Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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Tomorrow's the Day Wo Give You the Bar
gains of Your Life.
Gubicrlbo for the Delineator , the Most
1'opular Fathlon Publication In Ex-
lilencc-81.00 n War See lu
Oilier Ad on I'nco 0.
The unprecedented sales of the past two
weeks In our dress goods department have
necessitated the accumulations of a largo lot
of remnants. Thiso remnants are the last
ends of new and fresh goods that haven t
been In the store more than three weeks at
the outside. We sold the original pieces at
much less than JafTrny's wholesale price and
now wo make these
Black crcpon , newly Imported goods , 40 to
48 Inches wide , Imported to sell at JJ.OO to
$2.75 a yard , go on sale at several prices be
tween G2c and $1.75.
Black pllsse crepon , the latest Parisian
novelty , the Importer's price Is $1.60 a yard.
Wo have It In two styles , a silk and satin
stripe , at $1.25.
Yoii can buy muslins and shotting of us
for ns little as ordinary stores pay for them ,
for the reaion that we made such enormous
purchases as to demand a price far below
any others ,
There's a big saving to you In our new
ready to use sheets and pillow cases , made
of better muslin than usual and at prices
that would make It ridiculous for you to
think of making them yourself , that Is , if
time , labor ami money are objects worth
Best 12'fcc percales , 5c.
Figured serpentine crepes , best 25c goods ,
Elegant styles In challles , Be.
All colors In cheese cloth , 5c.
Beautiful stylish English pongees , 2Gc , the
Imported article.
Best French mulls , 33c.
SatlncJ , ginghams , crcpons , pongees , lawns
and summer flannels In great variety at
prices that will Induce you to buy.
72-Inch satin finished damask , regular $1.00
goods , G2i&c.
Best 72-Inch satin finished damask , $1.25
goods , for 90c
62-Inch heavy bleached damask , tOo.
All linen fringed napkins In colored checks ,
30c dozen.
Turkish towels at 3c , C'.ic , 12VSc , 15c , and
they are every one a bargain.
All linen huck towels are away down.
All linen toweling , Gc , regular 9c goods.
Belling JnfTriiy's stock for less than Jaffr.iy
wholesaled It.
NetTdboys nirl HnotblncftR I.'ntcrtiilncd by
the Snlvnflon Army.
Last night some fifty of the prominent
members ot the newsboy and bootblack cir
cles of the city partook of a supper at the
Salvation Army barracks that had been pre
pared for them by the soldiers. The spread
was wholesome and bountiful , good homemade
made articles , and everything passed OR
smoothly with the exception of some exhibi
tions of the Innate deviltry that dwells
within bodies " . "
the of the "professionals.
After they had taken off the sharp edge o1
their appetites , they began to throw bread
and biscuits across the tables at each other ,
and this ceased only after a dozen had bcn
thrown bodily out of the hall.
At the conclusion of the supper , those thai
remained llstended to a brief service of song ,
prayer and speaking , the latter blng dent
by Captain Austin Chapman. The boys kepi
pretty quiet , chiefly through the threat thai
they would get no oranges or bananas aftei
the serviceIf they did not behave. In thf
middle of the service the first contingent
that had been flred from the hall gathered
together several mouthorgans and began t <
play Jigs , which set the feet of a majority ol
the worshippers to moving. Not more thar
one boy , however , was thrown out even
three minutes. After the service was ovei
a rush was made for the door , where thi
oranges and bananas were distributed. Thi
first twenty or twenty-five boys got four 01
five apiece , the rest none.
The Idea of giving the supper originate/
with Captain Chapman , who In this waj
hoped to get acquainted with the boys , am
perhaps later Induce some of them to attorn
services at the barracks. Children's meet
Ings arc held every Tuesday night , and olsi
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock , and some o
the boys promised to attend one or the othe
of these.
SIr . Judge '
Kilgertnn'thrown from a
unit severely Injured.
Last night shortly before S o'clock Mrs. C
W. Edgerton , the wife of Judge Edgerton
was violently thrown from a buggy on Far
Jiam street between Thirty-fifth and Thirty
sixth streets. She was bruised on the left sld
of her face and it Is thought that one of he
ribs on the left side Is broken. It was 1m
possible to toll last night whether she wa
Injured Internally , but It was feared that sh
was. She was taken to her home , 4003 Web
ster street. One of the hind wheels strucl
another buggy that was standing near th
curb. The collision frightened the horse
which started to run , and the sudden Jcrl
with the wheels of the buggy catching li
tlia street car tracks threw Mrs. Edgerto :
out. She was carried to a grocery store a
Thirty-sixth and Farnam streets , where Di
Towne attended her. Judge Edgerton wa
passing In a car shortly after the acclden
occurred and accompanied his wife home.
Shortly ifter 5 o'clock last night a hors
attached to a buggy In which John L , Ken
nedy and his mother-in-law , Mrs. Day , wer
seated started to run away at Forty-lira
and Farnam streets. Mr. Kennedy and Mr1
Day succeeded In Jumping from the bugg
without Injury. The buggy was ruined an
the horse when last seen was going at a 2:4 :
clip on Tenth street.
l.ojrnl l.relcm KlectH OUlcers.
The Military Order of the Loyal Leglo
of the United States of the commandry i
Nebraska held a meeting hist evening I
the parlors of the Mercer hotel nnd clecte
? r r ° ? tcr 9f oncers for the ensuing yea
H'iCV Anlmer , , wn" elected commander. ,
II. of
McClny Lincoln , benlor vice con
manderj J. rt. Manchester. Junior vice con
mnmler : T. 8. Clurkson , recorder. In plac
of Major Liullngton , who refused the otllc
again on account of 111 health ; F. H. Lav
roncc. register ; William Wallace , treasure
and C , II. Frederick , chancellor. J. i
Hoover. C. A , Abbott , J. T , Thompsoi
George H. Palmer ami T. Swobe wei
Heeled to the council. This was the secor
or the legion s quarterly besslons. nnd wt
well attended. At the conclusion of a bus
ness session the legion partook of a bai
d et In the Mercer parlors.
I'lwt AlethoilUt Suml-\min.d . Ileunlon.
The pleasant custom of holding semt-ai
nual reunions , which was Inaugurated son
tlmo ago by the First Methodist churc
of this city , was again observed last evei
IIF' . . "S W'ors ' In the basement we :
lillertVlth members of Iho congregation at
their friends ) , who passed n most enjoyab >
evening In Improving their mutual a
qualntuncc. No program was rendered , bi
the occasional selections by the Your
Ladles' orchestra served ns an agreenb
background to the evening's entcrtalnmcn
Later In the evening light refreshmen
were served , nnd the season of good te\lo\ \
ship left the most pleasant recollections.
' " * ? * * * * - * A
\f \ jf Hoiinil Over fur l'urlrtrr. |
Sam Cartel ) , who was arrested last Satu
day on the charge1 \lolatlng the garbai
ordinance , but against whom the chan
of burglary was placed later , was yesterdi
bound over to the district court on the la
Jer charge In the sum of KOO. When Ca
tell Was searched after his arrest a quantl
of Jewelry that was stolen from a resldon
on Burl street a month ago was found <
him. Hu explained his possession of
by saying that he found some of It ai
bought the rest _
j-ff Jf * * " * Murr.u e I.lcon.iT * .
The following marriage licenses were :
sued yesterday by the county judge :
Name and residence. AI
Harry A. Cornaton , Omaha
Tessa L. lllake , Omaha
Hdwln S. Moran. Florence
Barah 13. Peck- , Florence
rank E } . Hensmaiu Omaha
a V. Gantz , OinaUa. . . . , ,
IIAYDKN into * .
Neireit Thine * I" the Market Received
Finest astortment ever displayed In retail
New tartan pUIJ Scotch zephyr ginghams
lOc a yard.
All shades ot finest quality Manchester
chambray , 15c.
New styles and colors In percales ana
madras cloth lOc.
Most elaborate display of sateens , One ef
fects , lOc.
New novelty plaid and stripe French sa
teen 18c.
30-Inch pongee In fine challl designs lOc.
25 pieces fine art novelty and crystal crepes
In all colon at IBc a yard.
Our 30-Inch Japoncsso pllsse , neatest and
prettiest cloth out , at ISc a yarC
ES-lnch unbleached damask 25c , worth 35c.
CO-lnch unbleached damask 35c , worth 50c.
72-Inch unbleached damask 50c , worth 65c.
72-Inch bleached damask GOc , worth C9c.
72-Inch bleached damask 76c , worth $1.00.
Turkey red damatk 12Hc , 19c , 25c and BOc.
17-Inch unbleached toweling 6c.
18-Inch bleached twill toweling 8c.
17-Inch all linen toweling 8c.
18-Inch bleached and unbleached toweling
White dress goods In stripes and checks
at Be , 7 4c , lOc and 12Uc.
Lonsdale cambric remnants 5c.
Heavy unbleached muslin 2c.
Bleached muMIn , 3V4c , 4c , Be , 6c , 7c.
42-Inch bleached sheeting ? ' . c.
45-Inch bleached sheeting 9c.
C-l bleached sheeting lOc ,
8-4 bleached sheeting 12c.
9-4 bleached sheeting 15c.
10-4 bleached sheeting ISc.
45-Inch unbleached sheeting Sc.
C-4 unbleached sheeting lOc.
8-4 unbleached sheeting lie.
9-4 unbleached sheeting 12'&c.
Blxtcon-Vcnr-Olil ( ilrl Taken from Evil
Surrounding * .
Yesterday afternoon a 10-year-old girl
named Cora Ollmore was taken out of a
house of III fa mo and placed by Matron
Cummlngs In the Homo of the Good Shep
herd. The girl was found through a letter
written by her grandmother , Mrs. M. J. Gilmore -
more of Bonaparte , la. , to the mayor. In It
Mrs. Gllmore said that the girl was an or
phan and that she had raised her. Last Sep
tember she went to DCS Molncs with the
Intention ot obtaining work , and remained
there until March 1 , when she came to this
city. Mrs. Gllmoro recently received a letter
from her , In which she stated that she was
working as a clerk and was boarding and
rooming at 120 North Ninth street. In an
swer to a letter of Inquiry , Mrs. Gllmore
was Informed that the address was that of
a house of prostitution , and that the girl
was living there. Mrs. Gllmoro gave the
mayor power to remover her and place her
In the convent.
The girl admits that during the greater
ipart of the past year she has lived a life of
shame. While here she was with Minnie
Fair-child and "Buck" Tremalne , and Matron
Cummlngs expresses the Intention of prose
cuting these women for harboring the girl.
"llumpty Dumpty , Up to Date1 la easily
one of the great theatrical successes of the
year , combining1 , as It Joes , all the features
of burlesque , exravaganzu , farce nnd comic
opera. Its Initial production In Omaha last
night nt lioyd's theater called out an en
thusiastic audience , and the clever little
people who weie been hete last In "The
I'upll In Magic" have even stronger roles
than In that bright bit of satire from the
German which served as the vehicle to
make known the Lilliputians In the west ,
In Its mounting , In Its clever dialogue and
Interesting plot , and In the perfection ol
ensemble , "Huinpty Duinpty" with Its mod
ern Investiture surpasses any stage per
formance seen here this season , viewed
from a. spectacular standpoint , "Alladln ,
Jr , " only rivaling It In the sumptuousnesf
ot Its stage settings. Robert Itreltenbacr
Is responsible- the book , the libretto be
ing arranged by Messrs. Hoffman ani
Gabriel , who have chosen with excellent
discernment not. only music of famous composers -
posers , but have written many bright
catchy comedies to accompany the text.
While the parts are taken with splemdlt
ability by the little folks , who are becomltu
an Integral part of American stage Jlfe , th !
airangement of the ballets , the trick seen
cry , and the perfect costuming combine
to make this production a. notable one
The chorus Is large and thoroughly em
clent , the LJIHputians Introduce a host o :
new specialties , and the old favorites nmonj
them were received with that wnrmtt
of appreciation that showed the hole
they had upon the audience. Fran :
Ebert , 03 llumpty Dumpty , continue ;
the leading spirit of the Llllputs , ul
though Adolph Zlnk has a decld
edly happy part , that of the blacksmith' !
apprentice , which he plays with 'an unc
tuousness that Is Irresistible. Belma Goer
ner , as Illecke , displays strong ability li
the role , while Ludwlg Merkel Is as cleve ;
an Itlshman as has been seen on the stage
With three feet added to his stature , ni
would be giving ; Glrard pointers , not enl :
In character make-up , but In the manner o
elaborating the character of a young tough
Ida Mahr , as Preclosa , nnd Elsie i < au , a
Old niste , afterward the Fairy Glorlosa
were In touch with the extravaganza , am
won many expressions of delight over thi
excellence of their work. Herrmnn Hlnj
made a most comical side light as 1'nntalooi
to the versatile Ehert , who was still 1'uck
though wearing the livery of Humpt ;
Several of the ballets were decidedly nev
and novel , and- the finale of the third nc
has never been excelled on the local stage
the Ingenious arrangement of colored paper
falling In cobwebby effect upon the Httl
actors calling out tumultuous applause , th
curtain having to bo raised a half doze :
tlmen on the effective picture.
As usual , the calcium lights playei
strange tricks , to the everlasting ruge o <
the stage manager , not only In the fnllur
of the lime light to propjrly fulllll It
mission , but In minor Incidents connects
with the performance.
As for Knleb. he Is the biggest man th
writer ever saw. standing nearly nine fee
nnd weighing almost GOO pounds. While h
does not profess to be an artist , ho cai
easily command ottentlon by his great size
Nine Mil-no * Will Ornduite.
At the First Methodist church this even
Ing the graduating exercises of the clas
In nursing at the Methodist hospital wl
be held. Nine will graduate. Addresse
will be delivered by Rev. Frank Crane an
Dr. W. S. Glbbs.
WE.t TH Kit I-'UIC KUA 3 T.
Generally lrlr with Vnrlaulo Wind
I'romlail for NcbrasKn.
WASHINGTON , May 1. The forecast fi
Thursday Is :
For Nebraska and Kansas Generally fall
' ,
variable winds.
J. For South Dakota Generally fair ; var
uable winds , becoming southerly.
For Iowa and Missouri Fair , OXC I
8hbwers ln the eastern portion ; vnrlabl
I.octil Itecorit ,
OMAHA , May 1. Omaha record of ten
perature and rainfall , compared with tli
corresponding day of the past four years :
Maximum temperature. . . 77 CS to "i
Minimum tempsrature . . . C2 61 86
Average temperature . . . . 70 CO 43
I'reclpltatlon 03 .03 r .
Condition of temperature and prcolpltatlc
at Omaha for the day and since March
1895 :
Normal temperature
Excess for the day
Normal precipitation 12 nc
Deficiency for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .OS Inc
re Total precipitation since Inrch 1 4.58 inch <
id Deficiency since March 1 09 Ine
le Itopurts from Other Still tiat H r. M.
Is- Indicates trace of precipitation.
U A. WUI.SH , Obsm-er ,
' '
't ? EGBERT Augustus A. , need CS V *
19 Services at the resident * at 2 n. m. , Thui
day. Interment nt Foreit l.awn cerr
Zi ttr ;
Our Own Stock Added to the Stern Pnrohaso
to Make Saturday a Bed Letter Day ,
to Have i Halo Hutnrclny That Will
lie the lilgceit One and the Most
Opportune Onn Ever Held
In Uninlm.
We've changed our minds.
We announced In yesterday's paper that
we would cell the Michael Stern stock of
clothing next Saturday.
That's not all we're going to do.
It must bo a red letter day , and to make
It co we will also place on sale Saturday
our entire stock ot spring suits and over
coats ( or men and boys
All the old prices will remain In black ,
while the new prices will be In red , so that
you can easily recognize the enormous cut
wo are making to assure Saturday's being
the reddest letter dny In clothing annals.
On account ot the great amount of labor
necessary with such a stupendous under
taking as this , \\e will be compelled to close
up at noon Friday. Every suit In the house ,
no matter what the former price or how
good a seller , will bo put In this sale to go
at half price or less , You remember what
a stampede we created at the tall end of
wjnter with our great heavy suit sale per
haps you were locked out. Don't delude
yourself Into the Idea that there'll be plenty
of show this time , for all previous efforts
on our part will pale Into Insignificance In
comparison with this sale a sale of light
weight suits at half pries and less , Just when
you want a light weight cult.
It will bo the gladdest moment of your
life when you capture one of these suits , every
one the quintessence of merit and economy ,
and Including every light weight suit In the
house , nothing reserved , everything goes ,
and with a rush , as you will realize when
you see the prices tomorrow.
One thing more this Is no broken lot
sale. The stock Is all fresh and new , every
style , every size Is represented.
Sale begins Saturday morning we close at
noon Friday.
Impossible to i.lvo In This Coun'ry
Without hearing about the Northwestern
lino's evening "Chicago Limited , " for people
WILL telk about Its convenience , tastefulness -
ness and comprehensive up-to-dateness ,
Omaha , 6:45 : p. m. ; Chicago , 8:45 : a. in , Ves-
tlbuled sleeping cars , chair cars , a la carte
diners , 1'lntscli gas , EVEHYTHINO. No
extra cost.
Other Northwestern trains at 11:05 : a. m ,
and 4 p. m. dally. Want your trunk checked
at home ?
City ticket office. 1401 Farnam street.
A 1'mv ' Atv.uituHt. |
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St ,
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A
clean train , made up and started from Omaha ,
Daggage checked from residence to destina
tion. Elegant train service and courteous
cnployes. Entire train lighted by electricity
and heated by steam , with electric light It
every berth. Finest dining car service Ir
the west , with meals served "a la carte. '
The Flyer leaves at 6 p. m. dally from Unlor
City Ticket Offlcb. 1B04 Farnam street. C ,
S. Carrier , city ticket acent.
Stronger ( let * 81,000 from the Columblr
Nutlonnl of Lincoln.
On April G , a check In the Omaha Natlona
bank for $1,000 , purporting to be signed bi
John M. Thurston and drawn to the ordei
of William M. Gcddes , was presented by i
stranger to the paying teller of the Columbli
National bank at Lincoln. The teller , Josep !
Blggar , Informed the stranger that he wai
not familiar with the signatures of Mr
Thurston and Mr. Geddes , nnd asked him t
get some city endorsement. Ho asked I
Judge J. H. Broady would be acceptable , ti
which Blggar replied that he would. Thi
stranger went away and soon returned will
the check endorsed by Broady and It wa
cashed. It came Into the Omaha clearlni
house on March 8 and was declared to b
a forgery. Th ? check was dated March 2S
Since that tlmo the stranger , who Is descrlbei
as being well dressed and with a business
like nlr , hns not been located. W. M. Gedde
Is mayor ot Grand Island , and was chief chrl
of the house of representatives during th
last session of the legislature. The who !
matter was kept n profound secret untl
yesterday. The check Is endorsed as follows
"W. M. Geddes. This Is 0. K. J. A. Foley
J. H. Droady. "
e a
t Ilrnughnl U'm Discharged.
Pat C. Broughal , who was arrested sev
cral days ago on a warrant sworn out b ;
the proprietors of the Adams Furnltur
company , charging him with the embezzle
ment or $75 , was dismissed yesterday nfter
noon because the complainants did not ap
pear to prosecute.
Jnhn lingers Seeking n DIvorOD.
LONDON , May 1. John R. Rogers , th
theatrical manager , has filed a. petition fo
divorce from his wife- , Minnie Palmer , o :
the grounds of adultery with a man name
Jorrard , manager of n theatrical company
The suit , which Is not defended , Is pro
J unl DUroKilon Atodit 1'roippctlto Deficit
llrport onllMimplnn Isulnnnop.
At every meeting ) erf the Board of Health
Commissioner Savlllri. submits a report ot
ho amount lelt In the health fund , This In-
rarlably calls forth'the Information that at
he present rate ofi expenditure the balance
will bo exhausted tncouple of months before
he end of the year. Then follows a general
llscusslon of wnysihnd means of economy'In
which all membertrnpatUclpate at once , and
which Is finally cnital by deciding to post
pone the cutting -down of the force until
some time In the trammer , when the spring
cleaning up Is completed. The debate on the
question yesterday was exactly similar to
that which has occurred at nearly every
meeting this year , and ended In the same
way. Dr. Savllle Is thinking of having the
expressions of the members printed In order
to avoid the necessity for their repetition
every time the matter Is called up.
After the heads of the Inspectors had
again been temporarily saved the report of
the Inspectors who were detailed to Investi
gate the charges of dumping garbage In the
city limits was read. Inspectors Tyler and
Vanderford spent ten days on the case , and
their report Indicated that manure and ref
use were being dumped promiscuously In
several parts of the city. A great deal of
garbage was being dumped at Seventh and
Paul streets , and alto at the Intersection ot
Grace street and the Iowa line. They as
serted that the garbage men were making a
regular business of dumping their loads Just
over the Ion a line , whore the Omaha olllclals
wore powerless to arrest them. A grsat deal
of manure was also being durriped at the
Poppleton avenue dump and In one or two
other places In the city. They had suc
ceeded In detecting a number of the offend
ers , and they had been fined $1 each In
police court. They also reported that E. A.
Benson had been pumping out a cess pool
at Forty-fourth ami Dodge streets and run
ning the contents on the premises of his
neighbors. He was also arrested , and his
case was set for trial In police court today.
In this connection the council resolution
requesting the board to detail an Inspector
to Investigate these complaints was read
and a resolution was passed asking the coun
cil to give the board $1,200 with which to
hire special Intpectors to carry on the work.
It was claimed that the present force was
totally Inadequate to detect these offsmlers.
The usual monthly reports were read and
placed on file.
Hlsliop llonacnm Orders rather Murphy of
Teourmcli to Vacute ,
Following closely on the oftler of Bishop
Bonacum 10 Hev. D. O. Fitzgerald of South
Auburn , dispensing with his services In the
diocese on and after July 1 a similar docu
ment was placed In the hands of Father
Murphy of Tecumseh. Both documents were
In the bishop's handwriting , and were deliv
ered by him in person. Father Murphy re
ceived his orders to move on Saturday last ,
and are of similar tenor to those.received by
Father Fitzgerald. The main reason given
for. removal is "disobedience to my author
ity. "
Father Murphy has notified the bishop that
his order of dismissal Is Invalid In law , and
will take no notice of it.
Father Murphy has laborcl In Nebraska
for eleven years , having served on various
missions In the state prior to the division
of the state Into two dioceses and the com
ing of Bishop Bonacum. Ho Is a zealous ,
forceful and effective worker , who has given
the best years ot his llfo to ministering tc
the spiritual wants of the people committed
to his charge. Ho Is now in the autumn ol
life , but his aggressive spirit when aroused
shows no lack of youthful combataliveness.
Fathers Fltzgeiald and Murphy arc the
fighting remnants bf the St. Bernard's union ,
composed of priests ot the Lincoln diocese
banded together to prosecute the famous
charges against the bishop. Father Corbett
Is pursuing his studies in the Catholic uni
versity in Washington , Father English Is
stationed In Omaha , Fathers Fitzgerald and
Murphy are under orders to go. The re
mainder of the dozen , or some of them , at
least , will , it is expected , receive episcopal
attention in duo time.
Omalm I'ulr nnil Spneil Association rormid
Out of Old Orcnnl7uloTiH.
The various fair associations heretofore
existing In Omaha have consolidated forces
and united In forming a new corporation
styling Itself the Omaha Fair and Speei
association. The corporation filed Its ar
ticles with the county clerk late yesterdaj
afternoon , stating that its general object If
to obtain the control of property for the
purpose ol' furthering the holding of th <
state fair In Omaha. The capital stock ol
this new amalgamated concern Is placed al
$150,000 , and Is divided Into 600 shares
The authorized indebtedness cannot exceed
two-thirds of the value of the capital stock
The association starts out with this list ol
directors : Z. T. LIndsey , Dan Farrell , Jr.
William Krug , W. R. Bennett , Frank D
Brown , George D. Kelley , O. N. Hicks , J
O. Baum , John A. Wakefield , Oscar J
Prlchard and C. S , Montgomery. The head ,
quarters of the corporation , like the fair , re
main In Omaha.
Steam's Electric Paste rids your house ol
Hats , noaches and other vermin ; 25c.
. .
TTTT --Tr-r-r-r. .
In the house. How often'you hear that old saying !
j ] < J , Where else would you expect a person to die ? You
wouldn't expect a sick person to get up and go out fo
of doors to die , when there was a nice house , with all rf >
„ j the modern , conveniences right at hand to die in , fl
would you ? And still there are lots of folks that do
w a die * n tne house , before there is any reason for them
" * to die at all. Haven't you seen friends of yours just
waste right away , almost under your own eyes , when
10 * * it did seem as if there could have been something-
done to stay the dread disease ? The doctor called it
Consumption , probably. May be it was a hard cold
at first , and a gradual decline. A good doctor says
; ' , , jf , * in such a case. Ozomulsion won't bring ; a man bacfc
? h < $ > from the cemetery , but it has prevented many a man
< $ and many a woman from going there.Are you on
< > your way ? Are you beginning to get tired out ? Get-
y ting so that good things don't taste good 'any more ?
Getting worried ? Getting so you cough every day ,
$ and lots cf nights ? Want to get hungry ? Want to
rti have things taste good ? Want to eat and 'enjoy it ? f
S Try Ozomulsion. It costs a dollar to try a bottle.
< 1 > May be it won't help you. ' More likely it will. You'd r | >
Y give : a dollar to be better , wouldn't you ? And you'd w
glv more than a dollar to get well , probably , t Y
fi , Tlila , jiale iromcn get plump nutl beautiful on Ozonin/s/ou.
Most nil druggists sell Ozomul1' ,
OZOMUT.9ION Cutes Colds , COUEUS , sion they all will pretty soon or -j
Consumption , Bronchitis , Asthma , and you can get it of T. A * . Slocum Co. , t 2 >
all Pujraonory Complaints J Scrofula , 183 Pearl Street , New York City ,
General Debility , Lose of Flesh , An
IT. aemia , and all Wasting Diseases.
end drustlsts everywhere Tradi tuj'pMtri b ? r.lctanl jn Bru
For sale t > til Omaha drucclfts
Co. and Drue * & Co. Omuba. . . _ .
\ Wonderful Success and Just
What the People Want.
Vbsolute Proof of the Merits
This cjrcnt propnrntlon will soften the
nmlest of water , making nil water soft
, iul velvety. It will hold colored goods ,
inch as calico * and colored hoai > , from
mining or fad I nj : . Woolens and llnn-
lols washed with water prepared with
tain Water Maker will positively not
shrink , leaving them white and soft
ml Increasing their durability. It will
ilso keep MuliiK from t'lmllliiK water.
For the bath or toilet It Is Indlspens-
.bit1 , making the water soft and pliable ,
ncci'loratlnj ; the action of soap and gl
the skin a healthful glow , thereby
the soap to remove any super
hums excretion that may adhere to the
For dishes and general washing pur-
) oses It Is very essential , as It saves
loth labor and soap.
This preparation Is not to be con
founded with soap powdery , as It con
alns no soap , lye , ammonia , lime or
iiny deleterious Ingredients. It Is not
i greasy preparation whatsoever.
Ittiln Water Maker , In the true sense
: > f the word , Is for preparing water so
hat It may have a strong alllnlty for
Head what experts have to say about
t :
Mrs. II. C. Cady , who resides at Kllfi
Kyner street , was seen and said , In
ubstancc :
"Kirk's Haln Water Maker is the
finest thing 1 have ever used. It Is be
yond a doubt , In my estimation , the
best preparation that I ever saw. It
nakes the water very soft and the
clothes pretty and white. Haln Water
Maker has no bad effects on the hands ,
uml I can only say that I am pleased
to recommend It to everybody. "
Mrs. Jas. Price of 1S13 Izartl street
has used Kirk's Kniit Water Maker anil
remarked to a reporter that she thought
Italn Water Maker a great preparation.
She bald :
'I use well water , which Is very hard ,
and with all the preparations that I
have tried for breaking water Kirk's
Haln Water Maker Is quite superior to
uiythliig else. I am more than pleased
with It ; It makes the clothes soft and
white. I must say that I can cheer
fully recommend It. "
Mrs. II. R. Thompson was seen at her
home , 1222 Sherman avenue , and said :
"The test I gave Kirk's Haln Water
Maker was quite satisfactory , and I an ]
sure It Is Just the thing that Is wanted
for the purpose for which It Is used.
My husband uses It for removing oil
and grease from his hands and it does
the work better than any preparation
that he has ever tried , and leaves t
hands In much better conilinon. "
Ulary ttyplillta permanently cured In 15 to
135 days. You can bo treated nt homo for
Itho same price undorsarao guaranty. H
Jyouprcfcrto coma liera no win contract
' to pay railroad faro and hotel bills , and no
cbartto. If wo fall to euro. If you have taken mer
cury , iodide potiiHh , and still liaTO aches and
ralno. Mucous I'litchos In mouth , Sore Throut ,
1'lmplcs , Copper Colored Spots , Ulccm oa
any part of the body. Ilulr or Rycibrowa fulling
out , It Is this Syphilitic ) BLOOD POISON thnt
KB guarantee to euro. Wo solicit , tko mott obsti
nate cages and clialleiiRo the world for a
rnso wo cannot euro. 'j'hl dlcaio has always
ballled the skill of the most eminent phyfil-
chuiH. 8000,000 capital behind our uncondl
tional ( niaranty. Absolute proofs sent gpalcd on
application. Address COOK ItKMKDY CO ,
307 Uiuonlo Xuinplo , CIIICAUU. ILL.
Mo tentl tda m rT lon French I
Iti-mrd ) CALTHOS free , ou.l a
Iccal xuamntFetiatALT.i08 ! ! will' '
STOP ! > l rbnrrr > < V Kml < lon , I
CintR Npf rnrmtorrhri .Vnrlir tle
and ULXroltK lx t \ lnr.
Use i land tavtf .atisficd. I
AUrc. . . VON MOHCO. . .
Dole ImrrUia iloU , CI 1 9U , OH * .
One of Nicoll's
Scotch cheviot suits to or
der , $20 to $30 , will afford
you more than common
comfort , style and service.
If you look you'll see we have
a.corner , so to speak , on
Scotland's best and prettiest
output of cheviots ,
We know how to tailor these
soft , rich fabrics for best
Trousers ; to order , $4 to $14.
Suits or overcoats to order
$15 to $50.
Samples mallei.
Garments expressed.
We begin May with trimming up the buds
50c-75c and 81 A SUIT.
Just In. They're very pretty Indeed. Some solid colors ,
some striped ; deep sailor collars , nil tastily draped with
cord and tassel and a toy whistle to tickle the laddies.
We couldn't say which one of the lot will suit best. We
better leave this to the judgment of those who are more artis
tically inclined. We have several hunJred of each kind , how
ever , and you're sure to get the kind your neighbor's boy
wears , if you like It.
Come early we're anxious to introduce 'em.
Wo don't know accurately how many dill'erent kinds and
styles our $2.50 line comprises , but we do know it's more than
all other stores combined.
Stacks of 'em for $2.50 Hluck Cheviot , light , dark and
mixed Tweeds , plain gray and mixed Serges , medium shades
of cassime.'cs , combination (2 ( pairs of panties ) , and a lot of other
interesting effects.
Strictly all-wool , every one of 'cm all wool nuaus fast
colors fast colors assure good , honest service.
$1.00 is cheap enough if you can't buy here.
Itranlt , In \rnol7o . uuuniji r im unity. Milieu an ) tieie. iMlnl , for f i.ool 6bciel for " oo. With
tietyJsooorderHeKlveilr t nnnc"
Kuinnlee lo cure c tcfunil Iht Adilicu
SIIHItMAN & McCOXNELL DKUG CO . . 1513 Dodfio street , Omnha , Nob.
Never befora in the history of Omaha , has a new store
become so popular in so short a time as the
Uew Big Furniture and Carpet House.
The reason , however , is very plain : We have introduced POP
Carpet business.
J3g ? ° Until we came here you were obliged to pay three (3) ( )
prices for house furnishings and if you sought to buy on
the Payment Plan they wanted Hide and All.
Fake We will never
Sales. try to get your
This fellow patronage by
has been feed .pake Sales. Wo
ing1 on Fake don't ask you
Sales advertised to believe that
by fake stores we offer $10
for some time , worth of goods
but seems to be for $2. Such
getting poorer methods are
all the time.
suspicious and
We need not
point to the are simply the
moral , it is self Jl. _ old confidence
suggesting. game rehashed
We will furnish your house for less money than nny other
store in Oinahii
Strictly one price , or on woohly or monthly
nac JED
Swallow It.
That is the best way to take , , a
U Ripans Tabule , best because the
most pleasant. For liver and stomach
ach disorders Ripans Tabules are
the most effective remedy , in fact ,
the standard.
ntpans Tabulu : Sold by druggists , or by man
If the price ( M cents a bo * ) IB ent to The Ill-
pans Chemical Company. No. JO Bpruc St. , N. T.
This Fumon * Kerned
iloai.oill dreamt , luipoKnc/ud waallucaKeatii ck
ed br loathful errors or excCi e . Contains
oplslei. 1 s , nerve tonic and Mood bglld r. Ui
tbepala and puny itrong and Plump . , lisilcarrle / ;
* titVA Ml nsirhnvtsTl f nr K/l. it v ma 11 nrnnald M
" " °
iJiJlT wtr " ! Mk "I'
oni. lltv-art ot Imitations Bold by our a&ent
Ool3 la Omb * by Bncrmu 4k UcCoantU ,
For sale by all First Class Doulors. Manufactured by the
Kactory No. aU ( , St Louts ,