TTTTC T A TT/V 11TC P. . . A V. AT TJTT. 1Q 1.QOK COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Became Suddenly Excited During the Final Hour of Trading. CORN WEAK GREATER PART OF THE DAY Speculative Interest Hnt All Transferred to the 1Vlicitt Murkot In the doling Ilniir * of tlio Jloiuil'a Session. CHICAGO , April 17-Tho wheat innrlcct Xot suddenly cxcltod during the last fifteen minutes ot 'change on the cash business which developed here nnd nt New York. Mny sold to 57He against 50'to ' Inst night. The following were given as reasons for the spurt : Sales of 2W.OGO bu. hern for fhlpnient enst nt the equivalent to Mny prices ; sales of a round number uf car loads from twenty-five to fifty In addition to tlio nbove , to GO to Michigan miller ! ) cxnd other smaller lots for country millers , jind fales reported from Now York , thirty- four bout load ? , Including twelve at out- ports , with cash selling to miller * at Uc over Mny. The big feature of the slttia tlon wan the claims that outside of Chicago cage there la practically no available wheat for export or for Interior domestic millers. Traders In wheat appeared to bo much In doubt this morning. There wag not enough outside buying to greatly encourage local buyers. On the other hand the boars were timid , because the past two tlayn the ex port sales were getting risky. There was no Influence In the cables. Houtlnc news was somewhat bullish. Northwestern cars were 191 , compared with 2G2 ti year ago. Western markets all told had 172,000 bu. receipts , against 272,000 bu. last year. OwlriK to the opening ot lake navigation , the forward movement of wheat was liberal. Olllclnl reports on the Baltic nnd Bundry shipments gave 3,3IS.CKJ < ) 1m. , where the New Yolk dispatches yesterday claimed 4,600,000 bu. from lliii-gla nnd the Argen tine. . MlnnenjjollH and Toledo dispatches were bullish in tone regarding cash whcal nnd Hour. The four leading ports and New Orleans cleared for the clay 457,000 bu. In wheat nnd Hour. On this the mar ket made Us best rally of the morning. The rains over the southwest nnd favorable crowing conditions over most of the coun try gave the bears encouragement. At llrst prices were little changed with sales for May at from EG',4c to Gfic , followed by a clip tn from CCUc to GGc , and a fair rally to GGc. Before 12 o'clock there wns a second dip to WJ'ic and a second bulge to D6c. Later the market held quiet nt G6'.4c ' , where May closed for two days showing % c Improvement from Saturday There was n surprise In wheat the lasl hour. Doltlc and sundry shipments were corrected to read 6,076,000 bu. On this the crowd broke May price to Cfllic. When New York reported eighteen boat loads Bold for export and round lots sold here amounting to 2GO.OOO bu. No. 2 red nt May price , there was an attempt to buy. Then May went up l'&c to S7'ic In a few minutes Last prices were from G7Hc to 67V4c for May nnd GSJic for July. Sculpingshor holders were punished. The corn market was weak during the greater part of the day , but closed nbou 1-lCo over the closing figures of the day previous. Speculative Interest was nl transferred to the wheat market. May opened nt from 45c to 45 > Jc , nnd thei worked down to 45Hc , with a recovery Inter to from 45' , c to 45 % , In sympathy with the advance In wheat. There was a big business doing In oats and the market closed at from He to % c lower than yesterday. Liberal selling caused the decline , although the buying wns urgent , nnd nt times pencrnl. Brokers principally were taking stuff In , while Ream nnd Bnrtlelt-I'Ynzler wore offering freely Other selling was good , but not confined to nny one party. May started at 28 c , de dined to 2o. Fold up to from ZS'.Jc ' to 2S'/ii nnd dropped off to 27T&C , nnd rallied to SSVic nt which price It closed , with July fron 2KYta to 2Gc , nnd closed nt 27Vdc. The trading In provisions was light am fluctuations narrow. Pork ranged from $12.321/4 to $12.25 , nnd closed nt $12.30 , or G < decline for the day. Lard Is S'.AC lowe for May nnd unchanged for Jnly. Hlb showed no change In either the Mny o July deliveries. The receipts for tomorro\ ore estimated : Wheat , 20 cars ; corn , 12C cars ; oats , 1C5 cars ; hogs , 18,000 head. Cash quotntlons .were ns follows : FLOl'Il Firms winter patents , J2.502.60 ; win tcr straights , J2.3" W2.GO ; spring patents , J3.10f ( 3.C.O ; spring straights , J2.ltlW2.85 ; bakers , I1.7GJ Z.25. Z.25.WHEAT WHEAT No. 2 spring. l'i0631Jc ; No. 3 spring nominal ! No. 2 red , C7fi57Uc. COHN No. 2 , 4 > 7ifl5V4o. OATS No. 2 , 2S > 4c ; No , 2 white , 32'Jc ' ; No. White. 3KT3ZC. HYK No. 2 , MBMHc. 13AHLHY No , 2 , t3Q534c ! ; No. 3 , COc ; No. 4 no sales. . _ FLAX BEKD No. 1 , $1.39. TIMOTHY SKKn-Prlme , J5.20. , PHOVIBIONH Hess pork , per bbl. , J12.30S > 12.42(4. ( Lard , per 100 Ibs. , JG.82'4fiG.93. Shor rlbH , sides , loose , J6.30iJ6.3214. Dry salted shoul clem , boxed , $5.C2145.7S / ; short clear sides , boxei WHIHICY-DlsllIlors' finished goods , per gal SITQARS Cut loaf , unchanged. The leading futures ranged ns follows : Articles. | Open. | HlTh. | Low. | Clou. Wlieiit.NoTs ' April r,0 > ( 67 67 Mny OH 57 i < D71 July 07MMM B7 68 Corn No. a. April Mny . July 4filt ) f.M 40 Sept 40K 40 ! < Oats NO..IS. . . May June. . . . . . . July 27K Pork per bbl Mny „ 12 'I'J 12 2S 12 32H July la 52 12 05 1'J 42K 11 ! 82 Laid,1001U3 May o o-v n ns n tm July v ia 7 iyi 7 10 Sept. 7 as 75 7 ' "JH 7 20 Short Ribs- May o ro n 30 0 25 o no July. . . . . . . (1 4 > . ' ) a 43 U 40 (1 ( 45 Sept U AS 0 07K 0 05 > U 07 following were the receipts nnO shipment Articles. Receipts , Shlpmen ts Flour. bWa. isiooo (15.000 Wheat , bu. . . -M.UHU 210.000 forn.bu 70.000 iilIOO : OnlN. bu 222,000 220,000 llyo bu 7.0(10 ( 8,1100 llanoy , bu. . . 18.000 23,000 I ? On the Proluco : uxcliango todav tno butter mar- if Ket waw tlrm : creamery , 14Q''titei ; dairy f" v * easier ; Be. Ciicese , creamery , NK\V YOItlC UKNKK.VL Closing Quitittlont on tlio Prluulpil Com moilltloi nnd Stuplm. NHW YOHK , April 17.-FLOL'H-nccelpts , 1C-CO bbls. ; exports , 19,900 bbls. ; sales , 43,500 pkgs. Still active for spring patents and bakers , but light for winter brands on light asking prices. Good demand for city Hour. Hye llcur , firm ; sales. 3M bbls. ; fancy , 3.0iffl3.10. Buckwheat flour , nominal. lil'CKWIIEAT ' Nominal , 49yMc. COUN Ml-AI/-Qulet but steady ; snles , 100 sacks : yellow western , l,09ffll.l2 ; Drondywlne , WUKAT Ilecelpts , 49 , < 00 bu. ; exports , 101.KO bu. ; sales , 0,103,000 bu , fulures nnd 128.000 bu. spot , fcpot strong ; No , 2 red , In store nnd ele vator. C2HOC2\c ; ntloat. C3ic : f. o. b. , 6IHo ntlont ; No. 2 hanl. 70Hc delivered. Options had a dull morning , with very little ne\\ and a weak- enlng tendency , relieved at noon by heavy clear ances , but pievalllng again all the early after noon until checked sharply by rumors of a Inrga export business , which caused active covering of M-Ui JJll-riuuei , ooflUi-n , ( . * , Closed 1 AC , COUN Itecelpu. , GW bu.s exports , none ; snles. 610,000 bu. future * nnJ 62.00bu. . spot. Spot eleiuly ; No. 2. 60Hc ; f. o. b. ; nllont. steamer yellow. 4'JlscS steamer mlxe.1. 49140. Options ilull nnd weak nt llrst umler free local operation * , with n partial afternoon reaction on wheat's nil. vunce. closing unchanged to Uc lower. May , M J-16WMttc. clowd 60 ic : July , 6054ft50 13-16r. closed 603c ; Beplember , 6Uf51Uc , closed 51'ic. OATH-ltecclpti. M.fW bu , ; exports. 100 bu.i coles , 213.000 bu. futuies nnd 61,000 bu. spot , tfpol canter ; No. 2 , 3lftc ; No. 3 delivered , 32ics No. S , Sic ; No. 2 white. S3 ic ; No. J white , SScj track , white western , 36U41C. Options were easier with corn , partially reacted In the afternoon , but evjf joe , HOPS Quiet ; state , common to choice , old , SC7CJ Pacific coast , old , 3 7c : 1S34 nt 6C10c. IllUrcs Firm : wet snlteil. New Orleans se lected. 45 to C5 Ibs. . Cos llucnos Ayres , dry , 2 ! to 14 Ibs. . lUflJ'.jc ; Texas ilry , 24 to 3) Ibs. , 7Uc. LKATHKH-Flrm : hemlock sole , liutnoa Ayres , Ilk-lit to heuvy. J6 lSc. \VOOL-8teodyj domestic ncece , 16C23c ; pulled , I'floVlSIONS-lleef. strndy ; family. lll.OOO W-OOj beef hams , J19.00ffl9.60 ; city cxtiu India mem , J17.Wlfl9.M. cut meats , steady. I ii-d. dull ; western steam closed at I7.20 ; city. JS.6-H : snles. 175 tierces , April closed at J7.20 , nominal ; May , 17.30 nominal , refined steady. Pork , tlrm but "IM < ' 1I'W f"1' ' ) ' . i shoit . Ill'TTKilUti'aily , western dairy. fCnUc ; west. ern creamery. UwSJc , western factory , Siillc. El. gins. 20oi Imitation creamery , yiSoi state dairy , WIISc. state creamery , :0c. laree. TUOima : small , SO port eklms , 2r7cj full skims , I . Firm ; ctate 004 I'eausj-lvanla , n fresh , ISHcj soulhotn , Il"i015'.4c ; re * cclpti. ltM3 pkKi. TAM,9W7nrnJ. ) jl > ' ' P r pkg. ) , 4Hcs coun- IIV ( pkfree ) , 4 } C. l'l-TIlOLnU.\l-Nolnlnals UnllCi ! elO cd at 12.17 bl'Ji ' Wpthlngton , bbls. . nominal j Witshlnclon , In bulk , iiohrtnSlj rennert New York. II0.60OI1.M ; I'hlMelphla and llaltlmot * , J10.454J10.95 ; I'hlla- delpFiU nnd nAlllmore. In bulk , 5.3j. IlOBIN-Slinlncil , common to cow ] , ll.Mftl.H'.i. i , . ' ' -e 'y ; . IUCi5 srarkel steady ; domestic , fair to extra , 4Xfl So : Jnpun. 434Hc. , jtOI ASSid-l'lrm : New Orleans , open kettle , good to choice. MBSSc. OIlASaiS Quiet ; California , p r box , 12.730 S.W. S.W.MHTALSris Iron , stncdy : Hcotrh , I19.00fl20.00s Amerlcnn , JJ.Mfll2.00. Copper , firm ! brokern1 prlciJ9.W ; exi-lmnge price , $3.W. $ Lend , sternly ; lirnkera' price , JIOS : cxchnnRC price , JJ.07',4. Tin , Prm sienlts , J1I.O.-Q1I.15 ; plates , uulct. Spelter , nulrtj domestic , J3.0 ; silos on 'cliuiiRi' , 35 tons July tin at Jll.OO ; 2n tona July tin nt Jtl.lft ; 60 tons .Mny tin at JH.10 ; 25 tnns August tin nt JH.fS : 23 tons September tin nl 111.03. . f.'OTTON SKt'W Oll < I'llrly slendy , but quleti only small local ilenmml. Off cru'lc , ! 2n2J',4e ; off Kitmmrr yellow. 27tf27icj ! prlmr summer yellow , O.MAHA UI.MK.VL : . onitltlon of Trnilo mill Otiotntlom on Mnplo nnd 1'nnry Prniluce , iOCIS Choice , clean stock , per doz. , lOc. 1IUTTIJH Packing Ktock , CO'c ; common to 'nlr. 7C80 ! fair to Rood country , lOUlles choice o fancy , WjlSc : gnlhercil creamery , Kcs tepa- ntor crcnmory , 17W18e. L1VI5 POUI.TIIY Hens , TiflScj mixed , Co ; uck , S 8',4cs ' tuikeys , kJn ! ) ; heavy toms , 7c ; . OAMIj Illue wing tenl , per i'.oz. , tl.50 ; prei-n vlng tenl , per Ooz. , (1.2."iRI.OOi iltirks , mlxoil , per ' 07 . , tl.DOfn.2I ; rnnvuslmcks , J4.03a5.00 ; M.tllaids nd red hends , J2.oO3.0iJ. VEAL-Cholce fnl , 70 to 100 His. , nrc quoted t C' fniic ; Inrgn nnd coarse , 3 < JI- . rilKKHB Wisconsin full cr--nn , Ynunc Amer- cuns , 130i twlnn , 12',4c ; Nebraska MM ! Inw.i , full rientii , lie ; Nebraska nml Iowa , p.irt . vklnii. "if c : LlniliuiKtr , No. 1 , lie ; lirlok , N' . . 1 , lie ; \\-\rr. \ Nil. 1 , ITiC. HAV-t'pland hay , JJ.SO ; mldHnd , n.Oii ; | ( W and , IS.iV ) ; rye htrnw , rt.CO ; col > r makes Hie irlro on liny. Light halts sell the best. Only OP itrmles br'ng ' top prlce-B. l'lU15ONS--I'er doz. . Jl.0001.20 , I'OTATOnS V.VKtern stock , "ar Inly. f.(570e ( ; mnll lots , 73e ; Knrly Hose secil pfitntnt-c , Me ; Jnily Ohio seed , J1.10 ; Northern l > nrl/ Ohio ucd , 1.2.1. OLD I1KANS Hand picked , navy , J2.2'l ' ; J.l-na ciinn. per Hi. , t'.ic. ONION'S On orders , yellow , per bu. , tl.10 ; led , 1.2) . L'AIHIAOE On orders , 2',4 2Wc. : cnLIJIlY Cnllfornln. SOoiiJl.W. H\ViiT I-OTATOUS Good stock 52.3J ; > l :2.2r : . IIKBTS-1'cr bbl. , J1.50. fAllllOTS IVr ltil. ) , Jl.M. CAt'LIKLOWin : Per crnto of n doz and a half ir twi > doz. , J2.25. HOUHnilADISU Per Hi. . CQ7c. I'AHHNIPS Per bbl. , J1.75. IlL'TAIIAOAH Per III. , 1'tc. ' PAIIHLKY Per doz. liuni-hes , 33c. Tl'UNIPS Per bbl. , J1.50. SPINACH Per bbl. , J2.73 ; bu. bsxos , Jl.OO. WATEK CHESS Per IC-qt. case , J1.C001.73. HADI8HKS Per doz. , 8V. aitEEN ONIONS Per iloz. bunches , 202jC. LBTTUCK I'er doz. , 30ff33c. ASPAHAOtlS Good stock on orders , OOcQJl.OO per doz. bunches. I'lB 1'LANT Per lb. , Cc. FHU1TS. STHAWDEIiniES Per 21-at. case , J4.60S5.00 ; scarce. APPLES Choice stock , J3.60 ; box apples , J2.00. TKOPICAL VHO1TS. OHANOES Fancy Washington navels , per box , .3.23fi3.DO ; fancy Washington nnvcls , per box , OS nnd 112 size , J3.00 ; choice Washington navels , regular sizes , J3.23 ; choice Washington navels , SO nnd 112 sizes , J3.00 ; fancy seedlings , per Ixix , J2.73 ; choice seedlings , per box , $2.EOf2.GO ; choice seedlings , per box , 230 size , J2.23f2.35. LEMONS Extra , fancy lemons. 300 size , J4.00 ; trlctly choice lemons. 501 size , J3.73 ; extra fnncy emcYis , 360 size , J3.75 ; strictly choice lemons , J3.60 size. 53. W. IIANANAS Choice shipping stock , per bunch , Jl.75fi2.50. MISCELLANEOUS. FIC3S Fancy , 15c ; choice , 12tfl3e ; California , bags , 7c. ' HONEY New Yotk , ICc ; dark , 14o ; California , . MAl'LE SYHUP Gallon Jugs , per doz. , J12.00 Illxby. 6-gal. cans. J3.00. MAPLE SUGAH Per lb. , OfllOc. NUTS Almonds , 14e ; English walnuts , soft- shelled , 12c ; standards , lie ; filberts , 9c ; lirnzll nulH , Si1 ! i ecnns , 105I12C. DATES In < X > to 70-lb. boxes , 5' , c per lb. ; fan ! ilntes. ! ) o per lb. SAtJEH KHAUT Choice white , per bb ] . , J5.60 ; per half bbl. , J3.00. MINCE MEAT Fnncy , In quarter bbls. , per .b. , 5V4c ; 10-gnl. kegs , 6e ; condensed , per cose of 3 doz. pkgB. , J2.60. CIDUH Ture Juice , per bbl. , J5.00 ; half bbl. J3.00. HIDES AND TALLOW. HIDES No. 1 green hides , 6c ; No. 2 green hides , 5Hc ; No. 1 green cnlted hides , 7c ; No. 2 green salted hides , Olic ; No. 1 veal calf , S to 15 Iba. , St/9c / ; No. 2 venl cnlf , 8 to 15 Ibs. , 7c ; No. 1 dry tllne hides , S5J9c ; No. 2 dry flint hides , Ciftc ; No. 1 dry snltotl hides , 7c ; pnrt cured ildes. 14o per pound less than fully cured. SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each 23RCOe green salted shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) . each 5ifll3cj dry shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 6W10c ; dry shearlings ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 2 , each Be ; dry Hint Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , ppr pound , actual weight , 5Sfc ; dry Jllnt Kansas nnd Nebniska muVruIn wool pelts , per ixmnd , actual wolght , 4JJ6o ; dry Hint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per pound , actual weight , 406V4C.S dry Hint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per pound , actual weight , ffjCc. Have feet cut off , aa It Is useless to pay freight on them. TALLOW AND GHEASE No. 1 tnllow , 41H ? o ; No. 2 tallow , 3Hii4c ; grease , white A , 4 ® 4'/ic ; grease , white II. 3',4c ; gronse , yellow , 2 > 4J3o ; grease , dnrk , 214e ; old butter , 2O2V4c ; beeswax , prime17T20c ; lough tallow , 2c. WOOL , UNWASHED Flno heavy , CJf7c ; fine light , 8(9o ( ; quarter blood , 10T12c ; seedy , buiry and chaffy , 8j9c ; catted nnd broken , coarse , 7l9c ; coiled anil broken , fine , 6iJSc. WOOL , WASHED Medium , 15Iil8c ; Hnc. 140 16o ; tub wnshetl , ICfJISo ; black. Sc ; bucks , 6c ; tng locks , 2Q3c ; dead pulled , SWCc. FOHS. Ft'HS Hear , black , No. I , large , J20.OOfI23.01 ; bear , brown. No. 1 , large. J2' ' > . 000 2.1. 00 ; No. 1 me dium , J16.0I ) ; No. 1 , small , J12.00 ; bear , brown , yearlings. No. 1 , large , J10.00JT12.00 ; No. 1 me dium , JS.OO ; No. 1 , small , $0.00 ; ben" , brown , cuts , No. 1 , large , J7.00 ; No. 1. medium. J5.00 ; No. 1 , small , J3.00 ; ludger. No. 1 , medium , J15.00 ; No. 1 , small , JS.OOfflO.OO ; benr , black , yearlings , No , I , large , J12.UOQ15.00 ; No. 1 , me dium , J10.00 ; No. 1 small , J7.00 ; benr , black , cubs. No. 1. large , JG.OuOS.M ; No , 1 , medium , J3.0006.W ; No. 1 , small , J4.00 ; bear , black. Mon tana , nnd Hocky mountain. No. 1 , large. J1S.003 ? 20.00 ; No. 1 , medium. J14.00 ; No. 1 , small , J10.00 ; bear , black , Montana yt'nrllngs. No. 1 , large , $12.00 ; No. 1 , medium , JS.OO ; No. 1 , small , $5.00 ; benr , black. Montnna cubs. No. 1 , large. J6.60 ; No. 1 , medium , J4.60 ; No. 1 , small , $3.00 ; bear , silver tip , No. 1 , large , j : < ) .00 ; No. 1 , medium , J12.00 ; No. 1 , small. } 8.W ( ; bear , silver lip , year- llngst. No. 1 , large , $11.00 ; No. 1 , medium , JS.OO ; No. 1 , small , $5 ; benr , silver tip , cubs , No. 1 large , J1.00W1.60 ; No. 1 , medium. 60c ; No. 1. small , Mo : Usher. No. 1 , largeJS.OO ; No. 1 , medium , JC.OO ; No. 1 , smnll , J4.00 ; fox. silver , ns to color , according to beauty. No. 1 , large , J100.00 ; No , 1 , medium , JCO.OO ; No. I , Kmnll. $50.00 ; fox , silver , Palo , according to teauty , No. 1 , large , J30.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J30.00 ; No. 1 , small , J20.00 ; fox , cross. No. 1 , large , J7.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J3.00 ; No. 1. small , J2.00 ; fox , red , No. 1 , Inrge , $1.60 ; Nu. 1 , medium , $ l.2. > ; No. 1 , small , $1.00 ; fox , gray. No. 1 , large , 75o ; No , 1 , medium , 60c ; No , 1 , small , 40c ; fox kits , No. 1 , large , & 0c ; No. 1 , medium. 40c ; No. 1 , small , 30c ; lynx , No. 1 , largo , $3.00 ; No. 1 , medium. (2.00 ; No. 1 , smnll , $1.60 ; marten , No. 1 , large , J2.00 ; No. 1 , medium , JI.60 ; No. 1 , smnll. Jl.OO : mink. No. 1 , large , GO'uKkv. No. 1 , medium , 40c ; No. 1 , small , 35a ; mink , dnrk , No , 1 , large , C5c ; No , 1 , medium , 40o ; No. 1. small , 30c ; mountain lion , perfect head nnd feet. No. 1 , large , J1.00S2.00 ; Imper fect skins , JC.W 7.00 : No. 1 , small , $5.00 ; otter , pale. No. 1 , large , J7.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J5.00 ; No. 1. email. Jl.OO ; raccoon , No. 1 , large. G0i70c ; No. 1 , medium , 60c ; No. 1 , large , 60c < 8J2.00 ; skunk , black , cased , narrow striped , No. 1 , large , 60c ; No. 1 , medium , 40c ; No. 1 , small , 25c ; broad striped. No. 1. large. 20j25c ; wolverine. No , 1 , large , J4.00 ; No. 1 , medium. JS.OO ; No. 1 , small , $2.00 ; wolf , mountain , No. 1 , large , $3.00 ; No. 1 , medium. $2.00 ; No. 1 , small , $1.60 ; wolf , nrahlc , No , 1 , Inrge , 65i(90cj No. 1 , mcMlum , COc ; No. 1 , small , 40c ; beaver , per skin. No. 1 , large , J5.00Q G.OO ; No. 1 , medium , $4.60 ; No. 1 , small , 12.00 ; benver kits. No. 1 , Inrge , 12.00 ; No. 1 , medium , J1.60 ; No. 1 , smnll , 75o ; muskrnts , winter , No. 1 , largeCiilOc ; No. 1 , medium. 9c ; No. 1 , small , 7c ; muskrats , fall , No. L large , 4J6c ; No. 1 , medium , 7c ; No. 1 , small , Cc ; muskrat kits , 2Q3c. KXOITKS1KN T IN OIL. lirenk In the I'rlco of the Product Causes n NEW YORK , April 17. While great excitement was prevailing In the oil regions through a break In the price of oil today the New York market held a sinister temper , prices declining from J2.70 bid to $2.15 nskixl , nnd closing at $2.17 bid , without sales. The weakness developed afler 2 o'clock , but resulted In no business at this point. The Ofcllne has made the price of spot oil even mre nominal than It has been , leaving quota tions mere guesswork on the Utsls of about $10.60 for renned In barrels nnd $11.60 for rase oil. with crude In barrels worth $ S.50. Hut nobody pretends to give close quotations In the present feverish state of the market , nor Is nny satisfactory explanation of the decline given nt this point. CHARLESTON , April IT. TURl'CNTINE- Qulet at 27r. ROSIN Firm at $1.10. WILMINGTON , April 17.-ROSIN-Flrm ; strained. SI. 15. HPHUTS-FIrm nt JI.27. TAll Flrm-at J1.27. LONDON. April 17.-CALCUTTA LINSEED- Spot. S5s Ms March , thlpmrnt via cape , 35s Cd. TURPENTINE SPIIUTS-Kl Sdtf22s M. PETHOLL'l'M-Spot. Slid ; spirits , 10UJ. ANTWERP. April 17.-PETROLCUM-3U paid nnd sellers. IIREMBN , April I7.-PETROLEUM-1J marks. OIL CITY , Pa. , April 17. Oil opened nt 210 ; high. 203 ; low. 212 ; closed 217 ; rales , 134.000 bbls.j clearances , S5.005 bbls.J shipments , 60,431 bbls.j runs , 87,943 bbls. < otton Murt < t. NinV ORLEANS. April 17-COTTON-Flrra ; middling , 6 HGo ; low middling , 5 15-lSc ; good ordl- nary , ( .So . ; net receipts. 1,16 $ bales ; gross , 1.23S bales ; exports , to the continent , I.S33 liales ; cnaH. wise , 4,404 bales ; sale * . 6,650 bales ; slock , : (7(82 balea. NEW YORK , April IT.-COTTON-Dull ; mid- dllnir , 6Tic ; net receipts , C53 bales , gross , S.(57 balea ; export * to Great Hrltaln , 6,417 bales ; to th continent , 1 $ talcs ; forwarded , 1,111 baits ; sales , 100 bAlrss tplnntrs , nonni stock , ! 16l5S bnlcx. Total todny. net receipts , > ,80 baits ; rjportu to ( treat Ilrltnm , 6,417 bales ; to the continent , 7,199 bates ; stock , 733,837 bale ? . STOCKS AND 11UNU3. Market In Bccnrltloi Characterized bjr Much Fltictiintlnni Yetterdnjr. NEW YORK , April 17. There was no Indica tion nt the opening ot business on the Slock ex change today of the strength and buoynncy which were subsequently Infused Into tha specu lation , While the Initial dealings were active Iho tone of the market was heavy , which wns partly duo to the unsettled character of the trading In Amerlcnn securities on the London exchange and to the selling here for the foreign account , General Eleclrlc wns nolnbly weak on Bales Induced by the nctlon of the directors yes terday In discharging the conference committee with \Vestlnghousc company , thus abandon ing the negotiations looking to a business com bination , The shares broke Hi per cent , but quickly rallied a fraction , nnd during the afternoon - noon made a further recovery , leaching lit per cent nbove the lowest , with a reaction of H per cent at the close , making the loss on the day only Vi per cent. Baltimore ft. Ohio was nlso sold down on leports that the dividend would be passed , nnd later , when the announcement wns mndo tlint this should bo done , there wns a further reaction , the totnl decline from yesler- day's closing being 414 per cent , with a rally In tha final sales of li per cent , restricting the net decline to 2'4 per cent. The general market became strong after 10:15 , nnd continued to move upward until nlnut neon , when a reaction took place In some of thp properties , llefore 1 o'clock speculation hud again resumed Its tone , nnd during Ihe rest uf the nay prices appreciated , the market closing buoyant nnd In a majority of coses nbove the final sales of yesterday. Tim trading In bonds continues on a very heavy scnle , the totnl sales today aggregating $2,375,000. $ The tendency of prices was upward throughout the day , nnd 115 bonds figured In the dealings. The Evening Post's London cablegram says : The stock markets today were lifeless nnd fea tureless except iHlver stock , which wns very strong on the reported signing of the treaty between China nnd Japan. Americans wert- Ir regular and dull , wllh no business. The India council today allotted sixty lakhs of rupees nt 13d and 13',4d. ' Them Is much discussion ns to how much China will endeavor to raise here to pay tln > war Indemnity. The estimate nt piesent generally favors a loan of about 10,000,001) . The following were , the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York ex change todny : AtehlBon. GKINortiiwpulern 03H Adniim Express. . . 144 N. W. pfd 140 Alton , T. It N. Y. Central " Am. Express N. Y. AN. E llnltlmoro A ; Ohio. Ontario \ W Canada Pacific. . . . 4VH , Oregon Imp Canada Southern. . B2 Oresoii Nav 18 Central PnclQc. . . . 17M O. S. L. A U. N. . . . dies , A Ohio 17H Pacific Mall. . Chicago Alton 147 P. U. A E C.H..t Q 73 piusburs. ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ' i"s" 73m Pullman Pntaoa , . 111' ! Consolidated Qas. 1S3 Hemline 14H C..C. . C. A St. L. . . . 3l" < H. O. W 1(1 ( Colo. Coal A Iron. . 0 ! < U. O. W. pfd 41f Cotton Oil Cert. . . . STMl Hock. Island 03 DclawnruAIIud. . 1204 St. Paul 6HH Del. , Lack. AW. . . KiOH dopfd 117 D.AK. O. pfd ail'4 ' St. P. A Omaha. . . . H3 D.AC. P. Co 1BH do pfn 108 Hrlo lojl Southnrn Pacino. . 10W do pfd 21H Sugar Iloflnery. . . . FortWnyno 160 Tenn. Coal A Iron. O. Northern ofd. . . 105 Texas Pacific C. AE. I. ofd DIM T. AO Cont. ufd. . 7IIMS Hocking Valley. . . 20M Union Pacific. . ! - ' Illinois Contr.ll. . . ! MIH U. 3. Express 41 St. P. A Duluth . . . 25 W. St. L.AP SH K.AT. pfd U8M dopfd 14H Luke F.rlo Is , Wont 17H Wells Fargo Ex. . . 105 dopfd 7G ! < WeMern Union . . SUM Lake Shore 141 ! < Wheeling A I E. . I'M Lead Trust .12 dopfd 4-J LoulBVlltoAN. . . . B3M M. A St. L UtlK L. A N. A 84 D. A 11.0 12W Manhattan Con. . . . 1174 O. B 32M MemonliAO 10 N. L 2II O. F. A I U4H Missouri Pacific. . 24H dopfd 06 Mobile A Ohio . H. AT. C 11 Nashville Chat. . T. A. A. AN.M. . . . 1 National Coitl.iro. T. St. L. A 1C. C. . . . 1 dopfd doptd 10 N.J. Central 9. K. B 11 N. A W. pfu 14H dopfd 34U North Am. Co. . . . Am. Tob. Co 117' Northern Pacific. . dopfd 107 No.Pao. pfd St. P. , M. A M . . . . 104,4 U. P. . V. AO bid. The totnl snles of stocks today were 187.2CD shares. Including : American Sugar , SS.SOO : Baltl- moie & Ohio , 4.200 ; Chicago fas. ! G.COO ; General Klectrlc , 25,100 ; Luke Krle * ; Western , 4,000 ; Man hattan. 7,000 ; New Jersey Central , 600 ; New Yort & New Knglnnd , third assessment paid , 3,300 Heading , 23,000 ; St. Paul , 12,100 ; Tennessee Con & Iron , 4.SOO ; United States Leather , 3,700. Now York Money .Market. NEW YORK , April 17 MONEY ON CALL Easy at 1146214 per cent ; last loan , 2 per cent closed nt 2 per cent. PIUME MERCANTILE PAI'EU 40514 per ST'EULINC EXCHANGE steady , with ncttm bUHtncxs In bankers' bills at JI.S9',4W4.K ) ? ; for demand nnd at ; 4.S81if(4.ESH for sixty ( lays posted rates , 4.884r4.M ! nnd $4.9084.9014 ; com mercial bills , ! 4.8714 4.87i. SILVER CERTIFICATES 67i C74c. ! GOVERNMENT 1IONDS Firm ; state bonds , Inactive ; railroad bonds , strong. PETROLEUM-Optlons weak ; closed nt J2.17 Closing quotations on bonds were as follows : U. S 4n , reg.j'ncw. ' D. Alt. O. 7s U. S. 4s coup , new , D. AB. O. 4S U.S. BB. reir 114H Erlo 2dg U. S , Cs.coup 115 ( U. II. AS. A. OB. . . OS U.S. 4sreir HIM G. H. AS. A. 78. . . . 101 U. S. 4a.coup 112M II. A T. C. 6s. . . . 101 ! U.S. 2s. rcc US do Us 102 Pacific OB of ' 05. 100 M. K. A T. 1st 4s. . 83H Ala. Class A 108 do2d 48 67k Ala. Claaa n 10(1 ( Mutual Union Os. . 113 Aln.Cl.iB8 C l > 5 N.J. C. Gen. 6a. . . . 11 UK Ala. Currency . . . 05 No. P.ic. lats La. New Con. 4a. 04 do'.Ms UO Missouri Os 100 N. W. Consols 138 N.C. Os 124 do S. F. Dob. 6s. N.C. 4s 100 U. O. West. Inn. . . 70H S.C.nonfunU St. P. Contois 7s. Tcnn. new sot On. doC. A P. W 6a. Tenn. new net 63 100 St L.AI.M.Oon. 6. 7fi Tcnn , old Oa UO .St.L.AS.F.f3n.U. 106M Vn. Centurion 60 Tux. Pac. IBIS do deferred do'.Ms Atchleou 4 70H U. P. Istt of ' 00. . . 104H AtchlHon A. . . . \VestShoro4s 105)- ) Canada So.Ms. . . . . . So. II. 11 O. P. l ta of "JS. . 101H bid. llnltnn Stock < Juotittlo.ii. BOSTON. April 17. C.ill loans. SaiWojr cent : tlmo loans , : iH-341t par cent. Closln ? pncos for BtocUB.bandiandnilnln ; aharoa : A.T. AS. t' M - . . . . Am. Suirnr. 10i-5ii : W. Elec. pfO. 61K Am. Dfd. . . . 06)6 Wls. Central ? < Ilav State Gas 74 Edison Klcc 124 IlcllTolophono. . . . 170 Gen. Elec. old im Boston A Maine. . . 1U.1 AtClllH.lll 'Jl 23) ) dopfd 156 Atchlson 4s C. H.A 73M New Eneland OB. . Fltchburr H7 Gen. Electric 53. . . Gen. Klectrlc. 34 % WlB. Cent. iBtB. . . . fitt Illinois Steel 49 Atlantic Mexican Central. . ( IK ItOHt.nii .V Montana 4U , N. Y. AN.B II8H llutto A rioBton. . . 111 ! Old Colony 17B Cuntennial GO Ore. Short Una. . . Mi Fr.inklln 111 ! Rubber 39) ) < Kenrairge 02 San Diego OX Qulncy 103 Union Pacific 12U Tamnr.ick 135 WeatEnd 04h Wolverine Went End pfd 83 Nan rr.inclico Mlnlnc ; Scuo c SAN FRANCISCO. April 17.--Tho official clos ing quotations for mining stocks today were u follows : Aim 22 Kentucky Con 4 AlphaCon 0 Mexican 87 Annea 28 Mono 22 llolclier 72 Mount Diablo 20 Best A Ilnlchor. . . . 87 Occidental Con , . . . 12 Ilodlo Con 135 Ophlr 176 Unlllon 20 Poloal 6 Caledonia. 0 Savage ao Choilur 61 Sierra Nevada 8/5 / Confidence 180 Silver Hill 3 Con. C.1 A Va. . . . . 300 silver Klnsr IO Con. Imperial Union Con 6tl Crown Point 70 UtahCon 7 Gould A Curry 61 Yellow Jacket. . . . 60 Hale A NorcroBB. . 125 Silver bars , H7W307 ? < c. Mexican dollars , 643 64Hc. Drafts , aijlit , 7Mu ; tolejrraphlo , lOo. NO\T York Slliuusr Cluotatloai. NKW YORK. April 17. The following are the closing mining quotations : Ilulwer. 10 Ontario 1070 Choler 60 Ophlr 160 Crown Point 33 Plymouth 20 Con. Cat. A Va. . . . 285 Quicksilver SOU Dendwood 35 dopfd 1800 Gould A Curry. , . BO Sierra Nevada. . . . HO Ilulo ANorcross. . 110 Standard 370 Honiestaka I860 Union Con. 66 Iron Silver 10 Yellow Jacket. . . . 50 Mexican. . 80 London Stock yiiotutloiu. LONDON , April 17. 4 p. m. cloalnsr : Can.Paoltlo . < St. P.uil coin Oo Erie . lo l J K. Y. Central 100J ( Erlo2d8 . Pennsylvania. 63S < 111. Central . ReadliiL' 7 Muxlcan ordinary. 1H ? ( Mcx. Cea now -la. . 03 DAR SILVER 50T4d per ounce. MONEY Ti per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short nnd three months' bills , t 3-IC per cent. Foreign flimiiclul Affulrs. . . p xcange o eight days' sight , 20 marka 4614 pfg. PARIS , April 17. Three per cent ivntes. 103f for the account ; exchange on London , 25f 25c for checks. IXINDON. April 17. The amount of bullion gone Into the Dank of England on balance today Is fill. 000. LONDON. April 17. Gold U quoted today at Bucnoa Ayres nt 2C2j Madrid , MO ; Lisbon , 23.2514 ; St. Petersburg , W ; Athens , 77 ; Home. 104.U ; Vienna 103. , _ _ _ _ _ _ I'luaiiclul Notes , DO3TON. April 17 , Clearings , } 1S,418SI9 ; bal- nncer , NEW YORK. April 17. Clearings , { 97,200,3S ; Uilancen , $ i,113CS6. I1ALT1MORB , April 17-aerlnss , | 2M3,395 ; balances , I394.V28. PHILADELPHIA , April 17. Clearings , JIU91- 23S ( ; balann , Jl , nJ,731. 8T IJOVIH. April 17.-Clearlngs , J4,081,08 ; bal. anct . J7I1.SM. Money , 6f6 per cent. New York exchange il premium bid. WA8HINQTON , April 17. A dlspalch from Daltlmoiu announces that the llalllmare & Ohio directors voted today to pan the geml-unnual dlvldCBd. OMAHA LIVE HOCK MARKET Oattlo Receipts Blnckcfi Up Some , but the Tone of the Ua\kct is Cull , SALES SLOW AND RJCES UNSATISFACTORY 4 A. * lujrrn nnd Sellers ; Fiiit to Clot Together nn tlio Tut Cnttfo-iTncfbr Gradci 1'nlrly Active IIORB tCJpen Well , but Close -Weak. ' WEDNESDAY , April 17. The receipts today were 1,401 cattle , 4,002 ogs nnd no sheep , ns against 1,006 cattle , J.I78 hogs and no sheep yesterday , and 1,830 cattle , 6,013 hogs nnd 1,512 sheep on Wcdnes- lay of Inst week , CATTLE There were fifty-nine loads of cattle , nil told , In the yards nnd of that number about sixteen or eighteen loads , vcrc western beeves. In the way of native jecf steers there were only seven or eight oads and none of them very choice. The market was slow and dull , as has been the case all this week. The strength which ha carried the market rapidly upward during Ihe past few weeks has apparently spent Itself for the time being. There was no snap to the trade and It was slow work to dispose of the offerings. The fact Is the market Is In that unsatisfactory condition In which buyers nnd sellers are widely at variance In their Ideas. Salesmen after the late advance are all Inclined to hold for strong prices nnd Invariably price their entile way up. On the other hand the buyers are weak nnd seem to feel that prices are already too high and that they would just as soon dowithout the cattle. As a result the market Is a drag and far from satisfactory to either buyers or sellers. There were seven or eight loads of cows and heifers In the yards today. The market on this kind of cattle was fulrly active and the offerings were all taken early In the day. The prices paid were fully steady with yesterday. A load of heifers and steers sold nt { 5.25 , nnd a bunch ot heifers it $1.70. The bulk of the cow stuff was on the commonlsh order. The stacker nnd feeder market did not show any great activity , though there was lulto a sprinkling of that kind of cattle In the yards. Among the offerings were ten oads of Montana feeders. The prices paid did not show nny material change from yesterday. Representative sales : BEEP STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..1000 J4 40 15..1000 J4 7.85. . . 1176 J.I 00 13..IMG 4 CO CO..128) 4 75 24..1K3 525 62..1235 475 SI..1127 495 81..12.6 510 COWS. 3. . . . 813 121 3..10S ) 210 6.-.1070 300 1. . . . CSO 133 1. . . . 910 223 1..11)70 3 OT 6 , . . . 810 1 DO 1. . . . S90 225 1..11SO 300 L. . . 930 ICO 3. . . . 873 225 7. . . . 92. . 323 6. . . . S93 1 C5 1. . . . &M 2 35 fi. . . . 918 3 4' ) L. . . S9i ) icr 1. . . . CCO 240 Cc&h 773 3 SO 3. . . . 913 1 85 9. . . . S33 2 CO 4..12.17 400 4. . . . 830 2 OJ 4. . . . 765 2 CO 10..1032 400 1. . . . 810 20) 3 , . . . S93 270 3..1050 400 L. . . 7CO 200 1..1230 300 3..1346 430 3. . . . 970 200 10. . . . 993 300 1..1300 400 8. . . . 871' 200 HEIKERS. 1. . . CIO 200 2. . . , 645,240 4. . . . 430 300 1. . . . 4SO 225 8. . . , < 551 2 60 1. . . . 410 3 23 3. . . . 403 223 2. . . . 740 ,2 M 11..875 350 2. . . . 470 235 2..I 533 125. > 1..1170 400 2. . . . f:0 240 3.613,2 [ CO 7..510 415 2. . . . 645 2 40 1. . . . 980 200 2. . . ' , "S8T..2 15 2..1500 I CO 1..1410 200 2.,124 * , 2 r. 1..12G ) 275 3. . . . 970 201 1..119J ,2 25 1..12IO 300 1..1130 200 I..ria30.,2 30 1..1IGO 325 3..1123 200 I.l310 ! 233 1..1630 350 1. . . . 7DO 210 1.(11JOH2 45 STAGS. 6..1ISC 4 00 . . , , CALVJIS. 1. . . . 210 1 DO 1. . . . 2 W-275 | 4. . . . 142 450 2. . , . 330 2(0 3..248 300 3. , . . 260 4 .10 1. . . . 2 ! > 0 200 1. . . , 120 , ' ,3 CO 2. . . . 130 4 CO 2. . . . 335 200 2. . . , 18).3 ) DO 1. . . . 140 473 2. . . . 370 213 1. . . ; 290 4 00 1. . . . 12 < > 500 2. . . . 265 220 1.,100 .4 23 I. . . . 140 ROT 2. . . . 345 225 2. . . . H ) ,4 , 2' 1..210 BOO' 2. . . . 165 200 1. . . , 110 ' 4 23 1. . . . 193 ,5 25 1. . . . 310 2 DO 3. . 163j4 DO BTOCKEIISTANI ) KEEDISRS. 1. . . , 870 .2M.-.I. 3u.,8SOJ30T.- . . . - 638. 3 , 40. < ! . . . . 430 2 2i ' 4. . ; . < ) .1 15 " 2.V. . 4W * 3 40 | 2. . . . 943 2 f.O 7i. , . 4W 313 22. . . .fill 340 1. . . . D80 250 2. . . . 3tO ! 320 3 * . . . . 802 360 1. . . . 740 2 DO C. . . . P83 620 4. . . . 885 360 1. , . . S68 275 2. . . . 4CO 325 10.709 360 1. . . . 620 275 9. . . . 434 325 B. . . . C 4 370 12. . . . C35 280 7. . . . G21 323 1..710 370 1. . . . & > 300 B. . . . 40 335 10..M6 373 B. , . . D76 300 20. . . . CGD 335 28. . . . 536 373 1. . . . 800 300 2. . . . 870 335 S , . . . 740 3 SO 2. . . . 660 300 4. . , . 690 340 6..731 400 1. . . . 840 3 00 2. . . . 410 3 40 WESTERNS. Utah. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1 bull 1110 * 2 35 D9 steers 1103 M 10 1 steer 12UO 3 50 25 steers ! ) U 435 39 steers 947 3 65 HOGS There were fifty fresh loails of hops on sale thla morning of about the nvcriiKe quality seen here of Inte. The market opened with a few of the Lrst loads celling at al"mt sternly prices. The trade , however , soon weakened nn < " closed Do lower. The market wns slow nm : drnggy nil day nnd It was late before a clearance wan effected. A large proportion of the light and light mixed hoes gold at (4.70 to 14.80 , will $4.75 the popular price. The heavier lions sold lamely at $4.85 to $4.90. One fancy load of heavy hogs brought $5.05 and another choice load $5.00. Representative Hales : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 1 ICO . . . $4 41 71 IK ) . . . $473 8 162 . . . 443 DO 188 40 475 13 132 . . . 4 SO B 300 . . . 4 75 37 135 . . . 4 M C8 210 . . . 4 75 3 2J6 . . . 453 74 199 80 475 1 200 . . . 453 . 66 221 160 4.75 2J 170 . . . 460 ' 92 2)5 ) SO 475 6 161 . . . 4 0) 70 5)6 . . . G 8 173 40 I CO 64 221 . . . 4 37 179 SO 4 CO 2 3SO . . . 4 46 1ST 80 4 60 V 45 203 80 4 8 172 . . . 460 76 2.16 . . . 4 68 282 40 4 6) 79 216 12D 4 54 173 . . . 4 CO - B3 214 . . . 473 3 243 . . . 460 92 213 . . . 475 4 ? 175 40 463 10 182 SO 4 73 7 222 80 4 6- . 5 290 . . . 475 60 191 SO 4 C.- ' 11 231 . . . 475 61 197 24' ' ) 4 2 215 . . . 473 6S 18) 84 465 8 255 40 475 94 171 160 46" 2 260 . . . 475 9 230 . . . 465 4 242 . . . 475 108 162 . . . 465 7 214 . . . 473 102 181 40 4 C5 12 260 . . . 475 71 177 . . . $4C3 68 21.1 . . . $1 75 3 2S6 SO 4 C5 4 2iO . . . 4 75 15 205 . . . 4 C5 5 224 . . . 175 8 105 . . . 4.C5 26 238 80 473 7 202 . . . 4 C5 11 233 . . . 4 75 2 200 . . . 1 C5 18 248 . . . 4 77',4 ' 79 181 . . . 407 ! $ 83 216 80 4 77',4 91 208 80 470 E 458 . . . 4(0 95 202 . . . 470 DO 373 . . . 4 SO 75 208 . . . 470 D8 237 . . . 480 21 232 . . . 470 C2 228 . . . 480 S3 213 SO 470 13 349 . . . 4 SO 103 174 160 470 C6 234 . . . 4 SO 96 203 SO 470 10 380 . . . 410 93 196 160 4 70 B 261 . . . 4 ED f > $ 206 40 4 70 4 210 . . . 4 Si 61 198 SO 4 70 113 343 4SO 483 15 221 . . . 470 10 316 . . . 4 8S 6 260 . . . 470 62 267 80 485 7 213 . . . 470 61 232 ICO 485 14 220 . . . 4 70 DO 269 40 4 85 C 250 . . . 4 70 S6 378 . . . 4 S3 74 197 120 475 9 2(9 ( SO 465 21 211 . . . 475 64 358 . . . 4 90 74 203 . . . 475 23 2'6 60 410 90 205 80 475 D9 322 . . . DOT 73 209 40 4 75 ' 4S 320 . . . 505 1'IGS. 4 175 . . . 2754 , M 1 > 350 6 76 . . . 3SOJ , .lull 105 . . . 350 10 123 . . . 3 00 ,13 9i . . . 373 10 95 . . . 3 GO,4 , ? ' ' , „ ' 20 126 SO 400 SHEEP There w rb..n heep In the yards and nothing on which , . Jjo base quotations. Bo far this week only 216'sheep have been received , and they came In edt Mbnday. Kccctptn nnd l > l | > p ltlon of Stock , Odlclal receipts an > l ( deposition of stock as shown by the bookarufthe , Union Stock Yards company for the tw nty > four hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m. , Aprllr7ir 18)5 ) : HKCKii'TS. ,11 ' Cars. Head. Cattle ' . . . . . . . 69 1.404 Ho&a ; . . , DO 4,0i)2 DISPOSITION. a 111. Cattle. lloKf. Omaha Packing comiiuiyi 257 The O. 11. 307 1,023 Swift and company. . . . , . . . , 326 1,222 The Cudahy Packing * .company 35 677 Wilson . . .I ? . ' .J ' . ' . 183 llrlttaln vi 211 American Packing company , K. C , . 44 Cudahy. Kansas City. . . . ! 64 J. L. Carey < 15 R. Decker & Degen. . . 89 Vansant i H J. Lobman , 192 Hamilton & B 3 U Decker . . < 11 Shippers and feeders 329 40 Left over . . . . . 400 Total 1.425 4,045 htoclc In Mlclit. Record of receipts of the four principal mar kets for Wednesday , April 17. 1S95 : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha. . , 1.404 4oo2 Chicago . . , , 9.DOO 19.0JO 11,000 Kansas City . ' . " . 3.COO 13,000 6,600 St. Louis i 2.600 6,200 1,000 Totals , 17.1M 42.203 17,600 Kant * * City Live Block. KANSAS CITY. April 17. CATTLE Receipts , 3.CUO head ; shipments , 1,100 head ; market steady ; Texas steers , P.tit)5.10J ) Texas cows , l2.10ftL40 ; beef steers. $3.754)6.10 ; native cows , I1.75&4.7S ; stockers and feeders. IS.90fc5.40 ; bulls. 2.2Sfcl.7S. HOGS Receipt * . 11,000 head ; shipments. 800 head ; market weak to lOc lower ; bulk of sales. . | Ue4.85 ; heavies , I4.7CQU3 ; ; > acker . " JI.COni.90 : lights , ii.SOffU'i Yorkers , Jl. 4.75 ; pigs. H.OW4.60. SHEEP Receipts , 6,100 head ; shipments , none ) arket steady. , OIUOAQU UVi : STOCK. attic Huron Held Hack In the Hope of Forcing 1'rlcrs Down. CHICAGO , April 17. Cattle buyers again held ack In the hope of forcing prices down a little , ut the smnllnrss ot the supply Mood In the ay of lower prices. The supplier are dwindling ery fast , nnd the arrivals for Ihe first half ot ic week foot up let a than 20 , WO head , a re- uetlon of 5,000 head from tha receipts for the oncsponillng lime last week. After buyers tartcd In to buy n fair business was transacted t unchanged prices , nnd very common lo : rlctly cholco native beef steers wild at from ' > to 16 , the great hulk of the wiles liclnir bo- ween J3 nnd JO , wllh the larger pnrt of the oed beeves at from J5.0 to J5. * > , Kxlln beeves fere stendy nt from J6.i : to JG.23. Eastern ship- ers nnd dressed beef firms were fnlr buyers , ut the decline In Drltlsh maikets rhrckrd the xport trade. There was a very good caller or butchers' nnd canncrs' ' oiuff nt from J2 to 4.50. Packers paid Tuesday's advanced prices or hops rather reluctnnlly today , mid eng before noon sellers were calling he market weak and nt from tc o lOc lower. A mnnll part of the supply was old early nt unclmnRed prices , and ns the entire upply , includlnK the swine left over from yrs- onf y. did not run over 21.000 head , neither ocnl pnckcrB nor enstetn shippers were able lee o much buying. Snles weio nt n range of from 4.SO to J5.23 for heavy , the bulk going at from 5.10 to $5.15. LlRht weights sold nt from JUS 0 J5.05 , chlelly nt from J4.S5 to J3.05 , nnd pom- iion to mixed found buyers nt from J4.75 lo Sheep exporters nre no lonitcr buying freely , nd they state Hint n. Rood foreljrn outlet Is. out f the question until prices decline to n point lorrcspondlng to the decline In Itrltlsh markets. Jressed meat firms nnd shippers , too , nre not lolng much. The day's market wns weak and owcr , particularly for the numerous Hocks of Texan clipped sheep. Inferior to fancy sheep vero as low as from J2.EO to J5 , Tcxnns sell- ng nt from J2.M to J2.83 nnd westerns at fiom 1.25 to J4.75. Ijimbfl sold at from $3.50 to J3.50. Receipts Cnttle. 9.COO head ; hogs , 19,000 head ; ihecp. 11,000 head. Now York Llvo StucK Mnrknt. NEW YORK , April 17.-ItEEVEK-Recelpts. , .84 lienil ; on sale 60 cars ; m.irket Plow nnd venk ; closed 10il5c lower nil nround ; native teem , poor to Rood , J4.fOfiC.10 ; Texans , 4.30 j > .40 ; oxen nnd stags , J3.iHKf4.40 ; bulls , J2.C5C3.00 ; ry cows , J1.04J4.00. European cables quote \mcrlcnn sterrs at l2fI12Uc , dressed welRht ; efi-lRprator beef nt Si 10Hc. Exports today , )0 lirrvvfl nnd 3.9CO qunrters of beef. ( ALVHH Receipts. 3,200 head ; on sale , 3,300 lend ; market closed dull at H0ic lower ; veals , poor to prime , J3.00ifi3.00. SHEEP AND LA.MHS Receipts. 7,318 head ; in sale , 21 cars or 4,300 head ; Hheep. steady ; nmbs , ilrm ; unshorn sheep , poor to prime , $4.00 15.30 ; clipped , poor to prime , J3.00JT4.50 ; un born lambs , common to choice , 14.5006.00 ; lipped , ctunmon to choice , J3.75f5.50. 1IOOS Receipts , 7,814 head ; market higher nt j. 3jf3.65. St. Loin * I.lvu Stork. ST. LOUIS , April 17.-CATTLE-Recelpts , 2,600 icad ; shipments , 1,200 head ; market easier ; more ro.-xl cattle than usual offered nnd buyers more ndepemlent : native steers of 1.1RS to 1,285 llis. old nt J3.5n J5.SO ; steers , 950 to 1.025 Ibs. , J4.COCT .63 ; Mockers nnd feeders , J2.75iff4.25 ; native lelfei-H , J3.50 T4.SO ; cows. J2.23W4.25 ; fed Texas J3.75if5.00 ; grassers , J3.00S4.00 ; cows , J2.00 IIOQS Receipts , C.200 hend ; shipments , 800 lead ; market opened stendy , but closed lower ; ( envy. J4.9085.00 ; mixed , { 4.8005.00 ; light , Jl.60 SHEEP Receipts. 1,000 hend ; shipments. 1,200 head ; market steady for Rood , but lower for all ' 'hers ; native mixed. J4.00 < jf4.75 ; clipped natives. 4.40 ; southwestern , J3.25Q > 4.00 ; spring lambs , J4.50 J5.GO. St. Louis Uoncriil Market. ST. LOUIS. April 17.-FLOUR-Flrm nt the re. cnl advance , but dull ; patents , J2.75iff2.90 ; fancy , 2.2j 2.G5 ; choice , J2.CO2.10. Rye Hour , JS.OO ® WHEAT Opened firm , ndvnnccd < { o , followed ly a relapse of We to % c. after which the market - ket was extremely nervous nnd unsettled ; later on n Rood buying demand the price advanced Jc to = Hc. and closed nt the top , He above yester- layj No. 2 red , cash , 53Ttc ; May , BG&c ; July , COUN Dull and unsettled nnd heavy during n greater part of the session , selling off He , but closlnR the name for Mny , with July Uc better lhan yesterday , and September lower ; No. 2 mixed , cash. 42c ; May , 4Zic ; July , 43c ; Sep. [ ember , 4Htc. OATS Wenk movement , firming up ilurlnR the latter part , which wns c below yesterday at the close ; No. 2 cash , 23ic ; Mny , 291Jc ; June , 295 c ; July , 29c. RYE Klrm ; D8c. 1IRAN Stendy , but quiet nt the recent decline ) C7c for sacked , enst track. CORN MEAL J2.1002.15. FLAX SEED-Qulet ; J1.38. QRASS SEEDS Stendy ; demand fair ; clover , poor to choice , J7.DOO8.C3 ; timothy , J4.7J5f5.03. HAY Film ; prairie , choice tn fancy , JSI.OOO 10.50 , this side ; timothy , prime to fancy , JJ.COy lj.50. 1JUTTRR Firm ; fancy Elgin , 22c ; separator creamery , 17@lSc , EOGS Firm ; II WHISKY-Steady ; JL21 for distillers' nnlshed Roods. , llAaOING 45f,5I3 , ' c. COTTON TIES- . PROVISIONS Pork , standard mess , JobblnR , (12.45. ( Lnrd , prime steam , J6.75 ; choice , JG.87i. ( Ury salt meats , boxed shoulders , $3.23 ; lonRs. fG.SO : ribs , J6.C214 : shorts , J6.75. Ilacon , Ixixcd shoulders , JG ; lonRB , JG.75 ; ilbs , J7 ; shorts , J7.25. RECEIPTS Flour , 4,000 bbls. : wheat , 7,000 tu , ; corn , 11.000 bu. ; onts , 23.000 bu. .SHIPMENTS Flour , C.OOO bbls. ; wheat , 21,000 bu. ; corn , 9,000 bu. ; oats , 6,000 bu , Liverpool AttirUuts. LIVERPOOL , April 17. WHEAT Ppat steady ; demand moderate ; No. 2 red winter , 4s 24d ! ; No. 2 red spring and No. 1 hard Manitoba , Cs 2d ; No. 1 California , 4s lid ; futures opened stendy , with near positions unchanged and distant posi tions Hd lower ; closed steady , with May and June lid higher : others unchnnRrd ; business about equally distributed ; April , 4s lOd ; May and June , 4s lOViM ; July , ts iod ; August , 4s September , 4s lid. CORN Spot dull ; American mixed , new , 4s d ; futures opened steady , unchanged ; clotted quiet , with April nnd July Ud higher and other m mths unchanged ; business heaviest on latest positions ; APIII , May nnd June , 4s 2id ; July , 4s 3Vid ; August , 4s 3V4d ; September , 4s 4d. FLOUR Firm ; demand moderate ; St. Louis fancy winter , 6 9d. PROVISIONS Hacon , quiet ; demand poor ; ruml-ieilnml cut , 2S to 30 His. , 33s Cd ; short ribs , Si Ibs. , 33s Gil ; long clear , light , 38 to 45 Ihx. , 32s ; long clear , heavy , 65 Ibs. , 33s ; short clear backs , light , 18 Ibu. , 33s Cd ; phort clear middles , heavy , 65 lb . , 32s Cd ; clear Miles , 14 to 16 Ibs. , 24s. Shoulders , pquare , 12 to IS Ibs. , 30s Cd. Hams , ehort cut , 14 to 16 Urn. , 43s Cd. Deef , extra India mess , 71s 3d ; prime mess , COs. P < irk , prlmo rnens , fine western , DSs 9d ; prime mess , medium , BSs 9d. Lurd , dull ; prime western , 35fl3d ; refined , In pnlls , 36s , CHEESE Quiet ; demand poor ; finest American white , 48s 6d : finest American colored , 60s. HUTTBR Finest United States , 70s ; good , D3s. TURPENTINE SpliIts. 22s Cd. ROSIN Common , 4s IHd. COTTON SEED OIL Liverpool , refined , 17s 9d. LINSEED Oil.20s Cd. PETROLEUM Refined , not quoted. REFRIGERATOR DEEF Forequartcrs , 4.H < 1 ; hlndquarteis , G'id. I1LEAC1UNG POWDER-Hnrdwood , f. 0. b. , Liverpool , 7. HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) , 2 10 . IVool Market. HOSTON , April 17. The American Wool nnd Cotton Reporter will say tomorrow : If It were not for the trunsactlcna In foreign wool the volume of business done this week would foot up a light total. Free- purchases of Australian , however , combined with a fair-sized trade In South American wools , brings the aggregate of the week's transactions up to quite a respectable figure , nearly 3,600,000 Ibs. Prices In domestic wools still fall to respond to the Improvement previously quoted abroad. A very steady feeling prevails , however , and we know of no conces sions whatever that have been made In selling prices. Transactions have been effected nt pre cisely the same figures as were quoted two weeks ag : > for exactly the name wools. Some of the newly shorn wools are on the way to this market , and some , notably California , have been sold here nt prices which certainly show no further casing off. The sales of the week amount to 2,373,000 Ibs. domestic and 1,471CUO Ibs. for eign , making a total of 3,741COO Ibs. , against a total of 3,393.000 Ibs. for the previous week nnd n total of 2,147,000 Ibs. for the corresponding week last year. The sales since January 1 , 1&95 , amount to 45,9G3G50 Ibs. , against 39,198,400 Ibs. n year ago. The Philadelphia sales aggregated 1,109,100 Iba. ANTWERP , April 17. At the wool auction pales today 2,168 bales were offered , of which l,6Ci bales were withdrawn. The sale won poor nnd the demand slim. The attendance was limited and prices unchanged. Following are the pales In detail : Huenox Ayrcn , IS3 bales at 2fiG'/ ' . < ! ; Montevideo , 141 bales at 3j6d ; Victoria , 63 bales at 9d. Italtlmorn .ImrlioU. BALTIMORE , April 17. FLOUR-Flrmer western superfine , S2.OHi2.lS ; western extra , $2.25 O2.65 ; western family , $2.70 2.90 ; receipts , 13,051 bbls. ; shipments , 11,497 bbls. WHEAT Steady ; spot and month. C2)i < T c Mav GUsGMc ; July , CO c ; steamer No. 2 red D9HQCOo ; receipts , 1,622 bu. ; southern wheat by sample. ClflW.ic. CORN Fasy : spot , 4949ic ; month , 40Hfi 49c ; May , 49'iO49 c ; steamer mixed , 4SVH 4S c : receipts , 36.000 bu. ; shipments , 7,693 bu. southern white , 60c. OATS Firm ; No. 2 western , 35VS6 asked ; No 2 mixed , 34c asked ; receipts , 803 bu , ; stock 149.005 bu. HYB Firmer ; No. 2 , tlC62c ; receipts , 956 bu. stack. 21,000 bu. HAY Steady ; good to choice timothy , $13.000 13.50. GRAIN FREIGHTS Rather quiet , with an easy feeling ; unchanged. CHEESE Quiet end unchanged. Kuear Market. NEW YORK. April 17. SUGAR Raw , firm sales , l.COO tons Muscovado , 89 tent , 1 ll-16c refined. Ilrm ; No. 6 , 3 < iJ3 ll-16c ; No. 7 , 316& 3c : No. 8 , 3C-1633ic ! ; No. 9 , 3UC3 7-16c ; No 10 , 3 D-16Qfic ; No. 11 , 8U03 7-lCc ; No. 11 , 3 1-1 O3Uc ; No. 13 , So ; off A , 31i 3c ; mold A , 4 3-16 ( f4Hc : standard A , 3 13-KVcHc ; confectioners' A 3 13-16&4C ! cut loaf. 4 H-lMjUic ; crushed , 4 9-1GO 4Kc ; powdered. 4 3-16@4Kc ; granulated , 3 1S-1CW 4'icj cube * . 4 3-1684HQ. Coffee Market. NEW YORK , April 17.-Optlons steady nt 100 20 point * advance , ruled fairly active on loca coverlne and a few European buying orders , fol lowing unexpected advance at Havre. Clotei steady at 1M/20 points net advance. Sales , 13.DOO bags. Including : April , (14.35 ( ; May , $ ll. 5G14.0fi June , IU.U013.90 ; July , $14.U&14.19 ; September IH.OJQ14.13 ; October , flLWiaiUOj December , JU.S G14.00. Bpot coffee. Hlo dull : No. 7. J1E 7J , n > ml- alt mild , quiet ) CordoVH. JIS.2MH ) K ; * ale . kirs. Maracnlbo , p. 1.1 6J7 pkgs. Conlml Am-r nn. Warehouse dellverlt * from New York ye > frtay , 6,11s IKUJHJ New York stock today , 07 , SO I bags : United Slfttti stock , 219,010 bacs , lloal for the United States , 202,000 bnK ; totni Islble supply for Ihe I'nltoil Slates , 4M.OIC bus * , Italnst KjK > ) buR * Injt yrir. SANTOS , April 17. Quirt ; good nvrrnce Snnte\ 15.10 ; receipts , 0.000 bigs : stock , 2Dft.O"0 hag * . HAMUL'RU , April 17. Steady , Ut ( 4 pfp. ad ancc ; Mies , S.OoO bacs. IHO , April 17-Wenki Nn. 7 llln. II * . 33 ; ex- hnnge , S'l'l ; receipts , 7'X'O bags ; cleared for the fnltcd Slates , C,000 ; for Europe , none ; ttnck , 7.000 Kins , JIAVIin , April IT.-COt'TKK-Opened nul . if advance ; nt noon ivndy , 'if ndvimce ; nt .1 . in. , stonily , 1'f udvi.ncc ; closed stendy nt Hit ict advance tor the day. Bales , 17,000 bng3. ItulntliVlirnt DULUTH , April K.-WIUJAT-Close : Nn. 1 iard , cash , C2Hc ; April , 62 ic ; Mny. 63Hc ; July , Ic ; No. 1 northern , cuili , 63o ; April. C2c ; May , 2kc ! ; July. C3c ; September , 61'tc ; No. 2 nnrtlictn , ash , 6Sfs e ; No. 3. B5c ; trjcctttl , 52e ; to .irlve. No ! 1 hard , C3H > ' , No. 1 northern , C2Hc. Jllntiriiioll4 | N > licat AtiirUot. MINNEAPOLIS , April 17. Wheat jrlosoil trong ; April , CO'.je ' ; May , t ? ic ; July , ClHWI'ic ; September , 69c , On tinck : No , 1 hard , C2.'i No. 1 northern , Cl'.io ; No. 2 northern , Wlc. 'lour , steady ; Hist patents , $3.20fT3.40 ; second latetits , $2.901(3.15 ( ; first clears , $2.3302 60. Priirln MurUvU. PEORIA , April 17.-CORN-St.'ady . ; No. 2 , 4l > ie ; No. 3 , 44 > iC. OATS-Dull ; No. 2 white , MQ31' , c ; No. 3 white. 30siff31e. RYScarce | ; No. 3 , DWGIc. WIIlSKY-FIrm ; nnlshcil Roods. $1 21. KIIIIOIII City .Markets. KANSAS CITY , April 17. WHEAT Firm ; No. hard. 63c ; No. 2 red , DCHS7c : rejected , D2c. CORN-FIrm ; No. 2 mixed , 44lf44'.itj ; No. 2 vhlte. 43Hc. OATS Weak ; No. 2 mixed , We ; No. 2 white , 3c. TrlncoVnent < Jniitntlons. SAN FRANCISCO. April 17. WHEAT Firm ; December. 96r c ; .May , 68(40 ( ; vlvatcd , 151,914 centals of wheat. JIUUKS AXlt t'KlllUHWALH. The Cyclopedic Review of Current History 'or the last quarter of the year 1894 , wllh Jt complete- Index for the year closed , will meel lie universal demand for a handy manual of carefully compiled and arranged up to date nformatton , Qnrretson , Cox & Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. Arbor Day Leaves is the name of a new paper-covered .manual by N. H. KRleston , de signed for use In observing Arbor day. It offers n complete program for the day , Inclini ng readings , recitations , music and general nforrnatlon suitable for the occasion. Ameri can I3ook Company , New York. Much Information and many valuable hints 'or writers may be Bothered In the April number of the Author's Journal. Among the iractlcal articles arc "The Qualities That Sell Manuscripts , " by Tudor Jenks ; " 15x- perlenccs With Publishers , " 'by Mary J , Holmes , the popular author , and "A Con- : rlbutor's Trials , " by Lcander S. Keyser. There Is a sketch with portrait of Richard Watson Ollder In the scries "American Maga zine Editors. The Author's Journal , 1 Wil liam Street , New York. Overland Monthly for April Is filled with an abundance of light articles , sketches and stories. "Daboo's IMrates" Is a tale breath ing the tropical spirit of the Malay jungle , from the hand ot the editor , uounsevelle Wlldman. Verncr Z. Ileed contributes "Lo-To- Kali and the Golden Woman , " another of his close studies of the better side of Indian na- lure. These Utes and Navajos are as far from Cooper's noble red man as they are from the degraded loafer about western rail way stations. The more solid articles ot the number are "The Jew In San Francisco , " by Habbl G. A. Danzlger , from the Hebrew's point of view , and by Mrs. K. M. Nesfleld , from the Gentile standpoint , a long and fully Illustrated article. It Is curious to BCD where the two views agree and disagree. Overland Monthly Publishing Company , San Francisco. At a time when there Is such general Interest In all matters pertaining to the stage , the article on Joseph Jefferson In the April New England Magazine will have a : harm few can withstand. Mr. Jefferson himself , his family , his home and his art are treated In a most vivid way by one who speaks with authority , the author , Mr , Wil liam E. Bryant of the Boston Journal , being a personal friend of the favorite actor. The Illustrations enhance the value of the sketch , while reproductions of paintings from the actor's own brush ore among the number. Warren F. Kellogg , 5 Park Square , Boston. A talk with the author of "Trilby , " Mr. George Du Maurler , reported by Robert Bhcrard In McClure's Magazine for April , tells a good story , with as charming1 a candor and cordiality as "Trilby" Itself. The son of a man of talent whose ready projects were always disappointing the high hopes In which they began , Du Maurler's youth was full of wanderings and adventures. These he re lates with the same humorous frankness with which ho confesses his surprise at find ing himself today a novelist on the "boom. " Incidentally glimpses are given of his present homo life and of his way of working , both as artist and novelist. Miss Tarbcll's Life of Napoleon covers an excellent account of the retreat from Moscow , the exllo to Elba , the triumphant return , the defeat at Waterloo lee and the death at St. Helena. Twenty- four pictures from the collection of Mr. Hub bard Illustrate these great and picturesque evenls. There Is a humorous story by Robert Darr , and a stbry by the author of Resklo the Bonnie Brier Bush , " Ian Maclaren , which In power of pathos can scarcely be matched In all literature. Other features of the number are a Plnkerton story which tells of the stealing of $15,000 worth of diamonds off a man's person by open assault In a crowded railway car under full speed ; an account , with numerous pictures of the frauds practiced on the Bank of Eng land , and of the bank's manner of dealing with financial panics ; and a study with portraits traits and other pictures , of Pierre Loll as he appears In private life writing his novels , administering his offlco of commander In the French navy or taking his diversion. S. S. McClure , Limited , 30 Lafayette Place , New York. Those who dc-slre to read the opposing side of the discussion on socialism will find In the April number of The Forum a strong paper entitled "Tho Real 'Quintessence of Socialism , ' " by Mr. W. H. Wallock. An ar ticle on a kindred topic Is by Mr , Henry Holt , who concludes his series of papers on "Tho Social Discontent , " suggesting , among other remedies for Its alleviation , better and more universal education particularly civic education and the cultivation of altruism. Mr. Justin McCarthy , the Irish Journalist , politician , historian and novelist , contributes an article of uncommon Interest on "Lord Roscbery , " telling of the progress made by women In England , France and Germany toward securing admittance to the universi ties on ttjual terms with men , the privileges they have already obtained , and other valu able Information , Mr. Alvan F. Sonborn con tributes another Interesting sociological study entitled "A Study of Beggars and Their LoJg- Ings , " a companion piece to his article In the January Forum , "The Anatomy of a Tenement Street , " which attracted so much comment. The Forum Publishing company. New York. Under the tltlfr "Paris In Mourning" Rich ard Harding Davis gives In the April liar pcr's a spirited description of the French cap Ital during the week that followed the national tragedy of last summer. The deicrlptlon In eludes the election ot M. Caslmlr-Pcrler to the presidency and the funeral of Carnot. Mr. Alfred Parsons' series ol articles on Japan Is continued with a paper on the Japanese autumn , for which he has made twenty-one beautiful and appropriate Illustrations. The city of Washington Is perennially Interesting to the people of the United States. Bcildcs being the seat of national government , It Is the show place of the country , and Is treated aa such by Julian Ralph , The Illustrations show the varied aspects of the city , from a white house reception to the careless negro population. The first chapters of the "Per sonal Recollections of Joan of Arc" appear , with Illustrations by Frank V. Du Mond. The authorship Is attributed to the historic Sleur Lou la do Conic , but the real name of the writer Is still a secret. The romance opens with unusual attractiveness , and shows Joan In her girlhood , marked among her peasant playmates by her nobility of mind , her cour age , and her acute sympathies. Harper & Bros. , New York. A SPECIALTY CRASS LVIILLET AND CANE CLOVER. TIMOTHY. Gr. K001403 Union Ave. . Kantat Cltjr. UO. EXPECTANT MOTHERS. ' That our woadrrtnl remedy "IIOTIIKRO ' KlllKND , " tthlch nukes clilld-Mrth j tnff : be nlthln th rf "h of ll w hiive reduced thx ' nrlra to line liollir I'rr bollle. Dtwure of . ( mud ! , countfrffltn sndlUbitltutci. TAKD NOTIIINfl UUT . . . . . MOTHERS FRIEND. . , RtlLI IIV ALL lllironiRTS. . . . . - WWrltn for bnnk "Ti )" millfit It frre. TIIK IIUAlnr.M > IIR l'I.ATUIt ' CO. , J Note PrnprlrtoM. AllnnU. On. _ sa x PATRONIZE By purchasing goods mafls at the following Nebraska factories. If you cannot flnil what you want , communicate with itio manufac ture ! as to what dealers handle their coodi : .V * tt. IIVKI..II * .txn Tir/.vi ; . co. Manufacture of all kinds of cotton A burlap tags , cotton flour sacks & twlnt a specialty. 61' H6-614 S. lllh-st. Kv.isr * \ > oi > , VIMUH , WM. PRESTON & CO. Monufneturers of Preston's California Flukes. Sickle brand i lf raising flour & yeast. Do you use Preston's best flour t OMAHA BREWING ASSOCIATION. Car load shipments made In our onn refrigerator cars. Illue Hlbbon , Elite Export , Vienna Export , -id Family Eiport. delivered to all parts of city. c.i it in.Kiti FROST & HARRIS. Carrlag * & Wagon Makers. Carriages , bugglei , phuetons & wagons nlways on hand & made to order. IJlS-li Harncy-it. . Omaha. COFVKK , SPICKS , Jlllfl.VOWItKH. . CONSOLIDATED COFFEE CO. , Coffee Roasters , Spice Grinders , Manufacturers German Baking Powder and German Dry Hop Yeast , 1414 and 1416 llarney-at. , Omaha , Neb. V1.OVK. S. F. GILMAN. Manufacturer of GolJ Medal Flour. I C , E. Dlack , Manager , Omaha. FVUXITVttK F.ICTUKIKS. A Manufacturers of parlor furniture , lounges , Jin- Ing tables & folding beds. 18th ave. . Ooyd to Sahler streets. 1CK A.\J > CO.l/ , . SOUTH OMAHA ICE AND COALCO. Domestic & steam coal. We have the best ON nee 1C01 Farnam-st. Telephone : Office 373 , yard 17C6. J. A. Doc , gen'l manager. IfOKKli. INDUSTRIAL IRON WORKS. Manufacturing & repairing ot all kinds of ma- chlnery , engines , p-.imps , clevatorr , prlntlnf presses , hangers , shafting & couplings. llOd-1 Howard at , , Omaha. PHOENIX FOUNDRY CO. Fire hydrants , water & gas pipe , specials ; boiler fronls & fittings , street R'y car wheels. Archl- tectural Iron works. Office 307 8. ICth-at. , Omaha. PAXTON & VIERLIHG IRON WORKS , 'IVi of Architectural Iron Work. General Foundry , Machine and Ulacksmlth Work. En- glneers & Contractors for Fireproof Ilulldlngs. Ofllce and Worki , U. P. Ry. & So. 17th Street. Omaha. THE MERCER CHEMICAL COMPANY. Manufacturers c * . fluid extract ! , elixirs , syrupy & wines , compressed triturates , hypodermic tab lets , pills & scientific medical novelties. Omaha , , COTJ , UltlltS. L. G DOUP. Manufacturer Mattresses , Spring I3ed < ; Jobbtr Feathers and Pillows. North l th and Nicholas Sts. , Omaha. TIIK XOXP.lKKtfu THE NONPAREIL MACARONI , YERMICILAL and Noodle factory , S. 13. cor. ICth and Webster Successors to the German-American. Ask far our goods. They are the best. XK1HT WATCH , J'lltK SEltriCK. AMERICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPH. The only perfect protection to property. Eiam- Ine It. Beit thing on earth. Reduces Insurance rates. 1304 DoUElaa-st , , FAVTOHIKll. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS CO. Manufacturers & Jobbers of the celebrated Buck- tkln brand shirts , pants , overalls & duck cloth ing. 1101-3-5 Harney-st. Factory East Omaha. KATZ-NEVINS CO. Manufacturer * of men's & boys' clothing , pant * , hlrts & overalls. 202-212 8. llth-it. 1IOXKS. THE OMAHA PAPER BOX CO , Manufacturer * of all kinds paper boxes , shell boxes , sample cases , mailing tubes , etc , wed- dlng cake & fancy candy boxes , druggist A boxes. 1203-10 Jones-at. , Omaha. KllHIT KICTOUIISH. J. II , EYANS-NEBRASKA SHIRT CO Exclusive custom shirt tailors. 1C1C Farnam street. Telephone 903. VA I'/.VO IUIICIC. HENRY BOLLH , OMAHA.NEB . , Factory In Louisville , Cast Co Quality of bilcK guaranteed to be aa gooa as any mau'JfaitureJ GUtslde ot tbU srate. Henry Uolln. 'CUPIDENE" Cures the effects ot telf-abuse , exceince. emissions. Imnotency , varlcocele ana constl- patlon. One dollar a box , nix for K. For Bale by THE GOOD MAN fmua co. , ana KUHN & CO. \ \ ' tcnil ttio re rr lnm French I CALTHOS f iw. and a ( legal guarantee IbattJilTlloi Will ! , hnrrmKtorrhcK. Vurlaecl * I -iII Vl or , Vie il ant fay i/iatiifitt , iddr , . . , VON MOICCO. . . i ( tola iBtrlui ir. U , niiliol ! , OU * . ! A1 Al > fSTV No matter what booklet . < lil/\I\Ull on bprculatloa you muy TTD \ ftfrVft hiivo ruad hcnd for ours 1 I < ALMiNU Wich | , in NKW and COM- PYPI AINPri ' Itclearlyox- - CAI'l AinCUpininw marKln tradlnz , and DKFINKH Al-LMAllKEToxprebaioua. If * fruo und will loach you souiothlnir. . . , 'J22 TraUors lildg. Otilcaegr