Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    T1TJ3 OMAHA DAILY BiRE : TUESDAY , MAY 14. 1805.
Jl e ( Without 8un l i . One Year t OT
IJnilX Ile nnd Monday , Ono Imr 1 * <
Six Months SI"
Tlirw Motillii ! ; ; J |
Kntunlay lt < * e , On Yreu l J ?
Wfffcly lirf. One Ymr * *
Omalm. The It * llulldlnir. . , . . „ .
Boulh Oinnha , Hlnsr Itlk. , Corner N nnd .till bis.
Council lilurr * , 12 Teat I Htrect.
rhkiiKn oillriSIT. . Clminlxr nf CommTco.
New York , IKmint 11. H and 15. Tribune llltlg.
.inalin. . H'fi ' V Htrett , N. A\ .
All communications retatlni ; to n < nv and ll-
torlul nutter iliouM b mWrMiwli To the iwlltor.
All lai ln < w letlfra and remlttnnce * dliould Ixs
ddn-iui-d to The Ik-o I'uMIMiInu rornpnnj- ,
Omnhn lrnft , checks nnd pnnlolllce onlem to
lie mnik' | > i > nl > lc to tlif order of Ilin company.
Oeorue II. Tzucliuck , occrclary of The Hee I'lili-
llnlilnff compnny , twin * Ouly sworn , wtys Hint
the nclunl number of full nn.l . complete copies of
the Dilly Morning. Hvenlnj ; nml Humlny Jlec
jrtnte < l durlnR llic month of rebmary , H'Jj , nas
MI follows : .
2) , 4.16
3 . . . . 20,520
4 20.1M 19.7M
f , 2IJ.013 19.7V ,
6 19,901 21 U.JjSG
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "
a , . , . . . , . . , . . . . . , is'.sia a' . ! . ! ! . . ! . . ! ! ! is ! i
9 13,799 23 19.S53
10 2),00i ) ) 21 2.1.410
11 1D.MO 21 19.617
12 19.810 25 19fill
13 19.7W 27 19 BH
H 19,700 2i
* s clcOucllotw for unsold and returned
Wet .i1c . 531.611
Dally uvcrnKO . : . 1-01 '
monan „ . TSMCHUCK. ,
flwom to bfforc mo nnd nulncrlbod In my prrs-
enri- thin M ilny of March. 1W3.
\ ' ( Heiil. ) X. I1. TK1U Notary I'ulillc.
Cliti'f Hi'ik'll still persists ) In
Inff liln ( lullcH fearlessly nml without
favor , regardless of the malevolent
of the star chamber organ.
Kvery time that any man Is < lls-
charged from the fire ami police force
for cause he Is sure to come to the
front as a victim of malice and perse
Now that the council has Johnnie
Thompson's permission to approve tin1
Imtuls of the new police commissioners
we take It that all further objections
will be withdrawn.
It Is rather cruel and unprofessional
for the Grecian bend editor of the
Hyphenated to Insinuate that The lice
Is a pullbnck paper. That Is the ox-
Elusive prerogative of our bifurcated
The Hureau of .Statistics of the
Treasury department estimates the
present population of the United Stales
nt 70H)0,0K ( ) ( ) . This is about as much
of a guess as anybody else could make
without knowing what he Is talking
Mr. Kohlsaut of the Chicago Tlmes-
Ilcrald urges upon the next congress
the propriety of pensioning nil ex-pres
idents. This Is not so much a move to
placate Grover Cleveland as It Is to
shelve Itenjamln Harrison liii the com
ing hurdle race.
The most hopeful sign of the revival
of business comes from Cincinnati in
the announcement that the carriage
I * factories of that city , sixty In number ,
r are running overtime and short of
help. Carriages are luxuries and the
Increased demand for that class of ve
hicles affords abundant proof of return
ing business prosperity.
The fraudulent counting In of Gov
ernor Turney of Tennessee by u fraud
ulent legislature has culminated In an
clllgy-burnlng farce. We do not know
which the Tenuesseeans ought to lie
most ashamed of , the usurper In thft
governor's chair or the idiotic and cow
ardly backwoodsmen who cremated a
Bluffed rag man tagged with Turney's
The Chicago administration demo
crats are about to begin the publication
of a democratic daily that will preach
the gospel according to St. GrovOr.
The Omaha contingent in the federal
building are expected to follow suit at
I an early day with Dr. Miller as editor
Jim North as treasurer and IVistmastei
f Martin as superintendent of circulation
They would make things rattle.
According to the census just taken by
the police department of Huffalo , the
population of that city is K5,709 !
Ituffnlo in 1890 was credited by the
federal census with only ITM.Olii in
habitants and in 1880 with l , " , iil. : If
the recent enumeration Is correct , nm
there Is no reason why It should not be
approximately so , Buffalo has main
tallied a rate of Increase during tht
juist live years that Is really remark
able , ami If she continues to gain h
even smaller degree In the next fe\\
years her showing In the census of 1000
will attract no little attention.
The effect of the democratic free trade
policy upon the Industries of t
country Is strikingly exhibited In tin
enormous Increase of Imported textll
fabrics which necessarily must have
resulted In a corresponding decrease h
the output of American mills am
factories. The total Imports of drj
goods Into this country for the llrs
four months of 1S93 show an increasi
of Jf .KU.IlSS , as compared with th
same period 'In IS'.M. In 'other words
foreign made cotton , woolen and sill
fabrics arc now coming into this c nin
In nn Increased volume , reprcscntlni
? 75,000.0)0 ) a year in excess over 189) )
when Uie McKinley tariff was In force
To pay for these Imported goods we mns
export $75,000,000 worth more cotton
grain and cattle , while at the sam
time the wage fund of the America !
factory workmen has been cut dowi
'by millions and local trade In th
factory towns has been crippled to tha
extent. What Is true of textile fabric
is , true also of other branches o
American Industry. Manifestly th
shrinkage lit the volume of the clrculat
Ing medium among the people Is there
fore not duo to the demonetisation o
silver , but to the Increased volume o
Imports for which wo hnvo to pay I
money or Its equivalent In America :
/'OS TA It Thl , M'JtOXKfl.
It U time for the advocate * of the guvcrn-
ent onncnhlp of the telegraph to enlarge
iclr plan nf campaign a little. Some of the
xpcrt * are laying now that the telephone
ml not the telegraph will be the favorllo
cans of sending messages even between dis
tant points In a comparatively few years.
eng distance telephoning U now vaitly ex-
enslvc , but It ta pointed out that Important
eductions In tolls arc Inevitable and that It
III l > c poitlblo to unite as low rates 09 the
elefiraph on account of tlio caving In oper-
lora , messenger torvlce .tnJ other features
' the business. Lincoln Journal.
The advocates of government tele-
raph have nut been waiting for this
uggcstlon. The telephone has been
urt ami parcel of the postal telegraph
ystems of ( Jrait Britain , Krance , Cicr-
mny and Austria for years , anil the
cwspapcrs of Europe have for the
lost part discarded the telegraph by
ubstltutlng the telephone for tholr
eng ill.stanco a.s well as thulr short ills-
nice correspondence. In Sweden nnd
Norway the government telephone
orvleo extends to every hamlet from
Stockholm to the North Capo nnd
Vincrlcaii tourists to the land of the
nldnlght sun nre amazed when they
hid that they can talk to their friends
rom the I'.altlc to the Arctic circle at
trilling cost from every poatolllee.
Vlille America truthfully boasts of
greater diffusion of Intelligence than
ny other civilized country and points
o n greater mileage of telegraph and
clephonc wires than all Europe , she Is
amontably behind European countries
n the matter of conveying Intelligence
iver electric wires , both in point of
est of messages and in the facilities
'or communicating either by telephone
ir telegraph.
The explanation of this marked dlf-
'erence Is afforded by the fact that In
Ourope the telegraph and telephone
: onstltnte part of the postal system
mil arc operated solely for public con-
enlenee , while In the United Slates
hey are operated by corporate monopos'
les ns speculative ventures for prolit.
The Invention of the telephone was
expected to bring about n marked cut
n telegraph rates , but combination Is
ilways sure to beat competition. The
elegraph monopoly made haste to bo-
. 'omo 11 close ally to the telephone
nonopoly and both maintained exces
sive rates by a compact that prevented
'roe competition. While short distance
elephono rates have taken a drop slnco
he expiration of the Hell patent the
eng distance rates are kept up by the
) ld combine. So long ns the country
submits to those exactions they will
loubtless continue , but we believe pub
ic sentiment will nt no distant day
'ompel the acquisition by the govern-
neut of all telegraph and telephone
hies as a matter of public necessity.
In the last report of one of the com-
ncrclal agencies It is said that the
ndustrles were distinctly gaining when
strikes began which have spread quite
iVidoly. Thousands of cotton and
woolen operatives in the east are on
strike for higher wages ; there is a
formidable strike of coke workers In
Virginia , whoso conduct has made it
necessary to call the military Into servIce -
Ice for the protection of life and prop-
Tty ; the furnaces In the Mahonlng and
Slienango valleys of Ohio have shut
down owing to the strike of the work-
nen ; several thousand men employed
In the great Iron and steel mills at
Chicago are out on a demand for an
Increase of wages ; there Is a strike of
miners near Duluth which threatens
to become troublesome , and there are
other strikes of minor Importance. It
is reported that the Amalgamated As-
sociatlon of Iron and Steel Workers
ulso proposes a struggle over the new
The Inauguration of labor conflicts
it the beginning of the Industrial re-
vlval would seem to be most Inoppor
tune and unwise , and It Is to be appre-
bended that those who are responsible
for these conflicts will in time find that
they have committed a costly mistake.
l'r two years there have been hundreds
of thousands of Idle people In the
country and as many more who had
work only a part of the time and at
reduced wages. During this period the
capital invested in manufacturing In
dustries was not profitable , but on the
contrary the owners of mills am ;
factories very generally lost , money
The settlement , for a time at least , of
the tariff question and the restoration
of financial confidence , together witl
the fact that slocks of manufacture ! '
goods In the country had become nearlj
exhausted , enabled the manufacturers
to resume operations. In many cases thej
voluntarily Increased wages , not quite
up to the standard before the time of
depression came on , but to an extent
which gave assurance to labor that as
trade Improved it could expect a furthei
advance. The conditions are materially
changed from wlmt they were three
years ago , when the country oxperl
onced perhaps the highest degree
of prosperity In Its history. Under the
present tarllt American manufacturers
are subject to a sharper foreign com
petition than formerly and in order to
meet this competition must do business
at a smaller margin of prolit than h
the past , ruder these circumstances
they cannot reasonably bo expected ti
pay as high a rate of wages as whei
the competition was less and they were
In fuller possession of the home mar
ket. Those who demand , therefore
that the pay of labor in the Industries
sht'.ll bo at once restored to what 1
was In the prosperous year of 181)2 ) , ns
Is the case with some who are striking
for an Increase of wages , are asking
that which Is not practicable , unless
mills anil factories are to be operatei
at a loss or manufacturers by ndvanc
ing the prices of goods Invite n large ;
Hood of Importations. It Is certain tha
those who have capital Invested In In
dnstrles will not carry them on If there
Is no profit In them and to materlallj
advance prices would bo to give for
elgn manufacturers n larger share o
the American market , the result o
which could not fall to be ultimate !
disastrous to American l.tbor.
It would seem that worklngmei
would give duo consideration to tlies
conditions and be satisfied with a nltua
tlon that promises to steadily Improv
If It Is allowed to do so. It Is deslrabl
that labor shall be paid all that tin
business of the country will Jnstlfj
ut It ought to be plain to everybody
hat nt the outset of the resumption of
idustrlnl activity Is not nn auspicious
line for Inaugurating labor conflicts.
KKADH 011 T.IJ&S ?
"A mere Increase ? In the amount of
icney In the country will bo of little
cneflt to the masses of the people , be-
attse they cannot get It. "
Tills sentence Is quoted from Senator
effer's book , "The Farmer's Side. "
t Is the most sensible sentence that has
eeently boon uttered by any of the
dvocates of free silver coinage. It is
iiHible Itccnuse It shows the absurdity
f the free sliver position.
The free sliver men set up two con-
Icllng claims. They say that free
H' ' liver coinage would be of great benefit
o the farmei-s and the laboring men
nd people of moderate means gen-
tally , because It would enable them to
ay their debts more easily. Of course
lie only way tlebts can be paid more
aslly'ls by paying them with money
ess valuable than that In which they
ere contracted. They can be paid
nore easily In silver only when silver
nouey Is cheaper than the standard
urreney that prevails today.
Hut the silver men also say that free
olnage nt 111 to t would immediately
also the market value of silver bullion
o the mint value. They profess lo be-
love Unit the United States alone Is
blu to create a sulliclcnt demand for
lie money metals to maintain them nt n
ratio of KJ to 1. If this were
iccomplished sliver money would be
nade just as valuable us gold money
s now and only so far ns It were nc-
Miupllshed would the mine owners be-
ilud the free silver ngllation realize
idvautngc from such a policy.
The question Is , How can free silver
ead to two so diametrically opposite
esults ? The mine owner Is promised
ils profit out of raising the price of
silver. ' The poor debtor Is promised
cllef from his burden In cheapening
he ' standard In which he may dis
charge his obligations. If free silver
jrought the market ratio up to lt > to 1
lie people who owe money or have com-
nodlties to sell would be no better off
han at present. If It should not bring
he market ratio up to 1C to 1 the mine
nvnors who arc playing the free silver
Itldler would be most dismally dlsnp-
) oluted.
The report that Japan Is seeking a
renty arrangement with Nicaragua by
iVhlch she may secure privileges In the
N'li-arngun canal Is another Indication
hat the statesmen of the Island em-
) lre nrc vigilantly looking out for every
opportunity to obtain advantages for
their country. While there is no defl-
ilte ' Information as to what concessions
Tapan desires to secure from Nicaragua ,
here appears to be no reason to doubt
that negotiations have been opened be
tween the two countries with a view
o securing for the former whatever
privileges may be granted consistent
with the rights already accorded to
: he United States in connection with
the Nicaragua canal. It Is said that
lapan concedes that tills country fk en
titled to superior advantages , but she
wishes to be placed on an equality with
other countries having treaties with
This information is regarded in
Washington as presenting a new factor
in the question of the use and control
: if the canal , and it is one that will
[ irobably strengthen the opinion that
[ he United States should take full control
trol of that waterway. The desire of
' lapan to have equal privileges there
with other nations Is easily understood
mil ' this fact need not cause us any
disturbance. Japan is not likely to
make ' any request for concessions with
out a full and fair understanding with
the United States. There Is reason to
think thai she appreciates the fact
that It would not bo good policy to do
anything which might militate against
the friendly relations between the two
countries and would even make no
little i sacrifice to avoid any complica
tion with this country. Hut there Is
reason for some solicitude regarding
the policy of Urcat Britain In connec
tion with the canal , which It Is quite
possible may assume an aggressive
form when It becomes known to the
British government that Japan Is ne
gotiating for concessions.
It is not ditllcnlt to conceive how
this undertaking may become a source
of serious international complications
and perhaps it will be Impossible to
avoid such complications If the canal is
not under ( lie complete control of the
United States. Tills question will
doubtless be even more earnestly dis
cussed In the next congress than It
was in the last and if the report of the
commission of engineers appointed to
Investigate the enterprise , which Is now
on its way to Nicaragua for that pur
pose , shall be favorable to continuing
Its construction , It is more than likely
that ( the next congress will favor the
building and control of the canal by
Jhe United States.
PUU , JJoinv run VIADUCT.
In every city where railway tracks are
on grade or below grade and viaducts
have to be erected for the public safety
and convenience railroad companies nrc
required ) to pay the cost of these
viaducts. In some cities they also have
to pay for their maintenance. Hut In
Omaha the railroads persistently refuse
to bear their Just and legal proportion
of the co t of viaducts , even though
they enjoy right-of-way privileges that
are ' worth millions of dollars without
having paid a penny for them , nnd are
moreover virtually exempted from local
taxation. Sixteenth street Is now the
principal thoroughfare of Omaha. The
viaduct on Sixteenth street across the
Union I'aclflc and Hurllngton tracks has
become an absolute necessity to n ceo in-
modnto the heavy trafllc between the
south nnd north sides. The present
viaduct is nothing more than n wooden
bridge , designed originally as a tem
porary makeshift. The ramshackle
structure has bien unsafe for a number
of years nnd should have been con
dunined nnd torn down long ago. Its
repair last year was so much money
thrown away. Wo are now confronted
with the question , What shall be done
to give the people on the south side the
relief to which they are entitled nt the
hands of the , rnjjt/-oads ? The city 1ms
no funds vrltlfcm'htch to construct n new
Ylnduct and li ngj likely to be In posi
tion to do so for the-next two years.
All that It inrnjMTOsslbly be able to do
would bo to pjy for the reconstruction
of the npproawljoiv.
The rnllrondgccMnpanlos seem disposed
to resist over ? ' effort to make them
comply with then * obligations. There
Is only one wa 1hi bring them to terms.
The city should .pondemn the viaduct
as unsafe , adopt plans for n com
modious substitute of stone and Iron
nnd have the' ' old' viaduct torn down.
When that Is done the railroad com
panies will have- their choice between
assuming the risks of the dangerous
Sixteenth street crossing or come to
time nnd pay the assessment for the
new viaduct. If they choose the former
they will soon get tired. It will be no
small matter for them to maintain gates
and guards at the principal roadway
between the north and south , even
though part of that trafllc should
temporarily be forced back to Thlr-
teentlt street.
There Is no use of temporizing with
this t viaduct trouble. If allowed to re
main In Its present condition the city
has | to carry all the risks of accident ,
which , In case of a serious disaster ,
might amount to more than the cost of
the whole viaduct. If the city closes
the viaduct to all trnlllc except foot pas
sengers we can look for no relief from
the embargo for years. The true policy
Is to force the Issue between the city
and the railroads by the same tactics
pursued by that greatest of showmen ,
I' . T. Uarnuni , when he was taking
measures to shoot the big elephant.
Harnuni had been vainly trying to
persuade his partner to n division of
their menagerie animals and In his des-
peratlon concluded that the shortest
way out of the controversy was to shoot
his half of the elephant. The great
showman In his autobiography tells us
that he brought his partner to time.
The way to bring the railroad managers
to time is for the city to shoot Its half
of the Sixteenth street elephant.
There are thousands of patriots who are
anxious to have the news anxious to give
the Protestant preachers as fair a hearing as
Is accorded to Hainan priests and Itinerant
lecturers of the Jesuit Sherman stamp. A.
P. A. Organ.
Do these people read the dally papers
of Omaha or are they content with the
pabulum of brnzc'n fabrication that seeks
to Inject sectarianism Into our politics ?
Any constant render of the dally papers
of Omaha will attest that the Protestant
preachers are given 1,000 lines of re
ports of sermons and lectures for every
line that Is g\yen'to \ ' Itouian Catholics.
The fact Is that the sermons delivered
In I Catholic clmrches are reported very
rarely i and the papers are not asked to
report i any of thetn unless on some ex
traordinary occasion. The A. P. A.
agitators , and ( x-pHosts were given ten
times , the space .that . was given to
Father Sherman and he was given
prominence chiefly1 because his father
had marched'to'the ' sea. 1
How does the copperold proposition
strike you ? There are millions in it
for every man who can get In on the
ground floor.
Wtllll.UI > it UtT ItOJt.
Atchlson Globe.
A woman looks prettier getting * a baby to
sleep than she looks upon a public platform.
' ! ' .
I'rmpccttTO 1'uUlllff. .
Clilcaca Ileconl. ' ,
The Florida legislature has taken up a bill
to reduce sleeping car rates. The officials of
the sleeping car companies will now-put their
legs In proper position to sustain another
_ _
Unit the Joyful TKllnRS.
Chicago Tlmps-Herald.
All good citizens ought to rejoice that a
court of the United States has enjoined the
unauthorized dramatization of "Trilby. " Mr.
Du Maurler or any other laborer Is worthy of
his hire. Decides , we've had enough "Trilby"
to last a lifetime.
Sura Tlilnc.
The recent rains In the west hare greatly
Improved the agricultural outlook , nnd the
promise of a restoration of good times.
Bountiful crops will solve several political
problems that are now glvlnc the country
considerable trouble.
\Vlinrn tin. . P.UIetl.
Kansas City Star.
Brazil Is just at present laboring to restore
her paper money , which was Issued under
an old-time grcsnback flat system , to a par
with gold. The flat money men of this coun
try would do well to study the living ex
perience of the greatest of South American
ClitiiuiR a I'buntont.
New Yolk Tribune.
Senator Voorhees of Indiana. Is deeply en
gaged In a ptlll hunt for what he calls "the
parity of value" between gold and BltVer.
It Voorhees over discovers such a "parity"
he ought to have U stuffed. The world la
full of men who refuse to believe that any
such thing exists.
Dinpntm ! Title a Xiillonitl Danger'
lirooXlyn Kugle.
Disputed title holds In It the gravest dan
ger to American Institutions. The Investiture
of defeated men with office and the denial of
office to elected men Is that nullification of
elections which destroys both confidence in
and affection for ( government among the pee
ple. The reversal qf the people's will In Ten-
neesee last week/s / | Another case of peril and
shcme. Those the root causes of
the facts that jeopardize free Institutions
Hnd them In Lh , ances and facilities to
wrest the declaration of elections from the
will of the people : fltttl > o polls.
Unrf ro.
. _ Ly Btnr.
The story thaC"ttie Spanish In Cuba kill
the Insurgent prisoners who fall Into their
hands Is not Improbable , the only question
being whether they ever really fight any
battles or take any prisoners. There Is noth
ing In the history , * J Spaniards In America
to Indicate that the "quality of mercy" will I
ever be displays ! frf any warfare to which
they are parties. It Is In their blood to kill I
the helpless. TJlKf | gouth Americans have
never advanced beyond the veriest savagery
In their Ideas of war. The battles between
the Chilians and'lWQvlans were massacres
after surrender as before. The Spanish
troops In Cuba Will kill the Insurrectionists
and the cry of the Cubans will be "Death
to the Spaniards , " and It will mean what
It says.
A Now Money Metal for America's Monoj-
losa Millions.
Mullein * In It for Men Who Wield on In-
llurnco A Ilounnzn for Kdltora nnil
Politicians The I'roe C'ulunijn of
Copporold Uollnrs.
HANCOCK , Mich. . May 6. ( Editor of the
Chicago Tribune. ) I am the president and
principal stockholder of the North Lake
Copper Mining company , which company , you
are aware. Is the owner of the greatest copper
mine In the uorld.
We have a capital stock of $10,000,000 ;
have expended nearly $1,000,000 for the pnr-
chase of the land , machinery , sinking shafts ,
etc. We were Just ready to commence on
enormous business when the financial panic
followed by the strike of our miners caused
us to close up. We are In debt $500,000 , and
will soon bjcome bankrupt unless something
can be done In our favor. We have title to
1.95G acres of land , a mountain ridge nearly
three miles In length nnd about one mile In
width. Under the surface Is a vein of nearly
pure copper ere averaging about thirteen feet
In thickness. Our skilled engineers , after a
careful Inspection during the last three year ? ,
estimate that we can , from this mine alone ,
produce 231,000,000 tons of pure copper , and
can furnish It for less than $100 per ton.
So much as to the capacity of our mines.
Next , I wish to say that one of my brothers
has resided In Paris for the last five years ,
and has been Intimately associated with a
. celebrated chemist , who has recently made a
wonderful discovery. He has Invented nn
amalgamated metal composed of antimony
and several other metals and acids. This
metal , when combined In small proportions
with pure copper , will produce a wonderful
metal called antlmonlc copper. This new
metal Is ns hard and enduring as gold , and
resembles gold so much In appearance that
nlno persons out of ten would think It was
gold. About the only real difference be
tween gold and antlmonlc copper Is that the
latter is much lighter In weight. It is. In
fact , just about one-half the weight of stand
ard gold , and a coin made of the same size
and shape as an American $20 gold piece
will weigh Just one-half ounce avoirdupois.
Considering that this metal looks Just like
gold , and Is as permanent and lasting as
gold , why not make It the real basis of
American money ?
Now , Mr. Editor I know that you are
called a geld bug and have always opposed
any kind of cheap money , and claimed It
was not honest money , and all that. Hut
when you realize what a wonderful sugges
tion I am going to make I feel sure that you
will chong ; your mind utterly and flop over
to free copper , Just as a lot of prominent
democrats recently flopped over In favor of
free silver. Now , my proposition Is this :
That we get up a powerful organization and
work day and night until wo effect the fro ?
coinage of antlmonlc copper at the ratio of
2 to 1 of gold. Two to 1 Is a proper ratio
because gold Is twice as heavy as the new
metal. 1 insist upon antlmonlc copper In
stead of pure copper , becaus ? my brother
and I have an option for tno purchase of the
patent for the making of that kind of cop
per. Of course we will allow the copper
miners of the world to have the- free coinage
of that kind of copper at the United States
mints , but they must pay us a royalty of
50 per cent for the use of our antlmonlc
metal compound.
I will make you president of the grand
organization and will expect your news
paper to take- the lead of the whole country.
I promise to pay you $100,000,000 for your
services , to be paid when the result has been
fully obtained. I promise also to pay $10-
? 00,000 to each of the gold-bug newspapers
ri all the big cities of the United States and
one-tenth as much more to the gold-tug
country editors. It will not be necewary to
pay the- free silver editors anything , as they
are all now In favor of getting a good dollar
for fifty cents worth of silver , and when
they find they can get as good a dollar for
1 cent they will certainly fall In line with us
In regard to certain "on the fence" sliver
papers , like the Inter Ocean , I will promise
to pay them one-half the price I have offered
the gold bugs. I will also make to Orovcr
Cleveland the same liberal offer I have made
you. And will also pay to congressmen the
same rates I have named for city editors.
Without stopping to figure It up you may
think I am offering more than I ought to
offer for the passage of the free copper act ;
but Just think after the law has come Into
effect our copper will be worth $10 an
ounce , and the 231 tons of copper yielded by
our Great Northern Lake mine will be worth
$73,920,000,000,000 , The royalty we will receive
from other mining companies will pay all
the bills I hove promised and our company
will bavo the clear product of our own mine.
I wish to say to you that I am a free sil
ver man , not because I have any Interest In
silver mines , but because I am In debt $500-
000 , and I would be happy If I could pay my
debts at half price.
Next , If you feel like accepting my offer
you must come out at once In favor of free
silver. All the newspapers that are to stand
by ua must do the same. It Is absolutely
necessary for us to have the free silver bill
passed by both houses of congress , signed
by tha president and Its legality afterward
ratified and confirmed by the supieme court
of the United States. When this Is done and
the people of the United Slates see that con
gress has the legal right to say that CO cents'
worth of sliver is equal to one dollar's
worth of gold , they certainly will agree that
congress has the right to say that one cents'
worth of copper shall be equal to one dollar's
worth of gold. Our chances for success are
grand. The populists are and always have
been right on this Hue. It Is true that they
have demanded free greenbacks , but paper
cost ! as much per pound as copper , and they
will not object to this slight change. The
democrats are fast falling In line with us ,
and all we have to doIs to bring over the
republican party. I will send an agent to
attend the Ilepublfcan Club convention at
Cleveland , 0. , and will give him funds to try
and convert them over Into the free silver
line now , and in later years will use the same
means to get them Into the free copper line.
If the Tribune will do Its duty all will be
well. O. T. C.
To Smnko or Not to Smoke.
Chicago Times-Herald.
Secretary Orcsham's Illness Is thought by
some of his friends to bs In part due to his
excessive smoking. The secretary has been
for many yrars a great smoker of rather
strong and poor cigars. It Is believed that
he might now rally faster If he had not
smoked HO much. Secretary Morton has
stopped smoking altogether. Postmaster Gen
eral Wilson , who did not take up smoking
till after he was 40 , has becom ? so fond of
hU cigar that , like General Grant , he ad
mits ho often cats dinner for the cole pur
posa of making a cigar taste Just right.
President Cleveland some lima ago. on the
advice of his physician , gave up smoking till
after dinner , and even then ho smokes at
most two cigars.
Hie Duty of Ihu Hour.
The duty of the sound money men every
where Is to fight fanaticism with facts , to
meet passion with logic , to answer mere
assertion with history. The free sllverltes
make more nolso than they will make
progress. Theirs Is not the first wave ol
error In this country which has b.-en turned
back by the rock-rooted barriers of common
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
run nr.rr.xirr ,
Minneapolis Journal : The A. P. A.s do
not know whether to attach themselves to
some one of the national political parties or
to put up a ticket of their own and go It
ilocc. They probably will not venture to do
the latter ; It would show their weakness too
Detroit Free Press : The A. P. A. conven
tion at Milwaukee talked a good deal of bun
combe about a ceparato political party bated
upon the peculiar principles of that organ
isation , but It will end In talk. Men thus
Inimical to uno of the fundamental princi
ples of our government know that In politics
their only hope of ( polls Is In the carrying
on of a guerilla warfare.
0I Philadelphia Hccord : It would appear that
I In the opinion of some greedy persons the
Dominion { of Canada Is not big enough to
hold the people who wish to live In It. So
they have started an American Protective
association party In Canada. Canadian dele
gates are In attendance at the A. P. A. meet
ing of the supreme council In Milwaukee ,
with n view to affiliation or consolldat.on of
the members of the association In both coun
tries. As there arc 3,450,606 square miles
of territory In Canada , nnd a population at
the last census of 4,833,239 nearly two-thirds
of n square mile for every mother's son or
daughter It would seem to be a llttlo too
soon to commence crowding.
1'RKsosA.i , AM > ornuinrisK.
Texas Is suffering from a copious deficit In
the state treasury , coupled with sllvermanla.
In summing up the effect of the May frosts
the blighting of the premature straw hat
was overlooked.
The haughty and fearless emperor deferred
making his mark till the clotc of the war.
He elgncd the treaty of peace.
UlEtnarck hopes to live to be 100 years old.
Ills stock of stelncrs was substantially In
ert * sed at the last anniversary.
Omaha cheerfully yields the hall record to
Ilochester , N. Y. , where 250,000 panes of
glass were shattered last Saturday.
According to Susan 13. Anthony the new-
woman Is earnest and lofty , but the real
fuctlon | Is whether she will hold pins In
her mouth while dressing ths baby.
Down In Kansas a number of doctors dope
with opiates a man who persists In talking
himself to death. He wants to make speeches
day and night , and his topics range from 1C
to 1 to temperance.
They speculate In real estate In Berlin ,
too. Count Stolberg-Wcrnlgerode recently
sold his palace In Wllhelm strasse for 9,000-
000 marks ( $2,250,000) ) . Sixty years ago the
property was bought for $30,000.
Owing to a sudden precipitation of business
through the activity of the hip-pocket , Ken
tucky undertakers have deferred action on
the proposition to substitute "Morticians" for
the gruesome title of undertakers.
Dan Hlce , the veteran clown. Is over 70
years of age , and lives a quiet life In a cot
tage nt Long Ilranch. Thirty years ago a
monument to the genial merrymnn was
erected In a public square in Glrard , Pa.
The Hon. Charles A. Dana's ofllce cat has
evidently withdrawn from the contest for
the first prize at the New York cat show , for
the Sun expresses amazement because a
majority of the visitors to the show have
been women.
In the Interest of historic truth It should bo
noted that only ' 177 votes were cast at the
silver primaries of the democratic party In
Chicago two weeks ago. When the party has
a real live Issue to contend with It rolls up
110,000 votes In the city.
A Jury of his peers In Missouri has pro
nounced Dr. Arthur Duestrow sane. The
doctor killed his wife and child a year ago ,
but as he has the call on a million or more
dollars the coin cast a serious doubt on the
health of his upper story.
For the information of the Sioux City
Tribune In particular , and deluded democrats
In general. It should bo stated that Omaha
has not had a democratic newspaper slnco
Walter Uollly Vaughan doffed the mantle of
Andy Jackson and hied to Chicago.
William S. Steel , chief coiner of the United
States mint , whose resignation , tendered more
than a year ago , has Just been accepted by
President Cleveland , has been In continuous
sen-ice for thirty-four years. He entered
the institution In 18G1 as assistant weigher
In the deposit wolgh-room. Ho was made
chief coiner In 18S5 , and since that time the
entire coinage output of ( lie government has
been under his supervision.
Andreas Haftas , the last veteran of the
Greek war of 1821 , did not realize his great
ambition to live until 11)01 ) In order that ho
might say he had seen three centuries. He
was born In 1779 , and was , therefore , 116
years old. One of the streets In Athens Is
named after this aged man , and when his
death occurred recently n vast number of
people attended the funeral , which was a pub
lic one.
1'rotcst Aciilnitl llurl ) rlsm ,
New York Sun.
We desire that during the continuance of
the Cuban war International law shall be
fully respected and our neutrality laws fully
enforced. But there can be no reason why
the Cleveland administration should ovr-
atretch any provision of our neutrality laws
In the Interest of Spain for the purpose of
perpetuating , near our seaboard , the exist
ence of those huge European battlements
which may any day be used to our disad
vantage In the ravishment of our cities on the
Gulf and the Atlantic. There can be no
gcod reason why , If those of the Cuban In-
sui gents v-ho may be taken prisoners arc
indeed butchered by the Spanish troops , we
should not enter a protest In the name of
civilization , under the authority of the
American government.
AltMtlt.ll. JtKAnti.
WashluRton Stars Admiral Mf u > prefer *
to be out In the audlenco. where ho can make
remarks about the perfornunco when he
fct-ls like It.
Qlobe-Uemocrat : Admiral Meada appears
to have retired from the navy for the pur-
POJC of securing mi opportunity to denounce
the administration for It * lack of American
ism without being court-martialed far disre
spect to his superior oinccrs.
llurffila Exprcsi : It has been known for
sonic time that naval ofllcers who refused to
play courtier to the political authorities at
Washington have been subjected to persecu
tions and been made the victims of unfair
discriminations. Admiral Walker was pun
ished for during tu nuke a report en Hawaiian
affairs \ \ lilclivai ut tatlancc with the
administration's views by relegation to un
important shore duty. Commodore SUnton
suffered the humiliation of bring superseded
In command of the South Atlantic station for
no apparent reason than thnf he was too
boldly American. Captain lllfi.son wns re
lieved of the command of hi * vessel an
charges which could not bj sustained. So
It has gone. Positions In tlin navy teem to
have been treated as mere political olllces ,
the Incumbents of which must act the cuckoo
or suffer. And now this monstrous malad
ministration reaches Its culmination In driv
ing Admiral Mcade , who Is one uf the best
olficcrs of the navy , Into retirement. Mcado
commanded n ship during the war and took
part In several Important actions. He served
under both Farragut and Porter. Ho has
performed distinguished services since the
war , for which he hns many times been
highly commended by hit superiors. He Is
Just the kind of olllcer whoso services the
navy needs for as long a period ,13 It Is possi
ble to retain them.
31.11" TI.VK JllltTlI.
Philadelphia Inquirer : Weds How do
you dig- your bait \vlion you go llslilng ?
Cods With a corkscicw.
Thomas Cnt : I gently squeezed the llttlo
hnnd so closely held In mine , iind knew
It was a lead plpo cinch four aces and u
Watcrbury : Jones I see the silver men
nrc getting more and more fanatical.
Smith How's that ?
Jones Why , they refuse to recognize the
golden rule.
Chicago Post : "Wna she ever married ? "
"Once on the South Dakota plan. "
"What's that ? "
"The divorce decree Is printed on the
back of the nmrrlage certificate. "
Washington Star : "Hns the king of Urn-
squog ever Insulted us ? " nsked Great
Ilrltnln. .
"Never , " replied the warrior.
"Well , go out and Irritate him a bit. He's
got some ground that I'd like to own. "
Detroit Free Press : Son Well , father , I
think I shall nmrry.
Father Marry ? Why , you haven't any
thing to mairy on.
Son I'd like to know what's the m.i'tor
with the Btrl's father. He's worth u
million ,
Chicago Tribune : "Uncle Oeorge , " said
the little boy from the country , "are these
the buildings they call skyscrapers * ? "
"They are. Tommy , " answered his city
Tommy took a comprehensive look over-
"The sky does need scrnpln' here pretty
bad , don't It , Uncle George ? " ho rejofned.
Chicago Tribune : "It seems to me. "
said the man with the market banket on his
arm , looking discontentedly nt the stock
of ribs nnd chunks hanging on the hooks ,
"that the bony part revival has struck this
shot ) pretty hard. "
"Yes , sir , " replied the man behind the
white apron , eyeing him shatply , "It's
pretty hard to make both ends meat , Uicsf
days. '
Mv best plrl IB a Central girl ,
She often strikes me dizzy ;
For sometimes when I nsk a kiss
She pertly answers "llusy. "
And If I hesitate for words
While trying her to woo.
She looks up with a roguish smlls
And saucily a. kR. "Through ? "
A aAt > TlOAU.MlV itOXO.
Wll T. Halo In Atlanta Constitution.
Though critics may denounce my muse as
only critics can ,
Today I'll sltitf a btraln of things which
Iilcnse the Inner tiiun !
The birds the ( lowers nnd the streams
cerulean skies above
The deeds of heroes who have died-tho
tender passion , love ;
All these have served for themes for song ,
nnd all their changes run
Since God earth's clmos drove away , and
toiiis together BIIHK ,
And until tin- end of time some bard will
Hllll the subjects old
Embalm In llowliiK veise embossed with
similes of gold ;
Hut I will risk the critics' sneers and drill
a lay Instead ,
To glorify the excellence of brown corn
dodger bread !
How memory at the thought of It adown
the past will steal
To when we round the table ranked nnd
atu the noonday meal !
The dishes of boiled Humptuousncss , the
blend with crust of brown ,
The milk so cool and rich 'twould shame
the cheat we Imve In town-
Yes , these are conjured up again , and set
my longing mouth
A-waterlng for the shortened pone jnnia
best here In the south !
And oft I think 'twould suit me well , when
resurrection day
Shall dawn nnd Gabriel with his trump
shall raise my Bleeping elay ,
If angels bringing me eome dish on which
the saints arc fed ,
Would set before my hungry eyes a pone of
dodger bread !
Boys' Suit Bargains.
Monday and Tuesday we make a spoeial n c of
2-piece suits at three prices.
$2.00 $2.50 $3.00.
They are beauties every one of them
None better in the world.
The § 2.00 suil is a Vermont gray , Ox
ford mixture ; also a brown mixed cheviot ;
nicely made up long cut coats.
The $2.50 suit is a gray or tan , cassimere or cheviot
perfect gems of value.
The $3.00 suit is a tan mixed cheviot that ordinarily
sells at $5.00 in any other house.
These are all our own first-class make not imported
for the occasion but goods intended te have sold for
much more. As these prices are special for this sale we
cannot guarantee the assortment to last longer than
Reliable Clothiers , S.W. Cor. 15th unJ Douglas Sts.