Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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They Lid Not Like Her Story and Boferred
Her to thg Polioo ,
VTiu nt n Hotel Under Another Niune nnd
MakliiB Another I'relcnue Wnntcd
„ Money hlcli bho IHil Not Uot-lto-
fusetl Invitation to C'oino Agiiln.
Yesterday afternoon a woman who gave
her name as Agnes Amey started oui
among the firemen of the city , armed will
a letter which purported to bo signed bj
Mr. W. U. Ford , chief of pollco of Dei
Molncs. The letter was addressed to th <
firemen and asked that they help her am
a llttlo girl 8 years of age , who accom
panlcd her , to get money enough to read
Wheeling , W. Va. It was stated that sh
had been stranded In Des Molnes with a the
Btrlcal company.
The first man she struck referred her t
the chief of police , and to his office all
wont ,
She met Captain Mostyn , acting chlul
and she told him that her name was Ague
Amey and that she waft stopping at th
IJarkcr hotel. The captain read the lettc
and arrived at the conclusion that It was dc
cldcdly fishy. Ho detained Mrs. Amey o
some pretext and dispatched a dotcctlvo t
the Darker hotel. The latter discovered thn
there was no Mrs. Amey at the hotel , bu
that there was a woman registered fror
Springfield , Mo. , by name "Agnes Hunting
ton. " To tto hotel people she had sal
that she was an accomplished pfanlst an
was waiting for the CUlo nllsler compan ;
which she Intended to Join.
When Mrs. Amey was confronted wit
this Information she said that her nair
was Huntlngton and that she was tli
wife of an actor of that name wti
died In St. Louis two years ago. She had n
Intention of Joining the theatrical compan ;
however , she said To explain why she hn
registered from Springfield she wild that si
had a rich undo living there and that sli
was as willing to go there as to Whcellni
She had nothing to say , however , when
was explained to her that It would not hav
cost her any more to go to Springfield froi
Des Molnes than to this city The captal
referred her to 1'ollco Matron Gumming
but Mrs Iluntlngton did not appear at tti
P pollco Htatton.
The pollco nro of the opinion that Mn
'ft Huntlngton ot Amey Is a fake Althoup
she claims that the chief of pollco wroi
tlio letter of recommendation In her pre ;
once , It Is not considered that that niHcl
would sign himself with a "Mr" prcfixe
It Is also thought a little strange that
slio were on her way to Wheeling , W Vn
she would go by way of Omaha Finally , i
! ' the distance between Des Molnes and Omal
Hi and Des Molncs and Springfield , Mo. ,
about the same , a largo sized wonder cxls
In the minds of the pollco why she did in
go to her rich uncle
In explanation of the fact that she regl
tcred under ono name and gave another
Captain Mostyn she said that she did n
want any friends she might meet to kno
that she was In buch straits.
Anmtcur llirntrlculs by rrrlgliton Colin ;
Students I list IlvnnltiR.
The students of Crelghton college la
evening presented to a largo audlenco tl
melodrama , "Tho Dumb Orphan. " The ph
was well staged , vvhilo the costumes we
historically accurate as well as elahoral
"Tho Dumb Orphan" Is a play well adapt
to bring out the talent of the amateur. T
principal Interest of It centers about t
character of Victor Lucoval , the dumb o
phan , assumed last night by Lee McShan
Voting Victor loses his power of speei
when 8 years old through fright Induced 1
witnessing the atrocious murder of 1 ;
father In the forests of Orleans Ho
found In the woods by a sculptor , Mr. Ma
rice , and educated as a son When 1C } ea
l of ago ho meets Count Oeleval and a M
i Sterne , the latter being an ostensible frlc )
s- of the count , but really an enemy and t
actual murderer of the dumb orphai
father. In order to prevent the posslbill
of recognition Stcrno attempts the life
the orphan , but falls , Sterne and the c
phan finally meet face to face and the nu
dcror Is unmasked and the crlmo dt
avenged. Joseph Gllmoro assumed the n
of Maurlro , the sculptor , while the part
his son Frederick was creditably taken
Paul Martin Edward Whelan was a tr
French nobleman and cauiller , while Jes
ft Owens made an Ideal villain Minor pai
( were taken by Joseph Donnelly , Adrl
Hurkard , William Malone , Jobeph Maddi
James Arnoldl and n. Sullivan. The pi
went much more smoothly than the avera
amateur dramatic characterization. T
best of music was furnished by the orcli
tra under the direction of Prof. Emll He
Ciinstlpitlon I'll rod.
"I have been troubled with constlpat
for several years. I tried many dlfferi
kinds of mMlcln'-s , but did nat g t any
llcf until I used Hood's Pills. I think tl
ore the best In the world. They do J
what they are claimed to do " Mrs. J.
Sinclair , 207 South 28th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Hood's Pills cure biliousness , Indigestion
I ho Mute Tiilr llullotln.
The state fair board at their recent me
Ing here authorized the publication of
ofllcliil paper to bo callfd "The State F
Uullctln , " 60,000 copies of which are to
circulated each month throughout the w <
During fair time It will bo operated as
dally program. Secretary Furnas will be
* principal contributor and the Bulletin i
, bo relied upon to boom Nebraska state I
matters generally. "The Feast of Mondam !
festivities which are now being arranged
by the Uuslness Men's association will i
receive a share of attention , as will ot
matters of Interest to Omaha. A Mini
number of advertisements will be taken 1
spice address The Bulletin Publishing (
311 Ramgo block. Tel. B22.
Mr. and Mrs. II Darwin Mcllrath , wo
tourists , will b ? at the Delone hotel today i
tomorrow forenoon. Their wheels will be
exhibition at Omaha Utcycle Co. , 323 N. 1
New Onlliinnco Nmr Pumllng Iloforo I
A ! new ordinance affecting peddlers 1
been Introduced In the city council , by wh
provision IP made ( or the Issu pre of mont
licenses. The provisions relating to the pr
ent semi-early licenses are not altered , 1
an additional clause provides that mont
licenses may bo Issued by the city clerk
follows : for vehicles drawn by animal po\\
$5 ; for push-carts and other vehicles p
polled by baud , $3 , and for peddlers v
carry their wares by hand , $1.50.
It the new ordinance becomes a law It i
add materially to the work In the city cler
ofllcc. U ls urged In Its support that th
are many peddlers who dg not to sn <
six months In the city and that It Is unfair
ask them to pay for a license for that per
when they are only In the city for a few d
or a month ,
To the 1'ulr Grounili.
OMAHA , April 24. To the Editor of '
Dee : The question of the proper route
the Omaha Hallway company to the ;
Crdunds seems to have developed Its-lf I
n question between the property hole
of the routes In dispute. As a matter
fact , the question la of more s ° rlous
portance when \lewed from the standn-
of a "property holder of Douglas county ,
The ilaved road from the county line v
from Center street la now practically c
pleted for n distance of tw elve mile * . W
the Intrrvenlnir space bet wen the rot ;
line and Hanscom park shall be paved
city and county will have a most bea
ful drUeway to the fair ground * . T
the effect of the county pavws tlioulU
Injured by divertingtralllc to another i
Btrect peeina too bad , und It seems e\U
that the route that will best serve I
the city and county should ha the it
preferred. u , S. PADDQCJ
A Nfbrnika Invention , lloaml to Jlerolu-
tlonlio the Old Brntrm of I'umpi nnd
\ \ Indmill * .
It has been known for a year past thai
Alexander Hogeland of Lincoln , a practical
mechanic , claimed a valuable discovery In a
simple nnd Inexpensive water elevator , for
the Irrigation of ilnglo farms , garden * , and
especially adapted for taking the water out
of wells , rivers , creek bottoms , nnd from the
Inexhaustible reservoirs of sheet water under
lying the entire state of Nebraska , and easily
reached along the Plattc , Hepubllcan nnd
other rivers In Nebraska , and other states.
The frequency of Irrigation conventions In
states west of the Mississippi river , legislative
enactments , the opening of experimental Irri
gation stations , and Ita stuJy In schools and
colleges within the last five years , confirm the
fact that Irrigation Is now the all-absorbing
question with all thoughtful farmers , garden
ers , stock and ranch men Some months ago
the Invention was shown to Messrs. Paxton
ft VIerlIng of the Iron works of Omaha , and
they at once began Its manufacture. A re
porter of The lite witnessed one In operation
yesterday at the Omaha Tinware Manufactur
ing company , at Twentieth and I'lerce streets.
It was a No. 4 In size. They are simple and
Inexpensive , and require so llttlo power that
any farmer , gardener , or fruit raiser , can
afford to purchase one. Briefly described ,
the elevator consists of an upright piece of
timber , from six to eight Inches square , fif
teen feet , moro or less , In height. At the
top and bottom ot this are alllxcd Iron
brackets , holding shafts with a slnglo
sprocket wheel on each ; these carry an
endless link belt. Affixed to this belt or
chain , are three gallon cups of the heaviest
galvlnlzed Iron , oblong In shape , with an
air chamber on their upper outside. The open
ings for receiving and delivery of the water
are two circular holes at the upper outside
of the cups Over these openings on the
Inside ot the cup Is a sharp metal cone The
water at the Instant of the cup's turning ,
and at the moment of delivery , dashes
against this cone , and the process of emptyIng -
Ing Is Instantaneous. The steady movement
ot the cups over the sprocket wheel In
empt > lng Is secured by two narrow band
wheels covered with rubber. In dipping the
water , the air chamber and double delivery
opcnnlgs In cup combine to remove the air
from the cup , thus securing an Instantane
ous filling with water. This combination ,
and the oval ends of the cups relieve the
friction that would otherwise be Incident to
dragging the cup through the water. The
delivery of the water on the outside ot the
cup admits of the coupling of each ono on
the belt so closely as to barely clear each
oilier , thus making the body of water going
up In the cups a solid column These were
dipped and emptied at the rate ot SO per
minute (210 ( gallons ) , or 14,400 per hour , suf
ficient to Irrigate seventy-five to 100 acres
ot land The manufacturers ot the elevator
claim that this large volume of water con
veyed to a height of twenty-flvo feet , re
quires the energy of a two-horse power ,
Tliclr cost on board the cars. In sizes from
ono to three gallon cups , ten to twenty-five
feet In height , would be from $30 to $125 ,
It Is predicted by Its friends that by reason
of the simplicity and cheapness of its con-
Btiiiction the demand for It In the valleys
of tlio Platte , Republican and Klkhorn rivers
In Nebraska , and streams In other states
will. In tlio near future , call for a manufac
tory equal In capacity to that of the McCor-
mlck Mower nnd Heaper , the Studebakci
Wagon Factory , or that of the Westing'
house Air Drake company , employing thous'
ands of operatives. They are so simple thai
they may bo easily swung upon trucks , am'
n In the case of Inundation of cellars fron
freshets they can bo carried to points when
desired and used for the relief of buildings
etc. , from over-flow , and they will be valu
able In relieving coal , Iron and zinc mine !
ot surplus water. Everybody will wish thli
now Invention the success It merits , and Hi
prompt Introduction will give to the cltlzem
of our state an assured crop of every ser
and wo will no longer , as in the past , con
tlnue to send our surplus money for the pur
ch.aso ot supplies of fruits and vegetables ti
California , Colorada , Now Mexico , and else
where In the Irrigation states Every busl
ness man In Omaha who feels an Interes
in Irrigation should call at once and sci
this machine before It Is taken down. Majo
Allen , ono of the proprietors ot the Omnlii
Tlnwaio Manufacturing company , Is glvlni
his personal attention to exhibiting It ti
visitors. It can be seen In operation fron
10 to 5 o'clock this afternoon and during tin
vv eek.
To the Traviilinij Public.
Before purchasing tickets to points east o
Chicago , first ascertain the rate to tha
point over the Nickel Plate road. City tlcke
odlce , 199 Clark stieat , Chicago , 111.
No ChiiiRO to Noucirlt nnd llotton ,
The through service offered the travelln
public by the Nickel Plate road , ( N. Y. C. ,
St. L. H. H.i ) 'a ' unsurpassed. The perfec
passenger service of this road with the we
known excellence of the West Shore an
Fitchburg roads recommends Itself to th
traveling public. Wagner palace cars an
dining cars dally on through trains to Ne
York and Boston For additional Informi
tlon so : jour local ticket agent or addres
Is J. Y. Calahan , general agent , 199 Clar
street , Chicago , 111.
iy A Io\v Auv ilitilii' .
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & S
Paul railway , the short Una to Chicago. .
clean train , made up and started from Omahi
Uaggage checked from residence to destln ;
lion. Elegant train service and courteoi
employes. Entire train lighted by elcctricll
and heated by steam , with electric .light I
every berth. Finest dining car service I
nt the west , with meals nerved "a la carte ,
The Flyer leaves at 6 p. in. dally from Unic
ey .
istS. City Ticket Office , 1E04 Farnam street. (
S. S. Carrier , city ticket agent.
ImpoMlhlo to J.lvo In ThU Loun try
Without hearing about the Northvvestei
line's evening "Chicago Limited , " for peep
it- WILL talk about Its convenience , tastefu
nesa and comprehensive up-to-datenes
ilr On aim , D 45 p. m ; Chicago , S:45 : a. in. Ve
be tlbuled sleeping cars , chair cars , a la car
diners Plntsch EVERYTHING. I *
St. , gas ,
St.he extra cost.
he Other Northwestern trains at 11 05 a. r
ho and 4pm. dally. Want > our trunk check !
at home ?
„ City ticket office , 1401 Farnam street.
Uaking Special Prices Tomorrow in Jafiray's
Ladies' Hosiery.
urprUIni ; Values In the Domoitto Dcpirt-
inciit lluttcrlck'i Patterns nnd i nsli-
Ion SltcoU for M.iy Are In So
Is the Delineator ,
A case of Jaftray's iicnrlctta sateens , worth
20c , at 8c.
A new lot of Jnffray's light and dark
cliallls , lOc goods for He.
Jatlray's 2Gc crepona for lOc. I
Jaftray's 15c percales for shirt \\nlsts , Cc.
Jaffray's 15c crinkled crepons at 8c.
Jaffray's best dress calicos 3c.
3G-lncIi printed bleges , worth 20c , at 12'/4c.
Jaffray's lOo Turkish towels , 4c.
Jaffray'a lUc outing flannel : Cc.
Jaffray's printed ducks go at lOc.
Jaffray's printed cotton cashmeres , north
25c , at 12c.
Jaffray's best Amoskeos ginghams Cc.
Remnants of 32-ltu.h Uatlstc , worth regu
larly 15c , go at Cc a yard.
Japanese crepons , plalsso striped , ISc , worth
30c.Yard and a half wide dress goods In new
spring styles and different patterns , worth
00 a yard , RO at 39c.
A great big bargain In Jersey fitting umler-
\osts , Jaffray wholesaled them at $3.00 a
dozen ; as long as they last tomorrow Sc.
Russet shades , guaranteed fast , all sizes ;
Jaffray Jobbed to sell at 35c , our price , 25c.
Nubian dje , absolutely fast black ; all sizes ;
Jaffray jobbed to sell at 18c. only four pairs
to n customer at 7',4c.
] < 'ast black and will not crock ; Jaffray
Jobbed them to sell at 3Gc , our price , 20c.
High colored top with Hcrmsdorf black
boot , spliced heel and toe ; Jaffray Jobbed to
sell for 35c , our price , 19c.
In high colors , fast ; Jaffray Jobbed to sell
at 35c , our price , IGc.
Ethiopian dye Hermsdorf fast black , ex
tra long , ' 0 guage. Jaffray Jobbed to sell at
40c , our price , 26c.
C. C. C Hermsdorf fast black , extra hlgli
spliced heel , Jafftay Jobbed to sell for GOc ,
our price , 3 for $1 00.
5UG Imperial lisle , double heels and toes ,
Hermsdorf , Jaffray Jobbed to sell for GOc ,
our price , 35c.
Fast black boot ; Jaffray Jobbed to sell foi
GOc , our price , 32c.
Butterlck's patterns for May are here.
I'roplo Mho Are tn n Hurry
To reach Chicago or points bejond shouli
take the Burlington's "Vestlbulcd Fljcr. '
Leases Omaha 4 45 every afternoon.
Arrives at Chicago 7 GG every morning.
Tickets nnd full Information at 1321 Far
nam street Baggage checked from resl
dcnco In Omaha through to destination.
J. B. Rojnolds , City Passenger Agent.
Till : KUSII TO Tl X VS.
Unit Ituto Kxcur loni Vi.t Santa 1'e
Tuesday , April 30 , tickets can b ? purchase
to all points In Texas via Santa Fe route a
one faro for the round trip , limit 20 days
Call on or address K L Palmer , P. A. , roon
1 , First Nat. bank bldg. , Omaha.
Important Cliiinpu In Time.
"Great Ildck Island Route" to Chicago
Peorla and all points east ; Atlantic Expr > > s :
leaves 11 a. in. , Vebtlbule Limited , 4 30 p. m.
Night Express , 0 2G p. m. To Lincoln , Fair
bury , Belleville , Denver , Colorado Springs
Pueblo and all points west ; Vcstlbul Llm
Itcd leaves at 1 40 p. m ; Texas Express , vli
Lincoln and Brllevllle , leaves at G p. m
Ticket office , 1C02 Farnam street.
Through Bonier.
The Nickel Plate road , ( N. Y. C. & SI
L. R. R. , ) the favorite line between Chicag
and the eact along the south shore of Lak
Brie , bing the shortest line to Cleveland an
Buffalo , offers a splendid through car servic
to all classes of passengers. Mae
nlflc"nt Wagner sleepers and dlnln
car dally on through trains t
New York and Boston. Tor reservations c
sleeping car space and further Informatior
address .1. Y. Calahan , general agent , 10
Clark street , Chicago , 111.
: iectric Mcnal Sj stein Given n Test o
Ilia L'uHt Omiilm
The Irwln electric signal service vva
tested with satisfactory results on the Eas
Omaha bridge yesterday at 10.30 o'cloc
In the presence of Superintendent Harris c
the East Omaha Bridge and Terminal com
pany , ex-City Electrician Cowglll and other
Interested In the outcome. The system vva
recently put In by permission of the coir
pany as an experiment. It Is an Omaha Ir
\cntlon backed by Omaha capital.
The signals consist of red for danger an
vvhlto for safety , and are placed In posltlo
so that the moment a train enters tli
approach of the bridge the electric appllanc
flashes a warning for a distance of on
mile , that the train has started to cro ;
the bridge. After crossing the latter , tli
service then displays the safety signal for
distance of one mile In the rear of the trail
announcing that the bridge Is clear f <
traffic. A train was made up for the oca
slon yesterday and the experiment proved SU' '
cesstul In every respect , and to the cvidei
satisfaction of all who witnessed It.
Mr. Potter and Mr. Harris of the Eai
Omaha Bridge and Terminal company pn
nounced tbclr approval of the system an
complimented it highly ,
It is probable that the Union Pacific vvl
adopt a similar system of safety in tl
near future
Don't fill your stomach with spirits whli
wreck It. Cook's Extra Dry Champagi
tones It up.
8urfirlilnRtARnln Bale.
The cheapest and bt place on earth to
> uy linens , white goals , muslins , flno wash
dress goods and fine UUtrneli.
Yard wide L. L. thcrtlng , 3',4c.
45-Inch sheeting , hleached. 9c.
C-4 sheeting , bleached , lOc.
9-4 sheeting , bleachM , 15c.
9-4 sheeting , unbleanhed , lie.
10-4 sheeting linbloachul , IGc.
Shirting , Gc , 80 and the bast lOc.
Ticking , Gc , Sc , lOa'aud 15c.
Extra good values for your money here.
60-Inch unbleached table linen , 3Gc yard.
70-Inch bleached table linen , GOc > ard ,
72-Inch bleached table linen , 7Cc yard ,
3-4 dinner napkins , $1,00 dozen.
Bedspreads , 47c , G5c , 75c and $1.00.
A good unbleached crash for Gc yard.
18-inch bleached twilled crash , Sc jard ;
cheaper than wash cloths ,
Towels of every description at Gc , lOe , IGc ,
lOc and 2uc each.
Alt the latest styles In white goods at Gc ,
lOc , 124c , IGc. 17c , 20c and 2Gc.
Whlto dotted Swiss at 9c , IGc , ISc , 25c and
Remnants of white goods very cheap.
Thursday's specials In summer wash goods :
Crepons In all colors , satin stripe , crystals
and serpentine , IGo a yard.
Tor shirt waists , newest and neatest trl-
colored checks , In sateens , IGo yard.
Stripes and figures In all colors. In piques ,
IGc yard ,
Scotch lawn , fast colors , only Gc yard.
Fine quality zephyr gingham In all spring
newest effects , lOc and IGc yard.
Silk finished summer prints , Gc yard.
New style duck suiting at lOc and IGc yard.
Newest things In 8Pte < .ns , worth 30c yard ,
tomorrow only IGc yard.
100 pieces printed pongee In challlo de
signs , only lOc yard
We have Just received another large con
signment of mill remnants In light anJ dark
shades of best quality percale' , sateens In
plain colors and figured Japanese cloth organ
dies ; also best white cambrics and muslins ,
outing flannels , etc. It will pay you to look
these over. Price for any of them , Gc yard.
A few dozen of those outing llannel skirts
left go at 2Gc a pattern.
Jap wash silks , new striped effects , 25c.
Corded wash silks , other houses ask 49c
our price 35c.
Jap check taffeta silks , new styles , 35c.
Swivel wash silks , 30 Inches wide , cheat
at GOc , only 39c.
2fl Inch natural pcngeo silk , extra quality
Cheney Bros' , printed India silks , 1S9G dc >
signs , 49c.
Extra heavy quality 24-Inch solid coloi
wash silks , 49c.
Black and white cluck taffeta silks , wortl
75c , for 49c.
Black and white strlpo taffeta silks , foi
waists only , 49c.
Colored striped taffeta silks , for waist !
only , 49c.
Brocaded taffeta silks , that other house :
ask C9o for , at 49c.
Dresden designs In printed silk crepons
only 49e.
Clan plaids In taffeta mud surahs , 49c.
War In tlio I'mnlly of n nx-I'ollccintn
Murray ( llvi-n Hum ! .
A small sized war took place In ths famllj
of Jesse Newman , 'erstwhile policeman , sa
loonkeeper and at present Pullman car con. '
ductor , at his residence , 949 North Twenty'
seventh avenus , yesterday morning. Ac
cording to the statement of Mrs. New mar
she came home Tuesday night from a recep
tlon to Dr. Rlckettsand her husbnnd begai
to abuse her. She went to her sister's housi
for the night and yesterday morning shi
went to her house for > hcr trunk and posses
slons. Jesse put In borne objections In tin
shape of brickbats and dumb bells , one o
the latter hitting her In the arm. He the :
started after her with a hammer , but shi
brought him to a sudden standstill with ni
ex. She left and Newman turned his atten
tlon to her Invalid mother , but his brother
In-law , Paul Murray , put In an apptaranci
with a life-sized revolver and commencec
using Newman as a target He shot flv
times at Newman , but none of the bullet
struck him and the two men engaged in i
physical combat. Both came out somewha
used up , but Newman was the more batterei
up , and he went to the police station am
swore out a complaint against Murray
charging him with shooting with Intent t
As soon as Murray discovered that he wa
wanted he went to the station and gav
himself up Ho was arraigned for trial , bu
waived examination and was bound over t
the district court In the sum of fl.OOC
Shortly after a complaint was sworn ou
against Newman , charging him with as
saultlng his wife. Murray gave bond.
Their Election the Last Work of the Gram
C'oiiiinanilory VoKtorilny.
The session of the grand commanderj
Knights Templars , of Nebraska udjournei
jesterday afternoon until next May. Oman
was chosen as the place of the next meet
Ing. The following officers for the ensuln
year were elected
Grand commander , Charles B. Finch o
Kearney ; grand deputy grand commandei
Richard P. R. Millar of Lincoln ; grand gen
orallsslmo , Edwin C. Webster of Hastings
grand prelate , Rev. John Hewitt of Lin
coin ; grand captain general , Wilton U
Williams of York , grand senior warder
John Dwyer of Beatrice ; grand Junlo
warden , Thomas G Roes of McCook ; gran
treasurer , Henry C. Akin of Omaha ; gran
recorder , William R. Bow en of Oinaho
grand standard bearer , Samuel P. Davldso
of Tecumseh ; grand sword bearer , Frank r
Dullard of North Platte ; grand warder , Fre
W. Vaughn of Fremont , grand captain t
the guards , William J. Turner of Llncolr
Inspector , Carl D Evans of Columbus.
* /
1 ind 3 Many of the Loveliest Women §
3th C. on and Brainiest Men
no jjg This country lias ever produced have been
ias W victims to Consumption. Said a great orator ,
ich 2 ? in speaking of the death of a brilliant young
hl " > w statesman : " .Consumption licked the blood
' A jk ° m ° e atar ° kis eart , and the
Is W twilight of his life came before the noon-
' A hour. " It is not , however , the deaths that
rb'o W iave occurred , but those that may be prevented ,
t at most concerns us now. Your life , the life
k's S of your wife , daughter or sister ; the life of your
"d Brother , father or son , may depend on prompt
io ° S relief. The healthy do not need a healer. It is
nys the sick who need help , and need it now , before
S the stealthy lung trouble has gotten beyond
rue w control.
ra ° r W Ozomulsion is the most perfect preparation
nto * ever discovered for the healing of diseased lung
eof S tissue and the buildingAip and fortifying of the
3' ( ' " ' ij system which is fastyielding to the advance of
jmW disease * tiltis.compounded of Ozone , Cod
nt" * fc Liver Oil and Guaiacol. Guaiacol is prepared
from a product of the pine tree , and combines g
all the healing properties of that evergreen. It 2
acts directly upon the diseased lung tissue , g *
healing the disease , whilst "it destrqys the germ 2
that produced the mischief. The Ozone sends g
the red blood all through the system , loaded 2
with the rich nutrients furnished by ihe palatable -
ble , nourishing properties of the Pitre Norwegian -
gian Cod Liver Oil , of which Ozomulsion is jjj
compounded. * y
' How careful we are when a loved one is sick
to secure a reputable physician ! We want to
be sure there arc no mistakes made. You will g
make no mistake when you buy Ozomulsion for y-
any of your family who are suffering from Consumption -
sumption or weak lungs , from coughs , colds , w
scrofula , impure blood , or any wasting disease , g
It will do all that is claimed for it , and more. '
It is perfect , pure and palatable. It is the | jj
kind physicians prescribe. Sold by all
druggists , g
Thin , pale women get plump and beautltul on Oiomuisioa.
T. A. S OCl7Jlf CO. , iSr Pearl Street , New York City.
al Itj-ftll Omaba dnurcUts ana OrugsliU e > er > Trh re. Trade suppl | Uiy \ IUcSiart > u Bnie o. ana Uiuce & Co. . Omiliiu
Content Over the Clooi Hotel Other Mat
ter * .Mrntlonnil.
A contest hns been started to have the
appraisement made ot the Goes hdtcl property
ict aside. This property has been fore-closed
upon by the Philadelphia Mortgage and Trust
company. An appraisement made by A.
O. Charlton , George 0. Wallace and John F.
Flack. After examining the property they
concluded that It was \\orth about J92,600 and
made a tuorn return to that effect. ThU ap
praisement Included the land. John H. Izard
Is the defendant and has attacked the return.
He declares that the appraisement was the re
sult of a collusion among tlicso men for the
puriraso of getting an outrageously low value
placed upon the property. He asserts that
the whole property Isorth not less than
$190,000. Various aflldn\lts are filed to show
that ( he total \nluo of tha hotel Is at least
The American National bank , as plalntirt
and J. 11. Doollttle and J. H. llaldwln as de
fendants , are having trouble over a $1,000
note which the bank seeks to collect. The
defendants lm\o filed an answer admitting
an execution of a note in 1SS9 , which from
time to time they renewed , but each time It
Is chini d they ial I usurious Interest. In tca.l
of owing anything , they claim that the bank
owF-a them $2,000 on discount.
John Jenkins , receiver for Wallace & Co ,
whose affairs recently went Into the hands
of the court , has reported assets on hand
amounting to J5.20S.5S , being $270.39 In ex
cess of the debts.
An effort Is being made by the Insurance
companies , which a Jury decreed must pay
Wakefield for the loss of his lumbr yard by
fire , to secure another trial. They raise the
contention that Wakefleld was not himself
personally carrying on his business , though
his name was used In tliei business , but that
an association wns the real party In Interest
Wakefleld claims the money. The companies
tried to show that Wakefleld and the Chicago
Lumber company were In a local lumber
trust , but the court held the evidence foreign
to the case.
In the trial of the Capital National bink
case at Lincoln upon April 29 , Douglas county
will be represented by seven Jurors , Walter
Q Clark , W. M. Glass , H. U. Gould , Alex
ander McQavock , C. L Saunders , C. F. Tag-
gcrt , John Metcalf.
The Damn Iron company. In the matter of
Its attachment against LM Meadlmber , makes
a showing to the effect that Hugh McCaffrey
has In his possession wagons and buggies
of Meadlmler , and asks to have the court
Andrew J. Stanley has brought an action
for $1,500 on a replevin bond signed by I ,
V. Criun for Dates & Co. They seized a brick
kiln and then lost the replevin suit The
bondsman Is sued for $1,600 on a bond given
In county court In lieu of the kiln.
< omity Kiilr MiperintomlniM.
The Douglas County Agricultural society
met nt the Board of Trade rooms yester
day afternoon and selected the lollovvlng
superintendent * * :
Joseph A Connor , general superintendent ,
O. .1. 1'rlcharil , superintendent of her e ex
hibit ; A. Auckerlund , cattle , F. Schroeder ,
sheep ; J. S. McAidle , swine , n. II Walker ,
poultry , G. S Ambler , b cs nnd honev ,
O W. Whitney , farm produce , H F IJell ,
fruit ; Mri. M. U. Solomon , preserves , D II
Christie , llov\ers , W. N Nason , nrt , nnd
Mr . lj Whltevvortli , textile fabrics.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figa is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidncyp ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , headaches -
aches and fevers and cm en habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects , prepaicd only fiom the most
healthy and agreeable substances , its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular icmedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Ar.y reliable druggist who
may not have it on band will pro
cure it promptly for any one wbo
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
vnce JOUAMNTI PAW piAct" c moi it N
MRS , H , G , MOSES ,
It lse sy to sco Omuni people know
the ( inference between an Advertising
Dodge and a store actually no Ing out of
business at a sacrifice.
. . , You can tidy what you want and have
I our trimmer trim you up something to
order , or retouch up your old hat.
Positively lust bcuson In the Millinery
business. Prices less than you would got
at wholesale on the Eastern markets.
Open Evenings g y
, ; 303 South 17th St. ,
Opp. Court House.
HH'4i.f Hr + ;
, ( , J catures and UemoT-1
, nu niemltbeiln IU ) p. book lot a stamp , f
John II. Womlliury. 127 W.42dHt.N. V. !
lurentur ' ) ! WvoO&unr't 1'aclal
Summer Underwear.
The Underwear we sell don't fit a bit better than
others , provided , however , that the other article is of
the first , but not of the second quality.
Second quality is a damaged first quality ; usually
contains flaws in the yarn , which soon break into
shreds , If not distinctly visible the fault might be -4
traced to one sleeve shorter than the other ; perhaps
the length of the body was chopped off , or possibly
knitted out of position , Can't expect even a ghost of
a fit from such. .
First , nothing but first quality here Balbriggan
at 250 , even that of first quality 350 450 650 all
first qua'ity The kind we represent as French balbriggan -
briggan is from France , not from Wahoo. Our lisle
thread underwear at 750 and Si.oois pure lisle , mat
ters little how much conjuration some high-toned fur
nishing man uses when you arc made to give up $4 to * i
for of lisle ' than lisle
$5 a suit they're no more
thread ours is none the less. We'd wager a copy of
Trilby on that.
Blue mlc green peacock gray cream
white havana brown ( lesh color pink mixed col
orings any color you choose.
' 95 Spring Catalogues getting scarce. "Want ono ?
M underfill
In Hit clllcnoy.
I'lieiioniciuil lu the rn > 1 N HSO nUor i > lijsl
Iildlly of Its action. olaiis liuv c ( ailed fit run *
. - S cos , 3-A.xtTi3-s : ae-ssczsxricoa oxi
YOU AUK MIT WHI ! 'crt p < jou nrnlrouMp I | ih conillpitlon dUrrbcrxir plln : ttn Irrnrni and ruin
In tl e kldnijior lltrr aljitoturii i U of the inmaeh , tn the eht.t , dlineulljr of trralLfog , eaUrrbil troudln
trout In lth rj" , lorcnni ID II e tliroit , hoi Huihci a llrnt frrtlnj illlfnoi of Ihejolnli erur tloci on the ikln'
pliul" | o" > . < ' .T'ie"1"l' ' ' " . JI1'l > t < p'i' of'lli ' " . TAhh IILiCk TOMC. U Hill tr leio JouloiUntll.auJ
licciUlaioruiorajourtMliii. 03'VOUR DRUGGIST SELLS IT.
HI.ACK 10MO jnr.niCIM : TO. , ainiiiifnrliiriT * . HI. , , , ! | . Mo.
To Motormen , Conductors
( And other employes Omaha Street Railway Co. )
We take this incan of soliciting a share of your patroirigc
Wo C.u'ry aComplctc Line We have adopted.
-or- the ONE PRICK SI'S
FUHNITURE , 1'liM for our estab
lishment and oiler
you anything in our
line at the very low
CROCKERY , LAMPS , est prices for cash oren
ETC. , ETC. , on the iMONTIILY
And can furnish your homo l AVMENTplnn. We
complete. Every nrticlo have the largest store
is bright nnd now , from of this kind in the
the best factories in the west and our stock
United States ; the latest contains a line of
dodgns and patterns arc
goods selected with a
all shown hoie , and wo
would thank you for a call , view of giving you
inviting your closest in the worth of your
spection. money.
PRICES. We will cheerfully abidj by your judgment.
We are sure to take the order if you only make compur *
| pjjf You will be favorably impressed with our PRICES and
when you buy on the PAYMENT PLAN. We are
agents for Jewel Gasoline Stoves. They are thw only
gasoline stove made. Refrigerators from $3.50 up.
ji ILJ :
"An Ounce
of prevention is worth a pound
cure. " Ripans Tabules do not
weigh an ounce but they contain
many pounds of.good. One tabule
gives relief. Try for yourself the
next time you have a headache or
bilious attack. n ;
iui > an Tatmltc Sold by druggltli , or by maQ D fr
U tte prlca < C4 cents a box ) li > cnt It. 1h * ni-
tian * Chemical Compiny , No. 10 bpriic * St. , N. Y.
For ante by all First Clans Denluru. Manufactured by the
Factory Nu. UOi , St. Louis , M