Tins OMAHA DAILY BEE : TIMSDAY. Arniii ao. isos. OMAHA DAILY BEE. COUNCIL ULUFFS. OFFICE , - - NO. U PEARL , STREET Ctllvcrefi br carrier to an/ put of the city. 11. W. TILTON , L 8fo. TELEPHONES nutlnet * office. No. 41 ; Ollht * Jlor ! , No. a. M1MIH .1//J Grand , Council DIufls. n. F. Clark , prop. Hayno Real Estate agency. B39 Broadway. Alva Smith , aged 2 > , ana Ethel Henderson , BWl 19. both of Omaha , took out a mar riage license yesterday. Sheriff Hazcn received word yesterday that the grand Jury of Cass county Imd returned InJIclmcntB against Wilson and Swltli for the rohhcry ot the bank at Grlswold. The Hvo boy trnmps that were picked up on the streets the other day were turned loose by Judge McCJee yesterday on condition tlrat thpy would leave the city by noon. The regular monthly meeting of the St. Andrew's toclcty will bo held In room 22G , Mcrrlam block , Tuesday , April 30 , at 8 p. in. All member * requested to be present. Stynu'st Stevenson , secretary. I. , . H. niodcll , whose lilacs on Cut-Off wai searched by Constable lulter a few days ago , lias announced that ho expects to go out of the saloon business and will make no op position to the legal destruction of the wet good ; . The Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Falkcnberg , SOJ Avenue A , died Monday morning at C o'clock. The funeral services will bo hold this afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock , nnd the remains will bo burled In Palrvlew cemetery. 1'eter Chrlstcnson , .1 small bo > whoso home Is on Hldge street , was run down by a bicyclist Sunday evening at the corner ol Ilro.tdway and Sixth street. Ho was taken Into a neighboring drug store. His face and elbow were somewhat bruised , but he was not otherwise badly * hurt. Judge \Voolson arrived In the city yester day and will decide the motion for a new trial ot the case of the United States against Kdglngton this morning. Judge Shlras Is ex pected In this morning to hear the cases ol Itlchmond , Crawford and Muffly , of Union Ilulldlng and Savings association fame. Hegular conclave of Ivanhoo catnmandarj No. 17 , Knights Templar , will be held Thurs day , May 2. lied cross at J p. m. Ilanquet nt 0 p. m , The order of the temple will be conferred at 7:30 : p. m. P. C. C. W. T Cleveland will bo present to Inspect com inandery. All members are ordered to be present In full uniform. Visiting sir knights re cordially Invited to participate. By order of the E. C. Last March the billiard hall Ictpt by Pete Wlsch at Avoca was entered by burglars am COO cigars were stolen. Yeserday three men giving their names as Elmer Hclln , Lot Kcrchncr and Walter D.incUlson , were plckei up by the South Omaha police as suspicion characters. A search of their effects dls closed four boxes of cigars and word was sen to Avoca. Deputy Sheriff Stuhr arrived In the city yesterday with a warrant for th trio , who agreed to cross the river Into Iowa without waiting for requisition papers They were taken back last evening. Tha case of H. W. Davenport , admlnlstra tor , against the First National bank o Council Hlufts , In which an estate of $3,00 belonging to William Parks , a stock man -who loft hero many years ago and was klllei In the west , Is Involved , was up for a fihor time In the district court yesterday morning The state had Intervened , claiming the- prop crty had escheated to the state. The cour 1ms already held that all claims cxceptln that of the state were barred by the statut of limitations. The bank's motion to strllt the petition of the state was overruled , ox ccptlng a few minor particulars. Two desirable cottages for rent. Plenty o money for farm loins. Fire Insurance. Mone loaned for local Investors on best of security Special bargains In real estate. Lougee & Towle , 235 Pearl street. IT.lltiOXAL 1'AlCAailArnS. 3 , W. Squire and family will sail for Ea- rope June 1. Attorney General Milton U. Remley ol Iowa Is In the city. J. D. Edmundson and wife ore contemplat ing a European trip this summer. Miss Winnie Crofts of Beatrice , Neb. . Is Ute to married In June to James Loomls ol Denver. Charles Chester has returned from a St Louis trip and resumed his position with C IJ. Ilandlett. The engagement of Mils Angle Wlckhon of this city to Harry Durklcy ot Omaha ha been announced. Mrs. E. E. Thornton of Kearney , Neb. , I In the city , the guest ot her father , N. M Puscy of Willow avenue. D. C. Bell and wife , who have been visit Ing Mrs. J. n. Harkncss , left last evenlni lor their home In Minneapolis. S. Pv MacConnclt has returned from i licnlth seeking trip to Missouri , conslderabl ; improved. He will return soon , accompanlei by John T. Stewait. Twin boys were born to Dr. nnd Mrs. V. 1 Troynor yesterday morning. One of then met with an accident and only lived a shor time after birth. The other Is doing nicely. A letter from Judge H. H. Trimble c ICcokuk brings the news that his son , FranV Is greatly Improved In health , and hopes t return homo soon. He will then pay Comic Bluffs a visit. John Schocntgen , formerly member of th school board , will take his family to Gei many the latter part of next month. Ho wl return In the fall , but his wife nnd daughter will remain with his son Edward , who Is t ttlfo an advanced course In architecture. If phonographs were placed In kitchens the would repeat the praises of Dr. Price's Bali Ing Powder to the cooks ot the future. Itcnilr for the Trlnl. W. S. Richmond , W. H. Muflly and J. I Crawford of the Union Building and Saving association of DCS Molnes , accompanied b their attorneys , W. E. Rod and S. P.e Prouty , arrived In the city last evening , pr < pared for today's trial. OO.UOO Pillules In liloom. Now Is the time to make selections an plant them. Other plants and cut flowei cheap. J. F. Wllcox. 1132 E. Pierce. Tel. 9 i : . ( i. lliirttcira Statement. Ho says It Is all bosh about gasoline beln 10 high , for the Bartlett Grocery company telling 6 gallons for 70c. All hinds of plants and flowers. J. R. M Pherson , green houses 1250 E. Pierce Telephone 244 , night or day. Hay for salt , by the ton or carload. W. * Wood. 620 Mala itr et. Ice Nice , clean reservoir Ice , cheap. Mu holland , G Baldwin block. Telephone 18 $ . A splendid line ot men's suits at Metca Bros. ' for JG.SO. ( JMJ fS3 aSS r t3 * SWQ g o ) ra & I find the ROYAL BAKING POWDER superior to all the others in every j ? & respect. It is purest and strongest. $ g WALTER S. HAINES , M. D. S Consulting Chemist , Chicago Board of Health. $5 * SQrS S ei SS S S S Meringues. Whisk the whites of. ( our eggs to high froth , then stir Into It one-half pound finely powdered sugar ; flavor with Hoyal Extract Vanilla or Lemon , repat whisking until It wit Ho In a heap , then lay mixture on letter paper , in a shape of half nn egg , moulding It with a spoon , laying each about half an Inch apart. Then place paper containing meringues on piece of hard wood , put them Into quick oven , do not close It , watch them ; when they begin to have yellow appearance , lake out. Remove paper carefully from wood , let them cool for two or three minutes , then slip thin knife very carefully under one , turn It Into your left hand , take another from paper In same way , join two sides which were next the paper together. The oft < n ! Jo tear be taken out with handle WS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Wizard Telephone Oompaby Aeks Permis sion to Do Business , WHAT SHALL THE CITY GET OUT OF IT Jueitlon of Return from the Franchise Halted , I'rmlliiB the Settlement of Which the Company's Propoilllou Hcnmlui UmllipoicU Uf , The city council met yesterday morning In Mayor Cleaver's private office to discuss some ot the matters referred to the committee of the whole at the last meeting. W. H. Ware wag there In the Interests of the Wizard Tele phone company , to urge the granting of a franchise for the building of a new line of telephoneto compete with the Nebraska Telephone company. The main objection In the minds of the aldermen was that the ordi nance which the company asked to have passed did not bind the company to do any favors for the city In return for the favor of a franchise. Mr. Ware said the company would bind Itself to have Its work completed by a specified time , If that was what was wanted. There seemed to be a good deal ol uncertainty as to Just what the city fathers did want , and the matter was finally post poned until a meeting to be held next Satur day afternoon. In the meantime City Clerk Phillips la to correspond with the larger cities of the state with a view to finding what demands are made upon similar com panies there. The result of his Investiga tions will determine the fate of the Wizard company. S. IJ. Snyder Is trying to have the councl order the car barns of the Omaha & Coun cil Uluffs Railway and Bridge company on Avenue A and Twenty-eight street removed It seems the company owned every lot In the entire block excepting three when It bull Its b.irns , and expected some timeto buy those three , one of which Is now owned b ; Snyder. The entire block was vacant , am the barns were built directly across the alley which had no existence , excepting In the pla filed In the recorder's olHce. Now Snyde la asking to have the alley opened , and ha refused an offer of ? 350 for his lot , Insisting on having J500. The company has offered t make an alleyway along sideSnyder's lot but this offer was also refused. The councl referred the matter to the city attorney who will make a report at the meeting Saturday. The petition of Wclghmaster Thomas John son to have the right of all persons except Ing hlroself to charge fees for welghln taken away was discussed. City Altorne Hazlcton stated that the city ordered th scales at the junction of Main and Pear streets removed five or six years ago , but th marshal was enjoined by the stock compan that then operated them. The Injunction wa afterward dissolved , and C. C , Honn , th manager , agreed to remove the scales at an time upon a notice of thirty days. This no ties was never given. Mr. Hazelton did no know whether the agreement was made o record or not , and he was Instructed to lee It up and ascertain. Johnson Eald he mad between $ oO and JCO a month out of the clt scales , and would be able to make $80 o $100 a month out of the Main street scale ? and he would donate 20 per cent of his earn Ings to the city If his request should b granted. Councilman Urewlck , who had be Instructed to find out what the prospect were for the purchase of the scales by th city , reported that the parties owning them , had refused to part with them at any cost. The committee decided to report favorabl upon the ordinance to bring to grade Thin street , from Story street to Ninth avenue No action was taken with reference- th removal of the North Main street bridge. - Health and Intellect arc equally Importan Dr. Price's Baking Powder furnishes whole some food for the body , and the brain thrives Vordloc for ( Irenory. The Jury In the case of Gregory against Carey returned a scaled verdict , which was opened by Judge Smith yesterday morning. 1 ( was In favor of the plaintiff for the sum of $122.72. In Its special findings the Jury put the value of King Humbert , the trotting stallion whom Gregory converted to his own n use , at $1,000 , and the date of the conver ts : slon August 21 , 18S9. Of the $1,550 note Carey paid $875 , and the Interest on the re mainder was computed from May 11 , 1889. In some way the Jury arrived at the conclu sion that Gregory had coming to him the amount above given , but Carey's attorneys claim the amount Is too much by about $100. If the mistake Is one of arithmetic It will probobly be corrected by the court. iy \vovr STANII A LIIIII. . id Mitnuructureri of Copp'n Cheer Wilt Prose- ciito Its Jcnlous Trmlucnr * . We have this day Instructed our attorney < tornoy to gl\o notice of filing legal pro cecdlnga against parties for malicious clr dilation of the report that Copps Chcei and Herb Tonic , as manufactured b ] Wheeler & Ilereld , Council Bluffs , la. , re quire u government or any other license unless they cease such action at once. We refer the public to Deputy Revenue Col lector J. C. Lange and Commissioner J. 11. Stoadmari. Council H luffs , for official Informa ' tlon that no such license is required. We are protected by the official analyst : and report of the Internal revenue coimnls sloner at Washington , and give a bond to al our customers guaranteeing them against al trouble In selling and dispensing these good unless It be the annoyance occasioned by tb small would-be rivals , WHEELER & HERELD. L. Council Bluffs. L.gs Solo brewers nnd originators of the grea non-alcoholic beverages , Copps Cheer an byP. Herb Tonic. P. e- Those gentlemen's suits at JG.50 como I all the different colors. Metcalf Bros. Largest stock of wall paper In the stat ( Boston Store. ml rs Get prices on wall paper at the Bosto Store. Spoke to Hie Audience * . All the Pierson meetings attracted larg Isle audiences yesterday. In the afternoon 1CC children packed themselves Into a space Ir tended for 600 grown people at the Pre ! le lest. bytcrlan church and Mr. PIcrson talked I st. them. The welfare of the little ones ! looked after carefully and the announcemei Is made that a nursery has been establtshe In the church where children may be Ic ; while their parents attend the aftcrnoo services which are to be held every day < I and 3 o'clock. Last evening another big audience gather * alf at the church to listen to a sermon upon tl subject , "Take Away the Stone. " The intr of small ipoon , the shells filled with Jam , Jelly or cream , then joined together as above , cementing them with some of tbe mixture. Wlao S.iuce No. 1. Three-quarters pint water , one cupful sugar , one small teaspoonful corn starch , one teaspoonful - spoonful each Royal Extract Lemon and Cinnamon , one-halt gill wine. Doll water , add corn starch , dissolved In little cold water , and the sugar ; boll fifteen minutes , strain ; when about to serve , add extracts and wine. SBUCB Aux U < i tr Fruit * . Remove very thinly one-third the rind of one lemon and one orange ; remove the re mainder with the thick white ikln very close to pulp ; then cut Mcbln small dice , reraov- uctory exercliei Included muilc by P. H. ildwln of Dei Molnes and F , T , Johnson. Every man who has been appointed usher or the meetings IB earnestly requested to eport at the north or rear door ot the hurch not later thin 7:30 : o'clock. Those who cannot serve this evening can report what evening ! they can most conveniently erve. This Is essential to the success of ho work. _ Read the following list of bargains. Every- hlng guaranteed as advertised , BOSTON STORE. A heavy serge umbrella , "warranted not to ade , " natural wood handles , and worth $1.00 , n sale at 75c each. Extra heavy twilled silk umbrella , Acacia handles , on sale at $1.25 , worth $1.76. An all silk umbrella , worth 3.00 , offered at $1.95. An extra quality ot gents' hose In black and tans , worth 19c , on sale at 12&c } a pair. Gents' genuine British hose , worth 25c , at ,7c , or 3 for BOc. Gents. ' heavy cotton socks EC a pair. Gents laundered percale shirts , collars at- ached , worth $1.00 , on sale at G9c and "Cc. Gents' fancy Random underwear , worth 40c , on sale at 25c each. Gents' fine Egyptian lisle underwear , worth 75c , at COc each. Ladles' all silk mitts , worth 19c , at 12'4c a pair. A regular 40c mitt for 2Gc. SEE SHOW WINDOW DISPLAY FOR PRICES ON SILKS AND DRESS GOODS. A new line of embroidered Swiss handker chiefs , would be considered cheap at 19c ; our price IZ c each. See them. Extra value In ladles' and gents' handker chiefs at 5c each. In ladles' shirt waists wo handle the Stand ard , which guarantees a perfect fitting gar ment. An extra good shirt waist , perfect fitting , for 7Cc ; big line of styles and colorings. See our line of shirt waists at $1.50 , which Includes plain black , rcd.i and tanp. FOWLER , DICK & WALKER , Council Bluffs , Iowa. S. At. XVIllliuiunn Carries the largest stock of high grade bicy cles of any dealer In the west. Also has the best equipped repair shop In the west. 106 South Main street ; telephone 202. C'hrlitlnn Church Convention. The first session of the southwestern Iowa convention of Christian churches was held last evening at the Tabernacle and a sermon was preached , by Rev. A. M. Haggard. Dur ing the day the ministers held a meeting , with Rev. George W. Musson of Missouri Valley , the president ot the association , In the chair. The session ot the convention to be held today will probably bring In about 100 delegates. The following Is the program for today : Morning 1. Praise service Leaders , N. G. Brown and Mrs. A. U. Cornell. 2. Greet ings , representatives of Council Uluffs church , Endeavor society and Sunday school. 3. "Why We Are Here , " W. A. Moore and the leaders. 4. Sermon , H. A. Dale , Elliott. 5. Appointment of committees. G. Adjournment , Afternoon 1. Praise service , Mrs. Metcalf. 2. Reports from county managers and dele gates. 3. Report of district manager. 4. "Importance of Organized Effort , Sadie Johnson. 6. Objects of an auxiliary a "To Cultivate a Missionary Spirit , " Mrs. E. L. I'nston. b "To Encourage Missionary Ef fort , " Mrs. L. Brown ; o "To Disseminate Missionary Intelligence , " Mrs. J. C. Hnnna ; el "To Secure Systematic Contributions for Missionary Work , " Mrs. C. E. Well ? . G. Discussion. 7. Music Solo , Mies Nance of Hurlan. 8. "Our Mission In China , " Mrs. H. N. Dale. 9. "Indifference of Sisters and How- to Remove It , " Mrs. Thomas , Red Oak. 10. Hlble reading , C. A. Young. 11. Announce ments and adjournment. Evening 1. Praise service , Mrs. C. E. Wells. 2. Recitation , Miss Nellie Fralney. 3. "Ix yalty to Christ , " Mrs. Ella Huffman 4. Anthem. 5. Address , C. A. Young. 6. "Help Those Women , " Mips Rachel Crouch Hard times enlarge the sales of Price's Baking Powder because It Is the most eco nomical to use. Venerable I'ol Hook. Mr. J , L. Shoemaker arrived In the city yesterday enroute to his home In Wllsonvllle , Kan. , and paid a brief visit to his brother here , Mr. A. C. Shoemaker. He brought with him and left for a few days an old heirloom that Is surrounded with a good deal more than ordinary Interest. It Is an old pot hook , the kind that used to suspend the kettle In the wide fireplaces of our grandmother's days. But this one Is a ponderous derous and elaborate affair and has done service through six generations. H was made James Johnson , n progenitor of the Shoe maker family who lived In Ireland In the eventeenth century. He was a blacksmith and hammered out this useful Implement In 075 at a peat fire when he was not engaged n making more warlike Implements. He was warrior and distinguished himself fighting against King James at the battle of the loyne. The venerable relic has bien handed down from one generation to another until he present time. It was brought to America wenty-flve years before the revolutlonarj war and has held the family pot In colonial cabins In branches of the family who lived n Virginia , Pennsylvania and Kentucky. II came Into the possession of Mr. Shoemakei by will In 1876. It Is an elaborately orna mented piece of metal , capable of an exten slon of five feet. Few blacksmiths In Council Bluffs or Omaha could do the work any bet' ter today with their coal forges and moden tools , The old Implement' will be on cxhlbl tlon at The Bee office today. A \Vnrm Weather 8lgn. Refrigerators that refrigerate. The celc brated North Star , $6.00 and up. Ice chest ! very low. And don't forget our very lov prices on gasoline stoves. P. C. Devol , 50 Broadway. S. M. WmianMon Sells the Standard and Domestic sewlnj 1- machines ; also agent for Standard In Omaha . IOC South Main street. " Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that gooi Is ' laundry , " and Is located at 724 Broadway If In doubt about this try It and be convinced 5- 511 Don't forget name and number. Tel. 157. 11 Garden hose , big stock , good and cheap ls New York Plumbing Co. id Evans' Laundry Co. , 520 Pearl ; tel. 290 shirts , collars , cuffs , fine work a specialty. it Gas cooking stoves for rent and for tale id C. B. Gas company. Buy an Illinois Automatic refrigerator s In Cole's. Call and see the model work. It I the only ono that is right In Its clrculatloi See it and bo convinced. 41 Main street. Garden hose , big stock , good and cne-ai New York Plumbing Co. A ItenU Uro co tourist. Lowell E. Bryant Is the name of a 13-yeai old boy who struck the town yesterday morr Ing and fell In with Ovlde Vlcn on a motoi He had no money to pay his car fare , an Vlen , noticing that he was barefooted an to wore a generally frayed out appearance , bi came Interested a nickel's worth In his pro : pcrlty. Little by little his story came ou He said ho used to llvo at Qulncy. III. , bi left there because both his parents died. Th : was about six months ago , and he had bee : roaming around over the country ever sine spending a part of the time riding rac : horses. He claimed not to have had a pa he of shoes all winter , and the appearance i his underpinning Indicated that he ha Ing seeds ; lay in bowl ; peel , core , and cut I dice two sour cpples , which add to we made wine sauce ; simmer until tender ; the add one cupful seedless raisins , lemon an orange dice , wltn lemon and orange pee cut Into shreds , and boll In very little wate which add to sauce to flavor ; when about I serve , add one teaspoonful Royal Extrai Almonds. 1'eache * uud ( ream. Pare and sllco the peaches Just befoi sending to table. Cover the glass dish coi talnlng them to exclude the air as much i possible , as they soon change color. I not sugar them In dish they then becon preservei , not fresh fruit. Pass the po\ dercd sugar and cream with them. rschewed water about thcJ imo time. He aid most ot his traveling Irfd Been done In he south , so that shoes were not essential o his going In good society. Vlcn turned ilm over to the tender mercies of Constable ' . C. linker , who , at ln t acaraoU , wag try- ng to decide what should bo dene with him , while the youngster was btisr playing with a pair ot handcuffs. TrlcRrnph Poles. , , ' 100 carloads of telephone , telegraph and Icctrlc light poles for sale at special short prices. A. Ovcrton , Council Bluffs. A splendid line of men's suits at Metcalf Bros. ' for $660. t _ - For rent , suite of rooms'alter ' May 1 , at 10 1st avenue. Miss M. E. Keen , stenographer , 106 S. Main. Dr. Laugcl , office 410 6In aye. ; tel. ISO. The Hnrilman , the piano par excellence. Davis , drug , paint , glass nan. 200 B'way. Latter liny Saints' Convention. Negotiations were concluded yesterday be tween the officers of the western Iowa dis trict of Latter Day Saints' and the Driving park owners by which the church people have gained permission to hold their annual convention In this city September 12-22. These conventions generally draw between 10,000 and 12,000 people , nnd for n number of years past have been held at Logan. It Is easily foremost In purity , strength and keeping qualities , Dr. Price's Baking i'owdcr. I'rrtlou * Drc.slon Conflrmcil. WASHINGTON , April 29. In deciding the case of Joel Parker Whitney agnlnst Frank C. Taylor , In error to the circuit court for the northern district of Cnllfornla , Involving title to a quarter section ot land In Cali fornia , the United States * supreme court today held that where on the records of the local land oltlcc there Is an existing claim on the part of nn Individual to land within a railroad land grant under the homesteader or pre-emption laws , which has been recog nized by the olllcers of the government and has not been canceled , the tract In dis pute is exempted from the operation of the grant. The decision of the court below was ulllrmod. Do Not Alls ] U. Thursday , May 2 , The Bee will begin pub lication of a thrilling detective story by Mr. Park Benjamin , entitled "The Relief of Gotham. " Tills Is n capital prize story and one of the strongest works of fiction ever presented to Bee readers. Thursday , May 2. Itrlbcry < linrgcu. CARROLLTON , Mo. , April 29. Judge Rucker of the circuit court has ordered a special grand jury for the purpose of In vestigating the charge of bribery of the Jury In the trial of the Taylor murder case. It Is Intimated that several witnesses will bo Indicted for perjury In the case. TELKOK.irilW 111UKF3. The police census of New York shows the population to be 1,984SCO. The condition of Representative Hltt of Illinois shows little change from yesterday. Mllltla has been sent to Marquette , Mich. , where serious rioting Is "anticipated on the Ontario docks. - H Is reported that Colonel Fred D. Grant will be appointed one of the new police com missioners ot New York. Emll Furrer and Jacob Katt , who were sleeping In a barn whichiburned at Millford , Conn. , were burned to death. The Joint convention of the .Tennessee leg. Islature will meet today Ho' consider the re port on the gubernatorial contest. By the burning of the resilience of George Dennlson of Maple Lake'j N. D , , his aged father and mother were burned to death. Lynchers at Greenville1 , Ala. , have hung another negro for the murder of young Mur phy. This makes six hung for the crime. Mrs. Martha Whalen of Bristol , Tcnn. , stabbed Mrs. , Wallace , \vltJi a pitchfork , The Injured woman will die , . Jealousy was the cause. * Fire | p the cupalo of the \Yestern Union i Telegraph building at Baltimore yesterday f The Door of Life. The fear of pain and the dangers of childbirth fill many a woman's breast with dismay. In the olden days of leeches and witchcraft , it was consid ered sacrilegious to lessen the pains of labor. Latterly , an aesthetics have been used at the time of parturition , and now people are beginning to find out that pain and danger can be almost wholly avoided. Proper preparation during gestation will make both , as rare as they used to be common. There is no reason why child birth should be fraught with danger and distress. It is a perfectly natural function , and should be performed in a natural way without undue suffering. Nature never intended that women should be tortured when doing the one thing which makes them wholly womanly. The perversion of nature's laws has brought this suffering about , and a return to right living will stop it. Nine out of ten women are troubled more or less by weakness and diseases peculiar to their sex. It is so because they do not take proper care of themselves because they neglect little ills and little precautions. it A woman in perfectly hearty health goes through her time of trial with Isi. comparative ease. The thing to do then , is to make all pregnant wo i. men healthy to strengthen them generally and locally. The medicine and tonic to do it with is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is a powerful invigorant and nervine. It soothes and strengthens the nerves and acts directly on the feminine organism in a way which fits it for the proper and regular performance of all its functions at n- r.id nr. Taken 'during gestation it robs childbirth of its dangers to both mother id id and child , by preparing the system for delivery thereby shortening labor , ide es lessening pain audabbreviating , the period of confinement. s- it.ut sit. The above brief tnllc oh Tvoman's peculiar ailments Is continued lu a treatise of } 63 pages , o Sd'TeV at O atn belter stl'lT'the I'eopie's 4Smmon ' Sense MwUcai Adviser bound lii fit ran ( F paper covers , coil : G c , tainingaU'themntteriuUie-forcgoiug treatise , nu l Hcvornl IniiulrtMl IIIIRCH bcNliloM , tJ e will lie MAIMI > 1'IlHHitoany one sending as centsiln one-cent stamps to pay for pack- tJO liiK nnd postage ouly-cmitn\i ( \ over 1,000 pafjcs ami 300 illustrations. Over 680,000 copies sold Ir $1.50.JAddrn.s with and this ) for either { ; li covers at regTuar price of $1.50. ( stainpi Couponi of took , WOHLD'S DISPENSARV MEDICAL ASSOCIATION , 663 Main Street , Buffalo , N. Y. id 1 t Interrtipted business fo7"a Bhort time. No great damage- was done. f . j ' J. Fletcher Williams , one'ot the most prom inent Odd Fellows In the northwest , nnd n pioneer resident of Minnesota , died at Rochester , that state , y sfefiay. Three of the robbers ttho made off with $50,00 at Port Royal las ] wtVk were captured at Huntlngton , Pa. The victim of the rob bery Identified the EtoJOnoney , The Insurance commission o ! New York have decided to wind tip the affairs of Equitable Mutual Insurance company. Fraud In the management Is the cause. The Missouri state senate pasted resolu tions condemning the occupation of Cortnto by the English and calling on President Cleveland to take action In the matter. n The Forest City Furniture company's plant at Hock ford , 111 , , was partially con sumed by flre yesterday. One man was dangerously Injured by falling from a fire escape. The engineer of the steamer Modoc , plying on the Sacramento river , fell overboard un observed and the vessel narrowly escaped an accident at the Sacramento bridge before his absence was noticed. The union trimmers assaulted the Imported men working on the ore docks at Marquette , Mich. , yesterday. Several of the men were severely beaten. The sheriff called out the local militia , and all Is now quiet , but trouble Is likely to break , out again. Talks Concerning the Murders for tha Firat Time SInca His Arroat , LIKED BLANCHE TOO WELL TO KILL HER Explnlni Ills Apparent CoolnCM niul Hx- trnonUnnry G'onipoiure Avcuic * the 1'ollco of tin fair n c to Him ANew Now Humor Set Allont , SAN FRANCISCO , April 2D. For the first time since the charge ot murdering Miss Marian Williams In Kmnnuel Baptist church of this city was Informally made against W. II. T. Durrani the prisoner has consented to talk. He spoke first of the Lament case , saying : "Poor Blanche Lamontl I am charged with strangling her and then remaining un moved nt the details of the most horrible crime In history. No ono will ever know the sorrow I felt and no ono could begin to comprehend my thoughts even If I were to tell all the anguish her terrible fate has caused me. I could not have murdered that girl. I liked her too well , not better than anyone else In the world , but I respected anil admired her and wo were good friends. Judging by newspaper communications I am looked upon as a coldblooded , diabolical mon ster. I am painted ns a devil In human shape and very little Is Bald of the possibil ity of any other person killing these two girls , but when my trial Is over the world will know that I am Innocent. "My composure and self-control since my arrest are held against me , but no person will never know the terrible ordeal I am un dergoing. It Is said that I use opiates to Induce sleep. That Is a He. I am able to sleep well because my conscience Is clear of all crime. I am not of a nervous tem perament and have always been able to keep cool. " Ho accuses the police of working solely from the premise that no Is guilty of the crime and Ignoring all other clews. Because of Durrani's placid demeanor un der fearful accusations , his sound sleep and regular eating at a season BO trying to nerves , Durrani makes a study of Intense Interest to the psychologist. A sensational rumor has obtained cur rency In connection with Ihc prisoner , and If the facts should prove the rumor true , the police will have a strong link in a chain of circumstantial evidence that so far Is not very strong , In the Williams case , at least. The rumor Is to the effect that an Oakland official has communicated to Chief of Police Crowley of this city a statement to the effect that an Oakland physician told htm that a fellow practitioner In San Fran cisco had Informed him that some time ago ho had been called upon to attend the 15- year-old daughter of a resident of San Fran cisco. The girl had been assaulted and she alleges that her assailant was Durrani ; that ho had lured her to the belfry of Emanucl church and had there accomplished his pur pose. For professional reasons , It Is alleged , this physician refused to make the matter public. Chief Crowley refused to either af firm or deny the story. It Is reasonably cer tain , however , thai Iho delccllves are al work on this clew. ARRAIGNED FOR THE LAMONT MURDER Theodore Durrani was arraigned loday in Ihe police courl on a charge ot murder for Ihe killing of Blanche Lament , The defend ant concluded himself wllh his usual stoicism , and after the formal proceedings had a long consultation with his attorneys. Ho complains bltlerly , however , that the public Is trying1 to prejudge him. The mur derer Is made to fit his case , while suspicious circumstances regarding others are disre garded. The coroner's Inquest , which com menced this evening , will be continued every night until concluded , so as not to Interfere with the preliminary examination of Dur- rant for the Williams murder , to bo resumed tomorrow. " MANLY PURITY CUTICUIU REMEDIES cleanse the blood , ekln , and scalp of every eruption , Im. purity , and disease , whether tlm. | > ! c , scrofulous , ukeratUe , or lie. redltary. In n word , they are llio greatest slilu cures , blood purifier * , snd humor remedies of modern times , and succeed when the leil physicians fall. Bold throughout the world. "CUPIDENE" Cures the effects o self-abuse , excesses emissions , Impotenoy varlcocelo nnd constl patlon. One dollar i box , six for 15. Fo cnle bv TIIR GOOD MAN DRUG CO. . nnd KUHN & CO. MESSMORE & CLEMENT , BROKERS GRAIN" , PROVISIONS , STOOK9 , 503' ! Broadway , Grain bandied In car load lots. Tel. 203. COUNCIL ULUFFS , IOWA. THEY HELP SICK FOLKS Competent \York \ Done Under the Copclaml and Shcpnnl System Successful Medical Service for AH in Need of a Doctor The Nornlrml Fee No Charge for Medicines Trial Treatment Free on Foreonnl Application. There Is one plncc In Omaha \vhcro pick folks nnd tlicui.vlvcs sure of nn lioncst welcome , whether they come In sntln-llncil carriages nr limp In on crutches. Thnt place Is the olllcc of Ors. Copeluml ami Shepnnl , 311 nnd 312 New York Life build ing. Under the Cupelnnd and Shcpvrd sys- em there Is neither question nor curiosity ns to what pntlent Is rich or what pntlent ' poor. The same excellent treatment , the same great offer of help Is open to all no charge for consultation , no charge for xnmlrmtloM , no chnrgc for diagnosis , no charge for ndvlce , no charge for prelim- nary attention ? , no charge for medicines , no charge for trial treatment , It requested by the visitor , and , for full course to a cure , no charge beyond the nominal fee per month , medicines Included. AN K.vlTt.v'iiTriTljfII : , An Old HrMdrnt of Oiimtui .Sprxk * of Her Trentinnnt for llrurt nnil Kldnoy Trinililns Mrs. Sarah J. Tuttle. 4022 North 33rd street , has lived In Omaha 33 ycarp , and has a wide acquaintance throughout the city. She says : Mrs. Sarah J. Tuttle , -1022 North 33rd street. "It Is a good many years since I began to feel out of health , and my Hymptoms have bjen so many that It Is hard to give them all. My stomnoh was the first to suffer fiom constitutional catarrh. 1 had a horrible dyspepsia that kept me In n constant distress and prevented the proper digestion of food. After a time a kidney affection appeared , which seemed to be the cause of my blood and system lining up with poisons. I suffered much with heart disturbance nnd nervous weakness , wakr- fulness and general prostration , In fact my whole system seemed to be going to pieces. " 1 was In the same boat with many oth ers , having chronic troublew , who ncec competent medical help , but can't nffon to pay big ; fees and drug bills. I went tc ] Jrs. Copelnncl nnd Sliepnrd , who treatci me with such success thut my health If practically restored. My digestion Is ex cellent ; the healthful action of the kidney ? Is restored , and I feel Umt I am perma nently relieved of my serious condition. 1 nm now C7 years old , nnd nm thorough ! } enjoying my regained health. " STATING ins CAM : . low Cntnrrli , Itronrliltls nnd Aithmit AtTrct the Syntem \Mtloly Known Imrn Mnu tllVMi III * : > iurlPtireTlth llm Mull Trent- mi-nt. Everybody In lied Onk known M. H. Ev an * , proprietor of the Uclmonlco rrstnu * rant. Mr. Kvuns wna formally n railroad man , nnd what liu suyg Unlay will deeply Interest hundreds of people In western Io\\n , where he has been a familiar llgurf for years. Mr. Evans says ! M. S. EVANS. Ited Oak , In "In my cnsp the bronchial nnd awthmatlo troubles began with rntarrh of the tliioat. which spiead downward through the lungs , placing the air passages In a chronic state of Inllammatory contraction , causing a sense of heat and soienuss throughout the chest , making It dllllcult or painful to breathe. 1 had spoils of compnintlve rest fiom the soiencss nnd dlstiess , but even then I did not breathe with natural full ness or comfort. After u nhort walk or a little exertion the air passages would necn\ to close tight and threaten ino with dcatlv from suffocation. "Kevcry winter I became worse , nnd my trouble had betn working on me for seven or eight years. The bronchial cotiKh was wcaimg In the extreme , and with the throat and head catanh helping to pull me down I was losing In health right along. I got down BO that I could not eat a good meal without shortness of breath , couching and wheezlmr. . . . "My ease waH manifestly Incurable by any ordinary menus , but n course of treat ment with Ur. Bhepnrd , through the mall ! * , brought mo complete relief from nil the symptoms I have described. Anyone who chooses Is nt liberty to address mo on the subject at any time. ' BY THH rOPRKAND AND SHKPARD PERFECTED SYSTEM OK MAIL TllKAT- MIONT YOU MAY UK Cl'UUl ) AT HOME. WHITE FOR INFORMATION. DRS , COPKLAN1) ) & SIIEPARD , ROOMS 311 AND 312 NEW YORK L1F13 BUILDING , OMAHA. NEB. Office Hours D to 11 n. in. ; 2 to C p. mi. Eve. nlngs Wednesdays nnd Saturdays only , G to 8. Sunday 10 to 12 m. RESTORE LOST VIGOR iat to me for Nervous Delllity , I.OTI nf Seiual Power ( In either tci ) , Imputency , Atrophy , Vnrlcoiele anil other weakncsiei , from Any cautc * usa Scxlne 1'illf lirilnt ttircle < l And full \lgor luit.Uy restored , If neglectd ) , tuch . . . . . . , . trouble * result fatilly. Milled any lieie. ealf < t , furfi.ooi Motet for Jjoo. With ItCSUlt * in i WCCKS. etery (500 rrder ue K C a l tjal K\iat.tntce to cure or refund It e mnnet AiMrett SIIKHMAN & McCONNELL- DRUG CO. . 1513 Dotlso street , Omalm , Neb. A FACT. DAVIS' DRUG , PAINT AND GLASS HOUSE Carries a larger stock of glass than all the other drug houses in the city combined. 200 Broadway. Cleaning and Dyeing of Garments and Gootls of Every Description. > SchociIsacU's Twin City Dye Works , Cor. Avenue A and 2Glh St. , Council Dltiirs. Office , 1521 Far nain St. , Omaha. Send for Price List , When Buying Fruit Trees , Buy the best. A minute lost can never be recovered , and It's a calamity lo lose several years , which BO many Iowa and Nebraska people have done v/hen they have bought foreign grown , unaccllmated fruit trees. MENEUAY BROTHERS , THE CRESCENT NUHSERY. Were born on the lands where their nurse. ry BtocU Is grown , and years of patient. Infelleent experiment have taught them the best varieties for this climate. Consequently their home grown stock Is as hardy as the forest trees. They have a very large stock for the spring delivery and every tree Is warranted true to name. Orchard , Vlnyard. Lawn , Parking Trees and Ornamental stock Make no mistake In your orders. Send us your Hat of wants for prices. We can pleasa you in prices and stock. References : Council n luff a Banks. Council Bluffs Department Omaha Bee , and prominent business men. Nurseries six miles north ot Council Biffs. P. O. Address. MENERAT BROS. . Crescent , Iowa. OEO. P. SANFORD , A , W. RIEKMAN. President. Cashier. First Nationa of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa Capital , - $100,000 Profits , - - - 12,000 Ont of th * oldest banks m the state ot Iowa. We solicit your business and collections. Ws pay 6 per cent on time deposits. We will tx pleased to see und serve you. Special Notices-Council Bluffs CHIMNEYS CLnANED ; VAULTS CLEANED. Ed Ilurke , at W. S. Homer's , US llroadway. FRUIT FA1UI AND C1AHDEN LAND FOIl sale cheap and on easy terms. Day & Hess , 13 Pearl street. GOOD HAIUJ WOOD FOIl SALE IN COUNCII Dlurfa. 13.00 per cord. Apply to Leonard Ever ett , 10 Pearl street. Council llluffs. FAHM LANDS TO EXCHANGE FOH Cm property. C , It , Nicholson , G39U Broadway. FOHTY ACHES OF LAND , WITH HOUSE AND stable , for rent , 3 miles of city , { IV.vO per month. Apply to Leonard Everett. Councl Uluns. la. WANTED , MEN TO CHOP WOOD AND COUD the same In one place on the- land , S miles from Council Bluffs. Apply to Leonard Everett , 1 Pearl street , Council muffs. WANTED , TO EXCHANGE A NEW IIICYCLI' for a Kofxl family horse. Call at olllce o Knndwlch Manufacturing Co. , 1028 and 1010 8 Main street , FOfl BALU. A NO. 4 REMINGTON TYPE writer ; as Rood n new. Sandwich Manufactur laCo. . , lOZa and 1030 S. Main street. SIMS & BAINBRID5E , p aSTOrs' nil I'odtmil Courts. Rooms & 1M-8-J , Hliugar Hook , Council lliuir * , low.i. RAILWAI TIME CARD Leaves IIJUnLlNOTON & MO. niVUU.IArrlvc * OnmtiaUnlon | Depot , 10th u Mason tits. [ Omaha Oiliinm Ueruer Kxpresi S:40am : 4:3Spm.Ulk. : Hills. Mont. & l'ufc-et Snd. ix. 4lDm : , 4&pni : Uinvir Kxiirron 4:10pm : 6:40pm..Nvbrn : ka Ixx'itl ( oxo-jii Hunday ) . . IMvm BlLam..I'lnculn : I/ocal ( uxcepi Sundaj.H:20ani ) : 2lliin..Fn : l Mall ( far Lincoln ) Dully. . . . ( CHICAGO. IIUHMNOTON & Q.IArrivcs OinuhuUnloii | Depot , lUtli & Mason Sis. | Omaha 4 : < ; pm Chicago Vestibule : Wam 9Wain Chicago Unpreni 4lpm : 7&Opm..ClilcaKO : nnd Bt. Ixmln Kxiirvss. . 8:00am : l,3Jum 1'aclllc Junction Local 6l : pm rust Mnll , 2:4ipm : ( Loaves ( CHICAGO , MIL , . & ST. PAULArrlvc | OmamUnlon ) | Depot , Ulli It Mason H18. | Onmho _ " " G:00i > m . . .TTT.Chlcneo"Limited . , , 9:30am : > lliiuum Chicago Impress ( i-x. Sun. ) 800pru ; Lnvrs IC111CAUO & NOUTHWiST'N.Arrlv | ii OmuhujUnlon Depot , 10th & Maton Bl . | Omaha Jl.OSam" . Ea Urn Kxrrcrs 6:3dpm : 4:00pm : VexUbuliHl LlmlUd 9:40um : CUum : Mo. Valley Local 10S4pin : S:43pm : Omaha ChlcaRO tipcclnl 2Upm ; Lciivea I CHICAGO , It. I. & PACIPIC , | Arrlve OrnahuUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Hl . | Omaha IIOOam..Atlantic : iiprcs ( ex. Sunday ) . . . G:15pin : 6'Upm NlKht IIxprrBS IKISain. 43upm ; ClilcatiQ VeBtlljulcU Limited. . . . l:35pm : WUST. 6:00pm..Oklahoma : & Texas Kx ( ex Bun,10:35um : Colorado Limited 4OUpm. : Leaves I C. , BT. I' . . M. & O. | Arrlve Omaha ) Depot. 151h nnd Wctsler Btg. | Omaha 9Kam..Nebraska ; Passenger ( dally ) . 8llpm : 4.30pm..Hloux City Kxpress ( FX. Hun..UUam ) : 610iin ; BI. 1'aul Limited IQiSiam Lea\es I V7ti . & MO. VALLKY. Arrive * Onmlml Depot , 15th and Websier His. Omaha 2:10pm..r : st Mall un4 Uxptens , . 4Mpm 2:10jim.ex. : ( Sat ) Wyo. Kx , ( ex. Mnn. ) . . . 4S : ! > pin 8:05am..Norfolk : Express ( ex. Hunday,10:3unm ) : CjlOpin Ht. 1'qul Uxprtsa 10:3Smu : Leaves I K. C. , HT. J. & C. II. | Ainv OmahalUnton Depot , 10th ( c Mason SU.pmnho | 9M ; > atn..Kanras City Day I'spress "o:10prn : 9:45pm.K. : C. Night Ux. > la U. i' . Trans , eCOain : , " " ' Leaves ! MISSOURI""I'ACiriC. ( Arrive * Uroahal Depot , lith and Websler 81s. | Omaha lotnam : St. 1/ouln Express 6Warn : 9:3opm : Ht. Louis iipr > 'i , , , , , t:0ipm : t10pm Nebraska Local ( ex. Bun. ) 9:00arq : Leaves filODX CITV & I'ACIPIC. [ Arrives Omaha Depot , ISth and Webster Bin. | Omaha C:10pm. : , Bt. 1'aul Limited..10:3an : > " * Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrives OmahaUnlon | Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. | Omaha i 6Uam : Hloux city I'a > s nK , , , . , > 10:33prn : 63iptn ; . .HI. 1'aul Limited Leaves I UNION PACIFIC [ Arrives OmaiiaUnlon | _ _ _ _ _ Depot , 10th _ & son Bs. ( | Omaha 10GOam : Kearney Uiprcis 3:4'pm : liOOpm Overland Flyer. . , . . BU pm 2OOpm.Iieat'co : & 8tromit > 'ff Kx. ( exHun ) , 1.40pm TSOpm Pacific Express 10.Mam | ; Rpm Fast Mall , . , , 4 IVpm Unveil WAIIABII RAILWAY. , r. OmuhulUnlon Ut-pot , 10th tt Mason Bts. | Oip > iia lMpra.St. ; Louis Canaon'Qall 12ttgi ;