THE OMAJIA PAEDY MEE ; TJITftRjSDAY , Al'HIL 18 , 1895. , .THE OMAHA DAILY BE ? , COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFFICE , - - NO. 12 I'EAULSTKEET Delivered by carrier to any part of tin cltf. H. W. TILTON , Lcsicc. Tni.nPIIOX'ES Uuslncss olTlce , No. US night tdllbr. No. 23. Grand , Council Bluffs. E. F. Clark , prop. Mayne Heal Kstato agency , G39 Broadway. The ituacnts of the High school will have public rhotorlcals Friday afternoon. The case of fi. K. Wesley against the city was nettled and dismissed lit the district I "V court yesterday , JiulIJb Smith granted Bertha Paulson tem porary alimony In her divorce suit against Paul C. 1'autson. EtcheUh Council Degree of Pocahontas will meet In regular swMtm this evening In lied Men's hall , 103 Pearl street. Harmony chapel , No. 23 , 0. B. S. will hold their regular monthly meeting this evening at Masonic hall , April 18 , 1S03. P. J. Kay yesterday took out a permll for the erection of a $1.000 dwelling at tin corner of Tenth avenue and Fourth street. A fine entertainment Is promised by tin Unity guild this evening at Hughes hall The admission Is only 25 cents , and danci ribbons 25 cents. A marriage license was Issued VMtcrilaj to John Oruvcr. aged 22 , and Lulu Clark nged 20 , both of Council Bluffs. They wen married by Justice Vlcn. W. L. Korncy will erect a throe-ston building on South Mnln .street , just nortl of the Cattleman's bank , The contract hai been let. and the old frame buildings tha now occupy the lota are being carted on. I. n. Van Patten went to Honey Creel yesterday to maUo n real estate deal. Whll on the way one of his horses gave out. Wbc : last seen he was sitting In his buggy , elevei waiting for his horse t miles north 6f town , revive. Judge Smltlh heard the testimony ycster lny in the suit of the Citizens' State ban against the city of Council Bluffs , In whlc the plaintiff Is Reeking to have " " . ? . . rnent cut down. The case was submltto and taken under advisement. The Spooners were greeted by a full hous and their three-act comedy. Tli last night , " thoroughly enjoyed. The n mil was Dean , manifested Its appropriation wlthoi cnco througl stint and waa very demonstrative out. Tonight the Spooners give a flve-ac comedy drama , "The Octoroon. Henry Evans of the Chicago , Burlington . Qulncy switch tower has bought five acres c the Klein tract of Day & Hess and has con. . menced some Improvements. The same fln has also sold nine and a half acres to I-ran Ressler , who will build at once. The recer rains have started the Klein tract to sellln again * The Free Methodists will hold a dlstrli quarterly conference In their church , on tn corner of Twelfth street and Avenue A , bi ginning this evening and continuing ovf Sunday. Several ministers and official men bcrs of the district are expected to bo prci cnt. Elder J. II. Wilson of Shenandoah wl preside. Everybody Is Invited to attend. . II. Brlttaln , pastor. . who Is charged wit H. W. Pomcroy. swindling the Seater brothers by selllr them some land south of Manawa , to ho had no title , was released ycsterdo morning from the county Jail , where ho hi been putting In his time for the last wee bond for his appca or so , having secured n unco. He was Immediately rearrested on charge of contempt of court , prefern ngalnst him by Nora Murphy , and Is to nai a trial before Judge Smith a week from ne : Saturday. Two desirable cottages for rent. Plenty money for farm loans. Fire Insurance. Mom loaned for local Investors on best of securit Special bargains In real estate. Lougee Towle , 225 Pearl street. Iir.NNIHOM Ilnrgnlii * In I > ory Iloimrtmont. Our $1.00 quality 40-Inch all wool bla < crepon for a few days at G9c yard. 40-Inch all wool black and navy Frcn < serge , 39c yard. 24-Inch figured all black Taffeta silks , wi $1.25 , now 79c yard. Ladles , examine tli silk. " Ladles' pure silk vests , nice quality , C each. , Ladles' Jersey ribbed union suits , sprli weights , COc suit. Our standard COc long waist summer corsi 87c pair. Ladles' fast black opera length hose , 3 pair. 36-Inch LL muslin , 3 Ac yard. Standard dress prints , nice styles , 3 , yard. 36-Inch dotted curtain Swiss , 12'/2c yard. 150 rolls China and Jap Jolntless mattl at 12'/4c , 15c , 20c , 25c and 29c yard. 45o cotton warp matting , all you want , 2 yard. Curtain shades on spring fixture , 15o ca ( If you need carpets , curtains or rugs , guarantee to save you money. Give us a co BKNNJSON BnOS. . Council Bluffs , COLE & COLE are selling lots of Wavcrl this year. The 1895 wheel Is a beauty. A. Cox. Mrs. Dr. West , P. Mlkesell , P. Ca all bought Waverlys last week. Full line repairing. Largest stock of wheels In I city. 41 Main street. Circulating library , Friday night , at Cha bers1 hall. Do not miss It. Admission. 01 35 cents. No extra charge for refreshmen Garden hose , big stock , good and clie ; New York Plumbing Co. Born To Mr. and Mrs. T. Seavers , daughter. Charley James , 1105 Sixth street , Is s with membraneous croup. T. C. Jackson , who has been confined his homo for several weeks , on account o sprained back , Is able to bo around again Dr. Stephen Phelps Is In Missouri Val attending the meeting of the Council BU presbytery. D. A. Holmes , an attorney from Sli City , was In the Bluffs yesterday In c su'.tatlon ' with so mo of the Jobbers who h engaged him to look after the Interests Vhts city In the fight soon to be Inaugura before the Interstate Commerce commlss In regard to the bridge differential. Our l.imt Week. Trilby , $1.15 ; Marcella , $1.33 ; Prince India , $1.78 ; Ben Hur , 98c ; complete Oxf Bible , Sunday school teachers' edition , $1 , Mncauley's History , 5 volumes , 9Sc ; Gee Eliot , complete , G volumes , $1.68 ; Wl House Cook Book , $1.25 ; Family Poets , cc plete , $1.48 ; Handy Volume Classics , 1 Alcott's works , 98c per volume. At Book A tlon , Elseman building. Monsieur Charles will bo at Mrs. 13. Scott's millinery parlors , 536 West Broadv with a choice lln ? of New York and Chk pattern hats , Thursday , the 18th , aftcrn only. You are Invited to call and seeth Watch for the catalogue to St. Paul's culattng library , Friday night , Chamb hall. Do not forget the date and pi Only 35 cents admission. Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that f laundry , " and Is located at 724 Broadv If In doubt about this try It and be convln Don't forget name and number. Tel. 167. All kinds of plants and flowers. J. II. Pherson , green houses 1250 B. Pierce Telephone 214. night or day. I offer my household goods for sale week , from 10 to B dally. 620 First avei Mrs. n. M. Otborn. 8. M. Wlllluiuton Sells the Standard and Domestic sev machines ; also agent for Standard In Omi 106 South Main street. Another lot of Boys' and children's ovei Just received. METCALF BIIO Cas cooking stoves for rent and for i O. O , Ga company. MUs M. E. Keen , stenographer , 100 Si Main. diug , paint , s' ' s aan. 200 D'vra NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Homo Industry Movement Given a Push at the Eanquot Last Night. PrST , PRESENT AND FUTURE NOTED Metre-limit ! ' and Manufacturer * ' Association Mcinben nnil I'rlcmli ( let Together on the .Material rroijiecta fur the City Over SubstiuitlHl Ocuil Tlilngn. The Initial banqflet of the Merchants and Manufacturers association wa held last even ing at the Grand hotel. Very seldom has so large a company of the representative luminous men of too city been gathered to gether , and the success of the affair Indi cates that a new Interest Is being awakened In the financial welfare of the city , and with the Improvement of the times the as sociation will undoubtedly be In the field to win for Council Bluffs any favors that may be within reach. At 8:15 : about' 100 guests stcod about the tables In the dining room awaiting the tap of the bell , which was the signal for the at tack on the viands furnished by Proprietor B. F. Clark. When the attack commenced the following gentlemen were among the prominent citizens who took part In the work of destruction : W. W. Loomls , W. A. Maurer , C. G , Saunders , S. L. Etnyre , T. B. Hughes , C. W. Hewitt , F. T. True , J. H. Gorham , W. W. Chapman , J. J. O'ICecfc , V. E. Bender , J. C. DeHa.-en. J. Q. Ander son , H. P. Barrett , W. L. Thlckstun , E. N. Brown , P. C. DeVol , C. II. Judson , W. J , Levorctt , II. II. Field , W. M. Shepard , J , T. Oliver , E. J. Gilbert , V. Jennings , George Llpe , H. W. Binder , F. U. Klngsbury , E. C , Parsons , George Williamson , W. E. Foster , W. C. James , D. B. Dalley , Leonard Everett 0. W. Graham. P. H. Wind , L. M. Shubert C. Straub , Spencer Smith , J. II. Cleaver , D W. Archer , Smith McPherson , I. M. Treynor W. J. Davenport , J. M. Lane , M. C. Van > Dervecr , D. J. Clark , H. I. Forsythe , Jacol Sims , C. U. Hannan , Theodore Oulttar , H W. Sawyer , M. II. Snyder , T. D. Metcalf. Jr. 0. II. Mayne , E. H. Lougee , Lloyd Griffiths J. P. Greenshlelds , W. H. Brojj-n , W. II Shepard , Ira T. Hendrlcks , T. C. Dawson M. F. Uohrer , W. S. Dlmmock , E. H. Mer rlam , A. W. Casady , S. B. Wadsworth , A W. Klekman , W. t } . Spencer. After the feast had been put out of the waj and the cigars had been lighted ex-President 1. M. Treynor , In the absence of President E , II. Odell , addressed a few words of welcome to the company and then Introduced H. H. Field In a poetical way. Mr. Field spoke or the past history of Council Bluffs , going bacl < to the tlmo when Lowly Cass paid his firs ) visit to the banks of the Big Muddy. He spoke of the Mormon Invasion , the establish ment of the "Frontier Guardian , " the flrsl newspaper In western Iowa ; the first "Gen- lllo" church , founded by Hev. G. G. Illce , who still lives here ; the first theater , the flrsl streak of hard times , and other Items of In terest connected with the early history of tht city.D. . D. W. Archer followed with a well preparej paper on "The Council Bluffs of the Present , ' setting forth the advantages of the city as s place for business operations. Cheap llvlnj and one of the finest systems of water works to be found In the west are among the attrac- tlons that appeal to labor and capital alike Council Bluffs lies In the center of the larges fruit growing district of the west. Last yeai there were 16,065 carloads of fruit shippec out of Council I ! luff a over the eleven lines o railway centering here. The adjacent countr : Is admirably adapted for raising sugar beets and $100,000 Is annually spent here for sugai which should be made In Council Bluffs. Thi Iowa legislature will undoubtedly pass i sugar bounty law next winter , in which even the beet-growing Industry will sustain a de elded boom. The Grand hotel and Its pro prletor came In for a share of praise , and , In cldentally , the speaker said a. good word fo John Baldwin's candidacy for governor , whlcl seemed to arouse as great enthusiasm In th democrats present as In the republicans. Colonel D. B. Dalley was then Introduce by the toast master and spoke on the fubjec of "The Future of Council Bluffs. " He ej horted the people of Council Bluffs to stan together , patronize each other , and work t ( gether for the upbuilding of the city. H raised a laugh by his exhortation to csclic foreign made clothing , oven If the horn tailors' bills had to go unpaid a little whlli Last evening's banquet was the first of series of five which are to bo given , or each month , under the auspices of the Mei ) c chants and Manufacturers association. The Art Folio * . The latest and probably the best of the n : folios Is the "Bancroft Book of the Fair. Moorehouso & Co. are prepared to bind the ! numbers In six different styles and prices I suit the times. Unity guild entertainment at Hughes' ha Thursday , April 18 , under the managemei of Mrs. Fays. Admission , 25 cents. Gent vo dance ribbons , 25 cents. Garden hose , big stock , good and chea ; New York Plumbing Co. OIU'KNDS UN Till ; JOKY NOV Kilglngton C o Turnoil Over Jutt Itcfor Moon unit No Vurillet In Vet. The case of the United States against A. i Edglngton was given to the Jury at 11 o'cloc yet'terday ' morning , and at a late hour la evenlnpi the Jury was still In Its room at tl ts. government building trying to come to ts agreement. In Instructing the Jury Judge Woolson sa that the main question to be determined wi whether the statements contained In A. i Edglngton's deposition were false. If any them were not true they were false within tl meaning of the statute. If , however , the d ok fendant , at the time the statements we made , did uot know them to bo false , and to ho honestly believed them true , a verdict hio favor must bo returned. Ho made a few remarks relating to tl ley strictures made by the attorneys for the d ffs fcnse upon the conduct of E. C. Brown , tl pension examiner. It was his business , 1 said , to make a thorough Investigation of ai case uliero the government had reason believe that fraud was being practiced , of was not his duty to notify either of the pa ted tics of the rusplclons of the government , b Ion to go ahead In an upright and honorable w and secure such evidence as he could to assl the government In determining which of t parties , If cither , were wrong. The good character of the defendant w of no defense against a crime actually prove ird but the testimony regarding It goes to t US ; Jury as throwing light on the probability rge other evidence. Item m- Wo Have Got it snro Thing. 9c ; H Is the Insurance gasoline stove , the or uc- gasoline stove made that a child can pi with and do no harm. It takes care Itself ; can be blown out , left open or turn J. on , and there Is no possible way for t ay , gasoline to Igi.lte or explode. No smell i go odor , no dripping of gasoline , no burn ! your house down or burning your wife Don mother-in-law to death. No misery , no I nerals , no deaths or use for an undertal If you use the Insurance gasoline atovo , as safe. If don't believe It ; rs' Is absolutely you e any of our competitors , then ask them ice. blow out their stove and leave It open for I minutes , then apply a match to tha stc oed as wo do with ours and see what will hi ay. pen , but be sure to be a quarter of a m away before he lights the match , as there sure to be an explosion ; then wo would i get to sell you an Iniurance stove , as th Me- would bo a funeral next day. Meat. . BROWN'S C. O. P. . Sole Agents The Insurance ( Jasollne Stove , Introduced by P. C. De Vol In 1894 , a .his sold by htm this eeason , .Absolutely sa me. Can't explode. No danger. Bo sure you i the "Insurance. " P. C. DE VOL. 504 Broadway Ing Tcdorul Court Mntturs. A postponement of the trial of Wlh and Smith , the GrtswoM bank robbers , \ alls decided on In federal court yesterday , c 3. the afternoon was spent mostly In boot ! ale. glng cases. Henry Flllman pleaded gul and Daniel Haney and A , W. Bulderi each entered a plea of not guilty. Gee uth Marshal was tried and convicted. F Dlxon , a bootlegger , was fined | 250 and gl\ a seventy-five day Jail sentence , but I * r. were impended during good behavior. case of the United States against Ephralm West was put on trial late In the afternoon. TIIV1MJ TO AKItANOr. A 8C11F.UULI : . Conference irlth .Motor timclnla Concerning the ItunnlnR of Umnlia Trains. A meeting of the committee appointed by Mayor Cleaver to bring about an agreement with reference to the running of Omaha trains on Broadway , was held with the representatives of the motor company , Mon day night , Tnoso present were Aldermen Spctman , Grccnshlolds and Barstow , Messrs. S , S. Keller , W. W. Loomls , Lucius Wells , W. D. Uunyan , J. n. Bell and L. A. Casper and Superintendent Dlmmock and his assist ant , Mr. Poole , of the motor company. The committee , with the exception of Wells and Loomls , were all In favor of having trains run , half of them up Broadway and the other half down Main street , Mr. Dlmmock had drawn up a new tlmo card providing for running the trains as the east end citizens desire , without putting on the two trains which were removed when the present schedule went Into effect. Al though ho claimed that the distance from Pearl street to Oak street and from Pearl street to the south end of Main street woru exactly the same , he tried to prove , by n course of reasoning which was not very well understood by those to whom he was talking , that as good connections at Pearl street could not bo made as now If the trains were divided. Messrs. Wells and Loomls were as anxious to keep the trains on South Main street , now that they have them , as the other men were to have them on Upper Broadway , now that they have thorn not. Mr. Wells moved that the committee adjourn until May 14 without taking any action , and Mr. Loomlt seconded It. The motion was amended , how ever , to ask the motor company to put on the two trains that had been taken off and U restore the old tlmo card as It was before the change. It was carried , all voting for II excepting Wells and Loomls. The motion tc adjourn until May 14 was then carried. Just what will bo the outcome of the meet Ing Is a matter of conjecture. The ens enders have a slight hope , but not vcrj much faith , that their efforts will be success ful without a resort to any forcible mcas urcs , and none but some of the more hot headed ones Indulge In any threats as t < what they will do. UltKSS GODDS-SII.ItS. Motion Store. 30 pieces all wool French serges , worth 39c on sale Monday at 2Bc a yard. All wool French challles , new styles am patterns , at 39c a yard. 38-ln. all wool suitings , In checks , plaid and mixtures , worth 60e , on sale at 39o i yard. Fancy figured nuns' veilings. In light col ors and tints , at 45c , worth 624c. . BLACK DUESS GOODS. All wool French serge , 25o a yard. A regular 50c quality fine serge at 35c : yard. yard.We have Just received another lot of oui 4C-In. French serges , which have been si popular at 76c a yard , our prlco now COc. Silk and wool crepons , beautiful effects , a $1.00 and $1.39 a yard. New lot of fancy black goods at $1.00 am $1.25 a yard. SEE VALUES OFFERED IN LADIES AND CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. Bg ! lot of men's and boys' sweaters at 25c 33c and 50c. 75c quality gents' lisle undcarwear at GOc See our line of ladles' lisle vests at 25c. FOWLER , DICK & WALKER , Council Bluffs , la. H. At. Wllllninion Carries the largest stock of high grade blcy cles of any dealer In the west. Also has tin best equipped repair shop In the west. 101 South Main street ; telephone , 202. Another lot of Boys' and children's overall Just received. METCALF BROS. Y. AI. C. A. HousmnrinliiR. The Young Men's Christian assoclatlo : rooms In the Everett block will be formal ! thrown open to the public this evening , whe a reception will be held. The dingy , dirt rooms of two months ago have been , so en tlrely transformed as not to be. recognized b their most Intimate friends. Painted and pa pered throughout , the partitions between th rooms torn out , the parlors ornamented wit fine , new furniture , carpets , curtains an portieres , and the gymnasium and bath room fitted out with all useful appliances , the assi elation rooms are now a thing to be prou of. The association has been fortunate I getting Harry Curtis back at his old post i secretary , and affairs are running along wit a smoothness that promises well for a Ian Increase In membership In the near future. The exercises this evening will consist i a program of musical and literary selectlo : and a reception to which all are Invite There will bo no charge. The following ai the newly elected officers of the assoclatloi President , F. H. Keys ; vice presidents , C. McNitt , W. S. Cass ; secretary , W. A. Goel ring ; treasurer , W. J. Lsverltt ; directors , ( S. Lawson , C. E. Bell , W. P. Offlcr , I. 1 Howard , II. D. Howard , Jacob Sims , 1 Duquett , W. S , Homer , J. G. Wadswort James Mortensen and W. W. Wallace. Uhat In In it Niinio ? Everything , If applied to a Hardman Plan sold by Mueller Piano and Organ compan 103 Main street. Only 35 cents to attend St. Paul's gul entertainment Friday night. No extra chari for refreshments. Hay for salt , by tin ton or carload. W. < Wood , 520 Main street. e Evans1 Laundry Co. , 620 Pearl ; tel. 29 shirts , collars , cuffs , fine work a specialty. Ice Nice , clean reservoir Ice , cheap. MU holland , 5 Daldwln block. Telephone ISO. Living books- , most Interesting , Frldi evening , Chambers' hall. ) f Lnzlcr'o riimlly In IVeoil. Leon Lozier , the foot racer , has dlsa peared again and left his family In a starvli condition. His three llttlo children a down with scarlet fever and his wlfo w without anything In the house In the wi of provisions , excepting a little bread. / three of the children have been sick f about two weeks , and one , which a few da ago was thought to be on the high road recovery , has suffered a relapse and Is n < thought to bo dying. The condition of t family was found out by Chief Scanlon a t ho did a llttlo hustling among his frlcm collecting about $5 In cash for their nee and taking them some provisions. ' The ov < seer of the poor has refused , It Is said , make them but one donation of $2. Frame * Hint 1'lcturcs at Cost. To make room for new goods. Cbapmai Now Art Store , 17 Main street. Another lot of Boys' and children's over a Just received. METCALF BROS Dr. Parsons , over Schneider's , 641 B'v Dr. Laugel , offlco 410 6th ave. ; tel. 180. Knocked Out Some of Her Teeth , Laurens Anderson was arrested last nle on the complaint of Mrs. Slpes , who lat l\\ \ at Fourteenth and Locust streets , n charged with assault and oattcry. And son has been In the habit of crossing M sk Slpeg' green lawn In order to get to a sale UK quickly as possible. While he wns go | teen across last night with his can , Mrs. SI ] en entered a vigorous objection , and Anders ve responded by knocking out some of 1 veP teeth. Her eon , Pierce , then took a U lle with Anderson , and he also came out son Is what the worse for wear. ruxzloil town I'liyslclani. OTTUMWA. In. , April 17.-Speclal ( T < grain. ) Physicians are puzzled by the clei of Fred Fry at Frederic. A mad dog bl number of cattle , which died , and pursi na the boy. He was not bitten , but was tei te. lied. He never recovered from the she ct and died last night In horrible agony , c ' with all the symptoms of hydrophobia. They Interrupted Ills Hpor.r. Will Palmer , a colored man , who 11' at 1211 Jackson street , has been giving wife dally beatings for the last we 'as While he was Indulging In the exerc yesterday Detectives Savage and Dempi " ' happened along and took "him to Jail. Frank Ilulrif * Fall Killed Him. Frank Balrd , the press feeder , who : oft the west approach to the Union Pac bridge early yesterday morning and fr tured his ukull , died yesterday foreno The remains were taken In charge by Press Feeder's union. . yl la Annual Meeting of the Iq , , Medical So ciety at Gre'ston. ' TWO HUNDRtD MEMBERS PRESENT City Hotoli Crowded ivlt'h Vlnltorj- First ' ' Uity'n Session tlio ( > cc lp'n'for Several Interesting Dlncimtousj In which Many Doctors 1'nrtlulpitcd , CRESTON , la. , April 17. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Iowa Medical society met here toJay for a three days' session , convening In Odd Fellows ball at 10 o'clock this morning. There are about 200 physicians present , and a successful meeting Is assureJ. In the absence of State President Wright of Carroll Vice President Falrchlld of Clinton presided. There Is a generous exhibit of pharmaceutical and surgical goods. The city hotels are crowded with vUMtlng surgeons and private homes have been thrown open for the entertainment 6 the city's guests. The morning session was devoted to hear ing reports of committees and listening to ad dresses of welcome. Mayor Scurr , on behalf of the city , welcomed the society , and Dr. H. E. Barnes extended fraternal greeting ( in behalf of the local physicians. The afternoon session was quite Interesting , especially the papers regarding diphtheria , which treated largely of antl-toxlne , Tht > society seems to bo divided on the merit of antl-toxlne. Drs. Blerlng of Iowa City , Portcrfleld of Atlantic , Rawson of Corning and Smousc of Des Molnes discussed the four divisions of diphtheria. George F. Jenkins of Keokuk discussed pneu monia of the aged , which closed the afternoon session. The attendance at the first day's session Is better than that of other meetings of the so ciety. About forty physicians applied for membership and were admitted. Dr. Ernory Lamphere of St. Louis , an au thority on epilepsy , gave the ablest talk of the session. UUIIA SMITH jjsuiuruu rou Des .Molnes Ulrl to Ho Tried for Poisoning Her r lit her. DES MOINES , April 17. ( Special Tele gram. ) The grand Jury , following an ex haustlve Investigate ! ! of the evidence , In eluding a verbal statement from her that I was she who gave the last fatal dose tha ended the life of her stepfather , Mlchae Smith , one year ago , returned an Imllctmen charging Cora Smith with murder , and shi will be tried on this charge at the presen term of court. To the grand Jury she stated that the firs and second doses of poison was admlnlsterei to Smith by persons other than herself , bu owing to the Ignorance of these persons , sup posed to be her mother and aunt , Mrs Lederer , too much was given at a time , wit ) the result that the stomach rejected the poison. Having observed this , and suspect Ing It was the quantity given , and belnt anxious to secure $3,000 of life Insurant on or about April 25 , 1804 , Cora , responding to a request of her father for a drink o ! water , sifted a small quantity of "rough or rats" Into the glass , flllqd it > wlth water am gave It to him to drink. Ho was soon eelzci with agonizing pains and tiled In a feu hours. Cora was summoned for arralgnmcn this afternoon , but waived such proceeding ! after consultation with , hqr attorney , t < whom she said her real name was Cora Me Camly. It Is supposed she < \i\\l \ \ plead guilty loxr.i I'reobjtcrUmi Mcnt , MISSOURI VALLEY' , Ify , April 17.- ( Speclal Telegram. ) Tne Presbyterians 01 the Council Bluffs district are holding tin annual presbytery In this1 city. A Inrgi number of delegates , laymen and clergj are presfint. "The'Women's Missionary so clety of the iiresbyte'ry 'oceuped ! the BCS slon of today.1 . .to . -ili 1 TABOH , la. , April -,17. , ( Special. ) Dele gates from the Congregational churches o this district , to the number of about slxt ; arrived In Tabor this evening. They wer met at the depot by the reception com mlttee and escorted to the Congregatlona church , where they were served by th ladles to an ample repast spread In th church parlor , after which adjournmen was made to the auditorium. The openln address was delivered by Hcv. Mr. Askl of Council Bluffs subject , "Shakespeare' Brutus , " followed by Secretary Tulnter o Chicago , representing the Interests of th church and parsonage building board. Dot addresses were listened to by a large an Interested audience. Excellent music wa furnished by the Tabpr Glee club. Inwit Kiliu-iitnrtt In Scfwlon. SIOUX CITY , April 17. ( Special Tel < gram. ) The county superintendent c schools of northwestern Iowa are holdln their semi-annual convention h't-p. Vh > convened this afternoon and will adjour tomorrow evening. The Northwestern Iowa Teachers' asse elation will meet here tomorrow and cor Untie In session until Saturday night. The casa of the state against Wnlti Strange Is on trial here. Strange Is nn ej county supervisor , and. It Is charged , thr three ycais ago he tiled a bill with tli county for Jl.OOO , which he- claimed to ha\ advanced to one John Perry , a workma under him on the county roads. Stranc got the money , but It soon began to t rumored that there was so such man f Perry , and that the' bill was put in b Strange to enable him to defraud th county. He was Indicted and tried at tl last term of court. The trial terminated I a disagreement of the Jury , and the case now being gone over again. \Vooilbnry County liontl Issue. SIOUX CITY , April 17. ( Special Tel gram. ) A resolution was passed by tl Woodbury county board today , authorlzlr the Issue of $200,000 of bonds to take up wa rants against the county. The Issue Is mac In accordance with the settlement of tl Woodbury county bond case. Of the Issu $229,9.8 will bo used to pay a Judgment take by consent by the Farmers' Loan and Tru company against the county on warran ivhich the company holds. This burn \ vibe be required to pay the principal on the warrants , and the Interest from the tin they were Issued. The balance of the boi Issue will fund the warrants held by oth capitalists against the county. These p.i ties compromised their cases with tl county by throwing oft 4l/fe psr cent on the warrants. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Mllforil MinurH at Work. BOONS. la. , April 17. ( Special Telegrarr At a meeting of the men employed i Mllford last night It was decided to ! to work tomorrow at the old scale pendlr a settlement of the wage question , cor mlttees for which are to be appointed once. This , with the men who went work at Frnser Monday , affects about E men. President wns at the mec Ing last night and favored this action. The United States' extel In champagr Cook's Extra Dry takes $0 lead y. ffiz , le. th tha ed AcluiowloilKCtl tlio world over : rlk. - . ns the leading Piano , It IH nn k.nd easy matter to sell more Klin- ball IMamw than nil others put together. Wu've been Hulling es them for 21 years , and wo hnvo its yet to llml ems that Is not per itsk. fect. They are lower In price Ise than most people think. Come icy and look and gut prices any way. ell A. IIOSPE , Jr. lie Music and Art , 1C- 1513 Douglas , Omaha. in. in.he KIRK'S Thousands of Omaha Citizens Now Testing - ing His New Discovery , Already 25 Grateful Persons Kc- port Favorably Aftcrl Using Ills 1'reparatlo. Tuesday , at B o'clock p. in. , the free distribution of Kirk's "Haln Water Maker" at The lleo'olllco closed , ami nlthoncu but three days liaov elapsed , since the first announcement , appeared In the dally papers , people are already , both by letter and In person , coiwntn- latliit , ' Mr. Kirk upon the results obtain ed from uslnj ; his preparation. Is It any wonder that the public bare faith In u preparation that Its owner has Htilllclent confidence In to give out absolutely free , with the understitndlns that the results In each case should be published broadcast. To be sure , the reputation of the old established house of .las. S. Kirk & Company Is so well known , that any preparation bearing their stamp Is a snlllclcnt guarantee to the public that Its merits are all that Is claimed for It. Last evening a reporter called nt the MHlard House , and In an Interview with Kirk's representative , obtained the following InformatfoJi' ' ( regarding the new Discovery that Is creating such a sensation : ' "Yes , .Mr. Kirk Is aware that there have been , from time to time , many preparations put upon the market , claiming to bo what "Haln Wa ter Maker" absolutely does do , viz : To soften the hardest of water , making It soft and velvety , but all have proved dismal failures. Every Ingredient In Kirk's "Ualn Water Maker" Is of an absolutely harmless nature. "RAIN WATER MAKER" The Mnny I'urpoirg for Which ItVis \ Dmigncd. Mr. Kirk and his representatives arc frequently asked the question , "Is your rain water maker simply a hard water softcntr ? " We 'answer 'emphatically , "No. " Kirk's new scientific discovery not only softens Instantly the hardest water but Is equally valuable In rain or cistern water , as It renders all water soft and velvety. Clothes washed In this preparation are much sweeter and whi ter and will hold colors from running In printed goods ; prevents bluing from cm'dling In water ; prevents llauuels from shrinking. Kor the bath or toilet It Is Indispensa ble. Accelerating the action of soap , giv ing the skin a healthy glow and helping to remove any superfluous execretlons that may adhere to the body. Kor dishes and general washing pur poses It Is very essential. Kirk's "Ualn Water Maker , " Is abso lutely harmless and must not be con founded with soap powders , as It con tains no soap , lye , amonla , borax , llmo or any deleterious Ingredients , t ind saves 125 per cent of soap and CO per cent of labor. Kirk's "Ualn Water Ma ker , " can bo had of all druggists and grocers , i2"c for two pound package. SEARLES & SEARLES Chronic , Nervous , Prlvats Diseases. TKUATMUNT 11V AIA1U Consulfiitlou I'roi Wo euro Catarrh , all diseases of tht Nose , Throat , Chest , Stomach , .Liver Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Female male Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , anc ALL PBVVATE DISEASES OF MEN WUAK MEN ARE VICTIMS TO NEHVOUi Debility or nxhauntlon. Wasting Weakness. In voluntary Losses , with Early Dttiiy m youn and middle aged ; lace of vim , ricer and weak eneii prematurely In approaching old ace. AI yield readily to our new treatment for leas o vital power. Call or addrea with tamp fo circulars , free book and receipt * . Dr , Saarlcs and Seirlis , Always Reliable , Purely Yegetabla. Perfectly tasteless , elegantly coated , purgi regulate , purify , cleanse and strengthen. IIAE WAY'S PILLS for the cure of all dlsordeis c the Stomach. Bowels , Kidneys , madder , Nei vous Dlseates , Dizziness , Vertigo. Coitlvenes : Piles. SICK HEADACHE , FEMALE COMPLAI NTS 1Cul BILLIOUSNESS ulrr INDIGESTION , ie DYSPEPSIA , Ir CONSTIPATION and All Disorders of the Liver Observe the fallowing tymptoms , resulting fro dUeasei of the digestive or ans : Constipation , I : ward piles , fullness of blood In the head , acli Ity of the stomach , nausea , heartburn , dlsgu of food , fullness of weight of the stomach , soi eructations , sinking or fluttering of the hear choking or suffocating sensations when In lying posture , dimness of vision , dots or wel before the sight , fever and dull pain In the hca deficiency of perspiration , yellowness of the sk and eyea , pain in the side , chest , limbs , at sudden flushes of heat , burning In the flesh. A few doses of RADWAY'8 PILLS will fr the system of all ihe above nnmd dlKordera. pnicE 210 A nox. SOLD ny onuaaisTa o BENT I Y MAIL Bend to DR. IlAmVAY & CO. . Lock Box 3 New York , for Book of Advlc * . QEO. P. BANFOItD. A. W. IUEKMAN. President , . Cashle Firsi Ratio na i i 1 of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa. Capital , S100.0C Profits , - - - 12t ( ) On * of the oldest banks In tht state of low We solicit your business and collection * . V pay 6 per cent on time depoilts. Wa will pleased to s e and serr * you. MKSSMORE & CLEMENT , BROKERS ORA1N , PROVISIONS , STOCKS , 503 II road way , Grain handled In car load lota. Tel. 20J. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. WISE ADVICE USE AND SAVE PREE FREE FREE To the FREE FREE Readers of FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE .A Million Books. Story Books , educational books , scientific books books in every department of literature biography , history , poetry , natural science , religion , travels , music and drama , politics and government , philosophy , social science , fine arts , adven * ure , juvenile fiction , fiction , essays and miscellaneous , etc. MILLION BOOKS. ' 'i Absolutely Free. to subscribers of THE BEE , save only the cost of postage and mailing. Send for the Catalogue. Over 1,100 titles. * i Any book in the list mailed free of charge if 5 cents in coin accompany the order to pay for postage , wrapping , etc. This extraordinary privilege is intended for , subscribers only. To establish your identity as a subscriber clip the Free Bool Distribution Certificate and 5 cents for each volume ordered When more than one volume is ordered the certificates must be of different dates. Address The Omaha Bee , OMAHA , NEB. FREE BOOK DEPARTMENT. 24,000 POUNDS OP SOUTHERN LEAD was the amount of our first Spring- order for strictly pure St. Louis Load. Wo nro headquarters for everything in the Drug , Paint and Glass line. Our Motto : ' HOW GOOD , NOT HOW CHEAP , " n A VT < J The Drue , Paint and Qlass Matt , No , 200 Pminfil Tiltlffc LIAV13 , . DlUlli Wholesale mid Hctnll. IlroadwuyWUIlijIl ) Cleaning and Dyeing of Garments and Goods of Every Description. Schocdsuck's Twin City Dye Works , Cor. Avenue A anil 20th St. , Council Hlulls. Office , 1521 Far- mun St. , Omaha. Send for Price List , When Buying Fruit Trees , Buy the best. A minute lost can never be recovered , and It's a calamity to lose several years , which so many Iowa and Nebraska people have done vhen they have bought foreign crown , unaccllmated fruit trees. JIENERAY nUOTHEUS , TUB CUESCENT NUIISBRY. Were born on the lands where their nurse. ry stock U grown , and years of patient , lutellKent experiment have taught them the best varieties for this climate. Consequently their home grown stock Is as hurdy as the forest trees. They have a very large stock for the spring delivery and evcty tree Is warranted true to name. Orchard , Vlnyard , Lawn , Parking Trees and Ornamental stock Make no mistake In your orders. Bend us your list of wants for prices. We can please you In prices and stock. References : Council Bluffs Banks , Council niuffn Department Omaha Bee , and prominent business men. Nurseries six miles north of Council BUT * . P. O. Add * . * MBNRRAV nnoa > Crescent. Iowa , AtiliAUOUTCnANQINQ , tbe Features HDd UemuT. lag IllomUbos.ln W ) p , book for a staop. Jobu II. Woodbupy , WV. . MHt.N.y , ! larvator it Wovdtmrj'i facial SIMS & BAINI5R1DGE , I'J'acUcoln'tlio'Btata and Federal Court * . Rooms : n-7-SO ) , Hliugar HlocU , Council lllulV ) , Iowa. Special Notices-Council Bluffs CIIIMNKYB CLCANUI ) ; VAULTS CLEANED. 1M Hurke. at W. H. Homer's , Ki8 Ilronilway. Knurr KAIIM AND a Anbn.v LAND FOR bale cheap and on easy terms. Day & lints , 89 I'earl ttrcet. KOll nnNT. MODI3IIN HOUSE AND DAKNl attractive lawn. Oco. W. 1 * . Coates , 219 KCrcet. KL'IINIHHRD IIOOMH. WITH OH WITHOUT board , for four gentlemen. 222 8. HUth all cot. KOll HKNT. 40 ACHKH OV LAND , IIOl'riK AND- stable , live mlles from the postofU'C , 111 per month. Apply ti > Leonard Kverutt , 18 1'earl street , Council llluffs. KOll HALi : , A HPI.KNUID CIO-ACIIC FA1W. with tliruu K < MX | dwellings , only two tulle * south of lllmlen. rottiinntt < rnte tiimiy. Z& miles east of Council llluffs niid Onm'm ' ; nlll takn part of the purchase price m Council IllulTs city property. Apply to I . .nv.l Lveret ! , Council Uluffs , FOR BALI : . A OOOD SO-AOIU : FAIIM , SOVTJI of Logan , about 25 miles norllfast of Council lilurfa , In Harrimm county , at PS p r ucroj will lake some city property In part payment. Apply to Leonard Everett , Council IJIuffs , Iowa. dOOU QIIIL , WANTKD KOll OCNIJilAU huuscwoik. Ml * . C. O , Fitch , 1UI I'ouitU uv - nue.