Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1895, Image 9

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Six Days of Busy Life in our
Clothing Dept.
We received last week upward of 900
Men's Fine Spring Suits bought late at our
own price from two of the top notch makers
of fin" clothing in New York City at a price
that will again enable us to sell at almost
half of regular prices ,
Where can you equal the following offer in
Men's Suits.
Men's all wool Suits , In neat dark and 75
light patterns , nil sizes , well made nnd $ 475
well trimmed , regularly # old for $7.EO ,
Monday for
Very fine Sack nml Frock Suits , choice-it
materials and patterns , regularly sold by .75
Hnydcn Bros , for $9.GO , but by other
stores for $11.00. we offer during this
week at
Very finest nnd extra nobby , worsteds , 50
tweeds and fancy casslmcre. In all styles , $11-
actually p.nd positively Jlfi.OO and $18.00
values , Monday nnd all week nt $9.50 and
Boys' and Children's Clothing.
Coys' stylish Long Pant Suits , In the newest - " 3 .50
est spring shades , $5.50 fabrics , for i
Youths' spring Suits , sizes 30 to 35 chest 35.5Q
measure. In all the latest tweeds , black , | .
blue nnd gray clay worsted nnd cassl- ' 5.5Q
mere , the kind all stores sell for $8.50 toj
$10.00 , Monday nnd all week for
Junior Suits , sizes 3 to 7 years , all wool l . Qfl ( A CJ 7s
, $1. dU IU 4)1 ) I < J
fabrics , blue , brown and tan nt
Finer trimmed , worth double , for $2.25 tO $3.75
Washable Suits from 39C 10 $2.75
We'll trade back if you'd rather have the
Yllen Passing by ta'ie a look in cur Clothing Window.
We have decided to leave no inducement
unoiTered that will make you a piano buyer.
Having all the leading pianos under one roof
it is a very easy matter to satisfy the most
fastidious purchaser , but when added to that
make price an object then
We always make the lowest prices , because
we buy more and for cash than any five
houses put together more you buy the lower
they get same pianos different prices
that's all but during May our prices are
especially low. We are headquarters for
such renowned pianos as the
Chickering , Ktiabe ,
Steimvay , Vose & Sons.
Separator Creamery Butter ,
19 c
CRASS BUTTER- 5 , Wisconsin For the best Full
Crcnm Cheese.
7c 9c and He.
Finest Country Butter
o , 12cand }
ter Made only
lOc , 12Jcnud
This will bo the greatest
I3uttor Sale over hold in Our Cheese Department Is
Oiuaha. the largest in the west.
-Meats- AWAY
Sugar Cured . , No. 1 .1 Pound Cans Lard. . . . 20c
Hums lOc
Sugar Cured Bacon. . . . Ojc 5 Pound Cans Lard. . . 31c
Salt Pork . Gjc 10 Pound Cans Lard.- . . . GOc
Corned Beef 5c
O.x Tongue . lOc Wo are loaded with lard.
PJokloPork . 7ic Those prices will unload
Summer Sausage. Eorao of it.
. 121c nnd Inc
Long Cut Hams . 7c Attend This Great Sale.
i >
4c Pound
w For Nice Soda and Oyster Crackers.
Loinon Wafers , Vanilla Wufurs and CrauUnolls
Assorted Jumbles , Ladles' Fingers , Sultana ,
Crackora and Animals only . . . IA ? f C 11)
Remember every pound of Crackers in our
store Is gunrnuteeU.
Grocery Department
Omaha's (1 rentest
Food Mnrket
Large pall jelly 29c
3-pound can choice solid tomatoes. . CVic
2-pound can choice sugar corn Sc
Quart can Snlder's tomato soup.,17V&c
Sold everywhere for 25o.
3-pound can Boston baked beans. . . . Sc
3-pound can golden pumpkin 7c
5 pounds fresh rolled oats ISc
5 pounds flake or pearl hominy. . . . 15c
3-pound plums or peaches 12' , c
3-pound cherries , peas or apricots. . 15c
1-pound can Columbia river Salmon 12o
Early June peas , per can lOc
Pure Jersey condensed milk lOc
Bakers' chocolate , per pkg 17c
Elastic and all kinds of starch , pkg 7c
Corn starch 3V&C
Dozen boxes parlor matches 12'/jC '
Sapollo , per bar Sc
Best laundry soap , per bar. . 3c
Imported chow-chow , per quait. . . . 15o
Imported English mixed pickles. . . . ICc
Imported Spanish olives , per quart. . 35c
These olives are worth 75c per quart
1-poung pkg. Duke's Mixture to
bacco , with briar pipe 2oc
Dried Fruits
New California grapes , per pound. .
Large Valencia raisins , per pound. . So
4-crown cluster raisins , worth 15c. . Cc
Now Imported Italian prunes Co
Largo California ( raisin cured )
prunes , per pound 7c
Turkish prunes , per pound. . . . 7'/Ac
Evaporated apples , per pound lOo
Yellow cling evaporated peaches. . . 9o
Best California freestone large yel
low peaches , per pound 12V&C
California apricots , per pound. . . . 7'Ac
Fancy evaporated apricots , per Ib. . lOo
Bartlett pears , dried , per pound. . . 7',4o
Very choice evaporated pears , per
pound lOc
Pitted cherries , per pound lOo
Silver prunes , per pound 9c
Imported currants , per pound 3',4c
Finest cleaned Encllsh currants. . . Go
Hed bug poison , corrosive sublimate ,
per pint 25o
Strychnine , for gophers , per hot. . . . 25s
Iiibect powder ( Persian ) per Ib 39c
Moth bills , per Ib Sc
Packing camphor , per Ib 20c
Gum gamphor , per Ib C5c
Sulphur , per Ib Sc
Copperas , per Ib .v. . . So
Dlst. ext. witch hazel , per gal 90o
Dlst. ext. witch hazel , per pint 20c
Dlst. ext. witch hazel , per half pint. 12c
Prescriptions filled accurately with
the purest of drugs nt the lowest possi
ble price.
Stearns' wine of cod liver oil 75c
Klckapoo Indian Sagwa 70c
Klckapoo Indian Worm Killer 20c
Garfleld Tea , small ISc
Carter's Little Liver Pills 14e
AVarner's Safe K. and L. Cure. . . . 95c
Ozomulslon 85c
Jaynes' Vermifuge 30o
Sea salt 12V4o
Mme. Yale's La Freckla 85c
Mine. Yale's Hair Tonic 85c
Mme. Yale's Almond Blossom SGc
Mme. Yale's Skin Food $1.25
Mme. Yale's Bust Food 1.25
Mme. Yale's Frultcura 85c
Mme. Yale's Complexion Bleach.$1.75
Mme. Yale's Complexion Powder. . . . 45c
Pure California wines , port , sherry ,
angelica , claret , Riesling , Muscatel , at
36o per quart bottle. Whisky , brandy
and gin , for medicinal purposes.
Sheeting Sale
for Monday.
42-Inch bleached sheeting 7'/2C
45-Inch bleached sheeting 9c
C-4 bleached sheeting lOc
7-4 bleached sheeting lie
8-4 bleached sheeting 12c
9-4 bleached sheeting IGc
10-4 bleached sheeting 18c
45-Inch unbleached sheeting Sc
C-4 unbleached sheeting lOc
8-4 unbleached sheeting 12V&C
9-4 unbleached sheeting 14c
10-4 unbleached sheeting 15c
Uleachcd muslin , 3'/4c , 4c , Be , Cc , 7c.
Shirting , 5c and 8c ; best , lOc.
Ticking , 8c , lOo nnd 15c.
Guns , Fishing Tackle
and Sporting Goods
We are base ball outfitters and we
don't ask fancy prices , cither. You get a
bat or a ball , a mask or a glove of us for
less money'than anywhere on earth , and
wo guarantee to give you standard goods ,
too. try us once.
Heat loaded shells , any size and kind ,
$1.25 per hundred
Drop shot Cc per Ib.
Cartridge belts. , 25c each
Cartridge bigs . . . . .39c each
Qun covers GOo each
Hunting coats SOc each
Double action revolvers. , $1.25-pucb
Plobert rifles $2.00 each
Winchester repeating rifles.$10,50 each
Double barrel breech loading shotguns
$5.90 each
Fish tackle , macrame and lambrequin
Fish hook 4 for Ic
Fish lines 2c each
Spoon trolling bait. . . . lOc each
Jointed rods 25c each
Wo also carry a full line of split bam
boo lods , reels , oil silk lines , minnow
baits , etc. , etc.
Wo have every elzo and quality of
macrame and lambrequin twines , red ,
white , old gold , maroon. In fact , any
color you want , at unheard of prices.
Nets of all kinds.
For guns , fishing tackle , lambrequin
twines , apJ sporting goods don't fall to
call on us. AVc. will save you 60 per cent
all the way through.
Silk Belts.
The finest line of SOc silk belts In the
city. ,
5 styles of 25c belts. ;
2 styles of 70c belts.
6 styles of $1.26 txHts.
Leather belts only lOc each , <
Cloak and Suit Dcpt.
290 dozen ladles' waists , Including black
and colored sateens , ' fine. French zephyr
stripes , English canvas cloth flnJ swivel
silks , manufactured to sell at from $2.00
to $5.00 , our price to clear the lot , 4Sc
each ,
25 dozen ladles' organdie lawn dresses
at 75c ; should be sold at $2.CO.
40 dozen fine pique drewes at $1.19 ;
cheap at $3.00.
Thcso goods .are displayed on our new
bargain counter In the cloak anil suit
During the next ten days special prices
will be made on capes , jackets and street
dresses , as we are determined to close out
our entire stock of these goods during
the present month.
Exquisitely Trimmed
With a collection of all the fashionable
straws , together with many exclusive
Parisian novelties , It Is an easy matter
to the largest millinery business. Add
to this the best trimmers and the lowest
prices and It Is well nigh Impossible to
compete with us. Wo will make extra
spccHl Inducements this week on a lot
of elegantly trimmed hats.
Linen Department.
Monday will be bargain day In towels.
Towels of every description and size
from 3o up to 25c each.
Ask to see the unbleachoJ table dam
ask , GO nches wide , at 31ie a yard.
72-Inch unbleached at 500 a yard.
70-Inch bleached' ' at SOc yard.
72-Inch blenched at 75c a yard.
% dinner napkins at OOc and $1.00 a
Wo are showing elegant bed spreads
at 75c and $1.00 each.
We carry the largest stock of any
house In Omaha , and prices speak for
themselves In this department.
Remnants of table linen.
Don't forget our bargain tabloa In
White Goods.
The largest display of white goods
shown In Omaha this season will be
found at Hayden's on Monday. Your
choice of plaids and stripes In both
cream and whlto at 7'/4c yard. These
are beautiful goods and worth 20c yard.
Striped lawns at lOc yard.
Striped dln-.lties at 12l4c yard.
More new dotted Swisses , which are
Just the thing for commencement
dresses. New India linens , white pique
In all the latest styles and patterns , In
fact , anything you desire for a white
dress can now be found In this depart
ment. Our stock Is complete.
Ribbon Department.
That we have the largest and mor *
complete ribbon stock west of New York
City ? Well , wo have , and we make the
lowest prices.
Satin ribbons from 2c up.
Gros grains from 2c up.
Silk belting , 15c , 17c , 30c and 35c yori } .
10 per cent discount on all ribbons sold
by the bolt.
Button and Trimming
Cheapest line of jet trimmings In town ;
narrow jet trimmings all the way from
3c , 4c , EC , up to 25c and 30o per yard.
Jet garnitures and yokes from COc up to
$3.50 and $4.00 each , all cut jet beads.
Odd lot of jet ornaments at lOc each ;
regular BOc and 75c ornaments.
Full line of colored paseementerlcs all
the way from lOc , 12c up to 25c and 28c
per yard , all colors.
Odd lot of buttons , pearl , at 2c per
card , two dozen on card.
Monday only , best quality white pearl
shirt buttons at lOc per dozen , regulir 15o
and 20c buttons. HAYDUN BUGS.
Optical Department
Eye strain causss more headache than
all other causes combined. Thousands of
people are suffering with headache who
do not realize that the cause Is a defect
or weakness In the eyes. All these cases
can be cured with glasses that are made
to correct tha error In the eyes. Come
and see us at once.
Eyes Tested Free.
Sheet Music
When you can't get It anywhere elie
you're sure to flml It at Hayden's.
7,60,0 new and popular songs ofJh.e
* '
day Included ( it flit catalogue1 JTt . . . 7..Ec
Charles K. Harrli Is out with * a now
scng , "Cast Aside , " besrof all , regular
trice 50c , our price. . , : . . . ? . 35c
No matter w at "kind of sheet music
you want- plano , guitar , mwidolln.
zither everything In sheet rrtutlo at
prices wT y below regular music dealers.
Special Sale of
Ladies' and Gent's
100 dozen men's fancy percale shirts ,
laundered , our regular 75c and $1.00 qual
ity , reduced to DOc.
pno lot of men's suspenders , fancy
webs , regular DOc and 75c quality , re
duced to 25c.
5 cases of men's balbrlggan shirts and
drawers , broken lots , worth BOc , 7Co
and $1.00 , reduced to 25c each ,
100 dozen men's Ilockford sox , 4c a pair
1 case of men's cotton sox , some In
black and tan , only 12V4c. worth 25c.
100 dozen summer corsets , 39c ; worth
A lot of flne French striped corsets ,
BOc. worth 75c.
Ladlw' Jersey ribbed vests , EC ; worth
1E .
Ladles' fine mace Jersey ribbed vests ,
lOc , worth 35c.
SPECIALr A lot of ladles' flne silk
twill. 20-Inch umbrellas , only $1.50 ,
worth $2.BO and $3.00.
1 case of ladles' fast black cotton hose ,
seamless , only 1214c , worth 20c.
House Furnishing Goods
300 cases of blue enamel ware have Just
arrived and being opened up for Monday
-'morning. If you arc In need of blue
'ensmcl ware do not miss this sale.
Tea kettles , 79c each ; regular price ,
' $1.45.
Wash basins , 19c each ; regular price ,
Pudding pans , 21e each ; regular price ,
< Coffee pots. 39c each ; regular price , 85c.
Tea pots , 37c each ; regular price , SOc.
1'rceervo kettles , 29c each ; regular
price , CSc.
Sauce pan. ? , 23c each ; regular price , GSc.
Cups , lie each ; regular price , 35c.
The whole lot will bo sold at corresponding
spending prices.
100 pieces under glazed decorated din
ner set , with gold finish , for tomorrow ,
$ C.5D.
Decorated toilet , $1.89 for tomorrow.
Bronze metal vase lamp , 9Sc.
Ice cream freezers , 2 quarts , $1.15
each ; 3 quarts , $1.35 each ; 4 quarts , $1.65
Engraved wine sets , decanter and C
glasses to match , 9Sc each.
Rockcnham tin proof milk pots , lOc ,
15a and 20c each.
Step ladders , 69c each.
Wash tubs , 25c each.
Crystal soap slops , 3c each.
Decorated plates , 6c each.
6-phce cream set , 19c per set.
Wood frames ? , genuine rubber rolls ,
$ L50 each.
i Tea kettles , 13c each.
Dish pans , 13c each.
t .
t'i .
Special sale on Monday the largest , the
best and the cheapest line In the city.
No. 1 , a benutlful woveh hammock ,
dark red , suitable for children and babies ,
regular price 75c , our special price 43c.
i No. 2 , full size , fancy woven , with
spreader , regular $1.00 , epecjal 73c.
No. 3 , full size , fancy woven , with pil
low , regular $1.50 , special $1.00.
No. 4 , extra size , fancy woven , with
pillow and deep fringe , regular $2.50 ,
special $1.57.
No. P , "Ours Only , " very heavy
woven , plain , regular $2.00 , special $1.18.
No. O , "Ours Only , " very heavy
woven , plain , regular $2.25 , special $1.4S.
No. M , "Ours Only , " very heavy
woven , plain , regular $2.75 , special $1.78.
No. L. "Ours Only , " very heavy
woven , fancy colors , fringed , regular
$3,50 , special $2.25.
No. Y , "Ours Only , " very heavy
woven , fancy colors , fringed , large , rcg-
'ulor $4.25 , special $3.25.
No. X , "Ours Only , " very heavy
woven , fancy colors , fringed , very large ,
regular $5.50 , special $4.50.
No. W , "Ours Only , " very ' heavy
woven , fancy colors , the largest made ,
regular $7.00 , special $5.35.
All hammocki numbered with let
ters are of the- same make. They are
the latest Improvement In hammocks and
are guaranteed to outwear any ham
mock In the country. Try one If It
does not suit you send It back.
Jewelry Department
C-plece quadruple-plated , hand-en
graved , gold-lined tea set , $7.98 , worth
4-bottle quadruple-plated dinner cas
tors , $1.48 ; worth $2.50.
Quadruple-plated pickle castors , $1.25 ;
worth $2.50.
Sterling triple-plated knlvea or forks ,
75c per set.
Rogers' 12-dwt. knives or forks , $1.25
per cct.
Uogers' make butter knife and sugar
nuel. ) In satin-lined box , 49c per set ;
worth $1.25.
Genuine cut glass pepper and salts ,
12.H6 each.
Solid sterling silver napkin rings , 48c ;
wpz'th $1.50 ,
ladies' and gents' gold-fllled hand-en
graved hunting case watches , with flno
Elgin or Waltham works , fully warranted
as timekeepers , cases warranted 20 years ,
$12,50 $ ; worth $25.00.
dents' solid coin silver stem-wind and
sot watches , $2,98 ; worth $8.00.
'Ladles' ' and gents' gold-stiffened huntIng -
Ing- case American watches , $4.95.
A full line of flne clocks at reduced
pflces. Fine nickel alarm clocks , B8c
Elegant solid oak eight-day clocks ,
with alarm , $2.95 ; worth $5.00.
.Watch and clock repairing at reduced
, prices.
On sale Monday 1,000 doz. 200-yd. ma-
chlno thread , warranted perfect , money
refunded If not satisfactory. 2c per spool.
Think of It two spools for less than
the price of one.
Ladies' Toilet Cases.
A 25c article for EC , containing 1 pkg.
No. 7. 1 pkg. No. 2 , 1 pkg. No. 5 , 1 pkR.
No. 3 to 9 needles , 14 darning needles ,
5 hat and veil pint and SO pins. The
lot for EC. H ,
"My mother carried me when I was
a child , hence this spine trouble. Over
work killed her when I was a boy. If
I had been born In these days of luxuries
all this would have been avoided.
She could have had an elegant carriage
for me at a small expense and saved
me and herself also. " These are the
words of a now famous orator In speak
ing about baby carriages. Wo have sold
just 100 this summer already and our
styles and prices is the secret. Mothers
save yourselves , save your babies. "Get
a carriage. " Get it at once.
Come to us Monday and for $5.00 , $6.00
or $7.00 we will Insure you and your
child a heritage of comfort and case.
Now about furniture In a general way.
When you want a piece the question Is ,
where can I secure the best for the least
money ? Th s Is the question. The
answer Is simple , Hayden Dros. We
have nothing sensational about our fur
niture business. It Is simply a matter of
live and let live. No buncombe. Just sim
ply business , and a saving. Our prices
are lower than ever.
G-foot square extension table $3.00
8-foot square extension table , oak
polished legs , bracketed $5.50
Good -sideboard , 3 drawers and cup
board , small brackets on side , large shelf
above $9.50
Oak dining chairs , 75c , S5c , $1.00 , $1.25
Four-shelf bookcase , oak $1.95
Oak desk \ . . . $2.95
5-plece parlor suit , oak frame , spring
seats $10.50
If you need a table give us a chance
to figure with you.
A lot of tables at 25c , SOc , 75c and $1.00
Automatic Refrigerators
leads them all. Good family size , $12.50
up to $22.50. We ateo have the old style
refrigerators from $8.60 up.
If you want a gasoline stove we can
give you anything you want. Wo will
Bell you a regular $22.00 2-burner and
step burner , with full Russian-lined
oven and combination generator and vapor
stove at $11.95 ; a low Individual gener
ator , 2-burner , at ; a regular $25.00
2 burners high and one step burner at
$8.95 ; a 3-burnur at $3.95 ; In fact , we can
give you any kind or st > le of gasoline
stove you want.
Oil stove with ' 1-inch wick , 29c each.
Prices cut no figure this week.
40c rim dcor locks , each 7'/4c
40c mortise door locks , each 7V4c
75c mortise door locks. In sets , cnly.,19c
90c mortise door locks. In sets , only. .25o
$1.00 mortise dcor locks , in sets , only.35o
lOc window fasteners , only 5c
lOc door bolts , only 3e
Screen wire doors , only 60c each
Wire steel nail ! $1.30 base per keg
Hydrant hose..7c , Sc , lOc and 12V&C foot
Lawn mowers $3.00 up
$1.00 double Iron jack planes , only..45c
SOc double Iron smooth planes , only..3Dc
$1.50 double Iron fore planes , only..C5o
$1.00 handled axes , only 49c
Lawn sprinklers , each , 35c , $1.00 , $1.25
and $1.50.
Hand saws , each 45o
Handled tools In sets 45c
A good brace for lOc
A good hatchet for 35c
Brackets , per pair , .10c
25c padlocks , only 5c
SOc 2-key Jail padlock , only lOo
A pair of eight-Inch carpenter pincers ,
only 20c
A pair of combination gas plyer * , only,35c
lOo 2-foot carpenter rule , only 3c
And everything In the hardware line
cut 40 per cent.
Monday's Bargain
The goods wo offer for Monday on
these counters will bo the best of the
Iternnants of challles , per yard. . . . 5c
Kemnants of blacK and colored
sateens , per ynid , 5o
Hemnants of percales , per yard 5o
Remnants of durk suitings , per yd. 5c
Remnants of Japanese cloth , per yd. EC
Remnants of calico , per yard 3V4c
Remnants of Lonsdalo cambric , per
yard EC
Remnants of Lonsdalo muslin , per
yard 5c
Remnants of white lawns , 40 Inches
wide , per yard Be
Remnants of checked and striped
dimities , per yard to
Now striped outing flannels , per
yard Be
Shaker flannel , 5c , So and lOc yard.
White embroidered flannels In all
Best quality English flannels at 7V&C
Carpets and Drapery
The best of all wool Ingrain carpets
we are selling for COc a yard seem to
meet the wants of the people. We still
have a good assortment and would bo
pleased to show you that the best carpets
In this country can be sold at a moderate
price. Our all wool carpets at 40c and
SOc are the usual 7 c goods.
Lace curtains and draperies were never
so cheap as this spring. We are showing
the finest line In this city.
A good lace curtain , 3',3 yards lone ,
for 06o a pair.
A very flne and wide one for $1,50 a
Also some novelties In finer goods
everything In piece gdbds by the yard
that can bo found In any flrst-class drapery
stock and at lower prices than you ever
Clinllls Snlc Monday.
32-Inch nil wool Chnllls ( dark colors ) , goods
that hnvp retailed nt We .
32-Inch satin stripe Ohiillls , actually worth
too .
SMnch finest grade Challls. Imported , light O / "
nml dark colors , aeUmlly worth COc .
A few pieces of exclusive designs , goods
that retailed nt 7iic .
i wool ChalUs , In a bountiful line of colorIngs -
Ings , light and dark grounds .
32-Inch all wool Chains' , In cream , pink ,
light blue , navy , tan and bl.\ck .
Colored Dress Hoods Snlo Monday.
40-Inch nil wool Novelty Suiting , this sen-
son's 59c quality .
40-Inch all wool Heather Cheek , this sea
son's 5Uo quality .
40-Inch all wool French Serge , this sen- C
son's fiOe quality
40-Inch nil wool Henrietta , this sea
son's DOe quality .
40-Inch all wool Nun's Veiling , cream and
black .
Nowhere in America win you buy bettor Dross
Good * for oOo tliun nt IIAYDEN'S spuolnl offering for
Wo place on sale without reserve ALL our 7oe Im
ported Worsted Suiting.
All our $1.00 Silk Mixtures
All our $1.25 Checks , 40 Inches wide
All our Jl.GO 52-Inch Suiting *
All our $1.00 CO-lnch Storm Sergc.nnvy. 5Oc
All our $1.00 CO-lnch French Serge , navy
anil black . . .
Black Dress Goods Department ,
This IB certainly a season of Muck. Nowhere can
you bo better suited than at IIAYDEN'S. When vo
quote a price we GUAHANTKE the QUALITY nnd
price to bo CORRECT or refund inonoy.
Priestly's $1.25 and $1.50 Novelties . 7Jo
Prlestly's $1.23 Silk Wiii-p Henrietta . 7ro
Hold's famous Lanmlownc , warranted . 7 Me-
62-Inch Storm Serge , excellent value , for
skirts .
CO-lnch ' Imported 'French Serge , worth $1.00. .
40-Inch Imported French Serge , nothing l > c'-
ter for wear at nny price .
40-Inch Imported French Serge , worth C9c , > O f\
Monday . . . . * - ' - * "
42-Inch Mohair Figured Goods , the
goods , Monday
40-Inch all wool figured Uatlste , worth C9c ,
Our 40-Inch Storm Serge at BOc has
superior In America
Crcnm Dress ( ioods for ( irndmitltig.
40-Inch all wool Serge , extra value . .
40-Inch extra flno Clermun Henrietta .
40-Inch Imported French Cashmere , worth
75C . .
Cream Albatros , good value nt DOe .
Cream Aipncn , good value nt 50o .
40-Inch cream Batiste , extra line quality ,
worth Me .
All dry good * stores have silica to soil , nnd the dif
ference in the makes nnd qualities cannot bo toid by ono
buyer out of ton. It is only by lonp experience thut an
export can choor-o the best , and if you will stop to think ,
a business like ours gives exceptional opportunities to
judge between the makers of silks. As you know , it is
not praise \vo invilo from our customers , but informa
tion , and the return f anything that is not fully up to
the mark. In this way wo learn from the actual use of
the articles what , they are good for , nnd many silk
maker wonders why he cannot fjot orders from us n\ \ any
price. Reliable silks at the lowest possible price i our
constant ondcuvor.
21-Inch black Japanese Slllc , will launder ,
actually worth C5c. for
27-Inch black Japanese Silk , will launder , , /J.Q/-
actually worth 75c , for * * t-
Cheney Bros. ' 21-Inch black India Silk ,
worth fully 75c , for
Black Taffeta Silk , 22 inches wide , extra
line quality , for
Black gros grain Dress Silk , heavy nnd
lustrous , for
Black Silk Grenadines , new styles , nt $1.25 ,
98c , 7flc nnd
Black Surah Silk , extra heavy quality , 21
Inches wide
Indestructible black India Silk , something 98o
new , 30 Inches wide
Black or navy blue Surah Silk , line qual 98o
ity , 30 Inches wide
Black Unyadero Dress Silk , only to be had
here , 36 Indies wide ,
Impermeable black India Silk , full 48 Inches
Cream Swivel Wash Silks , 30 Inches wide , o Q / -
regular price COc , for _ _
27-Inch width cream Japanese Wash Silk ,
extra line quality , for. . . . .
Brocaded cream Wash Silks , extra line
quality , 21 Inches wide
Yard wide cream Japanese Wash Silk ,
worth 85e , for
Cream for brocaded India Silks , 24 Inches wide , OOo
Cheney Bros. ' cream India Silk , 30 Inches
wide , for
Qencuine Japanese Wash Silk , 45 Inches 98o
wide , worth $1.25. for
Cream brocaded Satins , 25 designs to se 98o
lect from , for.
Japanese Surah Wash Silk , 30 Inches wide , 98O
Tlie Lac st Assortment of Silks in the West. Scud for Samples.
Wash Goods.
Keep posted on the doings in this de
partment , as each day we have a separate
and new line of the most desirable fabrics
on special sale ; and when we name a price
it simply means no regard for what it con 'd
be sold for , but a special for the dine named
5c Yard. 5c Yard. 5c Yard.
. Here is for Monday and Tuesday only :
Pongees , light or dark ; Chnllls , dark or
light ; Crepollne , figured and striped ,
Scotch printed I awn and Printed Mousel- 5c
lulnes , nil In good condition and not n
ynril In the lot worth less than 12V4c , allen
on sale at
Just opened , the finest lot of printed Dlml-
ties , In our own special designs , worth
20o , at
All the new stripes In PKiue. for shirt 15c
waists , colors guaranteed , at
Princess Duck Suiting , In 50 styles , all
new nnd most desirable , positively sold 12M.C .
nil over for 15o and 20o per yard , at
We Jwvo a splendid Duck In new light
stripes and dark blues , all fust colom , lOc
only , . ,
Finest Manchester Chambrays , In all col-
ors. at
Clegant line of fine strljws In Chambray
Gingham , In nlle , tan , black and blue , lOc
woith I5c , only
Fine printed Swiss Muslins lOc
Every new stripe and shade In the very lOc
best PcrcuU'S at . , . . . . . .
Fancy 30-Inch Jaconet Lawns , worth 15a lOc
everywhere , only .
Wo have the most elegant line of satin
stripe Chnllls , ( all Imported goods ) ever 25c
shown at . . . , . .
Our line of line Imported Ginghams Is the
admiration of every one ; they're a rare
Jnconot Pllss * . new style , beautiful goods. .
Every style , color and make In the very 5C
. . . . . v-r
best Prints manufactured at exactly. !
llenl Johnion book feM npron checked P\t , - ,
Gingham , worth 12&c , in our domestic PtsC
gingham stock at./ . < . . . . , . . . . t--