Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 26, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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    n TTTP. OTVfATIA TATTV 1UP.7JW. A V. AT > T ? T. on
TiThcat FluctuateJ Frequently Yesterday
Within Very Narrow Limits ,
iome ItnyliiR by Klernlar IlenrciciitntUe *
1V up | > 04cil lo Itfprcscnt Corre-
pending 8nlc of Cnih Corn
They Hail Mndo.
CHICAGO , April 23. Wheat fluctuated
frequently today within narrow limits nnd
finished Uo higher for May. Tlie firmer
feeling resullcd largely from the dry
wcalher. Corn , oals nnd provisions closed
with bul little change.
There were the same characteristics lethe
the market news concerning wheat today
as on the day before. The- foreign markets
were firm , Liverpool being quoted 'id higher
for California nnd ' , fcd higher for red wlnler.
The primary market recelpls were largely
In excess of the movement nt the corresponding
spending date of Iho year before and there
was no material change from the pre
viously prevailing dry weather conditions.
The market acled very nervously , wllh
frequent changes , over a range of about
fto per bu , The short sellers were for the
greater part of the forenoon on the defen
sive nnd tlie price during the grealcr part
ot Iho lime mnlntaned Itself above the level
of yesterday's closing quotnllons. The Cln-
clnnall 1'rlce Current rather leaned toward
the opinions that wheat In some sections
wns suffering for want of moisture , but InJI-
cated no general Immediate need of It. A few
light showers were discovered to have fallen
In southwestern Knnsas , and that was
made the basis of several attacks upon tlie
market by the bears. The Minneapolis and
Biilutlt receipts were IMi rnrs , against lul
a year ago. The total quantity received ut
the primary markets was 23VJOO bu. , com
pared with 171uoi ) bu. n year ago. Export
clearances of wheat and Hour frum the
Atlanllc porls nmounled lo 3)3,000 ) bu. 'ihe
opening price of May was at an advance of
from < Sec lo tie ut 00'4c. nnd July made n
similar gain , sturtln. ! , ' at C.l'.jc to OH'ic. May
sold many limes over Ihe range of MHie.
nnd C'J c , and July belween Clc nnd C17ic ,
Ihe tnosl general values being nboiil mid
way between the extremes. In the cud July
closed at Cl'.lc and May ut COc.
Tlie corn niuikol was quiet and firmer
on Iho average. The receipts were 189 cars
und 3uO are estimated for tomorrow. Pri
mary market receipts were 205,000 Jju. ,
ngalnsU 307,000 bu , on tlio corresponding
day of the year before. Some buylne by
elevator rcpresenlallves was supposed to
represent corresponding sales of cash corn
they had made. The opening price of July
was ISc. It sold as high ns JSUc and ns
low OHI7ie , and the latlcr price was bid
A fulrly'Vood business was Iransaelcd In
oats. The bulk of Ihe trading was done In
the way of exchanging from May to the
months of deferred deliveries. The hitler
were proportionately tinner than the near
by monlliH. July closed Ho toc higher
nnd the others steady. May sold from .WTsc
to ISlic , advanced to 29'ie , fell oft to 28Vc
nnd closed at 28c. July ranged from a'.ic
to 2Sc , und resled nl from 2S-S.C lo 28'ic.
It was a dull day In provisions and they
were for the most part weak. 'Ihe run of
hogs was 22,000 head. Packers were In
clined lo sell the product early In the ses
sion. bul gave u linn lone lo Ihe close by
bidding prices up to u recovery of an early
decline of 12'Ae In pork , Cc In lard and Gc n
ribs. The closing prices were practically
s receipts for Friday : Wheat , 35
cars ; corn , 300 cars ; oals , 22U cars ; hogs ,
18,000 head. , , .
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. \ 611311. | HUli. I LHVI I ClQ' -
Wheat.No. 2
April no oou Bfllt
May < ! < 'H ' HV" ( ill
July. ,
Pent. . . U''Hti1 * 01 < SK 02 > S
Corn No.'J. .
April 47' { 47H WU 47
May 47W 47M 47 > fi
July IS 474
Sept 40 4SM 48K.H
OnlH No.- . . .
May 28H 2PM 28H 28H
Juno 2HJ )
July 28it 28J < isW
Pork per bbl
Way 12 25 12 25 12 10 12 20
July 12 SUM
May 0 H.- (1 ( 85 0 S'J'4 ' 0 R3
July 7 01) 7 00 0 07H 7 Oil
Sept 7 F-M 7 13 7 10 7 IB
Short Uibu-
May 0 22 f 27 V 0 20 0 27W
July ( I il7H ( I 4'JJJ o : ta 0 41'h
Kept 0 fi'.Vi U 47K U fiO
Cash qnolatlons were ns follows :
FLOl'll Winter patents , $2.CO3.00 : winter
utralghlH. > 2.50 2.75 : fpiliiB patents. J3.W13.G- ;
Bprlng Mtoilglitfi , $2.2o 3.00 ; bakers , tl.8.u2.35.
WHEAT No. S spring , ClfC5c | ; No. 3 spring ,
nominal ; No. 2 red. GOfiCOUc.
CORN No. 2 , 478l7'ic ; No. 3 yellow , 4GVi _ )
4 °
OATS-No. 2. 2S74c ; No. 2 white. 32 > i33c ; No.
9 white. S21i 32V c.
RVE No. 2. 5c.
1IARLEY No. 2. 13c : No. 3 , 51Mc ; No. 4. 4Sc.
FLAX SEED-NO , i. $ i.i3ii.
TIMOTHY SEED-I'rhne , $3.20.
PROVISIONS Mess j iik , per bbl. , $12.20012.35 ;
lard , per 100 lln. , $ G.83WC.S7',4 ' ; short ribs , sides
( loose ) , $6.25i6.2i\4 : shouldira ( bnxcd ) , Sj.37',405.5) ;
short clear sides ( lioxeil ) . $ C.55frO.JO. (
WHISKY Dlstlllcis' Hnls'.icd goods , per gal. ,
S UG AHS Unchanged.
The following were the receipts and shipments
today :
ArtlclcB. Receipt * . Shipments.
Flour , bl'la 14.000
\Vlicnt bu. . . . . . . . 319.000
roni.tni : i 111,000
Oats , bu 35(1,0111) ( )
Jlyu bu (1,1)0(1 ( ) (
Uariey. bu. 7,000
On the 1'roiluca oxcluineo today tlio butter mar
ket wan II nn l creamery. 10 Jlllo ; dairy , Baltic.
KesR , ilnu ; I''tU-'Hc. Chccno , cruamu ,
10 c. _
Closing Quotations on tlio Principal Com-
inudltlo * und Stuplon.
NKW YOIIK , April 23. FI.OUIl Receipts. 9,700
U > 1 . ; exports , 7,000 bbla. ; Bales , 36,400 pkBS. ;
market Is restricted by high ncklng prlcm ;
eprlng patents and clears In demand at the mar
ket price , but only car lots available. City
mill patents , 11.0004.15 ; winter patents , (2.90
3.35 ; city mill c ! un , J3.35fl3.45 ; winter straights.
I3.0003.2i ) ; Minnesota bnkers , ! 2.1. > fl3.40. Itye
llour , fairly nctlve and hlKhcr ; xnles , SiO bbls. ;
Buperllnc , l3.40Ht3.G5 ; fnncy , W.5J&3.71) .
COUN MKAIJulet ( ; yellow western , 11.100
1.13 : llrnndywlne , $2.70 ; Boles , 20i ) bbls. yellow
wextcrn. ll.12ill.14.
nUCKWHKAT Nominal nt 4WSC.
WHKAT Hecelpts , none ; exiwrts , 81,100 bu. ;
alee , G.M > 3K < ) bu , futures. 12SUOO bu. spot. Hpot ,
quiet ; Nix 2 rol , In ti > re nnd elcvnttr , CCQM'ic ;
67a to arrive ; f , o , ! > . , G7 * c ulloat ; No , l Imnl ,
73o delivered. Options opened FlroiiBer on dry
weather talk nnd llrmer cables and ruled linn all
day , with n partial reaction nt tlie close- , and
prices finally tbowlng Uc net advance. There
waa nimu lenllilne , but It did not produce any
decided depression , as drouth news made bears
cautious. Cash wlient was linn and exporters
ti3UKht 123.000 bu. ; May. 6lfjCric , closed C4c ;
Juno , WttGWc , cloiH-d G3 ic ; July. C3 S-lCOC-l'sc.
closed Gi'ic : August , C. ' > S iCCe , clayed K\c ; Sep
tember , CMiCCVic , closed CC'/ic ; December , CS'if
tSHc , closed WHc.
COHN-IlecclptB , 2.0M bu. ; exports , 1,100 bu. ;
salcH , 325 , COO bu. futures , C.3. < " > Ul. spot. Spot
quiet ; ungraded mixed , & 24fGlc delivered ; steamer
mixed , 32Sjc. Options weie not active , but the
firmness In wheat and tome talk of unfavorable
weather kept thn market linn till day , closing
UOlUo higher ; May , CViUUKc. closed C2 ! c ;
July. 6Witt62c. ( clcccd 53Sc , ; September. 53 ®
WVio. closed & 3'c ,
OATS Hecelpts. 23,100 bu. ; exports. 28,100 bu. ;
rales , 225,000 1m. futures , 43,000 bu. spot. Spot ,
lrm ; No. 2. 32ic ; No , 2 delivered. 33 ; c ; No. 3 ,
S2c ; No , 2 white , 37Vic ; No. 3 white , "Cc ; trnck ,
inlxeil western , 33HJ34c ; trnck. white , 3741c.
Options quiet all day und a simile higher with
wheat , closing Ho net advance ; April closed at
KHc ; May. SSH/32T4c / , closed 32Hc ; July. 331 , W
S3 11-lCc , closed 33VJC.
HOI'S Quiet ; state , common to choice , old ,
IllGc ; I'aclllc coast , old , 3tfc ; 1VJI , RilOc.
HAY Steady ; shipping. NHj60cj good to choice ,
HUM'S Strung ; lluenos Ayres , dry , : o to 24
Ibs. . ISVic ; wet nailed New Orleans , selected , 45
to C5 Ibs. . C'-ic : Texas , dry , 24 to 30 Ihs. , Sc.
LI2ATHKH Finn ; hemlock sole , lluenos Ayres.
light to heavy weights , litilSc ,
I'HOVlSIONS-lUt'f. firm ; family , $11.00 13 50 ;
city , extra ImKii. JI7.0-W1U.50. Cut meats , quiet ,
pickled bflll'-H , IU.7Sne.87Vi ; pickled shoulders , Cc ,
pickled hams , Ulit/lOc ; extra menu. SS.50tf9.00.
Lard , lower and quiet ; western steam cliwrd at
J7.10 asked : salrn. ir > tierces at p. t , ; April
closed nt 17.10 ; May , $7.124 nominal ; rellncd.
dull ; compound , 6'jc , I'ork , quiet ; new mem ,
IIS.W 14Oij family. J13.50C14.oO ; short clear.
113. WU 15.50.
HUTTEK Weaker : western dairy. S13Hc ;
western creamery , lfl9Vic ; factory. Sffllc ; Kt-
Kins , 19He : Imitation creamery. SQlic ; state
dairy. Udl74c ; state creamery , 19Hc.
CHKKSlJ-Uull for old ; utiite. large. COHUc ;
small. 7rilVic ; port skims , : t(7c ,
KOas Weaker ; state nml I'ennsylvanln. 13V5O
ISXo ; western , fresh. 13Jjl3jc ! ; southern , it13c ;
receipts. 8,0(3 ( pkgs.
TAL.UJW Easy ; city , 41iCIT c ; country , 414
rETHOLKUM Nominal ; United cloned nt JI.06
Md ; Washington , In bbls. , 13 nominal ; Washing-
ton. In bulk , nominal ; rellned New York , 110 ;
Thlladelphla and Kalllmore , J3.iii ; 1'hlladelphla
and Hultlniore , In tulk. J7.(5.
HOSINSteady ; strained , common to good.
TL'lll'KNTINE-Flrm. . .
KICK Steady , domestic , fair lo eitra , 4SO
Ho. Japan , 404ic.
Iron , steady ; Scolcb , I1S.OOCZ3.09 ) ;
Amtrlcnn , H.Wttl ! 50. Copper , eney ; brokers'
price , I3.W ; rxeliniiRV price , U.M. I nd , Memlvt
lirtkers' price , JJ.M ; eichange pi Ice , S3.07U01.10-
Tin , Rlradyi strults , JUHMMJ.OO ; plaits , quiet.
Speller , quiet ; iluntFxtlc , J3.10 ; talcs on 'change ,
10 tons tput tin. SUIS.
New Orleans , oucn kcl-
tie , good to choice.
Oll/--ull ) but flrmj itendy
demand for moderalc li'ls , with holders lee firm
for such huilnem ; prime utimmer yellow , 27(1
Z7Uc ; off summer ullow , : C'/i7c ) ; prime summer
while , Jlc.
Condition of Trnda nnd Qnnlntloni on
Stap'.ctnnd Fnticf Produce ,
naOH-Cliolcc stock , 11312o ; dirty slock , seconds
ends , 1001tc.
llUTTim-Packlng stock , 5JJ7c ; fair to good
counlry , lOfflSct choice to fancy , 14i17c : RAthcrcd
creamery , ICfllTe ; separator creamery , 15S20C.
LIVC POULTHY-Poultry Is not plenllful , and
theie Is a stronger market. Hens. SGS'.ic ; mixed ,
7 , ifl8o ; ducks , SHtfOc ; turkeys , lOc ; heavy toms ,
DC ; geeee , SUSHc.
GAME llluo wing leal , per doz. , tt.CO ; green
wing teal , per doz. , Jt.Kflt.M ; ducks , mixed , per
iluz. , J1.0' > fil.23 ; canvnsbacks , SI.OOjJo.W ; mallards
and red hendn , I2.)03.00. )
VKAIv Choice fat , 70 to 100 Ibs. , are quoted nl
G6',4c | ' ; largo nnd coarse , "W4c.
CIIitii : : ! : Wisconsin full cream. Young Ameri
cans , 124013c ! ; Iwlns. 13c : Nebraska and lown ,
full ctvam , lie ; Nebraska and Iowa , parl skim * ,
7Q8c : Mtnburger , No. 1 , lie ; brick , No , 1 , llct
Swiss. No. 1 , 15c.
HAY Upland liny , JJ.CO ; midland , > J ; lowland.
S8.50 ; rye straw , S3.50 ; color makes the price on
hay. Light bales sell the best. Only top guides
bilntf top prices.
PIUEONH Per doz. , 11.0091. " 0.
POTATOES Western stock , car lots , C5070c ;
small lots , 73c ; Early Rose need potatoes , 9)c ;
Early Ohio seed , $1.10 ; Northern Early Ohio seed ,
OLD UEANS-Hnnd picked , navy , $2.20 ; . Lima
bt-ans , per lb. , Dae. !
ONIONS On uiders , yellow , per bu. , J1.10 ; red ,
CAIHIAOE On ordein , 3c.
SWEET 1'OTATOES-Uood stock , t2j seed ,
"noRSERADISH-Per Hi. . We.
PARSNIPS Per bbl. , $1.7.1.
Hl'TAIlAGAS-IVr lb. , Hie.
PARSLEY Per doz. bunches , 33c.
Tl'HNirS Per bbl. , $ l.r,0.
SPINACH Pr bbl. . Sl.COflI.7 ; .
WATER CREHS-Per IG-qt. case. S1.GOQ1.73.
RADISHES-1'er iloz , bunches. Me.
GREEN ONIONS Per doz. bunches , l.ii20c.
LETTl'CE-Per doz. , 301I35C.
ASPARAGl'S White stock on orders. Me per
dnz , bunches' ; grrn , Mfl40c.
1'IE PLANT Per lb. . 3fl3'c. '
There are no apples In the market good enough
for chipping stork.
STRAWBERRIES Per Il-qt. case , $6 : scarce.
APPLES Choice stork , $5.50 : box apples , $2.2j.
ORANGES J'tincy Washington navels , per box ,
$1.50 ; fancy Washington navel ? , per t > ox , % and
112 size. S3 ; choice Washington navels , reRUlar
size , $3.2.1 : clnlce Washington navels. BO nnd 112
Blzu , $3 ; fancy seedlings , per box , $2.75 ; choice
seedlings , per box , $2.2M(2.DO.
LEMONS-Extra fancy lemons , 300 size , $4.50 ;
strictly choice lemons. 3nfl size , $3.73 ; extra fancy
lemon * . 36" ) size , $4 ; strictly choice lemons , SCO
size , $3.50573.75.
HANANAS Choice shipping stock , per bunch ,
' " ' -
FIGS Fancy , 13c ; choice , 12Q13c ; California ,
bags. 7c.
HONEY New York , ICc ; dark. Ho ; California ,
MAPI.'E SYHUP Gallon Jugs , per doz. , $12 ;
lllxby , 5-gal. cans. $3. .
MAPLE SUOAR-Per lb. , 9jnOc.
NUTS Almonds , 14c ; English walnuts , soft-
shelled. 12c : Rtnndanlft , lie ; Hlberts , 9c ; lliazll
nuts. 8c ; pponns. lti | 12c.
MINCE MEAT Fancy. In quarter bbls. , per
lb. , GHc ; 10-gal. kegs , Cc ; condensed , per case of
3 doz. pkgs. . $2.50.
DATES-In BO lo 70-lb. boxes , D'.io per lb. ; fard
dates. 9e per ll > .
SAl'ER KRAUT Choice white , per bbl. , $5.50 ;
per half bbl. , $3.
CIDER Pure Juice , per bbl. , $5 ; half bbl. , $3.
HIDES No. 1 giecn hides. Go ; No. 2 green
hldea , 5',4c ; No. 1 gieen Kilted hides , 7c ; No. 2
green salted hides , G'.jc ; No. 1 veal calf , S to
15 11m. , 6SJ9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 7c ;
No. 1 dry Mine hides , SI9c ; No. 2 dry Hint hides ,
Gf7e | ; No , 1 dry palled hides , 7c ; part cured
hlileif. ISc per pound lens than fully cured.
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each 23ff60c ;
eiuli Giffloc ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early
nklns ) . No. 1 , each , GJdOe ; dry slionrllnca ( short
wnoled early skins ) , No. 2 , each Gc ; dry Hint
Kansas nnd Nebiaska butcher wool pelts , per
green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) ,
pound , actual weight , SfrGc ; dry Hint Kansas and
Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual
weight , 4SCc ; dry Hint Coiorano butcher wool
pelts , per pound , actual weight , 4GV4c ; dry
Hint Colornda murrain wool pelts , per pound ,
actual weight , 4jGe. Have feet cut off , as It If )
useless to pay freight on them.
TALLOW AND GREASE No. 1 tallow , 4140
Hie ; No. 2 tallow. 3'ifMc ; grease , white A , 4 { ?
4ijc ; grease , white 11. 3Jc ! ; grease , yellow ,
2iSf3c ? : grease , tlaik , 2' ' , < : C ; old butter , 2j214o ;
beeswax , pi line , 17ffi20c ; rough tallow , 2c.
WOOL. UNWASHED-Flne heavy. Gj)7c ) ; fine
light , Sfl9c ; quaiter Wood , 10fl2c ; seedy , burry
and chaffy , We ; cotted and bVoken , coarse ,
7l9r ; cotted nnd broken , line , GffJSc.
WOOL , WASHED-.Medlum , 15ITlSc ; fine , 14g >
ICc ; tub washed , HOISc ; black. Sc ; bucks , Cc ;
tag locks , : G3c ; dead pulled , G@6c.
FURS Hear , black. No. 1. large , $20.00025.00 ;
bear , brown. No. 1 , large , $20.00f(23.00 ; No. 1 me
dium. $16.00 ; No. 1 , small , $12.00 ; bear , brown ,
yearlings. No. 1. large , $10.00fl2.00 ; No. 1 me
dium , JS.OO : No. 1 , small , $6.00 ; bear , brown ,
cubs , No. 1 , large. $7.00 ; No. 1. medium , $5.00 ;
No. 1 , small , $3.00 ; badger. No. 1 , medium ,
$13.00 ; No. 1 , small , $ S.OO I > 10.00 ; bear , black ,
yearlings. No. 1. large. $12.00fl5.00 ; No. 1. me
dium , $10.00 ; No. 1 fcmall , $7.00 ; bear , black ,
cubs , No. 1. large , je.ooflS.OO ; No. 1 , medium ,
$3.00J6.00 ; No. 1. small , $4.00 ; bear , black , Mon
tana and Rocky mountain , No. 1. large , $18.00ff
20.00 ; No. 1 , medium , $14.00 ; No. 1 , small , $10.00 ;
Iwar , black. Montana yearlings. No. 1. large ,
$12.00 ; No. 1 , medium , $ K.OO : No. 1 , small , $5.00 ;
bear , black , Montana cubs , No. 1. large , $6.50 ;
No. 1 , medium , J4.GO ; No. 1 , small , $3.00 ; bear ,
silver tip , No. 1. large. $20.00 ; No. 1 , medium ,
$12.00 ; No. 1. smnll , $ ? .00 ; bear , silver tip , year
lings. No. 1 , large. $11.00 ; No. 1. medium , $ S.OO ;
No. 1 , small , $5 ; bear , silver tip , cubs. No. 1 large ,
$1.00 1.GO ; No. 1. medium. GOc ; No. 1 , small ,
Wo ; Usher. No. 1. large , $8.00 ; No. 1. medium ,
$6.0i ) ; No. 1 , small , $4.00 ; fox , silver , ns to color ,
according to beauty. No. 1 , large , $100.00 ; No. 1 ,
medium , JCO.OO ; No. 1 , small , $50.00 ; fox , silver ,
pale , according to Lenuty , No , 1 , large , $50.00 ;
No. 1 , medium , $30.00 ; No. 1 , small , $20.00 ; fox ,
cross , No. 1 , laige , $7.00 ; No. 1 , medium , $3.00 ;
No. 1 , small , $2.00 : fox , red. No. 1. large , $1.50 ;
Nn. 1 , medium , J1.23 ; No. 1 , small , $1.00 ; fox ,
gray , No. 1. large. 75c ; No. 1 , medium , COc ; No-
1 , small , 40c ; fox kits. No. 1 , large , COo ; No. 1 ,
medium , 40c ; No. 1 , small , 30c ; lynx. No. l ,
largo , $3.00 ; No. 1 , niedlum. $2.00 : No. 1 , small ,
$1.50 ; marten , No. 1. large. $2.00 ; No. 1 , medium ,
$1.50 ; No. 1 , small , $1.00 ; mink. No. 1 , large ,
C06G5c ; No. 1. medium. 40c ; No. 1 , smnll. S5c ;
mink , dark , No. 1 , large , C5e ; No. 1 , medium ,
40c ; No. 1 , small , 30c ; mountain lion , perfect
head nnd feet. No. 1 , large , $1.00@2.00 ; Imper-
feet bklna , SG.OOQ7.00 ; No. 1 , small , $5.00 ; otter ,
pale. No. 1 , large , 57.00 ; No. l , medium , $5.00 ;
No , 1 , small. $4.00 ; raccoon , No. 1 , large. GOfnOc ;
No. 1 , medium. COc ; No. 1. large , 50cI$2.00 ;
skunk , black , cased , narrow striped. No. 1. large ,
COo ; No. 1 , medium , 40c ; No. 1 , small , 25c ; broad
striped , No. 1. large , 20f25c ; wolverine. No. 1 ,
large , $4.00 ; No. 1. medium , $3.00 ; No. 1 , small ,
$2.00 ; wolf , mountain. No. 1 , large , $3.00 ; No. 1 ,
medium , $2.00 ; No. 1 , small , $1.50 ; wolf , prairie.
No. 1. large , C5090c ; No. 1. medium , COc ; No. 1 ,
small. 40c : beaver , per skin , No. 1 , large , $5.000
6.0i ) | No. 1 , medium , $4.50 : No. 1 , small , $2.00 ;
beaver kits , No. 1 , large , $2.00 ; No. 1 , medium ,
S1.CO ; No. l , small , 75c ; muskrats , winter , No. 1 ,
large , SiUOc ; Nn. 1. medium , 9c ; No. 1 , small ,
7c ; muskrnts. fall. No. 1. large. 4Co | ; No. 1 ,
medium , 7c ; No. 1 , small , Cc ; muskrat kits , 2Q3c.
St. Louis ( ii-iinr ll Murlcot.
ST. LOUIS. April 25. FLOUH-Stcady , hut
quiet at yesterday's advance ; patents , $3.10K.25 ! ;
extra fancy. S2.8.VTf3.O ) ; fancy , S2.55&2.G5 ; choice ,
$2.25ft3.23. Ryu Ilimr. $3.25.
WHEAT Opened too higher , but Boon weak
ened on heavy offerings , selling down ? i04c ,
continued tn fluctuate within n narrower tango
and clo > d Sc tielow yesterday for July ; trailing
In May light : No. 2 ml , cash , C2V&C asked ; May ,
Cl'ic ; July. 59c asked.
CORN Weak In bympathy with wheat ; tradIng -
Ing light and market unsettled , closingl16c
for Slay and Uc- for July below yesterday ; No. 2
mixed , cash. 43'Sc ' ; May , 43V413Uo asked ; July ,
4G4o naked ; September , 461ic.
OATS Easier on predictions of rain , but not
much for wile ; July nt the close was offered
lie below yesterday's late bid and May sold ViC
higher , but later was offered > , ic below that ;
spot , weak ; No. 2 , cash. 2074c ; May , SOVtc asked ;
June. SOVkC bid ; July. 27Hc asked.
RYE Largely higher , but 75c bid on call for
No. 2 regular failed to draw an offer.
1IARLEY Nominal.
11RAN Dull ; C7c. east track.
FI\X SEED-Qulel ; $1.39.
GRASS SEEDS Clover , poor to choice , $7.500
8.40 ; timothy , ll.7lftt.00.
HAY Steady ; prulrle , prime lo fancy , $7.50 ®
10.00 , _ thls side ; timothy , common to fancy , SS.5U
lll'TTER ' Scarce nnd Hnn ; fancy Elgin. 22c ;
separator creamery , 18ii2oc.
EGOS Firm ; He.
WHISKY Steady ; $1.20 for distillers' Mnlshed
sV'ELTEit Dull. eaVy ; $3.03.
PROVISIONS Poik. standard mess. $12.CO.
Lard , prime steam , JG.G5 ; choice , $6.SO. Dry silt
mi-nil' , Ikixetl Bh uldtrn , $3.25 ; longs , J6.50 ; ribs ,
$ a.62H ; shorts. S6.75. Ilacon. boxed shoulders , $6 ;
longs. $6.73 ; ribs. $6.8714 : shorts , $7.
RECEIPTtf-Flour. 4.0UO bbls. ; wheat. 12,000 bu. ;
corn. 23.000 bu. ; oats , 34.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 7,000 bbls. ; wheat , 18.000 ( )
bu , ; corn. 15,004 bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu.
Liverpool Murxcts.
LIVERPOOL. April 2o.-WIIEAT-Spol stta'y ;
demand moderate ; No. : r l winter , 5 Hd ; No.
2 red spring , 6s 4Hd ; No. 1 hard Manitoba , Z
4' , > ili No. 1 Callfotnla , Cs U < l. Futures opened
quiet with near positions Ud higher and distant
position * Ud higher , cloned with near i * ltlons
Ud higher nnd distant positions Ud higher ;
business about equally distributed. April , & d ;
May , 5s ? ; d ; June. 5 Kd ; July , U "Jd ; August ,
5s 2d ; September , to rjd.
CORN Spot llrm ; American mixed , U 4 d.
Futures oin-nt-U steady wllh near and distant
positions 4d higher , closed Hrm with near and
distant positions unchanged to Ud higher ; bust.
ne s heaviest on early positions. Aiirll , 4s 4d ;
Msy , 4s 4d ; June. 4s 1M ; July , 4s 4 dj August ,
Is 5d ; September , 4s 5'iJ.
FLOt'R Firm : demand falrj St Ix > ul fancy
winter. 6d.
PROVISIONS Ilacon. firm ; demand poor ; Cum
berland cut. U * W ; short ribs , a Ibs. . 3 ( > 6d ;
long- clear light , 3S to ij Iba. , J2 ; long clear
heavy. ( S Ihs , lls. shorl clrnr back * , llchl. IS
II > K. , Us Mt short clrnr ml'lillw , heavy , M II * . ,
32n kl ; clear bclllc * , 14 to 19 Ibs. , 34s M. Should *
( lorn , square , 1.- ( n 18 lb ( . , 30s M. Hum * ,
liort cut , 14 to it It * . , 41s. H f , extrn
lndh mess. 73s Oil ; vrltnc mess , 62 * fid. 1'ork ,
primp mrss western , 13s 9dj western medium ,
Ma 9d. I.nrd , dull , | > r mo western , 3a 9d ; re-
llniil In palls , 32s M.
CHEEyE Dull ; demand poor ; finest American
while , 47 Ut finest American colored , 49s.
IlllTTEIl-Flnest United Stales , 70s ; good , Ms.
COTTON SEED Oils-Liverpool refined , 15 .
HKKIUGERATOH UnUF-Porcqunrter * . 4Ud |
hlndnunrters , 6V4d.
llOl'S-At London ( Pacific coast ) , tZ E .
There Wn Active Speculation In Securities
nnil Prices Inclined Upward ,
NEW YOIIK , April 23. There wns nctlvc spec-
ulntlon on the Stock exchange today , nml the
trend of prices was mainly upward , with the
result that In moat Instances yesterday's losses
In the general list were fully recoveied nnd In
the remaining cnse.i there was a partial rally ,
except In the coal share * , which hnve declined
an Additional fraction. The Improved tone of
speculation was largely iluo to the favorable
tenor of the March statements of carmilgs of
several lending railroads received this morning ,
At the opening , under heavy Belling of the coal
ers , Induced by the reported abandonment of the
peace negotiations , the market wns weak nnd a
decline ranging ujf to 2 per cent wan recorded ,
the latter In Delnwnre & Hudson , nnd 1 per
cent each In Delaware & Lackawnnnu nnd New
Jernoy Central. The depreciation ! ) in the rest
of the list were fractional. At the lower fig
ures .there wns some covering , nnd nl o pur
chase * for the Ions account , there being n gen-
einl feeling that It was safe to buy after a 10-
nctlon. Under this buying thn coat stocks re-
covoiud all the early losses during the inoinlng ,
wlille the' genetnl lift rallied from ' ,4 to U p r
I'-nit , nnd Tennessee I'oal preferred jumped 5
per cent to fco. During thenfleunun speculation
was Btrong thrnuRliout , with the low priced Is
sues the leading features of the dealings. Includ
ing Louisville , New Albany ft Chicago preferred ,
which was bought fiecly on tic : olllclnl announce
ment of the company's llna'iclul plans ,
Kansas & Texas common and preferred ,
Walxish preferred nnd the Southern Pa-
cllie shares. In the late trading the coal
slocks again gave wny , but only fractl nelly ,
tin ! general maiket closing strong , nnd , with tha
few exceptions named , at advances on the day's
trnnsnctlun * . The dealings In bonds tmlay fell
oft somewhat , but the sum total of the trading
wns of respectable proportion * , namuly , $2 4I2OJO ,
of which $352.000 was Texas Tactile seconds.
Speculation during the morning was lather er
ratic , but In the late session values generally
Miami upwaid.
The livening Post's London cablegram Bays :
Of the Increase In the Hank of England's coin
and bullion ti'iluy ' , 3oC,0'K ' ) me from abroad , the
rest Is relumed from the Kustcr holiday require
ments. The details of gold for the week aic
Iiy.iMO III tars bought and 50,0 * ) came In finm
Egypt , ta.nw from I'arls , 112,000 rruin Aus
tralia , tS2,00 < > fuim China nnd 19.l 0 from New
York ; 100,000 went out to the Cape. The leturn
generally Indicates mormons Ptienglh and con-
llrms the prospect of easy money , lluslncss was
quieter , Americans reacted with Headings on
coal decision , but the n"t loss was Might , and
Denver & Hlo Grande and Noithcrn 1'iielllc were
stiong. A Kinall Chlmse loan of fl,0"0'JO ' ) ster
ling Is reported us Imilng been nnu-gcd here.
It may go well , but llnanc'ers ' are disgusted nt
the blundering , piecemeal fashion of Chinese bor-
The'following were tne closing quotations
on tlie lending stocks of tlie New York ex
change today :
Atchlson . u U. P. . B. .VG BM
Adnmn KxpresH. . . Nortnwo'itern 07i
Alton. T. II . 3l ! N. W. ofd 141
Am. Express . 11' ' N. Y. Central \ < W (
llaltlmoro A.Ohlo. Oil N. Y. AN. E .10h
Canaili Pacific. . . . Ontario &W 17t
Canada Southern. . Oregon imp
Central 1'acltlc. . . . 17 Orejon Nav
dies , k Ohio . 10 O. S. L. Jt U. N. . . . OK
Clilcao Alton 141) ) Pacific Mall 13 !
C. . H. & Q 74 } ( P. D. & E > H
Chicago Uai 7L'M I'ittHDtiru 157
Conaolldatitil 133 I'utlman Palace. . 1(17 (
C..C. . C. , VSt. L. . . . 41 { llendlni ! . '
Colo. Coal .t Iron- U. G. W 104
Cotton Oil Cert. . . . H. O. W. Dfd -121) ) ,
DelawareV Hud. . 127sfc lloclt Inland 07W
Del. , Lick. , VW. . . IJMM St. Paul ' - '
I ) . A ; H. ( } . pfd 4 : dopfd 117U !
I ) . &C. R Co 1IIU St. P..VOmaha . . . : i.1
Krlo 124 dopfa 10 ! )
do nM 2I ! < Southern P.icltla. . 17Jj
Fort Wayne 167 Sugar Kellnorv. . . . 10H
(5. Northern ufd. . . 10:1 : Tenn. Coil A Iron. 21s/
C. JtE. I. nfd 07 Tcxa-i Pazlllc lli ) )
Hocking Valley. . . 'MH T. .VO Cent. fd. . 17 ! * . . out Union P.icltic 13
St. P.&Diililth . . . 27 U. S. Ex ri ; H 41
K.&T. pM S'J * < 7. St. L. & P 7 ! <
Lake Erlo & West 21)54 ) Wulls Fargo E-c. . . 101
dopfd 7734 \Vcf > torn Union . . 80
LakeShore 11194 Wheeling A L. E. . 131 $
LerulTrust 3HH do pIil 4 : < ! (
LoiilBvlllo&N. . . . BtUi M.iSt.L 2H (
U A N. A S 0. fc 11.0 14
Manhattan Con. . . . 117M O. E
Mi'mulilaiO 10 N. L aa
Michigan Cent . . . 100 C. F. .tl 2-1
Missouri Pacific. . Uopfd 05
Mobllo & Ohio . IB II , &T. C IK
NaHhvllloChat. . . . 00 T. A. A. A N. M. . . . IJi ( i
N.-itlonal Cordage. UK T. St. L. A.K. C. . . .
ilopfd lOJfi dopfd 12
N.J. Central. . . . . . ( Mlfi S. K. R 13)1 )
N.i W. pfcl 1U4 ( ' dopfil 3iji (
North Am. Co. . . . 6iAm. ! ! Toll. Co 101
Northern Paclllc. . 4 ? ( dopfd 110
No.Pac. ofd ' St. P. . M. . . M 101)
The total sales of stock today were 312,141
shares. Including : American Sugar , M.SIW ; Amer
ican Tobacco , 9.200 ; Hurllngtun , 5.200 ; Cotton Oil ,
3 , ! ; Chicago Has , 8,000 ; Delaware & Hudson.
4,51X1 ; Delaware , l.acknwanna & Western , 3,100 ;
Distilling & Cattlefeedlng certlllcates , 12,30) ; Kan
sas & Texas. 3.4 ; Lake Krlc & Western. 3GW ;
Ixnig Traction , 3,100 ; Missouri Paclllc ,
3.300 ; National Lend , 3,200 ; New Jersey Central ,
13,2-M ; New York & New Riglnnd. third nsse 3-
ment paid , 7.WO ; Niirthwestein , 8.4W ; Heading ,
3S.300 ; St. Louis & fc'an l-'ranclsco preferred , 3,1W ;
St. I'aul. 14.MH ) ; Southern Hnllroad , II.510 ; South
ern Itallrnad preCeried , 7tOJ ; Texas & Paclllc ,
C.SOO ; United States Leather , 8,500 ; United States
Leather preferred. 4 OO1) ; Wabosh preferred 5,700 ;
\ estelll Union , 5.6UO.
Nn\v Yor.'i .tlouoy - > Iirltot. :
ICasy at l'.45J2 per cent ; last loan , l',4 per cent ;
closed. 114 per cent.
8TRHLINO KXCIIANGIi Kasler. with actual
business In bankers' bills at $ l.Sa'ijlS9& ' for
demand , and nt J4.SSUI84.8SH for sixty days ;
posted rates , $4.$9.H > ' ,4 and $4.9)G4.UO',4 ) ; com
merclal bills. 4.S7V4 4.S7 ! .
OOVEHNMUNT BONDS Finn ; state bonds ,
Inactive ; railroad Ixmds , strong.
Closing quotations on bonds were ns follows :
U. 8. 4s , reg. , now. C. P. Ists of 'US. . .
U. S. 4B coup , new , D. All. G. 7s llfilj
1JM ?
U. S. its. re * D.Alt O. 4s Hli
II. S. SBcoup KrloJds O.t
U.S. 4a , reg lii G. II..tS. A. Us. . . . OS
II , S. 4scoup G. II Si tl. A. 7s. . . . OS
U.S. Us. re ? mi II..VT. C. 0 . . . .
PaclBctlsot 'OS. . 100 do OH Kill
Ala. Class A 105 M. K. & T. 1st 4s. . H4J
Ala. Clans II 107 do'Jd 4s fill
Ala. Class C 1)5 ) Mutual Union Os. . 1 lull
Ala. Currency. . . . 05 N.J. C. Gen. 5s. . . .
La. Now Con. 4s. . No. Pac Ists ll ?
Missouri Us 100 do'Jds Ill
N.O. Os 124 N. W. Consols 130W
N.C. 4s 10H do S. F. Deb. Gs ,
R.Q.nonfund R. G. West. IBIS. . .
Tenn. now set Gs. 84 H St. P. Consols 7s. . lao
Tenn. ni-w set OH. 100 doC. .VP. W Ci. 112V ,
Tcnn.oldUs UO St I * & I.M.Ren. G. 7HU
Vfi. Centuries 60H st. L.AS.F.OSH.U. 107
dodeferred OM Tex. Ists
Atchlson 4s 7.H ) do2dn. .
Atchlbon I'd A. . . . 2J1 U. P. lst"sor'OU. . . 104 !
Canada So. 2ds. . . . 103 West3horo49 105
L. & N. Umlled 4s. 70 So. 11 U
lloitoa Htoc'.t Ount.ltlnn * .
BOSTON. April 23.-Call loans , 334M per cent :
time loans , UU4h > per cent. Cloilnr prices for
stocks , boa as nnd mlntn ; shares :
A.T.iS. F . 6 1S-10 IVcstlnrh.Elec. . . .
Am , Sugar. . 10714 W. Elec. pfd
Am. Sugar pfd. . . . OH' * WIs. Central
llav State bus . Mi Edison Elec 125
IlollToleplionc. . . . 184 AtchlH.m ado 1253J1
Iloston & Aloany. . 2IO > < Atchlson 4a 73
Hoston iMaluo. . . Now England Os. .
C. 11. .VU . 74H Atlantic 101 ,
Fltchbnrir . Ilosttn A Montana 41) ) 1
Gen. Electric. . Hullo IcIloston. . . 12K
Mexican Central. , Calumet St Hccla. . S7M
N. Y.&N.E . . . . Centennial BO
Old Colony . Franklin
On : Short Lino. . . Kcarsargu
Itubbrr . Osceola 2t :
Quincy 107
Union Pacific . Tamarack 12. ,
WestEu.1 . 05 Wolverine-
West End pfd . 80
Sun rnincUco Alliilns Sioo.c Quotntlonv
SAN FKANCISCO. April 25.--Tho official clov
Ing auotatiuna fur mining Blocks today wore a'
follows :
A1U 14 Gould & .Curry. . . . . 45
AlphuCon 7 llalu ft Norcross , . 126
Amies 2H Mexican 78
llulcher OH Mono 1H
Heat&Delchcr. . . . 7H Mount Diablo 15
Itodlo Con 110 Occidental Con. . . . 23
Bullion 1H Oohlr 1U5
Ilulwer L'on 10 Overman 0
CnifHtonio. 7 Potosl 4 ! )
t-'hallcngo Con 43 Savacro 2H
Cboilar 4'J Scorpion , 4
Conflaenco 145 Sierra Nevada 81
Con. Cai A. Va. . . . . 203 Silver Hill 4
Con. Imperial 1 Silver King. la
Crown Point 68 Union Con 40
Exchequer 2 Yellow Jacket. . . . 30
Silver burs , 07(207lc. ( Mexican dollars , 63UO
Dralts , sight , 6oi tolcgraphlo. 7Hc.
Notr York .Mlnlni ; yaoti tlon. :
NEW YORK. April 33.-Tlio following ara the
cloalng nnnlnir quotations ;
Uulwcr. 15 Mexican 7A
Choler f > 0 Ontario , , 10
Crown Point B5 Ophlr 160
Con.Cat. A Va. . . . 270 Plymouth 20
Ueadwood 36 Quicksilver pfa.,10il )
Gould & Curry. . . 40 Sierra Novada. . . . KO
Ilnlo&NorcroBs. . 116 Standard 275
Hoineutako 1UOD Union Con CO
Iron Silver 23 Yellow Jacket. . . . 35
I.o nil O u Htock ( Juomtlous.
LONDON , April 25. 1 p. m. cloilnir :
Can. I'aclflo 4U St. Paul com L _ ,
Krlo mf N. Y. Central IOH
ErleV'dB 07 Pcnnsylv-ula. . . . C3H
III , Central 1)4 Heading' hH
McJt. Cen. new4a. . 65
HAH BILVEH-M perounce
HONEY U per cent.
Tlie rate of discount In the open market fo
uliort and three moaUuf Lllla li 13-10 per cent.
UnutuaMy Light Snpjlj of Cnttlo Offered
'rlcc ' I'nld Were n illtlo Stronger but the
Jlcnl recline ; U'n Not Uncovered
HORS 1'all OH lu Number
Gaining In 1'rlco.
THURSDAY , April 25.
The rceclpls today were 6W cnttle , Z.939
logs nnd no sheep , ns ngnlnst 1KI3 cattle ,
,481 hogs nnd 3SO sheep ycslerday , mid
,430 ctillle , 4.COG hot's nnd 271 sheep on
A'ednesdny of last week.
For Ihe week Ihls far Ihe receipts are ;
,400 catlle , 12,2,0 hogs nnd G.42G sheep , ns
against 6.782 cnllle , 13,031 hogs und BC50
iheep for the same period Inst week. The
olal receipts from the Ilrst of Ihe year up
o Ihe prcsenl dale nre : 161Gi7 cullle , 4I7.C80
logs , CS.3IO sheep , 1,1S3 horses nnd mules ,
ihowlng-a loss of SS.S41 callle , n loss of G2 >
91 hogs , a loss of W.-IGS sheep nnd a loss
of 74G horses und mules us compared with
CATTLE Today's receipts of cnttle were
he lightest of any day since Saturday of
nst week , only sevenleen loads being re
ported In the yards. There wcte not enough
catlle of nny one kind on sale to make a
market or establish prices. There were no
vestern ulcers on sale and only n few neut
ering loads of unlives. The few calllo here
vere picked up reasonably eaily nnd Ihe
yards deserted. The prices paid for sleers
nny have been a little stronger In Home
cases , but with so few entile here It would
inrdly bo worth the while to quote the
rndu nny higher. A loud of pretly good
,211-lb. nallves brought $ I.'J3 , while sN.55
nnd J1.C5 were paid lor two other loads.
The lighter callle wenl nt $1.005)4.25.
There were only nboul Ihree loads of
cows and heifers in the yards , made up ot
) dds and ends , one or two head In u piace.
There wus nothing very good nmong the
ottering ! ! , .Everything wns sold enrly nt
steady to Stroiis' prices.
There were no atochera or feeders In the
yards to amount to anything. One load
sold at $3.40 , but the most of Ihe sales were
only pieces of loads , a few head lu a
nvich. There was very llille Inquiry for
hal kind of callle nnd Ihc supply und de-
nand may be said lo have ben about
equal. Heprescntallve sales :
' STE13K8.
so. Av. Pr. No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
8. . . . C3J f 23 2. . . . 8'Jl } 4 UD 21..1217 } 4 55
1..1040 350 20..POT 4)5 2J..10U ) 4 C.1
'J. . . . 'Ml 30' ' ) -1..101 ! 4 23 10..1211 4 93
4..1123 3 90 0. . . . Ml 4 3J
. 07 133 5..1030 223 I. . . . 910 300
. 'J10 160 3.-9JU 2 M 1. . . . IKK ) 3 21
4. . . . J 105 G. . . . IIS ) 2 3' ' ) 1..113) 333
3..1".VI 1 73 . . . . 94) 24) 4..10UO 3 M
1. . . . OiO 173 2..Ill ) 240 4..110) 3 M
1..1010 1 i3 3. . . . 7m ) 25' ) 2 'J70 350
1. . . . MM 2 W 1 12' ' ) ) 2 50 1..1KO 3
UOO 200 1..11)10 SCO 2..110U 3d )
' . )1 ) 203 1..11W ) 203 3..10JG 36) )
1. . . . WO 223 : . . . .lu2 < l 273 1..12IO 3"
4 91J 2 23 1..1010 3 W )
2. . . . 4)0 ) 210 4. . , . 4'M ' 200. . 2. . . . SOJ 323
l. . . . 3 22.1 l 4-1) 3 uo l1. . . . : ) : : , s fi- )
425 24) 2f. . . . fcjl-305 10. . . . 70.1 3 SO
4. . . . CC2 240 3.iCT ( 3 10 1..1W ) 4 CO
1. . . . S10 ICO I..iiW | 23 1..1IKO 2 M
1..130' ' ) 200 1..1070 S5J 2. . . , 915 2 C3
1. . . . 310 200 1. . . . 120 33. ) 4. . . . 132 423
1. . . . 340 223 2..p2) ) 310 2. . . . 1JJ 4 5 < J
245 223 l.i:0 350
472 310 2. . . . 38'S ' SO 1.-- . . 570 54)
638 313 2.ISO B 33 1. . . . IHO 340
C'Jl 32) 3. . . . 413 333 3. . . . 4IU S 43
0. , . . 530 325 23.,775 3-10 2. . . : 733 3 f.O .
2. . . , 475 323 I.'j70 3'40 ; 1'J. . . . < ' . ' 0 3 53
1 co ' unit calf , ; . . , r.\ , . . . . . . . ! 5 CO
1 cow nnd calf 2S 00
1 cow tind ciUf , .M . . . . , . , . .23 UO
1 sprinter , ; . . , . . . ) , ' . 20 00
1- cow jiiid calf , _ . . , . _ . . . . , . , „ 32 00
1 cow anJ cnlf..v..f..j , : 3i UO
HOGS Theie were * tinljthirtyseven luads of
ogS In the yaitls , u. Ucuvy.decrease irpm yestiy-
lay , when llfiy-neVcn cars were counted hi.
" .w 're quite a ' ( AMU/'many good "medium
ery plenty , ' iiuiHveTuiu fafily active nnc
stroni ? to Jc h.Kliei * . The proportion of hoin.
lelllnt ; at II.43174,03 was much uiiiallur than yet.-
crday , while $1.00 .iind MG3.uuc : mure popular
irlcc today. Thc-tup lu-b'a Urouglit 14.75. ltepr -
lontatlve Bales
: > j
Ni > , Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. SlK Pr.
7 173 . . .1440 S 213 . . .JIM
! ) 1CS . . . 4W 73 1S3 40 1 GO
1 200 . . . 4 CO . 80 22J 120 4 U )
G 213 . . . 4 CO SiG l'J7 . . . 4 CO
6 178 . . . 4 CO S7 . . .210 ICO 4 CiO
) l 171 2W 4 50 3 830 . . . 1 'iO
,7 , 17 > 164 M C ! ) IS ! ) . . . 4 CO
7 S2I . . . 4 53 - C5 201 12) 4 Co
' l'5 2JO 4 C3 C 2G5 . . . 4 CO
fi 2IS . . . 4 53 7 2.5 . . . 4 CO
S4 175 . . . 4 53 C3 210 2uO 4 CO
2D..J70 ; SO 401 73 l'J2 : .fi460
16 J17S 1W 453 CO..2.0-xlCO-J C2 > i
8.- 218 i. . . 453 . 5G 2CO40 -t M
" , S. . . . . . . . . 191 80 453 75 J22 120 , ,4 03'
81 WJ . . . 455 73 20U10 4 C3
C6 l'J7 . . . 4 57"4 " C7 181 . . ' . ' ( CS
53 20D ICO 4 C7'.i ' Cl 219 40 4 C5
49 183 W 4 57''j CJ 232 120 4 Co
71 17710 4 57 > ,4 6 261 . . . 4 G3
10 J& ) 80 4 57'4 37 : 250 40 4 C3
21 24)4 ) . . . 4 57a ( n 233 40 4 07'
C3 206 . . . 4 60 67 207 80 4 70
6'J ' (207 M 4 CO 59 232 . . . 470
193 . . . 4 CO 62 235 . . . 470
73 211 40 4 M ) C9 SSS . . . 4 72i !
41 227 120 4 CO 63 'J6J 120 4 72\i \
iiO 211 ICO 460 57 2C9 . . . 473
14 G tO 4 CO
14 102 . . . 415 9 133 . . . 435
103 128 SCO 4 23
SUKBP There were no sheep here today ant
nolhlnK to make n market. The sheep markci
lias not been In a very satisfactory condition ol
: atc , eastern markets being generally demoral
ized and Jhe demand very llsht. Fair to choice
iialivcn arc iiuotablo at $3.2104.40 ; fdlr to good
westerns at J3.00W4.23 ; common nnd stock sheep ,
t2.23Q3.UO ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb. lambs ,
Hutchcrs' nnd Cnnneri' Htuft Is LoircrTlmn
a Week Ago.
CHICAGO , April 23. Only about 7,000 cattle
were received hero today , and ns there was n
better demand from dressed beef firms und east
ern shippers prices ruled stronger and In nu
merous Inutancee about lOo per 100 Ibs. higher.
The extreme range for native beef steers welsh-
Ine from OSO to l.COO Ibs. Is from J4 to 10.20
good lots are selling at J3.25 and upward. Dutch-
crs' and canncrs' stuff Is lower than a week
neo , COWB and heifers selling nt from tl.CO to J3 ,
but comparatively few bring much more than t
or less than 12.23. Hulls move slowly at steady
prices , nnd veal calves sell mostly ut from S3
to 15 per 100 Ibs. Texas cattle are coming more
plenty , nnd sales are fairly large at steady
prices , steers weighing from 851 to 1,900 Ibs
bringing from 13.15 to 14.60.
Including the G.OUO head left over from yester
day , there were 25,000 head of hogs In the yards
today. Iluyers started In enrly In the diiy , urn
prices ruled stroni ? from the opening at nn
average advance of Cc per iw Ibs. Aunour and
other packers took huld freely nnd the enstern
shippers were generally good buyers , thuugl
Squires of Hoston was out uf the maiket. The
heavy weights brought * 5 > nnd 'he choices
mixed went fur > 4.95.'Whlle cholco assorted llgh
wcro In some Instances n * much as lOc higher
the best fetching Jt.W. The greater portion o
the hogs averaged well In quality , and the rnng <
In prices allowed further narrowing , * .dcs being
chlelly at from 14.50 w J4.95. The cxtieme range
wns from J4.70 to 15 ton. heavy , from 14.G3 ti
$4.95 for light and mixed ? nd from 14.25 to 11.60
for pigs , while culls sold , at from 13 to 14.23.
Fully 12,000 fheep camu , ln today , nnd OH ther
was the usual glut at thlu Texans a goo.1 per
tlon of thu trading wiia at n low tango o
prices. Pales were slow , , except for good ti
cholct > sheep , plenty of Tuxans being disposed o
at from 11.W to 13.60. Ordinary to choice natives
sold nt from 12.75 to J4-75. westerns selling nt f
aid upwards , nnd lambs > oM rather actively a
from 11.50 to J3.35. Kxix > rl rn nro Inking Ihe bs
sheep und other klmlrt iue bought by dreese
meat concerns. i , ; u
llecelpts : Cattle , 71ft-hend ; calves , tOO head
hogs , 22.0UO head ; sliyVp. , 18,000 head.
St. LoulNfLlva Stuck.
ST. LOL'IS. April 2i.-4-CATTLn-IteceIpts , 2,00
head ; shipments , 400 headpmarket firm and gen
t-rally better , especially ; ion Texas stock. T.i
advance since Monday nan been 23c to 40c pe
100 lb . Kxport nutlvn , steers would tlnd quick
sale at 15.753GOO ; good Jo choice , 15.00O5.C5 ; fal
to medium , 14.00B4.73 : light , 13.5004.25 ; cown
12.0083.50 ; stockers. t2.50 3.S5 ; feeders , | 3.40
4.50 ; fed Texas steers , 13.7504.80 ; grass steers
12.6ofl3.75 ; cows. 12.0083.23.
HOGS Receipts. 4,200 heail ; shipments , 3.0i >
head ; market steady ; top lots brought 11.83. bu
l.ulk of vales were at 14.i5JT4.SO ; light. 14.50O4.70
BIIEBP Ilecelpts. 400 head ; shipments , 1,30
head ; market supply mostly poor Texnni , whlc ]
sold at 13.23 ; native muttons , 14.00U4.CO ; sprlm
Iambs , 14.7535.75.
Mock In
necord of receipts at the four principal mar
kets for Thursday , April 23 , 1S95 :
Cattle. HOKS. Sheep
South Omaha C23 2.939
Chicago 7,500 23.000 11.00
Kansas City 2.WO 6.600 3.3K
St. Louis 2,000 4,201)
Totals 1I.CJ3 34,719 14,7 < k.
Kani i cltv Live Stock.
KANBA8 CITY. April 25. CATTLB TUcelpli
2euo head ; ililpmentB , l.SOo head. Market ( Iron
to lOo higher ; Texas Heern , I3.50ff4.60 ; Texn
oow , tZ.25tj3.40j Utf clears , } 3.iKXf3.75 ; nutlv
cons , tl.rsni.40 | ttockrrs nnd feeders. Iitiff4.35 ;
illln , IZ.MtM.76.
HOOH Ilecelpls. 6.600 hfi\d ! thlpmentii. 2.100
rul. Mnrket Krong to &o hlihnr , nctlve ; bulk
f tales , H.50H.70 , heavies , 14 & ) R < .W ; pnckrri ,
4.&OU4.TO ; mixed , H.45fn W : llRhl * , tl.S30.U ;
'ork r * . 14.4504.60) ) plsn , J3.CV1JI.O.
SIIIIKI'Hecelpts , 1,300 hcndi ohlrmtnti , 1M
end. Market steady , EtflOc lilglur.
Now Vorlc l.lrn StiicK Mnrkot ,
NEW TOHK , April 2J.-IirnVCS-Ilecclpt : , 175
lead. Uuropcnn cables quote- American steers
t HR12c , dressed \\elKlit ; refrigerator beef nt
UlIKHP AND LAMIlS-Hecelpt" , 4.1JJ head ;
heep , wenki good lambs , hleher ; othns , higher ;
inshorn sheep , 1I.001JO.00 ; clipped h p ,
.50 ; unnhorn lambs , J5.50HO.iW ; clipped lambs ,
4.51)05.02 ) .
HOOS-Hecclpts , 3 , ! > 10 head ! market tcody
at ! 3.l > 8.Gg.
C'olTrn Alnrknt.
Ni\V : YOHK , April 23. COKPfiR- Options
ipeneil 10 W polnti lower nml dull under Weak
lavre cables ; ruled tnmo and fcntuteless , rally-
ng partially on locnl covering ; closeil steady nt
unchanged to 10 points net decline ; fitles , 8,750
bass , Including : May , ll3.73ffl3.SO ; July , 111.05 ;
September , 114.101 October , 114 20 ; December , 111. ' 5
O14.10 ; f | t coffee , Hlo. dull ; No. 7 , 113.75 ; mild ,
quiet ; Cordova , 118.50018.00 ; sales , none. Ware-
lomo deliveries from New York yejtenlay , 3,923
jags ; New York stock today , 162,4.Vi bags ; United
Slates stock , 220,390 bags ; nllont for the United
States , 24Cu 0 bags ! total vlnlblo supply for the
United suites , 400.330 bags , against 438,218 bags
ant year.
HAVItn. April 23. COPFin Opened quiet nnd
unchanged to Uf deqllne ; nt 12 m. , barely steady
at Uf decline ; nt 3 p. m. . barely sternly nt
docllne ; closnl barely sternly at ViWlf net de
cline for the day ; sales , 20.i * bags.
SANTOS , April 23.-COI'TICi-l''lrm : : good nv-
rage Santos , 115.W. Hecelpts , 10,000 bags ;
tnek. 30).i ) > y ) bags.
HAMiiriia. April 23.-coi''pni : nun. \ \ pfg.
lecllne In ' 4 pfg. advance. S.ilrs , 8,000 ImRS.
Steady ; No. 7 Hlo. 115.3" . Kxehnncc , 9Ud. He-
celpts , 19.000 bags ; cleared for the I nlled States ,
0.000 bags ; cleared for Kurope , 2,000 bags ;
Mnck , 272.TOJ bags ; cleared from Hlo April 24 ,
21,000 bags.
< o'ton MarUct.
Ni\V OHLHANS , April 23. COTTON-Rteady ;
middling , G 5-lCc ; low middling , 5 IJ-ICo ; good
Tdlnary , r > r'ic ; net receipts , 4,370 bales ; grus" ,
070 bales ; exports to Orenl llrltaln , 4,851 bales ;
sales. 4.0iiO bales ; stock. 27.1.7C2 bales.
NII\V YOIIK , April 23 , COTTON Dull ; mid-
Illng , 6 5-lCc ; net ieceli > ts , CCO bales ; gross , 1,305
bales ; expoits to the continent , l.OM bales ; for-
ivarded , 10 bales ; sales , none ; olock , 227.C1C liales.
ST. LOUIS , April 25. COTTON Steady ; mld-
lllng. C c ; sali-H. S.I' ) bales ; receipts , 749 bales ;
shipments , 1,514 bales ; flock , 43,232 balc > .
t\onl .Murlict.
ST. LOUIS , Apt 11 23. WOOL Knslcr ; Missouri
and Illinois , niedlum. 13jj14c ; coarse nnd build.
2W13c ; light line. 9 10c ; heavy line , 8SS'c. ' ( , Kan-
.IH and Nebraska , medium , ' . 'ffllo ' ; llgiit line ,
fiSo ; heavy line , S Oc. Texas nnd Aikans-as ,
'all md spring , meilluin , 10ffl2c ; course and low ,
' 9c ; light line. SflOc ; heavy line , 6(37c ( ; rnnily
nnd heavy , GfZCc , Western , medium , 9ffl2c ;
coarse nnd low , 7Sc ; light fine , 7QSc ; h-uvy
Ine , 6BOc. Tub washed , fair to choice , 1SB20-- .
NKW YOHK , April 23. SUOAH Haw , Hrm ;
xales , one canto Muscovado , 89 test , nt 2 ll-lte
x-shlp ; refined , quiet ; No. ' 6. S'.iOT ' 11-lCc ; No. 7 ,
1 7-lCfrSHc : No. S. 31ifj3 9-lCc : No. 9 , 3 5-16J3uc ? ;
Vo. 10. 3UO3 7-lCe ; No. 11 , 3 < W2 7-lCc ; No. 12.
3 l-irH3Ue ; No. 13 , 3c ; off A , 3 i < S3ftc ; mold A.
3-lCS4 > ; c ; btardnnl A , 3 13 K04-1 ; confection-rs' ,
3 13-lCff4c ; cut loaf , 4ir 174ttc ; crushtd , 4 9-1C1C
4\c ; imwdernl , 4 3-lfi'34-ie ' } ; granulated , 3 13-1CW
4c ; cubes , 4 3-16 454c.
Now York Dry Goods Murkct.
NKW YOHK , April 2 , " > . Agents have advanced
Wnmcuttn , 30-Inch , blenched , to 10'ic ; Utlca
Nonpareil. 20-Inch , to lOc , and New York , 2(5- (
'nch , bleached , nt value. One of the most Im-
imrtiint Items of Interest to the trade la the
uicllon Fnlo of the balance of K. S. Jaffrey &
Jo.'s stock , by order of the receivers , on May
1 , when $1.000,000 worth of goods will be sold
without restraint. 1'rlntlng cloths , Him nt 2)ie
bid ,
KIIIISIIH > .Ity MiirUuts.
KANSAS CITY , April 23. WHEAT No. 2
" lard , 50'ie ; No. 2 red , nctlvc , 60iGO'ic ; lejected ,
COHN 'Jo lower ; No. 2 mixed , 44'iQ43c ; No.
2 while , 43o.
OATS Sluw ; No. 2 mixed , 28f2S4c ! ; No. 2
white , 32ff321.2c. (
OIL CITY , Pn. , April 2' > . Opened , 12.02' ;
ht , 12.07 ; lowest , J2.02'i ; closed , 12.03 ; snlef ,
! 0,0i Mils. ; clearances. 3S.OW ( bbls. ; shipments ,
80.230 bbls. ; runs , 83,761 bLls.
LONDON , April 23. TUHPENTINlSplrlts ,
. ' 2s 4'sd.
.MlnniMipolls ttliriit Alurkot.
MINNEAPOLIS , April 21. Wl I HAT Steady ;
Apill , CS'ic ; Mnv. C3'ifH3ie ' ! ! ; July. C3 , { K,3yc ;
Si-pt'inber , C2'ifia'ic. ' | | On trnck : No. 1 haul ,
' .1c ; No. 1 northern , 64''ic ' ; No. 2 northern , C3VJC.
'lour , Htrnily : ( Irst pateni , 13.35JJ3.C5 ; second
patents , 14.1003.30 ; Hist cleius , } 2.50(2.60. (
Trine > Whom l notntlunx.
, SV mANCISCO , April M.-WIIHAT-Stendy ;
December , ! )7 ? ( > c ; May , 'Julio ; new seller , 94'ic. '
I'urolnu I'lniinolitl .MTulrs.
LONDON , April 23. Dar silver closed nl 30 "
ler oz.
DEHLIN. April 23. Exchange on London , eight
days' sight , 2 rnaiks 45'Xj ' pfg.
LONDON , Api II 23. The Dank of England's
nto of discount remains unchanged nt 2 per
LONDON , April 2.1. C.nld Is quoted today at
lluenos Ayres at 272 ; Madrid. 12.UO ; Llslion , 2S7i ;
St. Petersburg , 50 ; Athens , 77 ; llomc , 104.93 ; Vi
enna , 103.
PAIUS , Api 11 23. Three per cent rentes , 102f
30o for the account. Ilxchangu on London , 23f 24c
for checks. The weekly statement of the Hank
of Trance , Issued today , shows the following
changes ns compared with the previous account :
Notes In circulation , deciensc , 12f.VOJOf ) ; treasury
accounts , curient , Increase , 425,000f ; gold on
hand , dccrenne , 3,025.0Wf ; bills discounted , In
crease , 2025,000f ; silver on hand , decrease ,
LONDON , April 23. The weekly stntcment of
the Hank of b'nglnnil. Issued to < lny , shows the
following changes ns compared with the previous
account : Tulnl reserve , Incrcabc , 777,000 ; circu
lation , decrease , 140,000 ; bullion , Increase , 737,189 ;
other securities , Increase , 4SS,0oilier ) ; deposits ,
Increase , U.lll.VO ) ; public deposits , decrease , 342-
000 ; notes reserve , Incieasi. . . 522,000 ; government
securities , decrens' , 13,1)0The ) propot'on of the
Hank of England's reserve to liability , which
last week was C8.10 per cent , Is now 67.55 per
cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'lniincliil Notes.
HOSTON , April 23. Clearings , 113,003,846 ; bal
ances , 11,312,131 ,
UALT1MOHH , April 23. Clearings , 11,160,874 ;
balances , 1233,472.
NEW YOIIK. April 23. Clearings , 104,127,210 ;
balances , 15,294,151.
PHILADELPHIA , April 25. Clearings. 111,134-
260 ; bnlnnces , } 1.SOGS15.
CINCINNATI , April 25. Money , 4fG per cent.
New Yoik exchange , 70075c premium. Clearings ,
12.07G.40i ) .
ST. LOUIS. April 23. Clearings , 13.5C0.430 ; lol-
anccs. 1G57,5S1. Money , 586 per cent. New York
exchange. 11 premium bid.
WASHINGTON. April 25. Today's statement
of the condition of the treasury shows : Avnllnblc
cash balance. | V4,716,493 ; Bold reserve. (90,763,410 ,
CHICAGO , April 25. Clearings , 113.341WO.
New York exchange' , 70c premium. Sterling ,
I mated rutes , ll.WHfH.W/i. Money , G per cent
on call and 6 per cent on time.
Like a Alnchltie ,
Which kept In order runs smoothly and regu
larly , so the bowels keep up their action If
measures are taken to keep them In good
working order. This Infers , of course , that
they are out of order. The surest recourse
then Is to Hosteller's Stomach outers , a
laxative mild but effective , which is also
a remedy for dyspepsia , malaria , rhouma-
llsm , nervousness and kidney trouble.
Not Worth the Money.
The lesllmony laken Wednesday as lo the
value of legal services In Fllzgerald agalnsl
Iho Missouri Pacific and the Fllzgerald &
Mallory Conslrucllon company was unanl
mous lhat Ihe fees charged by Marquelte ,
Deweeso & Hall wcro out of all proporllon.
It Is thought the referee will scale the
claim very malerlally.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record April 25
1895 :
A A Hillings and husband to C E Scarr , lot
3 , block 13 , South Omaha 1 00
U H Smith and wlfo to K H Hates , lot 2 ,
block 2 , Paddjck Place 13,000
Same to Itlchard Kilwards , lot 8 , block 1 ,
Walnut Hill l.COO
E c Hates ami wife to U II Smith , trustee ,
lot 1 , block 3 , Drake's add 3,900
Same to i : II Hates , lot 14 , block 3 , Sum
mit Place 4,500
D H Smith and wife to 1-7 M Latlmer , e 30
feet lot 20 , llees' Place 2,600
John McCreary nnd wife to K O Ilodgers ,
lot 15 , block 1 , Marysvllle add 1,203
T C Vnn Huren lo Letltla Van Uuren , lot
17 , black 1 , Hanscom Place
Iloslna Hrlnser nnd husband to Lydla
Aohdnwn , lot 9 , block 34. Albright's
Choice C50
Lydla Ashdown to 13 M Hrlnser , s 42 fwt
of n 169.35 feel of w 107.82 feel lot 103 ,
lot 15. block 2. Orchard Hill 1.250
Frank Hunter and wife to K I' KlrkenJiill ,
lot 15 , block 2 , Orcluird Hill 1,200
American Nntlonnl bank to M W 13 Pur
chase , undlv H se nw 3-15-10 2,10
J i : Market to same , same 230
Alfrtd Olsen to llllma Levin , lots 19 and
20 , block 15 , West Albright 6:0 :
J I Iledlck to Hast Omaha Land company ,
a tract In East Omaha beginning at sw
corner lie w 21-75-44
G A Hongland and wlfo to J II Piper , lots
7 and 9. block 481 , Grandvlcw 15
Special master to D H Smith , lol 1 , block
2 , Paddock Place 12,500
Same lo Fidelity Mutual Life assDclallon ,
lot 2. block I. Kountze 3d ndd
Same to II T Clark , receiver , lot C8 , Hart-
man's add 3WC
I J Dunn H al , referees , to John Kennelly ,
n 22 fe t lot 5 , bloik 177 , Omaha 1,500
Total amount of transfer * , ,
Jounljr Comtultiiloneri llndljr Tnuclcd t' ' | >
on the I'lntte Cnnnl Alnttfr.
It It not at all unlikely tlint the result of the
petition iircscntcd to the county commis
sioners asking them to call A special election
upon the bond proposition ( or the construction
of the I'latto canal will be a mandamus suit
brought In the supreme court. The commis
sioners hava been canvassing tlio subject for
about two weeks , having been In session as n
committee of the whole during much ot that
time , awaiting opinions from the county nt-
orncy , Judge Lake and J. \Yharton. . These
opinions arc no\v In the hands of the members
ot the committee. Hut they do not agree
In the construction of the canal law. Thn
commissioners are In tlie sumo predicament.
As already Indicated In The Dee , Judge
Lake takes the position that the canal law
Is unconstitutional. lie makes this reply
severally to a scries ot questions propounded
by lho commissioners , among the most Im
portant being , "Has the Judiciary the right
to make an appointment of canal trustees ? "
Jf there Is a conflict of law between the
clause designating the commissioners as the
guardians of the county property , and the
provisions ot tlio canal law , designating : a
board of trustees , which Is to have exclusive
control of the canal ?
Does the clause In the canal law relating
to the collection ot a tax provide for the pay
ment of the principal when It becomes due ?
The opinion of J. C. Wharton has been ren
dered and Is generally favorable to the canal
law. The opinion of the county attorney is
also favorable , tliough ho has reserved a de
cision upon a knotty point as to whether
or not the Judges Imvo the constitutional
right to make an appointment of commission
ers."This point as to the Judges' authority litho
the most serious objection , and I find law
leaning both ways , " snys Mr. Ilaldrlge. "I
am still engaged In considering this proposi
tion , t have inclined to the view that If the
Judges voluntarily made the appointment It
would ho good , but the question arises
whether the Judges could be mandnmused
to compel them to make the appointment
should they fall to do so. It seems douhlful
whether this could be done. It is my opinion
upon the question as to whether there Is a
conlllot between the laws , granting the com
missioners full control of county property ,
and this law creating a canal board that a
separate corporation Is thereby created and
so no conflict between the two laws In this
respect. Upon the matter of bonds a dispute
has also arisen as to what amount the county
can issue. I am inclined to the vlow that the
10 per cent limitation means that the county
cannot Issue In bonds an amount exceeding
10 per cent of the total assessment for tlio
county. In round numbers , placing the total
assessment nt $24,000,000 , this leaves the
county the right to Issue | 2,400,000 of bonds ,
less a present Indebtedness of say $950,000 ,
Including the poor farm bonds to bo Issued ,
or a right to Issue about $1,450,000. "
In addition to this , several minor questions
arise , the county attorney slates , tliough he
docs not lay much stress upon the difficulties
lliey present. lie believes that the law makes
It optional with the board In Issuing bonds
when the time comes as to whether they shall
be issued In series or not , so that each series ,
If this method of Issue is followed , could be
paid as It became due. The law Is deemed
somewhat vague , also , In regard to the terms
of the trustee , and docs not specifically des
ignate whether , at the expiration of his llve-
year term , the new appointee Is to hold for
the same term of years or not.
The county attorney In advising tlio board
has taken the position that the law Is manda
tory , provided it Is constitutional. The com
missioners are accordingly in.n somewhat
peculiar position and are now Bitting as a
court to determine whether or not the law
Is constitutional. It is certain that if they
should decide that the law Is unconstitutional
no time will bo lost before mandamus
proceedings are brought to test the case in
the courts.
The Involution
Of medicinal agents Is gradually relegating
the old-tlmo herbs , pills , draughts and vege
table extracts to tlio rear and bringing Into
general use the pleasant and effective liquid
laxative , Syrup of Figs. To get the true
remedy SOD that It Is manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only. For sals by
all leading druggists.
Indians Ucsort the HcservMtlou nnd Go Into
tlio Show llnslno'R.
Deputy United Stalest Marshal Llddlard ,
who has Just arrived from the Sioux reserva
tion , reports that nearly all of the Ogalalla
Sioux chiefs have signed with Buffalo Hill's
Wild West and that not a solitary Dnilo Sioux
was taken tills vear. The following named
chiefs were accepted :
Ilocky Tear , Flat Iron , Charging Crow , Los
Horse , Little Skunk , Dear Fo.ot , Kllls-ln-
Wintcr , Bear-Lays-Down , High Hear , Blurting
Bear , Dlaclc Fox , Eagle Bull , Yellow Shirt ,
Cut , Long Bull , Kllls-the-Brave , Tall Crane ,
Flies Above , I'arls-IIis-Halr , Charging Hawk ,
Spotted Weasel , Whiskers , Kills Backward ,
Shot-in-the-Head , Hunts-the-Enemy , Brave
Eagle , Crow-on-the-Head , Lone Feather ,
LltthvWhlto Man , Kllls-the-Uravo ( Charlie ) ,
Winter , Protector- , Scares Them , Yellow Ear ,
Good Soldier , Cloud Elk , Red Bow , Loud-
Voiced Hawk , Afrald-of , Finger-Nail , Afraid
( Twin ) , Holy Bear , Little Soldier , Hed Bear ,
White. Hull , Slobber , Atlached-lo-Eagle , Kills
Small , Wrcslle Him , Yellow Eye , First Eagle ,
High Wolf , Cmzy Bull , Tall Pine , Standing
Boar , Medicine Bull , , Charge-at-Enemy ,
hcoklng-Standlng-Kill , Good-Voice-Elk , Huns
Over , Paints Himself Yellow. Wounded
Horse , Thunder Horse , Kllls-ln-Water , Good
. \Vhlto Cow.
The reason that the Brulcs wcro refused
Ihis year was due to the fact that they proved
too troublesome last year and there Is a bitter
enmity between the Brules and Ogalallas.
The applications to go on the road and get a
talary of $25 per month and a taste of clvlll-
zallon were pracllcally In the form of a mild
epidemic among the Sioux tills year. The
"professional" fever raged fiercely on tlio
reservation and ( hero was a grand rush to
tlio medical examiner's office to pass the
necessary physical examination when Mr.
Lk'dlard went to the reservation to recruit
tlio braves. Finally sevenly-two of them
were acceplcd and Ihe balance took It out In
Mr. Llddlard reporls Hie fact lhat among
tlio choice bits of current gossip around
Hushvillo Is the recent arrest of Hev. Collier
of the sand hill country for rustling cattle.
The reverend gentleman Is now In jail lo
await trial for "agitating" beef that did- not
belong to him.
Furott of Pol el Ciiinlinj Down.
City Eleclrlc'an ' Schurlg Is still at work on
the poles and wires In the business portion
of the city. Farnam street has been Im
proved by culling out superfluous lines and
the work will continue during the next two
months. Another contemplated reform will
bo Die substitution of Iron poles for wooden
ones by Iho streel railway company. The
officials of Iho company Imvo expressed a
willingness to accede lo Iho demands ot Die
city and it is promised that there will nol
bo a wooden polo lefl standing In tlie city , al
leasl along street railway lines. They will
also bo required to connect their guy wires
with telegraph or other poles already In
use , that the disfigurement of the streets may
bo reduced to a minimum.
1'rnco Helens Onrn At ore.
Trouble at the county Jail over the letters
and money alleged to bo missing has quieted
down. The matter has Uirrud out much as
the officers expected. The prisoners have
nothing to do but sit In Jail and concoct
schemes , and It Is believed tint a scheme was
hatched out in this case to accuse the jailers
of extracllng tr.oney from Ihe lellers , II. B.
Websler complained that his mall did not
reach him. Inquiry at the postofllce showed
lhat he had given the wrong name and the
mall , except such as went to Washington to
the dead letter offlce , has turned up all rlglit.
hx-Coacro iiu4i > rornmu'a Ditushter Demi ,
ST. LOUIS , April 25. Miss Edna Ponnan
of Nashville , III. , eldest daughter of ex-
Congressman W. S. Forman , died at Ihe St.
Louis Bapllst sanitarium , where she had been
under expert treatment for nervous prostra
tion for nine weeks. She was beautiful and
accomplished , 23 years of age , and the past
six years she has epent In Washington , D. C. ,
as private secretary for her father. Her
mother and Mr. Fcrman burled ; their youngest
daughter about a year ago. The remains
were tent to Nashville tbli morning.
FI nnd Mrs. Jerome Ooultor Part Twenty-
Two Years After Their Wedding Dny ,
Deputy City Trenmircr Tnkr * n I.lkluc ; for
Mm. W rich nnd tlio Itoniln llntwccii
Them I'ro\o Strong
toVr ck H Home.
The once happy life enjoyed by Mr. anJ
Mrs. Jerome Coulter at SI 9 North Forty-
second street has been . wrecked. Mr.
Coulter has letl his homo and taken his fur
niture with him.
Mr. Coulter Is the deputy treas
urer ot tlio city ot Omaha and
somewhat prominently Moulded with local
politics. Some months ago Iho differences
between himself and Mrs. Coulter became so
pronounced that ho Ictt Ills home nnd took
up lils residence nt Iho Hotel Ucllono ,
Mutual friends attempted to effect a recon
ciliation and partially succeeded. Mr.
Couller stated at Iho llmo llmt ho did not
care to return to his former homo neighbor
hood nnd to spare his feelings Mrs. Couttor
went to the hotel with him and there the
family lived for several weeks. The recon
ciliation was only temporary , however , and
Mrs. Coulter returned to her homo on Forly-
sccond street.
In the meantime Mr. Coulter acted upon
the assumption Hint the separation had been
final and agreed contribute . to the sup
port of his wife ono-lhlnl ot his salary ot
MM per month. Last mouth lie sent her
$15 , which Mrs. Coulter accepted. Some
thing over a week ago ho sent a furniture
van to the liouso with a written request to
his wlfo to send to him a bud room scl , a
couple of easy chalrx , the book case and a
number ot books. She compiled with the
request In part , refusing only to send a few
of the choicer books after she had been in
formed by the expressman that they weto
to bo stored In a warehouse , whcro she
feared tlioy would become destroyed by the
ravages of mice and moths.
Monday last Mr. Coulter went lo Ihe liouso
and removed the furniture , taking the piano ,
furnlluru , books , pictures , carpels and , In
fact , everylliliiB but the cook stove , the
kllchcit table , a few dishes , Ihe bed In Mrs.
Coulter's room and several old chairs.
M. ' . and Mrs. Coulter liavo been married
twcnty-lwo years anil have Ihrce sons , Iho
oldest 18 years of ngc , the next oldest 9 anil
the next youngest 0. Their trouble was
tlio result of an unfortunate entanglement
between Mr. Coulter and a woman named
Mrs. Welch.
When seen at her residence yesterday Mrs.
Coulter declined to make any statement for
publication. Slio simply remarked that anyone
ono could sco that her rooms wcro bare ot
furniture and she pvnnltlod any one who
called to draw his own conclusions , but she
admitted that her husband had removed the
gooda. She expressed tlio hope , too , that-
ho would yet return at least a portion of
the furniture to her , sufficient to make her
homu comfortable , and stated lhat she be
lieved that Mr. Coulter was disposed lo do
that much for her. She declined firmly
lo discuss Iho unpleasant events tiiat led
to the estrangement between herself and
her husband.
As for his part , Mr. Coulter , when
asked In regard to the matter , declined
to discuss It for the press. Ho did
admit , however , that ho had .aken the furni
ture , or at leasl Ihe principal parl of It , and
explained his action In the premises by ! sayIng -
Ing that ho had at llrst reqiicslcd his wlfo
for certain articles wllh which lo furnish his
rooms down town. These articles she sent
him only In part. Monday ho went to the
house and In the presence of witnesses asked
for the furniture ho desired. Mrs. Coulter
refused to lei anylhlng bo laken from lha
liouso. Ho informed her lhat under Iho law
ho had tlio right lo lake It all , but said that
ho only desired a few things. She persisted
In her refusal to allow him any parl of Iho
furniture , whereupon he removed the greater
part of it. He admlls that perhaps lie acted
a lltllo hastily and states that ho has agreed
to return her most of the furniture , and that
It will bo back at the residence as soon as
he is able to send It.
Papers for a legal separation were drawn up
and agreed to by both parties some lime ago.
Cniifitlpntlnn Cured.
"I Imvo been Iroubled with constipation
for several years. I tried many different
kinds of medicines , but did not gt any re
lief until I used Hood's Pills. I think they
are Iho bcsl in the world. They do Just
what they are claimed to do. " Mrs. J. 3.
Sinclair , 207 Soulh 28lli St. , Omaha , Neb.
Hood's Pills euro biliousness , Indigestion.
I.nntcrt Union Tiiikt of Il liiiiiillns.
nOSTON , April 25. The annual convention
of the Lasters Protective Union of North
America Is In session In this city.
The most Important question to be decided
by the convention Is whether the union will
disband or conllnue to exist , many members
claiming that the now inlernallonal organiza
tion of shoo workers will answer all Ihe pur
poses of Ihe present tasters' organization.
Train Itobhcrs t umillnd lu u Swamp.
SKDALIA , Mo. . April 25. Word has been
received that Frank Huffman , the train
robber and desperado , who has operated In
Central Missouri frr Ihe pasl five years , has
been caplured at . " "olllns , Mo. He was re-
ccnlly surrounded and shot In a swamp In
Hickory counly , but escaped. There Is a re
ward of $300 hanging over his head.
ItnbcrC Ford I lunged lit Nunhvlllu.
NASHVILLE , Tenn. , April 25. Robert
Ford , colored , who shot and killed Jerry
Drown , coloied , was hanged In Iho Jail yard
here loday. The drop fell at 0:49 : and Ford
was pronounced dead at 10:07. : The fall waa
nearly eight feet and Ford slrangled lo death.
Ford killed Hrown in Oclober last after a
quarrel about a game of cards.
Dpupnrndo Shot by n Mnrslml ,
HUNTINGDON , W. Va. , April 25. Yester
day evening , at Blkhorn , Deputy United
Staleb Marshal Smith was fired upon by a
colored desperado named Andrew Dillon.
Smith In relurn fired four balls Into Dillon ,
killing him Instantly. Smith was shot In
the neck , but Is not seriously Injured.
Pipe organs nrc nil right In a
church , nnd we make specially
low rates on tlicin.
For ? 5 cash nnd ? , " n inontli
we'll sell you n flnc parlor organ
. that can't bo duplicated for
twice the money. Nicely fin
ished , good tone , brand now ,
perfect organ In every way.
Muslcand Art
IBM Oougtns.
I * ° "miter what booklet
onspi-ciiliitlon you muy
lirivo " " " ' Kt'1"1 for OHM
WC | | | , UNBWttiid fJOM-
11J'KTEIt clearly BX-
Iilnlns imirRln trading
and DEI'INKS ALLMAlfKKl'e"prSsilon" . It'5
free mid will loach you souiuthltitf.
AUlioUABi' A UU.U22 Trader * Uldg , Chicago