THE O fAJTA- DAILY BE : 'TUESDAY. ' APRIL 2,1. SPEG1RL NOTICES , .AdTcrtlneinentft ( or thcua rnlnmn * will lie Ithrti until 12ICO | i. in. fur th CTCIIIIRnnd ! tintll 8 p. in. far the morning and Sunday tilt Ion. AiUbrtlicru , by rcqncntlnc n numbered tbrck , ( tin Imvn nnmvcru uddrrMcil to a numbered Irttrr In nirn of 'I lie lien. An- MTcrn no ml < lr mril will l > n delivered upon I rmrnlntlnn of the tlirrk only. Itutra , 1 lic ! n Miiril , llrnt Initnttlnii , lo it wont lierrnflcr. Nothing titkoii tor li than 20o lor IIrut Inirrtlun. ' 1 brio uUvcrtlnonicnti mnit luti tomccu- SITUATIONB WANTED. \VANTKD , TO l.RAUN THIS W.YTCUMAKKn'S trade , l > y a young man who can upenk English , ( Jcnnnn ( uitl J'ollnli ; will furnish own tool * . AUdreM ISJ J. Melvohntr , Columbug , Nrb. A 1I7W 23 * BTHADV WOMAN WANTS BITt'ATION A 8 cook nd general housework. Call 3 % ) N , IMh fitroel. A-M101 Zl WANTED WALE BAI.AIIY 1'AID WEEKLY TO LIVE J1KN ; experience nut neccisary. Apply 1516 DoUKlai. H-235 All ) WANTED , TWO KXI'EIUKNCKD MHN TO neil western city niul form properties ; liberal Inducement * ; references required. Address N M , Omaha Ile. H-M99I M \VANTI5D-TWO OOOI ) ADVKUTISKMI3NT SO llcltors. Al > I > ly w. cor. 16th nnd Dodne , Srd floor. 10 n. in. 1I-9W-M * WANTED FEKLALE HELP. AUK YOU HONEST , SO11MH. INDUBTIHOUH ? If go , ensnRO with UB for 1b05 ; * 3O ) n month , 13/pOO a > enr ; you cnn make It cnsy ; six linura n dny Our itKcnta do not complain of hard times. Why ? TJicy ore iimltlnc money nelllns our Perfection Dish Washer , the only practical family washer manufactured ; wnklies , drlM nnd p'll'hea dishes perfectly In two minutes ; no excellence necessary ; a child of 8 operates It easily : cheap and durable : weight , thirteen imunda ; made of anil-rust sheet Bteel ; capac ity. 100 pieces ; 110,000 for lt equal ; every fam ily wants one ; you don't have to canvass ; as noon as people know you liavo It for sale they tend for a dish wa ' .ier ; each agent B territory protected ; no c''mpetltlm ' ; we fur nish sample ( welnhs six pounds ) In nice case to lady nqents to take orders with ; one agent made J214.6S flirt ten days. Address for full particulars Perfection life. Co. , Knglerrood III. \VANTBD-A GOOD COOK. WASHER AND Ircmer ; i-mall family ; two girls. Apply 332 South S7th st. C-SS3-I2- _ HOUSEWORK , " " " " ' " "imnif"famYfy""niusF'bo"good cook. UK South WANTED. NUnSE FOR CHIL.DHEK , 1919 JIIN ney street. - * GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work , C3 ? So. 27th. C 837-2S * _ * SCHOOL TBACHEUS OUTSIDE OF OMAHA , vacation I * here ; do you want a lucrative | K > Itlon during tlin MimincrT Write for terms and torrllnry ( sample free ) on ur new publi cation. "Great Men and Famous Women. " by 100 celebrated nuthors , now living. Call or address W. T. Marshall , 1" Crclghton block , Omaha. C-M1I2 23- WANTED , FIFTY OIRI.H FOR ALL 1CINDF of work. Canadian Employment OlOce , 1SJ2 UoUKlas Btrcet. C M10J M22 FOIl HUNT HOUSES. HOUSES , F. 1C. DARLINO , DARKER IlLOCK , HOUfinS IN ALL PARTS OF TUB CITY. THE O. F. Davis compfiny , 1505 Fnrnnm. D 128 IIOUSKS ; 1JBNAWA & CO. , 108 N. 1STH ST. FOR RENT. HIS CAPITOL AVENUE. 1 room * , modern. The O. K. Davl company. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE NEAR PARK. AP ply 1309 8. 2Sth street. U. E. COLlTcoT t VRGEST LI3T IN OMAHA , D-MG31 ZTO AND 2TOS FARNAM STREET. \V. M. RcBcrs , 1323 Farnnm street. I > M320 J'LEASANT DETACHED MODERN 8-UOOM house ; nice lawn , barn. Imiulre 2CQ3 Pierce st D 317 6-I10O11 HOUSE. INQUIRE 2711 DOUGLAS ST D-M4M CENTRALLY LOCATED. 10-ROOM HOUSE , ' modern Improvements. Inquire 712 N. 19th 'street. D-MS3S a noojis. C3 SOUTH nth STREET. STREET.D313 D-313 M2 PLEAHANT MODERN C-ROOM 2ND STORY flnt ; lieautlful lawn und shade. 2121 Mlnm etreet. D-1I71S e-ROOM MODERN 11RICK RESIDENCE. ON Bherwnnd nve. , cxculli-nt condition and loca > tlon , J23.00. C. A. Starr. 515 N. Y. Llfn Rid ? , D MCM 21 TOR RENT , CHOICE SECOND FLOOR FLAT In the P. E. Her block , ICth nnd Jackson sta. ; look nt It ; kt-yi at wall paper Rtore. 515 So. ICth St. ; will rent to family only. For partlcu lars call at Hi : Harney t. D-C72 TOR Rr.NT-HOUSE OF G ROOMS. 1510 LEAV- rnwortli. In Boml repair , between 15th and M Ms. John Hamlln , 917 Llnton block , S. 12th. KINE-ROO.M MODERN HOUSE , 1539 man avenue. ISO ; 10-room modern house , liur Oette. tear Sherman avenue , $25. liyron lloei Co. . 213 Houthjllth strcet. D M788 M16 ' " _ _ _ _ WAY'I. NINEROOM"HOUSE AND IIARN , 1608 Itlnney Btrect. A. I ) . Carpenter. HI Harney slreet. D M78S 23 * TWO C-JtOOlt COTTAGES , MODERN. ONI' flirnliticd. S02 B. 3ltU. ) D-S08-23- 7-ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD LOCATION FOI1 rtnt cheap. 816 S. 23th St. D SOS 23- JOlt MASON , I1EST LOCATION. 8 ROOMS modern , lawn , K7.50. 928 New Yolk Life. D-MO-23' ONE TEN-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MODERN CON vcnlenecs , newly painted anil papered , 950 No , Ijth St. One Bit-room house back of above rent very low. Inquire Kllkenney & Co. , roorr 1 , Continental 1)1 k. D 841. rURNlHIIED HOUSE WITH ROOMS roll rent , 2CIO St. Mary'a ave. ; modern Improve' nr-nla. 1) S45 FOR RENT , FURNISHED HOUSE , 8 ROO i. Uith , Kiis , etc. ; nn car line near Hunscom park : Jims 1 to Sept. I ; references required , AddrcMN 11 , IJeo oiHce. D MS71 23 HOUSES FOR RENT , FROM JIO.IW TO $23.00 , Bee Fidelity 1'i-ust company , 1702 Farnam st. D M8GS 31 VERY DESIRA1ILE HOUSES VACANT MAI lot. J , II. Sherwood , < 2J N. Y. Life. 'Phone 3S8 , D-S77 FOR RENT FLATS AT NORTHEAST COItNEI of lltli and Houaid Htreets. Newly paperet Jiml p'jlnted. Inquire room 511 , 1st Nallona Dank Itldf. D R7S 23 1'OR RENT , S-ROOM HOl'SE. ALL MODERN ImpioveineiiU , large rooms , hard wood llnlsl Ni > . 400 N. 23d st. D MM7 21 TOM RENT , 7-ROOM lo7'slT ' ; ATT7TlODERr > Inipiovcments except fuinacc , J22 a month. No 2217 Cms st. D XIS07 21 FINK MODIZRN HOME. MIS lMNNEYrSTltEET , J.Oi ) to good pnity. R. N. Wltlmell , 2U7 N. Y Life. D M'JJI 23 TOR RENT , DESIRAHLE 5-ROOM MODERN cottaKt , one black frum pnrk. SOC1 Puppleto avenue. D-61371 1.1ST PROPERTY FOR RENT. SALE OH EX rlianso with Equltabla Investmrut Co. . m N Y. Life. D 5D70 30 JtEDL'l'ED TO 11.1.50 , CHEAPEST AND NEAT esl C-iooin cuttnge with bath In dty , S035 Cal fornln kl , Dm-312-30 FUUNISHED HOUSES. RENT. FURNISHED HOPSE OF EtQIIT rooms , near Hnnirom pail ; , every nioJom con , fully nnd handsomely furnished. Wl rent only to small family from May 10 to Nov II. AiMrcH N 27 , llee olllce. a-2l TDK RENT FUKN1BHED HOOIUS VOl\ RENT , FURNISHED ROOMS. VH 8. 13T1 - rURNISHED ROOM , WITH ALCOVE ; MOD rrn. 007 So. 25th avc. K-MC21 : < ! SOUTH" * FRONT"ROOM' ai iiAuxliY. E-M77I 30 rURNISIllH ) ROOMS. MSI S. 21ST AVK. _ J-lrLiJsa' I > LIAR.VNT ROOM , isu DODGE. 210DERN ROOM , WITH UOAUU. MJfi CASS. K AHCS MIV > rOH RENT NfcEI Y FURNISH ED lioil all convcnlcnceii. yuIUblo for two nr Ihn . ccntltrmiMi ; ivnt very ici > nnble. 617 Nn. 91th PURNISH ED. UNK's , $7 , | I IME E -WW-J * I'X)11SHKD ) AND VCtn RENT , ROOMS , WITH HOARD. 2SS JpJ B. FSJ ) NICELY"FtutNisn ED "FRONT ROOMS AND bonnl. tJ3 N. Will. K MIDI J5 3TOR KENT STO11E8 AND OFPIOES i-oit TtnN'F Krbhu ANIJ ! ufiMUNT Tutn"K. el 1011 Kninnra ktrrcl. Inuull * ruulu fll I'Mmi Ukltk UliJk- . I tMl21 8TOJIE8 AND OFFICES Continued. FOR RENT , TUB 4-STORY I1R1CK 11UILD- Ing , 918 Farnam street. This building hai a flrepnnf cement tnscmcnt. complete stenm lieatlnK flxlureswater ; rm nil floors , ga , etc. _ Apply at the olllce ot The llee. 1-910 FOR RENTvT'lIlST CLA89 THREE-STORT and bnK m nt brick store budding nt 1003 Far nam street. Bultnlile for any kind of business. Inquire room 111. First National Il nk IlldK. I 879 13 TOR RHNT , llltICK BTORK HUILDING , 12x100 , with llrst-eldiw shelvltiR nnd counters , In lw t bunlnwss location In Nurth Uend , Neb. Thera will bf 4' nrres of l t Brown In the ndRh- borhxnl , whleh will circulate considerable niiniey. In mldltlon to the regular farm trade. No better b > c tln ran be fmmd for dry Bowls , I ot8 nnd shvs nnd Bents' furnUhlngs. Apply to N. J. Johnson , Ames , Nel > . I-M116 2a AGENTS WANTED. IIRT : I'ERMANENT IU'SNIESS ; orit HUB- tiers make Ji'OO.W to HOO.OO per month ; Btiod liu lne s man In Omaha and one In each county In Ncbtaskn. northern Iowa nnd South Dakota wanted to devote whole time to handling goods ; steady employment , exclusive territory ; no goods paid for until sold. Addrem , with stamp , General Atient Chemical Fire Extinguisher. l > ox 4S7 , filoux City , In. J-M931 23 JICYf'LISTS PROTECTED FROM I-OSS IIY theft. Fine opportunity for wheelmen to se cure exclusive itKency. American Wheelmen's Protective association , Manjuutto bulldlm ; , ( lil- J-M10J 2l WANTED TO RENT. iVIIAT A CALL THERE IS FOR HOUSES ; IF you want yuurs rented list them with J. H. Parrotte. DouBlas block. 1C M235 A3' ' ) SMALL HOUSE OR COTTAGE OF C OR 7 rooms , with fair conveniences. Address I. 52 , llee olHce. 1C 379 , IST HOUSES FOR RENT WITH O. G. WALlace - lace , J12 lirown blk. Have calls for cottages. K 777 .VANTED . , RY TWO GENTLEMEN. ROOM and lioard In Kountxe Place ; lunch down town ; rcfciences given. Address N 2J , llee. . STORAGE. STORAGE. FRANK EWERS , 1H HARNEY ; REST STORAGE 1HHLDINO IN OMAHA , U. S. KOV. bonded warehouse ; household goods stored ; lowest rates. 1013-1015 Lcavonworth. M 131 8TO"ES STORED DURING SUMMER. TEL. SCO. 1207 Douglas. Omaha Stove Repair Worlts , M 322 ACIFIC' STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . lh fc Jones Sts. General storage & ( orwardlnr. M 574 BTOVKS STORED DURING THE SUMMER months. J. R , Salisbury. 1014 DouRlas street. M-MSJ4 J4 W ANTED TO WANTED , A STOCK OF GOODS WORTH JI.CM to t6OUO. ' Address M 19 , Omaha llee.N N MM ? HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND HAND furniture. I. Drusaell , 1420 Dodge St. N-C09 M10 A FIRST-CLASS SECOND-HAND SODA fountain ; will pay cash , and must buy cheap. Addrcs * II. S. Green , Dow City , Iowa. K MS71 23 * WANTED , TO IIUY 7 TO 9-ROOM MODERN house , vicinity of Hanscom park ; must Ire a barculn. Addieks N It. Ueu olllce. N MIC2 23 FOR SALE FURNITURE. FURNITURE AND CARPETS CHEAP ; AL- inost now. Call 10 lo 12 n. in. Account of re moval. 024 South 25th utrect , coiner Jones. O-M111 25 FOR SALE- HORSES , WAGONSETC NEW 2 SEAT OPEN CARRIAGE TO RE SOLD at cost , { 90.00 ; also good Concord hurkboaid , J70.00. Drummond. P MC23 M l FOR SALE , HAMTJLETONIAN DRIVING horse ; nge , 7 ; uclght , 1.050. D. H. Roblson , room 7 , Commercial National bank. P M82023 * FOR SALE TSHETLAND PONY. CITY RROKE ; phaeton and harness. 1810 Hainey street. I' M114 29 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOG & CHICKEN FENCE. WIRE , DETTEll & cheaper than wood. J. J. Leddy. 403 S. 14th. Q-MOJl-MaylB WKGMAN PIANOS. UIUDGEPORT ORGANS. Woodbridgo llros. , 117 S. 17th. Q-134 HARDWOOD COM11INATION HOG AND chicken fence. Chas R. Lee , 9lh and Douglas. Q-133 FOR SALE. A NO. 1 2ND HAND CO-HORSE power steel boiler , as teed a > new. Address P. O. Rex C83. Q-MC20-M11 A NO. 1 tl ) HAND SAIX3ON BAR FIXTURES nnd pool table ; will sell nt n bargain. Ad dress box F , Bprlnslleld. Neb. Q-sn-s : ' 2 FHESII JERSF.Y COWS , YOt'NO , SOUND. Krnnd milkers nnd dandles , JI5.00 each ; black Ijeehorn roosters nnd netting eggs. D. Turner , 2Uh and 1'oppleton avc. avc.QM95124 * Q-M951-24 CLAIRVOYANTS MRS. DR. H. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , REliable - liable business medium , 8th year at 119 N. Ifith. S 131 MME. CLAYTON. CLAIRVOYANT AND CARD reader. Reads cards like an open bonk. Tells your mlulun on enterlne. 119 N. 15th nt. MASSAGE. UA'JL'KS. TX MADAM SMITH , Ml S. 13TH , 2D FLOOR. ROOM 3 ; magnetic , vapor , alcohol , steam , sulnherlno nnd sea laths. T M973 2i NEWLY FITTED RATH PARLORS ; TURKIsh - Ish and electric baths for ladles nnd gentle men. Madame Honcll , 320 S. 15th St. . 2d Moor. T M399 M5 MADAME LA RUE , 1C17 HOWARD ST. T 4139 MU * MRS. DR. LEON HAS OPENED ELECTRIC , nmxsage and bath parlors ns n Urst-class In- htltiitc for health , rerrrahlni ; anil restful houis from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. ; first-class ntlst- aiHM. 412 N. llth street , near Chicago 'reet. f -M883 a * MASSAGE , MADAME 1IERNARD , U21 DODGE , T M113 C' TURKISH BATHS. TURKISH DATHS ; ONLY PLACE IN CITY exclusively for ladles. Suite 109-110 Bee bide. 133 PERSONAL. MASSAGE. .ELECTRO THERMAL UATHS , chiropodist. Mmc. Post , 319V , S. 15th St. U 137 THE 11ELLE KPPERLY CORSET. MADE 1X5 order from measure. 1909 Farnam street. street.U U 128 VIAVI CO. . 316 BEE BLDG. ; HEALTH BOOK free ; home treatment , lady attendant. U 150 CURE FOR LADIES. 1S1C CHICAGO ST. U 613 M10 MISS MINNICK'S DHESSMAKINO PARLORS 21U ) Farusm st. Prices reasonable. U 7Sl-Mlj * lV H.VAsTFLbRIST. PLANTS. UT FLOWICRS Banquet , hall , residence und grave dee. > ratlona. 1813 Vlnton street. Telephone 770. U MW5 TUB SHKR"MAN COUNTY IRRIGATION Water Power and Improvement company wll revolve bids In their olllce In Li-up I'lty , Neb. at 1 o'clock p. in. on April S3. 1S03. for the construction of seven Humes on the line their cunal. U-M110 83 * A BOOK ON RHEUMATISM , GOUT. H'M bagu Kent fieo to tluiko isendlnR their address to E. M. Cheiman Mfg. Co. . I'ltlsbunr. Pa. MONEY TO LO AW WiiAL ESTATE. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Love A Co. , Paxtim blk MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWF.ST RATES. THL O. F. D.ivls Co. , 1M3 F.irnam t. W HI VERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS J. M' . Squire , 2 Bee bldg. W 141 _ CITY LOANS. C.A. STARItsiNY. LIFE W-145 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA properly. Fidelity Tiust company , 1703 Fjtnam W-146 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNiMPROVErfciTi properly. W. Fatnam Smith i : Co. , 1220 Farnam ANTHONY LOAN ft TRUST CO. . 313 N.Y.1.1FK. leant at low ruf.s for choice pccuilty In Nebraska braska and Iowa fin ins or Omaha city pvopert ) W-141 MQNUY TO LOAN ON OMAHA HEAL ESTATE at C per cent , W. 11. Mclklc. let Nftt. Bk.bldg W-1IS ro\\ BALI : , i .wi BONA-FIDK EABTEIIN IN M > | IIIV names , who have money lo ln\est. jus mmplleil. Full paitlvulars upon iruuent. In veslcrs * Dlrectoiy Co. , 10 Wall ticl. V , A' . W Mlttl AJ3 MONEY TO LOAA CHATTELS. MON1IY TO LOAN ON FURNITL'RK , PIANOS hurmtt. trncvns. vtr. . ul lowest rwici In city no ivnvivnl of coodi ; strlrtly confldrntlal. yoi mn i > ny the | oan t > ft nt any tlmo ur In uny umount. umount.OMAHA MORTGAGE I.OAI < T CO. . SOC o. ICth St X-IM J"Tl. HADDO < . 'IC. ROOM 421 I1AMUU lU.OcTl MONEY TO LOAN ON' Fl'lt.N'ITflllJ AND p.anoi , Fred Terry , 431) Llcclt tp like ipg Capdl briHiapcy o f { > SABTA CLAU5. jb f apdro TjE | N.KJAIRBAI COMPANY * * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. Continued. MONKV TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FU11NI- lure , pianos , borers , wagona or any kind of chattel security nt lowest possible rntrs , which you cuii pny back nt any time anil In any amount. KIDKI.ITY I.OAN dUAUANTKB CO. , Iloom 1. Wlthncll block. X 151 BUSINESS CHANCES. CM-IAN STOCK OP MUSH. UOUOHT , BOLDer or uchanKed for land. If you want to BO Into or Ket out of hunlnc.9A write us. Wo may have xvhat you want. H. O. MrQee , 10 Maln8t _ _ . , Council IllurTs , la. _ Y M10) A2S DO YOlAvANT MONEY ll KtilT ? KIGHT klnetoscopes matte ( g.OUQ.OO In three months. Write "Ollson Klnctosrope Co. . " room 303 , Sliefly Wock , Omaha. Neb. Y M637 _ IP YOU WANT TO DISIOSE Of STOCK OF merchandise quick aildtesa M ' > , Omaha Ileo. Y XIJI9 TO BnLI , OHOCKIIY STOCK , GOOD LOCA- tlon. chrr\ | > , fixtures and stuck complete , butcher shop attached. AiKlrtsj. H. K. Uurnain. 617 N. Y. L\le \ Uidg. , Omahn , Nell. Y-MOM-MM * WHY NOT SPECULATK THHOUOH A UR. nponslble liouao unit get reliable Information tin to the market l > y having your name placed on our list for a dally market bulletin ; also * eml for our mnnunl ot , marKln trading In Krnln , provl.tloiiK und stocks ; 'both sent fire C. W. St.-vnscll & Co. . BUlte H , Traders lllcltr. . Clrt- CHBO. Y M8M 25 * FOIl SAKE , A NICHIVY LOCATED AND WELL nrmneert restaurant , or will rent to reliable party. N 23 , lice. Y MUSS 27 * FOR SALE OK TRADE , J3.000.00 STOCK OF boots and shoes In city of 0.090 , irlth Rood lo cation. For further Information address 1'lshcr & Laden , Ited Oal < . la. Y 3IDT7 I3 SMALL CASiri'AYMENT.nAliANCB SKCUKKD { iater will buy only lumber und coal yaid In ive town In eastern Nebraska. This Is it snap for some live man. Address lock box 71' , Elkhorn - horn , Neb. Y 10W-23 INSUFFICIENT CAPITAL HAS FOHCED VH to offer un Interest In our business. Huslncsa IB paying 100 per cent on present capital. For full particulars call or address our agent. H. E. Cole & Co. . 10 $ TN' . 15th st. Y MSI1-2S FOH SALH , CHEAP. LIVEUY AND FEED stable. Hest location In northwest town. Cheap feed. Illi ? commercial patronage. Ojod reasons for sellliiK. llox 13'J ' , Armstrong , Iowa. y. M115 21 FOR EXCHANGE. WANTED. GOOD SUnUIHJAN IIESIDCNCK with pome Rood land In Ithode Island , or east ern Massachusetts. In exchange for choice Lin coln , Neb. , business property. IJox 610. Schuy- ler. Neb. Z M700 53 TEN CLEAR LINCOLN LOTS AND SOME money to trade for boots and nhoes. O. E. Hazard , Hebron , Neb. Z M8C3 27 * FOIl EXCHANGE OFl SALE AT LESS THAN vnluo lO.OOi ) acre entile rnnch In North pirk , Colorado where catlle fret as fat on grass anil hay a they do on corn In Nebraska. Address box 893 , Ileatrlce. Neb. Z M941 21 * SALE KEAL ESTATE. EXCHANGES AND SALES : CITY PKOPErtTY farms , merchandise , Garvln Uros. , :10 N. Y. L. UE-153 FAI11I LANDS. C. F. HARRISON. fUS N. Y. L. RE-541 M7 WE ARE SELLING HARGAINS , AND IT means money to buyer nnd teller to sec us. Fidelity Trust Company. 170i Fartmm street. P.K MC31 30 ABSTRACTS. THE BYRON REED COMPANY. BARGAINS. SALE OR TRADE IN CITY PROP- ertles and farms. Jno. N. Frenzer , opp. P. O. _ BARGAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS ; alc or trade. F. K. Darling , IJatker block. RE KO WILL SELL IMPROVED OARDHN LANDS near Omaha at prices that will surprise you , It taken within ! weeks. J. II. Sherwood. 423 N. Y. Life. IUS-M72I SNAPS , 5 TO C MILES FROM OMAHA P. O. 40. 80 or J20 ncres. Improved , { 30.W per acre ; 200 acres. 136.00 per acre ; 250 ncrea. JIOOO per acre ; 6 10-acre tracts , J73.00 to J100.00 per acre. Must be gold. 9 < l ) N. Y. L. bldg. Ue MS1 _ " FOR SALE BTOCIC FARM , 200 ACRES , WELL Improved , running water , all In llrst-class shape. Address W. J. Harrison , Dlalr. Neb. E-S2j-23 * FOR SALIC HOUSE. 2C1 HARNEY STREET. 9 rooms , modern Improvements , barn for four horses , city water , fiouth front , low price , rea- bnnuble turrnsj possession Immediately. Apply Robert Cowell , 1101 Harney at.IlC MOM-31 * THE "hlC.aEST BARGAIN IN KOUNTZE Place. Elegant home on Wlrt street. Fine building site In Hanscom Place , east front , high and sightly , M , "j or 15D feet frontage , the cheapest property In the addition. Beautiful oakt front lot In western part of city at a snap. Fidelity Trust Company , Sole Agents , 1702 Furnam Street. HE MOCI 1 TELL US WHAT TOU WILL GIVE FOR 7-room house and lot , 171G N. ISth. 6 rooms. 8. E. corner 19th and Sprue ? . 5 rooms , 3717 N. 25d. 7 rooms , 2G21 Patrick avenue , G rooms. S52I Dodge. What offer do you want to make on these va cant lots ? Gfxl24 , one block wt-st 21th , on south side of Manderson. 0x128. one-half block west 2 < th , on north side Maple. 50x18) . K. W. corner 2Cth and KrsWne. 152x132 , 8. W. comer ! 4th and Howard. 66x188. north aide Cnstellar. 100 feet east of 20lh. Our Mr. Traxell has a lot of Rood stuff to trade. The Mx-clal artist wonts you to look at his window. H. E. Cole Co. , I0 N. 13th. Ri-MSG3 21 SEVEN-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE AND barn ; east front ; full lot on pim-d street ; choicest location on western hllla. al $5.900.0) , If taken at once ; terms easy. It. N. Wlthnell , 207 N. Y. Life. HK MS53 W ONE OF THE BEST HOMES IN KOUNTZE Placn at about half the value , If nold at once. R. N. Wlthnell , i07 N. Y Life. UI3-M933 2 ! STEAMSHIPS. TO EUROPE. GAZES' TOURS. K3TAI1. 1811. Select parties ceml-monthly , Independent tick- fix , ull routes. Hotel coupons , paKfports , pro- crnms , fre . Monthly Gazette , with maps. lOe. II. Oazo & Sans ( L'td ) . McCague & Praldlng , 1504 Dodte street. M400 M5 D2NTAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COLLEGE DENTAL StmaBRY. FREE Infirmary ; dentistry at cuit , Uth & Cop. ave , MATHEMATHIOAL INSTRUMENTS Al.VA J GROVER , ENGINEERS AND AH- chttccta' supplln. ill S. 15th street. Omaha. HOTELS. HOTEL BARKER. tfTH AND JONES ST3. 75 rooms at tl.50 per day. W rooms at 12.00 per day. t-peclnl rates lo commercial travelers. Rv > m an.l board by wittc or month. Frank Hlldllc'j , malinger. 171 AETNAHOI'SE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. ISlh and IXidE < . Rooms by day or week. CAIIPENTER3 AND MU1I/DEH8. C. B. MOIHULL. PAPER HANGING , HOUSE ilgn painting , brick wotk , plastering , off. It. I , Barker blk. ; lei. 7S3 ; shoji H ItarJ ; Id. 10) . ics CONTHACT1NO & Bt'ILDING. CARPKNTER jobblnc an ! refrigerator worU a neialty ! Lock Box liJ. Omalia. U9l SUORTHANIJ VAN BANT'8 SCHOOL OF HI1OUT liAND , N. Y. LUc. On.abR. JUk ( or circular. 178 BICYCLES. M. O. DAXON , 402 N. 1CTH. ICO VICTOR BICYCLKSr THE FfifEST OF ALL bicycles. Omaha llicjcle Co. , 313 N. 16th street. 1C1 STEHLING , BUILT LIKE A WATCH. WEST- crn electrical Supply Co. , 1513 Howard street. IM SEE THE VISIBLE BALL BEARINGS ON Relay Special. Will Barnura & Bro. . 120 N. nth. 733 REMINGTON AND EAGLE. CROSS GUN PO. . 110 S. 15th street. M 731 A. L. DEANE & CO. . WHOLESALE AND RE- tall bicycles , 11IG Farnam street ; Ucyclcs sold on easy payments. 163 LAWN MOWERS AND BICYCLES. GET THEM In good running order at the Acme , 512 S. 16th. 611 M10 WESTERN BICYCLE & GUN CO. , 2I1C CUMINO. C3I MANTELS , QRATiiS AND TILES. WOOD MANTELS , GRATES , TILES FOR FIRE places , vestibules and large floors ; write for catalogue. Milton Rogers & Sons , Omaha.M2CI M2CI FLORISTS. FOR PANSIE8 & VERBENAS GO TO J. W. & K. 13. Arnold , 120 N. 13th St. Tel. 132. D31 M9 UNDERTAKERS ANU EMBALMERS II. K. IIURKKT. FUNERAL DIIIECTOR AND embalmcr , 1618 Chicago St. , telephone M. 1SS SWANSON & VALIEN. 1701 CUM1NG , TEL 1060. 161 M O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMer - er , 1117 Farnam St. , telephone 223. 160 C. W. BAKER , UNDERTAKER , CIS 8. 10T1I ST. 1C7 D. T. MOUNT HAS ; REMOVED HIS COAL oflloe lo 2W S. 16th rt. , " Brown block. 163 THiBESTs THE CHEAPEST. N No Boot. 2.COO pounds of the best Wyoming coal. 14.50 , deliveied. . Just think of HI You have to pay that for dirty , moky coal. If you ore IcteieKted In the fuel question use Sheridan conl , 10)3 ) ffarmiin street. MI03 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRAC- ors for electric light add motor plants and ull klnua of electrical construction. Western Klen- Irical Supply Co. . 1513 Howard st. US BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. HOW TO GET A IIOMI3 OR HECURU GOOD Interest on ravings. Apply to Omaha L. & B. AsS'n , 1704 Bee bldg. U. W Natllngcr , Sec. SHARES IN MUTUAL L. & B. ASS'N PAY 6. 7. 8 per cent when 1 , Z. 3 years old , always redeemable. 1701 Farnam t. Nattlngcr , Sec. 174 DRESSMAKING. MRS. R. A. CONNOLLY. FORMERLY MIRS Smith ; artistic dressmaking , mom 10 , Bush man block. N. H. 16lh and Douglas : prices reasonable. M105 23 * LOST. LOST. OUT OF CARRIAGE , IN FRONT OF Mrs. Porter's Rlove stir ? , a paper bag con taining purple silk violets ; return to Miss M. E. Dacy's store. Lost M104 21 SHADE TREES , KRU1T : } , SHKUB3. P. B. MARTIN , P. O. BOX Nt , OMAHA : 8RD liouse west I ) . & D. Institute. MMW A K * , ART AND LANGUAGES. GEORGE F. GELI.KNHEOK , BANJO AND guitar teacher. 1911 faun street. SI 109 BUSINESS N Of ICES. DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED. 719 N. 18 177 DENTISTS. PR. PAUL. DENTIST. MM lll'RT ST. ISO ELOCUTION. ELLA DAYR.9.COM > L NT'L BK..16 & FARNAM. PAWNBROKERS. H. 31AHOWITZ LOANS .MONEY. 41 ! N. 16 ST. 273 POUL1RY SUPPLIES. W. C. ASIITON & CO. , MS S. 12TII. 740 A23 RAILWAI TIME CARD Leaves II1URLINGTON & MO. lUVER.Arrlvea | OmalmlUnlon Depot , 10th A Mason Sls.f Omaha lDliam Denver Kxpreas i4uuiu 4ttpm.UIk. : Hills , Mont. & Puget Slid. Ux 4llpni ) 4iini : Denver Uxpicsa 4lupm ClipniNeb'asUa Local ( except Sunday ) . 7:43pin : t:15itn.Lincoln : Local ( except Sunday ) 2:41pm..Fast : Mall ( tin- Lincoln ) Dally. Leaxet ( CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Q.tArrlvei Omaha ) Unlui Depot , Will Si Miuon Sta. | Omaha 4:43pm Chicago VestlbuU > :50am : ti(0am Chicago Express 4:15pm 1-Mpm.Chicago and St Louis Express. . Bi Um IlJaam PacUlo Junction Local 0:10pm : Mall ZKJjun Leaves ICHICAGO. MIL. , & ST. PAUUIArrlvts UnnihaUnlon | _ Depot , mfr & Mueon Sts. [ Oniah.i C:00pm : Onicaga Limited i:30arr : llitOqin..Chicago Kxprea lex , bun. ) . . . . 6OUpm : Leaves ICHICAGO f NdTtTmVEST'N.IArrlves' Omaha ] Union Depot , lutli'tt Mason Su. | Omaha IlrKam Eastern Express 530pir ; l:00pm Veitlbtilcd LlmHM CIDam Mo. Vojtey Locui 10:30pm : [ > ; 43pm Omaha Chlcut'Q Special 2:15pm : Leaves I CHICAGO. It , ' I. & 1'ACIFIC. lArrlvts OmabalUnlon Depot , ttih & Ma n riLs.l Omalia llOUam..Atlantic KXMVSU" lex. Sunday ) . . C2Jpm ; Night Ilxprraj 9:35am 43Uim1..ChlcaBo Vestlbuldd Limited. . . . t3jpm ! WESt. ; OOpm.Oxlahoina & T. xis Ex ( ex Sun.10:3iam ) : l40pm . „ oloradp JjyinlleJ. . . . _ . . . . . . ; UOpm Leaves ! C. , ST. I'l.-M. & O. " lArrlvea _ Omahapepot. | I5th a/id Webster Sea. | Omaha "jJJam..Nebraska : I'asaJnlcr ( dally ) . . . . SUSpm ( : : opm..Sioux City Kxpe s > ( ex. Hun..ll:65i\rn : t10pm ; . . . .St. Pail' | . x.mlied ( H:35am : Leaves' ) " P. . EHOji VALLBi. lArrlrei U main I Depot. Utf. unlt.WeDster Sts. | Omalia "lliopm Fast Alail" rina Kxpreas 45'pra ; ! ; 10pm.ex. ( Sat. ; .Vyff. V. * . ( ex. Mem. ) . . 4:5ipm : IClam..Norfolk ; Exi.r l ( ex. Sunda > 7 . .103'am ; ' tilOpm .at. Paul Expiea l':3Jarg : LeavM I K. C. . ST. J. & C. I ) . JArrlvei OmnlialUnion Depot , 10th & Mason Sis. ! Omaha i:30ani : Kansas City Day ifxvreit C:10pra : . C. Night Ex. via U , P. Trans. : Msm Leaves I M1SSOUH1 PACIFIC. IArrlve _ Oni * haJDepot , 15th oml Webster tfts , I Omaha T6lOain : . . .i.SL Louis Exprrsi 6:9)arc : CX-pm St. Louis Express C05pto f.K'pm Nebraska LXXTI ! ( ex. Bun. ) : Qoam Unvf I SIOUX CITY" & " PACIFIC | Arrlv s" Oraal.n ] Depot , 15th and " \Vcbater His. I Omaha < : lfpm.r. . . St. Paul 'Limited..T.10 : Ma , si&uS citv & PACIFIC" Arrltei OmahaUnlcn | D | K > t , 10th & Mason Bis. Omaha ( : Uam Sioux City Passenger. " . 10Jptt : t Upm at. Paul Limited ll:3-'ric : " L aves I UNION PACIFIC. IAiih Otrnns.Union | Depot. 10th A Mason Sl . [ Omul , ' ! | 0.-u m Keainvy K pr a 1 : IWpra Overland Flyer. ( > : Sirm IMpmB : a < tc &k > trom9b'r llx. ( x. Sun ) , SiUpai I30ipm Pactllc LTxpivu , . . .10Ua.T lUpm : . . .Fut Mail 4l'Jpn Cwvra I WABASlf liAnAVAY lArrlv * OinalalUnlcn Dcpnt. loth & Mo * > n Bls.l Onu h < . . . . .lit. Louu Cannon FITZ IS GETTING GAY AGAIN Having Finally Got His Own Money Up Ho Oalla Loudly for Action. GIVES JOE VENDIGA MLD ROAST Clmtnplim Corbctt Knys Ho Will Sleet ICultcrt Any 1'lncn In the United tjtntcs Hcforo Any Club < lnck- on linn ttio World , NEW YORK , April 22. neb Kltzslmmons xpressca HID uollof that Joe Vrntllg Is trying o Rive htm a sluulo or two the worst of It n the arrangement for tils flglit with Corbctt. Manny Friend , who represents Kltzslmmons , aid : "Our money Is up , but the Florida \tliletlc club has not inaile Us gunrantco of 0.000 nntl unless It docs so shortly , wo will nko decisive Btcps. It looks as though It vas a little afraid that It cannot pull off the flght mid wants to crawl. Wo understood hat the money had been pasted long ago , but , 0 our surprise. Stakeholder Phil Uwycr says t Is not. If the Florida Athletic club thinks t can peddle this flght about nnd dispose of t where It wants to It will get fooled. We shall have something to say about that. We are ready to flght , but certainly want ull the lartlcs to live up to the articles of agree ment , which Veiidlg has not done. " CINCINNATI , April 22. Referring to the hitch with the Florida Athletic club , Cliam- ilon James J. Corbett , who Is filling a week's Migugcmcnt here , says : " 'I ' will meet Hob [ Mtzslmmons In any state In the union. Joe Vcndlg has my permission to transfer the scene of operations to Texas , Colorado or Louisiana , or any other stato. I will meet Pltzslmmons before any club In the country , mt It must be for a purse. I will not go out of America to fight Fitzslmmons , and IF It Is not possible for us to get together here " 1 will "go to England nnd light Peter JncU- son. lie has flrst call for a meeting on Torclgn coll. I once refused to go to London to settle with Jackson , and If I took Fltzalm- mons there he would have the deadwood on me , nnd say : 'He was afraid of me ; 10 would not meet mo In London. ' It Is any place In America for Fltz- slmmons nnd any place In the world for Jackson. That's my platform. I ifearcl that Kltzslmmons Inul his money up , but this Is the flrst Intimation I huvo had ot trouble for the Florida club. " P1TTSIIUHO , April 22. In reply to Cor bett , Deb Fltzslmmons announced here to night that he would flght the champion any where In the world , but docs not believe the match can como oft In Jacksonville , Kla. , saying the fact that the Florida Athletic club was willing to forfeit $1,000 apiece to himself and Corbett was eufflclent Indication of that. Ho said the club had failed to put up the $5,000 forfeit , and he believed he and Corbe-tt could compel them to pay It. Kltzsimmons ( aid ho believed the battle would como off In New Orleans , as that was the only place they' could light without Interference. He says ho wants to light to the flnlth , and will meet Corbett In private for $10,000 a side. lit clso suggests that the flght could take place In the bull ring In the City of Mexico. riiKici : noxiMJ nours AT SKASIDI : . Hmnll Crowd Kntcrtulnoil liy it Trio ot Hot Scientific Suttos. CONEY ISLAND , N. Y. , April 22. There was only a smalt crowd around the Seaside Athletic club's arena when the sports began this evening. The first bout was between Alt Hanlcn o England and "Shadow" Maber of Australia. Ilanlon weighed 14S pounds and Maber's weight was announced at five pounds less. They were matched to box six 'rounds. ' In the opening Maber had de cidedly the best cf It and his supsrlority was evident , The fourth , fifth and sixth rounds were lively. Maber had the better of It In the flftli , but In the sixth honors were about even. Maber was declared the winner on points. The next bout was between Jake Skolly of Brooklyn and Johnny Gorman of Long Island City , eight rounds at 127 poundi. The fighting was hot and It was declared a draw. The big event ot the night's amusement was then In order. It was a twenty-five round go between Johnny Connors ot Spring field , 111. , and Mack Madden of IJrooklyn , at 105 pounds , bantam championship. Johnny Connors was seconded by Henny Murphy , Bob Karrel , John Sanders and "Shadow" Mabor. Madden had In his corner1 Brooklyn Jimmy Carrel , Eddy Doyle , Jack Degnall and Happy Jack Smith. Madden seeircd to have a shade the best of the early rounds , though In the sixth round both were bleeding at the nose , and In the succeeding rounds It was give and take between them In a lively man ner. In the twelfth round Madden's stock went up again when he Jabbed Connors five times In the mouth without a return. Mad den had the flght In hand from this time on , though Connors made a game attempt to force the fighting In the twentieth round. In round twenty-two Connors put a hot one on Madden's mouth , and got a left on the nos ? in return. Madden cleverly dodged two right-handers and was cheered for his quick work. No more blows were landed In this round. Round 23. The men jvcre very careful. Madden led with his left , but they clinched. Madden led for the face , but was stopped. Madden went twice to the nose , and Con nors put his left Into Madden's Jaw. A very tame round. Round 21. Both led , but were cleverly stopped. Madden put his left In on the face and Connors landed on back of shoulder. Connors tried to whip -his right over , but It went around Madden's neck. Round 25. Both men clinched , nnd Mad den led with his left , but was stopped. He sent his left Into Connor's stomach , without a return. Madden Jabbed Connors In the mouth three times , and then got In on the wind , with his right and left on his oppon ent's Jaw. Throughout the flght there scorned to bo something wrong with Mad den's right hand , but Jimmy Carrel denied that there was anything the matter with It. When the gong ended the flght the referee declared Madden the winner. M'uxrd llnck Another Tlmr. LINCOLN , April 22. ( Speclal.-The ) la t exhibition game of the neason on the Lin coln grounds was pounded out today be tween Omaha and the local ? . The game , though rather evenly played , wns of languid Interest. The only feature , resulting from a critical condition of the game , waa In the sixth Inning , -when two runs were let Infer for Omalia by HolllngHWorth's muff at short of a pop fly. From that out Omaha led to the close of the ninth Inning. No brilliant pitching was done by either Hulsz or Barnes. Puce made a home run In the seventh Innlnsr. and Barnes followed him In the last half of the same Inning with a duplicate. Score by Innings : Omaha 2 01002201-8 Lincoln 00400 0 1 1 0-C I.nld Out HID l.tvyrr . HASTINGS , April 22. ( Special Telegram. ) The first ball game ot the season was plnynl here today between two local team * , the lawyers against the Y. Al. C. A , team. Tito pnme resulted In fnvor of the riirls- tlans by n nooro of 3X to 11. HntterlM : Work nnd Johnxon ; Vnnileet und Wcbhter. Umpire ; Steven ? . KI..SUI.TS ON Till : HUWMNO TRACKS. I'liiUlioi nt CiiiulxrUuil I'nrkVrro Clo nnit llm Tnlc.nt Timid \Vcll. NASHVILLE. April 22.-Cloe finishes were the order ot the day nt Cumberland park. The first race re. ulted In n dead lii-nt between the 2 lo 1 favorites , Ben Wilson nnd Buck Kdle. The race was run off , but Buck Kdle van never In It. In the xeoonl race n length did not separate the first six horses , nnJ the Judges wsrc put to their wits' end In placing them. Two favorites , n tlilril choicv and 'two ouUUlers won. A light rain fell during the llrst two races , but It did not affect the track , which wns good. Uestilts : Flr t race , selling , plx furlongs : Hen Wil son (2 ( to 1 } and Huck Kdle (2 to 1) ) ran u dead heat , Gee Whir (0 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:1T : < * . In the run olT Hen Wilson ( I to (0 ( won easily In 11S\ ; . Second ruce , xelllni ; , four and n half fur longs : Maid of Honor II to 1) ) won , Feast IG to 1) ) second , Nnncy T 16 to 1) ) thlnl. Time : 0:50 : * ; . Third race , selling , four nnd n Imlf fur longs : Minnie Clyde (2 ( to 1) ) won , Hrambii ! Leaf ( G to 1) ) focoml. Sitter Mollle ( S to ; ) third. Time ; OMK , Fourth race , six furlongs : The Keappr (10 ( to 1) ) won , Metropolu (0 t 1) ) coot , Buck Mnssle ( even ) third. Time : 1UV : . Fifth rnce , selling , one mile and a six teenth : Lena Frey ( C lj 1) ) won , Tiisro ( C to 1) ) second , I'eytonlu (4 ( to 1) ) tluid. Time : 1:49H. : MUMPHIB , Tenn , Ap.-ll M. \ ( lrl > .r.llng rain fell throughout the llrst thri-c .it Montgomery park toiViicavlnir the tun I : a trllle slow. Only two favorites finished In front. Heaults : First rncp , six fttrlmp.i , purse : Juvlnl (7 to 1) ) won. Brown Pick (10 ( to 1) ? pcotul , Mlsa Normtv (15 to 1) ) thirl. Tltm1.1' : . Second rnce , four turlnntr * . purse : King William (7 to 10) ) won , Uynlce H ( I-1 to 1) ) second , Imp , the L > OK < 2 : o 1) ) third. Time : OiWi. Third race , one mile , Tanwsseo Brewing cnmpany'B stakes , $ l'jt)0 ) ndili-d : This Iron Master ( G to 1) ) won , W ; ! ! * Stro t ( G to 1) ) second , 1'lutus (3 ( to 1) thaO. Time : l-W , . Fourth race , six fin longs , selling : Weoln (4 ( to 1) won , Siva (2 ( to 1) ) second , Prince ( I to 1) third. Time : l:18Vt. : , Fifth race , six furlongs , selling : Frank Citiylc (3 ( to 1) ) won , C'yclono (3 ( to f. ) second end , Lollte Alter (40 to 1) third. Time : 1:17" : . . Sixth rnce , six furlongs , selling : Josephine ( f to 2) ) won , Billy Bennett (3 to 1) second , Itevemio (2 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1.17j. SAN FRANCISCO. April 22. The book makers got most of tlio money again today. The public picked the winners of the second and third rnces only. Sumtnailes : First race , six furlongs , helling : Nervoso. SI ! . Ibom 1C to 1) ) , won ; Lulu. 93 , I'oatly ( I to 1) ) , second ; Nelson , 112 , HennPHsy (2 ( to 1) ) , third. Time : 1:1451. : Hose Clark , Baltic Cul vert , Morgan d. Blue Ufll nnd 1'olaskl also Second race , four nnd n bait furlongs , 2- year-olds , selling : Uypsette gelding , 100 , Isom (3 ( to 1) ) , won ; Joan , 10S , Booth (10 ( to 1) ) . second ; Ida II. 100. Chevalier (15 ( to 1) ) , third. Time : 0:6G. : Walter J , Kd'emont ( , Nevon1 , Charlotte Illly , Avail filly nnd Don Gani also ran. Third race , one mile : Midas , 93 , Chevalier (3 ( to 0) . won ; Nebuchadnezzar. K > . Isom (7 ( to 5) ) , second ; Arnettc , EO , .limra ( C to 1) ) , third. Time : 1:41V : , . No others ran. Fourth race , short six furlong ? , selling- : Mountain , 101 , Coady (10 ( to 1) ) , won ; Sweet Alice , 93 , Chevalier (2 ( to 1) ) . second ; Nellie a , OS , Isom (3 ( to 1) ) , third. Time : 1:13. : Com- rad" . Little Bob and Grnnd Lndy nlso run. Fifth nice , live and n halt furlong , well ing : Mollle It , Ml , Chevalier (9 ( to B ) , won ; Contribution , 100. Isom ( C to D ) , second ; O'JJee. 10G , Coady (4 ( to 1) ) , third. Time : lOSy : , . "Wag nnd Sllgo also ran. Sixth race , one mile , selling : Hear Ouard. 103 , Slonne (2 ( to 1) ) , won ; Tar nnd Tartar. 104 , Helnrlchs (8 ( to G ) , second ; Brodhend. 102 , Chevalier ( I to 1) ) , third. Time : 1:114. : The Mlllnrd , Hydy , Charmer nnd Gold Dust nlso ran WASHINGTON , April 22.-The books nt St. Asaph were hard hit on the day , ns four favorites won nnd the winner of the llrst race was backed from 5 to 3 to 1. The Blemton stables' Illly , Floretta , cap tured the Arlington stakes In commanding style , simply galloping away from Atiplo- gnte In the fast time of 0:4S : i. Kemilts : First race , one-half mile : Monteztima (3 ( to 1) won , Tyvana (9 ( to 1) ) second , Charma (15 ( to 1) third. Time : 0:5014. : Second rnce , nvven furlongs : Cnptaln T (12 ( to 1) ) won , Sir Dlxon , Jr. , ( I to 1) ) second , Copyright (13 ( to C ) third. Time ; l j. Third race , one mile : Buckrene (7 ( to 10) ) won , Cass (10 to 1) ) second , Little Mat (5 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:43 : % . Fourth race , one-hint mile : Florettn (7 ( to 20) ) won , Applegnte (5 ( to 2) ) second , Lambent (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 0:4S4. Fifth race , five furlongs : Nick (8 ( to C ) won. Factotum (9 ( to C ) second , Fidget (50 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:0194. : Sixth race , six furlongs : McKeefe (3 ( to G ) won , Lottie Kustln (5 ( to 1) second , Sir John (15 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:1G : > 4. ItOBY , Ind. , April 22. Results : First race , six furlongs : Vloletta wonL La Prentic second. Last lloso third. Time : llS'i- : Second race , seven-sixteenths of a mile : Miller M won. Harmony second , Legion third. Time : 0I24. : Third race , eleven-sixteenths of a mile : Cole won , Red John second , La Garlla third. Time : 1:09 : % . Fourth race , one mile : Llssmore won , Freddy T second , Folly third. Time : 1:1I'S. : Fifth race , seven furlongs : Kllle T won , Lester second , Staldlvar third. Time : 1:31 : % . ST. LOUIS , April 22. Results at Hast St. Louis : First race , three-quarters ot a mile : Arthur H won , Onze second , Benlta third. Time : 1:23. : Second race , five-eighths of a mile : Pro verb won , limestone second , Luke Parks third. Time : lOC'i. : Third rnce , rive-eighths of a mile , rielllns- Herndon won , Republic second , Kll third Time : 1:00. : Fourth race , one mile , selling : South erner won. Little Nell second , Fonshway third. Tlino : 1:50. Fifth race , three-quarters ot a mile , nell- Imj : Franke ! D won , Hrakeman second Ohcisa third. Time : 1:21 : % . Grunt .Mutcli Itucn Announced. MEMPHIS , April 22. A special race which Is sure to prove the most Interesting event of the spring meeting at Montgomery park , IB announced tonight by the new Memphis Jockey club for Thursday , Aprl 25. It will bring together the crack repre sentatives of the be t stnbli'S at the park Including Cnph Day , who defeated Liber tine last wek ; Rey el Santa Anita , who stands at the head of Baldwin's string Henry Young , who distinguished hlmsel at Little Rock and has pulled off Rome KOOI stakes at this meeting , nnd Chris Smith's fast mare , Yo Tambien , The race will hs a sweepstakes , special weights , $100 i-nch play or pay , nt one mile , with $00) added with entries and wclphts ns follows : Rej el Santa Anita , 110 ; Cash Uay , 103 ; Henrv Young , 101 ; i'o Tambien , 90 ; Lobc'iigula , 75 Pools are now being sold on the race as follows : Cash Day , $120 : Rey rl Santa Anita , $100 ; Henry Young , $90 ; Yo Tambien $35 ; Lobcngula , $20. Clilldi .Iiimix i Invnlnnd. CINCINNATI , April 22. Clarence Chllds second baseman of the Cleveland club , has revolted nnd refused to accompany his team to St. Louis today. He has not signed n contract yet nnd refuses to do so unless granted a $300 Increase In salary over that of last year. This was refused him. Ohlldii wanted to BO to Cleveland to tell his troubles to President Robinson , but n hot telegram trom the Cleveland mogul evidently blighted his hopes In thiit quarter und he Is apparently left. CLKVKLANU , O. . April 22.-President Robinson of the Cleveland base ball clul says that he has no knowledge that S'c- end Baseman Chllds has quit the team. He said ; "Chllds mude a demand for more salary , but I refused to give It to him. I he has quit , he will stay out until I JP ready to take him back nt my terms. ' Chllus arrived here from Cincinnati and wll see President Robinson tomorrow , Onmlm Crlrlict Club Opening. Yesterday ( Monday ) the first game of the season \vaa played In connection with the above club on Us grounds , Twentieth am Kmmctt htrects , In the presence ot u large MARK READY TO WEAR. EVERY GARMENT GUARANTEED. FIT , FINISH , FASHION , THE UES'I. Ask your Outfitter for them. DOLLARS ARE DOLLARS THESE DAYS ! j I Shirts will fit your " pile " as well as your person. I WE WARRANT IT. Your addrc auJwB' rnaU you our "Souvenir of Fashions. " CLUETT , COON & CO. , Makers. number of members nnd their friends. The rniitaln * of the itmnn werp Hev. J. P 1 > . Jwytl nnd Mr. R llllilltrli. The mntch vn.t ( IfrMetl by the tlrst Inning * , the 1111- Uterus bolnu rusy victors. Then'ns somn iretty crlrket played , conyltlrrlnir the mem- 'era hnvo Imil no jirnclloc , the litittlni * of Messrs. Mnrdlinll , Cookion niul llr-tli bclna ; especially worthy of tnentlnn , while Mcnum. Altklniirc niul Mnrslmll < IM K.IUI ! work lowlliifr. 1'rnoile ? every WedniS'lny ' OVIM- UK nt 0 | > . in. until further notice. Mem- jers nre asked to b thre early Sat inlay next the tnont Interestlnir homo nntch of thr- season will be ployed , mnrrl'd ninliist sliiK'e. ' The oni > tnln. nre Messrs , lurry la\vrle niul J. C. loyli\ Stilrlito or it Wi'll Ktumii Tiirftnnn * l'HILMEt.rilIA. April 22. OcorRO Scat- envood , used 4D years , who Ims bo.-n Idcntl * fled with the trottliiR turt for a number of ears nnd wlio Is known by nearly every itrfinan from Maine to Callfornln. committed suicide early ( his morning In the club lioiuo i\t the Old I'olnt Drecze race track by shooi ng himself. Mr. Scattcrgoott had been In II health for * omc timennd It Is believed ho ook his llfo while temporarily Insane. M.ttlnnnl tiPKRtin ( limim r < > Mpcitir < l. IlAI/riMOUK. April M.-l'hllndclphta- Hnltlmoro KHIIIO postponed ; ruin. WASHINGTON , April 22. The Washing. on-ltoston KIUUI' postponed ; ruin. NKW YOU 1C , April IZ.-Tlie Now York- iirooklyn l nso ball gntne liun been post- > oned on account of rain. tlnines today : Ho < ton at WnshliiRton ; 1'lttRburg nt Cincinnati ; Cleveland nt 8t. Units ; ClilcuKO at J oulsvllle. Old I'lisliliiitoil Cnino. The Vlnlon Streets played with the Al- brlKhts Sunday afternoon at the Albright grounds , Score ; Vlnton Streets . G 4 0 2 ( 0 3 0 2-21 Albrlfihts . 02GOE3GO G-25 Haltorles : Vlnlon , Crawford , Kroll and Slneller ; Albright , Mahler. IJallhlmcr nnd Arland. Vniiilre : Tube. Hull In Miont I tin Colt. N'KW YOUK , April 22.-Snvey , J. P. Owycr'a promising brown colt , by 8-ilvntor- Caehiicn , who Injured himself badly last week , was fhot today. Savoy worked half a mile In OiM a few days before thi ? acci dent and was engaged for the bljj sprint ? events. _ t > limiinn > r. ltlc Itiico ( IT. ( ST. I.UU1S , April 22 The match race between the horses Dr. Hlcc nnd Klminons , which was to have been run on Thursday , has been1 declared oft nnd Dr. Ulce will lie shipped east on Thursday to be entered In the Brooklyn handicap. Ilnriilpii ! ) ( JIM * * In l.umlun , I..I3IPSIC , April 22.-Curt von Uarlcben , the chess player , departed today for Lon don. where he Is matched to play tiguliist J. H. Hlnckburn on Thursday. AFFAIRS "AT SOUTH OMAHA. I.lvi ) Stock Kii'luiiiKit Adopts Sumo ItcKolu- tlont Itu.lftllllf ; Morton. One of the most largely attended meetings of the South Omaha Live Stock exchange held In a long time was held yesterday ntter- noon. Secretary of Agriculture Morton and his department came In for a good scoring on account of ilr. Morton's recent statements regarding the rlss In the prlco of beef. After discussing the question for tome , time UIB resolutions printed below ware unanimously adopted , and show the sentiment of the llvo stock men In this town ; WhereaH , The Investigation Instituted by the Agricultural department of. the United btntes In reference to the recent advance In the pi Ice of beef has been heralded by thu press of the country as proof of the exist ence of a combine or trust among the pack ers. and Whereas , This conclusion nnd erroneous Idea Is nt present working to the great detriment of the cattle Interests of the coun try In creating n wrong Impression na to the relative cost of cattle and beef , and Whereas , We know that the enhanced price of beef to the consumer has not been out of proportion to the advanced price paid for cattle to the producer ; therefore , be It Resolved , That we. the members of the South Omaha lAve Stock exchange , call the attention of the honorable secretary of agri culture and the country at large to the fact that , during the first three months of the present year , cattle receipts nt Chicago , with n full corn crop In Illinois , Indiana and adjacent territory , fell off 17 per cent as compared with 1SSI ; Kansas City's receipts fell off 13 per cent , notwithstanding a biff Increase In Texas shipments , and Omaha , In the very heart of the drouth-stricken , country , fell off 32 per cent. On account of this shortage cattle prices advanced from $1 to $2 per 100. as compared with n year ago , and the higher prices for beef natu rally followed. With the higher prices for beef and the press agitation on this subject consumption fell off and cattle values de clined In consemience. We regard the pres ent depression in cattle values , however , as only temporary , as the Indications nro that the next three months of this year will witness a further reduction In available cat tle supplies of fully CO jier cent. We nre satisfied that there can be no combine pos sible amung the beef packers on account of the Increased number of buyers In all the leading maikets and the dlverstlled Interests represented by them ; be It further Resolved , That the secretary of this ex change be , nnd Is hereby , Instructed to for ward a copy of these resolutions at once to Hon. J. Sterling Morton , secretary of agri culture. These resolutions regarding the Inspectors wera also adopted : Whereas , The members of the South Omaha I/ve Stock exchange arc thoroughly and heartily In sympathy with the system of Inspection as Instituted by the Depart ment of Agriculture and dcslro to see this Inspection as rigid and complete ns possible In order that nothing but good nnd whole some meats be put upon the market : but Whereas , Dally controversies are arising In the yards between the Inspectors ap pointed by the Department of Aprlcultura to examine the live stock received here nnd the various dealers engaged In handling of said stock , greatly to the detriment of the business here , and , Whereas , Much of the trouble Is occa sioned , ns we believe , by the Incompetoncy of the Inspectors appointed through political Inllucncc , and not on account of their Ill ness for the position ; therefore , be It Resolved , That we , the members of the South Omaha t.lve Stock exchange , most earnestly protest against the unwarranted actions of these Inspector * , rind respectfully request that the matter bo tnkcn up by the department without delay and remedied by the appointment of good , experienced men. who will render good service to the depart ment , to the end that justice may be donate to producers , consumers and all concerned ; be It further Resolved , That the secretary of this ex change lin Instructed to forward a copy of these resolutions to Hon. J. Sterling Morton , secretary of agriculture. Ciiopor'a Dcnlli ln to Accident. Yesterday the body of Fred W. Cooper. ufco lived at 1219 North Nineteenth afreet , Omaha , was found In the creek near How- land & Bradford's lumber yard In Mbrlght. Ilrower & Sloan were notified by the police. and removed the body to the morgue. Cor oner Maul held an Inquest on the remains yesterday afternoon. Witnesses testified to the ( hiding of the body and ol notifying the police. Mrs. Cooper , widow of the deceased - ceased , was present , nnd upon being placed upon the stand told about the last tlmo bho saw her husband allvo. She said that oil Sunday morning she left for church , leav ing her husband at home , who was not feeling well. When she roturnc'l he wan gone , she dil | not know whore. Ho had been drinking hard of late , and had lost a position lately through drink. Mrs. Cooper went to church again , nnd when she re turned her husband was still absent. Then she bepnn to be worried , nnd sat up all night waiting for him to come. The flrst Bho knew of her husband's death was when a Ileo reporter nodded her at her homo about 9 o'clock yesterday forenoon. After weighing all of the evidence the Jury re turned a verdict ot accidental death. Alitsla l'lty ioitlt. | T1I6 clly council \vlll meet tonight. James W. Murphy went to Neola , la. , yes terday. The stars and stripes floated from tlift roof of every school house hero yesterday , o llnrk friini llmrall. Mra , R. H. Dundy nnd Mr , and Mrs. Sclp Dundy returned last evenIng - Ing from nn extended trip to Ha waii and Japan. They weru detained at quaianllne nt Han Francisco on. account of two cases of smallpox which developed In the steerage of the rt-nmfihlp C'olpeo , upon which they were passviiiwrb. Mrs. ihindy put In the lima at < iuaruntlnn ruminating ml the vngarU-H ot human na. lure , thinking ot home , and Incidentally looking over her fcouvrnlrs , nmoiiir whlni was a sword presented by a Japnnt'He < JI - Hilary , a fan from Quicn IM mid a vulu- ublo vlt'hlnK , iir - enl l with the compli ment * of Capinln I'M Howard. JiiOt'o Dundy met 111 * family at North 1'latu anil nceompunled them home , MtHillnilx-r Molli Out , Kdward M adlmbor , manufacturer of ci\r- rlaucs nt 1513 C'hlciitfo street , has made a bill of talu for the sum of $7,000 and re tired from the manairc-inenl of the bus I ness * .