t . / I t f / 1 r ' 1 1 \ f / , II ' THE OMAIIA DAILY BEEIttAY G , 1895. SPB01RL NOTICES. Advertisement * for tlicno rolnmtm will b ml.rn null 12I3O | t , in. for the ovcnlncnnil until 8 p. in. for tlio morning end Sunday edition. AUttrtlneri , liy rrqnotlnc nunilirreil tlicck , cnn Imvo nimwcr * nildrcMotl to n numbered letter In euro ot 'I ho Itco. An- merit no ndtlrcMcil " 111 lia ilrllTcroil upon 1 mentation ot tha chcok only. Itutcn , 1 J-Bc u norcl , lint Inicrtlaa , lo n word liercnftor. Jsothluff taken ( or l < i tlmn 20c for llrst Insertion lhro nilTertlietiiriits must lun cnniiccu- tl cly. WANTED KALE VANTKD. 1.000 MUN TO WUITU M13 TODAY for the receipt ( absolutely free , In plHln ilnl envelope ) which curc < l me of ncrvoun ikMIHj. exImuiitPtl vitality , etc. Address C. J Walker , box 1.311 , lUlitmuzuo. Ml 1 > MIC3 _ WANTKD. T\VO aOOD COAT MAKKIIS AT once b > C. II. IlattuM , Hustings , Neb. I1-M52S 10- \VANTK1 > . TIIAVKL1NO MAN IN OllOCnilY line , HtRte experience inn ! references , first claij Nebraska ttrrltor > . AcUliesa N C , , llee olllcf 11 r.l ! U . THURrvVOIlTHY I'nilSON TO time ) , iMliry. < 7S ) anil eipfntes , leference , enclose Mf-ndilreiiMil Ktamped envelope Min- nRwr , Ixix I1 ChlciBo II MM ! 7 UIJNKPIT AT MAKUIAOI : , iu TO K.v , AT ( liath , li" to | 1M1 for nM and young , cult il itnd upvvurtli , fiRfntH wunteil. inon'-y It loan rii'Miitx. . * nd HI imp for partluilnia Address Mutual llenillclal Am iclntlnn Itlrlitnond Vn , Jonliili HjlaliJ. Jr. picHlJiMit ( Htcnitl auditor of Virginia ) i M57.M. * _ BAI.nSMUN WANTIMJ. J5 0) A DAY. NO 1)13 Hverli'B or ollwlloni , coHtlv outllt fref side line or exclunlve Aililrosi Manufuctuiers. 3'JII Market street. 1'hlla Iclplilit U-M017 & \ VANTEtA YOUNO iTxi'EimiNCniJ KALHS- man In our merchant tutlurln ? department None but a young in in of experience apply. Continental Clothing AN iNiuonTK' : MAN TO WOFIK city rttall K-i tc-ry triule f r a spatial brnn 1 of bulk rn > ute > l coffee , tg \ m-Ilir , liberal coin- mlixlun paid to the right man Addim O CO , llco olllce. H-MMi 1 _ WANTED- FEMALE BEL1' . AllU YOU HONEST. KOllKIl. INDUSTIIIOL'ST If no , eniMgo with lit for U3S , JSXl a month , J3,6'X ) a year , ) ou can mtike It u > r , nix limim a day Our agents do not complain of hard times Why ? They ure making inoiey Helling our 1'crfectlnn Dish Wnaher , the only practical ftimlly vvimher manufactured , washes. dries and polishes dlahes poifeclly In two mlnut 9 , no experience necen ary , a child of 8 up.ratcs It easily , cheap and durable , welb'ht , thirteen pounds , mnJe of nntl-rust sheet steel , c.ipic- Ity. IP ) pieces , S10.W ) for Its equal , ovir > fam I ily wants one , juu don't have to canvass , as futon as people know > ou have U foi tMle they send for a dish washur , eich agenl'H tenllory proteclwl , no c mpi-tltlon , we fur nish pnmplo ( ni'luhs nit pounds ) In nice c.uie to lad > nKentx to take oldusilli , one nccnt mailu J2H 23 llr t t n daH Adilreca for full particulars 1'crftctlon Mfg. Co , Untili'noo'l ' , III C-1IKO WANTKH-riFTY OIIILS TOIl AM. KI.N'DS ofvi rk Canadian imi > lo > mcnt oifleu DotiKlaa street. FOtt KENT HOUSES. jiousns , r. K. DAULINO , nAiucuu ni.on < U 3M HOUHUH IN Al.lt 1'AIITS OF TI1I1 CITY THC O r Davis company , 1)3 ' ) r.irn.un D 331 IICNAWA & CO. , 193 N 1STII ST U-3G2 it L- com co LIST IN OMAIIA D E708 PAUNAM STRHUT. W. M HoKcra. 13JJ I'arnam street. D-3C3 rOUU-UOOM BA8EMUNT. 811 S. ZITII STHKIJT. 1 > M131-MS3' I'LIJASANT DIJTACIICD riODKHN S UOOM hou.su , nice lawn , barn. Inquire ; W3 1'lercc t. D 3C6 C-ItOOM IIOITSI3. INQl'IKi ; 2711 DOUOI.ASSr D-M3C7 CUNTHAM.Y LOCATED. 10 IIOOM IIOUSU. modem Improvements Imiulio 712 N. 19th D-M3C3 NINIMIOO.M MODI3HN IlOIISn , 1539 Slinil- mart vvnue , (3D : 10-room modern hoime , Jim- dette. "rear Sherman nvenuv , to Iliron Iteed Co. , 213 South Hlli street U MTDS-M K. JVEUY UKHIUAIII.I : IIOIHIK VACANT MAY 1st J II Shtrmod , 4J3 Is' . Y Life. 'Phone 3 > S . _ _ D-877 I-I.AT. HANOI : AND ALL MODERN convcnleeew , 701 S ICth strtet Oh irlesV. . Jl.illerL 5U Paxtonblock _ Continued. C-HOOM COTTAOn. MODERN. IJEAUTIIMIL lawn and shaile. 2121 Miami O M4M HOUSES , NEAR man SCHOOL J15 and (23 per month Inquire 2MB Capitol ave. U-4 : 6 ON12 1-IVIMtOO.M HOUSi : , S31 S. 23D STItllIJT. U IS3-S * NICE MODERN FLATS , CHEAP. J. W. Squire , 2U Hoc. D US I'OIl HUNT DUUINO JONU. JULY AND AU- KU4t. u llnel > furnished len-n > utii house , een. trnlly loc.itctl , at one-half rtKUlur pi Ices , refei. cncea required Address O 13 , Itec 1 > MM3 i'ou nnNT FititNisiinn noi'sn op niaiiFr rooms , modern. J33.00 , for 4 months. 808 B 21st Bt D Oil 10 * RENT DESIRAULE HOUSES. 9 rooms. 211 8. 21th t. . $30 7 rooms , 42)5 Cumins ' . 123 7 rooms. OW N 27lli nvo . J22 50. fi rooms S'vhcnard ' St. , $10. t roonin. 1307 Casa st . 110. roomi , 4927 la\ont > rt ut. . tl ) . f. rooms. H.M Jnckaon st. (3. r > rooms , 2313 1'rntt st , < 7. Kcc ridcllty Trust Co , 1702 Tainam t. D ! ol I.ARQE LIST. F. D.VEAD. . ICTH .sTDOUOLAS D 517 J3 rURNISHED IlOt'SE TOR RENT JUNK 1. TO October 1 , 7 rooms nnd all conveniences , refer ences required , CIS bouth 20tli st. I D-M374 7" . WANTED , TO RENT TOR TI1K SUJ1MER the coziest seven-roomed cottnce In the city , neo-lly furnished vvllh every lunvenlence Ap ply for a few d.ig , 1311 North 22d street D-M59I 0 J\'E\V 4-UOOM COTTAOE , COR 301'H AND Sahler streets , cellar. cUUrn , city water. J7 00 Enqulra 1318 Parnajn. U M6A 6 I OK KiiNT 1'UKJ.M 1HH.EP BOOMS. MODERN HOOM , WITH IIOMtU 21)0 CASH I -MSOO M13 NICE SOUTH PRONT ROOM WELL PUR- nlDlied , private family. Call 2112 Ca-u strvet E-MJ33 EAST PRONT ROOMS. PUISNIHHED OR UN- fuinlahtd. Hinder n , board If desired CIS N 2U. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS , 621 SO. 1011) tllcol. Hat U. 3id tloor. E 4S3-t > * IIOUSKKEP-PINQ ROOMS , CONVENIENT ; cheap , cool , lurco lavrn. 2ull SI Mar > 'n. 1.M3 1 > 17 C roil IlKNT , NICELY Pl'RNlSHED UOOM. 04 B , th street E-SIC15 7- rURNISHED UOOM , I1ATH ETC. . 16.00. 1911 Fuinnln E Ml > 30 6 * T\v6 rURNIfeHED ROOMS , ONE WITH ALcove - cove , private family , modern. W7 S. 2.lh ave. E-MlL-7 1S rUUNISHED KOOMB AND COOL KRONT ROOMS. HILLSIDE. 18TH AND P M474 I3 rt'HNISHEU UOOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board. 1.0 Purnani utrect. r Mill C * 1100M8 WITH 11OAUD. riNi : LOCATION. mi Chicago. COMKORTA11LIJ Pl'RNlSHED ROOMS AND board. 1 ! > 2J Pjinqm utrcct. P MK1 > HOARD AND UOOM , (4 W WEEK. lbS3 fASS P-MJD3 10' roil IlENT. I rUUNISHED UOOMS" WITH board and prlvllego of balli room. AdJrers U r 2J. llee. P M59I 7 DNFUBNIS1IED KOOJttS TO KENT 1'OR RENT TWO UNPUUNISHED ROOMS 1 17 IXidffo street. U-M130 16 * ICRBENT STORES AND OFFICES ItKNT , THE 4-RTOHY niUCK 11U1LD- Ins. 914 Pallium itrcet. This bulldlne hai a lira proof c m nt basement , conipluta steam lieatlne nxturen ; water on all lljor * , cna. etc. Aiply | at the olllce of Tlia llee. 1 810 ? 0 HENT-AI-TEH JUNE 1ST. THE FINE lure room In Amen bulldlnE. coin * . ' llth and Howard t reels , now occupied by Morse-Cot bhoo Co. Either KU13 : or 60x13 : can ba bad Tha bulletin U S tcrle and l < nsomrnt , and splendidly faulped with itram heat , elovatoit. vvnter closet * , ottlcn. etc. , and I * th hut lo- cateU and nnet bulldlnc for wliolesal * pur- ! < > In Omahn. Rfnt cheap. Apply on pr iiiil n to Mr l'att ron. 1 45S < _ w AGENTS WANTEU. AQUNTS , SELL MARY JANE DIHHWASHERB and g t rich , bo t mud * , mote dd than all others ; only li. tvrr family waiiti Mary Jane ; profit. I'urlnton i. Co. , De Molncn. In. J-MMO k' WANTED TO KENT. LIST HOUSES TOR UENT WITH (1. O. WAt - lace , 312 Ilrown blk. Have calls for cottngra. J 777 LIST HOUSES FOR RENT WITH F D , WEAD. K-3H J3 WANTKI ) , Jt'NIJ 1. HMALL MOPRRN DOI'ULK ' hoUM or html * * * ( if K or 9 n KTi8 , for two nnull families ; nu children. Address O XI , ll'-o. K S1573 6 * STOKAQE. BTOUAOE. FllANK EWERS. 114 HARNEY. M 3TO IlEST STORAOE HUILDINO IN OMAHA , U S. KOV. Inndnl warehousei household Roods tore * ! ; lowest rates 1013-1015 Leuvcnworth M 377 STOVES STORED DURINO SUMMER TEL. Wl 1207 Douglas. Omaha Stove Uep-ilr Work * . M 373 PAC'IPIC STORAOE & WAREHOUSE CO , OTII & Jones eta. Ucneral storage and forwarding. M 574 WANTED TO Bint WANTED , A STOC1C OP OOODS WORTH to > 6mM Address M 19 , Omah.i lice. N M > ti iTlOIIEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND H\ND furniture. I. IJrustHI , 1120 UcnJse st NIH9-M1) _ WE WILL I1UY rilEAP HOMES AND RP'I- denco lots un > nheru In the city Must tx * bir- calns. Reed & Selbj , Doaid of Trade liulMIn * N-1C2 FOK SALE FURNITURE. OR HALE ON ArcOUNT OP KEVOMAI. TO New i > tk will sell all Ihe furniture , cupels etc. of a 10-room house , cheap Call nt 631 S. 26th uvc O MC21 'OK ' HORSESWAGONS.ETO , HYHIflANS PHAETON LEATHER TOP newlj painted for 183.00 , top del wason JW Driimmond & Co P M5U 11 iVANTEI ) TO SELL A HANDSOME TWO- aoalel ranopv top Hurry , with Rood harness ! ev rythins new , a bargain. Address O 21. llee olllcu. P M593 6 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 10O AND CHICKEN PENCE WIRE I1ETTER ard cheaper than wood J. J. L ddy , 403 S 14th. qMU',1Maj 1G YEOMAN PIANOS , IlRIDaEI'ORT OIIOANS WoodbrlilRU llrus . 117 S 17th. Q 379 IARDWOOD COM11INATION HOC ! AND Uiltken fence. Chan H Lee , 9th and Douglas Q-3SO OR SALE. A NO 1 2ND HAND W-HORSE pi > ver steel boiler , as good us new Address P O Ilex 6S3. Q-MC2X-MU THE STANDARD CATTLE CO. AMES. NE11. has 4X > Ions eood baled hay lo sell Q MI72 : XR SALE , 2 TIHRTY-QUAUT ICE CREAM machines. Ualduff , 1320 I'arnam Q M161 9 rou HAM ! ! ROLL TOP DESK ] DOUIILE wardrobe , leltcr press , chllds * bed , ix'frlsera- lor , tables , etc ; Inquire 1202 Georgia nvr Q-IS1-S * POR SALT : , CHEAP , is.o * ) PALETTES FOR brick > nrd puriwscs nnd 2000 feet of 1-Inch water pipe. Address 2921 Hamilton street Q-M50) 8 * : -RESH JERSEY , A DANDY. RICH MILKER , 21 quarts a day , warranted , on approval , price J100. also > < > un Jersey. D. Turner , 24th nnd Popplcton avc. Q 649 0 * PIRST CLASS OAK IIAR OUTFIT. ORIC1IN nlly cost > 1 ) OJ ; cheap ; must sell Adilrrss O 29 , Ilec. Q-Mt , . ! ! II CLAlRVOYANTb MRS IJU II WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT , RE- llablo business medium. Sth year at 119 N ICth S-331 MME CLAYTON. CLAIRVOYANT AND CARD reader. Rends cirds Ilka an oxn l > ook Tells jour mission on entering. 223 N llth S M307 1C * MRS FRANCIS KEENE. CLAIRVOYANT AND Independent Bltitu vvrltir , gives advice on nil mailers of Importance , such as business. Jove affairs marriages , divorces , lawsuits , elc , lo- c.iles lost or slolen goods , reunlles Ihe sepa- rntcd , brings speedy marriages , removes stum bling blocks and bad luck of all kinds 1S23 1'amain si reel S M5IO D' ARRIVAL EXTRAORDINARY. THE OREAT- ist dead irance medium of Ilia present nge , tells > our life from the cradle to the grave makes mnrrlaKe no failure ; photo of wife or husband sent through mall , with life chart , $2.00 Send age and lock ot hair , nil letters for InformiUlon containing 4 cints In nlamps promptly answered Electric nnd manage baths a sneclilty for heilth Mrs Dr A Leon , 41S N. llth street , Omaha , Neb S Ml31 7 MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. MADAUC LA RUE , 1017 HOWARD ST T-C39 Mil * MASAOE , MADAME UERNARD , 1421 DODOE T M113 C MADAM SMITH , TO S 13TH.2D FLOOR. ROOM 3 , m ignelle , vapur , alcohol , ateam. sulphtirlne and sen Iwlhs T M373 11' TURKISH BATHS. TURKISH 11ATIIS. ONLY I'L\CE IN CITY exclusively for ladles. Sullc 103-110 Dee blilg. 133. PERSONAL. MASSAGE. ELECTRO THERMAL 11ATHS , chiropodist. Mine. 1'oat , 319h S. 13th st stU U 3S2 THE DELLB EPPERLY CORSET. MADE TO order from moasuiu 1909 Fnrnam street U-3S3 VIAVI CO , 310 REE 11LUG , HEALTH I1OOIC free , home treatment , lady attendant. U 331 MISS MINNICIfS DRESSMAKU O I'AKLORS 2119 Paniam Bt. Prices reasonable. reasonable.U U 7S1-M1S * II. HAAS. FIXJRIST. PLANTS , CUT FLOWERS Ilinquet , hall , ivsldence and grave dccorallons 1813 Vlnlo-i street. Telephone 770. UM995 PAPER "CONTAINING REAL PHOTOS OP lidlcn wishing to wed mailed for sump Itox 1G03. Denver , Colo. M174 MJ CURE POR LADIES. 1816 CHICAGO ST. l'-613 M10 JOHN EDWARDS THE FRIEND AT HOME , through whom > ou corresponded In 18C , wishes to hear from you at oncu , on business Impoit- ant to joursolf. Write. U Hit T A FRESH JERSEY COW AND C'ALF. A 1'AIP. of line lamb goats Inquire 2312ebifr U-M336 C YOUR CHARACTER TOLD FROM YOUR liandvvrlllnK. Bend specimen wllli We In stamps nnd slamped nddren ed envelope for reply lo Mr Arthur Williams , 1539 Unlly llulldlng , Chicago , III. U M542 7 MONEY TO LOAr.1 WJiAl. ESTATE. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real eslate. Iliennan , Love & Co. , 1'atton blk W 3S3 MONEY TO IX > AN ON IMPROVED OMAHA propen > Fldelit > Trust companj. 1702 Farnam W 339 INVEblOItS DIRECTORY CO. . 10 WALL ST. New York , offer any part 100.UUO eastern In- \eslora' namea. who have money to Invest , Just compiled. Write for particulars W-M1S1 M2' . AGENCY U S. MORTGAGE CO SUI1M1T loans to Puscy & Thomas. Council Dluffs oillie W-IS.1 IMPROVED CITY LOANS AT LOWEST RATES. H. H. Harder < . Co. , ground Iljor. Bee bldg W-451 M29 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at C per cent. W. U. Melkle. let Nat Ilk bldg W 333 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES THE O F. Uavls Co , , IDS Farnam at. W 33 CITY LOANS. C. A. STARR. CIS N. V LIFE. W 3S8 LOANS ON IMPROVED ft UNIMPROVED CITY property. W I'arnam bmllh Co. , 13tl I"nrnam W 3W ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . :13 N. Y. LIFE. Icvana at low rate * for choice security In Nebraska - braska and Iowa farmi or Omaha city property. . W-S91 MONEY TO i.OAiv OHATPELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNUUUE , PIANOS , horsos. watoiw , etc , at lowest rate * In city , no removal of goodi : slrlcllj coniUv-nllul , you can pay th loan on ut any Urn * or In uny amount OMAIIA MORTOAOE LOAN CO. . MO Sj. 16th ht. X-370 MONEY TO IXJAN ON FbRNlTURB AND pianos. Fitd Terry , 4W namge blk. X-3,1 J. B. HADDOCK , UOOM 417. nAMQE 1JLOCK X 37i MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture. pianos , horses , vvnKons , nr any Mnd of chattel security at lowest visible rales , which > ou can tmy back at nny tlm or In nny amount FIDELITY LOAN QUARANTEB CO , Ituoin 4 , Wlthntll block. X 373 BUSINESS CHANCES. \E WANT SOME FRESH CAPITAL IN ouu builneu. wo ar opemllng now In thre atates , our bualne * * la paylni ; over 100 p r rent , vv Invite your Investigation. For full particular * cell on or addreia our ncenti H E Cole Co . 1W N Ulh , Y-MM2 13 SAWMILL ; WANTED A PARTY WITH A1JOUT 1000 cash to join In atortlnrvmlll. . Ad- divki Pl.inctr Iluilnex agency , dbcrldan. Wyo. BUSINESS OHANCE3. Continued. RECEIVER'S SALET FROM THIS DATE I will sell at private Rale all the bar futures , refrigerators , bottle cnsen , nnd offlc fixtures ; also nil the unfinished stock , machinery nnj nhaftlng. with t 16 H. P. Detroit electric mo tors. bHonfrtnir to the firm of WMInce & Co , Incorporated , loctled nt 411 nnd 413 S. lOlh st. . Omiha , Neb. , April U 1855. John Jenkins , receiver , f jr Wallace & Co. , Incorporaled. TO ( SELL , GROCERY STOCK , GOOD LOOA- tlon , cheap , fixtures and stock complete , butcher shop attached. Address. II B. llur- turn , 617 N. Y. Life llldg. , Omahi , Neb. Ail ? ) IF YOU WANT TO DISPOSE OF STOCK OF merchandise quick address M 20. Omaha llee M it ? FOR EXCHANGE. LOT MU23. CLEAR OF ALL ENCUMURANCES for horse and phaeton , AddrcsJ N 31 , UceZ Z 111 A FINE. FULL INSIDE RESIDENCE LOT. clear , for outside property. Gilt edne bank stock , nnd otner stock , for outside clear lota. II II. Harder i. f' " . ground lloor , llee bid * WANTED. A HORSE IN TRADE AS PART pay on piano. A Hospc , Jr. , 1313 Douglis l. WE HAVE 3.000 ACRES OF CLEAR SELECT- id western land for exchange Would put In some cash for desirable Omaha proper ! } . Fidclltv Trust Company , 17i > Farnim St Y. 520 12 FOR EXCHANGE. 3-STORY MODERN hotel , furnished , In best to.vn In Nebraska , will take farm land. Ames lleul Etnte. 1017 Farnam 7. 'M 6 * HORSE AND PHAETON AND LOP. FIRST pi > ment on cottage , lot or cottng' for furnl- lun of R-room collage , clear pni | rty for Im proved SO or IGO-acro farm. C C Sklmw. ill N Y Life K-.M' > iyi 6 W ACRES IMPROVED LAND. CLEAR. FOR house nnd lot north part of clt > will assume reasonable Incumbrnnce. Address O 17. lice K-M372 U X > R. nxCHANOE. 100 ACHES UNDER THE Elm Creek Irrigation Co'a ditch ; laterals com pleted , Injid easy to Irrigate and clost ? to can it , \ery d slrnhle. for stock hardware L K Elm Cn-elc , Neb. X M5S3 9 TO EXCHANGE. A GOOD CLEAN STOCK OF general merthindlsp. that will Invoice about $4. 0i ) for goi l farm lands Address lock box 27. Shelton. Neb X M618 11 FOR SALE KbAL ESTATE. UlSTHACTd TIIU 1IYUON IIUUD COMPANY m-15S _ . tAr.OAiNs , iiofsns , LOTS AND TAUMS , s-ila or trade 1" K U.iilllir [ , ItarKtr blork Ur. Kd WILL SELL IMPROVED GARDEN LANDS near Omah.i nt prkes that will sill prise > ou , II taken wllliln 2 weeks J. II Sherwood 42J N. Y. Life RE-M7.il FARM LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. N Y L. UE-311 M7 EXCHANGES AND SALES , CITY PROPERTY , farms , merchandise Garvln llros , 21' ' ) N Y I RE 374 DAnOAINS. SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- trtlesand farms Jno N Fiona1 ! , * pp P O HE J ! SNAPS , 5 TO C MILES FROM OMAHA P. O 40. 80 or IM acres , Improved , $30 00 per acre 200 acres , $3300 per ncro , 250 lurts , $1000 per acre , 6 10-ncre tracts , $ ! S ft > lo JlJOO ) l i ncre Must be fcold. 840 N. ' Y. L. Jildg RE-.M23I _ PllF.TTIEST EAST Plt'oNT COTTAGE IN THE city , bath , closet , sewer , mantle fence , trees , pivtd street and motor line , one block fiom Hnnscom pirk J2 200 , $300 cash H H Hauler , t Co , ground lloor , Ileo bldg RE 42) ) It IN in'siNiss LOT Nn.sn II & M height depot , 33x13. , for SI 300 V U Wead. IClh and Douglas H U IS9- IF YOU WANT A LOT l OR $ io IN NORTH part of cltj worth double that price wo F. D Wead , ICth nnd DougHs. RE-133-4 NICE HOME , NEW. COST 1 YEAR AGO S3.3CO for $2,300 East front lot at grade near II park , $1,030 F D. Wead , ICth and Douglas. H E 1S3-4 A GREAT OPPORTUNITY For a small Investment Hotter than a savings bank. $300 lots for only $100 each. $10 cash pajment and $3 per monlr , without In lervRt. These lots He Just west of Fort Omaha over looking the cfl ) . Every > oung man and jountr woman In Omaha ought to have one uf them You cannot possibly make a safer or betler In vestment than this You will never miss the money nnd In a few months jou will hive a beautiful lot paid for. It will be n starting point for a fortune. You will spend this much every month and nevei know w hero It goes No Interest on deferred pn > ments On two lots to sune purchaser will make a dls. . count of 5 per cent. Now Is the time to buy Omaha property , es peclail > when sou can get $3i lots for $100 on such terms ns above Five of these lols fold thin week Five persons have secured Jlrsl-chis * Invest ments. Now Is Ihe time to buy Omaha property , when } ou cnn got such offers ns this Cut this advertisement out and come nnd see u qukkl Fidelity Trust compan ) , sole agents , 1702 Far nain st RE 521-7 JUST THINK OF THIS ! 2 OF THE FINEST cast front lots In Clovertl lie addition , worth $ < WO each , can be purchased within the next ten dais for $300 ench This Is the most phenoii ! * ml bargain offered this > eur Terms \erj easy Sen us at once. Fldellt ) Tiust company 1703 Fnrnam street RE uJl-7 A FULL LOT FACING ON CUMINO STREI near 30th , worth $2,100. paved street and stoni sidewalk , can be purchased If taken within Hi next ten days at $1,000 to $1 200 The owne must sell , hence this Immenno bargain Fl dellty Trust company , 170. ! Farnum stRE RE 521-7 HANDSOME RESIDENCE FOR SALE ; OWNEI leaving city : will offer at a sacrifice. J. L W box 694. city. HE-M533 4 CHEAP OAIlUnN LANDS TOU HALU 1IY Hlcka. 1U-MUI : ! MUST HE SOLD ; 20 ACRKS CHOICEhT OAR den land , Just west of city. Wrlio O II II. otllce. HE M533 l 11RICK COTTAGE AND LOT. $ ? 30 4-r. house , city water , nr H. Polk , $600 , 5-r. house. J hi from 2llh st car , ISO1) 3-r. house , Hcdford Place. $1.0f.O. 6-r , house and half ncre , $1,200 $10.300 place , n > rth of Hanscom Park $7. ) . 8-r house and full lot. east of Park , $2 3 , , 2 acliw north of 1'ort , both $750. 5-r cottage. 2)lh ) st pived ( tasy terms ) . $1,000 F D. Wead , loth nnd Douglas. RE 546 4 * GET IN ON THE GROUND FI.OOR I1EFORI Ihe l om comes , call nt H. E Cole Co's ollk nnd see Mr. Allin , nnd got some Informatloi about the greatest manufacturing clly In Oregon gen , having the largest water povv and elec tric i > ovver plant In the United Slates ; nay on cnn buy. the terms are BO easy , come at once Mr Allen will bo here only n few dn > s H E Cole Co. , 100 N 15th. | HE M504 7 7-ROOM HOUSE ON LEASED GROUND CO T Ing only $10 ptr sear , tenls fur $1. . $330 Ileautlful lot n'ar Hnnscom Park , will be eel lo highest bidder Beautiful homes of 5 to 9 rooms each at > au own price. C. C. Shlmer. 211 N. Y. Life. HE M5706 , YOU REMEMBER OUR "ADD' LAST WEEK Well , lots of | > eoplo tame around and said I was true. Now ) ou come und BCO. Look at 3311 Huggles st 7 rooms , all modern. 2107 Locust st , 8 rooms all modern , large barn 1710 N. 13th at . 7 rooms S. E Cor 19th and Spruie , G rooms. IXiuble briik , south side Lithrop , V Uock eas ! lth st Then come In and make us an offer. If > ou want a vacant lot look ut 50xii feet , vves sldo of 20th , IVa block north of MnnderEon. 50xKO S W Cor 20th nnd Ersklno t > 9 feet south fiont un ItrUtol and : > > lh sis. 1.12x13.1 S W Cor 3llh and Howard. MixlSS. south front on CaiilUlar , 100 feet eas of 20lh st 132x110 N. E. Cor M and Chicago. 40x110 N. E Cor. 20th nnd Center. Don't bo afraid to make an offer , nnjllilnt" reasonable sonablo will be entertained. Say , we have acrra 4Vi miles straight nortl $14500 , and S acres 4 mlle straight west $ . ' .00000 , 2.500 bearing grape vines , house an barn Can Jou beat It' look at our window. Come In If jou want t trade. "Remember we never offer an ) thins but g nuln H. E. COLE CO. . 108 N. 15th HE-MS5 ! il WANTED WE CONTROL FARMS , 8TOCI farms , ninihen , wild lands nnd clly piopert In all parts of Texas , which we cnn c\clmnK at low cash valui-H for stinks of meichandl * of all kind * ; write us , nnd state calinuti-r o > our merchandise , Its value and whit so want to exchange for. Address , Winters Davis A. Co , rial estate agents , Fort Wort ) Ten RE-MK5 li HERE'S WHAT YOU WANT. MODERN 7 room cottngo , full lot , nist front , line lawn vury cholitgt locution on west hills , reduce to I3.7i.ouo for next week , nlwJ new rive-nut cottage , tasl front , large lot , line lawn , rlgl In the ells' , Clark und 21 t , call and see It. re duced next week to $1 * * < < JO , terms easy H N Wlthnell , 207 N Y. Life. Ri-M5W 7 UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS H K DURKET. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND cmbalmer. 181S Chicago > t. felt-phono 90 4)3 SWANSON & VALIEN , 1701 CUMING , TEL. 10 * 409 M. O MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMDALM rr , 1417 Farnam at telephone 225. 410 C. W. IIAKEH , UNDERTAKER , 613 8. ICTH ST 411 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGES. GEORGE F. QELLENHKCK. I1ANJO AND irultar teacher. 1911 Ca * alre t. M10 > I. O. DAXON. 401 N UTFT , 33J ICTOR HICYCLErt , Tim , FINEST OF ALL blcclcs. Omaha IJIcycfo CU. 321 N. 10th sited. STERLING , I1UILT LlliF A WATCH. WEST- era Electrical Supply 'Co. , 151 ! Howard strvet. 393 SEE THE VISIRLE nALL HEARINGS ON Relay bpectal. Will l frluM , t Iru. , 120 N , 10th. 'S'Bl ' 39C HEMINOTON AND EAQti. CROSS GUN CO , US S. 15th street. , , \ 397 A. I * DEANE ft CO , WHOLESALE AND RE- tall blcsclos. 1118 Farnnnvstreet | blcscles wild on easy pas mcnts. 5S3 AWN MOWEHS AND HUffYCLES. GET THEM In good running order at the Acme , Oil S , ICth , * 611-MIO VESTEUN HICYCLE S. GUN CO. , NIC CUMING 101 MANTELS , GRATES AND TILES. VOOD MANTELS , GRATES , TILES FOR FIRE places , \ < Htlbules nnd large ttixirs. write for catalougue Milton Rogers A. bans Omaha. HOTEL3. IOTEI. I1ARKER. 13TH AND JONES SIS. 3 rooms at $1 SO per day. 0 rooms at tl 00 per duj. portal rates to lommerolil Iravelers Room am ! board by week or month Frank Hlldltch , inaimger 402 _ _ \ETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) , N W. COR. 13th nnd Dodge. Hooms b > day or week 401 ) AVIS HOUSE. HOT SPRINGS. S D , A flrst-claaa hotel , desirable fir those who wish KumI rooms and lable at reawnablo ptlcos , ple.usintest lointlon In ells , one Mink from union depot. Address Davis llou > , l x 25 M530 10 * DRESSMAKING. MRS C A LUCAS HAS P.ETURNED AND op * ned parlors at 1603 Dourflas street , where she will be pleased to see her former friends M137-M23 DRESS MAKING IN FAMILIES. 4.110 GRANT M150 &U4 WORLD'S FAIR PREMIUM DRESS CUTTING school , $1.00 Is paid for nny old ss-slem the next ten days Madam A. Hlclmnls 1G10 Cuss st. MH sr BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. SHMIES IN MUTUAL L & 11 A S'N PAY C , 7 8 per ci.nl when 1 , 2. 3 scars old nl\va > s KOI Farnam st NattlnRer , Soc HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on Buvlnits Apply to Omaha L A. 11 Ass'n , 1704 lleo bldg U W Nattl ger , hee CU.-V1. . D. T MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAI. olllce to JOJ i > 16th st , Ill-own block. 40J THE 1IEST IS THE CHEAPEST NO SMOKE No Hoot 2,00) pounds of the liest WvomliiB cnul. SI 50. dellven.il Just think of It' ' You hive to pv > Hut for dirts HIII iks coil If \ou are Inlouslt'd 111 HIP fuil question us > Sheridan ci.il 1C05 I'ftrnnm street M401 PASTURAGE. \\E HAVE ICO ACRES OF IILUE ORSS PASture - ture > for horses boaul fence , spring waler. Uarton & Phclp . Gtlmoro , Neb or A W I'htlps A. Son. 07 N. Y Life bldg Tel 1051 473-July ! C E MOIUULL , \PER \NOING. . HOUSi : sign pliming , brkk work , plasteilug , off H 1 Darker blk . Ul 735 , shall 2211 Izard , tel 40S Q I 40j CESSPOOLS. CESSPOOLS CLEANElV. IlbllltlSH REMOVED" null-mi nopoly price" . OHICe , 415 Bo 14tli Tele phone 1173. John Nelson. " M4U 7 * PAWNBROKER : ! . n MAiiounz LOAN'S .M'ONEV. ' 4is N. ic ST J ' ' 41o ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRAO- era for electrk < light > tind , > piotor planls nnd nil kinds of PltUrluil corwUrucllon. Wtstein Elec trical Supplj Co , 1513 Howard st 401 DENTAL K3OIiLEO.E. OMAHA COLLEGE DENTAL S ( RGERY , PREE liillrmnn i dcntlitry nt eost JCth & Cap nve 3J ! 411 4M JFLORIeJTS. rou I'VNrfins & vnimr.NAs rr > TO j w < li. n Arnold 120 N 15th St Tel 13. ! ELOCUTION. ELLA DAV.R. II COM L NT L UIC.1C & PAIINAM CARPET CLEANING CHAMPION HTHA.M CAUPirT CLEANING \VKH. . IS-TW S llth HI Tl fServliu ( rucir.mleeil U. b. O. Kuhn , Mur , 1'ut Ward , foieman Uj M22 DENTISTS. OH PAt'L , UBNTIhT. 2020 DL'RT ST 417 SUORTHANJJ VAN S\NT'B SCHOOL POIl SHORT HAND. N Y Life Omaha Aak foi ilrculiir 416 BUSINESS NOTICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVEHED , 719 N 1C 40S Notlcr. The annual meeting of stockholder ; ) of the Fremont. Klkhorn & Missouri Valley Rail road company will be held at the otllce of III * comiKUiy In Omuliu , Nebraska , on Fri day. May 17. 1893 , at 2 o rlock p. m , for the election of directors and for the transaction of such oth'i business as may come before the meeting.J J II IinDFIL'LU , Secretarj- . Dated April 30. 1S 3 Lawyers and solicitors. SUES & CO. Boo Uuildlng , OMAHA , Neb. Advlco PUKE. RAILWAY TIME CARD Leaves , ULHL1NG'1ON & . MO. RUER jArrlvea Omu.iaiLilian Uoput , 10th 6t Mason fata I Uauha loTl5am " . Denver Express 9.40am 4.35pm lllk Hills. Mont. At 1'uget Slid E4.Upni 4.35pm . .Denver Express. . . 4.10pm 0.45pm Ncbruska Local ( txiept bum'ay ) 7 45pm 8.15am Lincoln Local UM.CPI bunda 11 lo.uii 2:45pm Fast Mall ( for Lincoln ) Dallj _ _ _ Leavca ( CHICAGO , BURLINGTON & Q JAnlvos Un.a mUnion | Depot. lth & Mujjn8ts _ | Omaha * 4l5pm7 : . . . . . . . , Chicago Vestibule U.5'Jum ' 9.50am . . . Chicago Expresi. 4 15pm 7.50pm Chicago and fat. Louia Exprts * . 8 ujam 11.3oaiu Paclllu Junction I/ocal . . 5 SOpti Past Mall 2.40pm Leaves ( CHICAGO. MIL. & . ST. PAUL ( Arrives OmahaUnluiiJHpot ] , Dili Mason Hta Ij > maha C.OOpm . . . . Chluigo Llmlled 9.3 > am H 10am. . . Chlcufo Express ( ex bun ) . . C.Mun ( Leaves ICHICAGO it NURTHttEarN lArrtves Uinqiallinlun Lc ) | < it , Will & Mnionaispmaha | 11 05am Eastern Dxpreja S.S'.pn 4 00pm . . . Veilltmled Limited . . . . 8 4Jam CiWain Mo VuUey Local . . . .lO.JJpm 6:4Spm . . . .Omaha Chicago Special . . i 15pn Leaves I CH1CAOO , R , ! . , & I'AWIO. ( Arrlvea OmahalynlonDepot , win as Maaon Sta I Omaha 11 Warn..Atlantic Uxpriru Ux. Sunday ) . . . 6.55pra 8-2Jpm Nlxht iKxpress. . . , 9 Uam l.jipm. . .Chicago Ve3tllm.il LtmltuJ . ' " " 0.00pm. Oklahoma & Tuxugr.Ex ( ex Bun ) .10 53am 1 4ipm ) Coloiadtf Kljnlled . 4.00pm Leaves I " "c. ST. iC M-4" & O. ( Arrives pniahal Depot. 15lh amiVeba er 3U , j Omaha $ 1'am Nebraska I'liasecger ) ( dally ) S loprr 4 3)pni. Sioux Clly Eipre iB ( ex Sun ) .11'5Jam 6'l&pm . . .St. Paul .Limited U.Man Leaven I P E & MO , VALl.EV lArTTveT Omaha I Depot , 15th and Wets er His. | Omaha Z.10um . . . Past Mall > actiJ xpic4 > i . 4 55pm 2.10pm ( ex Bat ) W > o ; .f.li.x Mull ) 4 53pm 9K)5am ) Norfolk Exprc * ! , ( Cx Hundaj ) . 10 * ) um C:10pm . . . SI i'aul'Ecpnsa .10 35an Leaves I K I * . 8T J > * C II lArrlvea OmahalUnlon Depot. Wtli & Mason su _ | Omaha 9.'Aim Kannaa City Day Express . 50pm 9 45pm.K. C. Night -Ex via U. P Trans. C.SOan Leaves ] MISOOURI PACITIC1. lArr.veT Omahaj Depot. 15th and Webnier 8tg. I Omal a lO'lOam tit. Louis Expreia . . 6 OOan 9.30pm St Louis Erpreas . . 6 Obpn fi.lfrpm. Nebraska Ixx.nl ( ex. Sun ) 8 00am Leaves ! SlOt'X CITV i PACIPIO , Arrlv a Omahal Depol. 15th nnd Websi r hU. | Omaha lOjun. .St lauT Llmlteil. . . . 10 Jiam Leaves I aiOiX ClTPACIFIC. . | ArrlveV Omahall-'nlun DejMjl , Ulh & Mason SlsJ Omaha 6:5J.itn , .bloux City I'ncs'iiirer 10 : > 5pin 6.i5pm .HI. Paul Limited. I2.35pro _ Lea < us I UNION PACIFfc iTrflveT jDniahaU'jnlonlei l. lOlJrt & Mason Bli I Omaha lOiOOam Kearney Expre i . . . 3.43nn : 00pm . . Overland Piter 5.J pn I 00pm Ileat'ce & Blronub'i ; ] ; x ( ex.Sun ) 8 45pn 7:30pm : . . . . . 1'aclilo in > rc , , . , 19 5Jam ; 15pm . . Past Mall . . . . . . 1 lOpn Leaves I WAI1ASH RAILWAY. | Arrlvo OmahulUnlon Depot , 1CI i S. Majon Sis | Unialia " J.Wpni.St. L u. . Cf = u > n tl.K.Jlprc H-rffc - < - < STORM DRIVEN. F By "The Duchess ! ' Avthor of "Molly \ Baivu" Etc. 9 O - ' ' ' ' ' - ' - " ' ( Oopsrlchltd ) "Do you Unovv when I first saw you 1 bought you were a Rlrl. " said he They \vere > oth watching the river down below them s It swirled through the wooden bridge an which they were standing , but now she urncd her head slightly , glanced toward him or a moment and laughed. "And now what do you think me a boy ? " At this he laughed , too , and catching her tand , held It fondly between both his own. "You know what I mean that 1 never dreamt of your having been married. You ook to young &o tender. " "Like the IJoy Illllce ! Well , It you had dreamt " "Oh , no ; It would hsvo been Just the same. " He took his hand from hers only to slip It round her slender shoulders. "Oo you know , " said he , "a woman long ago told ma that " "A woman ! What woman' " She shrank a little from him , and this seemed to de- Ight him ; jealousy lies In the germs ot love. lo resisted her attempt at withdrawal from ilm , brought her closer to him with an actual force that declared the man. "Nobody I cared for , " said he "It wasn't that sort ot perron , Clare' You know I icvcr knew what lava was till I mot you. You do know that " She made a little soft sound ot assent that we all know and that lone of us can spall , nodding her lovely head nt him the while. "She war a cousin of mine , nn elderly person a widow , by the way , like jou. " She nodded again , jut her smile faded "Oh ! " breaking "AND NOW. WHAT DO YOU THINK ME , A HOY" " off "It's absurd to think of jou as a widow a little KlH like jou. You're too joung for the part " "Tvvonly-four Is not to very young One can play many parts before that. " "Still you don't look U , you sea ? Eighteen would bo nearer the mark. " "Now , " with a sudden ranrn of llght- heartcdness , "don't you talk like that ; I can't bear It. My past la past. There- , let It He You Know we agreed never to mention It. Now go on and tell me what your cousin , who , I hope , was cldrrly , once told you " "Well , she always tald 8he believed the world was full of separated pairs , and that sometimes they came together In the paths of life , and then vvre happy ; but Hut too often they did not meet , and so lo.U all the flavor of living. Well , we , " looking at her with passionate tend rness In his eyes , "are two of the happy ones Eh ? " Ills young , strong , charming face Is look ing down Into hers , as If seeking an answer that he already knew. Into hers , which was always beautiful , but now glorious with the light of love she had n ver dreamt of KHAV- Ing until until , having b en crushed by fate , and driven past all endurance , she had taken the matter Into her own hands had thrown up the world In which she was stilling , her people , whom many a day sh ? had , In the height of her niUery , prayed G.d to ccnfound and ran away here to this little German Ullage to bury herself forever. If possible. Then It a.omed quite possible ; It seems so even now. The only one she could have trusted In her trouble , was her brother , Sir Ralph IJrooko , but ho ivas In India , and that was a far cry Ho might have ccmo home ; ho would , she thought , but In nil probability Ills coming would have ruined his prospects , and per haps , after ell , ho would have recommended puica , whcra no peace was. She bad ont > other friend , a cousin , who happened to bo junior partner In the bank In which her own private fortune wua deposited , and vvhu could remit to her from time to time her mtney , as she desired It. For six months she dwelt on the thought of flight , and then took It. There was a little outcry In her world at first , but no one took any strenuous measures to find her. Her brother In India was written to , and a lawyer consulted. For the reit , her people shrugged their shoulders and said poor Glare was al ways a little odd , you know , almost Impos sible , In some ways , and so on There had been no pursuit , and poor Clare Mrs Alllng- linm had found herself cue evening In this little unfrequented German village , and , hall- Ing It ns a. village of letuge , bad folded her tent and stayed there And there she had met him. The place was small , out of the way , and only now and then people drcpped In to stay a day erse so , a week or BO nt most Geoffrey Carlton had.ccmo . for the "day or so , " but It was now three weeks since his arrival. Ho was his own master , and having no regular home nnywhoro , was Idling about the continent , taking his journey to Constantinople where business matters would require him In a month or Blx weeks by slow degrees Here ho and tills strange , sweet girl , whom at first It seemed Impossible to believe tiot only a wife hut a widow , had met , had looked , and then had loved. This little wayside Inn was an Ideal place for lovers , with Its veranda covered with dalcty creepars , nnd its slowly rushing river at the end of It , and Its garden , quaint , sweet , natural. Just now , besides Mrs. Alllngham and Carlton. there were only three other people a small , fair glfl , vvlth an Invalid mother , more of a hypochondriac , perhaps , than any thing else , and a young man. These three seemed to be of one party , and that the girl was , In a way , engaged to the man. seemed probible. Mrs Alllngham had held herself a little aloof from them , but some thing In the girl's charm , something of the natural desire for conivmnloiishli > with one's own sex , had made her In n way friendly with her. * "What a question" says she. with a little coquettish lifting of her brows , and then all nt oni" her mood changed and her check was ngalnst his "Oh , darling' Oh Geoff' ' If you onlj knew" Some memrry of the past had stirred her to what' It scFtned like passionate relief and gratitude. "My dear , dear heart , " said he , "you have forbidden me to talk of It , I know , and so I won't , but jour past was sad , my darling , wasn't If" "Hut my present1" said she with n tear ful laugh , "Is not th.it something , nnd to morrow" "Ah1 tomorrow' ' " He strained her to him. "Tomorrow you will be mine , Indeed. Hut will you like Constantinople. my dearest ? It will be so different to > ou. You , who have been accustomed to London and Its \ngarlos By the way , have you FtuMi the daj'a paper' That notorious scoundrel , Lord Strangevvays , is once more In evidence ; you have met him perhaps' " For a moment only H moment she caught nt the mil of the bridge nnd looked down. Then , delll > orntel > . she turned her face to his. "Yea , I have met him. " "You knew him ? " "A little" She trifled with the flower In her hamK letting It fall petal by petal Into the river btlow ; Mich trllllni ; , In clover fln- gcrj , hides nervousness. "Enough , too ! " said ho , with a shrug. "A llttls of hli scclety vvotill go a far way , I should think My brother Know him ut col lege ; a detestable brute in every way. I see his wife has left him. " "Yes ? " "You know her , too , perhaps ? " " " "Yes "What a cold nnswer. " Itughlng. "What sort of a woman was she' " "Oh , I don't Know , " hurriedly. Her face had paled , but was turned nvvay from him now , and so hidden from him. "I see , " said he. "You did not like her I can understand that Fancy jour liking n woman who could marry a scoundrel like that " "She was very > ottiig , I heard , " said Mrs Alllnglmm In n strangled tone , her face still averted. "That's the cry alvvay , " returned he , care lessly. "Hut his wealth must have had something to do with her choice , > flung as she was. It Is only Just like you to give her a good word. Hut It's a bad c so all through , I fancy , nnd I'm not surprised > au didn't get on with her. She and you must have Ijaeii miles apart In every way In every thought. " A little wind had arisen and was blowing up from the river. "You are silent , darling. Clare ! Have I hurt jou' " "Oh ! no , no , no' ' " "I have , " this with vehement contrition. "I have reminded jou of jour married life , that , as you say. is past. It is over Netlike like that vvretcr-ed Lady Stranscvvaj's. You are free and tomorrow " She turned suddenly. "Do you know , " said she ( her \olce was faint ) , "I think I should like to be alone for a little while. Geoffrey , wilt you " "Hut to leave you like this you are pale , " says he "I am quite well for nil that. Yes go" Then suddenly she turned to him , and drawIng - Ing his face dcwn , looked at him long and earnestly "You love me you do , " BHJ-S she In a moment she was In his arms , with no one to sea them In tbelr silent place save the river nnd the swnjlng branches over- held "You Know it. " ' "Yes yea Hut , " Impatiently , "to love Is not enough Any one can love ; but to love "YOU Lovn ME , no YOU NOT ? ' SAID SHE. against H , " htr eye. are nlvvays holding his In steadfast glance , "if all the world was acalnst me. would you love me then' " "I would I would soul " - my , saj-a lie. When she Ins sent him away.ery unwil lingly , she loans agulnst the rails nnd lets her thoughts run riot. Yes , It is nil over" " She has ijullu decided on throwing her past to the winds and g vlng this now Ufa full pluy. She Is willing to risk overj thing. One must bo happy home time , If only once In ono's life. This is her "once , " and aha will have It , b It short or long , n day's joy , era a brief midsummer madness , bttll fclio will have It. And she will be doing him no harm. None' ' If the worst came to the worst , It he should ever learn the tiuth , why , then , It Is she who would suffer , not he. It is she who would go to the wall Ho would go free. And , IndeeJ , no one would come to grief , for she would have had her day , and he a little spasm shakes her would go , and to end one Muall cplsodo In his life. Hut would ho ? Oh , no. no. Surely not' Ilesldos , everything points to the fact that ho will never know Tomorrow th y will bo married. In the little church nestling In the wood below , and after that Constantinople a good place to hid ? And then India ; u large field , too. Her spirits rise No , there la no Iar. ( To be continued ) ' A I'olMinnut .Mint. This fitly desorlbss n'lisma , a vaporous poison which breeds chills nnd fever , billons remittent , dumb ague , ngue cakt' , and In the tropics deadly typhoid forms of fever. Hoa- tetter's Stomach Dltten prevents nnd cures these complaints. Biliousness , c'iu > 4lpatioii , dyspepsia , nervous and kidney trouble , rheu matism , neuralgia and Impaired vitality are also remedied by the great restorative. The Sun for bleaching clothes ; Pearline for washing them. Just re- . member that. You can't change % ' f , ' any colors with Pearline , but if you want the brightness and freshness and newness ' " - brought back then - wantPearl- , you _ . - ine. The ease , thc safety , the economy , _ „ „ the saving of time and * " " * of things washed these * die not - ' are only points that -///n recommend Pearline. The ' * > work is clone i t i i t better , all . > t through. Bright women , who have , ' , ' ' , ' , ' proved this for themselves , have used hundreds of millions of packages. CickA Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you " thu is as good us" OCllU. or " the same as I'earlinc. " IT'S FALSi : I'earline is never peddled , nnd if your grocer sends you tomcthinjj in place of 1'rarline , lie lest tend it fat * . 1 UMBS PYI.K , New York. J1VOKS . ! > / > IIJI. A number ot unique poems by Captain Tack Crawford ami a gkrtch of the nuthor'i career are among the prominent features In he April number of the Central Magixlne , o new quarterly. Scorer & Smith , Cleveland , 0. The Municipality nit County for April II full of Interesting new * , pirtlnont facts nnd aluable counsel relating to the affairs nl our various munlclpUltlcs. Scarcely a topli > ? arltiR on those Interests but has eoml > haio dlwuml. Nlngara Publishing com- 'any , 1M. ! Main street , lluffalo The wonderful region pcnetrnteil bj * Ihi Northern Pacific railroad Is attractively Hi ii.-.tr.Ufd In n llttto publication , entitled Sketches of Wonderland. " by Olln W Wheeler The description of this vast tor itory Is very entertaining , the tjpographr o ! the book excellent and the whole n ctmrinlni souvenir of the northwest Charles S Tee general passenger agent of the Northern I'a clfic railroad , St I'aul. Minn. "Art Idols of the Paris Stlon. " No. 2 , Just sEtied , It fully equal to the first number nnd that Is rij Ing n great dtvil Tha RUhjecti are "I.e. Oulpler" ( HuuKercau ) , "Noontldl Host the Model" ( Ciiucaunler ) , "Cupid at I'llot" ( Coosmans ) , ' Lassitude" ( Ilallnvolno ) . 'hes lndl crets" ( Dallavolnc ) and "Vision" iCaroltis-Dur.in ) The "Art Idols" are Issued tjuarterly at $1 a year Stanley Wood Is Ihi editor. White City Art company , Chicago. Austin Corbtn'i large game preiorvo ol 23,000 ncros , near Newport , N H. , known ni "Illuo Mountain Kotcst park , " Is the subjecl of a dillghlful artlrlu bj T. J Walker In tin May New Kngland Magazine The bivuitlfu Illustrations of nnlmnls rnd scenery In th * ; > nrk , prepared especially for this nrtlclo , wll ! 1)0 n suri'rlslng revelation to most people ol : ho character of this most remarkable of Now England estates Warren r. Kellogg , D I'arli Square , lloston. The Hnsls Is the name of a new vveeklj o lite I by AUIn W. Tourgec It U a bright , : lcan journal , devoted to all matters tend- ng toward thu advancumcut of good Kovorn. itcnt. "Tho 'new birth of liberty. ' " sa > a Mr Tourgec , "demands not only n free ballot bill a new theory ot pirly organizations " "In- dueil. the smashing of old parties Is just ai foolish u waste ot mural force ns burning t lioiiiiInstcul of cleaning It , Is of material values. " S McOcrald & . Sons , nuffalo , N. Y "Shakespeare nnd u Municipal Theater , ' l > y Arthur Dillon , Is the subject of nn nnl. In.tted paper appearing In the April numboi of the Westminster Review , r. c. T Mnnn takes the reader "Through the Jcnolan Cavei of New South W.tles , " A 0 P Sykcs dis cusses "The Evolution of the Sex ; " C N Barium defines "The Relation of Language to Thought , " and Alice I.iw contributes an essay on "The Poetry of Christina Q HOD- settl " Leonard Scott Publication company , New York. Among the notable pipcra In the Quar terly Journal uf economics Is the second part of K Hohm-Ilavvork's "The Positive Theory of Capital and Its Critics , " In which the dl - tlngiilshed Austrian economist replies to Gen eral Walter's criticism of his theory of capi tal. John H. Clark In the tame number contributes n valuable paper on "The Origin of Intoiest , " IMvvIn H. A Sellgnmn discusses The Cliisslllcitlon of Public Uevonuei ; " H Ij Moore presents part 1 of "Von. Tinmen's Theory of Natural Wages ; " William II. Dun- bar discusses "St.Uo Regulation of Prices and Kates. " and W. J Ashley present * "Arlstotlf's Doctrine of lltrter. " George II Hills , 141 Pranklln street , Hoston. A handsome souvenir edition has been Issued by the publishers ot the Mcrhlen Dally Journal , In which the history of the city of Merlden , Conn , together with a de scription of the city and Its people nnd the story of Its romirkablo growth. Is vividly brought to the mind A conception of the growth of the city may bo derived from the fact that from a population of 15,000 In 1880 It has Increased to 3.2,000 In l ! > 94 Its pres ent Industries , which nro principally In the manufacturing line , are quite extensive. Its scenic attractions are varied and Its public and private buildings modern and substan tial. The work Is handsomely Illustrated , containing several hundred photo engravings nnd Its print is a credit to the Journal Pub lishing company , who are printers as well as publishers of the edition HOW I L-BAUNDD TO UIUC A IlICYCLi : " Ily Frances C. Wlllard. Cloth. Fleming II. Hovel company , New York. The book In a rather winning way pictures the struggles of the brain-weary , elderly woman In endeavoring to master her bl- cjclu Her childish pleasure In learning to balance herself and to mount olono over comes prejudice and molts It Into an amused Interest. In the earnestness with which she gives herjolf to this llrst toy of a laborious llfo nnd finds In subduing It to her will n symbol of llfo's battles and lesistances there Is a touoli of Ideality that makes the llltlu bok a pleasant half hour s reading. CATMUIl'S CYVI3 Hy Hlchard Dawllns. Paper. GOc. United States liook company. New York The story develops a number of weird , un likely Incidents , savoring much of Kuguno Sue , though not handle ! with the skill ot the French novelist Catmur Is the proprietor ot a managerlt ) und museum , around which the plot of the story centers. MONETARY SYSTEMS OF THIJ WORLD Ily Maurice L Mulileman Cloth. J2 Charles II. Nlcoll , Now York The book presents "a study of present cur rency systems and stall tl ai Infor.i atlon rela tive to the volume of the world' * money , with complete abstracts of various plans pro posed for the solution of the currency iiob- lem. The author , Mr. Muhlfinan l < deputy asilstent treasurer ot the United States at Now York , and through long out- clal experience U well equipped with moans of ascertaining reliable data and presenting them In Intelligible and convenient form "Tho Information collected respecting the monetary tsjstema ot other nations , " ho says In his ptefico. "Is necessarily loss oxhaustlvo thru the portion of the volume pe-rtalnlng to our own country's circulating media ; but sulllclont Is given In each case to provldo the general reatlor , and the utudmit as well , with a conclso presentation of the obtainable ilatn In compact form , und therefore con venient for ready refercnco " The principal value of the work Is lu the quantity of accu rate nnd reliable data , collided and made readily acccpilhls through nn Index TOR TI1U SAKi : OF THi : FAMILY By May Crommolln Paper , f.0c UnltcJ Statw Hook company , Now York. A rather uxclting talc of love and filial de votion An Inventor who Is for many yoats unsuccessful , U the father of tl'o heroine Sh. 1 rcti.ltes to marry a man she does not love and rcleato bur father from debt This man is afterward found murdered , aul ulie. thinking her father did the dotd , confesses the murdur In order to save him. The sleepwalking walking propensities of the servant reveals the rial culprit A lomantlc acquaintance , of Eomu tlmo previous , ripens into a love story , ami all ends happllj. The Interest la well sustained , and the story will please these who llko llcllun simply for the amu-'cmcnt It affurds. CHUUCIinS AND CASTLUS OF MHDIAH- VAL rUANCJB Ily Walter Cranston I.arncd Cloth , 23ti pages , $1.50. Charles Rcrlbnor's Sons , New York From Mo- ' goath Stationery company , Omaha. This book Is a record of Mr Cranston's ' Impicsslona of thu great monument ? of France. 'Iho author has visited the principal tatliuJiaU , chateaux , fortrnsusu and vvallol towns and gives an untuchnlcal and Interest ing description , mingled with reminiscences associated with their origin and history Thu text U supplemented with Imndiomo Illus trations taken from photographs MAGAZINES RnCKIVHD CASSRLL'S FAMILY MAGAZINE. Tha Cassell Publishing company , SI Hut Seventeenth street , Now York RHODES JOURNAL OF HANKING. Ilrad- fotd Rhodes & Co , 78 William btrcct , New Ycrk TJII3 I100KMAN. Iy ) Dodd , Mead & Go. , No A York. THC NINETEENTH CENTURY. Leonard Scott Publication company , 231 Ilroadway , New York THE INSURANCE ECONOMIST. The 1 ! Economist Publishing association , Potter bull lint , ' , New York THE HANKERS' MAGAZINE. John O. Floyd. 83 John street , Now York. THE OMAIIA INDEX. Too Index Publish ing company , Omaha. DOANE OWL. Doane Owl , CrcU. Neb. THE rORTNIOHTLY RBVIKW. Lsonard Bcott Publication company , New York , THE WKSTKHN STENOGRAPHER S , II. Snow , poitolllce bx 365 , Kansas City , Mo. TUB ESOTERIC. The Enoterlc Publishing company. Applegate , Colo. THE AL'IRt'lST INTERCHANGE. The Al truist Interchange company , 70 Fifth , u ve il tie , New Ycrk THE CLOAK AND SUIT RHVIEW. The Oeor f > N , Lowrcy company , 13 Attor I'lac" . New Ycrk , THE AMERlf\N PHILATELIQ MAKA- 2 < INE. ParmaUo & Iirg'Aii , poslnfQcg box SOO , Omaha ,