the Merchants. u 11 W. J. I imb , ahead. . f he "Passing Show , ' Is at the Paxton. t ? v W. C. Smith of LotllsVlJle , Ky. , was at the Dellone last night. ] W. E Cerman of 1'orthmd , Ore. , Is regls tered at the Mlllard. , ' fa ' G C Huntoon of Cincinnati Is In the city , stopping at the Merchants. F. Lorenz and P. O'Donnell are registered at the Barker from " " Tom Hughes ot Ko.ns.-u City has his auto graph on the Mlllard hotel register. William Newton of/sfowc City came In last night and Is stopping < the Dellone. H. M. Clalr arrived1 'la.sf ' night and Is reg. tstered at the l'atimruin Philadelphia. At the MercerJ ? t. ' , , Perry , Davenport , la. . W. J. Lse. Fremont , Neb. ; Nat Brown , lied Oak , la , J. C. Wilson , Des Molnes , la. ; Ira Mallory , Grand Island , Neb. ; Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W. Mcllenry. Lincoln. Neb. ; O. A. Swlngley , Beatrice. Neb. ; P. L. Simmons , II. Theode. V , Dadiworth. Chicago ; L. H. Beason , Portland , Ore , ; H. T. Allet , E. G Hampton , Denver , Colo. at thn lintel * . At the Mlllard John HenrlcU. Hooper , L Walker. North Platte ; Fred Loneschlno. \\est Point. At the Oellone W. S. Street , Nebraska City ; August II. Keldhahn , Stnnton ; M. King , Lincoln ; O. I ) , Staub , Avoca. At the Merchants J. A. Douglas. Uassett ; SI. 11. Pratt , Crab Orchard ; A. Hogeland , Lincoln ; W. Chamberlain , Clarka ; T. Martln , Albion , At the Arcade J. II. Dawson , AInsworth , H. A. Tucker nnd W K. Tucker , Hum- boldt ; K , 1) , Murphy , Urady Island ; 13. M Xlescke , 1'lerce. At the Puxton W. 11. Dorgan. Llnt-iln George A. Murphy , rjeatrlce. n. P. Gnu Prcmont , J. C Oahlman , Chadron , O W Phillips , Columbus , M. C Harrington , Norlh Platte. & * & * xia w < * e tmvmHmimj3Uu a5 tsLmf-i imjijua ! i.fK ; Tin : DCPL9IT5 Qr + * 8 ik r i * * A ri i F sHi f " rti' * r r jiwi L l > IJ / max l I , ! > VJ il > / \l > lX im a Bssf Sf gss sssS . ( CopjrlKht , 1S53) Murat was undoubtedly an excellent cav alry olllcer , but he had too much swagger , which spoUs many a good soldier. Lasalle , too , was a very dashing leader , but he ruined himself with wine and folly. Now I , Ktlenno Gerard , was always totally devoid ot swagger , and at the same time I was very abstemious , except , maybe , at the end of a campaign , or when I met an old com- rade-ln-nrms. For these reasons I might , perhaps , had It not been for a certain dif fidence , have claimed to be the most valu able officer In my own branch of the service. It Is true that I never rose to be more than a chief of brigade , but then , as every one knows , no ono had a chance of rising to the top unless he Imd the good fortune to bo with the emperor In his early campaigns Cxcept Lasalle nnd Lobau and Drouct , I can hardly remember nny one ot the generals who had not already made his name before the Egyptian business. Even I , with all my brilliant qualities , could only attain the head of my brigade , and also the special medal of honor , which I received from the emperor himself , nnd which I keep at home In a leather pouch. Hut though I never rose higher than this , my qualities were very well known by those who had served with me , nnd also by the English. Attcr they had captured me In the way which I described to you the other night , they kept a very good guard over me at Oporto , nnd I promise you that they did not give such a formidable opponent a chance of slipping through their fingers. It was on the 10th of August that I was escorted on board the transport which was to take us to England , and behold mo before the end ot the month In the great prison which had been built for us at Dartmoor ! "L'hotcl Francals , ct Pension , " we used to call It , for jou under stand that we were nil brave men there , and that we did not lose our spirits because we were In adversity. It was only those officers who refused to give their parole who were confined at Dart moor , and most of the prisoners were sea men , or from the ranks. You ask me , per haps , why It was that I did not give thli parole , and so enjoy the same treatment as most of my brother odlcers. Well , I had two reasons , and both of them were sufllclcntly strong. In the first place , I had so much confidence In myself that I was quite convinced that I could escape. In the second , my family , though of good repute , has never been wealthy , and I could not bring myself to take anything from the small Income of my mother. On the other hand. It would never do for n man like me to bo outshone by the bourgeois society of an English country town , or to be without the means of show Ing cour tesies and attentions to those- ladles whom I should attract. It was for these reasons that I orcferrcd to be burled In the dreadful prison of Dartmoor. I wish now to tell you ot my adventure. ? in England , and of how- far Mllor Wellington's words were true when ho said that his king would hold me. And first of all I may say that If It were not that I have set off to tell you about what befell myself , I could keep you here until morning with my stories about Dartmoor It self , and about the singular things which oc curred there. It was ono of the very strang est places In the whole world , for there , In the middle of that great desolate wo te , were hered together 7,000 or 8,000 men warriors , you understand , men of experience anJ cour age. Around there were a double wall , and n ditch , and warders and so'dlers , but , my faith ! you could not coop men llko that up llko rabbits In ni hutch1 They would escape by twos and tens and twenties , and then the cannon would boom , and the search parties run , nnd we , who were left behind , would laugh and dance and shout "Vlvc > 1'Empereur. " until the warders would turn their muskets upon us In their passion. And then wo would have our little mutinies , too , and up would come the Infantry and the guns from Plymouth , and that would set us yelling "Vivo 1'Em- pereur" once more , as though we wished them to hear us In Paris. We had lively moments nt Dartmoor , and wa contrived that thoic who were about us should be > lively also. also.You You must know that the prisoners there had their own courts of Justice , In which they tried their own cases , and Inflicted their own punishments. Stealing and quarreling were punished but most of all treachery I ! It was not a very promising point of escape. When I came there first there was a man , Mcmilor , from Ilhelms , who had given In formation of come plot to escape. Well , that night , o\v Ing to some form or other which had to be gone through , they did not take him out from among the other prisoners , and though he wept and screamed and groveled upon the ground they left him there among the comrades whom he had btrayed. That night there was a trial with a whispered accusation and a whispered defense , a gagged prisoner and a Judge whom none could see. In the morning when they came for their man with papers for his re lease there was not as much of him left as you could put upon your thumb nail. They were Ingenious people , these prisoners , and they had their own way of managing. We officers , however , lived In a separate wing and a very singular group of people we were. They had left us our uniforms , so that there was hardly a corps which had served under Victor or Massena or Ney which was not represented there , and some had been th re from the time when Junot was b3aten at Vlmerla. We had chasseurs In their green tunics , and hussars , like myself and blue coated dragoons and white fronted lancers and voltlgeurs and grenadiers and men of the artillery and engineers. Hut the greater part were naval ofllcers , for the Eng lish had had the better of us upon the seas I could never understand this until I jour neyed myself from Oporto to Plymouth , when I lay for sven days upon my back , and could not have stirred had I seen the eagle of the regiment carried before my eyes. It was In pedfldlous weather like this that Nelson took advantage of us , I had no soner got Into Dartmoor than I began to plan to get out again , and you can readily believe that with wits sharpened by twelve years of warfare , It was not very long before I saw my way. You must know , In the first place , that I had a very great Advantage In having some knowledge of the English language. I learned It during tha months that I spent before Danzig , from Adjutant Obrlant of the regiment IrlanUala , who was sprung from the ancient kings of the country. I was quickly able to speak It with some fa cility , for I do not take long to master any thing to which I set my mind. In three months I could not only express my meanIng - Ing , but I could use the Idioms of the pee ple. It wai Obrlant who taught me to say "He Jabers , " Just as wo might say "Ma fol , " and also "The curse of Crummle' " which means "venire blue ! " Many a time I have seen the English smile with pleasure when they have- heard me speak so much llko one cf themselves. V9 officers were rut two iu a cell , which was very little to my taste , for my room mate was a tall , silent man named lleati- mont of the flying artillery , who had been taken by the English cavalry nt Astorga. It Is seldom I meet n man of whom I can not make n friend , for my disposition and manners nre ns you know them , llut this fellow had never n smile for my Jests , nor an ear for my sorrows , but would sit looking at me with hit sullen eyes until sometimes I thought that his two years of captivity had driven him crazy. Ah , how I longnl that old Dottvet , or any of my comrades of the- hus sars , was there , Instead of this mummy of a man. But such us he was , I had to make the best of him , and It was very evident that no eicapo could be mailo unless ho weremy partner In It , for what could I possibly do without his observing me ? I hinted at It , therefore , and then by degrees I spoke moro plainly , until it seemed to me thut I had prevailed upon him to share my lot. I tried the walls , and I tried the floor , and I tried the celling , but though I tapped and probed , they all appeared to bo very thick and solid. The door was of Iron , shutting with a spring lock , and provided with a small grating , through which a warder looked twlco In e\ery night. Within there were two vvaihstands nothing more. U was enough for my wants , for when had t as much during those tvvelva years spent In camps ? Dut how was I to get out ? Night after night I thought of my COO hussars , and had dreadful nightmares , In which I fanctfd Then with One Good Wrench It Came Oft In Hnnii. that the whole regiment needed shoeing , or that my horses were all bloated with green fodder , or that they were foundered from bogland , or that six squadrons were clubbed In the presence of the emperor Then I would awake In a cold sweat , and set to work pick ing and tapping at the walls once more ; for I know very well that there Is no difficulty which cannot be overcome by a ready brain and n pair of cunning hands. There was a single window In our cell , which was too small to admit a child. It was further defended by a thick Iron bar In ths center. It was not a very promising pclnt of escipe , as you will allow , but I be came more and more convinced tlut our efforts must bo directed toward It. To makn matters worse. It , only led out into the ex ercise yard , which was surround d by two high walls. Still , as I said to my sullen comrade , It Is lime to talk of the Vistula when you are over the Rhine. I gat a small piece of Iron , therefore , from the fittings of my bed. and I s l to work to loosen the piaster at the top and the botom ot the bar Three hours I would work , and then leap Into my bed upon the sound of the warder's step. Then another three hours , and then very often another yet , for I found that Deiu- mont was so slow and clumsy a' It that It was on myself only that I could rely I pictured to myself my Third cf Hussars watting Just outside that window , with kettledrums and standards and leopard fkln shabraques all coniplet ? . Then I would work like a madman , until my Iron was crustcil with my blood , as If with rust. And 10 , night by night , I loosened that stony plaster and hlil It away In the stuffing of my pillow , until tha hour camu when the iron MiMit and then , with one good wrench , it came off In my hand , and my first step had been taktn toward freedom. You will ask me what bettor off I was since , as I have said , a child could not have fitted through the opening. I will tell you I had gained two things a tool and a weapon. With the one I might loosen the stone which flanked the window. With the other I might defend myself when I hod scrambled through. So now I turned my at tention to that stone , and I picked and picked with the sharpened end of my bar until I had worked cut tha mortar all round. You understand , of course , that during the day I replaced everything In Its position , and that the warder was never p2rmltte < l to sos a ppeck upon the floor. At the end of Ihree weeks I had separated the stone and lud thD rapture of drawing It through and seeing a hole left with ten atnrs shining through It , where there had ben but four before. All was ready for us now. and I replaced the stone , smearing Hi ? edgss of It round with a little fat and sout , so as to hid ; the cracks where the mortar should have been In three nights the moon would be gone , and that s'omeJ the be t time for our attempt. ( Continued Tomorrow. ) H'/.M Til Hit I'llltKVitST. Pnlr with Northerly WIinM I'romlseil for > < ! tiriMUi. WASHINGTON , May H. The forecast for Wednesday In : Per Nebraska Fnlr ; northerly winds For Iowa -Increat-lng cloudiness , with showers ! cooler In the we-itern portion ; southerly winds , becoming northerly. For Missouri Oeneially fnlr ; warmer In the eastern portion , coutherlv winds. For South Dakota and Kansas Pair ; cooler ; northerly winds. I.iu'iil llrrnnl. orpicr : op THE WEATHER HURKAU OMAHA , May 14 Omaha record of tem perature and rainfall compared with the corresponding day of thu punt four yenrt ) . 1SK. 1831. 1ETI ISM. Maximum temperature 70 31 78 H7 Minimum temperaturer , G'S la M Average temperature . . . . M 78 us At Precipitation 00 .10 .00 .n Condition of temperature nnd precipita tion nt Omaha for the day and since Muich 1 , liM : ' Noimal temperature 61 Deficiency for the clay 9 Nuimal precipitation 15 Inch Dellrlfiicy for the day 15 inch Total precipitation since March 1 5.11 Inches Deficiency hlnce Murch 1 till Inch llnporu fi"in Other St.itluru ut H 1 * . M , STATION- ? . n ttTATI Ot WKATilE.I. t ! Omaha 70 .00 Cloud ) North 1'Iatle. 04 78 .OHlCluar. Valcntlnu. H4 70 TClear ( hlcaeo Mil 4(1 ( .00 Part cloudy. Si. Luula , MilM 1,0 .00 Olotnly Sl.l'am. , 411 su .Oil.KuliiIni ; . Davenport. ! > 'J r,4 .OO'cioud ' ) Kaiihaii city , U4 70 . ( iDiIMrtolOudy. llulcna. . UU .OD Clear , Denver 73 HJ .no'Parieloiidy ' Salt Like Cltjr. 78 7H .OOlciomly. Illimarck , . 08 04 .Oil'fle.ir at Vlncfiit 44 3'J .110'Cloudy ' Lhejenno . , O' . ! OS .00 Partcloiuly MUCH City. cy 04 .00 Clear HatiidCUy ouTJ .no Cloudy. ' TJ OJ'l'iirl ' cloudy "T" Indicates trace of precipitation L. A. WELSH , Oteerv r , CATHOLIC KNIGHTS AT WORK National Council of the Order Begins Its B'ssion in Earnest , ATTENDED MASS AT THE CATHEDRAL \ftrr Divine Service tlin DrlnRntrs Listened to AdilrcfMen from I'rmlilinl Slirlno niul Delegate Harrington Committees for tlio Vcnr Appointed , The national council of the Cathollo Knights ot America was formally called to order tit Chambers' academy yesterday aft ernoon at 3 o'clock. Preceding the opening of the convention yesterday the deleg.ites and visitors at tended n pontinclal high mass at St. Phllo- mcna's cathedral. Archbishop Gross ot Oregon gen , supreme spiritual director ot the society , celebrated the mass , assisted by the local and visiting clergy. The delegates and vis itors moved In procession to the cathedral from thu Dellone hotel at 9 o'clock. John U , Furay was the marshal , assisted by M. C. Har rington. The First Infantry band led the lines , followed In order by the uniform rank , su preme ofllcers , delegates , visiting Knights and local Knights. The line of march was south from the Dellono on Fourteenth to Farnam , cast to Eleventh , south to lUrney , east to the cathedral. Return West on Harney to Eleventh , north to Douglas , west to hall at Seventeenth and Doughs. At noon they returned to the hotel and after partaking ot dinner assembled for busi ness. President Shrlno made a brief address , re viewing the work of the past jear and ox- liremliiK hopes for still greater achieve ments. Ho was glad to scu such a largo at- tcndinco and believed the Omaha contcrenca would be prolific of great results. WELCOMED TO NEI1IJA9KA. M. C. Harrington ot North I'latto deliv ered the following address of welcome : "As I am not a minister of the gospel , whoso subllmest ot all vocations Is to clo- ( lucntly teach the erring man how to livO well and dlo well , nor an attorney at tha bar ot Justice , who through his art ot or atory often saves a guilty client ; ns I belong not to these honorable professions , but be ing a peaceful pursuer ot mcrcantllu life , you are deceived If you expect nny flights of the magic art from mo. Nevertheless , as the wise man tells us , 'out ot the fullness of the heart the mouth speakcth , ' out of the fullness of my emotional heart I assure 'you , gentlemen , that I rejoice In the oppor tunity afforded mo of tendering to you In ho name of the Catholic Knights ot Ne braska a heartfelt welcome to this motropol- tan ctty ot this central state of the Amer ican union. If our faces are strange to each other In the material sense , In the spiritual sense wo am brothers , Intimately united In the strongest of all bonds , the bonds of our , ancient Catholic religion , through which wo receive the same sacraments , kneel at thu same altar and partake of the sntno Itillnlto sacrifice , and are Irrevocably united to the/ ndestrucllblo Hock of I'otor. WERE ALL CATHOLIC KNIGHTS. "When we take a retrospective view of ilstory we must , from the necessity of our religions natutes , feel proud of our ancestry of Catholic knighthood. The Christian era was 1,500 years old before there was a knight n the world , except a Catholic knight. The Crusaders , Who rescued the Holy Land from he despoiling Turk , were Catholic kntghtti , ind ns they trailed In the dust of Palestine he crescent ot the Infidel nnd planted In victory the banner of the cross on the walls of Jerusalem , so did Rochnmbeau , Lafayette , Sullivan nnd Jack Barry , and a multitude of other Catholic knights , teir down the English lack and sst nlloat over Its torn remnants the banner of freedom , nnd K.UB to us and generations yet unborn that God-given right , that endearing liberty which we enjoy today on the free soil of America. The world iolds In honor the names of Shields , Mulli gan , Meagher , Rosecrans nnd otliern Innumer able , and some military critics tell us that he genius of Napoleon In war did not out- jhlne that of Phil Sheridan. The greatest constitution the world ever enjoyed was the iroJuct ot Catholic knights , the barons of Jngland That constitution was the founda tion on which were built the liberties that we enjoy oven In these closing years of this enlightened nineteenth century , the liberties of the Immortal Magim Chart. ) . PHOUD OF THEIR POSITION. 'Gentlemen , I shall not trespass on your valuable time , which might bo better occu pied than spent In listening to me In recall- ng to your minds the chlvalrlc , historical leeds of our ancestors , llut when we are accuted by 'would-be' patriots of disloyalty : o our beloved country we are cut to the quick with their keen-edged calumny In the face of unbiased history , In which Is In- ' lellbly recorded the heroic deeds of men of our creed , men who never played coward n the rear , but rushed to action In the front In the day of Jeopardy and gave their blcod and treasure In behalf of their natlvo or adopted country. We , Catholic Knights , an honored name , feel proud ot these facts , > rou < I ot the fact that we are the sons ot patriotic sires. Wo are also proud of tha 'act that our society Is held In the highest esteem by the church nnd the civilian world , u society that requires each md all of Its members to put the , faith that Is In them Into practice and will bring material comfort to our widows and orphans as they weep over our graves when we are gathered to our fathers. "Gentlemen knights , I will now concluda by calling your attention to the energetic en terprise of our western citizens. You be hold the evidence of that enterprise utamped upon this beautiful young city , a city Just now thirty-eight years old or six years my own senior , though 1 am yet a young man. The citizens of this city an ! state Join with uu Catholic Knights In making the slay of ho member. } of th B orJer pleacant and agree- fble , that they may bear with them to their homes many pleasant memories of their so journ with us In thu Gate City of the west. " In response the supreme president In substance - stance voiced his gratitude at the sentiment exprcsw.xl by Mr. Harrington and thanked him In behalf ot the delegate. ! . The committee on credentials reported favorably on the list of delegates published. . - , jeeterday In The Bee The convention , after Instructing the su preme officers to appoint standing committees for tha ensuing year , adjourned until tomor row morning at 9.30 o'clock. COMMITTEES FOR THE YEAR. Just before the adjournment of the after noon gtvsion the following committees were named ; Credenthl > L. H. Kurtz , John Currati , Charles S. Ott. Finance Henry B. Feldhaus , J. C. Purcell. Rev Joseph J Gore , J I ) . Simpson , John IlunckeWlllUm Stuswe , George Landwahr. Appeals and Grievances W C. Smith , P. S. O'Uourke , John A McCormack , Itev. J. . Heiry Tlhen , Kr.-ncls Nash , Anton Itelslng. Printing Frank Hunter. M , C Harrington , A N. Itagglo , Thomas I' McGlynn , Joseph Willy. Frank A. Dothage , Eugene Foley. Mileage and Per Diem F J. Maher , J. H. N. Wlgman , Dr Jofofh M. Burke , M , Mc- Cormlck , Itev Thomas W Tubman , Silas Q. Canlteld. D. F. Kelleher , Frank Ballhaur. New Business John J. Duffle , John Kent , Dr. J. H. Kclley , William F , Gormley , Jurard Itcltur , B. 0. McLaughlln , James J. McGov- orn. D W Ward. Returns J T. Dullle , John Hencke , John Currnn , Jerard Heltcr , J. C. Purcell Omclal Reports A M Haggle. J. J. Dalley , M. McCormack , Frank A Dothage , George D. Landweher HcvUlon of Votes J. C. Purcell , Dr. J. M. Burke , I' . S. O'Uourke , L. H. Kurtz , Joseph ; The discriminating , up-to-date young lad/ , completes the harmony of her charming cos tume with a pair of the symmetrical and en during Ludlow alines , and so Jo" her sisters , t.er cousins and her aunts. Shown In blax-U , and seasonable tans. > Vhen Ilaby vrau sick , ire garo her Castorlo. When cho was a C1U1J , > ua cried for CastorU. When slio became Miss , nho clung to Ca-storU. Wiltn the bad Children , she gave them CaitorU.