Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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Delivered br carrier to any r * of th * eltr.
' H W. TILTON. Leme.
TELEPHONES Business office. No. ! night
dltor. No. tt.
. - - -v
Grand. Council Uluff. . E. F. Clark , prop.
Mayne Heal Kstate agency , 639 Droadway.
f Degree of Honor will meet In the parlor or
tlio lodge room this evening.
I ToJay Is the last day for nil K petitions for
tlio May term of superior court , which com
mence ! tlio 13th.
Pete Peterson , who has had charge of the
city towers , has resinned and will go Into
the commission business.
Regular meeting of Woman's Itollcf corps
this afternoon at 2:30 : at Ornml Army of the
Ilepubllo hall. A full attendance Is deslreJ.
Dr. Roller will lecture to the nurses of
the Women's Christian association hospital
at 11 o'clock today on homeopathic medicine.
Unity guild will hold Its regular meeting
this afternoon at 2'30 at tlie homo of Mr. .
Harris , North First street. Friends cordially
The High School calcls will go to Omaha
this evening to tsko part In the exhibition
drill given by the Thurston limes at the
The damage suit of J. II. Tllxby against the
Omahn and Council Bluffs Hrldgc company
has been continued until the next term of
district court.
Martha , wlfo of the lalo Dr. J. F. White ,
was adjudged Insane by the commissioners
yesterday and ordered taken to the ClarlnJa
hoipltal for treatment.
The $20,000 damage full for personal In
juries brought by ono Yales against the
Union Pacific Hallway company has l't > en
continued until next term of court by Judge
Shlrai ? on account of the Illness of Mr * . John
N , Baldwin , wife of one of the company's
Thcro was an Inspection of Ivanhoe com-
mandery , Knights Templar , at Masonic hall
last evening by W. F. Cleveland of Harlan ,
past eminent commander. A B o'clock ban
quet was followed by the conferring of the
knight's degrco on several candidates. While
hero Mr. Cleveland Is the guest of Dr. T. II.
Lacey on Sixth avenue.
John Mowery and Jessie Lawrence were
married last July , but the atmosphere of
Duck Hollow proved bad for their dcmestlc
tranqulllty. A few days ago Jessie left the
city In company with Hugh Keenan and
went to Dea Molncs. They returned last
night , nnd had hardly struck the town before
the husband had them both arrested on the
charge of adultery. They passed the night
In the city Jail.
Some of the local members of the Order of
Hallway Telegraphers are making an effort
to secure the location of the International
headquarters of the order In Council HI lifts.
A convention Is to be held In St. Louis May
20 , and the delegates from Council Iluffs )
nnd Omaha are united In the belief that this
city can secure the prize If sufficient energy
Is shown. The Merchants' and Manufactur
ers' association will probably take the mat
ter up.
Insure In the Imperial Fire Insurance com
Or the Palatine Fire Insuraneo company.
Or the Glens Falls Fire Insurance com
These are among the best Insurance com
panies In the world , and we arc sole agents
for Council Bluffs. Lougce & Towle , 235
Pearl street.
S. M. wmtmniion
Carries ths largest stock of high grade bicy
cles of any I'ealer In the west. Also has the
best equipped repair shop In the west. 106
South Main street ; telephone. 202.
Ladles desiring employment will find Just
what they want In selling the health goods
manufactured by the Iowa Mfg. Co. Heal
live agents can clear from $5 to $10 a day.
Write for terms and territory. Address 810
Ave. I ) , Council Bluffs.
The St. Francis Xavlcr's Catholic church
fair will open In the Klseman building Sat
urlay | evening. An Ice cream festival nil
le'the open'ng ' event.
Get prices on wall paper at the Boston
/ Store.
1'XHSOXA J. 1'A HA ( lit A PUS.
W. E. Balnbrldgo has returned from a trip
through Arkansas and Missouri.
Justice II. E. Deemcr of the Iowa supreme
court was In the city yesterday.
Mr a. Jennlo MacConncll and Miss Nellie
Ilcb'nson have leturned from a visit to Chi
Dr. Boysen leaves shortly for Copenhagen ,
where ho will take a position as surgeon In
a hospital.
Mrs. D. B. Brown and daughter of Duluth ,
Minn. , are In the city guests of Captain- .
M. Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Y. Altchlson have re
turned from an extended visit to relatives In
the northern part of the state.
John P. Organ , who has been In a Chicago
hospital for a long time , has returned to his
homo In Neola. Ho feels considerably bet
ter than a short time ago , but Is still very
Ilev. Alfred Knoll , formerly pastor of the
Trinity Methodist church of this city , now
of Mondamln. has been In the city for several
days past , attending the Plerson meetings
and visiting his friends.
Hov. F. L. Hayden of Kearney , Neb. , In a
personal letter states that ho Is In the sixth
week of special meetings. He talks most of
the tlmo to full houses and has had several
conversions and a general stirring up along
religious lines.
0. H. Ogden and W. II. WakeHeld wltl
their families , L. A. Torrcns and Miss Mar
garet LIdcll have moved down to Manawa
They have rented a cottage for the summer
months. The gentlemen will work during
the day and flght mosqultos by night , thus
uniting business with pleasure.
H. M. IMIllitmunn
Sells the Standard and Domestic sewing
machines ; also agent for Standard In Omaha.
IOC South Main street.
Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good
laundry , " and is located at 724 Broadway
It In doubt about this try It and bo convinced
Don't forget name and number , Tel. 157.
Garden hose , big stock , good and cheap ,
New York Plumbing Co.
Miss M. E. Keen , stencgrapher , 10G S. Main ,
Askd to lie
Adolphus J. Bartlett claims ho was swln
died by Andres P. Falk , D. J. Hutchlnson
and Calvin KO < HO and as a result of the swln
dlo has ECO acres ot worthless land lylnj ,
north of Council Bluffs , for which he paid
$11,000 In epot cash and assumed mortgages
to the amount of $13,800. He says In a poll
tlon which was fl'eJ in the district court yes
torday that the defendants combined togethei
to Induce him to buy the property at an ex
orbltant figure. They represented that Falk
had a perfect Mile , when his title- was de
fectlve ; that it was high ground , not subjec
to Inundation , free from gumbo and sultubk
for stock raising , when It is low and so we
that cattle cannot graze upon It , bcaldes
being plentifully supplied with gumbo.
Uartlett says he had known llceso a long
tlmo and It was arranged that Ileeso shoul
poio as a disinterested party , looking only to
his best Interests. The conspirators took him
over the ground hurriedly and gave him ni
chance to examine it closely. It looked al
right to him and he agreed to pay nearly
$50 on aero for It , when It was not worti
moro than $30. Ho asks that the $11,000 h
hai already paid bo given back to him anu
the contract by which ho is to assume the
$13.800 In mortgages bo declared null
li Pole's.
100 carloads of telephone , telegraph am
electric light poles for sale at special shor
prices. A. Overton. Council Bluffs.
Ilnjr ttie World' ! lloit nlrycl * .
Cole & Cole will show It and sell It to you
on reasonable terms. Its name Is Waverly
tolected by experts at the national cycle
ihow as the best thing shown. Full line
If repairing done. 41 Main.
A splendid line of men's suits at Metcal
Bros. ' for $650.
fir. Laugel. offlco 110 Bth tve.s tcl. ISO.
'ury in the Richmond ( hso Pinch Expert
Figures Provocative of Bleep ,
Ono I'lacF lu Which tlio Ltnilln : : Defendant
U ecl IIIn I'onUlun ni fcccrclury to
Secure n Lnrgv gum of the
As oclnllon'n MUIIGJN
More than one-half of the members of the
ederal court Jury apparently are having their
first experience at expert accountant work ,
nd more than eleven-tweltttit. of them arc
finding It cxceullngly dry work. Several of
hem arc caught nodding occasionally , as the
evidence In the Illchmond case progresses ,
ind oao man , who occupied a conspicuous
losltlon In the front row , spent most of yes-
.crday afternoon In cat-naps. Almost the enf
: lro day was passed In going over the asso
ciation bookn , the receiver , \V. W. Wllcoxen ,
and his booklcecpr , R. H , Lyman , being upon
the stand In behalf of th'e government.
It was shown that Richmond took advantage
of his position as secretary to Issue $13,000 $
worth ot stock to himself and paid for It
from the loan fund. Then the stock was
withdrawn , and he pocketed the money. He
also borrowed $10,000 of the association and
! 2cured It by mortggC3 on land , supposed to
situated In Dakota. The mortgages arc
missing , and the land Is Mid to have no cx-
stcnce. With the $10,000 he paid for a lot
of stock In the association , which he then
withdrew and put the cash In his own pocket.
Some discussion arose over the source of
LymanH figures. He iald ho took them from
: he ledger without comparing the ledger with
.lie cash book and other books of original
entry. I'oorman , on the cantrary , presented
Igtlres which disagreed with hlB. The ques-
: lon was : Where lay the discrepancy. DIs- ,
: rlct Attorney Fullen asked Lyman how long
t would take him to make a thorough check-
; ng up , and he replied ho thought he could
do It In a couple of days.
"Very well , " remarked Judge Shlras. "we
will do It If it takes a week , If the attorneys
for the defense Insist. "
"We Insist , " said Mr. Prouty , and It looks
as though the casa might drag along Into next
lc lnill Mrrclmndliic nt n .Sncrince.
Big reductions In all summer goods. Dar-
; alns In dress goods , silks , white goods , do
mestics , notions , hosiery , underwear , ladles'
capes and wrappers.
See show windows for prlco3.
Our entire stock of Kalkl wash silks , worth
45c , also a big line of checked taffeta illks ,
always sold at GOc , to go In one lot at 31c
a yard.
C8c to 7Gc printed Japs and China silk re
duced to COc a yard.
45c French eerge , In all colors and black ,
to go at 25c a yard.
30c quality all wool suitings reduced to 19c
yard.A .
A big line of high grade novelties , worth
from | 1.00 to ? 1.CO , reduced to 89c a yard.
See them.
Lawrence L. L. muslin , 3o a yard.
Fruit cambric , worth 12 c , at 9c a yard.
Berkley No. SO cambric reduced to 7c a
Marseilles bed spreads , worth $1.50 , reduced
to 9Sc each.
Big reduction In ladles' capes and wrap
At $3.87 Over 100 colored capes that sold
from $4.50 to $7.50. all In one lot , at $3.87.
All silk ribbons , worth EC to lOc a yard , re
duced to Ic a yard.
10o dress shields , 3c a pair.
19c curling Irons reduced to Go each.
25c and 33c belts go nt Gc each.
33o and 45c hand bags , 25c each.
Ladles' ribbed vests , Gc each ; 12VJC ladles1
vests at 9c , or 3 for 25c.
19c quality ladles' vests. In white and ecru ,
flno Egyptian yarn , reduced to 12 > c each.
Our regular GOc lisle vests for 35c , or 3 for
Gents' random and balbrlggan underwear ,
a bargain , at 25c each.
401-405 Broadway , Council Bluffs , la.
Sutti liegnn tuMimr that the Town In Not n
Town nt .Ml.
John Tobln , who really represents some
bigger man , proposes to find out whether
Manawa Is a town or only a summer watering
place , and that desire for Information is the
cause of the filing of two petitions In the
superior court yesterday. The difficulty In
fact arises from the recent action of the
Manawa council In putting a $150 a month
tax on saloons , with power to remit It where
thought advisable , their Intention being to
freeze Colonel Reed out of the business ,
Reed now comes back at them and chal
lenges the right ot the town council c !
Manawa to pabs an ordinance or anything
else , even a saloon.
In the first suit W. H. Beck , mayor ; Wil
liam liallou , recorder , and U. Thomas , C.
Bartlow and E. T. Wright , trustees , are
made defendants. It sets forth that In 18S9
Ballou and twenty-seven other men claimIng -
Ing to be residents of the territory which
was to be Included In the corporate limits
filed a petition asking that they be allowet
to Incorporate as the town of Manawa. F.
C. Reed , Mark DeLlsle , Charles O. Maloncy
and W. II. Beck were appointed commis
sioners , and their report was filed In August
1889. The petitioner alleges that this In
corporation was lllegel , on the ground that
there were not twenty-five voters living In
the territory at the time the petition was
filed ; eleven of the names signed to the peti
tion were names of non-residents ; the peti
tion was false and fraudulent , and known to
bo such when filed ; no certified copy of the
petition and no certified transcript of the
piocecdlnga connected with It were ever
filed with the secretary of state ; by the dis
trict court the land Included In the town
limits has been reduced to eighty ficroes , o ;
which a third Is In the lake , and cnly ten
voters reside In the town.
As further grounds of his action Tcbln
relates that the defendants are claiming to
hold city offices , when as a matetr of faci
they have no right to do so , because the
town has no corporate existence. Ho asks
that the town and Its officers be required to
show by what right they claim to bo per
forming their functions , and that a judgment
be issued forfeiting the franchise and ousting
the officials from their positions.
The second petition contains many of the
same allegations and makes II. Stelnburger
defendant. Ho was elected treasurer In
March , 1895 , The petition states that no
convention was held to nominate him , no
nominating papers were filed with the re
corder , no election board was appointed prop
erly. Sixteen votes were cast , and twelve o.
them were for Stelnburger. Of the twelve
eight are claimed to have been cast by men
who were not qualified voters , but were pro
cured fraudulently to vote for the defendant.
Tobln wants him ousted , too.
Grand ball given by Albln Huster's orches
tra , Chambers' academy , Council Bluffs , Fri
day evening , May 3. An extra treat for all
lovers cf music and dancing. Everybody In
vited. Tickets , admitting gentleman and lady.
$1. Extra ladles , 25 cnts. Ladles without
escort not admitted.
Hay for salt , oy th"s ten or carload. W. A.
Wood , 620 Main street.
A splendid line of men's cults at Metcalf
Bros. ' for $ G.50.
Mil ) St'ipprit Ilui UVilillntr.
Robfrt Stewart and Minnie Bird , young
people living In Garner township , visited
Council Bluffs Wednesday -with the Intention
of having a matrimonial knot tied befcre they
went away , but the bride's mother dawned
upon the scene a lltlla ahead of them snd
InUrposed a veto , which has proved effective ,
at least for the present. She did It by calling
at the office of the county clerk and Instruct
ing him not to Usue any licence , claiming her
daughter was In poor health. This the clerk
conildered a valid objection. When the
young people came he told them the mother
had been there first , and they tatd they would
if ? whit they could do In Omaha. But Mn
Bird hid been there too , and they found an
other avenue out of single blessed now boarded
up. Finally Emll Schuri was called In ai an
arbitrator , and h" arbitrated all night at hard
at ho could. The young people begged and
stormed , the arbitrator looked thoughtful , but
Mrs. Hlrd remained Inexorable. When morn-
ng arrived , Mrs. Bird had won , cards , ipadei
and four aces , and the game was hers. Her
daughter and the man she wanted to marry
had decided to postpone the wedding until
next fall. In the hope- that by that time her
lealth will bo better and her mother's objec-
Ions weaker.
JI.SSK OU.NUAJ , w IN run i'ou roitoniiY'
Secured dull on n Sm'ill Check Purporting
to Hoar IIU fiulirr'n Mcnnture.
Jease Dungan , son of the hardware mer
chant , is wanted to answer to the charge of
. forgery. A few evenings ago he called al
Marks Bros. ' store on Lower Broadway and
isked one cf the men to cash a $5 check for
him. They did not have the amount In the
drawer at the time , but took him acrois the
street and Introduced him to a friend named
Banks , telling him that the check was all
right. The money was produced and that
was the last seen of the young man. His
father states that he never signed the check.
An Information has been filed and a warrant
Is now In the hand : of an cfil er , who Is
yearning tor a chance to level nls 6pt'lcs on
the young man.
Dungan Is said to have played a trick on
S. M. Williamson a short time ago that cost
that gentleman several dollars. He bought
a bicycle , but paid nothing for It. A short
time afterward Williamson found on Investi
gation that the wheel had been deposited with
A. A. Clark as security tor a loan of $18. He
paid the amount and took his wheel back to
his store.
WOVr STANIl A I , I It 12 ! „
Manufacturer * of Copp'K Cheer Will 1'rose-
euto Its Jciiloas Truducerg.
Wo have this day Instructed our at-
[ ornoy to gho notice of filing legal pro
ceedings against parties for malicious cir
culation of the report that Copps Cheer
and Herb Tonic , as manufactured by
Wheeler & Hereld , Council Bluffs , la. , re
quire u government or any other license ,
unless they cease such action at once.
We refer the public to Deputy Revenue Col
lector J. C. Lange and Commissioner J. J.
Headman , Council Bluffs , for official Informa
tion that no such license Is required.
We are protected by the official analysis
and report of the Internal revenue commis
sioner at Washington , and give a bond to all
: ur customers guaranteeing them against nil
trouble In selling and dispensing these goods
unless It be the annoyance occasioned by the
small would-be rivals.
Council Bluffs * .
Sole brewers and originators of the great
non-alcoholic beverages , Copps Cheer and
Herb Tonic.
Those gentlemen's suits at $0.50 come In
all the different colors. Metcalf Bros.
Garden hose , big stock , good and cheap.
New York Plumbing Co.
For rent , suite of rooms after May 1 , al
710 1st avenue.
Slny 1'nrljr.
W. E , Chambers entertained the members
of his adult dancing class at a May party
Wednesday evening at his hall. Among those
present were : Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Sawyer ,
Ralph Williams , F. E. Sellers , Mark Wil
liams , Misses Bessie Hungate , Nellie Paris ,
Nellie Beel , Bowen , Flora Beasley , Hulett ,
Chapman , Omaha ; Emma Inman , Maud In-
man , Bert Troutman , Mablo Robinson , Cora
Keller , Clara Wycoff , Hattle Shepard , Sadie
Mudge , Effle Allsworth , Nellie Baker , Birdie
Baker , Mayme Holllus , Flora Holllus , Mabls
Benner , Grace Evans , Emma Williams , Helen
Mathls , Mary Fltzpatrlck , Nina Stone , Zula
Llpe , Nettle Gronewcg , Emma Frederick ,
Alice Bonham , Maud McDonald , Josle Pease ,
Clara Ruffcorn , May Sealy , Lou Smith and
Messrs. B. L. Kemper , Will Whltehorn , Al
bert Turpln , H. Rlgga , Harry Baum , J. S.
Houston. Jr. , P. L. Markel , F. Klmble. Will
King , Guy Axtell , Omaha ; Curt Stoddard ,
Theron Josselyn , C. R. Griffith , E. B. Crandall -
dall , Joseph Boyne , AVI11 Martin , Charles
Blaln , F. I. Rogers , W. L. Butler , Fred Mer-
rlam , Hill Holllus , F. L. Evans , E. L. Du
quette , L. Stewart , Ed Mathls , R. P. Robin
son , E. A. McKesson , E. S.McCrary , Harry
Murphy , Charles Bradley , H. A. Swlgert , E.
A. Ingoldsby , H. Warren , A. C. Keller , D. E.
Stuart and F. Chllds.
COOOO I'Hinlcs In Itlootn.
Now Is the time to make selections and
plant them. Other plants and cut flowera
cheap. J. F. Wllcox , 1132 E. Pierce. Tel. 99.
It's getting hot ; cool off with nice clear ,
clean reservoir Ice. Mulloholland , G Baldwin
block , tel. 186.
Gas cooking cloves for rent and for sale.
C. B. Gas company.
The Internet Clroirg.
Last night the audience at the Plerson
meeting at the Presbyterian church was
larger than any evening since Sunday. The
Interest Is Increasing dally , and every night
some are professing conversion. Besides
being a thorough organizer , Mr. Plerson Is
an eloquent , earnest preacher , and a firm
bollever and teacher of constant prayer. The
"after meetings" are fraught with even more
Interest than the preaching service. Mr.
Plerson never Indulges In sensationalism. He
snld last night that nothing could be more
disastrous to the cause than to have a big
bonfire of religious enthusiasm , and then have
It all die out , leaving nothing but ashes
which would be blown away by the first wind.
As has been announced by hand bills , no
building In the city is large enough to hold
the crowds who would like to hear Mr. Pier
son , so Saturday night at 8:15 : o'clock It has
been arranged to hold a big out-door meetIng -
Ing at the Junction of Fourth street and
Broadway. Mr. Plerson will speak and Mr.
Johnson will sing from a platform.
The Hardman , the piano par excellence.
Davis , di'Jg , paint , glass nan. 200 B'way.
All klcds of plants and flowers. J. R. Me
Pherson , green houses 1250 E. Pierce st.
Telephone 244 , night or day.
Largest stock ot wall paper In the state.
Boston Store.
bought u Miip.
J. C. Blxby left his horse standing un
hitched at the corner of Vine and Second
streets yesterday afternoon , while ho went
into a building near by on business. When he
came out a few minutes later he found the
horse and buggy had walked off. Visions of
thieves and runaways chased themselves
through his mind as he- hurried down to the
police station to report his loss. Then he
went back , and after a little search , found
that his horse had drawn the buggy Into Neu
mayor's stall and was contentedly munching
hay from the manger. Nothing was harmed.
Cinin' Trhil vvt I'nur Wen ! < llonre.
INDIANAPOLIS , May 2. Perclval B. Cof
fin , charged with complicity In wrecking the
Indianapolis National bank , appeared before
Judge liaker In the fuleral court today nml
renewed his recognizance bond for J3.000 ,
with the same sureties ( is before. His trial
was set for May 28 , as was nlto the trial OL
Schuyler C. Hnuphey. Mr. Miller , nttornes
for Collln , nshed for a continuance untl
September 1 , but was denied. The bond of
Francis M. Collln , who Is ill In New
York and could not appear before Judge
B.-vker. was formally defaulted.
Kaunas I'l mecr I'unaca Away ,
MANHATTAN , Kan. , May 2. Major J.
N. A. Adams , one of the best known ol
Kansas pioneers , died this morning at his
borne In this city after an Illness of bui
a few cluyn. He was major of the Elev
enth Kansas cavalry , and since the war
haw been prominent In the politics of the
state , He was appointed United States
pension agent for the Kansag district by
President Arthur , nnd ubly served four
years In that position.
Knitorit ProlilbltlonUts W'lll Support Wonliy
BOSTON , May 2. A movement Is on foot
among the prohibitionists of the east to
tupport Hon. John O. Wooley of Minnesota
as the presidential candidate of the prohlbl.
tlon party In the campaign of 189S. It is
announced that Mr. Wooley has the sup
port ot Mlsa Frances K. Wlllard and other
leaders of the Woman's Christian Temper
ance union , who will strongly support his
Milpmflnt of 1'oivder to Cuba.
SPRINGFIELD , O. , May 2. Forty carloads -
loads of powder Is to be shipped from Goes
Station , southwest of here , to Cuba , via
Norfolk. Va , , this week. Olficlals decline testate
state whether the powder is for the uovern-
ment or insurgents.
* *
Majority of Council Differs with Mayor on
Amount of dooujjaUsn Tax.
Mu t lo ! Pali ) liy Nr.Vli [ , > iiili T Under 1'iiln
of lli-ing < lonttl Up Only Two Mem *
bers Agultise the Measure
lluiniicrt f'rul'fftt ' Case.
All members tf the city council were pres
ent last night at llig _ speclal meeting. But
Ittle business was transacted outside of the
settling of the occupation tax against the sa-
eon keepers and the hearing of the remon
strance against the granting of a saloon
Iccnse to Frank Humpert.
At the call for reports of committees Wal-
crs , chairman of the Judiciary committee ,
reported adverse to the suggestions of the
nayor that were made nt the time he asked
hat the ordinance bo reconsidered and steps
> s taken In accordance with the rccommcnda-
lon In his annual message that a tax of
; 200 bo placed upon the saloon keepers. The
report was signed by the full committee and
tated that after a full Investigation the con
clusion had been reached that $100 was a sum
as large as the saloon keepers would bs able
o stand owing to the present condition and
outlook for business. The rulesvere sus-
> ended and the ordinance was read for the
lilrcl time. It was pasied by the council ,
nit two members , Hyland and Mies , voting
against It.
Walters made a motion that the saloon
{ eepers who had made application and those
contemplating doing so and who were run
ning saloons at the present time , be compelled
o deposit the full .1 mount of the license with
.he treasurer on or before May C , at noon ;
those falling to comply with the order to be
closed by the chief of police. The motion
The city engineer was Instructed to prepare
an ordinance levying a special tax against
, ho p'roperty on Thirty-ninth street to cover
the costs of the condemnation proceedings
which were made necessary by the opening
ot the street from Q to S streets.
The taking of testimony In the remon
strance of The Bee against the granting of a
saloon license to Frank Humpert on account
of his not having advertised In the paper
having the largest circulation In the county
was heard. The evidence Introduced showed
: hat the applicant had not used good faith In
advertising In a Iccal paper. Attorney Sim-
eral for The Bee urged that from the testi
mony of Councilman Walters It was shown
that the city had a population ot 15,000 or
10,000. The Slocumb law required that all
such cities should not Issue a license for
Ic-'s than $1,000. He also stated that upon
this line he proposed to flght the matter In
the district court and felt It his duty to In
form the council of the fact.
At the conclusion of this statement a reso
lution was passed declaring against The Bee ,
Walters being the only ono who voted against
It , taking occasion to show that he had voted
consistently with the evidence Introduced. A
notice of appeal was Immediately served on
t the council , after which an adjournment was
taken until next Monday night at 7:30. :
Will UIITO Ayi-r | it rent lento.
Secretary Morton has ordered Dr. Don C.
Ayer to Investigate , , thej charges recently
made by the Live Stock , exchange and report
the names of the Inspectors against whom
written charges of Incompetency can be
made. 1
It will be remembjred. that at a recent
meeting of the Live Stock exchange the
secretary of agriculture , was severely cen
sured for appointing politicians to the re
sponsible positions of inspectors of live stock.
Nearly every day there Is some trouble be
tween the inspectors and the members and
officers of the Exchange. ]
Not Knoush Water to T.irn tlio Mil's. '
APPLETON , WIs. , May 2. Ths water In
the Fox river fell UT'iugh a low stage last
night tliat all the piper tellls on the upper
Fox were compelled [ 6 "shut down. The Sit
uation seems to grow worse. It rain does
not afford relief soon It Is Intimated tlut the
United States government may order a com
plete suspension of all water power , which
would be a severe blow to the paper-making
Interests of the Fox river valley.
Croodon nnil Uunfeo to Try Concliulcim.
NEW YORK , May 2. Dan Crcedon and Joe
Dunfee have been matched to meet In a
twelve round bout before the Atlantic Ath
letic club at Coney Island on Monday , the
20th. This will be served up as a prelimi
nary to the contest of twenty-five rounds be
tween t Peter Maher , the Irish champion , and
Robert Marshall of England. The latter
comes hero well recommended by Charlie
Mitchell and other English pugilists.
Was nit Ills Muv frcitn Suii'h Africa.
FORT WAYNE , Ind. , May 2. In response
to a telegram received here last evening
County Clerk Harry Metzgar left for De
troit , Mich. , where h ? found ex-County Clerk
D. W. Sou3er , who disappeared from this city
four months ago. Souder left homo while
suffering from mental derangement and had
gone to South Africa. He regained his mental
balance at Cape Town and on March 20 left
there for London.
limit Una Not Ilccn Miulr.
CARSON , Nev. , May 2. It Is reported
here that a draft has been made on all
hands in the mint , save those In the assay
ofllce. the cashier and one rnelter. Super
intendent Adams snld no such draft had
been made. Orders had been received from
Washington to that effect , but lie had not
iFSued them , ns workmen are sealing up the
vaults under Inspector Mason's supervision.
Striking tar 11 I.argrr IncroiBo.
SHEBOYGAN , WIs. , May 2. The labor
trouble in this city is spreading- . The Roe-
nltz Leather company voluntarily raised
wages 10 per cent , but the men demanded 20
per cent , and nearly 200 vyalked out. The
Mattoon Manufacturing company lias of-
lered their men a raise of 10 per cent , but
the offer has been refused , and a strike
will undoubtedly be the result.
Ivy Urbccoits ( ilvn n Social.
Ivy Rebekah lodge , Independent Order of
Odd Fellows , will give a "May social" Satur
day night , May 4 , In Continental hall , Fif
teenth and Douglas streets. Progressive high
five and dancing will be the principal features
of the occasion. Refreshments will be served.
All members and friends are cordially In
Alnre .Miners Out In Welt Virginia.
ELKHORN. W. Va. . May 2. All the
miners In the Houston mines came out this
morning. A committee of strikers waited on
them last night. The operators and miners
throughout the field qre folding together.
Divivjr" nil I tin Kicceu.
The Denver , Jrs , , will'cross ' bats with the
Rockets Sunday at 3 p , m. , on the grounds
nt Nineteenth and Ic iolas streets. This
will be a good earn * a the Rockets are a
good team and ihe peOjVers lirst-class.
I'AXttKHIItr.Tfi ir.tArr/IK 111/ . HO.ilt
Itumor thnt They Are Trylnc to Ituy Con
trol iif i he flrrnt Northern.
ST. PAUL , May 2. The niipatch this
afternoon will say. If rumor be true and
the object which called Precldont J. J. Hill
to London so hurriedly be not aurcessfully
accomplished , Mr. Hill may then have suffi
cient time on his hands to attend to ( lit
Northern Pacific , with which his name hat
been recently connected. Mr. Hill's control
of the Great Northern comes through the
consolidation of his own and Sir Donald
Smith's Interest In that property. The latter
represents all the Montreal Interest In the
road , Sir Donald has backed Mr. Hill In
bringing about the realization of his trars-
contlnental dreams. As long ns Mr. Hill was
able to keep the support of Sir Donald Smith
he was able to swing the road according to
his Ideas. Once Mr. Hill had been attacked
In that quarter , when the late Allen Manvet
was vice president ot the road , but Hill cime
cut victor. Through the same Mr.
Hill Is again attacked and It Is stated that
ho felt the effects so much that .he hurried
off to Europe to endeavor to co'ver before
It is too late. It Is also openly slated that
the Vanderbllts , appreciating the value of
the Great NoitHefn , have secured n hold
upon these Canadian holdings and are pre
paring at the annual meeting to relieve .Mr.
Hill of control of the system. When Mr.
Hill went to New York so hastily he paid a
hurried visit to Montreal , where Sir Donald
Smith resides , and Immediately afterwards
took the steamer abroad. The Vanderbllts
now control the New York Central , Lake
Shore , Michigan Central , Northwestern ,
Omaha and Ulkliorn lines. Their coast
connection Is through an Ironclad agreement
with the Union Pacific. If the Vanderbllts
can secure control of the Great Northern
they will have a line of their own to Pugel
Sound from New York which will Interfere
with the Southern route via the Northern
Pacific. The Great Northern needs money
and can cut no further In pay rolls. Traffic
has reached Its minimum , and hard times
have had their effect so that there Is every
ground for believing that the Vanderbllts , If
It Is true they are seeking control of the line ,
are In n better position to secure their ends
now than they would have been five years ago
or will be ten years hence.
Trolley Mno to tlio I'jrumlil * to I to lUillt
Mllrngn ami Kipjiiftrn.
WASHINGTON , May 2. In the course of
a report to the State department on the rail
ways of Egypt , United States Consul General
Pcnfield , at Cairo , asserts that that country ,
in proportion to population , has more rail
road mileage and better bervice than Hun
gary , Austria , Spain or Portugal , and It Is
all In government property with the excep
tion of a few short lines. The roads arc
very profitable , although the Income of gov-
einment lines Is pledged to European credit
ors of the company as a partial consequence
of the prcfllgatc extravagance ot the khcdlve ,
Ismail. Expenses of construction are low ,
owing to the nature of the country , and
working expenses are much below the
European standard as a result of the mod
erate bpeed and cheap motive labor. Ancient
Cairo Is to have a trolley line next year and
Alexandria Is expected to follow suit. Bids
have been made for a trolley line from
Cairo to the pyramids , ten miles , and a
Frenchman has seriously applied for per-
mlsblon to build a funicular railway to the
top of the great pyramid , though this request
has not been considered.
Troiilitom IndiHiK o-i the Turtle Mountain' .
DEVIL'S LAKE , N. D. , May 2. Marshal
Cronln , with twelve deputies armed to the.
teeth , left here today for the Turtle moun
tains. They expect to await the arrival of
troops from Fort Buford before making any
arrests. Major Ralph , the Indian agent at
Fort Totten , accompanied the marshal from
thera , and there may be a clash of authority
between the two. The Indians claim that the
deputies have been trumping p charges
against them for years to get the fees and
Connul Hatch ( Inly line ) n Saloon to I4o e.
Kelly , Jr. , of this city , who recently re
turned from Blueflclds , cald last night that
he Is well acquainted with pro-Consul Hatch ,
for whose expulsion from Nlcaraguan terri
tory Great Britain , has demanded smart
money to the extent of $70.000. Dr. Kelly
asserts that Hatch , before his trouble , was
the keeper of a saloon called the Cactus In
Blueflclds and that his expulsion could not
have caused htm more than $500 damage
at the utmost.
Chair MnUeri Quit \Vorlc.
SHEBOYGAN , WIs. , May 2. This after
noon the entire force of the Crocker Chair fac
tory , to the number of BOO , walked out and
paraded the streets. The Crocker company
has the biggest chair factory In the United
States , having two large plants with branch
houses at New York , Chicago and Minneapo
lis. There seems to be but little doubt that
the strike will become general throughout
the city.
Clrcni nirl Foil on Her Hotel.
CHICAGO , May 2. Maud Lyons , a circus ,
performer , while performing last night , sus
tained an Injury of the spine which pro
duced partial paralysis and may result fa
tally. She was about to throw a somer
sault from the upturned feet of another per
former , who was lying upan the ground ,
when she slipped and fell , striking upon her
head. _
Sp'inlnrilx Dnfi-ntoil with Ilrnvr Io a.
JACKSONVILLE , Fla. , May 2. Passengers
on the steamer Olivette from Havana last
night gave an account of a battle near
Bayamo on Monday between Maximo Gomez ,
In command of 2,000 men , and 3,000 Spanish
troops commanded by General Salcedo. The
Spaniards were repulsed with heavy losses ,
while the Cuban loss was very small.
Shoo Miiniifacturert Alriinco I'rlaex.
BOSTON , May 2. Seventy-five leading shoo
manufacturers of New England met and
voted to Issue notices to their customers In
forming them that the prices ot shoes would
be advanced. The high price of leather Is
given as the cause for the Increase. The ad
vance will be from 10 to 25 cents per pair.
JtpquUItlou ( or Whlternnn.
ALBANY , May 2. Governor Morton gave
a hearing this afternoon and granted a requi
sition on the governor ot California for the
custody of A. J. Whlteman , who Is charged
with having forged a check for $500 In San
Francisco. Whlteman was arrested In New
York city about a week ago.
i'oitniHiter Arreatvil for Stritllne Btumpl.
DENVER , May 2. Postmaster A. H.
Roehllng of Genoa , Lincoln county , Colo. ,
has been arrested and held for trial on a
charge of having defrauded the government
by buying goods with postage stamps which
ho reported to the government as having
been canceled.
Dcitructlvo Storm lit " .Hllli 1pl.
JACKSON , Miss. , May 2" . A terrible wind
and electric storm struck this city last night.
The F1"H National bank building was un
roofed by the wind and considerable other
damage done. Windows were blown out In
great numbers.
are Guaranteed Goods
and may be had of alt Lentil tig
Dealers , ( ice nil Sliui > cn at
your Outfitter's.
* § You are interested in getting good valiiet always ; you want good wearing fig
* § t Collars , you want right shapes , too. Write for our Souvenir of Fashions , § a
Jfl | fret ty wail. After that see your Outfitter , and buy tliese guaranteed gocdt. W
CLUETT. COON & CO. , Makers. Factories , Troy , N.V. t
. -
Never befors In the history of Omaha , has a now store
become so popular in so short a time as the
New Big Furniture and Carpet House.
The reason , however , is very plain : Wo have Introduced POP
Carpet business.
j njjT * Until we came hero you wore oblig-ad to pay three (3) ( ) k
prices for house furnishings and If you soug-ht to buy on
the Payment Plan they wanted Hide and All.
1 / - r-k We wilt never
Sales. \ try to get your
This fellow \ patronage by
\ Fake Sales. Wo
has been feeding -
Fake L don't ask you
ing on §
to believe that
Sales advertised \ j
by fake stores \ll \ we offer $10
for some time , PI worth of goods i
but seems to be j jj for $2. Suoh Jf
getting poorer methods are
all the time. suspicious and
We need not
point to the are simply the
moral , it is self old confidence
suggesting. game rehashed
\Vc will furnish your house for less money than any other
store in Omahii
Strictly oue price , oasli or on weekly or
monthly payments-
Chas. Shiverick & Co. ,
Furniture ,
and Curtains
12th and Douglas.
We have in stock 10,000 feet of hose , more than all other-
dealers combined carry. Our prices are fully 25 per cent less
than they can sell you for. Come and see and bs convinced.
We will sell you a good hose for 6Vc per foot. _ .
Rooms 1-4 Fourth St. , Masonic Block.
All kinds of Dyeing
and Cleaning done In
the highest style of
the art. Faded and
stained fabrics made
to look as good as
new. Work promptly
done and delivered
In all parts of the
country. Bend for
price list.
O. t. A/AO//AJV.
Droadway , near North-
weitern Depot. Council
niulfs , Iowa. Tel. 821.
Chronic ,
New in ,
TKIAT.UUNT i MAir * comnimtion i rso
Wo cure Catarrh , all disa-tseo of ths
Noao , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver ,
Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Female -
male Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , and
Debility or Exhaustion , Waiting Weakness. In-
\oluntary Losses , with Uarly I > e < . y m young
and middle sued ; lacs : of vim. vigor and wtale-
inrd prvnmturely In approaching old ag * . Alt
Held readily to our new treatment ( or loss of
vital power. Call or addres with itamp for
rlrruUM. free book and receipts.
llr ) , * \ irlan I OOJ.11JJ , 1410 Omulii I'lvmato ; Nut )
We lend the mkrrelncs French . CALTHOB free. nni n
Icgitl Ruaron tee that ( I. ' . IT/ion will
SI Ol Dl.oh.rr" A KmUtUni. |
C ( JI.I. j.pfm toFfhcv. Varlc' dQ
ad HESTonC Lo.t \ l ur. I
Uieilanjfiavi/.atiij'ed. \
liirnt , VON MOMCO. . .
doll iufrlua JjfiU , lUclnitXt , uh'
The Mission Charity Laundry
316S. 23hSt ( Tolaahon ) 11)1716. ) )
Solicit ! yonr Patronage ,
Tn laundrr Is not operated for profit.
l/ut to furnish employment to deservln :
women out of work , and BO help them
mm their own llvlnr. Instead of becoming
citOecU of charity. It U under the personal su >
HrvUIon of Mrs. J , 1) . JonJIne , and th * utmost
-are U taken to turn out rallsfaclory work. . A
wagon Is kept to call for aad deuver vark.
When Buying
Fruit Trees ,
Buy the best.
A minute lost can never be recovered ,
and It's a calamity to lese several years , " 1
which so many Iowa and Nebraska people
have done v/hen they have bought foreign
grown , unaccllmated fruit trees.
Were born on the lands where their nurse
ry stock Is crown , and years of patient ,
lutellgent experiment have taught them the )
best varieties for this climate. Consequently
their home grown stock is as hardy as the
forest trees. They have n very large stoclc
for the spring delivery nnd every tree U
warranted true to name. Orchard , Vlnyard.
Lawn , Parking Trees and Ornamental stock
Make no mistake In your orders. Send us
your list of wants for prices. We can please
you In prices and stock. Inferences : Council
Bluffs Banks , Council Bluffa Department
Omaha Bee , and prominent business men.
Nurseries six miles north of Council Biffs ,
P. O. Address ,
Crescent. Iowa.
President. Caibltr.
First Naiiona
Capital , - ' $100,000
Profits , . . . 12,000
On * of the oldest banks la th * slate ol Iowa.
\Ve solicit your business and collections. W *
pay 6 per cent on time deposits. W * will b *
pleased to tei nd senr * you.
Special Helices-Council Bluffs
Ed Uurke , at W. 8. Homer's. Ui llroodway.
sale cheap and on easy terms. Day ti lieu ,
(9 1'earl street.
properly , C. It. Nlcholnon , WJ',1 ' Broadway.
the same In one plnce on the land , G mlUs ( rein
Council Illuffn. Apply to Leonard K\etei ( , It
IVarl Htreet , Council Dluff * .
for a Road family home. Call at office ol
Sandwich Manufacturing Co. , 1021 and 1030 6.
Main street.
writer : an cr > cd as new. Sandwich Manufacture
Ing Co. , Idh and 1MO 8. Main itrtet.