Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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AgenU for Bntterlck'a ' Patterns and the
Dilineator Subscribe for It.
There NcrcrV nn Opportunllr * °
rurnUhlns Uooili nt Such 1'rlcei
Jtcforc The tnla lloglni
Ever/ gentleman In the city should visit
our men's furnlsliltiK department.
Men's shirts and drawers , 19c.
Men's shirts and drawers , 25c.
Men's shirts and drawers , grey mixed , 30c.
Men's Ualbrlggan shirts and drawers , 37V4C.
Men's French IlalbrlRgan shirts and draw
ers , sizes 31 to Gt , at OOc.
Men's percale shirts , collars and cuffs at
tached , at 4flc.
Men's shirts with fancy bosom , S5c.
Men's percale shirts , three collars and
pair cuffs , detached , $1.
Men's black halt hose , warranted stainless ,
lOc.Men's n.ilbrlggan half hose , seamless , lOc.
Men's silk ties , in all the newest designs ,
25c.Men's soiled collsrs , all shapes and sizes ,
pure linen , 1 cent each.
SOAPS lluttcrmllk , Gc cake ; buttercup , Gc
cake ; cutlcura , 17c ; Pears' unscented , lOc ;
witch hazel , lOc bottle ; bay rum , 33c bottle ;
Florida water , 2Bc large bottle ; Pozzonl's
powder , 35c ; Lnblachc powder , 38c ; Tetlow's
powder , 8c box ; sozodont , tit" ; Brown's cam
phorated , 18c ; tooth v v- 15c , 20c , 25c ;
tar soap , fie.
NOTIONS Corallno ttays , In sets , 20c ;
corallno ttays , dozen , 2Gc ; sateen corset
clasps , Be ; something new In alcohol stoves ,
25c ; curling Irons , 3c , 4c , lOc , IGc ; tracing
wheels , 5c , Sc ; pins , 4c ; patent hocks and
eyes , 7c ; black darning cotton , 3 for lOc ;
twin stays , 5c set ; shield * , lie ; box hairpins ,
CQ ; Kid curlers , 8c , 12c ; the Helydake curler ,
2Gc set ; safety pin ? , 3c , EC card ; basting
thread , 500 yeards , Gc.
Phantasma will bo here Friday and Sat
urday of this \seek.
T lid Attrntl MI of-Trnvi'lrri
Is directed to the fact that Burlington Route
dining cars are now cp rated on the a-h-carte
plan that Is , you pay only for what you or
l'nssrngers who have tried both the dollar-
a-mcal plan and this new way of doing things
are unanimously In favor of the latter.
For full Information about rates and trains
to Denver , Chicago , 1'eorla , Kansas City ,
Helena , Hutte , Spokane , Seattle , Tdcoma or
any other place , call at the city ticket ofllce ,
1321 Farnam street.
Gets Tltlo In the I'loronuo Lot Dlnpulcd by
the KYiinjfcllcitl AsioriiiUon.
The Church of Christ at Florence now owns
a church building and a plot of land In Its
own name. A decree rendered by Judge Am
brose settles this and at the same time ends
what promised to bo something of a religious
war In the suburbs of Omaha.
Pitted against the Church of Christ In the
legal arena was the Evangelical association
of Florence. Tills latter association , together
with Robert W. Cowln , Its head oflleer , had
been made the defendants to a suit by the
Church of Christ , the object belne to secure
the title to lot 1. block 25 , In Florence. The
property was originally own d by Victor G.
Langtry. Last spring Cowin bought It , but
whether ho made the purchase for the use
of the Church of Christ , of which ho was a
member , or for the use of the Evangelical
association , which ho and some friends at
Florence started as an undenominational cor
poration , became the burning question of the
hour In the religious circles at Florence.
The fight became acrimonious. The mem
bers of the two churches filed charges of fraud
and counter charges of misrepresentation. It
was claimed that Cowln had subscribed $50
to the Church of Christ and used this money
to make the first payment on the lot , and
consequently the land belonged to this church.
Cowln affirmed that the subscription list was
passed about \\lth the Intention of getting
people to glvo toward amlon church
building , which any sect could usa , and con
sequently the subsequent transfer by him of
the title to the land to the Evangelical asso
ciation was a fraud on no person or corpora
Judge Ambrose holds that the Church of
Christ was In the right and that Cnwin , who
was , Its treasurer until h ? withdrew and
started the Evangelical association , must , to
gether with the association , transfer the lot
back to the first corporation.
MtO.ibn nn TrUl ,
The trial of James II. McCabe for arson
was proceeded with In the criminal court.
The elate continued to examine a number of
witnesses. The testimony Is exceedingly
voluminous and Is circumstantial In Its na
The cross-examination of Carmlchael , the
agent of the Wlthnell block , was Interesting ,
as the defense made a point to ask the wit
ness If ho had not been a number of times
asked by McCabe to repair the doors and
Iron shutters , an effort being made to show
that there were avenues for entrance to the
burned store If some third party had wanted
to do the Incendiary act.
Chief Rcdell was called as a witness by
the state and testified to having arrived
three minutes after the alarm was turned
In , when he found excelsior , saturated
with kerosene nndi scattered around the
premises. The excelsior was produced and
the jury satisfied Itself that kerosene had
been poured on It. Rwloll met McCabe Just
after the fire and McCabe exclaimed , "My
God ! AVlicn did this flro occur ! " but refused
at first to tell how much Insurance ho had.
Other witnesses went Into the details of the
In giving his testimony for the state
Andrew Hell claimed that he had seen Me-
Cabo walking at Fourteenth and Farnam
streets with a buuJlo umUr his arm the
night before the fire. He thought the bundle
contained furs. He could not describe theli
appearance. It was about S o'clock.
Theodor ? Rlngwalt admitted that he had
refused McCabe Insurance. Ills reason IK
said was because Schultz , he understood , lui
already had two fires during his business
Not .Much Show for retlknrs.
Receiver John II. Hart yesterday sub-
milled a report of his doings In the partner
ship quarrel of Richards against L-Velllo t (
Judge Duflle for Inspection. The rcpori
showed the receiver had on hand about $3.100
Just enough to piy the attorneys and EV ! <
him his comp nsatlon. The partnership af
fairs , the attorneys stated , were hc-pelesslj
] nyrlved and that rhe.IJabUUUs wnuM Jmounj
to Tun lei ) IhSii fcluU.UUO.
Ill ISdl it will bo recalled that the firrr
of Richards & Co. , the largest contractors Ir
the west , went to the wall. James Richard :
In 1S91 began an action against Gilbert Le
Vcllle. hlb partner , nuking serious chargei
of misappropriations of thousands of dollars
lars of the firm's money. It Is stated tha
the firm was then about broken over i
failure to realize profits oil its heavy con
tracts , It had contracts for the St , Josepl
hospital , the Blair court house , the Martlet
building at Kearney , the court house at Rei
Oak , la. , and in other places , all more 01
Tee4 Completed at the tlmo of the failure
The amount of litigation has been enormou
and Is still traveling through the courts
The supreme court last term decided a smal
branch of the case , which the receiver hope :
will let him out of hU Job.
Two Vcari for Knibmlinc.
EAU CLAIRE , WU. , May 8. Judge Dalle ;
today sentenced Embezzler Harry D. Me
Master to two years In state prl on at Wau
pun with hard labor. In his charge he use
forcible language. He decland that the enl ;
way to supprcis such cases of embezzlemen
was to strike at the root of public gambling
The Chicago Hoard of Trade , he believed , ha >
causal more- distress , ruined more men an
wrecked more families than the civil war , ye
It was endbmrd by the public and when sue
ien | as Senator Wtihburn railed his vole
outof office.
JIAiDKN llll'ja.
A III * Lilt ot Kxtrn Special Bargains for
Tliundnj' .
Time Is money. Save your tlmo and
money by attending the great sale of ladles'
waists now being made on our second floor.
Silk waists. We have put on sale over
300 kla kta silk waists In seven styles , all
the vary latest designs , formerly sold at
from $3.50 to $5.00 ; now to close them out
the price Is J2.C9.
We have put on sale one case of new silk
crcpon waists In black , cardinal , navy , pink ,
cereso and heliotrope , sold by most dealers
at | C.00 ; our price $3.C9.
Special attention Is called to our table ot
laundered waists nt 48c. Patterns arc being
renewed every day and ladles' can buy from
this table for 48c a waist that will cost $1.00
In other stores.
Wo will make our waist sales for the next
ten days a special feature of our establish-
nent and In tli.s department will be found
I the latest and nobbiest garments In the
rade ; capes , suits and Jackets arc b * > lng sold
egardlcss of cost.
Every yard of silk to be marked dawn.
Cheney Hros. ' C5c printed Indlas only 49c.
Cheney Ilros. ' 75c printed Indlas only OOc.
Cheney Ilros. ' $1.00 printed Indlas , only
Cheney Bros. ' $1.25 printed Indias , only
Cheney Bros. ' $1.25 satin brochos , only
5c.Cheeny Bros. ' $1.35 satin broches , only
Cheney Bros. ' $1.25 shadow taffetas , only
\Ve carry the largest assortment of
heney Dros. ' high-class silks in the west
ml can glvo you styles In them to bo found
owhero else.
We put on sale tomorrow five pieces of
lilte ground Swisses with colored dot , all
: olors , regular price 40c a yard , but tomor-
ow they are all 25c a yard. If you are
ooklng for a Swiss don't miss this oppor-
One dress pattern of ten yards , 31 Incl es ,
no printed organdies , newest effects , tells
egularly at 12'/4c , tomorrow only at 70c for
ho pattern.
New patterns In the finest printed do-
nestle lawns , 30 Inches wide , guaranteed
ierfect colors , at lOc a yard.
Novelty dark printed sateens , the 25c
kind , at ir > n.
Light and medium shades herring
ultlngs , 15c.
Plain shades In newest noveley sateen out ,
:0e. :
Jaconesse In elegant shades and pat-
erns ISc.
Soft 38-inch percales for s > hlrt waists , all
: olors , lOc.
Dark colors and light In figures , IGc.
G.ilatea cloth , 30 Inches wide , lOc.
Fine line of Imported Swisses and printed
Utilities at 2Gc a yard.
Wo have the finest assortment of foreign
.s well as a one domestic wash stuffs ever
con In Omaha , and to buy n dress without
iceing this stock first , would be detrimental
o your best interests.
If you fancy flno ginghams wo have some
are things to show , direct Importations fiom
ilanchester England.
Thursday , Friday and Saturday will be
big remnant days at Haydens' . We are re
ceiving fresh lots every day and for the
rest of the week they will be extra good.
One lot consists of calicos , percales , etc. ,
at S'c a yard.
Also a largo lot of sateens , challles , duck
suiting , shirting , percales , black sateens , etc.
all at 5c u yard.
Mill remnants of white goods In striped
and checked dimities , bordered apron lawns
and plain white lawns at 5c a yard.
Remnants of Lonsdal ? cambric and muslin
at 5c a yard.
In this department our stock Is complete ,
GG-lnch unbleached damask 2Gc.
CO-inch unbleached damask 35c.
72-Inch unbleached damask COc ,
Red damasks 12c , 19c and 25c.
Best quality red damask GOc.
An elegant line of bleached damasks In al
widths from GOc up.
% dinner napkins OOc dozen.
% German napkins G5c dozen.
Fringed doylies 25c , 35c , 50c , COc dozen.
All colors In table felt for fancy work $1.10
a yard.
A few more of these bed spreads at 7Gc
and $1.00.
Just roelved , another consignment o
white goods , Including checks and plaids ai
Gc. 7c lOc , 12c , IGc and 20c a yard.
India linens 7'X-c , lOc , 12',4c , 15c , 20c and
2Gc a yard.
Dotted Swisses 9c , 15c , 19c , 25c , 35c , 4Gc
and COc.
Don't fall to take the children to
tableaux Phantasma.
A Tour Allv.tnciici-s.
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A
clean train , made up and started from Omaha
Baggage checked from residence to dcstlna
tion. Elegant train servlcu and courteous
en ployes. Entire train lighted by electricity
and heated by steam , with electric light In
every berth. Finest dining car service In
the west , with meals served "a la carte. '
The Flyer leaves at C p. m. dally from Union
City Ticket Office. 1504 Farnam street. C ,
S. Carrier , city tlckctacent.
Impossible la i.tvo In Thti Conn'rr
Without hearing about the Northwestern
line's evening "Chicago Limited , " for people
WILL tclk about Its convenience , tasteful
ness and comprehensive up-to-datenesn
Oir.nha , 5:45 : p. m. ; Chicago , 8:45 : a. m. Ves
tlbuled steeping curs , chair cars , a la carte
diners , Plntsch gas , EVERYTHING. No
extra cost.
Other Northwestern trains at 11:05 : a. m.
and 4 p. m. dally. Want your trunk checked
at home *
City ticket office , 1401 Farnam street.
City taxes , real and personal , for the year
1S95 are now duo and will become delinquent
July 1st. HENRY I10LLN ,
City Treasurer.
Will Do Out ) of Inn 'I hint * .
Douglas county will either file an answerer
or a demurrer to the mandamus suit insti
tuted to compel the commissioners to call a
canal election.
County Attorney Baldrldge said yesterday
that which course he would take would not he
determined until further consultation. The
case comes up today , when the county
will show Its hand , raising the constitutional
ity of the law In one of these ways. U Is
quite probable that a showing will be made to
the effect that the county cannot legally vote
the bonds on account of the present amount
of Indebtedness.
Judge ) Ambrose , Duffle and Keysor are to
hear the case when It Is reached for consid
eration upon arguments.
I.OU.ll ,
The ladles of the Garfleld circle No. 11 will
give a ball at Fort Omaha Tuesday , May 14.
Nln ° ty-elght inilldlng permits were Issued
during April. Most of these were for cof-
Usea and Yeiwlre.
Thirteen licenses aa elevator conductors and
thrte as stationary engineers were Issued by
the examining board during April.
During April the Inspector of weights and
measures condemned twenty-seven scales ,
thirty-nine measures and fifty four weights.
He made 9C3 Inspections In all.
The residence ot Stuart B. Hayden at 312S
Chicago street was entered by burglars Tues
day night and a number of valuable articles
stolen. The city detectives are working on
the case.
II. H. Davis was arrested yesterday. He
had In his possession some Lincoln city scrip
that had been called In and was of no value ,
but he succeeded In working It off on the bar
keeper at the- Midland hotel.
During the past mcnth License Inspector
Hurst ha : Issued seventy-Hires licenses , oil
which the fees amounted to $604. Seven per
sons were convicted of peddling without a
license , the fines amounting to $23.50.
Postmaster Martin has announced that post-
office keys will be redeemed at a rebate of 5
cents on every key rented for 25 cents. The
postal cuthorltlts express tbo hope that hold
ers of box keys will take advantage ot the
rebate In their favor at once.
Charlie Wright , cne of the faithful messen
ger boys on the Western Union staff , died of
connumptlon yesterday. His parents live
at 1017 Douglas street. The Western Union
Telegraph company has auumed charge of
the littlefellow's , funeral and will pay the
expense * ot Interment.
State Convention of Hoys and Girls National
Homo and Employment Aecoalation ,
Mayor Ilemli Tnkei n Lively Interest In
the Work and Urge * Cltlc * to
Bend Uclegutc * { Subjects to
Ho UlsciiMcd.
Next Thursday the ifth Nebraska divi
sion state convention of the Boys' and Girls'
National Home and Employment association
will open In this city. An address of wel
come will be delivered by Mayor Bemls and
will be responded to by Hon. A. J. Sawyer of
Lincoln. The subjects to be discussed arc :
"What Is the best plnn for providing
against boys becoming1 tramps ? "
"Should boys be Imprisoned or given a
few days In which to leave town for tramp
ing or petty offenses ? "
"What Is the best plan to prevent gam-
bllng umong street boys , nnd prevent either
boys or girls from keeping late hours upon
the street ? "
"Plans most practical for assisting widows
anil families of mechanics and others in
procuring employment for their children
( bojs or girls ) . "
"Plans for securing homes for orphans In
orphans' homes nnd dependent children gen
erally. "
"Should dependent boys nnd girls , whci.
able bodied , be supplleit with clothes ann
food gratuitously without first giving them
a chance to earn those articles ? "
"Should each state create agricultural and
mechanical schools for the tramping boys
found within Its borders ? "
"How best to encourage boys nnd youths
to put a portion of their earnings In the
savings banks. "
"What Is the effect of the association of
boys nnd girls with old and hardened crim
inals in Jails and prisons ? "
"The necessity of opening correspondence
with parents of truant and tramping boys. "
"What plans are best adapted for giving
practical advice to the co-called boys and
girls ? "
"Is It not the Imperative duty , and shovihl
not city olllclals of all cities and towns be
compelled by law to apprehend and detain
temporarily In some bunding outside of the
county jail or city prison or station hou = e
all hoys and girls trumping or loitering
about the streets or ptiollc places of resort ,
either night or day , wnen unaccompinled
by guardians or parents ? , and who cannot
give a proper excuse for thier absence from
home ? "
"Should children 1)6 placed In orphans'
homes and held for weens , months or years ,
or should they be detained temporarily ,
cleansed , clothed nnd placed In a good
home , outside of such institutions ? "
"In opening- the county Intelligence ofllcen
rn the various counties of the different
states for procuring homes and employment
for youths , boys and girls , should thorp not
\ > e a place for temporarily lodging , cleanln ; ;
iiiici otherwise carlnp for the jald boys nnd
girls , preparatory to being placed In homes
nmonfr farmers or elsewhere ? "
"Is it not the duty of this convention to
recommend for the consideration and action
of our state legislators a bill for enforcing
the vital and practical questions discussed
In this convention ? "
Respecting the convention , the followlnp
circular letter has been sent out by Mayor
Bcmls :
Neb. , May 8. To the Honorable Mayors of
lncoln , Beatrice. Hastings , Grand Inland ,
.Cearney and Other Cities of Nebraska :
Gentlemen I take pleasure in calling ntten-
lon to the state division convention of the-
.ioys' nnd Olrls * National Home nnd Em
ployment association , meeting In Omaha on
Thursday , May 1G. The city council at the
meeting last night by resolution gave the
woik of the association Its sanction and
co-operation. It seeks to counteract crimes
monff the minors and youth of the country
: housh wholesome legislation , nnd the de-
Iberatlon.s of Its conventions , state nnd
jiatlonal , heretofore have been everywhere
throughout the country a theme of commen
dation. So fully Impressed nin I with Its
great value in the lessening of crime amonK
our youth that I believe the city councils
of each of the cities and villages In the
state of Nebraska should take special pain ?
to send at least one delepate to take parl
1n the discussion of the list of practical
liiestlons. I think It but proper to state
[ hat the tlmo has come In our history as a
jiatlon when we should begin the study ol
some pin us In denting with the criminal nnd
erring youth more humane than that of the
Jail , workhouse and reform school.
Trusting that the honorable mayors of our
several cities will Rive this matter theli
personal attention and endeavor to have
their cities represented at this convention ,
I am yours truly ,
A rri > MnlliMl ' ! ' ' < ror > lcv" .
Under the heading "The Triumph of Love
s H ppy and Fru'.ful Ma'rlage , " an an-
Kiaii'-ern'-nt ap ° ars in our paper today of a
uok pcbl.shM by the Erie Medical Co. of
Buffalo. N. Y. Thl * company's standing Is
\ery hch ! and Its remarkable claims nierll
the attention of every man.
intllicer Uoscvrntpr'n ICopnrt on Condition
ol Sixteenth Street Vlniluet.
The notification by City Engineer Rose-
wnter that the Sixteenth street viaduct was
In an unsafe condition for heavy traffic was a
surprise to most of the members of the
council Tuesday night. After the extensive
Improvements last year It had been expected
that the structure was in condition to re
main In service for several years yet. The
report of the city engineer was the result o ]
an examination which was made the other
[ lay. While the cords on the upper trusses
appear to bo sound when an augur hole
was bored the tool passed through a couple
ot Inches of sound timber and then went
down with a rush through the heart , whlcl
had rotted entirely out.
With the timbers In this condition Mr. Rosewater -
water said that In his opinion there was no
further hope for the safely of the structure
It was never Intended for heavy trafllc am
had been In use nearly nine years. It mlgh
last another year and It might collapse a
any moment. The matter Is now with the
committee on viaducts and railways , but as
Ct airman Bechel Is absent from the city I
Is considered doubtful If a report will be
submitted next week.
- : - * *
The distinguishing feature of the wedding
solemnized at Elizabeth Place at 2 o'clock yes
terday , the home of Hon. and Mrs. A. J. Pcp-
plcton , and parents of the bride , Miss Ellen
Elizabeth Popplcton , who was united in mar
riage to Major W. C. Shannon of the medica
department of the United States army , was
the beautiful simplicity which prevailed
There was no attempt at elaborate flora
decorations , the drawing room on the nortl
side , In which the ceremony took place , very
Reverend C. II. Gardner , dean of Trlnlt ]
Cathedral , officiating , being decorated In white
roses and Immense bunches of snow balls
which gave an exceedingly pretty and spring
like touch tp the apartment
At 2 o'clock the fteildiii party descenije <
the stairs , the bride being : attended by Miss
Delia Sears , her cousin , the groom by Mr
L. W. V. Kennon , lieutenant of the" Sixth In
fantrv. who had former sla'tlon In Omaha as
an aide on General Crook's staff , and now
stationed at Washington In connection will
the Intercontinental Railway Commission.
A wedding breakfast followed the ceremony
only the very Intimate friends ot the con
trading parties being Invited , In all It
features the wedding took on the colorings o
home , It being a desire ot the bride to avoli
all appearance ot ostentation , ai.d surely
nothing could have been more In keepln
with her desires.
Major and Mrs , Shannon left late
via the Northwestern for New Yorl
and sail on a two months' trip of the contl
nent Wednesday , May IS , on the American
liner , City of Paris , Upon their return
they will take station at Fort Cutter , Mont.
The bride Is one of the Intellectual women
of the west , a graduate of Vassar college , am
for a number of years has been a member o
the Omaha library board , to which she ha
devoted much tlmo In the perfection of th
Omaha public library ,
Mitrrlnge l.lceiuri.
The following marriage licenses were Is
sued yesterday by the county judge :
Name ami Address. Age
John Radvelskl , Omaha -
Annlo Maukavskl , Omaha 1
Frank Kunde. South Omaha 4
Nellie Wyman , lied Oak. la 4
Pete Palmqutst. Omaha , 2
.Emma Q , Anderson. Boone , la -
TOholeinle Price BM In Iloyt' n l Chll-
dren'i Clothing for'Thurmlnr. Mi y 0.
Boys' long pants ran * all sizes , from 13 to
10 years , small strlpesj'Ticat checks and solid
colors , 3 and l-buttonrthck styles , our regu
lar 15.00 suit , to'd ' elsawhero for $6.50 and
17.00 , tomorrow onlytat wholesale cost price ,
| 3.50.
Youths' and youngimtn's cults , sizes 30 to
35-Inch chest measurei fine casslmcre , chov-
lots , black and bluaeand gray English clay
worsteds , 3 and 4-bntton cutaway tack styles ,
regularly sold by Hayden Bros , for $7.60 , but
by other stores for $9.00 and $10.00 , tomorrow
nly at wholesale costt price , $5.60.
Children's 2-plece double-breasted suits ,
ges G to 1G years , all wool , brown and gray
h vlots , pants are double scat and knee , tlmt
to sold for $1.60 and $ j.00j ono day only to-
norrow for $2.75.
Children's Junior suits , ages 3 to 7 years ,
trlctly all wool cheviots , In black , blue ,
rown and gray , tastily trimmed , our regular
3.00 and ? 3.60 grades , tomorrow at whole-
ale cost price , $1.50 and $1.75.
Children's washable suits , ages 3 to 8
years , cord and whistle , special price tomor-
ow 39c , C5c and up to $1.76.
Children's kn e pants , ages 4 to 16 years ,
> rlce for one day only , all 20c and 25c knee
ants for 15c ; all 35c and 45c knee pants for
Your money back If you want It.
100 dozen men's fancy percale laundered
hlrts , 35c , worth GOc.
1 lot or fine fancy laundered shirts , GOc ,
vorth 7Ec.
Wo are now showing the best unlaundercd
ihlrt In the west for COc.
1 lot of men's soft negligee shirts , madras ,
; ateen and percale , your choice for-GOc.
Black sateen shirts , 60c , 75c and $1.00 ; ex-
-ellent value.
M n's heavy Hoekford sox , Gc a pair.
Men's fast black and tan hose , regular
made , only 12'4e a pair , worth 20c.
100 dozen men's fast black cotton hose , Im
ported , worth 40c , our price this week 25c.
Men's balbrlggan shirts and drawers , plain
T ribbed , only 25c each , worth f > 0c.
1 case of ladles' summer corsets , 39c , worth
Ladles' black mitts Sc , worth 25c.
Ladles' fast black seamless hose 12c , worth
100 dozen men's fine buspenders 23c , worth
Ladles' 26-Inch umbrellas , gloria silk , ele
gant handles , nnly $1.60 , worth $2.SO and
Ladles' 40c silk mitts go at 25c.
100 dozen children's fast black cotton hose ,
12'XjC , worth 25c.
Bargains in boys' shirt waists.
Remember "Living Pictures" at Boyd's
May 10 and 11.
' Giitllnir < > nn Section .Mnlln ; Ui-iuly
to Move on Mrmphlx.
At the armory of the Omaha Guards every-
hlng Is bustle and confusion , preparatory to
ho Galling section going to Memphis. Bed
ding Is being Inspected and packed and
accoutrements gotten Into shipshape condi
tion. In one corner the cannon lies dls-
nantled , while the painters are busy upon
ho wheels and carriage. In another a tailor
sits busy amidst a confusion of unl-
'orms , as all the white trimmings and
chevrons signifying Infantry are being le-
placed by a brilliant red , designating
The men are In splendid training nnd
condition , excepting possibly Cannoneer
Swing , who , In returning from the military
: ournament last Friday night , was thrown
! rom the limber , the gun carriage passing
over his body. He is , however , rapidly Im
proving and expects to take part In the prUe
Miss Grace Karns , the daughter of General
Karns of Memphis , isthe maid of honor , for
whom the section Is to strive' for additional
laurels The detachment leaves over the
Burlington Friday morning and Includes the
following : Captain II. 11. Mulford , Quarter
master Sergeant G. W. Sues , Gun Corporal
A. A. Arter , Trumpeter E. Wehrner and
Cannoneers J. A. C | Kennedy , B. E. Mc-
" 'aguc , T. C. Brownfce , G. W. MnnchesUr ,
II. Ewlng , G. II. Conant , H. Bsnawa , Sam
Bush , the porter , and last , but not least , the
company's mascot , ' 'Tramp , " an aggressive
: errler pup that has Been making the armory
Ills home for the past six months.
The detachment has been provided with all
kinds of advertising , matter by the Com
mercial club. This will be distributed en-
route and at Memphis In advertising Omaha.
Rats and cockroaches agree that one free
lunch of Steam's Electric Paste is fatal ; 25c
\Valllni ; oa ( i n Lopplngo - .
The numerous changes In army circles to
be occasioned by tlfe removal of General
Brooke from Omaha to St. Paul are still In
abeyance and will remain so until General
Copplnger , who Is to succeed General Brooke
at Omaha , signifies his readiness to move.
General Copplnger Is to take the Initiative In
the movement which sends General Brooke
from Omaha to St. Paul , General Merrltt
from St. Paul to Chicago and General Ruger
from Chicago to the east. At the headquar
ters of the Department of the Platte , no word
has as yet been received from General Cop-
pinger. _
Tickets for "Phantasma" GOc , 75c and
nia Aru lrnvoril > lc
James Haielbuker , the Injured cowboy
brought to Omaha Monday afternoon from
Chadron , Is resting easily at the Presbyterian
hospital with a fair prospect for recovery ,
He Is still unconscious , the cause of the
trouble being a clot bf blood pressing upon
the brain. His right side Is completely
paralyzed. At first It was thought that an
operation would be necessary to save the
man's life .but the physicians now believe
that the blood clot will pass away by ab
sorption without endangering hislife. .
Hard Work arid Indigestion go
Hand In Hand.
Concentrated thought , continued in , robs
the stomach of necessary blood , and this is
also true of hard physical labor.
When a five liorse.power engine is made
to do ten horse-pcnver work something is
goingto break. Very often the bard-
worked man coniiuir-from the field or the
office will "bolt'libili food in a few min
utes which will talcc Hours to digest. Then
too , many foods are about as useful in the
stomach as a keg of nails would be in a
fire under a boiler. The ill-used stomach
refuses to do its -work without the proper
stimulus which it'gtts from the blood and
nerves. The nerves arc weak and "leauy
to brea.k , " becausejthey do not get the
nourishment they require from the blood ,
finally the ill-used brain is morbidly wide
awake when the overworked uiau at
tempts to find rest ill. bed.
The application tifjCommon sense in the
treatment of the stomach and the whole
system brines to lliettusy man the full en
joyment of life aad healthy digestion when
be takes Dr. 1'iereo'i Pleasant Pellets to
relieve a bilious 'dtomach ' or after a too
hearty meal , arid /Dr. .Tierce's ' Golden
Medical Discovery to purify , enrich and
vitalize the blood. The " relicts " are tiny
sugar-coated pills made of highly concen
trated vegetable ingredients which relieve
the stomach of all offending matters easily
and thoroughly. They need only be taken
for a short time to cure the biliousness ,
constipation and , or torpor , of
the liver ; then the "Medical Discovery"
should be taken in tcaspoonfnl doses to in
crease the blood and enrich it. It has a
peculiar effect upon the lining membranes
of the stomach and bowels , toning up and
strengthening them for all time. The
whole system feels the effect of the pure
blood coursing through the body and the
nerves are vitalized and .strengthened , not
deadened , or put to sleep , as the so-called
celery compounds and nerve mixtures debut
but refreshed and fed on the food they
need for health. If yon hiiffcr from indi
gestion , dyspepsia , nervousness , and any
of the ills which come from impure blood
and disordered Momach , you can cure
yaurstlf with Dr I'ierce'H Golden Medical
Discovery which can be obtained at any
drug bio re in the country.
Why Bonds of Police Commissioners Brown
nnd Dcavor Wore Eofcrred.
) cclnrcd thnt the Judiciary Committee
Vtlll 1'nll to Make n Itcport Until It Is
Compelled to Do So Jucobscn's
tilenlDciint Itctmirk.
It is belluvid In some quarters that the
efcrence of the bonds of Charles II. Brown
and D. Clem Deaver as members of the
loard of Fire nnd Police Commissioners to
ho Judiciary committee of the city council
Tuesday night was preparatory to a stubborn
iffort to postpone or defeat the approval of
ho bonds by the council. The minority ot
he council Insisted that there was no reason
vhy the bonds should be referred. The stirc-
Ics were of unquestioned character and
here could be no doubt that the bands
vcre satisfactory In every particular. The
reference was made , however , and It was
stated by a member ot the council yes
terday that the committee would not re
port the bonds back for approval until It
iad to.
When questioned as to the motive for de-
ay the councilman stated that It was the
purpose ot a certain element In the
council to keep Commissioners Coburn
and Hartman In office by neglecting to ap-
) rove the bonds of their successors. They
expected that the constitutionality of the
lew law would be tested In the courts be-
'oro It went Into effect nnd In that case they
iclleved that It would be easier to oust the
iresent commissioners than It would bo to
; et rid of the new ones If they were once
nductod Into ofllce. They feared that the
now commissioners would take hold of the
eorganlzatlon ot the police department and
other matters In & manner that would de-
, -elop n strong public sentiment In their
favor and thus make It more difficult to sup
plant them by men of the brand which was
contemplated by the trainers jf the new
This matter was Incautiously alluded to by
Jacobsen In the council Tuesday night in urg
ing the reference of the bonds. Jacobsen said
that the bonds should be investigated , as
there was liable to bo a fight on the now
law before August and there were several
natters that ought to be considered. The
principal anxloty of the majority seemed to
ro to ascertain whether the appointments
read for three years , or only until the now
: aw wont Into effect. It Is claimed that If
Lho latter had been the case , there would
lave been no objection to approving the
bonds , but otherwise It was feared that It
might prove difficult to prevent the new com
missioners from serving out the full term.
Wins the Prize8
Wonderful Success anil Just
What the People Want.
Absolute Proof of tlic Merits
This pi cat preparation will soften the
hardest of water , making all water f-oft
uid velvety. It will hold colored floods
siii'li as calicos , and colored hose from
running or fading. Woolens and Hau
ls washed In water prepared with
Italn Water Maker will positively not
shrink , leaving them white and soft
nnd Increaslni : their durability. It will
a1o keep bluing fi oni curdling ; water.
Tor the bath or toilet It is indlsppus
able , making the water soft and tillable ,
iccoleratliif : the action of soap and fiiv-
IIIK the skin a beautiful glow , thereby
lielplni : the soap to remove any super
fluous excretion that may adhere to
the body.
Kor dishes and general washing pur
ges It Is very essential , as It wives
IxMh labor and soap
Tills pieparatlon Is not to be con-
fonniled with soap powders , as it con
tains no soap , lye , ammonia , lime or
iin.i deleterious ingredients. It is not
11 til-easy preparation whatsoever.
Italn Water Maker , In the true sense
of the word. Is for preparing water so
that It may have a stiong allinity for
Head what experts Iiave to say about
it :
It lo > .Tint M'lmt 1 rinlmtfl Tor I' .
Mrs. Williams , the wife of a promi
nent live stock commission dealer at
South Omaha and residing at 1'JHT S.
Itoth avenue , says : "The lest we have
slveti Kirk's Italn Water Maker In our
house was quite satisfactory , and It Is
beyond doubt the best preparation I
ever tried ; It does just what is claimed
for It , and I take pleasure In recom
mending It to everybody. "
Kirk's Italn Water Maker Is on sale
at all grocers n lartre two-pound pack
age for - . " cents. This preparation Is
never peddled or sold In bulk , and the
people are warned against frauds.
. . MAY - -
SF 3
fc : I nm now prepared to Jl
jL. offer you the purest foodJ [
n " ° products , as well as g0 ° d 1
4 all other lines , nt n nominal
] k profit. Do not think that
\P" \ this refers to a lowering of s4J
= : standards , for quality Is to bo u
K. maintained at all events.
ouoci'.iuns , WINKS ,
We it ml lh nurrfloui French I
Remedy CALTHO6 frc-c. and „
l enl guarantee that UiLT.Ioi will
81 Ol > DlMhurm KmlMlom , I
A14 M.VON MOHCO. . . '
Dole lurrittu Ar U , ( tati a 41 , G ) U.
Rowland Win. Bailey , D , D.S
3d floor Paxton
Ulork ,
Fineii and Best Dental Work
Gold I'llllnpa. Crown und llrldxe Work.
Tuoili uitracua without pain without go * .
Use Dr. Bolley'a Tooth Powdec
Advantages of
Late Purchases'
Hero Is n fnlr Illustration of the ndvnntuptos of Into purchases.
Quito recently wo undertook to explain that which many a man In
every avocation were kept a guessing. We explained In part the
reason why wo can sell clothes so much cheaper than others.
Wo reasoned the advantages of the second crop , or late purchases ,
more explicitly expressed readers will romainbor , no doubt. Wo
mentioned the fact that the manufacturer plays his trump until all
small dealers are satisfied , then they succumb with the remaining
stock to the mercy of such as wo large consumers and the ready cash.
Then comes our turn and wo play the trumps. Hero Is positive proof :
In the month of March wo sold 200 suits of one kind ut $0.75 , a phe
nomenal run , Indeed. It serves to prove that they were bargains a
bettor bargain wo never before had the pleasure of olTorlng. Our
buyer In the eastern market wn ° Informed of the faot , and ho laid low
for more and got 'cm 190 more ( all they had ) but not at the manu
facturers figures butat our bid.
The samn thing that every man got at a big bargain for $0.75
ought to bo $0.75 , but they're rpt. It would bo trenshory on our part
to buy cheaper and not toll It so. Wo bought for spot cash nt $1.25 less
on each suit , and we'll sell 'cm at $1.25 cheaper for your spot cash.
They're here , the price now is but Five Fifty.
This may seem Incredible but It is nevertheless true nnd tee are prepared to prove our
attcrtions. Jtlttck Tonic 1 lie tblooil , rvgulutvH tin : IK-ITCH ,
liif/Hlceit. JHi positively
/ BlackTonicMed.Co
1 guaranteed to cure an t/illness , . ,
If you have not given it a Manufacturers ,
trial do BO to-day and watch
t .
. , .
Its inlrnculoiis powers. NT. 1,0 1 ! IS , - MO.
' t *
Do you realize that we are fast approaching ho
weather ? How are you fixed for a nice cool Iron Bed ?
We sell them as cheap as wooden ones.
How about a Jewel Gasoline Stove ? The Jewel
is ; absolutely safe. A poorly constructed Gasoline Stove
s as dangerous as dynamite.
ti\ \
OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT is the largest and finest
inth&Btato. Prices guarantoad the Lowest , Special sale of Parlo r
Furniture this woelc. Sea the prices wo make on thorn during this sale
Jn our windows.
SSTFrce ( his week , a Solid Oak Extension Table with every.Outfit. .
A Gloomy Outlook
is that of the dyspeptic , but his
face will brighten he when knows
that R ipans Tabules cure that ter
rible disorder and will make him. . a
cheerful and happy man.
Tabu ! i ! Bold br dnictfiti. or br m B
It tSe price < W cent * a box ) Is tent to Tb nt >
p n Chemical Company. No. 10 Bpnicd sit. N. Y.
' ' . "mn * " -
, {
tit' '
ffor Bale by all First ClUss Dealers. Manufactured by tbo
Factory No. COJ-St Louis ,